HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-10, Page 3Stoves ts, 4 tibrsry NIEY A -FORM '17 ks. 6 S011 premises re- nan, sot Main i to carry on mage " are getting abie • sascni. ept 04:instant ion promptly • a the business workmen, and:- : vicinity, they iublW patron-- - - -should gin !WORTH. DERV.: 1Tilt commodion' occupied by et, Seaforth for the busi- ommodation, 1, ever --before nrt. ceries thing usually and,all our Le- our, price& Fu st try our TbteY are aft paid for Grocery aociench OBB, ilia! • (=plaint, generally allays yore - producing taste thee Cents. • LOCIL• vs- ore UP- farket for and is Kt roore, eed. - Cents afroth _5 MAY 10, 1889. eaterewe HURON EXPOSITOR. • e- r't arms, sobbing In speechless distress ; but at length she wets be to articulate "her fright: "Listen, nil madre, and may the Holy Lady make you believe me 1 I have had a dream. God be blessed that it is not yet true' I will tell you. It was about Pray Ignatius and our uncle the Marquis de Gonzaga. My good angel gave it to me; for myself and you allshe gave it, and, ai my blessed Lord lives 1 I will not go to them 1 Si 1 I will cut my white throat first !" and she drew her small hand with a passionate gesture across it. She had. stood up as she began -to speak, and the action, add- ed to her unmistakable terror, her stricken face and air of determination, was very impressive. . " You have had a dream, my dar; Hug ?" "Yes, an awful dream., Antonia ! Mary Mary 1 Tender Mary, pity ua "..ttniryoa think we should not go to the house of -the marquis V' "Ohs Autonia 1 I have seen the way. It is bisek and cold, and full of fear and. petit. No one shall snake me take it, Ilion the stiletto of my_ grandmother Flores. • I will ask Holy Mary to pardon me, and then—in a monient—I would be among the people of the other world, That would be far better than Fray Ignetius and the house of Gonzaga." - The Senor* was .quite angry at this fresh complication. It Was really in, credible what she had to endure, Aid Would Antonia please to tell her where else they were to -go f They had not a friendleft in San Antonio -s -they did not deserve to have one—and , was it to be supposed that a lady, born noble, could follow the Americans in an ox -wagon ? Antonia might think it preferable to the -comfortable heuse of her relation; but blessed be the hand of God, which had opened the door of a respectable shelter toler. "I will go in the ox -wagon," said Isabel, with a sullen determination; but I will not go into my uncle's house., By the saint- of my birth I swear it." Mother, listen to Antonia. When one door shuts, God opens another,door. Our own home is yet undisturbed. Do you believe what Fray Ignatius says of the coming of Santa Anna? I do not. Until he arrives we are safe in our own home, and when the hour for going away comes, even &little bird can show us the way to take. !And I am certain that my father is planning for our safety. If Santa Anna was in this city, awl behaving with the brutality which' Umatilla to him,1 would not go away until my father sent the order. Do you think he forgets us? Be not afraid of such a thing. It cannot take place." Towards dusk Senor Navarro called, - and the Senora brought him into - her private parlor and confided tp him the strait they were in. He looked with sympathy into the troubled, tear -stained faces of these three helpless women, and listenecrwith many expressive t'ges- tures to the proposal of the priest ' and the offer of the old marquis: "Moat excellent ladies," he answered ; ",it is a plot. I assure you that it is a plot. Certainly., it. was not without -I reesonwu so unhappy about you this afternoon. Even while I wu. at the bull -fight, I think our angels were in a consultation about your affairs. Your • name was in my ears above all other • sounds." "You say it is a plot, Senor. -Explain to us what you mean?" Yes, I will tell you. Do yon know that Fray Ignatitis hi the confessor of the marquis? "We had not thought of such a thing." "It is the truth. For many years • they have been close as the skin and the flesh. Without Fray Ignatius the mar- , qnis says neither yes or no. Also the will of the marquis has been lately made.. I have seen a copy of it. Every- thing he has is left to the brotherhoods of the Church. Without doubt, .Fray Ignatius WAS the lawyer who wrote it. • A Barrel of 'Whiskey. pick him up by the - back of his- 'neck,-. street - A drayman rolled forth from his cart: to the and hauled him in A red-headed barrel, wellcoin-When -bound and Doodle they went off I played:Yankee oodle. - s . 