HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-10-04, Page 8, . . � . ._.. _ . . . -� - . _ .. . _ . _ , _ : F _ . , r _ .. . _ . -
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` - F /�u s n eo fsr aa . v�riet° of aterns, meterial� snd oolora �� � MCK�L14p. � 'people sr.e slwsye lorim �fnli �of goepel -Mre. Po�lo�lc has moved into s hou�e
- , n dep�►rtmea�;oer��inly ws _., I Y� p , ��
. V� C�"� ��7 dneida _ t�at no reaeon�ble pereon osn fail to be ��o� REPOR�.--The followi etate•. truthe, good practical sdvive,`; and sa= belongiag to Nir. R. Ross oppoRite to the;
� � � � � ! . attendance� -wae concerned, We y St� _ $
_' . - -- , � 9�wae the bi �da ,. The total g�rte, r�-. suited. The m�ntle room at E. Mo- �Qnt chow� the standing of the pupile . etruotion, thoee attendinq will i�oti fail ` Methadiet pareo�age,-M,r. Wyllie ha��
- t DEf�L�R IN— $ , p
� . • cei ts includin the three da e,pamoun�•_ Faul's ia ale�a�worthy of _special mention, of echool eection No, 4, taugl�ti by- Mr. to receive a�r,est.-Mr. Thos. Murray returned from Manitoba,---Mr, P. 8.
ri : $ . Y,
- 'll �A vere hs�ndsame variet of mantle varioue claeees for has returned � to- Toronta, there . to re• Mitchell, eon of Mr, James Mitehell, of '
- -��: �� D A�' R Y B U T T�E. R ed to about �600, and _tlie Society wi . y Y D. Mc�regor;: in the . -$owick ° has eecnred a osition as book-
� pume lii,��etudiee at�the Univereity� � � P
� _ - :�loae the_year a operations with a: _ a`ur-_ clothe for�fall autl winter wear were ex•. the month of September : Part 2nd..�-- , - . ��' kee ex for a. campaay in the
- R�bug Buttes� in� tubs untrl the 25th of tt� ius in the treaeury. - -. . hibited, , all ne�► and at very.re�son- Mary E. Murdie, Esaie I3eattie; Maggie '� ,_ �. ��
� � e�ea� montl�, p able rsces = an with trimmm s��o - Chlselhurst, I�nited. Statee, at . a• ealary of �900 _}�er '
. � p� ' -- p d g Beattie. Second Clae�-George Iiogg, - r .
- �AocivEr�r.-�n Satnrda evening Iast match the differ�nt clotha. Miea Han- Mar C�m bell, TiII Murdie, � Th;rd B�iEFs,-Mr. Geo. Cave, � of i.ondon, annum,-Mr. A. Me�intosb, of .Listofvel,
� Also Twc T�arg� GfrAin Sc�1ea �or ea10 cheap. Y �., -t y p Y iu thls
' o r vil age laat "wsek.
i nde in u 1
"t dfre
. e 1 ah ia a� the he�d of �his dep' artmen lativeg
�Vl�l 8
. -` as Mr. John H. MaDongal2, the w n , , Cle►es-�1gneA McI�eod, -John Bulgcr, is vieiting friende and re _�iss Wrighta of Seaforth,: is visiting
. Gfoderich Street, Seafo�ih •� � 1117 knowa eat�le. buqer, _was �oming into ' and a►ny one whb h�s� ever had au.prder- $stie McFadden. Fourth Cla�s-Annie. vieinitq.-Mr. Davey's eale wae a euc• �. 1 on McLau hlin in
her eieter, Mrs`, Ne e
� town from the South, and when near exeouted : ia her he►nds would lige �to� L�►wrence, E�ina Robineon,Jane C�mp- ce�e on �aturday laet; : zt amountiag to .
this village.--Mr. Wm. Walkerg eon of
" ' - �j .• the �Carding Mill, lie stoppe�d to �peag ia�� give her �nothe `r, .-Paesing on to .the - bell. � • ' over �1;000,=Mre;. W. B. - Serelake, ypalker of thie villa e ia '
g � Y �Fexas R�r�T�n.-Mr. Andre�e . Morri- �carried off the firet�prize� at the Exeter Mr•� �lex. , . g,
:- - 1� 1 e• a fsrme� who�n he met in a wa on. � In� old eet`abliehed and favo�abl known _ ualif" in �' him�elf ior �he poeition- of
. _ Irn o r t a n t o t c ned hie ba � arti � houee of Dunca�t d� Duncan wa find=the av 1 Fair for bee� ui-1t.--Mr: `�V. Shillip - q.� �
- .� � ,_ . do�ng eo he ��r ggy g y . eon hae rented hie farm on the' _ gr e q g
- - ' e��tion master.-Meeerg. Wilson and
�. � - scross the road behind ,the wagon. milline;y depar�ment, under t�he direc- roed, near �'Valton, to Mr.: °Miohael law � aleo gob--first, .second and third. 'm orked on the
--� - : Onr Cloihing Departmen� is naw re-� � hile thus ea a ed �n conversation �1r,. tion of Mie� Mo�echnie, fittl .. in kee - Flsnnery for five ears. at an annunl ' prizee at the eame fair. for thorou hbred �a�ker,.who at oIIe ti s.w
- 6 p�#e wiil� 14'ew Fall Goods, comprisiri Suita ot � �$ 9 p ' y . g-
= Cxorrie aection ��re working wit� .a feae-
. uita ot au riaes. Qur s�iowin ot Bennewiea, of McKiltop,�and Mr. Jamee ' iag witli ihe� l�igh, reputatian of the reatal of $390. The farm oontaine � 130 Durhem cattle. •
atl eize�, s, p g . .. . ing gang oa the C. P. R, --�i�+. IV elson
- tbeeegoodaisver3� Iar�;e.and �arredthisseason. `Stet�a�t� of thie town, toame driving. �iouee an� equa to if not aurpaeeing any acres. Mr. Morrieou bas become emit� �,- �•� . � in-and his esteemedlad have
- - - ,-Pri� unrivalled'. If you don'� wa�nt to buy we �,st in another buggy: They drove too former aeaeon, _ Tliere is a large stock, ten with the aharmA of. .tl�e Northweet .. Leadbuiy. . MeLaughl , y
, �►dvi�•you no� to �ook, tor we sssnrQ y ou the p s 1' ''-an th vehi• '� riet a�d ood ta,ste � and � skill . _ eetitled dewn to the-realities of life. We
ctose �o �Ix. ?VicDoug 1 e rig d e great va , y , g. and iutende removin to« Manitotia �- in Bx�EFs. b!_r� James Bell recentl
_ --• groods sre ver� convincin�. g- � y- join their many friends in coagratulat-
� . .' elee collided and bo�h were upeet. Mr. in the make up, j A- fine etook' of mater- M�reh nexb he . having taken up _ land� purahaeed fifty aere� af land from Mr.. • sh n them a lea$anb
- -_- �%��, ��CKAR� MeDougall was thrown with grea� force�: ials. for >maatil�s and ulst�ere ie�'aleo there duri�ng hie vieit �aet spring. Pre- Wm. Dra er. The . land� is of good ing them-and w� i g, p
`�° a T, gtdd'8 O1d efArid, s atort� from his bng�y, falling on tl�e hard road: ehown by t�ie S:rm and whioh visitore paratory to hie removal he �will have an , quality, but there are no buildinge _:and, voyage throuRh �ife. .
