HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-25, Page 6. , I 'w i. •. - ^ .• 4. w „ . -. 'a WI ^.7 V r`. . v 11 L x „ . 6 „ Q . . . . ti . I, ' A A ,, a �, Wouxis Orton cause serious illness, Al)vtcq To NQ.T,Ve.aa,_,Are° you Qlo- . .. ' 'helt,Cl�l�GG(1 Recaf 1►Je cure is Dr. saw's Wttctu Syrup. curbed at afght and brpicl,a of your rest NT - . Y p $ The Fi�Syleple.e, 4 §11,59 it gens- 0,85 to Adruugo• It , 41.eofto o and, ex' els wel'me 1t ct siolE obgld sn!{aring a11d arying tvlth _ - - . - effectually natty Once and amus 'l'ee'ch ? • If so send at Of all dung disdpaesare Sltuah the satno'e �j r t _r__ _ eta bottle of "Mrs Winolgw's feverlshitess,a ,F , F-1-F�loss of appetlto, sore ,> r a I. . -L. , I :, . , ,r ClgeSlltLy, JxtDitl;llY 25, 11.13J3S. SoothingSyrup'l.fir Children teething. •throat, .pains• in the chont ,and back, ---At the special meeting 'of tit's', Ito value is incalculable. It will rel leve headache, etc. In a few days you ,-nay in returning thanks to my many friends and patrons for l.nst palrooags, I wopic " __.,,w-•- -'--' - -- l.auduu 'Presbyttary the call ,1!0111 the poor littlesufferer immediatdly e- like to call their special attention t0 my' vett' opmpleLe stock of be well, or, on the other band, you may I ,y$ Ferploxing Quimt.o'..1, - Paisley to• 7 ov. Mr. Johpatou, of pend upon It, mothers; there is n . s- „„,be dutvu tvitliPneuulonitt 0r alto ln^•' Lebo and •C,u•,uluu, tYn)t sustained take about ft. It taros Dysentery and ,� g p �Il1��il���t�t w�i�Ji �t[REIY COMBS, BNI��tI�S, • �T+�.,. ATG, '- Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Consumption. Run no risks, but begin Spoeial atteta:tion is directed t.0 my stock of'' ., , Solue thirty years ago there tvero awl hit trmnsliitiou w•dered by a immediate) to take A ers Oherry ,. „� Bowels, come Wind Uollo, softens the Y . Y, 1. - living in a'stuali town, near tach � ul•Ljoifty of hvu voter,. Game, reduces InBRiemn•ieo, and gives t Pectoral. := . I ■�■ H A R E"`; '� ■ s - , , , ”. + other, two wealthy farinors whom -_- - _ ,ono and energy to the ++bolo system. Several years a„o, James Birchard, of �,�, E:: , v � I • we will calf! Williams and Hall, ba- PIJESENCE OF MIND. "lire Wh;slaw's Svothing i;yrup" for Darien, Conn., *as severely ill. The � 111 � i ' tweou whom bull grown up 7t bitter Presence of mind is good in case chtl ren teething is Ili 148lirit to the taste doctors said lie was in Consumption, It will be ,cuss very complete, wild for durability and fiplsh�ennnot be excelled by W g Rud is the ) •escrt tion of one of the oldest any one. As I employ none but the best workmen, -ang use the, test material to be foud. It hllppened that those two of accidents and efnerpen0iea and t 4 p alld that they could do nothing for him, bought rht in the market' men were stln►maned its wituessus whV11~coupled with Imut'ygenc Yellow Ind beat tbmale physicians nod nurses in blit advised him, as a Inst resat, to try is , Rll who may favor we with their patronage may feel oouflden the United States, and is for sale by all, of getting satiaractioll. . " on the same side of a lawsuit, the Oil will often save lite. Yellow Oil druggists throughmit the world. Price Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking 'i, ��'1'�7� ''V n ��% �% � % rlllcl al ob get of tltair tostimwl► owes all painful iu'uri@s, burns ,, this lue(llciuo, two or threw months, he`�"PtIV1:#PJ .G� V V 1 Y91. p' p' J l 2bo. abottle. Ice s:)re and ))ak fur tits, �`�.a , s scalds bruises frost bites, rheumatic „ being to impeach rho chrtlaclor fur i +ttn9lotv'a SuOtbin Lei, stud bake no was pronouncedatBll (flan. Hin health 4� arts neuralgic pains, and is in tact ether kind 4431 relnaina good to the resent day. truth and veracity of anotliat testi- Y 8 P �'ruitss rind Valises in great variety and Prises Low. a handy and reliable surgleal ' J. S. Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes : . t. . out of the place. 11 r. It. -Ill .%V;Ls aid. 479.21 - -- ,/ '°-q swow first, uud, having tcatifi'ed til It --ExPowell, of '),taws, x mlireo winters a I tookasevore cold, "`� e which rapidly developed into Bronchitis kx� Mi �,a, 5���_ii� i Nh'. was not to b@ believed, -Lew Owens, a capitalist of chat- Conservative, will oppose thc� regultlr anti Consumption. I w;as so weak that � and passed Ilia cross twoniudio11 tanooga, Teuu was- shot and ental' ton election inee of tliIfparty igrlolesthe theCarle. . I could not sit up, was much emaciated, '__ "' �_ "- "=--------- = .'� creditably, wris dismissed. Mi-. . ly wounded' by- J. D. Parnes venele and e5n John Will re- and coughed incessantly.. 3 comlilted ' � � _ - F .:- Williams was then lilaced tipou the .'1'roublo over a . baalne9s tlunsac• main neutra}. says. t :• ,-.,�, ,...,; 24:; e,r: %.•...,, . •_-;,.: •. • ♦ :..•, tali several doctors, but they were power. T,;` stand, and being duly swuru, sliovd- tion wars the cause. _ less, and all agreed that I was in Con- b ' ' i Cares Dizziness, Loss of Appetitti, Indigestt(rn, B3 Iioimneas, g - J A .ections o the Liver tins Kidlte a fly demolished ovary rag of' rt•putil' GOOD THE YEAR Rotrxv --National aumptlon. At last, a friend brought lee Dyspepsia, Jaundice, jj f y , tion \Ir. had left. Then the , a bottle' of A er's4 Cheer 1pectoral. " '% ,.: Ayers Pills cure constipation, 1 ills etre a good blood purifier, liver 3 y ID 0 p _� Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Bheum, Scrofula, �i° arose-uxtlinivatiu11 bPl;uu : improve the appetite, promote di rt gulator and mild purgative for Frain the first dose, I found .relief. Erysi elan, and all di eases arising from Impure Blood,! "'. ,'You say that :lir. •----', rebut goal n, restores healthy action, F•ud fill-aettaous. Two bottles cµred moi and my health . � P Deragjed Stoihach, or irregular action of the 73owets. l;' r+, r@ rulittes ever function. 'this has obits been perfect. at1Ull 'for tl'Ufll aIIEI �Pt'71CI,tP is b.ld , Y ti,.,.:.,_Ir,-Z"s--�-.ry;rser.a.-,;,•o•..,,,.,,;;.nye•„-C c,•z,. _...,.�.:.:...y..y..,.,..,,,.. :'i - "Yes, vary lead ; 1;rcatcsl Iiia i medicine ie- pleasan to take apd 'Thursday, February ;16th, is the � ` •• ' ,. gentle in its operatio"i3. See article (tate fixed for the polling in We,;t. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, __. A ut <<r kuuty. Williams, Ayer'a Almanac. mor@land County, N. B , on the PaEPAREIi BY —T_ , T - Well, now, Mr. 11 how _ Llot+a his character , in this rL +II :rt �uestfon of repealing the Scott Act. Dr. J. C. Ayer tit Co., Lowell, Mass. w ,i - , „ -A yuum, farmer lialned John- Westmoreland was amongst the first 'gold byalrDrugglete. Prlce$1; slzbottles,$5.GOOD FOR'30, ���"{ ,. eolnparo t+^ith i41t• Il+ll y4 sun Barr, • of . llortiiugtuu� was counties to adopt the Act. 