The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-01, Page 519—
�. _, so WV0
ed''T eds
We 'offer to -day, and as long its any of the Goods remain unsold,
3e. Pieces of ALL WTWEED, about 1000
-LOOKfaf. Ri
..�,.-Y-; ..;;:�_.._..._.....:,.-...�._ �_r.� ...�._._._..__.. Yards. Regular price of these Goods 756. Price per ryd. for this Sale.
0 Also, about 200 Remna' nta_ofu DRESS GOODS, from S to 10 Yards at HAU "'RICE.
0 0 0 0.
CHEA P Goods, --GOOD Goods. b -- - �V'
SCHEMES N4 ' GUE�SIf�l� O� l� AN OR �r0'�"" SRV -
64.1ftings,,CattoRades.In,, aider to secure these Bargains. OPEN 10 ALL.
I r
JOHN WISEMAN , Manager, Estate.J. HODGKXS. -
ped the sale all(] adopted other FOR SALE
means of pi a livelihood, s r,t �` r �.�0 -
fI1HESUDSCRIBEItoffcrs Por sale foureligibloJ"��••�� iii
{ wi"l"e the coo
areatt r portton of -the _L Buudin Lots froutin on Albert Street; itlso
liquor note cousunied is handled b two froritine on IF cnbury Street; either en HAVE LI:UUN TIIFp R
q y lilac or in sepuratc lots, to suit purchasers. For e
Advanced Musical Thchoirs shall take a the refrain and a few dealers Who continue to sell further particulars apply
ou h "
( up' P ' unDINSLL•'Y, Clinton. 382 ••
cllorubiul trod seraphim shall dance notwithstanding the most determin•
" ry 3 for joy. Follow Citizens and men"_ 'ed efforts of the Temperance neon, BAsli eRY) 1''oli tt•En r with c�rnPortnt,to re•
$-' - Tho iuectina Of tilt, I1111iCa1 syn- sitluncc rttt,u:hod 'I'hs.ot'cu is new. GoodILI
dIC%ltC 1Y11IC11 1Vad tibUllt b0lllry'f01'ltl• b0l'3 Of t110 }land as I drink imilrriu- for the past week the attCiltlOtl of yard nrid stable. Near the b«siacss centre of
a + a Clintnu, being sitnatu a Ft a down frost of the
(•x ' the communis has been Centred on Commercial Hotel. 'there is a good o onin � for
ed to tnlcc under its spacial charge flry lv;tter from Jordan s limpid Y a p 6
the 8110 occupied b 0110 Ilea{er asteadv rnan with small means to go into
the ,
l the cultivation of the science --of stream Where our prototypes of harp P P Y + halchmga usnrese. Itentlow. telt;) :tr n,isonlae 0--
music as aplylled t0 wind instru- and tinibrol. inade the very willows because Of his successful efforts ,to or to n. DODSWORT«. 4'i:s•tf. ,
nnents and drums, dial not take plactiv gelid forth piens of delight, it is evade "prosecution At file snore--'_._-lt SA OWEEPING •I .
+ �AR11 P'Olt ALF.. --Far sale, the north half §i
• . Ginle dealing 011t the a"'le"'rt t0 1113+ oP lots Gl and 53, in thoast uonceasion of
in the council chamber as expected. Flo tuuo Flow for lis t0 haul, our f3 L'oeoslm;p of nd3hmrt, uoutnluiue IUM acres:
„• .harpsnumerous g I o n°c barn and
,. It 13 not altell t0 UtClj 011e t0 be 011 a tV1110R Lloe, if RC Ili letCUBtOIIltll3 111 the very otcr ,o th,trul, nod femme mi . ,u 1 I�r I,Ia6,.,,S ell'
possessed of that fine and 'nicely us take up the dulcet drum and dul_ face and eyes of the, officer of the l•st"flet ltua,
caa relies from a'coxetcr and s'miles fromlnuovalu. will hu sold eheap yumd onstrung, Organisation that Can hilt" cimar anti waken till tlli3 IUtull, law. TIIIa "flat" 8 place of business easytermApply to \l. llc'rAGGAIiT,Clinton, CiDods, Silks, UelUets and PlusheS, Cloth -
Music in et'oything, no "lore than it this County and this- province with is divided intp two compartments, __-_-._ �10J_tf -__Dress,/1
isgiven to them tg find sermons in such heavenly ,hails (Is have' not the `inner ocel�pied as a bar, the �,-"Q_1T AY S'Fo(JI i ADVER ng, Flannels, Shirting'. Underwear, Corsets
'stones, books in the runuiug brook been heard since the IRraelitcs of outera3 ameet shop. The a»trance :- . 1.l rISI:gin:N'rS inserted "' Trtr.
