The Huron News-Record, 1888-01-11, Page 8,• .n . , r r. f' 77 • ,. �. " „ :. -1""T^ :.T!*-^w.w� mvx>r-:. xri.n-.:--"..p_.«_'sq�•�,,*•+-yam.. ...-•-,..—wr.•r• p � .. a i . • ..-... ' r tvdesA'r1.'-.... rt .'�"�'I"'.+• .^-x•-_^•-•m..�.... ,. A - . .n*' h."J+.n*e . - e . �" ra GLo13 hcaa.ol'ubly n�;ulraises .,r Thi ", Hmpft wS- Seca d ,:. 4 to isle Ttev Alta Hardy, P>esbyter- 61,go�wyx,Yu �flVeatrr. I u I •ter l r . _ ■_,•�;. .. hi I.lr-.. of313er>til@, fql call.Itlg httu 1 1 �. ,• „ 0 l a tl4 s . it .. n-,, . _ ;. _ ��'. a calls c �Ir II l �' o ence"co 1Xu.+tl4t� slily, d;�g11;try ,sill,11886• ststed in his disapproving of -the ox- .•'•-,—AND „—• - � s tpeh diture of the peoples uloney uy - iltembers of the Alolvat GoYer>7lnellt rr�q ' :... U PL I tJ Cl l���TS. ill a champaI',le and spirit guzzle iu / PLIESto o In itud Around the UNIT> D 1VDR1iuAN,-At the re4n,- —0 lar ,ueeting of the A. 0. U. W. Iasi 9#1V1I 94118. Fridays the following officers Were Berlin '� cols at Reduced Prices § elected.: P. Al. W., ly, Aluir q - --�-- -- LaRaE QUANTITIES' OF OLD Muster �t'oI'lcmau, J. Croll Forex COUNTRY GOODS ate arriving at J. Sheppard • Overs©or G. Dicksons Bookstore nearly overt' mann pp ' Subscriptions- received for' all the leadiug Newspapers Gordon • Recorder J. Bear' Finals- t' f day -His Fall and 1n�� s Stock tw{ll-.•"pier, F. bowler; Receiver, T. Hollo• and Magazine's at PtibljSl101'S to\Vest rates. We are now enjoying good winter weather and for soon be complete=l rices dw,4y kl way; Guide, T. Tipling; I. lV., J. down to sort the limos. 466. , . , - • Set1SOI'i we -are showing u` • Worry; 0. lY., J. 11lorrtsn, ' ,0 H R DICKSON.­­­ ANP QUANTITY OF WOUD taI'elb'l7L F1tEE Aiiviam FREF7 PAPER.—........., ------ i trade for Foods at &c__hvou'a Boole- Basely uu-rat&ful is The Pulmerstou * ^ " """'"`* ""` *• - * ��rg.,�. t. * t,1. t,t t t t t store, 4 468 1'elef/raph. It has the hardihood to - "`--�- -_ ����- •����......,T,,,.. complain that "u,en-a'who do not , t ��i f.. DLtnmrs for 1888 all Style x Nlr!l TuE Wife of the I'eev. Mr. Stdwar THE TOWN BES�E�ED rh.eap tit Cooper's Book Store: subscribe for the T elegra )h come is visiting friends in Toronto. Q1---CLOTH, into our sauctum and offer advice as CK- to how the paper should be run." Master John Biggins of the Loll- --u'Y =-- o, ANTED, LOCM t TRAVELLING SALES- P I don road, leaves tiny weer{ for Lon- • W A1F.N to sell la choice c inilissloof Nursery 011(i 11etUally fefll'8 It 18 not sending don t° attend college•• L f e Ln s u r a n ce G-' Stoctc olthor of sato' or COI11Itued.lA Torula' these melt free co pies of the a er , Dente ones. Upright to rho right mull, No room 1 paper , for Lazy ones. Uprlbkt and honest n,e rho once I'CgIIIAYI (ll1011e. REV, W. S. CLUPF Of Brussels I lk * * •{• * � * •�• ,� .1. ,X we are looking for. AIAY BROTIIEIIS, Narsery• ° J'- was down this wily this Week visit- t mon, Rochcstor, N.Y. lint. AcmosoN, a studeat at Z___._ - inn his friends. a Zx7A'I A SERVANT «•ho can do plain �Vylclyl% College, lorouto, and ° T OOK AT SAhil'LES OF COSI' IN A VY cooking, and wask hod iron u61l. No up- �vho intends' qualifying for the TuE Rev. Mr. -Rupert exchanged JU HOME COMPANY: atair9 work. Appply inunediatelV to Alas, Ciwa, The Rectory,Cltnton. 476 Episcopal ministry, called on: pulpits'witll the Rev. Mr. Stewart r APER $1,000—� —� .' Age 26 Cestfor 1885, also 1886.. 