HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-10-04, Page 79.
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OCTOBER .4, 1889. -
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GOderiCh Show Prize - List.
The following is a liit of those who
were awarded prizes at the Goderich
showier stook
Howls, - Thoroughbred Horse, -
Stallion four years old and upwards,
Johni3. Martyn. Yearling filly, John
Avery. Stallion, any age, diploma,
John B. Martyn. Female any age,John
Itsters,-,Stallion four years old
and over, joiTathan Miller, T. Mur.
dock. Stallion three years old, Jona-
than Miller, Sturdy Brothers. Stallion
two years old, D. McGregor. Stallion
any age, diploma, Jonathan Miller.
Filly or gelding three years old, T. Tip -
ling, Alexander Morton, H. Hale. Filly
or gelding two years old, Wm. Blair,
Samuel Porter, Yearling filly or geld-
ing, Mrs. S, Andrews, R. McLean,
Brood mare with foal, Joseph Whitely,
W. A. Cunningham, John Gardiner.
Foal of 1889, James Whitely, John Gar-
diner. Pair of matched horses,. R. Mc-
Lean, Isaac Salkeld.. Robert Medd.
Single horse, style and Speed &Mulder -
e.:1,4. B. Whitely, J. W. Edward. Fe-
male, any age,- diploma, Joseph
Special prizes by Jonathan Miller for
colts _ sired by Acadia Wilkes, 'Wm.
Clarke, A. Young, J. Aikenhead.
• Saddle Horses,-SaddIe horse, mare
or gelding, John 1.. Aitken, Peter
Cooke, -John Avery. Pony in saddle,
ridden by boy under. 14 years old, R.
.31cLean-, R. Thompson, Peter Cooke.
Lady Riders and Drivers, - Lady
rider, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs, W. Raw
den. Lady driver, single, Mrs. John
Spooner, John Gardiner, Mrs. Proctor.
Lady driver, double, Elizabeth Elliott.
j. P:Fisher. -
.:-Garriage Horses, -Stallion four years
old and upwards'L. Kennedy, James
Berry. Stailion two years old, W. B.
NixonSturdy. `Brood mare with foal,
D. A. Purvis, Foal of 1889, J. B.
Whitely, D. A. Furvis, Filly or geld-
ing two yeara old, D. A. Johnston, Jos-
eph Whitely. -Yearling filly or gelding,
Mrs. S. Andrews, Single carriage
horse, John Porter, Moses Dixon.
General Purpose Horses, - Brood
mare with foal, George Green, H. G.
Taylor, H. Morris. Filly or Gelding
two years old, Wm. Clarke, J. W.
Salkeld. Yearling .filly or :gelding,
Isaac Salkeld. Foal of 1889, H. G.
Taylor, H. Morris. Stallion two years
-old, j. McCartney, W. F. Clarke.
Yearling stallion, J. J. Fisher, W. C.
Potter, Matched team, James Cornish,
James Reynolds, Robert iledd. _
Special. -- Best walking team to
wagon,J. E. McMillan, W. C. Potter.
Heavy Draught Horses, -Stallion four
'years old and upwards, J. P. Fisher,
• Stallion `three years old, Study Bros.
Stallion two years old, 1st and 2nd C.
R. Mason. Yearling stallion, W. A.
Cunningham, J. O. Stewart.
Mares Registered, -Brood mare with
foal, John Avery, J. J. Fisher,- Filly
two years old, H. Snell & Sons,. W. F.
Young. Foal of 1889, J. J. Fisher,
John Avery.
Canadian Beed. -Stallion two years
old, H. Snell & Sons'W. F. Clarke.
Brood mare with foal, George Currell„
John Sands'John Salkeld. Filly two
years old, J. J. Fisher, Alexander Glen,
3. W:SalkeId. Gelding or Filly, Wm.
Clarke, J.. J. Fisher. Foal of 1889,
George Currell, J. J. Fisher, James
• Cooper. Span of heavy draught hories,
tcewagon W. F. Young, James Rey-
nolds, Job. Stewart.
Speeding in Ring. --Stallion, any age
or size, T. Murdock, Jonathan Miller.
Mares and geldings, owned and driven
by farmers only, Hugh Girvin, Nixon
Sturdy. Mares or.geldings, J. H. Ed-
wards, J. B. Whitely.
JUDGES. -Light horses, -J. A. Arm-
• strong, V. S., Wellesley; James Hun-
ter, Brantford ;•Cowan'
_ Heavy Horses; - James Henderson,
Belton; John Ballantyne, Pine River.
CATTLE.-;--Durhaing,-Bull three years
old and upwards, H. Snell & Sons, E.
