HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-04, Page 6t 17 r a#RA7akaarnlrx",�vi ",n..�w.�,•s11•+n.3':1••r.`..•,.�:e=wn""�i11n.F1.`iNR+•SCF+ill,:'+PaW-W'.FRenRMY%V.Wrl.aldi,!Jf'.6.iY?.',1+.r:T+K.tr.:^;Rlw..:m�r✓..r••nw„�.r .1'...r:•9,-;ww^..{.i3:T!7:'-T1M46t:. ^t:.^..r-: .,t/S•t .:r,.'Jr.c.._ M+1W�' - ,,, , �.+..-,r�..... _.._.-•...-._.—.. _..... __._.�._�...a,......m.,�.;-_•-moi.-._._._..�.._,�----:.-.+,-- .-,,, -... _ ._.-.. ,. ..._._�. -..- .. -...� .s ,,, ,,,_5"w��.i.1�rA�1AN/MAVY-•1 :w ° / A FAPAL A'1",l'ACI'I. ARVS014 xo 1► OTRIGai —Are you dis- ' . e if urO l,Y off, -fl eco id turbed tit night and broken of y otir rest �y Wait °R ""• "� " "F"T' ; _ �A f,Ittt�i;.attagls-,AvI�ty : it} a fre_duent, ; \J inn �. � w �e3,.�.�} It e -_ ,., •.. _- ". -- by a stoic cbll'dsufering and. cryiugwit.11_.. __ 4, il+ .. n I p ., 81.0 4 Year A R., ill Advance. I ocourreuce among chtld.reR. Fery A --- -- � _---_ _ 1,a1�s@1loltl should be guarded ,i y B•alu of Cattlog Teeth? "Nits so Send. at Upill, your Wr bitcomea dry, thlu? uud ' 0 kee ip lis ard's Pectoral Balsam once and get a bottle of Slts Winslow s f;rtay before giriu�; theattentlou needed TA Wedplesday. J;tnuary 4th, ISSS P b by Soothing Syrup for Children 'teething. to presevve its beauty and vitality. at bated. It breaks up colds, coughs,, Its value is incalculable. It will rel leve Keep on our toilut-table a bottle of in returning thnnkii to my many frieurls and lfgtrbps for tenet patronage, t woulai U croup, asthma, and bronchitis -in a the poor little Sufferer immediate) De- 1 , ) remarkable manner. 447-2t p y' AYPr s Halr Visor -the Duly dressing like to call th@lr special attention to my vary coutple.te )stock of Nezv Year's W ishrs. pend bob it, maniere e there n r alis- you require for the hair -and use a little, t�� ' --- ---- take about it. It cures 'Dysentery and il{il����st 't7iii�''a1, 6UIIFiY �i�li�=l�le�t BhilSff�S1 ETC., ETC, - daily, to preserve tho natural color and `- What sliuU i wish thea ? -C. G. AlartoU, tvhu (luring the Diarrlima, regulates the Stomach and Speeit?ltitteption is dlrectsd to my stuck of Treasarit's of esrth ? rr Bowels cures . Wind Coll; 'softens the PF41veut jluldutss_ last ul ht years has carried on bus- + Soag$ ill tl,v 1Spriutiuu,e ? 1 b Gums; red'ucte Iufiammn'ion, and gives Thomas 3Iuuday, Sharon Grove, I y., :-:SINGLE:: ■ 1',leaalii L•9 all,) nlll'th d llle3S iH the village of Leamlu, toneann energy to the %%bole system. writes. "Several months ago my hair N L •• �blowers on thy pathway ? uudgt• tile firm Of Marten LrOs., "Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup" Ior comu,cnced falling nut, and in a few • • • M ' Skies ever clrnr ? pri'vate bankers, is alleged to have chil'.,ren teething is pleasant to the taste wcelcs my head was alrriost Uald. I It will be totted very complete, and for durability and finish eanpot be,excelled by 1 - Would this iastu'o thee I absconded• I -Ie was generally sup and is the prescription of of the oldest tried Inany remedies, Uut they did no any one. A L,emplo�y nope but the,beet workmen, and ase tbo best materittl.to be ' ,c A happy New Year ? posed to be worth Rousidorablo %nd best female physicians iad nurses in bought in tiie market, all yrbo