HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-10-25, Page 7it
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Friday of
OCTOBErt 26,
A Sensitive Artist.
Horimx. Vernet, the artist, witi. going
from Versailles, to Parii by railway. In
the tome Compartment with him were
"" two ladies whom hello, never seen -be-
fore, but who were evidently acquainted
with him.; They examined him minute;
ly and commented freely on his martial
bearing, his hale old [age, the style of
areas, ete. They.. continued their an-,
=voices •x until finally; the painter de-
termined to put an end to their perae-
4ution. Ai the train passed ,through
the tunnel of St. Cloudthe three travel-
* ere were wrapped in complete darkness.
'Vernet raised the back Of his hand to
his mouth and kissed.it twice violently.
On emerging from the obscurity he
- found that the ladles had withdrawn
their attention froM, him, and were
.accusing each other of having been
kissed by a man in the dark-. .
Presently they arrived.Paris'and
Vernet, on leaving them,aid:s"Ladies
I shall be puzzled all my life by the in -
Wry, which of these two Juliet was it
kissed me?"
. Black Wainut.
This very supenor °ones nearly
disappeared front, the Western for-
ests;, but so earnest is the %spiky for it
- that its cultivation is becoming a mat-
- ter of great desirability. To that end .
Daniel .B. Emerson, of, Beloit, Wiscon-
sin, has given his experience in its cut -
tura as follows: ;He prefers shallow
• planting, seven feet apart eech way if
planted around fences, as wire fences
can be attached to the tr unks Without
injury. Under favorable circumstances
• the trees begirt to beer in about seven
years. One bushel contains four hun-
dred to six hundred/ nuts, or fifteen
pounds- of kernels, Which will yield
seven and one half- Olinda of oil. He
has trees fifteen years old which are
thirty feet high and a F foot through at
the base. . They yield ten bushels of
nuts each annually, ' worth $4. The
. leaves and the husks, When boiled, fur-
' nish liqnid which wia kill ivorras and
insects on lawns, 'without injuring the
• I have been -making study of nodes
audit'. astonishing lic4v large a propor
tion are. twisted to one side or the other
Try to find the medium line pf a person'
-face by tracing it from the tip of hi
nose, and see hew you come Out ! Man
people wh-4;,imagine that their noses az
perfectly straight would find by a dos
inspection that those appendages gee o
haw a little,—perhaps to their amuse
meat and maybe to their chagrin.
A Portland dentist tells a story to th
• point. ' Says he:
"After I had fitted a set of false teeth
• to a lady, she exclaimed, Why, yen
haven't got the- middle of thit set in the
middle of my face
• "I looked again, and thought I had.
"'But just look at my. nose I", said
she. *The middle of the set certainly
is rot in line with the middle . of my
nose.' -
" *That may be; said I, 'but you
"Do you mean to tell me that my
nose -ain't straight?' - .
"'1 think you will find that such is
the ease.'
' "'How much is Year bill? pay it,
and you can keep your old teeth!'
"Shepaid- the bill, threw down the
set, And flounced out, as angry as- an
angry woman could be She went home,
her friends told he how foolish she was,
•she jay awake all iiight, and the next
-day came back, apologized, -and had her
w hork finis ed."—[Lewiston Journal.
- I
Fact and 'ttilo.or.
—The strangest cherehyard in Lon-
don, according to Mr. i Besant, is that of
St. George's, Southwark, .the
• Place of all the poor p-isoners who died,
during hundreds of years, in the Mar-
shalsea and the Queen's Bench. and the
old White Lyon. Bishop Bonner Was
buried there. The piece has been Win-
ed into a public garden; and the head:
stones are cleared away and serve as a
kind of lining to the walls, where they
are neatly arranged in a row. • Two or
three of the more magnificent tombs,
. -however, have been leta in situ.
—An aged minister, who for nearly
•fifty_yeare ministered to the wants of a• -
•Union Presbyterian congregation notfar
from Edinburgh, was asked by a- friend
how it was that he had remained! se
olong in Ithe place. Weil," said the
tenant of the Montle, whenever • I got
vexed with my people and: wanted to
;go, they wouldn't let me. And When-
ever they got diesatuified-, with me and
wanted me to go,/ wOuldust go ;, so here
you: see."—Exchange.
—A good lady belonging to another
communion once remonstrated with the
Rev. Dr. W. B. Robertson, of Irvine.
She said: "I hear that you read the
Commandments at the Communion."
