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The Huron News-Record, 1888-01-11, Page 1
b . ', W4C1o43,,_44,4tt •VP)r, Alufat It f:4l1•.$lf Ufa►,.44vtiauQe. ; , Iwvi?RF.t%'IY,A,f%XX- IN A,4A 2'P2i 0qt N,f;V211fo( ,(N �'0!r#1 Q, . r., i'q'?P14� a. ' rA, 1' . F - .. ' - .... ., ... .. ... ,,-, t 7 < n !! ,*..� I I , I I R '�-_. IQ [ 1yT,'-4,. 4 .OLIN 1,, TJ 4N CU I � N ';, 'i T N SD , Ti t l 1, 1 8: 9 � , , -,;�1, ,. , J0 -_ -_ - - - � ` , 0 >a � ,e Q>z> » tra �rz (�al~l�a lr011111440 . , t >a> 1 WOC�� f ol*xaopoud s�xc>z - I Taal k�or9#0,�»x�Y040 r ! a Q01crick 4otlterich. RIGH &CHO4L laXBMINATI4Nt3, Gbderleh Goder)tclt► ''aawnship T ., �1`, .E. 'R, Watson has returned #'azaa"' -a visit to Detroit. • Three able bodied leen were eqm- ..mitted`to the cowrty jail as vagrant$ -`--,- . 1'ha fo}lotufng is the result of aha recent exawinati°ns for admission t.o ' for second or third be acca ted. � The Conttnittee also recergtnrendad 11 Didn't Son, Sturd , I "be tli•dou, , coons}Idol Sturd tall u �4 v e h r UV: r: Pali' ala Moore is Duly improv- P the past week, the High Scl>ools acid Collegiate Institutes, hold on the -21st, 22nd and 23rd daiys of Doe'ember 1887. The number marks requiring to ass that aclvertisontents be inserted for at a _ oar, election cls 308 Jp M` y ". I s;lortrla. 11 t; L: , xlanaj�, baxriater; Sea- Another of A7r, Mclntoah s ohildreu tvrts buried on Sunday, of q ea P $78 or 50 per cent, of the aggregnta, besides 33 per Cent. of each strb- ' 1 tendon fortltead 1 of i es nates hydrauli6 maohiner and u4hA1 Dir. Jae. Sterling, s. old tfrue� c d �, , r f, .,fi, wns in town least week, , hAd one is now seriously i.l.l, ,lett : ._. . - . .. _ .• -, ., . Water Works, plant, the iwme. to -.40 resident: -�.• nt of the township, died last Wodnesdaty. ttQ..}.raa_.ovor 96 yours Miss tlrtiGo Folley 'rotF'ne{t to cgileao on; Mon4ay, , Air. G . tib, Barry, of Luokito:tr, in town on .Frtdny4'. Satur H ryCLINTONT G t ntrv. Clara......................u9t7..:.........S.S. 110. G E. �Vawauosl, '; I either for the whole, or au parts as ma be deemed advisable, which i of aa. Ueca,tr�ecl was a Presbyter• :,`, tan and an ext suplary Z'l {tri man. F Mi', r. � ox to Lias returned from ' d . dire, Y • ,, Deaismoio, Auno Jane......,. :`:.473............ ". 6, "' Hniniltun Anuie.............< .......445::.......,.. 4 Hullett was also adopted. The retiring councillors }raving tirado their flare It is rumored that R yoo.ung anon on 1. , hls'east.0a trip,. St. George's Wednesday evening service wall ba ouritted this Keunepdy, Evan oligo ...............400............ '1 ' 5, Stanley well speeches the council then ti.is the Bayfield lana attends going into the book <-„ 11Ir, qnd 14irs..H, E. lhotl'trvell are vteitfug rolatitiivee at Galt. evening on coconut• of the Mission- Medil, Nellie.. ...........:...........540,.........,° " 4 Mullett -Middleton. Hattie Maria...:........477.........<:. 10, Goderich solved. anent It is uncertain •11 where his enuiple rpetus are, but as ` RZr, ]rd Logan is visiting relatives r ary mgpting last evening,,, o Mr. P. McEtveu fa making active Mciutosh Nellie......................423 ........... 11 2, Hullstt Sep.S. , 11Iars1'�all, Mr. -Lear, aha C: l'-. It. o erator in this town, left for home on Aion a proof of Ilia intentions: he has ' ' , given odd books and other - ». in town, ri< Miss hIary NIticnra has rotprued preparations for carrying out his Amnia..............,.......432....,....... /' 1, Morris 1 icknrd, Flossie Auun ...............422.:.......... 