HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-10-11, Page 5• Goderich
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Oaroun 11, 1889.
LeciAL DoTs.--Mrs. M. Zeller arrived
one last week after spending some
weeks- with her son Jacob In Cumber-
land, Wisconsin. She enjoyed her trip.
--Rev. J. W. Ortwine, of Listowel, has
.been here visiting his brother Henry.
'The reverend gentieman'smany- friends
mere pleased to see his whiling face once
-more,-Bev. Mr. Yager has taken a
-visiting trip to New Hamburg to see his
aother and other friends by the way. -
Mr. , Ruben Mini:teller and- family left
for Port Arthur last Friday. They took
the boat etGoderich. .He was a good
and worthy .citizen,and while all will
regret his removalrem here they will
wish him success in his new home. -
Mr. -Henry Wesloch has removed into
,John WesloOli's house. ---Mr. Charlet
Welber has removed into Mr. Zimmer -
man's house. -Mr. Philip Klotz arrived
;here from Germany a short time ago and
•is staying with his uncle, Mr. William
Bauch. He intends to work for Mr.
Bannie.-Mr. J. Williams' new resi-
dence is now completed all but the
painting. -Mr. Samuel Huch has been
-engaged as teacher in the Dashwood
• publicschool for next year. -Mr. Henry
D. &linen arrived heo a few days see
from Dakota, where he has been for
nearly two years, -Mr. D. S. Foust, our
genial merchant, now has his store well
filled for the fall trade,
and will have
somethiog of interest tosay to his cus-
- tomers and the publict-nextyreek.
Perth Items.
• —Mr, ChasAranatter, a, young Strat-
ford jeweler, has gong to Galveston,
Texas, to fill a good situation there. -
-Mt. J.J. ThOmpsen, of Avonbank,
has gone to Toronto to resume his stud
i -
ies n Trinity girlies' College.
-Several hundred people from Strat-
ford and vicinity took advantage .of the
cheap trip to Chicago and other points
In the west
-Mrs..Horn - of Whalenpi drove Mr.
Thomas Oak's team at Exeter and Lu-
' can fairy, securing the red on -
each oc-
• casion,
=Alexander Allan of Wallace town-
ship, has purchased a large tract of land
in the Northwest and intends settling
his ions upon it.
-The white oats- at. the Milverton
show that took firit prize went 48 lbs.
to the bushel, while the second. prize
was only one pounclbehind theta.
-Mrs. H. J. Hurlburt attended the
Women's Missionary Society Conven-
tionat Dundee, as a delegate from the
- Auxiliary braii-eh of Mitchell.
-Rev. Mr. Campbell has. been in-
ducted, into the -pastorship of the Bap-
tist -church, St, Mary, which has been
vacant for a year past. -
• -The. potato crop is very poor in
Downie. Those who planted on low
land have very few and a good many
Will have to buy, for their Own nse this
whiter. - ;,
e -An American horse buyer shipped
from St: Marys station, a few days ago,
fourteen tiVe-year-oldfillies, the aver-
age price being about $160. Who says
raising horsesdoesnot pe,371
-Mr.. Jetties Dow'of Mitchell; . has
returned from a visit to Manitoba. He
likes the country and will go back in
the: spring, and start -business either at
Brandon or Portage La Prairie.
-While speeding theirhorses on -the
track faiedity Mr. R. Honey accidentally.
ran into thh vehicle of Mr: Fred Davis,
*rowing the latter out and badly dam-
aging his buggy.
-Ten car loads of cheese, the largest
•-shipment ever made from Listowel, -left
that station on Tuesday last week. The
shipment was Made by Mr. A. McLaren;
buyer, and the amount represented
was $i-1.3,000.
- -The other evening an elderly man,
and an old settler of the -neighborhood
-of Mitellell, Thomas . Milling, dropped
dead while splitting rails on Mr. H. •
Manton's farm, 1,7th concession of
Wm. Stewart has sold
farni of 100 acres, near Avonton, for
the ittm of $5,500; fifty acres to R. B.
Hoy, and fifty acres to John Wallace:
Mr. Wm. Hoy, sr., has sold 50 acres on
the 8th concession to W. Hoy, jr.
. -Mr. White, who has taught Union
School Section Ne.- 2, Downie- and
BIapsherd for the last five years, will
• leave,at Christmas. t Mr. Charles Cope;
• land, ornierly a teacher in South East-
---,Wm. Dunham, the Stratford boy
.wlicipleaded guilty to the commission
of so many' thefts, and whose arrest led
to the suicide of poor Alfred Gadsby,
has been let go pn suspended sentence,
bail being taken-. for his appearance when
- Vented.
----Stock breeders in Nor* Eesthope
were very miccessitO is prize Winners
at the fall fake at New Hamburg and'i,
• Wellesley,. notably -Squire Crerar for '
Durham cattle: .: A. Thompson for Lei-
cester sheep, and Messrs. A. McGilla-
, wee and John McTavish for fine
horses. .
-:Mr. F. Schiverea, who was invited
to hold -evangelistic meetings in Strat-
ford by the miniaterfai. !association of
that city, is meeting with good - ncour-,
&gement to continue the meetings,
• which are held alternately in the
• Baptist, Congregational, Methodist
and Presbyterian churches. "
• -A Gernian'farmer front Ellice came
to Mr. Johnston's lime kiln. at St.
Paula the other -day for a load Of lime.
After loading it, he searched: for his
pocket book which contained over $50 ,
and found that it was missing. -He hid
felt his coat on the wagon seat and it -
is supposed. the pocketJaook-fell out and
was covered over with lime..
-The following item we clip from the
Mitchell Advocate OA last week :-
"len farm," 360 acres, -- having been
sold to Mr. R. Jones, the executors of
the Matheson estate _offered the whole
of the -chattels - thereon by public auc-
tion, on Saturday last. There web an
&immense number of people presentmany
- being from the -most distant 'parts of
Perth and Huron. The stock being
well-bred and in splendid condition the
• bidding., was lively, and good prices
ruled, still as many cattle were bought
• by shippers the prices were not out of.
the way-. The whole petted about
43,700. Messrs, Sills and Jones were,
the auctioneers. • .
