HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-07-19, Page 33R00E sfamoufor so future. We always -lc and rlit Prices* to Vend dt, lowest a fair and memorable b'mwhen notasn m. Teas and sa rade. Halting houghs Fence we are a te bona... We oatilIriniaL, tltlein750 per or Blaek at 5 rad riving tend ts►'_ are saw suing ;No to keep our but: cold weathers: ice line of will he sold Ssad Toi ;Feed kept conger and zdiscash pr Et B; • SSAFO1 rm and Goderieh Sts 4r and. Minn araships.. eturn $106 tu , Steerage, $20, fpassage to" end from alpoint in r for our your dr t�icic ts troub�- ra s ei Steamship s rates to Manitoba, • Through tion to -all poin it a and China..' Head ad mutual insura ss d en alt classes of interest. No trouble :state and lam. het, Steamboat, and. p. The" Agent, . SLAFORTFI, IF COMPitERCE. Smoot) , • DABLI.iG, E « Priummm. . is Bank oobiinnOn in 04 in - SANK,. Up arc ed at current rater towns and edtiasin .and es the United • the Comnmercfal yy��A1RR, Manager. spm 111110 can have work on any pump ;ly autematie,lese a ariteedL 'rice,. sral irmthis: county best satisfaction. Stanberry, Contort iney, Tinkeremith ; ; Joseph Fowler, 0011 darer, $eafortb, ALE SERE. 'RSY J. 31, sive, for the sale of at 27, Concession: 8 2,1.,.. R. S., Tuck- - res- of choice lead iuokere nfth. • i ecf, uncierdrain "vatiotr. It has & barns and out- beagiven, subject le testae of will held with - y. Apply to - RAN, Receiver. • I1.1$+tf L UCCI, eft =at $L70 per tuber at $7,50 RUS EL& ectorL. te- of George .e, ate of the Farmer, de - Stay, 1820, are ersrgned, solicitor the 15th day of eirclaims and a them, verified: by executors will of the estate a thereto, having the, shall byve uch distribution bleto any person e assets of saki pursuant to."the - the 10th June, or for Executors: 11234 for 1889. arden, Seaforth Reeve, Ward 1, 'ard 2, Beech-` r, Watt : 3.. Win Ward. 4, Seale Winthrop g 0. Treasurer, Winthrop throp P. O th Oilicer, inspector, Lead IGlStf AMY i9 1880-. ONSIMMODIMPOINIMMOMMENNINaligMr ,44.gom your Woo." Ann and steadfaist, - through life you onward 110,, Not, like aspen, weeldy bending geveryway the wind dotir blow. 'Climb the giddy height* of huh. ; Better you bad neer ascended your climbing eads In Mime. Keep yOur balance when disouselon waxes werm, and worde are strong ; State your views with moderation, rot you might beitt the wrong. • Kitg your balaneet" if with favor Fortune smileempon your way ; make theta wings," remember, And may nee them any day. Keep your balance when men poise you, owird your steps with double care natteringtonguee can wound, remember, Often whets they speak most fair. 0Keep your balance "- whin the douhter• stagger not, though bold presumption agog) your balance should misfortune Turn yotir noontide into night : not underneath your burden, "Tried in God and do Ate right." As through life you onward 0; prayerful tread the path of duty, upright through its. weal or woe. Zechariah EEodigdon. and His • Zechariah Hodgdon was not naturally an ili•natured man. It was want of re- flection more than a corrupt and un - stout heart diet lead him so consider wife in the light of an inferior being, and to treat her more like a slave than an equal. If he met with anything abroad to ruffle his temper, his wife Was ore to suffer when be mime home. His meals were always ill-cookedy•and ever the poor woman did to please him was sure to have a contrary effect. She bore his ill -humor in silence for a 'long time* but finding it to inoreAse, . she '.adopted a method of reproving him for . his unreasonable conduct which had - the happiest effect. • " One day, as Zechariah was .I;oing ta ids daily avocetion after breakfast, he purchased e large codftsh and sent it home,- with directions' tO bin wife to have it cooked for dinner. As no par- ticular mode of cooking was described the good woman well knew that wheth- er she boiled it, or fried it, or madrit- - into stew, her husband would scold her . when he came -home. But she resolved to please bin% for once, if possible, *and therefore cooked portions orb in leV. era ways. She also, With a little diffi- caty, precured an amplibioue animal fromobrook at the back of -the house and. put it into the pot. In - due time her husband came home -some covered • dishes were placed on the table,' and - with a frowning fault-flading look the. moody man cominenced the conver- " Well wife did you get the . fish I "I should like to.lrnow hoW you heve cooked it -I will bet anything that you here spoiled it for my eating. •(Taking off the cover.)