HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-01-04, Page 51 .om 1 'oW ''til the .-fir r (► -- Janiftvy . a 4 GREAT A-RGAINS WE GIVE IN EVERY LINE. GET A BARGAIN, 1N MANTLE -S. The Stock Large to choose from. BARGAINS IN 01/ERCOATS, BARGAINS IN MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, BARGAINS IN SHAMS.' = WE SELL CHEAP. We want to show you the Goods and prove it. -ODon't Forget FROM Now till the end of 1887. PAS' Ac CO 'V _YTMEN 11 as.' W WU ,t 0-0-0-0 We offer to -day, and as long as any of the. (roods remain unsold, 430 Pieces o ALL -WOOL TWEED,. about 1000-.�45cti G Yards.., Regular price of these Goods 75c. Price per yd. for this Sale [Also, about 200 Remnants of DRESS GOODS, from 5 to 10 Yards, at HALF FRIOE. _ ' I NO GUESSING OF BEANS OR LOTTERY S+CHEME�=.,_,_-„- In order to secure these Baigains. OPEN TO ALL. s JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODG°ENS. . The Low -Priced Dry -Goods Men of Clinton. .-. BARGAN*8 manhood. in his day, and even up to -The impression prevails; at --IN— the time .of his death displayed Uttawa that Mr. L. A. Oliviers, a leen] y - o-^--^--^_-____._._.._..<�_�_.___� remarkable activity feria man of his barrister, will be appointed Judge of o - - --- -- --- •- --- _ . years. When his last hour came he Prescott and Russell. -� - X X = .. X -i-, - - -I- had reached an age which very few t Brakeman Ight in a the C. P. R. ®t� ■ attain nowadays, viz., 102 yeal•s. , At got his foot caught in a frog at Glilt'A N H (D that age it would be thought infirmity last week and had one leg cut off would render life a burder, but such , He will be taken to Toronto, where ____ ..was_nat_tile.-case withMr.._.O C-QlIPAU-,-his-friends reside. - - - + - - - + + - - - -- On "Thursday last he visited at the -Kansas City saloonkeepers residence of his son, Mr. Michael blasphemously held a grand -jubilee residence Oleonell,a f his in , Mr. id health p '::A Rousing Reception for Bargain uyers. ` and spirits; He,s in a jig for his on Wednesday night because the Sunday closing lew had that day grandchildren and appeared not the been declared unconstitutional, 1'HL' FOLLOWING ARE A L'E\\' OF OUR 1'ItICb:S least exhausted. ``hat same even- ing -Goo. James aged about 22 t he took ill went to bed'and ,- g , lllen's Felt 0vershocs..$1,1,, ti,orth 1,Y50 Overshoes... , . , . ti1.75, rwOlth $ ,00 _ ' whose home was In London, Ont, gradually sank into the ales that x Monis Overshoes, eool' "'- Ladies Car(ligan Ovai• f; Y p was killed on his brother's farm,Mieh lined ....... . ....... 140, " 1.75 shoes. ...... . 1.00, C" 1.75 knows no wakin His death was calm and painless. Deceased was igen. He was cutting away a tree top 'Men's Fine Ovurshoes, Jtisses Felt Overshoes.. 1.15, LN Ih°.* born in Cahereiveen, Kerry, Ireland, when he fell backward and struck wool lined.......... 1.75, 2.00 A,lisses Fine 13uttoeosur t and came to this country 24 steals on a snag, dyfng in about an honT.- Ladies felt Overshoes, . 1.25, 1,50 I •- shoes ..... .... .. 1.50, 1.71 ago. Ifo settled on the hill Haar He was unmarried. Ladies Fine 13atton child's Felt Overshoes,. 