HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-11-29, Page 6• • „q • • ...THE 411.RoNi.'SXPO.i1TO.. • • . The !Wizard Cook. People who 'are am' ustomed to - draw . their cornparisons for economy of space from a shies cabin, or for surprising re, - sults .in cooking from the French, might find more striking similes for all of these from a visit to the kitchen of some of. the cheep American restaurants se plen- tiful in New York.' Take a look at the bill of fare, first, before .you _Penetrate • into the realm of the necromancer who - juggles with the edibles in the rear.' Here you have four or five kinds of _soap, •I` as many perhaps of fish; half a dozen. mate,. an ample array of made dishes, pies, puddings, etc., and all the vege-- tables, =lied orfresh,. in ordinary. use - anywhere. One who did not know, might suppose that to book and .keep ready in quantities such an. array- -of dishes weuld require an immemie range,' several cooks, and plenty of space for. the plates, etc., to serve on., _Surprise is natural, then, when it is . discovered that the entire kitchen is no bigger, or. is even smaller, than that of an ordinary• . house, and one, or at most. ;two, .assist- ants to wash dishes is all the help the one plain cook requires. 'How is this _ poasibieT Stand aside and see. Here comes a waiter with &reorder for vegetable soup. The cook lifts. the lid of a big boiler of clear soup, made by - boiling bones and scraps of beef,mutton, chicken, Veal, et& Whether these bones have once been picked by the cue-. tomera at the tabIes outside, it would be better perhaps not to inquire. To enjoy yourself at a restaurant where, you de , not want to spend much. money, you must have, first of all, faith. Out of this boiler the cook dips- a bowlful of the clear soup, and into Who Pops in quick succession a little from each pot of boil ed vegetables* he is serving for that day. He gives it all e stir, and presto I there is.your vegetable soup. Notice all the orders for soup that come in, and for every one you will see, him go first 'to the big boiler.. Is it consomme? from a big pitcher he pours into the clear stock some brown . thickening fluid. Is it macaroni ? _a pot of boiled -Macaroni is - sear at hand, and he forks a few strings into the bowl. Is it ox -tail? a big tin of condensed ox -tail soup stands ready on e handy shelf, and a spoonful' lends its fievor to the stock. Is it chicken ? • he thrusts a pair of tongs into the boiler and brings up morsels from_ the depths until 1 enough scraps of chicken t are found to pais muster. Is it tomato? a squirt °tweak but thick tomato catsup does the business. Is it ride? some of the rice ‘‘pudding" is available. More rice, some thickening, and a fistful - of ourry-powder, and you have a curry.. A little thickening and a kidney from another pot make the kidney stew al- ways in demand. That is pretty good, - is itnot, for one illusion? and yet that plain man does not call himself a `necro- mancer, much lege a chef. - See him -next lift that magic wand that looks- so much like a carving -knife. Roast Iamb_ and roast mutton come from the same joint at its touch ; and by the aid of an unctuous sauce and some jelly; so will roast venison at a pinch. Roast rib or_roaat loin from the same piece of beef depends altogether on his -carving. The veal is veal, or -it is chicken 1 for salad, or it is turkey for fricassee, or it is rabbit for stew, or it is lannbfor pie) just as he desires. The plain old cod, too, if -boiled, is turned into boiled halibutorhaddock or bluefish; and if baked, becomes baked halibut or blue- ish_ or haddock at his simple touch; With the aid of a few biting salmi they become almost anything that one • can name in the way of fish. Whenit camel to desserts, the distinction. between fruit -cake and plum -pudding is with him only the difference between hot and cold, and vanishes before the blast