HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-03, Page 7• 89. liOsarid sner. Otuder, rr • .13.0111e :Med- - lee& TOMON1.4.11•••••••••• t dais - ..ES as, oler, at 40 - public the ete.eraber g•radest of Man, Elgin oid, Gokl Cases IS • 'ancy Gen mohair, ito.t- Itt lb, . r. COMP 43.114 first oleo*. ye. ft yeat Nal an4 ht YOitattat he OVUM. ts velem steed Oen* motley for. • You earn Loy better-. . Jeweler; Shr Street, ORKS.- 4ek, 6ry, Maris* r -TACKS e1 Boiler spud boil - e and radition., - Clytfiti earworke rderi wil -.• mite O. T 138i. LS omens for - brut them - refltte revernent& thorough !tree! than ' of flour. --- Meal kept. y 6 cents- . He win &awing. an, PiEN [son, e market. fore .pu-f. 11. HAR. Fl..nd sate *tr- '‘44n thente. rint.hrop. Itat • • • s. ••• MAY 8„ 1889. For Homeless Bove. 0 greatness of the work which the reds Aid Society inNew York city is doing is clearly sholni by the opening in January last of another lodging-houge - for homeless boys—a building which by the beauty of its architecture must at- tract the attention of every person who - passes along the crowded -thoroughfare - on which it is situated. We give -to our readers a short account of the philan- thropic work which, this building—a gift from Mr. Jessup—will do. ° The building is well furnished and well arranged. In th!" basement there are loath -rooms, a laundry, and a play- , room. The bath -room is mentioned first - because it is to the bath -room that the boys are firstantroduoed when they are taken in from off the streets. It is the creed of the Society, not only that clean- liness is next to godliness, but that in the order of time, if not of importance, it: is next before godliness. A boy cannot have the respeet of others until he -has aelf-respect, and he cannot have this, as _ •••••••••,•••••••••••-••••••._ 41,•••••••••••-•1....-.••••• •-• • • • •••••=. • lite af Germany., The• boys seemed to catch the inspiration. of the high ex - &rapists, and the older people who were present appreciated deeply the Biehop's remarks when he said that, while Wait- ing for larger plans which should revo- lutionize social conditions, he was glad of any philanthropy which pet flo,arers in any windows or a noble plciU any house or brightens any human life. `--fl BRIGHT'S DISEASE has no sysup- toms of its own,"- says Dr. Roberts, of the University of New York City. Additional proof why Warner's Safe Cure cures so many disorderi- which are. only symptoms of kidney disease. —T. Granger Stewart, M. D. F. R. S. E., Ordinary Physician to H. M. the Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physic in the University of Edin- burgh, in an article on Bright's disease, says, " Dyspncea (difficult breathing). is frequently met with in the inflammatory and cirrhotic forms of the disease and may.be independent of any local lesion, long as he is darty. Most people do being probably a result of urcemio raison about what is expected of them, and a ing." And it is well known that urce- boy who is dirty will generally act as me poisoning arises from Kidney dis- boys who are dirty are expected to act. ease. So much known, it remains to In the.laundry the boy's outer clothing, .recognize the fact that, to remedy an if necessary, is steamed, and his linen effect the cause must be removed, and it and underwear, if he has any, tire wash- is universally acknowledged that Warn- ed free of charge. ere Safe Cure Is the only reliable remedy On the first floor, in addition to recite- for kidney disease. f tion -rooms, there is a kindergarten and a dining -room. Thereare in New York a great many children who are too poor to attend the public schools'. Many of them; especially, little girls, are com- pelled to stay at home and take care of the younger children, while their meth- - era are "working out." The kinder- garten room also serves as a nursery for the little ones while the elder sisters at- tend their recitations. There are also children who, because of their enforced irregularity, cannotkeep .up with their classes in the public schools. These are received by the Children's Aid Society. and tanght what can be taught them. In addition to these there is a still larger class of the type.. which The Christian Union has descr4Ud as existing in Eng.. land—children who must be:given their lunches free in order that they may come to school akall. It is in part for these that -the dining -room is useful. The lunches 'which are served are the simplest possible, but are hot and palat- able and carry the children through the day without losing their cheetfulness or becoming dull and faint through, the strain of the school work. The teaching is the same as in the public