HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-11-15, Page 69 w N0YRMBER. ; 5,. 1889. o. • • • The tent of Illiteracy. A census of the illiterates illiterates in the ver- 'ions countries of thee world, recently published in the Stetistisshe Biondi*. schrift,places the three Slavic States of Wow -anis, Servia and Russia at the head of the list, with about 80 per cent. of the population unable to read and write. Of the Latin -speaking races, heads the list with 63 per cent., fo lowed by Italy " with 48 per =cent., France and Belgium having about = 15 per cent. Theilliterates in Hungary number 43 per cent., in Austria 39, and in Ireland 21, In England they are 13 per Dent, In Holland 10 per cent.,, in the United States (white population) 8 - per cent., and in Scotland _ 7 per. cent. Among the purely Teutonic States there is a marked reduction in the percentage of illiterates. The highest is inSwitzer. land. 2.5 ; in the whole German Empire it is but 1 per cent.; while in Sweden, Denmark, Beverley Baden and Wurtem,. burg there is practically no - one who can not read and write. The GermanPeasant. OBSERVATIONS MADE BY A YANKEE IN THE -FATHERLAND, The pessimist' never live in , isolate houses about their fermi, -'writes C. Maley Hurst in the New York Mail an Express. They come together and for �alittle settlement, soms:etimenot mor than s dozen buildings In'. So it - not infrequent to see a sinal! vall thickly dotted with these dorfs, or vil hire, which, if put together,. would make a small-town only. One of thee villages is en to the best advantage a twilight in summer, Everybody is back from the day's work in the fields, an the place is now as full of •life as •it• w deserted at noon. For then only, th grandmothers and grandfathers, wh .eyesight is dimmed. or their' joints rheu watlo,, stay at home, and tell thei young descendants the wonderful "story hes of witehes .and hobgoblins, which they heard ander similar oircumstances from their grandfathers and: grand- mothers years and years ago. ' By dusk. the peasants .have already eaten -their supper. The men lie about and smoke their long pipes, the women Boake their knitting needles fly while there is light, and the children play the identical game that their parents play- ed before them, where they join hands in a wide'cirole sing and' act the pan- tomime of the courtahip of a soldier and a peasant girl. . As one walks over the rough cobble- stones of the narrow street he sees the 'houses, whose tall,.. peaked roofs are divided into stories like a pigeons' cote, `as dirty and much- more crowded. - If. you are courageous enough to enter and climb the steep, rickety stairs; all the combined smells of Cologne and Bagdad• will greet your nostrils. The various • floors are owned" by different people, and even the rooms may be bought or sold like a plow or mart. ]Two families usu- ally occupy three rooms,° tieing the middle apartment as a. general' kitchen and.sitting room. :The. poorer people often only have one room, where they sleep, eat and drag out their entire ex- istence. On the bottom- - floor of the self -same house where they dwell are stalled the cows and oxen. By sunrise; the entire population 18 tip and out in the field, - Not' only does 'the man shoulder a hoe ora scythe, but the woman falls in and work as well. - Entire. families, _except only the' `very aged, go out. Children a few months old, --who have no decrepit relatives in the dorf to keep an eye upon them un- - evening, are carried out by the mothers and left under the shade of a neighboring hboring tree. - . Boys and girls are obliged' to attend. school until they are -seventeen, arid if they do not, the ° parents• are fined. In the busiest parts of the summer the season for gathering hops, making hay and other stated times -a vacation is given that the children may°help in the fields. But, during any of these' sea- sons, if it should set in and rain, with nopprospect of abating soon, school is called. again and continued" during the wet weather ; then isthe teacher' lays. aside his ferrule until the crops. are