The Huron Expositor, 1889-04-19, Page 8„. • , • - is -.• 11 1 , • • 1,} E HURON s EXPOSITOR. Interesting to Ladles, Large Atsortment. We have on hand a large and compre- hensive assortment of Men's,. Youths', Boys' and Children's Readymade Suits fof Clothing, Which we offer at prices -finapproaehable_by small dealers. — JAMES PICKARD, T. Kidd's old stand, Seaforth won txpoottor, DISTRICT MATTERS. CHECKER MATes.--Seaforth ars*Mit- chell.—A checker match will be played in the Mechanics Institute on the even- ing of Good Friday, between ten repre- sentatives of the Mitchell dab- and—a Iike number of our town 'players. Any interested in seeing the games will be • admitted. The.: match •is expected to begin: at 7 p. m. ART ExAMINATioN.—The annual Art Examination will be held in the Collegi- ate Institute, Seaforth, on Friday -and Saturday, April 26 and 27. The- fol- • lowing is the time table : Friday, --Free- hand, 1.00 to 2.30 p. m.; blackboard, 2.30 to toa p. m. Saturday,--Geom- stery, 9.00 to 10,30 a. m.; perspective 10.30 to 1200. m. Model, 2.00 to 3.0C1 p. m. - Mr. L. L. MeFaul, Principal of the Public School will act as presiding examiner. Ms. SHIVEREA'S MEETINGS. — Tbe special religious meetings in the Metho: dist *church in this town, under the direction of Mr. Shiverea, which have been in progress for over three weeka, • still continue to be largely attended and, if anything, increasing in interest. Be gems to be an earnest and sincere" student and expounder of the Bible, and his labors_ here, as well as -elsewhere, will, no doubt, be productive of nuich good. People of all denominations at- tend ..his meetings and his afternoon Bible Readings are exceedingly inter- esting and profitable. Tke early morn- ing prayer meeting was held this, Fri- day, morning, instead of Thursday as - formerly. - There-wilI also be meetings held to day at 10 a. in:, at 3 p. m. and at 7:30 p. m. On Sabbath • Afternoon next at 8:80 he will address a meeting for womeitonly in the Methodist church. Wer believe he intends closing his labors here some time next week. • -PEssortit. -- We learn that our old andesteemed friend, Mr. Julius Dun - *an, for many years the head • of the extensive dry goods firm of Dalian. & Duncan, in this town, but who, has for the past three years been in Lynchburg, Virginia, has returned to Canada for good and has located -in Toronto. He has purchased the interest of Mr. Bleas- dell in the business of W. H. Bleasdell & Go ,and associated himself with Mr E. Hickson, the new firm name being Hick- • son, Duncan & Co. • They are direct im:- porters of and wholesale dealers in fancy goods, their warerooms being on Frcint Street, Toronto. Mr. Hickson has been a partner in this business for many years. Both Mr. Duncan and Mr.Hick- son are former residents- of this town, and ranked aifiong its pioneer business sten. Their many old friends-- in this county will unite with us in heartily wishing them a long and prosperous business career in the Queen City. THE SCHOOL -CONTRA0T.—At a meet- -ing of the Public School Board held on Monday. evening the contract for the erection of the new wing to the Public School building was awarded to Mr. Wm. SIeeth for the Sum of $1,579, tei- complete the whole building.. The tenders Were all very close, but Mr. SIeeth's was the lowest. The following are the tenders handed in: For paint- ing—Wm. Henderson, $70; Joseph Herbert, $61; C. Gibson, $105 ; James Graves $00, For the carpenter work-- WM, digotho $608; Olaf. and Bennett; 16S5; Swirling & Ty4anen, $1390 John. Lynne, (inelnding painting Aridgluing), VOA, For thesneeon work, &der, ing end okettroting foundetion----4ohn Gilt*, tintteridge, __On For_ the whole job, oomnitotess-Wni. Sloth, $1,679; Oak &mien, $1,694 J John Lyon, $1.,1894,043 Sperling & Taferisitin, $.1,704, The Work will likely he pawed. ad with at once end- will he eompleted add the building ready for oeetiptiney by the close of the mkt -summer holidays, - A GOODAFFOINTMENT.—Dr. Mackid, Of this town, haa been appointed by the Dominion Government assistant.medical superintendent of the Sanitoriuni atBanff, • N.W.T., the new health and summer re- sort established by the . Dominion Gov- ernment on the main line of the Canada Pacific Railway in, the rookies. This place, owing to its health giving quali- ties, and the grandeur and beauty of the scenery is rapidly becoming one of the most popular health and summer re- • sorts on the American continent. The • doctor will also have medical superin- tendence of the Anthracite mines and a section of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way. The appointmengromapecuniary point of view, is a most desirable one, and we have pleasure in congratulating4 the doctor on his good fortune in secur- ing, it, and we are sure that his high medical skill will enable him to perform the duties pertaining to the position with credit to himself and benefit to, those who may be under his profession= al care, while his genial, affable man-- ner, will snake him a universal, favorite with all with Whom he may come in con tact. The doctor will leave here to resume the duties of. his new.position about the 15th of May. THE STOCK FAIR. ----The stock fair, under the auspieesof the Tuekersmith Agricultural Society, was held in Sea - forth on Tuesday last. The weather _ was delightful, being a genuine spring . day.There was a good crowd of peo- ple in town and there must have been as many as fifty horses of all kinds, be- sides several. bulls. Many of the horses, both light and heavy were among ths. best bathe county. They were shown on the Market Square instead of on the AgricuItirrai Grounds. This Was a mistake, as there was not room enough to show the animals to advantage. • There was no judging done and no • prizes awarded, but: the merits of the I .