‘."-Is that ail you have -heard of j?" was his
*4131y.; "we have introduced . a far
greeter innovation than that." "What
is it?" said the good lady,' in some
alarm. "We try to ! keep them," was
•the reply. t •
—Recent experiments to ascertain
within what limits the car can distin-
guish the'clifference, in' the pitch of two -
sounds Show that the Smallest difference
perceptible by untrained or only slightly
trained ears •-appears to be from one-
: sixth to one -fortieth oa semi -tone. It
is said that a peculiaeity that seems to
apply alike to trained and untrained
ears s that they detect upward differ -
_ewes more easily than downward.. •
—In a certain part of, Germany the
,peasants delight n red waistcoats, and
one poor feir. who could bout of only
one "best s .t," which included a very
red waistcoat, was one day bidden to a
funered. The clergyman looked disap-
provingly atthe bright garment, and
the peasantkby w4:y of apology, said
very humbly, Neer mind, reverend
sir, if.only the heart is black,that is the
chief thing." -And another yokel, hail-
ing from the same district, when he was
-advised by his -friends and neighbors to
abstain from Wearing his red waistcoat
at a funeral, fell- a -mourning, and_said,
."Naaalf I can't wear that, all my
.pleasure in going to, the funeral is en-
tirely gone, "—Pall Mall Gazette. •
globe in the Paris Exhibition
represents the earth On a . scale of one-
- Millionth; and is nearly 100 feet in. di...
-ametei. Paris occupies about a sthird of
an inch. All the great lines of - com-
Munication by land and sea are shown
in detail. The earth's daily rotation
will be9precisely imitated by clopk-
work, a point on the globe's -. equator
raving an eightieth Of an inch per sec -
I •
recently been studying the habits of the
seider„ says that bisect can .get along
nicely until old age • overtakes him.
Each spider has the power of Spinning a
certain quantity bf web. When he- has
spun himself out he is in a bad way,
not only becauke he has no home,but
because he haiilo chiricelo obtain food,
The life of -4 spider is as full of luck as
that of a man. If he constructs his
Web in an out-of-the-way place it will
last him a long time, but if he happens -
to spin it where •a woman with the
broom an reach he will likely soon find
himself spun out. As long as he re.
mains strong he is all right, for he can
overpower the young spiders and steal
their webs. When he can no <-longer
fight he becomes a tramp, and dies of
• —We areindebted to the Baptist
Conner for the new Weill " arithordox.”
It was probably a misprint, but it i a
good word,'nevertheless. When -a Man
sets forth -his' own vagaries he he the
author of the 'Views presented, and so
they are "authordox," though they be
far from orthodox. " Authordox ;
yes, it is a good Word, and will _collie in
well to describe many hooka, mews4
articles and speeches..—Louisville West-
ern Record. -
Slips of the Tong , Tongue andPen
Alluding to newspapers it may be re
marked that advertisers riled unpraCtis
edwriterstherein through ambiguity o
words and phrases oftezi commit absurd i
ties that may be touched on as further
illustrating our subject. A 'country pa-
per once related how, "during the cele-
bration a child was run over wearing a
short (fuse, which never spoke after-
wards.' In the description of the do-
ings of a mad dog is is said that "he
bit a horse on the leg, which has Since
died." An account -of a funeral says:
"The remains were committed to that
bourne from which no traireler returns
Attended by his friends."
It is not surprising that foreigners
sometimes fail to catch all the shades -of
meaning to our words. A Frenchman:
translated Shakesires' line, "Out,
brief candle," by, : "Get out, you short
Noset. m swors1 I will
candle." And the apression,. " With
carve my way to fdr-
, tune," was rendered: "With my sword
- I will make my fortune cutting meat."
. Advertisers often give amusing sped.
s mens of composition, of which this in an
s example: " Lostby a poor lad lied up
y .in brown paper with. a white string a
e German flute with an overcoat on and
e several other articles, of wearing -
✓ parel." A miller attempted to testify
• to the merits of a powder for destroying
vermin by saying; "A fortnight ago .r.
e was full OU rats, and now 1 don't .think.
I have one.",
A newspaper 'was -running 'a serial
story called "The Truth." line week,
so much space being devoted to other
matters, the editor was unable to con-
tinue his story, so Made the following
announcement, containing perhaps more
truth than any other item in the paper
"'The Truth' was crowded out of this
issue on account 'of the press of more im,
✓ portant matter." -
A bashful gentleman who visited a
school kept by a young lady .was asked
by the teacher to say a few words to thepupils. This was his speech " Bohol,
ars I hope you will always love your
sdool and teacher as much as I do. A
tableau of giggling pupils and a blush-
ing teacher attested the effectiveness of
his words. ,
The lecturer .put his foot in • it as
thoroughly when he prefaced his dis-
cours upon the rhinoceros with: "1
must beg you to give me .your undivid-
ed attention ; indeed, it is absolutely
impossible that -you could form a [true
idea of the hideous animal of Which we -
are about to speak, _unless you keep your
eyes on pie." A certain preacher, dis-
coursing upon Bunyan and his works,
caused a titter among his hearers by ,ex.
