HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-09-27, Page 3th NEYS Deery, - ns rtfiVieS1011 Store ompkte kke south -of • * .ONS - 4Cce id New, on the most ERY GIMP ed for Farns 'moil motto SEAFOILTIL bERY H, mere for a pest, and lasinese and ta merle a We alwaye thit !Meg - 1, reasonable aotu repre. Sugsrs are vin g 'bought are- able to call special c+per pound. L. 5 lbs. for good satis, +od as any in ving a first - p our butter ier. Canned ays on cut, 5f Decorated sold cheap; 1 Toilet Sets t constantly [ct in cash or mrir. ',.aderidt Sts Lira' an LMail Ps, ot.) te $1200. eerage, 820, • and from Ly point in • friendsdo mid tickets Steamship a Manitoba en- sleepers Ill pointsin tina. Head hi lase -ranee clasees of Na trouble insurance *boat, and Agent, KaYoRti.1. ttiERCE., knfo. wards, rant kr.-tee. d citleiln he United -- rommerciai &gasser. Tves nelit Nein 'th Are and &lee tinge, dze.„ bag and res, ro t SEVTEMBER 27,- 1889. Th Oue rather, We feel our ri And know be. Which art • The rich in th Are poor Ind Is Heaves Wherealtiapi Thy loreabout Are all Thy For after man .He Thy nagne _ Forever prsfse For Thou alon - Thy .Ifirigcloes ▪ All this earth And all its pes Oexte To our ioulaai That we at las Thy sill Is strength au And, could we Be done With unbelier - And feel and k Os earth There is no g ;As 'litia Heav So let it be on Guide us that Oise cs Yes, give -us, • More of Thy fa Thit day Prep us resolv And thus reso sper daily brea giver fal s as • Sustaining life Indforgies us Yes, Father, p And through r Our trespayes Are many, our But in mercy At we forgive So - shill we to Ant, Pe$120_,r, reflOM Theft 'hp trite WO gsseabont - fontpsys4 Awl ifed XIII in the St/ That Isadt at Not into On, lot wo aro And ever thy &Mier 4111 11100111101 wr And let uifiuid ifees evil -may we net And so lire ell Ire thine it - Every good of And so May w , The Ifingdon Where all thy Arrayed in ro Vie power and Fatherof love, And may we throne. Your and forev May all manki As in submissi 474telt. V - At bat may ev Triumphant 511 -Js ' -It take man tobe ar of frayed tr Gent -N arn clan Bleu your 'Int seldom -It is c with a new put it in his neighborhoo each day. -Whent there would - an old lady the party to -Public average p Therefore if your friend wife. • -He was Ior when a the open wl young man • "Don't be said the girl "it is only understand, "but I wou her to talk. -"I coii hours, Mr. full of swee • never tire ed, " wou in it. " softly. " asked, gett "Becanse shyly Yellin lashes, "yo away." - -Little "The mea mum, is too Lady (impa brought it " Oh riO MU send her so butter for she'll make -" Willi " if you ha mother wer many wou twisted the his lips an the teacher should ha how many „,'nough,I g broadly. Some Cairo (Eg are however science of r cubating es hatch out Ata hetchi Pyramids t for young c -eggs per ch hatchery tui ens every s chickens 111 to figures f general, to of chickens We have dollars wort fowl indust amount Jo 1 Jay Gould we have to eggs every adopt the would sell e and our farxi ens to raise dozen, Mo little chick this way in business in Walk. The incii buildings, arranged th straw in r ovens, whic the hatchin are very thi retain the ,m......... a Lord's ,Prayer." ter used is the blood of the boy or min, who attends to the fires. • . By long prac- • sitting down at the bedside repotted what he had been reading, by the - IMPORTANT NOTICES ' - - • LDEN LION SEAFORTH. -The Best Assortment' .:-bes as we look to Thee rithout Thee- we but poor should i world's transient, fleeting lot face these Men learn just how . hot the ovens ought to be kept, an theyre en- d1' P hit the fires SS the- -weather 'demands. A canto, until she was tired; Later in life his wonderful lite memory was .al it -'no-- a :subject of interest to hii friends,and ma- .. T OTS- FOR SALE. -Two building Lots on 1.41 corner of Chalk and Gouinlook-streets, ad- j i i g Vi toris SquareSeaforth. : For- further pa -e rte leen-lag apply to- A. S'TRONG. 1117 tf• . 4# .. . -AND-- smell amountof fuel , ia needed,. and sionallk was Put to searching tests. • te it they Thy love know not. - are and peace is always win - nels,.for love is Heaven still. nice on land or on the sea. the temperaturei98 9 above zero. The fire is built.for eight or ten ., daye before_ the eggs ire put in, to thoroughly warm the hut, and after this time it doet not out during- the season,- which is from ,One .day at',. a board meeting at the British Museum , Macaulay wrote crown from memory in three parallel colninns_ on °soh of four pages of foolebep a corn- listof the Cambridge Senior TEACHER No . ANTED.