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The Huron News-Record, 1888-01-11, Page 4
_1111111101C yk 11 - N. �' , 't ` .: k • . "' ter, �' .. - ... { .• , r 4 , >_. ° I/ W • _' .. • 1. ., 4 "t w " - • e - p 1. q.' I I 1 _ ., . O . �-i'hww. .. ':. .. `•-emaam+,.m, .A,. ,-- osr_ .. :r.,_ �a�.:n.m�.w.-o:__.,._,n,.ana .,—.. t v 5.q A Y ria ,r 11 t' treat. r ail , t L I tt t1ua vo , -. - aanw_ aFw,r,a . Io11 of r t :t• lr t • ,ecause %r: pity Rt'!`)`l.O Ck E J" 1. IU1' ..R- li�4�01'l Viz,a zT /�% o a it i t Id uuL y iii ' crlll,svt I c ' ,•, [� f .� " .. lipuld lnk,e otor.) tbsrl_ ',ye ttimi1d the. t,.W.41A te.Wing ardil�.at-A ltriio I Q'[ - P3t,Ii.'$'1l-C30 $T -i♦ w s, ,., .N , I . , - 11 " P. x,6e'a7 es� =,�h•°o f, lr1 Arlva4R.a. gaits fly prolection." of sixbout ,b onLy,•fhvu centra a barrel, I , e'.. �_� t and ip l tiplr•t+, %i'h.ivh' irl taiga A K e, uq, Meet oxl _ _ . � �.. '1'hh n . 0�� - ' .''I .��_' 4 , 1, ,�11fedikp till , �>tn�a.tt�y 1111, 1SSgr, POBT A>xu PAT9101•. .limy A fur this logit!+1, it ViLlI +'l,ew . cit' URlce s, &o. ',' : tits ha•! its arty yuuutiLy at .ilia rutrr . PANT, " N�! O '_ _- . __ _.�,- - .. _ _ _. . M - ' 1.ec ilia •dem, os urs, sru•l ashy r of 81,80 A barl•:el•. Where wine eau `''Ito ano-ual uteeting of the Count `t ZOITQ SAL =NOP&8- isidcrS+t,tl abllettors of Auaruhy, I.c had at Ho Ica price, at- shies, it is Grand Black CItnlltet' of Porth -,--- Tyranny, lruason, tial' kindred .,_,-. l FlE- is if bo result. of the untie{sting Of 'fatly"rtlfuct shit a veutury ago riot as all str,,na«, tht{t there should (luyalp Blacl:• knights Of lrelsnd) Grits and ilio byoleOLioss held in Iiadi," ellan. .pia -t it=d thy, fI)Ilaw• Ito It htrgOCOUSunrptiou of it. With waS•held its tho'hall of 397, Myth, til•• exception of France, Maly is the on Friday Inst, The attelt.danca wits A, consequence, has luso ap increased ing to, -,t, tvl,f c„ titre its r,ively to- 1 g I.Lv for tJuur+u •rc•,.,I Uuiuu and ilk: largest ' wide protlrrcing country ' fairly representative, principally ` !v 1 ' J ht, iu - n► ilii• world, and ,taking tilt; utimber fruit) Precepturius tvorkiub iii the �� �� ®®� "y`-C0»serYatCYii "litlw"Jl'It ' O1' erg , I Ir' , folk :- I ,j('. _ i cuuuL ul' Htt1'uu. ' A cut,sidurable O •G,euerall' ti' / the HOQse, and tihere are snore to . of lllhablt"Ilts into account its r,tt.iu , J f 1 "The next ]u Hgccda.41u11, I'll giva yeti=- of roductivu, is lar ►' than tht,t, aurounl, of iulport,lut busiuuss was / follow. the ging." p' �"" '� __ .-__ _ .__-.__..__ 1Vhne'er woul,l betray hiu,i,.ou high play cit' France, while its exportation is disposed of, Thu election of officers "' • " "' It i said by the Tube that the heatyi,1Z, smaller. Thr con.uii,ptia,i of tvdae for 15138 resulted as follows; `0- 4 Do niniou Cxovvrnniout have used And here S to ilia Bryn I,htihric, "Our Free in Frtmor• in 188 wuH v. tituated to air lit. Itiuliard Bloatutield, Comity l Coustitntiul,, ' Grand Maurer•, 126, Bluevale. a t _ influence to prevent the successful As built on the base of the great lterul• hu uhuuc thirty uvea g,AllouH per P utiou • capita. Probably shut of Italy l Sir lit. 1Vw.1 Laidlaw, D,G.Di., 897, " + " floatin Of Elio pew UQbeC l0all. Blyth. d And luuger with politics not, to be would he morn+ than forty gallons Sir fi t. Root. Blo+a,n2i k1 G. Chap - No, no, it gannot be that the Tories' erauune<l, '" "` p,.r capita, while in clic United er h . ' Be Auaruhy cursed and be Tyranny lain, 1_,, 131u_,al©. - have adopted the kaeties of the Grits, darmnocl • S+ateH the consuu,ption its the satue Sir 1(t. 11afthew Morrison, D. G. ILI, o b- e rt s on, " ' • —••--------- •-=- And-wito would to liberty e'er prove dis• Y"ar it- etvPu tit. nLoat four tenths ChapitLlr1. 