HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-08-02, Page 7gains in or Stowe. rs Stoves Lsr Ageikti. and Library -NEY, AFORTEE. thoroughly Ode PROCESS-. Idinga. bay* Imo toliinery 0 ROLLS bit:whines Irma Imre been -addozt ta enable NONE ea for resolving deg alxl. shippirc encl. .Grain an. agonlip wibisbida ta or 7001116.1* - STONE 3PPING quividne;Y for 50,that wagon& eleitaver.- NpES ER 'FLOUR. ED. ithoutdelay. $140thist FEED, ce -Paid ire itityof FIELS Oft: SALT . - will to hes* 11.=.13r Market for da; and ia-ae .for room vinced. .2&Cents. uggiar • e,a.forth Vahaisc filen box barman, Partkulsri Pr, Mats. Chen:ilia and, , AUGUST 2, 1889. • Why Billy VMS Nervous. Blily- was a atronfi,adbeautiful horsa,and , the Belton', who recently bought Min, pronounced him to be "just the • thing for family use and family petting." . They did not keep a coachmen, but Tom ;Whit a boy of fifteen, Was hired to *do :lad jai about the house; and to take tare of Billy. Mr. Belton gave Tom very careful directions in regard.to feed- ing and grooming the horse. For a time Billy was peifectly factory, and as he seemed to be sleek and well fed, Totes Care was also pro- nouneed all that could be desired. At - the weeks went on, however; the horse . began to show faults which no MO had . suspected in him. He; started as soon as an7 one had entered the carriage,'giv- . jup his driver no time to gather up the reins; he was prepetually uneasy., and . developed a habit of snapping arty.xine Who approached his head.. ,t4 is Gad,',' said Mr. Belton,' when he was told about it. "Billy. is not the horse Ithought him." : Hie wife Made no reply, but -a fort- night fitter shatold him she had a re, port to make on Billy's condition. , 61 have been playing deteotive," Reid she. "I made up- my mind that a gentle animal wouldn't become a filia- tion& one without cause, and I had my suspicious that the cauee was -Tom. Se forttwo weeks I have been watching him, and I find my suspicions Were correct. Hetteates the horse whenever he has chiince. - tin he tits in.the carriltge, waiting fiii one of us to make a -call, he keeps flick? • ing Billy with the whip; and what .with the expectation of the tickling and the tickling itself;the horse becoines too ner- vousto stand still. - "At other times- Tom paws in front of him, and gives his -nose a midden rap to MaI40 him lump, and I have actually. seen An creep sof tly into the barn and sud- denlyappearat the horse's head tosurprise • him into starting back. Tom means: no harm but he ruining the horse never- / is - theless. Silly's nervous system can't stand the strain. --Next morning Tom was discharged, and his place was filled by a steady-go- Ingfellow who not only loved animals, • but understood them; and who was giv- en at the outset a serious lecture on the treatment necessary' to keep a horse good-tempered and happy. . • In is month Billy had begun to regain' his old confidence in human nature, and:, before the winter was over, he was gen- • tteness Companion. . The Bridle;• '" r • "Don't go without a bridle,'! was my •-grandfather's favorite bit of -advice. Do you suppose we were all teamsters -or horse jockeys? No sucli.thing.. If he heard one cursing and swearing, or °.giVen to much and foolish taik, -" That man has lost his bridle," he would say. Without a bridle the tongue, _though .a little member, "boaisteth great things. It is ." an.,unredy evil, full of 'deadly poison." Put a bridle on, and it is one of the best servants the body and soul have. "1 will keep-, my mouth' with a bridle," said King 'David. And who ,can do better than follow his example? When my grandfather saw a man &inking and carousing, or a boy' spend- ing all his -money for cakes and candy, - " Poor fellow i" he would say, "he's let' -., off his bridle." , The appetite needs b. ceining. Let it loose and it will run you to gluttony, drunkenness, and all sorts oLdisorder. Be sure to keep a bridle on your appetite; don't let it be master. And don't neglect to have one.. on" your passions. They go Iliad if they 'get un- manageable, 'driving you down a blind and headlong course toillum. Keep the check -rein tight; c14-Nt let it slip; hold it steady. Never go without your bridle. - That was the bridle my grandiather meant, -the bridle of self-governMent; Parents try to restrain and Check their childrin, and yon ° .can generally.' tell by. their behaviour what children have .such wise and faithful parents. But parents cannot do everything. .1 And seme chil- ° • clren have no parents to care for thern. Every boy must fla46 hie:own bridle,and event girl must have hers. -They mut leer -a to. cheek. and govern themselves. Self-government IS the most difficult and most important government in the -world: It becomes; easier every day, if ' youpractise it -with a steady and rem: lute Will. It is the foundation of excel- lence. It is the -cutting And pruning which makes the noble and vigorous tree of character. • Big Sheep and Farmer's Sheep; At Lincoln in England a few days ago a ram of the Lincoln breed -the 'argent sheep breed of all -weighed up 392 lbs. gross, and when killed net . pc) lbs. of meat. This is an extraordinary weight • for a sheep, even in England, but the rams in, use- there seldom weigh less than 200 lha.