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The Huron News-Record, 1888-01-04, Page 4
} • • ,... , ! •' � •�. �, ,• x1-, , � .... ' 4,, ' • - l - 1. .. � - • • 4, �_ n f _.a..�•_.,_, _ ., s t...- li a p� t r nc1'y (fttlt�ed`ta do'; nail l ditt�tnttt7 �.uc l t - 6,U' IEIVI' 2'O. S. - - atv:�"iu,�t;t��i��IC'1 .. ... _� . , � ... -- -�— _ I t 1� PIE 4. its ,4110 A attempt 't0t( yawl oiut of the dilemma SANT* CLAUS XOT BEAD.-A pew $ � IM P 0 R + ^ -y w AN MIST lU TL'D Y ITS FRIUNDOTA`N�'T' + ud%E __ .. p0gsltinQaunt3ot Lost—This 0(1}00. VT1 Silver Ilrace�et Lost--This UfHee. T days ergo the Boston /alercllci $ought Sown pi+glue pC°feHw to regard the �. Great sale-�Julul Robertson its notorivus'disreg.ord f,�r the truth : the opinions of 95 nuinisf,urs as to Tul'ouLo llfaXiiconversion an sincere. Annual A'leeting" N, Robson, Secretary has placed it in b ' Saying "it is not 1 , y Y a whether the pleasure whiAh the Maybe it Ili, but till it chooses to NOtiee-•Dr. Ap[pintuu. necessary to fill our ace with ant• children derive from Santa Claus give to the+ world the ulsi.le hfator The Globe-Globe Printing Co. y' >? . g biguitiee about what wo terns it case justifies tile- deception which is of tlrat- otimpiracy of the brawling TO THE-- " of bltiolttµ;tit." practised upon thern, and whether brooff wo. otay be pornlittod to h:►ve The Huron News -Record + as Christian tultchere they thought or doubts in a guild sort of a way. \Ve gutta agree. It has indeed , the veteran myth should be abolish- - Loutiou Advertiser. O i. st,t;o a Year—mm in Advance• already filled its space with "urn• ed. The returns show • 41 for' - r °h. Let us . have abolition, 30 for keeping -the old, C'MSE tVATrvM METHODISM. pubile. ��O���er��Rlt•!ea" Olntlu'y Wednesday, January 4th. 1[888 the truth now. It evidently- wauto n)au its he is, and ]8 in favor of It is likely that tilt: old itinerant --� to mu1:u us a eiternw to till the tolling the truth„ about hint. A sister, will soon be attandoried by . - , 1 l popular vote, however, would very the Methodist Epi-copal church of 0 AMBIGUOUS BLAOKMAIL14YG chestnuts out of the fire for its nae., likely-ebow an overwholmiug in"' America. 4 Rroveme„t has bet•n The fact}uuist may be successful, It says it will give -us the' a'se. jority against the ministers. Santa 1,1_uo I„ that direction. It might but it is only temporarily. "Tho wily than dons it hold baClt4 Ill Claus was burn before the Declot' just as well bri dropped in Callaoa rho v;ono of justice Ivo cal} upon it ntiob of- Indopondenee Tele, roads, .tog, for it bas practically fallen iota wise man's eyes tiro ill his ]load; but and is not likely to perish nutil desuetud,p ea �ciall fimou ■ the to do so. , 1VAnt nnisorttble rtzt has ► P ) 6 so -,a the fool ' walketh in darkness.” many new govorntiuns' of children more important churches. Callsob e t t its ambiguity been front weak to }rnvo come and ti us He could aro ura,lc to cler mea, still the .. y Some of the tactiouist press witllc ill by ;'. pveek, and its fast effort docs nut ell stand Duca to have the truth tu1Ct1,- clergymen aoc„pt or eject tilt, calls, darkness of their own erer►tiug, They lighten us any mono than the first. lord vet retain g good datrl of his iuoulinutiouN x mystify their surroundings and then popularity. He is t e one deligght as is done ill otht r dt , y Y ° Our cotenn will excuse us if wa 1- P Y ° and the stat'"ring cotun,ittee-ulpco OF 'I'HI: GREAT CASH STORE, STARTS A call upon others to explain wily of the year to thousands of ehxhrlren, vccle�i refrain from beeolniug "iudiguaut" ;,rid is the blessed mantle of aovte rich art important