in. The laborers carry out their fod for the day with them; Every one has a jug of cider or beer, which he drinks in place of water. The peasants live almost en- tirely on grain food and cheese. Milk and butter' they exchange for other more necessary and less luxurious arti, d Ca se d m is • • ey d - as e use r ales.. A great epoch in every German's life and especially the German peasant's, . theservice of -the great standing. army Every man who- is sound in body en not deformed must serve three - years Money or influence will not exempt man from this iron law. In case he at tends the university he shortens`. hi time to oneyear - It is seldom, how ever, that the peasant lad goes furthe - than the school, so that three years are taken from_ the most active- period his life. During the winter the peasants a not so busy as when plantin and gath e ing their crops. When the snow lies thiole on the fields the men thresh ou the grain,�. nd ° the women. spin and weave t1 flax, which they grow them selves. Out of the long rolls of thi heavy gray linen they make clothesd an. articles necessary fordomestic use:: - great part of it, too, they;store away.fo their children, who,. in their turn, pre serve it for theirs, so -that quentitie are handed down from mother to daugh ter, like the usual heirlooms of-pewte ;tankards and spinning wheels, - • One of the cnstome among the ppeas entry which does not confine itself any special season, although in accord. duce with. the time worn law is more prevalent in spring, is a wedding. An the preliminary arrangements are some what complicated. Every girl is expect- ed to have her dowry, consisting, in an case of an entire` household equipment from enormous feather beds to kni`ve and forks. The young woman wh comes without this supply generally feels; pretty much: 'ashamed of ' herself, and the husband does not receive he with such joy as if she. came lade w ith a complete housekeeping outfit. When a couple have decided to ' trave on through life together, the respectiv parents, in solemn family conclave, • arrange the details of the Young -lady's • 8 d a • 5 o • r� t s A r s r to d y s 0 y r: n 1 e• portion. a A Every villagehas,of course, its social strain. There is the aristocracy, which • kel aVak Original and only reliable.. _Beware of poor i niitat ons. s • can afford the luxury 9f several rooms - and a bit more of farmingg,,Iand than the generality of the poor OUes, who ` are obliged to hire themselyet out as day laborer's. It happens odoasionelly that a peasant amasses wealth, and then he lives on exactly as before, working in- dustriouslq in the fields and adding - to his pile of gold `pieces. These: - social distinctions are carefully observed, and it is of rarer occurrence that a person marries above or.below his own caste. Most- of these peasants lead a hard hand-to-mouth existence. They earn a pittanoe iu•the summer which barely en- ables them to eke out au existence through the winter. Their life ,seems almost unendurable,but it appears so to the . stranger only. They- are hardy, sunburned men and, women, and their close intimacy with'neture and depend - encu On here :gives them a healthier and happier, moral and physical tone than a corresponding class who live in Asides. Possessed by Satan. For hundreds . of years this idea of dieboliopossession was steadily devel- oped, It was believed than devils en- tered into animals ; and animals were .-accordingly.exorcised, tried, tortured, convicted and executed. The great St, AmJriose tells us than a priest, while saying mass, . was troubled =by the croaking.. of "wogsin a neighborin marsh, and that he exorcised ahem, and so stopped their noise,' St: Bernard as the Monkish chroniclers tell us mount-. ng the pulpit to preach in his abbey, was interrupted by a cloud of flies straightway the saint uttered the adored' formula of excommunication; when the flies- fell dead upon the pavement in ` heaps, and were salt out. with shovels ! A formula of exorcism attributed to . a saint of . the nibth century, and which remained in use down to a recent reriod, especially declares - innate injurious to crops to be possessed of evil spirits, , and, names, among the animals to be excom-- muni ted or exorcised, mice, moles and serpe ts. The use of exorcism against tate fliersand grasshoppers: was also common.