HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-24, Page 31889,
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were all on fire -at the description. "I
wish I could have seen, the blessing of
the banner " she said; "it is at cere-
mony to fill the ,soul. I have always
weptat it Mark, Antonia 1 thia con*
firms what I assured You of -the Meat --
cons make war with a religioua feeling
end a ta tie refinement. And pray, Cap-
„taire Ortiz, how will the Americans op-
pose these magnificent soldiers, full of
piety and patriotism?"
"They have the Alamo, and one hun-
dred and eighty-three men in it. -
"And four 'thousand men against
' them?" •
1( Si. May the Virgin de los Reme-
dios be their help 1 An .urgent appeal
for assistance was sent to Fanning at
Galled. Senor Navarro took it on
horse fleet as the wind. ,You will see
that on the third day he will be amok-
ingin his balcony, in the way which is
• usual -
"Will Fanning answer the appeal ?"
"If the answer be permitted him.
But Urrea may prevent. Also „other
Santa Anna entered San Antonio on
- Tuesday the twenty-third of February,
1836, and by the twenty-seventh the
siege had become a .very close one, En-
trenched . encampments encircled the
deemed men in the Alamo, and frora
dawn to sunset the bombardment went
- on. The tumult of the fight -the hurry-
.. big in and out of the city -the clashing
of church bells between the booming of
cannon -these things the Senora and
her daughters could hear and sec; but
all else was for twelve days mere sur-
mise. But only one surmise was possi-
bbs when it was known that • the. little
• band of defiant heroes were fighting
twenty times their own number -that
IM help could come to them -that the
Mexicans were cutting.. off their water,
and. that their provisions were getting
- verplew. The face of Ortiz grew con
dandy more gloomy, and. yet there was
something of triumph in his tone as he
told the miserably Anxious women
with what deeperate valor the Ameri-
" cans were fighting; had how fatally
every maid their shots td. ol
The _Trout of he Mountain
• Stream.
&IMO sing of the biusi with his glistening rnail,
Or the giant tarpon with silver scale, -
But theangler's joy, and the artist's; dream,
'Is the spotted trout of the mountain stream.
With„his mottled sides and his shapely mould,
And his crimsonstars with their fringe of gold,
With his painted fins and his silvery gleam, '
He has stolen the hues of his Mountain stream.
itfith Moab wide spread and with glittering
eye, •
He springs from the depths at the dancing fly,
And swift as the shaft from the bended bow,
Shoots down to his home in the waveabelow.
Oa Saturday night,the fifth of lviareli,
he called Antonia aside, and. said, "My
Senorita, you. have a great heart, and so
, I speak to you. The end is close. To-
day the Mexicans /succeeded in getting
&large cannon within gun -shot of the
Alamo, just where it is weakest Senor
Captsin Crockett has stood on the roof
MI day, and as the gunners have advan-
ced to fire,it he has shot them down. A
group of Americans were around: him;
. they. loaded rifles and passed them to
. him quickly. as he could fire them.
• Santa Anna was in a fury past believ--
ing. He swore then 'by every saint in
- heaven or hell' to enter the Alamo to-
morrow. Senor Navarro says he is rag-
ing like a tiger, and that none of his
officers dare approach him. The Senor
bade me tell you that to morrow night
he will be here to escort you to Gon-
zales ; for no American will his - fury
pare; he knows neither sex nor age in
• his passions. And when the Alamo
falls, the soldiers wilrspreadthemselves
around for plunder, or shelter, and this
empty house is sure to attract them.
The Senorita sees with her ewn intelli-
gence how things ihnst take place."
" I understand, Captain. - Will you
-go with ns ?" -
"I will have the Jersey wagon ready
at midnight. I know the horses. Be-
- fore -sun -up We shall have Made many
That night as Antonia and her sister
sat in the dark together, Antonia said :
"Isabel, to -morrow the Alamo will
fall. There is no hope for the poor,
brave:souls there. Then Santa 'Anita
will kill every American.".
"Oh, dear Antnnia what is to be-
' come of us ? We shall haVe no home,
nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep. I
think we -shall die. Also, there _is rat
madre. How I do pity her 1".
"She 18 to be your care, Isabel. I
shall rely on you. to comfort and, manage
her. I will attend to all else. We are
going to our father, and Thomas -and
"Yes, and after all 1 ard very tired of
thia dreadful life. It is a. kind of con-
vent. One is buried_ alive here, 4 and
stilLnet safe. Do you really imagine
that Luis is with my father and
"I feel sure of it"
"What a great enjoyn•ent it will be
for me to see him again !"
"And how delighted he willbe And
as it is necessary that we go, Isabel,
we nurat -make the beat of the 'necei-
sthitiars... Try and gat mi snadre to. „feel
When soft from the South the breezes blow, - -
When the waters are Cleared of the; melting
snow, s• -
When the earth . awakes from the Winter's
I seek for the trout in his mountelit stream.
