HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-11, Page 5M..'� "�"02�°4°°® all Nr'^I� L-Gv• I T"V -V �, Ip f Price per yd. for this sale Yards. Regular rice o these- Goods 75c. • Tkle Shock Large to choose from. - . ARGAINS /N OYERCO Ts, Also, about 200 Remnants of DRESS' GOODS, from 5 to 10 Yards, at HALF F RICE, BARGAINS IN .MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, BARGAINS IN SHAWLS'... o--tF--o.,—.. , WE SEL.iI. CHEAP, Aca-r NO GUESSING OF BEANS OR LOTTERYt SCHEMES "We waut to show you }the Goods and prove it. :Don't Forget FROM NOW till the elld of 1$$.7. In order to secure these Bargains. OPEN TO, ALL. _E* —o—o-o-o--o-_- JOHN -- , WISE�N AN, Xanager. E _ ate J. :�OD.GENs. 17,;f st E. PAY& C ON The -Low -Priced Dry -floods Men -of Clinton. ,W. IG A�AINS,� J. C. DETLOR _ & CO. HAVE BE, THEIR drew two cords of 4 foot groonwood c:vused an exhumation of the body IN-- " CLE'ARI'ff"G S�ALE from James Barr's bush in ifullott oil Wednesday, and a post mortem to the d5'alt Block on Saturday. pointed to poisoning by strychnine ; - =--v o _--_ _ _=-=-- ----_.:7-- This. _ Thi , is considoreel hard to beat. and the girls chastity, as proven, by �1-^` - _-X ^ X 1 - X + - - ~ + her life, and also by the post mortem GREA I wilfexaul urge fastens elle 'crime of ANN�P�op o „ In and About the County,. wilful murder on someone. ■ice°°®3 -'r D. Stanley was elected Mayor :...- +of St., Mary's over Air. Rupert. Our VVeekly Round Up. - " ^~��s� - „ _ . _ w,t;,MrugcaltC�t#rx'1.0,-0F,IiZCGIIliVlay 17rs :Jolcoeur, of Ottawa, aged '�'�1 Rousiny. Reception SWEEPING ,REDUOTIONS dor Bargc,ih Buyers. IN CES OF -' 1OWt11ine., retired to bed last Monday 104, voted for'Mayor Stewart in the but n seemingly in his usual health, mayoralty contest. bDress Goods, Silks, Veluets and Plushes, Cloth' ut next morning ivies found dead. 'I'I•IE FOLLp1VING Altl: A FEW OUR 1'ILICL:S -Mayor Francis, of the Woodstock -The first through freight traiq on Alcn's Felt Ove•shoes..$1.2:; wort4i $1.50 Ot orshocs.... • .. X1.75, worth 53.00 the new line passed Sault Ste. Marie ing, Flannels, Shirting Underwear Corsets Times, Who has been mayor of that Alea's Overshoes, wool Ladies Cardigan Ovcr- t ' Saturday on its way frbnh St. Paul , town for two years past was defeated lined........ 1 d0 1,75 shoes ............. 1.00 " 1.75 for another term. to Montreal. Mon's Pine ....Montreal.......... ,lis is Felt Otcrshoes.. 1.15, " 1.35 Skirts, Quilts, Blankets, Table Linen, Sheeting's+t ; The will of the late George Awty, - 66"Dominiori'"`revenue for the wuol.linod.......... 1.75, " 2.00 misses Fine lluttonOver Towels Furs Mantle Cloths Fancy Wool of M}reboil be ueaths all the estate P ,34U X12'>. Ladies Felt Overshoes.. 1. 25, 1.50 shoes ..... ... ... 1, 50 1,75 ' r f q past six- months is $17 , the r to his brother's widow, of the 'town. expenditure $15,098,080. Surplus for Ladles Fine Button• Chdd's Felt Overshoes.. 0.05, °' 1.10 I ship of Fullarton. The value of the the six months $2,242,342. Ave sell Loots and Skives of all kinds for I.011'ER 11R10ES than any other llouso in Shawls. e ' ,estate is sworn at $52,000. --It is now reported that five men the Town. You ask flow do the do it. WO don't have to {gut lar,r,.e profits to pay big Robert Elliot late of the Listowel rents and interest on borrowcd .caj,ital. 11 E I LEAST} THE El'Y., Z -;1 -PROTECT _ _o r were killed in the collision near Port THE l'OCKE'I"hi and DIPROVE flip, 111EINIORY witli cru BAR(IAINS. It will TLOR Tanner, has purcaper, asedlthe sledi to Arthur on Lhe Canadian 'Pacific' Inst flay joa to wake yvur p:cl aces at.,C. DE 