� .- He had a rib fractured and � received would do well to examine.-At the oor•. auation eale of hie 'gtock oa the 16th the pxic�` paid $2,300, is con�idered a _ g�h$eld. � �
°� � =- .. other braiees whicl� laid �iim up for seve- ner of Main and Market streete, the ine�; M�.. Morrieon ia a good and use� fair f ure. V4'e con ratulate Mr. Be11- "
�� :- - �!� ra1 da s.� The oceu an.ts of the otlxer - place form�rl oceu ied b Mr. Thomas � g - , DoTs,-We¢ r�re very sorry to � learn
y p ,f y p y._ ful citizeu and we ara-sarry that he in- Qn hz - contin�fed prosperitiy..-: �ira. .���t Mrs Cool� is dan erousl i11.-The
. �` �N!�� ��� �� ��� �• buggy were also thrown out, Mr. Benne= . Kic�d, ie now� to be found the eetabliali- �nds removin from our midst, but we� Thom � Irvine one of the earliest eat- �' g y
� _ - '� � . 8 ' a�erage attend�nce of` u iis �t the
, �-== wiss f alling directly nn�Ier the upturned _ ment of Mr. � Wm. Piekard. Thia �tore hope he may have proeperity in his new _�le �af Blanshard tuwnehip, ie. a�' pre$- p pn of e-`
- � vehicle. Foriunately, Mr, �tewart ws� i� c�owded to the very door with pilee home and when ha,makes hie ile in the en�vi�itin a��the residenoe of her eon school in eection 5"for the mo th S p
.. �_ ��� T� I� 3 T� L I C� T M A T T E R�. � thro n clear of both ri a and wae thus of �dr ooda of eve ima inable . kind. p � - ' t e m b e r w a e � 4 9. R e v. J. Dy k e,; p r e a e h-
� _ . S y g ry 8, new land that he �,will return here ta Mr. J. J. Irvine; �= Mr. Ii. G. McMana - ed -at Zion laet Sabbath, ver forcibl
-. . ._ enabled to secure Mr. Beunewie� horee Where euch a heavy etock ie �rener�ed ,�pend his declining yeara. . P. ie again on his rounde with a number of • y und
or�ant Announeement. �efore- ii had a ehanee to get awa�. eesaon after eeason there ri7118� b8 a- P�,El3EN�A�ON:-�ir.Alberi Morrieon, ueefui articlee amon the ot}iere -bein ln bhe intere�te of the Rducational F
f� t��p x�a th�� hor�e not`. •beea secured it is ; reat men bu in customers who $nd , ' �� g „ g of the Mebhodist church.-Tks revivaY
r� - �� � e esirs to add at least four- hun• - � 8 Y Y B �on of Mr, �Andrew :Morrieon of thie- the celebrated Pai� Yio�or, a, medi• - � o� inusd at Zion;
�lmoat certain ths�t Mr. Bennewiee fxom ; there what the want. The millinQ'r -�- eervicee are being c at
�d ed nesv� a�zt�scribers to our'Iist �at - � Y. Y' :�ownahip wh6.�hae been <teaching echool 'cine which we can teetify for as being he ere commeneed laet week. Ma
� . & his pogition under the rig,� would have ' room is in-keepi�g w.ith the ge�reral`de- �ati Lanes in the township of Aah&eld for � excetlen�,--A tea.meeting will be held T y� • y
fo�e the 3.at �of_ Deaembsrt we h ve � man souls be brou ht t,� a sav�n
� . beEn kilIed. Aa ib wae, he was ihe least - partment aud �� aleo atrply. stocl�ed,-: .aearly trvo yeare, .having _ deeided to at BetheT ehurch on the eveniug of y � �
decided to giae Tx� ExrosiTox from . knowledge�as it ia in Jesus:-some of
Ist o anuar Iggi in�ured of the three, Mr. Stewart hav Miea MoLauglin „preeides here and ie .abandon the teAching profeseion with � Tuesday, Oatober the 8th, Those who
, now untii the f J Y� � in received eundr acrateliee about . the ever rea� and - wtllin to obli e lad the. fal� wheat that was sowed early; i�
- f,o-ait new eubs.cribera�for the rice of g _ 3' , Y B, � 8 Y the view of�proeeouti , hie atudiee at have �he affair in h�nd will, �we fQel
- .� � p face. 1�►o further damage, however,was ca�Iere. ' A vari�t of trimttied.ha`ta and •� h beginin� to preeent a beautiful appear,
�ine year, viz:� �1:50.• � I�Tew subecri• ,, Y the �ental College in Zoronto,wae�made asaured; apare no pains to maka ii
- = done, .� AlI pnrties will, no doub�,= �e � bonhete were diepl�y8d and etaekg of �the reci ienti a few da a a o of a ver lea�ant and interestin . � a�ce. Quite,a quan�ity of wheat wag
- - ' � b8r6. �'PIII tYltlb $8t T�IREE 3i4NTSS FOii . . P Y .8 Y P . . B : ' . . . . so�ved rather late.
more careful ia:futurel We are glad. to ;�hapes and all the other paraphernnlia Qom limdntar addreee acoom anied 'b �.
� , xo�s�rr�.� T�is ie a spleniiid,chance , P Y` , P., Y;" _ - � e
; � , it�iich ahonId taken a�vunta e of Iearn tha,t Mr, McDongall e m�uriea, requ�ired for finiehed head gesir, 'ie there ,a haadsome dreaeing oaee,from h�a echo-' ;_ . � Gfi'ey. � -� _ WrOSe�eT•
� �-. _ g although very- ;painful at the time, are . in s�imoat endless variety.-There are .1are. The•addrets and gift were�intend- •_
Ai one8. ` no e'ous.natare and we ho e to this =aeason man tractive et lee Of '--�ACS�AM�NT,--Tl:e Saer�men� of .th8 j�Ey�► BAKERY.—M;r. J", �arclay, laie
� I+�or �Tie eacoura emen� o� � our r een� t of a e ri , p , y� y, ed to convey to, Mr. biorrieon a eenee of `Lord'e Su r y will be�n die ene�ed in
. = � g P� eee hsm =around again soon. �.= bonn�ts .and hats,. so �hax the�e will be the appreeiation and eet�em� entertamed � pp� p of Seaforth, har opened oui a bakery in
= anbseribers �o use �heir inf[uenee with . Knox Churoh, Cranbrook, on Sabbath the Central bloek, and will, be prepared
-�h$ir friende ancl nei hbor�► we make ;� .: no difficult� in �ay lady °finding whati �ie for him by .the pupils _ and � parents of next.:.s servioee -will be held on. Frida � ��
a - g .'•. � Mx. GioRc� Goon s Price List of new ��beco�ning to her ae well as autbable. for the sectiort both ae a teac6er and e►e na �, �, 3', to eup ly all and aundry `with the etaff
the foltawing. offer : W e w�li allow . goots and shoes xubbere, -�o., i� oa the ��nd ; - • •. i .= evenirig. at 7.p. m., $aturd�y, at 10,30: of life ��erved u in the most alatakrle
� - sn eub��riber a corrim�saioa o€ =25 e. Don�t tai �o ze�d 3t, it wi�l a � common wear �nd for best. .Plueh and individual, rhe regret at hxa� leavinq m.; :�unda at I1 �a. m, and $.30 ,m, � P ��
� p y you. :: nelvet are both ue�ed in trimmiu . '
g` Klb• vRae very generpl snd the hope was uni• p y p forme, He a�eo pro�oses to viect peri-
� cenf� easb for eaeh new nsme aent �ua p A=Free Eirhibition ��turday evening, �, R,ev, 11Zr. Hartley, ' of L'luevale, _ w.ill odioall ho�e outl in villa es who ma
bons are� very pre�ty,, and• are used n vereally expre�tred �hat l�e would be ae Y'C Y g; 8 Y
_• � � s�the rate of $1,50 fram.IIow till the � the-larges� and IIne�� atock �oi Silveswaro. • ' u risri- �� reseh :Eriday�snd Saturday, and- Rev. nat be so fortunate . ae to ossese a�
�rs� af °I89i. There is' aearcely a�ever shown outside the: eitiea at Carnxxs n tirely for � the more oonspio oua t euooeeefnl in .hi� new :ephere as he had � . . p_.
- - I not 8� > > 7 � been iri�he one ,he wa,�ueb abandoning. r,' Forreet, of Walton, on -Sabbath _
. eubncriber �a �our lie� w%o cou d �ewetry store, seaterth. ��ss•1 ` min svhile featihers ti� e et tinael baker. � `�
� nd: o$ or �hree ns ee if the Cciox�D Corn Beef b the und at` and the heaviQr eorte.of flowere are -the � eve�ing, _, — A w�UCaESSFUL SAI.E,—�1r. �liiam '
. ace us �w ,. _ � y ;. Y P� . COCNOIL � DOING4B.-A� � a meeting Of __ IMPROYEML�NTB. 1VIr. Neii Duncan- pomero 's nale Df farm etoek
�.��vere to a�nd b� so` doin ��he Lemns.w s, �eaior� .� i�as • aceompanying g�rniture. Tl�e very the Counoit � held. on Monda last the nr Y , imple- .
