HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-25, Page 4}- �' + I� .. .. . r F ; k N' „ • _ - r,y -.,. ,� ,. " , .:..' .:' n '.:i. iM : YwV YI , R .. . ,d r r T • - I„ w _ • - . 4 . ^t; - , �' * ...,,,-..:... • .,V, -Z -M=A ..C1.,r• At!tw'•Lt1-C'�.'P ...... .. , . - . _ . ., ...... ._ .. ...�.� - - ...G - " - r a.I..,w„_—....w..„,....,.,awe ..,�.,. «-,•..,... - ..-,_w.. _ s , ._ ,.. .. .. ..-.. - _ .,. . . ... . ..- _. --- - _ ... s "*'t . -aur...:.. s Wa M. r IV•� -.r;•t„„, c .:r#<x:�wr tea.. . • R : '11 -. , -:-.. '1<tt u1G:# tl>r, i1 R , �f OW'bttlioved on) !tp whirr one 'rtday tt report u£ art ol'iof tl invostt- rhAiat=tLIJS �'f1E RIGHT HQii'SF. ” "? , eo.;itproheuded, it iv,euld nut take gatiou into the cut>duct (tl` 1'oiics a __- t t 14 2 0 .r �_ _ I.itat Mr. W. Vro f c at-0ll'�� L Ug oy. 1,} i'r slato to ina.r� -114 Tio%i.ai=a:' i4TI �istrsitti Partii v of 81111cuo, `6 ' Y Gl4fipQ t, t . . �F: -, r Q .. I�Tgttot3-*' . A. $enitett, o qt 9 a + 3 Scutinuel all aldisri pan am a u . ,. ` it. �ira'knotV .rul.tu4le.C"t tl' Out vitt G YCI i ,ha gig. l..._ cp ...r).iy.. r VoOd' t. Sated• -John Scott._. o u ttauk. i rr< nl, Q. l to a ul.,gittrtte m:t,1u n tour of Canada Iv \ Un the ulet-Jack.sol, Titan. ; tvv feel gitito certain, that it' is h.,s Mort) Chau justi$ed the tsararinoa r . Natic$ A. I+isolter, lklanager. by the jwco of some uuforseon mail- of TIIIsIeiEws 1tEcottD,and 1'artridga,s and trio United States. He is a5 ...... g Sal Money to Loan -Ti. 1►T. Tracey. cousin or brother or Itev. Dr. Uro of , Carctof-of---A. A,. Bennett. tal.•'ltower that we are moving, our coutnhi-soiou hos been revoked and ,,, •Carpet Sweepers -R. U. Raoey. limbs, but tag, o:utnot truce rile Cun• b@ d+-4ttPsed. Godurich and cousin of J. Watson, . Stook Taking' Sale -J. Robertson, uoetiou. Iiee+use ivo do not goo the I the implameut urtker of Ayr, On-' (From the Globo.) 0,- -,--•----�-.- --"`` in xn lc�r to artcertao tltn facts of tario. tl<e fa a line traitor iu }iia ptl,ror aua ds, riot iin(lexstaitd how ..., I , " ' rhe ftron flews -Record ft isurk.s, it would bu tt.bsurd to the case kTr. Winchester, inspector .own country, bat dots out look I _� . of -legal ntfiueii, 'wall appointed a �ti'ith favor upvu filo scheme of free l - - dt.GQAi°ort-a1.2b inAdruuw. den) that it exists. eotumiA }Quer to {uvr tigat,e iuLO the fradu 'licltte a U,,u',tl,t ,full Lhr I CTIONS IN '. .. - = -- --- As to zt here ifter, what a glorious whole matter, ' Titq. ,evidence was . 0 " Wednesday. Jtattlitry 25, 0488 thing it is to believe in it. What taken at Barrie soasa thue ago in': U'uitvd Statoil as propuntldod iu -D. . �-..,conspltstion to-.tlho dloilest poor man the prlsenen of all thrtprties cJirsct- Cutuwuruiul Utiiuu. He holds this CU1V'EIVABLE IF NOT CU!l� is a futurity with its twwdrds, and ly int@restc(l. ° 'rti�l;ts who preferred I schumi+ tn4ane lipulitic•I! union- \ M ,_ FRE'f111NStBL1';. what a chock flea possibility of such file charges curl the magistrate .veto c+stt fluty ihu Sep=trntiun of !.l lna,ln ' represented by their redpeotivecouu-' frow Groat liritai-n." r ^^'^�, I a plane, with its punishments, is to g,.l. A' col,aiderable au)ouut of ovi� +„uitUuiz►u.nstl►p$o - A tramp lecturer ,put in an ap- I[uiaan Obsorvuul„ the rapacious tyrant. But there is Hence was taken nod a report by the111 I . pearaneo in the town hall on two