HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-07-19, Page 7tam. Stoves, ed, .tOlTes: d Library FORTH, congb.ly - MESS. have hem. 40x7 APPitect ROW - chine& - have been xl to enable:. )INIE t rieeiving - edahreeing Gain •61111e ▪ welFbecre - 700•42tibsior. roNE PING Isiiiaery for wevame. over., .,-- 4,,GES th ,.41e/are ORTSt ED: Paid in y Of ,LS SALT 11 be kept eiroeee ot loliettes. ItS a Lysplaint„ enerelly TO. TOC1 tbai Cents.- - Ldi Earket- for Lel is Kr pre. , 'Cents. • _ ;ism 19, 1889. - A Favorable Answer. -Ile was a young minister, and on his knees had eloquently declarted his pas- sion. "1 pray and beseech you," he con- cluded ' "to listen to my prayer of love, What,0 what is your answer, darling?" Clasping her hands to her eyes and blushing deeply, the girl softly mur- mured "Amen, precious.".. 'Martha Surprised., . An old lady, but a •portly one; heav- ily veiled, got into a -St. Louis street car the other day, and set a huge, well - fined basket down.. It chanced to in- trude on the toes of a superbly dressed young woman opposite. She immedi- ately was indignant. She abused mar- ket baskets roundly, and then abused the people wile carried. them. Then she allowed the opinion to escape that the people who carried baskets lied no busi- ness to ride on street cars. ,And then she decried against poor -people being allowed to ride on every street oar. Some cars should be reserved, she said, for *genteel folks. The girl mortified everybody. The veiled lady said not a word until both motioned the driver and the car stopped. "Hold on! Take that pail," said the eiderlady. Her tormen- tor looked. a moment in astonishment; "Takethat pail, Martha, -and carry it home. This basket is all I can Man- age," repeated the elder. "Why did- nft-you:tell me who you were, Mother ?" asked. the crestfallen girl, as she picked tip the basket and went ont, while the, occupants in the car giggled. About Wail Paper. -Light shades of papermake is room look more cheerful; large figures make a room look much smaller and -occasion ;lunch waste in matching the figures. Low rooms should be papered. With striped- paper having the stripes run up artddown, as it makes the room look higher. . Subdue& tints take -off the glare of loo many windows; The best. effect, is producecl by having a paper with pattern and. colors of a quiet tone, such as does not at once strike the eye on coming into a room. The paper should relieve and set out the furniture that stands in front of it, not attract at- tention from it. • Church Industrial Sehools. BY NEWTON M. HALL..' = The growth of industrial .schools has • been a significant feature of. the new movement in city evangelization in Bos kn. Two years ago a few sewing classes were maintained in one et two churches. To -day the attendance in the three largest schools exceeds five hundred. The sessions_ of the /schools are on Saturday forenoon or afternoon, generally' an hour and a half in length; The church vestries are utilized as class- rooms. In every class the pupils are from thepoorest families in the parish. The beet schools are organized in three igeneral departmente-the sewing de- partment, including claises in - various kinds of needle -work, machine stitch- ing, -and dress -making; the kitchen gar- den ;•: and a third department of a gener- al character, including classes in design- ing, outline drawing, modeling, carpen- try, and woodcarving: The officers of the school are a superintendent, an as - Blatant at the head of each department, and teachers for the various classes.- In general, the aim of the school,is4to prepare the scholars to do first-class work, se that theymay earn the beet wages, or be fullycompetent to care for themselves or their own household. A girl, we will suppose, has been picked up on the street, dirty, ragged, and sul- len. She is placed in a beginners' class in sewing, and given a mail • square of cloth; needle and thread, and a thimble. The teachorpatiently shows her how to thread the needle and push it backward and forward through•the cloth. She is awkward enough it first, but not -many lessons pass before the little fingers grow deft, and work is commenced upon some simple garment. Almost invariably the child's appearance and manners quickly improve, the tangled hair is smoothed, and the voice grows gentle. The girl is advanced, class by class, through the various grades of work, until she gradu- ates a competent dress maker, able to earn her own living. The garments made at the school are given to the child- ten,or sold to them at a nominal price. Aninteresting experiment in one sewing school is a class of little boys who are taught to sew on buttons and mend rips and tears. - ° - The object of the kitchen garden is to teach practical housekeeping. The girls wear caps and aprons, and with real or miniature implements perform all the ordinary household tasks. They •are taught the right way to wash and lion, set the table andwaitupon it, sweep and dust. Graduates of this depart- ment are competent to engage as maids in the best -appointed households. • ....