. _�ry,, , y g y � .Q y eo , 1.4th conoeseion, is erecting a neat meate d�c. �ame off on .biond'a of la�t '
neweet .�olore are Eiffel a eort of bri k , ,. y
� . wonid be: benefit�ng themeelvee aa well �v$LEx s, A�x�rox.-The Annual v r' had e Engineer waN inetructed on the requiei- and eomfor�able` frame ��dwelling on hie ��eek° and Was ve sueceesful. Bidding
���� , ` �ee�ing ot tha . rehoidere of tho Seaforth ���� and purpl:�,in a a iety o� � e. , tion of Thomae x Dodde sn3 A. (�oven- �arm.,-�l:r. Thomae _ D"avideon 12th - �
�. Curling and Bkatmg Aesoctation will be held at ; from dee reddibh plum to paIe m�uve. � � ; begaa at'aoon and wae kept up until 9
1�fa�e ag effott. �ee who � will eend in the flommercial Hotel, thie� Friday evening, at •�• ' loek to inepeot eertain ditehee in ' the. coneeesion, ia conetrueting a etraight : elean swee bein raatl� of
: - the I�r est Iis� of new names, • � Green ia etili on� � of the atandarda, and p, ;m., a p g
� g 7.30 o eioc�. A iull attendance is desired., vioinity of their lande ori the Sth • coneee• rail fenes along. th� coneer�eion and
� a ood deal of arae� and the newer . a�n�: .The trustees of �ohooT $eotion 4 north'of the side raad. � Both � eee en• ener�thing. About �1,2�0 was realized
� VRe intend in t�e �cour`se o€ a f$w " ' 11�•1 .� & �, 8 ae the proceedeof thesale.
- maho an oolor ie ueed. =No�v a word Mr� Pomeroy
g y havin ne leeted to furnieh ' the counoil tlemen are muoh improving their. a1- ,
. weeka to :commence another uew con- ,A Selec� stoek. of Watchee, Clocks, g g 8 lea� ee for Louieiana on the 8th inst. to-
� ' - tinued ato . Thie w't11 be decidedl dewelry� Fanay Goods�, Pipes; &c.� alwaye kept ' ab0ut the deoqrations, The manage- �ith the-s►mouat re uired b them for ` • �• '
_ ry y . . q y ready excellent farms. ether with hie fau�il and Mr. John
�n han�: - �13s•1 � meat _ ia conne�tioa eertainly .apared _ g . y
_ . , '��l�e moat iateresiing;; we h�ve ,pub• - � � aohool purpo�ea at the Auguab meeting : . � W lie Turnberr . � � •
- LAIDLAW � Seafoxth "is the� laoe to :nei�her time no�; treuble ':in d.ecorating y , y
lia�ed yetx.and we would Iike to get , �, p, ., the olerk .wae request�ed to cl'raft -a by• , Eseter. ^�� • •�
- et Good Teas, Try his�30 ois. Jnpan, it ,a the- and beautifyinq �he ehow roome, render• �31iIEF NOxES.--Mr. A. L. Gibson �as
s� many neW eubacribers as poeeible . law for the purpo$e of levying and co�- " _
�rea oi Teaa, . �1ss ��ing them for the time liein� real' bowers L�;eTVRE, On Friday-ev8ning l�aetthe � been engaged in � gu�ting in a k�ricl�
. �:before �8 commeuce. thie etory, eo -� leoti�g the eame.` The_ olerk wne also
_ . APrLEs, - An. � uaat�t �.of o�oice� of beaut .�Theidra in of �colord in E: • ,. Ii,ev.� �:. W. Struthers, of St. Thomae, flume to the oat-meal snill in place of :
� �hat alI may ge� the fuI! benefi� of i�. . Y q Y-,__ ,Y p. g. � rnstruetesi to brin� :an ac,tion-�gainat Mr. � ave.a lecture- and a� grand ecio ticon the ol woodea one colla ed The
. _ winter applea to be had at. A. C�RDNO S. 11ss : MeFatri e wag ve'ry �rtistieally done, and 8 _ , p d , ps ►_
_ -_ . _ �ieI�EAN BR;OTSERi�. - � ' flo f irds of George McIntosh�`for neglect in the per- �xhibition "Life of Chriet," in the oat•meal mill hae aleo bean fitted u
_ _ C�sx for Potatoes and_ Butter: We :in Duncan & Dudcan s a ol� o b .formanoe'.of his duties ae� athmaster. • ' . . p
, - � wfll pay the hi�heot me�rket prioe in cash or a luma e aeelmed to have � s�iled in , p Main street Methodisi church. The ;at- with the lsteat machtuery for making
C�i3OLLEGIATLr -INSTiTIIT�.-Mr. Ii,obt, trade tor: �ood Potatoee $nd sra� claea sutter. g� y P g The oolleotor sbonde were presented and tencinnce:wad not ver lar e owin io a s eeia�'tie�a in this line euch aa rolled
, and alighted �all ;over the room� wherever _�caepted. .- The.rete of taxatton fixed - • y � g p '
-• � � R,ezd pafraed the senior t�aa�ricuiation deIivered �t tbe Popular (�rooery, EsTexF H, their fane diotate�. =Tnere were man wet aight, but the viewe showa �on ean- oate, dic.-l+'armere in the eurroundi�g
� Rass. �113s Y 3' �for the.currenb ear ie two mille on the
� ; F ,� �ifih great euoeeaa ati t6e Univereity . other pretty anc� fanciful rrangemente . y., - vas were among the. beet ever ehown in district will find '�%'Vroxeter as gor,d a
�rlart weeh � ���nd �ir. �amea �Dodde� �ae � h1�ss�s. D�tncan k'Dunean have�ineti• �- � �' . do.11ar for_• townehip :purpoeee, e►ricl �one Exeter �•and th � m e '� �
� � : that we� have `not �e` ace � to inention. ; , e e t�ng wae .called �a �iri�rket �aa any. in th�e� oountry tl�ie year �
'o�ted the modeI ac3hool elaes a� Clintoa �11ted � Saturday Ni�ht Neeki'se t3$le� the Srs� ot . p, r, mill and nine�y•two on8 hundredttie for
� 1 . � _ ' its�in� �n=this town� snd ti�e uhli� should tast �oa�ever ave, mort oordiall and heartil � auccede. The sum of tAenty.eigh� do1- �for their graia and roduce. .�andereon
, & � p � 3' 3' eount� purpoiae,e aad munici al ran.te, ,
� hsving rec�iv�d bie eecoad. cI ee asrtifi- :;t� merita next Ssturda ni ht. The romi n g lare wae re�►li�d; . 3c W ileon. and L+ v ns k Sem ilY
; y g, y se ,inyite the publi� :to' come and � eee �for Afber asein a few accounte �nd oharit � . - ph are
- �f c��e+ when hie a aI,csme to be looked io eell s 3arge etoek oi new tiea at anc� under p g 3' rx�c�,--On Moada ni ht tihe 'n on :
�� .: . themselvee the �ee�lly: elegant .and. aub• _ _ y g, agai the atreeE or all kinde of grain,
_ � ;� �- iaio. Bobh these yo�g men bave been hait �r�oe. - It should bB worth lookin� in�o� � grante the oouncil adJourned until :the `oultr �` houee: of;•Mr. �obert S icer wa� while Ireland k� n
- - zias etantiai goode o� all eorte that sre'tio be ,4th of Novem�er at Mo amara'a Hotel p• •�' p. G bao wall require a
. - ezcallent st�tdents and � fully deserve � �ound in �eafort 's meroantile eetablieh• N -��i�ited by aaeak thievee qnd eeventeeD rea�t man buehel� of oat�, at�d A. L.