who cotiversnd with Vitra while iu ” ,� .no use becoming diffuse on this 9oasuusaloner was made.. The grin - .evenings of Inst week to tell tide point, nor indeed fuss thorn ou the cipal complaint waR that MY. Part. this s,:otiuu ui'Gunada can testify'tu, ' ° ' • good people of Clinton what he ridge acted mora as. a `flrosecuter Anti he has trriteu ;t letter tubicle is "' -o-! existence of n God. By a coucunsus didn't know about somethiun, he than fn p judicial capacity in the printed in the Ayr Recorder where • r " of opinion from the earliest hoes to hearing of Scott Act cases and that • - didn't belittve in. ti� a are told that a ill }le places rho Lull,lo s and hope- the present limo a vast majority of he employed a, man named Rath- 4,_=._AM _._ __.--•- _ -..-__- .._.a oatisidnruble. uu.m.bet .of..-p.e1'sous; itII_peoptr~s"'lit�ve -believed iu a God bourne for the purpose of inducing leaii" Jarrrlars oil the utheit side. of , ; ,w;.:, were pl-eAetlf. 1lrhiat tllery could hotel-kee era to violate the Act the title Trout C,ivada. He says : • , ud in a future state. As 'Christ- P ' Itiarn from a speaker wits ignores is 1N ORDER TOt9EOURE CONVICTIONS We diel act Give the Americans R 0 Lf u - • 1. nA R'@ -believe our formulated ileus ' credit for the magnificent buildings• ,. a God and a hereaftor one. can and that'he paid Rathbpurne certain upon these matt s• --are the most which they posse.;s, both public and ' itnaniue would not burdern their sums for his services in that respect. private, nor for the amount of bust- p^� • o correct. llenu Alford happily re- It appears •frons the evidence taken Hess they are loin nor for the il,�`���a,S�i �iC?°� �.J��,U17. fill. memories .very seriously to carry fors to reco'ruitiou after death irl tiro g' t ' lI el that several meetings tooit place "bo parent wealth ruble! they have, and 9 ''�'. away with thorn. • following words tween Ratlibourne and the ma -13 the profuse, or I migb� say prodigal, • t 'There must be a cause fur every- With r.spoct to the su,ljoet it•ltieh• trate, but as the first three or four wily !n which they spend it. That is - in their cities. I must say that I K thing, but it is puzzling tu. Find u t'uruisj,u+l ns mattl,r for two or tlrco oro• meetings were between llathbournu was much impressed with those' The Globe lilts at last become con- not exist. iiZnsonry fuss founded versations-the pr+,bability of mpeMu,•' „ltd the magistrate alone ilia unto' facts b, vincod that its ma orit of one is a to make moo batter and the Lorrl cause for it hulnan, sentient b'uin„ and recognising uiopds is heaven-� , tri I fuss equally struck with J Y , denying the origival� Causo-The thought aguotYilval, and suaruhet, Scrip• roburrited evidence of Rathbourne the apparent poverty or perhaps it my"ti. �V© find it ratnarl`ing Hist knows they need it." • 4 Great Aliu•d-God. Soule Aay that iv, 13.18, sad pearsllio to ale•'alr oust devisi,u, uotttmiss otter 1Led sufficient to establish an the lof inticlas. t be tleot lthe first ideae farm of thus Friday: ' It is -naso trap that the party • ,= , no uuu has over ser:n God that in Tcuuvsott, ,says : Y frorrl the miserable a earanca of has boon badly bouton on that is- Purcell, of .Glengarry, the Frit the, complaints. At a subsequent PP , , Al. P. tubo last Roasion represented Consequence the whole of the many To seereb the secret lr beyond oor lure, Ineetinp, however, Mr. Partridge) the farm lieu 8 0.1ang •'the line Qf 'gue•(l rotection) in three consecutive p' " - Uel m'111 +suet rust tilr_Gu+f deli, rural+h morn t routltry through which I passed,. ac• roihoral Ol@CtIUnA," , 1 t t systems based a tun the cxisteuco .,, paid, as a loan, le alleges;. --Vo to g X36 000 of purchased votes ill I ar 1 tit,, thinly it there has b,+c11 ons, hr, ,e con) nodation almost equalled by tt►e I1.' 