-Saturday afternoon, 28th ult.; Mr. -
Porter, of the Bank of Montreal; St.
Marys, took a horse back ride to Strat-
ford. When within about four miles
:otSt. Marys, on his return journey after'
night fall, he was brought to a haIt by
• - SOWS person stopping his horse, and de-
manding him to unload. . Mr. Porter
thinking this rather impertinent tie -
dined. to -do so and was fired upon by
theelarieg highwayman, the ban, piere-
7 1,1-rry.r•, ,
Ing his hat. The horse 'shied and,
breaking the girth, the saddle and Mr.
Porter suddenly came to the ground.
The horse was boarded bare back and
started for home on- the. double quick.
The saddle was found at the scene of
disturbance next morning, and Mr. Por-
ter shows the mire on his clothes and
the holes in his hat as conclusive proof
there is no humbug in this, but that it
was a bona fide attempt at highway
-The wife of Rev. Mr. Nugent, of
Mitchell, died on Wednesday \ morning
last week. The deceased, who hadbeen
ill for some time with cholera morbus,
was improving slightly and had given
some hopes of recovery, but a change
took place and shea_sank rapidly until
the time of her death. _She was a Christ-
ian woman of most amiable and winning
disposition, and her death att the com-
paratively early age of 44 years is great-
ly regretted. She leaves a family tof.
four children; the youngest aged four.
-The Bothwell Times of last week
has the following: The remaine of Miss •
Sadie Kelly; who was killed in the re•
cent accident at Chicago, by a freight
train running into a passenger car, were
brought here on Friday for burial. They
were accompanied by a couple of gentle-
men from -Chicago. A beautiful wreath
of white roses, representing "Gates
Ajar," and a white dove, was placed on
the coffin by Chicago friends. She was
buried in, Johnstonacemetery, Euphemia,
near her = former home. List spring
Mist Kelly was called from Chicago to
identify the remains ofher father, who
was killed at the Hamilton Junction ad -
'Admit A- couple of days 'previous to
her own sad death an intimate lady
friend of hers was accidentally killed,
and her remains brought to the house
where Mists Kelly resided, and now she
lies in the grave a victim of a shocking
accident, caused -it is said, -by the
incapacity through 'drink of the en-
gineer -of the freight train. Miss Kelly
was only 18 years of age, and, was -ex-
• ceptiOnally clever. The. wreath which
accompanied the remains was presented
by her fellow employes at the Rock
Island depot.
On Tuesday, October 15, 1889, at one
o'clock P,. M., on Lot 6, Concession 1,
Tickersmith, 'Firm Stock and'Imple-
ments. Robert McArthur, John Mo -
Arthur; Wm. Moir,,Exedutors ; Arch.
Bishop, Atictiontier.
Otatiesdai, 'October 15, 1889, at one
o'clock P. M., on Lot 26, Concession
14, McKillop, on the Gravel Road,.
South of Walton, Farm Stock, Imple-
ments and Hay. Andrew"' Morrison,
Proprietor; George Kirkby, Auctioneer.
On Monday, October 14th, 1889, at
12 o'clock, noon,: on Lot 30, Conces-
sion 7, Hibbert, Superior Thorough" -
bred and other stock. John McCon-
nell, Proprietor ; James 'Oke, Auction-
On Tuesday, October 15th, 1889, at 1
o'clock, on the Bayfield road, Stanl ey,ilear
Varna, farm, horses, buggies, waggons,
sleighs and ether: implements. Arthur
Forbes `-Proprietor • J P. Brine Aue-
r. P. J. r
tioneer. -
On Tuesday, October 29th, 1889,_ at 1
o'clock, sharp, on lot 2a, 'concession 2,
- H. R. S., Tuckersmitli, farm stock and
implements. All without reserve.
Wm, Robb; Proprietor; W. R. Davis'.
Auctioneer. ) -
On Wednesday, October 16th, at 1
o'clock p, m.: on the farm of the pro-
prietor, adjoining the village of Kin.
burn, :Farm Stook, Implements and.
Hay. James Snell, Sr., proprietor;
Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
On Thursday, October 31st, at one
o'clock p. m., high bred Horses, Cattle
and Swine, on liot 7, -Concession 3,.
Stanley. -Hector Reid, proprietor; A.
Bishop, uctioneer,
. SEAPORTS' October' 10, 1889.
isai Wheat (old) per bushel..,.. 30 85 to $0 90
Fall Wheat (new) per bushel........0 83 to 0 88
Spring Wheat per bushel.. 0 80 to 3 00
Oats per bushel...........0 26 to 0 28.
Peas per bushel.. .... 0 53 to 055
Barley per 0 40 to 0 45
Butter, No. 1, loose.. .... 0 15 to 0 16
Butter, tub.... .... 0 15 to 016
- 0 16 to 016
Flour, per100 . . .. 2 60 to 2 85
Hay per ton.