--••••••••••--•••• News. 1st otes. -The English brewers' syndicate has ,purchased two of the largest i3reweries in Denver'Colorado: -The `Methodists of . 'Albany, 'New York, on Sunday, July 7th, celebrated the centenary of the foundation of their - sect there.: --Mr. John Killer succeeds Mr. J. B. Hughes as inspector of the Waterloo MutuarFire Insurance Company. -The mackerel catch along the teane.dian seaboard is proviug a failure this season. This decrease has been go- ing on since 1884, and is attributed to the extensive use of purse seines. --Over 20,000 gophers have been killed in the municipality of Eilon,Man; Robs, for which a bounty of 2 cents a •head has been paid.. - - -Mr. A. Smith's - English setter Belle died. --at Forest the other cley of in- tammation of the hinge. Mr. Smith had on several occasions ,refused $504 for the anima'. -The dog nuisance grows apace. At - the last -meeting of the London town- shiriCouncil $212.49 was voted to own- - •ere of sheep that had been killed by =doge, besides $13 to the ialuator. -A farmer named Vancott, of Ameliasburg; charged with sending adulterated milk to the cheese factory, acknowledged the offence, and paid the fine and _costs, amounting to $17.50. It is expected that Mr. Schiverea Will assist Rev; Mr. Oakley, at Whitby at special /services to be held in the Methodist church there, in November. --Glencoe Golddust, owned by Robin- son and Evans, of St. Thomas, died at Thartiesville; on Monday night, 1st • inst. The horse was taken with indi- •gestion on Saturday, which terminated fatally! He was valued at $1,000/ and had a number of colts which trotted and paced inside of 2.40. tie was iroported from the Eden stock farm, Kentucky,by • Mr. John Grant, of South Yarmouth, and belonged to one of the best Morgan • , -Professor Allen, an ceronsut, fell 1,200 feet at Providence, Rhode Island; on the 4th, and received but ilight in- jus.ve-rniteit the World's Sunday School Conin London, Mr. Toole said that w: in India out- of 50,000,00Q children there are only 217,100 in missionary day. schools, and 100,000 Sunday schools.- a' German stakers are waning, starvation foreleg the strikers to yield., The better class of men continue to emi- grate. , . • -A St. Thomas man named John Ketchum, who served in .an Iowa regi- ment during the American „war.; is to', be paid $3,088 arrearages of penstoh,ancit ''$12 per month during life. - -A Washington despatch says thet Solicitor of the Treasury is in favor „oft 'allovling -Canadian- cars to enter the: -United Statesloaded free of duty, pro-! vided there be a 'guarantee that they will return empty. —A desperate fight occurred Du- Itith, Minnesota, on Saturday, 6th inst. between a gang of striking laborers and - the, hpolice. The militia were called out to quell the riot. Two men were killed, and over thirty wounded. • -Lett Friday night in Peterboro a, young woman. aged about 24 died in confinement, where she had been livint since last March, her alleged husband,--„ who is said to be a married rash- with family in •Belleville- having deserted her a few days after their arrival in..' town. The body' of the deserted vie-: tim was sent to Belleville for interment; -By discontinuance of Sunday trains the Michigan Central has ts men from service on that d as follows: Forty-eight eng firemen; 50 conductors, 100 b naggagemen, 15 telegraph op en off 549 ' divided eers, '48 kemon, store 61 &prate; station men and clerks, train despatcher, , .9 yard -masters, 60 switchmen, 34 helpers, two switch -tend ers, 45 yard engineers, and 45 firemen, 4 car checkers and six roundhouse men. -The jury in the Johnstown victims; find there were not sufficient waste weirs, nor was the SouthForkdam con- structed strong _ enough, nor was the proper. material used .to withstand the overflow; that the owners of said dam were culpable in not making itas secure as- it should have been, especially in view of the fact that a population of many thousands were in the valley beA low.; that the owners are responsible for he fearful loss of -life and property resulting from the breaking Of the. clam. The verdict gives general satisfaction. -The new vestibuled trait which the Grand Trunk Railway runs between the Atlantic coat.and Chicago passed through Ontarid- te other night by way .of Stratford and Toronto. The ekterior of the train presented a fine appearance, the seven cars being gilded in a dark brown -tinge, with yellow and gold orna-, • mentations. -Luxtfrious upholstery cov- ered' the interior, Which would also seem - to contain all that goes _to make trav,„ ening e delight. The connections were of Inaia rubber, allowing at all times a free passage fronithe front to the rear of the train without exposure. The library contains 300 volume!, with a number of daily and. weekly papers. The train is lighted throughout by electricityand carries its own dynamo and electrician. There is a lady attendant and sufficient . 