-Male,for School Sec. 5, UsbOrne. An experienced man preferred. Applications will be received for one month. Addkess, JOHN HEYWOOD, Secret* Treasurer, Exeter P. O. • • : 11.84x4:i' - : • -43 halie, in anticipation of the' rise in clottons, bought a large •,.; , - 0 . . LOWEcT PRICES r days they must return to Thee. d In eveq clime and State. - e art God, and God alone is great.' . • ind all the starry heaven ce in mercy by Thee given, teach tro arch until May.- The eggs are turned four times a day while hatching. The Whole' outfit of an establishment which hatches over 200,000 chickens a year does not, I am. told, cost more than $2k • and one min runs the whole 'machine - - * plete wrang- lers, with dates and: &diem attached for the one hundred years .during which a •record of the names had been kept in the Univirsity -calendar. "On another, -oecasion." !Aye Tre ely "Sir D , v an, i avid Dundee saYs : 'Macaulay, do you know . . EACHER • WANTED -For School Section T X 8 Sta 1 y h.ldi g econd or third-. classeeerilfaate ; nmeile orefemniles; thence the first of January, 189u. duAtplepelitceateleomns; rd. testimonials to be sent in not later than the of October, 1889. M. BATES, Secretary. Treaserer, Box 15, Bayfield, 1184x4 . ' . - 4•• - swo,ck of • :. auirinil, J. - - _ i, doubt but-pmes , - CO tton Goods, which we, are, selling atiold prices. Parties re- • . - - .. _, 7 • -. ., a4iliinc. in. 'Cotton Goods shOuld buy - now, as there is no • . ,. 41,- . . ,- 'I . . . . . . . r will be considerably -higher. a Al i . W a I I =--.1N— . • Paper id us more of grace . • ; may praise Thee face to me° .14MB .. preme, but ever for our good, ... • prehend it, soon we should_. i cold questions, doubts and teaks, now Tny will as it -Pears-. keeping the fires, "buying and turning the eggs and selling the chickens. There are in this incubatory twelve oompart. • nientS each 7Q feet -long, 60 feet wide and -16 feet high, and each of these corn- hold - your Popes?' ' No,' was the answer, ' I -always get wrong among the Innocents.' ' ‘But, can you say your Arehbishope of Canterbury?' 'Any fool,' said Macaulay, could say his Archbishops Of ' Canter- FOR SALE. -A few good strong MO- _k, les of Italian Bees ; pricesa $4 to 66 ; can be moved any time ; average yiel of honev froro these bees this mason DO pounds per Colony. .Partie-s desiring to purchase- should ,call soon- ..• JAMES WELLS, Verna P. o. Ont. - - '1184 . We , . • • ' . - •\ have secured several lines in: Summer Goods muck below f • . - them is line - . • . AND • Decorations op - • xl, no gr but from Thy hand. earth, and in Thy love ve may meet with Theo above. partments will 7,500 eggsata time, bury backward..' and he went: off at or 90,000 eggs in all It produc.ed last score, drawing breath only once in order - - -- ' year more than 230,000 chickens, and toremark on the oddity of their h.aving' did the work of more than 20,000 hens. been both an. Archbishop Sancroftand ' - *- a rod YULTON, . °TEL FOR SALE. -On the Northern Gravel Road, with stabling and diiving shed ;also first-class. well. The HOMO is Licensed and a stand.. -For particulars apply - to JAMES Proprietor, Winthrop P. 0 1083x4 tf regular prices, and amOngst a •Of , , ,L ' ,, . , . • - • -IS AT -..- • . . en Archbishop Bancroft, until Sir David C.HAMBRAY:.-GINGHAMS • ore of Thy endurance here, - ith and trust, and less of fear. e to do whate'er is right, _ ved to cici it with our might. ct , manna from Thy hand, . Waking. up a Passenger. stopped him at Crinmer." Macaulay It was one of the Sound steamers corn- once said that if,by any ponible.chance, in down the other day, nays the New all the copies of "Paradise Lott". and ' York Sup. A man of ,middle age and „the ".111grim's -Progress" in . exiitence flinch dignity had fallen Weep in his ' were destroyed, he could write both, oet. rocking chair on deck, 'again, complete, froin recollection. T_TORSES _EL yearig{g. %."2! DILLS! MoKillop, - FOR SALE. -The - undersigned has three good horses for _sale, one aged 4 and one .5 years. The other is a good n. . and good colt raiser. Apply to dgAllItrSeWRIGHT, Lot 80, Concession lo, Winthrop P. 0. . 