may favor tae with,tbeir patrgnage may feel confiden good. I finally bourrlit a bottle of Ayer's z to tart and could n the United States, and is for sale by, all a of getllna ratlsfacting, y What%hill a welsh tire(. pro 1 Y, qJ have had Hair yl„or, and, ff er using only a part �'1 �l �`1 druggists te. lie t the world. Price �PIRICES ' .AWAY DOWN.What can ho futnd less thou $50,000 at the time of drug a Sts tfa lie sure and ask for "Mrs,, of the contents, my head'was covered Rst �+A qi. Briagiug thue su,lahine leaving. k% „ with a lieav rotvth of hair. I recotn- t, inslow's Suothinr Syrup, and take no Y g a •»- . s�, . . nil lhu year roaud ? 0tct111. k;,,d g;y menti your preparation as the best hair. Trunks and Valises in"grew% variety and ¢prices Low. Where n the treasure FOR THE COMPLEX[0:1.-For Pimples, ,. --- restorer ill the tt ar1Q." Lasting Seel dear, P , n Blotches 'ran and all itching tumors « "My hair was faded and dry." writes '�• /� '�/�' /� 1'hat,h„fl isue th,w , , 5 -Thu b}' low grautiug a bonus A i.L7aii..�i1 l' A happy New Year ! of the skin, use Prof. Lotv'a -Magic of $20 000 to the Canadian Pacific Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Iii.; "but • t Sulphur Soap. ' after usiugrt bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor was carried ill Sault- Ste. Mario ...�. "tl Faith that ,vteusrth it became black l,a(1 glossy.' -- - Walkiu• u, ]ioht ; _. yesterd:ly.-T --Thera are %peso to whom tl 7:Y,•. e: He ,e that ahuuudetit Ayer s Hair Vigor,-.... �” 'x ��::�>..,.r�e:.�...s-.:s: �A,arc _. .,,._... _ t o ) and bride+% ; sense of roligiuu• has Colne in Storm „:. Pity BARKWELL s BRONCHIAL BALSA, • gold b t, (1➢ b fes Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Love that is elite%. aHd tempest ; there aro those it has Y Druggists and Perfumers. t' ell, ea all 11 f eels of coughs and colds Dyspepsia,Jaundice Affections o the Liver and Kidneys, Casting out feat', summoned atui,d scenes of revelry croup and bronchitis. Ask for 19 if y' ` Those shall in,urt' thou ' " Pimples and Blotches, ' 5 0 Pimples, Blotches,_Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Lcrofula, alt; idle vaulty ; there ,era those, Bnrkwella, take no other. 470 sow. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood 11 happy Now P•:•u•' Lou; typo have 1u(u'd its "still Sonet --- , pit , ' Peace ill the saviour, voice;' amid rural leisure and placid -Business n,en of Stratford are So diefigurin to the face, forehead, and ® Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the AoWels. neck ed Smile ul' hist cot n,ten; lice, lcnowled'+a w ,''1 :,itperhaps s } w • a; ` t use of AyersSarslaparilla the best and r-��•=.' + �„�`s' -• �:,x., ,-.+ r , Cullteulttluut. But lerha )s the intik-iu ku effort to induce Mai- ! le 1 t I eth Hot to well & Sues of Paris, to remove Rarlrnut azul :n'a�-t, g safest Alterative and Blood-Puriflerever Joy ill his ttcso,cc, err is snore frequently impressed (heir works to that city. The discovered. ?a - Christ ever noarI upon the nliud during Seasolls of oStablishniont unlpluys over 150 Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ■./J�� DAYS Tllis %will insure thr u affliction ; and agars are the soft- hauds. bold byDraggiets;'$1; rix bottleotor$I. Gooo�' Vo A happy Nuty 1',nr• erred showers which cause the seed of heaven to spring and tako root A REMARKABLE CASE. -- o {' in the breast:,- ® ';i Oval -done WoddinFr-Gilt Susi- Frederick Wieze,ol'Miuden, Ont., sS�A® OUR ����� LIST t,. ness, suffered with running sores on both ��f � !!