HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-05-03, Page 3188.1: AND • HI:N 011 k‘rgain-S 111 rior (Mmes. ranteed. DUB Stoves 5aleAgents. e and Library TNEY SEAFORTH. .T111 arks i&Sons dime premise. re - on. 3rain sp• ared to carry on - Carriage o . They gettirc xl durable Sleighs, this session. I -be kept constant- $seription promptly n.ce in the Urines* *tear workmen, anst - of trill' I vicinity, they .st of public patron- ! kind should giv eewhere. Sons, SEAFORTH, vED remise$. 3' ROOERY sFORTH, :e and corn:3:041m !stay occupied by Street, Seaforth ally for the busi- ed accomnwydation," than ever before astomers- rOCerieS everything usually store, and all our IV, while our prices fon. try our tt.71TS. They are, FEED-tly on hand. In cash paid for • rirst Grocery ;rs and Goderich R033B1 RAFORTH. ST Cordllal 3r Complaint; and generally It allays vont- -thetit producing . ta the taste tbat 26 Cents, RPM LW& * ti8iiitSii7- R P a the Market tor rinds anti is eo ek formore, onvinced. 25 Cents. italSt -Seatlorth • 1.” 81 1:889. 4 •tp • THE HUDNrExPa5yrpTk whetovery one joined their voices with ,._k3 in the wonderful little liymn. So =blow Lord , Noneservei in vain ; For the payof-my IcQ tend toys's sweet plan. in the place of caretsses T12011givest me woes I kiss Thy hands, When 1 feel their blows. let in:Thy-chastening; Is joy and pesos • 0 Master and Lord ! Lot thy blows not cease.. I die with longing Thy face to see ; And sweet is the anguish Of death to me, For, because Thou, lonst me, Lover of rano Death can but make me • Utterly Thhte 1 . The doctor wss first to speak after the sweet triumph of the notes had died - way, "Many a soulI have seen pass whispering those verses," he said; men slid women, and little children." "The good Marcel& in heaven has that for her joy," answered Luis. , Lopez rose while the holy influence still lingered. He kissed the hands of every one, and held. the doctor's in his town tuitil they reached the threshold. A more than usual farewell took place there, though there were only a few • whispered words. "Farewell, Lopeal I can trust you ?" "Unto death." "If we never meet again?" "Stiltit will be farewell. Thou art • in God's care.' Very slowly the doctor sauntered back to the parlor, like a man who has. a 3 heavy duty to do and -lewdly knows how to begin it. "But I will tell Maria first," he whispered ; and then he -open- ed the door, and saw the Senora bid- ding her children good night. 'What a happy time we have had!" she was saying, I shill never forget it. Indeed, my dears, you tee how sat- isfastory it is to be religious When we - talk of the saints and angels, they Hat round to listen to what we say; accordingly, we'are full of peace and pleasure. I know that because I heard i'ray;---I heard a very good man say so." She smiled happily 14 her husband, as took his arm, and twice, as they went slowly upstairs together, she lifted her face for, his kiss, Her- gentleness sad affection made it hard for him to . speak ; but there were words to be said that could- be no longer delayed ; and when he had closed the room door, hes took her hands -In his, and 1q6keici into her -.face with eyes that told her all. "Yoir are going away, Roberto," -she whispered. "My love ! Yes 1 To -night -this very hour I must go ! Luis and Dare also. Da not weep, I entreat you ! My heart is • heavy, and' yaw tears I cannot bear." Then sheanswered with a noble com- posure "1 will give you milea and kisses. -My good Roberto, so true and kind i I will try to be worthy of you. Xsy, but you must not weep -Ro- berto !" It was true.. Quite unconsciously the troubled husband. and lather was -weep- ing. Ifear to leave you, dear Maria. All is so uncertain. I can only ask two • favors, if you will grant them, you will do all that can be done to send me away with hope. _Will you promise me to have: nothing to do whatever with Fray Ignatius; and to resist every at- terapt he may make to induce you to go • into a religious house "of any, kind ?" "I promise you, Roberto. By my mother's cross I promise you!" - "Again, dear Maria, if you should be in any danger, -promise me that you will do as Antonia and Lopez Na_varrothink it wisest and -best." . " Ge with God, my husband. Go wit li God, in -a good hdur. All you wish, I will do.' He held her to . his heart and kissed her, and she whispered amid her tender farewells to himself, messages to her eons -but especially to Juan. "Will yes see Juan? If you do, tell him I re- pent. I send him a thousand blessingi ! Ali, the dear one Kiss him for me, Roberto I Tell him hew much I love him,- Rolsertol gove I sorrow because I was cross to him I My precious one ! My good son, who always loved me so des.rly !" . • At length Isabel came in -to weepin her Mother's arms. 44 Luis is going away," she cried. The father felt a momentary keen pang of jealousy. "I am going also, queridita," hesaid mourn- • fully. Then she threw het -arms around kis neck and bewailed her bad fortune. "If I were the Almighty God, I would not give love add. then take it away." she murmured.