Gaunt & Sons. Bull . two years old,
Isaac Fisher, Isaac Salkeld. Bull calf
under one year, H. Snell & Sons, Isaac
Fisher. Best bull of any age, diploma,
H. Snell & Sons. Cow in calf or giv-
ing /milk, H. Snell and Sons, Isaac:
_Fisher, E. Gaunt and Sons. Heifer
two years old, lit and 2nd H. Snell:&
Sons, E. Gaunt & Sons. Heifer one
year old, H. Snell & Sons, Isaac Fisher,
E. Gaunt & Sons. Heifer. calf under
oneaear, E. Gaunt & Sons, Isaac Sal-
keld. Best Female of any age, diploma,
H. Snell & Sons. Best herd consisting
Of one bull and four females, H. Snell,
and Sons, E, Gaunt and Sons.
Ayrshires.-Cow, in calf or giving
milk, J. P. Fisher. Best female of any
age, diploma, J. P. Fisher. •
Polled Angus or Aberdeens.-:-Cow,in
If or giving milk, John Andrews,
Yearling heifer, John Andrews. Best
female of any age, diploma, John An-
Holsteins. - Yeling bull, James
Elliott, Bull calf, indor one year, John
Cox. Best bull of ny ege,dipioma,Jas.
Elliott. Cow'in calf or giving milk,
,John Cox. Best female of any age, di-
ploeia, John Cox. -
Grade Cattle, -Cow, giving milk or
in calf, milking and beefing- qualities
considered, J. L Dickson, James Tabb.
J. T. Dickson. Two year old heifer,
J. W. McDonald, Robert Medd, James
-Jenkins. Yearling heifer,Robert Medd,
Robert McCullagh, Heifer calf, under
one year, J. W. McDonald, J. T. Dick-
son. Beat two year old steer, E. Gaunt
lc Bons, J. T. Dickson, J. Stewart.
Best yearling steer, J. T. Dickson,Robt.
Medd. Best steer Calf, Isaac Fisher,
• John T. Dickson. Best' herd, consist-
ing of four females and one Steer, John
I, Dickson. '
Fat cattle, any breed, -Fat ox or
steer, 1st and 2nd WM. McLean, E.
Gauant & Son: „Fat cow or •heifer, E.
Gaunt & Son, Isaac Fisher, Wm. Baw-
'hurling ewes and 2 lambs H. Snell &
Southdowns,--Ram, two shwa and
over, Glen Bros. Shearling ram, Glen
Bros., 3.0. Stewart Ram lamb, J. O.
Stewart, Glen Bros. Pair of ewes two
shears and over, Glen Bros., 3. 0. Ste-
wart. Pair of Shearling ewes, 3. 0.
StewartGlen Bros. Pair of ewe lambs,
Glen Bros., J. „O. Stewart. Pen of
Southdowns, consist' of one ram, two
ewes two shears an over, two shearl- ma said, "Pear, sweet, loving little
ing ewes and two ewe lambs, Glen Sunshine will never sing any more.
Poor, poor Furry has lost her good
home, and her little tmistress, and her
warm cushion, and her Banter of milk=
and all becsuse an obstinate ehild said,
'I doleewsait-er."
after Dcnl'.want-er bad gone to bed, he
-put the cat into a deep, deep bag, slung
her oyer his shOulder, abd marched with
• her into a forest. The bag was tied
with a tender string, so that Furry
&Mid get out if she tried hard. Tom
hung the bag on the bough of a tree,
and ran home as fait se be could. The
next morning he told his sister that
Furry would never come back anymore.
The little girl cried very hard when main.
Oxfordshire Downy, - Ram, two
shears and over, James Tabb. Shearl.-
ingram, James Tabb. Pair of ewes,two
shears and over, James Tabb. Pair of
shearling ewes, James Tabb. Pair of
ewe lambs. 1st and:2nd James Tabb.
Shropshire Downs, -Ram, two shears
and over, John Salkeld, James Cooper.
Shearling ram, J. T. Dickson, a. J.
Fisher. Ram Iamb, J. T. Dickson, Jas.
Cooper. Pair of ewes two shears and •
over, James Cooper, J. T. Dickson.
Pair of Shearling ewes, J. T. Dickson,
James Cooper. Pair of ewe lambs, J.
T. Dickson, James 'Cooper. Pen of
Shropshire Downs, consisting of one
ram, two ewes, two shears and over,two
shearling ewes and 5 ewe lambs, J., T.
Dickson, •
Fat Sheep, -Best pair. of fat sheep,
ewes or wether, 1st sied 2nd S. 'An-
Jutcas. Sheep and Pigs, - John
• Coultis, Beigrave ; James McFarlane,
Clinton; W. J. Biggs, Clinton.