from his oven. The boned rice of the.curry° or the soup," with milk, sugar, and a it- sent the arms and legs.. The feet should consist of raisins stuck at the ends of the legs; We hands of blanched almonds, the pointed ends of which are cut off, and a few klits made in the remain- ing portion to represent fingers. A fifth piece of toothpick serves as a mock; on which it fixed for a face a wal- nut or filbert that has been peeled. If a walnut is used it must be carefully pared down so as to leave only :'sttoh raised parts as may servato represent the nose ears, and such'prieninept portions of the face; two small black currants d6. duty for .eyes, and a wee slice of dried cherry for the *month. ' Some young people life very clever at making these little figures, and add much to their coinical appearances by providing them with a scrap of colored silk- as necktie, or a miniature hat, or wrapping a bit of. laceaboutthem.- Christian Union.* . The People - are not slow to understand that, in order to war., rant tLeir manufacturers in guaranteeing them to benefit or mirk -medicines, must possess that you would from the other. I once its vitality and hills to germinate. Un- doubtedly,many of the failures to secure. et stand of plants may be traced to poor seed. 4 That the seed bed -must be well repared, and, in this latitude, it seems. beat to plant out the seed in the spring and. With no other crOP. The seed ehould be but lightel3r covered by roll- ing the ground. 5-'; That for seven • successive years',:, at the station, three and four cuttings per year have been .takenlroin the plats. 6 That tut year, the sixth in goncessiOn„ the plants yield- ed ' More than fifteen 'tons per acre of green forage,•eqUal-to 66 of alfalfa -her. 7. The alfalfa should'. be cut in early bloom before the plants become woody. 8 That .it should be cured largely in the cock to produce the best quality of hay. 9. .That by chemical 'analysis the hay wis-fOund to be more bitrogenous than good red clever. 10 That cattle, sheep and horses all relish the hay and seemed' to do-virell. 11That it was found to be more digestible than redclover•hay, 12 That if farmers would try this crop we advise them to begin with a small piece .of well prepared land,- in Order- to ;see • Whether alfalfa doesas well yvith them as it has at the -station. 18 That probab- ly the 61100088 with alfalfa Will depend largely upon having fresh seed, a good,. carefully _-prepared seed bed, and in covering the seed slightly with 'soil. - Exchange. :Amusement for Little Folks. .A. very curious and interesting crea- ture is the Chinese vegetable - vender. lieges to market or to serve his cue- .tomers, with a long, Slender pole' over one shoulder; from each end of which is suspended a large, roupd,deep basket filled with vegetables. He moVes swift- ly along with a funny -littledog trot, which keeps the baskets•in Motion and prevents their failing •off. .He is an amusing sight in rear life, and I have no. doubt but the little ones will find the make-believe Chinaman -as mach 90. The body, arms' and legs are straight and stiff, being made of blue drilling or any strong cotton- cloth, wound round and mend perfectly smooth, and t'ght until they are of the right size. The head, hands, and feet .are made of peanuts.- Care should be taken to seleceemall, round; smooth ones for the hands, while a muchlarger one hilneed- 'ed for the head. Two nuts which are bent in the middle, leaving nearly half to project in front, !ghoul(' be •eele,Cted for the feet.: - , The children who have never seen a real Chinaman may not know that he :wears his hairshaved in front, letting that -on the back part of his head grow long; With it he always • braids Bailie strandsof black silk thread s� that the queue, as it is called, reaches below his waist and sometimes quite to his knees. Fine black silk twist is braided for the doll and fastened to the ,Peannt head with a drop of glue or a few stitches. 