The Huron Expositor, 1889-03-08, Page 6•
Youthful Exoeisses and Old .A ge
Old age has the foundation of its joy
or its sorrow laid in youth. Every -
stone laad in the foundation takes hold
al every stone in the wall up to the very
eavesoft the, building; and every deed,
tight ok wrong, that transpires in youth
reachtualorwatd, and has a relation to
all the #fterpart of a man's life. Every
immoderate draft which is made by the
appetites and passions is so much . sent
forward to be cashed in old age.- -• We
may aid at one end, but God -takes it off
it the Other.. Every man has stored
im smite eighty years, if he
ova to keep them, and those
ears like a bank of deposit, are
_rewires ; but youth, through
ce or through immoderate pas-
s wont continually to draw
fi old age. Men do not suppose
up for
full of
that they are doing _ it, although told
that the wicked shall not live out half'
their dep. .
Men are accustomed to leek upon the
excesses -of youth as soinething that be=
Ions that time. They say, of course,
the young, like colts -unbridled, will dis-,
port themselves. There is no harm in
colts dasporting themselves, but ;colts
never 'get drunk. I do not objectto
mirth * gayety, but I do object to any
man's making a beast of himself by
living for the gratification of his own
animalt. passions. - People frequently
think that to _require, in the conduct of
youth, that which w.e expect in later
., life, has something of Puritanism in it.
I do not believe that any man is the bet-
ter for having learned the whole career
of dru keartess or of lust, or the daily-
inga oriindulgenceethat belong to a mor-
bid Wei. A young Man that has gone
through •these things' may be sated at
last; but an after -life he has not the
-sensibility, nor the moral stamina that
he ought to have. Exceed in youth, in
regard to animal indulgences, is bank-
ruptcy in old age. -
- For this reason, deprecate late hours,
irregular hours, or irregular sleep. . Peo-
-ple ask!me frequently, "])o you think
that there is any harm in dancing ?"
No, I do not, - There is much good in it.
"Do you,. then, object, to dancing -per -
ties?" i‘ No; in themselves I do not.
But where unknit youth, unripe muscle,
unsettled *and ueharciened nerves, are
put through an excess of excit.ment,
treated, with stimulants, fed irregularly
and with unwholesome fecal, surrounded
with gayety which is excessive, and
which isprotracted through hours when
'they s oulcibe asleep,. I object, not be-
mune o the dancing, but because of the
disaipa ion, It is taking the time . that
unquesaehibiy Was intencred for :sleep,
-and speoding it in the highest state of
exhilaration and excitement. The harm
is not inathe dancing itself; for if they
danced as do the peasants, in the open
air, upon the grass under thetrees and -
in the day, it might be commended, net.
as virtrious,. but still as' belonging to
those _negative things that may be beau-
tiful., Bat:the wassail in the night, the
wasteftilness—I will- not.say of precious.
hours, tor -hours are not half so precious
as nerves are—the dissipation, continued
night after night, and week after week
through. the whole season, it is this I
deprecate as eating out the very life. I
would that the young knew how clearly
these tailings are written.- God's lisind-
writini is very plain and very legible to
those who have eyes to see. There is -
not an aintelligent physician that does
not read,as he walks through the street,
• the seetel lives- of those whom he meets
and_thst, too,- without following them in
their Midnight career. -I care not to,
have den come to me, and state their
coursei; I can read it in the skin and
in the eye. There isnot one single tie
-petitepaitsion that has not its natural
langua e, and every 'undue indulgence
of, thatappetite or passion leaves that
naturaa language more or less stamped -
upon the features, upon the expression
of the ace, or the carriage of the body,
There • always some token that tells -
what men are doing, if they are doing
anything to excess. .Pride has its nat-
ural lauage ; mirthfulness has; good-
ness has. Nobody doubts this. So have
thapassions their natural language. Men
think that if- they.commit their wicked -
mess in_ 'Secret places, or in the night,
that itis not known. It is known, al-
though. no no man may ever say to them,
"Thou art 'guilty !'
The nse of 'stimulants in youth is an-.
other detraction from happiness in old
age. Men usually take What they least_
then the desired other car shot across.
Rushing to the front platform the oblig-
ing gentleman called loudly to the
driver of the cross-town car. - Theis he
helped the old woman from one car to
the other, ran. back, and smiled good
humoredly over all the trouble he had
been put to, •
I happened to recognize this good
Samaritan. It was Cornelius Vendee-
bilt. He had , chosen to do some un-
usual conductor's work on one Of his
.OWn line of cers.