- "1 would give order's that the good people should always be ; happy. I would not let Men like Santa Ansa live. He is a measureless _monster, • and aught to go the d. -to purgatory at • at tke very least." grimly would rush upon its victim with a- roar of defiance and anger. A inn- ther would hurl himself through thirty feet of ewe, with a scream to unnerve the,hardiest hunter. 44 Wolves," whis- peri the hunter, es a howl suddenly •burets upon his ear. ' - Wolves ! the gaunt griszly wolves of. thefoot-hills-thin and poor and hungry and savage -the legs tireless -the mouth full of teeth whioh can creek the shoulder -bone of a buffed°. Be can see their dark forms flitting from point to point -the patter of their feet upon the parched. grass proves that he is surrounded -yet no more in danger, • and no morel effectually surrounded than he who trifles with the symptoms • of kidney disease. And you, reader know whether or not you are a victim to its Insidious encroachment.If your back stiles, if your eyesight is if your appetite is fickle, it your urine is not lear and of a pale straw color, do not hesitate on the prairie of danger,but flee to the nearest haven of safety, and resort to the only known dure for kidney. -and liver troubles, Warner's Safe Cure. It is a duty yen owe, not only to your- self, but to your family and society at large. - Delays are dangerous. I- Had the traveler not been overtaken it' the night, and unarmed, the wolves would have had no terrors for him. We warn you just now, in- broad daylight, before the wolves of disease sink their poisoned fangs deeply into your flesh and the night of death settles down upon you, to stop your ears to prejudice and bigotry, and to fly to safety through the intim* we have pointed,out. • His Last _Cigar. A small by puffed at a big cigar, His eyes 'bulged out and hit cheeke sank in, He gulped rank fumes with his lips ajar, While muscles shook in his youthful chin; His gills were green, but be ',mole a smile, And sat high upon the farmyard stile, And cocked his hat o'er his glassy eye, • Then wunk a wink at a cow near by. The earth swam round, but the stile stood hill; The trees rose up and the kid slid down; - He groaned aloud, for he felt so 111, And he knew that Cigar had "done him brown;" His head *as light and his feet like lead, His cheeks grew white alt s linen spread, While he weakly gasped, as he gazed afer, " If I live, this here's my last cigar." The Clean Face. Oh, why must my face be washed o clean, And scrubbed and drenched for Sunday, When you very well know, as you've always 'Twill be dirty Nein on Monday? My heir is stiff with the lathery soap That behind my ears is dripping' • And_my smarting eyes I'm afraid toope, And my Bpi the suds is sipping. They're dowuniy throat, and up my nose, And to choke me you seem to be trying; That I'll shutiny mouth you neechft suppose, • - For how can I keep from crying. - And you rub as hard as ever you can, And your hands sire hard, to my sorrow; No woman shall wash me when I'm a man, • Aad 1 wish I were one to -morrow! -By E. Lesslie. Gaieties. -Sandy (after being helped to pan- eakes)--'thay's ta best scones I'll neffer tasted any more, and it's ta first too!' -The most trying position a truthful i clergyman can be in s -to be preaching the funeral service of a man who died rich and mean. How long are you going to stay here ?"ArhY, my little dear?. "Cause I'm hungry, and mother says- we shall have dinner as soon as that dreadful nuisance goes away.' -Wife (at breakfast) -I want to do some shopping to -day, dear, if the weather be favorable. What are the "probabilities I- Husband (consulting his paper) -'Rain, hail, thunder and lightning.' -'What are you doing,Thomas ?'' asked the minister, patronisingly. am a, writer for the press,' said the lad, proudly. 'Indeed, you are quite young for that. What do you write?' direct wrappers.' -Tailor-'You have recently inheri- ted a nice lump of money from your uncle; why don't you pay me V Cus- tomer -4T hate all outward show. I don't want itto be said that my newly • Acquired wealth has caused a departure from my former simple habits.' -" My little boy is wonderfully polite," said a doting,mother the other day. And yet it is recorded of the very polite little boy that he left a lady caller standing in the hall of his mother's home one day while he went the rounds of the house and grounds yelling at the, top of his voice: "Mother, mother, where be you? Where be you, I say? he' new minister's mite is here and I forgot to tell her yotrwasn't at home. -A profaner in -the theology school called upon a lady in the city and she was - out. Her little son, about four years ,old, *as playing in the front yard., The professor said: "My little Man, can yeu remember to tell your mother that Professor - called to see her ?" Young America wrinkled his brow and presently remarked un- concernedly: There are so many things I want to remember and can't .femernber that I don't think I shall trouble myself to remember things I don't want to remember" - Middleton, near Armagh, Ireland, on