. ... . ... ..., 7 00 to 750
Hides per 100 . . ... 3 00 to 300
Sheepskins each. - 0 60 to 0 75
Wool.. - .. . 0 18 to 0 22
Potatoes per builudi 0 40 to 0 50
Salt (retail) per barrel.. 1 25 to 1 26
Wood per cord (long)........... - 2 60 to ft 60
Wood per cord (short) 1 60 to 2 00
Apples per bag- . ,. 0 90. to 1 00
Clover Seed ......... .... 4 60 to 360
Timothy Seed. 2 00 to 8 00
n PLICEPOS, October 10, /889,
Fail Wheat (new) per bushel.... 0 83. to 00 88
Spring Wheat per bushel.... "76 to 9 SO
Oats per bushel . ... . 0 26 to 0 28
Barley per bushel... ... ; 0 40 to 0 45
Peas per bushel...-. 0 68 to' • 0 66
0 15 to 016
Eggs.... . ; .... . ..• o as to 016
7 00 to 6 50
POtif per b-ushel............. 040 to 0 50
ilides•per 100 ibs .. . ...... ; . . . . • 300 to 300
0Ordwood . 3 00 to 4 00
Wool per 018 to 022
Tow:slew,' Oct. 10.—Fall wheat, $0.80 to *0.88;
spring, $0.80 to 10.88; oat; 300 to 82o; peas, 540.
to 580e barley, 45c to 56o ;bay, per ton, $8.00 to
*13.00; butter, '22o to 24o; potato.; per bag
30.60 to 30.05; eggs per doz., 210 to 220;
dreseed hogs, per 10elbs.. $3.00 to $7.00.
' • •
Ltvsaeoore Oct. 9. - Sprhrg *heat, 7s -02d
red winter, fis b9d ; California No. 1, 7s 04fd
California No. 2, Os 00d ; oats, Oe 00d ; barley, Os
0,1 ; peas,. 5a 11d, pork, 60000c1 ; cheese, 51.6 00d..
Live 'Stook Markets.
MONTREAL, October 8. -The beef cattle, suit-
able for export, were sold at from 4e to 4,/c per
lb. live weight. Very -few brought more than
4fe but really good fat cattle, which are not to
be had would bring higher -prices. The best
butchers' beef cattle were in demand at 3fo to
4e. Sheep, per lb., live weight, no to 4c for
export; lambs at from 82.50 to 34 each; hogs,
5fe to 60 per lb. live weight; calves sold at from
$4 to $12 each according to size and quality.
lavearoore October 7. -Although there has
been no actual decline in the market this week,
conditions are again unfavorable,' and the mar-
ketmay be said to be weaker, with a decline
soon to be expected. The steady demaed before
noted has given way to a very weak enquiry,
and this has been further supplemented by
heavy ,receipts•of Canadian and United States
cattle and heavy general supplies. The -sheep_
trade 'has been steady, and prices remain nn -
changed. There has been a fair supply. The
following were to -day's quotations, being cal-
culated at $4.80 to the (sinking the . offal) :
Finest steers, 120 to 121c per lb.; good tichoice,
to 12c.; poor to medium, 101-e • to 1_10.; In-
ferior and hulls, Se to 10e.; best Sheep, 15c.;
secondary, 13e to 14c,; Merinos, 12fe to inc.;
inferior and rams, 10c M life.
• Bueraro, October 8.-Citt1e-; unsalaleable ;
heavy fed calves, slow, $2 to 82.25; veals, $5.50
to 86; export steep, 1,450 lbs and upwards,
84.15 to 04.50; good shipping steers, 1,350 to
- 1,425 14,3.85 to 84.10; good shipping steers,
1,200 to 1,300 • lbs; $3.50 to $3.75 fair to
medium skeet; 1,025 to 1,175. lbs, $.3"to 83.40;
good butchers' steers,950 to 1,050, 82:53 to 32.90e
coarse steers, -940 to 1,400 lb; $2.40 to *8.15;
fair to good mixed butchers' stook,$2.40 to$8.00;
cows and heifers fair to 'choice, $2.25 to *2.90;
-old cows and thin heifets,S1.75 to $2.25 ; feeders
good tit choice, $2.86 tos *3; stockers common to
good, $2.30 to *2.75; yearlings 00111MOD to good,
$2 to ; stock to best „bulls, $1.90 to O.
Sheep and lambs-Salee ranged: Native sheep,
export grades, 115 to iv Ms, 35 to $5.25 e•fnative
sheep, fair to geed, 90 to 100 lbi, $4./10 to 84.90;
native sheep, fair to good, 80 to 90 lbs,.$4 to
*4.65; native sheep, culls, common to fair, $3 to
*3.75; native lambs, common' to„.„ choice, $4 to
*6;40; Canada lambs, fair to beet, $6 to 36.40.
Hogs -Yorkers, good to choice, $4.50 • to 84.80;
..cottirnon to fair, grassy and Michigan; $4.40 to
84.45; good light mixed, $4.50 to 84.60; 'good
medittni and heady also at $4.00 $4.00, the ranee
being about the same on all good hogs ; :roughs,
$3.50 to $3.75. ,
Local Notices.
COOKED Corn Beef by the Pound at
leainaw's, Seaforth. - • uss
LAteLAW's, Seaforth, is . the place to
get Good Teas, Try his 80 ohs Japan, it is the
Tweet Teas. 1138
CASH for Potatoes and - Butter. We
will. pay the highest market price in cash or
trade • for good Potatoes and first class Butter
delivered .at the Popular Grocery, ESTATE H.
BOSD. , •, 1138
MESSRS. Duncan & Duncan have load --
lilted a Saturday Night Necktie Sale, the first of
Its kind in this town, and the public should test
its n3erits next Saturday night. They promise
to Bell a large stock of USW ties at and -under
half price. It should be. worth looking into,
1138 -
GREAT -Bargains in Crockery at LAID-
Seaforth. • ' 1138.
NOTICE. -While not pretending to sell
Goods at or Under Cost, yet I can and will sell,
at Prices as Low, considering quality, as any in.
the trade to all wholavor me with a trial. --4. O.
LAIDLAW, Seaforth. •1188 •
SPECIAL. -On account ofill-health E.
