HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-25, Page 5e �
„+.-+^ ...- ,. p M... .... lir � ' , • - nQ
Jaugar. or
„_..o•• --•o-- O ---o_
WEeGl V GflEA T BA RGA /Ns We offer,.to-clay, and as long as any of the (goods remain unsold,
Pleo'es o, f ALL OWL T
_ The Stoclt Lange -to choose from,
Yards. Regular price of these Goods 756, Price per yd, for this Sale -
BARfa'AINS.J,.11l, QUERGOATs, , AISo, about -,00 Remnants of DRESS 'GOODS, from 15 to 10 Ya"ds at HALF: "' RtGE,
We want to show you tyle' roods and prove it.'
ODon't Forget FROM NOW till the end of 1887. In order to secure tllese Barcrains. OPEN TO ALL.
l --o--o-o-o--o-- r ,
t,ONN •WISEIV A , Manager. Estate Jo," HODGENS. *r:!
G,E0. E1: PAY'& QO. Yf,. --
p -A £Sony of four persons ted named t -The Scott Act fines paid n East �. DETI
moi'--- The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. Million werenearly sutfocAtedthr•opsit' Elgin wer359, and the expenditureJ. OR & CO
eacapIn water gas Owen Sound. 5814.
-The wife -of Henrytennett a • -
___ • �T--_ __..____....__.. _ prominent farmer and bee keeper�of "HARRIA-GES - - ' HAVE BEGUN TIIEIlt
that have come to the front to clear the 'direction of a good deal , the township of Blanshard, was kill. BAILEY-MOSGROVE.-At the resid.
Ehemolves of oven the suspicions less supercilious bullying on the part ed on Main street St Malys last Sut�- once of therillc;8. „
' da b being thrown from a stet Il on the 11th rust., b Ilio Rev. J. ti. " ' ' ''" "
I of tho press of the United States, Y Y g to Isabella, oho I.Bails G- ---SALE of boinp counetnd with such a and amore intelligent a reciation whale returnwg home from church. y, of Hallett, ro
cowardly crime - as arson. TIt daughter of 311% John B
and imitation of those things where- =lS;ilroy of Windsor(�Ook except• lfosgrove.
town has offered.$1000 reward for in Canada has the advantage of her, ion do something McArdle said on Ii.ART'--KEPNDALL-On the 23' inst, o
I the conviction of those who set fire neighbor. So long as Americans the ni t of the election and banged at the residence of the bride father,
+ p talk of Canadians as though they him o0kr the bead with a water- by the Rev. Jolty Dray, Air HOtn 9
to Scutt Act rinvolle s remises o �'-SWEEPING I0 n
l � were vassal's of European tyranny
Pitcher. Alagietrate Bartlett fined LeBaron Ilartt, tiltlj sun e,f Alr, C. A.
and the hotel. men,' have promised P Kilroy $28. 7.0 -and gave hint ten days ,Ilai:tt, to .!lis, Lottic AL )iendail, only
to supi�lemont thy` iitileunt by a so long must they be thought of in in which 0pay. daughterof'Arr. J..., Kendall, Lill of Clin- IN 1"RICES -(-91+
Canada as half•,oducated school -boys ton. n p
Similar sum. This is as it should w.,'ho have never learnt,d an external post -Th
convention for a parcel Dress Goods, 'Silks Ueluets--and Rushes,' doth -
Y ort between Canada and the United --
be. No cause ever prospered with history later than the wars of :3tea has been signed•by.-ttLa Cana= - Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock {
the aid . .f uch t� a . r:"lilal.ils . l as.hin ton,-Jpi-t.aess. -w' - "`--- dian rind m 'Tie most" ioiwerfil'! blood-•' uCifier.in..-Ing.,...•,.,.:F .. �... ,
1�, , A etican PObtinadtel 1 P /an.nels Sh�rttn ' underwear, - Corsets--.,''_�
r Generale and on'19 requires the the market. Price 50ets. a bottle ' - ��
» arson and its possiblo resultant, loss BRITONS HOLD YOUR OWN_. b l Sold b alldru druggists. 443.3m. 'Skirts, • Qc�-r,"lts, Blankets, Table °Linen, tSheetin s -'
- Signature of Pres dent Cleveland y gb �7-
of life -murder. Jr to wake it 1eg•11. '1'I�Zpaugurat6d
rms agreed Towels, Furs Mantle Cloths, Fancy WOOI
During an eloquent address at upon wore ea tafac
-T P j' to both MARKET REPORTS. �' .
