HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-24, Page 4r.: _ _ . ._. _ .. ��-� _ _ . . . �- _ �. _ - � . _ _ : ._ , _ __ _ _ . . . _ _. ,. - . . . _ _ _ �__ .._,. _ .. _ . _ . . , _ , . . .. _ . . . . , Y , -r_ _. F ___. _ _ _ , ' : �-. , . , . � _ ; , � j ,. :i ^ ` . '• ; . � . , '� � , _ . . • � . . .' – i �- � �, �{� � ' � � : : . ` . ` � - ; , - . - ' i - ; �. � . � ' _ ` � . � .� � ;! , , : . ' � �` . - , .�_ � . . � . . 4 , F R + , . .. . - . " �F � .. `' " ' � # . ' . .. .- - . ' � " ... � ' . . l• ;�- . ' '. - . � ' ' � � . " _� .�- . .. e . '.. F s_ _ _ � r _ .. _ ' � . - .. . � ` . , - . : � - . . � � � E_ . . .. ` � � r ` - -' � 0 a . ' � � �. . � - '� � �.. . � .. . . � j . . - � ; . �. � . . _. . ' _ . . . � e � , _ _ � . . c. . s . . . € _ _ _ � . . -. _ , , p. : _ ' � _ - , • . '�. . : . - . . . .. .. .. .. . . M . . - . . . � , . - ' s � _ .. . .. `_ . , . ` • i �� ' : ' ' • - - , � . �� , .� ' . _ _ ' � . - ' , t �„ . , . . , , . . a . . . � _ . � . _ � . -,.— _ -- , . , - _ . _.> _ _ �. �_ «�. � . _ . V ' ' . , __.-„ . � . . . .. . . • - . , _ - ^ - - __ w - - _:; . � . _ , � . . __ . _ . � - _ _ ' i � � L � �r.. r. . ., ' {. , z . _ _ _- . _ _ _ � �. . .. . . , . , . e • - -- . . . , ., . , +n . , _ _. . . .� _ , _ �- - - .. _ . . . . . _ . _. _.m_�_��-.:-�,..._ _.:._� .._.�.,�_�,�._._<_ _�:o _ -,.__<_`__t..< j_ . . . � �.-_��_.�. _..,�.,�::+....w}+.+i.+�i'sL�-..a.ati_.._. . .. . .... . .. _. � �� . j.:< :' .ws ::-.. , .-.._�. +...IS� ' . � . . . - � . o e . � e „ -_ ..... _—..-. ....�....�_._._...�..._,—"'---....._ �..:s:. �.. -. . - .., . . � . . �-: . r... .w -,+-f�..�. . , . : ; ; . . �, � a . . . • , : � . _ . � � � . . ' . - •. - . � ,. . . . . . . . B . . . . � . i -, . . • . . . : . '..,�.� . . . n . a . . . .. �� .. . , !, 6 '. . . . • . . . _ . . - ' . . . ' . . � . . . - �. . . . . . . , � . .. " � ��.'�' . . ` " . - . � - . t . . ' _ . D . . . � . . . . .*_ , +i _ ' ___ � ' • - . . .. . '_ . -. i : � ' ' .. -' � • , � ���� r� • . " .. � , ' . - " ,. '> - . - . _ < . , _ , i F j ' , - . • . . ` ' - � � . . . a . , 1 . , � � . � � - . . �� : .. , _ 1�tay� �24, . 1889, - , , �, . - . ,� . , . _ . : . _ . � , .. . T�,i� � .� RC� 11T �-E�YP`C3SIT01�: . _ . � ` � �: , ,. _ . . � : ' � . _ . . _ _ . _ . - `; � � . "r� � ezoellent C�►�holio, i2 ; • total .of 586 f�mtlie�; . � � � . - • `• ' • -the dra etandm •nenr, the ciriver of whioh old �ne ia ■truok with the , _ ` - ' ks ma h�ve bo be �run. e a��illtond � ta aixty�ive millione Y. g , aneht dte le► ed on its manaf�• �he Mebhodiet,et only lac�C l� of baing :s�t ��' N�W �.DVER'ItISEMEN�I'S. � meetingwes;toconaiderthedieadvante►ges whst ri� y, �' • s�dd�ad fift =ei ht was or.dered to run his,horee ia order to worl�m p p y - .—. �• ' • ev ral �railwa � Anc� stesm- ; Qmericans ha►ving Y 8 • � nnder whiah the Millera sre I�borin �nd reenit, �he •__e y in eevent -_ eecn e Mr. Ho�vard, who had diecosec- ture,� A famxly up nortih for�nerlq o�va- many �tr !�il �e ra� pnt together. - g - =.. millions to their popula��ion ,_ y P � ,. nth ie a r • �.� ach .. i Tose and was in hot ur,�uib. The ed i�ti but bein about to mtove to ylaai- --8ome oi the Wingb4m> people were � t� Tha sgnre bet�reen the° psre es ita h b t meaae�to be ado' �ed to obtaia boet com nie� are vi��n with e_ . _ t e�i p 1� -g . : nine yeara. While the populatioa o ed h e p, � �� 1�sdl fooled the_other d� � Some ws :.; esetrline denotes thep� e of the psper on.which . , ' en' di�- nd a half mil• �coagequen�e of the'faet drtvmg wae the toba� •traded' tt 'with the Company, yd u aronnd the etrests a�n � � � = th� a�verti,ement ,wilt be tound, -° relief. After conaidarable deliberation � otber as to �►hich �can :me►ke ��iv _ Cariads inorewaed four a - r = s l � "� � ' of the Unitod Statee iticroaeed dietributioa of_ the enbire ou�fit along_ alth¢ugh they we�e very lo�h to ps� b poet,e p mber - - �ur Owaidake--,��cskson Bro�s. (5) m wae a ree u on �s one thut tance in the shortesb tinie, arid �e: eee lions that : . of reoently `reeurrected hand �ill� an. E � - t�olden Lton-R.Jaivieson. 5 _eche e g d p � b fift -ei ht millione: These aro the the etree:te; Howard�-later in t�e c3a�, 3vit1 � it. � � � � � " � _ � nouacing the vota on �he quee�ion of s � � some: of the reaulfia� in the terr�ble die• Y Y g _ - ldedlcal' Notioe--DrF P�i11�ps. (5) would tie litiely to overcome the diffi- � y y, . r� '`;'` Gold fe�ote," no matter_ how the ma caueed ihe. arrest �of . both men 'ori .tho . railwa bonue from Palmera�a ta Ria- Dryt�oods�cc.—Dunean & Duncan. (6) � - ' �tter� that oc�curred: at Si. Ceor e and • Bail wae fur,aiehed�. t $uron} NOtes. 3' ,. � �� an �. cult . Tl�ie eoheme ie to $e eubmitted . g be diagui�ed by meana of --ehallow and eharge of laraeay, ,� � bg ��n. cardiaea i� September 1$71; As �he i� Buli ior 9ervica—Tiamthp 8y .O • Y. � . � � ublia wiIl: al�o' no� ; a dle e►bout � er _ centa es. in tlie amouat of �200. for �Vallin s ap• Tlie CQurt of 12,eyisioa for � billa were in a ood �tate of reserva,. d For SaIe-or to R�ant—John Tay Tor. .(b) . to a niaes-meetin � of Millers to be held $�milton. _ T�o p �, , foolieh tw d., p g. ehi y of Morrie �vill� bo " lield on Monda g � -_ � Fsrm torssle-s. ,T. Dodda, (6) . _ g - � The v`lla e of - Pumpkinvillo may in-_ pearance on the 22nd. Parker not b�•� p� y' tion, they _created a gaod deal of-ata,ri� � c p—,T hn xannsir. s -at Toranto ahortl and if a roved of doubt, eome o# those � times be el�o�ked B �n eo fortunate ws�e la�ced behiad �he - � .� ,.. - _ - I3u�tezmil� Chest a (} y. P� es • � n �' '� n d �rease ite populatioa �from two hundred b . , P �Iay� 27tih., surpriee many�ca� a feeltng No�ice--P�ter Adan so . (6) . - • • � -- he Court°:af I�evision for the town- ' and �nd in � � -- � � arm ' �nau�ance �o.-t�. Holtzman. s there, wiil, no doubt be_put iatn practi- by a terrible �tocean dieaeter ooc�tei� _� . to fou� hundred in five yeare, while the- b�xe• � . '� ap� 5 of haviug been nold.Y F era — t � � . � - . New �tf��ine --soff sa � Co. i . '. - ite b the blowin -up or destruotina of� orie u utation.of Londori in tbe game space . s�ip of (�rey will be held at Cranbr _The -N�ae awa (Dlan,) R,e 'ete� o� � W. O cal �pera►tion. The €olto�urg are Y. 8 p p. ` - -� F�►rmiors�ie-A.Bu¢ill. (�) ' � - • 1 ��` Ocean Gre �Hounde :" ,of time ma onl increa�ee �from. four - NeWe;� of�the Week. on onday, 27th M�y. Pin Lo�t—Ez� �or Qffice. (s matn fea��ure8 : of the so Qa led _ Y. .