-no matter what the breed may be. - Such sheep are very profitable and pay for the feed consumed, money invested, pssturage Ana every passible CAM fealgba are sold at 10 months old weigh- ing HO to 200 pounds, and a flook ef 200 ewes will produce an average a No lembe, or every Second ewe will raise twin iambs, Such lambs at six months' old are _worth & flvesdollar bill per head In Medan, atsd minks about twice as nitteh feed per day as a sheep diet on a' ood range in Tens manages to "(sigh 0 pounda AS a. yearling, -Sheep raising of this &sweeter is par- ticularry the business of farms, and 200 sheopis a good large dock. The short cropping of the Western ranges cannot handle them in their purity, ancjwill not sustain their growth, but a mix- ture of these large mutton sheep with the Merino does well and furnishes handy range mutton and a light med- ium fleece. There is no better branch of the - &el- / cultural interest than 'raising the mut- ton sheepin small nurdberi. _A farmer ,owning but a small tract of land can do no better than to get a few head of mut. ton sheep,: Airy Icattle, -poultry and sheep are the cash producers of small farms; and,of these sheep are the most certain, the least trouble,and more bene- ficial to the fertility of the farm- than any other stmt. It is a pity more of these sheep are not in Texas, and it is also & pity that thereseems to be no in- crease in the number of sheep flocks on the farms in the state. The agricultural college could do something for Texas • .farmers by giving the result of a few feeding tests of range sheep, also a test or two of breeeding the small range ewer to the rams of ths mutton breeds. Texas farmers to be prosperous must „raise sheep, and those who Are instruc- 1. tors of farmers ought to show them tho. right ways -Ex. Sohoo1Repoi's. , NO, St BAST WAWANOSIL-The fol. lowing are the mimes of the pupils suc; cessful in passing the recent promotion examination_ at School Section No. 8, Zeit Wawanosh, E. Richmond, teacher: From.3rd to 4th class, marks attainable 750, pass 375 -Mary McCallum, 520,; James T. RoberSion, 519; George Port- erfield, 481; Maggie Taylor, 473; Lot- tie MoBurney, 447. From 2nd to 3rd cleat, Marks attainable 550, pass .275 - Minnie MoDenald, 367;.Clara Mc; -Burney, 330; Duncan McCallum 298; Ella Owens, 292. Recoinmended, Wfl- lie Cole,' Martha Agnew, Julia Taiilor, Frew McDonald, each one having fail- edby a few Marks in one subject. ' No. 2, HAY. -The following is the June report of this school. It • is based on the attendance, punctuality, con- - duct and diligence of •the pupils -:-5th class-Jno, Chapthan. Senior 4th class-Jno. Campbell; Homer Russell, Jas. .Campbell. Junior 4th class -Alfred McTaggart, Ellen Shirray,' Chas. Ald- worth. Third. chum -Kate Chapman, David Shirray, Aggie Shirray: Second class -Matthew . Tinney, Annie North- cott, Willie Hawkins. Senior eecond part class --,-Beatrice Warren, Jackson, Maud Russell. Junior second part clese:-KelliePould; Frank -Dining, Ralph Chapman, First part dials- SeCkie Northcott, Willie Jackson, Chas: O'Brien. - No. 11, Aiairintan,---: The following - are the names of the first three pupils in each class in School Section. NO. 11, Ashfield, for the month of June: Third class, Senior, -James Maw,Lillie Green, Emmeline Hayden; Third cleat; Junior -Mary Maw, Carrie. McGrattan, Lu - elle Cunningham. Second Class -Ma- bel Hawkins, Jennie Johnsron, David Brindley. Second Part First, -Herbert Foster; Emma 'Culbert, Wm. Brindley. First Class' Senior, -Annie Trikoman, Alex. Gordon, John Brindley. -.First Clan Junior,- ;Jennie Young, Maud Young, Harry Maw.-Bitesm rairzi; Teacher. Out of' Little Mouths. - A youngster Who sew a, steamer for the first time exclaimed, "Look: There's a -railway engine. having a 'bath!" A locomotive has been called a profeation- al place hunter and an underlined arti- cle. A schoolgirl defined a bustle as a hollow mockery," and a boy described a lawsuit as the thing a policeman wears. A little girl was heard to -say, to her favorite doll: 41 Yon know, dollie, if first- you cry and 'then you - while, a rainbowwill- come over your fade." Children -often hare a hap- py knack of making apt .illustratione. A boy being asked to describe a kitten, said: " A kitten is remarkable for rushing like mad at nothing whatever, and- stopping before it gets there." The children at a Sunday -school - being ask- ed, among other questions, what bear- ing false witness against one's neighbor meant, a pert little -girl replied: . "Ib is when nobody hain't done nothing, and somebodygoes and tells."Occi. • dent. An Irish Gentleman. The seats were full but one was occu- pied by a rough -looking Irishman. At one of the stations a couple of well-bred and intelligent looking young ladies came in to procure seats, but seeing no vacant ,ones were about to go in a back car when Patrick rose hastily and offer- ed them his seat with evident pleasure. "But you will have, no seat for gour- self," responded one of the ladies vvith a smile and with truest politenestchesita- ting to accept it. " Nevit ye moind that," said the Hibernian,- " Yer wel- come to it. I'd ride upon the cow.ket- cher any tame from here -4441 New York for a smoil from such Vintleinanly la- dies," and retreated linto the next car amid the applause of those who witness- ed the incident. Perhaps the foregoing hint to many ladies will show that a trifle of politeness on their part has often a kappy_effect. -General Manager. Varieties. -Rev. P. 'Wright and family left Stratford' on Wednesday last week on their way to Owen Sound, They .there took the steamer for Port Arthur and then proceeded to Portage le Prairie by „rail, expecting to.reach their destina- tion Monday.a, . -On Wednesday of last week, Mr. T. S. Ford, of Mitchell, left his driving mare tied to a board fence. Theanimal became frightened at the moving of a tree and broke away, upsetting the buggy and demolishing the top. The buggy was almost a wreck; but no other damage was done. -Mr. Peter Hoffman while working in a --"gravel pit, near Hampstead, the other day, was caught ander a mass of falling gravel. He had a narrow escape and the affair Might have ended fatally, had not his ion George been in the pit at the -time, and extricated him from his periloun poeition. -Small, Man (on rolling train,writing letter to his wife)It would afford you some amusement, my dm." if you could see the