March ' 15th, 1782, and for the last eighty-one years he had been in Liver- pool, employed in various dock and other labors. Up till beyond his 101st year the old man worked as a saltheaver at the docks, and was as energetic as the best of hie fellows. In such an employ- ment at such an age M'Ardle was, very naturally, an object of much curiosity, and many people used so take a journey, to the 'docks for the purpose of seeing the ancient saltheaver at work. Upon one occasion his employer thought to present Terence to the wife of a partner In the firmsbut when the centenarian heard that the lady 'had come down to see him at work, he incontinently fled, ' taking refuge in the bunkers of the ship whereon he was working. And there he stuck. till he Wks assured that the lady had gone home again I Although but 5 feet, 7 inches high, M'Ardle weighed fourteen stone till recently,. when his weight had decreased to , ten stone. /.' He was always remarkably healthy, and lived with extreme sim- plicity. He was wont to tell of the Irish rebellion of 1798, with the leading events of which he was quite familiar, the more tito from the fact that -his father suffered in it. -Liverpool (Eng- land) Post. • While the Senora soothed her com- plaining, the doctor left.. •One troubled glasse of a great love he cast backward • front the door ere he dosed it behind Mai- and then his countenance sudden- ly *hanged. Stern and !strong it grew, with a glow of anger in the steel blue eyes that gave an entirely new character to it, Me called Antonia into his study, and talked with her of the oriels which was approaching, and of the conduct of their &fairs in it. He showed her the plans in which his gold coin was hid- den. He told her 011 whom to relyein. - any emergenby. "We have sure information that Gen- eral Llrrea, with the vanguard of Eu large Mexican army will be here next month, Santa Anna will follow him You fien that the oity must either be•defended or onr MOM- 1331Int re - 1 eni going to Houston with this dilemma, Luis and PAM Win join FO114/414 at ()oiled, Ifo-w,my dear ohild, pi hive my Diem to 1111 If Rote itinna tekes possession of Sett Antonio, whet will you dol" Clots eotitintu4) The Feminine Wav. I want to get a money order," she said thrusting her head throuh the windoW intended for her face alone. • "Make out an application, then," re- plied tho clerk. "You will find the" blanks on the desk baok of you." " I ? t to IMPORTANT NOTICES ••, Bicycle, British Challenge, in perfect order. BICYCLE FOR SALE. -Por sale, i-- 54 inch • Apply Box 75, Blyth P. 0. 1114 VIRST CLASS PASTURAGE. -Over one bun- '• dred acres of choice pasture, watered by spring creek, for the season, • No wire fences. • PETER MeEWEN. 11154 -DOR SERVICE . -A two year old thorough- , bred Durham Bull will stand for service tifitO season on Lot 19, Concession 2, Tucker, - sin th. Terms -To insure, $1.50. GEORGE A. SP OAT, Jr. ••- 1110 tf What application jus want send $16 to --P "Fill out the blank," interrupted the clerk, handing her one._ "1 -1 -will you please fill it out for 6 I Me ?" " can't.It's against the rules. You must fill it out yourself," "Oh, dear me, 1 don't believe 1 can, What do you write first ?" " Write the date." '! Where?" "On the first line.' "Where! On that line 1" "Yes -that's it." "Now, let me see. the llth." "The 10th." "I thought so, but I - wasn't sure.' What do I do now ?" "Write he amount to be sent." "It's $15."• - "Well, write it on the next blank line." There ?" "How easy it is, after all ! Now whit do I do?" Where is the money to be paid ?"- " Oh, at Chicago." _ "Well, write Chicago after the words 'Payable at." "I--I-don't see any Payable.'" "There itis." "Oh, of course; how perfectly ridien- Ions of me not -to see it, myself! Now, what shall 1 put after 'state of ?' " "Why, Illinois, to be sure." . "Of course? What a goose I 'am 1 Now let Me see, 'what comes next ?" "To whom are you sending the money?" "Oh, to Mr. John Smyth; that 1.'m really sending it to, Mrs. Smyth, who is my sister, but we thought i would be better to send it in his name and save her the trouble of going to the office, and of dourse he can give it to her, as the money's really for sister, butif it makes any difference I sup - " It makes no difference at all." "1 don't see why it should, really,an I'm glad it don't, for sister isn't, in goo health, and she might not be able to g $o the office herself, and- " Write Mr. Smyth's name and aa dress on the line below." "His full name?" • "Yes -there are so many Smythe." "Joseph N. will do won't it ?" "Yes, 'Yes." "1 can Write it J. Newman Smyt you prefer." " ..Toseph N. will do." UBLIC NOTICE. -Thr public are hereby notified that the undersigned will not hereaftea bold himself responsible for any debts, cryintracted in his name- unless with his written • order and consent, V. MEHL. Brucefield, April 16, 1889. 1115-4 MO BLACKSMITHS. -Wanted, immediately 1 a geed journeyman Blacksmith, for general ebbing, horse shoeing or carriage work, or one vvilling to work under instructions for 0 months. Apply at once to THOMAS MELLIS, Kippen. 