'wale attendants to serve the meals hotel style, three times a day. . Eaeh of the ears, which has twelve paper wheeli, coat nearly $18,000. - -It is not often in this generation of self-reliant and independent young men, says the -Brantford Expositor, that the son will -allow the father either to choose or pay much attention to his own Choice �f a young lady -for matrimonial pur- poses. But Mr. Edy S. Haviland, of Boston, Ontario,- has faith inhis father's excellent judgment, and 'will now pin that faith tighter than ever, -upon piter,.for, he has recently Mar- ried the girl of his father's choice and thinks he could not have chosen -half 86' well for himself. It appears that sonic) time since, Willis Haviland (the father,) .Who is a member ofIthe religious sect called'Plymouth Brethren,was on Mani- toulin Island preaching, and while at Manitowaninimet a Miss Maggie Elliott; . -young, amiable and good looking. He fancied her for -a daughter-in-law, and, in a short, time had his amnia corre-. spondence, with her. Acquaintapce ripened into some sort of a -tender af- fection, and an engagement and wedding followed. . The young man, Who is but 22 years of age, had never seen his be- trothed, but he -went for her about the first of this .month„ married her, and brought her to his home in Boston about a week ago. The reception was pleasant to all _concerned. John Bright's .Tenderness. , You have spoken justly of the Many great qualities manifested during -his long life by Mr. Bright. I should •ike to add a little incident exhibiting the tenderness of heart which was the complement of his strength of charac- ter. Speaking once to me of some of the miseries of life, he described a poor cot- tage near Llandudno which he was wont to visit. The inmate of the cottage was a Women so completely paralyzed that she could not rise from her wretch- ed bed, or even help herself to a drink of water. Her husband was all day long out at his Work, and while he was absent, gave for the occasional visit of a neighbor, the helpless creature lay in utter solitude. She had but one corn- To'rter, a fine collie, singularly affection- ate and devoted to her, and of which she was very fond. The dog lay at her feet or beside her bed all day long, and whewhe took a scamper outside return- ed to lick her poor useless hands, and make every demonstration of affection. Mr. Bright went, it seems, year after, year to see the poor Welsh woman and talk to her (I doubt not, bringingher such little comforts as she.could enjoy,) and finally took great interest in her and her dog, whose devotion to his poor mistress strook him as beautiful. '• At last a summer -dame in .whieli,goink as usualto the cottage after his arri- val at Llandudno, Mr. Bright found -the; woman still'in her bed, but ' he looked round in vain for the dog, to whose joy- ful greeting -he was accustomed. At ,this point of his little story, Mr: Bright's: voice failed him. I asked what had be. of the poor beast ?" Mr. Bright did not -answer for a moment, and thin said, in a voice I shall not soon for et - "The woman's husband had hanged her . • dog." Neither of 'in, I think, spoke much again till we rose from the table. .--ftElpsotator. _ • Took Him Down a Peg. • One of the oldest inhabitants Boothb,,, was met by a seribe some 444 since, and related the following tale of how he and his better half had outwitted a smart nephew who prided himself 'tin his knowledge Of tilling the soil. "You see," commenced the gentle- men, "this smart nephew of mine came down from Bristol to make me and the . old lady a visit so, Of course, I had to to show hint my bit df a 'fartn,, which, i -ef I do say it, s a prettygood one con-. siderin" the rocks a-growin-' upon it." - ." Nephew's 'name is Joshua,. and I fustlook him along to ther hog .pen. -They're likely creeters; and, josh', turn- ed up his nose at 'em and said: • - "Huh!'them's nothin" but- ,shotes. Ter orter see mine up to Bristol. My, but they're big fellers." "1• said nothin', .but took him, 'along to see my cows, aS handsome anitniles as can be found hereabouts. Josh sniff- ed, and said: "Huh, them's nothin'; yer orter see mine up to Bristol-your's• is mere calves to 'em!' "I was gettin' a bit riled, ;but kept Next I 'showed him my hennery filled with fine birds, but as -soon as Josh laid eyes on 'em he laughed right out. "'Ha, ha!" snickered he; what a miserable lot of looking bipeds--yer orter to see mine -up to Bristol!' "I