1.128x10 • - -, Which - / . , . :we are - selling !at 8c per yard. ' These goods - make- splendid ii - . Os W• ' , PA PSTS . - BOOKSTORE, and comfort, through our land. ' , ray forgive us alt our sin, et:is/atm:ice let Thy grace come in: good deeds hut few ; Ardon, nor forget the good we do, given be, is of TWO/chin; .the promenade h ' h d b h - When O'Connell made his motion in 1834 when e was approac e .. y a s arp-• nosed, hawk-eyed man of forty, Who had for the repeal of the . union, Mr., Ten- a parcel in his hand. - - nant, member of Parliament for Belfast, "Hey -you l" he exclaimed, as he ' deliverede 'speech lasting for three and ES half hours, -full of figures And calcula- : slapped the sleeping Ifinn off the' shoul• -.. . . . der, ' - -: tions, entirely. from °memory, In WhiCh "Sir I -How dire l' sternly. de. he trusted so completely that he -gent T_TOUSE cottage Solomon There . treeepa gontoolvitithmegloreonkirtvor . IN EGMONiiVILLE • FOR SALE.- The commodious and pleasantly situated in Egmondville, at present occupied by McDonald,: is now for sale cheap. is anice garden, well pleated with fruit goodwell;and alinecessary conveniences. to Egmondville P, 4,0. -__.' Wearing' - • We • OINOTIANS dresses. , . , - have still a good- assortment of. Light ._ and Dark PRINTS, SEER' SVOKBR,§, MITKIINS, 4tre, , SEAFO R TH • . . CALL AND EXAMINE. :r litin Pwr0 Pt 'rner0)" aro wo yoU th. his ,.... _ _1. ....'__...._ . : , __.1.!-/-83-1-4,--L.,- - minded the jotter, as he reused up, o manuscript of speech to thenewsi AUTION,-The public aro boroby OAntiOned 1-i i kw froalart 4 -mon and And oro vory few [ sll to whom wo mil do sight snd flafrOW Wit iff unto the ported ow,. . "1 haven't done anything that I oan paper before he delivered it His con- be sent to state prison for, have I 1"-:. Ildiln" "0 n"liiPiamb f"r th° -gsrs' "Whet is your liminess - with mer, ti°11 Wilo-orimg without 14 NIDSIO 'inbi . Sir?" , ' . ' - - - t&ke,or even a. inementary hesitation,- " That'o betters. That's coining to the Another Irish M. Pit Mr, Mimi Dilkut. 'Olin *Omit giving credit in my Mime to any _ . Or pertont without DIY **tee Order or, Vonkont, av after this date I will. net 10141 my. suitrospousibio ior any dohts00141140t04 in iny. now without this authority WA 'MM. Sealed% . ' . 11*4E- < . l' TOW , . tra good vane -in all Linen Goods7-TABLE LINENS," . LS TOWELLING TABLE NAPKINS,- TRAY :CLOTHS, f I ,,f,.,..., - •4 ;- OW il Mid very welsh trotsetingsms wiruld soot mg and ill thie WOrldiff deli.% - Mae Let tn. draw up u. afar and Brown, motnbor for Moyo, had the . like it my &Iwo cut you, wine. at willful *IMP-. If. !void Matt a &Aladin ;Eton thst you _intim °mar speech trail lifflantinn$11, MA Stroaty. WOW. from ai 0 manor, &ppm you 10tif hOlit'S afterwards, without Woking 41111011 RAMS COTTAtig YON SALE,-Yor side _ . deep, the aottege and let !on North Nide Inrouttformorly oeoupied by IMO§ kidielighlin, it @NNW- well fotnimilholi I" gritianNortitefill spy c' , , , . , ^ , oAnD clovkRal ifee, • . - - MY !Wien #0468 1Wf.tf int to Vie k the goodi - double the order and take ten pet cent at it or thinkinf of the matter in the - . ifteantintLe eou d ' repeat .it word for diecount i'l • . . it -what word. Woodfall, the Morni; netre"ri "MIMI Meth I P ea" NY ill'ao and is in good repair, Apply to W, , iif AWN aaaferth, . - 1182 t , I . GLOVES we show a tine isnge in LISLE THREAD, i - • -- \* . i TA,- SIM 'oand -ICII:), the . -04" the World In brotherhood, . this world or of heaven, . , at lost be quite forgiven. icily, white -robed angels stand, sir I ars 1,04 talking ahotito editor of and who do, you take me for i" demand-. Ing Chronicle,; and brother of Junius i -ed the man.' • ?Wisher; WAS able to _report accuratel " Your name isl---is Faxon -firm of in the miming the debate of the pron., Faxon & Brown, dealers. in hardware ous evening without taking any notes. , inns wiNTgil,wei tett . tw _ i_*0 rii Ao. _..s., Mina% Tenchersikeiviinday,finddutitehoirtoecocilismos; for School Section malice the 1st of January, 1890. Applications with testimonials, stating salary, will be re- .TAP. t? TITRE Also . new novelty. - P1? Gracrirmi watt - iciti inpm - . , • • , * 3 It w • act - to 5.4 0 l'g 0 W Pt , bd . es of light, is all thy- land. isn't it ?" - - - ' In some cases the mental action involved ceivedby any of the -Trustees %till the let of i - - ' g.__ al, A 0 Om, _ we feel is all thine own, - -- " No, sir I" . in feats of this' nature would seem to be October next. R. CARL' LE, M. ELDER, wm., mom, Hensel! P. 0. 