1112-tf HOTEL FOR SALE. -On the Northern Gravel•'Road, with stabling and driving shed ;also first-class well. The House is Licensed and a - good stand. For particulars apply to JAMES FULTON, Proprieter, Winthrop P. 01083x4 tf, • BULL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned *ill keep on Lot 27, Concession 2, MoKill- lop, near Seaforth, the thoroughbred Ayrshire boll, owned by Mr. Thomas Grieve and to Which. a limited number of tows will he taken. Terns -$I. RODERICK GRAY. 111.1-tf Is it the Vlth OTICE.-The Court of Revision for the township of Maillop *lithe held in Craw - ford's Hotel, Dublin. on, Monday, the 27th day ofMay, 1889, when all parties having griev. ces or appeals over this assessment -are re- ' quested to attend. Dated this 1.641 day of April, 1889. JOHN O. MORRISON, Township -Clerk. - •1114.4 A Politter, As every reader of this per knows, it bac become one of the tine twig td write attractive and interesting adver- Vsenents-especially medical ones. New, it seems to us thet if, for in- stance, the world-wide advertisers of • Warner's Safe Remedies would adopt a style Whereby they could be still more , largely increased. We give them the - benefit of the ides at any event. Let it eommence like this : Patter 1 Patter 1 Patter 1 There it is again. It 'is not 50 yards frees where he last halted. The steps are toe light for those of au Indian. A EACHER W, ANTED. -Male or female for • Union School' Section, No. 7, Waivanosh, duties to commence at once. Address, stating salary th the end of year with testimonials, to WM. ROBINSON, Sedetary-Treasurer, Mar. noch Post Office. •1114x8 4411111111111INIIIIIIIIIVIA4.1111111111111111111111111M 111 TEM -PIM OF FASHION. Fine Clothing to Order Our stock of Fine Worsteds, Trouserings, Scotch . and Canadian Suitings is 110W complete, andweareoffering SPECIAL -PRICES to suit the time; •41 NO. 1.410.R.1 HIGH, W� are making a good Suit for $14, fine Scotch Tweed for $16, $22 Scotch Suits for $18.50, all wool Pants: for $3.50, an elegant line for $5 and $6. We -guarantee perfect fit and first-class workmanship. Remember, you, can save 20 per cent by ordering from us, as we are determined to sell cheaper than any house in the trade. COL T S STRAYED.-Estrayed from the prem. ises of the undersigned on or about April the 16th two colts, one sorrel filly rising three years old, one bay gelding rising two years old. Any person giving any information as to their ese ROBERT CARLISLE Hansa% . 1115-2 d$5leretbouts will be suitably rewarded. Ad- wrwt REWARD. -rewardof 5 w l.,,eac. one of four competentwg nesses who will give such evidence as *El lead - to the detection and conviction of the person or persons who circulated the report that I had teat my reason or that I was insane, such reports: 'being not only false but injurious to my, credit. V. DIEHL. Brucefield, April 18, 1889. 1115-4 k o signed will keep this season, for the service oTWO BULLS FOR SERVICE. -The under - cows on Lot 9, Concession 16, Grey, the splendid Thorough Bred Durham Bull, "Bose Knight," by imported "Red Knight ;" also a geed high grade bull. Terms, -For the Thor- ough Bred, 1.25;$for the grade, Ol, with the privflege !HARRIS.• • - 1114X8 - of returning if_ necessary. JOHN A. THOROUGH , BRED BULL -The under. signed will Keep during this season on Lot 10, Concession 14, McKillop, a Thorough Bred Durham Bull to which a limited number of COWS will he admitted. Parties bringing -cows are re- quested ,to have them on a rope. Terms. -$1.00 pereow, with the.privilege of returning if neces- sary. JAMES CAMPBELL. 1114x4 _ ARM FOR SALE. -For sale west half of lot 29, concession 7, McKillop, containing 50 res, welt fenced, partly underdrained and in a good stateof cultivation;'45 acres eleared and plenty of good water. It is within four and three quarter miles of Seaforth and two 'of the Village of ,Winthrop. 'Apply to ,GEORGE B. DORRANOE, lot •34, concession 5, McKillop, or 40 Seaforth,Post Office, Box 85. • 1113-tf 1 if' " Oh, will it? I'm sure I don't see why it shouldn't: He's so well known, anyhow." • ; "Now write your own name and ad- dress on the other 'lines as quickly, as you can, please; there are others wait- ing." , It didn't take her but about twenty minutes to do this, and ten more to ask if Smyth will have to be identified and when he'll get the money, and how she'll know if he got it, -and if the post -office is responsible if the money is lost, and if a registered letter would have been as safe, and so on in away that only help- less and suffering posta•l clerks- know anything about. •• Death of the Liverpool Centenarian. Terence M'Ardle, the •Liverpool cen- arian, who died the other morning, would be -108 years of age on the 15th of March next. The deceased worked as a dock laborer until he was over 100. After that he became enfeebled, but was still able' to take walks in the neighborhood of Shaw's -alley, where Ju lived, The Old 711411 resided in * two,roomed WWI with his denghter, Noss M'Ardie, the only sliniVflig mom, 'kw of *family of 'twentpnine, About you, 'ego the old MR took to his hod, gild piNtffross from it afterwards, lie .Jost th powor of his spook tut reteiro- 43d psrfsot 00B§010M4110 of -whet wes going on- around him to tho last Hs was attonded daily during_ the pest month Of twitby tho Rev, 11, Corte* 0, 14, ; and he WAN also slated fel ceittly by tlie P, Anderson, g, 13, ; both of St, Petarts, Seei,street. On Saturday he expressed a wish to see Mr. J. Ja Fitzpatrick, who had known him for _nearly twenty years. 