64, The hat, whielrlobks like an inverted wash -bowl, is made of an acorn cup stuck fast With a bit of glue. The eyes, nose, and mouth are marked with ink; the .eyes slanting toward the 'nese after the4manner of the genuine China- man. Wide, plain blue cotton trousers come down well overthe ankles, and are sewn fast around the waist. The other gar- ment is made of the same material, the cloth .being folded over at the shoulders, with -no seam except 111 the under part :of the sleeve and at the side, a slit be. ing out at the neck thro:ugh which4o in. the head. A slender twig, with the.hali of a large peanut for a basket suspended from each end, completes a very jolly little Chinaman. • A fruit man may be made quickly and easily. The body should be formed of a round, syminetrical apple, four wooden toothpicks beingatuck intodt to repre- Coughs, ol Lung Balsa= was inteoduced to the public after its merits for the positive cure of such diseases had been ittlly tested. It excites expectoration and causes the Lungs • dso • to throw Off the p egin or mucus; changes 0 U the secretions anditurifies the blood ; heals. Oa I the irritated parte ;- gives strength to the diges- c • tive .organs; brings the liver to its proper . action, and imparts strength to the whole system. Such is the immediate and satisfactory effect that if is warranted to break up the most distressing cough in a few hours' time, if not of too long standing. It contains no opium in any form and is warranted to be perfectly harmless to the most delicate child; There is no reahneepsity-for so many deaths by consumption when Allen's Lung_Balsam will pre- ventif 'away taken in time. For Consumption, and all diseases that lead to it, such as. Coughsfneglected Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Lungs, Auxtes- • LONG BALSAM is the Great - Modern Remedy. For Croup and Whooping cough it is alinest kspecific. It is in old standard -rernedy4 and sold universally at So cents • . and :$1.4ok per bottle. ;The is -cent bottles are put-' but to answer the constant. call for a Good- and Low -Priced Conan Cues. If you have not tried the -.1.3alsam, call for a 25 -cent -bottle to test it. - Alien's ung Balsam • NOVEMBER 29) 1889. PQFWAR GRPOERY- SEMAIN .ST, SEAPORTH, - The Ne • Offerhiien - • We -beg leave to 'call the attention of the soncral public to ths fact -that we have on hind . ]a choice assertment ol- SO.c THE A.DIAN, BANK OF PONMERCE Established 11)67. - - . HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO.: * WATCHES,_ • CLOCkS,,• , JEWELE, sity1.1. FAINT -Q a QAPITAL(F'AID l,IP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - S6.08(8:888 REST •Ir NM S7 .E.1 WALKER GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. .4. General Banking Businesi Transacted. Farmers' 'Notes Discounted. Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal cities in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,&c. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT.: 1 tie nutmeg, is straightway rice pudding. Tapioca and sago come out of the same dish, and it is a wonder how he remain - biro all the names he calls his cottage pudding by. A boiled egg is one of the few things that defy his magic. _ M• irrors. We are tnirrors. We cannot help be/ ing reflectors. We reflect in our char- acters every influence that touches our lives. 1 am introduced to you. You speak one sentence -I know you are. aa BINlishmati, or an American, or a Spaniard. Yon are a combination of re-' liection.. We become like those with whom we =iodate. Two boys in a, University in England roomed together for ,,eight years. Towards the end of that time these two boys were so much alike that it became remarkable. They hat reflected until one was almost the image of the 'other. .11 you called on one, and found the other in instead, loll,' might talk to him on the same subjects and expect to receive the seine answers knew a girl who was growing so saintly that everyone wondered.