piece of this is thus. They revel in auibigu- a4tic machinery -Ili now little more " over its annbiguous allegations• We AQf the sweetest charity of earth. No i.tiesaud uteau insinuations iuvouted find ii untruthful when it luakes used to worry trier the children do than a cnnrtnittve of ratification. by themselves and when asked, to not know always from whose hands I specific charges and Nye cannot afford Y MORTGAGED MIC111GAN l explain answer : "Let our option -the sifts come. IDstond of abolish. to risk our roputatiun in accepting ° T:: t+ fi,;ures front dio 1lichioan cuts find out what we. mean, it is him, let us multiply hint.' ° its ambiguities. Since it made the �T-- Commissioner of Labor • Statistics GHEAT� HE UL"'TION SALE enough for us t0 mike annoying ° , WORSE THAN HUMBUG; e1 FARCE, Hl,ow that tit least 01 "lodf Of the „ charge against the Gu,toms llopa1-t• A FIASCO A FRAUD.—Lindsay wits assertions. They walluw iii-their , Y fatale ill blichiga n are mortgagod tortuous paths of labyrinthine mazi m+Dt in the $135 matter we have qui,vive on Tuesday. A large num- proof from the books of the local ber of hotel keepers were summoned f,'1- one-half their aHtossod value tie Sit �.11,°C��y� January p�/th' Hess i�ud when rho light gt an -•llatru'tt Journal. ililebig"u+ h,ts J/ Collector here that it made a falye for third offences, and everyone ex- that 'frilHrket of ' 60,000,000" of opponent is brought to bear upon pected Governor Jackson would r© M1lhicb we hear Hp u,uul: au,f still ch,u•go as to the amuunt of duties , them in the dark recesses of the c411actegl liy'tltnt gmttlunt au vu an Antra several now snits at the castle: aha+ Is morcgal;ed to tllr waist. The When everyarticle in the store will be ro-nnarked in RED figures at Witnesses, withouv- number were. GI°1+.AiL� ISL+DLCL'D PRICES ill order °ot our Stook down to he quartets which they aro wout to attention of \1r. Archie Blue and aolight in the lira ver • ufteu like 80 cent f llportecl package, It said summoned, some .of whom %Vero Itis St, 'Phomas organ, who have lowest possible minimum previous to'our uunual Stock-Taking on Fgbru- , ,, . ° Y y that the collector hr:ro hat} c]larged clearly up through malice on the be,•u pptfing llicbiguu at the ex ,try 1st. Experience has taught us that it is better to auto the nimble little insects w e ����uts ]l flu rho 1 _ part of some one. The mountain '' �enao of Ontario,_ are challenged to evasiveness was exeinpliCied�by-tea-1`nb`oS`ell^-"ttna-l;tbot'ed'-�arlcl�lallored--� mont is devout of proof as We ire cud brought forth a mouse ono of t!l1H °IitC 1 statetipeut (Poll) fri'endi� 9 Frenchman who, when terribly 1-a aut.hoi it What have the to sa • annoyoa by thorn while darkur„s prepared to prove to"any ono M1vho the sur11lc3t Itfucl. Every offence . Sacra�i,ce winter Goods at even Less than est , Will go with us to the Collector's was reduced by.the officer reprosent- about it 4 - reigued supt•rllue, lit up 1118 Sur- office the Ontario Government to rouulliugs and attempted find office hors or they can satisfy thom; ° COWARDLY DISLOYALTY ° p sitar, instead of third offences and Ju reference to the declaruti0n + thele but was forced to exclaim : solves' ply gotug without us. We Saestof $50 each were levied. Mr. Rather than carry over a large stock to •another season. Ivory sharp ' aii+l 'jfiSCifiiij"`in iloubtinp'�`ti�e°'liii4 ,the official rosecutor, act- °f Mr. Ellis in favor of annexation, .