HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-07-26, Page 71889. - • rgaina in lor $toitap • •, ranteed. ele-Agente. - and Eibeaerl: TN EY, ;EAFGxaiL thc;roulf1213- PROCESS& - Mingo 'web*** DE*4124e7 aPplisd !IEDROLU. Machines fiX: have beset ry added in enable, HONE Les for reeeivbst - dting andshippitug roved. OrMis cast wariong, weigbAta. . ata 'of 7COletilibel* . STONE OPIDINd lazy machineRyfor so that wags* covertnder rtd ES• to,ad._ LER ROO Emx PIMM73 without delay. SliORTS FEED 'Oa Paid /32, intiof !REE,S - AND SALT: be kept i.71111 • y=ird.°' t co,, OPRIETORA )ordial _Comptant, and ,generalIT bou • It allay* t tieing the thetas 25 Cent& S . 5 BLOCK. Ieweiry ore tiara RUP the Market for edict and le so k forwore. =ince& 26 Cents'. . Seafdrth EgleeOrithfr k WA, plulun greatest yzboxeztamaani DaTitorr, Ohemitts and 112141 - 26, 1889. 'flannel Made from Vegetable - Fiber. • At the old woman said - when she heard that astronomers had weighed the aen, "What won't they do nextl" Ve,getabIs flannel is a textile material vow being largely manufactured in Ger- eeenyout of pine leaves. The fiber is .spun, knitted, and woven into Under- garments and clothing of various kindik In the hospital'', penitentiaries, and bier:poke of -Vienna and Breslau, blank- • eft made of this material are exclusively wed. One of the chief advantages is that no vermin will lodge in them. The material is also used as stnffing, closely resembling horsehair, and Is only one- third its cost. ' When spun and woven, the thread re- semble& that of hemp, and Is made into jackets, spencers, drawers, and stock- ings, flannel and twill for shirts, cover- ) lets, body and chest -warmer, and knit- ting -yarn. They keep the body warm without heating, and are very -durable. The factories are lighted with gas made from the refuse of these manufactures,— Golden Days. - • Good Amusement for a Child. BY JULIA. R. SCHAUFFLER. As child the joy of zny heart for three tong summers WAS a 6 plantation" of my own making, and doubtless any of the yourig readers of The Christian Union who enter upon this pursuie will find it as delightful employment as did. Let me tell how it is to beelone. The fait requisite is a wooden box, 'aboutone yard square ',and about twelve inches deep,. tille,d with good, rich earth. This should be placed on a.piazza where it is protected from the ram, and yet has the advantage of sun and air. It should! be . raised on another box, or on two stook, until it is just the right height 'for the little "planters" to reach an: parts of their estate without difficulty. Next -a .konse meat be found. The house which I had WAS made of 'cardboard, which was covered with mucilage and, then sanded, thus preducing the effect of rough stone. Bat nowadays it is easy to find one of the pretty " Queen Anne" cottages, in which writing paper is sold, for this purpose. Longfellow's House,r, which has been in the shops. all • winter, would be a grand mansion for a plantation. . So farthe little Planters Must have the help of some •other person,but, the • house once placed in position, either directly in the center, or, better still, at the back, of the "grounds," then any child can do the. rest. Paths leading to the house must be carefully laid out with tiny white Titones or sand, a lawn planned, a pond arranged, and a flag- staff raised. The pond can be either a _ piece of .looking -glass with the edges earefully concealed'by moss, or a little china dish (like a bird's 'bath-tu43) filled each morning witlefresh water and af- fording a good swimming -place for sbme tiny torducks; The lawn can be SOWn with oat's, which soon make; a vivid green, and, if the crop is nicely trimmed down the 'awn can be kept in good con- dition for a long time. This is the gimp/fa outline ofthe plan, ,but the variations are endless. You will soon discover under the maples miniature trees which will 'well: bear transplanting to the -"drove ;" mosses from the woods will make soft terraces, while little ferns and 'plants will be .- brought in tritiraph to add tolhe beauty of the "garden." So far as I cart see,- there reonly two objections to this amusement. - One is that little hands which have .been 4‘p1anting" alkthg morning will require a good scrubbing before they are pre- sentable at the lunch -table; and the woad is that a toe energetic watering of the plantation is apt to produce a • shower of mud on the clean -floor -ef the piazze, ,- but a little care. will prevent this end -save trouble. In your search to find- something suitable. for trans- planting, you learn to notice all flowers and plants in your rambles, and you will find the "plantation" an unfailing amusement for a wet day; you will have many newideas to improve your estate as you work on it. r As I write, the memory of my dear old box and 'all its treasures comes hack to me so vividly that I long to be again aehild, and start once more a. "plan- tation." Intlie African Diamond Mines. "One of the most curious sights to be seen at the diamond- mines," said a • recently returned trader, "Is the in- spection of the Mars as they 'come rip out of the mines each day. These natives are hired for a period of six months. during which time they are not allowedtoga outside the enclosure at the top of the mine, called "the com- pound, containing only.a, circle of huts in which they sleep and a store at which they may purchasi tobacco, snuff, beads, and trinkets dear to the savage heart. They Work constantly in the presence of white inspectors who watch them closely to prevent -the secretingof any diamonds about their person during the day, and at night when they come up out of the mine they are led out one by • one through a narrow passage, fenced in on either' side with barbed wire fences, and each man removes the little bit of clothing