Nrnvs ltmaoan !it low raWs. ']'he law Skirts;-
/ / �I
and good in everything It Was in- old played upon 010 JOWS-harp, to the inner robin is safely secured ru:dces it compulsory to ,«ivertise gritty stock, Skirts;- Quilts, Blvnkets, Table Linen, Sheet/ngs
hoed , nevous t0 learn, however, as us -not Only CLIIti VAte tllnslc :olloner by a heavy ba ed door, ill the C011- If you tt:mtany kind of uh om rising, you cannot t
. a o , du better than t•,mll w, "The NewS.Reeurd'" "Towels - Furs Mantle Goths Fancy Woo/
tvo did last week, that seine of the ourselves but let nS pledge ire of which is a"- Hma!l square of — -- — � , _._ p
promoters, if not projectors, of such ourselves to support advanced glass. Behind the door, up to a PItUPEII'1'Y FOIh SALLt' OR
„ FtXNT.-Advertiserswill.,ll.1'd"Thu
:a worthy ahaw/s.
affair as. the Clinton Band musieal thought everywhere. few days, a4o, sat the barten.&�s,'s News one of the be
of .�� ast Ittediunms b
syndicate proposed to be, wore not Gentleman I all" IOUr "aril but a assistant. kee lilolafaithful Watch• in the ,ord"L• h tturon. Advertise in °
Y 1 1 ' + 1 v P e: "The News•lfi4:ord"--Thu Uouble Circulation --= 0 ---
satisfied with the purely aesthetic brainy nian and whnn "lot otherwise ,When a customer entered, the,door Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. '
and intellectual,.lines on which It ngaged in thought—ill chal'itablC was opened and he Was admitted to ITuntsrtiNG 13L'81NESS-'r1IE, �.NDEn- _ ` DETLOR
\vas 1.0 osedt0 eiirr Ilt the }]trill n• Bsigned wishes to intin«tte to the people of l � C & COO
p p y P a t.houaht, it affords ro Moat plot the mysteries of the inner ehaniber+ Clinton and surrounding country that In order`Vel■■ �•�4�a
conceptions and noble a8pirations of sure to follow the red-hot trail 0f a ,but it persistently refused to -open fosuitubly meet the demands offiis very nnmor•
scustoutcrs, he has bouk;ht out the business
the one disinterested gentleman musical or intellectual on
thought. I to eny suspiciouq looking character oP lir. ¢. Fitzs;mons, tori will parry; on the same, --� ` - `--� ---
whpse ever active brain evolved at scorn the political and -gross "fill who might croea i,be outer, threshold, µith the choicest meats in season. Every effort
lonstthe idea of this Flinusi- alld those Who rive the inner Coat• ' will be made to meat the tfair of a and he great Clear -Ing Sale'fff 30 Dais
gigantic b_ the ofiieers�who Meld a' warrant for hopes to merit and ructice n felt share' of public
Cal syndicate which, tloough given a iilgs of their stoin;►c� to tthe ad- the proprietor f a few days past, Patronage. Lowest prices for large orders.
P P 9� Y P + Farmers' trade a specialty, ALIMIT DIAY' ---AT THE -
0011 habitation and R name in (Jlin• vnncomout of doughnuts,and drink. which, owing til the precautions - - - - --
iou,__wov to ramify Fled permeate the I ale in, favor Of reciprocity -it full usk described the have been un+ nFSS MAKING. -sire. Campbell, of London
rk:• + Y D has opened Dress Making Itooms over the
1Vbolo County, nay t110 while pro- and flee interchange of Canadian able to execute; It was intimated Dry'OeedStorcofCoo.Is. Pay &Co., with first- Red Rocker Furniture Store. ,
vinoe, with its branches, and by thought and Yankee ale beans. alae+assistants. Site is in a position to turn out
P a day or two aQ0 that the algesia work equal to any in the city. She respectfully p—
` nlenns -of the telephoue bring in (Hear, hear). I thank you fellow tverA to be ivatrugted to break open asksa trial order. Rooms over GEO, E. PAY yst
a'eality within the reach Of any given members hero his voice Ls su 1 osed CO's, Dry Goods Store. The undersigned having Unneryht out the Unsiness lately carriccl oa by A, A. 1liClNlCtt.