- r
When the apple blossoms are snowy white, -
And the swamps with the scarlet maple bright,
When the silvery birch bas donned its sheep,
And the marshy meadows_ are fringed with
When the bobolink on the " poke -stalk "
swings, .
And the hermit thrush in the weodiand sings, .
Then seek the trout in his mountain hoire,
In the spgling verge of the cataractm
s foa.,
'Tie then in the water's wildest play .
That he lies in wait for his floating prey,
Or shoots like a Mush through the swiftest
With an arrowy h and a meteor gleatn
When the skies w Wain and the sun rides
- high,
By the spreading alders he loves to lie '• ,
Or he seeks his lair 'neath some Knoseystone,
Which the frost from the hanging ledge hiu;
. thrown.
Then, angler ! if you would us capture try,
Choose your lightest line and your daintiest fly ;
Let your step be light and yonr cast be true,
Or the trout will have nothing to say to you.
If the bending rod and the ringing reel
Give Proof that you've fastened the tempered
Be sure that the battle is but begun,
And not till hes landed, is eider), won.
Then give me the trout of the mountain stream,
With his crimson stars and his golden gleam ;
When he like a hero, gasping dies,
Then the angler has won his fairest prize:
-Forest and Stream.
A Common Sense Letter.
TO THE EDITOR. -I ROO that newspaper
article's are again Making their appear-
ance calling attention to matters per-
taining to health as well as to the means
whereby disease may be - removed and
good health preserved. I am thereby
reminded' that I have!..reoeived from
time to time, pamphlet publications
issued by .the weh-known firm of H. H.
Warner I Co., which dwell upon the
history and growth. of kidney disease.
-showing how such is the cause of co,n-
gumption, heart, brain and nervous dis-
orders, which can only be -Successfully'
treated by removing the primary dig
-ease from the kidneys. At the same
time care is taken to remind the reader
that Warner's Safe Cure is the only
means whereby the '..physician or the in-
dividual can successfully prevent and
cure this class of disease.
Whilst I have personal- cause to feel
grateful to Warner's Safe Cure, for the
benefit Which I derived from it when
suffering from kidney troubles last
spring, I cannot see, since that remedy
is already so well known in every house-
hold, why the parties interested in ite.
manufacture should continue to expend
money in calling attention to what the
public already knows so well. I• AM
aware, Mr. Editor, that the members of°
the medical profession are seldom ' dis-
posed to give due credit to proprietary -
medicines, and public confidence is like-
ly to be even more shaken in those learn-
ed gentlemen Rin08 the startling dis-
closures in the - Robinson poisoning
OMB were made in Somerville, Mas-
sachusetts. ,
Here it was discovered, through the
efforts of an insurance) company, that
eight cases of death from arsenical
poisoning had occurred -seven of them
in one family, and within five years and
the other that of a relative -wherein the
true cause of death had not been even
suspected by prominent playsiciansavho
were in attendance, but who treated the
cases for other causes, and finally, when
death occurred, issued certificates for
such causes as pneumonia, typhoid
fever; meningitis, etc.
After such an evidence of the utter
incompetency of those physicians Who,
were regarded as experts in their pro-
fession, 1 canna conceive why it will
be longer necessary for further adver-
tising to be done in behalf of Warner's
Safe Cure, since I deem the Somersville
disclosure to be the best possible 'en-
dorsement of the good sense manifested'
by those who take matters of health in
their own hands and USe a remedy which
experience hae shown to be fully adapt-
ed for the purposes intended, instead of
trusting themselves in experimental
s -
lope=011,•don't disturb it, Mr. Walsh.
I should like to take it home with me.
It 'belongs to the species known is the
capillus capillary capil, and is very rare
in these parts. Dear little fellow," I
shall prize it so highly. Would you
mind, Mr. Wabash, putting it in your
-.hat ? • - • • ,
Why will a street -car conductor stop
a inan from smoking and the next mo-
ment help a women to alight? -
It was at a summer resort hotel, whome
proprietor was noted for getting every
cent a man had before letting him go.
Bagley had run in for dinner, and know -
the reputation of the place, inquired
after he had finished: "How much do
;I owe?" Tho proprietor looked -hint
over as if sizing up his pocket -book.