� ,, y Y, �-� �' � of Goderich town- May lOth says of Mr�. Walter�Govsn- _ 'd a eed of which millione t�o.five millione. Fience Pump- . HEAVY DAD�AL�EB: - Wm. 0 Brien s -�Alex, }3e our, 'lock, a former:reeiden� of the �ownthip ;, '� To ButterDiahers-wilson dc �oun :($) Entranca Fee-�here ia ta •be an �en= as the resul't of the rapt_ p. . , � - n F e`Ic1 t � Bieho . t� ' kinville hae increased at the rate.of one , libel suit aga,inet Lord Salisbury lays "ship� has refused an offer of $6,000 for Essi Huro arm rs bt tute-- ,. , PO , � trance fee as follotvs :-Fift -barrel� we now hear eo much. If�' the� pt�blio. :_ � ile r� 10 Q�O. his f�r� ou the Maitland in �hat iown- of Grey;-Mre. W� Govenloek, �vho t ; o- Al2 Gone—Cieorga Good. (8) .- . , Y, .,; hundred� per cent. in five year�, wh �he dam�gee.,at� £, . �, ,: _ lived:about three miles eaeb of �he town, - - � Oi�Paintinga=L�eorget�ood. (8) _ mille, $5,; 100 do., �p10; _la�ger mills, ra id transib t6e i11�41wa e - iwent -five� er WELCU�aE IZAINB.—Withiu the week shtp���. _ . . . . wi�l have �i �� . Y Londan has only added _ y. P essia l�obert$on, of :�he 9th dropped dead as she wae pa��ing ont, af . . Gfirl WAnied-Mrs. A. Charlesworth (8) I5 to �20.. - _ • . • • � and steam=boat com' �nie�i eent. to ite . o ulation.- .�rgo, s�ecard- ending =;Friday 5.F5 inchee of ri�in `--�'iies J her own door on W�dnesda -evenia , `'� , Bauslau gh �che Photo g ra pher. (8) . $nd railwa y .. , p P P . For fei ta-- T here s ha l l b e � f or f e i t p u t ' o�'onist c ham ions. t he _. fe l l i� t he loea li t ti f Leaven w o r t h, c o n e� s e r o n o f G r e y, b a s �� o� e t o S a g in a w y 8 . , Servant GirLWanted .-iirs. t#.�. Ba11'. (8} . read to cater. to their� wishes no ma�tte� ing io our restri i„ p � _ Y � .: <,� _ _'-up by ea�h meinber as follo..wB :-50-bar Y - -� villa e is rowin faeter .than �Aansae. : _ • City thi� week whers ehe will make her She had takea aupper�a� usual ahd w� country . g g, B . going about:�er accuetomed duties whea ..i � - , rel mills, �100; 100 do.-, �200; l�rger ho,w� reat the dwngere�to be���brave� d or • � g.It ie not" eur- FATAI.� STORM:-1�. dieaetrous 'storm hom��for sometime. � _ _ . = g # the world s metropol� . . . u h ._; adrew 11�Iorrigon of - Walton who death so 8udd�niy oper!-aok'ker. Heart . millg; $300 to $40Q. . the ris(�s to run ms be. Ba� it w uld •� risin that men who allow themgelvee swe t over Austria on Saturday. M c �. _ , � = � � � �� � � � �� � � � � � �• � - e ehall be em lo ed y � p g p d man `�livea - was 'seriousl �in'ured �ome weel�e ago dieea�se ie �:auppoeed : to ha�-e beea �he ; : . . - ,� � - Seeretary . Ther p q aeem as if thie were ju�t orie of those dases: to ba deluded by euch si l ly sop l iia iry property was: des troye d, an y � y � causs. � 'v �' ._ �_ b� h e A e e o c i a t i o n a a i d S e a r e t a r w h o , . :� • •- , b t k�e u satt'in of � load o� ha , ie able Y . P Y� f eoon ge t in to eeiio u e d i ffi o u l t y. . B u t f o r w e r e 1 o e t. _ �' E p �. . y -0n Thure day o f laa t wee k � he reAid- :��, -• •�� , � 4ha11 visi� :�il ._ ointe to Bx lain . the in which the public shoulcI be . proteoted . hie $EiR HEAns. -An eleotion riot to get around again although he gob '`� - . : . ,: � � 8��AFOILTH, FRIDAY, &�ay 24, 1889: p P . the exieting trade barriere be�ween b LosT T . - � � . echeme to millers and influence them to , he conee uencee `. �f their :own , � • �_- there ed- at Foree� Cit Arksrieae, on qui"t' a shakin� up. .. ence of Mr, Bell, 2ndconoeaeion, Marri�, '� , � _ ., , , . , . from t q couatry and the� United ,�tates if , oecurr . , Y+ , _ _, , �, matrimonia�- ailianoe - � - e - � -� otn the. A�eoci�tion alao to arran e . • � iotione e, afbernoon in whieh three ro � �ame� and Alex. McDouqall, of - was il�e s�ene of � --_ • � . ' � foll .- In eo far as railwaya ', are con- had been from tb.e fireb no reatr .. Saturd y, , P Gre ` left� f�r .Neche Dakota a few between his daughter, Mise 8�ttie, aad ` �`�'Y13 OII��i'i0 M1118rB. that where there are su;�aient mili� to y � - . � - �ver u on trade between the two natzons-= mine�it cittzens were ehot'dead. 3�: � ' . onald McLa�chlin a oup man .wel - ' - !. corned, �at _ least, thie co�ld� be � . The Oniario Milrer� a,re in a eck of uas a11 the wheat in t�iat riei hborhood, . y p Id be now . Y �►s Yv�t.--The report from .Dela- . wee1� s agp.=: They purpose farming and D � y � 2 � � � - the o ulation af Canada wou . �T a E and hen such inillers become membere easil done, � Ever railway in Caneida p p� - _ indicate a f�ir :cro as tHe� are both �ard �svorkin bn e' known on the fithzcon, of Grey. �ha -' - - troubte juat - now. �fie N. P, is no� W - + Y - y at.leaet twenty millione. . ware �,nd Maryland , P , Y, g, y contractin r�iea �vere attended �b � thie point ahall be a oioaed poinb, de- ia under tho control% of our `Dominion �. of eaet�ee and an uttusuull� ; ood zeld the �wi1T e� al�n ail ri ht, g� , 3' , � -_ t�orking to euit them. In facE �theg �.. . . - P � �' �, y. . y`, g g $ Mias Huldah Bell, eis�er of the bric�e, _ , � barring all other memfi�era from buying `t�chooses to �� om on of strawber iee, � he: asse�emen� vf the' town of �� ; Parliament, and if:Parliamen TxE reaent election in C com lain that the w`a in whielx it ie ,. ��, and Jamee McLauchlin, brother` Ao� the� , � ,� i� ,�' directiy or ind�iirec�ly at such points. � _ S�R�oUs �IB�E:-Hoi�vard Cfty., Mic&i- �Vin�ham a�� �aho�vn by �he aeeeement � � f'' � uee its wers� it c�n�� easil;y obvi�ate the. � province of . uebeo, ha� re- oom. There �as � uite a aum�er af n . being opersied is . ruining them. This, Other pointa-Any milier refusin g�, to I� , Coun y, , .Q , a;n suffered �50,000 damage by fire � on roll i� as follawg r�-Real,Esta�te, �439,- � � - e , t ; . ;, - � = x , . - _ : •. , , . - . ,� , g , _ � , , _ , . uesta reaen�. Tbe Svaddin ift� �vgra - ' i un ortuna�e as th� miilm become a member �hall be treated ae dmngers we complain of, b� forcing �ail aulted 'in the election of Mr: Rufue �undA . The losd falls on those.who 6Zfi, ereot�al proper�y, �64,685, �ncome, g � - ._ g� _ _ eertaialy, s f , . S. Y _ , • - � fo l lows : Hia oint s ha t l be corisi dere d ' -` nnin r� u� � es bein' �,n ill afford it: . - � � 1 3 � 0 •� tota l 5 1 7 71 2. ` Last ear's �andsome and numeroua, : > � _, ,: -. - iaieree� is one of the lar esi,. if not the� p - w_ay authoritiea to adopt ru , g�g po e� b a ma orit of . 824 vot , g e _ , � ,� , • = � � g an o e� oint and the Secretar ahall : , - . B Y J Y ' � --�h� Pu�lic. school trustees of - g - n p ' Y aonaouanb with th:e 8af8b ; Of THE FISIiERMEN�S IIARREL -Tt�e �revis�ed aeseesment wae 600,855 � _ - �+ %r es� manufac�urin _ induetr �,� in On-. latione . Y. . fifteen votea more thag� was accorded his � � � � ' Blyth, being under the neceesity of , . 