•�I+t U BAl',,I(11'I.r a BRON'CIIIAL BALaAII' legs wench t!]0 best of physicians, •-^"e� *& h' A Philadolphi:k bride w;ts report- cures all;'ki,hds of coughs and colds Le u And consult your own interest by purchasing in the ChKfipost Market,. croup told bronchitis. dock Blood Bitters cured him eoul• c g , failed to cure. two bottles of Bur- ,.'� Ask for f f � •----0n '�•s�--• 'f 14 lbs. Coffee Sugar ................$1 00 . Best English Pickles, )ur bottle.00 25 ed a while aqu as Saying that sit(, "Barkwella tale no other. 470 eow ” g K I ,r t had received over 200 wad(Iitln pletely. Scrofula always dos to bad lfi lbs. Bright Yellow Suf;ar...... 1 00 I Worcester Sapce, per bottle.;.. 35 V „ ------- blood, is curable when titp��ll�,W�rtreat �� ` C �� 17 His. Pure Raw Su<gar.......... 1 00 Pure Cocoanut, per lb ............. 37 presents, and taut a single piece Qf -11 fnt.tl aCCideut occurred ill with. l3. B. B. I75•`2t.', _..� 5 lbs. Choice H' -son Tea......... 1 00 I R Bars Judd's Soap 25 Silver Or a lain) in the lot." Her c l�C + ,a, „ ., Y Pp.... •••• •'•^• L - the 'lun'n,hil: of (ilnmotoau, about --••--- �� rig Tile Lea,tt,eg + i ` 8 lhS. Sph:ucltd fly -son Tea ...... 100 , •t Bats Electric Soup ...............r 1tu ryas lameutahlo. Rtit this at dtl'ng se,venty•fiv miles 'north of Peter- -Tito Puutinck Township Truaa- s" l s lbs. Extra Ilyson Tea..;...... 1 00 Befit 3s1b. Bar Soap ................ 'rift business has been overdone 1 :I. jdQ ID�Ij 0''{ G5 I1,s. Choice Condon 'tea......, 1 00 4 Cakes Toilet SOa 25 J (� 7 p a , )Vi•O. Louis St. Ou"0 a UULIu 7 •I�r .� U ��I ���.�U �`�' p.••••••••••••••• .i and rn:tu are asl(iurr if thorn call be 1 a , r nY a urcr Jar. \\ m. Irwin has been n, b _,._. �' 4 lbs. Choice Japan 1'ea....... .. 1 00 3 lbs. New Currants ................ 25 Y ' a %flail, was R'Itll ULIu•1'3 ell�bOd In TUl'OptOl0UlilnryAft01'tl1aTUN'nShi )'s I„ CIL,tor4, o Lmelte no repot' from it. A wedding has a 1 the ro„t Discs. I 2, lbs. Best(Aing.)Breakfast Tea 1 00 21 ahs. Ncw Raisins ................ t:5 (,'ellen a tree. \1'iiuu it came deposit of .$30,000 ill the Celltnd 2 His. Fine Java Coffee.......... 1 00 2k 1bs. SuItaitaRaisins............ 25 4 a rr .. ,' r % N 1 _; `� lU Pur oG'• t. WM for C.'ash. .)r 1 cuuto to be Simply a donation visit, duwn all the teat ut awe 'While such its the i\[c thodist people mope n Y• Luna.. yi 3 lbs. Flue Rio Coffee............ 1 U� 3 ]bv,. New Figsr..................... 40 ! 1 h° was hurrying att.ly,t lutb of the *� �r g+' (i lbs. Rice ................. 1r) fi dozen Clothes Pins ........ r...... 20 0. to a pastor to piece out his sal�rJ.. falling tree struck him a violent "BARKwELL's BRONCIIIAL. BALSAM" M. FISCHER HER d,� ... 3 lbs. Sag....... :.................... 25 � Sardines, per can, 12;c to......... 25 ^' T}ic true spirit of gift making Ia blow. Hish°ad,frutu the forehead euresall } inds of coughs and colds, Manngerand Cutter. 41bs. Starch ......................... 