317, Blyth. . The Presbyterian Review, its refer. loyal, cif nn•• ipsilon ror e,,%pitn. Jf by the Sir Iit. A. 91. 'road-, C:. Registrar, . - ,lIav his son be a hall nnan nad he ilia low )r,cc, of Irutivt- wiur H -acrd lhiS 815, Goderioh-Clinton P.O. eaice to the elect}op of Dir. 1+:.: F. first trial. b-Lindsa Warder. t Sir Kt. Goo. Hawkins, D. G. Re,. �F T + +, • ,�, •. Y may eurrlr• ut,out with the increased J, OF THE GREAT lI STOl2,l', S >F1R'1'S A CAS T Clark as Mayor of Toronto, says: . istrar, 1;15 Clodur!ch - Pt. Alpert P.O. " culrivutiu,r of the gr:y,n w G'r,li' Sir lit. John Reili. f1. 1'r a»urar, " "It Lt'otlld be ntOrO sut13fa0t01'y to TOPPER TALKS. forma - tin- people could drink 315, Gush rich. - ' • have a nr{n of 'tuore pronounced ,Sir Charles 'Tupper has returuod unrrr wine uud Ir sx distillHl spirits, Sir lit. Jofw Pu:Lcock, D. G. Truax• BEr , nEDUCr,r,,10N - I -• teutperauce principles _ in tha to Washington. In !:peaking , U it woul•I h.• of gr'owt benefit to thew 'nror, 1'16, Blueivalr•. Mayor's chair." The Review is evi- Canadian auue.xatiou Sir Charles an•1 their. uruutry,. S:r M. u,, :,,;1;11, G. L)MIL'ar; SALE J. said:-IlThere.is no party in Canasta __--- -_-- 1397, Blyth. r duutly confounding total abstinence. its favor,of ar.nexation to the Uil.t, Sir lit. Lewis L+'Iliott� D. G. •Leet- T H 'I 11 a' 11 ° with temporaries. Mr. Clarice is ell States, TherN inay. bu ), few PATRIOT ANI, TRAITOR. urcr, :313, C"otlei ich. preeminently, first lust and all the individuals barn and' C}Iere, but tlo :� irumber o.• 11 a Liu Sir Kt ',1latthwv .lIniuus, G Stand - p e J', n Gutsaelinrls aryl Bearer, 897, Blyth. . . time a man o£ "pronounced tetupei- persou has aver lwou elected to the war„ �guo,ct' �,tt the I. xtan 11td :;ir Kt, Bearer, 1 5teluev . G. ( �ai�il�'da�7 January 7th auco principles." His success, in Llouse' of Coounrius alio dechrred chant.. l3a , net Deu. 28. Trate 5tandnrtl Boater, 1'1(i, Bluevale, ) T himself previously in £ivnr of that u,atters wise drseut,sed. Vis lion, Sir lit. W. H. Illurney G. Consor, life furnishes the proof. The 81u, t.oric'rieh. t ; a10a:+uro. We belies•,• that there John Dlacd6t.uld, u Tiwoutr, open, til cause of his saecem Iws been his is roour enough its. North Au•,erica ("I in a rtu•�t frliritouH+u,uluer. He `pie lit. Arthur Woodman, D. G. \Vheu every article its ilia store will bo ro-marked its RED figures at 11 , it undoviatiug attachnrnnt to Chris- for the bouiiniuu of Cabala as believed that the twu countries Commit 80, eb7, 131yth• GPtiI$ATLY REDUCED PRICES its order to I;ot our Stool{ down to the 1. y. Sir lit. Rotiort 1Viutr rs,•G. Pursuiv' Ioivost possible minimum previous -to our. annual. Stock -Taking, on Febru-' x lis:n priueilrlts in their largest nod well as the United States of America Should ,udvpt lbu large+sr, poHsihln suit, 1Zt], Bluevale. { beet sopae. Tha +*reate'r. •includes curl that whiles it ix very desirable, uouirneroinl reciprocif v umu!