'Che tirsQ ..,� . [r. Williams turned areal, and contest took place on Sept. I 1 1879, - - __ ' .,_ 0 11 arrested ruceutly oIi-.41'eapir(9 ch.il'n. with outstretched hnn• ls, cried ant, 0 with this resulL: •- For, 1 682• against, `cOh4'►lry""deii`r" sir ou'vr +•ut inn ud by 1t yottnti uUtnlw ulnae its- 899 ma crit for, 783 �A vote on a �� �� � ��� ' � - ' ,J' , majority i g,l,- v becea Scutt wiLli breach of prolniss )etitirnl .to re teal the Act took place : +. � 1 . 110tV." l 1 1 . 9 / a tl H !gt•p4�u s� - u1' marriage. flu oats bail fol his in .4uryust 1881 and resulte,l es foil r•-- ���. -Anil consult your own interest by purchasing ill the Clivapest 5Iarliet. +; I • _ appearance at a further stage of lite ows:-For, 1,774; against, 1,701 ; % •+.; DB,. tlbi?HRBYS'BOCIE �,1 Another Genius Gone. 1 1-1 Ills, Cuffun Su gar,........ .....,$1 00, BustE.nglish Piciclek, erl,ottle.$O '25 • proceedings.' Ilia crit for the Act 73.' t� '� Cloth & Gold Bindin R ti per w; 1 0 • J Y , F '144 Pard, with at"I Eagravlag, it; ills. Brig -lit Yulluw tin-ar.....• 1 00 I Worcester Sauce,'per battle.... 85 :, The Postmaster at9a,rl. ekskillet K : :, , . n,tlrxD FREE. 17 Illi: Purr: Raw S(igar.,....... , 1 0;l Pnre .Cocoanut, per lh......:...... 37 T . £ . ♦ 1 Addm,x, P. o. Do:sato, x. v. , , . REMARKABLE RI;STORA•d'IU\. LOOK ULT 1'OlR IT. 4'1`= :..:, _ >,.c„ , lb,. Gil tics Hyeon Toa......... 0018 BarsJndtl's Soap ................. 25 - !I t„:' Ark., writes ns fulluwa :--"J)on't n. Mathew f Westover If You are troubled with a 'colli or Li^''z 0L 11141; ZVALNO% Ct=s PBICIL <; IIis. ii;'lentlid liyson Tea...... 1 W 1 4 Bnr•s Electric Stn I) ................ 25 . I i^" - send your papal” aiiy more t0 Otitch' Sullivan,) , I .t�evera, HOngeetlOn.Infta,nmatlone... .25 U, ,a Out., was ill with dyspepsia for foul• caught, however light the attack, look 2 tt'oiu,s,wor,alrevar, worm0olio.... .25 2q 1114. Extra Hyson lea.......;. 1 00 ; Host Rah. Ilar Suap................ `�l 1 Gt? I3allu.11, col ho is doatl. IIt a ui ,L years. Finding doctors, did little tit' for 1t, tlo nbt r.11ow it to settle Ur)•inac)ol e,oi dronhtirAduite��ts: .25 ' ................ Choice _5 , - ' ",' mi-Itty Doud reader, he Nvuz acts J' y�tlatrrhen,o ,; 25 � . , good be fries} Burdock Blood Bittet�; the lungs, break up tile cough by n i1,Ne:ncr • GrlDla• nations Celia.... .25 4 1. Z. C.lhuic� Japlul Ton •........ 1 06 ,; lb,. \its Currant............... ... _ j>', . w0ttld sullletinlas mild one of loll,' six bottles cured him and he rained loosening til@ tough phi@+•al with • G (;i.olern I�dorbus,�oat,ttne.......... .25 c' 11,,. Bo,4t 1'.n".).13reakfast'ILit 100 22A lhn. NeW'Raisins................ • 25 - •+ b I Coughs, Coll, lirunchitas.............• .25 � � n 4' okra so fuhu that folks would til weight to 1 iii 6 TIa;;Yard's Pectaa'1 BRlsam. 479 2c lgleuralgfn, Tgoutriha r'noaaabe..... .25 > lbs. Bine J tva'Cuffee.......... 1 .00'' `2,' lbs, Snitanli,Raisins............ 25 r 1 Y g pounds. B. B. B. 1 lieaduchcs,'ic:c IIcaaachil, Vortigo. .215 lauf;h. ''T+vun't %vital wuz in rho cures the worst known cases of cbro- I� p �P p �9 it ibi=. Fine,. Rio CuJiec.•. l W , 1,I lbs. 'Nett• Pigs ...................... 9U .,...-._.:.1. :-..._,,., ...,...�.......... ..... -ti ,-iT±r•i�ttrd nit; dy Itap ' i� tom+ Pa �.r,'� I� Il d'�'.�J►._ .. tli 90 itirCfu"1:t1S;'171ft"'it i"liz to tt^ta• s siaaftel a)le.Ist+fR J2. .-.Nel1"1 laX.gft whose. rfl.ttt9... 0. (i 1.. '.N ...n .............. . ')5 f; do�ru Clo ey Pin�l..a - . "�a . . -- . - resole at Thorold Ont•. wns shot and - - -- a Ib� `Sntii1'....... " 25 j 5(irriilies, IiOi'-.cfilt;'1'lse to:.::-:.. - �fi _~...,.. ~ -~ . t ' It. lIu ought to have been editor of > YG iiyspepsin Bilious Stomnah.......... ,etc Il,,.. Starch................... 