I P the door alit" cap•tllre the dealer, and desire to notify the 1 ublic, that they will offer their ENTIRE, STOCK of
�. ocality the vor3 music of the sphores to be husky and pianissimo) for this since then the oster door • has. been �-�1
to speak. We are told that gratifying demonstration. Words ►ocked, the assistant locks through � -,A--TtID j� ] ) � n /y Rock
y�bra cher of the syndicate wore to seem empty end nuavallulg at this the Windotd •tiireotly on the street, Now Is the time to gat your FALT, s 161N'rER i Fur* i re I t BotO/! Prices
s hav een Arranged for 'in all the time, as also I hear some of ou cIVERGOA'r and sora DYED and PRESSED to o 0.
Y the regular custpmers secure, ad•' look nearly as good as new, before. the rush be -
cities nd'leadIng towns in the pro- say your stomachs c10. In rho mean- gins, at Ilomiulmt nye +axl Clcnnsi}► FOR THE \E'\T 'I'HIItTI' HAYS:
•� -. mission as former and the officers 'i
vince,�nd even though- the manipu- tinge accept a libatioii of hospitality �y' Establfat this is Victoria Street. P, the Don t
7. have to be eontput with frequent forget that this is the ed, r place to the town /��■ ■
lator of each of the 50 or 100 illusi-• of this liquid and it will inspire, where clothing ie cleansed, repaired and pressed r` j� L
glances through the Window fist, the to look nearly as food as ncc��r,
cal instruments, as the. Case might you,n3 you thio': of the many §Mega I1IlAttaillAblt/ �rlLf} Wlthill. 4Usy A. W. OARStAKE, Proprietor..
be,' would require a soparate tole- it has sung while on its joyous way r Special attclltion given to Lrlltlertakiti- stud Upholstering.
phone and Wire, the idea would have from mountain top down tiny rivulet -t
a" been Carried out.And''tho interchange and piano brooklet to fortissimo �D�'�t•pt4' N-� -s•- =CE--
iICDONALD.-In Clinton, on Tuescla
of stveet'sounds ell such fl colossal atleam. HeaYen bless you, 1t,y x The' Sleepless and Restless. Jeweler
lanual_v 31st, 1$88, William Alex -
scale as had not Litherto ben childrep." All parties owing ,
ander, sou Cf Duuald DlcDonald, aged, -
known in the history of the world y A. FISOHER ESTATE
Y - _-=-o � 4--- - I 'goat• and 24 (lays. Funeral terga at.
I perfected. Unfortunately howevgr,; ; • 10 o'clock a. in. ROB.
several of the members wanted to Scott Actiana. are mgllested to settla by the 1st of ihiarelr
have sometbing.more mate-rial than Pawell's sates ptplla and burdock as the ruanagcr is going away frim ..,..._:. •_= =-f
THE SCOTT ACT IN RENFRFW COUNTY. P-lro�tY31I;Il�fi4ral.� - —" � iAg »
"music. In fact theysquarelyapoint- the most powerful blood purifier in. ToeL„ TI)tyllot'
ed out that the flesh -pots of a Dol 1'lle &� nville-RaI rltrlso.-sayl�;. he=�tnarkct -mPI'i17 5 O a. a o e -CALL AND CiE'P BARGAINS IN I
i1e`i5 �� gaR _• ' e cuisine o a -Police A agistrate Kipper holt" Court Sold by all druggists. 443.3m. CLOTHING AND TWEEDS.
local Anderson . or some caterer, at Perth on Tuesday last, and as -- --a Selling at cost. Fits sure. mother Big Reduction in. the Price of Watches
vcold have to supplement tlleir•ex- souse, 70 witnesses had been sunt- MARKET ]REPORTS. s 'Z' 21tiCS C S .
:;p nditure of wind. Here oar•, in maned in the cases a good deal of (Corrected every Tyeeday afternoon.)
for ant alleges is where the ditPicul- excitement existed and the court- CLI*TON.' A. FISCHER, Estate.
