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The Huron News-Record, 1888-01-04, Page 8
^ Elo' ga n-1 Gvoaals' u" ^' ` ,k -0& 0 40 9., 000. [ We have in stock- some very .Ladies S.S. Seal Muffs; - $15. 00 Ladies Persians L. Muff, 12'.00 Ladies Baltic Seal Muffs; 5.00 Men's Persian Lb. Gloves, 17-.50 Men's Gauntlet Mitts, .",6.50 Men's Gauntlet Gloves, a 6.50 Men's Astrachan Gloves, • -.4.00 Men's Astrachan Mitts, 0 4.OG --§--- —§—§—§_§— — — — — - — — — —§--- — We carry the Finest and Best Quality of FURS that can be purchased in the Best Markets of the country. -§---§-§-§-§--§ 14444L-41:4-§=§-§-g-§� 0 We are noted for Good Goods at Low- Prices. :0: BROSOA.0 THE FAMOUS CL OTHIER E" - furs •. 0 e For the season of 1887 and 1898 we are selling Furs at a ■ I e - ttU r. Any person_inneed of a NICE SET OF FURS should call on us ani t compare -.••.prices before purchasing elsewhere, and wo will guarantee t( v save you from 25 to 50 per cent. We aro selling Furs tliis.senson fron 'srml)le. aiid ai:e-.tltereb:y.--elutbled,to_giye'you the CLOSEST LIVING Z PRICES as we have no old stock to carry over from , on'e•-season .tl another. We can give you the VERY LATEST STYLES IN ANS s QUALITY OF FURS. We can give you a S.,,S. Seal Cap, any shape, at prices d ranging; from .$13.25 up to $17.50. a to $20.00. OTTER CAPS $18.50 BEAVER CAPS x+8.00 to $10.50. s -PERSIAN LAMB CAPS x'7.50, 8.00, x'9.00 and x`10.00. 7 _-GOLLAR��&--CUFP�S We call flu yon the 0'rTE11 ,C0l.I,AR AND C'ut'eFs from $28 $30, to $35. t• BEA�El`l C�OLLAH AND CdFF:i $18,.`:20, to -$30.° °- PERSIAN' LA111B'COLLAR AND CUFFS •` 1G, r�18, t0 $25. e rr°`r�ll the above Goods wo gilal-antee. i- e---0-- a • • k o. o We invite COMPARISON OF GOODS, WOliK1MANSHIP ANI 0 think, lye can sell as cheap as any other House in th PRICES. We Trade,. aiid all the ask is a fairgoniparison of Goods and Prices, and tile) d. wo will let No Public he the Judge, g plemember, THE,, HUB -CLOTHING HOL'OI .1 11P, f7lgrylf ollictal action ro promote him to a` �I •.firs' WIr".9 41.25 )u, advance. ' g ee E. Fndbeship. A. was wired CL44KE, of the Prange Wednesday, 11anuary fitly 1888 Seminal, Ma�pr elect of Toronto, a message of cougratuia- tion from Clinton NEWS. ^ BRbs, have laid man citizens under lasting obligaions in and Around filo 4inAll/.'� � for.Chrlstma6 favors, THE NEws- RECORD was not forgotten either. MISS HATTIE LANE, }lead milliner La1ti3D t�ilAlr'TIrriE$ OF OLD with T. and J. N. Andrews & CO., COUNTRY Uoovs are arriving at Thornbury, Ont., is home for her Dicksons Bookstore nearly every holidays. Thornbury seems to day—His Fall and Xmas Stock will agree with the young lady. soon be complete—Neel; away MR. R. TuoMPsox, brother of down to suit the times. 466. Mi. Jas. Thompson, town, and of ANY QUANTITY OF WOOD taken in Mr. John Thompson, Bayfield Line, trade foi- goods at Dickson's Boole- Godorieh tp. was deputy reeve for Huronttownship, Bruce store. 468 ,' county, for 1888, DIARIES fur 1888 all Styles verg BLACK CHAPTER MEETING,—The' Berlin- 'drools and AM,,X.i i7�Fls� .AT ,6 I IILQOto 'ru h _Abums,JACESON AiitO ra, h Albums SC7t'a g Albums, Miscellaneous BIBLES, WORCESTER'S AND DIC'TIONAZ2IES, MATTHEW HENRY'S BIBLE, CHAMBERS, ENCYCLOPIEDIA, OF WALL PAPER TO CIJOOSE CHRIS. Fingering "Yams I,e3aW PRIC7�]F.l. I3ookts, WEBSTER.'S UNABRIDGED COMMENTARY ON THE &o., &c. LARQE..-STOCK FROM AT REDUCED PRICES'. DICKSON. — — " cheap at Cvop)er's Book Store: Coouty Orange Black Chapter will LENGTHENED DAYS OF HAPPINESS. TIME T01lYN BESIEGED meet in the Orange Hall, Blyth, on --Two couples were married on WVTED, LOCAL d TRAVELLING SALES- MEN to our choice varieties of Nursery Friday, 6th inst., at 3 o,clock p, in. the 21st December. Their marriage --BY• --- sell Stock either oil ealar3• or commiseiop. •Perna- employment to the right neon. No room A full attendance Of Sir I�nh}lt o Companions is expected. day we hype will be the Shortest Of the mails happy' days that one LHO Insurance for lazy ones, Upright and honest"'o ale fico ones U we are looking. tor. MAY BROTHERS, Nursery- CLOSE CALLS.