was a -bilin' within, but kept 'cool -outwards. That evening I told my wife Jerusha all about it, -and she saki as how she was able to fixhim and take the, conceit out of him. Jerusha is • mighty pert on takin' folks down. Wall, -Josh weal° his virtuous 'couch, as the poets say, but it want long afore „ „ he was up again, and he didn't stop to dress hisself, nuther. He came pram-. in' out of his room like all possessed.' • "Take 'em off! take 'em off!" 4 • "1 thought as how he had the hor- rors from drinkin' too much apple lack,, but I see clingin' to to his legs an' shirt,: an' nippin' him, several live lobsters. I Then I had to. laf. Jerusha snickered-, too, but said calm like: . "Huh! them's nothin' but bed bugs;. "spose you 'have 'em bigger up to Bris- tol!" •;" We picked the green .critters off poor JoSh and put 'em, back in .the box. whete • Jerusha had .-'em previous to • puttin' 'em 111 his bed. It took -Jesh. -.down a peg, and he's now on earth once ,mere.".-Boothby (Me.) Register. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. -EPPS'S COCO . ' • BREAKFAST. • • • "By a thorough Knowledge ef the natural laws I which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a _careful application of' the !fine properties of welleelected Cocoa, Mr. Epps 'has provided our breakfasttables with& delieate- ly flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use ; of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency* to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft- by keeping ourselves well fottifled with pure, blood and a properly nourished .frame."; --P Civil Sereies Gazette."' Made simply with boiling water or milK. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus: 'JAMES EPPS &Homceopathic Chemists, 'London, England. • 1088-42 .. Save That Sweet Girl. Don't let that beautiful girl fade and droop lint° invalidism or sink Into an early grave for want of timely awe at the most critical stage of,. ;.her life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will •iaid in regulating her health and establishing if on a firm basis and may save her years of chronic Itsufferieg and consequent unhappiness. '-",t• ' -,-- . • A more pleasant physic You never will find Than Pierce's small " Pell'ets," The Purgative kind. • • , A Big, Success. TIOR summer complaints hnd diarrheas' I can ,J12 truly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract ot „Wild Strawberry, as I have used it in . my fatnily With great success, and would not be without it. - -i,Jonft B. HAVENS, Grimsby, , Never travel iwithout - - , The Highest Praise. 1- USED a bottle of Burdock _Blood Bitters for my Dyspepsia and it proved a perfect cure, . land I was blessed the day I got it. I would not ..1he without it now for a good lot. It is worth Its Weight in gold. . MRS;W.J.SAIM1, • - Haley Station, Ont. . • Get the „Best. R. Fowler's Extract of ii`rild Strawberry is thebest, most prompt end safest cure for . aholera' morbus, dysentery, sick stomach., icramps, colic -diarrheas and cholera infantum, .that has yet been discovered. Its popularityin-. breases each year. Allfmedicinsidealers sell IL A Plain Statement.. RL poisonous waste and worn out matter La, ought 'to escape from the system though the-bowelvicidneys and skin B.B • B. cleanses, opens and regulates these: . natural Outlets fer- tile removal of disease, s' A Family Affair. TXTE hive used Fowler's Extract of ' Wild Strawberry in ;air family of six persons during twelve years,aed in all (awes Of diarrhoaa, - summer complaint, etc., it never . fails to OUlt. This valuable medicine should be on hand in every family; MRS.ANNA ALLEN, _ 4: • • . I A Confirmed Grumbler , enerally so because of confirmed dyspep •sia or indigestion, caused .by eating too rapidly, bolting food without chewing' it .suffi- 'elently, overloading the stomach, etc,- ,Burdock Rlood Bitters cures dyspepsia and all kindred diseases. • • - - • •Destroy the weenie -or they may-d,estroy the children.Freeman's Worm• Powders . destroy and expel all kind's of worms., : - .; National Pills are sager -coated, mild but thor- . and are the Vest Storneeh and Liver Pills • muse. - A 14.wn or cut will WI quickly and leave less -*spar if -Victoria CarbolieSalve is app1ied:1 at °nee-, Malarial Fever and chills are. best:.broken up •stpd prevented by using - Milburn's Aromatic - • Quinine Wine. I. .1 If the Sufferers of Consump- tion, - Scrofula and General Debility will try Scott's .Kmulsioir of Cod Liverbil, with Hypophosphites they will find immediaterelief and a permanent benefit, Dr. H'. V. Mott, Brentwood, California, writes: "L have used Scott's Emulsion with great advantage in case of Phthisis, Scrofula', and Wasting Diseases. It is very palatable." Sold- by•Druggists, at 50e. and 1.90. Consumption Surely Cured. TbTHS EDITOR * Please inform your readers that I_ have a posi- tive remedy for the above named diseaee.'