25 (C;IIf's Feet Jell tut t,ottle..,. (iCl "f'" :i in)er like our'u. That fellow -At Liteconclusion of the killed by .A•IIillermanELLChurche's itRtL„resseaorPultirldPeriods ..... .21� 1 Y, 1 .. 1 1 Y 12 tvhjles, too ProfuaePeriods..y...... .Zb ri ,`,� ' Ferry, Duk.,'hon 14, The original i2 %V i t4Cough, Profiles Difficult Bre$thmB•••- •25 , , , u. Cut)id Rerow 1111 his mouth alpha-ik(, aUl'V1CC9 Ut' tlto' French, ..contingent Canae'Of trouble wns that flillernitttl 19 sial, tikes In. i r s[Was, Erhptiona. .215 E�1ltltlll(1 7altnOn; Cltnned I'lunau Iiaridi(, Gannod ilTacicerel, Ltmch Toni;ne, ” it floc laubh. Iia could holler just of theSalviUion army fII tlloTbsltter pr@vented McIiea�iie from cheatir, la til"nnandblaO1ito�eniti9inlnlairlf::: ':sso 'B" rsit'1?li;''s-1�°°t,•als°' Canned Tomatoes, Plums, Pine Apple, •Iiaspberrfea pu,' titin a p:ulter tui' many g iG c.+'avec. a luau has Fi'nucais, AloutrenlI (Lu attolupt was at eardi in a potcerga•me. AlcKongue 17 Plies,.nlindor BloedinT.............. so tit bottom prices. Sp@tial inducements to CRsh Customers in Cee, Dinner r .. _ 19 Catarrh. Igduenza, Co a in theaeaa .ao aull T ollut Sets. Gall and ins ect our stock and be convinced, curl anti all, "' _ cu 1, to his boils w]4eu ho heard made by some it1114uotvn l @l:9oua- came to Daltota three years ago,• 20 Whooping cott$h violentCeng6s. .aQ P -: Oscar Yellin' in the woeda, • His to set th(i.building on fire. They fresh from Penitentiary in Canada, 27 iotithinyl!)Ieegsey:hye,calWea nowt, ao fbr pattotus rare and best ofwarc, yore wast cove to GF1lNA HAIL. clads anus wanted h,iui to I am the hart secreted themselves durine, the .where he served n ,star for attempt- 2s Nervous uubuity.. ti.00 ill td J' c 3U Urinury Weakne�� Wetat i ..d .• b® __NT a t _.. ed ra e, in•St• Catherines. Ile was 32 Itise ses of the ticart. Pa1Dt(at,on..1,1/4D . ,�j •V ' sJloenlakin' truss, bat he lia,l too servides, nnd after tile, theater was P 7 mueh ,thilit . I'ur •til • such foolish- .JockOd a 'r. 'tiled n uantit of principal in a celebrated (nurser, f� �1 q /� y 1 1 Y trial in Chicago three years ago, in . "P E C e F 1 C S • C23INA I3ALZ,. CLINTON_ 11) nes,; as that. LI' I had or liml his shavings and matches together and t _ -^- -------_-- -. :.-__ -�--- -.- a o tvh'rC.r 6'e was charged with the holdb Druggi@is.-Qrpept•L)Q@BRa1doA,regelpEo Lb - klleck I woulder ,jiutyl n show on this emptied til@ cont0nts of 1l murd'er'of Geo. \Milson and'Lis wife prim -.,wens tit RichardsonCo.,Bgente,o4Mo. � t0 He couldn't write like a county• bottle of e�nl oil. ditorsottpiug fire an aged couple,; ,rho laved at Wine! dnlstreotniontraal.. NEW DRI ST4'% e- µ :g _'` Clerk' but.what lie wrote was th,)r, to t} is they u,anagred to escape e b a caro a suburb of Chicago, Ilia family I He wasn't hemmed in by Webster win(�ow• Fortunately the police spent ,a great deal of money in his , - mil -- rsr „----__--.. o—o ' nor nano of your spelliu' book defence at his , trial, procuring the �+ were attracted by the gist'@, 1wd best obtainable counsel and the 0,. ,liul ilrs. Whon.au ides o e(d into with snow -and water-- mana^ed to K'trb �' The undersiaued has just openeda new Drug Store, u, JACKSON': popped ., 0 result was a disagreement of the bP �lz; T. N 1. • BLOUK, on HUROX STREET, two doors dcst of the Cit) + ilia heu(1, cud the was evilrlastin,, nij) rho Piro in the bud. i Y o jury. i .' Book ;'Store,, ,where will be found a complete assortment' of lin e. .7aioppiu , he jestslalnmed her down .