HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-10, Page 7188 nstment 'RIMS aper ions ,PST'S TH INE. PRTH DUSE. Bulbeand - summer. Powdqr, kinds. Green House*. a Wanted. 1096 ETTER. otr*tt claw OLES isses, jevreler,St 40 ° -a the public the • ad. Remember -1 of &II grades of L Waltham, Ktgin iolid- Gold,. Gold m. Ora Cases TS ins, Fancy .Geue cklets, Brooches, &e. &a, for * be found in th,e era' shoos, COM. VkS, honest goods - t for a first class holidays. If you y Dna call and be vill sell you a first ot the outside dellaris per year-. editions,. Com*-- r your money for. fl where you earn. La good or better and Jeweler,.. Main Street,. WORKS. Black e Boilers. KE STACKS Irozt work. IPE Fn-rnalt rew Steel. Beller- cond-hand Engine and ood condition. reshing Outfit, ,,1:11inicodwork- • Mail orders *I oda oppoidte G.1' 30X 361. ILLS ents. qustorners for to inform theta t he has refitted • improvettenta a of & thorough r prepared than quality of flour. id Oatmeal kept _ only' 5• cents' stand. He will, custom :sawing. Lean, KIPPEN MS011, HE-- riMEt in the market. e it before our - V. T. cKiliop. teed and sale - Wilts, Agree - office, Winthrop. Implements. ' Winthroji. IMO , MAY 1.0, 1889. g RURON EXPOSITOR. The Toilet of the Fly.- . The toilet' of the fly is as carefully at- tended to as that of the most frivolous of human insects. With a contempt for the looking glass, he brushes _himself up and wobbles his little round head, chuck full of vanity, wherever he hap- pens to be. 'Sometimes after a long cloy of dissipation and flirting, with his six small legs and little round body all soiled with, syrup, and butter and cream, he passes out of the dining - room and wings his ray to the clean, White cord along which the morning _glories- climb, and in this retired spot, heedless of the crafty spider who is practising gymnastics a few feet above him, he proceeds to purify and sweeten himself for the - refreshing repose - and soft dreams of the balmy summer -night, so necessary to. one who - is expected to be ready at breakfast. It is a wonder- ful toilet. Resting himself on hiefront • and middle legs, he throws his hind • legs rapidly over his body, binding down his frail legs for an instant with the pressure, then raking them, over with a backward motion, which he re. peaty until they are bright and clean. Then he pushes the two legs along his body under the Wings, giving that queer structure a thorough currying; every now and then throwing the legs out and rubbing them together to re- move what he has collected from his corporal surface.. Next he goes to work upon, his van. Resting upon his hind • and middle legs, he raises his two fore legs and begins a vigorous scraping of his_head and shoulders, using his pro- boscis every little while to push the ac- cumulation from his limbs. At times he is so energetic that it seems as if he. were trying to pull his head off, butno ever committed suicide. Some of his motions very much resemble pussy at her toilet. it. is plain, even to the naked eye, that he does his work thoroughly, for when he is finished he looks like a new fly, so clean and neat has he made himself within a few min- utes. The white cord is defiled, but floppy is himself •again, and he bids the Inorning-glories a very good evening,— Church Union. - Practical Woman Suffrage. DY LUCY STONE. Bunyan' in his Pilgrim's Progress," found the 'lions which filled him with terror at a distance all chained when he came near enough to see them close at hand. It is so with woman quffrage. The old idea that pqlitics is "a filthy pool," that, if women have any share in it, it will pollute and degrade them, rob them of their modesty, " unsex them," " makemen of them," etc.'is • still pervasive. -Is it strange that many women, like Bunyart's Pilgrim are fill- ed with dread at the idea of voting ? •-• But take a practical illustration. A • woman voter in Wyoming- Territory , said, when interrogated : • We were very shy of voting at first, but when we found what -we could do by it, we have voted ever since," "What could you do by it she was asked. She said : When we came to the Terri- tory we had no houses, but lived in tents and emigrant wagons. Our men began to build house, working every day, Sundays as well, so that all days were alike—shops, stores, saloons,open all the time. When our houses were built, so',that there was no excuse for Sunday work, saloons and shops kept open Just the same, and we had no quiet gundays.. But when the next . election was corning, the men and Women who wished