HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-04-05, Page 310. wpm- sin ler $tove& renteed. us Elttoves Agents. and Libiafrrv -EAFORTIL premisee--re. - Minus; ou Main psredocsrrou- JaTrlage bra- They are letting durable • .• Sleighs, 2iS season. kaPVCO011int eription promptly cin the bushiest cal workreep, an4 this vicinity, they of while patron. ' kind should giv !..where. k Sons, SEAFORPH.. eraises. tOOERY FORTH, and commoglion tely Occupied by Street, Seafottlx• My for the bust - accommodation, than. ever before ameTore• aroceries verything tate. and all ov „ while our prieft a. Just- try. our UlTS. They are FEED. ntlY On hand-, In. cash paid for First Grocery a and Goeleriell ROBB, :„ &WORTH. Dordia ✓ Complaint, - • and senerally It amysvotn- wont predgeing tathe taste that 26 Cents. ERTS • $, BLOCK dewetryStore. Xsant RUP - the Market for di a_n4 ia o formore: T. 25, dents, TS Iruggist, Seaforth Aram 5, IbEiD. a small kettle to the pariorflre, and •unleavemeel bread. This shows the shal- ifted a table to the hearth, and then re- lowness of the pretest that the demana lenished the ile of Ioge bituring . for fermented wine at the commuoion table springs . from an eernelit.desire to: imitate the Lord exactly. Another fact • in ° the same line' . is that pone ofthese would be dote fermatas ever think of imitating the humility which lod Jesus to wash the feet of his disciples. -New York Witness. uriog the night. cuddling in a large chair, watched Antonia, as she wept softly about putting on the table such delicacies as she could' find at th*t hour. Tamales and cold ducat; sweet cake and the guava jelly that wasjoe- bel's favorite dainty. There wasa littie comfort in the ii,gfit'of these things; and also, in the bright silver teapot standing so cheerfully on the hearth, and diffusing through the room a warm per- fume, at once soothing and exhilarating,. '1 really think I shall , like tlfit American tea to -night, Antonia, butyl= must half fill my cup with -those little blocks of sugar -quite hill fill it, An- tonia; and have you found cream, my' dear one? Then a good deal of 'cream.' Antonia stood still a moment and looked at the -drowsy little beauty. Her eyes were clostd, and her head needed comfortably in a corner of the padded chair. Then a handupon the door. handle arrested her .attention, and An- toe'sturned her eyes from Isabel and watobed it. Ortiz, the peon, put his head within the room, and thou disap- id ; wonder and joy! Don ufs entered swiftly after him ; and be; fore any -one could say -a .word, he was kneeling by Isabel kissing her hand and mingling his exclamations of rapture - with hers. . Antonia. looked,with ,amszemant and delight at this apparition. How had he come? She put her - hand upon his sleeve; it was wearcely wet. His dress was splendid; if behalf been going to a tertullia- of the highest class, he could not have been more richly adorned. And the storm was yet raging I It was miracle. 1-I had taken- a drink or two and felt jolly "Dear Lnig d°Wn Rein it& ?hair and so I hailed her with: - _ dose to Izo ! 'Tell your . secrete a few minutes, and I will go for mi madre. 0 yes!• She will come! You shall see, Ira -I And then, we shell • have - some supper." . Yon tett that I am , in heaven al- ready, Antonia; though, indeed„ I am also hungry and thirsty, my sister." . Antoine woe not a Militite in reaehing her Mother's room. The unhappy lady was half -lying among the Urge- pillows of her gilded bed, wide awake. Her blacleeyes We're fixed upon a crucifix at its foto, and she was slowly murmuring prayers upon her rosary. - • Madru Madre 1 Luis is here! Come quick, mi metclret.