- No one guesa- ed her secret. She became very ill, And a dear friend Of hers obtained permission to open a locket which she wore con- stantly about her neck. _ There she saw engraved on the inside of the locket the clew to the secret: "Whom having not seen we Jove." If we reflect the eery of the character of Christ, we -shall be changed from glory to glory -that is,' from character to character. How this is I cannot tell. Had Paul written in thbse times, he would probably have used the photograph instead of the mir- ror as a symbol. I cannot tell how the impalpable shadow which appears on the plate is fastened there -no one can. And I cannot. tell how character is changed. We reflect Christ for a time, and then we are changed again, and then again,and so on from glory to glory.- , First the blade, then the ear, and then the full corn in the ear, and after that it doth not yet appear what we shall Do you not see the ;infinite possibilities - of this? We are to g� on and on. We are to be God's reflectors in this world. -[Prof. Henry Drummond. • - , Alfalfa in Ne* York. i • The results of experiments io test the,- value of alfalfa, summarized in a recent report issued by the New York Experiment station, lead to the follow- KIPPE'13- • - • " 8.24 5.12 fug conclusions • 1 That lucerne or • e 8.50 5.33 . as • • 3.32 alfalfa may may he successfully grown in NOW York state: 2 That whettonce establish- • Grand Trunk iltailway, ell it thrives well upon clay land, but Trains leave Seafortlir and Clinton *station will propabiy do better upon good, light" -1` loam: That seed two years oici loses "Ira wa"-- SIAR/srE* • - PABSeBger 1.03 r. t,e4MAi • . Mixed Train... 9.20 A. R. Mixed Train,. 64.6 p. Passenger... .. 9.10 p. GOING EABT-- • •- . Original and.only-reliable, Pitmenger.... .... 7.69 A. R. Paesenger . .. 2.43 P. n• • Beware of poor imitations. Mixed Train'. 5.80 P 11. . Freight Train.: 4.30 P. at': • room than • ordinary merit .and curative properties. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery is the only blood medicine sold, through druggists, under a positive guarantee that it will benefit or cure or money paid for it will be • returned. In all blood, skin and scalp diseases• , and for all scrofulous affections, it is specific. • $500 Reward offered bythe proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for an incurable caae. - ....••••••••••••=6 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOINE Nowin--. I °Passenger. • Mixed. Ethel.. .. 2.51?. asty.a. sas Brussels .. 3.06 •0.46' • 9.20 Bluevale........ OM 10.00 •- 9.50 LSO 10.10 •11.10 GOING Bovril- • Passenger. -- Mixed. Wlnghain.. 6.39 A.m.11.10 M. 7.25r. Bluevale 6.48 • 11.22 7.66 • Brussels • 7.02' 11.46 • 8.55 Ethel.... .... 7.14 1200c 9.31 . • . - . . • • London, Huron and Bruce.. Oonto NORTE- - • •• Passenger. - .Londen, depart.. 7.55A.M. .. 9.16 • Hansen.: • . . 9.28 • 6.09 iciPPen •• • . 9•34 6.17 . Brumfield. 9.4Z 6.26 0.00 • Londesboro 10.19 • 7.03 • Blyth... 10.28 7.12 13elgrave 10.42 • 7.27 Wingham 11.00 7.46 „ Goma Bourn- Passenger, Wingham, depart 1 • Belgrave • 7.06 ' 4.09 =• Blyth. 7.18 • 4.15 •,Londesboro....'„ ;.. 7.26 4.25 Clintont- . .... .. .. 7.55 445 `•Brumfield- ..... 8.15 . 5.04 • • - ;Deposita of$1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest. allowed. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL:AT THE END OF MAY AND *. NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR " • Special Attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Fanners' .Baise Notes. , e • • F, HOLMESTED,' Solicitor. _ The woik-,- depar management of sk we guarantee to ?".1 goodssold by us wi of charge. .Give us - • ' the EAU d . d free $ rookery d Glassware = -.SUITABLE FOR - kali, and Cbristmas Trade. Any 'person wishing anything inthit. line would do well tOsee our goods and .peces be purchasing elsewhere.. Great bargains in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets to make room ler now: goodelito arrlye. We have also a nice- assottment.of FANCY GOODS &Ate* for 'Wedding or Birthday, Presents, which we are selling at very close pfloaN. Our Grocery Dopartmentis also complete in every line, Sugar at reduced 'prices, see ow Raw Sugar 15 lbs. for $1.00. We have also got some nice new Raisins and Currantsthat cannot be beat for price and quality Just to hand new Evaporated Peaches, :Apricots and .Prunes, also choice Cape Cod Cranberries. •. Fresh Pork Saus'age 10c per 'lb. Fresh- Pork, from 8e to 10e per 1b= • - • . Efitate HUGH ROB -13- • • CAMPBELL'S BLOOE, SZAFORTiI. • 14: Brilliant - Durable! • 'Economical t Diamond Dyes excel all other. in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be' ware of imitations, because the are made of cheap and inferioi materials, and give poor, weak crocky colors. To be -sure 01 success, use only the DIAMONZ DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock; ings, Yarns, 2 Carpets, Feathers Ribbons, &c., &c. • We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any othei - dyes ever:made, and t� give mon brilliant and ditrable colors. Ask. -for the Digmondand take no othec are A Dins Dyed A 'Coat Colored - Garments Renewed • JORN AIRD, Manager. , IIE PAVI WILSON S 001iS, BOOKS,_BOOKS. • so 'Bpcnts, PoR CHR.DREN, BOOKS FOR BOYS, . . BOOKS FOR GIRLS, BoOks FOR MEN, BOOKS FOR rLADIES, BOOKS FOR FATHERS, BOOKS FOR moTtigRo, • BOOKS' FOR .ALL. What is more suitable, useful and durable for a present than a good book We haye'a very la* assortmeit of .all kinds,. suitable for Public, Sunday School or Private Libraries, and we have, without doubt, the best and largest assortment A:if Books for children gym, SHOWN IN THE COUNTY. • Sunday School Libraries: & Prizes a Specialty We have a large stock, :and &Jive the best discount. You an save • money and annoyoce by dealing with ,its instead .of sending to Toronto for them. . ibl.es, Prayer daad Hymn Books. • • Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Teachers' Bibles, Bibles with. Pres- byterian Hymnal, Bibles with Methodist Hymns, Bibles of all -kinds and at all prices, Prayer Books for Church or Family use Hymn Books 'ancient and modern, Presbyterian, Methodist, &c., always s complete stock on hand. Albums, • Albums, Albums. Photograph Albums, plush or leather binding; a very /age. assort- ment to choose from • the cheapest Albums ever shown, do not fail to call if you want an iilbum for a present, wercan save you money. 'Scrap Albums, 'new Stock just to hand, 'Very pretty books, and much lower ifl price than formerly. • • „ Autograph Albums from 50 each up; wonderful books for the pride. It will pay you to look through our stock. We cannot enumer- ate one-tenth of the many useful and suitable lines we have for Christ- mas presents, Jtc. Call and see us, whether you want to buy, or not, . we will be pleased to show OUP goods at o LUMSDtN & WILSON'S, SCOTT'S BLoCIC, MAIN STREET SEAFORTH. . , • fhe Mist &Ica !fat:, i,sree, as it is alu-init not blister.' ItteUP CENDALL'S: • • 011710E:ON CHAR To CLEVELAND BATMD 20 ktaiW000 23. z. samara . - Dear ilitark I have allivays! all'o Spire's Cure by the -12 rould like prices in lamer At tie of the best liniments:on: a my stabtes for three y Yours truly,: BitoonizE,"tr. n. B. Nusnara;Co. - • ood opinion of your Eelida iDedearitSirtsortI Ldessil:etonfti:e.w• ipavIss, snot- have found uy recommend it toalkee , - YeuraOlily.• Managek, - . 1.ENDALL'si: • • sater,,wneree CO . . . JR. B. 3. Kittm.tu. Co. • Gents: it my duty to rith your Kendall's avail 'frailty -Ave horse that Ling Bole, ninnatilieted• oven of Mit Jaw.