25 1 Calf's Feet Jelly, per bottle.... 60 lust iightcf. This most necessarily back, was split open, cau3rng in- bronchitis and croup,. :ask for r# ;g �u , be tho ease NOwn several hundred 'Barkweels "take no other, 470 cavy ��: Canned Salmon, Canned Finuan IIaddie, Cannell Mackerel, Lnuch Tou6ne, m sktnta.duuth• Boneless Pig's Feet; also, Carined Tolliato(+s,.Plulus, Pine Apple, Raspberries ('nests make presents nlerelyliocause u" - - - -- - -- - "-- -' ` at bottom prices. Special inducements to Crtsh Custorr,ers in Tea, Dinner it is the fashion, and because they HAVE YOU NO'PICED I't? -A inan uanlud Rushbruok. who and Toilet Sets. Call and iusnect our shock and be convinced, one and all, j would bo �houryht niggardly if the' ._....., st..,• . ; ,gh Y ) h;,pxs beau misstu*p front- 1'['ooatmliu Fe�i�•�']. �'Z�Wri for patterns rare and beat of ware, you must come to CHINA I-1r1LL. ' failed to follow it; -4Vo ill.-ful.l0w The weary, "all gone" feeling, for, Some limo has been funfld un• -------- •-• ---- - -- '' it; but the real motive, if it could gnawing at the pit of the stomach,ol a choking from utidigested food so (lorneath his wag;;on with his n;CGk -AND-- IT __aCDnS79 be, be found to be a common to the weak dyspeptic. This broken. It is supposorl that hes V����� PROPERTY CHINA HALL, CLSNTON_ selfish and cowardly one. Phis i4 trouble is Soon remedied by Burdock tonin ran away and caused his fel ORION about the case when analyzed : Blood Bitters, which is a positive duath: ®R SALE. — - - ---�� present; it will r alto make this caro for the wast form otDyspepsia... I can't .afford 447.2% T-- } Health is impossible wheel the t %IIP: EXECUTORS AND TRUSTf's) s of the p' 1 "1 i I`ira financially E ' blood is impure, thick, and sluggish, � Estate of the late .losaru IIRRR offer for sale N D STOR t0 do s0. But neither Can I afford the followin;,• valuable property, namely: '--- - ---.�'I, I,, Iil'aCOCi(., inventor of Ol• when it }s %hitt Arid impoverlt,hed, blajldiuLut4 numbers 420 and 421, In the o U��— • • w not t0 (]0 it. ] spotted be CUs t1H fit'0 CXfO11gn19hing apparatus Such conditions give rise to boils,plro• Tuwn of doderich, quarter of an acre each, fairly sidered meas, instead of haviug les headaches neuralgia, rheums fenced and very desirable for butldin ur uses. The undersioued has just opened a new Drug Store, m JACKSON'S . 'the Sapient s satisfaction' of beiHn bearing his name, died at the altos. ems. and other disordeis. A er's Half seri, hoc frvintin b611 Iioaa, Townahl of NEW BLOCK, oil HURON, STRRI:T,, two ,doors. west of the City a }1Or13e, San rra11C13C0t Oil Satut'duy; • ' Y Goderich, Lein:; part 6f lot 3 in the blaitlnnd Book .'Store, where will, a %end a complete assortment of heirs thought 4o be as liberal as ALI-. and � Sorsa arilla urifiea invigorates, and concession of- ilio s:tld«Tu%%nicht). Nice frame 'Drn S slate / Lcltfiylls, ajl�_ 1 aged 70 years. , .At one time ho P purifies, g ' t g. e o 1'ateitt 31edieines and 1frs. 1plaud. rhia gift inakim, is a V1ta11Ze8 the blood. cottageand frn rue stable, .