he wears' before he entersthenarrow door which admits him to the inspector's room. Ilisoloth- ing he carries in his band to the Officer, who proceeds to examine it carefully; then looks into the Kaffir's ears and _ nostrils and mouth, under Ms tongue, between his toes, into the snuff or to - •'limo box he sometimes carries, and feel all through his woolly hair. The Kaffir, frequently cut a deep gash far the fleshy part of the -hip, into which they insert a diamond and then bind it np in such a way as to entirely conceal the stone, and. another common trick is to cut and irritate a .place on their legs until it becomes a deep wound, in which, they may seorete a diamond with small chance of detection. Occasionally a -Kaffir will swallow a diamond, and, if undiscovered, will hasten bothe and take an emetic to recover the stone. If, however, the inspector suspects him, - he is compelled. to take the emetic in his tpresence„ which frequently results in the discovery of the concealed stone. At the end of the six months the gang - of nativee are discharged and return to their. tribe; and another set of workmen take their place. As soon as they re- ceive the small amount of money paid them for their lebor, they proceed to ranvest it in some of the most singuler • purchases. A favorite possession is a small American trunk with a took and key, which they pi with various trink- ets and ornamente, and if they can find • - ind purchase an English offioer'sscarlet coat; they put it on over their bare skin and )valk Off with the trunk unner their arm as Proud as peacocks. "The natives know well the value of the precious -stones they handle, and in spite of all precautions, it. is believed' that very. many. are stolen every year. It is impossible to wash the' soil so thoronghly_that some small stones will not remain. A woman living near 'a mine kept& quantity of few* which, when killed; very Often had among the pebbleein,thew crops, the einall rough diamonds which they had picked up, attached by their glitter. An English lady had employed this woman as her nurse, and, learning of the little box of stones she had collected from her fOwls, the lady sold them for her servant in London, receiving for them a little over $100. e ---e-- _ _ Varieties. • —It is said that when a female cap- tain of the Salvation Army was going through the congregation shaking bander she was compelled to . slap one young gentleman's jaw for equeezing her hand too hard. -The punishment was too light. A young marewho exhibited no more taste. than to tcfueeze the hand of e female captain of the Salvation Army richly' merited death—that is if the - newspaper, Portrait of the captain does her justice. ' —Indignant Old Lady (on incoming train at Thirtyninth street)—One dollar for carrying this little boy and me' and one small trunk from one railway sta- tion to another, only three blocks away? Youngman, haven'tyeu got any con- science ? Agent, (briskly)—None to speak of, mum.. I work for. a omnibus line. One dollar, please. . Thanks. Baggage, sir.? _ Going any further than Chicago? • • "dames," Mid. the _grocer to the new boy, "you want to push them . cod: fish; we're over -stocked on 'em.' Sell 'em at thirty cents and if they don't go I'll put them on the bargain counter next week." "You'll find them codfish very nide, mak!am,'! said James later to an, old lady customer, "there dire cheap 6.6 thirty cents, an' it's the last chance you'll have to buy 'em at that price." 'Is your codfish ping up ?" "No. ma'am; they're gem' on the bargain counter next week, for whatwe kin get for 'em." - • —A.good story, says the Albany•Jotir; nal, is told of a Williams student who - came to Albany recently to attend a party at the home of a former eellege chum. Soon after the etudent entered the room he milled the attention of his former chum to a young lady with de- cidedly red hjir, and made the remark that he was half inclined to 'ask her if she left the white horse standing out- side. A frown darkened, the brow of the chum, and leading the young stu- dent into an adjoining apartment he said: "I cannot show 'you a white horse, but I will's -how you a.white jack- ass if you will look into thattgliss. s The red-headed. girl is my sister." The cold- ness which, followed could not be srasp- ed without ice -tongs. —A woman here feels very- sore - over the latest escapade of her seven-year-old incorrigible. There were some visitors invited to tea one evening recently, and during the course of the meal John Henry Augustus remarked with a chuckle: "Mother's got 'all her best things on the table to -night, ain't you, ma V° The mortified mother gave- the youngster a kiCk under the table, when he added innocently "You needn't kiek me under the•table; now, because I didn't tell a word about borrowing the „napkins." A Marriage Fee. •A story is told about a Kingston min- ister's marriage fee that causes amuse- .ment among the clergy. .He was paid $1 for marrying a couple. After they departed. he was about to hand the money to his wife when the door 'bell was rung. The •newly-tharried wife said she wanted a certificate. No marri- age was good without one It cost 25 cents fiir a' blank that would suit her. The reyerend gentleman filled the blank out in the usual form and she went away seemingly. satisfied. A few days later she . again appeared at the door. "Mister," said the,womanin an aggriev- ed tone, "I looked through the papers and ain't find a notice of .our wedding. You ought not to treat us different from other folks. So the dominie went to a newspaper office -and paid 50 cents te have a noticE.' inserted. When he reach- ed, home he handed the remaining 25 cents to his wife with the remark: "Here my dear, hurry up and take • this before that woman makes another call." . Comparative Honesty. Hon. Amos J. Cummings tells a funny story' about a printer named Austin. While Cumming e was setting type in the New York Tribune office a .g.00d niany years ago, Austin.441 ostila" work a Spell. One day Austin said* to Cum- mings. ' "This office is more honest than the Times offipe." "Why ?" "Becanie when I went out to -day I left an nide on my case, and • when - I came back, there it was, safe and sound; nobody had eaten it." "Well ?"