schools, ex- . ccpt that much greater attention is given to industrial education. In the evening there are night schools for the boys who have been compelled to work during the day. The upper storeystare devoted in large part to sleeping -rooms, the charge for a night's lodging being the same as that for a meal—five cents. Some of the new boys are fed and lodged free while look- ing for a job, and after they have secured one are trusted until pay-day comes. Occasionally, the superintendent told the writer, when the boys are not paid for two weeks or a month, it is more than they can screw their courage up to, to pay out three to five: dollars to discharge a debt, and consequently they do not again put, in an appearance. But these cases are rare, Much the largest part of those who are trusted pay their debts. _After the boys have thus gotten straight with the world, and have laid in a stook _ of good clothes, they are encouraged to save, five per cent, * month being paid on their savings, The Superintendent s_poke of one boy who had over one hun— dred dollars on deposit, - Of course the Sodiety helps the boys find situations, The encouraging thing is that it has little difficulty in finding them. A good many employerwrite to the managers when they need a boy, and if the managers have any one who can really be recommended, he is goner - ally taken without question, and keeps his place. The usual wages paid to the boys at the outset is three dollars a week. But this finding. situations for the boys in the city is, as is well known,' the least part of the Society's work for them. The prime object is to secure i them homes n the country, and it finds a country home for three boys where it finds a city situation for one. Since the Children's Aid Society was started, $5,000 children have been taken from the streets and given homes and employ- ment. - Of the importance of a home for chil- dren, the superintendent spoke most forcibly when not intending to . speak upon the subject at all. He was telling of the children who came tothem—those . who had recently -become orphans, those who had been reared in charitable insti- tutions, and those whose whose parents were drunkards. ," You can always tell a boy from an institution," he said, "the moment you look at him. If you speak to him he cringes. When he !peaks to you, he doesn't look at you. He has no life or spontaneity about him. You can make him do things in a dull, mechani- cal way, but you can't teach him. to do anything for himself. His whole nature seems to have been repressed and dead- ened" In reply to the question whether he -would prefer to take a child from a drunken home or from an asylum, he replied that he would chose the one from "the drunken home." The writer was -never so ' strongly impressed with - the necessity of love in the education of shildren. The one distinctive feature of the - branch of the Children's Society which is being transferred to the new building is the "Crippled Boys' Brush Shop." In this the boys who are so badly crippled as not to be able to get work elsewhere are given an opportunity to earn their own Hying. They, of course, have their shop rent free, and there are no profits • to be paid to employers. In this way - the boys, being given the whole product of their labor, are able to earn,_ after a very short time, three to four 'dollars a week; Boys who are not cripples are sometimes given work in the shop in order to prove their worth and earn • something while waiting for employ- . • meat. - -At the opening exercises' on Tuesday; January 15, there was a good deal of spirited singing by the boys, and ad- dresses by Dr. John Hall, Dr. W.. M. Taylor, Win. Ba. Dodge, George S. Coe, Wm. A. Booth, and Bishop Potter. Bishop Potter's address was one pecu- liarly fitting to the occasion. He told the boys f the building at Nuremberg after which the architecture of their lodging -house was modeled. He then told of the great men Whom Nuremberg had given to the world—Albert Durer and Hans'Sachs, both _children of the poor, trained to handicrafts, yet men • who had shaped the artistic and -poetic ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Our Great Helper. The Lord is our helper over the fear of men. The thorough servant of God isindependent. The other continually stands in•awe of men. Their opinion tyrannizes him. The spiritof the -world is at this moment preventing thousands of young people from heartily serving God. Over this timidsubjection there is no help save, by a bold acknowledge- ment of God, to discover What a strong champion he is. God is our helper over despondency. The young Christian needs t� keep say- ing over to himself, till he has