` In the thirteenth oentury.the Bishop of Lausanne, finding that the eels in Lake Leman troubled the fisher- men,•attempted to remove the difficulty. by exorcism. • - • Did any one.venture to deny that ani - Mals could be possessed° by Satan, he was at once silenced by reference to the entrance of Satan into the serpent in the garden -of. Eden, to the transforms-, tion of Nebuchadnezzar, and to -the oast-- ing` of -the devils into the swine bythe fouhder of Christianity himself. -Dr. Andrew D. White, in Popular Soleness Monthly. - -Albert, son `of David Watson, of Guelph, met with a painful accident the other day. He went into the cow stable on some perteixt,:when the bovine kick- ed him on the left leg, breaking both bones. • When he fell the cow • trampled upon. him, " inflicting some severe bruises: «s Wellington, Grey and Bruce. 8.80 10.10 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 7.14 12.00 9.81 London, Huron and Bruce, Goma Nom- Passenger. London, 7.55A.K.14.115r.i1 Londesboro- .. 10.19 7.08 10.42 7.27 Goma Souls- Passenger. Brucefield. L16 • 6.04 Grand Trunk RailwaY. Trains leave .Seeforth elation _ follows: - Clouts WWI- SSAY0Writ. Oln8701 eSCIENCE Has Conquered 'And made it possible to Restore Defeo- tive Eye Sight to Normal Vision. -- - Is happy to an. flounce dist he hie, secured Patev4. ViOptiio Eye 'Metre, --b. • . entitle him tir fit all defects et - PRESBYOPIA„ OR ANY COMPOdND. DEFEbT. "Istigmatiencis due to irregular shape' of eye, and is me:41y congenital, -Many school children with this defect are called sttipid, but with pro- perly fitted -glasses they may become the bright- est of scholars. This is quite a common and dangerous defect.-Hypermetropie is a malform- ation w'hich keeps the ciliary imisele in bonstpt use, v7hereas in it tiormal 4370 it IS at -rest whorl looking* at a distance. .This defect if neglected Mak result in nervous -depression and pain, and even p:rostlation.-Myopia is a7diseased condition' of the eye, which shotkIct be very carefully fitted. to prevent anjncrease of the defect, and perhaps ultimata blinduess.-Presbyopia is a loss of no- • commodatibn in the eye, whioh may cause cater, act unless corrected by artificial aid. Frequently nervous or sick headaches, and:" also serious illness, are brought on by one or more of the above defects: Remember, no" eherge for testing your eyes. - -Accountant, -.Book-keepet, Colleetor,? Life and Accident Iiisurtnee,- General tIntelligence, Real. .Estate .Agent. Money ,to loan, Sre. Parties re- quiring his -setrices in any of these branChes will be promptly attended tO. Office --in DAriv's' Ohmic, (mums). MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 1134 For anips, Chills, Colic, Diarrhm Dysentery, Cholera- Morbus and all Bowel Complaints, NO REMEDY EQUALS Ofibr his AND 49 Years' Experience proves that PERRY DAViSi PAIN -KILLER Is the bes. Family Remedyfor Rheumatism, .Neuralgia and Toothache. Sold.Everywheri3 at 25c. and 50c. a Bottle. Bar Beware of Counteelts and worthless ImItations,‘MI .on:Oer..•• -NeN.,.prT-00:ase You are invited to:call in and let your eyes behold _one of the finest and best assortea stocks of FALL MO WINTER WOOLLENS THE TOiNTN We know you would- like have the - nobbiest Tweed Stit in . town,:arid we know you would like to have it of the best "quality arid design of pattern that has no equal. We have, therefore, selected our stock with great caret and it gives us much pleasure to show you onr rich Suitifigs in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Our French Colored Worsteds and French and Scotch Pantings are a marvel in their rich- ness of stripes, and in all the latest shades. We havialso bought a very fine line of Fall and Winter Over - coatings in Venetians, English land Scotch Meltonsi French Wales .pnd Naps. cNow,r all these goods have arrived, and await yorir Inspection.' Our motto is -we study to please, and no fancy prices. .,Gents' Furnishings at reduced prices every Saturday evening. 