to have business • suspended on Sunday agreed upon a ticket which, if ,-elected, would secure whattthey desired. The day carne. The men who wanted open bars and: tores went early and voted, and seemed like- ly to carry everything' their own way. The men opposed to open bars were in - a minority. They came to urge the • women voters to do their duty, but We could not go till after dinner, for in this • Territory every woman has to do her • own work. But we hurried, got the dinner, washed the dishes as soon as we could, and went and voted. And our . votes, added to the votes of the men who agreed with us,. made" a majority, and we elected the right kind of a city • government. • Now, Cheyenne is as quiet on Sunday as any Eastern city. So, when we found what We could do • by our vote!, we have not been afraid to vote ever since.' . These women did not think they were urging "a reform against nature." They were very busy, too, but it was worth while, for the welfare of the community,,to drop other things to help to elect good men to govern the city. Fact and. Rumor. —"Let him sink; he is only a Jew," was the exclamation of a crowd of peo- ple in a Russian town recently, as they beheld the struggles of a poor wretch in the river. -Just then a young man broke through the crowd, which tried to hold him back, and, plunging into the river, brought the drowning man to the shore. As the crowd began to jeer at him for • saving the life of a mere Jew, it was dis- covered that the man Whose life was saved was a Gentile, and that his brave rescuer was a Jew. The jeering at once ceased, and the crowd slunk away. —On Christmas Day Mr. George W. Childs, it is said, distributed among the editors, reporters, Correspondents,' clerks, compositors, pressmen, and other employees of the Philadelphia Ledger, nearly $40,000. —It would be an interesting experi- • ment for womett if some of them would keel-) an account of time just for one week as they would keep a, cash account, Perhaps they would be astonished to, • • find how easily time, like money,is frittered away. Surely there are just as many hours in the day as there were when your grandmother, my dear Mrs. B., brought up her family of seven Oil- - dren, doing all their sewing and , mend- ing, as well as a considerable portion of the housework, yet she found time for an occasional afternoon with st, neighbor or friend, and for her correspondence, and didn't talk half as much about "not having anytime" as you do.—Boston • *aeon. • —The lady clerks at the Post -Office Department, Washington, are now ahnost in uniform. There has been no - general order concerning female dress • over there, nor, as might be supposed from the prevailing sombre black, has any high official recently departed this - life. But in place of the dove color, London smoke, crushed fruit and other colored garments, which formerly light- ened up the corridors of the gloomy old building, nothing appears now but black dresses, and then not many frills and furbelows on them either. It Mlle about in this way—One of the young ladies read or heard or saw that all the lady clerks in Postmaster -General Wan - smoker's store 14 Philadelphia wore dreues in plain black alpaca, and that this was in accordance with the proprie- tor's wishes. his annual report on crimes dur- ing 1888, Captain Millar,burgh police, Hamilton, says the closing of licensed' premises at ten o'clock has had the effect of clearing the streets mush earlier. This was especially apparent on Satur- day nights, Drinking in private houses after the licelieed premises were closed did not prevail toany greater extent than it used to do, and other illicit traffic had not increased in consequence of the earlier closing. At a meeting of Town Council on, Thursday night, at which the report was presented, Bailie Tainsh said the fact, that of the _1165 cases there were only 160 where the peo- ple were ' sober, -indicated that they would require to have the public houses •'closed earlier still if it could be done. • • " —Dr. Wm. Roberts, Professor of Medicine, in the ()Wen's College Man- chester, England, in writing of _Vright's disease, says: "The blood becomes speedily deteriorated by the unnatural drain through the kidneys. It be- comes more watery and poorer in alba - 'men, while urea, uric: acid and the ex- tractives- are unduly accumulated in it. Warner's Safe Cure will restore the kid- neys to a healthy condition and purify the blood. Economy. — In the large lyceums and schools in France. boys are I generally wasteful; they will throw