learned it by heart, "The Lord is My Helper.' Sneers • ridicule, hard questions, sly temptations, doubts without a strong hold on God—through these he will be- come timid and faith dimmed. But they are thrown off at , 'Once from him who sees his Helper near. The Lord is our Helper in temptation. .These disciples t were tempted in one directim. But the prescription- for their case applies to all other tempta- tion& It is the reminder of the promise "1 will never leave thee nor forsake thee.",, With this echoing through our souls we shall not be susceptible to temptation. _ will select all the references from that book which is full of songs about our great Helper—the Book of P§AlMS. Ps. 2, 3; iv., 3; vii., 10; ix, 4, 9, 10; xvi.. lxvi, 4_, 11, 12 ; v, 3; xviii., 2, 6, 16, ; xx., 1, 2 ; xxvii„ 1, 9; xxxiii., 20; xlvi., 1 ; cxviii.; 6 7.—S. W. Adriance. GRATEFUL -,-COMFORTING.--' EPPS'S COCOA. E NU ON E;POSIXQR. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tars EDITOR I.-7 Please inform your readers that I have a posl. thve remedy for the above named disease. By its thnely use thousands of hopelei codes= have .been permanently cured. I shallbe glad to Send two bottles of my remedy Pass to any of Your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM: 1089-52 _ 87 Yoga Street, Toronto, Ont. • AUCTIONEERS. ---40.,141:11101•11111•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.4.1...00 T P. IIRINEJ Licensed Auctioneer for !the . _County of. !brim. Sales attended in: al parte of the County. All orders left it as Expeorroa OfEee will be promptly attended to. HOMAS BROWN, Licensed 'Autttioneer,1 for the Countiee of Huron and Perth. Salee oonduoted on the most reasonable terms. • Orders Mft at the Queen's Hotel, or by Mail addrested to 13mi 811, Seaforth P. 0., will be promptly attend- ed to, THOMAS BROWN LB:tensed Auctieneet. 10584 THE SEAFORTH OOPERLO-E. The undersigned is now prep- Sred to ieov orders for any number of first/elass , Apple Barrels7: atid kirtier hirkins, Also any other work n his line. ApplY at the --works, old Baptist church, Seaforth. ' -Dealers and/ Packers taking large =mime will beve7reasonably dealt With. ' / P. KLINKHAMMER4' 1022•tt BREAKFAST. "By a thorough enowledge (tithe natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by * careful application of the fine properties of ‘welleteleeted Cocoa, Mr, Elope has provided our breakfast twos with a delitmte- ly flavored beverage which may save us many }941711100.tane bine. 'It is by the judicious- nee 0 heavy h arta ot diet that a censtitutio_n may begeraduelly built up until strong enough to te._ .616 every tendency to disease, lionerods of MIMI° maladies Are Slating Around us ready to etteek wherevee there is a wok point We may amp many a Mel shaft by keeping OilfgelVAS well fortided with pure blood And a. properly nourished frenits,"" OivU 86rv1e8 Gaseits? Made simply with boiling water Or Hill& SOI4 only in WM&hy • great% !shelled thus JAMS EPPS & 00„ floineeopathie OhetnistS, London, England, imemeseeemete;Nemee.! 1088.42 • A Fordble Pact. Constipation is the moat frequent cattle of headaches,. bad blood, humors, dizzineis, vertigo etc and becluse of this should never be allow- ed s exi t . It nuty be rerdily cured by using Burdock Blood Bitterp which, never fails toeuro even the most obstinate and chronic oases." A Useful Article. - ..I can certify -to the great usefulness of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil. We use it for,burns, bruises, cuts, sores, rheumatism, sore throat, croup, etc. and recommend it to alias an excellent remedy.' • T. W. Appleby, Wingham, Ont. All medicine dealers sell Yellow Oil. , - An Unwelconie Guest., Disease in any of -its myriad forms is never welcome and the -end of its visit is always re- joiced at. Burdock Blood Bitters _cures all dis- eases of the stomach, liver, bowels and. blood, eiving life and hope with every dose. • From Ocean to Ocean. Fishe rmen and miners in Nova Scotia, mech- anics and farmers in Ontario and Quebee,hunters and trappers in the Territories, and gold minerti in British Columbia,s use and praise Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great internal and external retie edy for all pain. It cures rheumatism, neural- gia, sore throat and croup, and is the reliance of • thousands, "I was Suffering," Says 8. S. Shewfelt, of Kingsley, Manitoba, "from weakness and loss of appetite, with a severe headache, and could scarcely wails. My first bottle ef Burdock 'lad Bitters enabled me - to walk about the house, ehd when I had taken - the second bettle 1, found myself entirely cured. - CaQuick Time -48 Hours.Mil "-1 always use Hag3-ard's Pecteral has for -colds