HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-25, Page 7-,lx,,' ­!,1F__ _... - - _ ^ ^:c-.;•-.-*mal....�a -.:,.1 - .. . _ _.. - ' y y o y(( . - W �" K TM4 ry # . 'M .'>, I I I.— -—1ttR.atw1,• ... ,t,St _.. .. - ' . 11 - . D. ' ul' 0 till.. lxli.e Ii ON's Q11ali a %Y0 meant +Yea.tlow 11lali :"s. a.utl the IIIid such fu la - 1 �" ,''n' . lila fin i u_ tav l Wt n , ) r, Y, Y n p y s'st�! p i as "'0 . n, _.- \VUn� IIn.S- l I, l el•8 i : ilei. 'I, (�ca nl"TQi _ .ter- �k�flt� 1Y ,�f� 1x1G11 ul�llGal b1Uss uletl,. n . u� yu G 11jo. t)y.t t t...l.. Cluetu SR (,dt 11 . 5>(t ��1Y 68 4 l W ._p - I. t I QaI, z mads+ 111 Way t -Q- the, -door turb your o-ouvCleation aoaliu, .it Id hgila that graIldtlla 1voUld tube hila I •:=- == -- «_.-. T y --:.- - . _ _•- -- a<a aead'n tllQnsan(ls linil.uatly n) than !• "Jit to•lal)tl tit ltdFgS) Ps pp,gl) afin)r, cin ;. ° and 11'ngplia foe,• adtilla§Ig�. '1'he relapsod rata a dtg4lfiird a,ieucu, /allirlle t�longl3t ]e,4 ought to by rho l 1� I �` Insane asylum ,' and the dootorkt su t 'elift +'ttrs •LA good wort alms or cr@Rtkty1 . socuxlt}', at ' 440, • evWontl; p eneil i ito the ane, to o because lie was older nod Y l,ts. p I' aze(l Into the f re, llJxl,tlll ty fS _ tltdi lowast Burro:) rtttt)a• , . IIe14E, lfuron-et• + troglAo'is alui'lulugly on th4-lucreaw. -- ___ _ __ C1,110 ^ 1. " Itall'-ox ,the blit• of the lila, which turutug over the rathel' strange Coll- because Jimmie want 'Ile. last tfnlo. -�- . " o , The usual rt tnadiae, wilijo they may Clinton, Fob. 2a, 14,41 1.11' , . was. lookIted in tho roballtt. p4r0ou. .duct of the travelers,. and now, as I But Jilulllie said that %vouldn t be ive to *�?r----._.- ._. _ _._ g wport ry relief, aro. likely to do . . EDWIN KEEPER ) X01` 4hruualz a'Grl$ol; I Saw a, lt3rge evatolted Cha iituning logs, I noticed ir, for Charlie wont to Now York more harm than good- what t+ ne.odcd } ` � ONEY10 fire' barn-'ilig brightly, I knocked that they were very few in uumber, last Selina with Irapa, kind Idv had to an Alterative and Bfuosl-purifier. ���T`�x��', _ I again, and Ohio luole being tAkell but gave out a light equal to double never beau thero. .And so they be- Ayer's h9a,rsupa,rlllm is iucoulparably talks of Toronto, Honor artulutdo Ito) Cotlogt. 7�R [VA+TE FUN `S t� ltd on Towp and Fare, , 11, rIo nGttCO 01, glleu4d Ville door au'd t•i10 quantity. file obiip11ay°, too,gcall to dispute, and I tion G leu o%v the best. It Cgrre4tsl those disturbances of Dental Sitrge.i,s, p p ) [ P) to ae+'sled t`o be in a frig' tfull oor q • c, RiDo.UT', eAtelud. The roorin into Which I }� y p but it %vould halve elided lu R oar iu the etrculatf0 nhich cause sleepless; Of6ea, next NAW*,RRt0111)(UP stalrs)Albert-Ft v Col is s Block, - Clinton. 350 -St" pawed was a long 11116 spaoivus one, condition, the bricks seenfug store- rel butwe4n thein iY malums, had not • ness, gives increased vita)ity, and re- . I • a All Work Re btered. Cliargue Moderate i - with lone, dant ceiling and wide ly to cling to each other -by shall" stopped them and said, You' make stores !Ila nervous systanl to a healthful g __ Wiadowa. In one corner was Ptrips of mortar, and large holes me think of the man who built the condition. - -- t- Yllk tl ' pl,tcad a bar 'with its counter and- appeared. In s Lite of the fire a house with eight front