HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-31, Page 3-
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MAY. 31,1889.
. •
Ades which Fintiftes little army itas of
the finest material, being - composed -
rowdy of -enthuslut•io volunteersfrom,
orgiaathAlsblbml; yo.• men, who
like Dre Grant and John ' orth, were
inspired with the idea- of freedom, •or.
the spread of Amerioanisin or dm fan.
in of religious, libe;ty ofcon-
science, perhaps, even, with hatred of
' 'priestly domination. illouston felt that
Fiewouldbe sufficient for Santa Anna
when the spirit of this -company Was
added to the moral force of men driven
from their home* and families to fight
for the landatliey bed bought and the
rights which had been guaranteed them.
So- he watched the horizon anxiously
for Fannin's approach, often laying his
ear to the ground to listen for what he
• could not see. And, impstient as he
• wearier their arrival, the iSenora was
rwre so. She declared that her suffer-
- Inge would be unendurable but for this
hope. The one question on her lips, the
one question in her eyes, was, *Are
they coming ri And Antonia, though
• she did not speak ef her private hopes,
was equally anxious. Brother and lover
were both. very dear to her. And to have
the whole family together would beinc
Will a great help. Whatever their de-
privations and fatigues, they could com--
fort each other with their affection.
Every day wagon loads of women
- and children joined the camp, and the
marckeastward was very slow. But no
eircumstance extols More loudly the
• bravery and tenderness of these Amer-
- Ian soldier* than the petiefice with
*bleb this encumbrance was endured.
Men worn out withwatching and for-
aging were never too weary to help
some mother still more weary, or to
carry some little child wholeswollen
feet wouldno longer aid it.
One night they rested at a little place
on the Colorado. In one room of a de-
serted cabin -Houston sat with Major
Hockly, dictating to him . a. military de-:
spatch. They had no candles, and
Houston was-feeding-tbe fire with oak
splinters, to furnish light enough for
their necessity. In the other room, the
• Worth family were gathered. Antonia,
in preparing for the journey, had wise-
ly a small mattress and a couple of
• ows in the wagon; and -upon this
mattress the Senora and Isabel were
resting. Doctor Worth and Thomas
sat by the'fire talking of Fannin's de..
lay; and Antonia was making some
cornmeal cakes for their supper. •
s When the Senores portion was • given
• to her she put it aside, and lifted her
eyes to Antonia's We.- They asked the
question forever in her heart, "18 Jack
coming ?" and Antonia pitifully shook
her head.
Then the poor woman seemed to have:
reached the, last pitch of endurance.
"Let me diet" she cried. "I can bear
life no longer." • To Mary • and :the
saintsshe appealed with a passionate
grief - that was distressing to wit-
-nets. Ali the efforts of her husband
and children failed to -tooth her;. and, as
. often happens in a complication - of
trouble*, she seized upon the most
tains as the text of her complaint.
I cannot eat corn bread; I have al-
ways detested it. 'I am hungry. I am
perishing for my chocolate. And I have-
n* clothing. I am ashamed of myself. I
- thank the saints I have no looking -glass.
Oh, Roberto I Roberto! What have yon
done to your Maria ?" • '
"MT dear wife? My dear, dear wife!
Be patient e littt9 longer. Think, love,
you are not alone. There are WM=
here far more weary, far more hungry;
several who, in the confusion, have lost
their little children; others who are
holding dying babes in their arms."
• "Giver of all good give me patience.
- I have to say to you that other women's
sorrows de not make me grateful for in7
own. And Santa Maria has been ecruel
to me. Another more cruel, who can
find? I have confessed to het my • heart-
ache libout Juan' entreated her to
bring my boy tome. Has she done
it rt
"My darling Maria."
"Grace of God, Roberto!. It is now
the tweity-third. of March; I have been
seventeen days wandering with mY
daugbters like very beggars. If only',
had hid the discretion to remain in my
own house I" .
" Maria,Lopez will tell you that Fray
Ignatius and the brothers are _ in pin -
session of it. He saw them .walking
about the garden' reading their -brev-
At this moment General Houston, in
the opposite room was dictating: "Be-
fore God, I have found* the darkest
hours of my life. For forty-eight hours
I have neither eaten an ounce of any-
thing, nor have I slept" The Senores
sobbing troubled him. He rose to close
the door, and saw two men entitling.
One leaned upon the other,, and appear-
ed to be at the point of death.
"Where is there a doctor, General?
t? 'Jn that room, sir. Have .you
brought lie*. of Fannin ?" -
"I have." . •
"Leave your comrade with the doc-
tor, and report." ,
The entrance - of the wounded Irian
silenced the Senora. She turned her
face to the wall and refused to eat. Isa-
bel sat by her side and held her hand.