11840 • . C.A.141..S SCDT-J" to±r±EID., CD - H _ rii14- to qui " What I Why, rd bet to quite mechanical and unintelligent. In . .A. ;-:-. . 0 17, meet Praisosthee round, Thy , - '' - . 7, i d to thee their reverence vow on to Thy will they bow, - qy voice above, below the sod,. ag in praises to their Ged. ., a farm agin wheelbarrow that it was!_Didn't we -the newspapers of January, 1820, there isr . have a conversadon at'Stonington ?" _ • e accountsof an extraordinary man ,, - ' " .No, sir I' . - - _ - .. • , - who was known as Memory corner . .., Didn't I show you. sly centenniEa rat Thompson." This map, , although . he irep and. exhibit its workings ?" .• could hardly retnember any Alung. he I,. kr • lit - • - ' • heard, could yet retain perfectly th.e Of - MEACHER WANTEIX.LFor School :Section 1., . NO. 2, MoKillop, holding Second or Third Class! certificate, male or feniale. Duties to commence the let of January, 1890. Applies. lions and testimonials to be sent -in not later than the let of Oc_stober, 1889, wipLum GRIEVE, • .Secretaryareasure B r, oxA 61, Sea. la, XV. , , , , . s'y , , S ' d AMIE SON EAPOR f - . , H. t-ta „ P in* 4 - 4 els en 1...3 0) X v ao • 9: 41 ' lt, co ar, F t-ei N•ii a M :cial B. Bemis, in ChicageTimes 43 ."Didn't , fort 0.- 1185.8 4• -Iowa - I demonstrate the fact that it names and deseriptions- of large collet:- .P. , . a.' • Iiiv.. ...-,-,....-.• . Gaieties. - - . Would catch and hold anything from a : tions .of object! that met his ,eye; He it MII.,MAS MILLER. --Information wanted of - ' . van unusuagy • self-satisfied rogantand-haughty in a pair misers. - ' - '0 blic :could take an mventory of- the contents mouse to a rac000n, inc./ that:Ole . Pi_z , was bound to buy million Of 'e.m r . ..i.o._f a.houee.from... cellar to -attic - =trey "Sir! Do yon, intend to insult me 7, oy surveying them, and could efterw.ar a shouted thecother. ' - - , write it out from. memory:. He could i • Thomas Miller, farmer, formerly of Car. berryi, East Lothian, &Wand.. When last leant from he was farming nearSeaforth,County Huron. Any information regarding ' his subsequent movements' will he thankfully re. FURN A.CE S. FURNACES: _ . - F AP 1 r rli ti CO g cD, 0 • g -i J....., - ,, no, I doni want a hack; )le to-waik. Irish Driver- - . It s KNot tor- J senh I never iiisu . draw from recolbaction accurate piens ' - - - of many -London_ parishes and-districte, geetirio. I- have oeived by hie friends. Address deiM. MOORE, 437 Riqhmond street, London, Ont. - 1186.2 • , ,• _ 2 Ca .1. . ' co ril J.C/ 1-1 IIPIQ wtoiniolirn,,.may ye long be: . abie, iculated that a small- boy ed -nobody. us -if made: d b if • , with every street alley public • Wild- a. mistake. tDidn't you spen a :an - ' ' ' ' hour Yesterday investigating my anti- ing, publio .,house, etc., day- noted, , • down e m nu es opograp wa e• -fraction, double average, ganti my'd to th i t t t li" 1 d sell- WANTED ITAIBle yME-leer. • All aaada Warranted rranted F1RST-CLASS ' Permanent - - ' ' Pleasant, for the L a mg Coal an pod BUrning Furnaces. , ,, -,-,... 0 rx: 0 . et- eir. g a, . . me ° 0'1 1...a. ' 0 ° • CD 0" * • watch can pull it out and pocket somewhere ' in the d of 3 750 432130 times - • , ., ., • •. he clergyman remarked that centennial at trail--; warranted to clean Weir tail,,such as pumps, trees, out a whole century of rats, - mice, chip and-porst,.ali .aorreotly marked. Oen spumous. instances of „this rim mucks, gophers and rabbitit inside- of hal:libel ten days, et n,? -pay ?" ' _ kind of memory are to be found .' among profitable position right men. Good salaries and expenses paid weekly. Liber- al indueements to beginner& - No previoue ex. perience . neneteary." - Outfit free. Write - for terme, chime ago, - - • CHARLES H. CHASE,Nurseryman,Rochester, 'N. sizes -5 . . . : , . . _,. . , . ARNET.- COAL FURNACE M four .. . - 6 7 and '8.7 -Steel Radiators, Portable or brick set: I . • A" Z . W t"ci 74 0 R 0 -.. in ..0, L3 14 P 11 bea 121We in thenew Church, yl ' the famous mental calculators. Jede- "No, sir i No,. sir I _ . Y. (Mention this paper.) .1185x8 • T '• . - - . , : at2 m er• " Well, that's i I'd take &ill BiZtoi Was a celebrity of thie kind whispered' that she '" knew _whom he referred." - queer . my r about the middle_ of . the. last century. affidavy it was you.- And. yoti didn t - twelve dozen; to be he had but little' education and, indeed, REAL ESTATE FOR ,SALE, . . - THE ATLANTIC. WOOD13URN.ING. -No i 0 _.•E• , ..ta, PA ...