HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-18, Page 5.. T
We want to show you the Goods and prove it.
•X►Don t Forget FROM Now till the end of 1887.
iPAY AN cn 'Yr
Also, about 200 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, from 5 to 40• Yards, at HALF l - RICE.
- =--o o -----o o r - --
In order to secure thes6"Ba.rgains. ' OPEN TO AI.L. ,„ w
JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HO DG•XNS.
- - - ' Of century
during n a quarter o a MARKET .REPORTS. t . � r DETLOR
The Lo* -Priced Dry -Goods: Men of Clinton, century who received n unanimous {Carrecte� evory Tucedag atternoou.) V �,3(,
request from the aldermen to present CLMON.
-- -- himself far reelection. °
_. Tlour........................�4 00 to 4 :;0 AVT BEGITN THEIR
-Corporal Johnson, of the Alount- Fall Wheat, new & old 0 75 to 0 82
must entreat him,:as a tweak >rother, -Mr. John It. Colborne of Paisley ed Police Mossomin Man., hit's been H /, 9
i Y , Spring Wh(at..............0 75 to 0+62
• to join our ranks in or,lcr th,Lb wt, wa's arrested recently, on a Bench sentenced to two mouths imprison- Barley ...................... 0 00 to 0 75 . •"
may art our
to�othor a.�aiuyt rho cool- wall
issued by Judge Rase, ment for searching a mun for liquor Oats ........................ 038 to 0 40 "
Pon enemy. 'Ile old law •reptilled charging him with destroying a Sum- without s warrant. Peas ......................... 0 58 to 0 59 GREAT 'C LEAR I N,G SALE,
tfyyts hard Cuacttuent's, the Gospul mons served on hint by Conbable, -'T'hursday's blizzaad in Dakota Apples;(winter) per bill 1 00 to 1 50
} - tttracts by its peouiisos of spiritual and balled_ out, and will be tried at and the Northwestern State's tw'as . Potatoes .................:.. 0 50 to 0 00 _o
o e `old• the -Spring Assizes.' about the worst on record. Judg- Butter ....................... 0 18 to 0 20
S. Jones, of Brussels will see ing from the reports so fns received, Eggs .................,........ 0l8 to 0 IS
The moderate user of stiumlants is _-Rev. � � l pt � � � "�
led to give up Clic us of mull alto- }lis Both birthday Friday of this week. very nearly one hundred must have flay ........................... 8 00 to 9 00 tl `�
gethor, not because of the taunts of Notwithstanding this good old age been lost in it.' Cordwood.................... i 00 to 4 00
the ternperanco fanatic but because he reached twice last, Sousa at wa that the Dominion Gov in Otta
Beef...., ..................... 0 U0 to 0 00 1\ l.'iliCL+'S OF
P Y —The impression prevails 11'001 ....... ........ _. 0 2J to 0 2�
' he desires as a Christian to den Walton_ with almost the vigor of �rn.ment "" ' n
Cloth -
himself for his l,rotb is 1;ood. St. youth an(l Ile Bets about as llnely as Pork ...... .............:.... 6 50 to 6 75 Dress Moods, Silks, Velvets and Plushes, . Cloth A
have agreed that, the question of"the
Paul said "if tunat mala; my brother a cricketrights of American fishermen in C
`.' to offontl, I will eat iso meat." Tho -Last Sunday morning Wm. Wyn Y 1 alfa ei a waters
refs red�he Baty f NOTICE. _ing. Flannels, Shirting, Underwear, Corsets -
,' temperance fanatic Says If must died in Brusaelsat the u e of eight $
...- .._ Skirts G Linen
Q — -
__.v_._, ._,- ,ryite--ttfy-bro-tber te--_Offend--theta_ years -and four_mouths'-`-His w'as.-w tion. ►' tlteCouncilof tite Corporation of the Count) , �,u%/ts,. Blankets,' TabCe L%/I ell, Vheetings
toy shalt Cat no Iucat." 1'hu distinction ,native of Ireland sad cam's to this --At six o'clock Friday morning Tow, kf ca �dc_r ah ont'iu 5��t} tt�w 24th i oats t
r ^
is obvious. i'heC.4lr: T; S. adopts -country in his early manhood. For the house.-of'1'homas Preston, three Irr,TNltnn,,s��o., Towels, Furs, Mantle VlothcS, Fancy Woo/
St. Paul's line rather than the ovt+r •26 years the deceased has fillies west of Filet ,Mound, lion., oo. Clerk, icy %�j/
Jan. iill1888 °t. t5hawlsl,
resided in that locality and was well {
other. caught fire and was entirely consttm• __... a�
known to A great many. ed Mrs•'P
reston, Miss Preston and -
Addition. Locals, --Mr. S. Campbell. P. -M. of T�ainb• a servant boy were badly frozen, as NOTICE. -o '
_. ton County, has tried 1:;5 Scott Act the blizzard was ra in a)1 the time. /� Ag /jl he Annual \tooling of the eldIilol Vutunl �0 R & THE Ti AYkIELll BATTLE.—x1'011.1 `Cases aince .July, 1856, and 'convict They were found in a stable in a L hyru Risurancc Co. twill be held in t�tc 'Gown �" �DET•t1lCteltor of-r'011larks llli<liC by x ed 93 times. The sum of $4,15U hay 1101 leas condition. Hall Scaforth en Fridsp .I,tuwrry )nth 1888 at \��+�// ■ •'.