0.fI5, 1.10 i, the southern limits of the city and -John Irwin, of blelancthou, went we sell Boots and Shoes of all kinds for LOWER 1'RI.CE8 doin any other 'House ie has lived there ever since. lie was to the woods to chop on Tuesday the Taw•n. Yon ask how do we do it. we don't have, to get large prutits to pay hi;,' always looked u on` -pith feelings of last and on failing to come home to rents and Interest on burrowed eapital. \VE PI,EASF THF. bail:, irePRoTEH esteem and venerat•ioii by those who dinner,' search' was made for him. THE 1"OCI-1.1; uliil 1 pay you t ),IIF. 11 P;1fOlt1' with our BARGAINS. It will knew him. Out of a family of twelve fie was found lying on the ground payyou to nudge your purchases at only three survive him, Mr. Michael with a terrible gash in his rightfoot. ' ■ O'Connell. the florist, I1fr. .Andrew It appears that he fainted after the O'Connell and Mrs. Mahony, wound was inflicted, and was insen- -One night last�veek two farmers Bible for some time, alod .VYbc!\. found . g r was unable to stand up with weak - Wm. W ippler and Win. Swnrts, (]rove ' P' Hess from the lose of blood. their- teanr into Mr: Winkler`s hotel , shed, at Hanover, county of Grey, . --On Thursday last AndrewMutri e, _ss-_ O �osite the Town Hall' Clinton. I- • and--wenb - into -the house: -- A -short- of-Er-amosa, sent. -his. hired--raan...to. _.. Pl - � time afterwards S. f-Ierringer and • Fergus with a load of grain Ile fail - Kenzie, a, grain buyer of Neu- ed to return. On Friday Mi. llutrie atadt, also drove into • the shed. went in search of him. The man Ai this season of the year every- ' T__J O S T ! When Ilerringer and Kenzie were had sold thegrain, left, the team in one sliould. use Powell's sarsaparilla ready to start home their robe -vas a shod and then gone in for a good" and bui•dook, it cleanses and enriches (, y the nest instant, a oil boy shout t) t mis;iuy. Suspicion at once fell on Limo in Guelph, a Scott Act city, and the blood. Price 50 Cts. , sold by �JLsizC of a mnn, bare footed on both ham s . the two farmers, and Mr. Winkler spent all the proceeds of the load. alldruggists. - 443.3m.: ` 'with )oil- tooth pick boots on his hlmd feet, not and Mr. Herringer, who b the way i teetC nd to his ei ear, fend of stewed hen ' g , Y Y -The Ottawa Free 1�re98 all- --�--' tur.tt.' and buckw-bent preserves. Ile had at is a county constable, at once start- 'nounces thatMr.A. Gillies, for many AtilE'1'IIS. empty p:t on 1118 back contaildilga bundleo ed alter theta, and overtook thein in ears traveller for,'Messrs. Buntin r mine pest nand a paella„o of wagon tracks • y � , \\ .1'C I'fi.-At laytlt, I)cu. 30th, the wife Ile tvoro loongg 7Hue hair cut .bort mh<l 'curry, nn( the neighborhood' of Scone. Htlr• Gillies & Co., of Hamilton, has join- of ll,'. Fred. W. -1V;itf`;, =8ii11ton, of I "peastrdw hit which had recently been hat ringer claimed the robe, which the ed the new firm of 1lfeesrs. Ales. soled, foe coin red cost with patch bottom lining a sou. and high water pants. ' When Inst seen he wa farmers gave, up at once,'.and said Boutin Son, of Montreal. ill. wheeling smokaout ora wacl«mitti shop to earl they did not know it was in the_ tr Gillies' many friends will wish _flim 1DEA'A HIS moms, to boy himself a benutiful'eLUSH PAaL01 sleigh. .He, then demanded $20 or much success in his new_venture. �fAOIU,-Im Blyth on the 23rD inst., R:dIt” of erSt`r,t.Cli n From A. A. 13EN\Eire he would take them to gaol. The - ltud Becher Store,. Clinton. -ST. ()ATIIA1tmEs, Dec. 3l, An Willie J• JIu0111 sort of .Iuhn and farmers gave him $15 and promised, infant .about two weeks old was left Lettio Alagill ager] 7 years .and 2 (TRAY II1411+Fal, Cauw into the cndosuree to pay the other V ,in a short .tiFne, in the waiting room of the Grand lnollths.-lt•,'rhos. Fargmhar Lot25, Con. 6, Frulleti b r \ t nb •r a red heifor comin on condition that the ollowilg day, •Trunk •st-ateon,on Tuesdti afternoon BELL, --In Blyth oil Sunday 25th fust., ' n cut the 10th tf , u m L Y two years ofd. 'Che owner is requested• to prow be hushes} up•.