ty, ca a in. Those material mfticon- room was filled. Only two convic• Flour........................84 00 to 4 50 M, Fischer, Manager. SEND FOR ONE OF. HIS
tents oculated others with their tions were bad, Charles Devlin and Fail Wheat, new 8t old •0 75 to 0 82
i doairc ` r pro; and ,provisions at James Young being fined X50 and Spring Wheat ............. 0 75 to 0 82 ARTISTIC Jo■ PRINTING�.■� WATCHES,
rho tneot gs of,a society whose sole Costs each, All the rest of the Barley ...................... 0 50 to°0 75 NEW TYPE NEW TYPE
r andonl a•twithouldbe the develop- Oatt;.....•.............r....... 040 to 0 43'
Y P' cases were dismissed. Many of the Peas ......................... 0 58 to 0 59 FINE WORK
went of t e highest intellectual witnesses were responsible artier
P P + A lea winter erbbl 1 00 to ] 50 '-j xQ^QM'� '
faculties our klumagnature possesses but as near" all who had drunk Potatoes )P THE HURON NEWS -RECORD TI Z f YEAR J.,VV
Y Potatoes .................... 0 60 to 0 65 �L �G'j ..L
-the musical d les. The meeting an- anything had asked for "hop , beer" Butter ....................... 0 16 rte 0 18 01 INTCN ONTARIO ,
130anoed did not\,ake place,it is alleg and as they would riot say that it Eggs .......................... 0 16 to 0,18 0--�
ed, because the gi�t�ification of the had•avy intoxicating effect on them, 11 s ........................... 8 00 to 9 00 TO THE" FARMERS
gross, cereal appettites Of members the roa lariats held Ire could not Cordwood.........,.......,. 3 00 to 4 00 I cannot let the occasion pass eithout retnrnmg my Ri»cere thanks to the Public for
g Beef........ 0 00 to 0 00 study your own interest and o where their very liberal patronage and trust that by unhenlittih� attention to the-wallt3 awl
Would not form a le�ding principle convict. A peculiar, incident occur. """"'"'°""' g
in the constitution •t�Yhicli it was P �i'ool....... ................. 0 24 to 0 25 you can get requirements of my customers that I shall always merit the continuance of their
f ed when a hotelkeeper had plead Pork ...... .................., Reliable favors. I will now -continue to clear the balance of my large and wellnssorted stock of
proposed to frame for the projected ed guiltyand was advised b some 6 50 to G 75 ■ ,
society. "'What" said our inform- friends alongside to withdraw the � Harness, FINE
I�.� /� � �'h®S'T' ®R1�1
ant indignantly, "convert it into n g At this season of the year every, & A v ! 1' d/ .
plea and stand trial, which he did one should use PoweIl's sarsa arida P manufacture none but th BasTOPsrocrc.
(free and easy!' I'd wash my hands r P nereare 6 shops that call cheap, as they have If you want a BARGAIN now is your chance to come and snake yours lection.
said sot nff. the others offered to "ked burdock, itcleanses and enriches got to tine. lrsr Call and get prices. Orders 1 ) S
of the whole affflir first, I1ud I have had guilty if made as a first of, the blood. Pric 50 cts. sold -by by mall promplyattcnded to
done so. And see here," continued P' 8 Y e ' Y o 0
our interviewer, "I see you nye t ed fence. This was declined. They all druggists. 443.3m. J03Hf7N' yr. C.2.�.TXr3E3,,
stood trial al+d also got off free. - '" ""^ IIARNESS EMPORIUM, MYTH, OiT. O-�-i � � G-��� �-0�- �
f inti IIOt08 Of Ili COFlV01.8nt1011. If _- `
o Y Tun Nrws-Rrr:can hag excellent facilltles for
you say anything about it you might A FISHY AFFAIR IN OXFORD COUNTY.
the execution of lob printing of all kinds. Murray Nock, Albert Street.
add to it these few remarks which I Between nine and ten o'clock on Sec samples before you order. Schoo/ BooksosmNext Door to DRY,GOODS I'ALACE.
intended to entertain the moetillg Saturday night last Constable J. W. "
with,espociallytbe ntalcoutents,h•ad it Fishof Otterville, while serving MORTGAGE SALE -- --
been held." . With this lie handed papers to witnesses in a Scott Act —04' VALCA$LE- - All fila, "looks rerlun'ed for -^- ^
tl9 till', fO1I)rl,T F Act Was assaulted by ed nsens less Noar LI'vem&ale Stables
UNDFi,tVFRFD SPEECH. Act tDA;1PLCAtO, knocked aC11HP.1e99 REAL r ESTATE ' t O1lCglate T115t1tIltC9 and rill)
III the TOWNSIiIP OF TUCKERSaIITII, in the lie ,ellools.