'nu just save 25 per cent. on money invested with us. r CARDNO Ca,rdno's Block Seaforth. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Established 1867, ,HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO.' ggvALg•Apur)spc.ru.40N.Dcylas: 08400888 R WiLKER; GENERAL MANAGER.* SEA- FORTH BRANCH., A 'general Banking Business Transacted. Farmere Notes Discounted. Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal Cities in the United States,Great Britain, France;BermudiAc. Deposits of • $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of 'interest allowed. - INTEREST ADDED= THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND NOVEMBERr EACH • *Bales Notes. , F, HOLMESTED, Solicitor. JOHN AIRD, Manager. GOLDEN SEAFOR WE SHOW 'THIS THANKSGIVING WEiK Several Special. Lines of Good line of ; T.j31-ack . This lirie I bought 'direct item the manufacturers, and . can sell them- at '$2.50 per. yard, worth. in the regulat Way $4 per yard. Also ipieclal. -value, in all kinda • LACK. elitim to hold the best stock of Black Dress t400ds 'outside of The Our stock embraces all the newest fabrics in all wool (roods from_20c to $1.65 per yard. Ask to see our 90c Cashm)yre. --$EAFORT SILif we guarantee ,to of charge. Give :ROBB'S PULAR GROOERY W beg leave to call the attention of the gen lpublio to the fact that We have on hand a oho egassortment of ays, , - oKerycf Glassware Fall and Obristmas,Trade. Any Person wishing -anything in thet line would -do well thee* our goods and prices be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Great bargains in Dinnen7cia and Toilet Sets to.. make room for new goods tn =Ire. We have also. a nice assortment of of s Under. the oilmen,- and Ifaction. All z graved free • FANCY GOObS Suitah)e' tor Wedding or Birthday Presents, • whickwe are selling at vety close ices. Our Sugar 15.1bs. for $1.00. We have got some il Grocetypepartment is also compl in every line, Sugar- at reduced pricei, our Raw rile° new Itaisins and Currants .that.cannot be beat fer price and quality. Just to hand new Evaporated Pesehes,,Aprioots and Prunes, also choice [Cape Cod Cranberries . ' Fres P'ork Sausage isc per lb: ' Fresh Pork, -from tone per lb. STO Cdal All Stoie MOO For which we Great Bargains) Lanips. • ains in r Staves, Stoiet And Library INE I Cure FITS. When y CC= I do not mean merely.to stop them fOr a time, and then bave them return mede the disease FITS, _EPILEPSY OR A life-10ft study.. 1 WARRANT my remedy to cuss tile moist eases. Because -others beim filled IsIno reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at 'once for a treatise and a Flee Borns of IllysINFAI.i4BLS -Rifixer. Give express and pest office,: It:costs you nothingfor a trial, and it will pure yo0. ,Address -DR. IL G. ROOT . M. 0„ such Office, 164 West Adelaide Stratf, Toronto - 1142-52, General Int Dealer in in firstolaes reliable :co tied promptly. ` . Specie; low rates .o the Go** and -Wateil lured in these compani Sale dealer in SEWING MACHINES .(f .ing). Prices ringing fro, chine; warranted fol five ohineS repaired,. • MAIN ;STREET • atlewest rates and losses set' POPERTY in d4iictories In - of 20 per ci RAYMOND manufaitture $76, All isia- very. kind of 1, Farmer 4. purely Farmers' Conik$eii-- Insured When in the fridde- charge of wittier or servapt.7' .1171NDERTARING.- promptly moderate retest. 1119 Stook also n the road in the Wasller 'oe.- WATSON 'attended, to 'a Funds Invested-_:, and, .Loan o Lean. ' store, Main • 1116U : -,135,ti._04::,. ". :f-r44.,:'inik-. ..0, 143010*1 ,,.., ,taiisilii_. J. • r. .g.erg 0 . 0• ;III .1 -ed)% .0 :,, „. ._, 0. c, od G2 jtad Er 44:4) . 