responsible residcitt of Rel fie'lrl the been collected in fines. 'Total exp'en- p the hour of 18 o'clock noon, dlenttmra are ru+
, , Y sea by him, Including salary, @ I90,• --A Swede living near Princeton, sreetruny regf,estea to attond.
alleatfd mur(lerous assaultturns out Minn., is said to have killed his wife rv. J. sn,imwx sie. Treas.
91 ']cavi» near* �3 0UO to ilio credit and seven children chopping Taos. E. nAvs, rroaident, great ClearingSale dor 30 DaUs
to have been only .very rough ' g y ' , ppin their d "
of the county.' heals off with a broadaxe. A boy .of ttr•it�uop Dec. _sth ISE7. a77_at_
tricks by youths,0 Those boys, holy- -Mr ' Ira ,Horgan has been re- 14 jumped from an u stair' window. ��, ��++ �+ p� g i
evor, should' remember that they elected reeve -of Osgoodetownship for and escaped, Whenasked'by a P39. S GUNN $ ELLIOTT.—AT
--AT THE--
may carry their pranks too far and. the 33rd year. IIe was first elected neighbor why he had done the - �1
: Prot into trouble. Otiicora of, the in 1855 and was warden of Carleton a tv. c},mn, u, n: L. it, u. r. Ed idivifir L R C' <`Red Rocher Furniture Store."
C, , murder rep]iod : What 1 have S Edinburgh Liuonci,ttc of Clic 3lidwifcry, Edin.
of the law must not be . interfored count for nine ears. Mr. Aior anOntario
�' with when in the performanco of has probably_11>_eld office continuous- yllan Wood an old long
of Clinton. •,
Y Y. g mtended't0 d0 f01^fl lOn time. ,. Edi on corner of Ouof ti and 1Filliam Ste.,
dot' ,no matter what law it is that, fy for a longer terns -than any other -r n. it Luistt, at. 11. r,: it. u. P. A:dinbnrgi), duty,,bo'
al ro resentative in On. Burlington, Mich.,bad been suffering' Ueenciatc of the.°ttidtwife'ry, I'dinbutrgh. office The undersigned having bdn�ht Grit the business lately earderl oa by A. A. fltenitett,
la being onfo -cod. p p it I:ruccliold,' d,3 ). k•%
tario. extreme pain from chronic disease desire to notify the Public that Ehey will otter their ENTIRE SCUCI: of
for sometime. On Saturday, to rid
x THE Toboggap Slide la all Clic =A lad named Wm. McDougall, pAlC%MRY FOR RENT with cotnfortable re•
himself cwf this sin he loaded an 1) ^ /y/� 1•
CIa'Le�ust now. A club was Torined of Iorris township, R'! Up befOf'e. p r indent y.ttnched The Cool is new, (:Cod I F6irniture at Raottol / t [ ee�
Jud,re Thoms ut Crodorleh`on Thurs. old shot gun, tdallceil deliberately out )ardana stable, Near the easiness co,ttre of
last week with the following offs- to the woodshed, placed the muzzle 'Gunton, hcing situate a tow doors Nest of the
Gia on a char a of settin fire to a Commercial hotel. TheroAtia.{;oocLopa,N,g-;o
" •" Cc I's : Hon. , Pros. IV. AV. Farran, Y g g against his chest, and 06n • with lits-n-stiatD'inan with sumN, »,cans to do tato the {' , FOR THE NEXT TIIIRTY DAYS.
dwelling house and stack. of bay be-
u- Hon. �'%co Pres, 1�. Irwin. Pres., louping to.Jobn Hewitt, of the' same foot touched the gun off, and blew or to k. J) jpsw(•rrRenttoty, Apply at this office
John Ihausforti; Vice Pres., Goo. place. He pleadell guilty, and was itis heart to shlei3s. illi. Wood w.as _.- _ _ �1 A l �.