cleaning : "In these days, my brethern,
we want more Bunyans." Another
olergymau, pleading earnestly' with., his
pariehioners for the construction of a
cemetery for their parish, asked them to
consider -the t,' deplorable condition of
thirty thousand Christian Englishmen
living without Christian *burial." Sll
more curious Wad the clerical slip with
which we conclude. A gentleman said
to the minister "When do you expect
to see Deacon again :, "Never,"
said the reverend gentleman-, solemnly;
." the deacon is in Heaven."
—A well known naturalist, whd has
: Daisy's ',Lunch.
Of course I wished to do all in my
power to make Petti's visit pleasant,
;and as I have been several times,invited
to lunch with some young, people
• whom we have met, I thought it Would
be a gond time to give a little lunch -com-
pany while he was with 20.- - You know
my dining room will .not accommodate
a very large' number of • .guests and I.
have to nelculate pretty cloiely.:- I in-
vited, ' six young ' ladies, making with
Pattie and me eight—the `very largest
number I could seat comfortably.
.Perhipt you will sthile, dear mamma;
when I tell you how closely I fitted .my:
menu to my guests.' I planned to. have
*Hien, oysters with create- inthose
protty pluk shells Lucy gave mel.--ohops
and peas, quail- on , toast, and a salad.,
This was as much as my one; little maid
could manage. Then I thought I would
indulge in tne extravagance of having a.
dish of fancy ices, so r ordered' Just
eightpinli roses in Slum 'candy—this
made an ornamental dish—and Pattie
placed a small bouquet • at each plate.
there wer *ust eight iced roses, eight
pink oystea ells, eiglithouquets.
The hour - nived to sit down 'at- the
table, and, everything was ready and
quite to my taste, but one of my guests
who had accepted *. my invitation liaci
not. arrived: Half an hour passed—
long enough for the bouillon- ta cool and
and the oysters to epoil. I tried to
practice on your mance, dear maintna,
and bring my- philosophy to bear upon
the occasion, but while I tried thy . best
to keep - calm, I could- feel the color'
come and go in my face -as the moments
passed: ...
At length the door,. bell rang, and 1_
braced myself up to hppear, entirely at
'ease, when te my utter dismay in Walk=
ea Mary Banks with two friends, Whom
she- presented in the most noucharant
manner, adding, . " My. friend's arrived.
unexpectedly last evening,and I thought'
it would be pleasant to bring them With
me to youelunch. • I, intended. to have ,
sent you word, but wewere so: busy
.talking I forgot all boat it. I beg a
thousand : pardons for being late, but -
really time flips away so-fadt when one
is engaged with friends, I did not no-
tice that it -was past one o'clockbeforeI
thotight of it."' . ' .
You may itnagine • how much I heard
of these excuses, and perhaps you Can
imagine what was going on in my mind.
All aeon as I had given the usual elute-
tioni, I excused myself and went into
the kitchen, where for a few mo-
ments I stood absolutely .dazed.
Then I said with a forced -.calm-
-nese, in order that my little nfaid might
'not lose her 'balance, "We will crowd
the plates, nearer together,- and when
you pass the oysters Miss Pattie end I
will refuse. I think we can manage it
very well," all the time my heart sink-
ing within me.
Well, I lived through the lurid),
scarcely knowing whether I was in the
body or out of it. —Mrs. Clailin, in
August Wide Awake. .
—The following are the prizessward-
ed in the baby department of the Agri-
cultural Fair 'held at Stratford last
week. Fattest baby,- ist George,„son of
William McG se, 2nd Mrs: Wiabee's baby.
Prettiest baby, 1st Mrs. John Hoy's,
2nd 'Mrs. Fred Brunston's. Prettiest
girl under 3, Mary Miller, daughter of
A. J. McPherson; Handsomest twins
under 3, let Mrs. Lafferty's, 2nd Mrs.
:Fred Brunaton% No entries forhand.
somest boy under 3 years. -
Silent, -but Very Industrious.,
You don't appear to have much to
say this - evening, Mr, McGinnis," re-
-markedthe landlady. .
"No, ma'am," said the boarder, ply-
ing his knife vigorouslyen the warmed-
over steak. " I'm not doing much talk-
ing, but I keep_onsawing wood, ma'am,
just as hard."—Chicago Tribune.
• ..
Juvenile Wit.