--&- • p-;_ fpipin11 is made up of the rejudices , of . womankind. you want tt, have i man for ue4or get the ill -will of his - - - - doing very nicely in the order shipped the fi f hi k „ : was not able to- write his own natne. rst o t s wee ? • " Never i You ought to have more - But in arithmetic and in abstruse calbu-, , sense and Manners. „sir I . G. oltwayabout lotions- his powers were wonderfuL 'The your business r. following is a specimen of the -problems' i My business' is to sell the centennial which, when put to the test, he solved. a o°n commencing OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. -The sub. scriber offers for sale the hones north of h Egmo deill m e tog ther with three reea o -f land e !table° f ' beildin u - oses thetronat nee: quantitoyr 0 _ u g p rp . f vounc fruit trees to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. . 1118 - - - - ---. takes U IS Steel4tadiators, BOX. 1 long, two oNodA430inEch.esin sizes—Nos. . s. 43 and 53. No. 43 No. 53 takes .. wood 53 inches long • ' portable or brick set, has an EXTR:A. HEAITY FIRE . -is. the most POWERFUL :HEATER, Economical, Strong, 'made. _1..a. , in ad In4121 0 p et- - .. ,-, = co • ° 1 5 - 0- 0 - • cp 2" + 1 CD per- olenan : voice came through . idow from the poreh : "That makes me . very. tired." alarmed, Mr. Sampson,'' ,as he hastily started up, t t lv. thing _ever invented to mentally in a few minutes: Find .how, ra .. raP-iP.• P uce rats without a bait .; -no cost for many cubical 'eighths of an ° inch there- ete - to ' 't If I li de &rein 1 quadrangular ' mass measuring run i . _ ave ma 4 aPlijrrefbe 23 145,789 yards long, 2,642,732 yards .191,1tr'et g your. -pardon." ,,_ wide and 54 965 yards thick- When in .inen go away, sir -go awn, before - -. - - 9 --- ' . I f - t -'d d • • London in 1754 he was taken. to see — --------- . FOR SALE. -For _ sale, the east half of F it Talt 5, Concession 7, . Tuckersmith, con. taining .50 acres about 25,cleared and seeded to gran. The bal;noe has on it valuable timber, mostly hlack ash and elm. ‘There isplenty of water. No buildings, -Will be sold cheap and to WM. Dwrable , SUpervision b mice 'tintless, Wood: FurnaceThese furnaces- are put- up. under the of a mechanic with an -experience of -25 years ul, the fur- ' . d • e uarariteed to - give good satisfaotion every time. an ar g . •• . ESTIMATES FURNISIIEij oa 1 .. 4 , g C • e -t- so L ' p••• gl, p X -. 0 et- 17' 44 - • Polly., our parrot," it , orge my position_"II . o you injury." " You wouldn't injure a fellow.: for Garrick as Richard III. at Drury Lane. on easy terno. Apply SPROAT, Sea- forth, • • ', 1134tf_ . . . . 17, 0 0 II _ - Ch a, CD $ the parrot," he replied, i* -2 uk-e to know who taught F9'1 . - ' - ,Id gaze at -the moon fer i motion," She Said in i voice -a - Psess and pneumonia, 66 I 4 it" "Ali," he respond-. wantinu to -sell von a rat trap which lays The play Aid not interest him, but he _ - h - . r A- i-1 over all ot er inventions 111 Mgr cat. occupied hiniself in • reckoning the num- • he ber of Words he -heard and 111 001111Sing would you ? If you aint the man- w ordered the twelve dozen yOu may wan t• the number of steps made by . the clan- . . . to give me an der lust ' the lame, 1 ars. The American boy - Zetah. Col-. -.I -. c'; -i k- -» . 'burn, who O&M to London in 1812, was Vil - show you how it WO! la, • it irANITOBA FARM TO SELL OR RENT.- In 320 sores, 60 -acres broke; six- miles from. Cartw.right stet ion • --four Miles Nouth of Rock h ' 1 ' t bl d Lake , frame ouse, og s .a es an granary, also *good well on the place , easy terms. Apply to JAMES A. FOWLEB,. Killarney P. 0., Mani.. lobs. - 1184x10 - - I • '•' d s Hardware d.SteiveRouge I , - . . . • • ti gi) . Pw• , aa . g 5 4.4 ti in et. pc, ra 0 - ra 0 ITI FP. •;Pis _A dff that _I were the man 66 Yes, " - she assented ' Mist Clara!" he . " No vett won't ! Go ,sirgo - a - similar - phenomenon. He had no 9 w ' knowledge of the rules of arithmeticia. Aid r I'll do •vou harm' You are the most . i'- ., - 7 it -7 . mPticient rascal ve met in a year i,, . - .wasluite unable to explain how he sr- - TURN FOR SALE. -For sale 'part of Lots 29 x and _BO, Concession 1, -Mokfilap, _Containing ' 50 'acres all cleared, welt fenced and in good ' • ' MAIN -STREET SEAFORTH. 