HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-11-29, Page 7ca? I 1_ ers tzess= 3d.. se e nferio weak `tune; 01 Stack. :.Fathers war pack. othet marc Ask 0 iTS. er t on. aboutla at Crux- monde now a ray,p ay loan 4 rounds, in €. f • stories. orchard. AY. 21s `i zERLBT mow b. Pr by pd.- payment.- we r<payment.- ive been her- per. erto roronito,. rf,41-n_ t to anti -. - Wheat rrange- vain of ►1 floor srms; . CO. aint,▪ 'of tood tcr eat en. aerrable i, evef piaint timony ckwaa region to near et tbart % , watt hardly I. Ali at only' teff a. neral. aiugre to de- aeneet : . vrbZcle Soma rsap i r turre ge tit in/- • your well bold sue a iva1 Ma�ess* fl Store of plote `die« New. mod pane Yam • 'NovEmBEB 29, 1889. School -Reports. `- RoxBeze.—hionthly report of the ptt- s of Roxboro school for the month of ber : Fourth Class—Fanny. Hayes, Rebecca McClure, Clara Story. Senior Third Class—Nellie McMillan, Maggie klrieve, Thos. Walker. Junior Third Class—Mabel Cash, Charlotte Sperling, Neilans. Senior Second Class --- Mary McMillan and Fanny McClure, equal ; Nettie Dickson, Robert Haw- thorne. Junior Second Clase—Ettie Caah. John Hawthorne, James Walker. Senior First Class --Walter McMillan, 0, 8: Dario, 'Maggie McClure. Junior First Glees—John auel- Mary McElroy, Witoxeren.—The following ie the honor roll for the Wroxeter Public. School, senior division, for the month of rOctober Fifth Class ---D. W. Rae,' G. Marks, 170. Firat Class, junior— O. McMaster, 104 E. McDonald, 181 ; No. 2, HAY.—Monthly report of School Section No. 2, Hay. The fol- lowing ia the October report of• said school. The nttmes are in order of ' merit : Fifth Class—Jno. Chapman; Senior .Fourth Class—Homer . Russell, Julies Campbell, Willie Murray. ,Jtin- Alfred Maenad, Ellen Shirray. Third, Class -7 -Kate Chepman,- David Shirray, Rachel Atkieson. Second. Clasi—Nellie O'Brien, Annie Northcott, • Alice Gould. ,Senior Seemd Part . Class —Jessie Hawkins, James Shirray, Aclaucl Russel.- Junior Second Part Class— Ralph Chapman, Nellie Northcoit, ICellietGould, First Part Class-,-Beckie Northeott, Ellen Corbett, Sarah North - eat Wflamtor.,The following shows the coriect standing of the pupils -of the sen., ior division, of oue public school.- fei. the -past three months : Scholarship— Fifth Class—Nellie Hendersoq, Ten!. Forbes Richard Barwick. Senior Fourth, Class—Aggie Grieve, Gordon McDowell; Sarah Bullard. junioi Fourth Class—Bella itleNab, George Montgomery, Mary J..Hanhah. -Senior Third. Class—Mary. A. .Pethick, Lizzie Third Class—James Grieve, Maggie.Me- Nab, Ella Love. Honor RcII,James - Grieve, Lizzie Doreance, .Lizzie - Strange Mistakes. one time we were tarrying a large stock of religious works, and one day I called - out tteone of my clerks, holding up' a . book 'which he had wrapped up for - some one: 'Is this " The City of wite out looking round, •at least I never heard it-calleil that before. _It is generally called the Forest City. Per- haps it is Brooklyn. He afterwards -explained that he thought I had found -ed the City of God -rand wanted to know what city it meant. " On another occasion a woman with a valise in her hand rushed in and ask- ed a new boy if he- had That Hus-- ;band of mine, in our 'store ? He came rirshing out to me in the back shop. and said a woman wafted _to know if her husband wee in our store I eurmieed what the trouble was and _attended to ler myself. however, are those made by people who „gets the titles'of books wrong. . They read about them in some catalogue or newspaper, hut don't More- than half remember the name, aud the result to say the least, peculiar. One woman -came in ihe other day and asked : for 'The Rhinestone end went entailed because one of thse clerks told her we , didn't sell jewelry. Another wanted 6 The Cardinal's Letter," by Hawthane. It took our whole . force, about fifteen minutes to get at iihat she really want- ed. 