—Messrs. T. C. may reasonably a x_ppot t0 be in nen, Rochester, N.Y. Doherty, D. Cantelon and R. 'Fitz- store for thein, It will not be AGrFIN TS. �p.„ ANTED—A $ERVANT.'who can do lain cooking• and wash and iron well. No up- immedlately to bras. CRAIG, simmous had very Close Calls on presuming t00 Inl1C1t t0 tvla}1 them many and lougthened days of TOOK AT SA%iPLES OF COST IN A x i-. stairs work. Appply The Reotory, Clinton. 478 Monde L+'ach one seemed to y' happiness as the years roll by, for L' HOME COMPANY: Lost,—LADIES SILVER BRACELET— 21ld iust., Bing or tramp on the others coat tails all day, and at five o'clock the vote the started 011t 111 11f0 On the Y PER A o 25 Cost for 1885, also 1888.. 360 90 On blonday the on Huron Sts., Clinton. Finder will con- stood : Doherty 77, Cantelon 74, shortest day in all the year. '? 30 " " :: 6 �o 35 a t4 ' fer a favor by leaving same at NEws•RE- Fitzsimmons 72. The two former There is a young man in town 40 " 6 93 oORD gists.—tf. were elected for St, George's ward who is getting balls, and. of course 50 " :' a es Lost, on the main -road leading to and the close vote would indicate he don't like it. In fact it worries " s6 " " '` 14 97 a'. Seatorth from Clinton, oli Alonday, 26th that they aro pretty well matched. him considerably. , His girl don't Definite Insurance at tits alcove [:Rtes. Dec., a BLACK DoGsKiN GAUN•rLET. The finder will be suitably rewarded by fear- �"'` CONVICTIONS.—Tho returns of like it either, but the fact remains, he is getting bald, Only one thing See we before you insure yin any company and understatid our piaci. At the age of ing the same at TIIE NEws•Rt:eoRD office. convictions by magistrates in the ° ° consoles him he vows his' -bald 40, the cost for $5,000 was about 835 for 476-2t. county of Huron for the three spot" will never get as big as the 1885' also for 1886. NOTICE. mouths ending Dec. 13 1887 foot m ' a bargain0ohn Jackson isoffering in See us,before you decide. up to 119 of these 51 were for viola - lions, of the Scott Act -40 with a lions, orderedand ready made boots and ' Jas. Thompson, Agent. Dr. Appleton is going away fora fine of each; with a fine THE EDINBURGH ' CONCERT in time for the benefit of his health. of $100 each. If the Scott Act ac th THr BEST.—A P,olgrave subscrib= t' All persons indebted to him are requested to oblige him fines were all collected for the three er remarked the other day in pay- ing- -his subscription that °LTHE ;the Town Hall last Thursday .night particularly by promptly paying the amount of months re.feryed to 83,-600 should have been paid "into the county NEwS.RECORD was the 'beat local Q was not at all well attended. The " their accounts now rendered, so Treasury. a paper in tho County of Huron. to few who were present speak very highly of the manner in which the as to enable him to leave as soon as Such kind words stimulate us possible. LEAVING,—Mr. W. P. Spaulding, 'tuner greater vigor, and we shall endeavor very interesting programme was - Clinton, Dec. 30, 188T- in the organ, factory, leaves to keep this journal- in the front carried oft. The rough weather this week for Woodstock where he rank. We want a reliable eorres- may have had something to do with MR. McGEE is the guest of. Mr. has succeeded in securing a betterpendent at or near Belgrave to send the meagre turn out. Straith. situation in a factory in that town. us, news. • Will some of our readers A, FowG AFFAIn.—The four-day DR. CAMPBELL, -of Detroit, is the Dir. Spaulding has been a general take bold. of the matter Christmas Poultry and Fat Stock guest of 113r. James Fair. favorite since he came amongst us, INVITED BUT NOT EXPECTED, — A show that was held at Owen Sound MISS SUSIE MULLOY held mil- and his young friends deeply regret his from o.ur midst. He g given short time a o a free ball was ° was a success in ever articular, y p , f • .. 