=�•. b was ill retie t bf y10 000 n, mouth Dru 1StS Sundries -all that Wel Pilblic may ase: fo' in those Lot number 3, south side of bullar street Den. terrible infliction hut nae can't -- lines. w, ' for royalty 'ou leis machines, but 11)a(. ,quarter, or nnnero. Small framet'lwell• A WORTHINGTON. ignore it." ' -Lord Landsdotvu, '}1110 inq. t' after.selliu t this patent rightf his A. ,4. g patent b 3lcattug at Rideau hall on Saturday, 4luuaing• r.uc. flu 403 and 504, in the Clinton, 13th Januar%', 1886. There is no heart in such a gift; nione was Soon spent, and fo�•Sonle - P. S.—Office changed from residence to store an o r Y l , fell, inflicting painful, On Town ofClrntmyquarterof an •tete oath, beau- }' and no sense. Where -One has a VCara hu wandored about the StatA tifully situated on youth side of Huron street; � # I head. One eye was also b • Ck- fair)y fenced. circle of several hundred friends, in a destitute condition. Six rears _ '� ". } Cued. The East lIalf of Lot 2.3, coir. 14, west Wawa• _ •�_ . tho quo t1011 of OXi)CIISe � fur Carry'- ago lie was admitted to the allies ash; good Imal, 50 acres cleared arta fencer], re� e � � � � ''• in— Utit Of this Ralston b6Conio6 — - urnindcr timhcred; about 4 miles from T,ncknow _ 1r ll •,., hUl1SC. - - and 6 from R -in ham; food roads. - n f , UOOD THE YEAR ROt —vv. --i ational g - serious Cor everyone epos(, incoma - Pills area rood blood u flet liver -- tlor further.pa,ticaLtrs apply to k 0 0 b P , NEW.STOCK RTOCK 6�'EW STORE! is limited. '•A reform could beTursioNs,.or-woRxs.are_ivell.kno-wn regulator and- mild purgative for r•cAtll''Lo�f�"`" - 416 it i-Arrisfer, oderia p •A �6 iunugurated'if every one about to but the remedy is notalwsys so well all Seasons. 1°" ` t sBLOCKrCLINTON. be mairitid would send out with determined. Worth Powders will �� .'9 H 7 s n elle iuvitatiun this word : "allo destroy them. �- LBE -A - Montreal niau handed is presonta received•"- dynamite cartridgo to . a fol- ."' a JOSPPH CHIT)LEY, Dealer Ill Furniture. _ -Thomas 'Ihoulpeou, an old EN N ETA' call at the New Store and see the stock of low -boarder and told hits to and res)ected resident of the fourth -lir: II. A. JamCAun, r'o,tnel'lyT 1 ' nap it on the ••3te�e. Iso did LIADfNG Bedroo211 and Parlor Sets, Lounges; Sideloards, Chairs, Springs, Ilnc, Adelaide, mat with a fatal ac roneoftha teachers;u the St.nlarys so, and the ciictiidoa oxl-laded: cident. He lost his si-ht some Mattrasscs etc., and gmetal Ifonsehgld Furniture. The ntliole Stoclz is frau the vo•y }ti p school, lluw of Ii;utsas.city, ears arra and w'as cominrr flown Ioltunalcly the talon escaped un IJ DIRECTOR best manufacturers. l'iais'e FrameAaud Mouldings ol'every rlr'seription.Kansas, lost by diphtheria, throe of Y b ' o injured, but the stove was blowu todOS. CIIIII►hEY, one' dour\a`eSt e)T IBicatson's IBook, 4tot•e. stairs whou ho: missed his footinnhis ,youngest children. They all„ a pieces.a(I_fal_Ltra_t r, t u Assistance=HNDto w1 flu it ali`, was irumsdiately on hand buf it kavas 7��-�y �y+ %�`�'�dother. NAS1*AI.NI. 1�J1V11L1.�B� • Y��rI.6 �d9��+����.�ifuuud, that tha vital spark had fled. 'eT--harry Lierch of St. Catheiin Deafness caused by Cattarrh is ? .J f. , Deceased hall been a resident of ocker Store ski))ed out with another matt4 quickly 'relieved by Nakal Balm.,1 1 the township for some fifty years, Headache caused by Catarrh is FROIt— wife. The woman iu the case, being iiged 74• quickly cured by Nasal Balm. 477.4t. T.CLIN CLINTON. Mrs. Leonard, deserted,her husban(1 during his absence, and also No one can describe the Buffer- ___.,.