- The doctor - glanced at it as he turned
away* It had been - se plump end°
dimpled and -white. It was now Very
thin and white with_ -exposure. It told
him far better than complaining, how
much the poor woman. suffered. He
went -with a sigh to -his patient.
"Stabbed with a bayonet through the
shoutder-hard riding from Galiad-no
food -no rest -that tells the whele story,
doctor." -
It WAS All he could say. . A fainting fit
followed. Antonia procured some stim-
ulant, and when consciousness returned,
'assisted her father to dress the wound.
Their own coffee was but she beg-
ged a cup from some one more fortunate;
and aflerthe young man had drunk it,
and had eaten a little bread, he was in-
clined to make light of his wound and
his sufferings.
"Glad to be here at all, he said. "1
think I am the only one out of five
"You cannot mean that you are of
Fannin'it command t"
"I wait of Fannin's command. - Every
manin it has been shot I escaped by
kind of miracle."
The doctor looked at the Senora. She
seemed to be asleep. "Speak low," he
said, "but tell me all." .
(Tobe oontinued.)
-Mr; W., E. Tilley, sextet Mr: James
Tillyt of Mitchell, has been appointed
by the Ontario Government moue of the
three commissions:it* investigate the
"French schools" charges in Prescott
and Rowel. •
II/roving Day.
Of alltbe dirty families ,
• In this world. ni sin,
The dirtiest has just mond out
Of the house you'vejtitt moved in.
-Danville Breeze,
t commonplace figure, that,: living would
not have drawn 4 glance from the• -
lupon the pavement. That morning the
living man had been an altogether in -
staring eyes looking down at it lying
different object to the men and women
Abut now the dead man 'stirred
their very souls-aud insisted that they
shouldiremember him. . The Spectator
paned 'ion more quicikly. Is death,
then, io much' stranger than life ?-
Christian Union.
The First -Grandchild.
GnindniOther 1" called the farmer, and there
CAMS • -
OUt througiithe vinelvreathed porch a blushing
Surprised and eager at the sbrangenew name.
The deck within • rang forth the chime of
• eight,
A inessage ? • Read 1t7qU1ok-how can you
wait ?'
Her husband, smiling, leaned upon. the gate.
At arm's length holding in his trembling bend
The crisp -white sheet, while _he the writing
scanned, , •
Then read once more, with, voice almost um.
manned _ L•
"Thy granddaughter salutes thee, 'Baby Bali,".
Mother and child, thank God, are doing well."
A moment's silence on the proud twain fell..
She broke it soon. " Grandfather, I con-
• grat--"
6' what, me?' the good MAU cried; lifting his
hat-- -ss
"'Grandfather '-nie ? 1 hadn't thought of
• that."
-Annie A.: -Preston.
• The Angler's Chant.
Ali, the shriek of the reel, the trout -fisher's reel;
- No sound is so sweet to the ear : •
The hum of the line, the buzz of the wheel 1 ;
Where the chrystalline brook runs so clear. -•
Here's a "hide on the stream where the wMows
bend down,
Where the waters sleep drowsy anci. dim,
And there vr/aere the ripples whirl amber and
brown, .
The lords of the rivulets swim. . .
Then fling the light tackle with delicate cast, '
Let your ay like a cobweb alight, -
A dash and a .plash and the victimis fart,
your_reel sings a song of delight.
See, yonder a green mused boulder enoheciks,
The stress atheturbulent tides,
A.nd there amid bubbles and foam bell desks
The gold -spotted brook trout- hides.
The sweet hreezeiblow, the morning sim shines.
The white clouds drift -slow downthe sky,
'Ti. a day that is perfect for sport with the lines,
. For artistic cast of the fly. •
- -McLellan: .
• That -otter 'of $5;090.
Our readers Will doubtless call to mind
• the Offer so widely advertised for the
past ten years by H. H. Warner & Co.,
the proprietors of Warner's Safe Reme-
dies, that they would* pay $5,000 to any
person whci would prove to an impartial
referee that they . had ever • Published a
testimonial that was not genuine so .far
as they knew..