frookle.faosd, long, lean, gamble. shankod, knoelt=knood, sneaking, Inver. tined, 111.bred, hilf.hseked 'pedalen of a baokwood's gawky that is looking over my shoulder as 1 writ4 this -Large Man on seat behind (dereely)You 1I, you little sooun- Small ..Man (turning round)-ileg pada, sir; are you speak. lea to met Large man (oonfusedly)— Y—no No • I didn't say anything, I wasn't speaking. I -I-. Small min resumes his writing., Large man goes bank to the rear platform of the last car on the train and relieves his mind by, staring fixedly fit the flying lands cape. -One often hears complimentary words used in referring to the power and resonance Of a particularly striking bass 'voice; but it is doubtful if any vocal artist possessing this kind of voice ever had & more uniqueorsincere compliment paid to its power and volume than was :contributed by an itinerant vender of fuel, who.had the,to him, unuival good, fortune to attend a ebncert where a pro- minent basso figured.. On being asked how he liked the singing of the vocalist in question, the fuel v.ender replied with enthusiasm: !"How do I like him? Thy, man, if I had him on my charcoal team, it would mean -a fortune for both of us." It is not hinted whether the proposition has been made to -the vocalist so honored. '. -They met in tihorse-car,-two young women whose tawny faces showed that they -were 'jug back from the seashore and when they had kissed and embraced _ and been through all the preliminary. nonsense necessary to the 00CaliOrl, one said to the other: "014 You dear thing! I had such a- flirtation with _your hus- band while you Ivor.. Idown East. He eame down to Nantasket slinost every night." "Yes, he wrote me about it,' the other returned invelstly. "He said you didn't seem to:know anybody, and were so lonely he quite pitied .you." "He was always 110 !kind to neglected girls," the • first speaker murmured. "You know they said when you were married that he would have taken all the wall -flowers if he (mild, he was so igenerous." And then they smiled lov- ingly on each other.. - tam••••erat41.•••••••=••••mam. • News. Notes.. - -Mr, M. W. Young, of Picton, from an area of a little, over two acres,' has gathered 12,000 -quarts Of strawberries this season. -Th p Rev. Joshua, Denovan, of the Wellesley. Street Baptist Church, Tor- onto denounces in vigorous terms Sun- dayfiower festival I married men's sociels and the like, whether to attract large congregations or to make money for the church. . He holds that they are degrading to xeligion and far removed from the spirit of the apostolic Chris- tianity as revealed in, the New Testa- ment', He has no objection to -flowers in the field where God put them, but I they were never intended, he says; to grow on platforms' and • pulpits of churches. He alto opposeschinch ornamentation root and branch. • He Gave Himself Away. • "No- sir," said a qtutint looking travelling man to a companion en the train, I can truthfully say that I am very little given to fear. I never was • afraid of anybody or anything in my life." "That is more than I can say." " It's a fact, nevertheless." "My the way, I should think a man like you would have been married long before this." "Hew do you know that I am not married " I gathered it from your conversation."- ,GRATEFUL-XOMFORTING, PPS's COCOA. BREAKFAST. ; "By' a thorough siowledge if the natural laws which govern- the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of' the • fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate. lyllavored beverage which may ova Us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judielous use of such articles of diet that al constitution may be, gradually built up until strong enough to re - Mat every -tendency to disease. - Hundreds of, aubtle maladies &refloating .around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape may a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves .Well fortified with pure blood and a properly - nourished frame."—"Ofvfl Service casette." Made simply with boiling water or- mils. Sol only in packets by grocers, labelled thug: JAMES EPPS & CO., Homeopathic- Chemists,, London, England. - 108842. SloruEitumption Surely awed. 1 To 'Viz Eh:vita—. , • Please inform your readers that I have a posi. tive remedy -for the above named disease. By - its timely use thousands of hopeles eases have' been permanently mired. I shalabe glad to send 'two bottlis of my remedy ran to any of ,your _readers who have consumption if they will send me their Exprebs and Post 'Office addrese. • Respectfully, DR. T. A: SLOCUX. 1089.52 37 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont., • Your. Life in Danger. Take time by tie forelock ere that rasping,' • liaCky cough of yours carries you where so many Consumptives have preceded you ; lose no time,i but procure a bottle of the rational remedkfort • Luneand Bronchial Di4eases, Scott's Einphion. of Cod Liver Oil, with llypophoophites„ 111,111 cure you. Sold by all Druggiits, at 50 cents •!meonniumele• - - . What wrought the Change? Thiswoinan's face Is ruddy with a rose's grace.- • ' Her eye is bright, Her heart is light. . Ah, truly 'tis a goodly sight. A few brief n.oriths ago her cheek Was pallid:and her step was weak:- •" The end is near - For her, L fear," Sighed many a friend who'held her dear. . I can tell you What Wrought the change in her. She was told hya friend, who, like her, tad suf.! fered untold misery from a complication Of fe-' male troubles, _that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription would certainly cure her. -This. friend' "know whereof she spoke," for she could•by the, 'remedy she • advised her friend' to use She ist enthusiastic hilts praise, and tells her friend& that Dr. Pierce deserves the universal gratitude of wothan-kind forthaving given it this infallible remedy for its peculiar ailments.