8� . 8 Y'. . arrange for, ar�y member �a� buy there . _ - _ relations between the . Englisli and _ g - : - e ret to learn of. the death of , , � t�V � ` � . � � ` . ` ` ` ermanen#1 � those c�i�o, for the time being, enticueb e•r : , tsrio, aud it ie a eat it that s� im- p. y. :�father,.'the late J. H. �l'ope, at hi� lae� Freneh fishermen of Newfor�ndland �re� Mr. �ohn Yetiy, one of the oldest and furniehing addi�ions►l sahool, a�co�mo-. . � 8� P y - o the'tr care. � on thie regult, � 4' da�tton for the pupils, havs offered��he -- -. ' ''' ���` Th� �meetin s�l�eo ado ted the follow- themeel� es t,. . .. a '� T t: election, Commenting eaid .to be'a roachin &•crieie. � most res ected resid'ente of the tawnahi . � poriaa� �n inte�est ahouId. be needlessty , g a p . -. - . �p • � p p Meihodiat, churc� 0 1� _ ��� �� oasible however ib. m� be .� : �. •�MeRRtEn,-Mr�. I+'olsom , mother of of H,y.. � The death too�C lace in Hen. ,� p �� �0� ��e ,, escrificed or even crippied. If none euf- � ing reaotution : It- i�, p ,. . , Y. .�he Tororito N�ai1 says .. + p old ehurch buildia�g, inoludin t�e seats= � .; - ' � " , � _ , - , ,. • : � ` - -, • ` • - . . ' ; , . �: . Mrs. Graver Cleveland, was ma''rried �sall n the l��th inst,, Mr. Petty having, • � fered l�u� the miIi owners � ihemselvee hat in vraw of the faa� ti�at the4 peo• more pra8��ble for the railway .companies Z�e ma�ority ie hailed, of coa�ree,. : .,. .� . and the stovea. This offer haa 3�een :ae• - � '� ' `�� �rt . as a� con• las_t Monday at, Jaet�son:, Michigan, . reaided in tha�t villag' e-for some yeare. ' �; g l�of the Maritime Provinces of Canada to aseume �tlie risk�e and. continue . to b the�� pro•Jesuit p y. _ cepbed, and if the �ill�ge fatherd w�ill . i~= , � �peo�Ie could afford to Iook .upon`' th�eir. P . Y toj Henry E. Perrme, a Buffalo million- :-- � r. John :McInto$h, an old and , � _ have d�olared a ainst rantin an': ade• - demnation of the anti-�esuit ag•iiation. . furnish the funds the old church will bs � - 7 g �. � ander to the revulemt � ublio: d�eue. . aire. . - hi hl res ected re�sident of G�e towu- . `' _ � i� �. �troublas with feel'tnge, if nqt oi aatisfac- � o Protection to the man- �p P p� ut it would iie intereetinq ;io know �� � - y : converted iato a ward �ehool as sooa uat� meaeura f i3 x�:_ ° - �� •'. �ar inereaeed e eed.: If thie be tlie a1a$e � DISTRIBIITION �OF PROFITS. ,-A or- ship, has taken -up his residen.^.e ia Cran- _ � , .- tion, aE IeasE • of pa�tial indifference. . ufaeturers 'af breadstu$'a in Ont`s►rio ,- f P � ahere, when �nd by -whom, in Comp- �. ,. .�?_ ae it is vacated for �he new �difice now �=: . 4' , tion of a year s• profite, amoun��ng to broo , having..purchased the houee ancl . __ - - �'` The mitlers as a clase were the loudest ��d tl�at whereas the dut on eofti coal i� ma be somewhat' diffiouli to get. �ar-' 'ton, tho electore wQre �invited to ex : . ��' � x� - y �� , over �44,000 has been dietributed among lot b�2onging to A. M� MeKay; of Brus- n ln eouree ,of erection,, , . . has h�en rebained as a ret o,ff againat.the ' liament io move. in a: directiot� eouf�ter: �rees their viewe Qn the Jeeuib queetxon, - , : • . . a = -The re ular meetin of the Stanle � . � �,� . haw�ere �or the N. P. in the fire� �place, � - not ieaus such an invit�- 400 � ernplayes in John Wa�namaker s eele. . B g- , Y _ �. - c�uiy on breadetuffs, be it resolved � tbat � anie ' There .� r. Pope ctid . _ $un t�ran e wae held on tlie 14th- inst. � � � and maa , euch ae (soIdie of Gue� .h to the desiree of the comp ,�. _ Philadel bia esta �lishmenti. ne.d� laet week while attendin 8 � � . 3' •= g� we, the millere ssesmbled in thia meet- � b tion, unleed. it w�e to the,' F�rench, popu- p �� �' g with a ver faix aitendance. A ion , �: � are man instances on record iri whiclithe •, ' ENGINEER KILLED.=George Bishop,. to so e cattle i� hia atable, Mr. John Y $. � .. Nelon, of $t. Caiherinee,��ndotherswho .in , humbl petition Her M�,jesty e_ Y a,. lation, which ni�mbers tw�• or thres � . diecuasion on the besb reed of e . g �' r. . one of the oldest engineers of ,the Cam- , Kno ,, of �:tho base line, Hullett, . b hora s to ''= s had. been Grite t�21 thei� liveg ttirned (�overnment at Ottawa to abrogate the tII�ereste of railwa� com�anies and I the thousand. And cer.tainly Mr. Laurier,.. . =, .� _ �� .�..�-; den a�n d At lantio rai lroa d; was aooi dent=' _ eeive - a severe kie k on t he knee frdm ra i a e i n t h i s c o u n t r y: � a o k p l a o e. � he _ . y * �dut � o��eoft coal. and that the Boarda '� • 'a.-�come �in conflicb. :who �activel su�ported M'r. � Munro, . � their �litical coats and became ardent - ?' - , interesbe � of the publ� . y all kilIed the other da ` b falliri from .one o� the ariimals. The k�low laid him majority of those pxea nt were in favor � �`� p of rrade �the �Ytanufac�urera �Aeao�ia• � � oould not. have a�ked f�r an opinion, He y y y g . , of heav draugh� as b�in the �tost s�le�. ' gupporteTs of �ir J�oha Macdonald. ' m r' net'itutea be� aeked � and the companiee have come� oub. (vic-.' ie in the a�ame boat as gI4Ir. 1t2ereier and the cab window. : up :to� a fe�v days. Y B i�! A, tions a�nd Far e$ I _ _ � �� �� orious with_ Parliament. Under exiet• I` IN' FAVOR' OF .THR�U(�it TRAFi'IC.- .. - rs, Robert ;MeLaughlii,, of .:the able �and profitable - breed. A de}sate _�, ,: Since then unti� the present time �they �o co•o erate with thie Asaociation with t , ., Sir John Macdona�d, :and �wae interest� � ;, � � �,�� : � The Oil Trade-�A$sociatioa of Boaton 7th c nceseion �of Howick, died on Mon- will take pia�ee on the 2$th insi. Sub� - • -+ .� �hav� no� c�ea�sed to sin � tbe raiees of $ir a:vie�v to forcing the M�arit�me Proviaces in �eircumstances, however, tliie�i� only ed in keeping the. 'matber out of aight . � ;� • �.� - �` p �_. �., � .. have passed resolutione.is favor :of. con-- .:day o.last week sfter a lingerin and ject, 4Vhich ia the more profit�bie �. �� to rant u� 'uetice:: . • ; �,,� -�John snd the N, F. Now, however, g. � d - , 9. nabural. There are, unfortunately,, �ew and out of mind. � etock to raise, ahee or cattle." Theee � , w . . _ ,; tinuing through traffie to and from the painf�l :illnesd; She . wae great y re• P ,;�F � � �.� e mf ta have eb n - ~membere of Parliamenb who are entirely� '-In vi�w 'of the circumstancee in �restern StatEe via the Canadian rail- s ect'`d in the nei hborhood where ehe �re practical subjecte, and- their �iacns- �F = s � tbey e em' a ged • their iune e , � - p, � S aion mueb result in aod -to ali �on• . - . 