• Here are your stockings and slippers, and your gown, and. your inantil-no, " no, no, do not call Rachels. Luis has news of my father, .and of Jack 1 Oh, inadre- he has a letter from Jack to you,! - _Come dear, Wale in a few minutes you will be ready'." She was _ urging and kissing the trembling woman, dressing her in _. despite of her faint effort to delay -to - can Rachele,-to bring - Luis to her rotten. In tem, iniuutes she was ready. .She went down softly, like 'a frighten- - ea child, Antonio, cheering' and encour- aging.her in whispers. . When she entered the cheerful ',parlor the shadow of a- smile flitted over her wan face. Luis ran to meet her. He drew the couch close to thehearth ; he helped Antonia arrange - her conifort. ably upon it. He made ter tea, and kissed her halide wheiehe put it into them. And then Isabel made Luis- * cup, Out his tamales, and waited upon him with such pretty 'fervid., thek the happy. lover .thought he was eating a - meal in Paradise. - For *few mitintetic it had been only thia ordinary gladness of reunion; but itwasimpossible to %pope longer the anxiety in the eyes that asked so many . questions. He took two= letters from his pockets and gave them to the Sen- ora. They were from her husband and Jack. Her hands trembled; she kissed them fervently : .and as she placid them in her lomat her tears dropped down- . upon there. • Antonia opened the real oonversation with !that never failing '-wedge_, the weather. "You came through the storM, Lois? Yet you are not wet, scarcely?• Now then, explain this miracle." Their Mother. My boy eat looking strsight into the coals, - I:front his stool at my feet One day. And the firelight burnished the curly head, And painted the cheeks with a dash of red, - And brightened his very eyes as he said, ...._ In a most eonfidentiai way. L ff Mamma, I think, when I'm a grown- man, - I shall have just two little boys,”. I smiled --he Was six -but he did not see. And 1 said, Why yes now how nice .that f 5 Will be But if one were a girl it seems to me,' it be done in the right way, and spi it would Add to your household joys." • He 'very strongly asserts. that the peePie Well yes," ediedvely, " that would be want an,d- will support the Gospel,. hu nice. they net want and never will supper And rit teli-you just whd. do ; . the present ecclesiastical streoture ru name one Bobbie, for me, you know," • Then the bright oyes shone wIths deeper glow, ite clean Olt rich'and poor lines. . Tha "And there's just- the two. or ui. now and so. the church must either revolutionize its •- dame the girl, Annie, for you." • . metnods or be antagonized. by. the great "But how would their mother like that ?" I mass of the people; and ,because, -1.. a5 he asked, • thinks, the people are right, the ecoles- Do you think that she wOult1 'agree . • • • ror ua to Iwo both names. while she had WItiOal structures - out higi cities will • - none be left, in time, to bemire° the i ;Alibi of With the mystified, puzzled lobk of one the exclusively religious. That Mains Wholly befogged, said my logical son, bitterness, or *evolutions leerier or later. it Their mother? Why who Is she 7' The Doctor drew attention.to a feat of -Goon HOITSEKEVNG, great significance; that such: churche4 as those oftbe Rev. Dr. John Halland the . A. Costly Little Joke; • Collegiate Church, rich and influential, " Speaking •of woment" said- the oOlonel, :according to the present eco esiastKal judgments, have been licephig missions -after a long pause, "-I -was traveling in ' • MieSoeiri once in my buggy when I met going for from twenty-five to :thi ty years, which are simply missioni ill. a tall, slabsided-sgirl of 20 on the road: 'That means an expenditure 'of ut $100,000 and very little to allow for it, • It looks as if, there were something-radi- :daily wrong somewhere in the. meth de and many people locate- the est Christian judgment in these quarter It is On the utmost smportan. for. best welfare of this City and es ' for the Christian 'Church in it, tolo k where the error is, for it is fact bey -question that the Christian Church corned at the services either by 60 tor or twine of the membera , Of the con. grO4'. &don, , -, - , ; ,. „ - Dr. ,auntir, who Is a' physician .ae wen, does on'in2mense amount of grated ,eis tii medical work among the poor of the o ty without any reference however to is, own.congregation, and without reaped to church relations of any kind. - 1, 4 Here is svhipel whieh mania to sten alone in the Centre of a valuable