66 00 O U R GREAT Lost,—LADIES SILVE' BRAORLE'r- TIIE NEWS -RECORD rile other day. on. Sunday morning last. so " " 6 so On Monday the 2nd inst., oil King or We found him an ardent Home Miss NELLIE FAIR left for Toron- " 135 0 •' 6 64 6 113 Iluron Sts.., Clinton. Fiudor will con- Ruler when talking of Irish affairs, to On Saturday on a visit to friends " 41, 7 Fn - —` for a favor b lcavin'� salnu at NE1wa-RE- 60 " / �►�� ��� ����� ��,` r\ -- y o though not separatist. H° is native in that city. " 6a : • 1 I'D oftfco.-t•f, of rho Count Fermanagh which he +� �'- �--•--•-- ��. Y o 'MR. JASIE3 FAIR r. leaves this J a�f* Definite Insurance at the ubuvo rates. Lost, on the main roaul leading to left aboutsix years ago. He is good-. week for Chatham to take a busi- See me '.•erorc you insnte in say company Seaflrtll fro,n Clinton, oil .Monday, 26th lookinei enough to be even an edi• Deas course in tlhe colle a in that lliS'ii"`' At the two of n anis heeo.gland our$0 and $10 aVE"'ORTS Dec., a 13,..11 r lleuai\r v tiAl S'1'LE'I. The o a a tor. 30, lire cont for x+5,000 was abouts tilt linden will be suitably rewarded by lcav• • town. 18.55, also for i88G. ing the same at Tar Nrws-13rcoao oflice. The rumor is afloat that :lir. INIa. WEIIRy is building on the • •176-2t. Hi)aro is about organizing another Sae us before you decide. �`r"'Y ��` •!Y"� `�Y'�" ,-'�-- -��.+� +i vv ,r -Carter lot Ou lligh street a big To NOTICE. _ musical band company. Mr. Davis bug -an alido fcrhho use of the To- , Jt7S Thompson,,Agent, and sonic other leading citizens bo --au Club which is being organ- _ Stant] to -da as the best value in the County. We CUT have siryuified their willingness to - 3' • Dr. Appleton is going away fora o o ised this week. • ., T forward the praiseworthy object, AND MAKE THEM OURSELVES and for =rSTYLE time for the�beneftt of his health. DR. GUNN, furmegly of Bruce- Tum Senooi,s ire in full blast, r possibly become active members. and FINISH the -are not a u� All persons indebted to him are field, has snouted iu Cliutou, and TUr NIiW Council will be in �' CP i11eCl. We have still a Since this has been mooted some of P requested to oblige him taken' n) his residence in the ,,,i.,uratad Dort 14louda small lot of the' friends of Roeve MoMurchie a Y• by promptly. paying the amount' of house until'lately occupied by 14lr. ars dI8CU86lllg whether it would be HULLET DISTRICT ORANGE LODGE their accounts now rendered, so Jas. Smith. lie has had consider - advisable to appoint a delegation to met at Seafurth esterda as to enable him to leave as soon as able expedouce.. His card appears 3' Y Y re come • ,that gentlemen also to 861YIS 0 VERCOA Ts at 2 5� w possible: bodotuo fi mntnber. Tho prevailing in anopher column. 'kIISS CHARLOTTE COOPER, return - Clinton, Dec. 30, 1887, opinion however; seems to be that MR. h. J. ��IIrrELY, ofLuchuoW, el) from Gudrrich last wank, where } G it would be no use, as his health was iu •town Monday. The gentle Fl►e had been on a weeks visit. MR. N. L. HOLMES, of J3ig would not permit his joining them. man was much, pleased with the THE MISSES BALL of GO,lorich Spfings, Ontario, is the guest of his A P,AYFtELD SENATOR. -It is re progress Clinton has made. He -ave us a calf on Friday when, in .This line has had a wonderful sale and is without doubt sistor, Mrs. S. Andrews, town, brought his son Harry along, to Clinton for trio purpose - ported that Hon. John Robson, lace him in the Cl'ntou Collegiate p P O the CHEAPEST OVERCOAT ever sold in the Count REV. DTR. STEW ART occupied the Provincial Secretary of 'British Col- P d o the assembly in the town hall. y� _ Institute. " qualityand make considered. I>,attcubury St. Methodist pulpit on umbia, who visited Ottawa a fele ' NICE STATE OF AFF_\IRS.