Airthe bright hoptfuls do 144 live in the
North', as the fellowing, incideut related
by a friend from Pensacola, Florida, will
prove. .
"Mamma, what are 'we to have for
dessert ?" was the customary remark of
a.young man. of scarcely, four semmers
before belted finished his first -courie.
After impatient waiting, his .favorite
jelly appeared, which the young hopeful
apostrophized as follows: You may
tremble, but w.tes gwine to eat you all
the seine." •-
_ . •
"By a•thorough snOwledge ef the natural laws
which govern the operations- ot digestion and
nutrition, and by a careful application of the
.fine properties of well -selected Cl000re Mr. Epps
has provided:our breakfast tables with a delicate.
ly flavored beverage which may save us many
heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judioicius use
of such articles of diet. that a constitution may
be graduallybuilt up until strong enough to re-
sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of
subtle maladies are floating around us ready to
attack wherever there is a, weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oureelves
well fortified with pure blood and a properly
nourished frame."-440evil • Service gazette."
Made simply with boiling water or milt. Sold
only in packets by grocer, labelled thus:
JAMES EPPS & CO., Homeopathic Chemists,
London England.
. 1041.52
• Consumption Cured.
',An old physician, retired from practice, hay
ine had placed in his bands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh; Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive
and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after ..having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has feltit his duty to- make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1 will
send free of charge, to all who- desire it, this
recipe, in German, French or English, with full
direotions for preparing and using. Sent by
„mail by addreesing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. Nome 149 Power's Block, Soches.
er, i. Y.. 1093-26.e.o.w
Attacked- Three' Times •
AV1NG been attaeiced`for the third time
.1vith inflammatory rheumatism, which
kept e -c in bed six -weeks udder medical care.
withom; relief, I resolved to try Burdock Blood
Bitters,. and before I had finished the third bot-
tle I was able to work again
Genes Rent , •
Garden 11114 Ont,
. Ar" Pleasing Di.scove17.
SUFFERED with neuralgia and obtained do
- relief until advised to try Hagyard's Yellow
OIL Since thou I have found it to .be an admir-
able remedy . also for burns, sore_ throat and
' This. F. CAA's:Roe, .
• 187 Riclumend Street West, Toronto, Ont.
•* Life. :was a Burden. -
TTne iglately I suffered fromi headache, el-
• ways preceded by constipation, 'making
my life e.btarden. A friend advised Burdock
Blood Bitters. I took three bottles, and my
headaches are things of the past. •
A. R. Jeetex, . •
. Ottawa, Ont.
• The Alert Watchman.
yARNS be of approaching danger, a back-
-.'Ingcoogh warns us of coming constunp.
lion. Take time by the forelqck and luso Hap
yard's 'Poctoral. Weave the surest, safest .ftifd
besteure for coughs, colds, asthma, hoarseness,'
bronchitis and all throat and 'Wig troubles,
, .•
Almost Driven Insane.
I BAD such distress in my stomach and
Eilad that I thought, I would lose
my reason; " but on trying- Burdock Blood
Bitters I derived great benefit.. I haveused
three bottles and am now as wellas ever; was
in my Ale. Thanks to younmedieine "
• . Miss Lizzie Dovoe4s,
• Rednerville, Out.
• Take No Chances
TOUT depend -on solid facts. Nothing ,equals
• Je.) flagyatd's Yellow Oil for burns, scalds,
frost !bites, ,chilb1ahi, neuralgia, ('roup, sore
throat and aches and pains of every description.;
No matte; Where the Vain or soreness Is, or from
what it aris.ds, liagyard's Yellow Oil will give
quick relief. s .
Consumption Surely Cured.
Please inform your readers that I have a posi-
tive remedy for the above named disease. 13y
fts timelt use thousands of hopeles cases have
been perMinently cured. 1 sbaIlbe glad to &lend
...two bottles of my remedy MEE to any of our
readers who have consumption if they will tend
me their Express and•Post Office addrei s. .
••••• •Respectfully,.Da. T. A. Semis.
1089.52 . 37 Youge Street, Toronto, Ont.
Decreasing the Death Rate.
• The mortality among Consumptives' has been
materielly decreased of late years by the Use of
Scott's Eniulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with H •
phosphites of Lime and. Soda i• Phthisis, Bron-
chitis, 'Abscess Of the Lunge, Pnetunonia and
Throat Affections are completelysubiupted by -
a tithely use of this excellent pulmonic. • Palat-
able as milk. Bold by all druggists at, tee. and
$1.00. ' -
, •
%Winne cause Much sickness among- children.