E. Pay'. Sea and Treas., H. Lyon ; remanded until the 24ti) inst, for nearly 89 years old, of good • family OA
-: laltti F(ll �tL)�..--i'or sole the north halt
And possessed of some property �� of lots i and b2, to the I,t concession of the ", _
" Ex{a'Ct1tlVC. �i01i1,, 11•. 11, Cainba, E. sentence. There appears to be ,� � Township of 'rtirnberrv, cont,iiuinl; loo acres: silecial attelltioll ,giYen t,o._IIliderta'>l high and Upholstering.
-she Labor Commission met in _
Holines, H. 'Torr Ranco, T. Jackson no doubt there the boy is of unsound °ver 7o ctoarca, ,Cod frame house, b:nn and
milid having a Initnia for fires. London last week. Mr. J. If.'I3oyle stai)tc; sititatett a ,nibs from irroxeter and 3
jr.' The; slide will be open evory � g testified that in his experience female +piles rroin ittuetale. will ho sold cheap and oil �1 �`1yLy1 Q tri Q�ll
afternoon and eveliin� t0 the main- --Pat tfefiernan, the .Scott act case turns. Apple to \t. SfuT,ACt1Alt'r,Clibton, The Sleepless and RP's VY`�s� Ci! ew�{,(.,�
constable of Bruce Couuty, was sery teachers advanbod pupils more aaa•tf
bars of the club, This is a iloalt,hy ' ingpapors in Chesley when he was rapidly then male teachers. Mr. --- ----- _ --
• ftn;3 an alunsing exe ciao and should _ John Wolfe, of the London Furniture C RAY S'[UC ADVE 11-
ordereit toleave the village"by".J. N.
want Ifenry, a livery atuble keeper. Company, testified to the advantages 1 - rlsu)ii^:Ts s,iscriat in Tux
•• - OMpIl gOry b tit ort est 'rbc hnv
be participated ut by, all who 1 li the indenture system. He ' be• ROB r r
'•`-•••• - mukua it uompulyorp to udccrtise stray stock. ,
an a i ret;zox, Heffernan en no. art with'
h to the sieved In machinery, and showed its If Io„want any kind of advertising, yon cannot v
- order buCOATS..
t went on withh his work. , .> y.,..�
�. _.-.�. - er,r�aTft5r3(1 llieli abs rdvffntagasancl s•xi4=arTn„�oafirtt
,. Pec et•stilii� 1., time and finals drew a pistol; He machinery was as good as imported. p.
Che 7'ucketslnitll corms Cadent Y p ROPERTY FOR SAL OR �^
fired at Heffernan at close uarters Dir. John ;V1cC)ary stated that work „
ll tl t elf•,. Ki';NT A.dcerticrsrvillabd"The �ir 'E
was mostly done at hie establish I, i pews -Reword" one of Clio best mediums
of the New Bra seems to have a but missed. The constable was �j
i a went try the piece; but le believed in to Clic County b Huron. ACirculation Another Bl Red In the ace o� Watches
capacity fur iuncqurzcies nearly- unarmed, but he instantly jumped the indenture system. IIs denied any "The •Neaaaiertrrd^-The noble Circulation (Y
equal to the Era itself. A few On Henry and downed him., In A �alhs to Thousands. hates as low as any. .� b
fety sccorids he had Iiia man hand-' effort to secure chenp ex -convict > - - --v
weeks ago Ave round OU oil (llilry cuffed and immediately .brought labor. �]UTCHI RING BUSINESS-THR 1'NUBit• fe
that a great part of the correspou- - B si;;ned wishes to inthuate to the People of
him to Walkerton. Henry is a re- „ Clinton and attccoundirigcountry, that to order
denCe CVAs inaCCUI'ate autl the ]-oat spectable looking young man and is "BARIMLLLs BRoNORrAr, BALSAM tosuitaw% matt the demands of his very numcr• SEND -FOR ONE OF HIS
wag buffOOIIry. In good C1CanmatanCCa. cures all kinds of coughs and Colds, ouscastomers, lie has bought out the business
r croup and bronchitis. Ask IOC of Mr. a Fitzsimons, and will Ston, on the eamo, $2,75
--- -Findlay vs. Kelly, a $5)000 suit „ ,with the choicest meats in season, Every effort
” ----- Barkivells take no of her. 470•eow will be mode to ,lora the ,wants of all, and he
in and About the County, about a _bOgUs mat nage notice, was hopes to merit and' receive it fair share of public
tried at the Wentworth assizes on At this season of the year every- patronage. Lowest pricey for lart a orders. -- Saturday. James -Thomas Price, an old resident of , James Findlay end one should use Powell's sarsaparilla 1'nrmcr� trade a spociulty. ALREIt'r �fnY_ -