'The Scarlet letter.' She said sheknew there was something red about soinewhere aud thought it must be, .caidinal."—Portland Advertiser. Hints. to' Housekeepers; - . -When making over old dresses or iother garmente buy new lininwe It is "Raney wise and pound foolish " to use old, half -worn ones. After all powders are tried, genuine housekeepera are quite likely to go back to old-fashioned -washing-soda for cleaning floors, sinks, iron and other =metal work. . There ia.nothing that re- moves Impurities so rapidly as boiling hot soda and water, applied with a off once with clear water and dried with a- clean cloth. A law, lump Of soda - =melted over the drain in the sink- keeps the pipe clear from all - grease. While soda is a scrubber's main dependence, it shquld never be "used by the laundress,as it seriously injures eloth. Wells ehould be 'ventilated', as the water is thereby kept fresh and free - from bad odors, The abeorption of air ,hy. water rendeis it plearanter to the taste and purifies it to some extent ; ibut the eifedt is not a very marked Use an under table cloth of colored 4antori flannel on ybur dining table. It not only will -make the linen one look heavier and hankbetter, but will in 0I1114 _year saVe its original met in the added wear of the -linen ones, - principally od the edges ef the table, where they other- - wise wear out first. t ' Oil of peppqmint, in vapor diluted ..even to one =int in 100,000,000 will kill cockroaches in lin hour. The inice pf peaches, Iike that of cher- ries, does not jelly readily, but is in- tlined to make a syrrip instead. If one pint of apple juice is added to two pints of peach juice the jelly will be mueh nicer, with no perceptible differ- ent:0 in the flavor, Not heviog ripe ap- ples when I canned my cherries, this year, I heated the juice and sealed it up- . mail I could 'have apple juice td use with it. Pieplant jelly is better made -in the, same way. I_ have snaceeded Well in canning pieplant in cold weather. It must be canned white it is grow- ing vigoroUsly; or it will be rather A cool cellar does not mean -a damp cellar. ' Ihe cellar should be well 'aired -every darancl. also given a good White. washing wheuever' it'll' 'necessary, to *do se. Beefy portion of the cellar should thoroughly cleansed, and if it- has a cement 'floor it should be welt scrub „Buy fine copper wire bY the p4und for hanging pictures. It does not cost half what a . twisted wire or ccird does, and look's far better, Take time to paste iight Manilla paper over the back of every picture frame not already protected in this way, . as it• effectu. ally priventt dust from . reaching the . pictures. Time In Figures. - rack -Roberts tellies funny yarn about the rules of printing -offices. it had been posted on the bulletin boar& of e NeW -York _ morning paper to invariably imt the time of the day in figures. This.. - wee -done to secure uniformity: Jaak had departed from the. rule once, and been admOnished by the foreman; he said it would never happen again. The next night AU editor, -in reading over the proof of an artiele thought toirri- prove it by inserting the -well keewn line of poetry. : -"Meet main the lane, love, at half -past nine:" the proof •was passed oyer to •Jack.for him to correct, and thiS is how . There was a vacancy inthe office. the next day. • Kin a Crack Move.9" There was company for dinner att Dilly's house and they' were enpying the 6110 course, whichConsisted ef oyster soup., 'Dilly rnade away with, hers borne. . time in silence .until : she .had nearty cleaned -the plate, when sbe siiddenly pausecl, and looking at her 'mother- -across the. table, said, in a strange "Iinsh, Dilly," said minima; froWn- 'Dilly • Moved the boWl of. her spoon back and ferth over the supposed crack, and then exclaimed triumphantly : . "Kin a, Crack move 1" EPPS'S COCOA. - , BREAKFAST. • '" By a thorough anowledge ef the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the flue properties of well-seleetelf Cocoa; lifr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables With e delicate., lylavored beverage which:may save us .many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a ccinstitution may bagradually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of* • subtle maladies are floating irotind us ready - ettack wherever there is a weak ppint.. We may"' -.escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ountelves well fortified with pure blood and a roperly nourished frame."