6, . plete • - And on it red lettes, like forked tongues of flame, • -Einblazoned the grade, number, quality and lento, ' • 'Of this world-renowned whisky, from some- body's still, . - Who arrested the grain on the way to the mill. So there stood the barrel delivered,but I - Could see that a shedow was hovering nigh— A sulphurous shadow, that .grew as I gazed, To the formof Mephisto. Though sorely . amased; I ventured to question this imp et the realm Where Vice is the pilot, with Crime, it the helm, And askedhim politely his mission to -name, And if he was licensed -to retail the same Identical barrel of whiskey,.which he Was fondly surveying with demon -like glee. "Oh I never handle the stuff:" he ipplied, 114,_ partner's good d morals are Amsted and t Mayhan'peradventure, you might wish to rook At the invoice oomp4ote-4- will road front this book, You will And tleit tho barrel contains somo. thing mars Than forty.twogallons of Whisky galore." And ors 1 could -slip but another word in, Ho chookod it off gaily, this carp of sin ; A barrel of headaches, -of heartaches, of woos, A barrol of curses, a barrel of blows 1 A barrel of tears from s world.wearied wife A barrel of sorrow, a barrel of strife I A barrel of trouble by evil beset, A barrel.of ill unavailing regret ' - A barrel 61 crime and a barrel of pain ; A barrel of hopes ever blasted and vain, A berrel of falsehood, a barrel of cries. That fall from the Maniac's lips ere he dies; ' A banal of poison -,---of this nearly full— . That shatters the nerves—makes the intellect Senor, Ialways believed that would • happen. At my marriage my uncle made the determination. „Indeed, we have never expected a piastre—no, not even a tlaco. And to -day he was kind to me and offered me his home. Oh, HoIy me, how wretched I am! Can _I not trust in the good words 61 those who are of my own family ?" "The tie of race will come before the • tie of the family. The tie of religion is strongest of all, Senora. Let- me tell you whit will take place. When you and. your children are m the house of the marquis, he will go before the Alcalde. He will decIarethat you have gone vol- untarily to his care, and that he is your nearest and most natural guardian. Very well. But further, he will declare, on account of his great age, and the troubled state ef the time, he is unable to protect you, and ask for the authority to place you in the religious care of the holy sisterhood of Saint Meria. And he will obtain all he wants." . "But, simply, what is to be gained by such treaehery ? He said to day that I was like his sister Mercedes, and, he spoke very gently to me." dull. • A barrel of poverty, ruin anahlight ; A barrel of terror thatgrows with the night; A barrel of hunger, a 'barrel of groans, - • A barrel of orphansmost pitiful Moans ; A barrel of serpents that hiss as they pass From the bead on the liquor that glows in the glass. My barrel my treasure! I bid thee farewell— Thoult sow the foul • seed that is reaped down In hell. Catholic Times. Triplet Maxims.: t, • Three things to love. --Courage, gen- tleness and affection. Three things to admire.—Intellect,i. dignity and gracefulness. Three thinga to hate. —Ceuelty, ar- rogance and ingratitude. ;- ;Three things -to delight in.—Beauty,' frankness and freedom. - Three things to wish for. --;-•Health f friends and a contented spirit.. Three things to like. — Cordiality, good humor and cheerfulness. Three things to avoid.—Idleness, lo-; —cluacity and flippant jesting. s s Three -things to cultivate;. --s Good: books, good friends and good humors Three things to contend for,—Honor, -country and friends, Three thinge to teach.—Truthl'indus.! try and contentment, Gaieties. .—Malaria is a malady that the doctor says you have got when he doesn't know what's the matter with you. —It is pretty hard to raise. a child without losing your temper occasionally. The same applies to a car window. —He—" Doesn't it -make you dizzy to swing in a hammock. She I frankly— "I don't believe I could be aoy giddier than I am." --Burlington Free Press. —Mr. Byam Keggs (from the interior, with intense disgust)—Here, waiter, I ordered raw oysters. What on airth are these nasty black stones ? Waiter (Petrified) Oystahs, sah—oe de haff shell, sah. Mr.- Byam Keggs—Haff • shell, it is ?, Oh, git out ! I've eat a million canned oysters out home, and never saw a shell on any one of them! —in the window of a Woodyard Avenue drug store is displayed a con- spicuous sign "vaccine." A young lady from Canada walked into the store.' yesterday afternoon to - get some soda Water. " What syrup, please ?" asked the slender clerk. "Vaccine," promptly replied the fair creature. She took -it for the latest thing in soda, only she didn't get it, The -clerk fainted. ° —This man was a Philosopher.—He was a married Mall, and his wife was the head of the household. He had a friend who Was in the tame case, only his friend was apparently happy,e,nd comfortable, while he was just the reverse. He had long studied this Pen- uliar difference between, them, and • finally he mustered up courage to go to his friend and ask him "What is the way to be happy," he asked. " When IMPORT4I4T NOTICES DICYCLE FOR SALE.—For safe, • a 64 inch Bicycle, British Challenge, in perfect order. Apply Box 76, Blyth P. 0. • 1114 • . "Ell,RST CLASS' PASTURAGE.—Over one hum. X dred acres of choice pasture, watered by spring creek, for the season. No wire fences. PETER MeEWEN. 1115-3 `UBLIC lebICE.