and it cannot be heated. It hes always cured me within 48 hours, which no other medi- cine will do and I always keep OE_ bottle by me." These wort from Chester Itliller,Lieury,Ontario. prove the e cacy of a, -popular preparation. Severely Burned.Mai "1 burned my hand severely, and did not know what to do until a friend ran in with some Hagyard's Yellow; Oil and applied it, and it drew out the 'pain and healed, it in a few days. I would not be without IV Mary Lepard, 69 Ceoll Street, Toronto. Strong Resistance. • A. healthy human body has strong powers of res'otence against disease, but where weakness or lace: of tone exists_ disease quickly assails it. Keep the system clean, the• blood pure and the vital powers vigorous and active by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters,- the true vitalizer and restorative. . • - As adaidlo internal remedies for skin diseases Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap proves very valuable. Many men, many -mind," bit all minds agree as to the merits pf Burdock Pills, small and sugar-coated Stubborn: children readily take Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It pleases the child and dettroys the worms. • The red color if the blood is caused by the Iron it contains. apply the iron when lacking by using Milburn'Beef, Iron and Wine. For Rickets,,Marasraus, and all Wasting _Disorders of Children. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver 011 with Hy- pophosphites, is unequalled. The rirdity with which children gain flesh and stren h upon it is wonderful. "I have used Scott's mulsion in cases of Rickets and. Marasmus of long stand- ing. In every rase the improvement was mark- ed."—S. M. Main, M. D., New York. Sld by all Druggists, 50e. and $1.00. / NOTICE TO_DEBTORS • Mrs. John Kidd, by either note or book acco nt, All persons indebted to the Estate of there are requested to calrat the store and settle the same at once, by so doing will avoid further costs for collection. All accounts must be PAID. in order. to settle the affairs of the Estate. ANDREW KIDD, Seaforth. - i.o7ott w-ovEn 6 000 000 people believe that ik bf the largest and most lamb e , and arry s Seed__O D. ell alai; ct thr: Largest Seedsmen In the world. D. M. PEnuY & 60,e— Illustrate& Deittrip, tive and Priced SEED MOROI, Fsir 1089 0 0 proltril:tObLyti0OdN AUCTION SALE ACTS AT Tilt SAME TIME 0,4 'THE KIVIVCS, 'THE 'LIVER, THE 130WELS, ,,/ and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful poweito cure all diseases. Why Are:We Sick? 'Because we allow the" nerves to. remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid,- and poisonous humors are therefore forded into the blood that should be expelled naturally. • - - - AINE'S CELERY_ , ,COMPOUND WILL 0U-RE:BIL2OVSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION,KIDNEY CON. PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEANNE SS, RHE1T11A. TISM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL. • NERVOUS DISORDERS, • By quieting 'and strengthening the nerves and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and rest*- ing theiepower to thrOw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches, Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! WhI frightened overDiaorderedKidneysT Why endure nervous or sick heaffachest Why have sleeplessnights Use PAIND'S CIILERY COMPOUND, and rejoice in health. It is an entirely -vegeta. ble remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Druggl- sits. Price $1.00. X far 000. WELLS, R I CHAR DSO N dr, CO,,Proprieters, rawaREAL, P. Q. - Astag.rx=xn: , Will be mailed FRU to all applicants.- an to last searrs enstemort without ordering it. P/41/7,,r GaabrIdejnI)SetiteorrYAeonweTt.toi7 existelico. I should ;send for it. D. M. FERRY& COblARratistir, Ort W. N WATSON General Insurance Agent —AND— Dealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of property ineured M lowed tete* In arot.blase reliable companiekand Woe HP tied prempHy, - • Speoial low !Ain on FARM PROPERTY in the Gote and Waterloo, front 76o .to, 1 (nah plan) for three Yen& Mills: and 1aotorIcs in. lured in these oompanies at a Wing if - 20 per ' omit,e otook companies, . ;* Role dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (Wilily and manufaetur-. Ing). prices ranging from $25 to $75. All ma. chines Warranted for five years on every kinid 01 work. Needles, oil and repair6. for salst. chines repaired. "9!.. "W".A.MBOIFE, • • r MAIN STREET, SE.AFORTH. NN :INd POWDEF THECOOWSBEST FRIFIO • • • Valuable _Farm Property, In the Township of Hay. \ There will be sold by Public Auction at Rey - hold's Hotel, in the Village of Hensall, on Monday,.22n4 day of April, '89e At 8 O'clock P. M., subject to such conditions as shall then be produced, by Mr: James Oke, Aactioneer, the following valuable property, viz.: The south half of Lot number 9, in the Fointh Concession of the Township of Hay, containing by admeasurement fifty acres more °Hess. The land is good and has a good frame house and large' barn theron and is well situated as to nictrkets. Terms of Sale.