. By its timely use thoutiands of hopeles easels have been Permanently cured. I shall bekgiatto seed two bottles of my remedy -elm to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office acidress.f • • •,'-Respeetfully. DR. T. A. Swarm. sf, • P.T-KLINKHAMMER. 1089;52 • 87 Yonge Street, Toronto,' Oat. 11022-tf• • . _ . •-•-== • 9.1 r•S et; 16.;WECAT MEDICINES ARE MOST CALLED FOR 1 Isiced the reporter of an old druggist. Dr. Pierce's preparations," he replied. They are sold under a positive guar. antee that they will, in „every cage. give satisfaction, or the money_ is promptly • re. funded. HIS 'Favorite Prescription,' for ill those chronic; weaknesses, -nervous and Aber derangements peculiar to women, is Ned with unfailing success. It curesweak .badk, bearing -down sensations, irregulari- ties and weaknesses common to the sex, ind being the most perfect of tonic medi- .-31nes builds up and strengthens the entire tystem. The demand for it is constant, and I. 'am conversant with scores or cases cured. :by it. The number of sarsaparillas and Dther, so-called, *blood medicines' is legion; ' but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery outsells ,them all and it is the only Woo& purifier butuf the many which I am obliged :o keep upon my shelves, that is guarani. teed to benefit or cure in all cases for which is recomplefided, or Roney paid for it it refunded.' - • "In the line of Pills," remarked the old , gentleman, "the little .Sugar-coated *Pel- letiput up hy Dr. Pierce lead all others. - In amount of eales and the Satisfaction, - they give my customerel.'! - Copyright, 1888, by wimp's DIS. MED. AWN. - for an incurable case of • Catarrh in the Mead by the • proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.. By its mild, soothing and heal- • ing properties, it cures the wont cases, no , matter of how long standing. By drug- . gists, 50 cents.. _ - HURON AND BRLT.cE Loan and Investment 0 This Colnpany is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates .of fr-terest. Mortgages - PuChased. ,:• --SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and ,5 per dent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and - time left OFFICE -Corner of Mark et Square and •North Street; Goderich. • a .1- - = HORACE HORTON, • Gederloh' August 6th 1885 -M+15AG9214214;• • A • Trot' the reinevri of . -6- worms of 411 .):1a(14' from child:re:2 oiad ui use DR. SINTI-1'S GERMAN' Woriat LOVE N G ES. Always prompt, reliable,. stria and pleasant, requiring no after medicine. Lever Ulllue-. Leave no bad after effectii. *,45 dente ,per 1130x. The Great ,English Prescription Cures Weakness, Spermaterrhes, Emissions, Impotency and 'all diseases caused by self abuse' or indiscretion. • Oise package $1, :vgb..Q.Eaasix $fi, by mail. Write for lApTER pamphlet EURSKA .CHEMIOAL - Co. Detroit, Mich. For Nile by LUMSDEN WILSON, adulate & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. • . R.• OHASE !Has a worldwide reputation as a Physician_ and ,author, His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure Is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases: of the Ki ney andRiver. . . SYMPTOMS OF 'Edney Complaint, atest:5 pains in the back; a dull pain or weight in the 'bladder and base :of -the abdomen • scalding prima- often obetructd frequent 'desire to Urinate,. especially at night, among aged per - 00118 hot, dry skin, pale complexion, red and White deposits, dizziness, sour • stomach, con- stipation; piles, liver, dropsical swellings &c. t SYMPTOMS OF . *1 * Pain under Liver Complaint ii. . . ., 8 oulder blades, aundice, sallow complexion, a weary, tired feel - Ing,, no . life or energy, headache, dyspepsia; In. digestion, spots, pimples, &o. , •-.HOW CURED. . 1 Mandrake and Dandelion are nature'allver .cures, and when combined with . kidney 'reme- dies; as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will most positively cure all Kidney -Liver troubles. It acts like a charm, stimulating the -clogged liver, strengthening the kidneys, and. invigorating the Whole betty. Sold by all dealers at $1, with Receipt Book, which alone is worth the Tiny. Xidnia.,.? DR. CnAtia's Pius are the ofily ,,)•. Kidney -Liver. Pills made. They . LiVer act gently yet effectually. May be taken durnig any P 11 employment: s hTehaevacehuer,ebiKniodunsenye.fiLs,iveerosttrivoeunblest . 40, One Pill a dose. Sold by all dealers. Price.. 2&cent - 'T. EDMA4S6 8e-00•'., • - • • BItADFOII,D, ONT., Manfs, ker-Yor sale by a Druggists. 