{ "Every time I put my 6ugor uu Martin, P ' the J3amiltou Times says ptaiuly bn�inoss mail in C nada kv°M1vs well that mouoy ntn!tes nnoney ;those him he no der." of the charges til' blackmailing in ing under instrnctious from Hon. Piorchants who carry large stocks from season, to season, itis n well; L:nown- ;I that it also is in favor of annexation rho matter. of $135, of which it pub Al''• Hardy, I rovincial Secretary but that as thousands- in Canada tact, never make tii0uoy; our object is to place ourselves ill ► position to Wit' tire forced to place our file fishes no details or roofs when p+,e did' not attempt•.to bring up a thin} who were horn in the old couutFy purchase a nice, fresh stock for the spring tratlo. LADIES; take ndvant- ' tiuuist local contemporary in the P s) „ offence, though Inspector Short }tad would reht against the ban ti it age of this Sale and supply yourselves with a ,goad stock of WINTER }.positYtuu of those who love darkness have proved that it told a whoppftr laid them as thirds, Perhaps the a 9 T' ' GOODS. You all know the place to find will nut move actively at present. in a similar chnrge but where the recent cam nign.'guzzle at the titn- , rather than light and whose evasive- ° P ° ° That is pr•rcisely the attitude M of th( ,. alu0unt iuvolvod was -very much her limit sillo in 'Toronto, caused United SC:1teH ;''Co FRIEND' ! ., Smaller_ .... la1elefaN„ iil .... the "civil waK !J ® • r rena:lim:lu•a (lea►- wilco •tho•lant}p uF HE one of the worst features in the �I favored secession, but .i,,r�d We have only to repeat that our whole affair 'is the s mmoniDg of J. Y ' truth is brought to expose his u: ° � wheit;itiuuia, ambiguous friend.aljlce most of fact- F. Cunnings Esq., of Oalcw 0 1 ns riot act on their convictions in file f 1CLI ° q' ' uortherii states -for foar of the ionists when they disregard the a witness against 11Ir. Veitch. 'Mr. W Iinviug promised this much \v0 truth oro apt to do, has o'erlell rid Luuiiings is clerk and treasurer of consequences that would ,have phall prduced to explain as clearly P '11,1i pose, the richest township ill followed ill the excitenpeut of that as may ha the ambiguous blackmail- himself and instead of Coming down Canada; he is perhaps the. most 01'lsia If M1°t !lust hale dish"yait$' h sglaaroly in rho sent of honorable prominent and popular'-Methodist 1t1 (1,it'cda, �M1u would.. prefi_r� it ink tit' our Critem. without tlie' additional ili rediont lin., \n a-REuoRD }las always• Journnitstu,.has landed in the quag- local preacher is the tractive die• R " mire' of misrepresentation. Also trict; and he is also an active Seott•.of cowardice. Tho Haulilton 'Pilues ` onde'Ivoreal to net up to its motto,. [ Act worker, being we believe vice is a leading Liberal journal, and its • ° that should ho even- produce his P a1 attitude is au etitive, All Liberals �,� �j®�'�,! Clinton. "lui opowlant ill all thing', noutra! rosideutof the Do,iliniolt rilltnnoo, , . g6 r ea-'- in nothing." tiVe believe we have pools of blackmailing he has damn- branch. He is also a Justice of the are certa! spiv not disluyal, but •it • utl !:iln:,ulf its a t,articeps crin finis .Peace, and for very 'many .years. a' ppf,aars that sill rile drHluy;nl ut�tu • • sucao.eded in doing so: Aird in"I . g. era= I,itk;•nls,-_'J'he Is v„ >iie ---- ---__ __-_-_-�--.---------... �-- doing so we }rave had the endorse- m rho uiLhotdiug of it so.lovg. Ile rosidunt. in :1laripasa, having ah tui .. a• _ 1- In and About the. County, bursting at the breach and at the p enuuot squirm out of being either a blemished reputation: Yet this muzzle as if it had .been common i'. tion of the very large coustituencJ• q °• gentleman is mule to oollio :111 the Rona z'att nr.L. binelcmaflur or untruthful.'