'That gentleman called at the house, and the patriarch, thcsngh unable to speak, re- cognized him with a bright and intelli- gent glance. He extended hie right arm froiri under the bedclothes, and Mr. Fitzpatrick shook his hand warmly. This was the centenarian's farewell of one who had always befriended him when In need. M'Ardle- was: born in • A Wonderful Bridge RECEIVED TO -DAY, All the latest styles and colors in Men's Youths' and Boy's Hats. • Nobby Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. The balance of our White and Regatta Shirts, Collars, Scarfs, &c., has arrived, and you will find it to your profit to give US a call. A. CARDNO, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. ?11EOROUGR BRED BULL FOR SERVICE. - The undersigned will keep during the pres- ent season on Lot 28; Boundary Line, Usborne. This thoroughbred bull was bred by Mr. John McQpeen, Usborne, and is two years old,as will • be seen by reference to his registered pedigree. He is from the best of stook got by Prince Royal, dam Victoria. Terms --To insure a ealf $1.50. WM. CRAIG. -1115x4 tri0 COW OWNERS. -Having purchased a • IL two year old thoroughbred Durham bull . from the well-known stook breeders, John McKay & Sons, -of Tuokersmith, I intend keep - him for service from now forward. This ne animal has a full t pedigree which can be produced if necessary and is also registered- in • the New .Herd Book. Ternis-$1.50 for the seamen payable at the time of service. GEO. •TROTT, Seafbrth. 1115 mAKE NOTICE. -This • is a Very ram chance-- ,f1. For Sale, a valuable and very desirable property, Lot No. 18, on the south side of Gode• rich street, with two residences thereon. The first contains nine rooms, a good cellar, hard ,and soft water, with outbuildings and the other oontains seven rooms and a good - well and Outbifildings. For further 'particulars apply to • the proprietor, A. G. A,ULT,•Gode•rloh Street, Seaforth. 1111.41 The Brooklyn bridge is no less a marvel than it ever was, but it is now such a commonplace convenience that the .people of the metropolis *fonder how .they ever -get along without it. Over 33,000,000 passengers passed over the bridge during the year ending -De- cember 1st, of whom more than 30,000,- 000 were railway passengers. Not a single serious accident occurred on the railway. Fifty-eight persons were in- jured by falling on the stake or from other,causes. Five lost Children' ' were found on the bridge. One person com- mitted suicide by shooting, and there were forty-two. runaways _ with slight deuce recently erected by. the undersigned. It damages. • The bridge .is well policed is situated nearly spposite the High r School, is so that women cross alone at night with. two storeys high, with four bed rooms and bath room_ upstairs and three rooms down stairs. 'Cellar under the whole house with stone cistern in the cellar. The house is finished with hard- wood down stairs. There are six lots connected with the bonne and the purchaser can bayeone or more if flestrecl;. witha Komi StAbie,The frItirgirrior iiii9Y/7114hittlitcfry"trAgg:14 qf of monoyto r13ilm1l4 ond histen will be given torth, Piet' • GOOD, reliable men lWXT iNTEDean find permanent ern- Oyment for Maple Grove Nurseries of Waterloo, R. Y. Good Salary and, expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. Outfit free. Rrevious experiefite not required. Established Jover 20 years. All goods first-class. Write at once for terms. Address J. W. MACKAY, Gen. Ildanager, St. Thomas, Ont. (Mention this per. • ' • 1109x12 NOTHING YET EQUALS LUMSDEN & WILSOY Royal Glycerated Balsam of rip AS A SURE, SAFE AND SPEEDY , 0,OTT ail IRMIZEMIYY", TR E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TOROI‘TO, - Paid tip Capital, $6,006,000 Rest, - 600,00i), PRESIDENT_,_ HENRY Wi DARLING, ESQ. ; iii•ENERAL MANAGER, R E. Waut.ER. AsieT GEN'L MANAGER, J H; PLUMMFR, ...•••••• SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Sesforgh Branch of this Bank oontifiues to receive depoeita in •• SAVINGS BANK, Of One Dollar and Upwards, on which interest is allowed at current rates. Drafts on all the principal towns and -cities tu Canada, on -Great Efritsdn, end on the United' States, bought and sold. Oilioe-First door Sours of the Commerciftl Hotel. ' JOHN AIRD. Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. ; 11010110p Directory for 1889. JAMES HAYS,Reeveand Warden, Seaforth P0. • JOHN BEIINEWIES, Deputy Reeve;Ward 1, Dublin P. 0. - JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward. 2, Dewil- y -0°d P. O. -JOHN -MORRISON, Councillor, Ward 3, Win °C.