•••••..Tha . follotl_iilg day' try ,t lady passing through on the `2.56. Fjpreltre Emn13 daurhter of John slid I ProPt'''")' P•t) r\Lenses and takethn animal awn) the farmers had another visit paid train. No trace of the mother has Fliraheth 13e11 tlged 2 years an'1 3--TAOS. EARQUIIAR, st. them., This time from Constable been discovered although every of- ltlontl's, -- Pierce, of Owen Sound, and Kenzie fort was made to find her. ` = l ppnr.Etty rCJ; iIEN'r with comfortable rt the man who. owned the ro>be� they PowEtll's sarsaparilla and burdock Mid 'rue oven is now. Goo too wanted a little hush money; and. -When lir: 'Tshirtlardt of Bruce the most powerful blood purifier in. CI i,ttat,lbuing sit,wturntlfew ldooreswest tof eth g- - �O�oaF flrrecl £er sellin.elisls_. nothin • less tball won do'� tlrrlarkcxtiee�54etslwbolrtle �etl�,pens,t fc them • if that awount.-was,--paid the the other, day he went batrie tq Sold by all druggists. 443.3m. a areae>' 11:11 ,t'itlt small means to go into til warraiitwould be burnt And nothing Dunkeld and put a fence around his - tudtin; business. Ru'tlow. Apply at thisotRc g house. "By gosb;" de.se' demperonce -- or to A. nonswo,tT11, 47a•tf. more would be beard about the bee le use mine bum drink mine MARKET' REPORTS. matter. $90 w8s scraped upland a p P, jtM ll FORMALE.-For sale, the north ha. eater and bays nothings. Den deg Corrected ever), Tuesday afternoon.) 1 -`' of lots 11A and 53, in the, 1st coneession'of til Mote for $10 given. Then the war- , f Townsh;, of :I'nntberr containing r0o sere: rant was destroyed. Mr. \V. Bernie 'fine •'mea hundred dollars, by .gosh I )', CLINTON.INNover 70 rlcaecd, food Irnmc house, barn m' heard about the matter find at once fence dem out.' But during the l! lour........................$4 00 to 4 5Q stahlc; situated 4 miles from Wroxeter and decided that Mr. Pierce would not night the temperance people knock- miles from fllaovale. )will he soul chcnp and o ed down the old man's fence and Fall Wheat, new & old 0 '75 to 0 f32 east terws. Apply to 31. Mc1'AG(iA1tT,Chntor r•:. so demean hiiuself, end" ]la at'onoe and went on using his pump just as Spring Wheat,........,... 0 75. to 0 82 9oa•tf da� ided that R boarder at 1•ir. Wink• Barley 0 50 to 6 75 -- - - - usuaLO ...... ........ ....•. ]:;TRAY STOCIi, ADVER ]glia, Hauled Davidson, was the Mr. Oats ......................... 033"Co 0 34 t f Pierce. Hie' had a warrant issued for ' ~ 1... TISIPMENT3 inai'rted in Ta Peas ................ 0. $8 to 0 59 Nxws llrcorto at low rater. The la, Davidson's arrest. lftei Darridson ..,_,]?,,tf�icic Wade, of 11onsall,frather Apples,(twinter) per bbl 1 00 to 1501 mates ;t rompta ory to advertise stray wtoeN was arrested he asked.to be allowed - - 7� r It t•ouw•avtan%, itind of ndvertisin ou•canno of ban<,Ilneinau•�•ade of -the •G. 1'...Potatoes........:........... 0 a0 to 0, 60 g. y to go up to his room and change his ao a ' Duti tgi`: `:' ......:::,....,.-•Q.. (Is better than call on "rbc \ews Jtecord," clothes, Ile lifted fhe"lvindow and R••, and Conductor \Vade, of the J,fto, 0 20 Eggs........... ............... 0 i78-160 0 18 'T�it(iI'P 1tT V"I t7li SikL-i+� ()I j clothes, Il and escaped. \dost this �I C. 'It., had tal.ou passage tiera t. I r London but just after passiuo rho Ila ........................... 8 QO to,9 00 Ic f 5. man Dlividson's -business is no oil, , <' Y ; ,,, RR col"I" dvu of the will find "Th Cordwood ................... 3 OQ t0 4 On 0 ,�i"1' News ItcOnrd" one nY the best medium seems t know Ile has been hang. Woodstock station 110 fold oft One Beef ...............