'Mend intends to spend a portion of the winter
in a warmer climate. To largely dispose of the
goods before leaving he will offer the whole of
his valuable stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and '
Carpets at velar close prices for cash. Thiswill
be a splendid chance for cash buyers, as .there
will be no reserve. •Everything goes le-Enwsers
McFatne • & 1138
To BUTTER MAREits.-If you want
to get the highest price for your Butter buy
Higgin & Co's celebrated English Dairy Salt. We
have a good stook of; it in 6 pound bags, one-
quarter leeks (66 pounds) and sacks bought be-
fore the salt combine was formed and which wo.
are selling at the old prices. WILSON & YOUNG,
Seaforth. ; . 1119
No. 6 ,WAREIIOUSE.-Farmers when
marketing your Grain go to No. 6 Warehouse,
Seaforth. We always pay the highest price for
Wheat, Peas, Barley, Oats and Wool. JAMES
BEATTIE. • 11044'
THE. POPULAR • • lilt,00ERY. -We beg
leave to call the attention of the general public
to the fact that we have just received a nice
• assortment of Crockery and Glassware, suitable
for fall and Christmas trade. If you want any-
thing in our line See our values before purchasing
elsewhere, as our prices are right. Our grocery
stoek is also complete ip every line. As sugars
have dropped in price we are selling' at a good
reduction. A good -raw sugar, 16 pounds for
81. :Highesrprice in cash or ttade for Potatoes,
eggs and butter. ESTATE H. Eon. -1138
decided on making a change in his business, the
'undersigned now offers the whole of his stook
amounting tce, 814,000 at cost, for cash; The
stock is complete in miry detail, and will *Hord
an excellent opportuni y of buying fall and win-
ter goods at wholesale prices. Remember the
sate is genuine. Stock full and well assorted,
and prices at cost, as one call will convince. D.
Wersmotimt. & • • 1189 •
• Births.
HAYS. -1r 31eXillepon the 6th inst., the wife
• of Mr. T. E. Hays, of a son.
TAYLOR. -In Blyth, on the lst inst., the wife of
; Mr. Jacob Taylor, of a son.
• STRETTON.-In Bruseels; on September 27th,
• the wife of Mr. orJames Stretton, Jr., ofsa
son. • I .
• BRYAN. -In Mord; on September 80th, the
wile of Mr. Alexander Bryan, of a daughter.
-HARGREAVES.-In-Paisley,on.SePtember 29th,
the wife of Mr, James Hargreaves, druggist,
of a son.
BOWES.= -.111 Mullett, on the 22nd ult.,.the wife
, of Mr. George Bowes, of a son:
MITCHELL. -At Westfield, on the 80th ult., the
wife,of Mr. T. R. Mitchell, of a son. . •
EINELL.-s-In. East Wasianosh,on the 23rd tilt:•,the
. wife of David Snell, of twin sons. -
GEMMELL.-In Tuekersmith, on the 27th ult.,
° . the wife of Jame li Gemmell, of twins -,bey
andgirl. ,
WEIR. -In Seaforth, on -the lst 'net, the Wife of
• / Mr. James Weir,•ef a daughter. • -
Ma -4 " es.
• HILLS SNYDER. At the residence of the
-; bride's father, on 1st inst., by- the Rev.
• John Mills, of bi.itchell,father of the groom,
l'assisted by Rev./ E. A. Chown, B. D., Mr.
• John Arthur Mills, of Guelph, to. Miss Lizzie
• :11. Snyder, Meal daughter of Mr. William
• Snyder, agent Grand Trunk Railway, Elora.
000K -CAPON. -At .L De. Wild's church, To-
, ronto, on the 2nd inst.., by Rev. -Dr. Wild,.
Mr. G. H. Cook, bf .01inton, to Mies E. Ca-
pon, second daughter of ,Mr. A. Capon, To-
SMITH-AIKENHEApeL-At the reeldence of
the Wide's broth r -in-law, D. P. Ferguson,
Detroit, Mr. James P. Smith, of Detroit, to
- Margaret, second; daughter of Mr. James
Aikenhead, of Goderich, and formerly of
the London Road.i •
Ingersoll, on the 1st inst., Mrs
Livens, mother qf Mrs. T. ,A. -Sharp, Sea -
forth, aged -72 years. -
DRUB131.-In . Chatham, on -the 23rd ult., Mar-
' vey, only son of Rev. A. H. -Drummeaged 7
monthe and 6 days. •
MOONEY.-In Morrie, on the 28th ult., Alice
• May, fourth daughter of Henry and Alice
• Mooney, aged 8 years. . • -
CARROLL'.-At Saginaw, Michigan, on the 28th
- ult., Sarah Carroll, late:of Westfield, aged
*22 years. 1 -
COULTER. -In Blyth, on the 28th ult., Mrs.
. Anne Coulter, aged 69 yearlo
Seaforth Rollor Mills,
.Gristing, Chopping and Ex-
change promptly attended to and
best of satisfaction guaranteed.
Cash for any quantity of good Wheat
and Barley '
Feed of all kinds for sale. Arrange-
ments are made for regular arrivals of
Manitoba wheat and very best of flour
can be obtained. '
Business conducted on cash terms.
Yours Truly,
W & cc).
MIAMI FOR SALE --Being South half of
, Lots 11 and 12, Conoesidon 6, Howick, con-
taining 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and in first-
ahos- state of cultivation, the balance good
hardwood bush. On the premises is a good
frame house 22x26 and woodshed, also bat*
barn, stone foundation, (Wane, all in good re-
pair. There is also a good bearing orchard of
one acre. It, id within 3} miles of Wroxeter and
701 Brussels.; Apply to WM. HUYANES, Brud-
eels P. 0. 1189x8
Is -hereby given that the partnership sub-
sis ting bete een Hugh Grieve and Ames Ste.
wart, of the Town -of Seaforth, under the firm
of Grieve -1z Stewart, has this day been dissolved
by mutual consent. Mr. Grieve. will still carry
on the Seed, Flour and Feed business and Mr.
Stewart will carry on the implemeet bueinees,
both in the old stand as formerly. All =omits
due to the said firm must be settled at once- in
order to have the books closed as soon as pos-
Seaforth, October 7th, 1889. 11894
TURK -FOR SALE. -Sixty-two acres' being
ar • Lot No. 8, Stanley, Bayfield RoadSouth.