°11tAPRIIS DODDS, Councillor, Ward I, Sea. forth P. O. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Win- til0. kMERT G.' ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop P. 0. DR. HANOVER, Medical Health Officer, sea forth. WM. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead ' bury P. 0, 110341 It is not a specific for all diseases to which -flesh is heir, but for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore -Throat, Hoarseness or Incipient Con-, sunaption, it possesses truly wonderful virtues.; with nine out of ten who use it according to directions it acts- like a charm, removing all irritation, healing the ulcerated membrane, and leaving the throat and bronchial tubes in a perfectly healthy and. natural Condition. The con- stant and steady sale at home, as well as the increased demand- from other places, prove the correctness of this assertion Where it is once known people will have it. Price, 60 cents per bottle. For sale every - Where, and wholesale and retail by -the manufacturers, ifTWOROUGH BRED BULL FOR SERVICE. - The undersigned will keep doting the pres- ent season, for the 'service of cows on Lot 22, Concession 8, L. R. S., Tuokersinitli, the Thor.- ough Bred Durham Bull, "Bari of Kippen. • This bull was bred by Mr. David Hill, of Hib- ,fbert, and is two. years olds As will be seen by reference to his registered pedigree he is from the hest stook in Canada his sire being "Sir Geerge Gynne" and his 'dam "Princess Via. torte." Terns-T•o insure :a calf, $1.60. JAS. 'O. CHESNEY. '--• 111434f TTOTEL. FOR SALE 3R TO RENT.. --For IT sale or to rent on reasonable terms, the Royal Hotel,in the town of Seaforth. This -is three storey brick building, -with with basement and contains 22 large bed rooms -and four large sit- ting rooms, besides halls, dining room, bar room, kitchen, etc.' It is one of the best ar- .ranged and most commodious houses in the •county, and is all well furnished throughout and everything in first-class order. There is • stable aecommodatioe for .80 horses, commo- dious sheds and a goodstock yard attached. It is one of the best paying and most easily kept hotels in Seaforth. will be eold cheap and on easy terms or will be rented to a suitable per- son 'for a term of years. For `further particu- lars apply to the ,proprietor, JAMES -WEIR; Seaforth. 1114 ---Krpr BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE -For sale cheap the handsome new brick resi- out the slightest annoyance. Honesty's Dividend. 13,obloson I° hi4(1 to 4isohare young Blinking to,day, w*go not honoot, Brown=" Sorry to hoer HOD sup ports his wklowed mother, too, Whitt WON tilO tif MAIO Rotinson----" ile found_ . PoStilo stamp on the iliciOf and MO it, lis shonid havo turnod It ova ths co, BraiVii=" Of ammo, ily dm way; raloing, Ctot an extra umbrella -1H. Yon can take my:old umbrella, / have a net,/ Brown ---"Hello 1 Where didyou get that silk affair ?" Robinson-" That? Ha! ! Great joke. You see I went- into the Stock Exchange to look after a deal in wheat. - A shower came up, and when I was ready to go I just picked this up in thei. lobby," .• Brown -"Wish I had your luck. And how about the wheat deed ?" Robinson-" Oh; we skinned 'em. alive, -Brown, skinned 'em alive." LUMSDEN & WILSON-, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, .SCOTT'S BLOCK, 31AIN7ST:,•SEAFCLTII. fi of this provefty, TIIOM HENDRY NM, VARNISHES 1 Meters. Anderson & Co., of Walkerton, Ont., who have one of the beet eipiliped furniture factories in Canada, writes us Your Var- nishes - are pleasing us well. Will write you when we require more." , PAINTERS I Beware. of White Lead branded with bogus labels. If you.want a pure artiole-noted for strength and durability - insist upon the " ELEPHANT "GENUINE. •- -The." Elephant" specialities are -thr Sale by all hardware dealers and paint merchants. Ferguson,Alexander & Co., MONTREAL. FULL STOCK.• QUICK DESPATCH. 1109-12 Lime! • Lime_l The Bodmin Lime Works Are situated about two miles East of Belgrave on Lot 9, Concession 4, Morrie. The under- eignec1-will keep any, quantity' of Fresh Lime always on hand and will sell at a reasonable pride. This Lime has been thoroaghly tested and proves to be one of the. best white limes in Canada. Lime delivered to any part on the shortest notice. This Lime will also be kept for - sale at Londesboro, Clinton and Goderioh. •Sir Address either by „letter or telegraph. ' J. J. DOWNEY, ProBtriaieRtoAriti 1108 kill°Utatiffs isf#61?,111/trN .TPJ IJEW ostiti proioNnoind OB41�1 atthe Ilsgists institntes and illgn sehoole in #1460ifilif on ItiatioyLtith linty, MO t*, to, fiat elf Any f§,404, tll, alfitlitiati* who *lob 40Writd at el414f (linton Of Noslotth fliliFt ti�tlly 1), -Mi Malloulij Esq,, Futile Meet dlintoti Yost Mee, not later thou the 22tid ef Nth Aiding iviiith of the twO seliotds they intend to *Ago atcand those' who MA to write at code' rich must notify John E, fom, E, Pith& School Inspector, Goderich Post Office, at the same date. The notice must be accompanied by A feast $5, or $10 if the Candidate applies for the First Class as well as the Second Class Ex- aminations. No name will be forwarded 'to the. Department unless the fee accompanies it. Head Masters of the Collegiate - Institutes or High Schools will please send the applications of their Csndidetes to the Inspector of the division in which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated. Forms of application may be had from the Secreted.. PETER ADAMSON, Siete. taryl3oird of Examiners. Goderioh, April 22nd, 1115.2 1880. . 