The Huron Expositor, 1889-03-01, Page 1iva
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NUMBER 1,107.
4 --AT TfIE—
Cash Store
Iti,T DEAR MoTrza,—You will see by
the heading of . this - that I ail on the
move again. L am on my way to
-frichinoply, ‘, where I will be for some
time, assisting in a corps and studying
tho v Tamil laneusge, _which is. almost the
only one used in this . part of the coun-,
try: Captain Lloyd (re lass) . and Lieu-•
tenant Stolicker (a lad) are with me.
They both belong to our party of Cana-
dians. Captain Lloyd will be- in the
same corps with me. We left _Bombay
Thursday 41.45 and got here thismorn-
ing at 6.30, so you will see we had about ,
40 hours' travelling. .1-- do not -know
how far we have come, ' but I hear that
it is about 1,000 miles from Bombay to
Trichinoply. You will see by the
geography that it is right across the
country. -.I MU :80 used to travelling
that a thousand miles does not seem so
_ very far and it semis. quite natural to
feel myself jerking along either QII the
'boat or train, but after all I will be. real
glad to settle, down and got° work.
The need is: so great, if Ihad a thousand
lives they should all be spent here. We
are going to stay here ,over Sunday and
then vvillsproceed onward. . - : •
I spent a pleasant Christmas and was
praying much that you:. all might eniey
yours. Christmas eve I Was in the
house all evening busy making a net to
put around my umbrella and then stand
it over my head nighti • to keep the
mosquitoes out, TheY, are terribly bad
in the pert of the My whoro we lived,
They do not bite pooplo rnuOh who havo
boon for * longth of Om In tho eonntry,
but any new smilers eieteh it: 1 euppose
L t is hetaus. our blood is different from
other, Christine* timing wo all--isidk-
ed to headquarters for * holinees meet,
ink The day we@ 'very swill' at noon-
-we eolild-eoareely War to walk on the
grand in our barefoot it wast, want,
-We came home on the train; At night
at six o'clock we had a dinner in real
India style, I will try and describe it.
We used the Isairaoki- floor for a table.
'MAY, MARCH 1 1889.
MeLEAN BROS, P.-- ubliebere.
.1.50 a Year, in A dvanee.:
&writ Lona, satires, 'neoseisertatii, Viso:
New SpringDress Goods, Prints,
Cottons,' 81tirtilags, Denims,- Titke4
ings, Corsets, Gloves, Prilhing
Collars, Outs, ete,, which will be
sold very, eheap at the Cheap Cash
We are o offering:all kinds of
Winter ' Goods at greally- reduced.
prices at ill&
Oheap Oash Store
BEA -FO -RT. H •
POrth nem&
Stratford' eleinto to havelhe leifeet
death -rate of the, eleven cities of this
.--The market at '*Fullirtors village is
glutted with' epples and they are itelling -Mats were spread across the floor in
-ict fifty cents a barrel.
different directions /or us to sit on,
—Mr. 3. A. Aiken, of Cape Town,et(which looked very much 'like paths
Sonth Africa; visited friends in
Marys last week.
a flour- garden) ; all along one
—MrGeorge Foreman, real estate side of the - mats were spread pieces of
dealer in Stratford, diei-banana, leaves about a foot. and a half
--- on Friday leng end about a foot . wide, On these
afternoon, 15th inst., after a long illness. .
-ver $35)000 were distributed on tables well seasoned with Curry, on one
I Was a quantity of rice with‘a:little vege-
Tuesday, hist 7ek,,-pay day, to Grand
Trunk Railwa, hands at Stratford.. i side of the rice was a couple of kinds of.
pickles or seucaond on the other was a
— Old .Mrs. Ettue, of -Mitchell, fell
down cellar the other day and broke her ubSY Peeled '4anana,or plantain as they
leg near tbe.ankle. ' , . ,1 were plantains; oranges are called ,here. All over the ' table
—Mr. ' W. 1 Corrie of Stratford, is
Corrie, guavas, two kind of pomegranates
asIndian 'sweetmeats;
. -
and some beautiful boquets of flowers.
It did look beentiful and I enjoyed it
well. I do not want you to think that
we live in extravagance, I think that a
shipping 0100 , carloads of congealed
water to sPoint Edward, for which he
wiltget $700;
- —While killing pigs on.'Wednesday,
last week, Mr. John Kidd, of Fullerton, great deal of the dinner wee giien by
cut his left had badly on the ball of the
thumb by letting the knife slip. friends' - '
—Mr. Rebert Dowkes, of Fullarton, I was outlast Saturday with one ''-of
slipped and fell on some ice a few slays the girls, distributing bills. We were
ago :and sustained a painful fracture of
the hip feint.1
—Friday night, on the Stratford rink,
Wrace took place between Walker, of
London, and ttoDonald,of Hamilton,the
lattertwinning easily. , _
—A resident of St. Marys, named
Wm. Haines, Was crushed t� death by
a sand pit caving in on him a few days
ago; He leaves a wife nd four small
arevery tame, they -will sit out on the
children. . window sill and come .to the door for
—A number of Stratford citizens
crumberjust theearne as the little grey
birds db with you. I wile asking how it
havepresented Dr. Hanavan with,a gold
watch and Chair as an expression of was that there were so many in the city,
and they. said the natives think it a
their esteem. The doctor is now stir-
geon of the London Military School. - terrible crime to kill any kind of bird or
—The young lad, Salisbury of Mit- meet. •
calling with them on a rot of the big
houses Where , European and Parsee:
gentlemen live. I never sew se'
many nice flower gardens before,- there *
are so many beautiful floweringtrees
here, some bear flowers nearly all . the
year round, everything looks aiiresh- as
it doesin Canadair June. -
There are lots of crows and they
We eau get plenty of milk here.