JUDGES.-C. M. Simons, Ivan ; James
Duncan, Drayton; Chas. Spooner, Clin-
• SIIEEP.,-Leicesters,--Ram, two shears
.and over, II. Snell & Sons; E. Gaunt &
Sons. Shear1ing-ram,-11, Snell & Sons,
Isaac. Salkeld. -Ram lamb, ht and 2nd
•E. Gaunt. & Sons. Pair, of ewes w& o
shears and over'hear1st and 2nd H. Snell :sharp yowl. What she really said was
Sons. Pair of sling ewes, E.Gaunt "Don't want-er." Then she sprang as
.& Sons H. Snell & Sons. Par of ewe quick: -well, as gni& as a cat -out of '
lambs,fE, Gaunt & Sons J. O. Stewart Don'-want-er's hands, and caught dear,
Pen of Leicesters consist'ing of one ram, dainty little gold -feathered Sunshine in
PIGS. -Improve Berkshires, -Boar,
Itvo years old, H. Curwin. Boar over
one year and under two years, Richard
Delbridge. Boar littered in 1889, H.
Curwin, Richard Delbridge. Boar of
anyage, diploma, Richard Delbridge,
Sow, two years -and over, Richard Del -
bridge, William Andrews,J. T. Salkeld.
Sow over one-year and under two years,
James Tabb, William Clark. Sow lit-
tered in 1889, lit and 2nd H. ° Curwin.
Sow of any age, diploma, Richard Del -
bridge. •
Suffolk, -Boar littered in 1889, 3. W.
McDonald, William Clarke. Sow teq
years and over, J. w: McDonald. Sow
littered in 1889, William Clarke,41, W.
Named, any kind; -Boar littered in
1889, Wm. Andrews. Sow two years
and over, William'Andrews. Sow over
one year and under two years, .Rodney
Adams, Sow littered in 1889, Samuel
Potter, H. L. Salkeld. Sow of any age,
diploma, Rodney Adams. Besepen of
any breed, consisting of one boar and
three sows of any age Richard Del -
BY Mrs. M. F. Butts.
"'What's your name ?" askede, visitor
a a little yellow -haired bunch of a girl.
"Don'-want-er.'.' was the answer, as a
pair of great, fearless blue eyes looked
up into the lady's face
Come and sit on my knee, please,
and tell me over again. :I don't qeite
understand you." , '
," Don',want-er," repeated the bunch,
putting a fat forefinger into a red rose-
bud of a month. •-
":Tell the lady your name," said the
" Don'-want-er," came again from the
pretty lips that were now pouting.
"Then run out and find brother.
" Dote-want-er 1"
The visitor laughed,
" Don'-want-er has -come to be the
obstinate little thing's nicknanie," said
mamma, "She 'don',-want-er' do --any-
thing that other peoPle- want her to
"Don'-want-er " was only three years
old. She had three little friends of
whom she mae very fond -Frizzle, the
short -legged terrier ; Furry, the
big old. black ' cat, and -Sunshine a
pretty canary. Frizzle was an edue:ted
dog. Furry • was at the head of
the mouse -catching business. Sunshine
wei a famous singer. fie was very fond
of little Don'-wanter, and would nip at
a lump of white sugar between her
little sharp teeth. ,
Perhaps very little folks don't
know the meaning of such a hard word
as -obstinate. But, 'its brother Tom
said, Don'-want-er had "the obstinates.
She was born with them. Now, this is
. what came of Don'-want-er's " obstin-
Rtes." . •
.One day brother .Tom was . going to
take her out in the pony cart. While
she was waiting for Tom she ran into,
the bath -room. The tub was half fall of
water. "Come away from the tub 1"
called nurse. " Don'-wanter 1" said
the little girl. • She was having fiae fun
bobbins her black doll Dinah up and
down in the water. As the ' little fat
thing had to reach far over to do this,
she lost her balance and fell into the
tub. There were dreadful shrieks, and
nurse, coming in, saw the soles of two
little boots sticking up. When half -
drowned Don'-want-er CMG out of the
tub, she said': " D'eas me quick, so I
can go to wide." But mamma said,
You can't go to ride to-
day. You can't go to ride again this
week." Alas Fit -was Monday! "Please
let me." begged the dripping child. '‘ I
don't want to," said mamma, which
were Don'-wapt-er'S own „words Spoken.