doors." Rev. T. G. A. Cotd, agent of the Blass. -. --._ _ _ _ e. _ _ _ d'. t"L.. .1 al'1 tine belongings necessary to it, sudden chill took possession of my Light front doors . how funny home 3lissionar Society, writes that ��C>ll�CllX• °'r. I n u� I Y Y. ' " 7Yhil0 direetl o:, )oaite Ghe doov a'' I„ Ids Stomach was ono of order, his tile(q) - -- ' -" 101SE Y t t limbs, :end I buttoned my glean they musks have looked all iu a ro\w R REEVE Oflkec-''Palace" Brick Block, �� BANK._ r. t ver often disturbed, and solus fit. groat open {ire place, in which coat around me and dre%v, nearer "Ito must have been a silly follow Y Rattnnbury'Street, Reaideneo opposite .1I roared a I4rluns file occupied Chu Y purity pf the blood manifest; but that TeruperanceFlat[,HuronStruot. Coroncrtorthe g f l 1134 fire again. to build It that .W i► t exclaimed Count of Huron. Office hours front 8 a.a•, to 0 incorpon,tt it b) Act of Parilament is55, g Y a perfect caro was, obtained by the use y , i largest portion of that side. Iu frout j uoticeds cute moral with aur• Charlio'aud Jimmie. of Ayer'S Sarsaparilla. p' n'' • .,. of this stood a long table, around „ Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-y CAPITAL ' prise, that the floov,'whioh had tip- O, they were not all in a row, I'tedeitele W. Pratt, 42d Washington $2,000,000 whisih: w,pya pino4d it numb4r of peaked to b4 safe and sound enough and llo \vas not at all silly," sai(1 •' y ,laughter -_- HEST, - - $500,000 '] g street, Boston, writes: 11I ,lau hter ��yy p + ' chairs, and seats had been placed when I entered, Was cracked ,tail manuua. was prostrated with nervous debility. LIPS. GUNN O' ELLIOTT. ` - ' Oven inside the spacious chimney fisagred in everS direction, and Ella Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to m Head 0liieu, - MONTREJ',L. place on' which the wearied tra Gl'ttudlu+e a:alll site would like t0 health." ' W. Gunn, M. D. L. It. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. (), THOMAS WORKMAN, President. 1. "" great windows were full of broken William F. Bo%vker, + ' VB110.1 COUId Wal'm the bed 1V11iC11 g hear agent it, and, of COnr30, L}le S. Edinburgh Ltcencintaof rho Atidwlfory Ellin. J. H. It. A10LSU\, \'fgC l'iesident. , Y apes through which tire sno%v Was , Erie, Pa,, was Orrice, on. corner of Ontario and, William Std., F. WOLFRRSTAN !1.11OAIAS, Genesi Ma linger I L,had otumuchltrouble in Chillingilsti and cold �ev gradually drifting. Of course,. I in -i bo nn ready, story, so ma byt k�gAyereSSarsaparille or about essness C1H�[l Elliott Ai. D. L. it. C. P. Edinburgh. NO b . +_q'. a thought, that the intentness with' r, „ Licanclateof the Midwifery, Etnuburgh. uflice tosdthcounhd,Cidltttionsluad't1,DtJlts s � As I entered the room it seemed A lona tial ago three brothers two months, during which time his at R'ecolleld. 478.