distric of Over twenty-five thousand people. Such a multitude, however, in a down town district instead of meaning ease in gathering them into a church, rather signifies difficulties multiplied many fold, for in the 20th ward there are over 500 saloons to 20,000. families, se that the results are all the more gratifying and hopeful. In conversation with Dr. ,Tuder, he expressed great hopes ler the modem! . of_the Gospel among the people if .o I "Twent first to Lopez Navarro's. Do the one Lopez bought for the feast of tion of Jerusalem ?" she asked. "Howdy, Si? Fine day." . "Howdy, stranger?" she promptly re. plied. .-- " Say," 1 Wanton, "I'M looking for a wife."- - " What sort?" "About your kind." 0 Want me?" . . "If you'll have me." \ "Reckon I will. Let's drive back to see dad and mom."' , - "1 was joking, you know, so I told her - that I- Was in a great hurry and would return. Three natives,who came along juit then, stopped to find out what was the matter, andthey set in with the girl to take me beck. The only may I could get out of it warto bolt to the woods, leaving the horse and buggy behind, and five years later the girl was still driving them, That little loke of mine cost me $350, to say noth• ing of being run through a patch o woods five Miles wide." -Detroit Fre Press, Money or Genius: A. coolness, growing out of the follow- ing conversation has sprung up between Jones and Smith :- "1 had a great time last *night," said Jones: "1 epent the evening at a little social gathering at the Goodman man., lion." Are the Goodmans nice people ?" enquired Smith. . Well, I should say so; They are very aristocratic. To get into their circle one must either have a great deal of tummy or a great deal of genius." `` "You don't tell me et) And you say you were there?" " Yes." - •• "You were invited, were you 4" "Of course." s‘ And to be invited a man has to have plenty of money or a great deal of genius?" " Precisely." ".Well, Jones, I sm very glad to hear you have becomerichall ot a sudden. Lend me five pounds." A -Class Distinction. Apropos of Sunday -School, and the ignorance of the Bible: Last year in England on entering the kitchen one evening -I found our landlod3r, Mrs, ,A—, diligently turning over the leaves of her Bible. "Can you tell me where I ' you not know this feats dress? It is eau find the account of tha final destruc-. St. James. He lent it to me, for I as sure you. that my own clothing was like that of a- beggar man. It was impossi- ble that I taeld see my angst on earth in it." * • "But in sucleweather ? Toucan not • have come far to -day 2" - Senoritir,„ there are- things which are impossibletquite impossible 1 Thatis one „ of them. Early this morning the north - wind advanged-upon us, sword in hand. . It will last fifty hours, and we shall know'something more about it before &try are over. Very well, but it was also absolutely necessary that some one should reach San Antonio to -night; and I was so happy se.•;*to palinode General . Burleson •to send me. The Holy Lady-' has re* me my reward." • " ve you seen the Senor Doctor lately, Luis," asked the Senora. • "I left hire at nightfall."„, " At nightfall But that is impos- sible V' "It is true. • The army of the Amer- icans is but a few miles from San An- tonio." • " Grace. of God ! Luis 1'7 "As you say, Senora. It is the grace of God. .IXd you not know?" "We know nothing but what Fray Ignatius tails us-thatthe Ainericans have been everywhere; pulling down churches, and granting martyrdom to the priests, and that everywhere mirac- ulops retributions have pursued them." (Tobe continued.) Communion Wine • It seems utterly inexcusable for a man who claims to be an ambassador • of Christ to insist on the use of that which is the devil's chief instrument for de- stroying men's souls as an emblem of the blood of Christ ehed for the salvation of souls. The pretence is that this pro- fanity is necessary in order to follow the example of Christ. But there is not a shadow of proof that Our Saviour used - fermented wine at the communion. It k is most probable that he did not, both, from