-... • several animals ware pretty thoroughly canvassec, by the on -lookers, most of whom seemedto be deeply interested. This is the first time a show of this i 'kind has been old in this district, although similar shows are annually held in many of the stock raising sections of 'the United States, and whether or not it has been 4 success will, no doubt, be a matter of opinion. The number oUpeo- ple present, and the number and char- acter of the animals shown'however, would seem to indicate that the first attempt hairnet been a failure and that it would be worth while trying again. The excitement incident t to the award- ing and receiviniof prizes ie, of course, absent, but so also are the dissatisfae- tion and Jealousy so often 'manifested atthe regular shows. We believe also' that considerable ordinary stock changed bands. . - .4: PLOWS, PLOWS, PLOWS. — Thirteen different patterns. Buy a plow where you can takayour choice out of the thirteen different and 'distinct patterns now in stock at 0. C.' Willson's, Seaforth. The Wilkinson, Patterson, Gowdy, Cockshutt Co., Verity -rit Son, Hendry and other well known plows are on the list. Twin„GangsMiree Furrow Gangs, Bulky Plows, Stubble, Sod Old other walking plows. If you want a plow you will find it to your own interest to see this large selection before purchasing elsewhere. Also a large variety of plow repairs on band. Tho highest grades of buggies, sewing machines, washlng machines, churns, seed drilla, cultivators, arvesting machinery and all kinds of agricultural implements in stook at O. C. Muscles. - 1114-8 FEED AND SEED. --A.11 kinds of Grain at No. ,,6 Warehouse, by retail, at Wholesale prices. ILItmli 13BATME. s 1114-2 CRICKET DranfMErrm,---A meeting of the Seaforth Cricket Club will be held at the Commercial Hotel, on Monday, the 22nd inst., at 8 p. m., sharp. A full attendance is request- ed. R. Wasori-, Secretary. - 1114-1 - . IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. — Messrs. lmciman- Bros., of Goderichi have purchased froyn Kr. Thomas Hendry his entire outfit of plow patterns and they will continue to mann- facture the plows from their original patterns. They will also manufacture a full line of repairs for all the Hendry and Hogan plows now in use nd they have given to`O. C. Willson the right or the sale of these repairs In Seaforth, where a full line will be kept constantly on hand. .Re- member the headquarters for plow repairs and implements. G. O. :WirzsoN, Seaforth. 1114 8 BEA.IITIFITI. FLOWERS.. -L-A large .and, varied collection will be found throughout the season at GRiNVE & STliwiaT's, Seed Store, Seia forth. - • . 1114-8 ANNUAL MEETING.—The third annual meeting of the Seaforth Curling and Skating So- ciety, will be held at Abe -commercial sow, on InaniaSON, Secretary. n, 1114-2 Wednesday, the first day of May, at 8 o'clock p. m. G. E. -REID & WIL0ON will have a car load of Land Plaster next week. They have lust re- ceived a car. of Barbed and Plain Fence Wire which they will sell away down low. 1114-1 WANTED.—One dining -room girl and .one house -maid. Apply at once at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. . - 1114.2. PARC4 Losr.—Lost between the Golden Lion, Seaforth, and the residence of Mr. John McMillan, Mullett, a parcel containing Black Plush. The finder will be , rewarded by leaving it at the Golden Lion. R. ilium -Om. -.1114-2 TREE • BOXES FOR SALE.—For'. sale, cheap, a number - of good tree boxes or guards, ready to put up. Apply at Ting Expolmon Oy- : Ficz, Seaforth., , . ,1118x2 . - MISS 04nkrar.,D, Dressmaker,- having removed to John Street, twodoors west of *Mr. Whitney's' block, is prepared to attend to all orders. Cat* and fitting promptly'.aittenxded to. Rooms to Oin3, nt. - 'MRS. Seer-SinnoNs.--The Direct* of the Meehanies' Institutehave engaged Mts. ScottSiddons to give un entertainment ., In Caulno's Hall, , Seaforth, on Monday,- May loth, 1889- This will be the last chance of bearing, this talented lady as it is her farewell -tour in Canada. Advertisements in future [apes. : - 1114-1 .. • - -, Loar., Bninass..—Mr. George .Murray, who had tbe misfortune to have his leg broken a short time ago,. is now able to go about on crutches.—The following students of the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute go to Toronto next -week to write for . examinations: Messrs. W. Mc- Queen, W. Govenlock, &Rice, F., Pearen and W. McLeod.—A spark from the smoke stack' at Broadfoot's factory lit on some dust on the roof - of one of the buildings on Monday last, causing a lit- tle blaze. • It was extinguished with'a few pails of water. The fire brigade was called out, but . fortimately _their services, Were not required.—Mr. .W. G. Duff was in town last week, vi+-iting his family and friends, but left for Detroit on, Monday..