'Thisioffer had he ring of honesty
about and as thematter MIS an asps°,
lel interest just now we give a copy of
the offer as it appears in the Messrs. IL
H. Warner & GO'S pamphlet:
• . brit OPFIR or $.5,000, ..-
EverY Testimonial published by us is
• Eon* Fide and, so far as we know, is
absolutelytrue. To ' anyOne Who will
prove the contrary to an mpartial re-
feree we will give $0,000. ••••
,13.-H. WARNER & CO:
Rochester, N. Y., January 2; 1888. -
We ask the reader% careful attention
-to the following testimonials, as bearing
on the offer, and their unbiased opinion
of the name with reference to the
"rain:town, P. O., Manitoba, April
17th, 1888. -As 1 have been cared of
Bright's .Disease I know a -great many
• more who could be cured by Warner's
Safe Cute,. if the medicine was brought
• Gaieties.
-A Dumfriesshire gamekeeper need
to describe the ordinary condition of the
weather in the district in which he lived
as "a wee bit shoory wi' rain between.
"What can I do for you to induce
you to go to bed now?" asked a mamma
of her five-year-old boy the ether, even-
ing. "Yea can let me sit up a little
longer,' was flit youngster's response. -
_...“Donald, man," said a Highlander
to a friend, "is a bumble -bee a beast or al
bird?" "Hoot, Sandy," was the reply,1
"don't dieturb me wi' releegious ques-
tions when I'm, bikini' a dram.m
-"Oh, Clara, that cloak that you are
wearing is a perfectfrighti You ought
to get a new one. . Have you seen my
new muff?" "Yes, Kate, I sawiou at
churckwith him last Sunday night.''
-An Aberdeen apprentice boy on his
first voyage up the Mediterranean was
sitting on -the windlass one night gazing
earnestly at thelnoon, when be WAS ac-
costed by the skipper with, ',‘Pat are ye
seein' up there, laddie?" The boy turn-
ed towards the captain, and for answer •
inquired, "Man, daptain, isna that
miohty like oor Aberdeen mune?"
-A little boy was reading in his Scot-
tish history an 16000MIt of the battle of
Bannockburn. Reread as follows:-"
And when the English saw the new army
on the mu - behind their spirits became
damped." Theliacher asked the boy
• what was meant by idaniping their spir.
W.' The boy, net comprehending the
meanint simply answered, :Titan' water
In the whusky.'
-"Stevie," a bright four-year old,
had been told that he must not ask for
anything to eat when visiting the neigh-
bors. Soon after, at the house of a dis-
tant relative, where he invariably found
something to eat, he hung round with a
wistful sort of look, until finally he
broke out. "Aunt Jane, I'm awfully
thirsty." -"Are yon?" -"Yes ;
thirsty I could eat a bun!"
. -An Liebman, writing from America
to his wife, who WAS still in 'could Ire-
land,' began his letter by 'Pekin the
before their notice.-Jonx L. Mum.
HAMILTON, (105 Elgin street), Ont.;
July 6th; 1888.-1 have been troubled
with Kidney disease in its worst form •
for from 4hree to four years. For sax
months I could not attend to my busi-
nese at all. -As -6 lilt resort' I 'tried
Warner's Safe Cure, and found almost
instant relief. .k consider Warner's Safe
Cure the best medicine known . for all
diseaties of the kidneys. ' A. J.
PORT Hops, June 21st, 1888. -Be-
tween two and three yeari ago I w.P4
suffering a great deal of distress .across
the loins and kidneys. . I was reoom- -
mended Warner's Safe Cure, and before -
taking' two bottles I 'missed a stone
from the bladder, very hard, and have
snffered nothing of any accouut
E. Pmts. . - .
KINGSTON, July 28th, 1888. -Two
years ago my _wife was coefined to the
bed for eight months most of the time.
She suffered great pain *woes the kid-
neys with a burning sensation In the
;abdomen. Her OASS was pronounced by
her attendant physician to be one ; of
the worse OSHA of diseased kidneys' and
prolapsus uteri. I advised. her to try
Warner's Safe Cure ; and. before the
had taken two bottles was much better,.
She continued to use it until she has
taken over a dozen, and is now well and
strong, and able to attend to all the
cares of our home.--Tnomas HELonn,
(Lumber Dealer.)
, There is no getting ' away from, such
testimony as the above. The offer is
genuine. In fact Messrs. H. H. War-
ner & Co. have always requested that
doubters should write direct to persons
giving testimonials, (enclosing stamp),
and who are of nedesiity, in the great
majority :of cases, totally unacquainted
with the firm. 4
Fact and Rumor. .