•atihle Sir Kt. John McGill, D. G: irursuiv ary 1st. I:x{ier-}once lta9 taught Itis that it is brstter to vf' . ' ° that there ,•hould be tilt- freest with ex4-ti ig riel,.f'H, I3.is septi• ant, 307, Blyth. . t,l,:" the less. -Christian principlov in- possible iuteruorttp7H betwet-u thy, muut. was "Lot there hi: no H'ri''e GrnucI Conlinitteo.-Sir Kts. John z eludo temperance principles., lir. two t,onntrii's we thinly it is rather betwgen t Ou and ale and be•tweui, Scarlett, 815; W. Johnston; U16; Johu , t� , . ' Sherritt', 8117;. Robert I•logl;, 12G; Jn n Sacrifice Winter goods at even 1.Lnu .Vhan Go," - r { (,buk has been liartictilarly pro• au iidvantagt) Lo both of thong to thy h,hern,eu aml Ink h.Hhernlcil, _ ._•....,__•-__.:_ -� " +uipatt as Llto publisher and editor Illustrate each to ilia other tlu: for tut- art hrnlhrcn, A}I stats tvitti Wil¢ou, 810; .JoHt+hh, Will{'ascii, 1LG; _ _.. ., H. B,'Mallettie; 8U7. "• •-• _1••11j• .•- --••- "Repu•rlican' Goi•ernmsent, as Hhown ►necessary ^t•) Hettio ilia ditheulties t -af n "j'ci►'ttsl' dei o'tei �to" Ciiii itiiin Two deaths were reported, Sir by the States, and the P,rttish Hv,- br+tweol, the two countries ix ,+greater Rather than carry over a large stock to another season. Every sharp b v, , .' - rrotestnut nicer lea. i3 his tem ! Knights Jaines 13. Gila oro, 397, l i P Y tau) as practised in Uanada. dishluy of uta onniwity ant generos' and Alexander 13011, 126. Un business ntan in Canada knows well that money.nmkos money ; those, • peranee in ilio advocacy of these he icy. Instn,ul of using the ell, its- motion of Sir 1%ts. Robert Bloom• merchants who carry large stocks from season to season, it is a well known A ~C- lilts ephind Lite respect of those who ONTARIO CONSERVATIVES AND GRITS, torrogation,' "How neucll Crui Eva fell and Robert 1Vintora, the rel- tact Bevel' InRltO ntUlte 011r Olj OCt la to lase Onrs01Ve9 in a 091ti0n t0 .: clitl'er from him as wet ns rho sup- There were sweaty Hix protests get 4" 'wry Hhrn1.d nHle omsulvas' lowing letter o'r' condolence was Purchase a nice fresh s ook for the spring trade. LADIES, take advant- `�, out of the last ueuer•al olee, How much coil wo ,+ive'1 S u akitsrt g arising 1 , n arm of this Sale and Supply yourselves with 'a good stock of WINTER ,1111 . " port or those with whom he is morn propared : o PP Y Y a tions in slits Provinces 13' ugaiust <)f national ciWi�rrtionH, be.HRid -we __ GOODS'. You all know the place to find h; I.rartieularly identified. Though I'o the widens and fi,milieH of the Grltsanll 13 against Caoservatives, should ad,+pt un,noa„uH that would late James B. Gilmore, Belgrave, �• we believe not a total abstainer, Mr. In no cuss has a charge of rorrup- t•r stn Hntt:ring vud++H to ,Lriaexat and Alexander Bell, t Clark i,q. a pronounced teniporanee, tints, been Proved againsit Conaerva. -it'll., . We, the officers and\iiiiE,In" bms of 6d � ®�� MAN'S��' �r��'! '� in in oil Lite liquor uor uestion. It is tives. In only one case was a Con- rho Gotu,ty Grand Black Lha )tet of q q the lion. J. \V. l.n:mley aura hes T ”, amen of hisatamp Who effect roforiits, serval}ve seat 'natio vacant and that was charged with lu: ug an ti`nr,r xrt- Perth, fool tliat we cannot allow this rc wasHaldimand, by mutual consent, ' •opportunity to pass without convey —o� O— liis rr•dooessor, Howland has not . tionist and Yat,koH sy.mpatl,izer. { • 1 4 and -it was , won fl the • Conserva, ing to yon our heartfelt sympathy in • 'iLWY HH felt"bound •u 4ay that Cxad its your sad afl3iction. q been a