}. issued, Sterling and Aniuriean rA- , Wh.ieh I had' listened to the dis- left,their own country, and %vent to weight increased over twenty pounds. than o bought and sold at lsnv- 6 0. to be empty, but as I advanced I course just finishe(i ]sad prevented est cnrrerft rites. -' makd4iomes for themselves in au - Saw that three or four men sat • Ii. me from noticing th�ae defects, and other land-. The lived hear anti A er S Sarsaparilla,R�ltl i6TY.aegT AT 4 PER CENT. AdtowaD dx l rrdrrl6 'r 11around the table and near the fire- now t}iat it had lessened I hind Yeo- Y ? < . g ' other, and once a year thyy used t0 • PREPAREb By . T-V-- � - .I F,. place, drinking and smotciHa and come fully aware of the rouPh moot and have a kind of a Yatnil MANNING & SCOTT g'��1`4ERS_ elll'o in the warmth of the blazing Y . Dr.. J. C Ayer & Co. ) •Meter ndviuleed to farmersoll their null nel¢ J Y l3 la ahnractor of the building' y ,Lowell, Mass. lug$. They were evidently on a • a' - festival, For a time they all enjoy Bold biall Drogglrtr. Price 011; efsbotttee,g5. Barristers, cg C., quth't ecor tit!r. mldorsers. No atortggjX.re- ':I I turned toSpeak eak to the landlord 4d these gatherings, but as the ears It C„ B1tE%w>:Il, d 1. }: journey likd myself, and had been p g o + Y OV01'talien by night Sift rile scorn}, and request a room, but he had passed away t110I1' numbers inCl'ea8 ELLIOTT S L'Lt CE, CLINTON. Matin ger, ,t disappeared, I muttered something sd until there Were eight different - -Fob—r�uan.1884 (�LINc.,,r _ for their customs and manners were a - 6'�, p ' - 11IOf1e� l0 LO((%t. ">,m�-.s�eri,rssmm scc.I•_r�d (liff4r4nt from the ayel;ago eonntry- oat loud about the wretchedness of branches of the family, instead of " /° the p}aae,. when one of the i',an only three, and settle disputes arotle i A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. ;tl]15011ic. - `,, man, nod Choir faces were refined. seated at the table turneil and giv- among the heads of th.4s4 eight I , _ f t 1 ( - L" I11 I .want straight to the fire, Sind, g y. --- = "' in" vent to a laugh so ,loud and. brruchos as to which had the best I �' r ' " N/ I °" �. p� Q9 `B' yLl%TON• fwd;;e, No. $4,"A. F.*%,- A ^Ale. 1,,,- throwing otl illy great Coat, proceed• o o I `�. � +r�•' FRANK R. PO ELL' 0 meets etm') 4'riday, oil or sifter the f»1 horrible that it froze my very blood, right to enter the dinning -hall first, 8` .- l ntumt. V,sith,9 brtt'hrcli cordiallt invTted: e(1 to %warm m numbed limbs and ° 3--" torned his face directly upon tile. and to take the bust sent$ at tho _,,- _ ® 13arrixter, Svlicitw, Notary J, YOUNG, w. )r. J. CAf.1.ANDEX, Fit i half-frosen fingers, at the Sams time PtdLlie etc. t Never will I forget the look in those table- Nt ono of those e:tl•1 festi. 1 Cgntw,, Jtttl.-u, l,sl. 1. calling loudly for the landlord, g y Y r 11 `1. eyes, I was bound to lu seat, ill vals there Was such It - violellt 1 ° i r 011iec, Searle's Block, Albert.st:, Clinton, ^�-46-- - �- . .��.N...�. _- .... I- .. ! whom I' now perceived behind the Y Y f Y I�h y _ -- • - __.. _._ t 11 - ' Toronto agents: Messrs. Mclarthy, Osler, (1il'ltlttlC. bar, to bring mo a glass of toddy. limbs were useless, m� very heart .qu,urol that some of thuln nearly __-_--• Hoskin&C'realmun, k'; • • 'Ilia party is the roost had boon soeme(1 to stop boating, for no lost thein' ]lues. So one luau CIIiJRCId DIR.tEC'1`ORI . EWPRLVATa FUNDIS Te LMxo at tuwesg• rates of = _-.-. - -Z7. . __..._.,. _ , " - - human , eyes looked as they dict- thought•of a plan to prevent such interest.. 381 F -x',.