The Huron News-Record, 1888-01-18, Page 64 „ ! f • ✓' ^ ' • I, �i r Y _ uV it,•• ,
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.ri /�: �) w ,/ tS ?f� seshaVe b�orf 3zee; Av,cp'Tv h1u:r)lstea --Abu. veru Glia. h
n The l i trQ lit wt �Pi Qtr[[ -�--..,- Curbed at night anti broken o! your rear - .
p tlJia tvot• given to _�bX' sit;>F FUi1d o?Lli'Ceitl.x .ttlad a]•iuK w:i31)
I . I .
a..: 41.OQ a XcaF_,t1,,.86 in Advance.
. - � - ,, - pain ir-ollittitig. l lh2 f so s(iud ttt Until your hair bacginps dry,tld]l,uitdIt
ei ! Ivnilt,ttl the truth art t►a'IN r
, $ y y, once and get A bottle it# "litre 11''t4.slow's gray before giving, the Attollhoo neutlt tl
010C1111- -
I nill"N., .f.tJtrg to lie quite a scOlitic Soothin. S ru ," fez Ohildren ^'tsElhiu to
11 We.dnesd iy. J.><i>!>frtlry Xt3, ISSS ,. >; Y l g': +praserto its }leanly and Vttuliry.
rel;»r,ki!I; the veracity of %Vllo.:e ,to
value is Incalculable. Ie will rel' ieve keep oils your te'Jnt-t:able A bottle of in returning tbi.nkc to my many frioutls Anil, patrons for rilat patronage, I-1vgu,l,a
._.____ .-_..._... - _- lots-of people., I ant trying -lies. the poorliitiestitferer immediately, De- Ayo><'s I3itir VII the only dreaafn„ like to their t$tpecialattention to my very complete,stottk'0f
" . '" Pious Talk. perately to keep oli . believing that pend upon it., mothert3; there is no nils- you teclulre fest• the hair--aud use a little, IIAPME,8',8 WHIPS' 1tr�RRY COM BRUSHES ETC. ETC
""� C:eor a Wttahin luD could n't lit tnite about it. It cores ovaentery and dally, to preserve rho natural color and t ' i } 1 . '
t "When a Irvin begins to talk giadtudl and tvitlt dreadful Diarrhoc,L, regulates the i�lomaeh and prevent halclness. Special A}tenti� i.B rltrer.-'ted to my stack 0f r
,• g 1 , Y 1
i c but y Bowels cures Whi l Colic•, suftens lbe
+ IOU6 Lalli I stirs 9 Set hull dOw'n rtve8 Thomas Mtiuday, Sharon Glove, Ky., Ips HAR'N,ES%-.,-),
� it
phypocrite,y ,,,•. . c.Grtaluity tile+ hroltrt 7H forcing itself Gums, reduces JnNamma loos and b' a o teau`,ou rile thus till• ntau w 1 tone anu Anel to the a hole+ B stem. writes : 8'r;vi,ral own h% a o illy hair •sa� .1
_ rt asn oe a cranit. Sq a i}d l l o inventtrd BY y t; '
that411 rr treetatur lied like a '"stirs riuslow's tiuilhtng �'yrup" for ,cn»tutenceil fla,Mg out, and Ill a few a
an itttelligont C.hrjstjan to 111Q the ; Y ren teething is picnenul to rho tuate tvattlt$ my hand was almost bald.. I It will be fouft3 very complete, ails Pot dutabslity-aad finish Cannel be ex0elied UT
other day, I replied : Russian diplomat or a preacher.and is the prwcripfion of one of the oldest tleA atany repuedtes, but they dial 'no AOY one. As F employ none but the best wor4upen, and use the best moterinl to bg
" bought in the market y p g y
`.`What do u. mean b ]i us tubo has a fad to bolster up. znd beat frmntc pbysicinnaau4i nurses 6n good. I fiuully bought a bottle o[ Ayer'B f5 ,all Who son favor satisfaction
with thou atFona a may foal Confided
-you, Y l (' the United States, And is for sale b all of getting aatisfactinn.