------:.-•_._-_._,.._---___,__.._ , .qq��,r - " ,'F�♦. _. .. rugs and Cheuticuis, aloe 'I'ateut 19gedicines and . 1121 JAI, old Webster jog :;lien,- the � � No one Can d�@scribe the suffer Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed +," V��.J�" 1Drit Wilts Suitdries-'all that tho public ilial as - fqr iI, thosF best' way'lle could. ings caused by Asthlra except those and reecommended by' etninent I i : 1. linea.troublP<1 with the com Mint: One h aiciani anti is taken with e;•feet l 9 S it H ERS Mt' A. WOR-tH�NGTON.tLI wish flu baser lirud fur it p p Y ) p ';_ ' - package•of 'Southern Asthma Cure safety by ' old and young. lis tai ,> -."'r .. ,'Clinton,13th'January;la$0.{ y ;;1ievotl f ivtold inau powerfut when will relieve Any case. Double treat- olealisipi; nnd vitalizin{ effects are �i rt,e Lenaw ; .; P. s.-otttueahuu„ed front residenec toatorolilt died. •,li>at to thiol.,' ;§,lid he meat in each package 477.4t sure and speedy, and it is •univer• drE + `P -•- - -----... --__.-- .,-._ _-__._ _ .- __... ...,,_,__-_ _ Ilydcl CIO�hlll� �IOIISO �i i , to Inn t.ol{1t•i° (lay ;It, the buryin,11 --- sally conceded to be til@' most f� Z7 � - "'!'li: i),enr .bouts ijr dustro}ud su --_1t 1,'odney n iVliehignn Central-effectiJe of al blood purifiers. � Iu Ca„tort, of,posttu , ''” lll'i'', Vl,l-lalti ,111' til til 'howl.” itis braku,ni n nanl(t,d Ja1111 .Down, ' .- , -- --- .__ -,__._ �.' circ: Pnat O1Bt•r. ,, U.. Infold}• nigh uiuru than I could attempted to climb f'rolrl 1t bon to -Jas. McKay, it wealthy i'armer, of "}; 10 fur Cent. off f.,r uaeh, p -.f,•, q f ,� 1' •� '' WestFlamboro' committed suicide iA -«a:,ft;:x.o--- N 11 �T, CK �� TOR .. ' blit;." 1 )Il:nl'd it i0110i' Say aUtllO '1 fiat Cal', tV110n tJ30 tl'alll 4ayU tl , ,_� �ilar�io� tulle A�;U that y0tt R'6Y Ull cite IUUIC- 1111'Ch, Lhl'O1V1nd hlfll violently on On l'i•iday byjumpfng•overRpfPCipiC@ _;�-�'itl�;�c;s t•;.>.Hs t, --w; gym. K�, " �" 5 t "' out flit: 11 man o' Renso, so I thought the track•betwoen the sirs, several known as Borers halls, in the same • ,j4 ,1}tnagcrand Cuttor. f I _ " ' township, and alt htina on the rocks - --- -- -- P I'll toll yon about Will, 'hilt lie's ' of which passed over 11iill. Wien about'sevbut Peet below, 11cI�a '�'9 ``iI �''e-�°"`-:Ut-t �-_' f '' �'' "' 1'. '..- Y y ' ,1P"lit.' r rka)narfe. �rardler. the 'train tvtts stopped his legs wort `ter-,-- r� '�-.�:•�-' JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in F imiture. +.y. A was over sixty years of see and r@- _„„ _ •_ . . _ _ _ . _ . . found to be badly brel.eu„ and his puted to be worth about $40,000, Cull at the,Ncw New -Store mol gee the stock -cif I ..-Al the 1)ieisiuucuuit 'l'uroltto head and body breis@d.. H& Iva' Ile. bad married a w(�nithy wide}v Bedroom .and Parlor Sets Lounges Sideboards Chairs Springs, . • _ � .-. brou,ght to St. Thomas and rWi; loft named Jlrs. Erb in whose employ'' .: ' ° ' p 1 F,---,-. --- - .i'1ii11„Na - 1.t�J'hiui 1n ldu.__lts.4l Bf _ t}i@..._ d � __ , _ 5 .rs . Town, . bluttrassss, etc., and general Household FLi1'1Lfturc. The ,(holt Stock is !tofu the ter} I'ollowinfr'wurrl which will no is 'ntlil)utatefl' at fire tn'td"Clt� 6f' t. � an a ut the of r heirless. dhired__ _.._ ., .- r, , , .man about til@ farlu. Un her CI@Rth--AND bcRt Illallllfaetlll'01'9. 