away half the bread they get for lunch, tread upon it, kick it into the gutter, ink it, etc. None of these fragments are lost. The servants sell them to certain dealers who are 'oiled bonlangers en vieux, and turn 'their acquisitions to good account, They [first pick out all. the tolerable pieces, which they heat in an oven and then rasp clean. , Thus prepared, these bits re -appear in the market in the shape of toast -for, , soup. Most of the pieces cut into lozenges and served at cheap restaurants, with spinach, have no other origin. As for the dirty crumbs and refuse left after the picking, they are pounded in a mortar and sold to butchers as chapelure, with which they cover their cutlets and knuckles of ham: ' The remainder, which is too bad even for chapelure, is 'blackened over a fire, pounded, and then mixed up with honey, aromatized with a few drops of essence of peppermint. This is sold as in opiate for the toothache, Funny Hibernicisms. Stories of Irish wit and humor are like good wine—they mellow and ac- quire delicacy of gavor with age. They are evergreen, preserving their fresh- ness like the verdure of the Emerald Isle of whose blessed soil they are racy. • Hibernioisms never lose their sparkle and mirth -compelling quality, age can not wither nor custom stale their infinite variety," we never tire of tell- ing or listening to them, and nobody but: a Scotchman with a corkscrew • would be likelyto get the idea into his head of speaking of them as chestnuts. We are indebted_ to the American Re- view for making a collection of the rar- est genie 'from which we cull as speci- men jewels of the first water the fol.= lowing: "Pat," said afield officer, "g� to your Captain and tell him you're the laziestrascal in the regiment. Plaze yer honor, wucLye have me go to the Captain wid a lie in me mouthi" A pauper woman, who was being:com- miserated in having lost all her teeth: " Shoor, an' isn't it time to lose thim. whin I've nothing for thin to do ?" An Irish woman uninvited to a wake: "Well, Well, I'll have a corpse of my - own in my house some day, an' thin you'll see who'll be invited." " Arrah !. Where will you find ;. a modern building that has lasted as long as the ould wan ?" "1 am writing with a sword inone hand and a pistol in the other." • "Mr. Speaker, I would give half the constitution—nay, the whole of it—to gave the remainder." — "Single misfortunes never come alone, and the greatest of all misfortunes is usually ,followed by a greater." "A great many people are dying this year who never died before."' — - A party at cards. One player re- marked "Here is -a shilling short." "Who put it in ?" asked an Irishman present. • "Sir, if you come within a mile of my house I hope you will stop." ' He's so thin I'd hardly know him. You're thin, and I'm thin but he's thiner than both of us put thin, —Prevention of disease is both ration- al and scientific. If one knows the causes of mostodiseases, and can remove that cause, the diseases must disappear. Prof. Wm. H. Thotnpson, of the Uni- versity of the City of New York, says : "More adults are carried off in this country by chronic kidney disease than by any other malady except consump- tion.' The majority pr cent. of all diseases are caused by, unsuspected kid- ney poisoned blood. The late Dr. Dio Lewis, in speaking of Warner's Safe Cure,' said over his signature: "If I found myself the victiin of a serious kid- • ney trouble, I would use Warner's Safe Cure." GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough anowledge sIthe natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of welloselected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate. ly flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors'. bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies'are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—" Civil Service Gasette." --Made simply with boiling water or mile. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., Homosopathic Chemiste, London, England. 