1 � � ��Ru�nin �oo F�ast. � � . � ,� � s� and are of the o inion ihat• s�either Sir g ic�depend�ent c� raiIway companiee or Com�ton County it woutd be ' alike ab- roads, - .` f h� ed� ..She �eavee a husband and two 8 s �` f p - ' The �ru� fulness of the aphorism that .:� . eurd to c�a�itn the r-esu�t of the election Fxizc�gTs REDU(1ED:-The Pruesian, sm�l,l�`ehildreu: _ � oer..ed. � � � �:+ � �, John, nor the: N. P, are such � ood .�� who are absolutely free.from �he -w�ak_ ., ,_ - - .� � � � � - ' g "misfortu�es �eIdom come sin l"ie ! � (�overnment has tempararil'y' reduced -t�rie:of the earliest,eettlera and old- --=� correepondent of the Ciin�onNew `- ' `� � iends as the ima ined tbe e g Y' nes of ae.ce ting farors, from . theee � eoin- ae a vietory for: either the,pro•Jesuit or a �` ;� fr p g y w re. . So P _ � freight ratea on all liaee, in• order to est r�'�ide�rt� of .Wes� V�awan6h in �he ' Er.��Erad the �le�sure, one d�,y last aveeg . � ry 1oe�in� exemplified, j�si:now in the oase . the �anti•Jesuit a�� .�'� It'is elear .even � - , - :.tha� if it were onl the: niill owners that .� anie�. A member af Par2iame�nt -with , P Y � alleviate the distrese arising :from `the perso • of Mr. T. :Leddq, died on TOth of u look throu �h �he . atablea of � • ; . : � . y of the Grand Trunk �'lway. It is only p • . - '� � , were bein inched b theiri ia� •� � �} a•raiiwa asa.in hie ook�� which will ,from what tfie Mai;�,ibself �ays, tha� the dearth of eoal. in�t.,�after.� paesing°•the: allotted : three Mr. T. �feMichagel, of the �ecand a , _ , �Y . _ _ ;, g p y ter d a fewweeks eince the ttblic wereehocked y p p TaF CZAR THREA'TENEv �c��ix.-=-It score` and" 'ten b. 18 ears. `beeeas,ed conceseion. - dIthou 1�`'Mr. �'ic�Iiehael � � - :-k � no a � eave him tweni or thirt �d'ollars ` et Jesui#�-:question was not an iasue . in the; . . � , . Y, 3' ; g ,�_ ,� . friends p,erso would be disposed io � eor � e y ° y ;p � has been aecertai'n�d that� the militar was a� quiet -and unaesumin eatleman. is et -a oun � man be is �ast becom- _ _ - by the.terribls accident at the St.G g • n' o]ikel to vote ver a d`elec�ion at all. V�hile, therefore, the y g g y� y g � _ she�i-many teara over their disappoint- �essio , ie n t _ y, y b, x r,,: conspiracy againet the. Csar lately dis- -�'Vhile �ome boys were. bathing laet in one of :the leadin horsemen of � . brid e, to be foltowed shor'tly after �iy the ," v ar for '' •�a g g . - - , men�. �Bnt' ihe NiilIer$ are smon ' our g - a ainst .�he com an that ; hae �hus re�ult cannot be claimed as a ict y cov�red in St. Petersbur �hae man Sund y:morning�in the river a� Wid - Hura�h, he he�e now in his , stables flQe • - � ,"` - '.. . g m u rence at Hainilton. g p Y . � . S 8 Y g _ o u ore shoeking oec r F either of these arties it'must be rer widespread ramifica�aon�. . Several sus- ham �ne of th�m Arthur Lon a tia- beautiful oung stallione each af which . n� largeat employere of labor, and tfirough - favored�him'even ifih�s . doing ,so ,mxght _, p , _ Y � 8� y , - Scarecl li�ve the remains of fhe unfor• � - ected o$icers . have �ommitted eui- smit ` a ed';19, •took a cram and waa he trotted ou� for our ;ins etion:- The � '�, �_ 4 � tfieir industr em Io ment is iven y � be �tHe indirect means of eaving kund�eda . evident to �the Mail and ev:ery �erson : p. � _ g p 1� �. - 3� P 3' . 8 � cic�e, drow ed k�efore . a�ssi$ianee eouId be firat ie a s Iendid 2• ear-_old" �tred. b ;� � � � � � - tun�e vietims at Hamitton � been inter- : - � ° . P Y� � Y ` - direcily and �indirectl- to an immense -� of�lives or tlioueanda `of dollare �0 hie _eles that �he Protestants "of ComptoII ' TER$IBLE LANVSLiDL.--An en6rmous• calle .�-.He wae ot oub five minurtes MeCsrtne which woutd be �ard " •. °,� 3 - red when w� have intelli eace of anoth- . P-� - g y� -- . tO srm of tivorkmea and� � vas amoun o ' g � �� con�tituente. At least lie would be v.er - are not seriousi �alarmedo`r exci�ed over landelide has. oceurxed at S ie�gback, :a£ter;� but it wa,s too �ate; ihe bo was beat - next comes s� ot�e ear o1d „6ore- F . _ p , � t f . . Y Y P . 3' � y - . ; R = _ er less disastroue occurrence on the � a Switzerla,nd, destroying villages, forests dead' . - ��- - le,nd•Chief w�ich for.et le and action � _ ;; _ moneg is thus put in circuIation,•sa-that e apt.to give the benefit of the =`.doubt, �to the Jaeuit question. If they•were, they . �. � � �.. � : , , . - � .. - . same road near B�lleville, the particu- ; ; . ,, . � . � . , and cattle. � + ' : ' . - - r. I. J. Dowaey; who rune �n wiA make.aome tatie a baek �ea,t at �he _ • . _ an�tfiing �hai cripples or even retarde �he company;attd to ease hie conacience wou�d have forced it unon.the attention ,-- Coa� F�ROM EN(3LAND - BXteni ve lime busine ' ��, +�� � lara of wl�ich will be found in another _ - . One hundred �, se a short diatance caming faire. �3ut Tom a prids is iri his °;� _ _ �he o rat�ons -of the MilLers qeriousl - he �would be aure to . zaiee the doub�% of�• �he oliticians, even althou h both and twent car oea of coal have. been . from �Bel rave '` hae on aecount of � . � p� , y . k� 8 , y_ g . � g � ,. genilworths, of which `he hae thrse, oae , � ;.�► , ,. column. But, while thie last �cciden� . ordered in En land for German ..� lar e"ncrease� of order� �been com ; affects every oiher interes� in the caun- _ The people, therefore, need. not ex�eet �• sides were �verse to its �ge�ting an air g y ��.., . .,, . pe�led a. year old, one seven "mon�l�s • oldr �,-. � ' Wa9� evidentty, the res�xit Of �t38T8188S- _ " ROAST �EAT FORTIiE�ZILLIUN.—J. Z.'. � to bu ld e�no`th�r kiln W�i1C�I ilOW ives and laet � bub n�t leaet S� °'`� .� On .thie account the iriiefortunes - 'o t�a"ve the com anies-, iatorfe�ed `ith in . Fanc ;`for instance, an eleetion ;. �• •�. 8 � , �n alue, in the `� ` ��' � nese or misealeulation. on�the art of the � p � g y Stewart s smmense � ack�� houses at _him hree in ;aetive o eration, The estimation of it� ow ar ie one � wse� • - �� c �'; • . which the I�. P, eeem to hav �b - p � b Parliament in the ctiraction we hsve t�kin lace �i� Tor4nto ati the re�ent� p � � P '� ' _ e roug}it o�ciale in enar e of �be �timber train it y g p � P Council 73iuffs, Iowa, '�vere burned a fe�v lime �.e turns c�ub hae a wide and favor- �old, irom hie well•known; prize mare: _ - - ��` u n ih M` �' r g ' ;'s�di�eated nor in an o�her until. t e time withoui the �:oetion. eomi� to the .da a a o. : One mlllion un • able �� utatio ,�= ' � : ;; ; po e�I e e are �o-.be d�eplored. • i. � . Y ► ,� X . q p8 ,. .Y B po de af �meat ,. p. ' Theee horees are all bein xaieed _for the _ :� now seems to be generally recognized aq � .: w�e destro ed. Loss 1Q0 Q00; � �-=NXr. Robert S run an enter r' 'n - �� � , ft�rce Parliam�ent to make itself indepen- front as a. pro.minent -iesue. The �oli Y. �$ + p g, p ias g subjects of Unele $am;. and° Tam :eay�, ;,� _ The diffieulties uncier which the Mil- a faet that the other two resulted from � - � BazL�,�AY CONDUCTORS. -- Fifteen and� s' cceesful �farmer reai�i'n " �� - . - , . den� of tke Com anies U. assin a.