The Huron Expositor, 1889-03-01, Page 79 • •• 'iZXPOSITOR :- Ft to* •f DS, west prices.. tat -fa under` Workmen** of charge. T Bulbs=• dimer. owdeirfi €la. eei House, Wanted. 10915 R firs k• weler,e 4a he public the, Remember I.,' all grades oC Valthan, E1gta; Gold, del* )re Cases; I Le, Fancy .Gen Brooci ee, ie<Ice., for. fouled in they,' shops Com. bonest'geed* , ar *-Bret -ells, ildrOit. If yott bre call and l • sell you a of the outeide° lairs per 'e t; xlegnea, Code. .11r Intre,y . There yen mei reed or better act Jeweler,: a Main Sarre B s. lonely, Marin! Miers. STACXS work. . t7'fAB Steel Beller ci-bane licit- Engine and i condition. Ung Outfit, in good work [aft oast* wik opposite G. T X 36I Intermediate. diate. Viers are book- • town; ferry,. nit Lis Liverpool. it we can far= &7►tetobring may, Sweden, trays as;low ata• tone usual: litoba; Britt we checked ler cent. per 1007 • L C i B- - astorners for Worm them Mac refitted mproce menta.- .. r a thorough repared than: Uty of flour. 'ate%l kept:.: Drily eenta rd. .Re will tout sawing. _ sagirappEN . T: • How India Rubber. is Procured gives a higher polish and keeps cleah` in :Costa Rica.longer than anything. else. If the silver The Yuiaroes, or rubber -hunters of. 'be: only slightly tarnished 'put two tea= Costs Rica, writes a Philadelphia • Rec- spoonfuls of ammonia into a quart of hot ord correspondent, are the most ir"re- ' water, brush the tarnished articles with sponsible: and ignorant `of creatures, it and dry with a chamois. If badly - whose first object, when out on an ex discolored they may. need a . little whit- 'pedition, is to secure as much caoutchouc ing .previous to the washing. An old a s possible, and next .to damage the ' nail brush goes into the cracks to polish prospects f other Yularoes, regardless : and brighten. For fine muslin or deli- of the: f titre. A' A'thrifty tree at its este lace it -is invaluable, as it cleans- first leans first cutt' g ought to yield not less than ; without rubbing the finest fabric. Put fifty pounds of rubber, but the banters a few drops into your sponge bath in hot . find fent. so profitable,unless °water and you will be astonished at the of to-dayl they pen urate far'into the virgin for- result, as it imparts 'a coolness to the. este, and are fortunate enough to dis= : skin.. Use it to cleanse hair brushes cover an entirely new district.. In the "and towash any hair or feathers to be sections siready worked most of the : used as beds or pillows. When -employ - trees have been tapped several times, t ed in anything not especially -soiled, use - and many of them were spoiled at the fthe waste. water afterward for the house outset by having been cut too young be. � plants •that are taken down irom their cause its' greedy -discoverer feared that: usual position and immersed in the, tub if the pri were left to attain perfection of water. Ammonia is a fertilizer and another ght secure it. Were the mat- helps to keep healthy the .plants it, ter regal ted by judicious laws, so that nourishes' In every way, in fact, am. only mature trees: -might kbe tapped, and 1 Monies is the housekeepers friend. those not to, an extent to cause; death, _ • • ihepro-diaction2of caoutchoue would soon Fact and Rumor. te a sou' ce.of wealth to; the republic. —An exchange adVertises a book. which contains a denominational sermon entitled " Others may be righter may be wrong ; we are right, and cannot possibly be wrong." :Thet is a comfort- able 'platform 'whatever . else may he thought of it. a negro boy. two. years - old, who was deaf and dumb, for eiX pounds of salt. On account of Ms infirmity., but for the interposition of this missioeary, the child would have been put to death. He is now a pupil in the institution for deaf Mutes at Msestrigt —'.