1 ILtlll'e Flames still 1110tdlhllg9 Oi'.CVeI'y descript}ou•• ' iR; = doubt, be of considerable interP,t thigh. Aip effort is being made about a year ago Le inherited two PROPERTY .1495. C1111DLL'Y, one dlodr `rest of Dicksoil's Book Store. • to the men oil the road Collin Or. to 84V.o Lhe right leo, which is valuable' farms. Some six months �-a _ __ �, ' tial lravellersRre car@loss nnd 1 broken below tbo knoe and badly ago lie cut his throat because a ��-' " "T -- --- `-� -- `--�--` • reliable, andy@t, they }lave Inu1e frnctnretl.' young lady in the neighborhood with �ORSALE. 'Buy assuttlnee titan any in(u on onrtli," whom'. he 'had become infatuated ---- N. Gkt p 'i' _ _ Tug sIUNs or woR3is are well-known refused to marry )Jim. 7'he doctors 1NF rxECUTORS AND TtiuSTl':Es of the . '—'� t Ilyd him through this trouble but J, Estate of tho Irate JoREPrt HEita offer for Vale. I'. but Lhe remedy is not always so well p 3 & f the foliow'ing valunWe property, namely : FROhI--- ' Dear 5iir,- I wish to testily of the determined. Worm Powders will he has since been very weak 'in the BuJldit Lots unmbers 430 and 421, in the a m itR of that _grand preparation destroy thetas. mind, end had to be watched' con. -Town nlorluh,rynartrrotnnttarncach,tnirly THOS. -___�®��q �______ __S� ,. _ kilo Rs Blu'ktvell s L'egetnb,0 ileal- _- - -_. I. stantly. When found in the ravine tcncu4 tu)d•+wry duahuWu Pur bill►dingpurposes, Ing Bronchial Balsam I was told by below -the Falls b some of the Half acre Lot fronting :lfill Road, Tolvnelap of �, a neighbor what a gland Balsam 'i t -The Guelph Herald says :-In ilei hbors he was by and Ooderich, being part of lot s in the ataitland The lai-gest, cleanest and best assorted stock of �' r .Concession of the said Townahi Nice frame �ai,�p� �+ ��►/ g� ", ivas. 'My little. pirl. was t'ery ill Salvation Ariny circles there 13 lived but a short time. cottage and fraineatable. - p RO��R�� t � �,'�•���? y GLASSWARE, lt' with bronchitis, and n very fete doses 'cuusidurnhlu tall, over the sudden Lot mtrilher a, enntil side of Millar street, nen, 6JI ..n l,' restored her and 7 believe saved recovory of Capt. liob McHardy, FOR THL 0011P1,ESiON.-For Pimples, m luq quarter of an acre, Small fraa,c dwell* etc., Ili town. (C� Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest, and we warrant . p , tier life. I feel it . my fluty to let a former employee of The. M..orcur Blotches, tan, find all itching tnmars ltutldin;; i,nta alit„), everything first class. r others know that the also can be Y via 808.and 804, in the ♦ °J cured 0f this terrible sy alien. firs, UfliC'n. Ho. tvity Culultlelely l)rus- of the skirt, use Pror. Lowis .11agfC Town of Clinton, tpinrter of lilt aero ouch, bean- tt r ,t trnt0d with n bruin' :wd nerve SulphurSoR.p, tifullv.ituatedou south side of Huron strict; pt6' )Sole, ayente for the Celcb,atr(l Gool,ers'I3aking Iateder. `SA .r.; Margaret Lowther, Feb. 2nd, 1-857. 39 tairli fenced. , atl'setiou, ()u 'Chnl:s+la • Ila stated .--"-"�'- The Fagttfalf of Lot 2^., con. weat Wawan Best Brands of CIGARS b the Bog or Thousand at Manfrs, Prices' 1 I J311 till Street Lonlon • 3 „ W -------- - -- tlta6 lit, would �f(tt out 01' bed at a - �Inyut 1lCwltt'8111039a0U, wh1C11 oeh; good ihore fig bares cleared and teLuill1, re- + „ , �� �� @ ��r� � . o mutase( tlmricred; about 4 mites from Lucttnow' " fz% Ki''he broach' of promise suit certain hour tho next ' morning. cyan aunt to th.e board of nl(lernl(in til@ nnd 0 trou, wingham; good roads, I`, unterml I)v 11t:•I.McKonny, it widow Hi,i Mtending phy8ician wag at that other dal,showsthatthcddbtofl\ew For farther particulars apply to (,iY@ Ha THOS.BOOP . SO��T N of S" '1'homa5 against 80101na11 tillla eu11te1111)Iat►11� 1113 re1llUVAI to lurk cit)' is 13'1.S33't)Gfi, ag.tiu,;t E. CANter, a ,a call'.9 r 0 the' bus n r '5131,601,103 at til(• close of 410•tf Barrleter, Ctodortch' Corn.er•atore in Searle's Block, Clinton, .