his own character and from the feet thet all -leaven was prohibited at the Panover feist,by the law of Motes, _ (Leaven isiermentation.) By the way we have never heard of any of those . who insist on the use of fermented wine "because Christ used It" insisting :deo on the use of unleavened bread /or the sa3ne num, Yet is is, to say the lost, _uncertain that Christ did use fermented wine, but vita oertain that he did use -Childreri Coffer "Not in the 014 Testament most cer- tainly," was the reply, ttfor it took place' after the time of Christ." To her question as to the exact date being unable myself to give it, -I said "Your Bible. Class teacher could tell you." - ' But I -had touched upon_ a- -sensitlie point. - - • - . "The Bible Class' I do not go to the Bible Class I" she replied with con- siderable warmth. "That is for another elan of women -the poor 'women." . - It is true; even in the Sunday•Schools of England the lines of class distinetion are drawn. Lady So -aid -So Comes in to give the prizes and it is considered * geeat condescension on her part. And the lodging -house keeper refuses to at- . tend the same class -whose members in- clude thabrandress who washes for bort lodgers. -Wide Awake. A City' Problem Looked at From a Mission Chapel. BY -J. N. IL We have been looking up the work of some of our brethren who are *down in the front fighting out the solution of our great Christian problems of the redemp. tion of our cities. We had an interview with the Rev. Kennetli'F. Junor, M. D., pastor of De- Witt Chapel at 160 West 29th street, N. Y., as to -the Work the people are tio- ingthere. It is well known that two and a -half years age, when he took hold of that enterprise, he had a difficult task on his hands' to resuscitate a body that WAS Sini0St extinct. - We learned that the last celebration of the Lard's Supper, the known mem- bership had more than doubled, and the congregation which had been a piers handful, now comfortably filled the church. The people are evidently active, enthusiastic and aggressive in their work. They seem to be trying to double their contributions each, year. The Congregational Prayer Meeting reports an attendance of over eeventy-five per cent. of its membership. :The'Sabbath School of over four hun- dred, antler the care of Rev. Benjamin E. Dukhauts, is in a most efficient eon- dition,,Ond doing very valuable work in' aid of the church. Enthusiasm and personal hiterest without sensationalism of any kind, seems to form the ground work both of this work and of its sucoeu. The stranger finds himself warmly wet-- , Pitcher'liCastorls1( • he ly ow nd as utterly lost its grip on the communien. It is utter folly to try and sit oil any man who ventilates this, the' greatest question of the day, be he tenon or preanh- er, for the question will - only come., up In a more aggravatedlorns later on. 1 For all practical purposes thi sexton - of sp. Thomas' Church was absolutely Correct in this respect and it is the only thing of importance, and their is. iiath. ing to be gained by blinking This city is cursed in • its religious life by the general recognition of the hot of there being churches -for the rich and churehes for the poor. • • - - The rich churches of New York --start missions for the poor. They are started as missions and they are in the major- ity of mutes intended to be kept as mit,- siens-and in New York the word infs. Alm has attached to it a special m Ing. In the homes of the people -it looked on as a depot for the distriut of groceries, clothing, coal and rent. .t In the -parlance of the street,At as a soup kitchen. In religious circles it is a great' charitable' centre, from which much blesiing flows. The curse of the city is in it'd methods of charity and ,the Orme of the Christian- Church is that it has done so much to foster and !es- tablish it, . These are the • words of a man right in the midst of the work of which he speaks, and one of very large and varied experience in all such work, who is to work on the opposite lines to those here marked out, and as will be eeen with a large measure of success. He avers that were it notrfor the great influence these demoralizing methods have had on men's minds, the difficulties in Christian work 'would not lie anything like so great. -Christian at •Work. • ' . is- is on A Terrible Argument.