Paris,Ont., last week; A. McNeil, M. -.Governments and it• een arrang- 1
-CURRRNT TOPICRS.(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
P., North Bruce, paid the following ed for the service to bhaeu/s.
glowing and truthful. tribute to our on March let. ' CLINTON.
THE BIG T.- lotions Empire and this. Canada Flour........................84 00 to 4 587 -O
g A -A special 'to the �fi eapolis Fall Wheat, new & old 0 75 to 0 tit -
Hamilton Spectator :-'.Che Tor- which forms a part of it :-And Journal from Tower, ninet�lt miles J . � . DETLOR
Spring Wheat ............. 0 76 to 0 82 onto Globe prints the word "tem- you are to. sit down ,and fold your north ..pf Duluth, aays that theBerle CO la
,1 • . , y ........:............. 0 50 to 0 75 �o �d - -
. perance . with a big T. It looks, hands twirl your thumbs and let boarding house and saloon of Nelson Oats ............... •......... 0 AO to'O 43
rather odd' in this sentence that ap- your Empire fall to pieces before Barnaby was burned Saturday Peas ......:.................. 0 58 to 0.59
' peared in yesterday's ' Globe: your eyes if it will --let 'slip from night. It was a rickety' 'structure App.les,(winter) per bbl 1. 00 to 1 50 -- ---- - -�- °
% * ationiziu religion .and our nervelesA and burned so rapidly that it was r
` p t; b• y grasp . a .heritage with difficult that an one escaped. Potatoes ......:............. 0 v0 to 0 60 a1
Temperance and all sorts of moral• dazzling in splendor beyond the Y Y A Butter ....................... 0 18 to 0 20 great clearing SaltJ doro' Dans
P g P Y i`iany of the inmatesjumped from the ,
ity." The inference,. is that the dream of man. I say No f A upper stories, but tan perished in Eggs .......................... 0 16 to 0 18 —AT THE—
Globe ........................... 8 00 to 9 00
Globe sets temperitnce above rel•igs thousand times No ! Perish thtt the flames. Cor woad,,,,.,•,•......,... 3 00 to 400 << 9� '�
ion and morality. thought ; and perish the dastard -A corpulent gentleman named Beo .......::.:....:..�..... 0 00 to 0 00 a tDc �el�
who would be so false to him't 6if, Isaac N. Miler, is suing the National Wool .. ..................... 0 24 to- 0 25 , 1S.er '1i�'1�1t Uly'e Store."
coni New York Pork .... .............. t ^'
NOT''ENCOURAGING. Steamship an _ to his fathers and to his children I company in Nr ..... 6 5U to f} 75
for. $1000 as a compensation for'suf,
Toronto Globe : The opponents 'after Kiln as to refuse to raise hi ----�hilslon
_ __—,_.. —. The undersigned having bought out the business lately carrie+l o,a by �j, A. Ilenllett.
Pp, Bring caused him by involuntary desire to notify the Public that the
of the Scott Act is Peterboro seem voice and, if needs be, his hands At of the soar every• Y y Sill offer.' their EN'1]ItE STOCK ofimprisonment in his bunt' on the
to•:Seel'that tbey.scored a victory in' in defence;of the matchless' Empire steamer America. Owing to his one sase Poweil's sarsaparilla' )� y�1 �) ,
- the municipal elections. Mr. ,Ruth- of Etngland of which this glorious chest's, he stuck fast in his •bunk, And burdock, Lt clHanses and' e�riohee{ FG1 Y/ L (:f Yf"/ at flock L D�0� PYl CeV
° erford was regarded as a Scott Act young Dowinion of, ours forms so' and' was only rescued when the par• the. blood. Price 50 cts., sold byi.
teat and im portant ' a art. t}tion of his stateroom wit's sawed all druggi�ti .' 443.3m.