—Ten per cent. cash and. balonce as may be- a:greed. For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises- -10 to JAMES MelSONALD, or to , ELLIor & ELLIOT, 1113-2 Vendor's Solicitors, Exeter. HURON AND BRUCE VETERINARY.. TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., Honor graduate of _ s) • Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary Dentistry a epecialty: Office—At Weir's Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 1112-11 'DRANK S. Beattie, V. S., graduate of Ontario xi Veterinary College, Toronto, Menber of the Veterinary Medical Society, eto., treats all di* vises of the Domesticated Animals. All calls promptly attended to either by day or night.. 'Charges moderate. Special attention given to Veterinary dentistry. Office on Main Street, Seaforth, one door southof iiidd'e 'Hardware store. §EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.—Clorner of ;anis and Cioderieh Streets, next-door to the eebyterian Church, Seaferth, Ont. All die - eases of Morose, OMtle, Sheep or any of the do. mesticati3d animals, suooessally treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. TAMES W. ELDER, Vete'. inary Surgeon. P. S.—A large stookof Veterin ary Medicines kept constantly on handl ! • LEGAL . , AirATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance In Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, Conveyances, &o. Money to loanat the lowest rates. M. MORRISON, Walton. NIT11.11ASTINGS,Solieitor,eto. Office—cadre VY . Blook, opposite Commereial Hotel, Sea - forth. 974 - T 11. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. Offloa— d -Rooms One Door North of the Commercial Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher • ehop. Agentsr-CamEsam„ HOLT &CAMERON. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, 'Barristers, Solid. tors, &c., Goderioh, °uteri°. X. T. GAREOW, Q. CI.; WM. PROUDIPOOT. 686 AMERON, HOLT. & CAMERON, Barristem, tJ Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Goderieh, Ont. . 0. CAMERON, Q. C., PfinaP.. HOLT, M. G, CAMERON. . . 600 OPTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, Se lioitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. - Ben son's Old Moe, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 INJ. DOWNEY, SOlicitor, Conveyancer, &o , Late of Victoria, B. 0. Office—Over Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Pri. vats funds to loan at 6i and 6 per cent. 1035 itirANNING & SCOTS, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &o. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale; Money to loan. OfficeElliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. II. MAENDIG, Jugs SOON. • - 781 F• HPLMESTED, successor to the late firm of . McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So. Conveyancer and Notary. . Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend, . Farms for sale. Office in Seott's Block, Moin Street. Seaforth. -LIDWARD NORMAN LEWIS, Solicitor for Li Huron Land Agenoy, Goderich and Bay- field.- Lands for sale in four of the best wheat, cattle and fruit townships in, Ontario., Private funds to loan at 51. per cerit. -Bayfield every. Thursday. - 1083t1 MONEY TO LOAN. • Exeter ONEY TO LOAN.—s tra ght loans at 6 Pel THE FARMERS' Banking House, ,(Itt cenneetlen with the Bank of Montreal) LOAN.: & -CO., BANKERS !AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in heir own prerniies on Market Street Seaforth, oppeiite A. Strongie office. General Banking Business done, drafts issued and embed, Interest allowed on deposits. _MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. JOHN. WEIR. 105-8 WM. LOGAN. • •O, " a Seaforth Furniture I -7AND— Undertakin.g Warerooms - . If you want good value for your Money, don'tforget to give M. Robertson a call before buying elsewhere. You will find his stock very large and varied, and prices to suit the •tines. The Undertaking'Department is replete with every sanitary convenience, as re- commended by the Undertakers' Associa- Mons of the continent We pay particular 'Attention to the science of embalming, as demonstrated by eminent professors at the -Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet' -ter preparedthan ever to furnish and on. duct funerals on more reasonable terms to our patrons than any so-called "reform undertakers," viith their advertising clap- trap. " - Wateroeme—One door south of the Telegraph Ofilloe, Main Street, Seaforth. , M. ROBERTSON. London, Huron Gonee Notern— London, depart.; .. . .. Exeter.:••• •• ••.