- Ti PC)$ITC) IMPORTANTS ..blOTXOR' , . 7Lion, se1tvi0e,--a two year old thorough - .,I0 bredrhaM Bull will staudfor service this seaso tlif._ on .Let 19, Concession 2, Tucker. smith; ' Te To Insure, 41.50. GEORGE' A. SPROAT, Jr. ' . . . , .1110 tf : sy....... • • • ova ••••••• ..k.mem..•••••. MM. 11.•••••••••••••.,••••••••••1. ...• I. 40..•• IM. , . 11OTEL FOR SALE: -On the Northern Gravel ' _Road, with stabling and drivingehed ;also. a first -clue well, The Hones le Licensed acid a good stand. For -particulars apply lo JAMES FULTON, Proprietor, Winthrop P. () 1088x4 tf .' - ULL- ros. SERVICE. -The unciertigned will keep on Lot 27, Concession 2; MeKill- lap neer Seafort14- the thoroughbred Aytihire but owned by Mr.., Thomas Grieve and to whioh a limited nitniber of bows, will be -taken. Ternts-$1. RODERICK GRAY, . 11114r _ eti..00D GENERAL PURPOSE -HORSES FOR SALE.-'oreale one bay gelding rising 8, ont gray .gelding rising 4, one by mare, one bar, mere In fo..1, Apply on lots 28 and 24, .Coloession 5, Stanley. JACOB DIEHL, Varna P. . 1111.4 • A GOOD CHANCE. -For sale or to rent im. 21. mediately, an excellent farm -neer Bay-. field, containing 180 ,aores !flora or less, eighty acres under .cultivation, first rate orchard, good fences, convenient,to markets, &c. Apply to MRS.. GAIRDNER, Bayfield. 1111x8 EMALE TEACHER WANTED.--Applioa. tions will be received- up to April 15th, 1889, for an assistant teacher for School Section No. 1, Morrie. Duties to commence the 1st- of April, ending at midsummer vacation: Applica-- :tins stating salary and AM giving testimonials to be -addressed to inf. MARSHALL, Secretary, ' Blyth P, 0„ Ont. 110944 I XTOTIOE TO CONTRACTORS. -Sealed ten ders Will be received until the 91h.of April next for the erection of two brick school houses for School - Section No. 10, - Hay. Plans and 3speolfiestiont may be seen at the residenceof Wm. Moir, after the 2nd of April. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted R. • CARLISLE, WM. MOIR, WM. ELDER, True - tee,. 1111x2 Rev.' P. G. Robertson _ states ' that ° some years ago, when the great liquor deputation which went down to Ottawa . to etik for the repeal of the Soott Act,-, were returning, he happened to be -in a - car where there were seemed of the Delegates." Three of them were Cop- pesite to him,onmeats facing each other.. They talked very loudly -they "were going to kick the. ' Scott Act higher than the moon l" they were_gOing .P0 do a great : many things: - "The govern- ment were going to repeal . the &eon Act 1" and so forth. - '4, : - . . An old man sat behind them; and frequently put his hand up to his ear,, to catch their words: After a while be came forward, and eddiessed them. *" Gentletnen," said he, "I heard you speaking of the eiountrof !fatten. en- tlemen I live in the county of Half,On, and When the vote was taken for- the * Scott Mt, II Went; up to tlie poll and, voted against It; and my three tons followed me, and they all voted agalnst It! Gentlemen, When • the vote on the Repeal was taken, *few months ago, I went up to the poll, and Voted agaln5t the Repeal! And two of .my sons fol bowed me;. and they voted against the Repeal.„', Gentlemen, yon'11.*onderr my other son.didn't vote? Gentle eu, -he couldn't! 1.1e was dead.. He was in a drunkard's grave ! . • ° • ' , - "Gentlemen!' concluded the old man; with the tears- now coursing fest down bit -cheeks, .".When one of you has a sonin 'a drunkard's gave, y WU think and speak -of the Scott Act with more respect 1" and then wentqii etly • back . to his seat. The " Delega s " said nothing 'then and not much a ter- . -.werd. - • Welsh Reasoning. The Welsh formerly drank their ale, - mead, or metheglin, out of earthen ves- sels, glazed- and painted within and without with dainty devices. A farmer in the principality, who had a