�aw . ticiane'could not oesibl : kee it down, , x g �rear the You bet �hey will' have t� �a�y for theuf _ u - ;'= Iers Iabor, and of which they � ery� just- quite a different-cause. The accident' at p y p g � y_ p �.. -hundred conductor$. w�re preeent:at the villag of MAnchester, had �he miafor-: too." . ,_ �' _ - ' om lain are briefl - �.unseating any . member who � can �.= 6s � no matter tiow: anxiaua �hey might be to q �nin of the tw'ent - rat annua! con-- iune o lo�e'a.�n ost v�lu�ble mare in a � � , . �y c p y stated as followe : �G. George, :ae "well as the one ai Hann- _ - . � : , - _ . . p , g. Y � , roven to hav� acce ted an _ ecun'ar _ do so. � vontion of the Brotherhood in Denver, �myst rious �-malnner, one da recentl . .. , ,� � . Ti�ere ie a duty oi.fifteen cent,� a� busliel ilton, occ"urred on ver y dan gerous parte p p y p , t�? � a e. _ � �• �' �' Wha,t 8 Young �F'�,�ner ,�a� faaor from a com �an and excludin alt ' t he.�t her_ day. -. The �nunaT ,wae `to all appearance all s . L " on wh�aat,, -equivalent to aeven�q•five of ihe road, and the cause is a�trib�ted - p y� � ' -� SUDD�N DEATFI.-rAllau �hornd ke r' ht' he�ec e in befo�re u TO say. �� .- ��" '•a ,;�• �Tx� ea Ie- of: the citieg are makin a E Y � S� 8. : b t wben th� _ ,_ ;�. _ esnts on a barrel of flour, which the�111i1- �membere having a direct qpecunY �ry , in- P P , g . . ,� , � to too high a�raie'� of speed. I•f the traine - Rice, the lately appointed United 5t�tes �tabl�door was opened tn the mornin�� I3Fex E�posiTox,-in <�oux iseue of � - terest in any company from votin ' in great f us� because under the near � postal Minister of Ii.u�eia died sudden the a' 'ima,l� wae foun the 3rd in�t, there a red' a " ° _ . ; ler- woutd. have to pay if� he manufac- �ad been runnin more elowl , the ac- � �-� , ly in d dea � ppe� n article v ' g � arl' ment on • 1 ielation 'calculated to : re ulatione tfie have to a two cente� New York �4Sonda . He had e�n .-�he merchan�n end b mee o under the headin of ;' Tlie , tured from im orted, wheat. Rut on: ,�idents had�the � oecnrred �t all wouTd �P la . � eg - g . 3', P Y . ;Y b _ s men f „ g Sohool �_ . . p - ' y ' ��� tfor: c�r� letters instead of one cent ae troubled . for some tirr�e with a thro�t Blyt� �ave unsnimousl - ranted their Houe$ Queetion, fro� the en Q� �lr. , $our manufactured in the United � affeet hie company. Tbi� is- one "�f: the p _ ' _ . _have bee�e mueh lgss disast�ous. . In con- .,,� � diaeaee. .` � clerk�� `�,nd employeea� germission to� ui� �ansfard, whieh baa,'as yst paBsed ua- � '' .- • `_� � man direetions. in whioh our,� ;:Par' ia- formerly. We do not think there is any e �• v q, �tatee the lump dnty� is fifty cents a nection with�the in �est to eli tlfre iDtO y MURDEREL H.IS RENEP'A(7T08.-�► di�- work two. evenip a each week durtn � challenged,: poss'tbly for t�e re�son iha� - .. - ` F q q � ment needs ur in in the ,viroret �a �'ust cauee . for� saeh com lainte.. =At a � � � g - ' s= , - barrel, .being �a discrimin�tion a aina� 'the`causes which led ff to the Hamilton p g g�� � y� � . p. �_ . patch from Yort Limon, Costa I�iea laet tlie summe�.mottthe at 6 o cloek. Thts the argnments used are coneidered too E' � �. g " � m�tbera now-are.th� raitwa e r�tti- xer re�;t cost to the countr �at� lar e Monda ea �: Rev. Mr. Hobbe a Ba -��is�a oti move and the bu'sinese m a ridieulous to re uue it; How_ v � the 4Canadi�n Miller of t�venty.-five cente �,ccident ancl whieli has not et c3osed .Aa ,y p,{ ,Y g . Y. g, Y Y , p_ � ,.. en f. , q e er, ;ae � - � ' � y ' �. the citi havo fre� oet l�deliver � tha tist mmister #rou� tlie Unitad Statee, .. Blyt have eet -aa cxam le �vhich :shanld there are othere who may �e in�lsned to • 3ally raIe the country , , � p a y, t � P. s .e _ a barrel, AB ne ie: obliged ta impart�; a press repo�t says :� _ '. . � livin� on the islaud of Ruatan, has been_ be fol owgd b those of cther to�vne and aceepti hi� conelueiond as correc� � _ � is the h�ye their a ers, snd letters�.de- � � ?' � ' � western whea� �a carry on his bueineas, � ; � - -" � y-� p p . murclere�, with--hie wife attd child; Mr: 'v'rllag s. -�� � would like with your permission to call " . •�. � There." ia �one poini, however, upoa , A YERY prevalent arguinent � used in livered at their of�ioe� and reeiden es two' . • t ha finda himaeIf at a ver reab . diead- - � � Hobbs had sold his :property' .for �5Q0. -- r:: M, Brown, driver on •.the tnsil attentio� �o a few of his conteationa. It � e . . . Y S , which the �jury. are becomins of one; favor of the N. 1', ie thue effeotu 11 � - •� • , t � �- � � Y or three ' 1- ` gold and :wae. about to go to Relize. train�Uetween London will not be neoessar to . • - t�nt�ge. The American miller can ehip opinion, and that ie' that the- rate of - ttmes . a day by bhe ��osta ► ,, and V9ingham, , y xafer to the con, �. _ '.� dispoeed of by the Sti. Thomas Jouxnal ;: •Tl�e money w�s taken by the murderer. met �!ith �a pa;iniul aecident- one d'a re• ��ntion that �he countr ia s endin 4 tao _ : in his $our here and under-sell him at '�P�ed at wbioh the Iimited exprees wae . . 1_ authorities wibheut extra charge. If, ., Y . Y P $ A� -ehi Rrecked` aailor from Jamsica centl ' $ometh�n had one wron mueh on the education of� t�e outh of _ - ,- . running was .inuch greater than 25 miles _ fihe I�amiltan S ectator assert�� t at therefore trhe are re uired' to a a p ' y' g �- . � �' � Y q P Y wlio had. been �a"red for b Mr. Ho�be with �he cau lin of .�he train and he our lanrl, `For�una�el onl�y �n os3ea. _- his very door_ and he can t help h:m- p �. . '� �' - "� , , , , � per tiour, tha xate awora to fiy all the no man�in Vanada needp�y ta�ces un�ees_ • -� ` - -- Y ' � • � . � y ,; little extra. on those} lettere th�t are has�been-a�reated. -� . � went �o fix zt and in doin � so o� tbe aional.s.pecimen is to be found who holda � : � seif. At tke preeent time it is eaid the railway_ euzployes. This conclusion has he desiree td do aq. It attern t�e�! to . . �.:: � . ' , "� � ' � g •:- - u SAU, ACCIDEN�'.