fod'"'the Mayoralty, but g 1 p The ,
he received only 307 out of 1,393 Empire of England ! Your Empire ! apart. "FOR THE NEXT '1'IITItPi' DAPS:
-and What au Em ire ! One is -A very sudden and unexpected �A ���
voteA. There were six Scott Act p 'CHARITY COMMITTEE NOTICE. v
candidates for the council and of Y death occurred on the couceas-
almost afraid to six what an
Empire it is. For the )alert ion of Hibbert on Tuesday evening 1`111113 Crt•AlUrY COalb ITME of the TownEm
these, only two were elected, and P 1' last, Mr. JohnAloore, an old and Jl_ Council will meet tocondderapplieationsfor Special.11C,iltion';;iven to Viroll rtakillr wild 1ipholsteringn
one had but three of a majority. description of it AOUndA IIkH spread CI arity on blonday of each woek from 0 to le
j y P highly! respected resident of the O'alocl a, the Clork's office in the Town liall un' �+ _
ea glel8tn. It is an Empire four . township, was sitting in his residence 'tiefurther notf,;o: Only the,renl,y needful need
This isnot -encouraging in a place' b A - �--'--J"^ --¢---
I where the.-ellicit li- u -or trade }las times greater than the world famous chatting to his family and friends '`pile''• A1't�iic,tt;olls will not be heard at other The �e.� iess and l'�S��eSS Jeweler
q r ttu,es. JOS, R'fll'CF.Ii1;AU�,
�. been so cloACly pressed •as in Poter- Empire of !tome. The, CTerman and had just indulged in a cup of 370 chnktnan,
f boyo'.` Empire of to-dav is a nighty Empire., milk, when he suddenly fell from
I - -
w his chair and expired in a few minu-
- - Yours is forty times £tin extent. it.!a�°i�IC w
tea. His daolIw'rr 'gas tq be w_arr- �
J -_- n GRIT or1N1oN. coni rises Within its lirtilts one.6fth -' -'--- -- ---� -
' _�.., --. -.P.___.•- �_____-_-.— - �--- ..let,�_O1J._�h.9.".f81a-wttl'�--i1]OCnIOg, an d A nips •Annual Meeting of the btc=Qllop blutunl p <,---""`•"'"'�"�-
Is it not about; time we had all. of the whole habitable globe. The number of friends from a distance l• Fira Insurance Cit, will .Lt held in the Town -
sails, of our innumerable fleets were at the family residence and "Hall Seaford' on Friday Jam+nry 20th 1898 at \ HAS biADE-
OtheC Minister Of LdUC, t1011 inear- Y Y 1 .,,he hour of 12 u'ehx,lt none. Members are ro-
whiten ever sea and on ever sea the deceased seanled 'to be in unusual spcetttnly requested to atte»d.
Berated in an asylum somewhere? Y 1 Y �1
(The late 141inistei of Education yours is the -proudest flag that floats good spirits all .evening, and made W. T.- SnasNON See. Tress._ -
( no complaints of 'illness. IIs lied %ruos. E. HAYN, 11 f' tent. ,
er at a masthead. Just think of thin =e={===° ° or Big Reduction itin the Price of Watches
Hon.. Adam Crooks Karina unfor, however been troubled with hear] — p Dec. 28th 1887. A77.3t.
f tunately died in one.)` �4re believe world- of ours and see what a disease for some time. Ile was -
`f is the greatest good to the greatest "Rhaping formiri ower our Empire Y g a 7�nf l Fort nd 52,. -For sale, .the north half
g P y P about 70 ears of age. 1` of lots C,l and :rs, In the lit Uo+ cession of the
r ? has been upon the face of it. Think Township of Turnberrt•, contaihing 100 acres: \
t'I number of people; and would it not P --Archbishop` Knox Primate of over 7o clearol, moa *frame bouse, barn amt 1
be better for one man to be shut up of the ahocks of battle it has with. the Church of lrt�landn has Written stable- situated a nines from Wroxeter and 3
K stood. - Think of the glorious deeds Professor Galbraith, stating that his miles from Blue+a=e. Will he Sohl cheap and on
r in an asylum than to Karo thou
of arms ,it has achieved. Think membership of the finance committe car; 'ecus. assts to M. Mcrnt onRT,Cunton.