1 finer, of Sutton, has returned home. removal eves a leading -"pusher" and "hustler" b a certain hotel keeper -in a 9mail Y . Among and Mr. Felch, the judge, designates it the best in Ontario this a- i, MISS JE$$IE OLIVER is spending in Base ball, Society', and choir village in Bruce county. ° the numerous invitations scut out show your. There were abort entries, her New Year's Holidays at .St. matter's. He carries with him the was one to each of the resident numbered numbered 72ll au,d th-oil _ -Mary's. best wishes of a large circle' of ministers, 1 reabytoriun and 14lotho• and ranged from song birds. to al 1 from a. bII$$ MAaGIE JACKSON rett`rnod friends. dist. The evening came and so did elassoe of -fancy fowl. In the Span Froin an -extended visit to her sister THE BAD GLOBE—Toronto World: the clergy, who opened the ball 'fish class there were over 200 birds. in Appleton, Wiscopsi-n, On Sa�tilr- —"The asinine Globe brays about. with prayer, but as ver few lads p Y Y R SHE LOVED RATHER Y day. -- the damnation of whisks Look y`' put in an appelrance and fewer `DARIiNEs$ t TITAN 1:IGHT..�— 11ow nice and quiet !.' , 'Toronto, dor 11L,Iss M�11iA1. NUS of , at any of its advertising..pngos, or lasses the party broke up at a pro it is out hero," she said "as she le merly of Clinton, spent New Years consult its ledger, and you will see mature hour for much a gathering. hir11 from the crowded parlor an a with her friends hero. fat contracts with. the makers of LIVE AND Lr+Rw. -We offer to sat on the stairs. "Yee," file rsipliod MR. KNOX, of Holmosville, has Tom Giu,• Three -Star Brandy, Ontario Experimental Fai•in , This would be a fino.place to ban removed into town and occupies his Seven -Year -Old Whiskey, and Eng- the authorittia, the following method of the misletoe." "Oh, no,-- she remises formed to possession of IlY p lish and Canadian ales. The Dea- butter in Uruguay South „'archly. It is a o turned, s. , 91." - widoly. Whitely. con and his Board of -Directors making ° ° Aiuerida : 'The dairym to SlAi's dark here that 1t isn't. necessary.' •� = JUDGE, Dortr hold poor man's would just as soon have Mr. Booth's the milk warm from the cow into- He was all awful mean fellow if 11 0 . court in Clinton last Friday. An he of gin fame good dollars as o ) g they would those of the Hon. Sen- an inflated pig or goat' skin•, hit - P ° °.' didn't take the hint. 1IR. " It i average amouirt of business was transacted. atoi Macdonald. The salaries of , chas it to his saddle by a long rope, and gtllo is five or six' •miles into 1 t child to b n very lucky for a child to be bol- very lucky lbiE$$R$ W. BRYAN$ and Chas. the Globes staff of.tomporanee writ- ors are quite liberally eontrib•uted co °' g town with the milk sack. buundiu° on Christmas day, especially if th e 1 day falls on Sunday. Well, Christ - McCrea -of Bel -rave gave THE NEws-' RECORD Aast Friday. We to b such gentlemen as Booth," Y ° along on- the road . behind him. he the city his , teas day fell on a Sunflay` this year a calf were much pleased thereat, XAR�Y-.MORNING :MAIL.—We are When reaches churning- is over, the butter is but the Ontario Dovernment mad o _ WHERE TPS MONEY I$—Ill the gratified ,in being able to announce �stluaster 'loil.aral made and he peddles it from door -to g� the�q_ua,ntita hZOnday the civil Christmas , da and_ C ouncillor T. C. Dohei hn d y Brampton raucil' o tFie• eu ra bank: over $130,000 belonging to -- authorized the efficient in ou.V= desired by each family with a long _ _ a•dauhhterbotn o film on ills a e the people of the place is locked of,this district, Mr. II, G. Hop- wooden spoon. day. Then the liondayi'ollowing h np, kirk, to make. use of the 7.32 a. m• train on the old G. W. line for SEEAT$ LIKE PERSECUTION•.