20 IZ pi 54 The c -i tx> L-4 Od erf- a 0 4), prs 0.1 est Assortment - ST PRICES PaP'er Otatilarl.S IS AT - 01 • PAPST CALL AND XXAmiNE. • • Brilliant -I Durable Economical!" Diamond Dyes excel all °then in Strenkth, Purity and Fa.stness None othei are juat as good. • Be. ware of imitations, because Thal are made of cheap' and inferioi materials, 4.rid give poor, iveak croaky, cOlors. To be sure success, use only the,. DiAMOk DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers. them to coifs's' more gpods, pack. age for package, than; any othe4 dyes ever made, and to give mort brillianfand durable colors, Asit for the Dianond and talce no othec Garments Renewed - Allcoreasi:Cpoyle_red :ENO TR 2.. 10 A Child can use thern1 At Thuggists-and Merchants. Dye Book Ne, WELLS, RICHARDSQN 41- Ca, Pioperty Clintgm - Niom That pro -arty, about 82,} acres, tad aboutla garter mile from the railway station at -Olin- tonovith two storey 'frame house _ ,orchard garden, barns, ornamental trees, Az., bounded. on one sideP by the river Bayfield_ , known ta that formerly occupied by Major Murray, part,, of Lot 4E), on the Bayfi,e1 road ; good clay loam",; high and dry. Also the house and grounds, two acres, bounded ent'rely by streets, in -Olin. ton, lately occupied b3r Mr. Rafty, two stale'. with attic, cellars, stable, ite., and goodorohard. Will be sold at Auction on THURSDAY, 21st NOVEMBER, at 2 P. M,, at the vavEarxr HOTEL, CLINTON, where a -plan can now be - seen. The owner is willing to sell now by pri-. 'vats -dont-rad, Zino given for part payment, Information of any sale that may have been, made of any part beforeauction and other par. ticulars can be had personally or by letter to ALEX. -LEITH, the Queen's Hotel, Toronto*, 1141-4 SeafoPth Roller Atills: Misting, Chopping and Fix-. change promptly attqncled to and - best of satisfaction guaranteed. - and Barleyt .° Feed of all kinds for ;sale. Arrange- ments are made for regular arrivals -of Manitoba wheat and very hest of flour* can be obtained. Business conducted on cash terms, - Yours Truly, CONSUMPTION, TN its first stages,.can ibe successful* 1 Gawked, by the prompt use of Ayer's -Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later. - periods of that disease, the cough it wonderfully relieved by this medicine. - "I -have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This wonderful preparation once sated' my life. I -had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly teduced in flesh, and given up by my pllysician. One bottle and lbalf of the rectorial:and me." -A, Eidson, 11, D.atfiddlitcmt Tennessee. - " Several years ago I was seivrel 111. The doctors said I Wail in consum. and that they could do nothing forme, but advised meows * last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or three months I was cured, and my health remains good to the present day."1-james Birchard,,, Darien, Conn. • "Several years ago, on apassagetome from California, by water, I contracted so severe a r,old that for some -days I was confined to my state -room, and * physician on -board considered my life in danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely., and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy condition. Since then I . bare invariably recommended this prep* aration.'!-J, t. Chandler, junetion,Ta. ,; yers Derry - odorali A I 1- - . . C s TEZPAMIrD WC Dr; j; c. Ayer & Co,, Lowell,' Mau, The New .,..Grocery, Sharp & Livens Have opened a nof Grouriand Provision Store -on Main Street, Seaforth, first stere south of Ridd's Hardware store. TIT" have complete stock of - . CROCKERY, SEEDS, Everything Frefib ancU New. These goodst ikVe been purchased on the niost favorable terms, and will be sold VERY CHEAP FOR -CASH. The highest market priee allowed for Farm issr In profits and quick returns our motto Call and us. SHARP lc LIVENS, . 4 - Appe -01219 all ol Plitt 011101 blink frOm 115 the d of loft ▪ them sessoi .4108110 tour and i Efal as thi *60 Amer lug tl Port -7 Jer4 the pc owlet the tine '1 throuj ta Tiber Belbe id be d the late tent -111 sex those peals been t the et lers -most 1:1 axe mil work 41 Bray he along ne he city Cone Ro doing fotmd ir which tinopl t tit and 1,4 Mr ed ha about • ly pur eat that h he the rot into The horses from horses will horses horses lew of and _ -couple snit of he is and DIMS the ex fees and which *re of i with lace