He OwndThe Boy. -
"A boy is a straw machine isn't he"
qu.eried the colonel, as he looked out of
.the office window.
"I don't see anything ao very strange
about that particular boy," replied one.
of the Other Iouegers as he sauntered up
and saw a boy of 10, eu. the epposite side
• of the street., •
. • "But he's, got a jug," -persidted the
Well, what of jt' Can't a boy carry
"'But he is swinging it around his
hirri swing. You never saw a
boy who wouldn't.' '•
bet he breaks it before he gets to
the cornea?" exclaimed, the colonel.
"Nonsense I"
• "'Bet you $20 !" •
Done !" \
.• Half a dozen rushed, up to watch
further eroceedings. The boy continu-
ed to swing the aeg, apparently bent
upoh performing some, particular Leat,
and lust before he reached the corner his
band slipped and the jug was dashed. in
• "I knew it! I knew it !" chuckled
t be coloneras he danced` around.
"Drat him—here's the money grow
led the -other.
An hour later, after spending the in-
terval in solemn thought, the loser
• mildly inquired. -
" Colonel, did you think you had a.
sure thing On me ?
"Certainty. I bought that jug for
- , •
"He must go with the party, or "We
can't veva him." . Study the character
of the i ividual alluded to, and you
Fill fin' that he is cheerful, full of ani-
mal life'and spirits, and always_ ready
to join in a hearty laugh. If his face is
ever welcome it is beca.use it is full of
sunshine and good nature. .
; News Notes• . •
• —The shOW in the oods near Owen
Sound 48 reported to e three feet deep
on. the level.
The Manitolsa. Leg s ature has made a
grant of $5,000 for the education of the
deaf and dumb of that province,.
—Mail matter delivered Jay- letter
0arriers in Hamilton
ending February 25, 1
follows: Letters, 40,
during the week
89, )s reported as
97; newspapers,
16;304; registered letters,678: letters
collected from street lettr bona, 32,-
-567. •
—The Stratford Tithes says: People
complain that the roust° of - the Salvia..
tion Army frightens .their horees, and
several runaways- are caused thereby.
Itoannot be helped. There is no law,
civil, religious, or necessitousa that can
control the Army—they are fighting the
devil, and must have full scope.
—Mr. Robert McTaggart, a Stratford
miller, challenges any man over forty
years of age, to skate with hith a five
mile race on the Stratford rink, any
time within ' the next two weeks, for a
• hundred loaves of bread—the breed • to
be distributedamong the poor of the
—Mr. Gatenby, f Fullerton, had a
narrow escape from being run over by IC
train the - other day. The king bolt
leigh as. he was
k, and before he
in was close to
slipped . out of his '
• driving across tne tra
-eould replace it the tr
him. Only for the e gineer slackening
speed there would, have been fatal re-
sults. .
Efodd, Stratford ; "Mr. Stuart,
• Mitchell ; , Ur. Carter, St. Mays, and
Mr. F. WS Haar, Listowel, were of the
deputation of millers, who last Friday
tried to induce the Ottawa Government
the boy, and gave him 50 cents to carry to raise the duty on fl ur from 50 cents. -
out the program ?q—New York Sun, to Si. The millers received 'a pretty
, broad hint that ple wouldn't stand
A Women's it' Revenge - it -whether the Go ernment were in
In one of the largest dry -goods stores fair* of it or not
iii this city there is a particularly across
salesman, says the Chicago Tribune, ale.
is altogether too superb a creature to be
behind a dry -goods cpunter,and when he
• —A. late • number 1 of the Toronto
World says : "Judge Fergueen was
applied to yesterday fetatta order for the
discharge of ono, Jahn McGregor, of
does condescend to wait upon a customer Stratford', from. the lunatic asylum here,
s o the women say—it is so much a favor where he has been confined for Over 23
that it is really painful, Yesterday a years. The application for the release
young woman who had buffered at his was made by his rcsla ives, they stating
hands got even with him in the highest that he had returned to hispropermen-
=style of the art. She had been selecting tal condition,. Dr. C
the material for a dress for an out of- 'however, considered
town friend and the disagrpebale sales- ate person could not.
man a had chosen. to assume when she and the Judge acco
• asked for samples, that she had. no . itt 1make the order."
tention of allaying, and had loftily refer.- mitted from Stratford
red her to some one else, intimating as as stated. Family
much. The young woman had ,bought him of his reason. II
rk of the asylum,
hat' the unfortun-
ately be released-
dingly refused to
leGregor was cora-
j ust 23 -years ago
roubles ' deprived
e was at one time.