3, Goderich day on RCC°ni}t of illness. 'Girl parcels g toffs. Success to him fe our wish. I , I to Brantford. contract yin connection with the Stevens; < Alma........................478..:::::::::.,., Tlinton Aloda! School Wanted, a fur general leozese Treat. - The vote for Reeve was 314 for ,' < ,' ' First meeting of the town coon- water works scheme, w Wheatley, Susnn Aiaria............b14...,....,;...5.. 3 Hallett work—h zvaryes zval� be /eveza. Appy o I►lits. D. MQDONyLD, Cox, 254 for Elliott. For deputy lhoeve, `° til of 1888 next Monday. On Saturday morning Mi. John Johnston,. of the lat con., Aolif old, Butchart;->i`rnnk<.............. 431. ., le Stanle Carter, '" Y r, Louts J'...' ..................... 598 Goderich.. 2t John. Beacom X23, Jos. Whitely 200 Y , .Jas<, Laithwait 143. Mr. Alex. Ross is at the parental was instantly killed by a kick from _+4lodel•School Carter, Andrew G...................597................Clinton Model. School At the meeting of 'the town For councillors S. Sturdy. 308, .=. aesfdenco, a horse.' The deceased war; with �rwhi Sidney........................512,,..::.,,.,.:.....Blytlt P,ublie School 'council last Friday evening, Mr. .thee, Churchill 259, J. H. Elliott -/ . ,. . ` lair, �Villia}n and Miss'.1liaggie others engaged fn loggtpg, had .Laidlaw, Johu•.......< ..............378............5, S. Nro. 1, 11lorris Joan Butler, Captain A. AI.Ic 18.6, J. McLel(nn 172, G. IVIcKee r __.___ t' / Baxter are visiting at�etroft.. ,lust doubled teams to proceed u'p M'cDowell, Albert...................505.:.......... 6, E. Wtttvanosh Gregor, and Air. Joseph Williams 131, R. Elliott 119. - "" ' Mrs. Dr: ,eLedu visited Clinton' hrll trrd uotioing something wrong McGregor, Archibald .......:.......420........:... 2 Culross were appointed p delegation to inter• �.� +4 on Saturday. y stooped to arrange the chains when Murray, Johti........................*,620............ '° 10, lhty view the Aiinister of Public Word`s Varna, c Aiiss Roso Sanit� `returned •from the animal struck him • Due of the on Scott Wi,,. James...................445............ t/ 1 St.:rule ; on the harbor alterati to question. a en ovicinit tthat ` her visit to Stratford on Saturday, x' - ,, y' caulks striking him the right b' " temple, and the -other in the jugular Stevens Wesley.....". 403................Clinton Model tSeboo! Y""""""" ry Tebbutt, Albert Charles ...........389..........;.5. S. No. 3, Goderich At the regular mieeting of Huron Encampment o, 28, 1, 0. d. I',, dingseof atere in°this y Amiisnsel� �ie. Ellerd has returned vein. It is sinal -that either -of the Wplsh, John S.......:................456.................Blyth Public School last .Monday evening, the follow= one. tvedd n day has not been suf- ficont� and consequently Monday's ' ` ` $, n Knox %urch Blind flope'niet• rtiounds would have,eausod� .death. The following were n Lew marks below the minimum on one subject iirg officers were iustnlled by D. D. G. P. W. A. 117urnry and Tuesdays n y have to be brought . of ', 1st StttwfdaY nftarftoon. Tbe' special meeting of the God- erieTt Board of Prado held Inst Wed- and were recommended by the examiners, :—Patriarchs Robert. ')Thompson, . C< P; J. M. into service - to allow 'the man y. liat,lati,u,l..1:•nots'tb' be