4.i6 CON ' Times newspaper, and entered Into week. • possession: Mr. Munn, frons Inger- k coil, is to be manager. -It, is estimated that 750,000 peo- pie were drowned and 3,000,000 left -Sarah McPherson, a somewhat homeless by the overflow of the Yel•. eccentric old maid, was found in a 'low River in China. The Sleepless and .Restless Jeweler ;i dying condition in her hovel at Park - J1 1 11 irg-3111 S H 0 hill on Monday, and expired in a About one hundred miles north of ' Y few hours, having evidently perished Ottalva on the Gatineau River, diph- w from cold and starvation. t.heria of a most malignant type ling OI)110Site the Town Mall, C lintOIl' ®� ` COAT" w H. 1`, Butler of the Stratford broke out, and within"a few daps - ' �.. ■ '� v ■ iy1over a dozen persons have died — - 'llimes less' been elected Mayor of the At this season of the year every- j HAS MADE " classi., city,: _ Either the ,ratepayers - Work. on the proposed canal: on 5 e gllould use Powell's sarsaparilla ��S -1- o- --- or the Herold makes a mistake.. The the Canadian sidle of the Sault will latter journal,. gays that "Stratford. is not bo commenced until late next ar5d'burdod kt itcleanses and enriches. �tthe tt�st instant, a sul:al hon about'thc �J disgraced by the election of Butter." spring, owing to the incompleteness. •the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by �`snre Of a loan, bare footed on `both hiunls, all druggists. 443.3m. tt'it I long tooth pial. hoots ml his hind font, anQ Of rile e?itenglye s ,ecifi'CatiOnB r0• toren}` i,tina in his off car, fond of steered hens pother Big Re,ductlon In the Price of wafchas -Col. Talbot, the pioneer who 1 a uiredL thecontractors. ,��— teial. gild bl)clarheat ploservca. Iff. llad all �..•.,.. cut the fiist tree where London udW q Y MARKET IZEPORTS. ontpky bid, m, his.back containinga bundleof T stands, was on that city market -The Dominion immigration agent I•oil)c host bntu»,uld ;t package of wagon tracks. v !+ g (Corrected e,Or>' Tuesday, afternoon.) r Saturday, morning. The Colonel i8 lie tco,u Inn„ blue bah' cat LorC and curly and for Belgium ]las written band Coal- I ;a ilea strow hat which Lad recently heel) half, 99 ears of a e' .but still halo and ct.lxrox: \D Y g r , . misioner.lielavash, of the Canadian soled, fa colored coat with ,etch hottom.linil,g SEN FOR ON1; OF •11is ' ` .heart r 1'10ur...................,.....�4 OG t0 4 5U :inti hi,h ,rater• pants, `'Yblen hist even he was Y Pacific, 1` tnnipeg, that he starts Fall Wheat new & old 0 75 to 0 8 p � � ) wheeling smoke ant of a hl,u4:wnith shop to caro Judge Lacpurse,` the present junior fro Belgium on March 15 with five ' mono to hay 11MISLIf a heautifnl luso PARLOR Spring Wheat :............ 0 7l) to 0 82 ye,' Of the fafcat Yl Cl - AT C E Judge, will it is understood, bt>; elevat• hundred farmers for Maniteb.0,_..,... gn fron, A. A. BENNET'r $2,75ed to the senior judgeship of 1Vatei- •Barley ...................... 0 50 to 0 75 lied i3CCkC1' StC I'C. (IIn1011._ %4'% loo and there is a general opinion' _-A despatth--from Rome says :- Oats ......................... 0 34 to 0 35 I -- - - Mr. Gladstone having expressed a Pens ......................... 0 58 to 0 59I tTlinv if�ar�x. (:,u,c int�thcenclosureof that Mr. Alexander Alillcr, barrister, wish' to see the Pope, the latter inti- A les (winter per bbl 1 00' to 1 50 Mr, Thos, Farquhar hot 2, , (ion. 5, Irullett, �F"�t � - ' of Galt, should -be appointed to the pp r p I about the loth of No, eniber, a red hetfek coming � .el.. mated ghat he would be delighted to Potatoes .................... 