-Mrs. 1VIar Lam- emd o hie thumb and -fin �ha� o inion. I would there#ore refer � �- - � Canadian market. is lutted with Ameri- been almoat forced u on the ur b - � mailed n the cit for eit eo le the A Y . , ger amaghed. P 1 _- ' g , P 7 Y. Y prove tl�e aseert'von,by poiating out t�at } Y 3' p, p 3': -� _ alI the lettors r�cezved from the sur= : ahould Inot �_ com lain. Count�r� o le breeht, a bride of ten. daye, wae run He f��e been bn the- road nearly all hie briefly to ihe statem�nt concernin `the � can 9,ari�, and. aQme;IVliTlere in order tp man�►, articlee � of raw maber'ia1 are �d ,_ P Y� P over by a cable ear in �hi�a o on Wed-' Izfe,�t��d t�ie is ��he- firei in'ur h� hae youn men of tf�e re�en� a g vivin aesen ere- who: �rere on tha � � g J Y , g . P , s�ompwred . i�` � retain tkeir �rade: are bu in Ameriesn - g� g mitted #reo of duty, and that . manu£ae- . have to. g�o ,to; the , poet offioe, ti�any� of- nesda ni ht and man led to death.� e- receir� c�. ° with what �heir f � � . . � y � -wrecked train. Lettere hane been, re- . . �ured arxicles are oheaper �bha� t�ie�y were , ' - y g , 8 _ b � � . ,. �thers were in their � _ � ffour for their customers instead of grind- ceived from almoet ever one of theae • them a gooci nr�any �miles, and hare . foxe �er husband s eyes, _ - n� dap last week while 113r: James '� early rnenhood. Mr: Ransford makes . . Y in 187$. Both ats�temtentrs may be'L�ue, � t � �� in `zt themaelv assen ers a.nd the estimate the e eed, alwa s hitherto aid the 8ari18 1�&i'RB OII �ETTLED.-A c]ispaeh from Shanghai,. Goul�, �r,; of ; Exe�er, �was atherin the aseertion :tha� �en a� the far ;' �'" _ g ea. The Millere,: the�re- p g, Y P. an;d yot the conclusion be absolutol� Y- -P ., �g g �e� � - � � at whi�h the� train was runnin at from - � China, eays�: The claims for damages �shes �in the townahi of �Ueborne b aone of to-da are _not e u�l tv vvh - , - fore cum is�in �hat' if the do not et &, , erironenus; If internal�com etibion d'oee all° tlieir mail matter as the � so �e of -the � p � 3', y q, at �Wa . � ' p p g- 25�to 50 mites er hot�r ti�e ma orit of p a p�, arising out of the Cha Foo riate. �ave some :; means' tfie wheel c�me off the of tbeir fa��hers were� E�tident - relie�-the �vill be ruined. The have � � � Y not l�eep dowu the price of tnanuisetur-- oitiea who ha��e their mail mattec left at . been aettled. T e En 1' 1� ��' � _ �- g y them a reeing on 40 c�r 60 milesan hour. d oods ho ean T h �� ieh and Ameri- � waAo ,_ preei�itating Mr; ;Gould in front Ransford, in hip early day�, :could r-. • � . . , e g w he Spectator aseert � • . , . ° � �. ' �, e n $� e have .b . ' _ � � � :: - '= , �� �st�ed the Gaverument ta raisethe dut . These� o inions are st,�en thened b�the - •- � �heir doors, �nd.the ney.er com lained. a g_ een re�oisted, the Chin uf th wagon and.the aate catehin him fnrm miracles, _a� iea�� 3n hia ' � � - 'P_ , 3' P S.. Y that the eoneumer �c�.c�ee nati,,pay taxee.? y P � , g flwn esti- � ,�' an flour-to e uaI that oa wheat ur to e��idenes of Geor e Rnox; an oId erri- So no_w if the cit eo le are re uired' �° troops saluting thetn. ,. �• d�agg d him a�oasiderable dietanae, mation. I woulc� lige 'as� here to �,; _ q g It inetancea paper, ae a oaee in� point,and � Y.P _. P q � P � � �- ;;.� , to e, who has been an en .ineer on the � TxE G�IIEEN AT ETON,-The Queen• He w s� �exiously injureci, � but under form him,`�iowever, tbat ti�e oun I�f¢er tbe du� on whea� ta e ual that p X . .� _ e�,ye t�at & Canadian ma.y now read Ca�na- to. ay a tcifle extr�► for. the extra accom- -. � ,- •. � .. . - - _ �' - 8��n ,. - ,� y Y Grand Trunk for aver th�r� -one ears. i n boo 'a p laid the foundatton etone of .the na� medicai treatmsn� he will.be able ta be of �his to�vnebip can perform more - _ on iiour 'but the Government have osi- y y, d a ke,�pri ted on ��nsc�ian �psper, :'niodation tlie reeei��e the ��lfave- no buiidin s at Etou Colle e a � araun - �d . .- � - ` ; , ` Y $ �yith Canadian t . He me but he ilI : _ . . , y F . } , p The teaticrion of sa old an en ineer • y� y� � y�, . Y , . Y g , . . g�S turday. � ag��n shortt .;. better worg of the kind of farm t�ror� i� ;;` � ti� eIy refuaed to gire them � any relief, ehouId bear Ynuch wei h� He swore b�ve to a more f h . cause. to raiea a row about it.. Bu� the The students presented her Ma�eety --�Qrs. James Stewart, of Goderich, now required than their �ncestor� �_ K py .or t e priviiege t an ever � � `' `. he ar'e that a a eed af ��nore than ten milea� an � with an a�ddress, to which she•replied in three �veeks agci purchased a hand�ome eould. Let 3�ir. Ra,aefbrd Rho �They �y t y d not increase t�e _ P lie woutd were he to buy �an Ameri�an" more people get the. more they want,snd - _ ulder bis " • '� � - hour in goin tirrough the Junetio�i cut book and ot have to '• � � a brzef epoech. ° T6e Queen was heartily littIc� �ruatic table made n �f small h�ndtpit�e �nd o to Michi � �, �' � �` ; duty on flour_, because of the Lower• _ , n , pe►y �duty. on ,it . thie. e�ppliee with double foree to= the cheered. �� � branebea and p oiher � ,$. II or an.y ,� � - wou�d be da � geroue, and he would not The Speetator ia printed on a er I�nade . �.wigs, and placed it in her pla�ce where lumberiag o rattona .� TH$ CAISADIAN CATTLE TBALE.--The arlor. �ae a book rest. Two d� s� o�he '�re�carried on wor1� si " � � F� , . s Pro�ince eons�tner, and they dare no� thinl� nf run � in over the awiteh at the ;• r p great peaple of ihe great citie.a. p p b �n Canada. Does it pay taxea oh l;ib?; Y$ � mil�r to �ka� �e- , , Canadian cat,tle se�son� ie.o enix� `well house�old was"sur riaed to find that the quired in clea�rin n = d: red�tae tho duty �n w�ieati for fear of the rate of �wenty, milea an houc. Afber �'Certainly, It is well axvare thati �ere °- -- - , p • g :� , p 8 p�h�s townshi �ad 6 in Loncion, .En la�td.: The La}�e Ne i• bable as rowin abou the nmonnt ' p' • � `� ` •� -� �'!z Ontario farmer snd �hus tlie hlillere lookin� a�:_the wreck, he saicl� that in there no dut on a er ib eould bu ��it�� . '� , A P g g, _ b a dazen buda of �ork he could �c3eom � r Y. _ p P � j�„ � LIEUTENAIvT•COLONEL M(1MIL�AN tbe . j�18�1 _. _ ;.- ,� ,-E . order�to make euo�r a complete wreck � a er one ceut a uud ohea � - � � on s cargo of 3�0 head >met ready 'eale. : hau'sn� developed oa �he lar er sti�ke �►ith the aaid hands ike • . �_ must c.on�inus �o . suffer. . Although P P. ,,_ �. per �thax • it new Provincial Treaeurer of Mani oba �ot a sin le beast' wa g � p would nat �e , . the train must have been runnin at the . t , g s lbst on the vo - in sotrle of them the leave �. considered ° , �; F - S does to•day.. It cannotnow I��lp payl,ing �� : ,, _ . - Y � , s being. �uite , w�rth ibd boe�rd, while�c�i,�s, . `. �„� �' `.