z .. � ibeir euccess. We are Ieaeed �o learn` ���A� Bsrgains in Croekery at L�in• � I�aadbury. � • g. y
p uAw��, seaiorth; ' : 1�3s ' rnents. To say� tha� �the shbps were � of hie ,waluable ohiekene w�ere etolea. C�ibaa�n a, lar�e quan;�ity of wheat to koep
� ths� the principal of the Inetitute, Mr. - , The thief or thievee are Bot et eau ht� their ree eetive mille iu o eration he
lsrl�eoa baa been & O1ri�eCi �J t�'18 . GIAL WANTED� -- A gqad general ',crowded' on Saturdsy afternoon and 4 _ :, y g, , p p . T
- �- � � -�p t y .. � e v e n i n d o e s n o� h s l f � r e ' r e e e n t t h e c o n• '" gi��en• but ve� y n�turall y eome p ereon�e are sus- tow rices of rain are actin as a ohEck
4 aervan t. Hig hee t wages. ' App l t o e 3 is� �. .; .,. 8 p � _, p .. g , 8
� : ` Educ�tian department,;examiner in the DICKiiOY �ea to r t h. - 1 1 88x i .' d's tton. Even t l ie e�Tee te�on Sa tur d a OUR Mr, Nablo having returned fr�m eoted, , On a aight � revious Mr. on merket�n roduce etill a fai r uatt-
: _ �: Histar .of Education. Mr. Glalrkebn � ` �. � . • . . , . Y New York, where he hae perteeted him�elf fn p � . . . $ P ; ' _ q
3' evening were fil�ed wlth people ,ea�er to the nrt ot auttin in all the lateai and moet im. , Pieer had aome cab bagee etolen, and it _ tity is commg in,
' Wilt a�aiet iu �canduciin �� the exa,nina- NckrzC�.-While not pretending to aell B •
� 8 � r , eaid that the ihief wae eesn at� the �
_ , C�oode at or UoderCloet yet 1 csan and �vill aell ;8et a peep ineid�, , proved stylea, wg are:now, b�ttarthan ever, in a� _ .
, - tioaa at: the Training Institates � in De - poettton to eu a rtect �ttin ' .
. at Pricas.as Low; aonsic�ering quality, s�a any in: Pp'1J` pe gg�rmanti; and t�orti s;ome time af�er eleven .o clock .by • Blue'Pa18.
- oember nex�, the trsde to ull who iavor me with a trfal.—J. � . r jn order to et�ow you what we� aan do we h�►ve ai nei hbo� who �oltowec�� him -
- C � 8. •_ Lo�nL BsiE�a, - Seven hundred '
- - � ' � Letnu�R 8eaforth: - - ' - 1138 � . � LOOAL •BRIE� 9.-Nl,tse $awkehaw �' decided on selling. our whole -etook ot tweeds,
_ ' ' • : � '' worstade, orereoatiage�:�o.,amounting to;1,600 :.p��ONAL�,.-Mr. Eli Coeh and Mr. Auguet cheeaee , were_ ahi ed from
�. � - Foor Y BAL� -4n atu da , October �, aaughter of Mr.. Wm. . Hawkshaw, left. • pp
" t . F • S x X PECIAL =-On aecoun of "- at ooet eo as to I�oe s: new suft or `overcoa� �• �: -T ndall, of , BrQckville . ar.e the .
_ S , t sll health :F�: ;thie week for lattsvil�e.-Mr, �:Archi• � �' � here laet Friday.---Our. eheeee maker, `
. � 12th, ihe foot b�ll eeason ia Seaforth �ioFaui intends to e en a rtion of the winter � - within easy reaah oi ever one. wo are not rich : g eets -of Mr. Smalla�ombe.=Mr. R,
p�, � .� Mr: Dillon has, ae asual, done well at -
. �' � wili be o ned b a mateh or the eharri- in a warmer oliir,Ate: To �ar� el die ee ot the bald Sco�� and N�r. John Fowler have enough to aSord thie, bu�will do it in=•otder �o
� �;: •� y � - � y p° a` ortiee our .tailorin de artment,=D, wFca- �eldon, of Ingeraoll,:paid a ehort vieit the large�fairs thie eeaeon, h�vin wog
�� ionebi of - We��era O[l�t►Tl0 be�rWeBII oods before leavin� he will oSer the whote _ of -' gone � to �Ianit�ba.-M��sre. McMann �' �'. F. . 8
� �ie �ali�abte stock �o� Dry c�oode Clothin and . � e h�ere lae� week, a Rev. !3, Clement and prizes for hie cl�eeae a�t Toronto,_ Londaa
:�- � 4 � p � S MILL�R. iiss•it •
. :: r+ the famoue Berlin Rangers and �he� sea� c� Dickeou� ehip�ed �a aarlo�d of'.heavy a�ife who were awa on a visit to ve• - •��
-;� �, ; = Carpets at vet� olose pricee for caeh. Thi9 -�vill .LOC2AL BRIEF5,-0ur �o ular etation Y . . and �iamilton, -- Aleaander Gemmill
;, ��,�� +; �forth team. The home team. -wi11 be be a aplendid ohance ior caeh buysra a$ thore, horees to •Lancae�er, �'enneylvania, oa p p troit h�ve returned, -
'�` � '`i� � - • wiTl be no reeervo. Ever �htn ►oe�3 j-. n` Tuesda . Mr:' Diokeoa acaom anied maeter, Mr, R. E. Clegg, is ependiag �� . �° has been appointed collecior for Turn-
. � i ,: <cho�en from the following , playere. ���A�. _ 9 � b ��i�D 3' - p• � week's hvell-e�raed halida � in� Chica o . �--� • , , =berry, The council� never made a better �
as .'them.-Mr. F. Holmeeted is uttin a Y , g ., ,.
� , ; . � Defence� R. FairIey, �: McDonald, - p g � , � Hullett. � � a oi tmeat
-� .� �: .+ �F � - :new late lase fron� in the mu�io atore and n�her weetera eitiea. .!ie is relieved pp , n ., a�e Mr. Gemmxll ie well
�,, ; W, VPilli�, `W. Fairley, �. Jael�aon, H. •• ��i.Ij'ATE 5�18 Of . SOU88}10IC1 EffBCte.-. P 8 ;_
,, � by Mr. Coppin �during� his absence.-The �����. o� . � TxaniP,-On Monda qualified to d�o the . work �ad will take
- _ , *, S�wlceon, J.- Liviugs��ne, D. MeDonald ; Tbe toltowing s�rtiatea will be . eold- b� pri�ate ' of M�eers,_ Scot�r Broe.: ,Zt ie � now . the ,, Y
����� - sale a� very lorv prices during the next tew da s neateat and ha�deomest establiahnieat�of raarket for all k�nds of grainJwas opened eyenipg an •aged tramp called . at � the well with . the people.-Peter Fowlex
F .�,;� ;; Forwarde.==G. A. Dewar, J. Silloran, , y - a.
,,, ,� � at the reeidence of Me: G. L.� sa1� near Beatt�e s• _ here 1a�t week � and the deiiver is u to:- reeidence of Mr�. Jno.� Stee tes and re� captured firet. rize at the �in ham
' f ; J. H�ndereon J`. Smith G.; Ham• its$kind in thie part of. the oouatry, . + Y_ P P 1' g,
,�;.�, , r Grovel�eaforth:-Coai and woo� etoves, ewing. .; �. the= s�vera e�f othar ears notwi4'hetand• uested 1�d iri s for the ni �ht which ahow on hie heav draught ool� a ainst
• r r. . _ miit T. $te hens and F, D. : Dallas.- ing lam � loun ee t aa ete � chair �The many , frienda . �Ir. �, MciFaul , 8 , Y �;. 8. g . , g�_� Y S
,� � � , z . , p Pe� g � rP � e� stande, , , � _
in th la r - ��se '� ranted. The u a l�r fieTd •�homae Jenkin
� � `� �' a Thii� ineludea eleven of the old'�eam and �blea, halt etande, bedroom fur�aiEura, bab car- twi11 be eorr to leara thab oa a000uat of , B e w p ioe�. . Mr. H. Shafer, who _ �_ s rpriae , of Mrs� �9. :.: e got eec �
_ t . � 1�. 4 Yia e and slai h atw � uanttt ot wood y y is carr in on the cattle bueinee� on an= Sb�e l�s and. �famil ma be` sma ined . ond on a two• ear•oId • John Gillee ie
' . il�ese with new blood a�f $ Iendid� ualiC � �. ► q. �' .. , a top ;continued ill•heqlth He i�e obliged.to seek Y 8 �. P Y Y,. 8_ ,Y : P
_. � '�: p q y buggy nearly new, aud a�number Qf towls._ . 'm tie o th�� inte � an ex- extensive. soale this eeaeori '.ehtpped an•� .when .on arisi��rg in the morning to find g�ti aeyeral prized on piga ; F. I'atterr
_ from which,io eb�ose wi11 make �he , b �iss•it a warmer cli a f �r e w �, d
. ,�� other ca�� oad on Mouda last::=Mr, the ma'n uite� dead. The name of the $on ot'three red tickete ancl 'one blue
°_ �� , k, home team strcn er than ever,� s Ever - �- i ;pect� �o leave �or .the eoubh in: a few Y u g
_ g Y Tx�. Po�v�nR ixROCERY. We b� R,obt. MeMordie hae been a ointed a unfortuna.te and the whereaboute of hie on poultry and eeee �while Lawrenee
ibita oinb� ta a ver interestin and g weeke... We hope he will reburn fully , PP r B � .