tied. "' ,, A1r l .Crabb and Mr. J. C. Har=' needy w aS well attended,. thus Caldor, Eult(teiuia Litellfi..........407.................:Blyth Public School Buchanan, David:.:..................457......:.........................:.10; Hay Farquharson, H. R;• Throe:'"'Grind©y: S. W `It: Hodge, J. W Geo` .,. . There was a good square run for ' t ri1.sen have rotgrned from the Santos, *left ehowng.tho interest taken by that body`in our harbor and other int- Cadzow, Arclii°,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,;,414,,,,,,••••••••• ....... <.10, Hay ; ; A. Nairn, R. S ; H. W. Ball F. S N. i the reeveshi botween Dir. 'Torrance ' P tY" -Mr. Chas. Crabb for' the �, noon Cit Y week: proyomouts. ' After the committee Drummond, John Jones............406............ Blyth Public School Kelly, Will. James 402 Blyth . Campbell, boas Geo. Stivons 7blufiney, and )lira Campbell. When the "' news of Mr. Touauee s election ='i ,last acct � I Th"e town band played a selec- had rdpoted_on their work iu con• ................... y .........:.....;...P,1 Public Scheel Westacott, Geo. Robson.........,,. 397 .................................5, Hullett a Guide W., H. J. M. i _ Proudfoot, A. B. Cornell, R Hodge was made known his Dun friends r:1 young - tion on the square on Saturday nection with the grail delivery, -' market regnlationa and other, mat- Number who wrote at Clinton.....................43 lat.2,nd 3rd and 4th VS' • J. Roberts built it bonfire and hada ' good time. M. Mr., Torrance treated `/th'e evening. 1. _ '11,i` ` . '.Che Palace Roller •Rink is open ters, the President informedl the . Number who passed.................................23 l Number recommended G 1 G. of T. W. Knight 3 G. of T T ' ' Jno. Nairn, wird. . boys" generously in return with candies � , , aver evening the town band Ueinn i ., Y b' e �. members that the meetin had boon > . called to consider the proposed al- . ..:..............:...........: WINGHAM. . On \fond .y AIc. h: S rllows find-„ nuts and fruits, , , It • ', often to iittondance. ),hears be_ Farmers` Inatftute tcrntions .at rho breaktvatar'. Alter ,. Crooks, Henry A.....................453.........S.;S. No. 3, Grey ing Itis: roouts filling with smoke and being, unable to discover its was rather amusing to nota how , - enthusiasm was aroused' in the con- i. pW' will meetings in YtI"' town on the 24th l"'.. io cousfderable discussion tt was al- angst unanfinoual a teed that the Y . g' Farrow, Henry W.......,,.. 11 7, Morris , """"378"" „ o Gibbons, James..:...................385.,.,..... 1 E. W<Watvanosh source, called his neighbor, Mr. J. test fpr.thoreeveshi Somo voters e`=> P who would ordinarily h�,. and 25th ivata. proposed scheme ivas objaetionabler Hazlewood, Brenton J ............:< 505...,........ �' ......,. Wro oter 'Hemphill, """""' J. Blotto to his assistance, ItI,, Broivn being unable•to locate the rather walk. -:' to Ba field than fRtlnne their - ' Y n'" Regular meeting of Huron Cha r ..,_ , .. g �, P' ll;t µ Lei° No. 30, )t. A. M: noxi Tuesday and that the nevornment be r nest- of ad to extend the uortili pier instead ,�, Thomas..................4�2 Wroxeter Kollf, UI'ellittnton C Toes cause of rho trouble; tat the roqu°st_ a h, horses by driving tlie're, thought it . . ', oventng. 'v of going on with the brealrwatet' .........:.:....453......:.......: E. ,.. °s H i1 "" .. ,I "' . .