in a grownup way,
But this was net the saddest thing
that happened on account of little. Don'
want-er's obstinacy, One day mamma said
(.4..o upstairs to nurse, dearie." Just
then the -door -bell rang and mamma did
not hear Dearie's answer. We can guess
that it was Don' -want er." Mamina
was very busy with a caller for the next
'half-hour. The little onestrayed to 'the
kitchen, begging sugar from, the cook,
then went to the parlor to j3lay With
Sunshine. After a little Furry joined
in the play. She was hungry that day;
she had had no mouse -meat for ever so
"Furr•y," said Don'-want-er, " oo
take the sugar in oo teef, and let sun -
sine pick it.' ••
Furry seemed to have the obstin-
ates,' also, for she wouldn't hold the
bard white lump properly, and Don'-
want-er said. Look in the glass now
an' see what a naughty tat oo is !" Sun-
-shine was standing on the marble --slab
under the mirror. Furry gave along,
• --Thomas Dennis, of Bayham, county
of Elgin, was lately released from King.
ston Penitentiary, where he was sent a,
year or two ago on charge of conspir.
ing to commit larceny. Many people
in Bayham believe him innocent and a
victim of circumstantial evidence, and
accordingly on Thursday of last week
between 300 and 400 people gathered at
his residence to show the respect they
still entertained for him as an old friend
aneaequaintance. The procession ari
rived at his place abput 12 o'clock, head-
ed by the Corinth 1 Brass- Band, and
fot-ind a still larger number had already
arrived and notified Mr. Dennis of what
was going to take place. After dinner
theNowd gathered together under the
• trees in the orchard to listen' to speak-
ing, Rev: Mr. Cornell, being an old
acquaintance of Mr. Dennis, was chosen
chairman. Speeel+ were made by
Messrs. Brown, Martin, Pearson, Rev,
Mr. Major. and others, all of whom be-
lieved that Dennis .vas innocent of the
• crime for whieh he had been punished.
two ewes, two shears and over, her cruel jaws.
on -a an -er s ve
- •
D t hi • ked in piercing
tones. Manama ran down, cook ran up.
Butthey came too lste to save the love,
g• „
Original and only reliable.
„Beware of poor imitations.
' When brother Tomheard what Furry
had done, he said that She should be
banished. So,,one dark, dark evening,
Farms for Sale
Township of GREY,
The following valuable Farms are of-
' fered for sale:
N -
Lot No. 32* in the 1.4th concession of the
Township of Grey, containing 1C0 acres more or
less, the moat of which is cleared and stumped:
There are a log house and frame barn, 45x80
with stabling underneath,on the farm.
Price, $8,500; $2,800 may remota on mort-
gage at 13i per cent.
_ INT 0 _ 2 •
Lots Number 82 -an 33 in the 13th concession
of the Township of Grey, containing .200 acres
more or less, and Mostly cleared and stump;
On this farm there is a frame house an log
barn, also a young orchard.
Price, 54,000 ; $3,500 May -remain on mort-
gage at 6i per cent. " ' • •
These fanns are conveniently situated to
Brussels, Ethel and Listowel, all good markets.'
• For further particulars apply to.
Alex. Hunter, Brussels.
"By a thorough snowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition, and by a careful application of the
fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with& delicate-
ly flavored beverage which may save us many
heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use
of such articles of diet that a constitution may
be gradually built up until strong enough to re-
sist, every tendency to disease. Hundreds of
subtle maladies are flosing around us ready to
attack wherever there s a weak point. We may
escape ntany a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves
well fortified with pure blood and a properly
nourished • frame.”---'' Civil -Service Gasette."
Made simply with boiling water or milx. sad
only in packets by grocers, labelled thus:
JAMES EPPS & -CO., Homceopathio Chemists,
London, England. 1088-42
Consumption Surely Cured.
Please inform your readers timer have a posi-
tive remedy for the above named disease. By
its timely use thousands of hopeles cases have
been permanently cured: I shallbe glad to send
two bottles of my remedy PREIS to any of your
readers who have consumption if, they will isend -
me their Express and Post Office address. .
Respectfully, DR. T. A. Suwon.
1089-62 37 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.
. ) .
Decreasing the Death Rate._
The mortality among Consumptives has been
nriaterially decreased of late years by° the use of
Scott's Emulsion of C d Liver. Oil with Hypo-
phisphites of Lime aid Soda. Phthisis, Bron-
chitis, Abscess of th Lungs, Pneumonia and
Throat Affections are c`on)pletely subjugated by
a thnely use of this excellent pulmonic. Palat-
able as milk. Sold by all druggists at We. and
$1.00. 1
A Strong Following.
TANY diseases result from neglected condi-
Ill potion, such as sick headache, bad blood,
foul humors, heartburn, dizziness and general ill
health. From one to three bottles of Bur
Blood Bitters is guaranteed to cure consti ation
and all • diseases caused_ by irregularit of the
Severely Attacked.-
"WAS severely attacked swith diarrhoea and
vomiting, the pain was intense and I thought
I could not live till morning. Six -doses of - Boy.