—Ill Act- FIIOGRESyI\G.—L. O. L.. 71�� 4' Sunday morning. weeks ago, has been called to the held regular session Mondiiy " Y: Senate to fill the vacant caused b 0u Reeve Storey, ,who was elected a MAJOR M.URRAY who broke one Y Y evening. .J'he sitting room -.-:was the appointment of Mr. Nelson 'to by acclamat}gn, has resigned on ac - of the surall•bones of a lower limb PP almostinadequate for the number is able to alk about again, the Lieutenaut-Governorship. Mr, count of bpiuk, left without suflici- - , r-- o P 19f`t%ftt. There were `two fnitiat- - 'Mu, JoiiN 11Ii:GrAIIvA has so far Robson i. z native of forth Ont. eat suppott,ioc the transaction of ' ° • , � tions and a -.half-dozen pi•oposa} 4 recovered as to be ablo to get: clown but has resided in British Columbia the public business. All the can t Tho band will commence practice• for many ears. He is a journalist. didatesifor councillors Savo two re- town. J Y J as soon as the instruments arrive - 'Previous to going*to British Culum- tired. (1A Of 1, BROt? MESSRS. IV. MURNEY and John a 1 possibly this weok. ' Reed of Goderich' tverein Clinton' bill, lie resided in Bayfield, thin I)Aeinmbit 11ALr,:-The assonibly county, anti w:hilo there married n in the halt du bticlay esuiuiug last TIn-, annual mooting of the teach• �•�� �������� :, Friday, on their +vat' to Iilyti, ,on ers ill' �lia5'\Willis Sabbath School l daughter of the Into .John. Long- in honor of Mar -Spalding,= ua 8 a r society business, worth, of Godorieh, the liioDeor grand and LrillianL affair. A large was heli] on Tuesday evening last Tim busiucs:a of our merchants surveyor of tiro Canada Cot11puuy' attendauce',was prescut from CGode- for•the election of, officers. All the _ has been fully up to the averago' in Huren and for along time in rich and other places who expressed Dill officers were re-elected, viz this wp iter s0 far. In 301110 cases it their Goderich office. themselves as dolightc,l , n-}-tlh - t}le Supt,, Mr. 'Tedford ; Asst. Supt., c ceodod that of any former J l Mr.. J. Scott ; Sec-Treas., IV. J. _ - Y Y A Iitcu'rmuu„ UDUAtENT.— I3eforo rcee•ption accorded there. efts Judea Maekdnzie Dr. A. , INIcla--ert IArnovE `. ut" imr.-T'lhls being I�eano ;Librarian, Mr. IrWim•Ass� . hos e. AnuuT�r' dozen studaats for the C 00 4 1V. W. Fair. It was also decided sued John B. Kennedy for 815, '$7 leap year it is allowed' that tiro to Purchase 300 of the new author- Clinton Collegiate Instituto took being balance un a note and $3' in- ladies kayo the Privilege of making train at Lucltnfyw ou lipuday urs. morn- terest oil. the balance. The noto P, Opositious to the gentlemen. ized hymuala for tiro school. The inn being attracted lieco b ,tiro excel- �� school is in a flourishing condition e, o Y was originally for $. , and. was to Those wlho aro not successful this • having a bin roll and • an efficient lent reputation the iYsstitl,tiou as.a run' for six mouths. It. was datod your will have the- privilege - again a O O - r; whole has acquired, and to sonic ex- ]+obuary, 1886, and contained a in 1892, and again in 1896. But staff of teachers and officers. Mr. tent from a knowledge of tine Per- • officer in the county, having oceuis the t g o P proviso that if not paid at tiro end those who fail in 1896 will not get For the season of 1887 and 1888 we are selling Furs at a sonal attainments of assistant teach- of six d,onlhs Kenne.d • was to ,a • another chance till 1904. TheyJ' � or H. &.