- It is guaran- teed to give satisfaction in every, case or money. :.refunded. ; : ' Dr. Pierce'aPellets, one a dose. Cure head;.„1 ache constipation and indigestion, • - ' 'Help Wanted. . --130Y all who suffer from dyspePsia, bi1iousness;-4 sick headache, jaundice, liyer complaint, . rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Idose no time in pro- curing Buidock Dlood P.itters,nature's regulator; and tonic.. - It is a prompt and permanent cur& for all diseases of the blood, liver,. kidneys, bowels and stomach, • • - - An Old Favorite.. MEAT has beenpopular with the People fo i thirty years s Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild. Strawberry for , all varikties of summer con,. ?Wats of,ehildren and adults. It -seldom or ever,failato ore elielere morbut, diarrhco dysentery, SHIIMMINIEMINIMISIXIIIIIIMIS • thelnoreasS, inereAsinglyprevAlent hAve serelitiOns osSeli.b,Milie that wo oelJ tho attention of stir hears to the best Woad -purifier and -Altar, .ativakhown„ viz,: Bade& Blood MUM,. which utiletkitsli @IOWA Whalen@ and ?moves all blood dismiss trent -a common pimple to thel worst seroittlotie sore. - paint in banger. baby WAS taken very bad with dierrimea, nothing did, any good until I tried Dr. • Fow er's Extract ofAVild strawberry. 1 11111 ter- taiu nothing equals it, and could not do without - it in tirue of summer complaint and dierrhcca.. - Mao. A. L. Bung, . -Shell River, Manitoba.. Excels all Others. . T USED one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters -33. tor constipation. and 1088 Of appetite and it cured Me. I would • not be without it at 'elk times the price for it excels all others. •- , ' WILLIAM WALTON, Galt, Ont. Mystio.,Words. T CAN, recommend Dr. , Fowler's Extract of j_ Wild Strawberry for chronic 'Marlton. as I have used it for -two years -and can get nothing f• tJ ON EXPOSITOR" - I .___' 'AGE CANNOT WITIIEEL BEEP :marked an oid-gentleman, as he gaud 'ondly mon the comelT little woman by lis sloe; 'but frenkly,' he conti ruled, "at )ne- time I was afraid cosmetics would. The silly little woman, in order to appear , routhful, plastered her face with different 3 rarieties • of whitewashh clt 'balms,' creams.' 'lotions', etc. ' "Yee," inter. i 'tinted the little woman," did, until my 'kin- becamelik? perchluen and so pimply ind coarse." • 'well,' 'rust the listener, - ',What do you use nowP' ' Use " was the •eply, "nothing but common genie and Dr. ' ?leroe'S Golden Mediae] D covery. Coni - non sense told me that it my blood was ' lure liver active, appetite and digestion mod; that the 'outward woman would take m the hue of health. The 'Discovery' lit all these things and actually reJuve- lated me.' If you would poaseas 4. oleo; lcautiful complexion, free from blotches. 7imples, eruptions, yellow spots and rough. -.., oees, use the "Golden Medical Discovery." rt Is guaranteed to do all that it is dalmed to,, or Moniey_p144 /Or it 'WEI se promptly refund! , . . • Copyright, 1888, by WORLD'S DIS. MAD. ASS% • • • a $50 OFFERED for an lnourable ease . of Vistarth In the Head Remedy. By its mild; soothing and heal:. b y' the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ing properties, it cures theworst eases, no ' matter of how long standing. ; HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment This Company is Loaning lioney,Oi. Foam. Security at lowest Rates f Ir texest Illortg' ages Puchased. SAVINGS SANK BRANCH-. and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed or. Deposits, aceordiug to time left, -oFFIcp,—coriier of '...laritet Squar• 'and North Street, G'oderich.- ' .110RAQ 'HORTON, Gederich, August 5th,1886. MAIlAgEW 922 1(7- ai.70)t 1..110 Tr Movr I elf it'011:1S ot full 1.1..n. .t frame:Aid:v., o: a 1:r,..1.4 USO GERMAN WC' rait Lo Z r,ftl Cr- LWay d• pro:nit, reds:111e, Itaia Ind pleasant, requiringno aftqr mediA3Ine. Wang. Leave no bad aaer erre .ts. - - 1h.fcc, 45 COILS p r box. :the Great'rescription Cures Weakness, Spermatorrhea,- Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by:self abuse or indistretion. One package $1, Oza 6: bY mall. Write for layajcs pas'igi* 8 pamphlet. EUREKA. CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. For sale by LUMSDEN & WIL3011, Chemists & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. , . VETERINARY. TON* GRIEVE, V. S„ Honor graduate of .ty Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly attnded to and °barges moderate.- Ireterinary De tistry a specialty.., °ince-At Weill Royal Hotel, Seaforth. • ' 11124f RANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto; Menbar of the Ve erinary Medical Society, etc., treats all die. e a4e. of the Domesticated Animals.. .All calk promptly attended to -either by day or night. Charges *moderate. Special attention given' to veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street, Seeforth, one door south Of Kidd's -Hardware Store. - 1112 EAFORTH HORSE .INFIRMARY. -Corner of la Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door -to the Preehyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. All die - ear* of Horses,Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. masticated =hies, successfully treated at the Iniitmary,ler elsewhere, on the shortest _notice. Oka ges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Teter! inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stooleof Veterin ary Medicines kept constantle on handl LEGAL ltjlATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance „Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &o. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. MOItaisoir, Walton. " H. HASTINGS,Solicitor,eto. Oce-rOady'e . Block, oppoeite Commercial Hotel, Sea- fort2. - 974 • T M BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, dus. Moe - e.). Rooms One Door North of the Conimercial- Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher shOp. Agents-CAuszon, Holm &Cannon. 