Fewist's Extract of Wild Strawberry cured me
and I have not had the least symptom of it
Hamilton, Ont.
.- In Many Forms. , •
assumes many phases, all dis4
agreeable to the sufferer, yet it takes no
form which from two to four bottles of Burdock'
Blood 13ittera will not cute. A. B. B. cures dys-
pepsia, tones the weak stomach, aids digestion,
sharpens the appetite and renovates th•e entire
Clamot Fail.
i,fBS. JOHN E. THOMPSON, of Shelburne,
Province Quebec, writes: My two child-
ren received groat benefit from Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry for Diarrhoea and sununer
complaint. I gave it according to direction and
they soon recovered. Be sure arid get the gen-
From Bad to Worse. -
CROFULA leads to coniumption. From
AD three to six betties of Burdock Blood Bit-
ters will cure scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas,
_boils; pimples, blotches, tetter, shingles, scald
head; sore eyes, and all skin affeetione, by
cleansing the syStein and removing all . impure
matter that causes bad blood.
Tried! Tested Proved-!
YEAR ago last summer I was troubled with
dysentery. I procured Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry and took according to
directions, which completely cured ine. Ron-,
ER7 E. GREEN, Lyndhlirst, Ontario. This Medi -
eine cures all loosene s of the bewels.
Worms cause much sickness- among children.
Freeman's Worm Powders nrevent this, and
make the child bright and healthy.
Never allow the boWels to remain constipated
- lest serious evils e_nstie, National Pills are un-
surpessed as a remedy for constipation. .-
• i
Vietoria, Carbolic Salve is a wonderful healing
compound ler cuts; wounds, bruises, burns,
scalds, boils, piles, pimples, &c.
Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine fortifies the
system against attacks of ague, chills, bilious
fever, dumb ague and like troubles. ;
l'im!!!!..1111...."" •
Many young children become positively 're-
pulsive with •sore eyes, sore ears, and scald head
Such afflictions may be Speedily removed by the
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young and old alike
experience the benefits of this medicine.
Queen Victoria has .remarkablyfine head of
hair, -for a lady of . her age; but her soh, the
Prince of Wales, is quite bald. Had he used
Ayer's Hair Vigor earlier in life, his head might,
to -day, have been as well covered as that of his
royal mother. It's not too late oet.
Now in. Running Or4er.
Mr. D. B. McLean has uow got his
mill in working order and is prepared to
do all kinds of
Mill runs on Tuesday and -Frid.ay of
each week until further notice.
D. B. McLean, Proprietor.
Having done business in Canada for the past
.10 years, our reputation and responsibility are
weltknown. We pay salary arid expenses from
the start, if everything is satieladtory No pre-
vious experience required. Write us for term,
- Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice, hay
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also aipositive-
n.nd radical cure for Ns rvous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in, thousands of
cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German, French or English, with full
, directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming this )
paper., W. A. Now 149 Power's Block, Roches- I
er, N. Y. • 1093-26-e.o.w
hwhigb ara very liberal, before engaging wit any.
othai firm. :
• REFERENCES.- Bradstreet's or Dun Wiman &
Co'e Commercial Agencies; well known to busi-
_nese men ;" or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. •
Flo-wering Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs and
Gre naall winter and Summer,
Insecticide Powder,
Por Plants of all kinds.
Call at the Seaforth Green House,
North Ward.
Woo and Manure Wanted.
Seed Wheat for Sale..
The undratted has a limited *quantity of the
-belebrated BU NELL FALL WHEAT for sale.
This whe t was grown on the' lake shore and
will be a ood change for seed on inland farms.
It is of excellent flouring qualities, yielda well,
and ie not so liable to rust as some other kind.,
For particulars apnly, to
S. Minnie, Zurich Pit O.
St. Thomas, Ont.
College Re -opens September 2.
This College -is now generally acknowledged
to be one a the leading institutions of its kind
n ,the Dominion. This is - shown by the fact
while the attendance was over 100 per 'cent.
greater than during any preceding term. Over
80 per cent. of the graduates aro now occupyin
good positions.
AZ' Our handsomely Illustrated Catalogue
will be m'ailed to any address on application,,,,
Principals and Proprietors
Lime! Lime!