- - 813gagP,d in n general, gilt EOmeWhat St. Paul s Church. -Services on Sunday at 11 _ . - ._ - .._ _ . - _ _ 7109 ,f.;i no huniau face ever had the expres- thinge in future. Ila bsui It an ,an. lull 7 p. rat. Bible Class, 10 a.ut. Sunda}' L. �. �� � ,'tri anbllllC(i CUHV41'aatiUll pt'OV1oil$ to 3ohoo1,2.3np.in. Service m 1111wARD N. LEWIS, Barrister, Solldtor, . ,; Sion of that, one. Ono after another eiaht-sided house, for use tit the P• - r ) , , 111 arrival in thein' mid and al- o RRv. wlLt[AHI CItA1R, _B. P.; Rector J Notuey Public, Clonveyau erg dc. Alone/ to d ,><.IN r0�•, �4' S the remainder of the art look foStivals. It lend• only One -.ruUlll loon at b.4 par Dent., pzivutc hinds, straight , Meet$ aecor0 Monday of eter V i p Y .. Y ) Rnttonbury Street Methodist.•-Servieeh at 10.80 loans. Odfices-Curner upposito Afarth,'s Motel, y llg though lily incotnlug ha caused g a. ,it. ;nil 7.00 m. Sabbata School at 2.80 month. Hall, 3ad Nut, \'ictorin 'b o at 1170 and, 11Te1'Clflll }lOaVenB 1 In but in each of the eight BIduS Was a P• p. Cloderieh. 400 it <1 a In0nleDtary lull, they prodooded , . I m. RMV. JCR. 6 anT, Pastor, __-•` _ _ block. Visiting; bre.till ah.itya, . each face that Ilistl stare -was 1'4 door Quit a window, and ITl tl1U Cen- tnudtwelenuw. _.......... I". --nIf Cntll•(l' UnalVarO -f 1 ' - -. - -r�-•- GaundLwRrosbyterimn SarviceantrTa:in. rani EAQERkMORTON,Barristersdc.,6 Ood• `+ q •-•-� -y - ^ -� --•-any �-^-•> _iUyy --p'l'y •-pefttekih" I'- -on- 'eavored--Co rlse, but. terstgu�t -tin eight -ailed tnli10. Each 6,30 p. rat Subhatlt School, 2.30 p. rat. Rsv Scrichund Winghatn. C,Snn•et'Jr. Goilurich C. TWEF,I)y, W. M, • - • ' seuce. , could not; my wbold' being was side of thly house (Incl of OIL table At'ss' ,,,WART, Pastor. • S + + \v.S. S\SAFFIELD, Scc. i1. S. COOPER, D. Al , Jt A. Morton Wingluem. 1_g)•- I LOUk One Of t]14 seats in rile Ontario Streft6lethodist.-services at 10.80 a. - ___ ' ' paralyzed by that death like gaze. was exactly like CVory other' allies in. and 7.00 p. in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p,m, TAVISON & JOIiNS'rON' Lavv; Chaticery trod T ` t • fire -place', and the landlord having I touched my neighbor, who still and so each of the eight ght Chief's RMV. W. W. SPARIuno, Paster • .L Conx0yaneing, Office 'west street,'irext ' 'w, .. 1% brouslit 1ile an enormous glass Of sat with his head'ill "ll}s hands, and' Would go in by his own side oNhC flaptIA.Church,-Service at 6.30 p, m. Sall door.to Poet Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. . fi', oath School. 2,30 D. rat. Spic J. GRAY Pastor. --.._•_ , 7 i.„. warm puneli, proceeded to drink it began : "Really, I must table, which, Of COIU•se, was ,just lid -- C. HAYS, Solicitor, G:c. opine, coruero! ,� • in silence, and to become a listener good is a of rho .others. 'rhdit R. Square and West Street; over Butler's Book ; K, I said no more. He raised his o u3' _ 'BILL HEADS NOTE store, Goderich, Ont. 67. , a , to the,00uversatiou of lily u11ku01V�n ]lead, and .I saw a face that no H1an ended all the trouble,” I Ifeud,, f.tttor Fleady,'rugs, Cal' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. tq • Coln lan]ons. ever saw before and that- rent 0 I see niamina t said •Tintmiu. ______-4____­­­-+IiT� . ] g (, „ Statements, C'irmdare, Busirlees. f o. f f 'Cards, L•'nveRtel PCU'-t•alrltlas, CAMPION, Barrister Attorney, Solicitor ID t - The subject df 1110 C0i1VU1'da61011 (a0d 1 It R'aS the face Of a dCAd "Yeti don't Wtlllt tib t0 lia3'Pel nlltl eta, stn„ printul fu n tvt�rlcman• E. ' bike