temperance malt 'where the titres. Of the protests against ' .. e natures „evt r iuteu tel that Nov,, It has lcaH:uri Alrui++ Liquor iltrPstiou. ))its ])cull discussed .Grits six have tmen tried so far and Scotia Hhould,,,trade with Ontario p ghty''God to0 ' - D,T N + take from olir rnidat two activeAW a � 1.he Reviewy' however does 'Mr, five of theses seats have boon d•'- Montreal,, anal 'Tc)ronta tlru.mnners workorra in our loyal, benevolent and r; a , elurerl .vaenut for corrupt practices have -teen Ht-ist• into Nora Scotia, religious institution ;wt- linmbl hots' PC �is - - Marl{ ilio justice tO'say. "Mr. Clarke by Eli„ Glits. .1x th,e 'I:urh11T re- and have Hold $10,000;000 worth our heads to Ilia Will. ' YI I bF . . -1 I I 8 U.N ly, I' �. is rt ,mai of good reputation-" . marks the nourt4 have rovealull sys- of goods, anis wt- haves pair!. f,rr Sown of us associate;] with our ' `,: - ._.....—. • - tets,ativ, organized, wholas'ale carr I 1'1 1 _ deceased Brethren 1 C -- . I I , ru tion l,y ftc Grits that, roorin+l t rem In 6o a ,casn, mousy t art uuul, for mRnv eLt) tndatvn nfv�a�p found 01 . C'aS�l;: 17 QrP� ��.Y�Iallioll's"t®�: P from our traria with '!hc fl:,itod, Y 3" LETTERS TO THE ;EDITOR. of file dny,i when the Cooks in theta sound advisers, conscientious - • r Cooks, + Stat.HH sad the rant of the world: - and Christian 0,rangeinei), ever'ready CauwrotsH, and Wxlkors spr:rtt thrar �._ ' I? Every su,le Lollar that Nova . to assist, the widow, the orphan., the -_. - , - {retoishi.ttobedistractlyUnderstood thatwedo tart- of thousrtllds i:I.0,-v,ltin, -,-tilt- 1 ' ,rot hold oarseloes resparsibleforthe opiltior,s „ , Scotia ought to Nand to the United afflicted anildi:;trosscd• flli�llll•Il. don't out he will be stripped . expressed by correspo,ldeatq.= tell. NRWS-Ra-, standard of purity,,' States in return For what the Unit. , At a special mooting of L. 0. L. "Short" of his I uffalro coat and sent .~ -, • ,�_^ The`Christinn aurl•charitahlo chtir- 3 I _-I a - ed States bought df her has boHn Heat acier of our deceased Companions in . 9'3• , called by order of the W. M. away to ferry niggers, or else made Ile,,e S[JPTRGLi]OUS WORDS. up to Ontarid-and 'Montreal. 'The, .life 'matin thou, oruamentH of par for the election of officers and other - to lenvo 'the (church) or Literary =.,' lsilifnr.Netvs-1i'ecoril. "There is no assn living," said ,t 'initihtory stip wast b,• tr,ke,t, aad Society. We fool the ]or,a c]eopI , business the following officers were Society. P18ase°T,%ke the hint and .".' Sti:,-I. es(+cvtcd !but the. New Ern jruhlic ecdmol teaulior thy; otilor day, 1 trust this that you will u•be•r; yell anti wo know the loss to froth fami 'es• re-eleotod for the ensuing year :- do not so much criticising till called &+1 _.-would ltaveonhghtoneditsy adersaswellas ++that knows ever unHof'the 75 000 reet,,vour ++uestH front the Uomin• is irre=parable. i4'; Sturdy, 14'. lI. ; J. Clitrk, h. on.' N_;, ng cued'tsuharactvrl'or,veruniiq -by words in Weisyter's unahridgoc' i6n,.welcoino.,,Niuvriclim, subjouts of Although,'the kind tvor,N f th'e DI;J. Ferguson, Treag.,;.R.Stalker, .. .