4 COLT STAKES i The following horses have been entered so- lar for the Lapslie three year eld colt stakes: Kam Lee, S. G., by Goldust, D. A. Dempsey, Stratford • Messenger, G. S., by Magician, J. F. McKay, inekeremith ; Volcano, B. G., by Vole, George Turnbull, Tuckersreith ; Maitland, B. S., by Carlisle, George Whiteley, Seaforth : Ham- burg Bell, B. F., by Stanton Jr, Joseph Laird, New Hamburg; Burns' Volt, E. co., by Carlisle, Wm. Burns, Walton. _ 1II1tf The New Grocery, SEAFORTH. Sharp 8c I. -livens • Heti opened 4 new GrocerY arid Provision Stoie on Mint fItreet, fienferth__, filet store !south of Kidd'e ffarg.lwarg.etorn,- They *we aeemplets Dig& of • - GR. 00.EMES, 01104:1101iY, SEEDif, PROVISIONS, kg, BY-LAW NO. 6 - -OF THE - Township of 'Tuckerimith, For the Year 1889. To repeal a By -Law of the Township of Tack- er/with, Number 2, pease(' January 194h, - 1875, entitled a By -Law to establish *Town- ship Board of Scheel Trustees in the Town- ship 01 Tuckenmith. Whereas- on the 194h day of January 1875, a By -Law was passed by the Township of Tucker - smith to establish a Township Board of School Trustees in the .aid Township of Tuckersmith. And whereas upwards of- twenty ratepa)ers iin each of a majority of the School Wards of the said Township have petitioned the Township Council to submit A By -Law to _the vote of the ratepayers of the -Township for the repeal of the By -Lew under which the Township Schbol Board was established. And, wherme, the said By -Law to establish a Township Board of School Trustees bamboos In existence upwards of five years, And, whereas, it is necessary to appoint the time and place for taking the votes of the rate- payers and appointing Deputy Returning Officers to take the votes of the said ratepayers at said meeting on the said question. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckersinith„ (1) That the said By -Law Ne. 201 the Township, of Tuekersmith passed January 19th, 1876, mit titled a Byelaw to establish s Township Board, of School Trustees in the Township of Tuck- ' ersmith, be, and the 151016 is ..hereby repealed. (2) That this By -Law shall come into operation and take effect -on thelst day of January, 1890. (3) That the vbtes of the ratepayers shall be taken on the 22nd day of May, 1889, commencing at the hour Of nine o'clock in the morning ana from thence continued until 5 O'clock. in the - afternoon at the following places, viz.: Polling Sub -division, No. 1, at School house No. 8, Egmondville. -• Polling Sub -division No. 2, at School house No. 6, on Concession No. 2, 11. B. S. Polling Sub -division No: 3, at School house No, 2, Concession 3, L. R. B. ' Polling Sub -division No. 4, at School house ,-- No. 9, Concession 9, H. R. S. That Henry Colbert be Deputy Returning Officer for Polling Sub -division No. 1. , That James Broadfoot be Deputy Returning -011e.er for Polling Sub -division No. 2. - That Samuel Smillie be Deputy Returning Officer for Polling Sub -division No. 3. That James Cumming be Deputy Returning Officer for Polling -Sub -division No. 4. (4) That the Reeve of the municipality of the. Township of Tuekersmith shall attend at the office of the clerk of the said Township of Tuckersmith on Tuesday, 21st of May, 1889, at the hour: of ten o'clock A. M. for the purpose of -appointing persons to sttend at the various polling places aforesaid and final summing up of the votes by the clerk, respectively on be- half of persons interested in and promoting or emptying the By -Law respectively. - -(5) That the Clerk of the .said municipality shall, at the tiour of 12 o'clock, noen,on the 23rd day of May, 1889, at his residence in the Township of Tuckeremith, sum up the number of votes given for and against the By -Law' aild grant the requisite certificates thereunder. ROBERT B. MeLEANs Reeve. I- , S. SMILLIE, Township Clerk. Allan, White Star and Inman United States &Royal Nail Atlantic Steamships. Cabins, $50 to $100; Return, $100 to MO. Intermediate, $80; Yzeturn $80. -Steerage, $20, return $40. All classes Of passage to and, from all points in Great Britiain to any point in Canada. 11youare sending for your friends do not fail -to secure one of our prepaid tickets clear through and avoid all trouble. Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets to all points. Special rates to Manitoba and Pacific Coast paints. Through- sleepers secured free.. Best connection to all points in the United States, Australia and China. Head agency for the best stock and mutual insurance companies. Money loaned on all classes Of security at lowest_ rates of interest. No trouble to give information. s Real estate and ;Insurance Offiee-MARKET• ST.