_ , t � p Y � leave �o calI.ihe ati�n�ion ot �he �eneral p�b.lia , . .
- ud e on hore fleAh ab `r�lativee zf he had an� �bein unk =a Lovell ot fir�t for hie team and eev
xeatared to health:--Mr. John Weir of �., 8 . � .the Str�►throy. , y, g ttown. , g _ eral
_ . ' ;. � ; ' o1c�s�elp contes�ed ma�h. L'�+ �very�body to �he inet `ihat we hnvo juet reaeived � �nice � � � .� ' ' Tizes � for g�
� -� assortment of Qrockerynnd G4iaseware, euitable Lo an k Co. a g�nl�iu Iioaee l�ae been fair, �e waa decently buried'by the munioi- P rain.--Mr, :$amuel seot.�
:, ,_ turn oa� and help the boye. Watch for 8, g _� , , � � � i. • urchaeed th ' _
`bills. Committe�. t�eetin Satarda .� tor lsll and Chriatmae trade, I[ you want any- appomted ae�eignee of - the bankrupt . pa ity,; , . p e Poland Chma Boar that
� � �_ thingin ourline s�o.ouryaluesbeiarepurehaaing �$en�a;j],. ,ZEACiiE�i RrE•El�ff+AGfED.—Mr.: Geor`e , took.eeCond rize at Lhe Toronto qhow
_- �' :, ' j� ( y�). : eleewhere, ae our pr�aea are right. Our grooery estate of Mr. Jonah Nioholeoa, of ,�5ts�n-. . -,
, P
� t� � a�enia , Practioe io•morrow $aturda � and° ot him home lae� week. He is
- � ..� � •�, n�ornin at 9 o'oloc�. • s�oek iB ai�v eomplete in oyery line. � As eugy►re �ey The �ereditore .00uld IIOC. }1aV8 , SOMETHIN(� : T0: PeEMEMBEli, - T#�e � A� NewtQa hai i�een re-engagea for nex� $
v "� �_ g _ ,� have dropped in prioe we-sxe selling at a good seleeted er$on who would look sf ter readers ot tha Eaanosrron who do their �ra�iing in yeaT, ae, te�teher of Har1�Ck eChool at - a�ow trying tu get. tlie $ret prize one ae
`'` ,� reduotion. A gooci raw eu ar !6 ' unde for ' '� p • - Hene�ll=�hould �boar in mind that -tor the next �plar `bf b .w.ell.—Mt'. � hriet
- -� Tsg Gr,ixxox �ow. Ws nblieh on- g� ��'0 their interssts more faithfully.-Dr. , Y. �447 : DVIr, l�fiewton hae been , C opher Thornton liae ,
�� f . �P . Si. �iigheat price in oaeh or trada for Potatoe$, :80 �aye • Fr�nk 0 Noill will eell Boot�, i�hoee� �aQ�in zn tlii� sohool for a. ceat num• :rented hin farm for a term of 5 ea
�, =�t ��' �e �ixth page o� this iseue a l�et of the e g ga and butter. Ef1TATE I'% R;oss; ;1�88 ' Bethune h� re�4noved hie TdididenQe to 8lippera Water•proo! Clothin g, To p sbirte, g g, � 7 y re, �
-`� ��� �`� : . ' the hou�e formerl ooau ied b� Mr.- L; Hats, dape Ciloveg, Mitte, Ties, l.�ober -Trunxs� ber of years, and the beet evidenee of � xo a Mr, Orbie, of ZetIaad,-,Mr. Jamee
priae� a�ar ded in the more imporiant : � y .p y p ' 1�88•i ' hie efficiency �that can be iven ie the Timmins�hAe� onQ on a�i�tit �o (;leve-
r' - ' t� � Dance on' I Viatoria �� ue►re.-Mr. �-� at whoieeale rioee. g �g . ,,
_. depa�tmenf,� of the Iit�ran Central Ex- Ts� MILLINER� QI'ENIN(iSr =-La�t • Y q.: .�. i .� 1$
�� rthur l+orbes. oee to� Bl th � on: Wed• . faot of �bie re-engagement by ths uaani nd•-Mre. B�ailey ie buildmg s� new
, `hibiiion, held in Clinton on� Tueaday, Friday and •Saturda� .were ehow room � Y Bxt�r�,-Kin etreet,:or Zurich road
- ne d x ae �'udge on �o e,� • g '� moue voioe of�thetrueteee and to ihe en• addition. to hex:houee,--Mr. �Toba i�Vat-
. . Wedae�day and Thursday of l�at weel�. da,ys at the millin�ry4; establiehmente in a�Y ne t a} r e„ at the ie reoeivin � good ooAt of. gravel, under �
� �; . �• tire ; eatiefactioa oi the . 0 1 o eon wife and famil of Pai 1
We are lad to bs able., �Eo re or� t�hat aur town. The vQea�ther on F�ida - was �bow there.-Rev. Mr. Howell, torzrier- the �u erviaon -oi athmneter R. Car- _ pe p e f the � y e ey, have
-' - f �his show was one • of ' t�e mofs� eua• toam • efiower and� un leaa�nt y i of thie town, ba� been - elected Preai• p � P• - eeotion, been on'. � visit �o Mr. John Dl�nen� �r.
g y, y p , such , lii�e,_ of the townehip oi 73ay.-The . . _ - �
� � Rev. 'A. Y. Hartle srrived . home
. �` �� . cx��ful held in the oount�this ear, and -a� few ladies�would.care to ventur� out �enti of the �erlin Miai�teri�l �Aaooia- fall faire being now over the farmere �_ � Y .
�` � o #`urnuhea a aod exs�m le of whai .ener- in exas t in the exi `uciee of b�' t'ron. -Rev. 1it. $chiver�ea who con- �•: � more� * Hlu� � a'r89II: la�t week after a two weeke` vieit to the
; '; i��' g , p p, gg. . , ua�nees. ie nuw busily engaged with their r
, � �nda ugh when. ro rl directed Siill uite s number ttid brave the di a• ducted rdvivsl iervioer here last � rin f�rm work of variou� k'nd Fax�c SOLD,-Mr.; �Vm. Loqan has eouth part of the countcy..
_ gY p , p Pe y , , q , . s , , P 8 ., a s, while quite aold hib fa.rm of 50 acres near Hilla -----+ `
� c�n �mpiish,� Previona �o Isa� year greeabiee of _ wind, e.ho�ver ; and muddy �pened �iinilar meetings €a� Stratford on �� autnber .are brsng�ng in grAin, which � '� -
� - � the Cliaton show wu� abont aa lorP as it atree� croeein ePand fel� well rewarded SuIIday laet. �- Ia the patent pump caere �neete with. ood demand here - ur a'reen,. �to hta neighbor, M�:. John Cari• ' St1II8111t18• ,
. - � - g � •' • � ' � eit � for 3 5�U. Mr. Coneit hae.