« sands driven sters for
the "clamor lOs•tr ��.9� WATCHES,
of their youngsters for new school Of the ]ion deeds it has done in the of the church, a representafive body - ---• -
books at the be inning df over cause of liberty and justice. 'Chink wningland as church trustees;_ is. :'� QTRAY STUCK ADVER-
g a Y not compatible with his membership Y � T1Sl;JIRNTS inserted in Tux 4
now term, in consequence of the of all its triumphs in science, and of the National League, which ` "' Nr.,vs npcnan fit tow rata.. The law--
` literature and art and then tel 'me makes it compulsory to advertise Stray stock. �vT 7
frequent Blvd everlasting changes + in tenants to resist the If yon want any kind of advertising, }on cumot " �
`-_ is not the reservation of this Empire the legitimate claims of landlords. de bettor than call on "The Newa ilecord,"
= being roads• Will somebody please P P• g• "
authorize the man to besllllt .up of yours something worth planning The Primate refers to the vAluable PROPERTY 1'UFt SALE OR —0 -
who is triflingwith out• nerves and for,something worth lighting for,and, services rendered to the chuch by �.- a RENT, --Advertisers will and " The I cannot lot the occasieu, tars without returning n sincere thankv'to the Public tot• "
if needs bedyingfor? Certain it Prof. Galbraith in its hour of need. � Na,os =te:,ord^ one of Uhf best mrdiunis 1 ' �'
our tempers by authorizing half a g Prof. Galbraith, replying, says he In the COlu,ty pt unto,, ndrarttse to their ves_y liberal patronage and'trust that by nurritiittim,, attention to the wants and
dozen new text books every quay- is that men never died in a holier joined the League for conscience "The Ncws•ltceortl"••'rhe Uqu1;Ie Ctratlation relluirelnents of my customefs that I shall altcaya merit tho continuance of their
souse, Talks to Thousands. Ilittes'its low as any. favors. I will now continue jo clear the balance of m larr•R aril weii assorted stock at
.? ter, just for the fun of the thing to sake to protest against the action 'of Y b
himself and for the ratification of -- the Govdlliment in ];eland. He is
g ° CTg%i1R]tlNr: BUSINESS UNDElt• ((meq mos g� /cam �*a
some fellow who wants to let the —The Scottish crofters object to unable to gee why his connection B signed wishes Lo intimate to the people of hI � � �� �� ��� e �d� I p = �gs1
with the Len uo should unfit him !:unto» runt snrrounding'e6fidtry, that in ordor ! N `II VV 6 ® lli. 111 Ci @ ■ `1� 9 a
public know that he wrote a boot'. the proposed emigration scheme g tosuitabl} meet the demands of his Tory; unmet•
while cod lands in Scotland" remain- for service on the finance committee Ons,'ustomer.+, he has aunt lit eat tiro business • If oil want a BAR(;AIN now ili our chafiec to conic and inal:c your Selection.
-lIitchell Recorder. g r )' J'
uuoeeupied, of the church. Ile will retire if his of Mr, It. Fitzshnons, Will Will ,furry on the snnle,
with thU uhoicuet meat,! in soasnn. Every ofl'ort G p
resignation is publicly requested, ,rill bo mode to meet tb Wants of all, and he '
IbIPR CTICnBLE —Two farmers living near Little but will do so with sorrow and vapor to tnerit:ntd ru,ci a fair Sparc of ;(lerpiiblic OF-FI-0-
� - � A,
G The American Committee •. oil Rock, Ark, named Balser and hill, regret. pariners' lnalip lnty. for large orders. _&
Foreign Affairs have appoint ed a ghterPwho were o about to be mard absixt- their son and red canyon year
rnligo arannalme in llooae ! nrwers' trndu a specialty. ALn):ItT J1AY.'- MurrayBloc% Albert Street.
' sub,committe,, consisting of Messrs. and stabbed each other with bowie y C I d Lewis u1,.�s MAlttac. - 11t.. r„tmpholl, Of London ,
Stone went east. During his absence has Opened ore's Making Itoons over the rdr'Next Door to DRY -GOODS IIALACE. - -
Ferry, Belmont (Dem.), of New knives in such a frightful manner Dry (]cod Rtorc of Ocn, F.'Pay ,% Co., with first• ”
y a family named Goen,. consisting Of class.1,wtitnnte. she is In a ^^ r✓r ac ^'ecz�ssat5 •7;X,r7rsa ,
York John E. Russell (1)emr) of that Baker died and Itill cannot re- pnaltion to turn oat a
+ a widow, two sons and a daughter, Worst cgiiil to an)• in the city, She respectfully — - — -- — - ---
Massachusettn, and Robert It. hill cover. took possession of his - t°nnch and asictol trial order' Rooln4 over GM E. PAY .r, I dr
(Rep.), of Illinois, to consider the -A St. Paul evening paper cabin✓ Oil Stone's return heinstitut- co'R,IIr--n"ods store, TO THE FARMERS!- ` FCR• SALE•
figures the loss of life in last week's ell legal proceedings to eject the Study your own Interest and o where �ji1t1F.AI'I;SCRInI?Roffcrsifor eale fnureligible
question of Commercial Union with g a P g J /� g 1 nulldiug lots fronting on Albert Street; also °
Canada. blizzard at 235. It is reported from artier. His title to the property 0 -A_��_ you can get two fronttn
P P' F Y g on Rattm,bur)• Stiect; either er,
(,anadli. bIr. Russell said one-night Vermillion Dak. that over 30 - _ hlr,e o• In se
el , , per- was confirmed and last Wednesday, saga's lots, to salt purersigns, For
that While he Was heartilyi❑ favor y' Nov Is Nro time to get rmir F A Lr, be WINTER A farther par+icularsppply to the hndersign d. -F,.