1076-52 ' THE 'SEAFORTH 01)II AGE. The undersigned is now prepared to receive. orders for any number of .flra,-class Apple Barrels- and 1 Butter _ Firkins,' Also an* other work n his line.' .Apply,. at the works, old taptist. Church, Seaforth. .Deelers and. Packers taking large. numbers. frIII be ieti reasonably dealt with. - - VETERINARY: •090.2X.Tzet- • TORN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor, graduate of • el - Coterie Veterinary- College. All disease/ of Domestic Animals treated: Calls promptly • attended to and charges Moderate. . Veterinary Dentistry a opecialty. Officer -At Weir's Royal Hotel, Seaforth., . • .111241 , FRANK.SZ.Beattie, V; S., graduateof Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the Veterinary Medical Society; eto., treats all dis- eases of the Dirniesticated-Animals. ;All calls p romptly attended to either,by day Or night. Charges moderate. Special attention given to. Veterinary dentistry. °film on Main Street, Seaforth, one doer_ south . Of , Hardware store, t 1112— . SEAFORTI1 HORS NFIRMAItY.-•Corner of . Jarvis and Gode o Streets; next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seeferth; Ont. dia. eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. reesticated anima* suocesefully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the "shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter. inlay Surgeon. , large stook of Yeti3012 ary Medicines kept constantly on hand' . LEGAL • it rATTHEW MORRD30g, -Walton, insurance Agent, Cominissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances,t. Money to loan at the lows* rates. ism Walton. : "ItTH. HASTINGS,Soliciter,eto. 0fliceL-Csidy's . Sleek, opposite Commercial Hotel, See'. forth. ' -, 974, , - T it. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Cffloa- • . Boerne One Door North of the Commends! Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams -butcher shop. Agents-=Csmmtorr, Hotr &CAMERON. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers; Solid. - tore, &e., Goderich, Ontario. j. T. GARROW, Q. C.; Wm. Peounsedr. 686 cAMERON, HOLT 841CAMERON,t-Barrilters Solicitors in Channery, &e., Goderich, Ont.' . O. 0AMIRON, Q.: 0., PHILIP. SOLT, M. G. 011(12014 •'• 506 _OFTITS E. DANCKY, late iyith' Caineron, .1.4 HOE & Cameron, Goderich, Barriener, go . licsitor Conveyancer, && Money to loan, Ben • soo's Old Offlea, Cardnols Seaferthl • • 786 • J, DOWNEY', Solicitor, ,Contreyan,cer, &a 1./. Late of Victoria x. Offic ..ee-Over Bank of COMmerce, Mainetreet, Seaforth, Fri- vati funde to loan at 5i and fi per cent. ;-..105 _ It if" ANNING SCOTT; - Bariistere, Solfoltors, 1.11. -Conveyanoers, &c.• SOlieitorafor the Vas* of Johnston, Tisdale it Gale. Money to loan. Block, Clinton, Ontario.. -s' A. H. tiszerres„ Jamas Soorr: 781' t' HOLMESTED, successes* to the 'ate firni,of • • McCaughey & Helmeted, Barrister, So. licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicsitor for the 'Canadian Bank of Ciminero°. Money to lend. :Farms for sale. 0M0i3 'In Scott's -Block. • Male Strei3t. Seaforth. - • • TIDWARDNORMAN LEWIS, Solicitor 'for xj Huron Land Agency, Goderich and Bay- fleld. Lands for ale in four of the best wheat, cattle and fruit townships in Ontario. ° Private funds to loan at el- per . cent. Bayfield 'every Thursday. • ! • 108841 M• ONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO 1,9AN.---etraight bans at•li per cent., with . the privilege to • harrower of -repaying part of the principal ''MoneYat any .time. Apply toHOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. • .850 DENTISTRY. 17.. DENTIST, • New Rooms -Over Dalia0 store, next door south of Robla's grocery Main street Oast side), Seaforth. , 941 R. -BALL, L. D. S., Honor -Graduate, and . M. R. O. D. S. of Toronto.. Vitalized Air . given. Latest improvements in Dentistry served. Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth, hours 9 • a. m. to 5 p. m. Fees reasonable. B. B. 'MORIES, D. D. Elm of Philadelphia, Assiatint. .CAtRieTtsWRI. of IiGE\Hxito.r69, Ont. One • 9.101en• of the above will visit Blyth the - last Thursday, and foliciwiog Fri. day of each &math, at Milne's 'Hotelf.will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every :month at Peine's Hetel, and flensallthe following Thurs. day of every month at Reynold'irllotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tracted With a new Japan anesthetic, which re. Moves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please call early In the morning of the first day. Charges moderate:, •Terms cash. 984 . . 49919114 -kINSMAN,'-Deritist; L. D. S., Exeter:Ont. Will be at tit L.L.Thy; Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST THURSDAY IN EACH MONTH Teeth extracted with theleast pain possible. All work first-claes at liberal rates, ••971 1 "V A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Honor graduate of rj, . the 'loyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All the anasthetice used for the Bpaloino148.913Rexturaostisonetsteeth.. - scsfilee-G10067f1. fe.ld. •MEDICAL. - VrTM. HANOVER, M. -D. Cr M.; Graduate of V V McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Med arid re• sidence-North side Goderlch Street, flrst brick house east of the Methodist -church. DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, 13rucefield,Licen. .tiates Royal -College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh:, Brumfield, Ont. 980 • T • G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, tr."