--The public are hereby notified that the undersigned will not. hereaftea hold himself responsible for any debts, contracted in his name unless with his written order and consent. V. DIEHL. Brucefield, April 16,1889. • 1115-4 MO BLACKSMITHS. — Wanted,' immediately 1 a good journeyman Blacksmith, for general •obbing; horse shoeing or carriage work, or one willing to work under instrnetions for 6 months. 'Apply at once to TROMAS MELLIS, Kipp,en. .The Spot to Buy Good Groceries at Low Prices is at IRLEY S, EAFOR T_TOTEL FOR SALE.=On the Northern Gravel - 'Road, with stabling and driving -shed ;also e first-class well. The Rouse is Licensed and a good stand. For particulars apply to JAMES FULTON, Proprietor, Winthrop P. 0 1.0880 tL. OUSE MW LOTS FOR sub. Threethings to govern,—. Temper scriber offers for sale the honks north of o Egmondvillo leans& together with three torigue and conduct. . . , IMO of land, suitable for building purposes, . Three things to cherisn, irtnei On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees goodness find wisdorif, 'oeininonoing to bear, WM, ifiLLIOTz 11,10 'He would not think such a proceed- ing really unkind. Ile would assure himself that it was good for your eternal salvation. As to the reason, that is to • be looked for in the purse, where all. reasons come from. This house,, which, the good doctor built, is the best in the city. It het -even two full stories. It is very suitable for a religious house. It is not far from the Plaza, yet secluded in its beautiful garden. Fray Ignatius has long desired it. When he has re, moved you, possession will be taken,and Santa Anna will confirm the posses- sion."' ' "God succor our pobr souls! What shall we do then, Senor? The Mexican army has entered Texas, it will awn be here. - " Quien sabe ? Between the Rio Grande and the S'an Antonio are many difficulties. Urrea has five thousand men with him, horses and artillery, The horses must . graze, the men .muit rest and eat. We s shall. have heavy rains. I am sure that ' it will be twenty da54 ere he reaches the settlements ; and even then his deitina- tion is not San Antonio it is Goliad. Santa Anna Will) be at feast ten days after him: I suppose, then, that for a whole month you are quite safe in your own home. That is what I believe now. - If I saw a reason_ to believe what is dif- ferent, I would inform you. The good doctor, to whom I owe my life many times; has my promise. Lopez Navirro never broke his word to any man. The infamy would be a thing impo.ssible, -; where the sefety of three ladies is con- ceraed." (Tobe ccintinued4 srra@ thing§ to dm—Think, live. snci ot' Newspaper Critioibm. It is a privilege every newspaper re4 serves to itself to criticise adversely if needs be, for the public'e 'benefit, any thing in which the public le deeply in- UT:tot:1.th° custom -of H. H. Warner Co., the proprietors of the - renowned Kidney and Liv'er Cure, better known as "Warner's Safe Cure," to ;flood the country with medical pamphlets. The writer has taken the liberty to .examine one of these marvellous little books, and finds food for criticism, but before in- dulging in it, will give our readers some quotations therefrom, from the highest' medical authorities, which we =believe. worthy of consideration. Under the head of "No 'Distinctive Symptoms AP - parent," we find: First—More adults arecarried off in this country by chronic kidney disease than by any other malady except con- • sumption.—Thompson. _ Second—Deaths from such diseases are increasing at the rate • of 250 per tent. a decade.—Edwards. Third—Bright's Disease has -no symp- toms of its own and may exist without the knowledge of the patient Or practi- tioner, as no pain will be felt in the kid- neys or their vicinity.—Roberts. .; Fourth—In the fatal cases—and most eases have hitherto been fatal— the symptoms of diseased kidneys will fiat appear in extremely different organs Of the body as stated above.—Thompson. Fifths—Only when the disease. has reached its final and fatal stages may.. the usual symptoms of albumen and tube cases appear in the water, and will greatly pain rack the diseased organs. —Thompson. - Sixth—Bright's Disease, which usual- ly has three stage, of development, is a universal disease in England and Amer- ica.—Roberts and Edwards. Thompson is authority for saying that more adults are carried off in this coun- try by kidney disease) than by any other malady except con- sumption. Under Warner's "Safe Cure "article on Consumption, we find' a paragraph olaiming to be -a iquotation from a publication issued by Brompton' Hospital for Consumptives, • London, England, which states that 52 per cent. of the patients of that institutions have unsuspected kidney disorder. Dr. Her. man Brehmer,--an eminent German auth- you are under -a woman's , thumb ?" ority, also says that Consumption is Al: "Don't squirm." - ways due to deficient nutrition ,of the lungs, because of bad blood. • The Big was Paid. Medical science can no longer dispute "I'll see about it," he said, as he the fact that the kidneys are the