curious quart mug, yith an angel painted at the bottom ,on the inside, found .that a neighbor who very frequently visited him, and with, the customary hospital- ity had the first draught, always gave so hearty a swig as to leave little for i the rest of the party. This ourfarmer three or four times remonstrated agaiiiit as unfair; but was always answered, "Hur does so love to look at that pretty angel, that bur alwsye drinks till hur'ea see ii its face The farmer on this set side his angel cup, and at the next Shrews bury fair bought one with a figere of the devil, panted at the bottom. This being est, edit ing now lied, that produced foaming witlfale to hie he made but one draught, and'hart to the next Man qiiite empty.. tiked his reason, as he could not wish to look at the -angel; be re "No, but bur cannot. bear tOleaVe ugly devil a drop." • TAKE NOTICE. Thhi is a vary rarechanoe- . For sale, a .valuable' and very desirable property, Lot No. t18, on the south side of Gode. rich street, with two residences thereon.- The first contains nine rooms, a 'good cellar, hard and soft water, with outbuilding; and the other oontains seven rooms and a good . well and outbuildings. For further .pertioulars apply to the proprietor, A. G. Arm, Goderich -Street, illeaforth. 111141 • XTOTE LOST. -Lost, about November' last, I ll a note of hand made by Thomas Levy in favor of • the undersigned for $185.0 bearing date, March -114 1888, and payable one year after date. The public) are hereby cautioned -against purchasing or negotiating the said note as payment on the same has been stopped. GE-MGE SMIT110103. Seafoith, March 6,1889. 1109 . TOCK,FOR SALE. -The undersigned having - disposed of their gram farm. now have for isle the undermentioned animals on Lot 85, Concession 8, L. R. S.; Tuekersmith, viz.: irteen steers rising three years old; 2 heifers; three farrow cows, two thoroughbred Durham Owe, two heifers rising two years old, supposed to be in call; two heifers rising one year oId, also s fine young Bed Bull 18 menthe old. - All -the thoroughbred stook are registered or eligible for registration in the new herd book. Terme-- cosh or credit to suit purchasers.. EL(IOAT BROTHERS,,Bruoefield P. 0, • 1110s4. VY A.NTpDcagoiel'pere'littT: ployment for flap e Grove Nurseries of Waterloo, N. Y. Good Salary and, expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. Outfit free. Previous experience not required. Established over 20 years. Al! goods firstplass.3_,4' Write at once for terms. Address J. W. MACIRAY, Gen.. Manager, St. Thomas, Ont. (Mention this pa. per. 1109x12 "DOR SALE, at ebargain, in the thriving vil • lige of Croswell, -Senile() County, Michigan, firstclass _Platting Mill, with Cider Mill and Saw Mill in connection. All in good repair and in first-class running order. Good chance for A mari with some capital. Good masons for sell. Ing. Saw Mill optional. Apply to MoALLIS. TER & COWAN, Croswell, Michigan. 1109x4 • . - NEW BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE. -For sale, cheap, the handsome new brick reel. dence recently erected by the undersigned. It is situated nearly opposite the High School, is two storeys high, with four bed Wong and bath ,room upstairs and three rooms. down stairs. Cellar under the whole house with stone cistern in thateller. The house is finished with hard - skied down stairs. There are six lots connected with the house and the purchaser can have.„one or more if deeired, .tvith a good -stable. The proprietor Is very anxious to sell on amount of the destruction of his foundry and the need of money to re.build and a bargain will be given of this property. THOMAS HENDRY, Sea. forth. • - 1096 tf Seeds! Seeds! Now is the thne to Call and examine my new 'took of Seeds at the • • • Old. Established -Seed.*Sto$,- O. C. Willsonli Block, Main St., Seafortb.