—The was reelected councillor. Ther la' SOmethlDg in the old signs' efts MR. MARK RUMBALL, a student ma}1 service; and that the necessary week before :last two hotel hien Of all. Lucky lir. Doherty. of Knox College is home on his ° ', preliminaries are so fill- advanced Blyth were summoned to appear be- MAMMA'S PRESENT. -'You wan holidays and occupied the pulpit.of that the new arrangement ,«ill o 5 fore the Police Magistrate at >✓lin somethipg to buy mamma a '�Iot the. Rev, lir. Steuart • on Sup ° into effect on 'Monday, Jan. 2nd. telt for violating the;Scott 401 •: A • �,o1r,s I�reseut �0 you 4'l- said pajia oveuin last. g' Mails for Hamilton Toronto number of pioneer and respectable "Rud want to buy it yourself, hey WATT'S the matter with our gel- Loudon, and other important points farmers of the • vicinity were sum• Well, well, that is right, my chi 1- ial friond, F. W., Albert street. between, will thus be very much Inoned as witnesses who could not dr�Onr- You shill have it, ha We wish him the ;ompliulents of expedited. as will also mail matter give any evidence fu support of the been a good mother to you a 1 thes the season aims many Happy returns for the Western • States and for ' charges, and they had to come 15 some years. If you.coald only find som ' of the same. offices between Paris and Goderich, goose -chase o►' miles on a wild ° thing," eouticued papa, as his blu E. F. CL:�RKE was elected 'Mayor 'Toronto —Galt llehorte'r, and pay their own expenses. The were adjourned to $lyth and eyes filled with tears, "that wool of by 1,096 over Defog and.,„Rogers. Outaiuing 7,950 as MR. PEc nY .wild continue in his cases again carne up there last Wednesday keep our' mamma's feet warm thi [ Y winter I wouldn''t begrudge 1850." ' against 6,853 for Rogers and 1,990 position o., classical teacher in the Clintou.Collegiate Institute at an when the charges were .dismissed. ° It dues seem'lfko persecution to put THosr Frw DnYs.—Anoth el- for Defoe. _ advance of $50 over his former defendants and respectable witnesses sample of our cotom's "good autho I'- AnIB1GUI•rqYY. "atilbiguotis" -iiominalY' salary'. TJ; is stated that- owing t0 to lose of time and money, as w,as done ity" i3 the statement in its Column y ^-RDUr town eot'e 611oug }of °. Y „ g - til© cep I„enuoil5�ttfbRrotai3"tYf' tlicso cases a' n 'tsT"itch r that "in a few days Judo 1as.lY Oji Y ° .-----.-•�,;��,�,-.• nobatiuu is reap entitled to n 1 ' Y . the Board if 'Trustees no ongage to a stateo tat law which permits such a state of Doyle will bo appointed "JtTiiac first claws X.'Y. Z. .certificate for uleut. contract had been made with things should bo Dither amended so L'Original (.Prescott) and his plat proficiency in that line. Mr. Pere or any other member 'of Y S ° as to give respectable soil-respon on the bench here filled by F. � GODratca DISTRICT L. 0. L. will the stair -of the present Collogiate sibla farmers the ordinary rights of Johnston," While Jud -re Doyl Mi hold theii:anuual mooting on Tues- Instituto, though the Board passed British subjects, or it should. well desci - promotion and day, January lot}', in file hall of a resolution last November author- ..111 abolished altogether. Johnson elevation, many "few clays " 30,6, B,tyfiold Line, at 2 p. in. A izing their re-engagemont. The 'asked ° GL[N'ruv Tr.wHIxG Wim, Trr;r'' will elapso curl the, geed '"going r_ it-" ba awai full attendtluca Of officers and moil- question is now being b • q ° S —Elie following from the Alliston Y statement will lot berg i:s luokud for. some' Of the ratepayers. whether the Herald refers to n, former pupil of ing ratification. ON New Year Day a balky, iu al Secretary slionld not make good Y ° the Clinton High Sohook—The GODrft1CH IIARBOR.