- Sinee:rt ooks and followed the ..dir me case of any kind. Yours truly,. • -- (ENDALt't. „,. Price $1 per bottle, or sin fats have it or can get It tor any address on, receipt of me. 13n. B. .7.-Kintn.g.tiCo: .:OLD BY ALL ever disco* sand does ow. - URE, r. Salim% Bann' Roma. Nov. 20, 1888. ed yOur Net men nettles • I think lit *X !lave used 1 A. Simms, MIRE 8, 1884. !monied of nx n Cure. I hav joints an e cure, I corct . GILBERT. Stables RE ,1)ec.19, 1883. t I have don Move cure vim, ten o 1 Head an 'one of you have neve • Mica, sfferse Ductal CURE , , tor Will Druf 'twill be sec rthe vroprii h•Falli, vt GISTS When I siy CUBE 1 do not mean merely to stop them for a tithe, and -then have them return again. I mean- A RADICAL CURE. I have ]de the disease og •. - FITS, EPILEPSY OR FALLING -SICKNESS- A life-long study.. 1 WARRANT my rethedy to cm the worst oases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a; cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Fin Barns of my INFALLIBLE BUM: Give express and post office, It Costa you nothincior a trial, and TM.rto._ itowiConranlB ourechoffiyou.,0464ddress--0 . H. G. ROOT, West 'Adelaide Street, 1142-52 ')fOO10Yd 6 0- . =Mr 15 : IZ $:5-1 't;t•I CD. • n -*1I • - 8 P.' - .. a:. . Genera), Insur AND bpitier in 8pwini nt thes; • All kinds of property i i) . , infirst.olassi liable damp . , , _ , Mid prongotl . .. :..- „..: '. -Speolal low ratfis,00. the,Gere. anti Waterloo, , • . , plan) for three year. : ,Idi sured In these conipnides .oent. on Week eampatileii. - , Sole dealer in the- Wix ..••] --szVinco.f,tAmittrxs',04 Ing). 'Prices rangitigfrom °Una warranted fer, lite. - work,- Needles, okand •-k Chines repaired.. • ViT. 1NT.. , MAIN dTREET; , , est rate,' ems set t ERTY in. "* •$1 (cash tories -2of lg. per AYM rao0tNu, Dr. .A11 ma. TY kind of .1e. Ma.* seaforth Roller Mills, FOR CENTEL A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchants, Dye Book free. WELL, RICHARDSON' & CO.• . Montreal, P. Q. Property in Clinton miop, - That property, about 321 acres, and aioutla quarter mile from the railway station at Orin. ' ton, with two storey frame house, orchard, gaiden, barns, ornamental trees, &c., bounded, _ on one side by the -river Bayileld,-Icnown as that formerly templed by Major Murray, part of Lob 49, on the Baytlel road; good clay loam, high and dry. Also the house and grounds, two acres, bounded ent'rely by stteete, in Clin- ton, lately occupied by Mr. Rimy, two stories with attic, cellars, stable, he., and good orchard. Will . be sold at Auction on THURSDAY, -2114. NOVEMBER, at 2 P. M., at the WAVERLEY HOTEL, CLINTON, where a plan can now be I; seen. The owner is willing to sell now by pri- vate contract.- Time given for part payment. Information of any sale that may have been made of any part before auction and other par. ticulars can be•hacl personally or by letter to ALEX. LEITH, the Queen's Hotel, Toronto, 1141-4 G-1 0 ri) . • • -Marron ' 1.20p'. - m ' 10:05A.y. 7;43 A. 4.55?. &BO . AS GLOBE. The Queen of the Holiday Numbers for 1889. . FORTY PAGES . of beautiful illustrations and literaryniatter, coated :paper, colored" lithographs, -magnificentpress work, handsome colored cover, TWO 'LARGE SUPERB LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES in 15 colors, accompany this number, entitled FRIENDS, - - THE CANADIAN MILITIA. . • • - Gen Sir Fred. Middleton in writing about the latter plate, says : "I must congratulate THE GLOBE upcfn havingproduced so creditable a -velure. - It is very well executed, and appears to me to •boquife equal to any from home, THE DIFFERENT UNIFORMS ARE CORRECTLY GIVEN, and the grouping not too stiff.", The whole number is,'without doubt, the BEST HOLIDAY PAPER, ever issued inthis country, anmuch superior to the "greit majority of English pro- duction& NQ Canadiaiffami y should miss securing a copy of this magnificent number. PRICE, 50e. ,To e had from all news dealers,-aud at the office of The Globe Piinting Coinpiny, Toronto - - Orders from the Old Ceuntry must be accompanied by additional Five Cente% to cover extra postage.