‘-,And now, little girl," 'said a Sui- day school teacher, " yoa may tell me about the Epistles." A little girl held up her hand. " Well," said thr teach- er. The Epistles," . said the little girl—"the Epistree are the wives of the Mrs. Wafts, you should join our -literary society V' "Should I i" • Yesaindeed We etudy and learn so much. Last meeting we took up Car - be -interesting/1 " Very., Next Morn- ing we shall investilgate the private life of Goethe -and his loess atffairs. "How instructive V.- ".Yes ; and we have sipation and disreputable couduct, and purpose soon to. thoroughly investigate the iminoral actions of Voltaire."' " In - literary societyto increase one'e culture. You ought to join." . day -asked what was thought of Mr. Blank si an organist. " Ski" he said, with mock solemnity, " is a Very respectable man." want to know how he leaks as a per- former on the-orgen."' " Sir, he is a most exemplary man, - and one who plays ai though he were' • " Now woold you :mind- telling . me what you mean by saying Ale performs like a charitable man.' Blank playa upon the organ as though he did not let hie left hand know what his rightland was doing." —For generations a certain Japanese family has had a bok into Which- they put preientages. Said one .of them : If I afraut to buy a garment .it costs one dellar, I buy it for eighty -Cents.. or to build &house for one hundred dollars, I build itfor eighty dollen and put the balatice-in the hox. At the end of ‘, the year we meet, open the boxes and give thetcontente to thci, poor. It Coats us some self denial, but- we are alweys The Cos Rican Government beeps to be aliv to this fact, and has recently offered xtensive grants of land to „any who will devote themselves to tire cul- ture of ubber tree Amo g the in the Y 'class,: y all odds the lowest in the country, unless it may be the Caribs of western coast, They are mostIse half- breeds er negroes, for white men Seldom engage in it, though the businesi might . be mad profitable. A Yularo can be 4 or othe " professions?! as easily as a cowboyi in genteel society, er a miller fresh froin hie mill, not only by his gen- eral airi of dare -devil don't-care-itiVeness but by he thick -Coating of ca.outchoue that co ers his clothing from head to gradually by contact with the rubber trees, Without intention on the part of the wearer, and in time renders his gar- ments ebsolutely waterproof add almost • The [hunters are fitted out by the shrewd traders of Parismina, much as AmeriCan miners used to be supplied with tt grubstake" in searoh for pre - with ikon, kquantity of ammunition, .flour, and pork to sustain him from two - . to six months. All this is charged to his acceunt at the -highest market prise, and in return he stipulates-W.1ml' to this -same aecomodating dealer, attioine fixed sum per potind, all the caotitchoue he znay collect during his, trip. A journey to the woods may occupy weeks'ot months, . according to the will of the Zuht,ro, after which he returns to the villege, not to leave it again till the last cent is spent whieb he has earned, . or can beg, steal or borrow, and all the credit exhausted. that he can obtain by 'promisee upon the next expedition. It -!reluctant to rettfrn to such dangerous - exiles, for under every leaf of the tropi- cal forest some Venomous creature is ',„ lurking, an eternal vigilanee is the price of safety. The hunter's. life is little ab'ove 1 that of the wild beasts, whose howls make night hideous around the, and perils, seen and unseen. Not only are there hungry jaguars and Pumas, wild.boars and other powerful anunals, but, more to be dreaded are the deadly reptiles, some of them no longer than your hand. Thereare tiny . lizards, the exact olor of the leaves under which they h de, whose 1:4e is fatal ; innumer- able begs, beetle and insects, many of . them More dangerous than the rattler of., our Nerthern wilds, which at least gives some warning of his intention to strike, _ _while,; even more to be feared than the motistrous crocodiles of the lagoons and the eriormous serpents of hugging pro:: clivities are the fevers that nightly . stalk ab'road with- the nOxiOus vapor of -Aside from the- scant rations he ly of wild hoge, or such other . animals as he may be able to kill, eked out by tortillas, and as an occasional luxury, a dish Of red beans stewed in fat. . Monk.: e s are considered the choicest of mor- bitants of Central aroes‘ form a distinct prosperous and hepiy.'" They call this worishiping " The Great Bright God of —Mr, Stuart Cumberland, the mind rea4er, tells this story about Isabella, the ex-Qaeen Of Spain. He was experi- menting with hir in trying to diseover an aettcle hidden in another -room ; mat, of course, was anxious that, ate shoeld cencontrate her thoughts` oil the article and where shehad hidden it. All went well till theythad passed the corridor between the apartments,- when sudden- ly it came int_olier Majesty's - head to tell the thought -reader -a- bit of gossip which she had just heard. -After *this was to keep thinking of something, was ceattx, particularly . the larger red` I not ? What is it f' No wonderthe species, which are_ highly relished by experiment failed. - - the hunters as are racoons by Southern —Au amusing instance of hero-worship darkies or Thanksgivieg turkeys by The Yularo 'has no other implement than Ei.short rope of cactus fiber, of his own twistinvand a huge machete—the '-lattert a rude. sort of sword or knife which every Central American, whet is . carries upon all occasions. The hunter waist', throws the other over the lower branches and- scrambles up the tree, machete in hand. Having reached a ctinveniettt limb he secures himself by means ofthe rope and proceeds to make Art inclision in the tree; from aihich-a- gradually letting himself downward— he eats a deep channel through the bark _ around the trunk to the ground.. In most cases the Careless fellow outs much' deeper thap is necessary, thereby ruining the future usefulness of` tbe tree ; for if a penknife, or even s pin, be thrustinto a thrifty young tree, the " Milk " spurts oue in co.pious flow. '4.- - The y.ellowish-white lutes resembles - good, rich cream more nearly than any. thingelse. If the tree is fully grown aod has . never before been tappeli the sap 'will flow from . the incision in etreains,"and, running down the channel, is reeleived into; a pit dug at the roots, The fluid ia generally coagulated with the sap of a wild vine, somewhat regents bling the grape, which overgrows all theee tangled forests, and acts the Part -of re net to cheese cards, or " mother " pile' e to mariguey juite, for after its addi ion, the milk is soon hardened in- to solid Cakes of india-rubber all- ready for transportation. Ammonia. Ammonia is cheaper than soap and cleans eVerything it touches. A few drops in a kettlothatis hard to cleanse makes grease and stickiness fade away , and robs the work of all itsterrors, Let it stand' ten minutes before attempting to 'crape off. and every corner will be clean. It eleans the sink and penetrates into theslrain pipe. Spots, finger -marks on paint disappear under its magical in- fluence, and it is equally effective on floor.aud oil -cloth, though it must be - used with care on the latter or it will injure the polish. There is nothing to -equal it in cleaning the silverware, as it is related in. Landon. • It concerns mr. Gladstone and it teld of . workingman. The latter not long agb entered a peblic :library and.asked for a bouk. Oa being Auettioned eel& What he would like, he replied that he