.-A Presbyterian lady in Philadelphia
has ;..a Sunday -whoa class; and among
her pupils is one little girl who is a sort
of embryo Mrs. Partington. They were
• being drilled on the Westminster Cate-
chism. In reply to thoquestion, "What
is God ?" to which. the answer in the
book begins, "God is a spirit, infinite,
eternal, and unchangeable," this Child
answered seriously, "God is a spirit,
indefinite external and . unmanage-
following surprising statementi‘ t's-a bl •
/pine counthm Bridget, an' no mistake. I -A German rime, in a dream, see:
I've this day put phwat they call an ing three rats he fat, the other lean,
shoorance on me toffs, an' if I'd fall and the third bl nd-sent for a celebrat-
ed Bohemian gypsy, and demanded an
, explanation. "The fat rat," .said the
sorceress, "is your prime minister,' the
lean rat your people, and the . blind rat.
down a ladder wid me hod an' break me
neck to-morry, begorra an' I'd get tWen-
ty-five dollars a wake • as -long as I'm
dead. It's a foine counthry ; that's
phwat it is. .
- One very warm evening, as Robbie
W-, the mason,was returning from
work he met the minister, who WAS coin;
plaining of the dryoess Of the weather,
when Robbie remarked that he would
'pit up a prayer that -nicht for -rain,' and
passed on. Next night, which was very
rainy, Robbie again met the minister,
who said, 'Well, Robbie, your prayer
his been speedily answered.' 'Oh, ay,'
replied Robbie, 'ye see I'm no like some
folks, I dittos bother him aften.'
-John Boyde was an mild Ayrshire
crony; At day John went doneto Meg
Wilson's and found her baking cokes.
'Loeb,' says John, Jthat's ae thing my
wife canna dae.' Wool,' says Meg, ‘if
ye hae nee objections; I'll gang doun
and gie her a lesson.' • 'Very guid,' says
John. That very night Meg went doun
to John's and Mrs. Boyde laid doun all
the baking materials, 'but whereto the
meal,' *aye Meg. "Oh,' says John, 'if
'my wife had the meal she could bake as
good as you.'
A Street Scene.
The Spectator WAS passing the other
day through one of New York city's
most crciwded streets, Up and down
back and forth, went the busy .throng,
rich and poor, good and bad, wise and
foolish, all intent on their own 'pur-
poses, all indifferent to the purposes of
the others. If the Speatator had been
ina hurry-, he vould.:have undoubtedly
been as indifferent as any - one ;-but he
was in that position in which the spirit
amen is unusually free -he was early
for an appointment. So he strolled
along, making the 'inost of the ten or
fifteen minutes which were SO peculiarly
his own, and thinking that, though the
street was full of life, of beeting hearts,
throbbing pulses, thinking brains, won-
derful, • incomprehensible life, the
chances were that he was the only man
in all that crowd who had time to be
-stria by the wonder of it. As it hap-
pened, very strangely, that, just then
one of the pausing figures paused, held
out uncertain bends, and fell. Some
one bent over him, and in a moment -the
,&therinr croWd knew that the man
=The strike among the workmen on -
the; Eiffel Tower in Paris it at an end on
the term' that wages will be increased
by five centimes an hour; an increase
°touring every month. • When the sea-
son reduces the workingday to nine
hours, ,carpenters will receive a further.
increase of five centimes. All those em-
pliold at the time of reaching the third
platform will be paid fifty francs when
the tower is finished. • It is now 470feet
-Mr. Spurgeon pays in the "Sword
and Trowel : "The last issue must be
between Atheism, in its countless forms,,
and Calvinism. The other systems will
be crushed as the half-rottenice between
two great bergs."
-The Bishop of Ely has forbidden,
the deaconslin his (1100010 preaching
more than, one sermon of "their own
composition" each Sunday. If they re-
quire to preabh twice they are directed
to "write out some sermon by a stan-
dard divine" and read it to the people.
One good sermon a week is as much as
many a veteran in the pulpit can well'
supply, and ' the young, ministerial re-
cruits may Well concentrate all the op:
portunities for study a week. will give
them on one discourse.. •
-The trade in birds for WOMCH'S bats
was so enormous last year that a siogle
London dealer admitted thithe had sold
2,000,000 -of small _birds of every kind
and -color. At one auction in one week
there was sold 6,000' bird's of paradise,
.5,000 Impeyan pheasants, 400,000 hunk -
ming -birds, and other birds from North
and South America, and 360,000 feath-
ered skins from India.