- _ • My motto is, "Down with' Monopoly, Com bines and Big Prices t" You will find mystook oomplete in the following lines: Seed Wheat, Oats, • Peas, Barley, Also the Mummy 'Pea, . Marranted to me " Pureand Clean.' .4 My Fine Seeds oonsistiof Good choice Timothy and Clover, Alsike, White, DutokLucerne and Trefoil Clovers; Orchard -Orsu, Blue Grass, Red Top Rye Gram and Meadow Felons. Able adult line of Vegetable and Garden Seeds: arming a he Seaf r h Seed Store a Warehouse We have now opened out one of the largest asso deeds ever introdu ed into Seeforth. * The farmer, t 'florist will find ou stook in every depart -Pent compl firstolase seedse also wish to impress upon ou fact, and one wort y of consideration, namely, that seeds fresh, and has been carefully selected from renf9. reputation the ast is a guarantee in itself in reg so • Our Seed Gra n Department is now filling up d done the market ords. In regard to 'Clover an agricultural grass s, we ask you to call and view our and compare both as to quality and value. We have still a quantity of the Pure Mummy P edged to be th best authorities the' finest and m vation in Americ to.day. • - Any quantity of Corn on hand, Canadian and and Southern Sw et for summer feeding and en* known varieties iU use. In Flour and IFeed a full supply on hand at all The Agricult ral Department will be attended stook of repairs k pt on hand. ' Flour 8t reed Department 1 , • My Flour and .Feed Department Is complete with Feed Corn, oats, Pear, Barley, and all kinds of chop grain, Manitoba Oil Cake, Baden Oil Cake, Nutted and fine ground. All -kinds of , Thetey Ifteod, Bran, Shorts, Oatmel, Corn. meal, ego,- • Old friends and new, favoring me with their patronage, will find . themselves liberally and tarty dealt with.:. Prices will be found to suit the times. Call and examine my stook before purchasing. Geode delivered to any place In town: • ' • ROBERT SCOTT, , SEAFORTR. • • g - Lime! Lime • - The Bodimn lame Works Are situated about two mites . East of Beigrave on Lot 9, Concession 4, Morris. The under- -signed will keep any quantity of Fresh Lime always on handand will sell at a reasonable price, T)3113 Lime has been then:highly tested and proves to be one of the , best white 'limes in Canada. Lithe delivered' to any part. on the shortest notice. This Lime will also be kept for sale at Londesboro, Clinton and Goderioh. _ . far Address either by letter or telegraph: ' - J.:J. DOWNEY, Proprietor. BELGRAVE • R EVP & arden „AgricOltUri. tmeets of Field nd Garden e vegetable gardener and the te, and prices reosonable for customers a veiy important every pound • ,of Our stock of nly reliable seedemen, whose d to their istook for the sea- ily with the -choicest "seleo- Timothy and all kinds Of imniense stook, and exansine son hand, whicli is acknowl- st prolific white pea in mai- - Astern or eeci Bed Cob 'I f . lage -purpose's the two best , imes. - 1 .• , In every detail; and a full . • . Wareroo s SeCond Door Geode de vered to any part of the town, Weir's -Hotel. ONE DOOR 18.0trTH Teas Ohe BLA 0 ,aREE :TAP- JAPA Full :4stoCk___ prices right. * -.Butter, Eg -Township of litoKillop 1 PUBLIC. NOTICE. The Municipal Council of the Township of lioXillop, hereby givespublic notice to the. • atepayers and other parties concerned, of SchoolSectionsboNusned.4214, 6, 7, 9,•and 10, in this Township,_that it le th intention of the Council: to alter the es or divide into more Sections at. a meeting of the Council to be held. on the Sib day of April, 1889, at Pillion's Hotel. 1110 !JOHN Cl. KORBISON Clerk. FO OST OFFICT. per than ever 13 fore Offered to *1 the Public. ' from 25 cents per pound uward& $ from 25centsper pound u wards- , S from 25 cents per pound u,p ards. SIMMS, 12-pOundi for 41. f GENERAL • gROCE,RIE always on Tallow,etc., taken in exchan • IRLEY, SE e. and, and FORTH. FORTH- 3/I SICAT4 • 4 . 1 NST ITIVINT PO N4A311' P AlsTOS , .r. 1 These exc ent instrumentshave been efore the public. for the ; 1 last 60 yea 'and' their durability, . fin tone. and power alone have establish d them in the front rank Of II,nos. , • E L PIANO8:AN1 ORGOIS. The Bell lane is the most beautiful infitIrUment. 