Wanted "Omer." The would have a Greek text or e translation; to which he receivedihe following reply -Gledstone reads,' After half arvhoties reading (with hie fiiwere Stuck into his ears, to insute against- interruptioie) he: paid he thought it was "rum' Sort of stuff," and went out. Be has' pot since returned to finishit. - • • EPPWS- .C.00 for hifantS ,d E recommend it as superior to any prescriPtion 111 844-0Eterd Brooki,m, y, iesiterla Cures Celle, mutilation, - Worms, Oyes sleep,. and 'promOt4d di' 'rat pramint COMPANY, 77 Murray Street N An old phYsicinn,iatired Mai ,,PractIce, hey; missionary the 'forniula. 'of "!&•:siingle -Vegetable. remedy for the speedy ,POd'permitnent ogre of Consumption; Bronchitis,,Catarrli,. Asthma and. all threat and Lung Affectige% also a positive and radical cure -for, Nteyoultnlebflity -and all • dee% has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows: , Actuated bYltifis mota-te send free df cherge, te ill who' desire ik-this recipe, in German, French or English, with full 'eastern It rceeinMenttea bye.phsitilelatig: 101, children teething. le is a litirely : Vegetable each bottle. It iwpiessarit to the taste And isbee; lates the bowels, quiets itain, cures dierrhma Mid. wind who, allays,. feyerishness, destroysliVeorefs, -gives it refreshing and ,nattiral „sleep. :casteirla 1 HURON 1AND BRUCE pan nvestmeni This COMpany Loaning Money ol; 1- of Ittercd.; Mort Sig s Piichased. .SAIrIbta 0—K. -BRANCH Oeposits,i'accoixling.to amount and. 'Aid North: . Mothers, whir have deheete children mesas 1 them daily, improve arid gal* iik, ilesirettd.ri s strength by giVing 'the& that perfect food and, medicine; Scott's Einulsiondf Cod LiVer,011, with . Hypophosphites. Dr .„„e W. A: Hulbert, 'of Salts - bury, file. says ; 01 blVe used Scott's Enfulsiore gretibing., My little patients takiit with piens- For nettle task- surfuna*- heat 'and general -,,t An imvAive or torpid liver intint he" reined and all bad bile removed. 'Bordockpills refietft. . Some symptoms. of worms are :—Fever,'-reolie; variable 'appetite, • restlesinese, weakness ;and.: convulsions. The unfailing remedy is Dr.", Low'te Nothing Like.lt. I was troubled with liver complaint for a good inany years, but was cured hr. one bettle of Burdock _Blood Bitters. 1. have never found any . medicine to help nte like 13, B. B.; in fact one Li often fatal when not remedied time. Leslie B. Nicholson, lp Wehesley Avenue, Toronto, says : " As a quick cure for group, celds, sore throat, chilblains, ete.,•I -can recennepnd Hag.' yard's Yeller, Oil." It is a sure cure. Directione .accompany each -bottle. Partly Gave -up. In the year 1885 COughed fov six- Months, and having unsuccessfully' tried many remedies, I partly give up, thinking I hid consurnption. than one bottle of which citred me, leaving me as. well as ever 1 was. Henry W. Carrite,,i Wabash, Ontario. . was swollen front bend to feet frein drepsy ,six= nienths' standing, and my health was, faitiel fait, but after taking ono Wattle of Bur-, dock Bleed Bitters, I am nuite well, end think; there ie no medicine espial to 13. R.: B.; and twit I remain a true friend, Joseph Ileele, linwead,; "Bye thOrinigh Knowledge iof the natural laws goyern the operations -of digestion .and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of :weir -selected . Cocoa, Mr. Epps his provided, our breakfast tables_ with* &Abate - le flavored beVerage which maysiave us many heavy doctors' bills. It is bi,,thes judicious wit of such articles of diet that at constitution May be graduallihuilt`gp until ittong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds iof enbtle maladies are floating- around es: ready to .nttaek wherever there is a weak point, 'We may eicape many a fatal shaft by keeping oureelves well fortified with puee blood and a properly nottrished frame."