The Huron Expositor, 1889-10-18, Page 71884}, lie. al [-all othen Fastness- g.00d. ause the inferzot; _ or-, weak - sure fig DrAsion es, Socks - Feathers - warrarii pack. any othei ive mort Ors- Ask othez FOR CENTS - re nook free. & raves ES iment oner Main forth; d and sore ,Ane ;• Ringer, asc., Clock Ives, atforth. srn :et of Info :ffectualiy Sairsapais tit And no poisonous from the on to. this 'suffering - •heuroatio vith great variants waters, advertise - L, maxi bad sing cam - >y taking echlect to -- and. took , and am :fleeted s ad nore. Irving - York, tiR with nng eons. . I came • debilia ty system minenced began to strength: a health:: se of thie- s.-- L. A. if, Man. = 0--a bottle-. ;ale RtY, r. V are et> in outfits more or stumped. asascs -on more- so/mention .aeo stereo shithead. ke. and log GI moat- arated to -.markets. OSSelSa S- tier - got his Oared to PrisiG iday of Litton OCTOBER 18, 1889. •01000 -or .4E14 • a THE R CRON EXPOSITOR. TliCkerfiallith 0011.tIO1 The council raet at oDaly's hetet, Eg- gnondville, on October Ist ; members all resent; minute: of last meeting- read And passed, By-laws were passed op- sointing 'treasurer- and collector. The psis. officers; Treasurer Murrarand Col- lector Sproat, presented their- bonds, which, being eatisfactory, were accept- ed. The reeve reported that Mr. Wal- lace had agreed to stemove the dam corn - Wiled of at lot 2, concession 4, Huron d Survey. The reeve was appointed oommittee of the council twassist the treasurer in the management of the Township Sinking and School funds. The clerk Was instructed to place upon the colleetor's roll for collectiou an ac- count egainst the parties who had failed to do their statute labor, and also against parties who had. omitted paying fence viewers theirfees. Several small ace-Ow:its were passed for payment. The following yearly, rates were or- dered to be levied upon and collected frem the property liable for the re-- spectiVe rates : For countypurposes, the stun- of f;3,341.51,,requiring a -rate of 1.58.milla on the dollar. - For town-- ship.purposesathe sum of $1,270, re- uirmg a rate of 0 -10th of a mill on the oiler. For railway bonus interest and sinking fund, the sum of $811.45, re- quiring a rate of 4.10th of 'a mill on the dollar. For general school purposes, the Sum of $2,648, requiring- a rate of 1.3 -10th mills on the dollar. For special schoel purposes, namely, to meet the payment of school loan debenture of $1,000, with interest, $1,960 requiring a rate of 52 -100th mill on the dollar. For. union school No. 1, MoKillop, the sum of $145,11, requiring a rate of It mills on the dollar. A by-laW was passed in accordance. The tewnship board system of school government havnig been abolished, it became necessary to divide the township into sections; The new division does Oot of course agree with the old division, because of certain changes made in the sites of tear school- houses. The Donis berg agree With the -old arrangeraent, evoke that No. 11 in the old becomes No. out the new division. There are but ten sections. It is necessary that the people should know exactly the _Eras of the nations, and for this rea- son I ask you, Mr. Editor, to give me room for the following statement. The lots named are in all cases included . No. 1 comprises. lots 1 to 12 on the 1st and 2nd concessions, London Road Survey; lots 1 to 11 on the 3rd. con- cession, and all the lots on ,concessions 14 and 15, Huron:Road Survey. - No. 2 comprises lots 13 to 24,. conees- siert 1, London Road Survey, lots I-3.to 25, on the 2nd concession, _London Road Survey; lots 12 to 25, on the 3rd con - Cession, and lots 15 to 21, on the 4th cencession, Lendon Road Survey. No. 3 comprising lots 25 to 37 On the. Jit concession, London Road. Survey, in- cluding Our part of the village of Bruce - field, lots 26 to 37 on the 2nd and 3rd concessions, London Road Survey;, lots 26 te 32, on the 4th concession, Loudon Road Survey, and lots south part of 27, 28,29 and 31, on the 5th concession, London Road Survej. No. 4 comprisesnots 38 to the Clin- ton ;boundary, 1st concession, London Road Survey, lots 38 to 45, on the 2nd concession, London Road Survey'lots 38 to 40 on the 3rd concession, London Road Survey ; lot 30 to the Clinton boundary on the let concessiop, -Huron Survey; lots 30 to 36 on the 2nd con '- cession Huron Road Survey;and lots 30 and 31, on the 3rd concession, Huron Road Survey., ants applied *hat stimulants and reme- dies they had at hand, 'and by degreets their strange little visitor gave signs of returning _animation and vitality, and after a refreshing sleep in the look-' out " room, took in with much coinplara ency the novelty of his new surround- ings. The child- was will.dressed in warm clothes, and one of the men de- ' clues that he saw a man and woman