—" Chin Service mtge."- Made simply with boiling, water. or ntilic. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus JAMES EPPS & CO., Homeopathic' Chemists, Brood We may not .be able to . infuse royal blood into a man's. veins ; but can do . better ;' we can expel from _them all' poisonous humors by the use Of Ayer's-Sarsaparilla, Pure blood is the best kind of royal blood. - f THE -HURON ;EXPOSITOR B(MINE8$.00LLE047,. 'DIG FOR SALE.—For • This College) is now generally acknowledged to be one of the leading institutiene of ita_ kind the Dominion. This is shown by the fact s "-but Esc -STUDENTS OF OTHER. COLLEGES WERE IN ATTENDANCE DTHIING PAST TERM. . • . "Standing, with reluctant feet, ' , Where the brook and river meet, • Womanhood and childhood fleet!" - is a type of thousands Of-grg girla Rho ' are emerging from 'the e • salis stage of their existence, as they en ; upon their Pteens." Nervous, excitable. Irritable. Stirred by strange, rinknorwable forma within them. .each a mystery unto 'her- self, our, girls need the tenderest care, the most loving, patient -oversight, and the aid - of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, to safely carry thern through this critical- pe- riod, during which, in too many livek alas, are sown the seeds of distressing -forms of diseases-pemiliar to their sex. But this • boon to womankind will prevent all such diseases, or 'cure them if they have already -seized a victim. Woman owes it to herself, to her family, and to her sociall station, to be welll mid strong.- -Let her , net neglect the sure means of cute. "Favorite Pre. scription " is a legitimate medicine.' care-. - fully compounded by an experienced and skilHul physician, and adapted to wOmasal delicate. prganization. It is purely vegeta- ble in its -composition and perfectly harm. less in its effects in any condition of the system.-- Sold by druggists; $1.00, ot six Dr. Pierce s Pellets bowels. They are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. One a Dome. Sold by: druggists, 25 cents a . •Hay Saw an I Planing Milt_ H..tt J.- C. Kalbfleisoh, Proprietors. . The. unuersigned keep constantly oti hand 'at of all kinds: of boort', Sashes and i'lame=t- Um. ber. -Also a let et= Hemlock Lumber•at._ from 83 '! Custom .work preteptly at- ssnded io. cut to order on the shortest notio • - Estimates for new btiildings gt.ven; z /Weenies intendhig to build would find it to their .advaatage- to apply tO us UK' we have all material -at first. cost. and . are Prepared 'to do cheap and good worktand- all material guanine scalp,. so troublesome to many persons, are ef- • . All these heating and itching humors of the--' Imeiaortant Noti\ce I • fectually cured by the riser& Ayar's Hair Vigor. If not attended to in' time, these diseases —TO— are very_liable to resulttin loss of the hair. • • What is Wanted TS something that. will make a man sleep wells X eat well and rise in the morning refreshed and- strong, with none ef the worn out tired feeling sure to be found where constipation-, dye. penal* or diseases of the stomach; liver, bowels and blood exist. Burdock Blood, Bitters meets every indication expressed above. • Iinportant to Workingmen. - liable to sudden` acnicients and injuries, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. To all thus Iroublective would recommend Hatr- yard's Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable pain cure for outward- or internal use. The Best Ever Made. ENTLEMEN,—My. trouble was• heart disease ur and dyspepsia, but I took :two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters Old ooe of Burdoek Pills and got well, I never felt better in my life. My brother has also tried B. B. B. tind•thinks it a splendid medicincm :Consumption can be Cured.. 