�: � wheat is the raw material of tl�e Miller•i� rate of fr`om 40 to 50 mi:es er hour. was re-elected for Centre �Vinn� fln � age. The yske Superior�with 690 head.; full. ,( _. � ; in�elli en� Can�d�n � e �i� P the extr,a price. How, ihen, excepti j by - �g za ex eted in a few da s.. - An id -= � farm S, s who caa apP1Y : �� 1=; is the fini�ed roduct a� i,l�e farmer �not bu in � a er at alI can' �aturda b�. acclarn t' �- Y. ea pre• A� er tied liie hor+�e to s� = sh�de eommon eeriae mebi�ads ' ; � t,_,, _ p �. At the inquest to� enquire into the a Y 8 P p ,, it prove. its y y a,ion. Whea eueh' _yails that rices here wilI be . tr in the perf�ra�• . � � ' • ` � • ' • ° � ... . , , � hi h ee on the strEe� in Clinton the - othe �nce of the work com - _ �; f; and while flour ie the finuahed • roduo� � .own �a�serti_on that `no man _ need . a �, result- is o s' 1 p mueh K } , y r mand �he hi h t. �. � cauae.nf �the St. �George disas��r. some - - Y ,, p s zb e in Winnipa�'i�'would er than Iaet seaaon, 'bu� `the Csnadiatt day.- ���e animal took a� wa ee: Th . g e�. a �F � "` _ . xaxes in �anada unleae he deeirea to;� do monthfnl of 8 at tha pioneer,� of-tk�� coun- - _ , (;� �; a of the Milie�r i� is the .raw. materia!' ` o� weeks � o a�vitnees an em lo e of the � - � eeem to indioate that the Greenway Gazette refers to t�ie 'enflrmoue im orts �bark rom >the tree. Tlie � e�r ende . _ �;� _. 8> > P Y so . Of cour.ee �t may �_not bu� �aper,. - of frozen mutto p � a�er. wa i'Y P d a vast-amonnt of energy � ; ;_ . ihe I�o�tt� �cotia • fisfie�mea snd so on, • . • � � • : • � � �Government xs rowin 'n ' '. n and beef, nd w rns euinmoned �before the Ma and reev '� :,;� � r; Y road, admitted thai the train was going but tha� would be an heroic remedy g g� publie esti ,� � yor and i�►xe pe ergYea ao-c�ne vaitl den snd r ,� _ � Dominion ea ortere io avotd� a s e � ?�� . � thus setiingforth in bold colors;the beau- which�: would send sorrow iuto man �an mation.in the Province notw'thstand'n � p eula- �ne dollar and coste for his oarelessaess. �hat they de r�e t,he hi he ° . . ; ;. . , � i - � $ st raia�e for , ;.F , 4* :. . . a� a rate of s�eed th�t waa not absolu�e- .. • . 9; . . :, g tive_ ruah on stoet� or epace. If othgr towns: would folloiv xheir iaduat ' ' � � � tie of th� �vunderfuI N. E�, which was � • - a , edztor�al dea, w�ere now the Spectstor t� contcnue - � � - . • . . , , the example - , r7 � �rank� adm�t �n � _ � ly eafe at such a place, and als_o admit- .• .- e d bitter and , unree�sonable Mxs. GARFIELD 8 FORTUNE;•- The- of Cltc�on rn this resp ect iher$ eon�end that he q ' �� � . , � , ,� 9 ia a welcome vi 'tor;� ; +_ � � { . . wo�ld be d th�t-ener beea more G; .. � s,��: deaigned: �o make every person rieh by ted �hat ihe dan er of such acaidents . - � oppoeition of�the Winni e�+ree PFesa -�- eubseriptioa raised for_ �Aird. (�arfield fewer. xeea deatro ed b� �visel d"r � � � - g .. ; ` _ . r �{' _� . _ .. : ` � �a hor .� p g � �_ , Y y reless ae y 1 eetsd �he results . Sv�nld b�vE .: � - ._ ;,�� tazing the raw materiai .of one ta protect x,ouid �-be �;Iar el diminiehed 'f � the moet abi � conducted and moeb influ• t�rough the iaetrumentaiity o€ Cyrus awner . : beea e�ea reattar - � y, i traina TsE abeurdity o£ the calculations • pat � ti�'. Fsdld e� ce ated wlien investe ' -' aho g ���d iaete�d of bemg __ :°. " �� � � r�� the &nished� � roduc� of tbe�other and so . S8 g , d tn A� rt time since ��tallion" o �� reat ra�n - • p were required to adop� a slower r.�te of forth b the reeirictioniat whe ` � p ' Government� bonds '. waed 8 � of them ar.e� brohen- � �. , : entiat . a er : in the � Provinq�, _. Bu� ` D �� .� �A = - -th lon 1' t �, . y � a epaak. .� , � about �312;000, by �Sr', W. Cantelon, of God"erich towa- down wreeka the - - on all thraugh e g is ,, _: 9 s� �t aiinila'rl da�i erQu,a o'inte but ' - ralthou h_tlie' Free Preee make"s a.' lou d Gen. GarfieId s life was zneure d 4 a .� g would have atillbeen _ _ _. r- ,+� : . . P Y 8 p ,� inS o f � he r e l 8tive progrees made by Can• $. o., �, . . , for �50, bsp, �ot out of. � a fietd and in'ured a In Pea�ion of hen ' P-- �.; � ` = 000. Co�greae also �voted �er. - the r- horee �elon ' J 1th and etrength end � ;� ° -. ;, 4 Sir J`ohn, � when ;appeafed to by �the. ' he - rec�axked, if th�y did 'this they �ada and ihe United Statea:ie: th a�", �oise, and �rts�attacke.have lost : nothin� e b ging to Mr, V�, (�olclou h, could heve found en - u forci f g �oymen� in their d�- � ? � ; � ,,; � • . . � mainder of the �alary:whieh would�have . An ar�itratian to �ettle the a • clinin ears �,� �ilIers, although he couTd uot promise would. � not be able- to �° meke timP.'k . bl shown b ihe Brantfot�d Ex oflYtor of their vehemence, it is quite ev�dent_ e mount af , B,y . from the fruits of the' b en due to Gen. Garfield for the`first dama ee was held iir Clinton last wee tnduetr , lr. ° . � , � :,� . � � .. . Y Y P� R � , . a � i, x, �; them any relief, gave thPm eeme�ood Se�ein, no doubt,'lies�the eecret cauee of �I� 8� $; � , from ite owaJ �utterancee : tha�� it hae: : year of ' eervice as reeident �- whic bu ar ir � k, ' y Y� ° Y p , b t ed at'no decision, and-bhe mat- Mr. R,anef�rd ' �-• r . �;;� ';'' .;� t�dviee. I�e iotd. them to �rnat in Yrovi- many; if nat atl .of these''terrible acei• ..�� . mighty emall�stiandin� room and tbat �mounxed to $4Q,p00:. . The little os ter w �• • next mai�es �hQ r1di --. I ' tate . s left to tbe two_ ar�iee interested Ious aseertion ¢n _ � � * � p - - « �� . The growbh of the i�wo :caantries !oan • ' which Ga field left a �h�t �n sdu - ''" � deace and �hnt perhaps there wonld �be dents. �he have to make time and ' . its opposi�tion to� the Government is bhe x �gregateii some to �set$le the,maelv �i�, �' cation unfite a � ecsrcely �ie l�ased on �a percenbage with :, ,_. �_ t will likely end farmerfor his occu ation. � - � �� , y ,�30,000. ,. This was all that he had been in a,l w auit � and eomebo�3 P Well, in the ,�� .;,;� . such a:large crop_� of Qvheat iu Canada consequently ihey muet asaume rieks �any f�ai.rnese. . Ae the Ot�awa. Free Frees rssul� more of pereonai pique than a de- � y will have �a name of common ,� a able to aceumulafi,e after a life of unusual :bi� bi �t •of �osta to e, , �Qnee, is �here .an accu- , � _ �;f �.:, � � ut,s its thQt ie a ve ehildieh wa Qf eire for the ublic ood and`the reeul •.