hurriedly draw out in a boat from the. direction of the lighthouee and pull swiftly across the lake. Enquiries were. set on foot in every direction, and infor- mation sought over the whole neighbor- hood that would be likely to lead ..to the identification of- the heartless couple though without success, Meanwhile the child has been.visitedby many. resi- dents in the locality of the lake, and seems pretty comfortable in his new quarters. • The lighthouseekeeper is per- plexed as to what course to adopt and has written to the Hon. Ur; Tupper's department at Ottawa for instructions as to the disposition of the little derelict. . -The selection Of Pierre as the capital of South Dakota bids fair in create a tremendous boom there.. Strangers are locking into the city by thousands, every train being loaded with prospec- tors and speculators. Over $500,600 worth of property changed hands Satur- day. Lots which could have been bought a week ago . for $100 sold for $1,000. The people are excited. The town is in a constant hubhub‘ night and day, and it is impossible to preserve ordes.' -Advices from Borneo State that the Ghaesin, a secret society, notorious in China for lawless -deeds, had gained great strength in Sarawak, the British colony in Borneo, a,ad was prepared to take vengeaece on all Chinesewho re- fused to recognize its authority. The authoritiee,learned of the conspiracy and arrested fifty leading members of the society. r Six prisoners were 'shot and eleven flogged, branded, and exiled: This society almost compassed the mur- der of the foreigners in Sarawak a gen- eration ago. Several hundred were then hanged or shot. A branch of this society exists in San Francisco, and its members are among the most desperate of the highbinders. No. 5 comprises lots 5, 6 and 7 on the 2nd and 3rd concessions, Huron- Road. Survey; lots 1 to 12 on the 4th and 5th concessions,Huron Road -Survey; lets 1 to on the 6th concession, and lots 1 to 7 on the 7th concession; Huron Road Survey. No. 6 comprises lots 41 to 29 on the lit, 2ad and 3rd concessions, Huron Road Survey; lots 21 to 26 on the 4th concession Huron Road Survey, and lots 21 to ist on the 5th concession, Hu- ron Road Sorvey. No. 7 comprises lots 14s -to 20 on the -1st concession, Hoop Road Survey, in- cluding Harpurhey, lots 14 to 20 on the 2nd and 3rd concessions, Huron Road Survey ; lots 19 and 20 on the 4th con- cession, Huron Road survey; lots 31 and. 32 on the 5th concession, London Road Survey; tots 29, 30, 31, and 32 on the 6th concession, London Road Survey; lots 29 and 31 on the 7th concession London Road Survey; lots 13 and 14, on the 4th concession, Huron Road Sur- vey.; lots 13 and laton_the 5th comes- sion, Huron Road Survey, and the east part of lot 27, on the 5th concession, London Road Survey. No. 8 compriseslot 13 to the Seaforth boundary. on the 1st concession, .Huron Road Survey; lots 8 to 13 onathe 2,1d and 3rd concession, and including the ; village of Egrnondvilleand so much of the railway as lies, west of Seaforth. Nc. 9 comprises lots 9 to 14 on the 6th concession,'Huron Road . Survey Iota 8 to 14 on the 7th concession, Huron Road Survey ; lots I t� 14 on the 8th concession, Huron Road Survey ; lots - 24,25 and 26 on the 5th concession London Road 'Survey ; lots 22, 23,24 and 25.on the 4th concession, London Road Survey; lots 1 to 12 on the 9th. concession, ,Huron Road Survey, ands lot 10 on the 10th concession,...Huron'. Road Survey. slsjo.10-coinprises lot 1 to 9 on the 10th. concession ; lots 1 to 10 on the Ilth concession, lots 1 to 8, on the 12th con- =cession, ,and lots 1 to 7 on the 13th , -The Earl and Countess of • Meath joined in the children's service in the schoolroom- of St. James' church, Chi- cago,on Friday 4th inst. At its conclusion the Earl said that the foundress of the Ministering Children's League, of which order it seems Most of the children pres- ent were members; was present, and he would therefore give way to her. Lady Meath, a handsome and kindly -looking woman, bowed and then spoke pleasant- ly to the ehildren for: a half hour or more. She told how she had founded -the eider in London four and one-half years ago, and said that now there were members in nearly every country on the globe. The only object'of the society, according to the foundress, is to induce each of its members to do at least one kind act every day. School Reports. ROXBORO, Mclina,or.-Fourth Class -Rebecca McClure, Clara Story, Fanny Hays. Third Class -Nellie McMillin, Maggie Grieve, g; -.A. Sparling. Senior Second Class -Mabel Cash, 0:' Sperling, Bella Neilans and Phemie Kyle. Junior Second Cless-Mary McMillan, Fanny McClure, 'Nettie Dickson and Willis Story. Senior First Class -Frank Story, .Andrew Dodds, Ettie Cash. Junior First Class -Walter. Mc Milian, George Durk:, Maggie McClure. No. 2; EAY.