- - - -_ • -, aka lug tiro public that yore ter,v-n,t�tfilten its affectionate husband and lou! „frith r xuppnsiugit svuuld Uu untrutLfuJ. It baa dictionary, nor half, nor ,1 third of 'Qgern Vietaria, but tis amorican its n Soc.; iI. Sturdy, T. S. ; Ii. Lawlor,•• g;lytlh; failed to tin au. As ,i' reader rel bath them. , Nor is there a - inan that yourselves.! ' iQ �or iivortlg wihave llwo foubo lircl i artl'thelil3ook fort -Chap ; 1''.1'. Lansing, . ). C. Com- Sleighing excellent. Lots of 1x ' T ...lr —_—� +rt 't,apers I i'nuurl rilys,•11 uucon+cinnsly inicr• could define thorn if lin• weir. o lied, �ntlttae_,T Cl dc dr,- .7 ' 1Vfej�,' q tit , x, ;ah:d to this uaou,'s runt • • 1�. 0 �1 iy . T {es r=are Av Io Ind the richest Clark,•J. Cartor, J. Lawlor. After r e )c +eve rat au' rimy is bonnie D + LIES NEVER SlettVE A GOOD CAUSE. Caod it- our rufnl;e at stroveth a Our Public School opened. on 1.Isla;•, anti I like bouuiu play. And I vocabul, •used by any English• very pDescythelp in t utile.'' n ' the busiue§e of the forgo was com- . . - voul+l nineh regret to tin l au 1111 portant man Pa, to •eel nal 10 000 .words, A correspondent from Waterloo plated the brothren were addressed Monday. I. I . .?1, . tiraueh of tbv pnbhu service, ns thi Cus- Milton cul(] til out from 8 000 Ont, wrote the Witness :-All the Again 'we ask yo to accept our by Bro. James Johnston, .move OF Dlr. E. Watson, our local cattle C: I' ' • ) , + heartfelt sympathg u this your hour mins audwtbtetlly is; reaortia;t to the re. lint the average mars, a graduate of filte buildings and establislt_I `encs are of trial and aad a iction: West Wawanosh. The lodge in- buyer, left here on Monday with a' , "- lielAibie, n u hcu of blackntei!'iur as 'a charged by your couternpnr,uy. 13nt if Ont+ of -ilia greatest uoiversitie- owned by liquor !nen, Germans, and (S9auod on b, )alf of ilia .Grand tend having a R. A. P. degree car load of fine cattle for Montreal. i sn,rh wag thy+ caro, T;e•tutted to tied it out, rarely hni R vocabulary of more than those men wur.e. HO annoyed at the Blaelt bChapte of the County of nicotiu0 next, regalia lodge night, Mr. John Young left Here on • rtntl ttrinks I to n,yself.yyu'll gat it l.,rou;;ht ,3,06`0 or 4,000 words. Most oti 'idea of any ulna Speaking out Perth.! , , 26th January: All brethren are in- Monday to pay a visit among. friends +`, 10. out ua,v wbon 1'tiR Nrais•Itr:coru has Orinadians'born and bred contrive to against tbd liquor traffic that on the SIR KT. C11ARD BLOOIIF,F.LD, G.M, vit•ed to RLtteud. dower East. J•. deuiu,l it and the have says it can prove it. ex nessall theitr wants and opinions Monde the went round and got• a « Vnt: LAIDLAW, D.G.M. -,- '- ,-----T- .- -• • Messrs T. He'rriboioii"4ild Joseph 11; [ uniat say you have risen biro every ! ' p . Y. Y chance to ,le so, and Iiia failure to make in 300 words, 'anti in the rural ^dies- number to promise not to give ROBERfi BLaourIELD, G. C. l9,ts't `V.lw.0iosh .Carter paid a flying visit to London s goodhis charge or even offer a plausible tricts the kunwledgr. of 150 to 200 another cent to Lite winister's Sup• _ �� A• Al. TODD, G. R. on Friday. • ''' excuse, if he has been mialuit Ivavos him JZ REID, G. T. Miss Whitmore of -St, is t. f?e words is sufl]cieut to carr t, man )ort. FlPteto-fore no man has Sacrament of the Lorr3a's5u Supper �,% i I a eery sorry plight -neither more nor Y I •' WK. MCGILL, G.L, - visiting friends in Wawanosh. pp if' ' Ides that! shot of an untruthful uurnaltst thro'm;,•h the world. So the un been allowed to state his views on ,A M. MAINRH, G,S.B. was administered both in the Pres- iF p y y, p q 4 e IV. H. Mummy, G.C. Dl r. , T Rosa returned to Kdaynox b terian and Episcopal church on .