-at least half a dozen dresses at that a prosperous farmer ie Hibbart. - -.
counter and she vowed vengeance:- . —The ' recent accident on the SCana-
Yesterday' she walked up to this , dian-Pecific,Railway ; ear _Port Arthur .
superior creature with her sweetest and was more serious than at first reported.
most demure air. She had a sample of Saturday night, 23rd ultithe west -hound.
cashmere that adaldn't be matched freight in passing over a trestle 36 feet
in -Chicago, andShe sat down in front of i high on this: side o
him without a word. through, six ears from
If there is anything that he hates—so . train going down.
Middleton went
the centre of the
The engine and -
m the shelves ; but when a sample is ear and caboose- also .. on the
the women say—itis to take down -goods front .car passed ifaftrremained o
y, and the rear
brought in to be matched he can't help track, a The acciden1 was caused by a
hintself. He Wasan-a-pArticulcitly lofty broken wheel. Two of the cars that
frame of mind yesterday and picked . up _went down were loaded witlasettlers'
the unoffendihg sample with the. con- effects, the -other fourwith slaty horses
descension of a Duke at a feast. - 'After . and some sheep.: Sixteen horses and
he had taken doavta three heavy -belts. of -two sheep were . killed outright, And
- cloth he grumbled. . ' ' * . others have died since. The 'damage to
"How many yards of cloth doyou re- ' rolling stock is heavy, but there
)1 4 9
quire. no loss of human life.
"Two" she answered,i with herlsweet. —Rev. Mr'. M'acki of St. Andrew's
est smile. , After he had taken two or church, Kingston, in losing his sermon
three more he impatiently remarked to last Sabbath, enjoin d on- his hearers,
space . - . -7 the necessity of being staunch. in their
"Rather an unusual *Shade." - Protestant faith. If they were - rotes.
' "Yes." '
•tants let them be coneistent, and let the
He took down several more and `scow- world see that they were Protestants.
led. "Is it necessary to have an exact Let there be no tr
match he finally asked. • Catholicism. He wa
" Yes ; it must match perfectly Belain a Catholic jour
the young woman, decidedly. The sales- -Kingston that it
-man knows his business, i he is -die vantage of by -Protestants to advertise
agreeable—so . the women , say—and, their wares—a journal in which a gross
giving a disgusted kind of sniffahe went libel had been publial ed against Protes-
t° work again. Fnally, - after he had tent ministers. Be made . a .personal
taken down at least a. dozen ,pieces and reference to Bishop. Cleary, and alluded:
gone over his entire stock, he brought to the deference paid to him by. Protee-
her a piece.tants. Heldirig the bible aioft he exa
" This is the best piece. -
do" he said, pressed his hope that St. Andrew' t env -
spitefully, are you sure yaur sample gregation- would in
-came from this store" • more closely and ma
need. Itt other words, we follow our - "Oh no," 'Mailed the young woman, the standard of ath
strongest faculties, and not Our weaker
demurely,I got it in New -Yorke and I mon las created quit
ones ;-and, `therefore if men are exceed -
knew you couldn't match it" •
• • ,t
ckling to Roman
astonished to find
Lat. published in
ad been taken ad -
ingiy nervous, they. almost inva,ria,bly
seek -to make themselvesmors
e oughesup e.. Cultivate Cheerfulness.
rei#ice to say that I was brt
- i
from my youth to abstain. from tobacco. Life is essentially what we maket.
A few afe born invalids,- or, by reason
Itis unhealthy ; it is filthy from begin -
of lacknees,- are rendered incapable of
'Wog' to end. In rare cases, where there
is already some unhealthy or morbid coping withthe world. But to every
tendency lathe system,itis possible that- einetyanne out of a hundred individuals -
it int be used with some benefit; but given therpretogative of determining
ordina ily it is unhealthy. I believe their relative position in the scale of ex-
istence. They. are:allowed to decide
that the day will come _when a young
man will be proud of not being addict:* whether they will control circumstances
or permit circumstances to control them.
ea to the use of stimulants of any kind.
Upon the .,result of their resolution
I belieae that the day will come when.
not to drinkenot to, use tobacco, not to hinges their wealorwoe. To be happy
• waste Cue's- strength in the secret one must be on happy terms with
o. thees; and the difference between be-
dulgenee of passion, but to be true to
one's nature, true, to God's law, to be mg liked and disliked represents the
difference between the cheerful, good -
sound, robust, cheerful, and to be con -
humored, and the ill-tempered, acrimon-
ious disposition. The individual who
unaformly carries:a smiling countenance
and keeps his troubles, if he has any,
to himself, is welcome wherever he goes.