•,•• .... Hensall• . • • • • • ••• • • • • • Sippen• . i.". _.• • • .. Bruoefield .... , Londesbo BlythBelgrave...... • i Wingham. arriye POING13017T11—. • Winghami depart.... . . . Beve... • •„: • • a • .. • Blyth. . Londesboro...... Clinton t • ' Brucefield ... . ... Kippen.. . . ... ..... g p p o ey a any kmps & Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. "ViT_ 4.7"_ M_43.,R, DENTIST, New Rooits—Over Daley's store, - next door south of Robb's grocery Main street (ea.st side), Seaforth. 941 loan and Investment 0011CP.A.1\T-i".. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of intcrest, Mortgages ?deluged SAVINGS Pala BRANCH, 3,, 4 and 6 por Cont. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and . time left, OFFICE,—Cortter of Market Square und North Street, Goderich, nonAcE IIORTON, lgANAGER, 922 Goderieh, August 6th,1885. , N c 1164 Ps'515 sa, Q.t. gi:04O,STS gwaEgary, co..4 =§1 -tgp "'KgrarSti 01/71 • c•erp. _ woo fo`e,teg-t-1 `13,' gPSALD 1-3 :40g girat.,7; § 42. go< ;prig.' 5;0'11:sir "oofierwl N.4.;g1Alel tie?. im..5 _Removed 1 Remove0 SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has rernoied to now premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as Many new ones as may see fit to favor him with. their patronage. dirRemember the place, between Henderion' Harness Shop, and MoIntyre'l Shoe. Store, Main Street, Seiforth. • - 898 GEORGE EWIN DR. 1 CHASE t °Has a world wide.e reputation as a physictian and author, His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases of the Kidney and Liver. SYMPTOMS OF ' Q L. BALL, L. D. S., Hohor Graduate, and M. R. C. D. 8, of Toronto. Vitalized Air given, Latest improvements in Dentistry ob- eerved. Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforthp hours 9 a, m. to.„5 m. Fes reasonqble, B, B. MORIES, D. D, of Philadelphia, Assistant. . • 980 -- CARTWRIGHT la SON, Den. Hots, of Exeter, Ont, Ono of the above Will visit Myth the last Thursday; and following Fri. day of meta month, at Milnell Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at 130.1110'N Hotel, and 11911Sall the following Thane* day of every month at Reynold's Hotelovhere he, Will perform all dental @maim. Teeth ex, traded with e new Japan anesthetiowhich re. moves early all pain, Mies desiring new teeth will please ea -II early in the morning of the - first day. Charges motivate, Terms cash, 084 la* 106604V4,;u. KINSMAN, Dentist, L. . Si, Exeter, Ont Will be at zu eh, et the Huron Hotelon the - LAST THURSDAY IN NAM MONTH. Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All work first.elass at liberal -rates. . 971 "LI A, MARTIN, L. D. 13:, Honor graduate of EL the B,oyal College. of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All the anesthetics used for the .painless extraction of . teeth. Office—Garfield Block, BRUSSELS. . 1006-1.1. • MEDICAL. Tux. HANOVER, M. D.- C. M., Graduate of V V McGill University, Physician, Surgeon. and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re: sidenee—North side Godench street, first brick- house east of the Methodist ()Much. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Lioen- Mates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brumfield, Ont. 980 -r G. SCOT'S, M. D., &o., Physician, Surgeon, . and Aecoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South tilde of Goderieh street Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 •Tlet W: .BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M. Member IV. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &o., Seaforth, Ontario.. Offiee and residence . Bathe as occupied by Dr. Veicoe. .848 `. R. MACKID, Licentiate of Edinburgh and 1.1 Glasgow, Office, Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 'Residence, John street. Call at night at either the Office or B,esidence. 