The Bodmin Lime Works
Are situated about two miles East of Belgrave
on Lot 9, Concession 4, Morris. The under
signed will keep any quantity of Fresh Lime
alwaj s on hand and will sell at a reaeonable
price, This Lime has been thoroaghly tested
and proves to be one of the best white limes in
Canada. Lime delivered to any part on the
shortest notice. This. Lime will also be kept for
sale at Losidesboro, Clinton and Goderieh.
tar Address either by letter or telegraph,
J. J.' DOVVNEY, Proprietor.
LD AT 2 5 CL....s PERCaKeesi Dane et s
The 1-la'tayv and1aning Mill.
On Lot 25, Coneession 14, Township
of Hay, Zurich P. 0.
. H. & J 0 Kalbfleisch, Proprietors. '
The undersigned keep constantly on hand at
the above mills a full and complete assortment
of all kinds of Doors, Sashes and Planed Lum-
ber. Also a lot of Hemlock Lumber at from 83
to 87 per WOO feet.
Custom work prowptly a ;ided to, Bffls cut.
to order on the shortest notk.
Estimates for new buildings gaen.
eirParties intending to build would find it to
their' advantage to apply to us as we have all
material at first cost and are prepared to do
cheap and good work and all material guaraw,
1113.41 . Zurich P. 0.
• McKillop Directory for 1889
JAMES HAYS, Reeve and Warden, Seaforth
P0. _
JOHN BENNEWIES, Deputy Reeve, Ward 1,
Jo dbAl r. Ptii .
°EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech -
JOHN MORRISON, Councillor, Ward 3, Win
thigAPIAS DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, -Sea•
forth P. 0.
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win
throp P. 0.
ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop P. 0
DR. HANOVER, Medical ,Ilealth Offleer, Sea,
WM. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Leadl
bud, P. O.
The Great English Prescription
Cures Weakness, Spermatorrhesh
Emissions, Impotency and all
diseases caused by self-abuse or
indiscretion. • One package 81,
inermistisix $5 by mail. Write for
wl) •
Co., Detroit, Mich. For sale by LITMSDEN &
WILSON, Chemists & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont.
ew Planing Mill
The undersigned would announce to the Pub-
lic that they have their New Planing Mill in
full blast, where they will do Custom Planing,
Matching, Scroll Sawing and Wood Turning.
They will keep on hand Dressed -Lumber, Floor-
ing and Siding. Doors, Suh and Framesmade to
order. ,
• attended 9,0 formerly. Shingles always onlaand.
By strict attention to business and- fair dealing
' we hope to ga.n Public patronage.
Jolln S. Porter'sr
Undertaking and Furni-:
SEAFORTH, I' ture Emporium,
Fune als furnished on the shortest notice;
and sati faction guaranteed. A largi assert -4, •
ment o Caskets, 'Coffins and Shrouds, Ste.,,
always n band of the bcst quality. The best'l
of Emb lming Fluid used free of charge and
prices te lowest. Fine Hearse,
S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director. Reid -
dem GODERICH STREET, directly op-
posite the Methodist chureli in the house
formed occupieel.by Dr. Scott. A
04.D.11 ri
tol gi 1114i
• 15- Elle
.* 51
(03, go
irm ca
r•s Pr fog pti
Pro. 12.Elm
ol =1241
roi g sr o
• Is " 0
Si; WI co ti
8 1>
I co o
• s'gl•
rfi— 0
o -
Loa h and Investment
This ompany is Loaning Money ox
Farm Security at lowest Rates
of Interest. • -
Mortgages Puchased.
TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor graduate of
Si Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases
of Domestic -Animals treated. - Calls promptly
attended to and charges moderate. Veterinar,y
Dentistry a Opecialty, Office -At -Weir's Royal
Hotel, Seaforth. 111241
MIRANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of Ontario
X Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the
Veterinary Medical Societ ,y etc., treats all die -
eases of the Domesticated Animals. All calla
promptly attended to either by day or night.
Charges moderate. Special attention given tO
veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street,
Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardware
store. 1112
Jarvis and Gestalt% Street., next doer -to ths
Presbyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. All dia.
, eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do -
mediated animals, sumWully treated at As
Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest nodes.
Charges moderate. -JAMES W. ELDER, Veto's'.
inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin
ary Medicines kept constantly on hand
BOAR- FOR., SERVICE. -A very fine young
Berkshire Boar, nine months old, bred from
prize stock on both -sides. Terms. -81 at the
time of service, with the privilege of returning
if necessary. . GEORGE TROTT, Seaforth.
A GOOD BOAR.—The undersigned has on
lit.„ his Inemises in Harpurhey, opposite Mrs.