?' and Asesoucher; Seaforth,- Ont. -Office and residence South aide of Goderich street, Second. Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 - W. litUCE SMITH, • M. I) IL, Member. e of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &o., Seaforth, Coterie. Office and residence same as 'ocinepied by Dr. Vereoe. . 848 AUCTIONEERS „ T P. BRINK, 'Licensed Auctioneer for the e)County of. Huron. Sales attended in al parte of the County . All orders left at Tres • Exemirroa Office be promptly attendekte. •. 1 ..=1,,e .41i4s re 0 let Ile, a es olfls0 ou ate" S g ••• * e• 2018,,a tap. 211 01...dg 4 SiliMarmL0 i se to gip • "4 NM * Pp Pr Pot :who Igag ET ,TirI. 146:213,11464'2P g r. 2" New Pianing Mill IN SEAFORT11. The undersigned, would announce to the Pub. lie that they have their NO Planing Mill In full blast, where they,will de` Met= -Planing,- Matching, Scroll Sawing and Wood Turning, They will keep on hand Dressed Lumber, Floor. Ing and Siding. Doors, Sash and Frames made to order. . . Also the PUMP AND CISTERN BUSINESS - attended aeformerly. Shingles always on band, 'By strict attention to business and fair dealing. we hope to gain Publiepatronage. 1469 CLUFF &.BENNETT. • THE FARMERS' Banking House EIM.413...BIORTIEL •(l.31 connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN Jig C BANKERS AND, FINANCIAL AGENTS. ; Now in heir own premiSes on :Market Streit Seaforth, opposite A. Streng'S offloe• General Banking `Busiiiesee crone, drafts iseued •and Cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND • On good notes or naR4igett...: NIIIN . -1058-1.• .80aforth. Furniture , —AND— Undertaking Warerooms clap -,trap; re-rot/inns—One duet funerals on more reasonable terms to andertarers,' with their advertising clap-, our patrons than any sceealled referin attention to the science of embalming, as - •demonstrated by eminent professors at the his stock very large and varied, and prices toTshuietuthliedetritanaketg with, every sanitary convenience, as re- commended by the Undertakers' Associa- Toronto School of Medietne, and are bet. ter buying elsewhere.. You will find - ter prepared than- evei. to furnish and cen- time of the continent. We pay particular - If you -want gondvalue for your money, don't forget to give M. Robertson a call- DePartment is replete door south Of •the Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. 41/EsimmilialgRanlisluesmisql ate Most Successful Remedy ever disco* ered, as it is certain Jolts effects and does e not blister. Read. proof below. CENDALL'Si SPAYIN CURE OFFICE 0I? CHASMS A. Smelt, CLEVELAND BAY TROTTING BRED ROME& BREEDER op . B. JKENDELaswoOD, ILL, Nov. 20, 1888, Se. ALL CO.? Dear Sirs:1 1iv1wayg:numbered your Her • ant Spavin _Cure by this nal! dozen bottles, rould like prices in larger quantity. I think it1 ne of the best liniments on earth. I have used a my stables for three years. Yours trill'', CNA& A.-.111iaDVS. CENDALL'S- SPAYIN, CURE. Baciowtata, N. Y., November 1888 E. E. :7. KENDALL CO, • Dear Sirsa desire to give you. testimonial of Ex ood Oninionot your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I hay prwleconTsmotuiensdntriadi ihatyzanagetoj_veaufohuFrrsedTirmtoayemmutAundry.encur. GemBER,sitebcole:. it for Lameness. Stiff Joints am CENDALL'S. SPAYIN CURE - SANT, Wnerox mum, orao, Dec. 19,1888. m. B. J. Kezenarz Co. - Gents: I feel it my duty to say whatI have don rith your Kendali's Spavin cure. I have cure wenty-five horses that had Entwine, ten o Ung Bone, nine afflicted with Big Head am even of Bill Jaw. Since I have had one of you ooks and followed the directions, I have neve est a ease of any kind.‘ You* trulY1AND, RBITOTUENERISe DO0t01 KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE Price$1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug ists have 14 or can get it for you, or it will be sen any address on receipt of price by the prop_rie >re. Dn. a J. KENDALL 00., Enosburgh Falls, Vt i OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ! • • Is I Cure FITS. When I say Nee I do not mean merely to stop them for a tiine, and then have them return again. I mean RADICAL CURE. I have made theAsease of -- • FITS EPILEPSY OR - FALLING SICKNESS A life-lonig study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE, the- worst . cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at ones for a treatise and a; Faze Borne of my IxemiLIBLE Ramenv. Give express and post office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address—DR. H. G. ROOT, • 87 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. 