"Six dollars," he finally said: "Humph:"
said Bagley, "I've got more money than
" I cau do that with a few words,
and tears, and kisses. Mi madre is like
good angel -very easy to per-
"And now we must try and sieep,
"Are you sine there is no danger to-
night, Antonia r
"Not to -night. Say your prayer,and"
sleep in -God's presence. Thera is yet
nothing to fear. Ortiz and _Lopez
Navarro are watching _ every move-
But at three o'clock in the morning
the quiet of their rest was broken by
sharp bugle calls. The stars were yet
inthesky, and all was so still that they
thrilled the air like something unearth-
ly. Antonia. started -up, and ran to the
roof. Bugle wasanswering .bugle; and
their tones were imperative and cruel, as
if they were blown by evil spirits. - It
wa..a impossible to avoid the feeling that
the call was a predeetined summons, fuil
of • the notes of _calamity. She was
weighed down by this sorrowful preeen-
timent, because, as yet, neither expert-
ence nor years had taught her that pre-
-destined ills are never lost.
The unseen moving multitudes - trou-
bled the atmosphere between them. In
wild, savage gusts, she heard the mili-
tary bands playing the infamous
Devuelo, *hose notes of blood and fire
comthingied, shrieked In every oar -
"No Quarter I No Quarter I' A pro-
longed ithout, theboomingof cannon,‘
an awful murmurous tumult, a sense of
horror, of crash and conflict, answered
the merciless, frenzied notes, and
glrewned thern,in the shrieks and curses
they called for.
- - (To becontinu(d.)
.„ • _
ITGGY -F3R SALE.; --For sale cheap a godd
- covered buggy in good repair' JACOB
7E13E4,, Egniendville. • 1118-2
OTS FOR SALE. -Two building Lots "bn
Corner of Chalk and Goninlock streets, ad.
• joining Victoria Square, Seaforth. For further
Particulars apply to A. STRONG. 1117 tf
Happy Homes.
Here's a health to the wives and the mothers
Who sit-in our households today ,•
Who are glad when they brighten for others
The hours that go drifting away. •
May their eyes keep the light of the gladness, .
Their hearts hold the fullness of bliss
That banishes shadows and sadness,
And what need we ask more than this?
But -how can this happiness be kept? Mud
shall protect those we love -those who make a
Heaven of the Home,-fro;n the: avages of 'die-
easethat is often worse than 1, a h, -that s, in,
fact a lingering death? The question is 'easily
answered 1 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
-the standard remedy for all of those peeuliar
diseasesio *hi.% women are subjeot,--is what
must be relied on to preserve the health of wive
and mothers. It prevents those diseases, and
it cures them. It is a blessing to women , and
therefore a national blessing, becnose it -glees
health to those about whom the inkppinese of
home'oenters, and the strength of a nation is in
ts happy homes,
Dr. Pierce's Pellet's, or Anti-billious Granules,
In vialv, 25 cents.; one a dose. „Druggists. • .
Flashes of Journalism.
- The Dry Forks cerregiaondent _ of the
coanty paper,' even though he has, net
been very active of late, has not _wholly
given up journalisio pursuits, at the fol.
lowing "batch"of new will prove.
:Sprouts- are coming Up •in the fence
'corners, ,
Wild turkeys have begun to strut;-
Everythieg is clull in our neighbor-
hood. . • • .
• The Beef . Clua met Ssturday. after-
noon. Zeb Wilkes kicked becauSe he
had to take a fore -quarter of the beef,
and got into a row -witli.Jeff Spillers
-and was killed with an axe. The .rest
of the members of the club appeared to.i
be satisfied with the meat they got.1
Ye correspondent got a .part Of . the
tea, but didn't kick. . . - •
• Good picking for cattle in the canebrakesc • *
Anthony Trotter has put up .a ahecl,
room to his house.
Last week a dog scratched 'under
Mese Wheeler's smeke house and • var.!
ried off a side of meat. .
Young chickens .are,dying with :the
•gaps.; I •
The big cedc tree in front of iHite'a,
Store blew down, Monday. It fell aoroeii
thestore, smashed a barrel:of molasses,
reined some sackof flour and killed'
Jim.Prisby lost a -Valuable mule cote!
rri0 RENTse-Firat class store, dwelling -house
and stable --situated in the promising vil.
lage of Cromarty. . The aboveean be rented on
asy tenni either jointly or severally "by
;pplying to McDONNELL & WAUGH,.Hensall.
• 1118'
• •••••••••••,...
UBLIC NOTICE. -he public are hereby
notified that the undersigned will- not ,
bereaftes bold hiinself responsible for any debts
.00nteaoted in his name uniess,with Me written
Crder and consent. V. BlEHL. Brucefield,
April 16,1889. •1116.4
OTEL FOR SALE. --on the orthernGravo1-
1.1. iteacl, with stabling and driving shed ;also
a first•olass well.. The House is Licensedand a
good stand. For partioulars apply to JAMES
FULTON, Proprieter, Winthrop P. 0 1088x4 tf ,
ecriber.offers for sale the house north of
=the Egniondville manse, together with three
.acres of lands suitable for building purposes.