Wtn ham one of fl milling firm 'died Charles G. Kelly are young farmers � y_j_Aw x.887_
Wingham, h , and burdook, it cleanses and enriches 7 RESs )I AIjIN'0 - )frit Canrp1,ell, of London
of paralysis last. living near Ancaster, who had been L, has opened press %lilting Itooms over the
p Y Y in the . habit of playing practical the blood. Price 5U ets., sold by pry rood store of Goo. I', ray sCO., with first•
-Tho Brussels school Board all druggists. 443 3m. classass,stants, She 14 in a position to turn out o--- g
' secured 2 foot green wood for the Jokes on each other. In September work equal to any In the city, she respectnylly
! , per last Kelly sent to a ]Hamilton paper "BArtr:w,F.Lr,'s BaONCIffAL BALSAM asksa trial order, Ramos over OEO. E. PAY %k I cannot let the occasion pass' without returning my sincere thaul(s to the Public for
school at the,loly figure of $1.23 g a bogus marriage notice, with an CO's, Ilry Croda Storc. their very liberal patronage and trust that by unremitting attention to the wairts and
i cord. ., cures all kinds of coughs and colds rc uirefnents of nt custmners t t it I shall altwn s.,nerit the coil tinuauce of their
account of a marriarye between q y � Y
Thomas Gibson, "the ha croup and bronchitis. Ask for
pl?Y I+indlay and an estimable young lady• (Ba•rkwells "take no. other. 47Q•eow. 'BOARDERS WANTED. favors. twill nowcontinue tocicar Clic ls'nl'aueopf my large and wcll•assorted stack of
{`•' •- farmer," as he'was known in Salvat- living near' Ancaster; giving the '
i' ion Army Circles, died last week in names of -the bridesmaid and room __ _ n tett• .rdy or wminnioda boarders call have �l ®p FURS
�� ®� �� l �y 8 �i
�L Ingham after a short illiness. g - ^hoard and room nceonumoduti,u at the private `� O •
with a description of the dress•' Powell's sarsaparilla and burdook resideneo ref MRS. NOBLE, lately oecnlnpd by
-�V. Oliver, hotelkee er of of the liride. If was sulse• ilio moat owerEttl bldac! u]-ifior in. Jlr. lriel,t, Yietori,tatrcet, tuna„t. saa tf
p p p If you want a 13AR(,e1IN note is your chartce'tu conic and make your sclCcti"u.
,. Ingersoll, who is summoned for a quently discovered that no such the market, Price 50cts. a bottle ^ �
third violation of the Scott Act in wedyling hnsj taken place and the Sold by all druggists. 443.3m. -A-Y
that town, yesterday tacit the first affair was intended as If practical - - - Now is the time to gr,� )oar I•'ALi, it R'INTF.R �1 ,
train' -for Detroit to escape the late. joke. Verdict for defendant. °tBAlu:wELr.'s Bnoscnr.v, i1A1,SAM'' OVEar Ot9 and ;iris Ifvl•;n amt uurssEo to ..C.�O -� •' - _ `
topic nearly as good as new, before the rush Ile-
r~ »Kenn dy a of Bunstou, woolen - cures all kinds of coughs anct colds, gins, at Doturtialois nye strati Clcanstu9
d ma Y Walkerton, -)lave pay. vlrQekiy Rbui�d Up• bronchitis and croup,. Aslc for Eytnl,nsfunent, vionrin street. r.s.- bon Murray Block, Alb ert Street.
_...__..- "BArkwells,” take no other. 1170 Cow forget that thls Is the only pbu•c to the town gvNext Door to DRY•UOODS I'ALACI;,
A9 rgneil with Z$, 000liabilities and �- where OV,Ijiri�; Is clr::uisud, rr•p:ih•eI;% ul pressed f
assets $8,000. Last :3uinmer the town: -Ex Judge Ryan, of Manitoba, f- - - - to Ionk nc;trly ay good its nets.
ave them bonus. ;iHAltiilf,9Cfl•:fi, ass)• A. IV, rnttsl.:tul:, Proprictnr. -• .._ _ ""'�"`"' - `�' �'�'-��'�'�,•'"�`�OJ'-x'16 -
g died fast week in St. Boniface hospi-
'Tige resiilenco of Darius `U'xv�eilr tai nt the age of 70. j3ALT,-Jiclifil I,:V-•tVr•dncsrlay fit tilt ild d
a farmer on thefourteentliconcession Six thousand workmen aro engug- Rcsirlrnr'e.ot'tbe l,ridr,'a, mnthr,r by the, T�) THE %Ai�,I�IIERSRaw
Rev. W. Crain ;Ur. R thraial hall of
s _ of London Township was burred Jan. e I in re•rtiring fortifications on the 1 studs, youi own interest and go where
11, together'tvith all tbo contenta. eastern frontier of German ifnllCtt. to ]linty b:mily, dnnghtr`rof the , ° you can got.