- "Now, just to show how different the -Times' printers, are, while I was working there, last week,one of the boys went off, leaving an orange on his'case. I took it and ate it."—Chicago News.— 'O. • Heavy Fogs in London. Dense fogs are a prepetua nightmare to. London railway managers. The erratic character of the flags is what maces the chief trouble. No one knows whither the fog comes or whence it goes, and it gives no notice of its ap- pealance or departure. The sun may be shining at Hyde Park, and Cannon street may be wrapped in palpable gloom. On the first appearance of *the fog men are stationed near every rail- way signal signal ta place explosive wafers on the line,and so convey -to the ears of the drivers the warning which they can not see with their eyes. A foggy win. ter-efitails a. heavy expenditure on the companies. ob. ••••••••= The Language:of Lotre, - "Mister Johnsing, I want ter confide a vest secret to yer," "What' is it, Pete "I'se got a notion ter ask Swayback -Lucy ter -merry ire." - "Do you think she reciprocates your affea- time?" "What did yer- say she did ?" "Do. you think she loves you a; much as - : • TRE HURON EXPOSIT,611.., You do her'?" "Dat's what I 'spicing." she telt you so r but she mout joss ai well hab told meso. When she was goin' tru,' de yard I punched her wid "44 -pitchfork and she said : 6G.'way, -yer bleak nigger'I don't Avant to have you about me.' I tell yer, Mister John- eing, dat when a women tells yer to go 'way she wants yer to stay right dar. Deyam de contrari'esb critters in de world." "So you think that is a symp- tom of love, do yon?" "I does, Bah, for a fact." Shortly afterward another ne- .gro woman heard Sevay.hack Lucy- sing- ing away for dear life in the yard- as happy as a bird. What's de matter wid ' you?" "I tell you, Aunt Sukey, I be- lieve Pete Jackson wants to marry me." "Has he -done tole -you eor "No, but he mout jess well .hab: tole me so. He punched me wid der pitchfork.J tells yer did means sumfin,"=Texas Siftings, Equal to the Occasion. • While Hamilton Fish Was Secretary Of State Mrs., Fish made it her invari- able practice to return all calls made upon her, according to the New York Sun. Of, course many in the throng were .unfashimeible but that made no difference. - thie day a 'lady of East Washington thought she would see what air official reception was like and so followed the crowd .through Mrs. Fish's parlors and dropped her card at the door. In , due time Mrs. Fish's * carriage stopped before at small frame louse in:East 'Washington andthe lady at the moment was occupied in the hon.. est, but not aristocratic occupation of scrubbing the front .st9s. Mrs. Fish stepped out of her carriage and .present- ing her card, asked to see the lady of! the house. "She's not in," said the lady, calmly, and resumed her scrub- bing., while iStrs. Fish returned to. her carnage. .GRATEFUL—CGMFORTINGe EPPS'S 'COCO • • • BREAKFAST, • By a thorough Knowledge of the natural laws Which govern the operations of digestion and nittritiort; and by a carotid application of the fine properties of well.selsoted Coeds, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate- ly Iflavored beverage which May We us many; heavy daictors' bills. : It is by the judicious uee of such articles of diet that a constitution -may be gradually built up until strong enough tolre. sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds Of &Otis maladies are floating 'around us ready' to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oureelves. well fortifiedwith pure blood and a ,properlyt nourished frame." "Ofeit &Mod flasette.m Made simply with boiling water or mihr. Sold only in packets by grocers, libelled thus JAMES EPPS le CO., omosopathic Chemists, London, England. ; 1088-42 -Consumption:Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hay hi had placed in his handsby an East India ni ssionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure Of ' Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and • all throat and Lung Affections i also a positive and radical euro for Nervous 'Debility /and all s Nervous Complaints, after_ having tested its wonderful curative powers' thousands of 'vases, has felt it his duty to 'make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive sed a desire to relieve human suffering, I will sand free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with 'full directions for preparing and using.- Sent* by. mail by addressing with -stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Nome 149 Power's )31ock. Roches- ..er,.• - . • • - There is a Man in our town - And be is very wise, sir. When e'er he doeen't feel 'just right ' One remedy he tries, sir. It's just the thing to take hi spring - The blood to purify, - : He tells his friends, and nothing else Is he induced to try • - because, having taken Dr. Pierce's Golden 'Med- feel Discoiery to cleanse his system, tone it up and enrich the blood, and finding that it always produces the desired result, he considers that he: would be foolish to experiment , with anything •Mie.' His motto Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good." That's ethyl he laity his faith to the "Golden *died Diseavery.!'