'By proper, healthful exercise and the judicious.. use of Scott's Emulsion- of eod Liver.011 and and stren h giving virtues of these 'two %mina- Hypophoihitee, islhiCh contains the healing, ble speci es in their fullest form. Dr. D.D. Mc - prescribing Scott's Emulsion with good' resultss ft is especially useful in personit-of consumptive tendencies." Sold by druggists,_50c. and $1.00. Sleepless Worry , . . • tough, which, might eatilly be cured if the right retuedy—Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam—was made use of. Its soothing, healing and expec- torant qinilities make it wonderfally useful in ev- ery flintily foreoughs and wide. Joy in Jasper. 'T CAN recommend Burdock Blood Bitters as a J. cure for scrofula,. I' had it for tont years, and was so bad at one time that I was alinost a solid sore. commeneed takink B. 13; B. last summer, have. taken three bottles, and am en- tirely cured how. . For Prost Bites. miERE is no better remedy for ;frost bites, chilblains and similar troubles Web Hag - yard's Yelione Oil. It also mires rhetunatistn, lumbego, sore throat, dedfness and !amends and pain generally. ',Yellow Oil- is used internally and externally. • It is safe to Use Freeman's Worin Powders, as they act only on the worms and:do not injure the chiId. Sick Headache caused. -*excess 'of. bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by rising National Pills. Painful burns, bruises, scerils and cuts are quickiy soothed and healed by Nletoria _Carbolic • Prompt, potent and permanent results alwaye' contelrom the USe of Milbure's Aromatic Qui -- nine Wine; Consumption Surely Cured. ._, - Please inform your readere that I have aposi- ' tive remedy for the !abote Minted disease. By i its timely _use thousands •of hopeles cases have ' . beet) permanently cnred. I shallbe glad to send 1 readers -who have consumption if they will send rue their Express and Post.Office address:* : Respectfully, Da. T. A. Snocum. 104 Welk Adelaide Street, • HaYing-purchnged t he: St ed and Feed SI ore. of 31r..Rubert seott, begs to state that he will con- tinue the liesiiietts in all departments as before,. and by keeping wily good,. Clean- and Relialile Seed‘ And the very Choicest FLOUR AND FEED, .fiopes merit a continuation of' the liberal ',-Severtil -of the cholirest and best varieties of • all guaranteed as rept esented. ' FLOUR- AND Floair and 'Feed' of every: kind kepi constantly 011 hoed:and delivered in town tree of chore*. ,Slitibluatiou'guitrauteed. I 1- -- Remember the plaee-0. C. Willaon's Plock eptiesitti_ Forbes' Livery Stable, Main Street. N. 13, --,•Some firs▪ t'clAss-Tim.Pthy Seed' --- ALL DRUGe3IST IVIcKillop: Directory for i889, JAMES HAYS, Reeve and Warcitn, Seafortb- Dublin P. O. JO ES EVAN'S, Councillor, "Ward 2,, Beech - JOHN S1ORRISON, Councillor, Warl--3, CHARLES DODDS, Conncillor, Ward 4, Seri- DlliHANOYER-, Medical "Icahn Officer, Sea JOHN BEATTIE Clerktotthe Second Zivision Court and Insurance Agent. OFFICE—Over'Sharp & Livens' store, Blain street; Seaforths 1116t1 • 11110114E gt MIN. el= -frfthilliq ae- ilifflatiki log - IFY. 8 Irril 11011 11.1 4s' -Pali - CA w e he attendance was over 100 per cent. greater than during any precedieg term. Over 80 per eent. the graduates, are now oceupyin 107 Our handsontoly Illustrated Catalogue 'will be mailed to any address on application, _ PHILLIPS:& CARL, 1101 24 for the improvemb bean. Terms -41, with t X keep during the...p Concession 17,Arey. Town Berkshire Boar, Tennis of returning -if necessar time of service, WILLIA Orogghbred Appljr rno PIG BREEDERS. - 1 keep on Lot 7,- Ccinb