The inmates basely escaped with their Y' hrte .Iuhathm, Jlrllrir n, ]ss,i,
lives. There is a good prospect of the ., v �• "
duty being removed from , lumber 3 tt°sellable Halrnesar
-Hugh Lamont, at one time coli if any tariff bill goes through at f,UXTO?i.-1u 1 aotcr r a ihC Lath last.,
lector of Ilinyf�ardino ttl4vtlahip, re- lyashington. Itichar,l f,iNxtnn; ngr i •t3 Caro nu,i 8 ,��///nnn�ww� ���eee�rrU
�` }' [ at:utttf,lrt tnc ,prP i,nt NIL' Il ft4T O• ,h,",. RC O S. T �
Cents fl os serous farmer neat 1410nfha. i orrrri•r n/xlurl,.v flint er71 phrrgr; na tjrrr/ hoer
Y p I-'I'}re Tlarrison Ministry in flan- ;r,.t a, Von. A < tau au l et'r prives.t •t7fftere
Brandon, Man., was suffocated by itoba has resigned, and`Jlr-Greenway, b, mail In"rny4ymttcnded to '
gas "in Ilia room while visiting a friend leader of the Opposition, has been BAIlKwELL s RRANCnlAr. B.tr,sAvt
in 'Toronto last week. ' cures all kiaris of coughs and colds c70�71I '>'. CA R.TZ�, CATTLE
����called oar to form a naw Cabinet.
--The Might Rev. Dr. Baldwin bronchitis and croup. Ask fol' tlAh tr �s F;)n Olursl, nr.rnlu, otvT�
Bisbop of ,1l,uron, officiated in Trin• -Fresh indication of a rich find' `iBarlcwelh" take no other. 4111 cow - -
of, ggold at the Richardson hill,
ity Church,Gatt,last Sund'ay,when the Dlndoc aro developing at each ,/�
rite of confirmation was administered additional foot of the sinking shaft. NEW TYPE NEW TYPE i School Books
sr �
to about pixty candidates,
-Capt. Spacklran, of the Salvat• °Emma Rees, of the Glencoe Salva- FINE WORT(
tion Arm yesterday at London fi
tori Army who was in command. of secured a ver dict for $50 and costa THE HURON NEWy-RECORD :111 the (looks retlinrc,l far
'the t•Vingham carps during one term, a ,ainat Squires Simpson and Currie CLINTONor,raAto, Lolle'date Institutes :111aa lyttb
died a few days ago at her home in b q p - _-_
for false imprisonment. - sic �iCllnols.
'1'hamesville, from the offects of aJIJ
paralytic stroke. _--J. tJ.o 11Ior then, of Toronto tvice CHARITY COMMITTEE NOTICE. 1
--A strong committee has been is solictor for the Dominion Al�iance, SCh001 Supplies, W�11 Maps,
expects that a strop effort will be Lesson Tablets Etc., Bto, iron and ilaidware Merchant,
organised in Barrie for tate purpose of 1? g itE dnnsrly CosrsttrrEE of cho Town f 'i ,
making the necessary arrangement made at the next session Of Palati- T Council will moot to con+iderapplicati•�ns for
meat Dither to repeal 1110 Canada Cl.arlty on Monday of enol week from 0 to 10 .f�• y���•.
for the npxt eeseion of the Grand Temperance Act or tO e0 amend It o'clock ar notivorkOnly a in alio pec, flail un• YM .CIA. ������ ( � � ■ 1 �-� ���
Lodge of Ontario, 1.0. 0. F., which p f til further notice, Only the really noalfnl nxd ��g C�i�,d„iiwr....Wi D�,�rtwr+ '
will be held to •Barrie in Au ust as to make it useless. apply. Applications will not be heard at other
1 f3 efniee. JOS, wnrTralfEAf1• I 13T:,1\'F:R IiT,OC1: B00h STORE, Nov., 1887.
:y next, --Mayor Abbott is the first Mayor 370 Chairman, i
t, �