• • ! • . • .; Walking advertisements for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are the thowands it,has,cured. . A Big. Success. ;. • F011 summer complaints and diarrhoeaan truly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, as I have used it in my family 'with great -success; and would not be without it Joule B. HAVENS, Grimsby, Ont. Never travel without it. -• e. 4 LONGFELLOW'S MAIDEN, whi) is— • 'Standing, With reluctant (feet, • - 'Where the brook and river meet, Womanhood and childhood fleet I 4 • VETERINARY: - Toifiq GRIAVE, V. S., -Proticif graduate of - Ontario Veterinary Cellege. AU diseases of Domestic Animals treated. promptly • attended to and charges moderate. • 'Veterinary' Dentistry a specialty. Offic 5e.t Weir's Royal Hotel, Eleafortin •. • • • 11124f • -EIRANK S. Beattie, V. S.ig aduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Wenber of the s Veterinary Medical Society, eta., treats all dis- eases .of the Demeeticated ,Animals. All Calls • p,romptly attended to either by day or night.' Oharges moderate. Special attention given to Veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Streeb, Seaforth, one door.enuth ot Kidd's Hardware 8!101,0! • -. • 1122 • OBAFORTIE HORSE INFIRBIARY..e.Corner.of • Jariis and Goderich Streets, next door to the 'Presbyterian -Church, Seaferth, Ont. All 01111. : eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of -theist). mestierited•eallnahl successfUlly treated at the . • 1 Is a type Of- thousands of young girls who are emerging from the o sails . stage of their eVstence, ask they en upon their Zgde • b y Nervous,stra,,:tt. lIntigeni) 11 iftgA within them, each at mystery unto her- self, our girls need the tenderest care, the motloving, patient oversight, and the.aid of r.,Pierce's Favorite Prescription, to safely carry them through this critical pe- riod, during which, in too many litres, alas are awn' teheurars °fticielgrresiicng {Cant cl seems .p o to . his • • boon to womankind wilt prevent all such diseases, or cure them if they have already temrEvirgiir,lin'Irg,WXLI Itattreit1; he well and strong'. Let her not niect tke sure ineans or cure. "Favorite re. eer101031" is a legitimate medicine, care- fully compounded by an experienced and sMlfful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegeta- ble in its composition and perfectly harm- less in its effects in any condition of the system. Sold by druggists; $1.00, or six bottles for 0.00. copyrignt, 1889, bY Womin'S MxD. AWN. r1 Pierce's Pellets regulate and cleanse the liver, stomachnnd bowels. They are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. •One a Dose. Bold by druggists, 26" cents a vial; • auxoN AND BR 1Y6st ..L0811' and investrnen't This Company is Loaning Money ot Furni f3eourity at lowest' .Itates • '• of Interest. • Mortgages Puchaged. • SAVINGS BANK 13.FlANC.11. 4 and 6, per Cent. Intelest itilowed or , Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE.—Corner af Ma,rhet and North Street, Goderieh. • -HORAQE HORTON, • NIAN,A.0-zu IGoderich, -August 5th,1885. 922 FOR. TC:Tiri‘"1 Vb'Orili* Ca from ellfictem or te: •-3 Use DR..S1.1117H'S GERM/.14 Wor,j,A, LOZ FAG 1f:4 prompt, rPlib1.oefe or -1 plc4sent, requiring no itit(3' dai.INE:vur , Leave no bad after effects. - Price. .15 cents per her. The Great English Prescription Cures Weakness, Sperinatorrhell, Fniissions, Impottney and ail diseases caused by. eelf abuse or indi.cretion. One package el, oxsonal=ix $f, by mail. 'Write for 'Argo • 4 • Pa m phl et EUREKA CHEMICAL - • Cp.; Detroit, Mich. For sale by LUMEIDEN tie - WILSON, Chemibts & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. rmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice.. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter. inary Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of, Veterin ary Medibines kept constantly on handl, TVJ. DOWNEY, Selloff.° , Conveyancer, &a „ Late of Victoria, B. C.Office—Over Bank of Commerce, Math street, Siliforth. vete furidato loan at 5 and Il•per pent. 1035 3 I it/FANNING & SCOTT,- iretristene, Solicitors! . Conveyancers, iff.O. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to klan. Office—Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. AC 11. Maximo, *TAXIS SCOTT. •781 . HOLMESTED, sUccessor to the Atte EtT131 of * McCaughey & Helmeted, Barrister, klo.' licitor, Conveyancer and -NotarySolicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mew to lend. Panne ioisrle. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. • • - tIDWARD NMAg LEWIS, Solicitor 4 for _ Huron Ia Agency; Goderich and Bay- lieIcL Lands for sale in four of the 1estwhest, icattle and fruit townships in -Ontario. . Private funds to loan at 5 per °exit. Hayfield eery Thursday._ • 1• .10 tf Drois! QN 1„11AYS, forhicriy With Measrs. Garrow & .ProudfoOt, qoderich ; ar- risters. Solicitors, .ete, *Seaforth.: and Brussels, Seaforth Office—Cardno's Brock, Mein Street. - R. 5. HAYS. .- - , : _A-, W. E DICKSON. — Money to Loan. :. - 11,27 . i MONEY .T�LOAN. N'ONEY TO LOAN.—Straight_loaas at . per! lex cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at iisoy atiemileo.rthA.pply to Ft HOLM; ESTED, Barri ter • see' 1 DENTIS*X. 0.., DENTIST zwRoonfl—over Daley's *stere, • next door south of Robb's grbeery Main street (east side), Seaforth. s, 941 • GL. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, and. „ M. R. D. S. of Toronto. Vitalized :Air, given. ',Meat improvereents in Dentistry ob- served. Office InNeyees Block, Seaforth, hours • 9 a. • m. to 5 p. m. Feel reasonable. 13 B. NORIES, p. D. S., of Philadelphia, Assistant. • - 980 CCARTWRIGHT & ;SON, 1�n. tists, of Exeter, Ont. )n� of the above l will, visit Blyth the last Thursday, and tOIl�wlng Fri, day of each month, at Mi he's- Hotel, will Wit -Zurich the first Wednesday of every mont at• Peine'i Hotel, and Hensall•the following Th rs- day of every month atReynold's Hotel, wher he Will perform- all dental operations. ._Teeth ex• traded with a new Japan • Anesthetic, which, re - natives nearly all pain. Parties: desiring . pew teeth will please call early In the morning °tithe first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 0; Attire% TT KINfiliAN., Dentist, L D.' ". 