talk V It isn't. necessary to go away y . Hair Vigor, and, after ming only a hart __ n
' druggists throughout, the world. Price q
„ a o1 o flow honk to hod evidence of the of the contents, tuff bend was covered �PRTCES - A VV AY DO�1�1 •
T u)Onn talking ruli,g uu telliun 26e. Abuulo lie yore and ask for 11rs•
Due's ot, alienee, as inn how, Much .growing, prevalence of fact dis' Wtnslaw's Soothing Syron" and take no with a heavy growth of blit, I roeout-
P flaying Cortin Ri ht•_, here ' iu moral Other kind• 4401 Ittcnd ;guru In'c;rtr;,tinn a.; the best hair- Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices LQw.
ha lovas God, and A11.,6b11tt. sola,,, of g' g y ,,
thing." temperate law atildlllg, ?-a1)bitdI .60 ---_-- tritnl'rrintu„ t'„^.I." �
6i'+ keeping Toronto, theta alga hlelttl —111C Ilt�etlll'r tTf i'.11'll,'lll "It,h if{ l:: I;tll l'++'IL+ r,UiC+i alt!1 !lig),"; YfItB$ �� / A.
�"� A A ■AT i
1 thou you sympathize with that ° " •Vgl sM1 i/.� �l•Ml�i.v '
doctor of divinity of whom they toll of horrible oloample9. For instance: ])(.'I'll tl'el{uitely fixr!tl lar I ill!. ,3�, linti,(•i C. Hut'tt�, „f tlt_Jnvan tll: but .
after using ;t Witte of Ayer's Hair Vigor
f this story Allearnost, warm-hear Soule time ago one of our city it bovaino Llack a,»t glossy." —
", • ed revivalist visited him, And tried clergymen preached- a serulon in — CALTl'ION• 2 '�
Ayer s Hair Vigor .
to net him into eonanrsAtiou about which, whsle coudeuuupg drunken A source of much ill° health ie c'' �'r°w=""" '=�' �-s��`'�=� '-=`"� ""'� ~- ••'
.,�. ,..r�. P.
the great themes of the gospel. uesa, alts uelvisiup young nteit a+ neglected Constipation. The utulust Sold its llruggfsts and Perfumers. t l Cures Dtzzin8es; Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, L
The learned doctor listened and tote ground of prud,•uce not to ill ilk caution should be observed to ]ter•p __ -_-____-
the i owe's regular. The best re g"la• ® Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys,
tnotely t)odded n .polite assent. At itt all, he pointed out tlJRt the }3ible 3 e Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum; Scrofula,
o for of the bowels to promote their Pimples and- Blotches � I•'
l longth the evil a l ljst, irritated by n does not condemn the moderate itr.d natural action is Burdock Blood p ' Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, t
tl'9at.111U11t S011neX 3UOtOd gala "Do teull,0r'Ate use of liquor. So disiiguriug to the face, k)rehead, and
I Bitters. Try it if troubled with con- �• a . Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the BquffIs.
_ -. _:_ • • , t.ecL-, may be entirely remotest by the ,:-
you really think, Dr: A., tbat ,you lhts'was it j,lain $tatemeut of a Btipation. 479 `rt. _
have Any roligiou f" ``None to fact which e.eryoue who r,'ad, the _—_—__ use of AyersSarsaparllla,t.liebestand x- ,• � . -••••- w.vv4 :•....:•.:.
, „ , safest Alterative and Blood-Purifier ester "
, - speak of, was the fart soil some, Bible inta, knows, out what --t euros I'hQnlpsuu has buull discovered, - . -_
' what Ambiguous reply. Ile meant• huh been Lha eli•"ct of the ,tatinK appointed taX culleclur at tiingstull Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. G -
i, of eonrse, thRCho'regariloll hiB ro- of Lhltt Taut ou a large aeatiotoI' the tit a salary of X1,000 poly by urn, glntn; ,t; slz guinea tori. ®�® �O����. - - 11
tigiotta thouglite told oxjtorieucas ;ts all» ;y u,,d uu self styled lt•mpertuu:e - -- -- ���..�/// ���i///
- too sacred to talk aliultt. That is „o,Ie 1 1VoR3t, often c:wse serious illness. � _ _ _ -_ - _
our idea isn't it?"' I The cure is Dr. Low's Wortn Stu 1 o
Y 1Vhy they hater IeraiatelitlY an,i y' I
C' "] ac+ thin is it. I tvoitld as soon y l ' It destroys and expels worms 10.' -
savagely deuouneed hila awl have etlectually, 'p-sREAD �� PRICE ��
f e think of taking the communion ser - A w�•, . t,
lied about hi„, dlHturti»0 nil 1 ,�4 ,� And con.mlt your otvn interest by purchasing in rho Clrt'apest YIar1:u.