- cottfd be and live. _ Laa,� year_ an e$orb, by what they saw ot:the ueeful and e b ainet blr. �iiCh�er McCann referred bueineae men re or�. trade ae itn rov�n ' �° �$�t � •LOCAi: BR3E�'.�.-Mra. T. Sheridan ia
g R
�- � �o in these oolumne iom� _time a o the p p • g' good Iac.e end it will me►ke � a value�ble awa on a vi:it to
. '�; .. wu8 made to infaee�new Iife intoothe old� beautiful ia the aev9ral show.-roome. , 8. �nd wg hope tha� .theic mo�t e�ngume .�� Y. her eiater at New-
° ;' `- carcae,� and �ht �ociet assed Ie►r el The ehan e of expreeeioa on ,the ladiee' Qourt hae ranted a� non•sutt;�-blr`, ex ectatione will, Aooa be realize - �dditiou to ' l�ie preaen� farrri, Mr, casile, Ontiario.--Mr. �'Vm, Scot� had
i:. f Y P g Y 8 B p d. M�re
�- �� - under the oon�rol of new mana ere. facee on retirin from that ou entering Thoa. Hendr and famil leave here to• - Logan ie looksng around for, another �the miefortune .� to loae his yalnable
g , g . Y . Y, , M:, Morrieon returned home; thia week laae and his man friends ia th vie- '
�- ' „ T6e buais�esa �and rofee3ionel men of was ve noticeable. Frowne tha� had day=for Suron Gonnty, Michigan, where from $ince►rdine wh�re ahe hadb a on �.� � . y � epr�ng col� b.' et�in it�elf in"ured oa s
� � � ` p � �"- b1 Hendr• ba►e' urohaaed a fat�n $i ' 88 inrty hope he wsl�. decide to locate a ain $trww c y g � -�
�� ,� tha: fown, who hsd previouety �tood acoumulat�d under�Dame Nature srough r� Y,; P,_ � � a vieit for a numbe� of weeke.-Mr. D. 8 utter, one of it�e lege being�►Imoet
' near htre ae the c�o not like to los '�o eev�red from it$ bod - �
, ,;� aloof; gave their asei:tanae moet gen- behaviour out of doorr Iiad• ginen pli►ce many friende in F th�e towu and � couuty Buchanan, .eon` of Mr. Wm. }3uohaaan,� . ..�' �: y. Mr�,. .�ame�
. � erousl to•�he nei hborin farmere, and to �milee and ntter siniab�lit • euch `fe witi unite with u� in wishing,;�him suo- our worth Ju�tice of the Peace of $ood �nd obli�ing a neighbor, � ' Ruesel is vi�i�in io Detroii �iii,� week.
. ' ` the re�u1� wa� a �how ver much �he influence of beeut whs v� � ' cess in � hi� ne w��home and ocau ation. • o ' �he ` -=---- -C. and J. M�hie s nt three �
_ _ � , y y te er form it � townahip f Hay, returned` thii week to � 1. ;. Pe aye of
in adirnnee of� rev�ous- eara, while this may aseume and fe�► oan with�tand it. $e ie a firs`t�olasls man, aud we are eorry (�uel h there to reeume ` hie duti � in . . laet week at .the Iaternational Exhihi-
�'� �nr'nwaa nim rovement on ite rede- -Sa�urda a ahan� e o; he is Ieavin � tow�u.-=Mrx, I�obert Wileoa p' � a� Nar�,s. �ir. John McCo nB�l ' � tion in Detroit returnin
, y n � p p� y g . weather made B the Agricuttural College, ,�nd being .a _ s} ehippe�l � gIlOtY18 OIl-�OII-
. ;: aeeaors. Aside a`lto ether from the speeial ever one feel bri hter the gre . has � one to Ruffalo to s nd a few weeka a car�la�ad of ep'lendid animals from t' da ,--Gno. Parker has diepo
= _ g Y g , y lower B, , Pe eucceeeful atudeni in�the paet, we have , hie Y sed of nine•
``, �. �' -° -'n o with friend� in hat oib .-There is lots � eta 'on- . te n
a�iractione, which no douh� aided large t g cl uds hsd sll retired beyond the x Y no doubi he will etill ��wlte_ good ro•r xl . the . other d�y. They weighed e head of graie-�ed eattle, realizing a
=° 1 in ga���rin �ha crowc3 the show waa vir�a of our horiz of moistnre theae timea and tho�e who - p from 1 300 to I' ou handao e rofi o
,� y g t . on anrl the sua �hone r reea. We wiah`�iim all au�oeee.-Mr. : ,900 p{ nde each.-bJr, m p t n�hem,-=Mra, Wm,
�;: . a oo d oixe� The�ball, as we have alrea�uy ou� grandly, as if iuvi�ia eount at�end sho�e think a littIe � too. much, ���mes �MeLean formerl of ' Tucke • W. �i.� . Nevin has a ain received firsi NewAombe ia_ on the eiek list �►� preeent
-° . � � ea�d waa �magnificentl arran ed and � f iende to take a driv ' � � bu��it' will -ma$e the turni e row;- ' ' y r riz� idMitchell for hls r -=-Mr. Wm. 1�1ic •�
_ , y g, [, e into town, and . _ p � smibh. but at present ia London, wae p osdeter brood hie hae diepaeed- of hia
- �. � . presented a hi hl at�ractive a Qrance, tow� ladiee to coma out for a ro Th� ueual � me tin ' o� t�e �omen a' e - mare. '_ �Ve are leased to see so ma horned eteeds to ..Itoha
_ w� . „� S y _ppe p menade �, g her for a couple of days thie wee.Ic. P. Dy -. r Keraaug�y, af
. _� The laaies de artment was the lar est �and aee what was oin on.and ` Ghris'tian Tem ernnce Union tal�es, lace _ �q�� first` rizes comin to our town:; Bitl � Mildma Bruce Count fo
.; P 8 , g g wha� P. P Mrs. (�. orrati, of Chicago, who, P 8 , y Y� y, r.�125 with-
; - - �, : and beet we have seen at a show this caueed all the �sttr• down �ia'i:n Street, next Tuesdoy evening at the�uaual place. . to ebher with .her ohildren has been has a fine.mare and one.which ie�ard to out the yoke.-Jamee Seale had an old-
.8 , � .
.- � ��; - � yee�r, while the diepI�►y in the fine arts And �� what wae going on ?" �'Vh ,- �he ;-A farewell �ea e�nter�ainment _ wag $ eridin the gurmmer nianth� ab - her �eat.-Mr. �VI, �'Villiams has hie grain "time loggin�q :bee last week - and _-the
� � � de artment was lar e and NFilliner� � �'n � Y iS n a tain iller an�l Lieu:tenant p � g o o n '
� p. g many oi the e y Openi�gs ta be �u�e. Nea-r- f� e C� � f�ther a, Mr.. Wm. }3e11, of the London at re houae -�ompleted, and we expeet Y u g folke had a'big time at night.-
F �• ,�� Exhibits ware of rare. merit. �The dairy the c6r�ter of Yiain and John streets is May in the barr eke on Tuesday ;even- Road returned home this week �acco . grain�'buy�ng. to . begin at au earl d�te " Po�ato dig ing ie ia Qrder "ust no
$ 3 w.
`' - degartinien� was fairly well �repr.,�- the store of Hoffcnan Ec Co, vahere a well ing Iast. � Ther�wae a good attendance. panied by.her sister, Miss T. Bell:n �nd good pri�ee witl be paid, y ' The yield will not be� Iar e but the
` -� - seuted, �ud rain,�although nat a lar e: s�eeorted stack of milliner is and a. aociable�: time. Th�ee officer.a •' - ualit is ood -' $'
� $ , b y alwaye. . ,,_ Miae Bonthron, of 1s.elvin Grove, Rod- , q Y 8 •�he hole in tbe bridge
;� �how, wae of� good� ualit , In root� ' ke t an hand, The �Iso show a com- have, durin th ir term - here, won the erville has been in Deir ' ' C�Oi'1'18s ` � hae been re aired at la�et
; , , q. Y P Y -� , ^ � _ g �. oit for the .