Freeman's Worm Powdsrs prevent •this, and
make the child bright -and healthy. '
-Never allow the bowels to remain constipated
lett serious evils ensue. National Pills are un-
surpassed .as a remedy for constipation.
VictOria Carbone, Salve is a wonderful healing
compound for cute, wounds, bruises, .burns,
scalds, boils, Riles, pimpleu, &e. .
• MlibUrti'S A/01110W Quinine Wine fortifies the
systemagainst attack- of ague, dells, billow/
fever, dumb ague and like troubles.
The Oldl Oaken- Bucket,
-• The Iron -bound Bucket,
• The Noss -covered Bucket,"
very likely the one that has, conveyed
ooisons to your system from some old well,
whose waters have become contaminated
from sewers, vaults, or percolations from
'he soil. To eradicate these poisons from
khe system and -save yourself a spell of
malarial, typhoid or bilious fever, and to
keep the liver, kidneys and lungs in a
healthy and vigorous condition, use Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
arouses all the .excretory 'organs into ac-
tivity, thereby cleansing and purifying the
system, freeing it from all manner of blood-
pqisonst no matter from what cause they
bave arisen. Ail diseases originating from
a torpid or:deranged liver, or. from impure
blood, yield to its wonderful curative prop-
ctrties. It regulates the stomach andbowels,
promotes the appetite" and digestion, and
cures Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," and
Chronic Diarrhea. Salt -rheum, Tette':
Eczema, Erysipelas, Scrofulous 'Sores and
Swellings, Enlarged Glands and Tumor
disappear under its um-
"Golden Medical Discovery."Is the only
blooirand liver medicine, sold by druggist&
under a poaitive guarantee of its bene-
fiting or curing in every -ease, or money
paid for it will be promptly returned.
Copyright, 1888, by Wren% DO, MED. Awl!,
The Saw an.cl
Planing Mill.
On Lot 25, Conerssionl4; Township
of Hay, _Zurich., P. O. •
C. Kalbtleisch, Proprietors.
-. The uriclosignert• keep conetantIy on hand at
tbe above Mills a full and complete assortment
of all kinds of Veers, Stishee and Planed tun.
bor. Also a let of 'fended( Lumber at from $8
to $7 perl,c 00 feet.
Custom work proreptly a-;--uled to. Bills cut
tci order en the eliortest notie.
Estimates for new buildings mven.
itaVarties letendin to build .would find it to
their edvantage toapply to us as we liave all
material at first cost and are prepared to do '
• cheap -and good woik and all -material guaran.
teed. ,• " . :
4113.tt - - Zurich
• Having done business in Canada for the. past
20 years, ouireputation and responsibility are
well known._ We pay salary and expenses frbm
the start, if everything is satisfaCtory. No. pre.
Mous experience required. " Write us for terms, .
• which are very. liberal, before engaging with any
other:firm. , • *I
• Resentexces.1,- Bradstreet's or Dun Witean &
038 Ocuntrierelsi Ageneiee, well known to busi.
• ness men"; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. •
• !-Nu RSE WIEN;
imo •Lime I
The' Bodmin ,41/ne. Works,
Are situated About two mike East of Belgrave
on Lot, Je, Cji et esion .4, Morris. 7he tinder
signed wilt, keep- any' quantity of Fresh Lime
s on band and will tell at a reasonable
priee. This Lime has been thoroaghly tested
and -proses to be one of the beat 'white !lines in
Canada. Lime delivered to any -part on the
shorteet melee. Thie Lime will also be kept for
sale at Londesboi.o, tilinton and Goderieh.
Mr Address either by letter or telegraph
J. J. DOWNEY, t3 roprietor.
1108 •••BELGRAVE
1.0 AT Ct.4/,P,F-F1 CPO( DAUG c, s
AVIS We LAVyfiet; Ce•Ccp.Ltl. CA, MANU
.1VICKillop Directory for. 1889
JMES igitS,Reeve and Warden, Seaforth
0. •
JOHN RENNEWIES, Deputy Reeve, Ward 1,
DuJbAlAinlEP4 (E.).V1ANS, Coline'illo-r, Ward 2. 'Beech.
• wood P. 0. • . • -
JOHN MORRISON, Councillor, Ward -3, Win
throp P..0. I '• .• •
CHARLES !DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Sea.
forth P. 0. ••;
JOHN' C. MORRISON; Clerk; Winthrop P. 0.
SON, Treasurer, . Win
throp P. 0. ' • •
110BERT Cr. ROSS„%ssessor, Winthrnp P. 0
• D
biourrythR..P. HHealtp ,07:100eirattSiea.