Good frame ;ham 70x80, also stabling and cattle
sheds; frame- house; two acres of good bearing
orchard; two good -wells; well (mond and un-
derdrained, and in a good state of cultivation;
one half of the farm is seeded to 'gyms; near
good markets two miles from Bayfield, -three
from Varna, six front Btucefield station, u rter
mile from school, and the same distane rom
church. Possession given on sale; Apply to
GEORGE BATES, Bayfielti P. O. - 11139x4
VAR31 FOR SALE. -Containing 119 acre;
,E being parts of Lots I and 2, on the 8th
concessiou of Maris, 100 acres cleared and 5
acres chopped. The balance good hardwesd
bush, fairly fenced and well unclerdreined, good
frame house and kitchen withwoodshed
attached. two frame barns and fraine stable,
good orchard and three Welle and a soft water
cistern. Within two miles of Blyth, where
. there is a good market for all kinds of produce,
school within five minutes,' walk from the house.
,Would take ;fifty acres in part pay". This is a
-first class farm and parties wishing to buy
would do well to call and see it. Apply on the
premises or address Blyth Pest *Office. NICH-
OLAS CUMING. '1/39tf
- • +f
' V SALE AT A BARGAIN, -For sale in the
-rapidly' growing and proeperotts village. of
Henn% two fine village lots known as Lots
number 196 and 197, situated on the north side
of queen street, Petty's aurvsy, and on which
there is a first Waite dwelling, with 'good- cellar.
and - kitchen, also a fine frame stable -well.
finished . throughout and ;tainted, size 23x35,
with two geed box stalls. and . yard- outside of
stable. Thie t fine • and conveniently - situated
property. will be gold at a bargain, as the owner
• intends leaving the village. Por full partioulars
apply to JAMES BERRY, Homed! P. O., or
to G. J. SUTHERLAND, Conveyance; Honsall.
I . •
1137tf •
Archibald Bishop has - been • ihstruoted by Mr.
Hector Reid to sell by -publie auction on lot- No.
7. ,coticessiOn 8,-Stanlet, on Thursday, October
8/, 1889, at one o'clock w m„ sharp,. the. follow -
Ing valuable ; property, ME:. Horses. -One
. draught mare,shred by "Donald :.Dinnie ;" 1
• draught mare, sired by/' - Count -Careless," in
foal to "golden Crown, 1 two year old gelding,
sired by - 0 Reuben - Wilson " 1 foal, sired ,by
1 foal, sired by "'Golden Crown,'
yearling gelding, sired by "'Glenn's," 1 good
roadster horst, six years old. Cattle. -Five.
• grade cows in calf to a thoroughbred bull, 1
to a thoroughbred bull, 2 farrow
mulch cow, calve in January, & two Year old
heifers in calf
• cows, a two year old steers, 3 one year Old
a steers, 1 one/year old heifer, 4 spring calves, 1
• -twriyearol&bull with pedigree in the Dominion
Short Horn Herd Book:- Pigs. -One thorough-
bred Berkshire boar, two: years old, I Berkshire
sow with 5 young pigs by her side, 8 pigs 2 months
old. ,Bees. -1 strong luveof bees with a mitneer
ot boxes and frames, alscel_entter and 1 set of
. single harness. The above well-bred stock -will
positively be sold. •TEEMS OP' SALE. -All sums
of $10.and undercash ; over that amount 12
months' credit will be given on furnishing ap-
• proved endorsed notes. A discount of 7 . per -
cent, will be allowed for cash on credit amounts.
-.HECTOR, . REID, Proprietor; 'ARCHIBALD-
BISHOP; Auctioneer. 1139-3
OTHER STOCK. -Mr. James. Oke has been in-
structed by Mr. 'John- McConnell to sell by
Public Auction- on Lot. 80, Concession 7, Bib-
bed, on Monday, October 14th, 1889, at 12
-o'clock, noon, sharp, the ' following valuable
- property, viz.: Horses. --The celebrated trot-
ting and stook mare, "Idy Dufferin," in foal
to "8*. Blaise," MoGregdr's imported Kentucky
colt rl two s ear old filly got by "Carlisle,"
dam, a Baron Rothschild; 1 yearling filly, got
by "Godetich Chief." Cattle.---Fouranileb cows
in ' calf to a thoroughbred bull; 2 springing
cows; 1 thoroughbred cow, live years old', in
calf, pedigree in new herd book; 1 heifer calf
from this cow andlussell's imported thorough-
bred bull; 1 twO yeat 'old heifer from same
tow and Hoggarth's thoroughbred bull •, 1 two
year olci buil with -pedigree in new • herd book; -
1 grade bull( eighteen months old; 20 two-year
old steers ; 4 yearling. deers ; 8 spring 'calves ;
10 ewes and 8 ram lambs. The . above stock
are of an excellent quality and will positively
be sold without reserve as the _proprietor is
noted for doing at his sales. . No outside stook
allowed on ground for Fale and no bidding in.
Terms of Sale., -Al sums, of 810 andunder,
cash; over that aino t 18 months' credit will
:be given on furnishing pproved endorsed notes.
A discount of 8 per cent. Will be allowed for
cash on credit amounts. *JOHN MeCONNELL,
Proprietor; JAMES OKE, Auctioneer. 1188-2
Mr. W. it, Davis has been instructed bY Mr. Wm. -
Robb, to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 23, Con.
cession 2, H. R. S.' Tuckersntith, on Tuesday,
October 29, 1859, at1 o'clock p. en., sharp, the
following valuable property., viz : Horses -One
working bora°, 1 mare- 12 years old, 2 mares 9
years old, 1 Mare 8 Years old, an suppossd to be
in foal to itnported horses!. The mares area the
general purpose class and equally good to. tv_erk
or breed. (inc filly, two years old, 2 fillies, one
year old, 1 gelding, one year old, 1 roadster'
foal. Cattle. -Five COWS, all supposed to be in
calf, 2 two year old steers, 2 one year old steers,
18 ewes and lambs, 1 ram lamb, 1 brood sow,
near farrowing and several pigs. Implements,
&c. -One self -binder, 1 mower,- 1 horse fork, 1
horse rake, 1 !mid roller, -2 lumber wagons„ one
being nearly new, 1 single wagon, 1 hay rake,
1 grain crusher, 1 horse power, 2 fanning mills, 2
gang plowsows, 1 turnip seed dr111,1 wheel-
_ barrow, I double carriage, -1 top buggy with
shafts and pole, 1 Portland cutter, 1 scuffle; 2
set of harrows, 1 pair of bob -sleights,. 1 broadcast
seeder, 12 tons 01goodtimothy hay; -•5 logging
chain; 2 sets' of double. harness, 1:set of single
harness'1 saddle, 2 buffalo rodeo, and a number
of farm implements too numerous to mention,
together with a quantity- of household ° stuff.