'made in Canada, and his all th very latest improvements. .The Bell praise. jrar omo-Aa•T • - gans are known- to END; FOR CIRCULARS: .80QT-t-7.1311 TEE CANADIAN JIANK �F COMMEIIcE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. - • Paid up Capital, $0,0009000: Rest, -. .600,600. PluzsiDENT, HENRY W. DosrAxe, GINISRAL MANAGBR, B. E. WALKER. ASS'T GISNI MANAGER, 3 H PLUMMER. $EAPORTJThANCH. The itleaforth Brach of this Bank oontinues to " - twelve deptesitsin SAVINGS BANK, Of One- Dollar and Upwards, on which interest le ..allowed at curtest rOtea. Drafts on all the pinched towns..sixd cities in Canada, on Great -Britain, and on the lirdted States, bought and sold. . Ofilosz-Firsi door Sorra. of the Odmmerolal ,Hetel. • . • „ JOHN AIR)); Manager. F. HOLMESTED, -Selleitor. McKillop Directory for 1889., , ONINIMM•••=1.11.1/111.0 JAMBS diAYS,Reeve and Warden, &Worth P. O. JOHN BENNEWIES, Deputy Reeve, Ward 1, Dublin P. O. - JAMES _EVANS, Councillor,- ikard 2, Beech. wood JOHN MORRISON, vonncilior, Ward 8, Win th ; P: O. • : ARLES DODD/3, Councillor, Ward 4, Sea; forth P. 0. - JOHN 0, MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O. SOLOMON 3, -SHANNON, Measurer, Win. *aril& -G. ROSS% Assessor, 3VInthrop P. el DR. IIANOVElt, Medical Health oikertees, forth. -I W304.11C111/3ALD, Sanitary inspector, Lead - bury P. O.' - • • 1108 tt 0 0 +1-.1k4C1 g' ▪ -04.0 et.0 O ° 73.0.4115*.iirdig SVigi 01-m TACI: wvO CD cti O AltDr'ccocite 1:$ m W VE OCD 1...1 CD 1:24a, CD Pm. TA • 02 i11 1.4 III n1111 41:52:11. CCI:r 1-111:41:19111:P CD requite s word in tieir - THE just Latest Received ect fioth. styles Gents' and BoyS'1 Hatt, LATEST SHAPES .AND P4IOES: RIGAT. I v• French a our $14 Suits Suits from $5 NewinleTi our .?a-rDedres a English Worsteds, Scotch and Canadian TWeeds. See mArtg. TO ORDER. . New stock Readyniade °loth, - - up. and New Regatta Shirts, Dress Goods, 'All*rool Black enrietta Cloths, Black and Colored Sofia Oloths. See Goods at 10e per yard. i7F-27-' Grey Cottons, Shirtings, Prints, Ginghams, Oottonades, Ticking, Table Linens,. TowellingsIt will pay you to see our prices Prints at 5c per yard, A. CARDNO, Cardno's Biock, Seiforth. . N. B.-:-Our:cutter, Mr, Fenwick, iskept bugy, Inning. out nice taint Suits. . • - Butter and -Eggs Waited. 3 JOhn S. Porter's Furniture Wareroorns Funeral Reforrif • ESTABLISHMENT SEAYORTH, - ONT. Being determined not to be Undersold by any other establishment, TAM ZOW Aening _furniture at only 10 per sent. sloove,odet. Wonkt *bow reepectfuN tothe people of Sexier* and sur. rounding country,-thet. I keep no other then first elan stook in all the branches of the -under- taking department, bought from the heet-Irms' and on such Imeineis 0-.• pke that enable' me to sell at much lower rates than Mr. RoIxostion He accuses me of publishing what he ternzs , olsptiap," Now, the -wide-Awake people, will no doubt be elle to define whed he - me/Ashy thisterm and vonte to a sensible con. elusion of who dements their patrenne the man who is obliged to Cut down his pricevor the man who Wile been theMeans of breaicin up this nionepcey tentl starting an honed and much needed reformli those who have bed dealings with this scientific undertaker mai oroaznIgeil previmiam es charges ties present , 'ar grow biustice in the tithelr nfeefwill of their tifoPttelug. I wotddhese may that' only Intend to cenduct all funerals, that 1 may he favored with on strictly limforiable priw*les. My Funeral DI. -motor, Mr. Holmes, will give every satisfaction, having had both city and town experience in A munber-of •nsari, Ile sillattenidellnight Residenee-North Mein Street,..nearly opposite Salvation Army Barracks. Jong 8. PORTSR. 8,-1beg to etpekigise to the pubfio for this controversy on such a delicate subject but as 1 have to defend myself spinet * oozninat&on• and do Pieties, to * non-oamblne-, 1 feel oent• palled to do so; jeux 0, Pons& PUBLIC NOTIOE. -- 'me nide:61010d bass new oomfortable and otinimodious Aerates boas, Containing ted ell necessary eninaidesoessod seaway situa 011 John Street In Seaketh, which he will sell or rent on resioneNe Orme. Ile -also welds ens QUM** of LOos of kbadsoleilvered st his Mill ill lloNfilop.• , 1090 - • l'HOKii DOtratileafOrth. so 9 •••.. •