—Main sTrlet was watered for the first time this season on Tuesday last, —Mr, Peter Robinson and Way - y. rgilictired to eoilstoel? this week, They - Were 4001Thi4141.04 by -Mr, Ducoon,Mre, ' Itobinson's Mother, He has proeured a „ good situation there, -Mr, Potriok Wolof), of MeTilllep, met with is mislhan on Tuesday night, When otarting lett home with khoree and buggyrhie hone Warne immensgeabko when going down the hill oplsite tho Catholig elourelo, sod tam .1w yi throwing him front the ifebiolh, Ate wee considers* ciit And bruised, but riotot seriatiely injured, c The horse wag Captured oppeeite the:reel. deneerof Dif Coletnau1--4 Medi,* of the Turf clulawill be held at the Queen's Hotel this, Friday, evening at 8 o'clock, A large attendance is desired, as mat- ters of importance will be considered.— A Meeting of the Seaforth. cricket club for Organization will be held at the Cemmeraial hotel, on Monday evening. ,' next.—Mr. illiam Whitesideshaapne. to Regina where he will join the North- west MountedPolice.—Farmers in this. vicinity are now all busy seeding. The ground is in splendid condition, and with favorable weather_ many will be through next week.—The fail wheat le . this county, as a general thin, is looking better than it has done - for. years. The late frosta do not seem to have injured it much,and a warm shower of rata WOUla now give it a splendid start,—The 'Women's Christian Tem- perance Union will meet on Ta6day evening next at the usual time and -place.—Miss Dora Wilson arrived home from Brantford on Wednesday to spend Easter with her friends.—Captain Hoag, of the Salva I011 Army here, left Thurs- day amorning to take charge of the Chatham corps. They will find inhim' an able, upright and most efficient (5f, &en: -Capta n Miller will be the new officer in .charge here.—Mrs., H. A. Thompson, of Belleville, is at present canvassing, Seaforth in the interests of the Fleishm no Yeast Company.—Mr. McFaul, Principal of the Seaforth Pub - lie School, was made the recipient of a handsome present from the pupils of his room in the shape of a handsome silver water pitcher on Thursday last previoui i to the school being. dismissed for' the Easter holidays.—We are sorry to notice that the wife of Mr. Norman -McLeod, of Owen Sound, son of Mr.. M urdech Mc- Leod, of thie town, died in that plebe on the 5th ihst. They had only been met- rical about fourteen months. —Mr. Wm. Bethune, sonofMr. Colin ' Bethune, of this town, who has been spending the winter at home, lift this -week to resume his duties as purser on one of the cans: . _ .-. dian Pacific Railway eteamirs ru , ing only 'limit the\ amount of interest re- - between Owen Sound and god. Arthur. clewed. And if the council would take —Mr. Snider, the converted Railway every person'stadvice there would be Conductor, addressed a large Congiega- another • old Man and his ass. The thin in thyMethodist church Thursday I council appear to have taken the audi- afternoon. , Cromarty. • STOOK PURCHASED. —Our enterprising merchant,Mr. James Hislop, has tpur- chaaed from Mr. McDonneil, of en- sall; the bankrupt stock -of Mr. 4. S. *Case, formerly merchant here. The stock was purchased. very (lea and Mr Hislop's customers will likely reap the benefit. $ Usborne., Pros Som.—Mr. &child Delbri ge, near Winchelsea; has lately mad n the following Sales of pure bred Berk hire pigs :, One boar to -W1towdliff.pf 'Medford; R. Sanders, Ingersoll, one sow; T. 'Carbert, Huilett one boar; H. Muir, St: Marys, one boar; T. Hazlewood,- Winchelsea, one sow; At. McKellar, Avonton, one, - boar; J. Hooper, Blanshard, one sew G. ner, Crediton, One -boar ;I.:G.' Green Fairview, five ,sows; A. Hooper, Ste- phen, one soiW. Baker, pxeter,lene boar; John Bell, L'Amaroux, one boar. Mr. Delbridge -a specialtir of .breeding this stock and the above sales show that he is very succesiful. . I 1 .. Zurich., - • • Vitmoi NoTes..—Quite I a number -.left here last Tuesday to attend the funeral, at Exeter, of Mr. Robert Bus- well, who- died in Goderich on Sunday last. ...The deceased had bden a resident of this place for many years and had many friends hereabouts.He left here a short time ago to residirinpocleric . Rev: Mr. Rauch and Re,:v. J. W. t-, wein are in Berlin thieweek Litton mg the misfortune to lose a yearling colt the annual conferende of the Evan eli- last week.—Mr. Charlet Mason -has cai church.—The Evangelicalchurchpurchased the 40 acres adjoining his building here is being renovated by a own fat m'from Mr. Wm. Sinclair. - ' coat of whitewash and ether , needed GOOD STOOK SOLD.Mr. John Si improvements.. „, olair, of the li.ippen Road, recently sold Brucetleld. I . • a very finez 14 months old thorobred Durham bull to Mr. Henry Hood, of Fotnan, at Frank O'Neirs,; the oh ap- Pease, Manitoba. This animal ;will do est Boots and Shoes in the1 14 good service in improving the stock of GOOD CHANCE. —Mr, George )3aird,jr. that will sell for the next thirty days all winter pertion of the Prairie Province:— Pc:14 Such as Ken's Underwear, Shirts, Caps, Mr. oinclair .also scold to Mr. John s. goods, rance; reeve of Stanley, a handsoMe, sire four year old Clydesdale mare for the sing stun of $220, Mr. Sinclair is a breeder Jer- Of good stock, both in horses and cat- tle,_and at these prices he must find it Pa". . tors' reports as evidence.that the money i was all. nvested and the following year they found it was not. The treasurer states that heWas instructed to receive part of the principal at any time, and I • understand some of the old council state the same. The present council did not understand he was 'to I take it, but on looking over the minutes closely, for the purposeof making things elear,1 