870 -fiARROW & PRO'UDFOOT, Barrieters, VT t015k0 Goderioh, Ontario. J. T. GAzitow, Q. 9.; Wit. PaOunseetr. 680 cAmotoN,' HOLT to CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &e., Goderichi ,O. 0110111014: Q. 0., PUMP' HOLT, II. a. CARBRON. 5 ' • 506 OFTUS E. DANCEY, late_ with Cameron; Holt & Cameron, -Goderioh, Barrister, So 1101 r Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben ion4s Old Moe, Cardnot BIM*, Seaforth .- 786 D. J. DOWNEY, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &o • . Late of Victoria, E. 0. Office -Over to loan et 5and 6 per cont. 1085 !: i Bankfundof Commerce,..Main street., Seaforth. vs ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solleitors, Conveyancem, &o..Solioltors for the Bank of John.ton, Tisdale, & Gale. Money ,to loan. 0 ce-Elliott Bleck, Clinton,' Ontario. A. H. Morose, J4R118 SOOT. 781 _ HOLMESTED, Succesisor to the late firm of • McCaughey & Helmeted, Bit:rioter, So 11, tor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Uommeree. Money -to lend. Firms for sale. Office in Scott's Meek, Main Street, Seaforth. 1DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, Solicitor. for. Huron Lend Agency. Goderloh and Bay - ft Id. Lands fors:tie in four of the best wheat, cattle and fruit townships in Ontario. Private fnnda to loan at -fif per cent. Bayfleld every Thursday. • . • 108811 1CKS0N & HAYS, formerly with Messrs, Gafrow It Proudfoot, Goderieh Berl rioters; Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brussels. Seaforth Office- ardno's Block, Main Street. R. S. HAYS, W. B. DICKSON. )foncytoLoan. . 1127 MONEY TO LOAN, it roNEY TO LOAN.74traight loans at 6 per In cent., :with the privilege.' to borrows, of repaying.pazt of the prineipel money at any One. -Apply .to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. .850 DENTIST,RY-.. W.. '0". DENTlk , . • Nzw Roo—Over Daley's store, ain street (east side), Seaforth'. ' ; , 941 next door aouth of Rohl* grocery I pvr• r L. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, and!' , M. R. 0. D. S. of Toronto. Vitalized Air en. Latest improvements in Dentistry ob. served. Office in Meyer'sBlock„Seaforth, hours 9 a. m. to 5 ta. m. Fees reasonable. B. B. MORIES; r.?. D. 5.03f Philadelphia, Asaistant. -t,- ' 980 OCAtRisTWA, IGHT & SON, Den. . tsof Exeter, Ont. • One • ra-R; OHASE Hide world wide reputation as a physician- and 'author, His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is a tritunph of medical skill, [curing all diseases of the Kidney and Liver. • SYMPTOMS OF - Kidney Co mplantDigrelmin5 riches an pains in the back; a dull pain • or weight in the bladder and base of the abdomen; scalding urine often obstructed frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged per- sons ; bet, dry ekin,pale complexion, red and white deposite, dizzineee, sour stomach, con- stipation, livor, (trompsl swellings lite. sympToms -or Pain under Liver Complamt, Amid' bind oo, isundloo, allowoi oloxion, s weary, tired fool. ing, no life or porgy, hoodaohktryspopria, in. dikortion,rpotr, ph»ples, &e, ' --HOW CURED. Mandrake And Dandelion AN Hafaire'S Liver ions, And When oembined with kidney feu. dies, 4, -In Dr, Cheee'll Liver CUM will most losaively owe All KidnoplAver troubler, It at il like a eliarni, etittnilating the dogged liver, strengthening the kidneys. and invigorating the whole body, hold by alt dealers at el, 'with Realist Book, Whiffil alffite is worth the tnoney, Cmaitl'il PUN are the only lanty Kidney -Liver Pills made. They Liver act gently yet effectually., May be -taken during any employment. Dfl1They cure Kidney -Liver troubles, • , headache, biliousness, -costiveness, 1 '&e, One pill a -dose. Sold byalldealers. Price 25 cents.- T EOMANSON .8g CO.,: BRADFORD- , ONT., Manfs. ter For sale by's Druggiats. 1.076-52 THE SE ORTH GE: -else that helps me likeit. :JANE TAmoe,Mystiel 0 0 PEt A• E Q. This medicine cures all summer corn! plaints. • The undersigned is now prepared to receive orders for any number' of first-class Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and remove worms without injury to ;dun or infant. • - Regulate thehver and Bowels by the judicious use of National- Pills they are purely vegetable. • ' As a -healing, soothing application for cute, wounds, bruises and 'sores, there is nothing bet- ter than Victoria Carbolic Salve. • Apple Barrels and Butter Firkins - Also any other work n his line. Apply at the ; works, old Baptist Church, Seaforth. ,...Desiere and Packers taking large numbera *ill be very reasonablY dealt with. • • Ifilburn'a Aromatic' Quinine .Wine is distinctly •- superior tony other as in appetising tonic arid fortifier P. KLINKHAMMER. • 10224f of the above will visit Blyth the last Thursday, and following Fri. day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit Zurich the first'Wedneiday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Bengali the following Thurs. (ley of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he Will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex. tractad with a new 'Japan anesthetic, which re. , moves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will pleaae caII early in the morning 01 th. THE FARMERS' Banking House; •BM.A.J3101:VM11., (In connection with the Bank of I1ontreal.1 -11.00AN & Oa, BANKERS' AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. • . Now il1 heir own premises on Market Streit Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office: General,,Banking Busineee done; drafts issued and cashed. Interest sllowed on:deposits. MONEY 70 LEND On good notes or mortgages. JOHN LOGAN. ` 1058 Seaforth Furniture -AND- Undertaking Warerooms .11 you want good valise for your money, don't fo•rget to give MAlebertson a call before buying elsewheili. You will find his stock very large and varied. and. prices to suit the times. • - The Undertaking Department is -replete with every 'sanitary convenience, as re- commended by the Undertakers' Associa." tions of the continent. , We pay.particular attention to the science of embalming, as, demonbtratedby eminent professors at the Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet. ter prepared than ever to furnish and con- duct funeralron more. reasonable terms to our patrons than any so•called "-reform endertakere„" with their advertising clap- trap. • Warerooms-rOne door south of the Telegraph*Office, Main Street, Seaforth. • M. ROBERTSON. 