-_ THOS. ----COOPER---- ---SON'. leaving, behind-$lir--a comfortable -An absurd story was started. by - a Ings caused by Asthma except those an imagii) ative woekl aper that 91' largest, cleanest and best assorted stock of home and three children The troubled with the complaint. One a Y ! u G ; ; ` e ill d1,_Qaeeh,dosii'ec1to give. )the pre- ^- ) e�ERi St OROO �Y GLA�:yWAREs . h}tailp i autlldudish sorlsolflt tnllbe package of Southern -Asthma Cure "' )Ost01'011a nalne of Jubiled--to i E L GR� - a p . u,' will relieve any case. ge Double treat- P t asserted .thn t he 1141 te of r -E ��>-1 ( - .iceA re uLO cldsa. , lI(t woof by the n>%mo . of IIcnry' p It is um t tg -?g el \ , _ . Y g ant Liurch, but it is ,aid his real name anent in each package 477.4t Princess Roatrice's infant duo +titer- 1t ate. in town. Q' -Our Prices ,areas LOW as the-I7owest and we 'weft was fluttery Livingstone and that -t)%% n Conncdly. th(! usalthleat Julia %bastheresultofacompromise, , _�� I. } N IIE- sole agents fur the Celebratecd "Caope,rs.BteT,-e,)wg ft7twer.ho is t n,atriud mall. 1'bis hamo lilerchant and citizen Of Char,otte. as the I rincess ob acted to the t J tltCalled Jubilee.I-�'G ) Best *Brands of CIGARS by the Bog or Thousand. at Manfrs. Prices' indivliloal r•ur oil' with a ; irl from town, l . ],. }., dropin;d dFuul in child being _ Lunduu ,k fu.v ycua ago soil also hiS slur°. ife Wvts writiuo fan --- - .--- i a �'y�AA� SPECIALTY; „lo )ort with another married ordor fur a pair of lAinkets and a WORMS Often causs serious illness: II _ Una�+proached for 1 The cure is Dr. Low's Worm ru ). -�- ive us �"�"� �(�o� �3dsoy Wolu:in front his home' in Brusse, s suit,! u( Coal, %vliicl: ecru to be a Y i = ocic sad %:_;adity.. H �<.,J/' Ar 3..J�I'•b'� C•hlistulas gift to ;k poor woman, It, destroys and expels worms a call. and.went to Stratford. ethectually, - CATALOGUES �d?fcF. Corner store in Searles Block, Clinton. 'whine he sank into n chair and Ver[ Vacuo, Coll,:ctok o'f customs r, - ---- ilg � n • esjpa i'd. }Io was G7 years and ) FI L nl 1, - - -- -- - - - -- at^"4brf AIel,eod, speal(jn,. o.' tlko _ -I renlier _ orgiiay,-of Manitoba, J.f i..�1 41 ol.¢, - ' 2)1orm'ul Aultlu.mont :nt 1,cev (,toss• nrarir,r[. but fend no children. IID . - - a XMAS ' %sag rated its worth $800,800, and has resigned and I)r. Harrison has ° r ' in;;, K,`V.,r., Says the fifty 1',unilic's lost no tints 4n completing a Cabinet, __---__-_ Ilia will mifter making soveral be- - thenn aro Illakiug preparations for ,'& o which will be composed aA follows : THA NAwsitAcDanhns excellent facilities for t� � ' gvuAt4, ailrea filo residue of . his „ 0•;^ ,l .--%•AND' s. allother ' estrus illflLIX , 0101'0 ll(:Xt Premier Harrison I ycSidont of the the execution of jab printing or alt ]Linde. t (!state for the oducati m Of the poor Year. Thuy;lnaku first -cls sseltluls Council Minister of Agriculture seeeamp,esbeforcyouoraer. C a • 1' industrious zualot:�' incl liuuutu (-'atliolir, childrop, in Prince l • r ,,. Mr. =. ';R. - t nd q a and Provincla 1. oast or 99t �� 1?