1 -- . : g•it , . sa CA el' 0 CD 0 Lnd why, And , - - I, - rive at the -answers. to the "problems t look trap ? state of cultivation. Beildings fair. There is a P ng ready to take her hand. I, Mr. Sampson," she paid, g her eyes with their long: • t weuld be four million pules_ . you wan at my :- " NO sir l" - . . submitted to him, Mental power of . „ °. - Ana wan me nre to leave ou in Ahiunature would seem to imply an un- solitude'?" Y - -wholesome develciPment of one part': of 66 the brain at the expense of the rest. , - At once, sir ?" - d orchard and plenty of water. This farm is .fl,ghin two lot, of the corporation of Seaforth. It will be sold cheap and on esey terms. Apply on the premises. or to Seaforth P. 0. DAVID DORRENCE; Proprietor.: . 1185t1 - „ FOR SALE- . . . X r .4, -I gli , 0 ' .4•440 .; , CD - -1-4 . " Well, I'do it. Some folks force - ----°1--- . 'ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -A eplendid • 0 CO 1.1 et'. 0 - 4.•,14 irl mggar g•(at the door) : i you gave ma yesterday, dried up to- eat, mum."f tient/y) : 4‘ Virell, have you ic 9" Little beggar girl •: I110 . Me if tll their inventions upon the -public. That The New -Banner Presented to . i 't in style.M centennial trap the Printers of the Wayout sapenaksb ielf, 1.4- sir; b t I leaVe Whan er. . . my.car . :Peruse 1 a your leisure, All ' :,Said the editor Of the .Wayout When- mail will reach me promptly at that ad -ger • "When our compositorewent out Lill house and lot for e.le on Sperling street,• opposite lIng. Chum's. The how oontaine 8 rooms, pantry, woddehed and cellar. On the premises there are fruit and ornamental trees,. strawberries, raspberries, etc. There is also a- stable on the premises and good hard and -soft -water at the house- Apply (111 the premises to ' • . - - er • ' , Hein' lock, Pine Black Al White Ash ' Maple Oak f • I . f f ' Basswood, Rock Elm an Soft Elm; A quantity of Culls, very°Cheap. , ' , .. 1:3.1 , 40 Z s ..1 4 6 f -d• ev, ' g et. th, et. 4:1 Cr' m, mother says you oe lard and flour and a bit of dress. Send you a .dozen on . trial, -or to dinner Yesterday westoleinto the' - ive discount five- -per I.. LANGSTROTH. - • 1130xtf 1- ' . be 'mice-, - with a limmin, ct II I foine pie out of i . . johnson " said the teacher, D- P d five doughnuts and your g a of cent on all compo ing roOrm, -took down the old le - ' - . . • over three down. en in -your or er towel,..which we -stood on the floor and he season is for,• - as soon as poseible, as t _ ,. , leaned Agana thews% and in its' place, d. Au revoir sir." war . .. .., -- ' hung up from twO nails, a brand new - TIARM FOR SALE.-41oreale, Lot 3, Comm- r- sion 6, Turnberry, containing _100 acres, of which .80 are d d in a good state of clears an ltivation The balance is hardwood bush _Ell . • . • It is well watered and well situated for markets, i . - . -- .. , P a . - • 11 /7d Feed . . y., The v ry best Stone Flour,. also, Chop F ed. Custom - Work at - tended promptly, and -satisfac. .• - tion nteed. - tiOHN BEATTIE- Clerk of the Second Division Court - County, of Huron. 1 to give you four more, how' . one, ,of 1889 vintage, white is the it . schools ke. There is a frame house* and frame , . . gua - • •,.. , ld you have ?" Willie corners.of his jacket, moved I •tried to think, but he Marvellous- Memories. - _ drivem snow, with beautiful red hi% A .,..r-er and fringe • and then hid Ourselves to WHAT liztr, MAY DO W.110 .ASSIDITOUSLy t - .- - CULTIVATE; -THEIR MEMORIES.. - ' ' *Wait developments, barn. it will be sold oheap and on easy ' terms. Apply on p. 0. the premises or address Glenfarrow JAMES BENTLEY. -rit 112542 . . .. . , i - 1 • ,.„. . . , Comprising a complete stock of - Diy ' Goods,_ Groceries Boots . and Shoes, Hats, . Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. 'Don't -count them hp," said. ; sg tell me right off." 11 "-We"' u sta to - " By and by the compositors.returned r.- n n, the .United States. War d th d und - the curiosit ail ga ere are _ . ya- Minister duringthe great civil wit, had ' W h t is it break- -D ESIDENCE - - --, FOR SALE. ,-For sale, obis , - the real mice on o a n ree a .,,a, d - N rth M i st t • Pt wet:pied by the undersigned. Besides t iffe GO0a8a , ., pt 1 t e_ s con ion, 8,n ' . Funds- Invested and to Loan. 1" " flush -4 . turd . have said Willie, - any way?' said one, 6 - - - - - • '- V re n ve memory, and wee° a - ver te ti ing the- silence.. • - - - -I wiped& ly well up in- Dickens' works-. . 66 6 Why ' replied th A.. ° - . , ano...er, can% you 'ter present the house there is a good driving tarn and stabling sufficient for a dairy, also eight sores of land for . - ' e - ' ;.