vita from the churell and using it n,isquotiurg what he. said, Read .-Du»ctin McArthur Iudelen- r ” r� �"�`��"`
, on lug dinner tablo f1s to be ,rating , l l i l� r � r,f�� ` '- \ l 14 Ills. Su +ar................#I •()3 BestFngli$11 PickleH,•por bottle.$0 2t;
;r:; y I o the utterancaa cif Dr. 5taiford, torr ( lent, tt ns returned for Assi-unboia h' i ` 1G 11tH. Bright Yellow Sugar...... 1 (?(l Worcester Sauce, per bottle..,;, J5
* all the time, ns soma I'olksnre, about Sulu hlakr, or Ur, Yotts I i. r �� I>
my levo to Gott, and my intortst in ' ' �. W. . 1. last week. �' `.` 17.1LH. Pure Raw Su tlr.......... 1 00 ore Cocoanut )er ]b............. (37
� 1
t Grip, of the teutneruuu.• paper, - ,,- , -- i �•e i
- v l,H. ' juice I •'on'lon... 1 00 8 BiirS;Judd's Soap.':....... 15
1 Cl I s
Christ and flis,cause. nut] urator,�aud you will find each PIZESENC'r OI'' MIND. 9 '1 R y
Tito Y.enatug ` S lbs. Splewl»1 .E3'ysou Tea....., 1 00 14 Fars RleOtric Suap................ `�f,
•_ "And yet you do love God, and and all of Lhem ,•.tying Him t\.lr. Presence of mind is good in case , , { l;F " s thy. Extra Ilyson Tea......... 1 00 ! Befit c3.lh. Bar Soap ................ ~::o
+,,• r you are interostod in Christ and Macduunell advocated . Inodurat,o of accidents ati4] emergencies and �T� o ile) 611jiljo, 110aa,' ;H) u HA. Choice Cung'on Tea....... 1 00 '4 Cakes Toilet Soap................ _c
- :, Nis cause. drinking. Soule of the inure re, k• when coupled w itlt llayyut•d's Yellow ,. l,r Coulon, opposite �'t 4 Ihs. Choice Japan Tea......... 1 00 ! 8 Ills. New Currants...............: 25,
�;TM' "Of course I nm Don't I show 1'eai soil COIrBCIeI+C1 lr , rye . go so oil will often $live life. Yello.v Oil the Post otnee. y't li,a. }3eHt(T ugt.)I3reakfa$t Tea 1 00 I 4 lbs. 1\E.w Raisins ................ r
„ cures all paint'ul injuries burns >1 ,r lbs. Fine Java Coffee.......... 1 OJ lbs. Sultana Rai.ins............ . 2v
' 4' it by lily activity as•a Christian ? far as to try to make, it appear that, t + , i'; 10 Per cent. olf fur Cash. . I, g His. Fine Rio Coffee............ 1 0'J 8 His. New Figs ........:............. 40
'K But ort 1(uow out' Savlotll' 9Alu scalds bruises frost bites, rheumatic g
he defended dru»he.,n, ss. Nuw not , , , :,T ,--•,•,; �� •w._ 6 ti lh -. Rice .......................... 2,1 i ti dozen Clothes fins,.............. 20
t " y' d : and neuralgic pins and is in fact
. . Out of the abundmice,•tif thel-leant one of these is sostupidRct-.w believe a handy band rel'iab'le-• xurgiditl , j, R'1: Flsc �Eq, l" :3 itis: S o ......::.........I........ 3:i i Sardines, per ca»,12 c to......... 25
! the mouth spoaltetlt." 1V•hnt we ha is telling lila truth, soil yet } std• i,g_2t Jt iw,urand Cutt 4 lbs. Starch................ 5 •Calf's Feet Jelly; per bpttle.... GO
......... L
t, lore we nre -very apt to taut about. lilak' no doubt they one and all - --- � F- w:_""= >�= R .. Canned Salmon, Canned Finnan IIaddie Cannot] Mackerel, I;unch Tongue,
411'e, ' 'Our Conversation is the outflow of think they are doing Gud a service -Tight woddings In n fortnight `�� ��' _tk_"� '
ISA. 6 Y,t.tncicss Pigs Feet; also, Canned Tomator!s, Plums, Pi»q Apple, Raspberries.