-A 'Yale graduate, who was a sta.-
dent about thirty /ears ago, said, in
speaking of the changes that had taken
'place Mee his time: "I 'never knew
whether to attach any significance to it
or not, but when I Was there the -Law
School adjoined the jail, the Medical
College was next to the cemetery, and
the Divinity School was on the road to
the poorhouse." - ,
-44. clergyman preached 'rem the
text, "Whatsoeverthy hand, findeth to
do, do it with thy might."= -Ecol. ix.,
was d . No one who stood there 10. A littleboy beinjasked the next
but was thrillecVand gazed, awe-struck, day to mint the text, said, "Stop
on the motionless . figure -a shabby, blowing and go to work." •-
OTS 7011 SALE -Two building Lots on
corner of Chalk and Goninlock streets, ad-
joining Victoria Square, Seaforth. For further
particulars apply to A. STRONG. 1117 tf
0RENT.-First class store, dwelling house
.and *table situated in the promiiing Al-
lege of Cromarty. The above can be rented on
easy terms " either -jointly or eeverally "b
applying to AleDONNELL & WAUGH, Henn%
1118 -
OTEL FOR SALE -On the Northern Gravel
Road, withetabling and driving shed ;also
tint -class well. The House is Licensed and a
good stand,. For particulars apply to JAMES'
ULTON, Proprietor, Winthropy. 0 1088x4 ti
- - - •
OTICE.-The Council of the Corporation
of the County of Huron will meet.iii the
Court House in the town of Goderich on Tues-
day, the 4th day of•june next.- PETER ADAM.
SON, County Clerk.- May 200,1889. 1119'.2
JJ,01T.8E--AND LOTS FOR SALE.! -The sub.:
scriber offers for sale the house north of
the Egmondville, manse, together with three
'acres of land, -suitable 'for building purposes.
On the front are a quantity Of young fruit trees
'conuneneing to beer. - WM. ELLIOTT. 1116
BULLS FOR SALE -For sale, two thorough-
-bred Durham kills, one year - old, one a
dark redandthe other a light roan, both from
the well known Bates stook *clear throughand
both 'eligible for registry in the new herd, beak...
Apply to the undersigned, Mill Road, Tucker-
-.smith,or. addrese. Bmeefield P. 0. WILLIAM.
COOPER, • - 1.11831
AKE NOTICE. -;--This is a very rare chance-
- For sale, a valuable and very desirable
property, Lot No. 18, on the south side of •Gode-
rich street, with two residences thereon: The
first contains nine rocims, a good cellar, hard
end sof tWater, with outbuildings and the other.
contains seven rooms - and a good well and
-Outbuildings. For further particulars apply to
the proprietor, A. G. AULT, Goderfoh -Street,
Seaforth ; 11114
NTED.GOOD, reliable men
cen find permanent em-
inent for Maple Grove Nurseries of Waterloo,
. Good Salary and, expenses paid weekly.
Liberal inducements to beginners. Outfit free:
Previous experience not required. Established
Over 20Years. All goods first•class. Write at
Once for terms., Address J. W. MACKAY, Gen.
Manager, fit. Thomas, Ont. (Mention this pa•
per. - • 1109x12
sale, cheap, the handsome new briok.resi-
deuce recsently erected by the undersigned. It
Is situated nearly opposite the.High School, is
two storm high, with four bed rooms and bath
room upstairs and three rooms down stairs.
Cellar under the"whole house with stone cistern
in tlip cellar. The house is finished with hard-
wood down stairs. There are six Iota conneeted
With the house and tho purchaser centavo ,one
or more if desired with a good stable. The
proprietor is very aiixious to sell on account of
the destruction of bit foundry and the need of
money to rehuild and a bargain will be given
of this property. THOMAS HENDRY, Sea.
forth. • 1096 tf
FORIR bred Durham Bull will stand for service
SERVICE . -A two year old thorough -
this season on Lot 19, Concession 2, Tucker
smith. Terms -To insure, $1.50. GEORGE. A.
itPROAT, Jr. ' 111031
JJEREFORD BULL -The Undersigned Will
' keep on his farm gear Egniondville, dur-
hg" this season, the 'Thoroughbred Hereford
Bull, " Loohnavar," to which a limited number
of cow -s will be taken.. Terms -To insure 32,
with the privilege • of returning if necessary.
JOHN MODE D. • - 111.641
Buti, FOR • SERVICE. -The undersigned
wi 11 keep On Lot 27, Concession 2, DicKill-
10p, pear Seaforth, the thoroughbred Ayrshire
.11, owned by me Thomas Grieve. and to
ehnni c hs-a 01 ligm. i tRe do npuzmitlice riioGf Ito oAwle. will bel it 1111T.nt f.
4igned will keep.this season, for the service
' ef cows on Lot 9, Concession 16, Grey the
splendid Thorough Bred Durham Bull, "Roee.