894 Kidney Complaint,' 2,3tr, et31:5 pains in tbe back; a dull pain or -weight in the bladder and base of the abdomen-; scalding urine often' obstructed ,• frequent desire -to urinate, especially at night, atnong aged er- 'sons ; thot, dry, skin, pale complexion, red and white deposits, dizziness, sour stomach, con- stipation, piles, liver, dropsical swellings &e. SYMPTOMS OF .Liver Complaint, u adzar jaundice, sallow cpmplexion, a weary, tired feel- ing, no life or energy, headache, dyspepsia, in- digestion; spots, pimples, &e. HOW CURED. Mandrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver cures'and wherf combined with kidney reme- dies, se in Dr. Chase's Liver, Cure, will most positively ours all Kidney -Liver 'troubles- It acts like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver, strengthening the kidneys, and invigorating the whole body. Sold by all dealers at $1, with Receipt Book, which alone is worth the money. • - DR. CHASE'S PILLS are the only maney-Kidney-Liver Pills made. They T.J.1Vor- taken during any employment. act gently yet effectually. May be Dm el They Cure Kidney -Liver troubles, headache, biliousness, costiveness, &c, One pill a dose. Solciby alt dealer. Price 25 cents. - T. EDMANSON & CO I t • ;- BRADFORD, ONT., Mania, far For sale by a' 'Druggists. * 1076.62 THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL. FOR YOU N G L A D IES. • . , Mylreham Hall, College avenue, Toronto. Re. opens WEDNESDAY, SEP'S. 5.. • As Vacancies for new resident pupils are lims Red, parents are requested, before the opening day,to arrange for acimissiee (by letter or other. wise) with Miss GRIER, the Lady Principal, who will be at home after 8let August. Circulars are sent at once -on application. • ' 1082 REMOVAL. W J. Northgraves HAS REMOVED HIS -Jewelry Establishment To the Campbell Bleck," corner Main • and Goderich Streets, Seaforth, Where he keel* a large stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Fine Jewelry, Clocks,- &o. A fine stook of HeavY Plain Gold Wedding Rings, &c., cheap as the cheapest, Watches, Clocks and 'Jewelry repaired with despatch. • tarCharges Reasonable., W. J. Northgraves NO. 1; Campbell' e Block, Seaforth.- New Planing Mill IN SEAFORTH. 4 The undersigned would announce to the Pub. lio Mutt they have their New Planing Mill in full blast, where they ,will do Custom Planing, Matching Scroll Sawing d Wood Turning. They will'an keep on hand Dressed Lumber, Floor- ing and Siding. Doors, Sash and Frames made to order.- Alio - the PUMP AND CISTERN BUSINESS attended as formerly. Shingles always on -hand. By strict attention to bileinesa and fair dealing we hope to -gain Publio patronage. 1069 ourFF (Iv I3ENNETT. and Bruce, Passenger. 4.85P.7A .. • 9.16 6.57 .. 9.28 6.09 9.84 6,17 .. 9.426.28 .. 0.00 6.45 . 10.19 • 7.08 .. 10.28 7.12 .. 10.42 7.27, .. 11.00 7.45 Passenger • 7.05a.m. 8.40 1'.M. .. 7.24 4.00 . 7.88 4.16 • • - 7.47 4.25 8.07 4.45 ▪ 8.26 6.04 .. 8.33 6.12 .. 8.39 5.19 8.53 5.33 -Wellington,GOING NORTH -2... Ethel... Brussels Bluevale GOING SOUTH-- Bluevale Brassels Ethel Grey and -Bruce. Passenger. Nixed. 2.51 P. M. 9.31p.m. 8.40p.m. 3.06 9.45 9.30 8.21 10.00 10.00 3.30 10.10 11.10 Passenger. — Mixed. 6.39 A.m.11.10 A. M. 742.5 P. M 6.48 11.22 7.65 7.02 11.45 8.65 17.14 12.00 9.31 Grand Trunk Railway. Trainsletive Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: - Gale WE,ST— ' 871AFORTH. Centime Passenger,. ., 1.e3P. m, Passenger.... 9.10 P. M.' 9.27 r. at. Mixed,Traln,. -9.26 A, M, 10.20A,s, • Mixed Trani,/ / mit 6/161!? M, 0,00r,m, Gonre HAW164., -- PAISOMOT. .. 7.484. 74f Passenger ,. 2,48 r, M 2.2137. Mixed Train,, 6,80 P 4,6b r, 14, Freight Trate.. ,. 4,80 a, lc LtOp,u. , The North America BANKING COMPANY. (NOT INCORPORATED. hoar*. ii_id.aueglidif AGeneral Banking badness trans. , • • acted. _ 1 Farmers' paper discounted. Draftsibought and sold. - Interest allowed on depoits.', sitFICE—In the -Commercial Hotel building, _ J. O. SkITH, Manager. F.110T.4ESTED, 'solicitor. • 1058 ST_ 117=TOM.A.8 WHITE BRONZE Monument The Only Bronze Foundry in Ithe &minion. • Our material is endorsed by leading scientist AS being Practically iniperishable. It cannot • absorb nioliture„ and Consequently is not affect- ed by the frost. Send for Designs and Terms to W. M GIFINP Clinton. I Cure FITS. When I my Cunit I do not Mean merely to stop them for a -time, and then have them return • again, I Mean A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of - FITS'IEPILEPSY OR ' FALLING SICKNESS A life-longE study. 11 -WIRRANT; my remedy to cuaz tho !worst cases. Be ,cattse others ,have c :failed is no reason fornot now-re\elying a - cure. Send at made for a treatise and a Fan Borns of -my IturAmenz RiiiIIMY.:LeaVe express and post office. I- It costs you nothing -for a trial, and it Will cure you. .Address—DR; H. G. ROOT, 37 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.-, 107s -e2 simmoispimemommill Kiripen Saw Mill. D. B. MeLEAN wishes to inform the public hat he has now got the Kiptien SaW min in his own hands and is prepared to do All Kinds - of Custora, Work. First in, first out; All custom logs attended o first Cutting denote: $8.00 and $8.60. I - TO OAR TOR SERVICE.—A very fine young I3erkshire Boar, nine months old, bred from prize stock on both sides. Terns.