tF our thoughts and foo'Iirto : Talking by fabricating as they do. is t11u re of �'irde 1, .Mau. . _. - `- ` --" " -' ' - at bottom prices. fipecinl iix?ucements to Cush Cu�tori,urs m T.ea, Diaper
fk_... , . is so important in God's sight that For my part tlitugh I look on �1 _ and Toilet Sets.., Call .and inspect, ourstoGlt nils be conviucori, Dug and all,_ _
Jesua,snid : "By til words shalt. Av'er's (lair Vigor Improves the`�,�'� 1 0�%�%� for patterns rare and best of ware, you must cove to CHINA HALL.
' 1 Y drunkenness'as one of talo' host disc beauty of the ,haigir and promotes its
t•., tlloil bt, juatitied, and by Ltly words raceful and detestable of of%used N,_ -jam O�T'j'� n.
thou shalt be condemned•„ in ' growth. It prevents the accumula- •AiiiN�D- :L .LV -•x'
f , I would ut;vt r think (if, iusrlltiit,� the Lien of dandruff, cleanses the scalp, ���9 ��� ,�RO��RTY OHINA M31%.Lr. C�2NTON.
r „ de<graded i� ,
4; llu I say anything that is a ruun most besotted and b and re$ture's.a natural color to gra
try by :uatttntina aAl.Ed huntiul- haft. IIava you receive,) dyer's _, _ _ _ __ a
�t 1 Are ply tVul'ds irreverent or pro-- specituan of whiskey-so ®R SA< E - �T_. ___ __._.-__
I'll EW u
fano .• comparison Almanac for the new year?
"I do'not know that they aro and between I(uu and a liar, -especially --- --- i
:. I do not believe that theyare." But, with R clt!rtcal or n,metinionioue one. -1'he first hni.,n, heated .l,y. 1, Estate of thelate.lossenlleaaoffer for sale �� Ir
'` God requires more than refraining Yet tateso Illeu Ito not evt•jl at!oIll to ste-Ill in Can,ttla left. BOnavOutil1:0 the following valuable property, namely: ..
0 0
.I . nL'uilding Lott numbers 420 nils 421, in the '
U0111 evil. lie wants us to use All realize that the are solo a station, A'}outrant, for Ottawit olio .tut,.,, of ao,,e,,lei,, tluartc.rofall acre each, fairly - �.
; 11
.' Out powers for the pipmotion. of Itis mean alld execruble thilLg when tthey day.,JRst week. fenced and very desirable for building purposes. The llll,lel'91�lled }IaA,jll$t OpCACd a new Drag'atore, w JACKSON'ti
as , Ilnit arra Lut4rotetiug ui11 Road, Township of __ NEW BLOCK, on HURON STI{la;'1, two tlnuts west,ey City
dory, Convorsation is a awmis of dellberatoly distol t and falHify what (udutiun, going ,!;,rt ur tut 3 in the Maitland �Look Store, where will be found a coml,lete' assortment of Ill
`.• 7 .influenei io others, and rye on„ht t° allOtliet Ivan has st+ld, FORTifE COJIrLEXIO4P.-FOI'fimplea, Cuucossio,i of til,: said 'rott'nship. Nice frame ' ��-- ,.-='lirile,S ;t llQl �7)(1C1ItiC;ilC,_ ;illi<► ll'ateait iledicine!�_ivd .