-. I tliought so. Why in the world did youlry,it I would as. it best fried." "You did not think any such thing. You know better. I never liked fried - "My, dear, the last time we had fish you know I boiled it, anti you said you liked it better fried. I'did it merely to please you ; buf I have boiled some al- so.' So saying, she lifted a cover and lo 1 the shouldert of the cod, nicely 'boil- . ed, were neatly- deposited on a dish ; a sight.whilth would have madi an epicure rejoice, bat which only- now added to - the ill -nature of her husband. KA pretty dish this!" exclaimed he. .., If you had not been one of the most stupid of womankind you would have made it into a'stew." His patient wife, with a smile, im- mediately placed a tureen before him " Bly dear," said she, " I was re- layed t6 please you. There is your "Favorite dish, indeed 1" grambled the disconsolate hueberid; " I dare -say it is an unpalatable, wishpwashrmess. I would, rather have hid a boiled; frog This was a common. expression of' his, ancrhad been anticipated by his wife, whe as soon a. -the preferenoe.was pres:ed, uncovered a farge dish at her husband's right arm and there was a - bull -frog of portentious dimensions and. pugnacious aspect stretched out it full le_ngth. Zeoheriak sprung from his char not a little frightened. at the un - "My dear," said his 'wife, *hi a kind, entreating manner, "I hope you wilt at be able to make- dinner." ' hariah could not stand this. Eft surly mood was overcome and he burst luta hearty laigh: Ho acknowledged hie wife was right, declared she should not again' have reason to complain of and kept his word. -The - Sword and Trowel. How She Got Noith. A Detroit Justice of the Peace.. Was the other day interviewed by. it wonian about forty-five years of eget who announced that she would be married on a certain • night at her farm house, and his Honor bad been selected to come out and per- form the ceremony. She faked low receipt. Business concluded, she sat down, filled a short clay pipe with to- bacco, and indulged in,a smoke, -I' You won'tilunk out on this?" she said, as shores. to go, after exhausting the con- tents of her pipe. - "Soli I and soli he, or I'll know the reason ihy I. He's been clawing off a little lately, but I'll make him toe the . "I hope nothing unpleasant will ors- ' eUr,". observed the Justice. "I hope so, too, but I'm. going to be Ptepared for a scrimmage just the same. - You always back the weaker sex, don't "Y -yes," softly replied the justice. "So do 1, and I guess we'll be all His Honor went out , on the ap- pointed night prepared to, perform tha ceremony with promptness and geed will. He found about a dozen Persons -assembled at the house, And the woman looked . g'orgeous • under the light of three kerosene lamps. abe had her pipe going, and. her face coirefed vrith a bland -smile .as she • • r. - a liere yet, but I'll send for him. ' then, turning to a boy in the- teem ehe con - &MAW, go and tell the old'intin.it's time to oonie in and be spliced." - Samuel departed on his errand, and after elapse often miniltes he - returned " The old then le. over Ito„ Martin's. he's got hie boots -off, en.4 is whittling out 'a wooden cat, and-Idol:Pt belieVe he cues two Cents abont being married to The Mew refilled her pipe, took lir several s ng whiffs, -and then laid to a long. a farmer *he seemes1 hun- gry for a bridal feast:. ' j "Mose., you go oier and telt Noah I Moses. departed. He was *bunt ten minutes, and then lounged in and amid: !