1 Rathbourne for- the performance of crofter' class in some districts of ••---- - -------•-- liament, but whu his ))Lou unseated . of ;1 supreme being are based - iipon` whieh has burue the. hearf l of Christirws - o o , 1': uh aluru Chau another ill triad, and sr mea- of service in connection with Scott Scotland. or course I was not far Au Indian arre0ed at Fort Me- anti din uali$'1?d is nosy disowned ' •,t sumof bine which dues not exist. tiuua itis this. .It has sa ell np os lhto❑ Act detective . work, ilathltourue enough west to see the a ricultural q ' ' conte, of the stat 'a but I ook ever Leud-a few +lily, age tv t s thought lC by his quondam friends, 'They say The hitfunu bolus who floes, not t+ac of the loveliest !u the .lteel:vred p: os- at this time warn in auuthtr district y be Doorfoot but ho turned out. to he once was a Tor see God every dav, every hour of eel°to�C11tile r llu,s ;'Itn oa is the i lols.ou lin of the country, acting -as a whiskey means that came in way of in. , y,, tvhi.ah-•tilt. ' .' . , .y JiiA true nr* ntosneuts must bo toss will excuse dile iia on will thank me, detective. This iuutlEy had out quirtna into the- cotrr}ition of the bet diad J)ried Ment, suliposed Eo hold will account for his recent i„ o , 1 y, y Ame -!can farmer, and tie informs" be an onhissary of Sla him -on the .•know, for transcribing an emllvisite pass• been paid to the magistrate at the tion was friar farn,in P' wickedness -rather hard un ,Sir o: ussud of n very low sends of iutall'i' a,e Irnm Cireru's truntise on OI+I A re.' It time of the enquiry. Another meet- f; was rho poor- back DI. C. Caworon flus rtot lost rn+aro-lower than an ivo err ac is as follows: '0 glorious da when I 9 Y est business in the states, as though " Richard—by the guy. Satan was ' o Y I n } ing took- place after this at the they. had•no rent to pay, a -.large about the time of the Inst elections. once an angel of light. l;y parity .quainted with. Tito unerring eel-- ' 1;,'t1,y of Spirifst au diville ei1oii shalll?d �n,rt magistrate's house. Partridge ad, proportion of them were heavily -_ '' ' milted that he aid 10 .to Rath- mortgaged, and with the. low price A„ '� of resisottin" the evil doings of the. taiuty of returning night and day out of this bustle, rids sink of corruption; P fEha et for their reduce and the Proposition has boon 'made to r for I shall ,•o tint only to thwo grout men bourne oil this occasion ,which he y g p Evil One can be accounted for by ;, is proof th•tl there, is a Cause for till 1 �f > > high rate the have to a for what spend" one million dollars on the of whose I have befures ,,,kcu, but. to my gays, was for the purpose -of assist- b Y pay his cu ' hnviug been•iu Better corn- �, tkis. No on'e' short of till idiot dear Cato rills souk, t.