employ it in ilia servieo. It is ,I T � .. Blotches,_Tan,and mors emit!+se+,rrdnun,eatabt . '%=� -s/ Druggists` glindries-allt_hgt,the lahblic; may ash for `I tllosF , - r11
of the akru, use. Yrof. Lotv'a DlagtC hofs
.r.r' T
Lot nnmb%r 3, Month side of \Ifth+r +islet, Bon
--- — - t4aent that $hoi6d be c0'1)fecrflted. Miller, quarter et an acre. 9nntll n'anie dwell 6= y w . WORTHINGTON. -
4r D iu, in, Saturday Night, Lias a Sulphur SoAp. int;. •t-"'{ •', / ► ,
t' If' We never speak a word tbf Jeau�, ,, _ Clinton, Januar ;rasa.
lot of truthful thttlb•i to 'Hay Ruildiny Lots numbers 803 and 804, Ili the ;. /; > � .
$otv ban ire export Dill friends and Town of Clinton, r n:n'ter of an unc cath, baro. 1 . S.-Osier ohnngod from residence to atoll
,,, tlelo}lbgltl'9 tU i10'IiCCq titin w'0'°;7 r„ regarding; the pr,lty meanness _.with -A luau named McDonald tritA tifellysituatedon..%&ffli,sige of U"ron street; - _.�_.___._,7_________________________.....__— ._— __ -” -
which Hohicrof our city ,journalists frozen to death in Wiunepeg while fettrw fenced, ---
for Hina`! Diel you a-vols read tont 'rho R.tyt I!.,'f of t lit ?'?, con. 14., N'c.•t 1VnwnnI If ' .
treat a fellow journalist when, be 1 partially intoxicated. Ile wits
b, ,; Il 11 td passage in Al;tlaClll, `'111011 ovh; );o,,d i .ill, ,'t 't!res cleared anti fenced, re• Y
_. �. I, a' cawlidate for'• ally poslliofl. folllia ill b;'d stlft Ullo lllu.l•]llllg,, uutiudrr tiu!hrrc, +, uh:nit 4 ,Hiles Pruni Luekuoty � � � I � Tj
lit ., that. feared the Lord Hpdke and (i from Win;tbane; geod roads. '
,t ,R ,. . But thoin,li mirfuwi)e-H, Pttt'y' ft,,rl ,wilhollt filly clothill,. _ '
`' uftt,ll olio to another, and the Turd , For ,;rthur parti,ulars appl} to �+
hearklined and heard it; and a boat:
littleness of sodl have a• good deal -- t?.c<»fPtuX, NEW ST�CK ! NEW STORE
I of ro'nleir.branco was written 1)afure to do with i•l; Iglu afraid huauul»I It1;MARI�ABLI;REST011.1'1'ION. 416 if Barrister, c:udorith. ��g ������ ����pt�.� �Q�.p��6� 'N.
` 11iut fur them that. feare(1 the Lurd considerations are not without divir Mathew Sullivan, of Westover, , Ih. of 0 i� 8 W
slittle.000, o .__, Fr
influ( net's. How els are we to Ont., wall with dyspepsia for four 4 er PEOPLE USE ---- --
�': end that thgn1,. .1poll 1lis r1milo. JOSEPH CI�IDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. '
lit toy $ Yl e•Ililltf '��` utl t� Of r 8U t11 O 1(' ex raOr( Ill- I the good he trieEni�J3ardocic 73100 l Bitters;
- .,. ary things we -see I I happen Lo six bottles cured frim and he pined 4 Call at the New Store anti see e��t�g' �f - - ___ - -
I:gid, iu that day who» I tuake Aly b _ D.M.FERRY& . T_� -
kno,w of one mtu,ager of olu of the• in wet ht to 1 H_� $.__B___-__ L-wwadfal tee-taM C+'
Je vols 2" `Gori is so pl(ugcd n.liett _ . - _. r etSeed a en Bedroo111' and Parlor Sets, LOUTIges,-. ide�3GcardS, Chairs, S r?Tl Si
eo 71_}]e i° 1 for t 141 Ali � jg es' t`}r`� -'�rrt u'� cures L le worst known caaoe�o.f cillo• + a o the wort - p g
f []� N t o
ut1101. about 1-Iim that lie hends 11is. 6illco to be caudidate, but said of nicdyspepsiaafterall else fails. 4792 D' joEneRed Dnewe• nlattrasscs, etc., and, general Household.Furniture. lila tibula Stock is from tjIC very-
Vii' ,t ear to liptan, and Ile calls the attoll Rogers that 1;6 "didn't know enotioh ---- - u.eand'rrleea best numufacturets. Picture Frames and AIeultliugb of evCt;v doscril,tio11
' tioll of Iiia 11»gel scribes, and tolls to say boo to a goose," these are -List tveejc R fila broke out ill SEE® Ja►,t',r.CfiI1D1.1:`�, one floor lV, ;st of Dicicson'sillook Store.