ited number. of sows wil $1,- payable at the: time. privdege Of retutnint. if edf: keeps ERKSHIRE 1403(8 tf ed will Lot 2, ghbred at the signed will Willett, a with -the THOMAS his premises in Ha onghbred Berkshire Pig= of retuming if necessary; 'good collie dogs irons int sides. ROBERT TORRA ft necl has on eel's Mr. Safe a few bit on- both , Tucker - .to which. . ;Tering with .the OHARLES IJOhn fi Porter s Undertaking and Furni- ture Emporium, SEAFORT.H, ONTARIO. OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINATION. Funerals furnished, cin the shortest , notice and satisfaction guaranteed. A large assort-, ment of Caskets, Ceiffins and Shroudir &e..* Always on hand of the best quality. The best • of Embalming Fluid ated free_of charge And • prick the loiVest. Fine Hearse. - St T.- HOLMES, -Funeral Director. Rest,' dencoi-- GODERICH STREET, directly op - formerly oreupled b Dr. Scott. . Lot 26, concession smith, a thoroughbted Be will be taken a limited nu —$1. payable at the timet privilege of returning if • A CHESTER WHITE P keep _during the ough Bred Chestet White -number of sows will +be fatrowed.on May 15th, 188 Todd, of WekeMan, Huron the most extenseie a An the United States: • Thi first prizes whereeVer sho able at the time ofservioe, returning if neceseary. ndersikned EROD on Lot rat a Thor his pig woe Ohio, One- of as,:lalso taken 0-1,Pttvilege of PLEWES. A LESME WANTED. Having done business in Canada for the past 80 years, our reputation and responsibility are well known. Ke pay salary and expenses from - the start, if everything is satisfactory, No pre -4. which are very liberal, befOre engaging•with env - Ca's Commercial Agencies, well known to busi- ...nese men ; or Standard Bank', Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY.. Dr Philli,ps OP TORONTO, Has: rooms at the Cady Block, opposite the Commernial Hotel, wbere he cen be. consulted on all chronic diseases of both sexes, Con- snmption, Asthma &c. treated 'successfully by Inhalation of Oxygenized Air and Medicated Vapors, Catarrh, Nervous Debility and Private Dr Phinips,, 1117d - HOGS- ,, WANTgp. Fa Muni) hurry,on i our store hogs arid fatten them fer the market iron, January to June. - .i We, have determined to- abandon the p eking of dressed helis in order to wake the pac ing of •hogs a business throughout the year. We shall endeavor to buy at whatever th price* enough i, live hogs duting these months to run our pack - lilt' house As this business is b ing neglected during the late winter and spring months, W4 _think:those-who have hOgs suitable for our rel - :cluiremeets,will reap a. big benefit. We want hi fa not less than 14u potinds, and not over 220 'pounds and will give a handsome price for the terve. . Recollect we shall not buy a dressed hog this winter, whereas we packed 16,000 dressed hop after January 1, last winter. -'• , HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment - comp:A.1.71r., This'Company is Ca° thug Money Of Farm Security at lowest Rates SAVINGS BANK BRANCH: 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed oe Deposits, &marling to =cunt and time left. ICE.---CornerIf Market Square - had orth Street, Goderich, HORACE HORTON, MANAGER Goderieh, August 5th,1885. 922 f., ' MS ron the removal ni wonns of all kin.* fromehildren or adult: - GERMAN WORM LOZ EN 6E13. AlweP prompt, reliable, safe '-ind pleasant, requiring no after medicine. •Never tiiling. Leave no bad. after effect& 'Price0.35 cents pier box. S BANKING Drafts bought and a Interest allowed :On OFFICEI--In the F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor ii!ai _Hotel; ager. 105 itneY STO4E AND URNiSHING Seaforth Ontario: We are offe ing Bargains in Cod & Wool Parlor-. Stoves. All Stov4s Guaranteed. full line of MCOlazys utOus Stov6s For which w are Sole Agents. Great Bargains in Table and Libraty Os. -WHITNEY; LV 11 0 Vs 02 ta ata CA -Q oCn TORN _GRIEVE, V. S. Honor graduste of RJ Ontario Veterinary Colleee. All diseases of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptiy attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Office—At Weir's -Royal Hotel, Seeforth. 