‘ Soya he- is quite comfortable whore he is.,' Guess he isn't on the marry.very "Ilidge," began the woman as she looked around for her bonnet, - " you play 114111115 of forand geeee with Moses while k go over . and see 'about this thing: 7! There's going to be e' -marriage .here 0 -night, and l'il:betlk new horse . rake on it." She was absent about twenty minutes and then returned- in ..conipany with Noah; He had neither coatnor hat on and onlyone boot, and both -were pant= .."G -go shoed, Judger she gasped, as she handed the_ gtooni into tliir centre of theroom. " He heard me -coaling aid got out and ran feu* times around "Do yvou want to marry this woman?" •,asked the official, .as he-, gave •Noah n "Woke I'm going to give right in the first thing ?" demanded the ; indig- nantli,oah; -" I'll go and fix Alp and' come back." " No, darling -no you wen% my pet amethyst 1" - -ohickled the widow. "We'll be married right here and new, She crowded him against -the table. Moses stood behind the pair to- render any- needed aid,,and the knot wee soon tied. As soon as the ceremony was over Noah skipped outof the back door, but no one pursued. The widow celled the guests to supper and remarked : "Sit right "down ' Ind don't worry about the groom:- I ' have. been • nine yeers workieg him Up • to this, but weeks to come. Have some of this.roast Is Protestantism Dying Out in The following statistics, which are of considerable interest at the present time ar e given by Mr. Dough! Berthwick, L. L. D., of Montreal, in reply to some remarks made by Rei.•Mr. Lariviere in a speech at the :Anglican Synod pit June • In 1871 they (the Roman Catholics) numbered in the whole province r,o19,- 850., and in 1881 they 'numbered 1,170,- 718, being en inerease of only 150,868, so that the boast of some lately, that at the beginning of the 20th century - there would be eight or ten millions of French. in Anierica, seems very Wide, indeed, of the 'Mark. In the .eity of Montreal therewere 77,980 Roman Catholic:a of all nationalitieseind in 1881 -(the last .consus) 103,5794n inOrealie of 25,599_ in. - Now, let us come • 0 the different ?Protestant - denominational and we In 1871; Church of England, 11,573, andln1881 there werei14,338, being .an increase of 2,765. Where's- the dying In 1471, Presbyterians,' 9,064; and in 1881 there were .11,597, being an in - *crease of 2,533. Where's the dying In 1871, Methodists 4,503, end in 1881 there *ere • 5,238, being in in- crease of . 82,5. Where's the - dying • In 18711 Baptiste, 928, and in 1881 there.were 1,402, being an increase of In 1871, COngregationalists,: 891, • and in 1881 there were • 1,311, being an 1881 there were 811, being an inorease All ether denominations in 1871 were This is for the 'city of Montreal.- Now, lotus look to the whole,,Provinoe, and see the same resiilts. Let -these results calm the fears Of those that think that PrOtestantisin. does not hold its own in this Province. As regards the principal Christian denominations, I win go back to the. middle of this century, and give the numbers •in° 1851, 1861, 1871, and. 1881, and surely 'when we see this iteady growth we may anticipate. as good an increase when the cenaus ef 1891 takes place. ,- Some may sar, no -the emigre-. tion of thoueendi daring the past five or six years to Manitoba and the North-- West provinces' has depleted the 'Coun- try: • No such thing, Thtiusands of emigrants have arriVed, and the emigra- tion chaplain of the Church of England Igtely stated puhliely- that some thous- ands of these have settled or .been placed in the Province kif Quebec, so that everything is on Our side of shOlv- i.ng a good increase when the :next cen- sus comes. In the Province of Quebec, stifle census 1851 there -Were found 44,- 6..82 Church of England names. I..a 1861 the number: was 63,481. • In 1871 the mimber was 62,636. (This epparent de- crease is attendant on the withdrewal of Her Majesty's troops froth the Province -which lessened the numbers by two or' three thousand). In 1881 the number was 68,797-a steady increase through- out. In 1851 there were.33,470 Presby- terians in the Province of Qtiebeo. In 1861 there were 43,735; In 1871 there were 46,165, and in 1881 there were 50,- 287 -an