r� . b tile, exact wordy. Now this man•• the Qreat rthivestern 'Telegraph ANNUAL --- -
„ thew to nullte record of the fsct.
!," And He declares thatbocauarl they^' a•,�er a'nrI ilia pa�!er are suppurlina Coutjiany's otftce, Montreal, doing ForIsea . -
+, lore+ to talk about Ilial Ile Wil} Iiogera and trYutg to knife Clarke. X20000 d:uuano, ... 1 , applidttial a nd A-0��. �® VLA o�R® IES
P ,who I oJ(itu ilark,forlar bn I rill" Uoop THE YEAR ROUND:—National \ °o°t�Oe aotetosih FR(T1Z---
ia'ea them Ra 'ewClB 1» Isis diads]»
qp - . of glory. That passage does not l g• r '
t .
11 .1o Pills Are a
- read asit'Gocl despised' -loos talk •unil� etl�d'tl fthtte`kind,»�Itaru(ei tl lgsensons�a d ood build pnrgatirel'for enerype on ms
Cardvqr to houldeeil THOS.--COOPER----&----S®
11 ' uta volt,„uu1 t.o. ' Take ulothw: fact __ SEEDS
from the New. Testament. Two his wlty' a»fl thea Etuue out fur la Adam,. .
'. , disciples of our Saviour were noiu,gD.M.FERRY&CO.,W1ndsor,Ont. The Int
Defoe. � Y gest, cleanest and best Assorted stock of
o b —La nionuie11t -t 111 progress or t0 . '�IROOER'ESi CROCKERY, GLASSWARE9
r :. to Rilllnatls one day,and as they w rill IournaliHm is au honorable erect n rho memory of E /1.3a7 rt,
t, that' talked about Jesus,their crucifi- profession, but it is so in spites of g;,ltineau, the grAttt leader of ,the 4 6
i,,l I,o'rd, All at onto Jesus Ifiulso'If sonic of the liar fellows who arc; robelliAu of'37, on thu silo of rho -� . BELL
Y9 etc., i'n town. O� Our Prices are as IOW as the Lowest, and we. warrant
' ,joined themond touk ' tart in the' ournaliyta.=,Labor Re ormer. .i = everything first class.
A, - 1 j ✓ Point St. John'H suburbs, C�uehcc - .
,. 1.1 cation, ;end itbecauln Ho i»t(,.r- _ - _-_- city. c7 &12 tSi,ln, a,rents for the Celebrated "Cooker's I3tt&i)ir/ Powtler."Wa ..
¢, t!stil,, that they said, "llid not our -T\'m. Illy, of I{iupetou, _ R , •
�•, he.trt3 burn within as 110 tallied �� Best Brands of CIGARS. by the Bog or Thousand at Ma,nfxs, Prices?
4,� • attempted suicide on Saturday Wheri'll eyes become weak or . •.--.- ' "
„'a a ith its by the ,ray, Z” If we Cou- evening by taking a large dose., ,of the lids inflamed and sore, a• disc I i{. 1 -U T��S A SPECIALTY.
ulatld More•o du ahohlt vur ordered s stem or a scrofula con . 1,
. croton' oil. Ile is in the hoapital, Y II �` I — '�'1 ��'f
;loritiod Lord the wuultl horn ;t stitch of the blood is indicated, for l�fl'� _ (n+e us fJ,HOS. COOPER oc- ONM richer exporiunee of liis love," low•, but ljl(oly to lira, which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is rho best i!,: 'Y Unapproached for a call. THOS. \! , , !� .Lal .