** � -TheAfontrenl 7.iberal Conaervnt. metal, at the earns time shattering w110= patr0uage we are 1101101-0,{ way from Oakwood,onter the police ],„ his admirable speech e,t Bos ive Association is 'about to erect a' Mr. T;nglishs left hent' in such a t' `�" Onr eotcul�'acuntinual harpjng.that. court ,is a pditness, in sltort,,tr+atnd ton th0 •lion Jour .,I IcDonald building to cost 1650;000. !nay that an amputation had to be -' with. Foklowiuo uu these {frlos + uncl huwiug to thein 1-o+girdle a of it C m produc0 the proofs is n M1e]y as it common trnnip or, bunimor, whilo ri'piialiatinb the. idea • .'bat -Mr. W m. Davidaon,of Itidgetown, performed at this wrist It }s not ° ° llltbeClle OVilaiOD, f11U public will aitil W11j' 2 Why 4 Let the public Canada M1r'uuld sever herself from Las sold his, patent in the United known, what happened the dog. the way t.io chips fall we harp ucoa- al"I der for n moment :>ud th(iu States on resonant tube organs for Dec. 26 (is Alt. Pickard, of Exeter, not take its ipyc dixit, nor would' it the 1 ,npi,o to unitrr 'herself politic organs, was stra-Lin to drive.home from Lon- siou, n sow weeks ago, to audurNu answer. 1Ir. (,uuuing1 as a Justtee ally or com.,nereiafl to the United 53,500, to Clough & Warren, g ,I 'r y be fight to to so. 'Lot it specify its : Y don, tie M1vas asked by a man named Detroit. the, outspokeuuess-u1' the Miteltell of rho Peace, wrote Iusp(C fur Short, Statues, spgl;r. warmly of the (rater- Qa Iienry Stewart to givenhi>ri a ride.Acleucrctr aueut tilt; alleged 111- Oiargo and formulate its proof's. that a class specially re . uired he -.11r. hrank Dougall, who bQen ( R Ind relation~ .thllt shoulu be main• Bir. Pickard consented, 'and StvM1M1:art I'crforulnnco not ttomises is lyhat . would reefer root to conga to L' incl rtYnning on rho mail train ween of in the ri beside hien. Whentrcatu]eut of otic 'Phos. \Ic1)uuald; 1 [ tairmil betwovii the, two great Eng- London and \Vingham, hbeen g g. I wolook foi. say fur t1►o triol, because iie had'not lisll•s eiticiu , nations of this coati- only a short distance out, Stewart11- i, transferred to the British Qmilia ot` that town b the 'Customs Ile give he started to quarrel with Mr. Pickara Y one particle of evidence to ° , nont. 'He illustrated thin; b uOt, service. .lip � t-,laDitl;lyo,c;a „+ r. by , ;, a flll a ars been a total abst in- .fr�►1kleaw �citi >tr�tla•car�l eel and accused him of owing him ten Ailt„gcite is tlpnt Mr. d[et)oualll I:DI7'OIiIAL NOT B8. •'er, an l Tuesday was all intportaut „_kl' fav-I4erbtirltiL, �S1' ca.,tQ y'Ietc (ed to reason with Let there be Ito strife between you of Bxeter, a railway mail clerk on him,. whereupon anti pu a 1)aid,...ilurl'ar protest, saulc $'300 day in Oah1v°gal. Yet, d.esptto all and .tr:o anti betwoeu rpt herdsmen the Grand Trunk road, will remove two larva stones from his pocket, and ! more duties than he was legally. J'hn Alitcholl binding twine case that 'Mr. Cunnings lrctil to co-m6 to. aild thy lierdsulen, for we, be from 1Vindsor, having been assigned attemptedr•to strike Pickard, Who, jl g` x give•et•idence. As he had said, he „ , to a run out of London however, roved too much for him, l� in which it is alleged one 'Mr. 1Ic- °, brethren. There is a singular' P amenable for ill the matter of-the had no•'evidence. He swore post- t, --Mr. John McNabb, on Thursday and getting him in the bottom off the Donald was ch4lrged duty on its ^aptitude in this illustration. These , lml]Orta6lQn Of bill twine. lively, and Art. Voitch and his sons µ.