p _ It �akes our
� and vagetaole�, ariiculari the latter fortabte at le of' children s hat� and w� res e.,t and oo � will of all, and their aet wee he u brid e ine ector a
p � , Y , ool p B� p k, t g est of Ylra. McLeod, BRtE��,=Mr. Jamee-Ra�gere, er,� ie in b p long time to eee
� tbere was an excelient eho►v, white f�uit, c�ps; hooda ari:i over dr�psea which will many �riende, ps well _ae the soldiers wife of Dr, MeL"eod.-Mr. John Pat• Detroib� vieitin friends.-M wl�ere there is dan er.--The sale uills
, #� al�o;` was goad £ar this: �eason. In the coma ver hand for bu mot who ha�ve rofit d b their zeal �and u- � r. V�eleh . hare a ' g
, � . Y y �y here who P � Y !� er9on, of the London Itoad,. �had the lef t i'Vingh�m ; on Tueeday for the � �peared .agarn a$ usual, and from
F ou� door deparbment, there was a. ood ha�e little time to �ew. and fix u t ri ht conduct s�acerely re ret thEir d�- �'efo un � a ew � '« » now till, the end o
. �� � $ t p he g, , � � rt e, ,f days� agti; to looee a: aunny'.� �outh. He eaye he _likse - � � April will be t�e
sho�, althou�h in exten� i� did no� e ual oun folka wardr.obe for chill au u ar,ture., , L: ieutenant ��Ia left :'Thura• n n r 1 auetioneer s harv
. � ,;� . q Y � y. � n p Yy ouu g a d�► uabld. horse on account of Zouiaiana well,-Our baee ball -tourna• : eat: . _
the ehow in the halE, In horsee, there ° daqe. There. is no� a very large eu 1'day fur Lucan. ', ti'Ve have nui. learn.ed the eta'a1e floor, whi�h was elevated a ment w e z�ot a rest suecees a' � °�----• �
J' +Q ::� wae of courae k lar e a ��Y . ., , .� g wing �o
_ ,� , , g nd good ehow,r of trimmed millinery kept on hand �ere . where the Capt&in s next char�e will be, number o� feet frorn.the {�round, break= 'the bad weather. Three clube, the Un• �+titmley.
_- � .� �hile cat�le wer$ wetI reprerented, the bu� Mise Hoffman ia alwa s read �-Mre. Thoe. Shar wae called ta, In er- ' ou'
Y y to P g �ng thr �h in the night time, anci the ione,� 13rusae}e and Wingham, � competeci; w�i0 STOiE TFIE G�iIIJ� ?--OIIB ot our
�_ , `� , fine ��rds of Snell 8�' �ons, �'. J. Big-. m�ke up �o order, and supply vvhatever $olt eome #en da��a a�o to attead_a�. the hQrse bein caet in� sueh a manner The:Uniona ot- firet `rize Win hx enter risin oum m �
.� iu� •aud Elcaat Bcoth.era c�oin ood ie chQaen�and ordered. There ' .:eick bed of her t�other and brother� who g �� _ ..p � 8� P 8 Y $_ $, a fe9v ev�nings
_ 6 , 8 g ie an ex that ib diecl ' before morning,--We seoond and Brueeele third. The attend- sgo, '+�t u a dance_fbr the banefit �f
,: 8ervice ia �his depactment, Shee , snd cellent and �vell seleefed stoak of �h are both so e0riatisl ill that their lives g• • p ht� :
� , P apes Y areo pleaeed to report that . Mr�. B, anee wae anot very large oa aecount of b�s� gsrl :in a vacant house aear Lumle ,
�; gi�e �ere also good, �he -new imporia� and materials to seleet from and enou h�are'de's aired of f-Mr, Robert Scott ie •• T .�
. Thomeon sr � who �vas
. so - r ' '
.P seri unl ' A rivin
,. o ill h rain. � . D. Lamb is in a� the f
' g t. - ► , y t e W Ir ew Yor:k g amiliar_ place, whzch
�: � tion� of eheep oi` Meears.MeFarlane and mad� up to show .to advantage .the vari eonfined to bed with ,eome kincl o��fever, that her life was alaiaet des aued of t endin the Fo 1 r had done. valuabie
�lnnt�in of Stanie addin to th - � � , p , a t , g w e Iustitute, M�, serviee on a former
; ;, , y, g e at• ou$ _new styles .of millinery.-A fe.w, ;•D,r. Coteman ha� aleo been te�id up for. ..has suffieientl recovered to ermit her �mb is reatl intereeted in the e�ien' occasion he left hie bask « -'� �
Y P S Y ce , et of grub
f: - - � trnetions, whifa �+Ir. Pe�er DeCoursey, doora°furEher along we come to the. we11- several �t�ya, bu� ie now getting :better, t� wylk abou� and reaume her accu blo - ' coutainin an
stom- of Phren gy, Mr; rhoma� Fennell, ,,_ g, �eeortment of�,all �he rar-
F . � vf Hit�bertr tIs`d more '�han hia ehar� to known and- o ular est�bliehmenb of . "-�ev. Father �otz of �anduek Uhio '�
- p P .E. � Y, .,. �a a�r�e�, and we hope �he may ;have a our higfily eeteemed photographer, has eet delieaciee of the eea�on, out,�ide in an
. , � keeg. up the re u�ation of tha �veine, ' Mc�aul where ihe ve form rl of od' rich= is ,apendia a fe
P _ , ry atmoephere of e y ��e , S. w new and long leaee , oE life,-The Rev, reatl im roved the a ear nee of hie o n bug and `oining the
< Ic�p o`ult�yr slso, there: was a ver, �ice th�e iace rvhen oix en da s in town t e uest of I�ev. Fathe � � � y p•• pp �. . �. . gy� �� merrymak- '
_ Y p y ter ,�proclaims y ,�, K r J. S. Henderaon, of Carmel 1 resb ter- pro ert_ b ivin that ortion of his ers insi$e cantributed .hir fuil
c+�Ileetio�, aIihough �Vtr W. H. Scot�, o€ st Ie ood taste and ente Sbea,�-DMr. Or �lle Jones ne fiew of ' y � y�' $•� p� ., �h�re to
_ ,�; , Y,� � rpriee. Mies . i� _, p ian ehurch, � will deliver hie quarterly Iot in fr.oat of his neat brtek residence a the evenwg e fun ia hie 1uua1 capaeit
' b uley, had thinge very much his own Stobie s welI�k�own,and r.e uted abilit Mr. A. Chittenden, of .thie town har_ s� f� E� �' `
� � p � �. �ermon to youn o le on Sabbath � gradual� slope� towarde the front etceet, : of floor manager, aad eneral �u .
SPeP. + �� g p
- � wa}�in tF�isdepartinent. On the whole, as a milliner is verified'� by aa examin• . gone to Toronto to attend the. bueineee October 13'th ihe aermon be%n - erinten
- � the�ontaide shaw �ee�s od but � it w a' + g e�peci• snd putting e walk from hia :' hotue to. dent, All wen� merry se � m�r.
_ ga , w tion oi the tablee coveied with hati college th,ere. Mre, Williaus �iodeland •tly .for youn� men, and the iub'ect the atreet. Mr. Fennell he� s f�te for rIA e be11 until eome one �u
- ; : , �.� . . „ 7 � , , ; 8 gge�ted to
not ia �dv�aee ` of sever�l o�her ahowa and-bonneta, m�de sfter �the leading �ud and two . childrQn, ot Toron�o, are st Turnin int� in life and � oqr friend t «
g po �..., �� the the beai,tifal.-Mr. W�tt�, .of Mount �� h�i it w� time to p� the
ia the coanty thi� eea,�on, �e the in�id� favorite etyle�.: Theee �re ia Nuch A preeent here vi�iting friend�. � reverend gentleman ��rmon� to youn Fore�t, i� vi�iting friend� in.our �illi► . thiag� �ronnd, whan r� rin to t
. - . S . Sa P� 8 he
t - . � � � ,� - � � � � � � 6 . . � . '. � �
, > . . . . . .
, _ * ; , . _ : . . . _-
. , � > � � - . . . ,. . _ . s . .
- . . . : � . j � , . �_ .' . . . . . , � � - -
..- . - � .
, . � � .
s. � ". . _ �
;- - . _ . . � . , . . .
r • :�. _ ' - . . ' • - _ _. ' ' ,. . _ : -�- ' . ' . � _ � _ - . • . -
' - . _ �� . � � . � , . "' ' ` .� . , ` • ' . � . _ . �T _ �
; . � � . .: r . _ , ;
�. .. .., a _ . . :� . , .. - ; . . . . . a .
� _ , � <L . . ! • ' . -
: . _ ,� . '
. � _ , . , . , .