� - p 3' pation or , ra ' _. ,� �., ;_ this year tbat: �hey wou� no� need to whieh a�e no� compstible with public° p �, r3' . �� ..Y ,. P b , te activtty. This makes��her .total eetate --Fcom there. o p fes�ion uuder: 73ea�iea . ;F,, r� �. . menipulating . figures. �'Vhen I. wa : - in � ,,, p rt �f thE Inspeetor of wh�ch offere �a wi � rove that the `Manitoba_ eo le are alive . roun� numbere, �abou� 50 ppp in • Divieibn Courie for 8$ der fie�d for the a plf• � ` - �;. � � is�port any, and that then �he differ- eafety. The railway compatties are only a ye�r old," asid a�. e�ail }�o , p� - p p.. �� .,- � S, the foli�win cation of know p ;�� � �� ��< - ene� be�wsen t�e duties t►n wheat and no� entirel to blame for thie •� ' 1 y to the eituatioa, money well invested.' �rom thie an in•. fig�reei a�re taken ;--1a th � l�ge of ali kinda than y . Jimmy wes five timee �r,a old, ae I�s�. �. Q come of robabI 16 �' ' �• P Y$ ,� 0 . i e d e r i v e d, t h e e o n t � e 12 Cot#� te fa� agrieulture, . - . ;� the t .� If there ie, t' h e n I_ wontd. � � i •. $our would not be feIt, The Mil_lere, atate of ,�hinge, }3oth.; in con- Now I am five, .he ie only twice , aa old. � In addition to th - }�. 3� otal number of em�� �en- like if �r, �nefor ' �t she �i�s from Con, tered ae i,660 • tio�a;l a o d would"poin� it out. �� _ � 1-.' � not die oeed �o take thie nection �ith ailwa aa �� I'II sooa oatc;h u�p to him." That bo 'e �'A SQLAB$r.E FOR PO$SE$SIUN,-The �° �. m un� of G�aim� Iie then e � however, are p, � y d eteam-boat Y, grese an annual pension o£$�,Q00, �vhich •:entered, a�63 292,52 • nv , �'�� �hat ;n �duca�ed farm- � . �_ '°;; _ calcut�tion wae juat as eeneible' ae bhat Temperance Mail, � rohibition a er ie no v � , mber of ';-suite er � son looks � . .� _ -- � 'i adviceF T�ie - eviden�l believe ihat = t�avel there is 'uat now a feverish de- 1� P� w oted to the widows of �. alt ex- entere�d when ��e :amoun . �Po� f�rming � a me�ial �' �' � of tihe re,atricticniot or�ane �¢itt� res eo� publiahed in Flint, Mic6i an, is tem o'r- Presidents � - , t elaime� ex- oecupation. . In �� .� �� �''� T t� fi�iit� wiihout worka t�ill not ev�il:much, eire to a�nihilate a ace as nearl aa os-.. to `Ehe reia iv •�• � •� p ' � . � �eeded $lOQ,209, . Seaf ��e aaaee thia ma be . - ` , "� � . , �� � p , y. p;, b e growth, of poputstson, ia atity dieabled. Jeaeie Pe►rker snd � _ orth: has the s�, but �he fauit iiea e� ' �• :'�. . r� • n 1�be are re arin �o aible ae i£ a�few. hours or minu�e Canada and ihe United $t�tei �:� ' Fu ene A � �" - �-� --• •- - larges numb,.er of �ases entered • �ther with the $on I'. - � Y 3�_ P P � , a eaved .'G4 e g . ._ ,�, nnd con ue � .._ Wallin, two �mployea to � -In �he office of the' Oakes Or an Brues. ls next �' ��9 ��i�aelf, with hi� hoine �ur`�oundin � " � - • must take_the groai�sdc�itton�to each w5om �r. Howard ihe ro '' K � �.with 257; Clin�bn -nezt mflue ����� � '` +` supplemen�� their faith �by �Eheir .Rorkt. in a journey of �h�u�ande of milee is af . ,. , .�. p. pr�etor, ia ' Company, Cliaton, ataucle a clock "about wiih , • � nce, or with �hs aet. � ° . . , 2ti43 , Wingha,Fn.ne�t, with 210. euch ' t ng forth, of _ � ; �� , country e populatiom, tf we; _wi�h to ab• indebted, a.wooped down on . the o�ce aine feet hi�gh with a m�saiv oPln��ns ae � A apecial mee�ing of �he Hnron, Perth, : sa much imporiance �hat it is sven worth �in a reawnabl '� � .,,, e frame. --The aseesao "r of Cliato � �r. Rantfo�rd h�auetf �: �" e Qo'm ion. Gn�td� snd t�►l�ing the forms ,under their arma Tt fs en old 'Getman Z � a, in en�eriag evidenti }�a +• � .- a � i: �' Gre . Millers' while �� risk lif itsel� to �•• � article, bnil� u, on nasne�{ on hie_ roil - �' �dA,, v�z,, ths� �n i nor. � had e�. ulation of_ Alf a m�llion' in made.s drive for the door wit�i Mre. - p �a� elaesed the �differ- e�mns ie g y� g � . - , Brnce, �eilingtoa and y . �9 _ e accompli�h it. po� � � ' , , a : � , - � . . , : - , , , _ the pipe organ priacipl�, �irith meehe�n- e,nt d nomimatiofls ia� :�own sn �tea for aa agrloultar�,st, �ad � i �� As�acu�tto n� was heYd at Lietowel �on The railtvay or the steain•boat that oe►a 1810 and hae � no�► five ` millione. : T�u� Howsrd ia pureuit. She graeped Par- ssm so arraa e d thQt a tu � � d� he not wi�h edu ,�� . � we have e►dded fa � ne �a �>played fignree� iven below�ie' re ca►tion. Why •i� �t th�t ' � da Ia�t. The meetin wse attend- mslce tke fa,e�test �ime betweea tatt ir . nr and s half milht�ns ker by, the collsr and in: the Aauffie th�t evar hour ait,er the hour-' _ g p�en� the naai- fartnere sre�o - '� } p g po, , � • . Y,. .., u etruck.� Its ber of ° atriilies of each denomuta i•.� metimes lool�ed dosvn npoa . - ; ��,� � Tuee . . to our popuLt�on in �eventy-niue .gesr�. faltowed - s portion of. one of �the two tflne is reall beau �• t oa , b membe , ,- e . � 1�C �-� �� ed by p�omine�t �iilfare from vano�� the one �l�at will receiva tihe greaieit �n the eame ribd the ulstiaa o forms wae k' Y t�ful, _ not nnlike. a Methodiet, -284 ; prerb te . 3' rs of other profezsioas,+ j= it : . pe , pop f the , ieked out. Tlie remainder, �large o�gan, and �vhen one rememb � , y�n� ��, not #rom� the fset t � a f � �� rt� of the Yravince. The ob'ect of the. ` ehsre of �ublic patrona e no matier Unitisd Statea ha�e i�orea�ed from' eeven with the oihe �rs ` Epiacqpaliaa; �.07 , B� t�nt 1. het�many of thetn Ro P ��, ��lc�- to to�va to tranea,et the'ir �neiae�s lsok- � pa J , B . . r form, wae 1�aded upon a that it ie at lea�et one hundred ye�ra tion Army, 16 ; Brethren, 11',• �m�n ip � �: " � . � �. � � , . , . . . . , _ � � . , . . � . . - , . ; � • . � . 5 � ' � � . . , : . g s though Lhey had j u9t iudulged . in �I,� � ; , � ' -- - - : � � : . . . _ _ ' ' , � _ _ - �{. ' , • � � . . . _ ; . .. �• . , o . . r .. . _ . . . . . . . . ' . ' _ ' .�- .. - . .- 1 . ' � � 'c, . : � � . . " . .. y - 1 ' ; ' ' � _ _ - ji - . - . . � , . . � . � . . � . . _ . . - . , . . . . . . . _ - . � �, - ,- ' - _ ' z . . �� � c _ _ _ ' . . . � � - . . . ' . t . � � b- � . . . � � ' _ . . . � � . - . _ �.. - . . • . ' . _ fi` ' '' ' - ' , - - • , . ' � ' i . _ .� G . - , ' , � � o o F , ' � �� ' ' ' � . ' ' :: ; � ' . . - . � '- _ .. g • ' s . ' e .. 9 g� e = � , . - . , � . . .. , . . . • . . . ' - . .� # r � . . . � . � . . , - _ _ . . � _ _ ,. � . � �.t ao _ . � `'�i . . ' _ � ' r � S - . . � . _._ _ , � . � � . _ � ` � _ - � . - ' ` �� • ^ . � ' . . t ` ' f . ' _ . . � , .. � � . ' �.� . � . . . - � , .y . . . � . �- . - - . � ' . . . - ' . � . . - � .. � - , •. _. . . . .•. j . .. , . � . � � .. . �.. ' . . _ . . _ � . � � �. ° � . • . , . .- . _ . . ' "