°rd's, were spoken b lbrah.am to last, sold the balance of the seasons cutter drove at once to lithe police . cost ;it 10 cults a lb where ne ho al- full endorse him as tel their hotel, P Y ' make of the Arthur ai Luther Cheese station, whore a o]large of vagrancy )Ir. i1'Icllonnld is n Reformer and Y ' his relative Lot when their people factory for II cents per lb., to Messrs was entered opposite his name. No it t01M1'3lallt:lln'Of the A!ld'UL't(tG'. \�>e leges lie paid only 8 cents for it, is t})at IIP ]i.19 NOT FOR YEARS 'TASTED were bicicerin and rile patriarch _ being voutilated. Froin what 1Ve - IYToxIe:1TING LrdUOR.onywhere. Do 8, P J'sckson cat liallett, of Guelph• doubt the man was bent on robbery. assumed that rho Cwisurvativ0 Ad g proceeded to make the further Bug- -A challenge pigeon. match at -An accident' occurred on the Dot the electors of Victoria Seeing ' Clio glean of the point. at 'Wua it ' ° 'dation that the should each chgose Exeter on Saturday for X35 n e[de, 12th concession of London township rarcaIt, h,td ni,ulu, itsolf acglnaiutad ° p the way the Scott Act is being work- a territory for himself, This was between 'Phomas Bissett and N. E. on Wednesday, resulting to the, loss with the case when it denounced " Itonnts to this: If. an American ed,agree with THE \VARDI?R'iL Cnlliug Sanders at 20 birds each, was won by of a band anti arm of one brother ex purter makes a special rate to a it a humbug I It is metol t dao lir• carried out and peace and harmony , the Customs Department fur not [ 1 Y' prevailed between the allied eo• Bissett, who killed 15 straight to and the hand of the other, Messrs, ' - investigating Mr. McDonald's griev- Canadian custumer, beluw the actual oq tool in the bawds of dauguroua P P 5nrders lU. 1 Charles and William opper. were b ''nen. Let-there bo a workable law. pie. 'Chore is also rogm on this , continent for the people of Canada -J1rn James ILodgaon• 1 Who. Toe's operating a straw chopper. The urulcet value of the artiel6 is the _ anee-and Clot-gioving hiln the propur —Lindsay Wardell. p P round in tiro woods 1-n . Lsbortte re• machine becoming choked, Charles • M1 (_auladiall ('ustoms bound to accept and tilt- United States. They hove Gently in a badly frozen condition, f under took to clear the feed. He redress under the eiremnotanoes. _.., •KS? ` such_tnwutcu print -Airy-rtn•paitial- •- their own turr'rt°ries,.�Nnd there and who, it waw- -feared, would not i ran his left hand intotliekn[ves, and As at Conservativai ,journitl We Huron County Councillors. meet] _bc_vo bigk.cring if eaclt leaves reepyer, is doing nicely. The fn a moment it was caught, the hand ;tl,p1:11Lded the rnauliness tit' the I'rr on ur,linarily covverennt with J Y- TMb i h11.51T1e89• nl:tttet'9 Will a:t 110. The to the, other the (tri o mell'1: Ol' Ira— ff rersof-•lrieae•€t hand anal_ ,.ona..Qf •and aero, about six laches up from i Adrueide, its action 1wing sucl'i as Y Below is a list of t:,o County own land anal watt r, as dial Abrabam .his right, have boon amputated. the wifrid' lien' William echopped i Customs regulations Nay th-it goods Councillors for ,text year, as far as ,1nd [.ot. with the happy' v result of AtChippawa on Wednesday (lied into m;ncomeat. William endeavor- f�ir. \I iM1's I�,.uot:D would Il,lvu } P` J. Welherin lou aged 101. gllo� ed to extTleate his brother fi-dal the ontere.d into Cmi:ulii inust pay duty t0cuived :. tilt) preservittion of fraternal Posen—g ' g terrible position, and in duing so itis t.:c n u•lcr.••M1vu•ilsstuud of a c,isc til' - _ _ __.- _. ___ .____ ... , ceased wits a veteran of the British hsr,lyllip to n fallow all tllu, provailiug commercial value ! and goodwill.-lltr, 1,»apirs. Arm Ise fou ht under Sir ,John left hand also caught in the wheels. of' Lha goods ill the country from t1Gn,icipality Ih+'r•M1e Dep.