nlauuer :End at lots rtes, at Chancery, Conveyancer, Le. O111ce o%er see tied to ba very abstruse In Cllar- N q Jordan's Drug • Store, the rooms formerly occu ( Y tuna, I r.alizod it no\\, the face of so you re just going LoWu to Green- THE NEWS -RECORD Ofllce. plead by Judge Doyle,, ,1. .. acter,..and had evidently occupied a ghastly Cor lse.. villa ourself, Buil g 'ng-te Luke mo (t a Y 1 Y ) 0ul n. - rt� Any amount of money to Ioanitt lowest �o� t4��f)�[ ffec'eptorl,"r, their attention for a lona limo pro «ritll a shriel(, s0 drea(lful that \Pith grahclmsi; Suri .\ru'll both nae ``d rateaorhttorest• 11)• tl (1i1I�' ulcus tum arrival and ,a T eared 1,:� 0_ - -- a- --• -1r 3 ' 1� it Wrullg Illy soul, I'spl'ang to my. Satisfied: flow nice that.. \will be !" 7 =�"-- - --.-__1. • to l;o OxCeedlugly ilit'orctating to poet, and at the s,itno Limo felt Llie They all laughed, for there •\+,i, dt ! r2 ilCxXOIX�.f'k�lT�; L'lI'^i. 'lily,-, .:il)srl, then• all. rhe 0114 taltiug the L,'llPAWSSIGN B-NOKEl:S. . building a\wn Ing to and'. fro a I11iSC1llC\'Ut15 IOU1C on JI1111ll0'S ftlCU __ - --- - Meets Chu orange hall, C:odurich rho Third ' (froateSt part ryas the pian ilnlnefj a } 0 t , �— - --_ Alontln ofecur] iuti,th. \'isitf lgKtii htNalw•ay a roar, a ll)rgbty crash, and. as a'Sick- which showod that lie did not really Members Toronto ' H. W. �/�(-L Mond,):ofever a . iatel next to Ise and who was ' v 3 ' enillg pain darted thl'Odngh 1110 the .think ilia InUthor Ill.paut t0 SAtle U=-LORLIEEt for Hurun County. Sitlus at- ate.,,, swell aCiwaDead ill years. -lie spoke L tended to in any putt of Chu Ctount). Ad• r,r walla, the C4iliug, the whole hien their dispute ill thin Way. , r ares to dbil to ndl%, I l P U. V. r �' iu a l�i%v voice au(} yet. was distinctly closed over m4, and I lcue%v uo, gg , . „ l i'iVutte tvue, to r0,i0\'10,1t0:i'1'Rt:AL, - - (IJ,L�\TUB T�\IGH'1S Or L�1]30h henl'tl abOVe t�1C,nO1SC ®f th0 Cl'aCli^ I)lll that eVl l really' inlpp0l] '1 1 L\{' 1'Qlij�, C11IC:11'i0, atbd --- Rooms, third Hnt, Victoria 1•fcol . Iry n;.> , • . ft-.. tt1U1. asked Charlie. OII. CI'rt. 6ilg, �. IIA9If}L'I'fi1 wectiug every Thursday ererlintr'at 5 ti clot, . . z ]iiFil b lugs anal llltwhowling,of 1110 �� char Tlsitin•Fi,i•htsnrdewelcun•t•. * * * P, ) 1 t • . Wind oven' Life roof.• I made• Illy- � "�YOII"'Bald nlaruma, "if you will t`,'t'OCfCti, I:A:�!)S, Glt.tI;i, i'J101'IS-� UCTIONFER,land,lona,tediusuruncea•art _ -. .' b d.,mM......a+.amvamors�a...,....._..-..•. Mike horse which Lhad turned adrift bring our geogia )Il I will allow ! . IONS aud•OIL, hocr,,ht and sold F�- Blyth. solus attende lin totvultl:dcoudtry, - " '- . self, eonifurtdi})le ,and Waited foil a bring' Y a b l Y „ i"1' l'ilFh or Illal'tglil, )n reasonable terms. •% list of f,trkrls anti village 'Chines CU I,ItI'Udt1C4 ill '341! and oil the ruaa;by instinct returned t0 Ili$ you where the Mouse nae 1 t0 stand. a lets for siQe. Mmre} to loan un real estate, rat, ®4 . ' } ,t low rates of futcrcrt• - Inurance effected on all join, If I]OSSibI'0, ill tI3U CG11V41'Sa= Slagle ai111 f'e1l'illg All aCC1(lellt }Ind.... 111C boy lln(1 the.buQ1C tilOre 'ill a C7,x.xTON 03~gx'C Classes of proport. Notes and debtscollceted. I� g. '. - . tion should it he ume gonor.al and ocouTed, a search was instituted minute. •lid When ShO turned