4•'• xi, S., Dieter, Ont.; Will be at •'•.;•Yeet Zurich, at then -limn Hotel, on the parr THURSRAT" IN EACH MO It Teeth otracted with the least pain possible. All work first•class at liberal rates.- - - T. 971 • The Highest Praise. T USED a bottle of Burdeck Blood Bitters for . =my Dyspepsia and it proved s perfect cure, :and I was blessed the day_l got it. I would not . be without it now for a good lot. It is worth, its weight in gold. ItIes.W.J.Snmi. • ; - - . • Haley Station, Ont. ' Get the Best. 11-.‘ R. Fowler's Extract of. Wild Strawberry Is the best, most prompt and safest cure for cholera • morbus, • dysentery, sick stomach -cramps, colic, diarrhcea and cholera infantum, that has yet been discovered. Its popularity in - creaks each year. sAlI medicine dealers sell it. A Plain Statement. • ALL poisonous waste and worn out 'Matter ought to escape from the system through the bowels, kidneys and skin. H.B. B. deans* opens and regulates these natural elitists for, the removal of disease. • - • .A.;* Family Affair. WE have used Fowleet1 Extract of Wilt, .13traleberry in our family of six potions during twelve years,and in all eases of diarrho3a, summer compiainS et., it never fails to cure. - This voidable medigifib- should • be on hand in every family. *Mars. AN Amen, - - Harley, Ont.` A Confirmed Grumbler 1S generally so because. of confirmed dyspep *is ot indigestion, caused by eating too rapidly, hotting food without chewing it sutil. ' ciently overloading the stomach, etc. Burdock Wood Bitters: euresdyspepsia and all kiodred diseases. • , • Destroy the worms or they may destroy the children.. Freeman's Worm- Powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms.. • - • . • „! National PilIe are sugar-coated, Mild but thor- ough, end are the best, Stomach and Liver Pills' in!"Allsbeit cu-t.will heal quicklyand leave. less dear if yptoria Carbolic Salve Is applied at once. Malarial Fever and chills are best broken up and prevented using illilnurn'a Aromatic QuinineWine. • . -ieneemereemessisso _ • • - If the Sufferers ..of Consunip- - tion A. MARTIN, L D. S, Honor 'graduate of , the Royal College- of Dental Someone - of Ontario. All the anesthetics used for the painless extraction of teeth. • Office.—Garfieid Block, Biti,148ELS. 10084. 4. • Has a world wide reputation as al physician and • author, His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure Is a triumph of medical skill, curing all . diseasee of.the Kidney and Liver; SYMPTOMS OF • Kidney Complaint, soDhiseetressinndg pains Intheback; a dull pain or weight in. the • bladder and base of the abdomen; scalding urine often obstructed ; frequent desire to . urinate, especially at night, among aged per. sons; hot, dry skin, pale complexion'red and white deposits, dizziness, sour storaach, eou. stipation, piles, liver dropsical swellings to. SYMPTOMS OF - Liver Complaint,er P in under shilMidblades, laundice, sallow complexion, 'a weary, tired teei- ng, no life or energy, headache, dyspepsia, in- digestion, spots, pimples. &e. • HOW CURED. -, Mandrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver cures, and when combined with kidney reme- dies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure alt Kidney-lAver troubles. It acts like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver, etrengthening the kidneys, and _invigorating the -whole body. Sold by all dealers at 81, with Receipt Book, which alone is worth the money. Da. CuAse's Plus. are the only 7 Kidn Kidney -Liver Pills made. They act gent yet effectually. May be v-1- taken during any employment. hTehaeLechuer,ebiKifoidunsenyeiLls,vcoersttrivoeunbelegsg: r4r,e,cen.Otne4.3 pill a dose! Sold by all deb•ile7 Price T •EDMANSON & CLL, • 1 • BRADFORD, 02(T., Manta. For. sale by a Druggists. 1076.52 - -Scrofula and . General Debility will try S tt's THESEAFORTH Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites they will find immediate- relief and a permanent benefit. Dr . -11. V. Mott, Brentwood-, California,' M rites ; I have used -Seott's Emulsion_ with great advantage in case of Phthisis, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases. It is very palatable." Sold by Druggists, at 50e. and LOO. • - Consumption Surely Cured. TO ,THE EDITOB.1- - Please inform your readers 'that I have a posi- tive remedy for the above nained disease. By ite timely Use thousands of hopeles cases have . been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send. -two hottlee of my remedy- raee to any of your readers who have eon -gumption if they will bend • me their Express and Pest Office addi•ess.• • Respectfully, Dn. T. A. Swam_ 1.01110-52 37 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. COOPE R GE. Butter Alsoenv other work -n his line. Apply at the Works, gld Baptist Church, fiesiorth. • Dealers and Packen taking -large =ben will be very reasonably dealt with. 104241: The undersigned is now prepared to receive Orden fcir any number of ilf/-class Apple Barrels and Firkins, P. KLINICHAMMER. MEDICAL. E COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon • and ,Accoucher, Conetance- Ont. 1227 house east of the Methodist church. oqi sidefice—North side Goderi h street, first brink an Accoucheur, Seaforth,nt., Office and re McGill: University, Physician, Surgeon Id. HANOVER, M. D. 0, M., Graduate, of , DRS. °-ELLIOTT I (limit, Brucefield,. Mom tiates Royal College. of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Bru efieid, Ont. - ego 1 AO, , ' LEGAL( -- . t022o II TATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insure In Agent, -Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &o. Money to loom at the lowest rates, • M. Ifortaisore, 'Walton. . • i . • ce ' ea. 1TH.41ASTINGS,Solic1to ,etc. Offlee—Ceiee i Block, opposite Commerzial Hotel, forth. - - • ' i .974 T M. BEST, Barrister; Solicitor, Ivo. Ofilee— e) i Room One -Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground floor next doer to Beanie butcher shop. Agents—CAtuntoo, Heim ft Omunion. 