1 flio Most Successful Remedy ever disco *Rd, as 11 11 certain in its effects and does snot blister. Readproof below. CENDALL'S SPAVIN -CURE OWN= Oressursi-A. Orme, Samosa oe CZETELAND BAT AND uoprztro BRED'EfolirtIA irsiD c0 .BZXWO9i, XLr, Nov. 90,1881 Dear Sirs: I have always pusen&sed roes Sex allt Slavin cure by the halt dozenottlees,. rowd prior in larger quantity. I think lt I ne of the best liniments on, . earth. Duvet _used a my stables for three years. ,q Yours truly, • 'Cala A. BIRD= , IENDALL'S SPAWN. CURE - Buooztra, 21. Y., November8,1881 ts. B. J. MISSAL!. CO. • Dear Sirs :I desire to eve zpu. teetimoniel of * ood opinion of your Hendon s Bonin Cure. I hay Fed it. for Lameness, Stiff Joints ant (Pitvinsotuartruly, nidlhaurzanage,_ve found it a ogre cure, I cont Hy recommend it to all horsemen. Your r Troy LaAiuldrylL GILBERstabie% (ENDALL'S SPANN CURE SANT, WINTON COUNTY, OHIO, Dec. 19, 1888. et. B. J.: Imam CO. Gents: I feel it my duty to OAT what I have don rith your -KendalPs Spavin cure. I have our wentylive horses that had Spavin, tea o ting Bose, nine afflicted with Bif Head an even of milstiJaW. - SinceIllave had one of you . ooks andfollowed the directiong, I have neve )Bt a case of any kind.-,. • • Yours truly, Aronnw TURNS'S. - - Horse Doctm IENDALIIS SPAVIN CURE Price at per bottle,or slabottles for ss. All Drui Ids havelt or ce,n get it for you, or it will be see D any address on receipt of price by the proprh Dst. B. J. 11112DALI. Co., EnosbghPUs,Vt, /OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS are When I say CURE I do not Mea;i inerely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. z• mean A RADICAL CURE.' I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS A life-long study 1 WARRANT my remedy to RE CUthe •worst cases. Bedtime others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a eure. Send at once for a treatise and a FREE Boma of my INPALLIBLE REMEDY. Give express and post office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address—DR. II. G..ROOT, 37 YongeStreet, Toronto, Ont. la718-52 1111161111111101111111111111.111111111111111.111111M111111111t R Oo u nter, SEAFORTH, Is bog, :offering his -entire stook of Watehe$, dodo, 'Jewelry, ,Silittltiatod Wart, Fancy Goods, fipeettselei, Pipes, at a greet redue. tion. Tithe e are hard, and we omit have money, In Watches' we keep all the best Awakens; Swiss and English grades thanufintured. We have just reeeived a fine assortment of Amerlean (docks, Nicide Martini, Stc, Our stock of Jewelry including Brooches,- EarEings, Bar Pins, Co. lor- ed Sets, Tie Pins. Cuff Buttons, Collar Studs. Bracelets, Chains, Charms, 'Necklets, Lockets, Rings, Diani.onds, and other lines too numerous to mention, is Well asseytedMy stock of Silver- plated Ware is full in all its -branches, and of the befit quality. In .Fancy Geode we have a good assoritneht of Albums, Dressing Cases, Work toxes, „Jewel Cases, Paper Weights, Bisque Goods, ea. my Spectacle Etock is com- plete, and. am preOareck, to suit all ordinary sighti. A large stock of•,Pipes of all kinds to choosefrom—priem from .5c to 41.0.. In fact, I 1 ha the largest and best assorted stock in the County of Huren. The 'work department is under the managerebt of skilful workmen, and we guarantee to give satisfaction. Allgoods oldby us will be -engraved free of charge. 1 Givate a trial, Al ANA GER; Dpriz:Ms ttociFkl 8bEotRhVisCidEes7ATevrne7A,:el 79:tingtbe -.1.) Berkshire Boar, nine months old, bred from time of service, with the -privilege of returning if necessary. -GEORGE TROTT; Seaforth. ,A GOOD BOAR. --.The undersigned' hasonhis premises in limpurhey, opposite Jars. Robb's, the well•known prize Berkshire Boar, -formerly owned by Mr. George Trott. He has taken prizes at London, Goderich, Seaforth, and 'wherever shown. A limited number of sows will be taken. Terms -$1, payable at the time • of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary;' ROBERT TORRANCE. 1124x4 ACHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned will keep during the present season onto. 21, Concession 2, L. S. Tuckersmith, a Thor ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited number of -sows will be taken. This pig was farrowed on May 15th, 1887, was bred by 11' B. Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one -cd the n2ost extensive and reliable breeders in the 'United States. - This Plg has also Ulan first prizes whereever shown. Terms " able at the time of eervic,e, with the privilege of returning ifnecessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 10894.1.. 'Brussel§ Lime Kilns, To Farmers and Builders. . F. KELLY, Of the Brussels Lime KUni, is now prepared to supply any amount of •• • :GOOD F-RESH LIME - For Plastering, Bricklaying or Stone Work. I will deliver the limo in Seaforth or vicinity for 18 cents per bushel.Orders promptly filled, If by mail, address W, F.. KELLY, 1066t1 Bruesels Lime Works ••••=1:01- Mself”, ...am 4 -.43.. W.. 1 IFFOWLERIS <EXTRACTIFWILD> SIPA' 1110E* CQ LE RA - coRE.s. - • CH 0 L ERA-- I NFANTUM 0/7:71:?RH AND ALLSUMMER COMPLAINT SCILD BY ALL. DEALERS. wpioistz4s._ WHITE BRONZE Monument '064 The Day Bronze Foundryin the Dominion. Our material is endorsed by leading scientist as behig practically imperishable. It cannot 'absorb moisture, and 'consequently is not affect. ea by the frost. Send for Designs and Terms to W GIFF110 Clinton. .Planing Mill,Lumber Yard. AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The subseriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the Tory lowest prices. Bill Stuffcut toanyorder .on Short -Notice. Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. Contracts taken for every descriptions of buildings, ..- including all work. , - Charles Querengesser, 1105 Lot 31, Concession 8, Logan. IPA. Ls Mr C3 3.4., " 3 ruE URSERY PURPOS - I N 1-1TALP l) I EA ji.st ( I ..Lartir 4.:afit CI if Li ; -; tit ;4,1 r " 4. 1 /VIM," tif r I MOUT $07.10.111ri ime.Line-:J The Bodnun Line Works - Are situated about two miles East of Beigrave on Lot -9, Conctssion 4, Morris. The under signed will keep any quantity of Fresh:Sims alwals on hand and will sell at a reasonable price. This Lime has been thoroaghly tested and proves to be one of the best white limes in CanadalAme delivered to any part on the shortest notice. This Lime will also he kept for sale at Londesboro, Clinton and Goderie12. tat Address either by letter or telegraph - J. J. DOWNEY Proprietor% 1108 BELGRAVEI - MARRIAGE LICENSES I801JED AT ri01011 EXPOSITOR.OFFICE -.FORTE 0NT.ARIO. NO vitireE sex anouncao, a - . I •-• aaatak, ' i • -‘,,Calta:2,1"; Teeth extracted work firsVolass _ : KINSMAN, _Dentist, L. D. '5 Exeter, Ont. Will be at • ., . Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST THURSDAY IN EACH MONTH with the least pain possible. All at -liberal rates. ' 971 - . 1G1 A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Honor graduate of X/. the Royal College of Dental Surgeons ef Ontario: All the anesthetics used for the painless extraction of teeth. 'Office—Garfield Block, BRUSSELS. ; . meat f. • MEDICAL. • -) E. COOPER, M. p., Physician, Surgeon XXI. . and Accoucher, Constance, Ont. 1127 . . .. . , TITM. HANOVER, M. D. C. M.,Graduate o: • McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur,:Seaforth,.Ont. Office and re. sidenceNorth side Godench street, first Mak house east of the Methodist church. •. -961 . ..4. r . TRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Licen. J,./ tiates Royal College of Physicians and Burgeons, Edinburgh., Bauoefield, Ont. • 930 . .. . ' G, SCOTT, M. D., &o„ Physician, Surgeon, . and A.ccoucher, Seaford*, Out. ,Oillee and residence South side of Godench street, Second oorost-of the Presbyterian Church, . 842 W, BRUCE WITH, 31, D ,0, 3L, Member . of the:College of Physielane ond!nurseene, it Boaforth, Ontario. , Orbs and roritionoo r as coupled by Dr, Voroos. . .. WS • LEX, BETHUNE, 31, D,, Fellow- of the - Royal (lollop or it yrioiono And Shirkeone, Potent BMW? to Dr, Naeltid, °Mee kW, OlViiP104 by Dr, Maeltiti, . MAW ' Ntroot, theforth, iteeidence-/-opebsite tomer South of robes' Livery Stiblo,- _JOr. &Aid. has g6no to the Northwest And Dr, 'Bethune bas taken his maim The Boater will N. -found in Dr, matitid's °office during the day and at his own residence during the night, home with briek batienietit, denier sdiith of Forber Livery Stable, \1127X12 _ - - .. AUCTIONEERS., . . P. BP.114E,- Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Salee. attended in al S - . -, ' elo:tas of the County. All orders left at TIIII ETP081TOR Office will be i prostitiv attended to. • Cariall ,, -;� i Iiiiai Ulmer let g Dr. s .sss • Gioldea Spiteifa /town be ien in a.cnp of coiMor toe. Withoirl the knowled• of the person taking it; le absol.ttg harmleei; au will •aSct a permanent and o erre whether the patient, is ft moderate dei er • an alcobolio Weck. It bases= events thooeandi ems. and in.'every instance a perfect ours followed. A finer tate. alba :ardent moos pe•gaated with the Spegino, it becomes au sites poeelbllity for tii, giagsand fullphee liquor appetitstto ez WOO.. UN &s.. ,Qlaefisau, THE FARMERS' Banking House; •BM.A.J3101:VM11., (In connection with the Bank of I1ontreal.1 -11.00AN & Oa, BANKERS' AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. • . Now il1 heir own premises on Market Streit Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office: General,,Banking Busineee done; drafts issued and cashed. Interest sllowed on:deposits. MONEY 70 LEND On good notes or mortgages. JOHN LOGAN. ` 1058 Seaforth Furniture -AND- Undertaking Warerooms .11 you want good valise for your money, don't fo•rget to give MAlebertson a call before buying elsewheili. You will find his stock very large and varied. and. prices to suit the times. • - The Undertaking Department is -replete with every 'sanitary convenience, as re- commended by the Undertakers' Associa." tions of the continent. , We pay.particular attention to the science of embalming, as, demonbtratedby eminent professors at the Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet. ter prepared than ever to furnish and con- duct funeralron more. reasonable terms to our patrons than any so•called "-reform endertakere„" with their advertising clap- trap. • Warerooms-rOne door south of the Telegraph*Office, Main Street, Seaforth. • M. ROBERTSON. 1 flio Most Successful Remedy ever disco *Rd, as 11 11 certain in its effects and does snot blister. Readproof below. CENDALL'S SPAVIN -CURE OWN= Oressursi-A. Orme, Samosa oe CZETELAND BAT AND uoprztro BRED'EfolirtIA irsiD c0 .BZXWO9i, XLr, Nov. 90,1881 Dear Sirs: I have always pusen&sed roes Sex allt Slavin cure by the halt dozenottlees,. rowd prior in larger quantity. I think lt I ne of the best liniments on, . earth. Duvet _used a my stables for three years. ,q Yours truly, • 'Cala A. BIRD= , IENDALL'S SPAWN. CURE - Buooztra, 21. Y., November8,1881 ts. B. J. MISSAL!. CO. • Dear Sirs :I desire to eve zpu. teetimoniel of * ood opinion of your Hendon s Bonin Cure. I hay Fed it. for Lameness, Stiff Joints ant (Pitvinsotuartruly, nidlhaurzanage,_ve found it a ogre cure, I cont Hy recommend it to all horsemen. Your r Troy LaAiuldrylL GILBERstabie% (ENDALL'S SPANN CURE SANT, WINTON COUNTY, OHIO, Dec. 19, 1888. et. B. J.: Imam CO. Gents: I feel it my duty to OAT what I have don rith your -KendalPs Spavin cure. I have our wentylive horses that had Spavin, tea o ting Bose, nine afflicted with Bif Head an even of milstiJaW. - SinceIllave had one of you . ooks andfollowed the directiong, I have neve )Bt a case of any kind.