increeie which must please our brethren of this denomination-g,those who - are so saitive in showing . that Protestantism and its increase • are neither dying nor dead in Lower Can- ada yet. In 1051 there were 21;199 Methodists in - this --Province.. In 1861, 30,844.. In 1871* there were 39,701. This is as • fine. an increase as. the other two, , .Indeed, taking the increase since 1851 in': Comparison with • the others, it itt the, inoet rapid and larg- ' est -increase, • basing nearly doubled itself lime the middleof this ceritnry. In 1851 there were 4,493 • Baptists in the Province of Quebec. In 1861 there were 7,751. In 1871 there were 8,686, and in 1881 there, were 8,853--.4fto an increase. ' In 1851 there were 3,927 Cengrega-, tionaliets in the province. In 1861 there .were 4,927. In 1871 there were 5,252, and -lin 1881 there were 5,244-a very slight decrease in the last census, but a • steady increase during the others. In 1851 there were 248 Jews in the province. In 1861 there were 572.° In 1871 there Were 549, abd in 18811- 9894 " Of Adventist. in Quebec Province there were in 1871 the mimber of 3,150, 'and in 1881 that of•4,218, and the mime ,cans.be said of all -others. . Taking the above statistics, and they cannot falsify, into serious consider*, don, what:is there to feu ? . We are stronger by a large percentage than at the last census, and look forward to the same et the 'next, now so near at What Was BY SYDNEY DAME. Quoin, What he had in his pocket, - i•Marbles end tops and sundry toys Such as always belong to boys, "is.A bitter apple', a leathern ball 1 -=- Not at elf.: What did he have in his pocket? A brassy watch.key broken in two, i.A fiehlsook in a tangle of string?- . :;No snob thing. - What did hehave in his pocket ? ' = Ginger broad crumbs, s whistle he made, Button., * knife with &broken blade, Neither one. What did he iinVe in his pocket/ - 4 Before he knew it slyly crept . And away they all of them quickly stole.- . Gaieties. -2." Have. yeu weak eyes i" said tioniwile wore blue spectaoles. "No, ma'am," said the applicant ; "but I sconr pots and things so thoroughly' that the•glitter of them hurts my sight." -»Oaptain Morrie was telling Colonel hfoc, May shout a friend who had been in- jured in a railway accident. " He ought to get heavy damage.," said the prac- tical colonel. " He did," laid the cap - tidal " he got both legs and- an anti - 4Tranip (to farmer driving by)-. " Can you- give me a little` lift, dr, to bap me along myjourney ?" Farrner " Where are you goin'?" Tramp (with emotio.6)-"I'm going home to die." jump right in; I'll do it gladly." * . * --A professor, in explaining . to a alas. of young ladies the theory -accord- ing :to which the bodYis entirely re- newed every seven years, -said, " Thu.. Mist B.; in seven years, you will be in reality no longer Misi B. ' really -hope I shan't," demurely responded the 4A father was very much annoyed by the foolish ,questions of hie ltttle son; " jOhnny, you are a source of great an- noyance to the." " What's the matter, pa " You ask se many question.. .I wasn't a big- donkey, when I was your age." " No, but you've growed a heap ..,40ne of the Board School teachers was engaged in explaining the Darwin theery to his class! when _he observed that they were not peying sproper atten- tion, • " Boys," he odd, while I __ein endeavoring to explain to you the ' pe- culiarities of the monkey, I wish yeti would look right at me." proVing, returns home, whereupon the wife' of hie. bosom, says : " Well, and haw -are you new ?" Jones -"Better.. In feet, I feel quits another man." ' Wife -"I'm glad to hear it. I was getting tired of the old one," :jellies contin.ues --=Grandma-" Clara, do You- think your mother would approve of your sit- ting np so late ?" Clarer." Why, grand- ma, ft Was only, 10.30 when Frank left *last evening.' Grandme-" Clara, your grandma happened to be sink. just • IIII•Frank • was leaving and: didn't she heariiim say, Now, dara, -just one.' " .man, toot awe ; dinna ye Wait ate that it was only m1'41 Breetin sin Boot; Breetin ? Aye, an' ye've remained great ever iihpo. Ye'd be 4-yuir lot left tee class of youngsters, the teacher asked, " Whfit is a monarchy ?" and was imme- diately answered by a little boy, 414 'country governed by- a king." " Who would rule if the king should die ?" 