• rawanosl 18•, of. Mr. Sallows sought further ;rid,- I1 `' dt no trouble to of out several teams '• g ,�; on election clay to sec ore the el ec .. �c' A runaway last Thursday ,made h'. the scheme, On motion rof Messrs. Seager quid Hntclieson it was agreed `" AhtcDoUald,�Duneau ...........:....4s3...,..... E< Wawanosh .. McGee, Robeit....•t "e . itig ,nr atcupboardhru fittuc it goods ion of a Reform ro�•v' '' ` the circuit of .ta nate and pulled a q , P u in front of Strachans' grocer p that n memorial be )re lred b 1 P Y ...................494......... 12, E. W. Wawanosh DZcI{oe, John Davtdson,.........,<436 wore stowed. The fire was soon ex. Everything wout sitiuot•hly on , t,;t4 . o Y It is understood that two of our„•,.•........ _Tfassrs. Williams, Butler, Mitchell, AlcGre er and Van Tt er for trans- g Y ......................M.........1'eeswater Sanders, William......................530..:........... . Wroxeter Sutton, George tinguished but not before consider- " able do+nage had occurred, and if municipal election day with the ex- ' coptiou of a alight altereatforr be •� -0', . °'leading musicians are organizing a �' mission to the goverumout, and that „' ........................387......... 7, h. \1 : Turubor. y Thomson AlUert T:.......:. 438......... 11 (e le _reports are true one o£ the acting . 'i, tavoen a village agent and, a pugilist 4 _ q uartette. 0 A ° ,. The Iiigh School re on the town council be requested- t'o Messrs Butler Me Tucker, Gordon.. ...................528......... • it . 5; Turnberry fir At°the°}est are odors meeting of t , moetinasttoIf tf8e stent ha�lade at 18done . -opened d` Monday 'with its, former staff of appoint and Gregor a doputation•,to interview Armstrong Jennie ,. ” , » ...51.8......... 8 Culross . Bryan,Iaiz 114--......411 Huron Lodge 2 I.O.O.7 the ey No. what was right he dould have given 1.7 '' P1 ; vr,. , : teachers.• r the governmon.t on the uostiaa;, o q Ii ,,,:,,.,,,• ,,,••,.,,,411........, /° 10 Fiowiel: Grey n Y Burrows, Minnie A....................503S.S,No.7,E.Watvauosh & Tnrnberoy following officers for the ensuing Irftn,th° G. B. `We't°ake c ,: Mr. Jas. Jackson, of Murton, Tha scheme proposed liy' .'bH Burton, Louisa.......................•.380............5. S, No. 1, Culross term were. installed by,P. G., F. F. Lawrence : Bros. S. Jlalcolmson, pleasure in flnp)uuncing the arl'rvAl 1'ler.e Ben Franklin, '• t t �.- visited the. ciaoular town. last Wed. �J .. nesday. government engineors.to make an the breakwater Campbell, Annie .< ..:....:......:...417::.......... el 5 •itilcrris , Fulford, Mabel T N. G - P, Halt, V, G; J. Straiton, of f?r 1 t he United States pedestrian. It is . I ,, ` opening'through so, ....::..................547.,,,,,,,,.,....... :Teeswater P,.S, �ctivenNP'nS, .Camp- understood that ho is lute ' Ali•. Mrs and Miss' Gatuble, of that the river may flow. through the r " Gatniss;Jemima......................539............ b Morris bels 1` ons S. N. going bii'siness to Canada. �1re hope ,,� > : Toronto, wore present at the mar- harbor into t•he lake seems to us n Gillies, Jennie.............