- Ticket, Steamboat, and Telegraph Offiee.-MAIN ST. . A. STRONG, "The" Agent, 1109 • SEAFORTH. R Counter SEAFORTH, Is now offering his entire stook i, of Watehere, Clocks, Jewelry, iiliiver-plited ,Ware, Fancy , Goods, Spectacles, Pipes, to., at *rest reduo- tion. Times are hard, and we mus have money. In Watches we 'keep ill. - the b at American, . , Swies and English grades •-msnuf tured. We have just received s fine sunortme , t of American Clocks, Niokle Alarms, &e. Our stock ef-Jewelry including Brooches, Ear Rings,' Bar Pins, Color. ed Sete,. Tie'Phis, Cuff -Buttons, Collar Studs. Bracelets, Chains, Chenille Necklets, Lockete, Rings, Diamonds, and o her lines too numerous to mention, ie well sew1;e d. My stock of Silver- plated Ware is lull in all iti branches, and of the beat ouality.. in Fancy Goods we have. a good assortment of *Albums, Dressing, Cases; Work Boxes, Jewel oases, Paper Weights, •BisqueGoods,- &e: ,My Spectacle stock is com- plete, • and am Prepared tO suit all ordinary sights. A large stOck of Pipes of all kinds to choose from-prieei from 5oto $10. In fact, I have the largest -and best 'assorted stock in the County of Huron; •The work department is under the management of skilful workmen, and we guarantee to give satisfaction. All goods sold by Os will be engraved free of charge. Dive us atrial. •'. ___„ • .. Everything Pyre& and New, • These gOOds have been recbased on the MOSt 4 .111ml:1r:hie terms, and "vill sold "STEELY CHEAP FOR CASH. The highest market price allowed for Farm Produce. . - • Sir Small profits and quick returns our mato Call and sep us. 'SHARP & LIVENS, Oromarty. 8EAFORTM, 1115-3 1.112: R. Counter MANAGER, - , Bankrupt Stock CROMAiITY. HOUK -ptifeld the stoell-Of A, §, Uase front jowl E, of Melon% at s terest fedotion 1616141iintiolt will eusbio ine to for leaf than the proper wholesale Ott, / take this opportunity of informing the people of Cromarty and surrounding district that this will be the best pla4:3e for bargains in the country while this stook lasts. It must be sold within 69 days, as I do not wish to have any of the stock remain. There are upwards of $600 worth of Boots and- Shoes, some of which were never opened out at the time I bought, besides Pry C400de, Crockery, etc., etc. Terms cash, or eggs taken as cash at the cash price. • Come and receive your bargains early. • JAMES HYSLOP , ,1\T OTI C M., - The above is a true copy of a By -Law ifbich has been taken into consideration and provis- ionally passed by the Council of the Township of Tuckersmith and which will be finally passed` by the said Council in the event of the assent of the ratepayers being obtained thereto lifter one month from the lint publication of the said By -Law in the newspaper called TRZ HURON EXPOSITOR, the date of which first publi- cation was the 26th day of April, 1883, and that at the hour, day and places mentioned therein, fixed for taking the votes of the ratepayers the polls .will be held. • SAMUEL SMILLIE, TownshipOlerk. 11164 • John S. Porter's Furniture Warerooms -AND- Funeral Reform ESTABLISHMENT, SEAFORTH, • ONT. Being determined not to be undersold by any other establishment, I am now selling furniture , at only 10 per centabove cost. Would also say respectfully to the people of Seaforth and sur- rounding country, that I keep no other than first chose stock in all the branches of the under- taking department, bought from the best firms and on suoh 'business principles that enables me to sell at much lower rates than Mr. Robertson quotes. He accuses me of publishing what he terms, "clap -trap" Now, the svide-awake people, will no doubt be able to define- what he means by this term and come to a sensible con- clusion of who deserves their patronage: the man who is obliged to cut down his prices, or the man who has been the means of breaking up this monoptly and starting an benefit And /111Ie11 needed reform, if Mon who have had„.„ dealinge, -with ,this 4ssient4un undertaker mu compare Vs urevios.unarses with his present qootphiono, I sul sure their eyesivill o waned to gross Injustiee in tho time 1 ttoir trotthio, I wooldhoro say that I only intond to pooch -tot all lunerals that 1 osy be favored with on ottfotiy Womble prlismitim My Amu! I* motor, my, Ifolnient only istf0fseitodi having had boNl 614y atdign oximilooiN lei BMW el years, Re will attend M1 sesidenee-Nortli Mein Street, DOI& tirsivstion Army Ilstvaoks, Jo% Pi *1,-1 bog -to sfyol csitet. thd pubilo for OW oodtgovefoy 1111*14111-.41511dite tifttiSdfi „but as have tO defend ffiyddlf aghloot ii.uovitidstion .stid- do jitatiOS td & tibtl-oornbitte, i feel sot& palled to 46 Sat J611§14, Poteria, PUBLIC, NOTICE, The undersigiied has a 111114 comfortable and commodious dwelling house, containing zecessity conveniences and pleasantly situated on John Streetin Seaforth, which be will eell or -rent on reasonablaterma •_ He also wants sny quantity of good SAW Loos of all kinds, delivered AS his Posey Sew Mill in KoKillop. 1990, THOMAS DOWEBY, Boston&