find in September, 1886, that he was author- ized to take sums of $100 or over on atirmortgage. But the minutes only show part, of the council doings, the rest was retained in their memories. In looking for this motion, I find in Oc- tober 81st, 1887, Joseph Evans received $5 for pay of road to grave'. pit for that year, and the auditors' report for 1888 shows that he received on the 17th of September, 1-888; $10 for road to gravel pit for 1887 and 1888, but the minutes do not show that he received any. Hoping that all will rest satis- fied that the council have done as well' AS they. could in the past for the best interest of' the ratepayers, and will try and do better in the future, and I would advise all to.keep their powder dry un- til 'next -nothination, when they. may select better men—JOnt; C. MORRISON, Township Clerk. Tuokerimnith. - BRIEFS.—Mr. Simon McKenzie has rented the farm of Mr. Alexander For. BythelOr a termof years.—Mr. George Sproat, jr., of the 2nd 'concession, in. tends erecting a splendid brick residence this summer.—Mr.James Broadfoot had Gloves, &c., at a reduction of ten per cen trade or at, cost for cash, -in oilier '. to room for his new Spring Goods, oompri Dress Goods Seersuekers, Prints, Ladles Soya, Laees Rlbbons, Velvets, Satins, Creto7nes, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tweeds, &op ' Also a full line of 'Gent's Christy Stiffs, Felts, • St awe, Fancy Shirts, Ties and Collars on ,hand. Fresh Groceries always in stock. Highest, prices paid Or farm produce. A c.s,11 solicited, _ _ 1111-4 LIFE BOAT CREW.--:Messris, mills and Irish,, the Life Boat. Crew, I have been , holding a series of Gospel Temperance Meetings this week in theMethodistancl Union churches, whioh have been, in- creasingly largely attended, and much interest his being manifested. These young men posses rare abilities, which as Christians they know well how to tuna to the profit -of men and the glory tof God: Ihe last meeting will be; hel4 an Union church on Sabbath evening at 6:30 p. m.. The meeting on -Saturday evening will be at 8 o'clock. THE TUpKERSMITH SCHOOL BOARD.— i At a meeting of the Tuckersmith ct 'm- oil held in .this village on Wedne day last the 'by-law for the repeal of the Township School Board was provision- . ally adopted by the council,"and the tote' of the ratepayers on it will. be taken on Wednesday; the 22nd day of, tiny next. This question has been icbone of donten- tion in the township for some' time, and it would be in the 'interest; of education in the township to have it definitely set- tled either one WaST or the other. s . If his vote is in favor- of continuing the town- ship board system those opposed to it should gracefully bow to the will of,the majority and go in ,heartily for malting the system work as well as possible, ,land if the ratepayers decide in the oppqsite direction those in favor of the . School Board should accept the decision 4ncl„. Make the best of their position..- - Molcillop. - ,A GOOD COLT . SOLD. —kr: • Thomas Roe of the 14th concession. of.MeKil- lopAhis week sold a two year old entire colt to an American buyerl for the of $250. This colt was sired. by Parish's imported horse "Scotia Farewelit • and from A, regietered m irts weighed a Halo over1,400pow*, • He Was an Mtrit4 fine dolt nd sold Very reas-onitblys y • . -TiiE LS'Otrtreliot—A nioo hog' . of tho Megillop eouneil Woo dot; At A Queen'hotel, -sSottforth,---on- Win last * Wawa relating tn- Ste Labor and Pound,keepers intra pas also a by.law for .the 1102001ifitfirOd 61 mahout' Setliktfi§ and the ferithiti of two neer (lotions, A -- debenture •as issued for it4 for g.rovel on t e Raton &lad, wed of Hartnitibey1he coition will net ineet as a Court of 0 Vision at :Crawford's hotel, Dublin on the 27th of May. - - "-. , - ' TOWNSHIP FINANCES.—DEAR EX si. TOR.—As Mr. George:.Murdie wrote a letter a. few ' weeks ago respecting the financial atanding of McKillop as shown by the.auditors' report, the ,councii re- quested all mortgages and „books to be brought to the council Meeting' for, in- . .spection. Every ratepayer -has a right to know the financial . position Of i the .Township, and the auditors' report should show it, but they do not appear to have done so to some people's minds. .Whether it was -the fault of the ret, rts or the lack of .brains to understa d I cannot say. McKillop is °nerd those • unfortunate townships that has $1,14.,- 682 to -invest ons first mortgage. he reports have shown it all invested since 1881 every year, but the following ear the.report would show a Certain amount paid by the township ':as interest for part -of the money and`, state then that the full amount Was invested, Ihie year, after paying 7.99 to , make up! the deficiency of interest on the whole amount, thereportstated that it was all . invested. At the treaeurer'sc.e. ..4.sliflld. gnat Mr. W. J. Shannon and m5self DE4ITH" OF 'A- ICENTENAnaarr.