- Nidore, anti which teas to havo,been l'tal \1 iron the houratated __ . r triu+l PL the spring aw,i,..,, bas arritutl Capt. Mellardy got tip null 1SS6. .. __".- .._ - -- .- - . _ .. ... --. ,__ _ _ *15 ?' been Rattled out of court. The 'Las biuiu about Over since. 1113 ---•__.. __- __ S R a-0 EL�y y - acti�n wns for 1":3,0110 d nail; es nnd co Ilchor0ra fu the army nr(i firmly DU MOL' B15f11:VL LN SlCtN i ? L rom+ ,.,Pt�41'1 fiIXMA%I) tva4 8ctll0cl by lint did'unilunt lay• of u titliun that }tis was n faith euro. We do ; for instance tt,e signs of `+ � � „ 1 1 for )id liver are Yellow eyes, snllo v - 21 1' ing : I„O Io, tho willow. . othors say that it ,vas only rho 1 Y , t ` O �, L:• result or strorg hnigiiiation and will complexion, pain underrightshould• i � a A , �; • � -AND- er, irregular bowels headache, low "sNS - Rf �. h 4 i �q,p a ®,r EAR D,1N(I T;IRUi'S r;t )lT V'J'ELi+'T 1'C;i. u.tv0r. g , �I;.� 1 1,' s • 2'' �b1 � -- Counterfeits aro nlwa 9 clan Pious i _-_. sputta an Purines t @ �l ; ._.- ti \-"`" - — d tt s. 111 h se _ y -- _. _ . )' b , stens may be removed by Burdoctc 4, 'H y'_'" j9HGA��'- q, ; '' . i.. Tame K0"tltttt tFJey- Jtlways ol4sely \ BtIU� a\D A $hi;`i'ING. 'flood Bitters which is asure cure for 11,!I ,I li �) f,4'f' r� ,�_,.„, e,;., I' . � \111,1 I I•. •1,111: i lilt,' IN AI'Il1s.%lt.1N01d .j 1.O.p❑ t117(I I blessing __ IL - Il](� (lit ]rr -• TffHi`ttiSa of tfi;e liYlTl•, 47$•2t ” . ' )�, • � ,.� M;�,' �.,ISIi � ' v " g g _ vl 1PIsroaetled for ; x'49 p IIll' nv1) x,tttr, 'J'he remark(+bla aucceas, is )'fn aril's Yellow Oft the treat - - t - - �' i _. v �r J 3 S i s Tone and Quality. Vk ,„ s~ I R ?.,' Rrhiwp.1 by Xnvat J)alnl as It positiv© Dain Jleslroyer and healing remedy --Ill Lh0,Po'tn'•11ea0 auurts Senor "u OCERIES i , , (Mile for Catarrh and (fold in the Ior external and lnlerna,l use. fellow WF; :'AtAlln®CD S Fa'3Fff5. - .{�`"�r;=='- - '� �m- ." , Bead has Induced unprincipled pat'- Ofl cures all aches nnd pains, l y't61u 1)11 Carvalbu, l�ul Ininistor `--=-'�- � • tips to imitate it•. 'L'he )ubiic are , oflinnuco, presented the budget. + B b rheamtLtisru, lamp batt ,sore throat .d y1" L ,& Co. Gu�i�p q 0 6, �� ���TQ_ TRI� ' clultioncd not to bP declaivP(1 °})y' ci•ou )' deafuesti cram ps eontrnete Ila a'nnuunced the touting bills for1. nostrums imitating Nnaal Ba{m fit cords nnd lanrPuess. Procure it of the regulation of the sale of i Wliolellale. anil Retail Groeors, have a very sou,jdcte mid I' RES11.STOCK "f Christina, ' name fend appearance; bearing such I iter dru r gist. 470.2,t alcoholic liquors dn'1 Lhe reor-nnizli nnd New fear GratPrieR,',mnp nn(1 F,uu+y f;ue(Is Cltintl 0110 GlasRttaro, Conlrctioper7'. I )' E1r a ss4ac�•�r'. ' Call before yon 0rtl Sr. 1=a,ru) 1'rnduoe t ken. names nR NaRal ('room, \anal ,Bal• __ ..-_ W_ tion of rho linauceR n, the I,iRboll etc. sanJ,Pte. ,1Rk for Nasal.Baltti arieC do \'. rl, fhaham, collector of fn- muuiaipal toll rt, %.xra,Aa,.