—S1 at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE TROTT, Seaforth. 1.115 AGOOD PIG.—The undetsigned will keep at Egmoodville a thoroughbred BerkWrs oar for eervice. Me bas taken 4 first prize*. Terms.—One dollar at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary. FRED. MEYER, Egmondville. 1102x8 ." A CHESTER WHITE PIG.—The undersigned .11. will keep during the present stetson o Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. 8. Tuekersmith, * ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a number. of sows will be talon. This pit farrowed on May 15th, 1887, WAS bred by OS H. Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one ot the most extensive and reliable breeders In the.United States. This Pig has also takes first prizes whereever showne. Tenni $1, pay able at the time of service, with the privilwe of returning if necessary. GEORGEPLEWW. - -• - 10394.1. Brussels Lime 'Kilns,. To Farmers and Builders. W. F. KELLY, Of the Brussels Lime Kilns, is now prepared to supply any amount of . GOOD FRESH .LIME • For Pleatering, Bricklaying or, Stone Work.* I will deliver the lime in Seaforth or 'vicinity foe 18 cents per bushel. Orders •promptly tiled. -If by mali, address - W. F. KELLY, 106611 Brussels Lime Works NOTICE. Ido hereby give notice that 1 have taken into partnership with me in my general blaeksmith. ing business in Seaforth, my' son Archibald Barton, and the business will hereafter be carried on under the rm-name of Barton Son, and I hope the same liberal been wil be extended to the firm that has been so -kindly given me since coming to Seaforth. SAMUEL BARTON. - N. B.—The undersigned beg to state thet they have secured the servides of the well.known and competent horse shoer, Mr. Robert Fletcher, who has conducted the horseshoeing departs --ment of Mr. John Dorsey's business for the putt two years, and we feel confident that In this se well as all other departments of our business we can give the most entire satisfaction to all our customers. A trial is respectfully solicited. The blacksmithing business is carried on in al . its departments and special attention is paid to horseshoeing..,and machinery repairing. We have also the patterns for Monroe & Hogan I plows and can furnish all repairs. S. BARTON & SON; 1107 8E111110RM - BAUSLAUGH'S Photograph Griller -5r We lead for instantaneous Photography. All kinds of Work from the =tallest to life itiatt stt the lowest poseible prtces. We carry the AIMS Assortment a frames in- town, all Mod" -Ot ViOtUreM flAIDOd on the- shortest notice. A few pneh easels going at. oast. Remember we make all notes in NO -19909d on' thedtdiestdaye. In addition to onr other business we are hand- llng the Dominion Orions which we are at bottom prioes. Remember tho stand ney's Block, Seaforth, BAUSLAUGH, PhetogrAphor, Summer to Watie. 1070 Planing Mill,Lumber Yard AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION , The subscriber would beg to call attention to the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps on hand, at the very:' lowest prices. 7 Bill Stuff cut to any order- Ian Short Notice. - Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. Contracts taken for every descriptions of buildings, - including all work. -s? Charles Querengesser, 1105 Lot 81, Concession -8, Logan, To- Contractors. The board of School Trustees for the -Township of Tuckersmith will receive sealed -tenders for the erection of a brick school house in Ne. 4 section, the building -to be forty feet long; twen- ty-five feet wide, and ceilings thirteen feet high. Alsoa separate tender for the erection of a brick' lean to at the end, 25 feet long, 10feet wide and 10 Met high at lowest end, to be used _ as a wood shed with two water closets therein. Also a separate tender for the fencing of the school grounds with posts and boards, contain- ing a small gate. Also separate tender for the digging of a well, bricking up And placing a good pump therein, the well properly covered and drained. :Also, separate tender for the moving of the old Wood shed to new ground*. Plans.anci specifications of building can b teeen at the office of the undersigned. Tenders will be received up to May 15, 1889, work to be oom- pleted beforelhe 201h October next. G. E. JACKSON, Secretary of Bout Egmondville, April 6, 1880, 11184 tert,,,,er • d era* h ebee 1 44 p.'"ailiggitic E T4 - WIt Cgi r4;',Igglivls 10106.04 1.), 14= ggta t;gie) 1- grisl! 141101'04 too .4tF im Cam sitvE ria tr,.sg4g13112-14 -ni247 454 z g crl o or171:11-11, eieo 0,1 ggri gIrpIi4 611$14int 0 _ *On EG 4 0 e'ci venom( riaf'54sZif v;r. MARRIAG 1..IcENSE8. " ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE .,;41A.FORTH, ONTARIO. 140 WITNESSES - REM/MED —