0 50 to (1 6 e&b'. - - - _ Leo.. R it#ni0 10"'-+11b178 B an. Butter ....................... G 18 t0 G 20 lrrnpert} p,,r etpenr,es nnmYl t11-� the animt�l ntvn's' . -Njr. Donald Cowan, 6th like Erin, Gladstone hill be received by his Eggs .......................... tl 18 -to 0' IS -t "fLg' 1^lid tfi���•- sc. � o--- y- met with a serious accident last I3oliness with the ceremonial that is Bay :.......................... 8 00 to 9 00 _ I cannot let the occasion pass without returning my sincere 'thank" to the Public for. week. When he was attending to usually observed when non-Catholic Cordwood............ 3 00 to 4 00 y ^i(ERY. FOR ItEN'T with comfortable re. "•.... 1. ideuco attw:ked 'rhe oven is new, Codd their Very liberal patronage and trust that by till-- ulitling attention tb the wants and v, his stock a cow hooked him in the visitors are admitted to an audience. Beef .......................... U OG to 0 OU } rd and st:.we. xoar the hi,siness centre of retluiremcnts of lily rustonters flint I shall always merit the continuance of their eye, piercing the eyelid and dislod Y r h S Y, g` -Daniel O'Rourke an employe 1`ool........ ................. 0 24 to 0 ?r+ Clinton,oebo no ei. ,u f w dome west of foe 'favors: I will iioiv continue to clear the bulalicel)l'w large and well assorted stock of frig the eye from its socket. Medi the G. T. R, car sbops at Brntord, Porlc..:..................... 6 00 to 6 25 1�tendll m u, Sieh smiii Iniear sbto go pi sof the b ' cal aid was callers, and . was found was engaged in oiling a baud saw I uakrn( hh9lness. "t dntlott`. A „t}' Rt. ti is oiiico neceasarytoremovethe eye. o g g , ortoA DunywoPan 4;s•tf. I�i.E FURS a T CO PRICE. while it was in motion,. _ and in Powells sarsaparilla and burdock l o• Joan Deaken, ofucan; while out reaching for the lever to shut off the the- most powerful blood purifier in. g �t ARM FOR SALE.- For sale, the north Milt If you want a 13ARGAIN now is your chance to eome anti wake your selection. shooting a few days ago, met with a power his arm came in contact with the market. Price 50cts. a bottle P of iota Ll and 52, ill ttie 1st concession of the serious if' not fatal accident. His a saw, putting it off just below this Sold by all. druggists. 443.3m. -Township of Turnberr,', containing loo acres: olo. gun burst while shooting at fl bila over 70 cleared, cood'franne house, barn and elbow. - _.____._._._...__-,.-. _� _ stable; situated 4 tilites from Wroxeter and 3 ina tree, a splinter of the barrel - A miles train l3lnevale. Will hesold cheap anti on ���.,'�`'1 C Se �'•�w striking him in the forehead,literally -On the 29th of December, A. D., CARD OF THANKS. eas}'turn,s. Apply to IN •tfcTAGGAkT,Clinton. �!'" • •�� �..A ��i7t.�TV VV � demolishing his left eve and fractur_ 1841, Mr. Alfred A. Baker was lock, Albert Street. ing his skull in a terrible mantler. appointed clerk of the .first Division' Electurs of St. Andre)rs Ward : Murrayy He was unconscious at last accounts Court in the Court of Wellington. ton. Ladies and Ocntleulen,-1 desire to extend to 7TRAY STOCK ADVER= AarNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. ' y f'' u 1 ' r1SHMENTS inserted in Tur, and lies.in a precarious condition. Since That date thirty-six thousand }'oil my heartiest thanks for the honor }oil flare NPµ's Ilrcortrr tit low rate. 