1078.52 0111=1116111121111■1111111•1111111111.mmeame R ounter - SENFORTH, . • Is now; offering his entire 1;stock of Watches, Clocks, -Jewelry, Silverp;ated. Ware, Fancy Goods, SPeetaeles, Pipes,' dm, at a great reduc• tion. Times are hard, and we must have money. In Watches- we keep all the best American, Slides and English, grades manufactured. We have -just received a fine assortment of American Olockis; Nickle Alarms, &c. Oui stock of Jewelry Jimluding Brooches, Ear Rings, Bar Pins, Color- ed Sets, Tie Pins, Cuff Buttons,'" Collar Studs. Bracelets, Chains, Charms, Nicklets, Rockets, Rings, Diamonds, and other lines foo numerous td mention, is Sell assorted. stock of Silver- plated Ware is full -lei all its 'hienehes, and of the beat quality. In Fancy Goods we have a good assaitment of .Albums, Dressing -Cases, Work -Ilexes, Jewel : Cases, Paper Weights, Bisque Goode-, &e. My Spectacle stock is cona- -plete, and - am prepared to Suit all Ordinary sights.-, A large stock of . Pipes of all kinds to choose from—priees from 50 to $10. In fact, I have the largest and best assorted stock in the •County of Huron. The work department is under the management -of skilful workmen, and we guarantee to. give satisfaction. All goods sold by tue. will be engraved free ef charge. Give uis a trial. . - Counter, MANAGER. OAR FOR SERVICE. -A very fine young *. Berkehire Roar, pine months old., bred fromprize stock on both sides. Terans.—$1 at the ;time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE TROTT, -Seisforth. 1116 600D BOA11,.--The undersigned has on 21,. his premises in Harpurhey, opposite Mrs. Robb's, the well-known prize Berkshire Boar, fonnerly owned by Mr, George Trott. He hes taken prizes at London, Goderich, Seaforth, and wherever shown. A limited number of BOWS will be taken. ,Terms -81, payable at the, time of 'service, with* the Privilege of returning if necessary. '11011KR1r-TORRANCE: 1124x4 A CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned L t, will keep during the present season on Lot - • 21, Concession 2, L. R. S. Tueltersmith; a Thor ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited number of sows will be taken. This pig was-- , farrowed on May 15th, 1 7, was bred by S. H. 'Todd, of Wakeman Huron County, Ohio, one of the most extensive and reliable breeders - In the United Status. This Pig -has else taken first prizes whereever shown. Terms 61, pay ablest the time of service, with the privilege of * returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWPAL 10394.1, Brussels Like Kilns, 0 Farmers and Builders. W. F.- KELLY,_ 'Of the Brussels Lime Kilns, Is now prepared to supply any amount of GOOD' FRESH. LIMt For Plastering, Brieklaying or Stone 'Work. 1 will deliver the lime in -Seaforth or vicinity 'for 18 dents per bushel. Orders promptly' tiled. If by mail, address _ „st F. KELL;Y, a 'Brussels tin;te Work; 106641 D.r:FOWLER'S -4-:<EXTRACTBFWILO? •ty,. CORES. C '9,4E A CHOLERA I—NFANTUM D//q/c;:RH /q, AND LLSUMMER COMPLAINT SACILD BY ALL DEALERS. • a WHITE BRONZe Monum• ent Co. The Dnly 'Bronze froa undry in the Dominion. ' Our material is endorsed by leading scientist as being practically! imperishable. Itcannot absorb Moisture, and consequently le ilaaffect- ed by the frost. 8end for Designs and Terms to W. M.- GIFFIN' Minton. • Planing Mill,Lumber Yard ANp SAW MILL IN CONNECTION The sutsseriber would beg to call -attention to the largeatock of 'dressed and undressed lumber which he always ,keeps on band, at --the very lowest pries. • . -Bill Stuffcut to Any order on -I Short Notice. - Good Cedar cut Into timber or pests. Contracts takers, for every cles7pt.lons of buildin7, including all work. lCharles ' Querengesseri 1105 - 'Lot 81, Concession 8, Logan; ,- 1'i L1 mr AO, a., vim ...±4teir4.11-e, Tsees.i.sesee. Min . . ge 154 5 K I IN & El EALP____D I SEA SE ,......,..........,,,- ._ ---.-..4 P r. a ce 2.5 C.1§.. I, -ax_g -e. Cake ---' ----- ALL oRuGGI s-rs tcr.t.F. 1 T — Avis & LAVVRENCE. Co. 1.-7.e.MON YREAL.PHO Lime! • Lime. I _ The Bodmin Lime Works - Are situated abouttwo miles East of Belgravia' on 'Lot 9, Concession 4, Morris. The under 'signed will keep any quantity of Fresh Lime . alwa,3 s on hand and will sell at a, reasonable price. This Lime- has been thoroughly tested and proves to be one of the best white limes Canada. Lime -delivered to anye part on the shortest notice. This Lime will also be kept for sale at Rondesbore, Clinton and Goderieh. Of' Address either by letter or telegraph • 3. 'DOWNEY, Proprietor. 1108 . -BELGRAVET MARRIAGE LICENSES. TI. ISSUED AT 'IRON EXPOSITOR OFFICE • .d.FoRTS, NO WITPAZ SEA REOUIREID 4..19 •