Knight," by imported "Red :Knight ;" also *
good high, grade bull. Terme-For the -Thor-
°ugh Bred, 1.25;2for the grade, $1, -with the
privilege . of returning if :necessary. JOHN_
HARMS. 1114x8 •
signed- will keep tor, service during the
present season on his farm on the Huron, Road,
a mile and a half west of Seaforth, a thorough-
bred Durham Bull,registered in the new Herd
.Book. Terms. --To 'MUM 61.50 ; otherwise sr,
payable at the time of service,'.with the privilege
if returning ifnecessary. JOSEPH Fomaa. :
• l
MO COW OWNERS. --Having .purclliaised4 a .
i "tsvo year old thoroughbred Durham bull
fromthe well-known stock's breeders, John-
-Hatay & sons, of Tuoitersmith, I intend keep.
Ing bini for service from now forward. This
fine animals has a full pedigree ivhichican be
roduced if necessary and is also. registered in
4 New Herd Book: Terms -41.50: for the
limo_ ,n payable at the Ore of serviee. GEO.
• TROTT,.Seaferth.' . .•. 1116
' .
. .
1. The:undersigned will keep during the pres•
- ent season'for the service of cows, on Lot 22,
Concession 8, L. R. S., Tuokersmith, the Thor-
ongh Bred Durham Bull, "Earl of Kippen..
Thil bull was . bred by Mr. David Hill, olliib-
-bort, and is two ' years old.. As will be been by
reference to his registered.pedigree he is from
the best stook in Canada,his sire being "Sir
George Gynne and his dam "Princess Vie -
ria." Terrils.-To. insure ;a:calf, 21.60. - JAS;
�. CHESNEY.- - 1114xtf
. .
. • . .
Ryab, Lot 18, 'Conceal -6n 11, MoKiliop,
hiui purchased from Mr. George Gill, of Rose.
dale .a very superior bull one year old got by •
Mr. Russell's imported bull, supposed to be one
of the best that ever, came into the county,
.400. He is registered_ in the Dondoion Short.
He will ,wrill n„ot only
.. be a benefit to his own herd
see the certificate; TIMOTHY RYAN. -
Horn Herd Book and parties desiring it can
cows,,65, payable on the lst of January,
limited nimiber of cows at $1.50 each; thorough-
bredlint to - that of his neighbors. Will serve a
General Insurance Agent
Dealer in 8ewing Machines.
All binds of property insured.et lowed rates
In first-olass reliable companies, and losses set
tied promptly.•
Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in
. .
.the Gore..ind Waterloo, from 75c to $1 (cash
. .
: plan) for :three years. Mills and factories in-
-atlred in these compeniee at a saying. Of go per
nt, on iteplc companies....
Solehilealer•in the WHITE and RAYMOND
SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur-
ing). Prieek ranging from *26 to' 875. All nisi -
planes warranted, for tire years on every kind of .
'mirk. Needles, oil and repairs for eale. Ma-
Ohines repaired.
W., 1V.. W42111EiQINT,,_
To Creamery Patrons.
. . - - • • .
The Seaforth, Londesbora and Kirkton 'Cream
dies will .open for the isesson on Thursday, Mai'
1i3th, when the cream drawers will call on each
pstron; -Patrons will please . be. prepared for
"ern'* ' * ''' JOHN HANNAH
- .
'.I N. B. -The butter make for the first monitihnof
° figure, - and . patrons who comence -with the
°Denim of the factory will receive the benefiL-4
all the above creameries has beeirsoldfor a good
• •>
- If you want
our samples. If
Cloth Wi
the newest designs at moderate prizes, come and see
- -
you want
Business A dve,
A Urge stook of pine and hemlock lumberon hand, suitable Lir
building, fencing and ditching purposes i Bill stuff supplied on short
notice, also a qu tity of 'sawn cedar posts on hand.., ;
Custom work
satisfaction guar
trade. •
n gristing anti • chopping promptly attended to and
nteed.` First class stone flour for sale retail or to -the
Comprising th
and summer tra
low prices, with
week and exaMi
ceries, crockery,
full and good val
most complete stock of Dry Goodk suitable for spring
e, bought in the best Markets and •oarefullyi selected -al•
largeconsignments continually *tine Call this
e the goods we will be opening. . Our stock of gro-
ats and Cap boots and shoes, etc. are . Well assorted;
e in every caps,
II ye ope-401 Marked and .passed tit° sic)*
200 Plebes n w;Pret:s Cootie.,
100 Pieces
0 tton iShirtings,
aaclied Cottons.
50, Pieces Bl
Hollands, Ta
Hats, Caps,
Our milliner
and are now eng
Winter Goodslto be cleared at cost for cask -
260 •Pieces IsTew
220 IPieoe Grey Cbttons,
es, Ticlings, trowellings, Linens, Brfown.
le Linens, Carpets Oil oloths, 'Tweieds,
have retu,rnecl.from- making their spring purchases,
- • .
ged :Making up• spring stock. The balance of all
os.Xdd's Old prtb.