'The:Queen." " And if the Queen should ---Reporter-"' I have been assigned to" interyieW a number of the noted Men on, the eabjeot of book. Which have- most influenced them." Great Author=" I undetstend." "My question is thii- What book has been to sou the greatest ethinilus to activity ?" " An empty -Father (trying to read the .paper)-= " What was that awfUl racket in the hall just now ?" Mother-' One of the children fell. down the stairs." Father (ireseibly)-$' Well, You tell those child- ren thet if they cannot fall down stairs quietly they won't be allowed to fan down. theM et • -4 souffle took place between EOM -bleb 'laborers on a bridge! and. a battle entitling one of the Jlibermans was very ..neatly_ turned over tbe .parapet, and whilele was floundering in the water, loudly exclaimed to hie opponent, "03h, youepalpeen, come and int me now, if you dere 1" -At the Cheese Fair held' in Listowel the4th inst., there was a large at- - tencligce of salesmen and boar.: Thirtypfive factories boarded 10,778. boxes.June cheese, of .which '6,982 were colored ind 3,796 pale. There were no sales Until juet at the close of the mar- ket,when twelve lots. -"--3,616 boxee-sold at 9 cents, two lots -2630 boxes -at Igo buyers were . present. Salesmen were disposed to clear off Jane chem. - • -A three-year-old chilclidaughter of Mr. -George Leak, -of the townihip of Logan, 'was accidentally killed on Satur-. day,•%ithe 6th inst. While running around With a -sharp stick in her mouth she ft% the stick penetrating to the baseof the brain, alld death- resulting in a feW hears. the Bay of Quinte canning fac- tory in Picton, on Saturday, 30th- June, 6,80Crquarts of strawberries were canned nsing '14 over 10 barrels of grenulated sugar:. Qn* the following Tuesday the same factory took in over 10,000 quarts., Strawberries were Selling in Pioton at 4' centiva quart. • IMPORTANT NOTICES OTS FOR SALE. -Two building( Lots osv joining Victoria Square, Seaforth. For thither pertioulare apply to A. STRONG. 1117 tf MO. RENT, -First class store, dwelling house - „II' and stable situated in the promising vil. lage of Oromarty • The above can be rented on - sally terms " either jointly or severally, " by. 1118 .11. Road, with stabling end driving shed ;also a &stelae. welt The House is Licensed and a good stand, Forpartioulars apply to- JAMES 511LTON Proprietor, Winthrop P. 0 10880 tf • 'TOME AND LOTS FOR' SALE. --The sub. ix scriber offers for sale the house north 'of the Eginondville manse, together with three (terse of land, suitable for building purposes. On the front area quantity of young fruit trees comnienoing to bear. WM. ELLIOTT."- 1116 0 RENT. -A splendid brick store centrally o ite the Brunswick Hotel. The building ie 7' eet by 22, rwo storeys, with good camp, Second fiat suitable for a residence. Apply to. JOHN BONE, Proprietor, Marnoch ; or to H. I. KERR, Contractor, Wingham. .1125;4 'coition 9, township of Morrie, about the begin. nits of May, five yearling calves. Two of them were grey bulls, twoheifers nearly red and- one steer nearly red. 'Any information regarding them will be thankfully received. WM. MAR. nAUTION.-The public are hereby notified ‘,./ that persons trespessing on my premises for the, purpose Of berry picking or shooting without my consent, will be aproseouted as the law threats without respect to persons. JOHN 'HAMER WANTED. -Wanted, a thorough. competent female leacher, holding * second or third class certificate, Vs take charge of the school in Section No. % conceosion 18, MoKillop. Applications giving testimonials end etsting salary desired nnist be addressed to the . undersigned at- Walton P. 0. JOHN STAT. OTICE TO BERRY. PICKERS. -Any. 17er• - ion wishing to .pick -berries in Robert Turner*, Berry Patch, Stan1ey, can have the privilege of doing so by paying one dollar for the season or ten, cents per day for ,0110i1 picker. Any pereons seen in the, patoh .who Ii0 not comply with -the above. rulee, the amount will llocoR BERT TURNER, Stenley. 