tO' th0 Stnvctigdb's Mock (upst;digs), Albert Street. Goods ap nufsed, and $0111 on C0411 11181400. Bank- a rupt stooks hought a ldl $old. . It - not'courtned, as at, ]7rCSeut, t0 ''in) \w1l1CII resulted 111 Fl ll(lln0 n10 alien" .map Ut't�COtlalld, anCl tU1Cl t11CI11 to �� -- Bluth. Dcc, 16;•114)+0 i•{d-a-vis in,tho ch}u]uey cornor. I the ruing Of Elie old.tavorn, where look in the northern part, sure en -r1 �lcutreal youth of S1 years, - it soon discoved • that he -Was talking they said I had sought shelter and ough they'found- "John o'- Groat'a l �11Q10�f" �n S - ® I ® 1 a has h4e11 in ,'nil 15 tin}(ta. ,1 tEf S "" a about the immortality of, the soul had fallen through. into the cellar House. .._- „ _ and' 1]is choice of Wor(ls and tan boloW the•Iluuse. "Then the waura dame Was JOhu -ljr, David til+ndcrs0u is the �fµ4w _, ."I-•-- �� f:onsOrvntive n011lll7•eC IJI t1lU cote, -„r•+" •, I� gdage, as Wel] , the 'profound ��'}l4u I recovered • my souses, O'Cxroat," said Jimmie. "Is Ilia ; ,_11 character of 11 is, ar"uments, after a lung; illness, I found myself house there yet V lug election fn Milton, a' �" D s1loWod kiln to ;be, a luau of at .home. I told my story, but no "'No," said mamma. '°Tile house ' -Thu position of Collector of �� - �� � , broad .and • deep learning. His body •believed it. 'They sho%v4d has been gone for a long time and Inland I ovonue.at St: Catharine s • "����� ����®�• a o + WILL CURE OR RELIEVE +: voice though sort and lo\v scellled couclusivel that the Lnvorn hid there is cul a grass s lot Of ground leas been filled by the promotion of Life Slee Portraits R SUecialt c ___. _- _'_ .to pierce thro.ugll--and tlln:oU* gh, y y a . y 1 b Y• DYSPE SIA,, DIZZINESS, p o a anti never.bcep_rebuilt and was not>oC where it oucestood but the )loco is llolluty (�el.lector 1{eseun. 1-•m-�-- __.__-�__. .. �• -- DYSPEPSIA' DROPSY; ,. never have I forgotten, even to this oupied at the thne by inau, but al- still called John O'Groat's Hous.. -A new . Salvutiou • Arll)y INDIGESTION; FLUTTERING fi distant date the words he uttered. though I would like to believe that . It is about four hundred , ears agio barracks has been u pellet] in Ilerlin �r ]� JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART 41 I . He spoke at great length, giving the colt% had so affected me that that John - 0.'Groat. andy leis Guo grounds attd'buildili0 being worth Clintonln�l Marble 11 orbs, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF. r - a resume of all that had beou \vrit= ni"ht, that my brain had created ,brothers- went £r0ln IIollnnc} and $5,000, HURON STREET CLINTON, - SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, I: -on of ton ht concerning the sub the scene I saw and in which I eves settled iq the north of SCotland. 1 HEARTBURN, DRYNESS g f ---14'. huger, a youth Iv'ho was e _ HEADACHE OF THE SKIN jest, and gn the ,end gave his own a principal character, .I know that The story I have told you leas' come badly 667on rveently near Muck- %/}� I /j �i p r p Jr.,,And every species of dlseass itr•iging fro*, , ,,�, vio\ts and fhoug hta in such beauti. as Iong as I live I shall never have to us' from those old days, and 'I do lllgham having lost himself' in the W. •, H • f✓ tr V /- L f7 , U disorder6d LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, 0 ) a