••....••• •. 0 00 to 0 00 in the. Count.° of norm,. Advertise ii lU around Hanover for months. Of the c,CS anti, 1119 ler+ wCllt 1111t1O1• 'I fie Newc-llecord'---rhe Double Ciraulatiol (�' a , \v ool....... ................. 0 -24 to 0 25 •srnll:e tu'1'huu�nmds. Itntes ns low ns any. He is supposed to be able to do a tho-wlitrcls. The limb was complete- Pork.. ...................... 6 00 to 6 25 tt Pots." .' {: � ;1,'.-,• r � -vnEtt •k t .lack 1 r.IrF:fuN1, r.r�e_ r..,5 ]r 1. >. tris fun.. work a 11 Y ly sever(nl and the unfortunate mnn - -. The two farmers were broualit 1:afore - ` ^- signed wishes ro imtnnato to the people of e Othnrlvlsu frl'thtfully injired. ]f(+ �iNl S�A� MEETING. c'lu'ton:u'ds,u•rounduy;r•enutrv, that in ordo Ino. PI'UCt01•, J. I'., and serif t0 QwOn died t1ftC1' t1y0 ]]Curs 0}� Itlte17S0 5Uf_ tosmitahl� newt the demands of his ver)' Humor Sound to staled their trial. Tho $10 ousvnstnnter.K, he has bought out the businos ferin(,, Tho atullial' lltretltl" of the Hullutt of )fr. It, l'itz.iutons, ;nal will Carr}' on bile some note has been raised ton $1110 .one O t Agrieultm-al Society will) ho held in lien- %i !fit the cl,ulcest meats in season, I, error and cashed at the Merchants Bank, . '—A lIanlilton mall went tg 1 's ],(,tel, Clinton, nn'[hnradn) the "'ill he made to meet the wants of 2TI,'and 11, Iter J hopes `s to merit and rLC'0i •e a fair share of„tbli Walkerton. marlcet alld 1)Ought a 1,111-1,0Y frbnl a 12th inst, at I• o'clock p. Ill., for the palrotingo. Lv 'vet pricus for large oilers -- - -- mall who stood b"id0 it wagon ele,tion of efliu01-s •all(l other' bttsiut!cc. Farmers' trade asl,ccialty. Ai.131"Iff 1AY. Our Weekly Round Up. laud of poultry. 'Tho purchaser N: ROBSON, Secretary - - -- -- 11'0 l)Im a Q+° 1 bill silt] ha tv011t t0 Clinton, Jammu'y 3rd, 1888, T ilP•,R:i 31 ,tKiNG. -3lm Ninpbell,of London Q has opened Dress iioklug Rooms over th -•---San Fransisco is threatened with -got it changed. He never returned, - Dry Good Store of Cco. V, Pa)' k Co., with first a smallpox epidemic, but tho owner of-tho turtLC 5 dill. tl�6OTIOE. cla wssaswtstants. Site is(.napositlontoturn qu Y tvurh equal to,tuy in the eity. She respectful); -Ileavy snowstorms have visited The owner had been absont frorn asksntrial order. flooms overGF:O. F;, I'MY liethe south of Europo. his tv:tgun for it few 'luiDutes and Tt'i Annual 3tecof the Ud in the 3Town -- Dry Goods Store. , Eiro insura,tce Co.Cn. will be heli] in the 'I•oe•u Gg�p --W r -It was 40 below zero at Winnipeg ,-Mn;rlvlTO tOffl�tlte--llren'E�y-SLA tial] Seaforth un EriT-( dn. Xry56 20th 1359 at BOARDERS r ANTE s t,e Four oT 3�£ 0 OTorT nuori. 3L,�ut,ere aro re.. Fi Thursday morning. has It wet. was sonic straggler whin' spectfnlli'rrquestorltoatt�nd. -- -Several persons havo been frozen ]lad boon by. W. J. SHANNON Se Treas. A few lady or 4enticnten boarders'can hnvl p oon standing '1'11013. I4. ifnT9, President.+ board and loon a0cmnmodntion fib the privnW to death in Austria. —Darwin, the noted-scioutist, ANKlllop 13eC, 28th 1887. 477.4t. rosidenee of 31115. NOBLE, lately occupied b) -Constantinople papers any Lord -writes in his autobiography ;—in Mr. meld, vietoriastreet, <ninton. ;304 if Salisbury has given Assurrnn0 that consequence : of lIIy passion for (� l� t�� (� �a -�7t Great Britain will stand by Turkey. CHRISTMAS �a�� ,� �- -'lhe etition a iinst blr. Car ill liuntiug and shooting, and, when N_ p Q'a g ' thes0 Uxercise9 ivt,ru hupracticabl0 NOw Is rho time tngrt your F.41,T. C R iNTEI )it M. P. for East Bruce, has b00tt with- Toys, ANSI':V,v, .'il,l;l•31w .1Rn PI'ItsF;,, O-'I;l(CO,\'Pand Sl'1'I'8 hYE,Dand YItESSI,I drawn fur want of evulenee. lUl' coil I'Sillg, f11I11g lll}' U1t into a 10olt nearly nv flood us Harv, helms the rush be spurtiDg world- which cuttlprised XMAS AND NEW YEARS CARDS■ glos, at ,13ontinlorl Dye, Hud Clenush.f -The prison wardens forcibly IEstnb1181gncn4,Yictoria,Street. P.S.