-MI;0an. - J pay pied &his position over 2?:-•yea�".a-yea­"- fifty cents a rnontli interest thereon. should improve their opportunities.. ■ ■ i FARAtr11S Goort Fix.t:Ncires.—A Kennedy paid •$15 on the note. To be forewarned is to be fore- ho iS a most faithful and attentive writer from Constance to the Globe The balance, Officer. Cleat {SMG 10 in- r$7. has Dery been armed. Pl10 ) roves: to his owp_ s_ tisfaction that overdue, sixteen months and on _U, App . ��mt11.c r. a, ria,• Mast,•. — the average Qatari° farmer has only this,7 Me'raggerp asked for1118'_50 lug of iutou Loilao No, S1, A. F. --Miss.\Vright,'employad in the an annual "balance of $70.21, with cents a mouths, being'it the rate of and A. 11t, held ,n the Maa9nte woollen factory at Flesherton,l had Any person in Hoed of a NICE SET OF FURS should call. on us and which to' pay $275." Aud yet tile- nearly 90 per cent.. a year.' Judg- _Hall on St. John's day, Uac 37th her dress caught in a revolving compare prices before purchasing elsewbore, and we will guarantee to average farmer lives and thrives. ment was given -for the 87, with 1887, the following officers were shaft'last Satui•day-and was wound save you from 25- to 50 per cent. We aro selling Fars this season.from t - Such ftuaucin boats that of Sir legal iuterost at the rate of six per, ' around and serious] injured. 1 lustal'led by 1�. lV., Bre. Dlalloch, y- j ed. sample and are thereby enabled to give you the CLOS>f.$T LIVING ` 'Richard Cartwright all hollow, cent. per annum, or in all for $7.50, assisted by \V, Bros. Young, Glas--Ili(. aValdie,Grit <l. P. for Ilalton PRICES as we have Iso old stuck to carry over frog, one season to • NOT lou- ago we had a call from half' what was being sued for. flow anis Jones : W. Bro.,.Mlle admits bribery by agents at the last an We ­can give .you the VERY LATEST STYLES IST ANY Mr. John Cox, formerly of GodaY TIioSE ..HOWLING 'PURISTS.—Dr ,'Scott, lV. M; W. Pro. 11'm, Jones, general .election, and consents to QUALITY OF FURS.. ich tp., now of Dakota. No offence Platt, it will be remembered was un- I P. li ; Bron D. A. 1''orroster, S, rm'y`"the costs and give up his seat meant moap_t Wheu we say "Wild" seated for carru It practices, and lint W Bro. Chas. A. Ilrotvn Jr W , A keen contest for the vacant seat O, , 1 { , ' will be the result. We call give you a S. S. Seal. Gap, any 8114}�e, ,at prices >. John. He looks hearty considering weer: several of his bribing agents Bro. D: L. Kounedy, Treas; V. lV. —'there is trouble in the Im ranO'il)b' ft -011i $1,3, 25 tip t0 6$17,50. { :that lie has passed the three score were tried. The result ,was that Jiro. W. F. Murray, Secretary ; tiro; perial 4 � a and tel limit. We were iuuch - Thomas Collier was fined five dol- J. J. McLachlin S. I) • Bro. II. 13 Liberal party .over the Local Govern ' , ;, Pleased to learu that notwithstand- tars with the costs and two days Iugrain J.. D • �V. IV. F. Murray, ment Bill, the old mossback members OTTER CAPS X123::5U to �1Z1.1,0�. P Y ' ', being alarmed by the democratic T in- that his house and all tine con- in jail,_ Rodman Ostrander was fined .1), of C ;'1)ru. Mich 110YWOOd, I. G% tendencies of f, a younger section of BEAVET3 (YAPS 5.x(1 t0 $10.50. touts were burned abort a year ago, fifty dollars and costs and two days' L'ru. Jos.. ,hider, Tyler ; IV. Ilru: the •Cory Government- ^ lie is quito coutl'ortably fixed and imprisonment. and David Well- Jas, Young and 1C.1V,.11ro. 1). IlacG. hh;RHl:\�T LAMB (TAPS °7.7O 8.l)O �9.0U fltlCl 1U:Ut1: that he and his sons 'ir'e doing 'banks, Who lens gained unenviable Jlallcich Auditors llV. Eros. Win. —11 r. Chrmberlain has said that ``� , w w5' ti very well. Mrs: Cox is hors with' local notoriety from having prosocu- Jones Jas Young and l'.W .Jiro. W. he expects to be in Washington for 1 y) y 4 another In negotonth,iations ,which is taken to COLLAR CUFFS him ant they will mnli:rin until tad the 1 ieton Gazzette, I rince Ec, Jlurray,Benevolent Coln ; Biros. J. utean that the conclusion of the 1 spring. word Gouuty,for libel, wits also,. L, I,lacl:all and Joselih Coltp, Sto Fisheries negotiations is yet a long s PLAIN As A TIRE 9TA11F.-,A•t Cls• fined fifty dollars with costs and Wards, way off; geode Ilall•Judge hose in thci disc sentenced to three weeks' inipt•ison- 'Tilt; I"TRAUl3DINARY ls'rr•.RrRter On. the 21st Deccmber�a charge We 0111 do you the •O'r-mn, ' of Queon vs. Gant run, r0ftrsed to ment. It will be renienibcrod that of our COtent is beyond praise, or Was prefered by Ur. Sherritt against $at)Lf,:\lt :1N11 (. C'1r1 S fl'On] $'?�, -� + tiro libel complained of cuusiatad condemnation just as cue feels r0- Messrs. Dicic.nnEl Backer, charging .30, O ti3;�. -gnash 'C convicfiuu aaaulst the do- 1 J fendout ulldni'the Ciinadi Temper• of charges that if David'Wellbanks girding tiro exeriso of its powers of them With lravingstolen two duel" , , v ' ['heense can`ie betorp Dtagistrntes BEAVER: COLLAR AND GGF'F5 Sit±, t5_)f), tb ��(), 4 t ansa Ant who Was liui f $GO for the hndriUtau�le<l to his duties as utail lictiun. It• boasts ofthomalmostevarJ' I311ch:inan, 1Veisiraller and Smellie, ' a first ufl'enca. It was coptandyd tli;,t carrier hwtcad ut' boiug ant-agod in week and oxemplifiea the peculii,r at llensell, Dec. 28th, and was ' 0' bribing he would not hove been channel its enterprise takes h one r PERSIAN L:1JII3 (OLI,<ll3.:\\U CUFF', `+1•), ill t, t0 8'�.), for tiro firstotfonco tiro Act provided o l ( J' adjourned lot• a Week. Wednesday ;••. y rk. penalty of not laza than $50. dismissed. Week saying, a prominent business' the court was restymed, and the ,Q ` X111 the alloys (a00tls we il'Cl'll'tllltee. ?; His Lordship Held that "not less LONG LIVE THE COLINCIL,—Tho malt of Glinton paid 70 cents duty prisoners, accordinr•to instructions, • = than $50" slld not litnit the penalty council num., dies. As soul) as one 01,an 80 cent package, which oil -were committed for trial at the to that sum, but that it was in the gives Rp the 'ghost allothor has the terprising Statement our Collector Spring Assizes at Godericb. Bail was dtscictjon,_ot the llagistraia to rn• breath of life hreath0il into 1t. of Customs says is unqualifiedly accepted for the release of the — �. - -prisoners in the meantime, " crease that amount, which, diserg Long live the council. A genet•- untrue. Another weal: it outer- & t.iult, so I.1!!;•, at, all ' ,'i.tp, :� it tsas illy pra+ailings, ; ulini;t is tospeak prisingly say's Mr. ltennott's bnsi: - A lively steno occurred in the c l resun.tE,lr . ,ru.