• II. 0 unter, Lim.e me !
Is now offering his e
Clocks, Jewelry, Sily
Goods, Spectacles, PIpe
tion. Times are hard,
In Watches we keep
Swiis and English gr
• have Pit reosiv.ed a fin
Mocks, Nickle Alarms,
including Brooch.", Ea
ed Sete.Tie Pins, Cu
• kings, Diamonds, sad
to mention, is. vrell
plated Ware Is full in
the best quality. In
good assortment of
Work Boxes, Jewel
Bisque Geode Ike. My
plete and am preps
eights. A large stock
choose. from -prices fro
hivethe largest and b
deunty of Huron..
under the managemen
we guarantee to give
sold by us will be engra
Give us a trial.
tire stook of 'Wateihel,;
rpleted Ware, Piney
, ke.; at a great radii&
d ire Must have money.
11 the best American,
es manufactured. We
'assortment of American
Mir stock of. Jewelry
Rings, Bar-Piiis, dolor -
Buttons, Collar Studs,
,Necklet", Lockets,-
ther lines too -numerous
d. My stock of Silverl:
11 itt branches, and of
may Goode we bave a.
bums, Drurring Cases,
sees, Paper Weights,
pectacle steak .is
ed to .suit •-ali ordinary
f Pipes of all kinds to
50 to 910, . In fact, I
aosar.ted -stock in the
O work department is.
Ot "Wild Workmen, arid
satisfaistion. All goods
ed free .of charge.
Clerk of the 5 .nd Divi.sion. Court
County f. Huron.
Commissioner, Con eyancer, Land, Loan
andinsur ce Agent:
Funds, Invested* and to Loan.
OFFICE -.-Over Rue .& Livens' 030,., main
street, Seakith, . " 1116$1
The Bodmii. lihne W.orks
Are situated about:tWo miles East of Belgnive
• on' Lot 9, C0130e111100. 4, Morrie'. The under-
• sinned will, keeia,-ansi quantity of Fresh Lime
• :117.6 Aisi 41111 ilirnateeted
and proves to be one of the best w.bIte limes in
Canada. /Lime delivered to any .part on the
shortest notice This Lime will also be kept for
"ale at Londesboro, Clinton and Goderich.
sar Address eitlierjby letter or tidegrsph.'
J. J. DOWIfEY,- Primrletor.
nos - sztouvr
The Ne rocery,
harp & Lfveias
Have opened a new: Grocery and Provision Store
on Main:Street, Isaforth, first store eolith of
Kidd's Hardwarestorb. They have a "complete
deck of • • - • ' - -
• OROCKERI., • -
SEEDS, . .
- '
• • PROVISIONS, ttc,
: . 1
Everything iresh '--and New.
, •
these goods have been purcihued on the most
favorable.terms, and will he sold VERY CHEAP
FOR CASH.. • i •
the highest orrket Price elknied for Farm
Produce, • . I
lir MA prate arid quick reitirne our motto
Call and scene .- • .
Paid up Capital, . - 13,000,000
Rest, - - 600,000e
AitS'T GERI MANAGER, J.11.12•LtratMFB.
- *
The Seaforth Branch of thil Bank isintintios ta
rusty* depoidts in
Of One Dollar and Itpwexdo,
on which interest is allowed at current ream
Drafts on the prindpal towns and chisel*
Canada, on Great TBrit.rn, and en the United
States, ht and sold.
• Office- door Sovrn • the Commeroini
Hetet. •
JOHN A1RD, %tanager. ,
110LMESTED, Solicitor.
McKillop Directory for 1889;
JAMES HAY$,Reeve and Warden, Seaforth
P. 0.
JOHN BENNEWIES, Deputy Beeye, Ward 1,
-Dublin P. O.
JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech -
•wood P. O.
JOHN MORRISON, Councillor, Ward 3, Win
throp P. 0.
CHARLES DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Seto
forth P. O. .
• JOHN C. MORRIS* ,N Clerk, Winthrop P. O.
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win.
throp P. O. •
ROBERT G. Boss, Atisessor, -Winthrop P. 0.
DR. HANOVER, Medical Health Ofilosr, Sea
forth. -
- W3T. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead
•bury P. '
GOMA NOATH••••.. '
•• ••
Wingham.. ,
.0enut Soma,
Winghan • 1 • •
• Bluevale
Brinell -4. • Ire *.•
Ethel. • •40 f•
Grey and Bruce.