-vve. 'Moore at Corucna and fn the Pen• i and tuns ground and smashed to u1- 'fury. .Neutrality iludr.r Hucll i insula and to rho battles off pieces. The motive power of-ihe , which they ,1t•o exporter!. \1-o other----------••-•'— : '1'Iiis EDITOR'S ItrwnRD,-Au machine was furnished by stean•1, so ,elt'C n►n.Nta•ileea would be nOthiva Ashlic;d .., Ill: Uu•vil , Queenston, Lundy's Lane, and „ short of Criminality. \\'u should itilat would lie practicable. We " a . W, Stothers excha•11go puts it taus tersely :-An finally at the Windmill M1vhere he it,was not easy to atop it. „Both fire j h:tvu known quits valuable parcels ) ' sufferers had their arm s i6 uGted l;l til... 1'. iG�,lp Editor diad and wunticd down to unfortunately lost an eye: P '''(+ IcnoM1r nein]ler sprit nor 'fury in to Bayfield .... Toho 1'nllock lvhero ho su . posed a warts rete )tion by Dr. Laing and an assistant from o-f cads o have been sant hong the 1;1•itssr,la W 1IuC1:•lckonl .. Pl 1 -'['here are good 'Tories 1-n f,ucan• ,John's, and are at present prostrated' 1 "• application of the law. We helieve r ff t+ , Colborlie ; , 1,1 os 11 $eek =1 .1lilloy awaited him, 7 he devil ]net hill, +they held an anniversity of Sir from the shock, r L uitoll States to Cana&% as presontA. Y g, g WO arc.41 thorough accord with the. Clinton ..:. A .NicMurellie t1 H Alanniliacid said many yr tri thou ',John's visit n year n o ossa evening ° 1'11^ Co t to the, iia porter was truth- g -An interesting horse case wrg (.'unHal:v:ntivu +art', M1vith i.ho )no t[e i L"utrr �Th'. Knllius, 1w. C. 1;issett hast borne the blame for the errors weal 'befuie'last, Resolutions, wero settled by arbitration, after the 1 y 1 L , l:rr•V itrarliau t1' .(7livvr that the printers nnado in the aper, adopted approving of his ministry, a y • M1,il!t 'notice M1Yho11 11'0 advticatte one ing',/+'but it would lire absurd to hold ' 1•: Inliv:v 1 p } arbitrators having sat two days •, j , , The paper ling gone for ; 1.50; and and Uialeon DoupO formerly of hearipg evidence. It appears than that no dot should be charged in 1,,1,.,.;,,f, ".F. \t'.Jnl111.4, d1 fl Ganicroil ,1 1 ° iTuron, replied to the W. R. 3Lereditil Mr. Kernick of Usborne purchased - Inv fur• all. y ° i s+rl+•rirh 1 • .! ,lei t1n.< John Rcarnt, the .51.50, alas ! has often failed to , , 1, 1\'n are aware that we aro art yeti_ such cases. Mr. McDonald's cast; 1 toast. John Andrew 'Thompson of a horse from Mr. 1 tiscadore, of 1 filly 'll, Ilaipl,h• li:, \Icrwcn. copse. The printers worried then pine Itiver was also present and ,Stephen township, for $I60, Mr. all with the Grit stiction of rho hinges ort rho satno prjnciplo• Ile fill lett .. Al..Britton Robt Scott for wages. on Sntnrday night when related a campaign story. The K. " sags ha paid but 8 canto a lb, ,the 11o1�1t'k , • _lJohu Kahle �1T.,Tnrqilr S. Johnsto" "thou hadst nut n cont to t•h name. 20 l?riscadore of the time informing Reform party when M1ve hold such ! 211-1 Y tortes presort all felt Years , Ir, Kernick of the animal's slight llnrriy IT. �innney• !(7 ilowr. INIon have takon the paper without younger after the evening's enjoy- lameness. Mr. Kernick kept the CaniAlan Customs secured the, evil- P doct -ino. tut rho violiltjon of any 111- 1<illn , Tiunes 1111}H ']t (1 prose paying for it, and cursed thea for meat. anima} for some time, find it not • ellao tit' Aillcrieiltl nx perta who I Oi. thu prupriuti'us by our opponents 1 Stanley , , , . iTohu'I`orrance!I Frratt not getting up a butter paper. Thou -The magisterial convictions for turning; out as he expected, wanted tc:lliti td that, the