870 . GARROW & PR0UDF00,• Barristers, Slot. "tors, km, Goderick Ori rio. J . T. GAita Q. C.; Wu. Fitounee0,1. A . , 886 . if, t cAMERON, MOLT & CAMERON; Barristers, solioliorsin Chaneerk, to., Geduld, Ont. . C. . . CAInntoli, Q. 0., - Prn, How,' M. CAminoi. . • _ 508 ---... . . G. , T oFrUe E. DANCEY, lite with Cameron, 1.4 Holt & Cameron, Godtch, Banister, libitor Conveyancer, ke, ilo .ey to loan. -Ben son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Besforth; Be. 781 TVJ. DOWNEY, Selloff.° , Conveyancer, &a „ Late of Victoria, B. C.Office—Over Bank of Commerce, Math street, Siliforth. vete furidato loan at 5 and Il•per pent. 1035 3 I it/FANNING & SCOTT,- iretristene, Solicitors! . Conveyancers, iff.O. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to klan. Office—Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. AC 11. Maximo, *TAXIS SCOTT. •781 . HOLMESTED, sUccessor to the Atte EtT131 of * McCaughey & Helmeted, Barrister, klo.' licitor, Conveyancer and -NotarySolicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mew to lend. Panne ioisrle. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. • • - tIDWARD NMAg LEWIS, Solicitor 4 for _ Huron Ia Agency; Goderich and Bay- lieIcL Lands for sale in four of the 1estwhest, icattle and fruit townships in -Ontario. . Private funds to loan at 5 per °exit. Hayfield eery Thursday._ • 1• .10 tf Drois! QN 1„11AYS, forhicriy With Measrs. Garrow & .ProudfoOt, qoderich ; ar- risters. Solicitors, .ete, *Seaforth.: and Brussels, Seaforth Office—Cardno's Brock, Mein Street. - R. 5. HAYS. .- - , : _A-, W. E DICKSON. — Money to Loan. :. - 11,27 . i MONEY .T�LOAN. N'ONEY TO LOAN.—Straight_loaas at . per! lex cent., with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at iisoy atiemileo.rthA.pply to Ft HOLM; ESTED, Barri ter • see' 1 DENTIS*X. 0.., DENTIST zwRoonfl—over Daley's *stere, • next door south of Robb's grbeery Main street (east side), Seaforth. s, 941 • GL. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, and. „ M. R. D. S. of Toronto. Vitalized :Air, given. ',Meat improvereents in Dentistry ob- served. Office InNeyees Block, Seaforth, hours • 9 a. • m. to 5 p. m. Feel reasonable. 13 B. NORIES, p. D. S., of Philadelphia, Assistant. • - 980 CCARTWRIGHT & ;SON, 1�n. tists, of Exeter, Ont. )n� of the above l will, visit Blyth the last Thursday, and tOIl�wlng Fri, day of each month, at Mi he's- Hotel, will Wit -Zurich the first Wednesday of every mont at• Peine'i Hotel, and Hensall•the following Th rs- day of every month atReynold's Hotel, wher he Will perform- all dental operations. ._Teeth ex• traded with a new Japan • Anesthetic, which, re - natives nearly all pain. Parties: desiring . pew teeth will please call early In the morning °tithe first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 0; Attire% TT KINfiliAN., Dentist, L D.' ". 4•'• xi, S., Dieter, Ont.; Will be at •'•.;•Yeet Zurich, at then -limn Hotel, on the parr THURSRAT" IN EACH MO It Teeth otracted with the least pain possible. All work first•class at liberal rates.- - - T. 971 • The Highest Praise. T USED a bottle of Burdeck Blood Bitters for . =my Dyspepsia and it proved s perfect cure, :and I was blessed the day_l got it. I would not . be without it now for a good lot. It is worth, its weight in gold. ItIes.W.J.Snmi. • ; - - . • Haley Station, Ont. ' Get the Best. 11-.‘ R. Fowler's Extract of. Wild Strawberry Is the best, most prompt and safest cure for cholera • morbus, • dysentery, sick stomach -cramps, colic, diarrhcea and cholera infantum, that has yet been discovered. Its popularity in - creaks each year. sAlI medicine dealers sell it. A Plain Statement. • ALL poisonous waste and worn out 'Matter ought to escape from the system through the bowels, kidneys and skin. H.B. B. deans* opens and regulates these natural elitists for, the removal of disease. • - • .A.;* Family Affair. WE have used Fowleet1 Extract of Wilt, .13traleberry in our family of six potions during twelve years,and in all eases of diarrho3a, summer compiainS et., it never fails to cure. - This voidable medigifib- should • be on hand in every family. *Mars. AN Amen, - - Harley, Ont.` A Confirmed Grumbler 1S generally so because. of confirmed dyspep *is ot indigestion, caused by eating too rapidly, hotting food without chewing it sutil. ' ciently overloading the stomach, etc. Burdock Wood Bitters: euresdyspepsia and all kiodred diseases. • , • Destroy the worms or they may destroy the children.. Freeman's Worm- Powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms.. • - • . • „! National PilIe are sugar-coated, Mild but thor- ough, end are the best, Stomach and Liver Pills' in!"Allsbeit cu-t.will heal quicklyand leave. less dear if yptoria Carbolic Salve Is applied at once. Malarial Fever and chills are best broken up and prevented using illilnurn'a Aromatic QuinineWine. • . -ieneemereemessisso _ • • - If the Sufferers ..of Consunip- - tion A. MARTIN, L D. S, Honor 'graduate of , the Royal College- of Dental Someone - of Ontario. All the anesthetics used for the painless extraction of teeth. • Office.—Garfieid Block, Biti,148ELS. 10084. 