prindi- handed the bill back to the collector, pal blood purifying organs !of the hu - "It's only $5; and "— man system and if they are diseased' "I'll see about it, I told you!" and thus fail expel the uric acid poi "And we need money, It would be a son or the waste matter of the blood, as great favor. • the blood passes through these two "Didn't I say I would call?" great organs, the "Safe Cure" claim is " Yes `; but when?" correct, and the reasoning Of its pro "Look here, "said the debtor as he prietor holds good. rose up,-" do you mean to insult me?" There is no doubt but that in too many "No, sir. I mean to go down, to the instances the medical. fraternity'.doctor pepsrs and'get them to put in a notice for symptoms, instead of striking at that you will soon depart for Europe. the root of the disease, and 'that under Good day, sir! ' this form of treatment many patients- " Here! come back! Here's your die. money! Do you suppose I want 500 collectors making a rush on my office. Selections. Please receipt the bill. Sorry I kept _No strain is harder upon. the young your folks waiting for . -t than to be forced to do work which they- . feel beneath their faculties, yet no dis- i line is more helpful " The wise ATMEAL MILVFOR SALE,—Water power; two run of stonnin good order and doing godd builnaSS in Oatmeal, (Jesting and Chop. ping; 12 AMON of land, dwelling house, stable, itch; very cheap and easy _terms, or would rent; immediate possession. Apply to ANDERSON & Walkerton, Ont. 1116.9 XT0TIOE,—The Court of Revision for the .1,11 township of Maillop willne held in _Craw. foid'e Hotel, Dublin, , on • Monday, the 27th day of May, 1889, when all parties having griev- anus or appeals over this assessment are re. guested to attend. Dated this 16th day of April, 1889. JOHN C. MORRISON, Township Clerk. - • 1114-4 - $5 p to R en:2 one of fourreCaormdp°elen wig • nesses who will give such evidence as will lead to the detection and conviction of the person or persons who circulated the report that I- had lost my reason or that I was insane, such reports being not only false but injurious to my credit. V. DIEHL. Brumfield, April 16, 1889. 1116-4 "LIARM FOR SALE.—For sale west half of lot ..12 29, concession 7, Maillop, containing 50 acres, well fenced, partly underdrained and in a good state of cultivation; 46 acres cleared and plenty of good water. It is within four and three quarter miles of - Seaforth and two of the village of Winthrop. Apply to GEORGE B. DORRANCE, lot 84, concession 5, MoKillop, or to Seaforth Post Office, Box- 86. 11134f ONE DOOR' SOUTH OF THE ,POST OFFICE. ' • • Better value in ,TEAS than - ever offered in, town or A fu I 11124f P rices all the way f 2 t 75 from 5c o c per pound. - , GENERAL GROCERIES alwafrOn hand. • Canned Goods in abundance, and prices low. Inspection inviteci and satisfaction guaranteed MAKE NOTICE.—T$18 is a very rare chance— 1 For sale, a valuable' and very desirable property, Lot No. 13, on the.south shle of Gode- rich street, with two residences thereon. The first contains nine rooms,. a good cellar, hard and soft water, with outbuildings and the other: contains seven rooms and . a good well and: outbuildings. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, A. G. AULT, Goderich Street, qeaforth. • 111141 A Girl's Stratagem. In the year 1812, when English cruis- ers were Plentiful in Massachusetts Bay, the 'stanches of an English frigate did such damage to the vessels in Scitu- ate Harbor , that a home -guard was formed in that town. After the first alarm, however, no violence occurred for some months, and the general vigi- lance was accordingly relaxed. One late afternoon, when the guards were all away, Rebecca Bates a girl of eigh- teen, spied an English ship of war, quite near at hand, and in the act of lowering her boats. '1 knew the ship at a glance," she said afterward& "It was the 'La Hogue,". "Oh !" said I to my sister, "the old 'La Hogue" is off here again. What shall we do. They'll burn ap our ves- sels just as they did afore." ' "You eee there were two vessels at the wharf, Laded with flour, and we couldn't afford to lose that, in those times. There were the muskets of the guard, and had a good mind t� take them out beyond the lighthouse and fire them at the barges. I might have kill- ed one Or two, but it would have doae no good, for they would have turned round and fired the village." “rii tell you what we'll do, says I to my sister. You take the drum and I'll take the -fife." "1 was fond of military music, and I could play four tunes.