He makes hosts of friends, and inipres---
sing-others with the belief that he must
be doing well to be so cheerful, inspires
confidence, draws customers, WI\ makes
headway in the world, where one with
more brains tint less buoyence fails.
Some one truly t declares that a' cheer-
fulness and diligence are nine -tenths of
wisdom." An old writer used to say
will be
hat these elements of health and.
i. are derived from the reverend
ce ot the commandments of God,
aa matter of ambition and. en -
among men.
andert;ilt in a Graceful.
Aot. .
'An incident in a 4th avenue car con.
tained4ust -a grain of beauty. All the
, seats ' re occupied when an old, poorly
dressed i woman entered at 42od street.
The grit one to offer his seat was a well-
built, 'clean-eut gelatleman, considerably *
that "a habit of eking at the best
under the iniddle age,his face smoothi
side of every event is far better than a
shaven And &Mails eyes clear and alert, 4 thousand pounds a'year." Charles Lamb
his velecile bearing engaging and grace -i expressed the same idea in different
ful. The poor . ohl womaxa was one of l language when be wrote! " A la.ugh is
• talk a
man w
him of
to see
ed tog
she sai
Iotquacious creatures who otter( I worth a hunelred groans in any state of
vay in an innocent manner to ! elle market." "Cheerfulness," observes
; and so, after thanking the &mud Smith, "gives elasticity to the
o had given her a seat, she told spirit, spectres fly before it, diffieul-
Ler intended trip to New Jersey 'ties cause no despair, for . they are en-
er Married daughter. She want- countered with hope, and the mind re
to the Christopher street ferry, quires the happy disposition to improve
and didn'a know, for thelife of opportunities, which rarely fail of sue -
her, how to do it, Her new acquase- eess." . Hume was wont to say that
tame istezied politely to all she said he would rather possess a cheerful
aad assured her that he would 'see that disposition --inclined alwaysgo look at
she wa
The g
transferred ,to the blue tar at , the bright side of things --than with a
re -et, which 'runs to the ferry.. gloomy mind to beIhe master of an es-
ntleman's . bearing. toward the tate of ten thousand a year." We often
old -svornan was gaining the ad- hear the remark made. ".nch and
n of -every one in the car. Just 1 such an individual id - a good , fellow,"
hildren Cry for
Pitcher's Castorias
he future read it
e Hamra and more
ir lives, The ser-
a sensation.
The FashiO 1U Dogs.
- Thefashionade do sin New York to -
clay are undoabtedl the ball -terriers
and French poodle:a Girls_ prefer the
terriers and young' sports, run with
poodles. There is a way of shaving a
small Newfoundland dog to look like 'a.
French poodle, and a great deaj of this
deception is practised. -The real ar-
ticle is a rarity and its characteristies
are unmistakable to any onewho knows
anything about dogi4 He is just about
aselean sabuilt animal- as can be found.
jfrii as fine as ebony and shaves like a
rich piece of satin. f He puts his feet
dela) when he trots as though the p&Ve-
mein was hot, 'Wang up each paw
daintily, SS you have seen -an old lady
try the heat of a flatiron. They can be
taught. more than . any dog there is, all
the great trick , dogs beimg of - their
breed. The ones owned - here are at
ways doing something for their -mestere
—carrying a bundle or an umbrella in
their mouths, and oftear just for the
humor of the thing,a pipe, Most of them -
Iwear a silver bracelet on one paw. The
poodle is a very haughty dog, never
taking any notice of strangers, and re-.
pels all advances from dogs of another
breed. ' „ '
-The bull -terriers, who are most loved
by the girls, arelsathful little fellows,
but awful fighters. They leek as
though they intended to chew all crea-
tion up fine and swallow it, but they
-never think • of biting anything but
'chicken meat and other dogs. I find
.that the most swell girls prefer a pure '
brindle deg, or else a clear white- one
with it brindle patch over one eye. A-
-girl *friend- of mine paid $100 last week
for a. brindle- pup .2'month! 'old. She
sold her pug the week' before for $29,
and it was undoubtedly a more. valuable
- dog than the bulkerrrer, but fashion
did the business. "
-. .
One of the reasons why' Scott's Emulsion' has
stieh alarge sale Is, because it is the best. Dr.