Ponmthenfroonngt are a qUantity of young fruit trees
to hear. WM. ELLIOTT. '1116
ULLS TOR SALE. -For sale, two thorough.
bred Durham bulls, one year old, one a
dark red and the other a light roan both from
ithe well known Dates stook clear through . and
!both eligible for registry in the new her . book.
;Apply to the undersigned, Mill Road, Tuckerlamith, or 'addressBruuefield • P.' 0. WILLIAM
'COOPER. • 1118tf :
TO $20 REWARDI-A reward of 85 will
be paid to each one of four competent wit.
nesses who will give such evidence as will lead
!to the detection and conviction of the person
:or preens who ciroulated the report that I had
lost my reason or that I was insane, such reports'
tbeing not oniy false but injurious to my credit.
'V. DIEHL.' Brumfield, April 16,1889. 1115-4
e Spot to Buy Good Groceries
at LowPricesisat
Better value in TEAS than ever dffered ins town or *country.
-Prices all the way from 744 ,to 15c- per; pound .- r A full stock of
GENERAL GROCERIES always on I;and.
Canned Goods in abundance, and prices low
. -
rnAKE NOTICE. -This is a very rare chance-
1.For sale, a valuable and very desirable
property, Lot No. 18, on the south side of Gode-
• ribh street, with two 'residences thereon. The
'..first 'contents nine rooms, a good cellar, hard
And soft water, with outbuildings and the . other
contains seven rooms and a good vvell and
outbuildings., For further particulars apply to
the proprietor, A. G. AULT, Goderich Street,
Seaforth. • .111141
-At Providence Rhode Island, .the.
other day an elevator car was purposely:
cut loose and let fall five storeys in
order to show that euch a thing could
be done .with safety. Three men, a
basket of eggs and a glass of water were
On board. One man sae' fatally hurt,
another geriously shaken up and a third,
a relierter badly bruised. <The report
says nothing about the fate of the eggs.
Did you ever notice how eurprised
you were - when you put your foot on
the next step and found there wasn't
. •
Professor (coming angrily Out of his
study.) Did I not ask particularly that
you would be quiet? and what a noise.
you -make ! Wife (on: the floor in tears)
-Oh! forgive me. I was putting up
the` curtains and the step -ladder fell
over. Husband ---Well, can't you do
anything quietly?
They were viewing the leaning s„tottPer,
of Pisa. "What do you thing of it,
Elisha?" asked Mrs. Porkohop. Don't
it strike you as being a little crooked ?"
"It is the worst out Of plump thing ° I
ever seen," replied Mr. P. "The con-
tractor couldn't build a ehicken, coop for
When the Queen paid a visit to Scot-
land, many years ago, the following con-
versation took place between two coun-
trymen :-Sandy-Weel; Jock, hae ye
seen the Queen?' Joelc--'011,_ay, I hae
seen the Queen! But I wadna gang the
length 0" .the street to see her again.
She's just like. ony ither twoman, an'
they tell't me her arms werealion an' a
tinicorn. .
' When Dr. -Johnson was. travelling in
the Highlands he cube up to a peasant
who was employed in ,parting -turf to
cover his, hut -in other words, casting
divotes., Pray, ski: said the lexicograph-
er, 'can you point out the way to the
most contiguous village, fOr we• are
dreadfully fatigued, having been deviat.
ing. from our toad these two hours?'
'An' are ye tired wi' divoting for twa
hours ?' replied the rustic, scornfully.
'Gosh, I have been divoting from four
o'clockthis mornin', an' maim divot as
lang as I can see, tired or no.'
Escort (to Miss Penelope Waldo, of
Boston, on the lawn), -Don't be frighten-
ed, Miss Penelope, but there's a big
Wednesday. . •
Aunt Salida Horn, .wh,ile.making- soap, • of cows will be taken. Terms -To insure 0211
ANTEDGOOD, reliable men
can find permanent em-
ployment for Maple Grove Nurseries of Waterloo,
N. Y. Geed Salary and, expenses paid weekly.
Liberal inducements to beginners. Outfit free.
Previous experience not required. Established
sever 20 years. All goods first.class. Write at
once for terms. Address J. W. MACKAY, Gen.
Manager, St. Thomas, Ont. (Mention this pa.
pen , • 1109x12
saleecheap, the handsome new brick resi-
dence recently elected by the undersigned. It
is situated nearly - oppOsite the High School, is
twe stomp; high, with four bed rooms and bath
-room upstairs and three rooms down stairs.