� ... __ .._---__- _ ^*�!e-y ^ not mire imitations dealers may urge __ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ 11pon 31011, Vor'sale by all druggisto ' lanel ravenu0 at 0wou Sound, made ,w t.•t-, . ✓ 1 ! �g 1p p1a� ae'a� �� ��Igd�� 1����geq Ig��gai.�,��rA lF�'®(��gr' 11 a raid on n1 i A lila STRthP. „^ O ro 0. O 0- -4, IFS CARRIAGE' ivi tltiACON 1 U Y ®RY9 ,; 0r „rat' post-pai(1 cu receipt of price l llicit distillery in the v! O (506 And g�) by addreasing rtilford fit township of Ainabel, County of A big strike was make when Powell L) V (.� gt6 p ,` .. s Davis' issued their Extrnet of araap• ' , `. 3,4 & CD�T�_���-_ < . Co., Brockville, Out. • Briton, rtil'i by it nlan narudd Thos. arida and Burdock. It has met with 4 N Q1 a s _+ Martin. Ile arrested Martflt and W V M o f -0--Z-0-. --. 11 •' $o r Brent success, ,curl it mast, 1'or it is the � �, t•'t f� � 1 -Last week at Hudson, N, Y. 'seized liLs still, two fernleftting tuffs most powerful blood purifier in the mar- (n �t ("d '� q 3 q In ,�t001C, a Number Of Cotterel Sleighs, Buggies and Wa�one�1. the court of appeal decided against au'(d a quantity of molasses. Alar- ket. it ill ,teed with Uie greatest success H (U th � ''(� 4i •a ro a o 0 1e". granting a now trial to Oaeal' F. tiff wits tried at Allenford before in all diseases arising fromu debilitated RI '-e r. 'Phe Material w'e mannfacture;is of the best quality and the Iron work unstu•pdrRr•)t Condit.on or a R)9 .m R d ever lino 0 $ In fact a•o make it an im ortarf feature of oto• b1lRitteR9 't0 119e 0111 the best 110 ." Ilecktvilb, charged with murder. Justices Jas. Allen and John Dov- Y ' «r It. J.L curable material and thel Y l ,' • needs, and ehould use a bottle ,pr two at Q.t o 'a to 1 bss4 workmanship. Those in need 0f CtTTTFRq a; He will probably be taken before and next day, The prisoner was fined this e(aao•, of the rear, of Potvell's '1;'x- 0 " t- a and SLEIGHS, of the )(.test makes and styles, should not fail to . .---- the Columbiii' oyer and terminer, $100 and one month in the Walk; traet of Sarealmrilla and Bnrdealc, Bear a� � � g p I .0 C611 R;11 (1 90C its, " now in session, and be ro•scntoneod, erton jail, Afartin hails from the In mind one 50e. bottle •eontahs more !!rr,� R/1 • • —o— I4•e has been sentenced to be axe- County of Waterloo, where he owns solid medicine than most dollar so-called 1/ �' a N °� ALL WORK W�►RIRl4i`69TE©., ;' Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember 4. 90 ontc<1 fdvn times, and by this decision considerable hotel property, and ap- I ..■ r"~ r .t . --0---- '" : that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists I `v o x a - Repairing ;and Remintin-a' Promptly Atter, led to. will ngttiu lin sant@aced, malting six pears La {cavo fallen in with the price 60c. a bottle. gold by nil drag- �' U e " --r tinted I -lie sentence of death has idea of getting whiskey at first cost gisti and medicine dealers everywhere "� t'a't Uzi ed bticit'ltronouuced upon him, and ovading .the duty. Y 44311y. V O fd 040 v, FACTORY on 'corner of Huron and Orance. Streets, CLINTON I , ~.4.� ,. _ . .. _ o P . ♦ .,� r ,....� _ _ • • , ' .1.. '..,. , ., s .. !,J, .• ,� ' • ' • , ter'. ,Gi' . , •' P • '� _ .. :A r ♦ k . , e 1, ,r, '.. ,..:, ... ....... K.. b k >Y • O .. n 1 f �c. ..�....-....x..x.,...xY U..,x,....,.,,:.,..s;k•..aw...k,i�k'�..w„6.u,o-3•��_dA..,S,w�i,�n.., Cfi:r.w.M,r..k�.:.xame...,..1•+......ar..,«. we.«x,..t:._�.ruv..wn,vW...m.v,H,.,r-.a...4a,n..,.•.,,ue.sx..t.... J Y,�♦.....a c1ab.oa,tJalA.,dYrs