-Fifth Class -John Chapman. Senior Fourth Class --Homer Rossell, James Campbell, Willie Mur- ray. Junior Fourth Class -Ellen Shir- ray, Alf. MeTaggart, Chas. Chapman. Third Class -David Shirray, Rachel -Atkinson Kate Chapman, Second Class—Matthew Tin ney, Alice Geoid, Willie Hawkins. Senior Second Part CIass-Maud Russell, Beatrice WArren, Jessie Hawkins. Junior Second Part Class. -Esther- Corbett, Nellie Gould, Sarah -Corbett and Ralph Chapman equal. First Part Class-Beckie North- cott, Ellen Corbett, Sarah Tinney. SECTION No. 1, gULLETT.-Fourth Class Senior -Maggie MC Michael; Ettie Proctor, Bella Aitclreson, Lorenzo Proctor. Fourth Class Junior -George Irwin, Malcolm Mcbermid, James Jamieson, Isabella -McCully. ' Third Class -Willie McMullen, Sarah Bennet; Harriet Dale, Lizzie Dale. Second Class -Nancy McMichael, Richard Proctor,- Melvin Irwin, 'Charlotte • Free - map, First Class, Senior -Bella Robert- son, Everet Irwin, John McDermid. Horace Bennet. First, Class, Junior - Mary Jamieson, Jennie McGregor; John Hawthorn, Thornas McMichael. of pestilence. It is riaid that the visits of the plague to Western Europe and Britain have ceased from thetime when rats became plentiful. , Their sense of smell is very acute, so much so thatratonstchers are careful to glove their hands when setting their trips. The professional rat-catcher in -England wears a.brass image of a rat as a sign of his bosinessa The ways and means of catching them are a profession- , al secret. They procure them alive and sell them to riapit keepers. These pit, keepers have a sort of bole *here they let the rats loose and. dogs are • set ou them. Crowds a boys and men pay to see this cruel sport. The skin of rats is made into gloves in Paris, and in Siberia there is a field mouie that stores up such quantities of dried roots and ether food to last though the long winter of that *nary that half-starved .people there hunt their bests and carry off most of the food for their own use. A. troop of trained rats were exhibited some time ago, dressed like men and *oaken. They walked on their hind lege and went through a sort of play,one act of which was to hang a cat and dance arounckthe body. . Fall Vegetables. The country housekeeper is to largely dependent on vegetables in feeding her family, that it is very necessary that she ' should know how to serve them daintily and with variety. After the early vege- tables have gone, many later ones Come on, and a- great =soy very delightful dishes can be prepared from them which will tempt the appetite of the family. Diced Turnips. --:Pare, slice, cut in dice an inch square, boil until done in as little water as possible; to one quart. of turnips add one teaspoonful of sugar, with a pinch of salt. When boiled as dry as possible, add - half a teacup of cream and a beaten egg. Serve hot. Browned Turnips. -Pare the turnips, cut in long slices and boil thirty min- utes. Drain.. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter in a frying -pan ; when hot, add the turnips with a tablespoonful of sugar; stir and turn carefully until the slices are nicely browned; dust with salt and pepper • and serve. Browned turnips are served with roast ducks. Fall Squash. -Cut up, take out the. inside, pare the pieces and stew in as little water as will cover them. Cook until tinder, mash, and let stand on the fire, stirring to dry out the water; season with butter, cream, Bait and pepper. Baked Squash. -Cut up in small° pieces and cook tender, mash dry; to a pint of squash add two beaten eggs, half a, cup of milk, a tablespoonful of sugar and a little salt and pepper; put in a baking -dish and bake brown. - Baked Pumpkin. -Cut ilthe pumpkin in helves, then in quarters, take out the seed. _Place the pieces in- a baking - pan with the rind down and bake . until tender. concession. The council adjourned' to meet at Dixon's hotel, Brueefield, on the lst day of November, at 10 o'clock, when the treasurer will 'attend to pay parties having contracts with the council, News Items. -The Government has just`falien heir to a somewhat angular and perplexing legacy. One day last week the keeper of the lighthouse above Lancaster,. On- tario, on Lake St. Fran-Oist, was startled by repeated cries from the outside of his watch -house, and' for some hours was unable to trace their origin. At last the good man, true tri his instincts of hu- manity, took a boat and.. rowed round the rock, and there to his eurprirei found a bundle lying on the outer edge of the rock, which contained a live child. The poor little mortal, on being rowed to a place of shelter, sent up a piteous cry, and was almost exhausted froiu. hunger and exposure. The keeper andhis mist- \TIMM %VS Original and only -reliable. Beware of poor imitations. All .About Rats. The