•........,..545........................, Teeswater-P: S G; Jas. Robinson, L. S. N. G ; .h, will be successful. +" __ rialto of Mr. Gamble. • Price • ' ilZessrs. Fred Ince wasteful expenditure of public foods. Froin 'Jul to October of Y Hartley, Maggie V,,;,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,472.,,.............. ....Bluevale P. S. ,. Hastings Amnio ......,.. ... ./ 5, TurnborrY Thos. Gundry, Warden; R. G. Rey- Mrs,'Jatttes Keys, who has been . r .,.. i and Jno. ' � .. Watson ro.turned to the College of . the past year the llaitla d was so low•that the Inks backed- O a,a •••.5]1.,....,,,,., Hood. Vine ..........:.. :582<.:........."" T • ........ ................b1 roister n'Iinnio Holds Conductor F. F Lawrence ' ' ' R. S. V. G' D. Gantelo L. S. V.G p' ; , vistinry friends in this vicin.it hal .'' -', o n” - returned to her home ttt '[ich►oan, t Pharmacy last weak. °. water up to the boat houses noarl da •Johnston, ...:..........:......464.............. Teeswater MacDonald Sarah J Geo. Nairn, uGRSaI RChalowa, , ' - A number. of our young. peopleL. ever Y Y Y ................473......:.. , ::............. ...Teeswater on S. S, Re t plain; __. --- I " fie", F7 , were present at the Bachelor's Ball of this period, a clear pint3f that there could not have been. an in, Moffat. Clara P'---,-.: ...............468..............................I31yth P. Aloore 'Luc A ............. 445..:..:........................1 Culross Y """' Prof: Foot Organist • R. Hod e I, G; ' Jno. Nairn O. • G. Finance Colbor>, Several of our Dun men n>e__ Y __.._ '• • , in Clinton last Friday, flow into the harbor. Tileu dnrin , Reid Hattie A..........ti,- , ,,_ 4.117 y ,,-._.. , er:—:8 �t�Iorris� o _ _ __ • gnaw regi-ai um er. woods., ` llaniitrsfrn " '• eriehite brother -in law of 11Ira: lt.- n 1' a or ton 'a a summer t e ° P e that of the harbor level rues abov Ziehl tzzie.,,.<<.<...................406.........,.....:............. Teeswater Robinson, Lizzie Mathews a. 1'. Dirt 1 and che] P o They .think there i9 no placb like w home: v: Simmons sr., died recently in the raver ; au opening in the break .......:......,.....,595................. 5 Turnberr y Sanderson, Mnry.....................534........,:........:............ Wroxeter petty Committee, Bros. Juo. Nairn, Thos. Gundr9 and Alex. Johnston. At the first annual mooting of States. 1 ' water would have caused an inflow Scutt, Julia A ....................... :450....,,,.......:...,7,E.c4a 1V:Watvanosh — - the new school section 8, held V.1 When a ha couple left last PPY P into the river with the' probability I Y.....556 Staples, A4linnie............... ............................... ' «'ioxe�or , 7 uchersnttth< .No, or Wednesday last, the following - . I 1�4Friday on their honeymoon trip, the,horn tooters were in their elo 'that the current thus created would Nava carried Lite shifting lake sands mEC°MMrNDED. '°r The election f +Deputy Reeve board of trustees worn elected : A. i ', anent. into the harbor, and left them there. Haslem, Charlotte L.._ ..:.:...:....436.........5. S. No. 5,1rlorris was keenly contested Mr. D.S Sproat Y p' b Mittian C. DI. Treble , , W. Stratigh r an. They engaged hit. Ttaos. EI • - 'i'hnpe of our young people who '1, The loss of Block room that would Rao, )tiler area Mar g Y • ••••••••,404,:,<,..;. . 3, Turnberry Welltvood Carrie " r 10, winning a small majority -9. o y J Y The vote for Reeve, in Tucker -1 *` liott as teacher for the coming year ' were • resent .at the Clinton bash- rfl olds ball speak in the highest terms result from the proposed alterations, would also be curt itlerntion. As .............<: ••••.•435.......:. W. �� awauosh O'Connor, Daniel...................465.........' 