Cellar under the -whole house with stone cletern
in the collar. - The house ie finiehed with bat&
wood down stairs. Thei•e are six, lots connected
with the house and the .purchaser can have „ono
or more if desired, with a good stable. The
Proprietor is very anxious to sell on account of
the destruction of his loupdry and the need of
money to re -build and altargain will be given
f this property. ...THOMAS HENDRY,. Sea.
forth. - . • 10961f
OR SERV1cEe-A two year -old 'thorough-.
bred Durham Bull will stand for service
this season on Lot 19, Concession 2, Tucker -
smith. -Terme-To insure, 81.50. OEORGE A.,
SPROAT, Jr. 1110 tf
.Inspection invited and satisfaction guaranteed;
A. ..C4:QVENI.i00.$
'eei)..erat 13.u..sifio•ss 4:vorr.Neme..a
flEREFORD BULL' --The undersigned 4vill
keep on his faith, near Egmondville, dur-
ing this season, the Thoroughbred Hereford
131111, " Lochnavar " to which a liinitednumber
Friday, was scalded to death, Peace to': with the givilege of returning i1. necessary.
her ashes. . 1116-tt
Good many grasshoppers.
Wheat looks Well.
Lightning struck the Mount Hopei
meeting house last Sunday. Parson
Moseberry was killed. A subscribe
tiou paper was circulated and the suni.
of two dollars and eighty cents was!
raised for his widow and children. ,
Whit Malone has quit preaching and
has started a still house .2
Mad dog reported to be in the neigh.'
Lyt Hobson is down with jink-jams.
Uncle Peter Blue 1014 his eye sight
some time ago, and day' before yeater-1
day he fell off a bluff and was killed.
Aunt Phials, his wife, takes it mighty
hard,- and has postponed the quilting,
that was to take place at her house.
Billy Lucas and Ab Moine started:a
saloon at the cross roads one day last
week, but they fell out Saturday and
Billy was killed.
Good deal of pneumonia.
Grass looks green. _
• We look for a good peach -crop.
Creek rising.
'Farmers are hopeful.
Merchants are sanguine. _
Alf Philpot killed -his uncle last Tues
Every thing,: is quiet.-Arkansavr
. 'Very Candie: Testimony. .
. •
stant reader of your paper.I. will thank
you to insert the following-: , . .
monials as to the` value of Warner's. Safe
Cure, I think it my duty to contribute
one, and. I speak from actual know-
Having read so many valuable testi-
To the Editor of The Mail :As a con,
t ..' (From the Tcronto Mail.) S:
my wife took pains acroelsi(th"e‘
kidneys, and from there to her .sitoul-
dere and to the pit of her stoinach: The
skin came off her finger ends and also off
her lips, and turned purple red. She -
bULT.1 FOR SERVICE, -The undersigned
will keep on Lot 27, Concession 2, M Ha-
lo)), near Seaforthe the thoroughbred Ayrshire
bull, awned by ,Mr. -Thomas- Grieve and th-
which a Jimited-number et OOWS will be taken.
Terms -$1. RODERICK GRAY. 111141
rnwo BULLS FOR . SERVICE. -The under-
signed will keep this season, for the service
of cows on Lot 9, Concession 16, Grey, the
splendid -Thorough Bred Durham Bull, "Rose
Knight, " by imported "Red Knight •;" also a
good high grade bull. Verms.-For the Thor-
ough Bred, $1.25 ; ' for the grade, gl, with the
privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN
HARRIS. • - 1114x8
signed will keep for service during the
present season on:his farm on the Huron Road,
a mile -and a half west of Seatorth, a thorough-
bred Durham Bull,. registered in- the !new Herd
.Book.- Terrni.-To insure, $1.50 ; otherwise $1,
payable at the thue-of seryiee, with the privilege.
of returning if necessary. JOSEPII F0y/LER.
' • 1117x4
mo COW OW.NE118.-Having purchased a-
. two year old thoroughbred Durham bull
froin the well-known stook breeders, John
McKay & Sone, of Tuokersinith, I intend keep-
ing him for service from now forward.' This
fine aphnal has a full pedigree which can be
produced if necessary ,and to also registeredin
the New Herd Book.. Ternis$1.50 for the
season, payable at the time of service. GEO.
TROTT, Seaforth. • • ' 1115
T• The undereignee will keep:during the pies.
1 season, for the service of cows, on Lot 22,
Concession 3, L. R. S., Tuckervinith, the Thor-
ough Bred Durham Tull, "Earl of Kippen.
This bull WAS bred by Mr. David Hill, of Rib.
bed, and is two years old." As will be seen by
-reference to his registered pedigree he is from
the best stook in Canada, his sire being "Sir --
George Gynne" and his dam " Princess Vici-
tone." Terms. -To insure ta calf, 61.60. JAS.
G. CHESNEY. • • 1I14xtf
General Insurance Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines.
was under .a doctor's care for about three - All kinds of property insured at lowest rates
years, and took different medicines, but Bret -ChM reliable. companies, and losses set•
no relief came. 1 -got disheartened, and tied promptly.
said one day, "Will we try SQ111(3 patent
Medicine ?" She said ; "Jack, let me
die, I have taken medicine enough."