�,an whom there they have to buy, they have dilit- canals in •tha �Statc of Neiv fork, t;'.. . nevor was a tetter mscif, or ono more ex• ing the inau to got out of the court` culty in making ends meet. 11'hat , -pany. The rathee is ilia wickedness - would a•i that tho risill-Atud going Tho•ryrowth of trade in the direet- Y o -A o o uclleut iu filial affuetiou, who3e fauro•al try. In regard 'to rho payment of I saw in Canada led me to 1. very " of Purc@I1 .and Satan heiryhtened t .down of the sou with a re aster= rites were te,olortned b me when the this 10 MnPartrid a in Lis evi- different o inion of the condition of ion of the Canadian water and rtil that rho i � ' � n tit 1' 1" )' $ r g P rained certainly of its -..a-. earjnyY tit contrarytt•a,tnatural-uataely, thit mina our farmers. The scamps to be h y.a need abainst'knowl.edoo • tw Y... pP a deuce said 'that he tied expected 3' Y ways, is beginnin to alarm our should be'porl'ornted by Idol. ills soul when }ie ,aid the uloihe that Rnth• comfortably housed, and in every a born of their oarlier'good toaohings. a carl•aiu hour and u,inu,u and nutdesirlo� mu, but lonkia,yht+c1, oil me, 1 Y Ame.tican cousins. and pssoe'iatfons. has du,artwl into those re loos where he buurne,wouhl spool it at the very way prosperous. 1Veeltl, seemed to lr"'� • ReCOtlt'd, ucmua about by chance. If t to me to he more equally distributed '" saw that I nryscll' must come ; ked I seem first totel hr, cause to. Ho had beel in Canada among the entire people ' The Woodstock Thnted has found �,, !t dons, Chance is but mother titjasu@ robust linniy ,ay affliction„ not Iutausc' Pullen ring.to avoid• ltat1,bourne'. than ltJs with us'or with the Amer!- out that a Doadtuan tuns a, dru The legislative committee of the . fuc Crud. A roan b ui other •I diet it ;riovo'li,+ it, but Y unzl•1"'te`! g' State of Delaware have been exam-' 3 : J Th►a the commsssioner ,considerer} cons. Not many very rich men, but ia;;,_ ° . my,csll; thialcing that the separation aa,l + ttlhatiR betters general nos eroua store fu Brussels. In til@ inane@ace ', thttlne ntigb not convoy rho' saino' parting hettvoeu its would not be for lou" inconsistent with the magist'ratc: s g Y prosperous, .Hing the accounts of their adueation r telightfu - sonsnt}nus ,t first, ul5det tIuration." The passane .rroo, Cicero rs plea that, the money had been given well-to-do community. the Amari- 'of its besot the Timm is surprised. • cx,itsidered one tit' the `flnest, ,if out the as uburit . .cans appear to to be draining the department and they found that the ' - it sh-alltfn)lame. ;But bring us into fill4'St prsangu in oil till, Ieatheit'auth; I.. Y• wealth or the county into the cities. Such a circumstance would not r: I ., - Y tr people heti been swindled out of cUnl,tet t} ith}t� fra'prs,ucn soli It r+urtainly is very fine ; lint now, �ht,, Another tiseetiag of the parties took _ _ ___ surprise' Grits. t'. hon elections' X10,000 in rho `mtittor- of school yoo have udmued it enougle, turn to ? place in the store of a Mr. Gras , at 1AIDITORIAL NOTE& -i are on they bt'lnb OIIt ACUres of dLad books dein ' A though it ,veru called. ,t thistle, we 'rias, iv. ti -8, and cumparu the two, which Mr. Partridge, •Rathhorne o the last four years,, IiL ase:l ha F11 :indrn,! wh9 Ids , it a tt Its' m>�1,t0 VOte. a'r�t11d rPtzomsl it.'aa ,t rose we g and another man named Sutherlend - Hero is n pointer for tile Ontario . ' such a ei rtaiuty of hope ! The Globe says that