actual value of the Ste ,lee„ V, Rate, 'fl Filhrr hast been collet a dead=beat by the the county of Bruce during the past Mr. Priscadore to take it back, or would not and dons Uot justify las I„ quarter, just ublished number 154. reduce the rice. This Mr. Prisca- �' santo article it sold to American i • • �assougor •conductor when thou q published, p =~ -r,*• in ra•trlliating. Two wrongs 1-l° no Senforth ID, I). Wilson A'Stmng l ° This is the largest number ever Clore refused'-to dQ, claiming that y .. jobbers for home trade wits nearly I1 Tucicersmith 'D, \ic.Into;+h'O. Sproat hast shown thy annual pass. All returned in any quarter. For the the sale had been made fn the fait. not ►nake one richt. ' ° cents a Ili. Stich being the caso Tnrnberry . , �V Ji'['liersbnl(l. Thomson these things thou hast�,•bArne -in previous three Months the number• eat possible manner. Mr. Kern ick :a \'ol;y wall: Oar town comm Usborne .. I'. M. Ray fames Halls si}otic©. Thou cannot tomo °Ii was 165. Formerly the average Mr. McDonald has no grievance. yV,Oxoter .. 'C. li. Sanders n Y g was about •tt duo for redress, � blustered out that it had in its pos• here, And he fired him. As he' was from tarty to sixty inn quarter, asserting that the animal had been f W Welltvc h Ja . Tohnston It Lockhart did so he murmured to himself: but for t11e past two ' or three years misrepresented to him, when an scasion }'roofs of the blAckmailing -� _ F, Wawanoshi r. Taylor iF Anderson as of a citizen of Clinton, by rho. its-St,Patford put down 404 rocs of «'i,tRhnm ,.pt. A. Nlorton Thos.Grego,y Iioavell is his homer and besides, there has beets a serious increase agreement was effecter! to have the if we had let him conte its here ha of crime, if crime is, to be estimated affair reLtled by arbitration. 'Che toms I)opart•nl0U%to tlio extent Of asphalt sidewalk in 1887 ata cost of b the number of those punished. arbitrators found for Mr. nrscadore, 111240. would h'avo been continually dun- Y ' $135, and called upon Tim Nyms• A rvterre•:,1 ;tfanih,l,an sto.,,l on the hill ning hi= delinquent subscribers, for violating the law. on the ground that be haft acknow• a �. -'Tho reflection of the Brantford With Ilia coat. and Veat M1liile open,-Iliehard'English a farmer living ledged, previous to sale, that the RxconD to carry into practice its and thus' 110 pvauld have Created in Arthur township, Iipad been annoy- beast was lame ; and 1 that he was electric lights can be seen in Water- And fh•e1v in a breath as the wind rushed preachment. ford, a distance of 16 miles. by; discord in my kingdom." , ed by a strange dog worrying his not 'anxious to sell unless he could r 'No expressed out willingness, -_hire, McIntyre, reliataf the late And fdnned hirnself, as a token.- cattle in the barnyard and he took geti,is price-$160. nay our anxiet3et.to do so when our Iiugh Mf hityre,.and motherof John T1rtt Ontario's clieur M1vns ton meld furbim, -'The Colombian°Ministor in Paris down a rifle from the wall, whish -There in Stratford, phased away Cotcni mbliahnd its charge lvitlt McIntyre, of the 111 concession of Who had skond nn the prairie alone says the United States will not be Iltrd been loaded for some time, and at ilia home in Stratford on Friday j 1 ° Yarmouth, died tit the nga' of 103 An,] drank doep of t.ha air so nlear and cold, allow to have anything to do rdith on tiring it off the rifle burst, rho morning, Mr. William O'Connell' I accompanying proofs. This it years. But charged to the brim with ozm1Q ! the Panama Canal. barrel, It heavy steel octagon one, 1Ie was a striping example of sturdy t Q " �M, k. •.n '..• r' ,...q •'., • 1.