—There e . looked Over the books for,1889 nd - died in Port Albert, township of Ash - found -all principal 'parked When , Paid field, on Monday, 8th inst.''Mary Mar- aud the interest on each mortgage,. and tin, aged 105 years, 'relict of the late forind that there was $lap; outf on Stephen .Martin. She was a resident of first of January 1888, and $366 had, been Port Albert for upwards of 50 years; was. the married twice, first to John: Cameron., ole employe of the li' action .1„3ay Company, by . not whom -she had two children a , boy and eed :girls—John and Mary. John was well - for township purposes, and $1,116 of the known on the upper lakes as first-class -principal was paid in in 188e, .and : on pilot, 'taking charge Of supply steamers the 14th of February, this year, there and trading With the • Indians. Miry Was out. on first mortgage ' $134847, 'married a. Captain Trams& who was leaving still $735; On hand' for in4st- -drowned on the lakes many years afros ;merit. What to do with'. the mo ey he was a brother to Captain F. Train:tell not out is the problem to solve. - like presently -of . Goderich: ' Deceased's „Bbnyan's Pilgrim, some say use , it; second marriage was to Stephen Martini others say no; seine say' distribute :an a native of old France; by Whomshe had -amount equal to: the interest on the. five boys and one • girl. William, the whole among the schools; other ie 04 . eldest, eft for parts -unknown 40 years , 1 um r, Thursday. evening, April 25th, in the we Methodist church in tile village, re, 'NM& —134ilding operetiene are ping Jivoly on ell sides, —The immure are getting on. well with seeding, The fall wheat, taken on the:whole, looks prom. ising in this noighber-hood,—Mise Meggio Many Maimed home last week fioni Soiforth, where be hod been 'for the- pst few woke visiting friendse—Miss Boss, of Clinton, Is visiting her sister, Mr, W, B, MoLeone.Mr, 1 I Blateh. ford, sr., was in Middlesex midi Oxford ecuaties last week, minding a few days with old frieilds.-----The interior of thd Methodiet elitireh i oon to be improv, ed,—Mr, T. J‘klierry, bore buyer, of this piece, shipped last week- a coarlottcl of fine horses to Benton, '7 ENTERTAINMENT.—On Meriday even- ing last the regular meeting- of the Yeung People's Mutual Improvement So- ciety was held in the basement of Car- mel Presbyterian (lurch, when -a yery good.programme was.: carried out, the principal feature of which was a debate, the subject being, "Resolved that the Pulpit has done more for, Civilization than the Press," the affirmative being sustained by Messrs, Ingram, Brown and Miss Murray, and the negative by Mr. W. Buchanan, Sr., and Miss Me - Ewen., One of the, speakers on the negative side was unable to be present, but Mr. Buchanan on that account was allowed the time the absent .speaker would have been given. The debate' was a very interesting one throughout„:. but Mr.' Ingram, ably supported by Mr. Brown and Miss Murray, won in the contest, the judges deciding in, the affirmative. The closing meeting of .the society for the present year will be held -two weeks frozn the last -meeting. •• Grey. A• rs.torical, Diecounss.—The dis- course, on "transgressors," by Rev. D. O. McRae, last Sabbath, was fraught with solemn warning. The way of transgressors is hard," Proverbs. 13:15, ,formed dig text. The great wisdom of Solomon, the author . of these; words, Was referred, to. ' The transgressor, one who violates God's' law i , This leads to sin, sin allures to death, a death .bodily, spiritual and 'eternal.Com- pany wields a mighty influence for good or evil .on the destiny of individuals. Strive to walk With .the -wise, for: a companion. of fools shall be destroyed.. The awful doom of the ,profane swearer, the dishonestman and the drunkard was pictured. - Church' members not only drink•outside the house of worship but bring intemperance within the pale of the sanctuary. The preacher's feeling and .foreihle terms in denouncing drunkenness his earnest and eloquent plea on behalf of temperance terescue the destitute wife and children will not soon be' forgotten by. the people of Knox- churoh, Cranbrook. TUB. witty who in mistake took -a Buffalo Robe from tho "'Mensal House" on the. 9th of April, will save any further troul)lo by it • onceieturning the same: ' 1114-1 .. • OATS. —Farmers having good white Odd to sell will find it to their advantage to sell at the Hensall Oatmeal Mills. • A large quantity .wanted -at the highest market price. All orders foemeal promptly filled. D. useenaitT, Hensall OatmI e Mills. .• 1118-3 LE A. M EivVZre URE,—We understand that Mr. . nmeg, barrister, of Clinton, will is now` celebrated lecture on trninster Abbey," •illustrated, on paichn et three different times of. year, reducing the interest on the w $9.47 and the sum of spip.pbst was -out on interest at all onlyias it was' ngo, Joseph - with four oth rich en the4t Harry lives a Edward lives Mary is mar - The deceased kind in everY willing to a it moment's ei at midwiferys younger days •sique, nearly proportioned. three months of about thr hours and Mrs. Martin Tort Albert. nd Alex. . were drowned re While fishing off Gcide- of April, 19 years age. Port Austin, Michigan; on the old homestead ; ied and lives in Indiana. lady was hospitab e. and sense of the word, always OW her neighbors at a tice'" was considered good but tobk no pay. In her he was of splendid phY.- ix feet)in height and +sell Was seldom ill. About go she walked a distance e miles, chatted several alked home again. Old ill long be remenibered in • AT CONFER minister of t away attendi being held in SUDDEN D of the deepest • announce the of the beloved of the ,Bronso of her death s of Mr. Wm. and while th died in fe being the eau terred in the Sunday. a,shwood. NCE. —Rev. Mr. Ortvvein, • e Evengelical church, is g conference, which is erlin. TH.