1126x8 lleoted from them, at the end of the season.. MAKE NaTICE.-This is a very rare chance - For sale, a valuable.and very desirable property, Lot No. 18, on the south side of God& rich etreet, with two residences thereon. The first contains nine memo, a good cellar, hard and softwater, with outbuildings and the other oontains oven rooms and a good well and outbuildings. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, A. G. ,AULT, Goderich Street, EACHE WANTED.-Applicatio;ns will be pis receiv d by the. undersigned, addressed aseistant amide teacher for Scho-01 Section No. 10, Stanley, for the remainder of this year. Applications will also be received until • the same date for a male and female teacher as principal and assistant. for the same school 4or the year 1890.' A.ppiloants to state- salary de. sired and to•furnish testimonials as to character REAL ESTATE FOR -SALE. BM FOR SALE. -For °ale, Lot 3, Comes. sion 6, Turnberry, containing 100 acres, of which 80, are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The balance is hardwood bush. It is well watered and well situated for market', schools, &o. There is a frame house and frame Urn. It will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply on.' the premises or addrees Glenfarrew P. 0.- JAMES BENTLEY. 1125-12 ESIDENCE FOR SALE: -For sale, cheap; the -.residence on North Main etreet presentocoupied by the undersigned. Besides the house there is a good driving barn and stabling sufficient for a flaky, also eight sores of choice land very suitable for market gardening. The land well planted with large and small ' treesend the property is one .of the most ,pleasantlYisituated in the tewn. APply to' R. 11. ALUABLE FARMS FOR . SALE. - Two farms fOr We in the Township of Ueborne, O unty of'Huron, adjoining the thriving village of 'Exeterooroprising Lot 18, conceesion 8, and Lets.18 and half of 19 in 2nd concession of said township. •i Lot 18 I contains. 100 sores, with comfortable brick dwelling and convenient out. buildings,the other lot 18 and half of -19, with good outbuildings. This property will be sold separately or entire. Terms to. suit purebaser., JAMES HODGSON, Exeter P. O. 11261f • 'DOR SALE-4STATE OF THE LATE JOHN X4 -HUNTER-100 acresone of the best farms in Huron county ; sitgation unopened ; en° mfle from Goderieh, add within one quarter of is mile from school ; soil, clay loam ; .well W- ino uding email fruits ; -also a 20 acre lot &d. prived ; good buildinge, 'excellently watered, eh ice orohard of three acres in full bearing, joining ; beautifully situated on Maitland River; lavin, small fruits, 10 acres orchard coming into ' bearing, buildings csomphste, 'sold separately if desired, inspection invited, terms easy. Apply to IJOHDI W. HUNTER, Box 11, Goderioh, or JAMES WELLS, Varna, Ont. -1120U -BULLS FOR SERVICE. OR SERVICE. -A two year old thorough. bred Durham Bull will stand for service t is season on Lot 19., .Concession 2, Tucker - smith, Terms -To insure, 21.50. GEORGE A. R SERVICE. - That splendid Thorough. I. bred Short linrn bult,:i4 Lord Blobs," will stenciler serviqe this season on Lot 41, Canoes. lion 7, East Wawenosis, to which a limited num. :ber;of oo*s will be taken. Tssms.-To insure - grades, $2 ; thoroughbreds, $8. R. CORLEY. 1121 COW OWNERS. -Having purobilied a • 11 two year old thoroughbred Durham' bull trona the well.known Ito& breeders, John McKay k Sons, of Tuokersmith, I intend keep. ing him for !Service from now forward. This fine animal hae a full pedigree which can be produced if necessary and is also registered in thej New Herd Book. Terms -$1.50 -for the lesion, payable at the time of service. GEO. M11011OUGH BRED BULL FOR SERVICE.