� • � - - - -- -- - - -
� O�TosE� 4, 1�8�. �
= � � 1wT ��` � - ,
oN Acc u _
C � �.: ;
:E .
M �
C� _
° � � ".
'.Iniends go}ng to a� milder cli�n_a�e. for -
� the winter, � Ia order to ge� a��y_ a,s `
early ae pons'ib1e, he ,�vili �offe'r L;the .
, _z - .
�V$OLE of his . _ � �
Lar e :and �Valu�ble �tac � -
g �
.� -
� .
. _ .
�2 000,00 : :
� . ., . �
_ �:
. �-
�'� � I� � A � _ .- �
'�� - , - _ o-
The atock coneiete af everyihing_kep� �
in a first,elaes dry goads store, There:
will be no ireserve, ev�ry�hing �oes. �
A:gre�t oppor�unity e�rly in the season.
for ihe peaple � �
_ AT
�-� �Vlc�'AUL:' S� - = - � .c��;
SE.A`�OR�H, �
_ _ . ���
buggy :he`found to hie diemay �ha� :eume
one had beent here before �im $nd h� �
left him very much in t6e po�ition of _�- �,�;
�� Old Mother Hubbard." It.�a nesdteas� g �
to aay thati the �� hop" broke' up� at aa e -
early hour, and Archie r�turned :home a ��:
sadder, bu�, we true�, a wiaer ms�a,
Archie swear.e capital pu�ishmea�. - . $u���
s��ainst the young vsgabonds if he fidd� ��,e �� �
them.-Co�. Clo�h �x
. . � from ns.
� . Blyth. ,�
BLYTS EX7iiBiTiON.--The anaual ez- - �
hibition of the Mor._ria .Branch Agr�cul• �� �
tural Society, will be hsld #n Blyth .on� ° ����
Tueeday and Wedneadsy next,�nd frQm
all appeare�nce the exhibi�ioa of I88$� �- ��' `��'
an �2n�
w�ll :eclipse al� previou� - effor�e, The . � avery:�hi
.�own�people are t�king a� hold .of'�he �oond �
work and intend giving the exhibitioa II�� e �
a m� E eria l li ft by preparing a mammo�h :
f,ra des proeeesi�on t o fi a�e lsee a�t 1 0 � °°�' �
� o- ,
� �he �ex�
� clo�k a. m, shar�, also.a pro��ioa �f• ���e�x
the echool ehildren of Blyth and aur- _
rounding schools. Many new � and �t- � ��a ��
traotive fe�tur�s will also be r x���` t�
p e�cented�, or ��,v�r __�
offic�g tha days. The following ie t�ie � •.���i� �
a programrrie a Tueeday-8 a, :m,-
Openiag .of the +'xhibition baildin fox• : ` �r�'��y �`
the receptioa� of all in4ide $xh' it�gand _ �r°�'���'
dieplaya; Twelve, noonf 'ud�n and ' �e�� �eP
awarding of prizea to iaaide e$xhibite;. � ����e �'�
Seven p. m,-Exhibition building . , ��� ��3�
�he r,o-��
brilliantly lighted up and open �o �he: • �i�re r�
public ; Grand progra:nme of mu�io bq
the `�31yth cornet band ta `e�her w3th:: c �n���
g ��e �ee�i
organ competition. ' We�inesday $ a, o � _ • �� ��Q��:
m.-Atl dep�rt�en�3 open to the .pnb• . �
lic ; Ten a, m.-��tone�er trac3e �r�oee-
eion represeu�iug all the iudustrte� and � � I�Eo�s�
mereantile pur�uits of the thriving, and �aaa.' �3a7
go�a•hes►d village of �iy�h; �heproee;- �as. B�el
eion will form on theExhi�itiongrouadi= _ - - � �Stdiug,
aad thea rocesd thr�agh the prinaipi►1• a ' year-�Id
etresta ;�ae . m. - All de artmen�[ ' �
P p o�r1 �11�;
open to �he public ; thrilling and �dari.ag, ye�r oi�
exhibition of horsemans ' '
hi� ia the ria Es�sn. �'
by the renowned cow bo ��Las�o M��'` �. Me �
with a number of -wi1 yi ' �
d maunt�ia ponie�;, ��n;
Two p. m,--Spe'e ding in tbe ring, lady �$�ga
driving eio,; t�rand �ag pipa c:ompeti• _ i�i�, A, �
tion, iii blsnd dauoin� �word !
aad muua by corneti band, Dux�ia���ha ��n' �
afternoon �ad evemin a r'aud-�s�embly ���
_ $ 8 �Ra �e��
nnder the auepiaea of the �3lyth 6re bri= ���,�p
gade wil� be given ia laduetr ha11. If �er, �,
the westher ia favorable- �ednesd�►y ` � °,geldiag;
next will be the greatest ds�y in �ha . ;I�an�t ��
hietoxy of B�y�h. . . - ` �, ���'
� " ' _ : ' ,�. L�o�e?
� Bel�rave. - �I�,oa,d
HAlL4lST Hox$ F�s�r�rr�u.. � -- Th� . �Iaf�tt;
Harvest fiome Fe:tiy�l . in coane;et�an � ����er, �
with Trinity church o�►m� off Thursd�y.� ��•� ����
evening, Septembet 2sth. Aft�r tea►' . ��r�eh
had been �erved :in the Orsn$e �tsll, tf�� ; , oId ge�
audience sdjonrned to � �he Fore�ter�' - ��`�
ha►11, yvhere � splendid p,rogre�mme �a� ' � �'��a
gone through. Although the qesther � h��
wse very b�d, there s►as a good tura.oat, - - '���e
NrA�� ' BALL �iATCS. A �ie }3a�1 �ir• i1I1�
m�tch waa pYayed $aturdsy- afternoQa fl� ���
at Mr. Walter F.kott'a, of the Bth linef � �'�
hetween 'the Juniare, af _ Kelgr�ve, snd., '` �# T��
the Cameroni�na, of the B�h�line, �►�i.ah�; �� ��
r.e�ulted in a viatorq for �he home clnb� �, -���
by a score of 38 to 16, _ `lfad:
� Tx$ � Sxow.=-The �how :of the E�� �' �`��s•
W�wanoah Agricultural Sooiety w� � ° �'�•
held here on Tue �ld
sday and Wednesdsy , ��
1+►ei, � Tbe weather on Wedn�,tda� be- ` ��� �
i�g favorable, there wa�s a, large .cro�d � - �OII, �,:
of people �nci all sesmed � pieased with . ��
the exhibits, ae well they rni ht be #or " �� ��'�r
it wae one of � the beet �ho�ve ever heldf �B �
�ere, Nearly svery departmen� �vas ���'�i
good, and competition keen. 1'he ever� � E�'� �
obliging " aad eflieient �ecretary, Mz.. �m �
Finlay Ander�on, ha� kindl�► aent u� � ���r
report af the eucee�sful -�r�ze WIpIIgT:� . �� Fi��
but owing to the cro�vded state of our ��'
columne, w� are forced to leave i� �s�er �����
until nexi week. ram ; �
Cxi���$ R�-OPENING AN7j T$d-����-
zxa,-The briek chureh in conneetton
with the' ;Belgrav8 Methodist ..eirenit
wa� reopened ou Sua�ia�, �v, Mr, -
Seot�, of Wingham, praAched boi�r _
morning aa� evensn and tbe .
� R,ev bi
Gedde,�, of V�'hitechureh, °ooadncsted the =-
eeryice in tbe afternoon. The oollec- ;
tion amaunted io over �40, ;� ��.���_ � '
ing wa�a helc� in the churoh Monday .
evening, and althou�h �the nigti� w�a, �
stormy, •was a �ucca�r. Itev. Me��re.
Tarrsnce, ��aacs and G�odfrey were , -
preeeni, The 9Vingham ,�iethodi�t �
cho�ir d'ueoure�ad �weet mu�ie to s de= •
Iftghted �ndienoe, Dr, �irh► pt,�ide3
�►caeg�bly. F�ur huadred doll�rs w�a, .
�pent ic r�fit�iag the churoh, irnd �h�
�um hu �U bepa pro�►ided for, : �
, �
� �
� ;�
�prin � �
� ,�,