1' 14,E.&W.Wawanosh smith was 396 for McIntosh 121 fot Walker. For Deputy at •t salary of tars. hutrdrocl mud , thin -five dollars. '. '` of the entertainment and their re- �- _.� caption. we mentioned to t ur lust issue measures nava bean t ta,an to reduce Number w1 o_wmbie.................................:.47 Number who passed ............................... , yee've, 249 for S root 240 for Forsyth. rY K The Lion palpit was occupied P N -.. P ' "-'Severrlyuctmbers.of our un club o g • the government tip expend• thA - .3b Number recommended ................. „ """"•' • 4 As avis supposed, the elections were keenly contested' ou Monday, last Sabbath, a week ago, by Mr. ; Robt. Younis. °*, 11 aro wondering why the "Cli'ntou g `` proney already voted i t extending - ' the noetli ji'iei" Havirr JULY ENTRANCE EXAI4IINATIONS-1888. especially for the Roovoship, whoa )'lure will b°ode Leo meeting in g shootists bave not. invited the God. � to Clinton to trial ,ta%ned-avatlt these who are in favor ,•• ahoproposed The-Literaturo� for Entrance Examinations'in -Jul 1885 will be as . _ Y, Alr. D. Walker wan overthrown by e A Orange hall Auburn oil TI" rs ° f)' , • erich club a of e" skill, alteration, to iessiu<< i 3 necessiG P' I Y on the government, wu ,avo noted- _ follows:-- -, -• -- . _....__ , _. 1. The Face Against the .Parvo...... , i4_t� g ..................• P•I a,tnaj.ority_uf 7a.._ - .. . -� 'Tito councillors for this year are all Duo corner of the township, day night, January 26th,:,_wheti- scleral brothrou 'or L_. O.'r. �_K0, . ___- ._-"`" --" • • • the Central School commenced'''sono of the roasous tl, rt have led 2• The Discovery of America.........................................115-119 .in 153 and likely Semo of 93� will be "I', .,. ' the now term yesterday with the Y Y to our present attitude. 3, Lad Clare ................: .I...... o Y . .... .........l. 8-130 , the peeve in ],tueeflold, Deputy advanced to the Royal Al'e'h-Vur• Y h following staff, :—AIr. A. Embury, 4. To a Skylark ..................:...................... Re eve to Enmondvfile—not ver1*1 o Y pie. .. ` principal : Miss Blair class 2; Aliss "' .,,, ` Sharman class 3, Miss Alargach class Ebif& News -Record. . I wag nnnclrpleased to find in your .last .....................187 .55; The Gulf Strea,m..................................... �,............... — 13] 136 G. The Conquest of Bengal r 228 well distributed o hange in the ohe °Trustees < At the last regular . muetiu of Enniskillen L. O. L. itu. 153 4, Miss A. Campbell class 5, Miss issue your reference to'the Goderich bar• ............. . ......; .................222 7, The Demon of the Doo .................:.....>0�-2 To wh sh tere Township Board of and , there was. u good atteudouco of the K. 'Ball class 6. In the ward bot improvement, also your correspond- S. After Death W Arabia .................. ...................7........,.272-274 consoquontl the ea le of Tucker - y people brethren. the lodge was favored w ;.sw schools ,Misses Burritt and Thonip- their tomer cut's: I take the libert of acquainting tile items 9. The Farsaken Merman ................. . ' • < ` 2 95-30 , smith cannot expect any imprgve- iueut in educational matters. with a visit from the IVorshipful . .