� one not all to be relied upon. 1 do nut a!o id �,+d tlictionur is cluttered u the li uor uestion without receiv. ,I - ..College 'Toronto, - ou \Vedneada Y -�" ,••_• know whether the n•o,riatur is also the with 60 000 or 'Dtore technical or in adore of rotten eggs. the feel A. WOODMAN D.G,C. I "�•- ' ._ - • - l l g b6 Y � � ' Y Sunday IIiorning.n, ifdr, but,, whether or no. lie shorild fool obsolete words that ou never Bear •the dare not'do or sit an thing " ROBERT WINTERS, G.P. last.twki aril its the tilpit en:icavortno to tell Y Y Y y "/. Mt. \Vat. Stewart hold a uor ..On Fiiday lIr. A. Stttith took i:I ntdilIRry convertiation or see in to --sodic snealted around ati Bl th Januar 6tb 1888. Yelle truth when ria paper i, pruten to. bA' Y T,y'Y 'successful wood bee on his farut from here a carload of horses 'to . o,litoriull,y prodainihig untrialis, Phis isrrli:,ary franks aur' newspapers. lid this tnean thing.` 0U0 m It rho.above was ,ordered to be irt• Wingham to ship there on the C.P. rxpres;l0II may seem, a harsh' ono, i3at------- went so. fat• as to t.ay. We'll atve• serted its THE NLws RECORD, Orange last week, over :A colds of wood R for, Montreal. I thin!{ it net ton harsh on any our• who A�[rRICAN LEGISLATION. hltli nlxl' IIiH family out'' Sta�7. a or were cut, pialccs antrm+ sratvrnvnrtir; it i., eslsa:ially Various ions natters .naw invifin • no Htar.le, they Hr y they willvnysPAPS selr•.and Winghnm and Blyth Miss A. J. DHnsnwro who has tiXr• John Al. ':fanner, M. A. ,.. hot. ton harsh undue tht; a;�gruvuUn; sir• b+ ° affeta spending 1119 , holidays with 1 , . . - ,:unrst+ulcer of this ilii, w4i'vro the .,ustons • or soon to invite, Ole wit.tentiot,•_.,of still'(] up for pr0hibitioa• Ain endeavor will be made' to 'been visiting friends in Stanley for I p o Y I "I Department irns been hnbl'irly 01111 -gel (;ogress, have`r\n 111'tereHt and 'iln', `111 r, '!'bdmHH H,illiar,i ,x-Presid, have the name of the count than ed the past two weeks has returned 'I'ulatistoi.ves here Saturday. oil to h}s home with blankinailhi cue citizen of Clinton J g I in Lfatowel on Sattudny. • g portance gained partly front. their u,,t of Lha Waterloo co U Teta ,cr froth Porth to Huron, � home. C : ant of $13r;, 111141 of t tit l'othe.r• citiz• tendHnl'ieH. One is a trill which Y 1 1121'. JaltiJa Henry llltollda sal{ing Harty' Jessop, clerk ill 'Mc- .;... rill very nearly three times t�,o proper duty uuou association wilts to correct The next annual county mer)ting 'IIlOUth organ legaons from DIr, Rob. Kinnon s dry good store returned S rAdams, ,1 rr he •a • +•• r I Aof Illinois, o t t , cul' nbon fl0 +., selit 11, i9 t int - t t tt( O g , r , r 1 Ytl.r al ut e• -I void t e a clil]icult t a. v ted to ba held in 'lin 1 .y Use t v s o C to 1 ), f ` front Toronto on Saturday a t d tv}ioro h • , ,. 1Vo aro inti Lo ear this J t, lih:AnP:R OF 130'1''! IJnr.u. t ,tr,rttx• duce, p ovidul„ that all aliens st lin aiter,iry feat to pack a grouter providing a Precoptory be `started Walden. o h has been spending his Now. Year's .----.: aid, Advise, or encourage the alnount of it ir,F lua.tiorl into- .th.e there othor%¢itie at C'>rodariob t0'tako ss his mouth organ' .mus'ic was. not. l , o � do,txueridn of property ur ' the sane+ H aces Lha the writer" of the lacer the Rist Frida in Januar much thought of in the past.' Iio 1111'' nye: " _ f:Cl>rllll iVT TOPICS. ,l„tr.ierof all Off]•:er of the law, .or P p Y y' A largo tart met at the house of The tune of holding the S. S. in above haq man, gad to crowd••into the 1889. g party Y Who attempt to overthrow the -paragraph ' !