W. H. Cameron; Halifax, N. S., -says:. " I have
prescribed Seott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil,
with Hypophosphites, for the past two years,
and fotind it more agreeable to the 'stotnacls and
have better results from its use than any other
preparation of thekind I • have ever used.'
Sold by all Druggists, 500 and 81. .
8434. TEM
. • cla !IIVE
The Leading Family Paper of the Country, .made
and has since Laval awayto its subscribers
00 subscbers, In 1877 •••• $ 7,000-45.000 sub
" 1379 .. . 8,000=20.000'
1880, ....... 15,000-30,000
" 1881. . 17.000-35,000
" 18 20.000-40,000
"1883 . . ....... 80.00-60,000
" 1884 50.000-100.000
4118943 6.06".. att 40,030,100,000
1'1887 ' 4 4000-100,000
• "1888' • 25,030-100,000
nual Award of Premiums, of
••• •
. - - ee9et- —
" 1 0. ...........
1 , .... . .. . .
" 18 1.:......„,...
'15-2 '
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S.1E333 :•7'
rill:ash lanoelluadi elisstp
ane addrain t
whin a good co
• • As to ou
.. ,
'Jarvis and G dial& 'treats,
PresbYterianCh roh, S..•
eases of Horpes, Oattie, S
medicated animassumssfully
infirMary, or else here, .n
Charges moderat JAM
Wary Surgrn. • . 8.-A
ary Medial es ke t const
next door to the
forth, Ont. • All dies
oep, or any of the do.
treated i at the
the shortest notice.
'S W. ELDER, Veter.
large stook of Veterin
ntly on hand! . - •
TXTALTER S ILLINGj AW, V. S., graduate
of the On ario .1raterinary College, Tor-
onto ; Registere Member of the Ontario Veter-._
Wary Medical As °elation]; also Honorary Mem-
ber of the Voter' ary Me 'cal Society.. Treats
all Diseases of Domesticated Animals. Also
particular attent on glven to:Veterinary Dentis-
try. Horses carcfully ex mined for Soundness,
and Certificates ven. Al 'calls promptly attend-
edao by Mail or • herwl e. OFFICE at Rest -
dem.), Staffa, On : .• . 1048 •
laL Agent, Co
Conveyances, ite.
retes. M. Mona'
. ; _
. Block, 0
forth. . .
ORRIS s N, Walton, Insurance
. mission - r for taking affidavits,
Mene to loan at the lowest
ON, WO tan.
GS,Soliotor,etc. effice-Cady's
posite1 om-mercial Hotel, Sea;
• -• . 974
T. M. BEST, B rrister;
!) . Rooms On Door Northnf
Hotel, ground fl • ornext.door
shop. Agents -C moos,
Solicitor, &o. ' Office-
the Commercial.
to Beams butcher
Hem &CAMERON. 870
_ tors, &et, oderich,
Q.,C.; Wm. litou 'FOOT.
. . ,
OT, Barristers) Solid-
Ontario. J. T. astutow;
- - - '686 '
Id Solicitors i' f Chance
M. O. Oemsaox; 1 Q. ' 0.,1
-7, '
bAMERON, Barrister's,
, &a., Goderieh, Ont.
• - 506
• .
12 Holt ii, Ca' eron, Goderich,
licitor, COnveyan er, &c.
son's Old Dffice, ardno's
- late with Cameron,
Money to loan. Ben
Block, Seaforth. 786
. . . .
j. DOWN: Y, Soli
, Late ..of Victor'
Bank of Commer e, Main
vete funds taloa, at es a
itor, Conveyancer; &c'
• B. C. '- Office -Over
street, Seaforth. Pri.
ct 6 per bent. 1035
. •
Conveyan ors, ike.
or Johnston, Ti ale As- r
Office -Elliott B ook, 01
Barristers, Sancho*
Solicitors for the Bank
le. Money to . loan.
uton-, Ontario. - A. H.
' 781
"El 110LMEST D, suoo
X , IdoCeughe is. H.
licitor, Conveys!): or and
the eanadian Iia k of Co .
Farms`for sale.- .• Office
Street; Seaforth. -
ssor to the late firm rif
melded, Barrister, So-
Notary. Solicitor for
.. erce. Money to lend,
. Seott's Block. Main
jj Huron La
d Agen
ale in, f
ownshi ea
• 51 per
• .
EVVIS, , Solicitor for
y, Goderich and Bay -
.ur ofthe best wheat,
in Ontario. ' Private
cent. Bayfield every
1083tf •
fie d.- Lands for
cattle and fruit
funds to loan a
. . .