1088.42 • An Unwelcome Guest. Disease in any of Its myriad forms Is never welcome, and the end of itsvisit is always re- joiced' at. Burdock Blood Riders cures all die. eases of the stomaoh, liver, bowels and blood, giving life and hope with every dose. From Ocean to Ocean. Fishermen and niiners in Nova Scotia, mech- anic:4mnd fanners in Ontario and Quebec hunters and trappers in the Territories, and gold minen in British Columbia, 4 usennd praise Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great internal and external rem- edy for all pain. it cures rheumatism, neural- gia, sore throat and croup, and is the relienceof •thousands. :Quick Time -48 Hours. "r always use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam for colds and it cannot be beaten. It has always cured me within 48 hours, which no other Medi - eine will do, and I always keep a bottle by me." These words from Chester Miller,Lieury,Ontario. prove the efficacy of a popular preparation. Severely .Burned. "1 burned my hand severely, and did not know what to do until a friend ran in with some Hagyard's Yellow 011 and applied it; and it drew out the pain and healed Win a few days. • I would not be without ' it". Mary Lepard, 59 Cecil Street, Toronto. , Strong Resistance. A healthy human body has -strong provers of resistance against - disease, but where weakness or lack of tone exists disease quickly assails it. Keep the system clean, the blood pure and the vital powers vigorous and active by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the true vitalizer and restorative. • • •• As an aid.to internal remedies for skin diseases Dr, Low's Sulphur Soap proves very valuable. "Many men, many minds," but all minds agree as to the merits of Burdock Pills, small - and eugar-coated., Stubborn children readily take Dr.. Low's' Worm Syrup. It pleasethe child and destroys the Wenn& • • - • , • The red color of the blood is caused by the Iron it contains. • Supply the iron when lacking by using Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. For Rickets, Maraimus, and all • Wasting Disorders of , Children. J a • Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver 011With Hy- pophosphites, is unequalled.' The rapidity with which children ,gain flesh and strength upon it is wonderful. 'I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Marasmus lent- stand. ing. In every rase the improvement was mark- ed."—J. M. Main, M. D., New York. Sold by all Druggists, 60e. and $1.00. Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, hay ing had placed in 'his hands by an East India nits-don:try the formula, of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis), Catarrh, 'Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having, Jested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Suffering fellows. . Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for -Preparing and min. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOTES, 149 Power's Block, Roches- _er, N. 'Y.. 109346.e.o.w Consumption Surely Cured.: To Tits EDITOR Please inform inform your readers that I have a posi- tive remedy for the above named disease. By itstimely use thousands of hopeles cases have been permanently cured. I shallbe glad to send, two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express'and Post Office: address. • • Respectfully, DR. T. A. &opus. 1089.62 - 3/ Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. • • AUCTIONEERS. T P. - BRINE, Liceneed Auctioneer for the County& Huron. Sales attended in al 'parts of the County. All orders left at Tem F,xeosrroa Office will be promptly attended to. . i• MIIDMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer,. for .1 the Counties Of Huron and Perth. Sales conducted on the most reasonable terms. Orders left at the Queen's Hotel, or by Mail addressed to Box 811, Seaforth P. 0., will be promptly attend- ed to, •THOMAS BROWN Licensed Awationeer. . 1053.1 THE SEAFORT,Iii COOPERAGE. The undersigned is now preparedto receive orderfor any number of first-class . • Apple -Barrels and Butter Firkins, Also env other work n his line. Apply at works, old Baptist Church, SeafOrth. Dealers and Packers taking large nunibers will be very reasonably dealt -with. - • h. P. KLINKHAMIVIE.R. 102241 — W. N. WATSOIsli . General Insurance Agent —AND— ealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of property insured at lowest rates In first-class reliable -companies, and losses set. tied Promptly. Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterloo, from 750 to $1 (cash plan} for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saving . of 20 per cent. on stook compotes. Sole'deitier in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING.gACHINES (family and manuiadur- ing). ' Prima ranging from $25 tie 876.. All ma. chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for die. sta. chines repaired. : - "c47%. W.ELTSCD_LsTI . MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. DUNN' B KIN DER THE COOK'S BEST FRIED AOTS AT THK Glom TIME ota THE NERVES, ?lig LIVER, Tilita;* DOVilELS, aridtholaDNEYS This conibined 'action gives it won:. derful poWer to cure all diseases. - Why -Are We Sick? • Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great (wpm to become, clogged or torpid, and poi4onoukhmers are therefore forced into the bkod that should be expelled naturally. '1';" • PAIIYE'S CELERY COMPOUND WILL CURE D/L/OUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COM- PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, TEMAZE WEAKNESS,RIIEUNA. • Tin', NEURALGIA, AND ALL - NERVOUS DzsormEns, .13y quieting. pod strengthening the nerves, end causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restoi- • ing their power to throw off disease., Why suffer Bilious Pit ins and Ames, • Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Wits frightened oVerDisorderedKidneyal i Why endure nervous �r tick headaches! Why hive sleepless nights 1 • Use PAINE'S CELEIiY COMPOUNDand rejoice in health, lti an entirely vegeta- ble remedy', harmless in all cases. Sold by all Drttegisis, Price $1.00. -- for V.00. WELLS, R ICHAR D SO N & CD., Proprietors. •• MONTREAL, -P. Q. HURON AND • BRUCE Loan- and Investmetii c0MP.A.1\T"E".. This Company is Loaning MOney on Farm Security at lowest Rates 11 -. of Interest. 'Mortgages Puchased. MOM. SAVINGS .BANK BRANCH. 3, &and 5 per Cent Interest Allowed on • Deposits, according to amount and o - time left. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square inci"North Street, Goderich. 1 HORACE HORTON, MANAGO, 922, Giciderioh, 'August 5th,1885. _ . • 0 HA S E Has a world wide reputation as a -Physician and author, His Mandrake Dandelion liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases ' of the Kidney and Liver. • SYMPTOAS OF :ing Kidney Complaint „ aches Dianawn d pains in the back; a dull pain or weight in the eladder and base of the abdomen scalding 'urine • often obstructed ; frequent 'desire to nrinate, especially at night; among aged per- sons;, het, dry skin, pale complexion, red and white- deposits dizziness, sour stomach, con- . titillation, piles,' liver, dropsical swellings &c. SYMPTOMS OF • - D ryer Complaint, glernbiator, tatMclice. sallow complexion, a weary, tired feel- ing,i no life or ,energy, headache, dyspepsia, in- digestion, spots, pimples, &o,• a HOW CURED. Mandrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver cures, and when combined with kidney nine- ae in Dr. Chase's Liver -Cure, will most positively cure all Kidney.Liver, troubles. It note like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver, Strengthening the kidoeys, and invigorating the "whole body. Sold by all dealers at•.$1, with Receipt Book, which alone is worth the money. -1-'7• Da. CHASE'S PILLS are the only maney Kidney -Liver Pills made. They Liver act gently yet effectually. May be taken duringany, employment.. They cure Kidney -Liver troubles, P1118 headache, biliousness, costiveness, .. One pilia dose. Sold by all deelers. Price, 25 cents. T. EDMANSON ,tic • BRADFORD, ONT., Manisa For sale by a Druggists.. - 1076.52 trona 6 000 000 • p people believe that it the and t rdllsbYeLouzo, atilZeleeuse da • erry's Seeds D. M, PARRY & CO. are acknowledged to be the Largest Seedsmen In the world. D M. FERMI cces illustrated. Descr1p. tive and Priced SEED ANNUAL' wurbeorrrialenesd9 I able (6 Everyperson without ordering it. In ram Et to ail Lpplicants. end to last year's au stem cri ".1"rnil'vexiitanc.""7" Garden,Field or Flower Need. should send for it. Addriao 0. M. FERRY & Removed I Remoyeet I 0_ m."---"iv- SEAFORTHI: - • The Old Established Butcher has removed- to new premises immediately opposite hie old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be, pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. • . arRemember the place, between Henderson' HUM* Shop, and MoIntyre's Shoe Stoll, Main Street, Seaforth. _ 898 - GEORGE EWING. - THE BISHOP:STRACHAN SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. • • - - ..Wykeham Hall, College avenue, Toronto. Opens WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5. - AS vacancies foronew resident pupils are lim. ited, parents are' requested, before the opening tan to arrange for admission (by letter or other. wise) with. MSS GRIER, the Lady . who will be at home after 81st August. circulars are sent at once on application. 1082 VETERINARY: "TORN GRIEVE, V. S., :Honor graduate' of Q Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic Animals treated., Calls promptly attended to and charges -moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty.Office—At Weir's Royal Hotel, Seaforth.