11 went down to W. Clark's drug store
and preCured two bottles of Safe Cure,
and. one of' pills. I continued so until
she had taken eleven bottles, when she
said : "I need-noinore ; I have no pain
anywhere, and I feel quite myself
again." My wife has never since suffer-
ed from the -dreadfal 'pains <which she
bad before- taking Warner'e..Safe Cure..
I am sorry that in justice: to theptirvey-
ors of that invaluable .medicine I have.
not reported on it before, but neverthe.
less I recommend it to every htimall
Keieg suffering. with the same afill •
Yours; ete.,
Lightkeeper, Port ArPlur.
April 22.
[The foregoing letter cornes. to us di-
rect from Mr. Cooper, without the
knowledge of the purveyors of the med,i-
eine, unsolicited, and may therefore he
considered as oonsoisoiou-s testimony.,
We publish it at the request of the
writer, audit is not an advertisement+-
green worm on your _skirt. Miss POMP t THE -ItAIL.]
f3pecial low retest on FARM PROPERTY in
the Gore and Waterloo, from 760 to ill. (cash
-plan) forAtree years. Mills and factories in-
' sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per
cent. on stock companies..
Sole -dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND
. ,
SEWING MACHINES (family- and manufactur.
Ing). Prices no:wine:um-125. to 875. ma.
(Alines warranted for five Years On every kind of
work. Needles,' oil and repairs for. sale. Ma.
saltines repaired.
VT.., W..
A large stook of pine and' betalock -.ori hand, suitable for
fencing-and ditching 'purposes . uffe supplied on short
notice also a quantity of sawn cedar 14AB on -If
Custom work in gristini and • chopping 04upt1y attended to, and
satisfaction guaranteed. 'First class stone goo .for sale -fetal' or to the
To Creamery.: Patrons. -
;hes&aLondesboro and Kirkton Cream
cries Will. open for the season on Thursday, May
-1,6th, when the cream drawers Will call on each
patron, ,Patrons. will Please • be prefared for
theme -
B figure, and patrons wilts commence With the
N -The butter make for the first in,. on1t1h1761
all the above -creameries has been soldier a good -
opening of the factory will receive the beiiefit.--.
Comprising the most complete stock of Dry dpods, suitable for spring
and summer trade, bought in the best markets and carefully selected al,
low prides,. with large consignments continuaDy arriving. Call this
week and examine the goods we Will be opethrig. ,Our stock of gro-
ceries crockery, bats and clips boots and shoes etc' are well assorted
9 f 'f
full and good value fn every line.- '4
4inatp*: '60707-etilOck,
Allan, White Star and Inman I
United States ifsito3ral Mail
Atlantic Steamships.
,T 11 E
Paid up Capital, - 010001000
Itebt - 600,000.
-• 4
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank oontinuee to
/40011/0 deposits in
Of One Dollar and Upwards,
on which interest is allowed at ourrevt
Drafts an all the principal towns and cities In
Canada, on Great Britsin, --and on the Tinned
States, bonght and sold. -
office -First door Seim e the Conuneroial
„ JOHN A1RD, Manager.
. F. HOLMESTED:Solicitor.
, The Bodmin Lime Works
Cabins, 650 to $100 Return, 3100 to $200. Are situated about two ' miles E aid of Belgrave
Intermediate, 630, return 660. Steerage, $20, I on Lot 9, Coiression 4 Morrie. The under.
return $40: All classes ot passage to and from signed will koop any quantit of Fresh Lime
all points in Great Britiain to any point in always on hand and will seli at . a reasonable
Canada: If you ate sending for your friends do prim.- This Lime has been thoroaghly tested
not fail to seoure one of our prepald tickets and proves to he onelof the best white liniesin
clear through and avoid all trottb e. , Canada. 'Limb 'delivered to any part- on the
Tickets to all points. Special rates' to Manitoba sale at Londesboro, Clinton and Goderioh.
Canadian - Pacific ' Italia* and Steamship shortest notice. This Lime will. also be kept for
and- Pacific Coast points. Through sleepers' tar Address either by letter or telegraph,
secured 'tee. Best connection to all points in DOWNEYProprietor
the United States, 4ustealia and China. ' Iliad
agency for the Stock and mutual insurance 1108 • 'BELGRAVE:
companies. Money loaned on all classes of
security at lowest rates of interest.- No trouble
to give information.e. teal eritede and Insurance
Oflice-MARKET ST. Ticket -Steamboat, and
Telegraph Office. -MAIN T. . -
A. STRONG, The Agent,
-Messrs, Anderson & Co., of Walkerton, Ont.,
who have one of the lest equipped furniture
factories id Canada, writes us : "Your Var.
nishes are. pleasing us well. Will write you -
when we require more."