% . _ ' Fence Ra ls sawn and split, Fence ' ,... . OFFICE -Over Sharp is- Livens' store, Hain street, Seeforth. - 1118tf' ear grinning • ep ng, says a wri in Welcome • - . One ev i , see that it ia a banner which monis of our In the early part of 1868, Diakens, theta . fair -readers . have ' worked for ,us with ' choice .vey market gardening, The- land is wel suitable planted with large and small fruit trees and the property is one of the most 1 10 - • i ' - l'osta sawn . nd fi lit tvio new Patent L# aileous - - P ' I Arm Wag ns cheap several fine Dr Ill' Phi ips . Facts About - Ekes. on a- reading tour in the States, wet _loving hands to.. carry in the next dining with Charles Sumner When- Mr. cr rt ' -. ' . '• pleasantly situated in the town,. -Apply to R. commoia, sesforth. - - . • 1126tf • -- ,-, , - . . . , i , I - ' . . Driving and' Working -Horses. . - , , OF TORONTO, - rot Letter: The Egypteins , far in advance of US In the . ng chickens,:and the in- mi ablishments of the country ; ga by the million every year. Stanton and some others...Were sen ret p • • .. , Oh, what are )'OU giving us!1 re- The War Minister was put to the test, turned Pie Sam • 6 that is one of these and When started could - repeat from . -, well decorationsthat the women get up memory a chapter of any of lmckens for fine parlor's. Here,__ you -Miggins ! . books, showing a Much greater know., you keep your hands off o'. that"! It was ledge the than their ITALUABLE mown FOR SALE. - -Two V - fano, for sale in the Township of Usborne, Coil liege erkluron, adjoining the thriving vi fity of Exeteri comprising Lot 18, concession 3, and Lots 18 and half of 19 in 2nd concession of said - township, Lot 18 contains 100 sores, withVapors, . . - - i - , . . • . - 101% rew 1-o k Wt Goven c in_ hro , ±..,. . ' Has rooms at: the Cady Block, opposite the Commercial Hoteloyellers he can be consulted on all chronio diseases of both seam, Con- eumption, foams Ate. treated successfttfir by. !abolition of Oxygenized- ,Air And . Medicated Catarrh, Nervous Debility and Private ag- establishment near the of . works author'. not made to touch, can't see?' ,ird coortable brick dwelling and convenie19nt out- , le farmers trisde fresh eggs hicks and the rate is two cit. Another artificial egg little; you could boast. - Mr. -Stanton' accounted- -, 4,4 4 yis broke in Poogins, ' that is a for this intimite knowledge of Dickens piece of Gobelin tapestry we lately• set -by mentioning the habit which he had J Up so much stuff about ; besides didn't formed during the war of f . , gi-1 l'in ! ther lot 18 and half et , with be ilietibellengs Thia property will be sold -.separately or. entire. Terms to suit purchaser. ' JAMESTODGSON, Exeter P. O. ., 1128tf w 1-4 1 . . - • , ' ER Si, 4 -- ' P r AP - Diseases cured in a few days. Call or address . / DrPhillips1117tf SEAFORTH. lis out 500,000 chick- _4variab1y- thegoblins certainly hang it there?' . - -y _ aeon- and the oven crop- of Eg:ypt amounts, according irnished me by the consul more.thau twenty-. millions ii year.. : • about two hundred - million h of money investedin the y in the United States, an irge that all the money of reading something . by the -Itithot of 66 6 'iVhat did. they hang it- on that- ".PicirrObk ' _before. going. to bed_. .at :dirty wall tor ?'.asked the deyilian.• , night. The late Bishop. Prince Lee, . 6"- Wait a second,' said the ancient first Bishop of Manchester, was sithilar- tsompositor, . putting -on., his spectacle,' ,_ iy. gifted. It is related of hand im that be- .3 looking closely. at the absorbing op- big once, at in evening party, started;eat. 'Boys, by jingo I - I -believe I by a - lady with a line quoted from ' havoseen something - like that - while I " Marmion," he went right on with the was you -nm. and I'll give my- Word - that .poetti from memory, and could have re-itI towel! I be 'MAUS IN TUCKERSMITH AND STAN - r LEY FOR • SALE. -For sale, Lot 21, Con- cession 2, L.. R. S., Tuckeremith, containing 100 sores, of which 85 acres are cleared, free from stumps, all underdrained, well fenced and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is well timbered with hardwood There is a good brick -residence containing an-- the latest lin. provements -and -convenieneis, a ;good barn, tables : driving homier sheds arid other out . 