;' ,
iinavurtgli church People re- remedy. It 1nY1gOTRtea and V1tAh20B c�'=I = _ Tone dad baa:itp. Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton. '
l;l titlk�o it lV bruuh .ino the
rlrlii„rt,'' if'
1.11,6(.1 their chnr(;hcs to temperance theblood•nnd expels all humohs, UES r,�Egc• .
talk- lecturer Alts; Yeomans fur lecturing _ R-1�I':dt Ott ES _ _ _ _ ._ -- _ .
O p 7
- -_ -
' iug with each other, all the. ••uauel _ -- _
In, au(1 thu leading hotel proprietor-C.'owskin ,'oats iu'ri being worn +'�'Q{� - ,)syr i •a 1 ' ^.-�( �' ' a - XMAS
'. li x111, that tin! lIoly soli Irl, bin• ri y I w t 1. ht'' ,�I( ill, ” _ -
hal1. e�pnelnant this winter. They will �I �Y r .•
1. y'o11; ln.y broth(-r, We h4vu nu right robabl be ado;to(l if Lho coat9 - - - - -- � . 1 1' ` �^; ', -AND- 1
ti' , lo leave the pious talk to the -It is understood that the P Y i
1,' pi-intltif; of the-olect°fal lists under prove suitable. TIIR N111%vs•Itarottnhns excellent facilities for 'Q� jj �, �,,;A`..),.rdC
1.t;rankw all(t h '•�` • the execution of ,b printing of till kinds. r :'t•ii�'____„1 �ni �0 �� A
r 1'puCrlLr,H a li;tt C _ — - -- sno!,Mplc, before jou ortier. K ° "ys ! .1 Cue I 1"a
nu ririhL to despi've Ol• fier'lect relig- rho 1)oulinion Franchise Act will .
Do carried out this year at Ottawa LOOK` OUT FOlirr, ,. -„r4, .11 ; i
$; i,ous conversatiuu bnCansr; they Y eta 1. ( 1t, I}! /_ .
<.{ instead of tieing distributed thr°uglr_ }f you Arlt troubled with a cold or f y ;'1 0 '
thirst it lire ought to :zpeal( often coo h however if 'ht the attack ] q ,� ''�. ”` 3 ') t ..,o r 9"
Out. the country As heretofore. g , b , oo°I 4-j '-4.1 ;+ " d I, f c �R
ung to Another, ns t,be lona .Tows v en u 't '��' ( t,,�e j _ GRO-GERIES'" l = Moat it year ago ,n cow bo- out for it, do not allow it to settle O �. O N r
,, l`id in the rl,tys of A[aLtcl4i. ouch to Aft; Samuel I'edlRr n on the lungs, broak up the cough by . U w + r 1 'a -_ - 1 v, -- �� t
(III-istiau social iutore,ourae would longing , P the lou • `/ `'�'�'`'
loosening h phlegm with
not only tteomote our Ilappiueas b,lt proininviii farmer of Tuphenia, in gY y.t , �r N U) a d .,
IIs ills s Pectoral BAlsam. 479.21 • r+ r j
(grey Coli t,y $w'allow'ed a fragment - w V ll G+ 1.4 *� � �, a CD_&-•N •-�•- �•�--•IO••J-v M�®1�., • II
r,l , our usefulness too. I believe that C'i , s-. "v
of a whipilAtk,'twenty-three inches _The London Grand .Jur has M ,`�S', "Ld � .-+ q �' Wholesale and Retail Grocers, have' a very cont lite and FRF.S}t STOCK of Cln•ishnn:,
if we wonlrl abandon this sta•an„e Y � pp
a! i I l"ngl;1, which had boort broken returned a true bill la tnlst John 0•� O v � � .--w '� 4)n and New Year Groceries, Lamp and�hanev GoUii, China and (Atfimtare, Contectimlery,
reticence rn rAgard 'to gospel themeH, g' to tL
' and cultivate n Spirit. of curdinl tool ar;ridi orally' put mixod,up' with fttrrol of Cradtiek fa' 't:ho mtr.drlr fir{ etc. Coil iTefmoyou+nlTc'r. • FArin Produce taken.
r , �. - iII--C: o S
s ill'! n ililwiVs foldder. Tile other da • - _ .. T_ - __ _ _. _.