- • .TH.E It A. Farmers! TOO SHIP cr‘ - The Best 'Assortment OWEST PRICES all 1Paper purely Farniels' dompa *loured when in - the Atel oilaige° of owner or seri?Antc: Also manufactqf Ip'nproved Surp AND WRINGER -44/8ea for TOMBSTONES any, toek also e road in isher _ SINES. WATSON ,11S. ded to a Ura - COWAN 1:3'IY.1.1Z i1MERTAKING pronip nod te rates]. • G.ROLTZ 149 ] ••• Decotatioits =IS I AT- APSTS BOOIC$TORE, SEAF R TH CALL AND EXAMINE. Misting, Chopping -and Ex.;• change promptly attended to and • - best of satisfaction guaranteed. Cash for any quantity of good Wheat. and Bailey. Feed of all kinds for. sale Arrange- ments are made' for regular arrivals of Manitoba wheat and very best of flour can be obtained. Business conducted on cash terms, - • „Yours Truly, • w. --H. CODE & CO. 1139tf I114igestion • - • • a only a distressing complaint;of I itself, but,by causing the blood to. become depraved and the system ene feebledi-ls' the parent Of innumerable_ maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best cure for Indigestion, even when -complicated WithLiver Coinpialnt, Is proved by the following ,-testimony from MTS. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.:- - "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my life a burden andcame near ending my existence. For more than four years ;suffered -untold agony, was, reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly bad strength to drag myself sheet. -All kinds of food distressed Met_ and only _the most delicate could be digested at. all. Within the time mentioned:several physicians treated me without giving re/ Ref. Nothing that I took seamed to do - any permanent good -Until I commenced - the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla vrhielt, "has'produced wonderful results': Soon after conimencing to take the Sarrespa-- rilla I could See an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return .and with it came the ability t� digest all the food -taken, my strength proved eacb. day, and after a few months Of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself • a well woman able to attend to all household' _duties. P The medicine has given me a, new lease of I • yer s arsaparnial TBZPABBD BY Dr. 1 C. Ayer & Co.; Lowell, Mass Price $1; slx bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.. The New Grocery; SEAFORTH. 4 Sharp & Livens Have opened a new Grocery and Provision Store on Main Street, Seaforth, first store south of Xidd's Hardware store, They have a complete stock of, GROCERIES, CROCKERY • SEEDS, • - • PROVISIONS,. ke. ••••••••••• Everything Fresh and New. ••••....,••••••• These goods have been purchased on the most favOrAble terms, and will be sold VERY CHEAP FOR usu. -• The highest market' priM allowed for Penn ' Prodiloe. mprofits and quiok returnsour motto • Call and us. "„ SHARP & LIVENS, SEAPORTEI • 7L-E...:07SeaS ; sa•hr,iri _ 111 • Beb4 - Bel 'far • 4 &Pe *Or Seel Fira eqw on° Sch0 130"0 .354 - Four awn, • 28041 Berm E. N a G. F • Marl N.< Soho Jowl] scboi meri Sea Jam ler • Alfel • Thir, Shin Cho. Alice Russ Ualp Ncit , vett. W• : corre for d - 17FF;o0,:tirrt:Dtbit • mon, Thin Donl Thit" • Nab, • Grie • •Gdel one cf rel cut -to boOk som• e 4G0d Wits never •. genex - haps '•exple. , a-refe .edth what, yell cd a /band said a husbe • what ?ter 21 s bowel _gate t , read A newei remer - sayti -came 'The becan didn9 'The • It too intent shek: it sou -car& 1 WI -other t*pen old, I) Aft house -to 4ueta1 move' hot sr • long -1 off OE a vies melte the pi soda I 1101114 It Seel • - We watei from -by wa taste .1 but tt •one, Use .cantol nOtoz -heavi4 .year wear • the e011d • owlse .even oackr4 ries, si - dined pint o pints winch =epee i plea 11 year, , J -with i in the Welili mui lug ir Utter. A. 01 • •every- lrashiti ape titc