- Yankee Doodle Was my masterpiece. "What good'll it do ?" says : my Scare them, says I. All you've got to do is to call the roll scream the fife. We must keep out of sight ; it they see us they'll surely laugh us to scorn. We ran down to the Cedar wood and began td play. Pretty soon I could see the men in the barges resting on their oars and listening. When I looked again, I saw a ,flag flying from the mast head of the ship. Then my sister began to speak, and I said, don't make a noise. You make me laugh, and I can't pucker my mouth." When I looked again, they had seen the flag, and turned about so quick that man fell overboard and they had to p builder," says Bolton, ." watches not the bricks which his journeyman lays, but the manner in which he lays them," The man who is -half-hearted and lag- ging as a private soldier. will be half- hearted and lagging as a comn3ander. Even in this world he. who uses his - talents rightly as a servant is often given the control of many cities. • "They also serve," said John Milton, " who only stand and wait." ":Even Buddha," says -a Hindoo proverb, " was, once a cart -horse and carried the loads i of other men." ,. We should ',einem*, above all, that the greatest of all inen spent thirty yeart of his earthly life waiting the appointed time to fill hit mission. —It is a crime to aid a Mail in ecim-1 mitting crime. Drunkenness is a crime. The man who *sells the liquor aids the man to get drunk, and therefore com- mits a crime. The government that grants a license or permits the sale of liquor, aids the ' liquor dealer in com- mitting a crime, and therefore commits a crime himself. The voter,who votes to license a man to sell liquor, commits crime; and so on. Rum in the major- ity of cases is the first cause of crime, Sin, sorrow, poverty, the expenses of the city and state, the populating of all criminal and charitable institutions, and the support of a tremendous number of sixth -rate politicians. Is there no rem- edy for all of this? The people are be - 1VNTEDeaGn OflOnIpperremliaanbelentmemenVY . ploytnent for Maple Grove Nurseries of Waterloo, N. Y. Good Salary and, expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. Outfit free. Previous experience not required. Established over 20 years. All goods first-class. 'Write at once for toms. Address J. W. MACKAY, Gen. Manager, St. Thomas, Out. (Mention this pa- per.1109x12 riARD OF THANKS.—The undersigned has kj much pleasure in being able to :return his sincere thanks to the officers and directors of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the prompt and satisfactory manner in which they settled my claim for damages- caused bYthe burning of my 'barn and Contents fen the 26th of January last, and I have pleaSnie in recommending the said company to the favor. able consideration of the public generally. AN- DREW TAYLOR, Hulled, April 4, 1889.. 1118x4 • PAIRLEY SEAPORT country. stock. of EW BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—For sale, cheap, the handsome new brick resi- dence recently erected by the undersigned. It is situated nearly opposite the High School, is two storeys high, with four bed rooms and bath room upstairs and three rooms down stairs. Cellar under the whole house with stone cistern in the miler. The home is finished with hard- wood doom Rain.. There are six lots connected with the house and th,e purchaser csn have :one or more if desired,' with a good stable. The proprietor is very anxious to sell on account of the destruction of his foundry and the need of -money to re -build and a bargain will be given of this property. THOMAS HENDRY, Sea. forth. - 1096 tf BULLS FOR- SERVICE; - "DOR SERVICE.—A two year old thorough - _U bred Durham Bull will stand for service this season on Lot 19, Concession 2, Tueker- smith. Terms—To insure, $1.60. GEORGE A. .SPROAT, Jr. -- ; 1110 tf 11 EREFORD BULL —The undersigned will keep orrhis farm, near Egniondrille, dur. ing this season, the Thoroughbred Hereford Bull, " Loehmtvarrto Which a limited number of cows will be taken. Terms—To insure $2, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN MODELAND. • 111641 DULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned 1..1 will keep on Lot 27, Concession 2, 31c1Cill- lop, near Seaforth, the thoroughbred Ayrshire bull, owned by Mr. Thomas Grieve and to which a limited number of cows will be taken. Tenns—$1. .RODERICK GRAY. 11114f NOTHING TIMSDEN Royal Glycerated Balsam of Fir EQUALS ItSON AS-. 4. SURE; '..SAFE. AND SPEEDY 0 On7076114. E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORORTO. Paid up Capital, * 8'6 000,000 600,000. Rest, - • PRESIDENT HENRY W. DARLING, ESQ. GENERAL PRESIDENT,. B. E. WALKER. ASS'T GEN'L MANAGER, J. SEAFORTH BRAN The Seaforth Branch of this Bank Oct tinuee to - receive deposits in SAVINGS BANK, Of One Dollar and Uirwards, on which interest is allowed at current rated. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United • States, bought and sold. Office—First door Some of the dommerdial Hotel. JOIIN AIRD, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. BIciiillep Directory tor 1889. , JAMES HAYS, lissva and Warden, Setforth P.O. JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Ward 1, Dublin P. 0. JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 1, Beech. . wood P, 0, JOHN MORRISON, Oonncillor, Ward S, Win throp P. 0. CHARLES DODD, Councilidr, Ward 4, SW forth PA. JOHN ca moggisoN, Clerk, WItiihrop P. 0. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win. thitroopiritg. 0, ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop P. DR. HANOVER, Medical Health officer, Ses, forth. WM. ARCHIBALD; Sanitary Inspector, Lead bury P. O. . 1103 tf It is not a specific for all diseases which' flesh is heir, but for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, oarseneSs or Incipient Con- sumption, it possesses truly wonderful virtues, with nine out of ten who use it according to directions ,it acts like a charm, removing all irritation;healing the ulcerated membrane, and leaving the throat an bronchial tubes in a perfectly healthy and natural condition. The con- stant and stead sale -at home as well as the increased demand from other places prove the correctness of this assertion where it is once known people will have it. Price 50 cents per botittie. For sale every- where, and wholesale and retail 13-; the manufacturers, rpwo BULLS FOR SERVICE.—The under - j. signed will keep this season, for the service of cows on Lot 9, Concession 16, GreY, the splendid Thorough Bred Durham Bull, Rose Knight," by imported "Red Knight- ;" also a good high grade bull. Terms.—For the Thor- ough Bred, 61.25; for the grade, sp., with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN HARRIS. 1114x8 THOROUGH BRED BULL.—The under - t. will neep during this seaeon on Lot 10, Concession 14, MoKillop, a Thorough Bred Durham Bull to which a limited number of cows will be admitted. Parties bringing cows are re- quested to have them on a rope. 'Terms.—$1.00 per cow, with the privilege of returning if neces- sary. JAMES CAMPBELL. 1114x4 LUMSDEN. & WILSON ; CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAINf8T., SEAFORTH. MHOROUGH BRED BULL FOR SERVICE. - 1 The undersigned will keep during the pres-- ent season on Lot 28, Boundary Line, Usborne. This thoroughbred bull was bred by Mr. John McQueen, Usborne, and is two years old, as will be seen by reference to his registered pedigree. Be is from the best of stock got by Prince Royal, dam Victoria. Terms.—To insure a calf 61.60. WM. CRAIG. - 1115x4 TOtwo year old thoroughbred Durham bull COW OWNERS.—Having - purchased a front the well-known stock breeders, John McKay & Sons, of, Tuckersmith, I intend keep- ing him. for service from now - forward. This fine animal has o full pedigree which can be produced if necessary and is also registered in the New Herd Book. • Terms—$1.50 for the season, payable at the time of service. GEO. TROTT, Seaforth. 1116 Allan, White Star and Inman United States &Royal Mail Atlantic Steamships. • Cabins, $60 to $100 : Return, $100 to $206. Intemediate, $30, return $60. Steerage, *20, return $40. All classes of paisage to and from all points in Great Britiain to any point in Canada. If you are sending for your friends do not fail to seoure ono of our prepaid tickets clear through and avoid all trouble. — I Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets to all points. Special rates to Manitoba and Pacific Coast points. Through sleepeks secured free. Best connection to 'all points in the United States, Australia and China. Head agenoy for the best stock and mutual insuranbe companies. Money loaned on all classes ;of security at lowest rates of interest. No trouble to give infomation. Real estate and Insurance Offiee--=MARKET ST. Ticket, Steamboat, and Telegraph Office.—MAIN' ST. A. STRONG, " The " Agent,, a sloe SEAFORTH. ' frHOROUGH BRED BULL FOR SERVICE.— • 1 The undersigned will keepduring the preen ent season, for the service of cows, on Lot 22, Concession 3, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, the Thor - ginning to say, " Yes ; try prohibition. ough Bred Durham Bull, "Earl of Kippen. : • This bull was bred by Mr. David Hill, of Rib• . —The Christian Home. , bert, and is two years old. As will be seen by --To be a Christian is to 13e like reference to his registered pedigree -he is from Christ, to live his life of selfdenial after the best stook in Canada, his sire being "Sir him. Three little Scotch children Were George Gynne" and his dam `"' Princess 'Vic- toria.' Terms.—To insure :a calf, 61.60. JAS. lost on the 'great Australian prairies. 1I14xtf G. CHESNEY. . They wandered hither and thither, until at last they were overcome by the night. Then the eldest, a little girl named Maggie, put to bed under a bush her two weary, crying little sisters, and, removing a large part of her own cloth- ing, she covered them up. They were thus made comfortable, and soon went • to sleep. The children were found, the next day. The two youngest were well, but the eldest sister, chilled through and through by. the night air, had lest her life. This is like what Christ did for us. He laid down his life for the i sheep_. JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division Court County Cf Huron. ,Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. lundi Invested and to Loan. .•••••=1151•11, VARNISHES I Messrs. Anderson & Co., of Walkerton, Ont., who have one of the best equipped furnitttre factories in Canada, writes us: "Your Var. nishes are pleasing .us vsell. Will write you When we require more." . I OFFICE—Over !Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1116t1 : PAINTERS I Beware of White Lead branded - with bogus labels. If you want a pine article—noted for strength and durability — insist upon the "ELEPHANT "GENUINE. • The" Elephant" specialities are for sale by all hardware dealers and paint merchants. • Fergusontillexander & Co., MONTREAL. 4ITICK DESPATCH. FULL STOCK: 1109-12 : ankrupt Stock CROMARTT. Having purchased the stock of A. S. ease from John E. McDonell, of Renee% at a great reduction for cash, Which will enable me to !sell for less than the -proper wholesale price, I take this opportunity of informing the people cif Cromarty and surrounding district that this will be the hest place bargains in the conntry while this stock lute. It must be sold within 60 'days, as I do not wieh to have any. of the stock remain. There are 'upwards of esa.worth of Boots and Shoes, some of tvhich were never opened out at the time 1 bought, besides Dry Goods, Crockery, etc., etc. Ternis melt, or eggs taken as cash at the cash price. • - ' Come and receive your bargains early. -JAMES SLOP, Cromarty., J Kipper). Plow ShOp. Farnaers Take,Notice ! Lime I ,__Lime! The Bodmin Lime Works Are situated about two miles East of Belgrave on Lot 9, Concession 4, Morris; The under- signed will keep any quantity of Fresh Lime elways on hand and will sell at a reasonable price. This Lime his been thoroaghly tested and proves to be one, of the best white limes in Canada. Lime delivered ,to any part on the shortest notice. This Lime will also be kept for sale at Londesboro Clinton and Goderieh.. /Or Address either by letter or telegraph. ' J. J. DOWNEY, Proprietor. -- 1108 BELGRAVEI Good-bye Mr. Bailiff, law go with you. I must stop home and look after my brother'°NS, Ste. farmers and supply them with all kinds of :Plow i - Repairs. T. Maui keeps on hand, for all in 1 • . need, a large 'stock of new mould boards for all lines of plows, plow castings of all kinds, plow line to be had by going- to T. 31ellis. Gang Everything Fresh and. New. handles, plow bolts, everything ill the plow plow castings in great variety. Fanners, now is the -time to bring along your plows, get them s 1 •. ready in time. - 1 a f These goods have been purchased on the most Plows Gang Plows 18vc f f • 6- R Counter, • SEAFORTH, Is now offering his entire stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-plated Ware, Fency Goods, SpectacleS, Pipes, &c., at a great reduc- tion. Times itre bard, and we must have money. In, Wetolies we -lteep all the best -American, SWiss apd_Engljili grades_ manufactured. We have Just received a fine assortment of American Clocks; Ninkle Alarms, &o. -Our stock of Jewelry including Brownest, Ear Rings, Bar Pine, Color- ed Sets, Tie Cuff Buttons, Collar Studs. Bracelets, dhains, Charms, Necklets, Lockets; Rings, Diamonds, and other lines too numerous to mention, is well assorted. 31y stock of Silver- plated Ware is full in all its branches, and of the best qUelity. In Fancy Goods we bare a good assortment of Albums, 'Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Paper Weights, Bisque Goods, &c. My Spectacle stock is coin- plete, and. atn: .prepared to suit all ordinary sights. A large stock of Pipes of all 'kinds to choose from—prices from 6O to $10. In fact, I have the largest and best assorted stock in tbe County of Huron. The work department is under the Management of skilful workmen, and we guarantee Of; give satisfaction. All goods Bold by us will beengravedfree of charge.. Give its a trial: Wit R • Counter MANAGER. AQ••••••••• BY-LAW NOS- 6 —OF THE— Township-of Tackersiaitla, For the Year 1089 -1M.M.1.11M.1.,••••••• Mo repeal a,By-Latv of the Township f Talc. ersmith, Number 2,,• passed January 19th, 1876, entitled a By -Law to estabilsh a Town- ship Board of School Trustees in the Town- ship of Tuckeronith. Whereas on the 19th day of January 1875,t. By -Law was passed. by the Township of Tucker - smith to establish a Township Board of School Trustees in the said Township of Tuckersmith. And whereas upwards of twenty ratepayers in each of a majority of the School Wards of the Cagn Township have petitionedithte"vor ItIZ ratepayers of the Township for the repeal_of the By -Law under which the Township School Board was established. And, whereas, the said By -Law to establish a Township Board of School Trustees hasbean in existence upwards of five years, . And, whereas, it is necessary - to appoint the time and place for taking the votes of the rate- payers and appointing Deputy Returning Offioers to take the votes of the said ratepayers -al said meeting on the said question. Be it therefore enacted by the Municips.1 Council of the Township of Tuckersinith, (1) That the said By -Law No. 201 the Township of Tuckersmith January 19th, 1875, en- titled a By -Law to establish a Township Board of School Trustees in the Township of Tuck. ersmith, be, and the same is herehy repealed. (2) That this By -Law ehall come into