•. -
-. MO '‘ EY tO
iuro$BY TO
In Cent., wi
of repaying part
time. - Apply
h the
1 the p
F. 11'
Straight -loans at 6 per
rivilege to borrower
incipal money at any
LMESTED, Barrister
TRY. •-
it •
- . -
Daley'S store,
i • a la -
4. it ' 1, . .
611 6' n
Mein street (cas
) -
xt door
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ms -Over
south of
fi L. BALL;
Ur, id. R. O.
given. i Latest
served. - Office i
9 a. m. to 5'
MORIES,- D. 11.
. ,
L. D. z
8. Of
. in.
S., of'
., Honor: Graduate, and
oronto. - Vitalized Air
•ents in Dentistry' ob.
s Block, Seaforth, hours
ees _reasonable. • B. B.
Philadelphia, Assistant.
: tist
the ab
I .tThu
day of ' each me th, at
Zurich the firs edne
Peitie'll Hotel, e d Hen
day of every m nth at
will perform -alonto.,
traded with a w ',Tap
mbves nearly. ' 1 pain.
teeth will pleas; Call di
&St day. Char es mode
Ted: e
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MAR0H 81 1889.
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. CC
.eswarifed 2nd-NEY.C1r. W.
IN 0 1 50* Per ear, .,...
.000 in Cash. Sample copy and prospectus Contain-
mlums, and to whom we refor: will be sent free to any - =
ent in every town in the 'United &atm; and Canada, to C.,
o any' bank or .mercantile azel. cy. •=
L, ADVERTISER, Detroit, latch. t—r!-
I• Now is thktime to Call and examine my new
•stock of Seeds at the
•Seeds Seed I
• , e . • -
-Old ;Established Seed St
o.a. Willson's Block, Main St., Seafort
My motto is; "Down with Monopoly, om
bines and Big Prices'!" You will find my, tock
complete in the following lines ;
Seed Wheat,
Peas! I .
-• Barley,
Also the Mumray Pea;
,.Warranted to me "Pine and 01
My Fine Seeds consist of Good atoice Ti
and Clover, Alsike, White, Dutch-, Lucerne
Trefoil Clovers; 'Orchard _ Grass, Blue
Red Top Rye Grass and Meadow Fescue.
fullline of Vegetable and Garden Seeds:
Flour & Feed Departme
• thy:
. •
- My Flour and Feed Department is com1,Iete
with Feed Corn, • Oats, Peas, -Barley, and all
kinds of °bop grain, Manitoba Oil Cake, I3 den
Oiltake, Nutted and fine ground. 411 kin s of
Thorley Food, Bran, Shorts, Oatmeal, ern-.
meal, &c. •• -- •
Old friends and new, favoring me with
• patronage, will find themselvea,liberally
fairly dealt with. Primp will be found to
the times. •Call and examine my stock b
purchasing. Goods delivered to any pl e•in
town. • *
and -
for General Insurance Agent
• al,
When I say Ova I do not mean merely toitop
them for a tune, and then have them return
again. I MOM A RADICAL -CURE. I have
_made the disease of • • .
FA4.1.11$413 SICKNESS
A life-long etudy. I IT/ARRANT my remedy to
cultic the worst cases. Because others have
failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Send at once! for &treatise and a - Fan Boma
of my -IM.a4ins Sumner. Give express and
post offiee. It costs you nothing for a trial, and
It will cure you. •Address -DR. H. G. ROOT,
37 Yonge Street, Toronto; Ont. 1078.52
. .
Dealerin Sewing Machines.
1 ;
kinds of proparty insured It lowest rates
in first.clasareliable companies, and losses set*
.SPecittllow rates on , FARM PROPERTY in
the Gore one Waterloo, -from 75o to $1 (cash
plitn),for titiree years. .31.11116 and factories in-
sured in these companies at a saying of 20 per
cent on stock companies.
Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND
egwnsio MACIIIWBB.(family and manufactur-
ing): PfieSs rangingliom 625- to $75. All ma-
. chines warranted for Sic years -on every kind of
work; Needles, oil 'and repairs for sale. Ma.
chines repaired.
I ,TI.1 gun g
- :s.,..;,..g.2.,.,1 ,
- .,,i—, i : ..40.. •,....--6: Tr .... ... . 0.1.14
N -0,,4- cvo
..I.F2ailti-lq...3 •
Fia; = cD4to: :4-,
3>NZ-c3. 'Plie:::.:45egi";41:1-8 P:04.1111::. .N12';i..- "12:°: 1:11'117) . .