Also a quantity of clean mummy seed peas, if
; not sold before will be sold at the sale•for cash.
Ali the above property must be sold without re-
serve as the proprietor has sold the farm.
TERMS pr Eisen -Ail sums of 310 and under,
cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will
be given on furnbthing approved joint notes.
WILLIAM ROBB, Proprietor; W. it. 'DAVIS,
Auctioneer. - 1139x3
MENTS.-Mr. J. P Brine has been instructed
by Mr. Arthur Forbes to sell by public -auction
on lot 20, Bayfield road, Stanley, near Varna, on
Tuesday, October 15, 1889, at one o'clock p. m.
sharp, the following valuableproperty: Hones.
One heavy horse four years! old: one heavy
•. horse eight years old ; one driving horse thre•e
GODER1CH „ . one driving hoyears old ;oneidriving horse seven years old;
se four years old; . one driving
- . , . ° . . - Tare. IMPLEMENTS &c. -One top phaeton; one
,Steatil Boiler Work .
_ 8 . open phaeton; two lop buggies ; four lumber
waggons ; four pair bobsleighs : one new Glad-
stone sleigh ; three single cutters; four sets ot
heavy team harness; three sets light harness;
one Maxwell binder; one Maxwell mower; one
• gang plow; one general purpose plow; one
Chrystal _& Blac 4
, broadcast seeder; three pairs iron harrows ;
one roller ; one hay rake, together with forks,
•shovels rakes and other smaller articles too
. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- inybo
numerous to mention. The whole will positive -
sold. Teams. -All sus of 810 and under,
ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular . cash ; over that ainount 12 months' , credit , will
_ be given On furnishing approved, joint notes. A
I L E.composed of the east half of lot 20, Bayfield t
-discount of 7 per cent will be allowed for bash
on credit amounts. Tun Psam.-The -farm is oad
and contains 65 acres, 52 of which are- cleared,-
- .
' se.' - and in a good state of cultivation. The balance
- Balt Pans, Simoike ,ztacks, Sheet yen is well timbered with hardwood. There is *
4 - •
orks, etc. < . • good bearing orchard, three good _wells, and
Also dealers in 'Upright and Horizontal Slide
Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines a
specialty: Alt sizes -f of pipe and pipe fittings ,
bonst,antlyon hand. Estimates furnished at
short notice. '
Works opposite Q. T. R. Station, Gederich.
good barns,one out -building and concrete house.
It is situated on the Bayfield road near the vil-
lage of Varnaand three miles from Brucelield
station. Tsasts.-Ten per emit. otthe purchase
money on the day of Sale; the balance- on time
to suit purchaser. ARTHUR FORBES, Pro-
prietor ; J.P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 1138-2
As true and as true as itonderful are the fancy new Ladies' Pocket
Books at 35e, 50e, 60e; 75c and $1, to be .found at the MEDICAL
HALL, Also something very choice in Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth
Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth Powders, Pastes apil Liquids
for cleansing and beautifying the teeth, -
P4:RMEBS,'- TAKEso:vow
iv he fall your horses and other stock always -require something
to bring them into condition, Those who use our Powders, once never
try.any other, for each package of these powders weighs 16 ounces, Und
there is but one size put up. The 'greatest care is exercised in selecting
the ingredients from which this valuable 'compound is prepared, so that
we ar-e willing to pledge them strictly- pure. •This explains in a mesa
ure their great popularity and unparalleled • success, as most powders
put on the Market are adulterated inorderto lessen the price. As a
blood purifier these powders have no equal for any disease or-. bad con-
dition caused by impure. blood. •
. .
These powders may be given with great advantage in all oases of wormOoss
of appetite, roughness of the heir or coat, stoppage of Water and bowels, recent
founders, swelling of the glands of the throat, hide bound, botts, scurvy, &e. In
fact, in every case of disease among Horses and Cattle, theme valuable powders
should be given, and by their dimly use will save the lives of ' many valuable
animals. ' -E'er Coughs and Colds or Heaves in Horses, always use our Epizootic
and Heave Powders; they never- fail. And whether you want to buy or not, be
sure when in town to call and look through our stock at the Medical Hall.
. -
• PnOe again ---we address the readers of THE EXPOSITOR about our
great stock of Clothing, Which we Are thoroughly eonvinced eannot be
equalled in 'tl,ile section for style and value. Our Mr. T. Jackson, in,
personally visited the Old Country -markets during the past -simmer,
and we) are now in a position to claim that very few establishments out-
side the cities can equal us for assortment Good keen buyers who
appreciate value and 'quality,should call and tee us. Our great Tanga
of Suitings to order now at $15, $17, $18 and $20.
Lumsden! & Wilson, Seaforth, On- re
Uric). " ! •
Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed err
$1, for which send me two bottles of jr..
Royal Giyeerited Balsem of Fir by -
'return mail- or express, . and oblige .