"fellow -citizens and members of and badiv beaten while down. County int Ifuron,
the Clinton 'Band Syndicate. Ad- The other night about twelve or TYDI?R POP'EI( Of` $ALF, contained in a SCho,41%upplieS, Wall Maps, ,
al"'e"'s of lIolpomone,piping ])all sell One O'clock the same constable's T • certain registered mortgage made byO---O.
tv;11L•un Mundell to tilt Vendors, will be sold by Lessen Tablets, Etey Etc.
Terl)gicliore—We are not here, a9 I rCH1Cle1lCC WaR bP01{ori tnt0 by ail PUBLIC AL'tTiON, by J. p. Batvw, auctioneer, �— EDMUNDS
° Cj•®�/9A
nndel'Staltd it., t0 make aFranLD
no- infuriated mob. Mr. Fiab and his at the Commercial hotel, III the VILLAGi,, ON' v ..
l Y Felbri fITL1'an Tr'esriny4 the 21st tiny of WTj�• COO"01"'R moots to tickle oar 7n1,�teR' With thy, wife were alone, and the foruler, b Ftbronry 1999 at 1 odloek P. \L, the fol• �/v-�i//,,�1,, v Have of tined :t Livery atria Sale Stable 111
twisted donrylluts of ourPam pampered remaining 9uiet. and secluding him, lowing Freehold Proporty namely -i.ots any
bers Seven find right and the north I�f`of lot BEAVI;It 11LOCiE BOOK STORE.
find sill cur:soil inaterialislic.eivilizn- self, was unable to escape" what number Fire, all In the E1ghlb ConcessJdn of the THE GRAND UNION STABLES, OL.INTON.
amid Township of Tuckersmittl, cdntafning two
tion, b11L to 1710c1g0 Otll'901VC8 f0 tier would have prover" Her10tIH 1t1�Urlea, bt,ndred and fifty acres more oT'loss. Those iu Head of rigs -single, or doable --and every convenience, should not fail to
vote a portion of the god -given and perhaps a violent death, No int No. 8 is all cleared. The buildings tire a CASH
a lot', house, and frame Tiank barnl6xm.
µ breath to our individual higher de. clue IF'as yet been found to the mar- Lot No. 7 is all cleared and the buildings are a
vole ment and the 6nlolioration and auders, new brick house and kitchen, frame wood shed, All AttelltivC Hostler is in nttendancc' and the travelling public will Icee v
1? „ (nine bank barn 30x06, forme Implement house, _Fnk__ every attention. Ample stabling room for over thirty horses.
bappiness of loss fortunate mortals. DEFYING TIIL LAW frame stable 30it72„ two wells, two and a half
cc acre orchard. (lakes a (Il'ilik of \vator.) In this r The soil of thetvltblolsaclt,rioanr with EDMUNDS & IWCDOiOiAL0 UNiON LIVERY.
.Che St. Croix - N. B. Courier food
(� ijj ijj;I�'ij�� y�►%T 1
sparkling and impervious water It ' ' drainage, rail and wire fences to extra geed re• HIDES, SHEEPSKINS,
a r says : - A somewhat interesting pair. 1J.//1JJD -->r- -
drink: to th0 Rticcess Of the Clinton Of North ifalf of Lot Five ab Fifteen acres � ( - -- _ __._.___-____ _ _-•
state of aii`aira prevails in Scott Act TALLOW BLC.
Dand Syndicnts, an organisation P ere said to be cleared, the bntanro"Fdywell'timber•
eircles in both St. Stephen and ed wttll valuable Black Ash. s
which iR dC3tlnCd f•0 blow tYhCt•a it Milltown, In St. Stephen the ons Those properties are tt•oll situated or. good
listeth an.l yon Khali not ho able to P roads and inn ood locality, and arc distant Highest market price'- pftid. Brie'
forcement of the Act has been car- from xlpppeu station about three miles them along. r
tell whence the Sounds o0mo or TERNIS AND CONDITIONS-OhIl4anth of the COUGH,
' `�1(j u
ho Nows Roca' a
j. hither they o but as the t m- rind on vigorously for some months, ppurchasemoney a e no down. erred l par• Ar VOVW 1� ��T�11E� ■
Y fd + S ticulars will ne made known at time; of or r.
with the result that the majorityor
Rnl1mR of thousands Of CRf9 Aro may bo nscortalned on n Mention to
made resonant with reverberating of the men who have been in the At BrIi1T o. JrrrrRv, For F�.nP✓ Printing.
r g liquor business for ears have oto • J, 1 $RINE, vendor's Sollcltor, 366tf
and soul melodious sounds, angelic q Y P Auctioneer. Lo-mov OST, CLiNTON.
f, r