—It is with feelings regret that we this week esth; on the llth inst., wife of Mr, John Wing, Line, • During the day e went to visit the family right, of near Dashwood, re she became Isiok and minutes, heart disease . The remains were ronson Line, cemetery on THE MCAT tinues fine, an dition. Owin farmers busine HIGH SOHO Wednesday la .spector Beath and found it i As the Morons another teach' have decided t OBITITABY. acquaintances of Mr. R. Boswell, for- merly of Zuric will regret to learn of his decease. t three &block Sunday morning he de • arted this life, aftertwo weeks ofsevere uffering,which wasborne by -him with g eat Christian fortitude. His remains w re interred in the Exeter cemetery on uesday. His respected wife, who is, eft to mourn her ;great loes,;has the arm sympathies of her many friends a &acquaintances. LITERARY.— he High &noel Literary Society met F iday evening last ;week. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing term: President,' B; A. McKenzie; is Vice W. McCluskey; 2nd Vice -Miss E. Watson; Secretary, Miss E. drozier ; Secretary of Commit- tee, A „Johnit. ; Treasurer, Miss G. Wilson;, gait. r,! Ed. E. Harvey Li- brarian, Miss Graham; Councillors, Miss R. Strati!, Messrs. A. Mahaffyd, W. Hislop. A er which the following programme wa rendered: Chorus, by members; remit tion, Mr. Boyds read- ing, Miss Van tone; recitation, Miss M. Acheson; r ading, Mr. Strang, B.A. oclerich. ER. —The weather eon - the ntreets in goon, con - ...to the busy time ameng s is very dull just now. L. — On - Tuesday and t week, High School In -- lofted our High)- School, a prosperous condition. d attendance necessitates, r, the Board of trustees 'engage the fifth teacher. he many friends . and A. R. Star Shine farm with take orders for the undressed stone. notice. A. R. SmiT rnssels. .having piftchased. the elms, is now prepared to :very best stone . drafted or. .rders filled bh1 "the ishinortt y. ern Star. Lodge 'fide.. OddfelloWs, hold the he lorder this year by service in St. John's ay, April 28th at 11 John ' Ainent has this the Bennett property for -the -suns of $1,000. eter herttific Creigh. extieved to Galt as an is said the agent at e . here, the change. to st.-,-Farmers are busy - which makes things town.—James Young lor the Northwest. on ' goes to Moosomin.— on . Thursday of .next umber of .Cases are on : nomination and ele0- . of - the school Board; BRIEFS. —Wes pendent Order o anniversary of attending divin church on Sun o'clock a. m. week purchased from James Dre —The station m ton, has been assistant and i • Ilderton is to co take place May at • spring wor quite dull here i and family leave April 30. He . Division Court week; 41arge the do .—T tion of a membe to ,fill the vacaney, caused by the resig- ergraves, will bes held pril 24, and, WRInes. respectively,—Jmneo rum Thrn loOlite, And hn Mon Jane,was igon lost week while *4y wa interred in motion of John on Wednesday, -clay. May, 1, 188 MoVarlane, a f brother of j drownedin !Co rotting logs, Ili Exeter, brim ..illessr :Diehl, students e don, ore home fo Mr. Louis DM and impressive lug last„ in the E Henry Diehl wil evening at heap are much -please Wanless around laid up with a se tweweeks.—Mr. estimable lady. are part of the count wedding.—Mr. -J Stanley; has bou year old .heavy combined weight costing him abou magnificent. pair Will be made to s Crew for next Ave Why we cannot . treat as well as-• o have 68 good aoco of halls, lots of fo ; • Itritai: Louis And Nary Huron College, Lon. their Boster holidays, preached a very Ohio mon on Tuesday even. limpid church, Mr, preach - this Friday st seven o'clock.—We , to see Mr. James gain. . He has been ere cold for, the last Jos. Morrow and his away in the northern attending is golden Torrenee, reeve of hi a span of three aught colt!. . Their s over 3,100 - pounds, $450.. They are a f - mares.—An - effort cure the Life Boat k,as "We don't see have . an intellectual her folks When we modation in the shape, ke, oke., tee, JOTTINGS.--Mis Gray, of London, Robert Pickard, tence, who has bee Mr. for sometime, ha Jno. Veale, of Lo ter, is here lookin Ile intends movin Mrs. Veal is till are no hopes as ye Mr. Chas. Eau stock of shoes to t vied by Mr. Cha where he will try -ices. —Mr. Wm, misfortune in the finger and has bee few days. -Mrs; and formerly of E friends,—The tele moved into Mr. stand, Where Mr, will -move his stoe zy shortly.—; -The man named Mon from the residence who's wife is the etir. es A. Sheere and D. are the guests of -Mrs. Mrs. Drew, of .Flor- visiting her - brother. Drew, of ,this place, returned home.—Mr.. don, formerly of Exe- ter a house to rent. here to live again. very sick, and there for her recovity.-- tt has removed his e building once own- . Tom, shoe maker, nil sell out at cheap Folland has had the in shop to crush his • unable to work for a letcher, of Brussels, eter, is hire visiting • hone office has been Chas. Eacrett's -old Rieke, the manager, of.clocks and jewel - funeral of of a young lane took place to -day of Mr. Wm. Pareone, young man's sister. His death occurred in Michigan, from whence he was brought. He was en- gaged in floating logs 'down one of the streams and -had the sad misfortune to fall off, the raft and vas drowned —A very large ineeting of the Band of Hope of the James street church was held on Tuesday evening, and a 'very fine pro- gramme was rendered. The President, Ms. W. J Olark, mentioned that it would be his last Meeting with the Band, as he is going to leave the town shortly. A meeting of the members will be called immediately to receive his resignation and appoint anothef to fill the office.