11124 "DRANK S, Beattie, V.13., graduate of Ontario X Veterinary College, Toronto, Ittenber of the Veterinary MedicalSotdety, eto., treats all -dis- eases of the Domesticated Animali. All cells promptly attended to either by day or night Charges moderate. Special attention given to vAterinary dentistry. Office on liain Street, Seaforth, one door south 'of Kidd's Hardware store. 1112 0 Jarvis and GoderichStreets, next door to the Presbyterian .0hurch, Seaferth, Ont, All die - eases' of Horses, Oattle, Sh , many of the do- • Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notioe. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER,..,Veter• inary Surgeon, P. 8, —A largo stock of Veterin ary Medicines kept.eonstantly on hand LEGAL ATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance .4gent, Commissioner for raking -affidavits, Conveyances, &o. Moo, to loan at the lowest rates. IL IdorratiON, Walton. 'IX-TH;HASTINGS,Solicitor,cto. Office—Cedes . , Block,- opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea. d Rome One Door North of the Commercial Hetet; !ground floor next door.to Beams butcher shop. Agents—Cainutott, Row' &Commit. 870 cAuzBox, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrisksm, Solicitors in Memory, &c., Goderich, Ont. CAMERON. 506 - TN J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &a Late of Victosig-B, -C. Office—Over Blink of Commerce, Main street, fleaforth. Pri- vate funds to loan at et and 6 per cent, 1085 an Conveyancers, etc. Solicitors for the Bank of Jolunstoa, Tieciale & Gale. Money to loan. Office—Elliott Block,- Clinton, Onterio. A. IT. XANNufa, juin Boon. 781 HOLMESTED, suoceesor to tiro "ate firm of _ licher; Conveyaneer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. • Farms for sale; Office in Scotti Mock. Main Street. Seatorth. rioters: Solicitor', etc; Seaforth and Brussels. Seaforth Vffice—Cardho's Block, }fain Street. Money to Loan. - 1127 MONt, TO LOAN,. ONEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans et per oent., with the'privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money et time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barristei Seaharth. 260 New Roons:-OierDaley's store, next door tonal of ltobb's grocery Mein street (east lido, worth. 041 I RIO buyikg ail -kinds of live poultry and as the season fe.noar at band, I am also pre- pared to buy dressed poultry. All poultry must be bled and dry picke.d. In killing use a knife in 'the throat and Ipick 'the bird- before- the animal heat leaves the body.- In picking see that the ekin is not torn and the feathers re- moved dean. The ;heads and legs are to be left on, also internal: htft in. In other words I want nothing off t tbe feathers and proper- ly bled. If you have any poor stock it will pays .vou best to sell thetn, alive. I will pay the bighest cash- prices delivered at Code &Ronnie's FOR Seafort Undertakin If y•oU:want 'good .vOln :don't forget_ to give Iljt, before buying .elsewher his stock veky large and„ to snit -the - The Undertaking Depa .with every • Saaitary ton Mona of the.cohtineni. demonstrated by eminent -Toronto. Scheel -of Medi ter prepared 'than oer to 'duet funerals on' meter our patrons thaw aoy.!• Telegraph Office, Meityl 11- find dprices .11S rei ming, ae isaithe leteriesto •. M -ROBE tigricker.AL . iiplsrldigi--.. .11.1,,,_ -}v.fitoitilig. , Ei 12:::: .:::: -.est; : et. 4f.: vi.,...-. pc:44,/,;?..i.itt. re.,:g.