• WM. AR:C0..11113.4ED, Sanitary InspeCtor, Lead
• tpro co
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04-r--« =go --r 44 0.1.5
eg441.* 4 al, tot %am
•g1.01 4,„410•0 rati
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Igall, gr..11:124,m
gag triers. a o fop'
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Ver.. Ei° 10 Fr2 go:
•5.151 bli : 01 I al ir r". . ir Jo'
e_a 24 :
11115 II /g.' co,
rim toil* at
Pass2 es 41
PE4Y0YL Weren't:sell monthly by•
over 10.00 ladies; are safe, ;Aeolian
sore in effect; a lady's greatest Men
et liome nr abroad; $t per box by mall
or iron druggist, sesieel particulars
2o stamp. Addre-
_ Sold by LUMSDEN A WILSON,- Chemists and
Bruggists,Sraforth, Ont. - • 1121.52
• SL Thomas, Ont,
College', Re -opens September 2.
• This con ie is now generally acknowledged
to be one of the leading institutions of .,its kind
n the Doniinion. This Is.ehown- by the fact
that Eic-S4DENre -OP TURES. OTli8 COMES
while the attendance Ing over 109 per cent.:
greater' thar during any preSedieg term. Over
89 per centof the graduates are noWOReupyin -
good positio s. :
tir Our iandsome1y Illustrated, Catalogue
will be malltd to any address on application. ,
'Principal and Proprietors
r flWS8ESTFP1Ffl
croh4- p. s
• Funerals furnished on the shortest notice
and satisfaction guaranteed. A large assort-
ment of Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, &c.,
always on hand of the best quality. The best
of Embahning Fluid used _free of charge and
prices the lowest: - 'Fine -Hearse. ' -
S. T. HOLMES; , Funeral Directer. Repi-
denee GODERICH STREET, directly op--
posite the Methodist church- in ;the house
formerly occupied by Dr. Scott.
"I' l'ibi lir •
52; /flip -
;till& 8
tlitlii Et I
sosgis ti—cf .
*II PI tii3
70:41:1 g ° Z 1-3
"'PS.g1 to 'w
Vog 0 =12•LV ,_
5.100.ead PI, io'
v 0.2E- a 1-3
F''Pl'g':(4 rxi
. Will: LI ?di
I `r. .',•s4 it- 4 tis ,p
K cD.c4 a
g .
Sal 2 0
* le.0
9 V
FFr".o•Pri lia'
° i i 11 C.5'
,„,..g. n• in. v
I1:6V% 0
g• g to.- 6
.8' C-,' irit
*"5 0. .e
Cs .t. .
10"g: ;10.0 .
- :151,ff g -
a .ao g
,.., a A.• a a. ' et, .
roll :. r. lli ta re .
MO OAR FOR SEEk10E.-A.very fire young
- JL1 Berkshire Illifir,:rnine menthe old, bred from
prize stock on both sides. Terms. -$1 at the
time of service, with) the privilege of returning
if necessary. GEORGE TROTT, Seaforth.
1 ..' 1115
SUFVOLK BOAR, -The undersigned- wil
keep during the present season, on Lot
29, concession 5, USborne one quarter mile
from the North Boundary, a first class Suffolk
ytg, to which a lizni number of slows Will be
taken. Terms $1, with privilege of returning
if necessary. THOMAS CUDMORE. 1137x4
A CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned
,L-1,, will -keep during the present season on Lot
SI, Concession 2, L. R.43: Tuckerantith, o Thor
ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
number of sows will be taken. This pig was
-farrowed on May 15 , 1887, was bred by IL
ti B.
Todd, of Wakeman, uron County, Ohio, one of
the moet extend sa• and reliable breeders
in the United States. i This Pig has also taken
first prizes whereever shown. Terms 8.1, pay
able at the time of se ee, with the privilege of
returning if nece . GEORGEPLEWES. •
Brussels (.1,1770
To Farmerand Blinders..
T— -
• W. TF.. KELLY t
-Of the Bliss& LI e Kilns, is now prepared to
'supply any amount of •
For Plastering, • Bricklaying or Stone • Work.
will deliver the lime in Seaforth or vicinity 10/
18 cents per bushel: Orders promptly filled.
If by mail, address '
_ W. F. _KELLY
Brussels Lime Works
• 106651 .
The Great English Prescription
CuresWeakness, Spermaterrhea' •
Emissions, Impotency and all
diseases caused by ielf-abuse or
indiecretion. One package $1,
sipsomosix. $5, by mail. WriteTorfiLisissz
Co., Detroit, Mich, . For sale by LUMSDEN &
WILSON, Chemists & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont.