'rhe late t( 80V0n hundred Arid eighty C conrerrod on Pte by electing nm as ono of }our ---- - -- ro ---- _-• _. ._-_ --The Bruce Herald 88y8 Mr. g Y lasing repmsentatf,ea at the Council Board fm•,J. be nmkos it compulsory to advertise stray stock. y 'a" have been entered for suit in bis ensuin car. I a ,7eciate the confidence ,'1oil it yon want any Idintl of advertising, you cannot - Col¢in, A'ownship„lreesurer of Cul have ,laced in mo anti' will Ondenv0r to the ljhst do better than call on "The News.Record," roes built a now house last year office, amounting in the aggregate to 1 —_-_ _. f y , of my abllh;3, to perform, creditably the tin' es - ---='i j-••-- __ p u _ g� � _ t His neighbors concluded ghat he $772,350. On the 5th day of June, devolving upon me. � `j�liopi"11TY FOR SALT: OR JOB P� I N. f � )1 G �i i� � Pli 8 N TING A._ D. 1855 Dir. Baker was appoint- . I remain, yours obediently, all 1 RENT, -Advertisers will find "The j stole the emacs. It ," b08t them f issuer pp } oil xears•KecOrd" one of the nest mediums just four hundred and1seventy,five' ed an issuer of mairiage licenses, Join 3011xa'rov. dollars to find out that his accounts and up to the present date has issued in the County of Huron. Adr•ertlse fii — - ---- — - --- - -- "rhe New llcvord"--The Double Circulation aiie all'. right. It won't do for two thousand seven hundred and Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. + ` seventy-five licenses. Of all that CARD OF THANKS. 1'reasarers in thisCoutur to put on TAO. Hulan NOWO-R80016 Iriucll"si'yle foe aha Futuro." number Mr. Balser knows of but 7� ("I'MIi:r.ING nrSINF$8--THE UNDER• two who ever regretted having tied �Sj('Ct(1)' Of 3E, G('ti1';JC•y il' U)'cl : 13 signed w'i»has t0 intimate to the people of Matthew Full-arton, for many g g Clinton and anrroul)dingcnnlltry, that in Order years cleric of South Dorchester, the nnptial knot, connubial bliss Lpdies and Gentlemen,-Arcopt mJ' tnsuitanly Inset thedenn,naanf hla rcr}' nn,ner• has invariably fblloWed the C011gtlm- hearty, thanks for okectilig Ina :Is one of ouHCUstnnlers, he has hUlli;ht oil t11L' kill»InC59 went out to his barm to'do his. even- ) of JI r. It. I itr•.iuu,ns, and wUl carr}' Ott the sapid,iss •+ mation of his 'wirrlu your rcpresen1fIdV.3, 1 shall nf,dcavur to, in Chores. A little' while after• filth thv ehniecst moats in season. Ever effort - _ - I! the positron Cv the host of my, ability. ta•ti' Ine made to elect the wants of Pill, and he ADVERTISING i��lyEST BATES wards IS QaughttaY jh[1d occasion to yt>nrs otnRiirtrtty, - - -- imjmstv,rre,ftaTd rccehc a fair share of-rlblie-- - - - -- ---�- 1. visit the barn and .found her father 11:111tTII5. pAVID CAN'Ph:T,ON,1;'•trol)o,0' Lowest prices dor large orders. lying on the' floors dead. lIo fled 111eGEE.-In 131yth on the 7th last fisc -- --- - - 1;'ll'm ir, tirade a specialty, ALf3F.irr JIAY. been in 'his usual good health, and wife of Dir: James bLPGee of w daughter. DRS. 'its •� T y� /"i U7 �I 0 llI�S. I;LLIO 1 (1G lJf V N1�1 . r� itF,�S \I AICING..-}fry. Campbell, of London • the cause of his death has not been DIMS hn»Opmlad Dross Makirig (tonins Ov6r the ascertained. Ile was about 76 years Dry GoodStorc of Geo, E.. Pay c Co., with first- pfd • ELDER... lit Blytli on the 1st' instant ii, it. Elliott, m, I2 , w- Gunn, li. D., L. R, i asA assistants, She is in a position to torn out Afabcl Florence, aged 3 years trod 2 L. R. U. P.,Edihbur) h I C+ h EA, borgh, L it. work equal to :env ill the lit;. She respectfully One morning Airs. Angell ,laced a o Y L, h, U. S, Edinburgh, C runb•Ir„h Li asks". trial order, 11001114 oyer GEO. E. PAY C ° 1 itl0uthn, dilu;ditef of Alaxaudei, alt(( Licentiate of the Mid- centi:,te of the Mid. co's, Dry Goods Store. foot warmer filled with Wates' oil Dialy 1$. Eldel', wifely, Ert�nhurgh. wife,}•, Edin. Office, oil Id qum Allh, the stove in "Guelph store 8o that Offico 'it lsracefieht. corner of Ontario and -BOARDERS 'WANTED Irl.