4. • Has a world wide reputation as al physician and • author, His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure Is a triumph of medical skill, curing all . diseasee of.the Kidney and Liver; SYMPTOMS OF • Kidney Complaint, soDhiseetressinndg pains Intheback; a dull pain or weight in. the • bladder and base of the abdomen; scalding urine often obstructed ; frequent desire to . urinate, especially at night, among aged per. sons; hot, dry skin, pale complexion'red and white deposits, dizziness, sour storaach, eou. stipation, piles, liver dropsical swellings to. SYMPTOMS OF - Liver Complaint,er P in under shilMidblades, laundice, sallow complexion, 'a weary, tired teei- ng, no life or energy, headache, dyspepsia, in- digestion, spots, pimples. &e. • HOW CURED. -, Mandrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver cures, and when combined with kidney reme- dies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure alt Kidney-lAver troubles. It acts like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver, etrengthening the kidneys, and _invigorating the -whole body. Sold by all dealers at 81, with Receipt Book, which alone is worth the money. Da. CuAse's Plus. are the only 7 Kidn Kidney -Liver Pills made. They act gent yet effectually. May be v-1- taken during any employment. hTehaeLechuer,ebiKifoidunsenyeiLls,vcoersttrivoeunbelegsg: r4r,e,cen.Otne4.3 pill a dose! Sold by all deb•ile7 Price T •EDMANSON & CLL, • 1 • BRADFORD, 02(T., Manta. For. sale by a Druggists. 1076.52 - -Scrofula and . General Debility will try S tt's THESEAFORTH Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites they will find immediate- relief and a permanent benefit. Dr . -11. V. Mott, Brentwood-, California,' M rites ; I have used -Seott's Emulsion_ with great advantage in case of Phthisis, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases. It is very palatable." Sold by Druggists, at 50e. and LOO. • - Consumption Surely Cured. TO ,THE EDITOB.1- - Please inform your readers 'that I have a posi- tive remedy for the above nained disease. By ite timely Use thousands of hopeles cases have . been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send. -two hottlee of my remedy- raee to any of your readers who have eon -gumption if they will bend • me their Express and Pest Office addi•ess.• • Respectfully, Dn. T. A. Swam_ 1.01110-52 37 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. COOPE R GE. Butter Alsoenv other work -n his line. Apply at the Works, gld Baptist Church, fiesiorth. • Dealers and Packen taking -large =ben will be very reasonably dealt with. 104241: The undersigned is now prepared to receive Orden fcir any number of ilf/-class Apple Barrels and Firkins, P. KLINICHAMMER. MEDICAL. E COOPER, M. D., Physician, Surgeon • and ,Accoucher, Conetance- Ont. 1227 house east of the Methodist church. oqi sidefice—North side Goderi h street, first brink an Accoucheur, Seaforth,nt., Office and re McGill: University, Physician, Surgeon Id. HANOVER, M. D. 0, M., Graduate, of , DRS. °-ELLIOTT I (limit, Brucefield,. Mom tiates Royal College. of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Bru efieid, Ont. - ego 1 . . TG. SCOTT, M. V., lePhysician, Surge 3. and-Aoceucher, Seaforth, Ont.- residence South side of Goderich street, Se Door meet of the Presbyterian Church. • t022o . Ths W. BRUCE SMITH,*. D ,.C. jk., idler .L1,1 of the College of Phy,s clans and Surg ite.; Seaforth, Ontario. • OM, co and 'reticle SAMS Al oecupied by Dr..V.#oe. 84 • .s • • ns, ce A LEX. BETHUNE, 21, _L-1. Royal College of Phy Kingston. -Successor to ir,. lately occupied - by Dr. 14.1 Seaforth. Residence—opposite Forbes' Livery Stable. Dr. Mackid has gone to Dr. Bethune has. taken Jis Doctor will be found in during the day and at his on the night, house with brick south of Forbes' Livery Stable. D., Fellow of !clans and Surgeons, Madrid.. Office aid, Main Street, corner south the Northwest; and practice. The Dr. _Madrid's office residence during beim:Pent, corner - 1127*12 , - - the of AUCTIONEERS; T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the 0 - County of Huron" —Sales attended in al •parte of the County. All orders left at tun Execisrroa Office will he promptly attended to • • An• THE FARMERS anking House, (In:connection with the Bank of Montreal) A . k7N • LOGAN, & CO BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in .heir own premises on Market Street Sean -nth, opposite A. Strong's office. • General Banking Business done, drafts issued and exalted. filthiest alicnked on deposits. • MONEY TO LEND • On good notelior mortgaies. . JOHN WEIR. 1 -WM. LOG -AN. Seaforth Furniture —AND -- Undertaking Warerooms- - If you want good value for yeur money, I' don't forget to give M. Robertson,a call before buying elsewhere. You will And his 'stock very large and 'Varied, and -prices to butt the times.- . The Undertaking Department is replete with every sanitary convenience, as re. . commended by the Undertakers' Associa- tions of the continent. . We pay particular .. attention to the glance of embalming, as : demonstrated byeminent professors at the Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet- ter prepared than ever to furnish and con- duct funerals on more reasonable terms to our 'patrons than any so-called "reform land ertakere,"_with their advertising clap- arfirooms ne door south of the : Telegtaph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. OBERTSON. B0AR FOR SERVICE.—A very- fine young Berkshire Boar, nine months oid, bred front prize stock on both sidee. Terms: -41 at the time of service, -with the privilege of returning if, necessary. GEORGE TROTT, Seaforth: 1115 A GOOD BOAR.—The undersiied has on his premises In Ilarpurhey, opposite Mrs. Robb's, the well-known prize Berkshire Boar, formerly owned by Mr. George Trott. He has 'taken prizes -at London, Goderieh, Seaforth, and oherever shown. A limited number of &owe will be taken. Terms—el, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning If necessary. ROBERT TORRANCE. 