thtr somber <, helot+• it re a.ro+c. People finny toll. were present. At that meeting MeI. r The Hamilton S, Le islaLure ii�hich Insets at Toronto And certain it is that the Chris- Par a ave SuthPrlaud elect for Queen s 1V. B„ Mr. Baird, 1 ceteris evidently. g uA lli:+t the' thole 'universe and lain code, of .f,tit.h has been more g g So' '� believes filet thtg Globes hits a soul next week. If can easily be shown . which dude. PertridV claims to have is heartily despisttd in (Grit)49 ' ' isl.tue•tery systaitls aro run by Chance. Ili of y• " and that it shall jive fl,rnln. 1h@ that the Education Department of j soul divas and happy been a matter of charity. It :saewa, moutary circles at Ottawa. We a 1'hc lterm'wuuld ho its atgl:tv:u+l as tjaahs flim ,toy .other. Unselfish- however, "that Mr. Partridge,took presume lie is similarly honored by ,811e',-. "When the Hamilton branch Ontaricr has swindled the ,peopib of .t callin" a ruse it thistlo, but when ❑ass ,dud beuedolont attempts to re Sutherland's address with the view, the 'Globe, Th:tt journal could of Lite Iris 11 Natioual I,eag,le $1,1111 Ontario .orjt of x,100,000.- at least, ' . _. ,- tors learn thatChanco is 'e „ liod , to it is presntuud nf•-cozuurunicating have declared a bo durin. ,tho last foul- oars with, tlhu. 1 1 -lieu@ hunn'an suffering are marled only score n ono of a ma'orit in ya+aft upon file years, fire tvurl;A of ruuu: infinite ,o+von " with )tint. There were, also, two 3 P ,y 1 prospect of the game.boinn ro to aced ' i , cli:u;nctoristics of Christianity. And case. in which . ' the whole Dominivnl� ':duel l,ielrtl' Globe, and' tvhoth that journal sh:tdl; .P' 1 0 " 1 ,, „ . ivo iecognir°e that power its God, neat W adoring and wo•rshi star tallies three ones,- 11 -in one cbusoqueutly, die, it shall be sorry the next four years, forthe b'enefitof t!-0 knuit) il'iii God thouyrli it may be Pl o TirE,'biAGISTRA'I.1s ISSUED WARRANTS that it told .the .truth about Blunt the chif proprietors of the Globe? and �,-__-,__-� _ " J the +Liolit-.Croator, mans human}t� fgrthe arr,rst f_tl,Q_rkQfdnd.auts -its_ county alone. _., ,--.-___-,-_ _.-,.-_,...__ --_ n talked of Ly. an unusual came. :_ -_4_ _ _.. _.-_.-- a_ ,O,I t ll .,- �._. ._\__.___. rat partisan frientl� „¢ to area ►s the greatest vu'tus. Of the first instance,, of takina Some ,will toll Its drat this "we .course there aro those who make -a the'usual course and issuing sum- A couple of weeks ago this jour --�-. - -- - '.•-•' ' know". is nu rout' that there'iA n inonses, It did noC appear that nal'republishod associated press dis-' The ChrWlan Guardian and Our estnumod contemporary, .the P shlbbolr til of Ghristianit but,whose Gud. l,'ut ]y@ do not rest gatislied y' there was any danger of these de- ,patehos containing the views of other Grit journals site ; alarmed Mitcholl Recorder stated a triusrn . ambition earl Rolfiahnossarein startl- fondants leaving the country, as widen it rot to ):on its hind lens last with our own knowled e and con- g Y, Souutor 1lacduu,ld, of Toronto, and .about Sir John lllt►cdenald attend- g 1 0 a dna contrast to the Christian creed. they were men of some means, and woeIc and remarked : "The reador ' viction that there is ,t. God, a Scotia, expressed at the recent Boston inp lite Hunter -Crossly revival But theso are rather the exceptions' liad'some,stak.e in the country, meetinna note bene+ held in Otta- of the 'Tory uelvapapors in the coup- S,ttprne Caueo stud„ Controller. t},,lu ill,, rule. :after hearing all t}"ie evidence errs those' of Hou: Mr. Longloy,of Nova . o " t of Huron meat be a Every nutn in his finite c;lpacit3 _. . .