• , son,resuruod positi°na in St, Patrick's ; 'hisses Watson and you that since appeared our Board of Trade met and appointed Capt. The Examination will begin on the 4th day of July; and all intendin g should send their names .to 'the Inspector not later than the Mr. Win. McConnell who has ' been township for 'District bluster ^I3ro. Crooks and of L. O. L. No. -189, Al. Sharif an their. ol.d clisaas i -n-- y - - --- - St. Andrews ; 111tGs Al. Cooke toot bturriq-McGregor andX(iuncillor Butlar to _� C Me"s ~-~—�—.:—. clerk many years uSaturl I ___� Hol esvill ;T - -.b- ills. T�ttpra.._l4"flB.-consider.-.. -- _ - _.—_...._._—. ..charge of the senior department of ottia�v�enna prnsq u')Dn Elie Goygl-nn cut �rp ,the extension of the North Pier instead of ono dat� Hied fu a alvoon Tuosdn was3 nttotided a Large a o^TiuBiness transacted. It was moved, seconded triad carried umnni- l St. Davids and I4liss Wiggins the. + eo I' junior division of the sumo, anal<in� nn apenin throe h the break. 6<-..1 b' �' wale .voter. As a close reader of your paper,) c Gotlearich. I CodeCich. .b Y S' concourse of, people ; fn fact it was muttsl that the bre'thro'm build a , y hall. _ On Friday morning St. ,irtoorne,s r Y n o . last spring that you suggested the extension of the plot, so as to do• away Y . The last meeting of the old eoun- in :—Star, 2.94 ; Petrolia Ailk, oil was held` on Friday evening. 4,80 G. Y. 535.93 C. L. Y g , Davis, • , the largest funeral that has ever been in those parte. „new A Building committee teas appointed consisting of Bros. church had a„ large coitgrogation, I with tire and expensive dredgiiir His' Worshio the Mayor in the McIntosh, $5.75 ; L. Ellord, $4.40; Inst '1'toSday night the Farrnor�J 1 A.,Mirlian,•G. Currey, J. H.. Mill- c .. . •,� ��,J, tUe occasion betnl� tiro marriage of . � _ which,vilihavetoUeconttnne,lforlalltipun unless the North is chair, Jno. Acheson r. Using the CVm. Elliott 1<75 W. rlchrsnn j e; , a ClnU of S S. Nis. 6 It .Id a ;dobato inn, H.vuilton, Jas.-A,fillian, C. [IJI), " _ _.Adel•aitle Alar eldest daughter of ll,Mary, " Mr. Horace Horton, ex M. P., to pier coniivacifi-t'u•ther into the lake. It is well known that there only nbsentee, The aecrotary s ro- $10'.35 • Estate Goo, Grant , $7 50; port on Maitland Cemetery showed Jas, Kean $2, 00; D, Reid, $2.09; 11 ,Resolved that roan will go further a anal Jlichael Phramur , i aflc r which. the lodge proceeded to 0 �, • ]4I r. A.G.Glambls of Now Westminis- is an undo: current in the lake tending down towards the river St. Clair. There o, interments for December :—Adults 1V. Chipwan $75.00. A report of for the love of wealth than „ for the levo of womntt Tho muga- , „, , tll.p e,s,Ct1U11 of Off1CCCa, The W. .,. . ,'S , ter1., B.p. Miss'C. Ross attended the is also a cross current slfbro•warduntil you 4, children 1 ; and for the past the court of revision recommend- tive lido •wap victorious, ' The Sub , A1. btu..i. II. illillian wishing to bride and Mr, Drummond, manager of tlr,e drank of Montreal wnsbeatman, got out,of shallow water'. `These too cur- rents or forces ntee'tingcause deposits along three years, 1885--t 1 ; 1886--66 ,• iug the remission ,of taxes in 17 1887-70. The oldest person at cases, most of whom were tvidawe, ject of debate r tie Tuasdaty is "$°Solved, retirt, .flout Ilia office, I ho ufftcaty • ... , werowthen elected for-•tho cuutiaw . The nuptial knot was tied by, the the shore -at the mouth of the harbor as ahwliere. To Act out of the shore wash death was 94.and the average ago of was