-•.r�ea=•ems-: - 'William' Sts., Clinton, r ■ it would be hot for her when going -- - - _ill" it P P e home. The Call resembled a large THE CENTRAL BAKERY. J ----_- - •r1< ic„' lady Or ,4cuticmen btVtrdcrs taut have , ” NOTICE board aml rno,n acennlmodation at tho rriv,tte honey tin with a small screw stopper residence of MRS. NOULK, lately occupial by On the top.- When the vessell was T1i031A% DUNLOP, the populnr Nr. Dichl, \ Ictori,sgeet, Clinton: 36I of n placed upon the stove this stopper i Bread, -Pnt in and Fancy on -r Cake Baker, 11 won council of the Corporntith of the County CROSS SAWS,' ot ffuron ivill moot m the Court [louse in the^was screwed on. An hour hitor has opened oat in nonwwoli•rrt old stand. Town of Oodcriclt nn Tuesday the 24th instant.�_�_ there was a terrific explosion. Nater All orders attended to promptly. Any I'mm ADAM»O)f, flew in all directions through the thing not in stock halted to order on the Co. Clerk, shortest notice,• Tr leis bread. Wedding ' Jan, 7th 1888 2t, Now is too limn tog t yen• ind iti WINTER damaging ng goods. the clerks and Y _ —_- look nearly m,d st•rr DYEDa.re PRESSED to CATTLE CHAINS r *rnkrs n specialty. 444lt 1nOlY acarid ns :food ns rorty, before rho rush be-' damaging goods. ,the driver of the ANNUAL MEETING f"b"', at f)Onaintnu Dye anti ClOnnsina ' delivery sleigh, a German by birth, -- lusfnUlisLmcnt, \'ictorin. Street. P, S. -don t was standing near the door. lie School toll ut that this is the only place ht the tdlrll put big hands to his ears and yelled Books, Tho azl s meeting of the Mallettwhore clothly i s c d Alld, r0pn.irod'nnd pressed 1? 3 r t6 100k nem l} na Ir roti as new. Agrictilt iot Society will) n held in lien- 0 "Dander orrd blitzen, I guess I'll 4as }• A. iiy, rn11,yr.n13:E, rrol„•actor. • moor' and had not been seen since. nedy's hotel, Clinton, on . lit., fete ___ _ .. 12th last, at 1 o'clock +. tti., for the w� 1'. -Great excitement prevails in All tile. Books required for elect4on of officers' and other I �ISIMtss, TO THE t�AR1ltfIlERS I {• r N. Tt013SON 9ec1'NI y Cartwright township over the my- , , « CollCniate lnstlt,ntrsa :111(1 PIIII Clinton' January 3rd ]899. Stud,• your own interest and go where sterions death of a young woman +^ I�1 you can get named Caroline heron., Deceased lie "C1104s. , f� (Was perfectly healthy until last cey SOh001 Sll lies Wall Mas I NOTICE. Reliable [�■ um. Friday, When sillies soddenly seized pp 1 p t ,11 Harness. her, and in a few hours she was a Lesson Tablets Ete. Etc. The Annual Meeting of the McKlllo Mutual Iron and Hardware rileleellant Tablets, MO. insurance Co. will he held in t to Town i Innnnfn! tare none hat !h0 13ttsT OF STDCR. ! 6orps i. TXerAying struggles couplerl _- stall Seaforth on rrhlav January 20th 1888 at heaver, O(sh ps (kilt( sell cheap, fii (beg -have with rile death OP the h0U80 other the hoar of 12 o'clock trend ytemhars are ret Jnt l )iri, R•T ('alt and,ot priors. Orders ��� ��0� g+ be mail prmnptild noodled to which licked her vomit, and OtheC■' '�OO�E epectfnlly requested to attend. _ W. J. SHANNON' Sec. Wells. t flUspiClOns surroundings, led 110 an Tnos. L. LAYS, President.' C'`► outburst of public opinion, which BtiAVER BLOCK BOOB STORE. bfoRlIlop Dec. 28th 1887. 477.4t, ILIRNF.SS EAIPO1IICyI, .1t.1•.XT11, onT. Nov., 1.887. a 4 ter. ) , 'kayo.u.,.,.a..:,�,it._:.•s:��:.Jra=:.,,.,i...a�'' ,. � 1,_a, :',rr.+.Y.�v:,'a:,�.5^ ” -•-. .5.:.'. , _,- 1.'.� .1►rYe�!".. �.,_. .,.r ...-.m, ,,. e:: Y ��_ �..iA.�i�.�:.��L..•. .. . ._..,. r .:- -- ..,.._.�_-s.��1�;�a:,.friiL:'