-,ill nut bo ifrtwi'vied [to ill of th» li Phis has not ness and chock has chauoud beside township of flay, a few m -ilex froul Exeter. M, Ge with by lino court. charactarisrd the opinions expressed and that the recent proprietor rr;ts Geo. bluttatt and 1 RrTS ,rREAt•ENT of JUDGr WILL, AM t•hrou +hoot. the. country, b the undecida)J what he would next en- family are living in n amble ou , 6 J, Y near n ew.amr. he having been ens �`*c invite COMPARISON QF GOODS, WORKMANSHIP AND JIILLtsa.=Advancing ag6 anlT the i press, rr•g;a•cling del'unct municipal gago in- = A Weck after this enter- gaged by \'Ia:.lames Iloward to chop PIiIChS. We think tvo can sell as 'Cheap Y' infirmities which so surely follow councils, Tho stereot eel remark tri�iug statol)lc, t was Dlaclo NJ -r, • wool'. JIr. Muttart came to town c reap ns any other;,House in tiro have, dec"i,led His TI.onor Juil"e is made : "On the, - 1 ul t the now Benn-ort informed us that it whs not ,began drinkingand' soon became fraise' nitd all w0 ask is a fair compnrisou of Goods and Prices, and their + llirier, for over Ithirty•five J•ea 4, council is an iutpa•oventent on the true, that ho was thou running the intoxicated. eturning home he - we will let tho Public be,the Judge, q e County ,Judge of Waterloo, to send l hist," In tog:a<1 to Clinton coon- "rail rocker" b1191llC69 as USU111 An- began abusing an infant child, where. in his tesi++natiuu. ThirtJ +-live I oil out might say that the thYde Dery other, uaelt its enterprise movca it upon his wife interfered, she too —o— in being; set upon by her husband. �7 AATT RR CLOTHING HOME Jells of jddicial life, witll Scarcely ntcnihors this veer cannot do any it to say that Judge Doyle has been Ifer cries for mercy and help were 'R81T18�lber, T U' 'llUL VLOT�I G dloUS 1 an absence from a court over whidh lass than tho three whose places appointed to a senior judgeship and hearer try i\'Ir. Wm. Harris, who ! q° he wits looked to preside, or from a they have tel{en. 'Their predeces• that hie Promotion would take ploco � occupies another shanty at some ° judicial duty' -which tic,• should dig -.sora (lid not do anything in the in a "few days." The same day the I distance. ]lir Harris forced an a g1large, is a loud record of physical council. 'Their successors can do statement appeared Judge Doyle in. entrance'into the house and was ,ry activity and mental strain and all I that much at lenst, The retiring formed us that it was not correct. about to shield the woman, when ; µ•ill nu,v"join if, the hupathat the fnentbers cannot have anythimg said And the "fewdays" have elapsed i\Iattn.rt ran at him, and with an oxo ;} yrarr that may vat be spired to the a -must thrut As c'itizans. As chic and Judge Doylb is yet jnniur draft him two heavy blows, cutting the forepart of his head open as far veno r:,lplt:'Judge 1110v pass in the ' reprvsentativea of the people noth Jtl,lnc:of 1{ur0u. Such euterprfso fa down as the eyebrows, as well as ch pence and comfort which his long life i iDg can be'said for thein other than. 0111 tautly ox1r,nurdinarY it' . nl)s;,tis• , otherwise cutting and bruising bio ' 1 A,0 of us+:fnitirss and activity leave so ! that if they did tie good in the factory to tiroso who lctolc for facts \othing has as yet been done to r, W(-11yarned, coul)cil they did no harin in it. in even it, 11er•s1rapar, Muttirrt tis way of punishment. Fine Merchant Tailors, Clinton, Ont. 4, P A ^