black and brown rats are particu- larly deserving of notice, and are the most widely distributed over the world, according to a writer in the San Fran- cisco Chronicle. It is not known where or how they were introduced into ,Eur- ope first but it must have been in recent times, as the aucients did not know them. They both appear to be natives of the central part of Asia.' The brown rat found its way to Europe in the begin- ning of the eighteenth century, and reached Britain and the western coun- tries of Europeabout the middle of that epoch. = The Jacobites_ of Britain had - the Dation that they came withthe house -of Hanover, as they appeared abo-ut that time, and therefore chose to call them the Hanoverian rat. They are sometimes erroueously called the Norway rat • The brow,n rat is larger and more powerful that the black rat, and they are deadly foes. The brown- rat has succeeded in causing an almost totalalis- appearance of the black rat in places where it was very numerous. Accord- ing to Mr. Rodewell's theory, the man- ner in which the brown rat has sup- planted its black foe is by love instead of war,.. The browns being -the stronger, carry off the females' of the blacks by force, and thus he accounts for -the cur- ious kind of particolored offspring which may be found in Fraoce. These rats in- fest ships, and so are carried to the most distant parts of. the world, some of them getting ashore at every port and estab- lishing new colonies. The black rat is nearly seven inches long, and the brown grows to be ten inches, with a tail eight' inches long, Both species are extreme- ly' prolific, producing from ten to four- teen at a birth. When they are pressed by hunger they do not hesitate to devour the weaker of' their kind. The rat's never -failing appetite is eea. pecially useful in devouring animal and vegetable substances, the putrefaction of which would otherwisebe productive : • -Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired •from practice, hay ing had placed In his hands by an Bait India nussionary the formula - of a pimple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat arid Lung -Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful .curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it WS duty to make it known to hissuffering fellows. Actuated by this motiVe and a desire- to, relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German,. French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail' by addressing with stamp, namingthis parW. A. Nores„ 149 -Power's Block, Roches. er,k . Y. • • 1093-26-e.o.w - 1111111111=1111111=1111101.11111.111.1MIN • Catarrh is in the blood. No cure for thls loathsoine and dahgerous disease is possible until the poison is thoroughly eradicated from the system. For this!purpose,- Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the best and most economical medicine. Prim $1. Six bottles, $5. Worth 45 a bottle. VISE NEW SMOZE STORY s-ertgerly sought for, read with pleasure or lisappointment, is then tossed aside and 'orgotten. But ladies wbo read of Dr. ?ierce's Favorite 'Prescription, read it igain, for they discover ins it something to nize-a messenger of joy to those suffering 'lam functional derangements or from any g the painful disorders or weaknesses pe- sullar to their sex. Periodical pains, in- ernal inflammation and ulceration, leudor- lea and kindred ailments readily yield to to wonderful curative and healing powers., 1 is the only medicine for women, sold by lruggists, under a poffitive guarantee 1.rom the manufacturers, that it will give ntisfaction ini every caseor money will )13 refunded. This guarantee has been minted on the bottle -wrappers; and faith - !oily canoe& out for many yearn. 7. • Copyright, WM, by WORLD'S Dis. KIM Ansists A Strong Following. ANY diseases result from neglected condi- JYl'potion, such as sick headache, bad blood, foul humors, heartbitrin dizziness and general ill health. From one to three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to cure constipation and all diseases caused by irregularity of the• bowels. . Severely Atta,cked. T WAS severely attacked with diarrhoea and vomiting, the pain was intense and I thought I could not live till morning. Six doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cured me and I have not had the, least symptom of it since. • • Mna. Aram Horgixs, • • Hamilton, Ont. - In ManyFO-ims _ . .