1124x4 A CHESTER WHITE PIG.—The 'under:signed 21: will keep during the present season on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. S, TuckersmIth, a Thor. ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited 'number of sows will be taken._ This pig was farrowed on May Ifith, 1887, was bred by S. H. Todd, of Wakeman, Huron -County, Ohio, one of the most Extensive and reliable breederi In the Milted States. This Pig hag Moo taken ' first prizes Whereeve'r shown. Terme *1, pay able at the time of service, with the privilege of 'returning if necestary. GEORGE PLEWES. • • 108941 Ike Most Successful Remedy ever disco' er.e4, as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Bead proof below. EENDALL'S SPAVIN . CURE Osirsoz ow Comma A. Siam, .LRD:° • CLVIZIAADBAT DTnorrnarBrzzHousze. BO D,,iov.204839. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Net allt Spavin- Cure by the half dozen bottles, rouId lure prices in Iarger quantity. I think It I ne of the best liniment, on earth. I have nsedi 1 a my stables for three years! Yours truly, Com, A. Ihrrnmr. Brussels Lime Kilns, To .Farmers and Builders. W. F. KELLY, _ ru 'Of. the 13 meg lime Kline, is now pri, paredte supply any Mount of •• d• a-.0il FRESH.. LIME CENDALL'S SPANN CURE 'l t., November 8,1888. cod ouinionbf your HendaWs pavinCure. I hav Dear Sirs :I desire to give yo?t,estintonial of nr sed it for Lameness s fir Joints Ant Vint midi Ault/tested it slurs Tare, /corct 'Emirs Gums% - manatee Troy ,Laundry Stable* • - . For Plastering, Bricklaying or' Stone Work. I will deliver the lime in Seaforth or vicinity for 18 cents per Nobel. Orders promptly filled. If by mail; addrese • W. F. KELLY, 1086tf Brussels Lime Works IFFOWLER'S <EXTRA MIMI* 11 All E CORES*: • (gi.}41iPE RA. CHOLER iNFANTUM D/N-RPHEE/q, • . AND LLSUMMER COMPLAINT , Sail) BY ALL DEALERS. CENDALL'S: SPANN CURE - ST irm-Dom.A.s . co: WHITE BRONZE SANT, WINTON COMITY, 0E10, Dee..19, Gents : I feel 'tiny day to saY what have don rith your 1Cendall's Spavin cure. I have cure+ wentrfive • horses that had Spavins, ten- o Unit @T Be_ne, nine afflicted with Big Head as even of Big aw, Since 'have bad one of you coke and followed the directions,' have neve onument Co. MI6a case Y°411a71111rg 'kind‘ANI)BgroTUR*ntioi The Only Bronze Foundry in - KENDALL'S SPAY!!! CURE the Dominion. Pe 1st have it or can get IS for you, or itwfil be Jen ' e $1.per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drtn ay address on receipt of nrice by -the proprk DB.B. T. KENDALL Co., Enosharghiells, Vt, 1OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS • y.r.imp.••••••• Our material is endorsed by leading scientist as being preetieally Izrperishahle It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affect. ed by the frost.: • 8end for Designs and Terms to W. M. GIFFIN; Clinton, e r Planing IVID,LumberYarcl • AND SAW KILL IN CONNECTION • - When I say et/RE 1 do not .mean merely to stop them for a time, and their have them return again. I mean A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of 'FITS, EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS A life-long study; II WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst eases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at. once for a treatise and. 06 FREE Borne of my IsrAmare Benzin.' Give express and post office. It costs you nothing for a Wel, and It will ; cure you. Address—DR. H. -G. ROOT, S7 'YongerStreet, Toronto, Ont 1078-52 amenignaimeimmeasimmismes M R. Counter, stAFORTH, Is now offering his entire stock of Watches; Clocks; Jewelry', Silver-plated Ware, Fancy . Goods, Spectacles, Pipes, &a., at a great reduc-- me L Lillie I tion.' _Times are hard, and we must have money. The subscriber would beg to _call attention to the large stock of dressed end'undreeled lumber which he 'always keeps on hand, at the very Inest prices.. Bill Stuff cut to any:order on •• Short Notiqe, • Good Cedar out into timber or posts. -Contrail taken for every description,' of buildings, • including AI work.. . Charles Querengesser, 2105 • Lot 81, Concession 8, Logan. 9S' rtS.o 1)/"T ER 1...AKE BY DRUG GI S #411.$7A1-AvvREN GE, Gilt.D. M AN TR KAi..t.likfitl In Watches we keep all the best American, The Bodinin Liine°17irorks h - Swiss a Engl s grade manufactured. We have just reeeiv0 a fine aisorteitent of American pocks, NickleeAlarres, &e Our stock of jewelry -including Brooches,: -Ear Rings,. Bar Pins, Colqr- ed - Sets; Tie Pins, Cuff Buttons, Collar Studs; Bracelete, -Chain, • Charms, Neeklete, Loekete, Rings, Diamonds,:and other lines too nuinerous to mention', !swell 'assorted. .3Iy itock of Silver- plated Wire is fell in all its branches, and of the best. quality. *. in . Fancy Goods we baVe Are situated about two Miles East -of Belgrave on Lot 9, Coneission 4, Morris. The under signedo will .,1reep and quantity of Fresh Lime ia3jrilveag, gis"Vi um e nhaaswg est., sell at a ruble ;-,and proves to be one Of the best white limes in Crratdeat e dolkered to any part on the ifije atsLonde71;oroT,nal=n1111Glitghk,e141". . ite Address either by letter or telegraph J. J. DOWN'EY, Proprietor• BELOBASTE bad , assortment. of Albums, Dressiog Cases, Doe Work Boxes, Jewel ..Sases, Paper -: Weights, Bisque Goods, Ike. -31YSpectacie etoek is com- plete, • and am prepared to suit all ordinary MARRIAGE. LICENSES sights.' -.AUrge stock of Pipes of all kinds to .ehoose frem7priees from 5e to $10. In fact, I have the largest and 'hest assorted stock in the CeuntY of Huron. The work department is under the management of skilful workmen, and . we guarantee to give salisfaetioo. All goods TE 3, -,MON EXPOSITOR OFFICE seldby tut will be engrm*ed free of charge. ISSUED AT • Give mix trial. • W. Counter, NO W1TNE SEA /MOW • Folt.17, 014-TA.ri1 AN-- GER. • kg, • 3 .!"