11. cuildags all in good repair. Thereare three BOnDERS . . . ,, ,ILING PAPERS CE . . - - , • • • , , . . & ' DECORATIONS • • . i . -1 pen ow o K P1 Sh P P• _ ;ould not 'equal it, and -still 'wort 16;000,000 dozens of , year; If America would As a new caul lnistaken, cited the whole. - As a further test, the surely ?" . . ... same lady quoted- a -few ivOrdi from a .f, Here Piggies, who had been sitting. " "Ivanhoe " whereupon ' conversation in . , „ 9 & on the old towel that leaned against the acne 01 orchard and _garden containing all kinds. of Inge and small fruit- treee and the whole Orin is surrounded by .maple and other shade trees. It is close to school and is con-. venient- 46 markets rgiilways, churches, etc., •- If • d te ri s " you want. the newest design's at mo . era p ce ,,,come land see , * - PLOWS - FOR ALL. - ' gyptien hatching system we Kgs instead -of buying them aers might buy little chick- at a price Of 20 cents is re then- twenty millions of us are sold each year in . . the Bishop repeated the whole chanter - • . • = twall, started to give a 'hooray!' when correctly . from memory. But greater :it broke in two, and, angered at the loss than Any of these. was , Lord Macaulay, of the towel they had so long been fami- from a very early age the retentiveness liar with, the boys grabbed up the two of his memory was. extriordinarY. halves and broke them into little items', When only or four years of 'age .slapping the offender. We -then went his and good gravel roacisleading in every direction. Th ...Tie are three never failing wells. Thisie one -at b st farms in -Huron and will be sol cues; si: the proprietor desires to -remove , Manitoba where' he has purchased more land.' Apply on- the: premises or address Brueefield P• °•' GEORGE PLEWES. • - our sa I, plea . If you want - . . • . . *, . e • . \Clot Window Shade_s & Spring -Rol 1 e ers A T. MELLIS again sounding his horn, re. minding his many customers and knows in need of Plows ant! Gang Plows that be has a Iiirgor amortment . than ever to choose from. Farmers wanting.genuipe mould boards for any line - of plows call on T., Idellis„ who keeps it large - stook of mould boards, plovr handles, bolts, 'wheels, castings; Egypt, and there 18 &regular chickens just- old enough to - mind mechanically.retained-thelorm out, stopped.the fuss and allured --them of what he reed so' -that, as his maid- '.it was a new towel. 7 ' • .,- said, he talkect" quite printed words.". "They went to work, and ' all. the He also offers for sale for the same re n hi• s farm in tbe Township of Stanley, -being Lot 12, . Conception 5, Stanley; containing acres, , • - COME TO - plow skims, piovr gang plow castings too numerous to mention. Farmerf wanUrig new plows or plow mairin; win And it to their Interests to give T. Maki ,bstors are. rude . one story aide of _ undried brick, so at the eggs are laid upon cut Ars, in rooms, around the. h are- kept fired 'on during ; sewn. :The -outside walls ek end are built sothat they .est," and the only thermome-. ,Once as a. child, when making an after-„' 'afternoon at intervals was heard ' the • noon call With his father, he picked up. ejaculation .: • ;i A new towel -I' and last Scott's "Lay of the Last Minstrel " for night we picked seventeen of them - out the first time, end, quietly..devoured.the •of -the proof, which. had unconsciously treasure, whilelia seniors *ere engaged' „got woven in. • - . When - the eturned 6; ' .. in conYersation. - .y r . It ..is • a little faded to -day ; bin, home the boy -went to kis /mother, who' then, *e don't . Care for- expenses.,' -7? at tbe tline was confined to her bed, and Yankee Blade. ---k . - • : . .1.00 about 75 acres cleared, free from stumps and in t g_ood cultivation . the balance well umbetreede.f There is a comforia ble frame house, frame bare and drivinz house and stables.. The& is good or d cher. and_plenty of water. it is -within three miles, .of Varna and con- veniently situated for markets. Apply on the premises or to either of the undersigned. WK. T. PLEWIAS, Varna P. O.; GEORGE PLEWES, Braseileki. . utite . I - . ,. . . -- MSDEN &. WILSON'S, • ' • • ‘ SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAIN - STREET, SBAYORTH. , s call, Icnowing theta dollar saved is s dollar made. Wrought iron or 'steel shares _Made tor iron &we or sulky plows os any other plow. Good work and charge, vaccinate. . A word to threshers also.--Thrtsiters wanting good cylinder spikes, er any spikes, cylinders balansed, or busking cylinder', or mars ot any kind give "K a trial. , THOMAS MELL,18