—It will b most a node state, through losting the extra 5."6,'50 which the Board has closing exercises of S. S. No. 2 observed by our Godorich corre in a basknt of roses ` and other to pay lir. Perry, it sum which he 'Under of Simcoe, took lilacoun lsondent that an effort will b flowers, `wits left it the residence of is certainly entitled to the .Essa,county 23rd Dec. whau a public examina• inade.to havolho harbor appropr a lady in town. Tilb Sweet little Circitlinataneva, For itis understood t►ou was held, al tt hien the pupils ation expended In extending th chorub will be taken, proper care that lie forgoes a much higher salary ° ° y showedTroofsofeareful,intelligent, north 1>ir+r•Irtico•wnrd. It has ion of. fling he is gutting here and which and tliorotigh toachitig. Although been the opinion of many who ha V A iIrrcrr 5„lir,.rtClats. —1Tr' he was at liberty lrg:xllyfind moral- the tuacher� ll r. If. S. (.ra}, lits given t•honght to the matter tha °lick 1't,:,-,, ,11;' u.iy 111,;1,1 uttwtur of til. ly to acc+:pt. been offered it large ho-ea6u of uxtrD>0u is the only luteus free Kineirdinu Eligh School, will leave Tit):m,. has been it general rebuke salary foi• another year, ha hits ilu- c11'ectiug permanent access .t the harbor, au thgt_ iu the. and it for Toronto next Tuesdayinoi-Ding °, ,given b municipalities all over filo ° y p tided to leave the Profession. As 1 ,l will be the cheapest, though ult and Mr. Perry, of Clinton, liiy sue. proviuco against the idterforence a teacher•he has been very success• mately a [Hoch larger sum than th cossor, has signified his acceptance of the pulpit in civil matters. This full and leaves here possessing the 1't'r'sent appropriation will have df the position %fr. Froor v-acated, is as its it should be. A minister confidence and esteem ofall, and all be exponded. an,l is expected to assume his duties has as much right to his individual are sorrS he is leaving. Tho closing• AVAn.—Tho "Ups an hero ,lfoud.ty,,J,tu. 9.-• ReriOiv. opinions in civil matters as any scone in the school was [lost affect- Civil, 'Toronto Tal 'Cant old procorlu.re of electing other. citizen. But he has no right ing for when Mr. Gray took his Downs" inan of the School Trtistoas was gone through to Commit hischut•ch as n body to farowell and bade good -by, the grate'[ says: Guelph capitalists ar With thin year again, The very them, It is as utterly wrong to drag pupils who ,possom a very strong on the rerl brink of civil wit Those hold shares or receipt limitcil, uuull>er of ratepayers who into political or municipal eontes(;s know or know anything about tho the Presbyterian Church, or thb affection for him could not keep back the flow of tears, while many who Contra for money elepasitod�in the Conti . nominations or elections of the Methodist, or the Episcopal as it cried heartily,,and many of the P,auk srem anxious to,hang th mnnibers of this important Board is would be the Roman Catholic. visitors being touched by their sur- presidr,ut and a few diroctors as the gtrongrst kind of argument for And ono of the essential objections soundings, also shed tears of regret. .prelude to 'pally serious proeeec • 1- haviug Trustoes and Councillors to the Catholic hierarchy is its alled- In thwevoniug a large concourse ings. .U°u is they recover their glecto;l on same clay. Tho duties ed doing so. 'Che very corner stone •of young people and some older good money they tilay teach this- , of `ioeri,Lai,q of the Board and town of the, Protestant church militant is ones assembled at tho house of irr. guided` financiers that be who stabs � tolAilillut; Clork'coald'rrlxo 13'6 performed by a protestirg;rinst what many of the 'R. A'u Asaph whcro Mr. Gray boards, ! inlph nirn in the pocket aims a thn ammn person' with advantage to ministers of Diu• churches are and presented AIr. Gray with it gold i ilaggrir at the heart of a great poo -F1116 MerEh It Tailors,' CllntiOri, Ont.' the town, trying to introduce. watch and 'suitable address; ple. y4`; r