adopted. Belief reports for t nd.tln'ift is more Rjurious eb : society than the your as follows : Bro. A. rti'Iillian' rector, :'Rev. Mr. Young, the eboir current the pier will have to be run it cein• all interred daring the year ., was St, George's Nov.: and Dec. $6,50, miser, W �1 � G: Currey, D. li., r°� 'V under alae Leadership of Prof. Foot sidrrahledistaneeintothi:lake. B Join Y g 37 2 12. A eominunication frout and St. Andraivs for Dec. l l°25 / $ blr�"D. McIntosh is to be cot- elected ; J. Il. Killian, Clttp. ;, W. w -'.w ,' ' faking part in the service. The this the deposits, which now forin at the mouth of the harbor would be caught by Mr. Willis . Chapman was filed. wero received anti filed. A to ort P The g ratulated on his Success as ho lana Stevon'sou, it: S,, ro elected ; �l�ealy , r, :. 1Vflsou, F. $ Jatnoe ,- ,• 1.bride, avho as usual looked lovely, 1 was attired in a -handsome dress of the under current of the lake and, as I have said rho trend of that is toward the following accounts'wore read of Board of Woks stating that tea ogdered to be . paid on being work near Mr. Holes new i'eaidence sueaoeded in doing what many have failed to do. But ; Million, Trees " ;•Ghtiatophor 1Jobso., D. S ; i,a . sapphire green plush, with bonnet rival- St. Clair, it would be carried in that ,and properly certified:—F. ' Smeetb, had not been done, and recommend- others at the, same time no fault can be found Jas' liobaaon See; Contnuttee, R. H. to match : the bridesmaid in a drp � direction and past the month of the $32,30 K Graham ' 58 Jno. in that.,', be coo leted ars soon as ; ,' ; g l' with Mr, Walker, as he lina;.served Mew' M. Pltram°r' J. Currop, W. , •.,w of dark greed with, bon.ne� f"aintt- harbor. As , you have said the first coat would' no doubt exceed that of , Z• • Pates, $2.20; T. B, Van Every, the wsal6i` permits was read and the Township well 'for 'the past 18 If James. Mitchell. o r Xar luta, Mr. and Mrs, Gamble ,tire appropr3atfon made,Utit�t woutd uttisdato Rea 8'i. A. I{itkbriclo, $16<75 ; adopted: The Water Works Com- or �19'yeare and the only thing that _ 11 - , SwIllnerlaill. ,4" a, left by the noon train on the honey- ly be the saving of friary thousands of e Price, $26.10 ; Jas. Keag, erase reported titdt'advettiaements seems to have indaenced the minds t Thd members � moon trip whine will extend to British Columbia where the happy elders and give u:r what the increasing lake trade detriands-a harbor easil treses•, Y ew2;b0 ; Buchanan c� Co, $6.51; . had been inserted for boring the Buchanan & Co., 9.94; hart & Co., well at the harbor,.and reaammtiitd-, pf the people is, his Ion sorrieo.Peter'sg p g But still Mr. Walker flour of the eon re t g' - tion of St. c�turC'lr Mare h„vo _4I couple will sojourn far some y.,. P J able to the largest craft that sni)s the in• g land lakes. Yeura $8.04. 'Tho Finance Committee re- ed that the tender of P. M,aEweri retires office with honor as n° ohitr o tarn g kindly” tmado the Rev, W. Craig a Christmas. • months. 6onr,ntcma p'ortod in favor of paying the follow- for $500 fot the first well and $400 bre laid against him. < present crf several tort# cif wood.' ' P, \ 1. .. .. q , " .. N .' .. h A .. .. 1 ,y . M" _ � „ i 1 U - tt • .. , . ,,,.. !i •. .. r , _,.',R',- h R. t. tr d ' ,,, :, '` ,,,. Y . ., n - ,, i ' ,t - r. , ,� •Y < 4, .. r `i,. ' �,., 4 , f t fi µ. ,� I � w.,,m�w`y J !t a: t . µ.,.