%ted• In the eonivie•' Mr. Joe Frade on Tuesdayovening. the Episcopal church has been RIGHT YOU Alt E. q. In the evening the mem'bors of .Soon. ilio strain of the fiddle was changed in the morning to 10'o'clock ''' nix, I[nnor,two Wi•ili.tul lluwit. Intl", orexcitr, violence, shall, upon tion t}iat tll�, cnnHt•of temperance is 397, Blyth, tendered an oyster cup cotnrnolicin on Sabbath next. "' ;,,o )r•r ir,fornurtion to the President . best sere s - heard and then the light step of the g' ' �' all his reharne,l from �Vashinr tau (. 1 by a Strict adheranee per to' the visitors, gotten up by S he. ordered to leave title United dancer. - The merriment was kept A. M,'Todd of.TuENEws.RrOORD ' whoa hr. In,s he, n to i,. •:r'u, the to truth I ask space to correct the Little Harry. The spread was an , t 5t'itr,a within It given time, "and if sluteni nts marl(• direct! or by excolle,nt one and ver much enjoy- "I” till,tho wee sats hours. Clinton, was in town on Friday at - Atm ric,iu pHoplu as to tilt., nea! J' Y � y- sanding a meeting of the County th"v r••fnse to alley, thev shall be int 1' litiots so far nes they convey ed. 1'he I31 tit Sir hnighta alwa a -1. S. No. 10. oroanizod a Liter- o g rW,te of l,'hirti,, ,opllllna In C„tnaila. P J' Y o Y p Oi'ang0 Black Chapter. tI� arruxted and conveyed Out of its err amus int rasions. There is tic do things on tho square, and this ary Society on Tuesday evenirg o 1 Flavin;; bOt+n in YYasdi;u,,.,n•a few � p Ila roast of rhe, tint•• in sus lista► territories, till(] if they return they tr th in the Statement that "liquor occasion was not an exception to when tile following ofl}cars wore Nit. Gai•leton, of East Wawanosh, Y' + + ,hall be itnprisoued for a term tf -till" interfered to prevent the the rule, appointed :-Pres., J. Hunter; Sec,, arrivod at this station on `Saturday he it- now )rr.,aru+l to s ranlr rather• P F 1 1 uAt mares than thren years, nt the minister referrer! to beingfarther ---- - ••'---•---- R. McGowan; Treas,, J. Ross. from the Old county with two im- itatiyely ,eisnrding the real sr ,te Is( r,x,,irntiun of which the shR 'They intend holding Choir meetings ported heavy draught stallions and J sus orted, I Irave been either 1111111ett. liuhlio opiuina. in the fT„ite,l Sr„t es aga:tl ht: foruinly exli0led ” • t chairman of the meeting or one of on 'Tuesday twenings. The fees'are one brood .mare. He klrowH•just as nlUel, almut• the g Mr. Casey Way who has been a i ;, is loll gratifying signitic ace, the speakers at neatly every temper• confined to rho house for some only ten cents for the season. . On Tuesday last the yetnaius . of IR -it ay the tirat ; ttnd. lint 1,1100�,+•h Of this propo•,Hd u)easare that t is atico meeting heir) in die town dur• The Literary Society is the oun at- daughter of Mr. ,A, shorn tenth colilloin'•+1 to ural{e n ltrl.• g time is improving slowly. We Y Y Y g g In,•pnred in aucordant a Zvi t sal;• iryrr the luvt ,four ear anti not, would lilts to seo,hitn around again, still taking the lead. Avery largo Elder was interred in tilt, I3lyth cr of bianl{ page its n Hnlull hon!{.