„,...,_ . .410,,i,...1,41 girfrirr:211.11 4 DE LER DT 'Harness, Saddles, Trunks and ALL AT EW PRICES. tr HORSE ITRIsTISHINprS, Wit FS,i ri CARTWRIGHT le SON, Den. of the -above wilf via% 13lyth the last Thursday, and follovring day ,n1 each month, at lidilne's Rotel, will visit Zurich the feet Wedneeday of every month Peirie's Hotel, and Hensel' the following %Intra- day of every month atReynold's-Hotel,where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth -ex- traeW with new Japan anesthetic, which re• moves vearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please oall early in the morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 Exeter Ont. Will be et I 2` Zurich at theHuron Hotel, en the ". LAST THURSDAY IN EACH ifONTEI Teeth extracted with the leastsainpomdble. All work first-class at liberal rates. 971 12a„ the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All the anesthetics used for the painless_ extraetion of teeth. Offioe—Garfield -13104. BRUSSELS: 10064.1. NNOUNCEMENT.—On removing to Tor- , .1-1. onto, I have arranged with B. B. Morin, D. D. S., to remain in charge of office -for the -future, but will attend personally the 1st Tnes- day' and Wednesday of eaeh month. 1 am -pleased to reoommend Mr. Mollies to the con- fidence of the -public and consider him fully 'qualified and _worthy of the same, With best wishes for all, friends and patients. Yours Respectfully, G. L. BALL, Dentist, 14 Gerrard Street East, Toronto. 1139 A complete stock to meet the wants of the trade. Call and examine my stock and get • No trouble to shoW goods; 1142-12 • ; JlEjt1/.414 • WA RD.. AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION. The subscriber would beg to eall attention to the large stock of d '' d and undressed lumber 7 which he alWays ps on hand, at the wary Bin stuff cut to any order On Good Cedar eut into timber or posts. 40entrabis taken for every descriptions of buildings, • . including all work. Charlet Querengesser, 1105, Lot 81, Concession 8, Login. • 1L FEED! ,As the SETITFORTH OATM AMA, Will be ihutting own ahont the end, of • the present mo th, there is on hand iiirg quantity of MI FEED 110 E. COOPER,- Itf. D., Physician, Stirgeon .1.b. and Accoucher, Constance, Ont; 1127 McGill University, Physician, Surgeon an Accouchenr, fleaforth, Ont. Office- and re- sidenoe—North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the Methodistolurrch. 951 tiates Rival • College of Physicians and Surgeon', Edinburgh. Bruoefield, Ont. 9$0 e) and Ace -ander, &aloft, Ont. Mcleod residence South nide of Goderich street, 800O2(1 Door east of the Presbyterian Church. * 842' JAI, of theVollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Seaforth, Ontario. Office and roWdents same as oeoupied by Dr. Verccue 848 - A. LEX. BETHUNE, 3L D., Fellow of the Roy al College of MY -vides -is andSurgecnss lately occupied by 'Dr. Mackid, Main Street, Seaforth. Residence --Corner of Victoria Square, Dr. "'Raid has gone to the -Northweet ;Ind -Dr, Bethune has. taken his practice. The Doctor \sill be found in Br. Mitekidfs ales' during the-clar and at his own residence during • T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the ,- County of Huron. Sales sttencled in al parts of -the All orders left at Ts* The Great English Prescription Cures Weakness, Spermatorrhe - Emissions, Impotency and All diseases caused by eelfabuse or indiscretion, One package 411, Co„ Detroit, Mids. For sale by LUMEN & WILSON, Chemists (6 Druggiets, Seaforth, Ont, lien:urea al -prep ed years; Price; $1.; Will be in Camilla aeri United Suite's tationlionre, 9 to 11- and women treated only. .Seal stamps. Ladles only. •21e, COMPA‘Y, No. 3. Fishe ;:ooratverhotto;:pu7ordruabrosdula: NurEhieftedts 24 stomp., • no and hes been. Over thirty ny address fiseases of ulnri., tut, ./ND LILY Wood ward '1135 13 Which must be cleared out before.- that kime Faamers and others -desiring 31 1 Feed should call at once and - se cure their supp MARRIAGE LIOENSE-g isornt AT e. Sesser) test frlen w. a Accountant, Book4c Accident Insurance, Estate Agent: Mon will be promptly at Brock, (creams), M DUFF, 'eper, Collector, Life and General Intelligence, Real in any- Of these branches rded to. Office in DALY'S 1134