BOWELS OR BLOOD, } fill Sentence$, and with such force the courage t0 p-im 'that tavern -not see why tit may not be true, Woods, had both feet amputated at Manufacturer uftin deMerinallkiudsof m n rj proprietors I.g that I seeined spell -bound as I lis• again, for I think unlit every Cbrist- though. some persons think the the Water .strict hospital, Ottawa. . IL u N & M.. tandeiTC6 ten4d: His coin' panious never nas eve that convt •lion Which I house was only built fora Waiting- yesterday. A Marble &' Granite for Cemetery .., nlovod, but their faces were tnl`nc(1 listened to is Cam •! vn, and the lug room for people \vino clime .o -Th4 Orangeville , A drertiger worn:, atagureathatdefyco a otition 91 y 1 .1towards thwspeaker in it m•idsi ghostly travellers .i: around that the -ferry which Was close by. announces the suicide of a ouHg _ p Cb 9 " ta'. with wral)t atteu • , ' lT ill ru'eut. hearth -stone. "Mit supposing it was true," said lady named ]Filly u'rl. Who ylived . r* w 4, M n . Ir`,'' ly were as char. ]etl % i i Isis irord8 --.« � Charlie, "don't you think that Was %%illi her ')urents about two nTilos -11.o Inanuftleturer of the Celebrated O � � N � os ��) w\ '.; as T Was. Two Ways of Pr :Siting a A t)1'CLt}• b00d Ray t0 CIl(1 t'110 (.ha fl'Ulll :UIU11 Vll'IagrC MIS }Illi dU'll y,RT[F[Uf.1),1 Nl'ON1, fir lilllldllln lull'- •q� t� •�' ,� ' • �il` ' ,Quarte! . uta 4" a'' Y I,r,�e s ;incl Cg:nu tt:nHv \t'ork, eYltich must g g -! �' , I have. no linea how ]ung I Sat p. nae, .to have 1)een lllnrried 011 bC ¢e'en to he a , fre iatct}.-All Work F° 7- o C `° " =Qo°pga,y Pel 1, "Yes, pretty goods" was nlamn7a's Wedilmdaw to a uung D1au from warrulted lu trilve vatisthction• A •°. sir C l ���� I. 4 legs' - and li�teued. 1'inle nl,ty have When Charlie sand o }n illie carne answer. ' I think rho Lord � Jesals Y " a e �,? Fz" '. LLLSs • , `- '' stood atilt ol) havo floWH I kne%\ 1lono, but the prospective broom' ------_-__-_-__ _______. _ Ob 111 M ' ' 1101]10 from school one afternoon was pleased With the man who took (lid clot carne. Shn tool: lnn{lnnau7 - " �' 8 m v not, I careen not. the irincl and' g„ „ HO FOR SHE JU11lEE ap�0 w snow' haat wildly ti'u ilio• %viu(l0\ca they found their alnudmother in Such pains to stop rho gwu'rtaina and diad hefor4 medical s►ttendunce ., o the sitting,room. Tham \vas noth- anion" bis relatives; for you know r iai Ina r w n and 1.Oared, du%wu the'rroat Chilnllay) ill" strange In that, for she lived TIO a: 71, "Blessed file ''tile peace- at'1'LVCd• ��t\n ti t. RRY FISHER nt, parlorrtwotIlk. wtatrof W 1,. o �� � � o C* C3 the fire snapped and cracked and next door to them,' an -d they Saw makers." Uut I ain afraid the othors-].uaford N1'uolriCl,, a Comulor- li'lf'nea) s7tdttdtvheI'll he trill lie plea,ed it)See �-� w � Lb tt.t. 2: � � rrt'-i C3 shot rays of Wal'lll' red light over - Cial traveler b-Aullgting ill Halifax int is did cust+hncrs and 1rY fill, iiy rlt•W P110a ill; 4 M ,a, ,� •'r'1 ' � A = r+ � 'l y ' g hal' PV01'y da}'. Ijlit illi}g b(+g ll to only atU])pecl 1)C41lnSU tllity I30 IOng• ^ + tvill•fuvdrhhnwitharill. Ladivstnidehfldren's S ' ' � O � m the dark rooni, %with its darker to clap their hands and dance avonud or had .anything to 'rluarrol .about, couliidtted suicide one moriliug by hairenttingaspueality,- v 418 O 1, I -3"A � , i