Jono Pizermis,' Strongville, Chippe-
wa County, Michigan. •
- Dear Sirs It lis now about four
years since I first tried Your Balsam
of Fir, and I have never since been
without it in the • house. In the
worst efts& of cold I ever remember
having, it gave .relief at once and
with the cfiildren we always find it
the best and' safest Temedy. Id,
Pala, 'Zurich,
Messrs.Lunisden -& Wilson, Sitio;
forth :
Gentlemen, -Your cough medi-
• cine, GlyCerated Balsam of Fir, sells
•well with me ; the longer thave. it
the more I think of it. I know it to
be good, andean always recommend
it with confidence. Wm, NEAL' mer.
chant, Walton. -
Gentlemen : I have sold your Bal
:sem of Fir, and find it pleases my
'customers well. I have also usedit
in my family, and find it an excellent
cough medicine, WM; M. SMITH,
\„1!elieiftai nt, Walton.
• Gentlemen : .ican assure you that-"paz
your Baliam- of Fir has given the .0•1•0
very best satisfaction to me. 1 have
.sold more of it thaLany other cough
medicine I ever bad, and never had
anything please my customers so
.well. S. MeXizsm, Merchant, Lead- I
• Thiels to certify I -have. handled
Lurnsden & Wilson's Balsam of Fir.
It has given good satisfaction. I
find iny. customers "will not do with-
out it now. A. GovieNboax, Mer-
chant, Winthrop,
Price 50o.
COLTSfor Sale. Apply to WX. ELDER, ESIIIMM
POR SALE. -Two twoiyesr-011:88:11
ANTED A2 ONCE. -A good Blacksmiths
TV must be a first etas, horse shoer a y to
„W AGREW, Blake P. O. Ont, 11 2
110 AM LAXBS.-Por sale, four good, wen -bred
Shropsbiredown Ram Lamb; apply tes
JOSEPH. COLLIE, Egmondvillie; . 1189
1IAR31 TO RENT. -To rent for * tent of A
X years, a good fans of WO acres, near Sea -
forth. good buildings and all in •goodorder.
Apply at Tiss EXPOSITOR Olfice, Seaforth.
TISTRAY STEER.-Cathe Into the premises
Xi of the undersigned, Lo311, Concoselon 13,
Stanley, one redand whits year-old steer. The
owner can have the same on proving_preperW
and paying damages. WM. CARNIE,Blake.
rflEAOHER WANTED. -For School Action
• No, 12, Ashaeld, a Male Tescher, holding
„second or third class -certificate. ApPlios.tione
received untilNoveinber lst, 188? --WILLIAM
POWELL; Secretary, Amberley Of 1180x3
M-1011, SALE -The subscriber has for -sale s
tLub1331,1111.oleVtleitagliBar gillIr0ead.res. 111%1
particulars apply to JOHN T. DICKSON, Town-
ship of Tuolcersmith, Seaforth P. 0. 31394
WARM TO RENT. -To rent, 'for a term •of'
J2 • years, Lot 139, Coneeselon 3, L. IL B., Tuck
ersmIth, containing 96 acres, 80 of which are
free from stumps. There is a good frame
dwelling, frame barn and large frame stable,
also a good orchard and plenty of water.
Apply to -A. STRONG, Seaforth, 11384
1G-1STRAY CALVES. -Caine into the premise'
_EU of the undersigned, Lot 11,'Concession 9,
Stanley, about the iith of September, four year-
old 'calves. One steer, red and white; One
steer, roan color; one heifer, roan rotor and
one red heifer. The owner required to prey*
property, _PaY ohatges and take them away.
WM. w. SHARP, Verve P. o. 1138x4-•
li/fONEY TO LOAN. -Private funds Iasi per.
In cent. interest payable yearly. Charge"'
very moderate. Apply personally or by letter
to E. N. LEWIS, barrister, goderich, Ontarie.
At Bayfield every Saturday afternoon. 1136
Q 11AWL FOUND. -Found on the Huron road,
1,0 about two miles east of Clinton, exL Wed-
nesday, Ot tober 2,-a ladies shawl, prey toior.
The owner can bave the same by provirg pro-
; petty and paalrg for this advertiseirent ap-
; plying at the EXPOSITER OFFICE, Seaforth.
MEACHER WANTED; -Wanted, for 'Union
1 School Section No. 3, East Wawanosh and
Morris, near Blyth, for 1890, a nude or female
teacher holding a third class certificate. Ap-
plications -accompanied by testimonials and;
stating salary desired to be addressed to the
undereigned, until Monday, October 28, A. W.
SLOAN,- lyth. 11384
TIESTRA HEIFER. -Strayed from Lot 22,
_Us Oone sion 2, Tuckerstnith, about the
-01 May, a Two Year Old High Grade Heifer, red
color, with white on belly, and small white stsr
on forehead. Any information that will lead to
the recovery of this animal will he liberally re-
w•arded. WM. COLEMAN, Seaforth P. 0,
• 1189-4
IXTANTED,-;=-Two teachers,. holding Second
V V -or Third Class Certificates, for two dif-
ferent schools in Section No. 4, Stanley- Duties
to commence January Ist,1890. Good testi-
monials reqUired. Apply personally or, by letter,
notlater than the 1st of :November. Addrem
•JAMES CAMPBELL, Box 24, Bayneld-P, O.
NTOTICE TO DEBTORS. -All accounts dud
_LA -to the uodersigned contracted atStaffa,
not settled before thellt of November next,
will he put into other hands for collection. 4:ian
be paid to E. licraul, Seaforth. or to myself, if
in BrucefleIdor Seaforth. Any remittance by
mail will be protnptly acknowledged A. Xo-
TAVISH, D, 1139x3
A NNOUNCEMENT.-On remoVing •to Tor-
. tt onto, I have arranged with B. B. Marled;
D. D. S., to remain in charge of office for the
_ future, but will attend personally the 1st Tues-
day and Wednesday of each month. I am
-pleased to Tee:tom:pond Mr. Morrie' to thecon-
fidence of the public and *Consider bim fully
qualified and worthy of the same. With beet -
wishes for all, _friends and patients. Yours -
Respectfully, G. L. BALL, Dentist, 74 Gerrard
Street F.ast, Toronto. - 1139
TRAY CATTLE -Strayed from Lot 12,
Concession 7, Mullett, near Kinburn, in
April last, one Yearling Steer and one Yearling
Heifer. The heifer is red and white, large spots.