- giving the matter 'careful consider- Merchant's Banquet in that city. We wit. They' inuy feel oast' about the Y particularly . should be ,able to eonvinci; himiloif ation the commissioner fiound ointod out the cubtnistbetween the old man, lie won't do them any well informed community.' Irnr, .,, that, tho urdur which rte Must per- I RUCURh12, PI�O,Sk+QUTOR against Mr. Partridge. The evi- P harm, • It is onl such urists us H. 'Er°• our eoutemZ dry does TIfE !, A11 D JUDGIK e b patriotic sentiments of the former Y P arivn )r:evades all nitare most he o donee shows that whatever Mr. H. Cook and Pu'rcoll that would at- 'NEws-RECOltll' particularly proud _ 1 and the traitorous ones of rho latter. - brought about by Soiunthiug - It will be remembered that 'Tim Partridges tuotiyes may have been, tui,l tt to cornu at peoplest a revival when ill, probably unwittingly, , • (mod. Speali;`dugon the subjectofrociprocity l I his conduct in the trial of Scott Act Order and arrau,renseut its the result ��Ews•1 ECOnn, provious .to the tip- Hon; lir, MacDonald slid ''tve meeting. couples the name of this journal oases was actuated b such a strop M with the enlightenment, of t}fo" eo of some definite ollusa•may finitely jsuiutuiuut of a I'olicr+ itingistritta!'or desfre'to convict, a'ri1'to assume the should adopt no measure thattvoultl P bey eompan,d to the rmlucinb of tho thiR•' county, vigorously prutested part of a prosecutor, that his actions The colored orator Fred Douglass pie of Hu>on. We pined guilty, �, �r,1in tt the vicious be an entering wedge to enttexatiou. pie chins of printing uttico.into n 1, j riuciple of ap. were entirely opposed to•that lull- tells . of n conversation that .vas no matter from what motive the The'llon.,Mr.;Longly said that "na- t eoiutil" s,lill 'n+ler,' at the sn est cial duty which should clsaracterase ovdrheard.in a crowd -between two charge was made. And for tine cu- iegih,r; tvpe rut•nt. If a lot of type . 1 a 1 a( gg ture never intended that • xern inrlisc+iminitely mixocl on the .6iuu of this 5uutt Act Association of a magistrate in performing his Irishmen after he had mado asphoch lightennieut of rho Rccorder we may • ----- oi}rcial functions. It appears that should trade with Ontario"and Pp' fn Ohio. - . state our labors.are not confined to . uffl4@ hoot, it wonl,l remain so till lhr. county, tubo ]tad nssumod the the commisaiotter did not accept the addled, "rho American (Canadian) ..,....', . . the crack 'of doom were its pr•opei- rule of prosocul,ors iu cases likely to uncorroborated testinsony of the in- subjects of Quoon Victoria were as Said one Irishmen: `That tv1a the Tories. tiVe give etre •Ifef"ormer . I dirutribntiou rend nrr;ingmm�nt left tr) by Lrunnht lteforS'the 1?olden 111agis forthor RathbournP, but found s®ver• . a miohty.phoiuo speech for to bo and Grit readers information tlfat• • American as tfle Americas thtniiS- chance. ]',lit int. intelligmit hums,❑ trate. Wo were 'not animated b at of the•eharges against the magis. • made by a nayger." is withheld from, thenlby their own Y salvos, . It regiiirod no