operation and take effect on the let day of January, 1890, (3) That the votes of the ratepayers 1;1)0 be taken on the 22nd day, of May, 1889, commencing at the hour of nine O'clock in the morning And from thence continued until 5 o'clock in. the afternoon at the following plaoei, viz.: - Polling Sub -division No. 1, at &hod house No. S, Egmondville. . Polling Sub -division No. 2, at School house No. 6, on -Concession No. 2, H. R. S. — Polling Subdivision No. 8, at School house' No, 2 Coneeision 3, L. R. S. The New Grocery, SEAFORTH. Sharp Livens Have opened a new Grocery and Provision Store on Main Street, Seaforth, firsti store south of Kidd's Hardware store. They have a complete stock of CROblc.ERY, EEDS, • PROVI Will have on hand A carload of plows,Iland. rollers, harrows, and a large -stock of thotie two - furrow gang plows which -do their work like men. Farmers wanting land rollers, now is the - time to send in your orders, .Fatmers will save their hard cash by giving T. Mellis nos THOS • MELL1 KIPPEN. 1122- favorab1e terms, and will e sold VERY CHEAP FCR CASH.i The hghet -market price allowed for Farm Produce. ji_7_Sla_al_l_r_pfits and quick returns our motto Ca ..and 5ae.41/15 SHARP & SEAFORTH. Polling Subdivision No. 4, at School house No. 9, Concession 9, H. -R. S. That Henry Colbert be Deputy Returning Officer for Polling Subdivision No. 1. That James 13roadfoot be Deputy Returning 0fAcer for Polling Subdivision No. 2. That Samuel Smillie be Deputy Returning Officer for Polling Sub -division No. 3. That James Cumming be Deputy; Returning Officer for Polling Subdivision NO. 4. • (4) That the Reeve of the municipalitrof the Township of Tuckersmith shall attend at the office of the clerk of the said Township of Tuckersmith on Tuesday, 21st of May, ISW, at the hour of ten o'clock A. Me,' for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and final summing up of the votes by the clerk,. respectively on be- half of persons interested in and promoting or opposing the By -Law respeotively. (6) That the Clerk of the said munielpidity shall, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noenron the 23rd day of May, 1889, at his residenoe in •the Township.of Tuckersmith, sum up the number of votes given for and against the By -Law and grant the requisite certificates thereunder. ROBERT B. McLEAN, Reeve. S. SMILLIE, Township Clerk. ' 1\TOrMIC- -The :above is a true copy of a By -Law which' has been taken into consideration and provis- ionally passed by the Council of the Township of Tuckersmith and which will be finally passed by the said Counoil in the event Of ;the assent of the ratepayers being obtained thereto after one month from the firet publication of the said By -Law in the newspaper called Tits Hulot( EXPOSITOR, the date of which first pubil- cation was the 26th day of April,1889, sad that at the hour, day and places mentioned therein, fixed for taking the votes of the ratepi.yers the polls will be held. SAMUEL SMILLIE, Township Clerk. ' John S Porter's . Furniture Warerooms —AND— Funeral Reform XSTABLISHMENT, BEAFORTH, Being determined not to be undersold by any other establishment, I am now selling furniture at only 10 per cent. above cost. Would also say respectfully tothe people .of Seaford' and sur- rounding country, that I keep no other thau first class stock in all the branches of the Under- taking department, bought from thlt- best-finns and on such business principles that enables me 'to sell at much lower rates than Mr. Riffiertiton quotes. Be amuses me of publishing what he terms 14 claptrap." Now, the wide-awake people will no doubt be able to define what be means,by this term and come to a sensible con - elusion of who deservee their patronage: the man who is obliged to cut down his prices, of the man who bas been the means of breaking up this monopoly and .starting an bonest ond much needed reform. 'If those who bave had • dealings with this scientific undertaker wilt oompare his previous charges with- his present quotations, I am sure their eyes will be opened to gross injustice in the -tune of their trouble. I would here say that I only intend to -conduct all funerals that I May be favored with on strictly honorable principles. My Funeral Di. rector, Mr. Holmes, will give every satisfaction, having had both city and town experience fei number of rears. He will attend all night calls. Residence—North Main Street,riearly omosits Salvation Army Barracks. Joint S. PORTXR. .S.-1 beg to apologise to the public for this controversy on such a delicate subject, but se bave to defend myself against &combination and do justice to A non-oornbine, I feel com pelled to do so. JOIINS. PORTSR. PUBLIC NOTICE. The underegned has a new, comfortable and commodious- dwelling bows, containing Al. necessary convenienoes and pleasantly situated On John Street in Seaforth, which he will «11 or rent on reasonable terms. Be also wants any quantity of good SAW LOGS of all kinds, delivered at his Toney Saw Mill in MoKillop. 1099 , THOMAS DOWNEY,Seaforth. ...,... •