• 6• 11124f -DRANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of Ontarin! Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of Mr Veterinary Medical Society, ete., treats -all dis- eases of the Demestioated Animals. All calls promptly attended to either by day or night-. Charges moderate. Special attention -given to veterinary dentistry. Office oh Main Street, Seaforth, one door south of Kidd's Hardware store. 1112 § DAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.—Corner of ' Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the resbyterian Church, Seaferth, -Ont. All die. ORM of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do. medicated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. -Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter. Wary Surgeon. P. S.—A large stook of Veterin ary Medicines kept constantlyon handl . LEGAL MATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance Agent, Commissioner for talking a,ffidavits, Conveyances, itc. Money to loan at the lowest rates. M. MosuusoN, Walten. • HASTINGS,Solioitor,eto. Oflice—Cidy's . Block, opposite Commercial' Hotel, Sea. forth. ,• 974.- T M. BEST, Barrister, Solioitor,..&e. , Rooms One -Door North of the Commercial • Hotel, grovnd floor next door to Beams butcher shop. 4gents—CA*311AZ, HOLT &CAMERON. 870 . GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristen, tors, ie., Goderieh, Ontario. J. T. GARZOVV, Q. C.; Wu. BROUDPOOT. 686 PAMERON, HOLT CAMERON, Barristers ; - C. CAMERON, Q. oat ., Primp HOLT; H. G. Solioitore in Changery, &c., Goderich, _Ont. 606 • CAMERON, T OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, JJ Holt & Canieron, Goderioh, Barrister, So Bettor, Conveyancer, ire. Money to. loan. Ben soo's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 PJ. DOWNEY,,Solibitor, Conveyancer, &o „ Late of Victoria, B. C. Office—Over Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. vats funds to loan at 6i and 6 per cent. - 1035 it/FANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solioiton, it! Conveyancers, &o. Soliciton for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office—Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. EL MANNING, Jams Score. '.781 1G1 HOLMESTED, successor to the late Arm of 12. McCaughey fir Hohneeted, Barrister, Scs Hefter, Conveyancer. and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Corameree. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Mock, Main Street. Seaforth. • 'UPWARD NORMAN LEWIS, Solicitor for ri Huron Land Agency, Goderich and Bay-, field. Lands for sale in fouriof the best wheat, cattle and fruit townships in .Ontario. Private funds to loan at 5i per cent. Bayfield every Thursday. 1983t1 MONEY TO LOAN. it/TONEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 6 per .111. cent., with the privilege to borrower. of repaying part of the principal money at any time. • Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY, PM.A.,.13,, . . - DENTIST:. Nzw Romis---Over Daley's t;tore, next door south of Robb's grocery Main street (eaet side), Seaforth. 941 L. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, and . M. R. C. D. S. of .Toronto. Vitalized Air gtven. - Latest iinprovereents in Dentistry ob. served. Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth, hours 9 a. m. • to 5 p. in. Fees reasonable. B. E. =RIES, D. D. S., of Phile.delphia, Assistant. 980 CARTWRIGHT & SON, Den. tists, of Exeter, Ont. One of the above will visit Blyth the last Thursday-, and following, Fri. day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will vieit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month et Peine's Hotel, and Hensall the following Thurs. day of every month aa Reynold's Hotel, where he will perforra all- dental operations. Teeth ex. traded with a new Japan anesthetic,which re- moves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth Will please tall earlyin the morning °Me first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 - ......: KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D. , oiklY•f, ' 11., S„ Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the LAST THURSDAY IN EACH MONTE. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates.- 971 : A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Honor graduate of rj.- the Royal- College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All the anesthetics used for the • painless extraction of teeth. Office—Garfield Block, BR US SELS. 10064. f. MEDICAL. TXTM. HANOVER, U. D. o. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Aocoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re. sidence—North side Goderieh street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Lioen. Mates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeone,-Edinburgh„ Brumfield, Ont. 980 . . -r G. SCOTT, M. D., &o., Physician, Surgeon, • and Ate:toucher,. Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South -nide of Goderieh street, Second' Door east of the Presbyterian Church, • 842 The W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D C. M. Member ,Eta of the College of Physicians and Surgeons; • Seaforth, Ootario. Mies and residence - same as occupied by -Dr. Vercoe. •848 DR. MACKID, Licentiate of Edinburgh and Glasgow, Office,— Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Residence, John street. Call at night at either the "Mee or Residence. 894. REMOVAL. J. Northgraves HAS REMOVED HIS;. Jewelry Establishment . • To the Campbell Block, corner Main . and .Goderich Streets, Seaforth, - Where he keeps a large stock of Gold and tfilver Watches, Fine Jewelry, Chicks, Ice. A fine stock of Heavy Plain Gold Wedding Rings, &e., cheap is the cheapest. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with despatch. ifjrCharges Reasonable. , W. J: Norfhgraves, No, 1 Canipbell's Bleck, Seaforth. New Planing, IN SEAFORTH. Milt ,The undersigned would announce to the Pub. lie that theylhave their New Planing Mill in full blast, where they will do Custom Planing, Matching Scroll Sawing and Wood Turning. They will'Iceep on hand Dressed Lumber, Floor. ing and Siding. Doors, Sash and Frames made to Mar. Also the PUMP AND CISTERN BUSINESS attended as formerly.. Shingles always on hand. By stria attention to business and fair dealing we hope to gain Publiapatronagei 1069 • CLUFF & BENNETT. THE FARMERS'. Banking House, - SMA:Hi01R,11111.. - , (In connection_with the Dank of Montreal.) ,LOGAN kri 60.1 I BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now.in heir own premises on Market Street Seaforth, opposite A. Stronk's office. General Banking B,usitiests 'done, drafts issued and cashed. Interest allowed oh deposits.' - MONEY TOLEND On good notes or mortgagee. - JOHN -WEIR, WM.; LOGAN. / 1058 • Seaforth Furniture —AND -- Undertaking 'WarerP0M8 If you want good' value for your money, - -den't forget to give M. Robertson a call before buying elsewhere. You will find his stook very large andvaried, and prices to suit the times. - The Undertaking -Department is replete with every sanitary convenience, as re. commended by the Undertakers' Associa- „ tions of the continent. Wapay particular _attention to the science of ,embalming, as demonstrated by eminent professors at the Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet. ter prepared than ever to furnish and .on. duct funerals on wore reasonable terms to otir patrons, than any • so.callecl "reform endertakers," with their advertising clap- trap, . - Warerooms—One door south of the Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON.t L'he Most Successful Remedy, ever disco' area, Ai It is certain faits effects and does not blister. Read proof below. CEIIDALI!$; SPAVIN CURE • ommeor CHARLES A. 8NTDER, , 2' BREEDER OV VIATELANDiBAT AND TROTTING BRED HORSE& • • ELMWOOD, /Lt., NOV: 20,1888. KENDALL CO. • Dear Sirs: I have always amrchised-yemr Kee all's Smola Cure by the half_ dozen nettles, rould like prime inlarger quantity. I think it 1 ne of the hest liniments on earth. 1 have nsed a ray stables for three years. . _Yours truly, Cara, A.. Eizzozn. CENDALL'S SPAVIN. CURE BROONLYNt K. Mt November 8, ISM in. B. 3. KENDALL CO. - Dear Sirs :1 desire to give ypn, testimonial of m; ood opinion of your Kendall s Spavin Cure. I hay sed it for Lameness; Stiff Joints in {paving, And I have found it a sure cure, I cord; lly recommend it to all horsemen. • Yours trula. - A. B. GILBERT, • ger Trey Laundry Stable CENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE SANT, WINTON COUNT% Omo, Dec. 19,1888. at. Di T. KENDALL CO. - Gents: I feel it my duty to say what I have don rith your KendalVe Spavin cure. .I have cure .wenty-ftve horses that had Elwin., ten o Ung Benet nine afflicted with ig Head am even of Big jaws Since I have had one of you ooks and /mowed theldireetions4 have neve Mit & case of any kind. - —Yours truly,' ANnitzw tonna. -• Horse Doctot (E DALL'S- SPAVIN CURE PrIcc($1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druf Ids haveit or oan get it for you, orit will be sea o any