—" Neil Service_ Gazette.", Made simPly with boding water or mile. Sold' only in packets by grocer% labelled. thus: London, England. . 108842 s,c owledged to be the Largest Seedsmen in the world. D. M. Tziurta COI the and YTIOW SEEDANNOAL Will be Mailed Mt to all applicants; ams 10 ISA yeses =sterner! "211111.441SMOSOC11311117a1,G1thoniaabridelt1WidtiMeelfentdtrfriorerlit.IRe:e)rungAddreillit. Intvaiur a. M. FERRY SkOO.ilarindsor,Ont If there was only one bottle of Hagyard's-, dred dollars for it, writes Philip H Brant, oil Monteith, Manitoba, after having used it for,a' severe wound and for frozen fingers, with, as he A Dreadful. Doom, 1. To be unable to vilify hunger withogt !ming stomach; dizziness at:fainting; scene) a' dread f lief and *permaneet ogre in Buedet Blood Bitters. )3. B. Tr. pOliitiVilW 11111V3 dys epsia • • coniirpatioi. Is the Megt frequent emote of headaches, bad blood, humors.diA4inees, vertiOJ etc., and because of this should never be allewdd te exist. rt may be readily owed uy using Bur: - Gan certify to- the -great grefuln of. Hap yard's Yollowpil, We nee It . for burns; bruleme cuts, sores; rheurentism! soee throat, eroup; etc., and recominend it to aftas anexcellent -remedy, -XIS Henry KitChen, St.- George, Ontario, says : tlind a bad cold which :settled, lir my :Balsam and in a days Was getting better, And in er Market. 'Square When she was aChildi she Cried for 041°614 When she becionaliissostte-clung Ceitpria, When she had Children, slitigavithenOssior: • Hain world wide re utation as a physician and author, 'His Vldand eke: Dandelion Liver: Cure IS a triumph of mod gal skill, curing -all diseases SYMPTOMS OF Pans in the bac ; 'dull pain 0;yr:61071:gm bladder and base, . the abdomen; scalding urine often Obstru ted ; frervent desire to •Orinate, especially at -eighteamong aged pets pale complexion, red and iness, sour .stornach, con- ' dropsical Avellings :Consuniption Surely Curd. To Int ElittOR Flew infornt your readers that I haVe a la'. tive remedy for the above named disease. By ititimely use thousands of hopeles cases have been permanently cured. .I shall be glad to send' two bottles of nwy remedy ME to any of your readers who have consumgtion if theY will send me their Express and Post Office address. '; Respeetfully. Dn. T. A. Swam 1080-52 37 Yonge Street, Termite, Ont. AUCTIONEERS. . sons ; hot, city skin WrM Coln ing, life or .ene digestion, spots, ph • Pain unler shoulder blades, plexion, a weary, tired Met - CURED. ndelion are nature% Liver REMOVAL. Northgrav HAS REMOVgD HIS To the Campbetl Bleak, corner, Ifd and Godencli Streets, Seaforth,, CFFOLK BOAR.—The undersigned has on 0 Lot 8, Coneestion 13, Mundt, a thorough- bred Suffolk boar iwhieh he keeps for service. in Terme—One dollar,payable at the time of ser- vice with the privilege of returning if neces- sary. LANCELOT 1ASKER. 1099tf Where he keeris a large stock of Gold. and Si ver ir gte stock-ot Hew, Plain Gold Wedding Rings, 4: cheap as the chestiest.; Watches, Clopics nd Jewelry repaired withelespatch.- W. J. Northgraves, No. I, Canipbell's Bleck, Seaforth Pufabid in Strength, Purit}r and Fast si None:pther:arejust as- good. e. wate 61 limitations, becatise t e} are :mad? of cheap and .infe materials, ,and give- poor, w ak crOcky dolors. To be sure di success, use only the. DIAM /sir DYES' Ai' coloring Dresses, St ck• them to color more goods;p ,ito age for Package, than any, o he' .0' dyes ever made, and to give, ore 4 'brilliant and durable colors., Ask for the Diamond and take -no ot er 'A Coat:Colored A -.000D PIG.—The undersigned will keep at Egmondville a thoroughbred Berkshire boat- for service. He has taken 4 first prizes. Terms. -One dollai at the time of service svith the striVileze of re urning if necessary, FRED. MEYER,' Egmont:belle. 