- sympathy in regard to them, we Y of his Aunt ' .-�: Q+ O 'a in ^ ► . .---.--..__,. --..__ _ - __._ _... - _ - - -
i`' - Homethiugj tun$ noticed protruding. O .� o F g j� c CARRIAGE
fl(� �p� �9 �_l'�_` ".- __1tl_
slbould $;o $oieedily rho h.indli»n of ° ° a�0- I ''O BJ o �`° 4.f�y lfL.'S VAIIRIi'tldl� �i lff�N F�dd 1 OILY
>' 1 groat alid glorioas revival of reli- frum the zuw s side, which, when A Biu STRi u. W �” t.
pion." withdrawn, proved to be the idea• A big strike wns,tnake when.-Powell M ,�;. 0'I th ^ aaN 066 ' ' �-� �� �� -��
.:0 tial] piece of whipstalk swallowed ,t Davis issued" their Extract of arsap- W •�t..t P-4 a-1_I�.:LV .L�_J_V
;14, .� ro there not many roadors of ,..,, j,,+ i.i Zr 1 p S
by the bovine about ttVe.lvo months Rrillu and fiurdock. It hos met with A-�
Ibis ]a for who Have the samo feel. D - u ^ o
l'i, 1 ago. All the partios to this pro• great success, and it const, for it is the o b 7�� .
. inp t at lily friefld expressed. ill re• moat powerful blood purifier in the mar. t."I ('(1 / J.
Z a In Stock a Number of Cutters Sleighs BU 1eS and Yt'aLrous.
Hard to pious talk'; The, are right duction nre still living. greatest success ` e f --- o ' o ' gg
p y o tial. It used with the r . (;.1 O f� Qt V
IV in avoidimt cant, and a parrot-l11(0 ' _ - -- -" in all diseases arising from a debilitated � I'lle Anterial w'e manufacture'la of the bCst gnality anki file Iron \vol'k unsurpa$Aed .
ropetition of goodish commonplaces, . A BOON AND A BLESSING. condit;on of the system, and everyone --- In fact we make it an imltartltnf feature of oto' busi»ess to use only the best pro-
Deeds, nils should use n bottle or two at DO YOU Bl;LITVF IN SIGNS 4 curable material and rho pec I. workmanship. Those in need of OUTTIaIS
i. . But aro they right in rnrwdrlg to A Hoon and a blessing"to mankind this season of the lar, of Powell's i+;x• and SLEIGHS, of tho,li.te$t mutes and styles, should no, fail to
t,r' . • tell of their' chl-istial 'experie>icos la llasya"rd's Yeilow 1 the great tract ofSarsapari la and Burdooh, Bear 1Vo do s for inetnnc9 rile Signs of call and see ns,
� - a»d help$ 7 OLrcdirt%i Oltlsr)inn1, pain destroyer and healing remedy io mind one 60c. bottle contains more torpid liver are Yellow eyes, sallow —o�_.
_ - for external and internal use. Yellow solid medicine than most dollar so-called complexion, pain under right should- "` ALL WORK WARA�9TD.
l - Oil aures all aches and pains, Sarsapatilla And bitters,,, Also remember er, irregular bowels, headache, low -_0�
'Cru, stoN9 OG tt'oinis are t'vell-linown rheumatism, IAme back, sore throat, that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, -spirits and weariness, All these Repairing and Renalutan Promptly Atter, led t0, , '
but thu remedy 1$ nOt'A.l NN.Y$ HO well croup, deafness, cramps contracted price 50c. a bottle, Sold by R11 drug- 51�»A may he removed by Burdock b _ o ] J
determined. Worth ''170d"ers will cords and lameness. Procure it of gists and medicine dealers everywhere. Blood Bitters which is a sure cure for - .
destroy them, your druggist. . 470:2t 4.1331y all irrogulArities of the liver. 479.2t FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orance Streets, CLINTON.
N .
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