BeWare of . White Lead branded with bogus
labels. If you want a pure artiolentoted for
strength and- durability ipsiet 11130f1 the
all hardware dealers and paint nterebants.
The " Eleph!nt " specialities are for sale by
1i09 12-
ippen Plow Shop.
Farmers Take:Notice I.
Goodly& Mr. Bailiff, law go with you.
-must stop home and look after my 'brother
farmers and supply thein with all kinds; of Plow
Repairs. T. Mains keeps- on land, for 'all in
need, a large stock of nen -mould boards for all
%nes of plows, plow castings of all kinds, plow
handles, plow belts, everything in the plow
line to be had by gOink to. T. 'MailsOAHE
plow castings in great Variety. Farmers, flow is
the time to bring along your plows, get them
ready. in time.'
' • .
Plows, Gang Plows,ii4C.
Will have on hand a carload Of, illOWSI'land•
rollers, harrows, and a large stock of those two
furrow gang plows which do their work like
nen. Farmers wanting land palters, now is the
time to send in your orders, Farmers will save
their hard cash by givitig T. Mellis a call.
1108 KIPPEN.
:JOHN 13E:i.57171E.,
Is now offe#ng Ms intite stook of Watches,
Clocks, Jewatry, Silver plated , Ware i Taney
Goods, Spec&cles,"Pipee, ko.; at 5: great reduc-
tion. Timesiarelard, and we Must have money.
In Watches -we keep all the best _Ameriean,
Swiss and g 094 grades:manufactured. We
have just r eived a fine assortment of American
Clocks, Nickle•Aleems, fate. Our stock of:jewelry
inotading Brboohes, Ear Rings, Tar Pine, Color.
ed Sets, TieiPlrue - Cuff Buttons, Collar Studs,
, . . _
Bracelets, 3,1ns, Charms, Necklets, Leckets-,
Rings, Diam? pdtand other lines too numerous
to Mention, s well Iaseorte . My stock of Silver.
plated Ware,* futl in all its,. branahes, and of
the best.quality. In Fancy Goods we lave a
good asaortinent of Albums, Dressing Cases,
Work Boxes,- It Cases, Paper Weights,
Bisque Goode, &e: • My Speetaele stock is c,om- -
pieta, and lam 'prepared to suit all :ordinary
sights e &large stock of pipes of all kinds to,
'photisli from -price. irons 150 to $10. In feet, I
have the largest ]and best assorted stock in the
Count); of, filnron. The workdepartment is
under the Management of skilful workinen, and
we guarantee to -give satisfsetion. All gbods
sold by Us qiu be engraved free et charge.
Give us aAriaL . • -
A -
.1 '
McKillop Directory for 1889.
JAMES HAYS, 'reeve and liTarden, Seaforth
Pe 0.
JOHN BENNEWIES, Deputy Reeve, Ward 1,
Dublin P. 0. ._
JAMES EVANS,Councillor, Ward 2; Beech -
treed P. O.
'• JOHN MORRISON, Conncillor, Ward 3, Win
throp P. O.
CHARLES DODDS, Councillor, Ward 4, Seas
forth P. 0.
JOHN C. MORRIS.) ,N Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurers Wins
throp P. O.
ROBERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop P. 0.
DR, HANOVER, Medical Health Officer, Sea
WM. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead
bury P. O.
1103 tf
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
oolss NORTH-. Passenger. Mixed.
Ethel-- .. 2.61 9.81?.11.8.38P.x.
Brusselis........ 3.06 9.46 9.20
Bluevale 8.21 10.-00 9.50
Winglians- 8.80- 10.10 11.10
Oenca Souls- Passenger. Mixed.
Wingham.... 6.39 A.R.11.10 A. 7.26 P, X
Bluevale 6.48 1122 7.55
7.02 11.45 8.55
Ethel-. ..., 7.14 12.00_ 9.31
London,.Huron and Bruce,
GOING NORTH-- Passenger.
.Londen, depart......-.. ... . 7.55.a.se 4.136P.Iti
'Exeter- 1040 41.04,40.-••••• 0,44 9,16 6.57
Hensall.„ • •eit 41 a • 9.23 6.09 •
Rippen.. . • ••• OA 1.11 4-114-0 O. 9.84 6.177
Brucelield • • • A..* • I '‘ • • It • 9.42' 616
Clinton.. 0.00 6.45
Londesboro .. 10.19 • 7,03
Blyth. • • • * • • ...V • • 4. • • It 10.28 712
' Belgrave..., . • . .. ...A 1/.11 • 10.42 7.27 •
. Wingham -. 11.00 7.45
Goma SOUTH- . Passenger
Wingham,elepart..... tl.60a.m. .40
Blirave....„-.. • ...a • _11,.• • • 40 7.06 4.00
Bi h. . 7.18 • 4.15 •
Londesboro- - .. 7.26 ` 4.26
7.66 . 4.45
Brucefield sf •••••••••• 0. 8.15 5.04
Kippen- • al," • ”A "ft •••41. 8.24 , 6.12,
Hensall•. -40 4/3f Of, 8.32 5.19
Exeter......- • • 41,6.8.1•1•1•111 8.50 6.88
Grand Trunk BailWay. .
Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton station
Goma Westr- , Seavoxtru. Mutton
` Passenger.. .. - - 1.03 P. IL. 1.20 e, x
Passenger... .. - .. 9.10?. M. 9-.27P. X.
Mixed Trek.. ...... 9.204. x. 19.05A.M.
, Mixed Train.. ....... 6.15P. x. 6.40P.x
Goma EAfir•-•• .
- Paesenger... .. - .. 7.594. X. 7.43 4.11.
Passenger .. - .. .. 2.43?. 11. 2.25 P. X.
Mixed Tram- ...... 580r X. 4.65 F. X
Freight Train.. .. .. 4,30 P. ti. 8.80?.
Ilappel & Cleghorn:
Cordially invite every person visiting
Zurich to spend a 'pleasant day on the
24th, Queen's Birthday, to call. and in-
spect their fine -stock- of
Clerk of the Second Division Court
County of "Huron..
• 1
,Commissioner, Coriveyancer; Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent.
Funds Iniested and to Lo:
anI Everyillung Fresh
New Grocery,
hthp.& Liven
Have opened' a new Grodery and Provision Store
on Main. Street, Seaferth; 'first store .south of
Kidd's Hardwate store. They have a tomPlete
itock-of • .1 t
OFFICE -Over Sharp et Livens' store, Main
itreet,Seaforth. - • - 111.6if A
Holstein Bull -for Sale.
For sale, it thoroughbred Holstein Bull • calf,
owned by James Elliott, Bluevale, and bred by
H. Bollert Cassell, Ontario, mired April 26
' • . .
These geode have been Yrohasedon the most
•faeorableierens, and wilt e sold VERY CHEAP
FOR CAS :I. i =
The hi4est market price allowed for Farm
Produce. *- .- . - - --:-
and New.
Se ma profits and quick returns our motto
1888, sire barnton, No. 3287, H. 11. B.; dam, Call and ee .
Euetrolia 2nd, No. 8906, H. F. H. B. Site was
bred by H. Belled, Cassel, Ontario. Come and SgAREi, & LIVENS,
see the herd, or address
1102 tt JAMES ELLIOTT,13luevale, Ont, 1111 SEAFORTH.
Special to t1he Ladies.
Grand IVIilli4ry Opening
23rd,. 24th anc1,25th -Of4May
Don't fail to Call and see.
Top prices' for farm produce. Eggs .
12 cents.
Happel 81, jOleghthin„
1 11174
John S.Porter's
Furniture 14tarerooms
Funera [Reform
Being determined not to be undersold byatiy
other establishment, I am now selling furniture
:et only 10 per cent. above met. Would •also say
respectfully tothe people of Seater% and sur
rounding country, that 1 'keep no other than
lirist elves stock in all the branehes of the Under-
taking department, bought from the best firms
and on such business principles that enables me
to sell at much lower rates than Mr. Robertson
quotes. He accuses me of publishing what he
terms "claptrap."Now, the wideawake
people, will no doubt be able to define -what he
means by this term and ome to a sensible eons
elusion of who deserves their patrenage: the
man who itt obliged to cut down his prices, us
the man who has been the meatisof breaking
up this monopoly and stsrting an honest and
much needed reform. 11 those who have had
dealings with this scientific undertaker wilt
compare his previous charges with his present
quotations, I am sure their eyes will be opened
to gross injustice in the time of their trouble.
I would here say that 1 only intend to conduet
all funerals that I may be favored with on
strictly honorable principles, My Funeral Di-
-rector, Mr. Holmes, will igive every satisfaetion,
having had both eityrand town experience len a
number of -cares He will attendall night calls.
Residence -North Main Street, nearly emposite
Salvation Army Barracks. Jon* S. FOAM,
P. S. -I beg to apologise to the public for this
controversy on such a delicate subject, but as
I have to defend -myself against a combination
and do justice to a noe-bombine, I feel eom
pelled to do so. Joni( S. roma.
The undersigned has a new, oomfortable and
commodious dwelling house, oontaining al
secessary conveniences and pleasantly lauded
on John Street in Seaforth, which he vrillsaor
rent on seasonable terms. . -„„
He &Ise wants any quantity -of mit fies
LOGS of all kinds, delivered at his Posey Saw
, •