- . ; The undersigned will keep during the pre& ent season, for the service of cows on Lot 22, Congession 8,t.L. R. S., Tuokeremith', the Thor. otigh Bred Durham Bull, " Earl of Kippen. Thil bull was bred by Mr. David Hill, ofHib.1.. bore, and is two years old. As will be seen by reference to bie registered pedigree he is from% the hest stook' in Canada, his sire being," Sir George Gynne" • and his dam " Princess Vie. tor*" .Terms. -To insurd:a calf, $1.50.: JAS. AL. Northgraves HAS REMOVED HIS Jewelry Establishment Te the Campbell Blook, corner Main Where he keeps a large stock of Gold and silver Watches, . Fine 'Jewelry, Cloolcs, &o. A .fine stooki of Heavy Plain Gold Wedding Rings, &c,, .cheip the cheapest. Watchesi Clocks and IewIdry repaired with despatch. . • W. Northgraves, ;1; -Campbell's Block, Seaforth. SEAFORTH We he,e, in antiCipatiOn „of tlie rise ih Cottons, bought a large Steck of Cotton Goods; Whiclywe are Selling old' prices. Parties re- quiring anything- in "Cotton _Goods .should buy now, as there ia no doubt but:prime Will be Considerably higlier. We have secured several lines in Sinnmer Goods much below regular prices, and, amongst them is a line of CRAM GINGHAMS, Which we, are selling at i8o per yard. wearing dresses. 'These .goods Mike splendid • We have still it good assortnient /of Light and Dark PRINTS, Extra good value _in- al/. Linen 'Goods -=TABLE. .LINENS, TOWELS, TOiTELLING, TABLE NAPKINS,. TRAY CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD COVEr01,:! 'In- GLOVES, we .Sliow a fine' range in LISLE THTREAD, • TAFFETA, IPURE •-kSILIC' and KID. • Also 'the new ,novelty— SIT4 GLOVES with -ICTA, JAMIE S CEIL. P PERS, CORATIONS. If. you. want the newest designS'at., moderate prices, come _and our samples. If you want . Cloth Window Sha es & Siring Rollers COME T JASDIa FRESH ARRI A.LS. - - _Our Millinery Department 'is replenished weekly: ,Jast oPened s large 'variety of new patterns. in thoze choice 10c and 121e Prints ; obit) a nice selection of . good Gingbaras, at 7c per yard., Re -assorted - the Dress Goode, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, ko., with many ohoice and attractive new lines. Replenished stook of Tweeds, 'Felt and, Straw Hats 'at,loi job prices. - , Recent arrivals of, .Readyinade Clothing has placed: that depart- -ment qaantity, .quilitf and- price even 1)etter condition than it wati In the first of this Season. Although the run' upon 'the Carpet Roo* has been heavy, with t e aid of new arriVals we are able to Notwithstanding the recent- advance in Cotton Staples, we are enabled having bought largely early to sell at old prices. Viool _13utter and, Eggs liken in trade. Thos Ki ICKAR d'st Old Stand, Seaforth OCERIE • • The Post Office Grocery is the spot to buyiChoice Groceries, and believing that a good article is always the cheapest, we aira:tolbuy the best goods in the market and sell at a reasonable profit. On hand 'Choice Currant8,-! Choice Raisins,,Extra Fine Coffees and Pure Spicea*, A large stook -lot Canned Goods, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, it?umpkins, ;Finnan liaddlei Chicken, Turkey and Duck. Teas a specialty ;:fmices away down.. ' Sugars asj cheap as any house in the 1 • Wellington, Grey and Bruoi; Gomm Nownr-, Paseenger. Mixed. Winghsus.. - 8.80 1C10 11.10 Gouro Sorts- . Passenger. Mixed. 7.01 11.45 8.55 London, lEhu.on and Bruce, Mensall.... 444444 9.2S 6.09 7.08 7.12 7.27 tome 8011111-.• Belf-riW 1131'4282r 00 .itisenger Traineleave Seeforth and Clinton station Goma Wier- Simms. Oturrox Mixed Train:. 6.15 Po * 6.4010.11 Pessenger. 7.59 A. E. Mixed Train 5.130 IP E. gyi .71 2.15 cza 02 .12 GO col- co 1Z1 174 A. et - co .04 1-10 4_7 ft/ pt 1.41 co 0 1:41 0 442 CD CD 15 r CD 171 rn g fit 144 P JOHN BEATTIE County of Huron. • bilminisidoner,-Coirt4yanoer, Land, Leen Funds bivested and to Loam OFFICE -Over Sharp I' Livens' store. Main street, ileaforth. 111641 Dr. Phillips, -OF ,TORONTO, Has rooms at the Oady stook; oppesite the Commercial Hotel, wbere .0421 be oonsulted on all ,chronlo diseases of both sexes, Con. sumption, Asthma 9.c. treated snoceelfutly by Inhalation Of Oxygenized Air snd medicated Vapors, Catarrh, Nervous Debility and Private Dingo cured in A few days. Oen or 'Adults Dr. Philliivt lux SEAT.'ORTH. BRISTOL'S PILLS THE. Mit lorellAffectionsoftlis luvErt.-.66..KIDNEys. •