§ F -9.4: ren a a ' a”
• irar.i.5.1s . - 4.
; of Exeter,Ont. One •
ve will visittlt th•
3, e
day and following Fri.
libie's Hotel, will visit
day of every month at
all the following Thurs..
eynold's Hotel; where he
• operations. Teeth ex.
n anestheticovhich re -
Parties desiring new
ly in the morning of the
ate. Terms mail. 984, .
•SMAN, Dentist, L. D.
, Exeter, Ont. Will be at
t the Huron Hotel, on the.
e liast pain possible. All
1 rates. - • • 971
A. 'MART IN 14
. •
J1i.. the Royal Coll
of. Ontario. 1 the
• painless .extraotion . of
'Block, BR U SE I.
. S. Honor graduate of
ge of Dental Surgeons
nasthetics used for the
teeth. Office -Garfield
1006-t. 1.
M. HANOVER, 4. D. O. M., Graduate of
McGill fiUniver ity, Physician, Surgeon
and Acocnicheni,. Seaforth, Ont. Office and re-
sidence-Nortlifende- G derich street, first brick
house east -of the Meth dist church. .961
• •
T\ RS. ELLI a• Tr &
ju tintes • lyal College:
Surgeons, Edin urgh.
r .
1 .
UNN, Brumfield, Limn,
of Physicians and
Brucefield, Ont. - 930
T G. SCO M. D,
ej ; and A000 cher,
residence Sout, idide cf
Door east of.tb Presbyterian
, • . '
6r.o., Physician, Surgeon,
Seaforth, Ont. Office and
Godench street, Second
Church. 842 -
MO . W. alto' E SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member
_Li' of the C.' lege cif Physicians and. Surgeons,
&c:," Seaforth,: a ntario. Offiee and .reeidence
same as ocoupi f -d by Dr. Yercoe. 848.
DR.MACK' 0, Licentiate of Edinburgh 'and
Glaego Office, Meyer's Block, Main
Street, Seafort i Res.dence, John street. Call
at night at eit . er the Offiee or Residence. 894
- LADIES 111.
arta Oyster
Fruit Store .
and fresh. B.
door south o
. k
d Gentlemen, go to. Stew -
lit ay, Reitaurant, "Confectionery,
.d Tobacconist. Everything new
k of Commerce Building, second
-the C mmeroial Hotel; Seaforth.
. --1097
. . .
The undersigned 18...n4w prepared' to reoehe
orders for any number of first-class
Apple Barrels,„ and Butter
Also any other work in his line. Apply t the
•works, old Baptist Church, Seaforth. *
Dealers and Packers tnUing large m mbers
will be very reasonably dealt with;
; .
Ki ns,'
•1022-tf •
Brussels Lime
It is;, -Absurd
For people to e•Xpecta -cure for Indiges:
tion, -unless they refrarn from eating
what is nnwholesome but if anything
will sharPen the appetite and give tone•
to the dtgestive organs, it is Ayetas Sari.
,sa,parilla. • Thousands -all over the land
testify toathe merits of this medicine:
Mrs. .Sivrah Burroughs, of 218 Eighth
Street, gauth Bostonawrites : 4‘3Sly hus•
licud haq,taken,.`Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for
pispePsia- and torpid liver, and has
been greifttly,
A Confirmed Dyspeptic.
C. Canterbury; of 141 'Franklin st.,
Bpifon; Ivrass.; writes, that, suffering
for years1-from. Indigestion, he was at
last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and, by -its use, -was entirely cured.
•Mrs. JosePh. Aubin, of High. street,
Holyoke, Sass., sufferedfor over a year
from. Dyspepsia, so that, she could not
eat subsSantial food, beiame very is
and wa& unable to care for her -family.
Neither 'the niedicines prescribed by
physicians, nor' . any of the remedies
advertised for the cure of Dysprpsia,
fie1pes1 her,, until she commencell the
use of Ayer's Musaparilla. . "Three
.botiles of this medicine," she writes.
"cured me,".
9 ' •
Ayers Sarsaparilla
To, Farmers and Builders. .. _ ‘ 9
, ' . - ‘._ PREPARED BY -'
c-. --.
• • : . Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
W. F. KELLY - ' - ..1,, ' - - -. - •
•Price -41 ,* six bottlor of., Worth 5 a- bottle
. • . •
Pf the Brussels Thine Kiips, is new prep red to
supply any amount of
_ .