departure'. „ hein-s tike hold Of the chtuli:; typo tiny rn:urlt(+r of ill feeling toward trate for haying ,un improper bias Ah, yes', it was quoito phoino ; party press. and zesil in securing convictions, to from the lawsof inductive reasoning but ho is only half a naygor." L. and by till) dirnetivo puny of tilt+. the prr-sr-ut iucnnibent or tiny one be clearly established by other testi, fcir�TIIL NEws-RECORD to write down We are glad to notice that hotel -.,._ __ '<<Valt, if 1,r;'1Ftr Irny�r' ca? rt1,r}t� _-.. -"It- mind it iR 1ty.+tam.ltiui!ly ;urvrn; l likr'jy to bm appointed, but we hold molly. '.Che finding of the commis- I UI]. Mr.'Macdonald a patriot t1ui1 such ag as teen throughout .the rrovinco art; t siouer'ivas so conclusive that the speech, and phawt the d.vil and ur,i t'to pru,luun rox1al,le print. hart nvitn Lha app@nronce of evil or Hon, Ale.Longlyatraitor. We found vigurouly disavowing any couuec- ori nmtter. \1Tero tvr to slu,tt till+ i?,:rtiallly 'Ali-ould be avoicde in the Governent found it to tie a proper hind of a speoch would a whole 1.r . case .for revoking the magistra'te's the pxtrnets nuioug the associated uayger make I" tion with or responsibility for fhb plillit•d ullit.ler to Anlae p,•oph( nu'l- 8illvotiun"of a mngiEitrale in whose commission. 11Ir. Partridge's corn. Press despatches in the daily papers. --_- - dostardly' outrages that, have front is l,,dlythom that it. was, by t1ty uusvt'ii lutnds the personal liberty of a cer- � - _.. ____ _ mission ns Scott AUt magistrate fol The dogherry of rho ilIitcholl Re Tho N. P. has beth getting in its time to time been perpetrated dir••:'iva p)%Vir u'• t!r'; ilsin'l Ili -it, trill class , of our fellow citizens Siutcoe ill, therefore," rovoked. It turdersays they aro 'slot correct- wort( at Woodstock during the past against officers of Otho law for an - h + uuu-A�+nhiellt typ'; wr,rll rtl:ule to wuald be placed. 'Cho, app,,iut- is untlnrstood that it is the intention tint be knows botter than th+i prom yoar. The Tirades of that place forcing the Scott Act: Scoundrels •lo vnnh m4rubo, Hud s 'steer Ilii; wort( mond tit' thn nominee of rho suss- of the Govornmeat to appoint sonic Y P' reporters who were present when learns (rout the Collector of CUs_ have nut faro to residences and other dill of Quit uwu „ mind i outside mafiivtrato temporarily, for the the thunyr! euturs tvuald unavoida'blygivecolor the words were uttered. Tito Re- , the purpotae of boating ',a"catt Act tome that no joss than, 198 sottlol-s property belonging to inspectors wt�ru convey :,l to, ninny, ;v•• wouhl Ql'11,irti ilit,y to a court so edilstitut- cases in the county of Simeon, unLit corder loan tshould out so plainly arrived thorn front rho. States and n7flgistrates !n 'rho 1,'opo of se think Lhnm vary nnr,':lsuiuthl„ vol, I nt1'' IC•a rl•joico.to be ;tole to state a nes• appointment its made. write himself' down a bilions has. during 1887, and the value of their curing plundor' or to gratify their 1. they to atv • "Cart yea .;hew nil Ili!, I th it o'er l'o-1+'.i with rvg,u•d -to partial 'If hn wrote- only of that which h � iffborii Icnssedness" and then roll ofiocte wall X1.;000. Their cation - mind or brain .isotvor that olfvet d e.,:i,lu -', of the pulioo 1Ia;ititrnte ` 'I'huR. fihrlw,sncrl;t•try' of the cum- ho know lit, would u,,6 burst tlio ality was given as follows:=Cana• upon t}he supposed }il will of hotel this?" .N'U. "Well, ,ji l you your. i'ur 1[lu.un hnvo tial burin fulfilled. nnreial a nn,litfi m party in this chases of his papor got.ting it into dians, 113 ; English 2.1; Scotoh, 8; men to those officers to throw sea . Aetf see the: tniutl ur hr•+iu sower, So far nA wa !