TORN GRIEVE,. V. S., Honor graduate of
.0 Ontario Vetennary College. All disease*.
of Domestic Animals treated. Calle promptly
attended to and charges moderate. ' Veterhaary
Dentistry a specialty. Ofiloe--At Weir's Royal
Hotel, Seaforth. 111241
MIRANK S. beattie,V.. S., graduate of Ontario
Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the
Veterfnarie Medical Society, etc., treats all dis-
eases of the Domesticated Animals. All oldie
promptly • attended to either by ' day or night.
Charges moderate. Special attention given to
veterinary dentistry. Offiee on Main Street,
Seaforth, one door south of Kidd' s Hardware
store. 1112
Jarvis and Doderich Streets, next doer th the
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. Ail &B-
UM of Horses, CattlzSolzxlior any of the de-
ineeticated animals, y * the
Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notion.
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER,„Vater-
inarySurgeon. P. B. -A large stook of Veterin
ary Medicines kept constantly on head
itifrATTREW MORRISON', Walton, Insuranoe
AL Agent, Commissioner for takingsffidavIte,
Conveyances, etc. Money to lean at the lowest
rates. 1.1. MORRISON, Walton. -
. HASTINGS,Solicitor,eto. Olice--Cedrs
. Bleck, oppoisite Commercial Hotel,Sese
forth, • 974
T M. BEST, Barrister, $olicit,or, &AL Ofiloe-
. Boerne One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher.
shop. Agents-Cateeme Ifortekeitlfillt011. 870
ARROIV PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid-
ur tors, &c., Goderick Ontario. J.V. Garesorr,
Q. 0.; Wu, Pam:weer.
C1AMERO2j,- HOLT & CAMERON, 13arrietera,
Solicitors in Chancery, *a., Dederick Ont.
M. 0. CAMERON, • Q. 0., Ptuar How, iL -0.
Canteozt,f• 906'
X. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyaniser, ito
. Late of Victoria, 13. C. Office-01er
Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seliforth. =Fri.
"vate funds to loan at 5i and 5 per:Cent: 1035
ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Sondem*,
Conveyancers, Ice. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnoton, Tisdale * Gale. -Money to Iota.
Office --Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. E.
MANNINO, JANES, 8002T. • ,
HOLMESTED, ancoeseor to the late 'firm of
av „ McCaughey & Hohneeted, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor ior
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
Farms forsale. Office in Seott's Block, Main
Street. Seaforth. •
'ORSON & HAYS, formerly with Monne
Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderieh ; Bar-
risters. 'Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels.
Seaforth Office-Cardno's Bloc*, Main Street.
Money to Loan. •, 1127
_tat tient., with the privilege to borrOwee
1U/ONEY:TO LOAM -Straight loam at ''-8 per
of repaying fart of the _principal money „at any
Monunient -Co.
The 017IY Bronze Foundry initIrttPPY t0 r.
the Dominion.
. .
Offr material is endorsed by leading scientist
as being, practically imperishable. • It cannot
al3sorb moisture, and consequently is not affect-
ed by the frost. •_. -
8end for Deaigno-and Tonne to
W.M.GIFFTh Clinton.
grk:1/45 xis? •
Loart and iniestnieni
00441.1V"27., -
This Conipany is Loaning.Money on
Farm ,Security at lowest Rates
of Interest,
Mortgages Puchased.
3, 4 and ,f+ per Cent. Interest Allowed on
.Deposits, according to amount and
trine left. •
• OFFICE. -z -Corner of Market Sqint:e
und N'orth Street,.Goderich.
• IsfAxAcnis
cioderi4, Auglist'50,1885. • 922
Pla*g Mill,lanMil_Or Yard
The subscriber wonld be?to eall attention to
the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber
which he always keeps on baud, oteethe ry
lowest prices, • • • • - - ; -
Stuff: cut to any • order on
Short Notice,:
• Good 'cedar cut Inte Weber or posts. • Contracts
• taken for every deseriptiobs of buildings, •
including all work.
Charles QuetengeSser,-
1105 - Lot 21, ConcessiOn 8, Logan,
- C. Morrison' ,
77CI:r) iDR
With. on canvas,- the best in the market.
Farmers are requested to see' it before pule
ehaeing any. other. Also the V. T. K. RAR.
'Auctioneer for,
The- best; of satisfaction •guayanteed and sale
-notes purehased.
• Will also be willing to execute Wills, Agree.
ments; Mertgages, &e., at his Office, Winthrop.
•tar A fair trial given -with all Inipeernents.
.• • 1100
Fon the renieval of
worms of all klieet
t'ront children or adults;
tete D. SMITH'S
.1:02 E N GIES. AlwaYe
rnd pleasant,ingliffingsiolfter medicine. Kevec
• Leave usbacl after effects.