-Don dressed Mr. Sheehy, M. P., in the Young mon of dissipated character PLUS11 CASES, 11flOTO PRAJiI;B, forget that, this Is the only ],ince in the tow•, And iiferior standing. A\lo Often DOT.T,S, ROCKING HORSEti where. clothing s and as cleansed, tepatrc<l and presser prison clothes, which he discarded o to look ncarl> A. ,;nod as new, as soon as they left the cell. dined all togother in the evening, ST,baGHS, SNO\VSIl0ES, 408,_ A. W. (:nttsi.n«E, P oprietor. -Senator Schultz is to belAieuten- and although oceasionxily young l'0130(I(IANS, etc. --- ant Governer of Manitoba, ' and men of higher character -were with ^(Jorneearly'dnd sem our s),lendid TO THE: FAR RS 1 ltwsel'tfllr❑}', Joseph Royal, M. P., of the \orth its, we, Sometimes (dame too muell stodr• your own interest and go where west.'Che will not take office I and sag and played cards after •��gy0`p you Call get until next a i•in our dinnor. I ou ht to be ashamed '�/ m. ®®PER �Y -Judge Usler gave judgment of having thus employed my past IiEAA,l:R 1iT,OGK BOOR STORE. Reliabler e Hass - in the Rnssell election case, unseat days and nights, but some of my ,' ing Wm. Edwards, Grit M. P., for, then friends wero ver leasant I - i manufart„re none but, the RAST STOCItt corrupt,practioes by agents. Y p APPLES WANTED. TED. nv,rmranjshaps that Rett AMP, n.a hryhave follows, and we all of Us had such w t h” lira Aar ('all and got prierc� Orders -Reports received from I'an- b; mail promplyattendeI t0 handle state that eight people were good spirits that 1 connot proveilt I TED, 20,000' RARRJ,13 OF IIA RVNST, t'�,TALL AND WINTER Apples. frozen to death in Carson county., myself,rocalling that epoch of lily nl,ply to n. cnNTELON. t7� C Texas, during the recent cold spell. I life with lively pleasure. I ,1 -if Clinton, IIARNRFS Eb1POR1141, n .vrn, CiNil. 8/0 SALE OF MILLINERY! FOR ONE MONTH. Ladies Fur and Felt Hats an half price, •A Special Lot from 25c. to 75e. Each. Just Opened A CASE OF DRESS GOONS At 10c., 122c., 1.3c. and 18e---reonhir prices 15c, 17c., 11.1.1 21Oc. and 25c. See.the'# Wool., Tweeds at 35o,' µ ��tR�AINs IN • MAN'T'LE,' CLOTHS. • 0 J. G. DETLOR & CO. The Sleepless. and Restless Jeweler HAS MADE Anp-ther Big Reduction in the -Price of Tatches . SEND FOR ONE OI••, HIS $ 2, 1 5 W ,T'C Sm FIRE113 FIRE 1 F I RE!; Wanted, 100.0.00 Economical BUYS- to AIN14 FOR ALL.-HAVIN(l Ri':\10YEI) 11Y STOCK OF GOODS TO B 11tC. A MUCH LARGER PLACE, I ant now prepared to show my stock. to better advantage, where the Public enn satisfy theiwwlyes as to QU'AL'ITY antl-QUANI TITY, ..tore particularly the LOW PRICES I nm se"hTff-r-Tri , Call alld a\alllllte fol o ycurselt` and you will go away satisfied that f11,.94f 4W, t)le Gellt'S 11 -liar. nlsher, is selling remarkably Cheap. . GEO. GLASGOW, Mur� ay Block, Albert street. WNe\t Nor to DRY -GOODS ,,PALACE. a JOB PRINJING. FINE -PRINTING TAo ° llT0e s scoldKf ADVERTISING LOWEST RATES'! ou9700 9 CROSS OUT SAWS, CATTLECHAINS11 0 Fb® , Iron and 11arihvtre Herreliant, i Nov., 1887.x, 8'\ n n P /iKi• . .^�\ , _ •°risL�k �75F4. Y.',a,..;.\� w ,,. lx., .... na"'Iv*s"�:aF.d o-.. .nom,.,.. �rxt ,� - - ..1'�, �...',:r. .1 ., �, ., ..-.... � ,.... „�..._,.� _.. ... .rc�: ,.. r.sa�,.,. n'i r.�:•: _.. L.�.::� ..mW4