—There will be a lecture in the opera house on _Good Friday evening delivered by the Rev. Dr. Burns,' of Hamilton;,on the "Irish Cause," and it promises to be well woith hearing. He comes under the auspices Of the ladies of the James street Methodist church, West Waivanosh. JOTTINGS.—Mr.T. Ford who for11 some time _has' worked his- father's farm, has now rented O. Donelly's farm, near Donnybrook, for 4 term of years.—D. -Donovan has tho Ford farm on shares.— Mr. ; John Barbour, who takes a great interest in thoroughbred stook, had the, honor of being judge at Brussels spring . show. The society made a good choice, as Mil,'Barbour is a good judge of stook, and keep& first-class thorough- breds, both of 'Durham and Holstein.— Bernard O'Laughlin, while helping A. D. Cameron topull down an old log • barn One day last week, hadthe- mis- fortune td get one of his ,legs broken above the ankle. He will be laid -up for this spring. Stanley. Noris.—The many friends of Mrs. R. Ross, who was so 111 a few weeks ago, will be glad to know that she is 'able to be around again.—Fr. R. Mor- rison is making extensive improvements on his new farm. Mr. Morrison and family seem • to be. pleased with their new home.—Mr. W. Murdoch sold a splendid colt to Mr. John McDougall the other day for a good figure.—The Ross Brothers have purchased a thor- oughbred Durham bull.—The money, expended on George McNair's side -road was practicallywasted as it was as bad as ever this spring.—Weddings are all the rage hereabouts just now. Three within two months and more to follow. The more the merrier.—If the Bayfield people, now that theyseem to be work- ing up and purpose giving a bonus of $2,000 to assist in building a mill, would look after the dam and have it removed orhave arrangements made so that the fish could get back up through the rivers and streams, they would be doing a _good and worthy act, • - -Bluevale. FAT' CATTLE. —HughRoss shipped a fine Varload of fat cattle from here last week. We here quote a few of the parties he got them from with the ani- mals'lw eight and ages :—Peter Fowler, one 1980 .lbs.; Tliomap Henderson, one 4ow 1560 lbs.; Sanuiel Anderson, two. Steers, two years .old, 2850 lbs.; Robert Leathern, three heifers, 3450 lbs.; 'Samuel Black, two steers, 2300. lbs.- Hugh. Ross, six steers,two years old, 6828 lbs. BfErxes.=Mrs. Sohn -Clunis from Galt was visiting her brother here, Mr. Ben. /Sault& —Henry . Heckles and - Mrs. Epplett are home from Louisiana. —The council . met here on' Monday. The path -masters for the village are Duncan King and Wm. 'Smith.—Mrs. Robert Yeo is -very poorly. Peter Fowler has also been poorly. alt -winker, but is on the mend. CHEESE - FACTORY BURNED. — The Bluevale Cheese Factory was burned to the 'ground Wednesday- might of last Week. The fire seems to have started about 12 o'clock at ,night in under the south-west end of the Making room. Mi. Dillon and family lived in the east end,which is fitted ,up lifer a dwelling, and when awakened they were all just about smothered with smoke, If it had not happened that young Mr. Snell from the boundary was passing from Wing - ham and seeing 44 fire gave the alarm there is no doubt but Mr, Dillon and his family would' have been burnt in the lames ; :Agrio.WArir most of the furniture VfAN get 'out, but a let of valuableolothes and other things werebUrned, Nothing was loved in the factory but tho wood that was 'there for the .sruntner ueo, Tho villagers worked like. herons ?niter Captain' tiandersorA orders,' There Ream to bo not the Most doubt but thot the bulging was sot on fire, A' meeting of the direetore and shoreiholders was called on Monday, and the Forresteris Hall was filled with interested parties. It was decided to rebuild- at. once and tenders ars out for a brick footory all '-through and to be completed on the Ist of June. The insurance on the burned building was $2,000, And $1,000 on con- tents. . 'The Directors offer $100 reward for ir4prmation leading to; the discovery of tlincendiary. 13a,ylle CLOSING ENTERTAIN ZNT, —The Liter- - ary Society, which has been a flourish- ing institution during the past winter, gave their closing concert to a fair sized audience in the town hall- Friday even- ing last. The programme was made up of choruses, musical selections, readings, recitations, solos and dialogues. The recitation by Miss Reta Stanbury re- ceived deserved applause.. Special men- tion should also be made of the parts taken by Misses Wjnnie Moorhciuse, M. Marks and L. Geminhard. The mud° was furnished by Messrs, W. Peck, H. Darrel), violins ; A. Fowlie, James Fer gluon, W. Erwin, harmonicas. The accompanist of the evening was Miss Nellie Morrison, who presided in her usual pleasing' and accomplished,. man- ner, i Bnizis.—Mr; H. Calloday left last week for ' Goderieh.--LMiss Barbara Homan, of Saginaw Michigan, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Stalker. She was attending the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Hackie, of Clinton.—Mr: John Pollock is having extensive altera- tions and improvements Made in the Albion Hotel.—sSonie of - the young ladies have been very busy, lately knit- ting socks for a young man who expects to leave these parts soon.