-- t;esti"ni of the editor of th leadin " } a lnCinr 7r'e vrrner, K many were bald pryeviouH to that 'Mr. B. Govier had n boo drawing Programme was prepared for last Union Cemetery. The bereaved" ! C< ratan paper of Ghi ago, Mr. Acting with othl+r workers we' crag• brick for a house which ho intends Friday, in all 28 pieces wore enroll • parelfts have the sympathy of the "--- Hr•mtm Ii,nstor, in- nddrusH anizerl a count' campaign n its the ' ed. tiVe may give a few of the whole community. rileOrtRAPrlICALLY PATRIOTIC. before 1118 Union Lea Uq (flub Of J P g building. • the coming , summer. Y g y • ]ntPrests of temperance, in the Rumor states that Mr. Gbvior will leading pieces t-Dionth Organ At the last regular mooting of the 11 J1 r. habonchr;rH says'-"f',u„ no tl.at city. course of which I personr•Ily attend- join rho bonediats in the near Music by R. Waldin, reading by J. I313+h LodgQ.303, A.•F. and A. �[. 4 fanatical free trailer • I am One II, McClintbn Trio b Messrs, the following ed more than one~ hundred public future. , Y g named brethren were going raill icaII Y. If I had, been an WiNE D INKING. meetings in it'll partes of rho county.. 14Ir Jolita 'Mason aisle nu ex. Hoovor„ Reading by Mr. McClin- installed ,as -••officers for 1888, by . n', American I rrhould have been a P.I.O. Tbo wine eri in southern Italy Now I want to Hay in the most eellent run for the reoveship, but ton at,., Duet by J. E1lis and J. P. Ill. Young: -Bras JT Emigh tiV. q... •: ,; ti', '%ectionist. Being ori F.nglishmap, has heel, this )-flat. extraordhiarily pirblic tray to the credit of the the fortune of war !vas against hitt!, Ross, Dialognei Henry Hide and A. M; D,'I). Carder, 'S. \1 ; S. (lidley I am a free trailer. 'The mistake of large, so ut I so as to have pro. GnrMan people, a mHjority of whom Ho received, howwer, 271 votes Donstiiore, Reeita.tion by Wm, Carr. J. W; George Kin, S. D; Arch io Political economy is to suppose duced a f I in the price of this oppose mestrongly on thU question, against Mr. Britton's 325. Mr. In Westfield they -are troubled'by McQuarrie,'S. I); DI. Wilson Chap- that it is },aged on priaciplea of beverag( which, is.,quito without its that rig man ever attempted viol. 116n Churchill as oouncillor headed a critic. He takes the office of IRnd; C. E. 'fanner, Soo ; J. Potter, nuiversal application. My reoson, paralle . Ili the cauittry ilietriets, Once to Inc, stn'' T ndver saw a rot- ,the poll with 390, J. T.ttsliam get- critic at the Literary Society. Treiis; F. I3awden 7. G, James as an Englishnuin, for/ hr-nlg it free ,tltho gh a great ninny of the grapes ten egg or a fresh one either in the ting 371 and the other councillor Nothing sang right but %that lie Barr, Tyler. 1011 trader is not any theotetical admit a- lint• beau lift upas the villas bei connection referred to.' elect, John I3righam, getting 302. sings with his sweet voice. If he ,Ateamof Mr. Forbes, SfSe-ifoith, \ e - 0 s / . / , /. . . 4' , . . V„ . � 11 ,J p.;y Awl n 11,11 °'4 b ,l i ' • ,,,•i. • `r x - - r + _........,. _. 'u. ...,. faJw r/.;J&1...,,.,.•A 111 ►tis :_,.1r:r7 .. "i.,.iHdiW^:.v: ' . r \. • w ,11141, 1� •,,V. I . t • , t ',: Y. ......,. ,. p ` . L 0� r ,•, .f :•; I ,♦ , i .. n :' r .+++r''.. a; , ',tt`� .:v"wry. '+,.y .,$ '.. 1y k A: .. -.. .", r11 .c, .._u.:�,..+Y ,.:m. ..t„_.0 ..'•:�,...,.....,-..•....,v.,....a�K...»u.w>,:c,�,wittiv�rlYm�_�:i.:,.-.•.::'... .w..-.:.-.x,,...,r_,o...,u,i'..v.,A�.,:,al,iY.ia,t.:a:.y..-y,.,.Writ...;>•alz;,aiw.brJ,�.'iir.,.,w�' r.