(t,oty or ave coutlU'y, cuusiAlin0 of some foto j Americans and Germans, 23. The pieion in that direction and sceure• I h a his shoot nor would his tout )o�itora t that enabinA us.to read other ion's hoard thorct is reason to believe doVil pvoll'It; ill Canacl,t, writes the be �t•)verely taxed (lociphoringorigi- number of Canadians is siggifieaut lY screen thamsolves. There are .11 thoughts in colli inanimate top,; 4" .hitt 11't, - tilrillirluis .night be Globo• that " LlIn land is itldced filled nal copy: When he writes of what testimony that having tried both bad men among hotel keepers, but No. "W'oll, then, if you can'tshuw rpl; cnil ill n nicho beside Coil• with this .heresy and it is deeply ho does not know, a field lie delights countries, they prefer the land of tf*c them its ft"Class and troy will as the power, and ifyou never saw sites wifo and yot,not pall] the rooted, and the fm•mors of this to revel in, he necessarily, exhibits the maple leaf. compare favorably with any other it yonrnolf, wo wont believe it lu9trous r@pntiltion of that paragon country are Lht• gra:roet oflen(lers by himself in n character that'ovon his - -- - In'OrangetiiI% and elsewhere they �� V exists. We may not go so far as to of purity, far." In ono sonso the Canadian own sublimo otlorts (foes not im- "If women are not good enough have supphiinonted rowarde offered dany1t, but the will ignore it=say Iit difforont parts of the conntry, farinei-A will bu found the 'gravest prove -that of an ass. It is very to belong to the Masons," said a by the auth6rities for the appre• t the whole thing was brought about however, it hits occurred that Police offontic+rs in this matter. They will hard to improve npdn the Nandi- fair one. with pouting lips the hension of incendiaries, where the ''. by chance, you know." Iint though Magistrates have not, kept their gravely find a grave for the fad and tv rl( of mature. Tho Recorder man other day "will you please tall ug crimes were commi•ttod against those we may not comprehend 'God it is j P bury it so completely out of sight, if „ judicial skirts' ,is clear of person s@oms one of ilia Bourbon Species, why 4 My dear that is rho very known to be in favor of ouforeiug the tion and partiality they find it luiteriug about their Tak I y 0 quite in order to conceive froin, p tiality as has Dr. Wit- promises, that oven Gabriel's trum-, never forgots about -his ancestry and trouble. You aro too good. Tho Scott Act. The hotel keepers o£ fiuito reasonin tlnnt 'there is one. linins, Wo finEd in the Globe of last r _ , g t I peE will not lestlrroct it. t novor joarua anything oleo. necessity o'f your momborship does the town o£ Lindsay era the latest I a ,. 1. ,* . . . t t I v • F+ ! , w 5 I . . I . — .1 ­-­­ I " . 1. ­ I � -I I .�'. R' -__. _''. . 1. , , . .. - ­ - * , ..,.•a ....,..,-.r ,"d�� ,; (.,•-,.,w,.. ,.n, ir' YY.Y..JLh.N ...tj t' ..sw. .... ._. .. , . , �� i ,.. @ i n• ` ... .. ..atj,d...4 .. .i,YI ;, a:an...,: .r. ..... - ..,..,�¢:Ld� ..`S --!1,,. ... .....W: ..-, ,.r7r...>W a „, Y