-,. • • Yours truly, Aronnw TURNS'S. - - Horse Doctm IENDALIIS SPAVIN CURE Price at per bottle,or slabottles for ss. All Drui Ids havelt or ce,n get it for you, or it will be see D any address on receipt of price by the proprh Dst. B. J. 11112DALI. Co., EnosbghPUs,Vt, /OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS are When I say CURE I do not Mea;i inerely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. z• mean A RADICAL CURE.' I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS A life-long study 1 WARRANT my remedy to RE CUthe •worst cases. Bedtime others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a eure. Send at once for a treatise and a FREE Boma of my INPALLIBLE REMEDY. Give express and post office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address—DR. II. G..ROOT, 37 YongeStreet, Toronto, Ont. la718-52 1111161111111101111111111111.111111111111111.111111M111111111t R Oo u nter, SEAFORTH, Is bog, :offering his -entire stook of Watehe$, dodo, 'Jewelry, ,Silittltiatod Wart, Fancy Goods, fipeettselei, Pipes, at a greet redue. tion. Tithe e are hard, and we omit have money, In Watches' we keep all the best Awakens; Swiss and English grades thanufintured. We have just reeeived a fine assortment of Amerlean (docks, Nicide Martini, Stc, Our stock of Jewelry including Brooches,- EarEings, Bar Pins, Co. lor- ed Sets, Tie Pins. Cuff Buttons, Collar Studs. Bracelets, Chains, Charms, 'Necklets, Lockets, Rings, Diani.onds, and other lines too numerous to mention, is Well asseytedMy stock of Silver- plated Ware is full in all its -branches, and of the befit quality. In .Fancy Geode we have a good assoritneht of Albums, Dressing Cases, Work toxes, „Jewel Cases, Paper Weights, Bisque Goods, ea. my Spectacle Etock is com- plete, and. am preOareck, to suit all ordinary sighti. A large stock of•,Pipes of all kinds to choosefrom—priem from .5c to 41.0.. In fact, I 1 ha the largest and best assorted stock in the County of Huren. The 'work department is under the managerebt of skilful workmen, and we guarantee to give satisfaction. Allgoods oldby us will be -engraved free of charge. 1 Givate a trial, Al ANA GER; Dpriz:Ms ttociFkl 8bEotRhVisCidEes7ATevrne7A,:el 79:tingtbe -.1.) Berkshire Boar, nine months old, bred from time of service, with the -privilege of returning if necessary. -GEORGE TROTT; Seaforth. ,A GOOD BOAR. --.The undersigned' hasonhis premises in limpurhey, opposite Jars. Robb's, the well•known prize Berkshire Boar, -formerly owned by Mr. George Trott. He has taken prizes at London, Goderich, Seaforth, and 'wherever shown. A limited number of sows will be taken. Terms -$1, payable at the time • of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary;' ROBERT TORRANCE. 1124x4 ACHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned will keep during the present season onto. 21, Concession 2, L. S. Tuckersmith, a Thor ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited number of -sows will be taken. This pig was farrowed on May 15th, 1887, was bred by 11' B. Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one -cd the n2ost extensive and reliable breeders in the 'United States. - This Plg has also Ulan first prizes whereever shown. Terms " able at the time of eervic,e, with the privilege of returning ifnecessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 10894.1.. 'Brussel§ Lime Kilns, To Farmers and Builders. . F. KELLY, Of the Brussels Lime KUni, is now prepared to supply any amount of •• • :GOOD F-RESH LIME - For Plastering, Bricklaying or Stone Work. I will deliver the limo in Seaforth or vicinity for 18 cents per bushel.Orders promptly filled, If by mail, address W, F.. KELLY, 1066t1 Bruesels Lime Works ••••=1:01- Mself”, ...am 4 -.43.. W.. 1 IFFOWLERIS <EXTRACTIFWILD> SIPA' 1110E* CQ LE RA - coRE.s. - • CH 0 L ERA-- I NFANTUM 0/7:71:?RH AND ALLSUMMER COMPLAINT SCILD BY ALL. DEALERS. wpioistz4s._ WHITE BRONZE Monument '064 The Day Bronze Foundryin the Dominion. Our material is endorsed by leading scientist as behig practically imperishable. It cannot 'absorb moisture, and 'consequently is not affect. ea by the frost. Send for Designs and Terms to W GIFF110 Clinton. .Planing Mill,Lumber Yard. AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The subseriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the Tory lowest prices. Bill Stuffcut toanyorder .on Short -Notice. Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. Contracts taken for every descriptions of buildings, ..- including all work. , - Charles Querengesser, 1105 Lot 31, Concession 8, Logan. IPA. Ls Mr C3 3.4., " 3 ruE URSERY PURPOS - I N 1-1TALP l) I EA ji.st ( I ..Lartir 4.:afit CI if Li ; -; tit ;4,1 r " 4. 1 /VIM," tif r I MOUT $07.10.111ri ime.Line-:J The Bodnun Line Works - Are situated about two miles East of Beigrave on Lot -9, Conctssion 4, Morris. The under signed will keep any quantity of Fresh:Sims alwals on hand and will sell at a reasonable price. This Lime has been thoroaghly tested and proves to be one of the best white limes in CanadalAme delivered to any part on the shortest notice. This Lime will also he kept for sale at Londesboro, Clinton and Goderie12. tat Address either by letter or telegraph - J. J. DOWNEY Proprietor% 1108 BELGRAVEI - MARRIAGE LICENSES I801JED AT ri01011 EXPOSITOR.OFFICE -.FORTE 0NT.ARIO. NO vitireE sex anouncao, a -