• YSPEPSIA assumes Many phases, all dis- agreeable to the sufferer, yet it takes- no .tform whioh from two to four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters will not cure. A. B. B. cures dys- pepsia, tones the weak stomach, aids digestion, sharpens the appetite and renovates the entire Cannot ,Fait R.S. JOHN E. THOMPSON, of Shelburne, In Province Quebec, writes: My two child.' ren received great benefit from Fowler's Extict of Wild Strawberry for Diarrhoea and summer complaint. I me it according to direction and they soon recovEled. Be sure and get the gen- uine. esiiiessimismisseessmi system. DOCTOR kiseme is, "In PIERCE'S 1111 W 119 .r PELLETS/ *K Xis zutt ..... — UV Flu.. rarely regd. ArgiL Tirs.7 table and Harmless Unequaled as a Liver P111. Sinallest, steepest, easiest to take., One Pellet St Dose. Does not gripe. Cures Sick Head. ache, Bilious Headache, Constici tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attae mad all -derangements of the stomach an bowels. Put alp in glass vials. hermetically sealed. Alvrays fresh and reliable.; Gently laxative, or an active cathartic, according to size of dose. 25 cents, by druggists. The Hay Saw 4ncl PIaning Mill. On Lut 25, Concession 14, Township of Hay, Zurich P. 0. & J. C. Kalhfleisch, Proprietors. The umicrsi 'lied keep copal antly on hand at the above mills a full and complete assortment of all kinde of Doors, :Sashes and Planed Lum- ber. Also a lot of Hemlock Lumber at trona 83 to $7 per 1,) 00 feet. Custom work promptly -a, 1-ided to. BMs cut to ordee„..on the shortest notie Estimates for new buildings g.ven, - reParties intending to build would find it to their advantage to apply to us 94 we have all material at first cost and are prepsred to do cheap and good work and sill material guaran- teed. •H. &J. C. KALBPLEISCH, I118.tf Zurich P. 0. ALESM E. WANTED. Having done business in Canada for the past *30 yeare, our reputation and responsibility are well known;- We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory No pre- vious experience required. Write us for terms, which are very liberal, before engaging, with any s- other firm. ti • REFERENCES.- Bradstreet's or Dun Wiiran & CoMTherCial Agencies, well known to busi- ness men ; r $tandard Bank, Colborne, Ont. wiAsi BROTHERS' COMPANY.' . NURSERYMEN, COLBO BNB, - ONTARIO. - 1187.24 T1+0 M BUSINESS COLLEGE, St. 'Thomas Ont. College le.opens gelitember.2. This College:10 now generally sane ed to be 000 ,01 the leading institutions of 1 ind- n the Dominion. This is shown by the, fad that Ex.STUD$NTS OF TIMM OTHER COMM! WERE IN ATTENDANCE DURING PE. PAST 7141111, while the attendance was oyer 100 per cent greater than during any preceding term. Over 80 per 'cent. of the graduates are now Occupyin good positions, . Jar Our handsomely Illustrated Catalogue will_be ,mailed to any address on application,. PHILLIPS & CARL, jPrincipals and Proprietors' 1131 24 From Bad to Worse. SCROFULA leads to consumption. From three to six bottles of Burdock Blood Bit- ters will cure scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas; boils pimples, blotches, tetter, :shingle, Scald head, sore eyes, and all skin affections, by cleansing the system and removing all iinpuro matter that causes bad blood. • Tried! Tested t Proved!. - A:YEAR ago last, .suminer I was tioubled with dysentery. .1 proeured Dr. Fowler's Ex tract of Wild Strawberry and.took according- to directions, which completely cured me:. Ron. ERT E. GREEN'Lyndhurst, Ontario.- This =di - eine cures all looseness of thebowels. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOR :- rlease inform your readers that I have a posi- tive -remedy for the above nanaed disease.' By its timely use thousands -of hopeles cases have been permanently cured. I shallbe glad to;send two bottles of my remedy MEN to any of your readers who have • consumption if they will bend the their Express and Post Office address. • Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM. 1089-52 87 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. issemeememeeilommese Decreasing-:the-DeathRate. The matality among Consumptives has been materially decreased of late years by the use of • Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites of Li1110 and Soda. Phthisis, liron- chitia, Abscess of the Lungs, Pneumonia and Throat Affections are completely subjugated by a timely use of this excellent pulmonic. Palat- able as milk. Sold by all druggists at 50c. and $1.00. Lime. !., Lime ! The B6dmin Lime ,Works . - Ar. Otuated tioiittwo n Iles East of Belgrave WI Lot 9, Cenci ssion • 4, Thi under signed will keep any quern ity of Fresh Lime alwa;a en hand aid will sell •at a reasonable price. This Lime has been thoroaghly tested and proves to be one of the best white limes in Cansda. Lime delivered to any part on the shortest notice. This Lime will also be kept for tarts at loodesboro, ( Hilton and Ooderieh. DI Address either by letter or telegraph J. J. DOWNEY, Proprietor.. 