—We, obeerve, the following complimentary 'Mine of a young lady well known here in a -report of a Trades' Carnival lately held in Ober- lin, Kansas,. The Oberlin Herald says: "Miss Lottie Marks, as representative of the First National Bank, was bedeck- ed with twenty dollar - gold_Pieces, and was hardly, eclipsed by Egypt's fair queen, Cleopatra, -when reclining on her star-spangled couch, in an open boat on • • • • APRIL 19,1.889. MILLINERY, MANTLE GOODS, DRESS dOODS, SILKS, PARASOLS, &Om Our Stook is well assorted, ,and Constantly being Replev: Ished with New 'Goods. PRINTS, • .0.0.1-TO.N:85 SKIRTING?, OW-MIN:05 OARF.ETS, SEAFORTIi. wraramormusa,. the Nile, she enamored the famous Mark Antony."—On Sunday last the Salva- tion Army were here in large numbers and with them Miss Thornton a blind soldier from Clintonr who read portion of Scripture and sang severni solos ifi an excellent manner, --Miss Lillie .Morgan has returned home after a six month's stay in Clinton, where she has been under instructions in dress -making in Robertson's store.—On Tuesday a large numberof the fishermen left for the sum- mer. We ;wishthem a prosperons season.--gpi ecial - services n Trinity church this week on Wednesday: Thurs- day and Friday evenings.—Mr. Charles Logan lately went to Saginaw where- he , has secured a situation in a drugstore. • • - Auburn: "WEDDING BELLS.—On Wednesday last one of the most popular young la-, dies of the Nile, -Miss Mary Jones sec- ond daughter of Mrs. James hues, Auburn, was joined in matrimony to Mr. James Goodfellow, of Belleville, at the Nile, by the Rev. Mr. A.ndersonof Goderich. As the bride was a general favorite, the attendance at the -cere- mony was large. The bridesmaid was Miss Lizzie Symington, one of Album's most highly esteemed young ladies. The groom was nobly assisted; by Mr. Robt. Jones, .brother of the • bride, The bride and bridesmaid were arrayed in golden brown satin and bodices of cream Irish lace, and on their left shoulders they wore wreaths of 'white roses ,and annw drOps. The presents were ruimer- ous and costly, including. several silver - sets, one I might mention was -a most beautiful silver water pitcher from. the - groomsman. After a wedding supper at the residence of the bride's brother,Mr. James Jones, all retired to their homes, leaving their best wishes with the -newly married couple for their future howl- .neas,—CON, BRUFA, —Um Alexander Pentland, Dungannon, is tho guest of her son, Mr, 11, j, Bleklo, of this town,,--Rcv, Alex. McMillan attended the Synod held **Word lost week, The Hobbs* 'School in connection with Knox Church, wowed tor the 4111fflifief menthe loot Sabbath morning/ with s very ht. itt. - tandem, Bev, My, McMillan- will Wed tho Bible closseAtev, IL I, Immo will exchange pulpits next Sunday with the Rev, ift• ,Itogars, of Londesboro,• The following Monday evening, liev. Mr. Rows will give his lecture, 'A re- production of Talmage on Ingersoll." The lecture will be held in the Main street Methodist church of this plows. —Out townsman D. B. Munro visited the Forest City a few days ago on a business trip. D. E. as a merchant ear - carries as large a stock as any one outside the cities. -- Three young men of -this village ap- peared before Magistrates Kelly and Young in Blyth last week to answer to the charge of using abusive and insulting language to one of our respected citizens „while he was passing along the street. . Their bad manners cost them in the - neighborhood of $6 each which should improve their morals for the future. , Gorrie. Lo —Dr. Patterson, 'former- ly of 0�rrie, now of Owen (Sound, paid our village a visit last week,—Mr. Wm. McDonald, dentist of Wingham, paid us a professional visit on Monday last. —There has been more sickness than usual In and around our village this esPurine and several deaths have coc- rr.—Mre. Robert McLaughlin is very low, and she is not likely to re - coyer. She is a victim of consumption. McCready, who has been study- ing medicine at Detroit, is visiting . friends in our village.—Mr. Boyd, ex teacher of school section No. 18, How - ick, was in town on Tuesday last, --It' is time our base ball players were mak- ing preparations for the season, Get . at work boys.—Mr. W. S. Bean is in the city purchasing spring bode, Owing to the cold weather, little gar- dening hale yet been', done.— Bobbie Greer, son of Mr. Samuel Greer, is suf- fering from erysipelas. ' Dr, Smale of Wroxeter, is attending him, -- 1Mr. Richard Ross, our popular implement, agent, is pushing his business already. Anyone wishing to purchase farm im- plements csn have their wants supplied. by Mr. Ross' who is an excellent -judge of the meritsdam% articles. •Cf. - The Sailor FAUOY Boys' 2 Hats ir va10,11•10, Anot and !Pi a: fine and Se cost' Ohe. great "Y, could tree pia value if ixe the r of 'form exist1 experiei when t 'ceases - ern prai could destitut was soon dense p purpose was elth sante ev rienoe t 11 pleating exoellen of large talon 1 acres. - In sue timber so riting I road coil mile, id dueed four feel intend ti in% Tk dein fo them, fr. Imp sac kin po Shy Vie of -.sob I others. • *whin praises:I sink firmer w tAtinvi to svort1 kit forest, at side ; vsted to of years -that the', - take cars Me f4 itOW you real dress. I a lost iseltal no p- - vstion, den of Yasuo 1 —The farm- on Aeon, bele rented al art and 1 and lido fire toad] it insposs few JIe&c. in an old barn. I Were st 'Waggon, three set bushels•4 straw Menu, IA limes* hold, 7 pro rieto In*uri secanentn lots, Ti inlet rano -Usk itnd boa bsen