1102x8 ERKSHIRE P G. --The undersigned will keep for serv .on Lot 16, Concession 12, teKillop, a pure bred Berkshire boar, bred by Snell Mons, ef Mullett, and .from imported .stock on both sgleN 'Terme--$1, payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning o ESTER WHITE PIGe—The undersigned 11 keep during the present season on Lot oughbled Chester:White Pig to which a limited num of . Sows seill be taken. This pig was 'farrowed on Ka; 15th, 1887, was bred by S. E. Todd, of Wak-entan, Huron County, Ohio, ono of the meg*, exterfeive and reliable breeders T:nited States. This Pig ims also taken that pekes whetheVer shown. Terms in. PAP Pjle at the time of 'service, with the privilege of returning if necespery. GEORGE PLEWES. fn 0 cures, and when. c mbinecl svith kidney -reme- dies; :sts, in .Dr. Ch se's Liver tCuve, -will most poe:tively ogre 'all Kidney -Liver troubles. It . body. Soid by al) dealers- Ist 81, ith .Weereipt. Boole .whi- alone is worth the money. CITASE 8 PILLS are. the only KidnivalAver 11.116 mode. They . any employment. !kid by ell dealere. tem a ie, One pill a dose riEVM Until 'your hair ara --I 4611) givi iAleserf '0. t a- i -t ;Keep 'ioe 'our toiletttablt; a bottle. of e tile 'natural' colot add T B. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer -"for tbs „ County of Huron. Sales attended in at, parte of the County. All orders left at Toe 'Extreerron Office will be promptly atteoded to. the Counties of Huroh and Perth; Say* conditetedbn the melt reasonable termej Orders left at the Queen's Hotel, or by Mail•addiessed te Bei 311, Seatorth P. O., Will be pram* atteir ed to THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auetienee ‘1053.t f Thogins.Ntitu-10-15;liariat rev,: Re",, ivritet40 61. itiontb:4 14;0 Y. hair iweeke awes tied -many_ yet V-Igdr; :and Vith a 'heavy gr kelia your prep wa4 almost; bald. istrt .4.4.V.1210 (right a bottle ork-Ayer'S after:et:41* 011Iy .4 part inly *ad 'was rOtired swell ;,0 -the lkSti hair.; Aided itry,",Ntrites n.d Blotches, e.disfigutilitg-ici the face, foteltead„ and eck, may. ba- se of Ayers Wykelinm tau, opens WE "As vacancies for ted, read. are r- ay, arrapo for lee) with- G he will be at. hem Circulars Sire sen tirely removed by the soporific, the bef4 and arid Blood -Purifier ever GEN 8, A Child _cart use the 1 igontreal; P. Q. Bla JAIL 8, The above mill. have now been thiiioug y built upon the -complete' HUNCARIAN ROLLER PROC SS. . The Mill sod Starehouse Buildings hay greatly enlarged, and new machinery a THE. LATEST IMPROVJD Flour Dreising. MACh es From the best manufacturing Firms . base been put in and evinything necessary added to-. liable. In the Dominion. -The ficilit.es for recoil/hie grain front farmere andfor elevating and shipping 'hew deen extenaively improved. Grain can now , taken from farmers' wagon% wOghed, and loaded into ears at the rate of 700 Inhale pee boifroar the work of two men.' been LLS 11.'4,11GE FEED starve CUSTOM._ CHOPP! ilea been:put in, aid the neeessary znaehin handling chop end coarse grains. A good shedtav been erected, so Wei cati be unloaykid and reloaded Under cover 'WHEAT EXOHAN agent Promptlyattended to, and .FIRST-CLASS, ROLLER FLOOR GUARANTEED. Chopped sathdietorily and witicutdel ROLLER FLOUR; SHO T CHOPPED* FE p Constantly on hand, Highest lita,rket Pride Pa d Cash for any Quantity APPLE BA R'FiE FINE, COARSE AND LAND AL FOR SAI.E. to attend customers. The liberal patrooge of farmers and generaltrade respectfully solicited. lege avenue, Teronte. Re. quested; before the 'opening- dmiesron (by letter or other - TER. .the Lady Priecipal, after 81st August. . 1°82 THE COMCSREST FPI at onee on application. 0 mai f.id) p cP• PI rn 1-31-1 cc:74' CD •. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-. JII) signed has a number of fine building Lew on Goderieh and James Streets for sale, At- loto . prices, For I) articulate apply to D. D. WILMS T301.1SE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For sale or to rent; the brick residence at Roxboro, lileKillop, recently occupied by Mr. W. CI. Duff. There are In connextion with thehettse - aboiiteight sores of land. For further patina. *WARM FOR SI LE.—For Bale, -Lot 17, Con. minion 7, Mandate containing 100 acres, well fenced, underdrained, and in s, good state - of cultivation, 70 acrestleared and the balance well timbered, There are on the place a good log house with frame barn and stables, pknty of good water ronvenient, and also good --- orchard. It is within six males of Seaforth end three of the village of Winthrop. Apply -on the Proprietor. 110141- WIRST-OLASS FARM FOR SALE.—Being Lot in the C Concession of Turriberry„ end Lot 10, in the A Concession of Howick; the gravel reed runs between them, The ..tWO con- tain 148 acres, of vrhich 125 acres are cleared and in alit state for a binder to run. The farms are situate on the -gravel road between Wroxeter ane Belmore—three miles 'rpm Wroxeter,and 24 miles from Belmere. 'There a school house - on the corner of the land, apd churches too- venient. Apply to A. CHRYSLER on the prem. lees, °rte.). C,OWAN, Wroxeter. 11014f Holstein Bull for fiale For sale, a thoroughbred Holstein Bull Cal owned by James Elliott, Bluevale, and bred by H. Bollert, Cassell, Ontario, calved April 26, 'bred hy Bollert, Cane% Coterie. Come end seethe herd, or address , THE FARMERS' Bariking Flout% II al 5141 g ge. rA 0, CD j-3 ,726 th CD 0 riv r/2 ICD C.IitV g • Great S how 7.4 Es Go. -girid See I ment .of GIFT' PA PST S .A14,;:i4RE D. 13, ,MeLEANI -wishes to inform the publie own handsand is prepared tO do A;11, . Oustoin Work First in, &Stout. , All custom loge attended o 'NOTICE TO of6t-61-3-67 AlIpersons indebted to the, Estate el the is,te Mrs; John Kidd, by either note or book account, are ;requested to call at the store and; settle the game onee. by Ise doing will avoid lurther toots for eollection, Ali account)! must be PAID in order to, settle the affairs of the Estate. (Ince-lineal= with the Bank of Montreal,) BANKERS IND -FINANCIAL AGENTS. ' done, drafts issued low id ,heir own premises on MarketStreet, On good metes or mortgagee, 1058 • grirrillerv elm; IA, 11114P Av. 1314•14%,,zieliz aftititivlifid= 240 isal2sitrin 5412pals• eiev ' melt iv 0 -8 ..11 PitV19 1 1111114 V II= isetitxtps !grey. I *drip titill sirrijoil, ailing! c4 London, Hurdin. dud Bruce, Gongs Nome— Passenger. lo• ndesbero .. 10.19 743 Ilelgrave. „- 10.42 747 Goma SOUTH— Passenger Clinton 8.07 4.45 Brucefield 13.26 5,04 Rippen 843 5.72 Bluevale- G01110 SOUTII— Winghsin— Grey and- Bruce. 3.08 9.45 940 3.30 10,10 11.10 _Passenger. Mixed. 6,48 11.22 5.55 7.02 11.45 13.56 7.14 12.00 9.61 - Grand Trunk Railway. follo• ws; • Mixed Tram, 5.30r V; st, New -ffining Mill IN SEAFORTII. The undersigned would announce to the Pub. lie that they hare their New Planing Mill in - lull blast, where they will do Cuitom Platting, Matching, Berea Sawing and Wood Turning, They will keep on band Dressed Lumber, Floor- ing and Siding. Boors, Sash and Frames made to AIso the PUMP AND CISTERN BUSINESS attended as formerly. Shingles alwass on hand. By etrict attention to buidness and lair dealing .' we hope to gain Public patronage. • The North American BANKING COMPANY. . (NOT INCORPORATED. A, General Banking business trans- acted. Farmers' paper discounted, Draft's bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits, OFFICE—In the Commercial Hotel building. F. liOLMESTED, Solicitor. 106$ MARRIAGE LlOgNSE8 ISSITED AT EXPOSITOR °FRU