1108 ,IBELGRAVE • I - ••••••••••••••••••••11101/111•11•1.1/071111•6, N INC OWDE PM'S BEST FPIPID "TEMEREEIMPI - BAR 'FOR SERVICE. -A very fine young Berkshire Boar, nine months old, bred from prize stook on both side!. Terms. -$1 at the _time of service, with the privilege _of returning' if necessary. GEORGE TROTT, Seaforth. • 1115 QUFVOLK BOAR. -The undersigned wit keep during the present season, on Lot 211, concession 6 Usborne, one quarter . mile from the North -Boundary, a first elses Suffolk pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken, Terms $1, with privilege of returning if necessary. THOMAS CUDMORE. 11.37x4 John S . Porter'! Undertaking and Furth- tUre 'Emporium, SEA -FORTH, ONTARIO. OUTSHIm OP THE COMBINATION: Funera'sifurnished on the Shortest notice and satisfaction -guaranteed. :A large assort- ment of Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, &c. always on hand of the best quality.. -The bes of Embalming Fluid used free of charge and prices the lowest. Fine Hearse. • S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Direntor. Bed. dence- GODERICH STREET, directly op. posite the -,Methodist church in, the house. formerly ()Coupled by Dr. Scott. • lklaVO4' - • gu;e4.0 §ggim zrt:i6ti Plres gl-§;firg- % g 24 to Rog Ot cats P.3. • • g 5.;'; " .0 aks: 4'81 go; -1" 0 16341,;- O „ig• rt115::::; 2.70 gP° x• Pa. 759.6 'T Pi 5 :fgcrig • 3- 0.; fD P; t Fn o Ft • Worms cause much sickqess ainong childrer. Freeman's Worm Powdsrs prevent thie, and make the child bright and healthy. ' Neveraliow the bowels to remain constipated Jest seriouff. evils ensile. National Pills are un- surpassed a -remedy for constipation., Victoria Carbolic Salve is a WondeRul hE sling compound for cuts, wounds, bruises, - Sold b 'scalds, bollsafiles, pimples, &c. . Drugglil URSERY'' = 5K1N &SCAL,P!C '1?M• f-irri' r; 25 C -PWLDRUGG1ST3I1 Et1T; AVIS &LAVVRENCE. Go, Lt,t101477RVALPRO McKillop Directory for 1889 JAMES HAYS, Reeve and Warden, Seafoirth P. O. JOHN BEN'NEWIES, Deputy Reeve, Ward 1, Dublin P.O. • JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech. wmd P. 'O. , JOHN monism, Conneillor, Ward 3, Win throp P. 0. CHARLES DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Sea. forth g. 0. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win throp P. O. ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop P. 0 DR. HANOVER, Medical Health Officer, Sea forth. WM. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead - bury -P. 0. , 1013ti Or114100-, e=0. ' 191011911: 42111 "PIP0a4 044344 .„2.,,2! °r3t. aff it4= Pihrslitn: A Alleibiturripq - . . v. ppg.,......,,,,,,,, .3 a4f,iptipl gra: a ri!kig;;;„?' piWoltiva F: 42,1101411 :744 M FA: r , 1 '14" lit -COO- , Pz.:411221 4 PENNYROYAL WAFEROused mom hie by over 10,000 sa'dies; are safe, pleasant• , sure in effect; a lady's greatest friend • et home or abroad; $1 per box IV mail et item druggist. Beefed particulars 2a stamp, Address ECREliA CH LUCA I. CO., DETROIT, MICR* LUMSDEN it WILSON, Chemists and , Seaforth, Ont. 1121-52 CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned 2so will keep during the prehent season on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. it S. Tuckersmith, a Thor ough Bred Chester White Pig_to which a linited number of sows will be taken. This pig was farrowed on May 15th, 1887, was bred by. a. li. Todd, of Wakenian, Huron County, Ohio, one of the moot extensive and reliable breeders in the.United States. This 'Pig has also taken firstpdies whereever shown. Terms Ili Pay able at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary. G'EORGE PLEWES 1039.i.f. - Brussels Lime Kilns. To Farm.ers and Builders. W. F. KELLY, Of the- Brussels Lime Kilns, is now prepared to supply any amount of GOOD FRESH LIME For -Plastering, Bricklayirig or Stone Work. I will deliver the lime in Seaforth or vicinity for 18 cents per bushel. Orders promptly filled. If by mail, address 1066t1 w; .F. -KELLY, Brussels •Lime Works The Great English' Prescription Cures Weakness, Spermatarrhea. Missions, Impotency and all diseases caused by self•abuse or indiscretion. One package $1, eperseanta $5, by mail. Write for laraps, pamphlet. 'EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. For sale by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Chemists & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. ST . iti-Tom.A_S WHITE BRONZE - Monument Co. The Day Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Our material is endorsed by leading scientist as being prictically irrperishable. .It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affect ed by the frost. Send for Designs and Terms to • VETERINARY. TOON GRIMM, V. B., Honor gradusts of r.) -Ontario Veterinary College. All dimities of Domestic Animals treated, Calk_promptly attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a 'specialty. Offic-a--•At Weir's Royal Hotel, Sesforth. 