Robb's, the well-known prize Berkshire Boar,
formerly owned by Mr. George Trott. He ha;
taken prizes at London, Goderich, Seaforth, and
herever shown. A limited number of sows
will be taken. Terms -51, payable at the time
of service, with the privilege of returning if
necessary. ROBERT TORRANCE. 1124x4
CHESTER WHITE PIG.—The undersigned
k Will keep during the present season on Lot
1, Concession 2,,L. R. 5. Tuckersmith, a Thor
ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
number_ of sows will be taken. This pig was
farrowed on May 16th„1887, was bred -by S. U.
Todd, of Walconan, Huron County, Ohio, one of
the most extensive, and reliable breeders
lathe Unittd States. This Pig has also taken
first prizes -whereever shown. Terms $1,- pay
able at the time of service, with the privilege of
returning if necesssry. GEORGE PLEWES
Brussels Lima kilns,
TO Farmers and Builders.
a, 4 and 6 -per CentIeterest Allowed oe -
De sits, according to amount and
time left. ..
•OFF CE. -Corner of Market Squat*
and N rth Street, Goderieh.
(Welch, ,August 6th,1885. 922_
Pla tang Mill,Lumber Yard
The s bscriber would beg to call attention to
the lark stock of 'dressedand undressed lumber
which 110 always keeps on hand, at the very
lowest P lees,
Bill StufF cut to any order on
Short Notice.
GoodCedar cut into timber or posts. Contracts
take .for every descriptions of buildinge,
including all work.
Charles-. Querengesser,
1106 Lot -31, Conceasion 8, Logan.
John C. Morrison,
W -00M I3Iic MEI?,
With one. canvas; the best in the market.
Fanners are requested to see it before pun
chasing ny other. Also the U. T. K. HAIL -
Autioneer for McKillop.
The •best oi satisfaction guaranteed and sale
notes puchased. ,
Will a so be willing to execute Wills, Agree-
ments, Mortgages, -&e.; at his office, Winthrop.
itgfr A fair kW given with alrimplements.
Von the removal nf
A, worms of all kinds
from chilfiren or adllitS
,pLroOlipet,r4Grefi 1 la b.7Ae wsaif es
Ind pleasant,' requiring no after medicine. Never
tailingleave no bad after effects. ,
• Prlee,423 cents per bore
Of the Brussels Lime-KiIns, is now prepared to
supply any amount of , •
For Plastering, Bricklaying or Stone Work.
I wiftdeliver the lime in Seaforth or vicinity for
18 cents per bushel. Orders promptly filled.
If by mail, address
As. W. F. KELLY,
10664f Brussels Lime Works
Monument Co.
The Only Bronze Foundry in
the Dominion.
Our material is endorsed by leading ?scientist
BS being practically Imperishable. It cannot
absOrb moisture, and consequently is not affect-
ed by the frost.
8end for Designs and Terms to
W. 11.-GIFFINi Clinton.
$0a101'. th
Undertaking Wareroomg
If you want good value for your mciney,
• don't forget to give M. Robertson a call
before- buying elsewhere. You will find
hie stock very large and varied, and prices
to suit the times. , •
The Undertaking Department is replete
with every sanitary convenience, as re -
Commended by the 'Undertaker( Associa-
tions of the continent. We pay particular
attention to the science of embalming, as
demonstrated by eininent professors at the
Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet-
ter -prepared than ever to furnish and eon-
- duet funerals on more reasonable terms to
our patrons than any so-ealled "reform
ondertakers," with their advertising clap.
'reroomsOne door _south of the
Telegraph Office, Main gtreet, Seaforth.
Banking House
{In connection with the Bank of Montreal.)
.- LOGAN & CO.,
Now in heir own premise. on Market Street
Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office.
General Banking Business done, drafts Issued
and cashed. Interest allowed on depdsits.
On good notes or mortgages.
. „ 1058
d of Cotton Root, Tansy and
ennyroyal-prepareny an old phy-
Man. In succesiffully used monthly
by thousands of women, and has been
prescribed in a practice of over thirty
years, Price, $1, Will be mailed to any address
in Canada and United States. Doctor's consul-
tation hours, 9 to 11 and 1 4., Diseases of
women treated enly. Sealed art:eulars, te o
stamps. Ladier only. Address POND LILY
COMPANY, No, 3, Mahe Block; 191 Woodward
Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. 1135-13.
C 0 OPE R A G.E.
The undersigned is now prepared to receive
} orders for any number of Bret -class
- -
-AppleBarrels and Butter
I - ,Firkins,
! Also any other mktic n his line. Apply at the
; works, old BapaRthureb, Seaforth.
I Dealers and, -Packers taking large number*
will be very reiSonably dealt with.
10224f "
ltirATTHEW ,MORRISON, Walton, Insuranoe
an Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits,
Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the lowest
rates. 31.1losausorf, Walton.