The steer is a light roan, and both were marked
by a string In the right ear. Any information:
leading to the recovery of these animals will be
liberally rewarded, N. T. ADAMS, Constance.
_ 11364
TTORSES FOR SALE. -One good working
„ mare, one mare st years old, by an im-
ported horse. Two mare colts at years old, by
an imported horse; these colts are matched in
color, and all black points. One spring mare
. colt by an imported horse. The proprietor being
overstocked, wishes to dispose of the above, end
parties wanting to buy can see the stock on the
premises, east half of Lot 7, Concession 16, Grey,
WM. TURNBULL. 1186x4
§TOCK FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers
for sale the • following stock. vim Four
ung Durham Bulls, from 4 to 16 months old,
with registered pedigree, Aloe, Seven Morough-
bred ffouthdowu Ewes, 11 Ewe Isnibs and 16
Ram Lambs. The above stook has got to be
sold, as I am overstocked; prices reasonable.
Apply on Lot 27, Concession If, Hibbert, or ads
dress DAVID HILL, Staffs P. O. 1136x4
MAKE NOTICE, -This is a very rare thence --
j. For sale, a valuable and very desirable
property, Lob No. 13, on the south sMe of Gale -
rich street, with two residences thereon. The
contains nine rooms, a good -caner, hard
and soft water, with outbuildings and the other ,
contains, six rooms and a good well and out-
buildings. For further particulars apply - to
the proprietor, A. G. AULT, Goderich street,
Seaforth. 1137t1
riOURT OF REVISION.-Notiee is hereby
of tte County Court of theCounty of Huron at'
Fultods hotel, Mai lop, en the Thirt*enth day
to the Voters' List Act by His Honor -the Judge
given, that a Court w 11 be held, pursuant
of November, 1880, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
to heat wield etermine the several eomplaints of.
errors and omissions In the voters' liet of the
m unicipality of McKillop for 1889. All perms.
h av ng business at the Court are requested to
attend at the said tfine and place. Dated this
Elth day of October, 1889. JOHN C. MORRISON,
- j01erk,MKUJop. . 11 td
Leading Coal
0,-ndiWood:puikning. Furnaces.'
P .
sizes -5. 6, 7 iitiil, 8—Steel Badiathrs, portable -Of brick set.
FURNACE n two qizes—Nos.-43 and 53. , NO. 43
takes wood 43 filches long, ancl: No. 53 takes wood .53 inches long;
Steel Ra6iatorii, portable or brick set, has, an EXTRA:HEAVY TIRE
BOX • i,f‘irbrthe . most POWERFUL .HEATER Economical Strong,
) ,,.. , . , /
PHIlible 1 °md. ffurnice made. These furnaces are put up -under the
supervision of a:vechanie with an cuerience of 25 years in the -kr-
nace bus ness,. and Itie guaranteed to. give good satisfaction every time,
Hardwate.. :cf. • -8tdvo.
rtOLTS FOR SALE. -For sale agelding coming 1
kj four, sired by " Welepme ;" a filly coming
three,- sire by " Bankin,Boy," also a spring
horse colt,Itsired by "Rankin _Boy." These
colts are allsound, and the three year old is a
good worker. Apply on' lot 26, concession /0;
Moliillep. The reason . for selling is that the
owner is overstocked.ROB.ERT CALDER,
- Winthrop P. O. • ' - Ila7x4
i .
Account,ant, Book-keeper, Collector, Life and
Accident Insurance, General intelligence, Real ,
Estate Agent. Money to loan, &e. Parties re- 1
quiring his services in any of these branches
will be promptly attended to. OffiCS in DAVY'S
BLOC'S, , Own. utts),. MAIN STEM' SESPO:RTIlhav
FARM FOR SALE. -Undersigned offer far
sale the ,fa,rm of 100 acres, being 30„
Ilth concession- Of Mullett, belonging to the
esta,te of the late Richard Cole. On the plisse-
thereis a frame house,- good hem, stables
young bearing o.rehard. of one acre and trete.
class wells. Situated abet% one mile west of
Londesboro. About ninety acres eleared and in
good state of cultivation, Posseseion lst of '
April. Apply on the premises orto either ot
the Executors. JOHN COLE,_ Beigrave ;. H.
RADFORD, 1,ondesboro. - 1139tif
TIARA! FOR SALE.-Fann for sale In the.
„U townshilsof MeKillops_being lot 13, conces-
sion 5, containing one hundred acres, with
eighty acres pleared and In a, high state et culti-
vation the remainder is good hardwood
bush. There is s good house, good frame barn
and franie stables and a spring creek on the
place. It Is well fenced, within half a mile of
post offlee and store and five and three-quarter
miles froni Seaforth. For further particulars
apply to THOS. STEPIIE3TS, queen's hotel,
Seaforth, 11.3041
MO SELL OR RENT. -A good farm of. 120
asres in the township of Turnberry, this
County of Huron, sttuated between Brussel*
and Wroxeter, on the gravel royal, three miles,
south ef Wrexcter. There are about 70 acres
cleared, all free from stumps, with the e peps
tion of two sfnall fields, and very clear
well fent•ed. and well watered.lby a-Vever 11
sprinv -keY. The balance MI well timber
Ther e, good large bank bane frame hottee
and se, &.• aearing Orchard of choice trees on
the il.01.• -wheel house close by on the ad-
joinies Title uedieputed, free of locums
braes -se. „dust be sold or rented as the prole
plaster is going to give, sp farming. For further
Ivy 'rMvis apply en the premises or to.
r14,AS C. WRIGHT, Wrorceter A,Ont