3,11241 "DRANK S. Beattie,Y, S., graduate of Ontirio X Veterinary College, Toronto, Xenber of the Veterinary Medical Society, etc., treats all ems" of the Domesticated Animals. All calla promptly attended to either by day or night. Charges moderate. Special' attention given to veterinary dentistry. Offiee on Main Street, Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's, Hardware *tore, 1112 • EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Cerner of Jarvis and Goderich Streets% next door to the Presbyterian Church, _Seaford; Ont. AU die - ease* of )107001 Cottle, Sheep, or any of ths do - medicated anii;sols, sumaidully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter - Wary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Teterin ary Medicines kept constantly on had, W. M. OIFFIN7 Clinton. DR FOWLERS 1EXT: OF** WILD • TRIWBERRY CURES LE hoteralviorbw: 0 C A --1 ITUIRON AND BRUCE , Loan and Investment. CiO3VIP.A.1\T-"Z' This Company is Loaning Money or., Farm 'Security at lowest Rates of kterest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed or, Deposits, wording to amount and time left OFFId,E.-Corner of Market Squart and North Street, Godericli. HORACE HORTON, MA.NAGER Goderich, Augud 5th,1885. . 922 Planing Mill,Lumber Yard - AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION ' The subscriber would beg.to call attention to • the large.sthek of dressed and undressed lumber which- he •olways keeps on hand, at the Very lowest prices. • Bill Stiffcut to any order on Short Notite.., Good Ceder cut into_ timber or posts. Contracts taken for every descriptions of buildings, ,s ') • L including all work: 'Charles Querengesser, 1105 - Lot 31, Conceision 8, Logan, John C. Morrison, -AGENT FOR Tug - :WOOD 3E3IINTDM With onei canvas; the best in the market. Farmers are requested to see it before pur- chasing any other.' oAlso the U. T. K. HAR. ROW. - Autdioneer for McKillop. The best of satisfaction guaranteed and, sale notes purchased. ' also be willing to execute Wills, Agree.. ments, Martgars 8re„ at hie office Winthrop. JOIN C. MORRISON, Wint1172.. A YSENTERY AND ALL 'SUM M ER COM PLAINTS 4ND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS T IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FDR :HILDREN OR ADULTS. Seaforth Furnittire -AND- Undertaki4 Warerooms LEGAL 11 TATTHEW 'MORRISON, Walton, Insuranc. ,au_ Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavit*, Conveyances, &e. Money to,loan at the lowed rates. M. Mezirsox, Walton. rITE. HAWEINGS,Solicitor,eto. 0oe-0141 . Block, .opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea. orth. 074 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, ko. Moo- d BOOM One Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground ffoer next door to Beams butcher shop. Agents-Camazon, Hora &Oakum 870 ri ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barrieters, Q.1,70.it;:•vram,.&pc2,0.,ursGeidpeoreric.h, Ontario. J. . T. asaa,0686,•-- (1AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barxisiers, f3olioitoro in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. IL C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M., G. CAMERON. 71-1 J. OWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, dre ,1,1„ Late of Victoria, B. C. Office --Over Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pri- vate funds to loan at et and 6 per cent. 1085 frANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, In,. Conveyancers, Asc. Solicitors for the'Rsat of Jftneton, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. B. MANNINO, JAMES SOOT% 781 HOLMESTED, successort,o thi. "ate firm cd McCaughey &_ Hohnestecl, Barrister, So. licitoi, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the CanadisuBank of Commerce. Money to lend. F_armaforlsale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street. Sialorth. 11-1ICKSON HAYS, formerly with *ems. Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderieh ;, Bar- risters. Solicitors, etc.,. Seaforth and Brnesels. Seaforth Office-Cardno's Block, Main Street. - R. S. HAYS. W. B. DICKSON. MbneytoLoan. 1127 MONEY TO LOAN. 1UT0NETO LOAN. -Straight loans at, 4 per cent, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any c_time. Apply to F. HOLM4TED, Barrister 1-Seaforth. , 850, DENTISTRY. s. DENTIST, : 1CawRoome-OverDaley's store, • next door south of Robb's grew), Main street (east side), Seaforth. 941 G L. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, and IX. M. IL C. D. 8.01 Toronto. Vitalized Air given. Latest improvements in Dentistry ob- served. Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth, _hours 9 a. m, to 6 p. .121. Fees reasonable. B. B. MORIES, D. D. S., of Philadelphia, Assistant. 