HASTINGS,Solicitor,eto. Office-Cady's
V y. Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth, -
. 974
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Opine-
d• Room % One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher
shop. Agents-Opunzon, BOLT &CAMERON. 870
n ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid -
Ur tors, &o., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Gamow,
Q. C.; Wm. PROUDFOGT. 686
/1AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
1‘,/ Solicitors in Chancery, Goderich, Ont.
M. 0. Cmninen, Q. O.,. Plum Bow, M. G.
"1-%J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Cont4yanoer', &a
• Late of Victoria B. O. Oflioe-Over
Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seatorth. Pri-
vate funds to loan at 5i and 6 per cent. 1035
& SCOTT, Barristers, Seib:gears,
.111.., Conveyancers, &o. Solicitors forthe Beak
of Johnston, Tiede & Gale. Money to loan.
Office—Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario, A, H.
MAnnixo, JAMIIS Soorr. 781
ti 110LMESTED, suocessor to tht, iate firm 01
X . McCaughey & Helmeted, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer and Notary.Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main
Street, Seaforth,
ju Huron Land Agency, Goderich and Bay-
-field. -Lando for sale in four of the best wheat,
•eattIe and fruit townships in Ontario. Private
funds to loan at 5i per cent Bayfield every
Thursday, 1081141
DICKSON & HAYS, formcrly with Messrs.
Garrow & Proudfoot, Goderich ; Bar-
risters. Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels.
Seaforth Office—Cardno's Block, Main Street.
R. S. HAYS. " • W. B. DICKSON. '
Money to Loan. 1127
11 aiTONEY TO LOAN.—Strsightlot s at 6 per
au cent., with the privilege to borrower
of repaying part of the principal money si any
time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister _
Sesforth. 850
"Vir. 0%.
New Rooms -Over Daley's store
next door south of Robb's groce4
- Main street (east side), Seaforth. 941
L. BALL, L. D. 8. Honor Grad ,uste and
. M. R. 0. D.13. of Toronto. Vitalized Air
g ven. Latest improvements in Dentlstry ials-
served. Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth, houri
9 a. m. th 6 p. m. Fees reasonable. B. B. -
MORIES, D. D. S., of Phils.delphii, Aesistant.
kJ. tists, of Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit BIyth the
last Thursday, and following Fri-
day of each month, at Milnes Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at
Peine's Hotel, and Henson the following Thum
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he
will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex-
tracW with a new Japan anesthetic, wbieh re-
moves nearly_ all pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please call early in the morning of the
first day. Chargeimoderate. Terms cash. 984
-..-amtra4,, Tx -KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D.
1 'f., 1. A 11., 8.§Exeter, Ont. WM be at
1aTM-r-eir at thelluron Hotel, *nth.-
Teeth extracted with the least painpossible. AW,
work first-class at liberal rates. 971 ;
A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Honor graduate ot
• the Roial College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. 11 the anesthetics used for the
painless extraction of teeth. Office—Garfield
Bloat BR -WPM LB. • 10064.1.
13 E. COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon
Di. and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127
AIM HANOVER, M. D. 0. M., Graduate of
V V McGill University, Physician, Surgeon
and Accoucheur, Sesforth, Ont. Office snd re -
'Menet -North side Goderich street, first brick
house east of the Methodist church. ' 961
GUNN, Brumfield, Lima- •
dates- Royal College of Physician' and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brumfield, Ont. NO
T G. SCOTT, M. D., &a., Physician, Surgeon,
e) , and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Moe and
residence South side ot Goderich street, Seoond
Door mat of the Presbyterian Church, 842
T3 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C, M., Member
IV, of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
&c., Seaforth, Ontario, Office and redden°i
same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848
A LEX.BETHUNE, M. -D., Fellow of the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Kingston. Successor to 1)r. Mackid. Office
lately occupied by Dr. Mackid, Main Street,
Seaforth. Residence -opposite corner south of
Forbes' Livery Stable, .
Dr. Maekid has gone to the Northwest and
Dr. Bethune has taken his practice. -The
Doctor will be found In Dr. Mackid's CMOS
during the day and at his own residence during
the nigh ,t house with brick basement, P,OT1301
south of Forbes' Livery Stable., 1127x12
T P. BRINE, Licensed Atietioneer for the
ea) County of Humn. Sales attended In al
pate of the County. All orders left at Tui
P.m:Douro& Office will be promptly attended to.
P EN H YR OYAL WAFERS used monthly bi
over 10.000 ladles; are safe, Pleas=
sure in ezeet; a lady's greatest frien
at home or abroad; 51 per box by =LI
or from druggist. Sealed Partieglarl
20 stamp. Address
, Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON, -Mein-lots and
Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. 1121-62
NO vviTNE sax RaoutRao