' irsileea 25 cent* per boas
. ••• '
Sea/brill Furniture
—AND --
Undertaking Wareroome
If you Want good value for your money,
don't forget to give' M. Robertson a- eall
before buying elsewhere You will find
his stock very large and varied, and prices
to suit the times. •
The Undertaking Department is replete
with every sanitary convenience, as re•
commended by the Undertakers' Associa-
tions of the continent. We pay particular
attention to the science of embalming, as -
demonstrated by eminerit professors at the
Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet-
ter prepared, than ever to furnish and Pon. •
duct funerals on More reasonable terms to
our patrons than ' any secalled 41 reform
iendertakers," with their advertising clap- 4
Warerooms-One 'door south of the
.Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth.
Banking House,,
(In cennection with the Bank of Montreal.)
• LOGAN -1k CO.,
Now in heir own premises'. on Market Street
Seaforth, oppo' site A. Strong's office. •
General Banking Business done, drafts issued
and cashed. Intereet.allowed On deposits,
On good notes oy mortgages.
ed of Cotton Root, Tansy and
Pennyroyal -prepared by in, old phys
ician. IN successfully used monthly
by thousands of women, and has been
prescribed in a practice of over thirty
years, , Price, $1. Will be mailed te any address
in Canada, and UnitedStates. Doctor's 'Consul.
Wien hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4. Diseases of
women- treated only.. Sealed art:oilers,tao
stamps. Ladies only. ' Address. POND L/LY
COMPANY, NO. 35_FiShe -Meek 131 Woodward
Avenue, Detroit, michipu, 1135.13
vir.. .-;g1m.es..m,
NewRooss-s-OverDaley's store,
next door south of Robb'S grocery
Main street (einstside), Seaforth. . 941 •
ri CARTWRIGHT & sox, Den.
• • ese.">. V. Meta, ef Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit Blyth the
'II ';:r IAA Thursday, and following Fri.
day of each month, at vtat's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday- of every month at
Peine's Hotel, and Hensel! the Iollewinglimrs.
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he
Will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex.
tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re-
moves *early all pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please eel' early in the morning -of the
first day. Charges moderate. Terme cash. .984 -
TT KINSMAN, Dentist, D".
- .4.1t • 0, Exeter, Ont. tt7flI be at
; Eurich_A at the Huron Hotel, *tithe
Teeth extracted with the least painposeible. All *
work lirst-elass atliberal rates. 971
V.&. )IARTIN, L. D. S., Honor graduate of
the Royal College cif Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. 4JI the anesthetics ueed for th-e
painless extraction of teeth. -Office-Garfield
Block; BRUS SE LS, 10054 L
Ica E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon
,flj, and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127
If. HANOVER, It. D. C. M., Graduate of
McGill University, Physician, Surgeon
an Aceoucheur, Seaforth, Ont, Mine and re.
sidence-North side Goderich street., first brick
house east of the Methodiet church. 961
DRS. ELLIOTT & -GUNN, Brucedeld, Lion.
tides • Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. •Brueefield, Ont. 980
"f 0. SCOTT, IL D. &o., Physicien, Stirgeon,
. and Accoucher, fleet:gbh; Ont. atm arid
-residence South aide of Goderich street, fieoand
Door oast of the Presbyterian Church, .842
XV 01 the College of Physicians and Surgeons;
Seaforth, Ontario. Ofilee .and raddenoe
same RS occupied by Dr. Vane°. 1348
A LEX, BETHUNE, M. D, Fellow of The
Royal College of PEisiciansandSurgeons
-.Kingston. Successor to Dr. Mackid, 01E4
.lately occupied by Dr: Mackid, Main Street,
Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Victoria Square,
in house lately occupied by Ie E. Dancey.
Dr. Mackid has gone to the Northwest and
Dr. Bethune bas taken hie practice,. The
Doctor will be found in Dr. Mitelcid's office
during the day and at hie own residence durleg
Th. night. 1127x12
-I- 1'. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer /or -fibs
_ County el Huron. Bales attended In al
pats of the County. All orders left at Tee
EXPOSITOR Offi00 Win be p/Oltptiv attended 50.
Hits rooms at the Cady Mal 013Peeite the
Commercial Hotel, where .he an be' coneulted
OD all chronic diseases of both sexes, Con-
sumption, Aetteria &c. •treated successfully by
Inhalation of Oxygenized Air and Medicated
Vapors, Catarrh, Nervotes Debilityand Private
Diseaseec:ured a,iew days. Call or address
:Dr PhiIiips,
NO VV1TME $IES*A FtEbtilPata-•
it 1