980 CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den. kj. tide, of Exeter, Ont 0110 of the above will visit Blyth the last Thursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit, Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Bengali the following Thurs- day of every month ot Reynold's Hotel, where he will perforra all dental operations. Teeth ex. tracted with a new Jaw anesthetic, *Soh re- moves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will pleam call early in the morning of the firsfday. Charges moderate. Terms -cash: 984 a•••••,.. $.• vve," IiINSIIAN, Dentist, L. D. II. 8., Exeter, Ont. Will be at „ 14. Zurlch_t attheHuron Hotel, ()nth* • • - - THUESDAY IN RACE MONTE Teeth extracted with theleast painpoosible. All work first-class at liberal rates._ . 971 A. MARTIN, L. S., Honor graduate of - X4, the Royal Col e of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All the theties used for the' painless extraction of teeth. Office -Garfield Meeks BRUSSELS. 10064.1. - If yeti want good value for your money, don't forget to give M. Robertson a call hefo,re buying elsewhere You will find his stook very large and varied, and prices to suit tbe times. The Undertaking Department iareplete with every sanitary convenience, as re- commended by the Undertakers' Associa- tions of the continent. We pay particular attention to the science of embalming, as demonstrated by eminent professors at the 'Torento School of Medicine, and are bet- ter prepared than ever to furnish and con - duet funerals on more reasonable term,' to our patronnthan any so-called " reform widertakers,n,with their -advertising clap- trap. • Warerooms-One door south of the Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. iliesmassommilimmiim THEFARMERS' Banking • House, SM.A....F 0 1R/IISI.. (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) G A N 86 0., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in heir own premises on Market Street Seaford!, opposite A. Strangle office. --General Banking Business done, drafts issued and °oohed.- Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY. TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. JOHN WEIR. VVM. LOGAN., Or A fair tr al 'given with all Impfetnents. ' 1058 WORMS volt the removal of worms of all kinds fromchildren or (dulls U DR. SMITH'S G ISM AGrNernsaWtime0:vRolaayaafes- epro nItpEtN, ind pkagdit, requiring 130 after medicine. Never failing. UM, no bad after Offeet& Pelce,23 cents Per box.. _ TTON ROOT COMPOUND.-Conil2 ed of Cotton Root, Tansy and Pennyroyal -prepared by an Old phy- ician. Is Auqunsfully !melt :monthly by thousands of women, and has been prescribed in a practice of over thirty years, Price, $1. Will be mailed te any address in Canada and United States, Doctor's Consul- tation hours, 9 to 11 and 1 . 4. Diseases of women treated only. Sealed art eulars,- tuo stamps. ladies only, Address POND -LILY COMPANY„No. 3, Plebe Block 131 Woddward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. 113543-- No MEDICAL. MI • E. COOPER, IL V., Physician, Surgeon and Aceou,cher, Constance, Ont. 1127 TUX. HANOVER, M. D. C. IL, Graduate of V V MoGill University Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re. side.nce-North side Goderich street, first brkk house east of the Methodist church. 961 TNIAS-ELLIOTT & GVNN, Brueefield, lAcen. tildes Boyd College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brumfield, Ont. 980 j, lisidEl?.tccotichOTZ ifei.,Dgelart"rth,Y0 t 'Orge°13c1 residence South slide of Goderiehnst.reet,STerrid Door east -of the Presbyterian Church. - 842, .1.14 of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,- Seaforth, Ontario, Ofilee and residenoe same as oempied by Dr. Vereoe. 1100 W. BRUCE SMITH,_M. D , C. M., itemulair A LEX. BETHUNE, X. D. Fellow of the „aa_ Royal college of Physiciansandflurgeons, Kingston, Successor to Dr. Mackid. Office lately occupied by Dr. Heald, Main Street, Seaforth. Residence-oppotite corner south of Forbes' Livery Stable. Dr. Mackie' has gone to the Northwest end Dr. Bethune has taken his practice. The Doctor will be found in Dr. Ideekid's office during the day and at his own residence during the night, house with brick basement, comer south of Forbes: Livery Stable. 1127x12 .AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed .Auctioneer for the - -rats C4ofu:11 of Huron. All orders bIt .1 - Salos attended in- al. EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended'to.BS Dr. Phillips, OF TORONTO,, Has rooms at the Cady Block, opposite tie Commercial Hotel, where he can be consulted on all chronic diseases of both sexee, Con- sumption,Asithina &e. treated suecessfully by -Inhalation of Oxygenized Mr and Mediosted Vapors, Catarrh, Nervous Debility and Private . Diseases -cured in a few days. Call or address Dr. Phillips, 1117tf SEAFORTH, MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUED AT t5110N EXPOSITOR OHM, AFORTE, wrrNI rifin IlEOUtitfat,