sons were frozen to death in Lake when Sheriff Br.:idlove went t0 tnke e,vi iicu,vr and swrM f)YEp and PitF,S3FI) to Reliable Harness,
DiNSLNY, Clinton.' 882
' of the freest •commercial freedom ;county, and that the local autboritiee possession, the whole family of Goens, look nearly ns trond as Hoa•, hefore the rush be-
On t1f0 entire American continent, 1'e suppressing the news, gins, :,t Dnminim, Dye Gn:l "call 1119 AI<):R]' FOR RENT with U010ortnhlU re•
faced the oflieers with revolvers yy 1 mm�ufacture neno,hot the llps'r OF STOCK. 1� sldencC attached The oven is Hca'. Good
'*p, - • Isetnb11s711nent, Yictori', Rtroct. P,R.-- Don't Bra•m-n of shops that Bell otewp, a.+!hell har••r, yard And stable. Near the business contre of
t11U1(',!'''110 CICCntllgtallCf,Y 11C flld• IIOt —lit September last at Indiana, $f'e1d10VU snatched a 'revolver from forret that. th N i, thn nolv-ptaec in the town sol to Ulm ZX C,til find got rices. Orders L•liutnu Lela
Pa, the wife of +'x Sheriff Monte A[rs. Goan tuba was at the d,tnr. w'• .r�'t-,!r,ins is •t,•,n+.,a, rep:tlred and prc4ml 3 R p y situate n fete doors west of .the
SC�e 110W (iOtll 11101'CIAI n11101, waA f 870• , by mail prom sty attended to Connne;vial lintel. Thcrc is a good opening for '
n]er dropped to look swirly as rood as new.
possible. What with our tariff and Y Pl d deal] while attending She s sized a gun and shot hfrn in the Inv) A W. 1•nrNlAKr, Prnprietrin a steady man with sn,nll ii to go into the
to her house es In Nfovem• face. In the melee citizen iteid was ei0 �� T. C 3c R E' ?, lr,liingbusinuss, llontjow. Apt,ly at thisofne,
the Donlitiion tariff and the relations ------ -- or to A. nomwomi, 47. - it.
Canada occupied to Great Britain ber her husband Uropped dead on fatally wounded. A married neigh I=AIINFSS EMPORIUM, KILYT11, ONT. -- --- --- - - - -- - - -
t P the streets. A flow days ago Wm. bor of Mrs. Gcen was accidentally
1 he did not see how Commercial the
their son, fell dead shot in the neck by her brother, and
A` H
Union was practicable. Ilio had froin his chair wbilo waiting in a fell dead, Percy Gne°n 1vag shot School°Book�,noticed that when the banquet Was ,barber shop to'be shoved before go• throughthe head and arm, fatally. All taffies owing
held at Boston last Mont t which ing to the funeral of a cousin who Iiia sister and brother were dead %!S, �= ISOH ER ESTATE -FOR-
i, had died suddenly. when the officers retreated with --
Commeroial Union wasad5scussed no fru rPflnested tO St ttlo by the l,t of lfareh. All till, Books,regtured for
•; one could offer any plan by which -,January 19 about 9 o'clock their wounded, and 11ra. Goan 'still
Henry Markle, who livlas• in held the fort, declaring that she as the manngpr is gain;; away I'rnfn Culleglate, 111stltlltes .111(1 P1 1) HIDES, SHEUPSRINSI
that. could -be dond and he could see Welland sharpened his pocket knits, would not leave the place alive. `176%vu, Tbia notice will bo fihtd• A tic SeHloo)Is.
no proper way to accomplish it. and when his wife passed into another TALLOW, &d. ,
P - --- CAi L SND GET BARGAINS IN School Supplies, Wall Maps,
room, ripped his abdomen in three ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING " CLOTIIIN(; AND TWE,81)8, pp = •� Highest market
YANKEB IGNORANCE. different places with the keen blade. I Lesson Tablets Etc. Etc. g price paid. Brio
Two 8('11'119 at cost, Fits rare, t t them Along.
Canada is certainly further from Cwoof the cute were not of a very New TYPE NEW TVPL -
annexation today than she was serious nature, but the third was e- R N6 WORK ��•MS ate. W� COOPER A COUCH 68UTCHER
„ incision 287 inches long, which pens- vw v v
forty years ago. the way to bring trated the bowels; lacerating• them THE HURON NEWS -RECORD A, FISC)HER, Estate. A. '
about annexation, would be in fatally. CLINtON ONTARIO M. Fisoher, Manager. ' BEAVER BLOCK -BOOK STORE,. _ _ CLINTON, 366tf
n :%