address on receipt of price by the prom* no. 1n. D. T. KEND.ALL 00., Enosburgh OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS • - When I etter CURE I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return holm I mean A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of . FITS).EPILEPSY - FALLING SICKNESS A life-long study. I WARRANT my retnedy to CURE the worst eases. Because others have failed is no reason for not new receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Faze Bente of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY.. Give express and post office.: It COBtS yoo nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. Address—DR. H. G, ROOT, 37 Yonet Street, Toronto, Ont. 1078.52 •eivtEr:grg 9 g ir ma: ;51S E" .41;4 0, D 1 Fr lit g -4rg; L1 .„61. E fir = P ;el- . 04- 0 Pi Of > a g I> 157 BOA It FOR SER,VICE.—A very fine young Berkshire Boar, nine months old, bred from prize 'stock on both sides. Terms. -4I at the time A/ service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE TROT, Seaforth. 1115 A GOOD PIG.—The undersigned will keep at Egmondville a thoroughbred Berkshire boar for service. Ile has taken 4 first prizes. Terms.—One dollar at the thee of service with the privilege of tetuming if necessary, FRED._ MEYER, -Egmondville. _ 1.102x8 A CHESTER WHITE PIG.—The undersigned „tt will keep during the present season on Lot -21, Concession 2, L. R. S. Tuckersmith, a Thor- ough Bred -Chester White Pig to which a limited number of sows will be taken. This pig WM farrowed on May 15th, 1887, was bred by -IS. a. Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one of - the moot extensive and reliable breedas in the United' Stat,es. This Pig has also taken - first prizes whereever shown. Terms $1, pill able at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE pL-EW. 108941— Brussels Lime Ki/ns, To Farmers and Builders. W. F. KELLY, Of the Brussels Lime Kilns, is now prepared•to supply any amount of (5 OD FRESH ILIME For Plastering, Bricklaying or Stone Work. I will deliver the lime in Seaforth or vicinity for 18 mots per bushel. Orders promptly .filled. - If by mail, address 1066tf W. F. KELLY, Brussels Lime Works The Hay Saw and. Planing MilL On Lot 25, Concession 14, Township of ,Hay, Zurich P. 0. & J,, C. Kalbileisch, Proprietors. •••••••=1•11 The undersigned keep constantly on hand at the above mills a full and eomplete aseortment of all kinds of Doors, Sashes and Planed Lune, , her. Also a lot of Hemlock Lumber at from $3 te$7 per 1,000 feet. Custom work prowptly attended to. - Bills cut • to order on the shortest notice. Estimates for new buildings given. sarParties intending to build would find it to their advantage to apply to us as we have all material at first cost and are prepared to do cheap and good work and all material guaran- teed. II: £ J. p. KALBFLEISCH, 11134f Zurich P. 0. The North Amer/an BANKING 001/IPAIIT, (NOT INCORPORATED, A General Banking business trans- aated. Farmers' paper discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. OFFICE—In the Commercial Hotel - building. 3. C. SMITH),Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor: 1058 ST_ 'T-I-10M.A.S WHITE BRONZE Monument- 'Co. The Only Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Our material is endorsed by leading scientist as being practically imperishable. It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not effect- ed by the frost. • Send for Designs and Terms to W. M. GIFFIN,' Clinton. BAUSLAUG,H'S Photograph Gallery - We lead for instantaneous Photography, All . kinds of work from the smallest to life size at the lowest possible prices. We carry the nicest assortment of frames in town, all kinds of pictures flamed on the shortest notice. A few push easels going at cost. Remember we make all Photos in one second on the dullest days. „ — In addition to onr other business we are band. ling the Dominion Organs which we are selling at bottom prices. Remen-.ber the stand, Whit. ney's Block, Seaforth. BAUSLAUGH; Photographer, Successor to Wade. 1078 • Planing Mill,kunber-Yard AND ,SAW MILL IN CONNECTION : The subscriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the very lowest prices. BilPStuff cut to any order on Short Notice., - , Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. Contratte -taken for every descriptions of buildings, including all work. Charles Querengesser) 1105 . Lot 31, Concession tz, Logan. ..•••••••••••, MARRIAGE LIOENSES ISSUED AT THE HOU EXPOSITOR OFFiCE AFORTE, ONTARIO. - pQ .wiTfeasiszt4 Recumen