Per Plastering, Brioklaying or - Stone
1 %ill deliver the lime in _Seaforth or vici
18 cents per busfieL Orders prompti3
If by mail, address
BriSsels Lime
ity for
• filled.
NiontitOent -Co.
iThe ply Bronze Foundry in
All persone indebted to the Estate of he late as being practically hoperishable.- It cannot
Mrs. John Kidd, by either note or book
are requested to call at the store and se
same at once, by so doing *ill avoid
costs for colleetion. All account s must
in order to settle the affairs nf the
9rice the Dominion.
Our material is endorsed by leading scientist
:OU nter,
Has the Largest and ,Finest Stook -0*
all grades of n
In the County, and at The lowest prices.
Take a -100k at our window.
-ate The Work Department Is under
the management f skilful workmen.
All goods sold, engraved free of ehargea
Give us a- trial.
W. B. .Oounter,
Flowering Shrubs, ,134oses,.sulb.stnd
s •
Greens all winter and Summer.
Morris' Insecticide PoWder, •
• For Plants of all kinds.
6111 at the Seaford' Green Holleas,
North Ward.
Wood -and ManorWanted. -
Having bought $600 worth -Of first class
• --AND
Eye Glasses,
The bankrupt stock of a defunct jeweler, at i(l•
centi; on the dollar, I will give the public the '
benefit of them while they last. Remember I
have as nine an asbortment of all grades of
Columbus, Springfield, Illinois, Waltham, Elgin
and -Swiss Movements in Solid Gold, GO1d.
Filled, Solid Silver and Silver ore Oases; 18
Carat warranted Wedding Ringo; Fancy Gem•
Bina, Chains, Lockets, Nieldeis, Brooches,
Bar ingss. Studs; Cuff Buttons, Ike. &o., for
Lad -es an'd Gentlemen, as can be found in the
majority of first class jewelers' shops. ' COMO
and see my novelties in Clocks, l'onest geed*
for honest prices. Look out for a first class.
line of .fency goods forthe. holidays. Ifyou
should want anything in my line tall and h'
coniinoed that I can -and will sell you a first-
class article at less than ane Of the outside
firm who spend thousands of dollars per year
in ending out illustrated catalogues.. COMO
and see what you are paying your money for.
Leave your money in the town where you earn
it itkl long at you canget as good or better
value. •Respectfully YOUrS,
Omit, Iabfiorb meisture, and.00nsequently is* not affect- .
lather I • a - -
all! Sondia .Designs and Terms to
Y i r .'1VI. C4FFINP: Clinton;
tle the edby tlwfrost. .
Practioal Watchmaker and 'Jeweler,.
Opposite the Commercial. Rotel, Main Street,
Chrystal •&• Black,
Maindadurers o all kinds of Stationery,,Marine.
-1 Upright and Saular Bopers. _
and all kinds of Sheet iron work. ,
oonstintly on hand.
On hand, ready for delivery;
One 50 horse -power New Steel Boiler
coinplete. 35 horse.power second-hand 13011-`
erjm good order.. -
Also a 12 horse power Engine and
Boner, secondhand, in good condition.
A Complete 2nd -hand Threshing Outfiti,
Boilei, Engine, Separator, Sto., all In good work.
=lug order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders
nicely° prompt attention. Works oppoilte 0.T
0. BOX 361.
•Goderloh,Vay 26th. 1886.
Roya Mail, Steamships.
Cabins -$50, $60 and $70. Intermediate,
$80 ;- return, $60. Steerage passengers are book-
ed to and from Ldndon, Queenstown? Derry, .
Belfast and Glasgow at same rates as laverpool.
I1. you are sending for your friends, we can fur.-
rush you with prepaid passage certificate to bring
them from England, France, Germany, Sweden,
Norway, &e. Rates of passage always as low se
by any other line.
Fire, Life and Marine Insurance done as usual.
-C. P. R. tickets issued to Manitoba, British
Columbia, and all points east. Baggage checked
through to destination. -
$25,000 to loan from sa to ea per cent. per
annum. Office -Market Street. 1007
New triptovements.
D. B. McLean in thanking his easterners for
their' liberal patronage wishes to inform them
and -the public in general that he has refitted
the gristmill and put in new improvements,
and having secured the servieps of a thorough
competent miller, is now better prepared than
ever before to turn out a good .quality of flour.
Flour and Feed, Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept
constantly on hand. Choppli3g only 5 cents
per bag. Don't forget the -old stand. He will
also be prepared to attend to all custom :sawing..
D B. McLean,