Passenger. Mixed.
2.51 r. u. 0.81 en.8.38e.x.
3.06 9.45 9.20
8.21 • 10.00 9.50
8.80 0.10 11.10
Paleenser. Mixed.
8.89 a.m.11.1.0 A. N. 7.25 s.
8.48 11.22 7.55
7.02 11.46 8.65
7.14 12.00 9.81
London, Iluron and 13ruoe,
Cionte NORTH.-Passenfer.
London, depart......... IF . a A 7.55a.N. *.35e11,
Exetor............ • • 9.16 - 6.57 •
Henson.. salitsesIsal•• • • 41 • • 9.29 8.09. '
• Nippon.. ..) ...... ea . 41 4 * a e 9.34 8.17
Bruoefield . .. .. ....... 9,42 • 6.28
Minton.. 44 •-• .1-0 •••• , • ••• 41 0.00 - 6.45
. ....,.
•••••• ••••••• 4,0 • Al
' „03
..1B131b1. . •.• 0 . • • es vw • • • • • • • • _•-: 10,28 .7.12
' .Belgrave... .......,10,42 :-• 7.27 -
1'fingham Ai:jive: 11.00 7.45
Genre Soirrn- •- PASSARrer
Winghs,m,depart ..- 6.60A•it .40 •
Belgrave..,.. .. • «4 7.05. 4.00
Blyth., -....r...... .. 7.18 4.16
Londesbor;....,... . -. .. 7.28 4.25
. Minton', ..... ...°.
.. . .. .. 1.55 4.46
Bruoefield...-.. . ;s.. ,.. 8.15 5.04
8.82-- 5.19
Exeter. 4.411•••••••- ••••• 13.50 6.83
- Grand Trunk Railway..
• Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton station
Gonte W/IVE• SIIATOWEL tharton
Paesenger 1.08 Y. it. L20r.x
Passengey... 9.10 r. 9.27e IL
9.20 A, it. 10.054.N.
• Mixed Train.. 6.15 P. ° (3.40ex
Passenger. 7.59 a. „ 7.43A.$.
Passenger 2.43 IL • 2.26P. `
Mixed Tram- 5.30r x. 4.55 P. it
Freight Train.. .. -LSO P. N. 3.30
Rapp0 & Cleghorn
Cordially invite every person Visiting
Zurich ;to spend a pleasant day on the
24th, Queen's Birthday, to call and -In-
spect their fine stock of
Special to the LOEB%
Grand Millinery -,Opening
23rd, 24th and 25th0of May
Don't fail to -call and •see, • •
Top prices for farm prOduce. Eggs
12 vents.
Happel & Oleghorn,
John L. :Porter's
Furniture Warercoms
Funeral Reform
BEA/1011TH, 7 ONT.
Being determined not to be underazdAyany
other establishment, Ism now selling furniture
at only lOper cent above cost, Would 'allow
respectfully to the people of Seaforth and sur
rounding country, that I keep no other than
first clam stock 18 .11 the bran&es of the under-
taking department, bought from the best firms
and on such busineu principles that enables me
to sell at much lower rates than Mr. Roberteon
eftwtes. He **onus me of publishing what he
terms "clap -trap." Now, the wideawake
people, will no doubt be able to define whit be
means by this term and twine to a sensible con-
clusion of who deserves their patronage: the
man who is obliged to out down his prices, oz
the man who ha+, been the means of breaking
up this monopoly and starting an honest and
much needed reform. If those who Iwo had
dealings with this scientiflo undentsker will
compare ' his• previous (barges with Ids present
quotation', 1 =sure their eyes will be opened
to gross injustice in the time of their trouble
I would here say that! only intend to conduct
all funerals that • I may be favored with on
striotly honorable principles. My Funeral Di-
rector, Mr. Holmes, will give every satisfaction,
having had both city and town experience kr *
number of "vars. He will attend ell night Wk.
Besidenr.43-North Main Streetnearly kmeelte
Salvation Army Barracks. ogs B. Pontine
P. 8.-I beg to apologise to the piddle for this
„controversy on such a delicate subject, but sa
Thave to defend inyself againtt ", combination
and do Indica „to a non -combine, I feel eem,
*lied 'to 410 SO. 3011% S. POEM. -
The undersigned hese new, oomfortable sad
commodious dwelling house, containing al
zeoessary conveniences and ttleasantly *Wad
on John Street in Seafort•li, which he will sell or -
rent on relisonableterme
He also wants sny quantity of good $AW
Loos of all Made, delivered at his PoseyBew
Mill in MoKillop,' -
TOW THOMAS Downy, swat