bhell, who suetained. such severer injury
!Three kmds are used, buffalo, cows and
last week, *from his gun exploding, IS goat's: They drive the co* from door
progressing favorably and now likely to
• recover. 1 - to door; milking just- the amount the
--Two St, Marys hoteI-keepers were
last week fined $20 and costs) each, i3r.
'Selling liquor on Sunday, another hotel -
keeper has been indicted for the same,
purchaser wants ata time. I think the
Europeans brought that rule in force so
that they would always get the. milk
new and without any water. • There:are
not a large number of horses 'used here,
offence and his -case is under trial.
, —Mrs. Chas. Lee of Stratford re. Just for street cars and gentry. Bullocks
- calved* cheque for $1,000 froth the Odd, I dce_all the work, they are not as large as
megaton, oxen, and have a big hump on the
fellows Relief Association, of
back of their neck, they are a bright.
Ontario, for the life policy upon her late
husband. . - • looking animal and trot _thtough the
—Mr. Peter Stock, one of the pioneer streets quite speedily.
There are a great many Parsees in
and most*-proaperous settlers, in -Ellice,
died on Wednesday, the 20th inst. „ail Bombay. They are statists of :Persia,
are quite as dark as the natives of
ahident befel him -a little over a year and
India. They are mostly wealthy men
agoi from theeffectsof which believer
fuily recovered. - and worship the earth, sun, moon and
—Thomas head miller in Mr. stars. They come to our meeting& great
Meorera,oatmeal Mill, St. Marys deal and seem quite interested. I always
got his hand crushed between two mill know them when I see them by a kind
stones, on Friday. He will be off work of hat they wear that no one else wears.
fol. some time,
—Mr. W. C. Mild, of Listowel,
cleverly stipPed a runaway horse, on
Saturday, by. slipping off his coat and
throwing it over the horse's, head. The
blinded animal stopped itself against a
telegraph pole.
—Mr. Robert Dalrymple, who has
been employed with his brother Wil-
liam, on the 42th concession of Hibbert
for some time past, has decided to -start
for Montana, about the first. of March,
to seek his fortune.
—TheiiaX min at Atwood is again •
erected. It is a splendid frame, heavy .
timbere stone foundation 38x5$ feet.
The women wear a kind of white head-
dress unlike any other. A 'great many
of thepeople here"dress very richly and
showily. Some of the Parsee women
have beautiful. satin chuddahs of all
colors, bright purple, green and scarlet.
But some of the men hear beat the,
women for show, -I ' have seen them
sometimes have on a long_ scarlet coat
with bright green pants and vest; others
w$th a bright green silk coat and scarlet
pants and vest. That beats the Salva-
tion Army. The military soldiers and
a great many others wear Elie white
linen- suits.
Our Canadian UU party has been •greatly
_They were a gritty lot of men and al- ° broken up. Three are going to the
though some. of them were slightly
frozen they stuck to it until the plates
were on.
—W. S',nith, an Ellicefarmef, was ar,
reated the other night in Stratford for
Annoying the Salvation Army by at-
tempting to drive his horse and cutter
through their procession. He pleaded
- that he could not stop his hone. The
case was adjourned until next- week.
—The following are the License Com
inissioners for this county for 1889-90-:
For North Terth, Mr. G. G. McPher-
son, Mr. M. F. Goodwin, Stratford;
Mr. Jacob Kelhlman, Millbank. South
Perth„ Mr, T. H. Race, Mitehell; Mr.
Janie* Prindiville, Logan; Mr, W. W.
Ford, St. Mays. ,
Punjaub, two to Ceylon two to Cal-
cutta and some are staying to work
among the Maraties, while two are
going to Gudgerat. We had been
together • so long that it almost seemed
like breaking up a family for ustopart.
I got my new name to -day. It is Deva
Erakkam. The first part means God,
the second mercy. You had better ad-
dress my letters in my native name, as I
will always be known by that here. It
ia sd nice to have a new name without
having to -get married to get it.
- The part of the 'country that I have
travelled through- the last day or two
was nice. That which we passed
through the first day was verytnoup-_,
tainous, but what we passe through
yesterday was : more„, level. - Many
places we could see as far as the eye
could reach, here and there wer-abills,
I did, not see any woods like there is in
Canada. :
1. wish you could just be here for a
little while and see the need° of the pee- :
,pie. One cannot teach that their way
is all wrong. The , one thing they
always want to know is what our God;
does- for us more thed theirs does for:
:them, and the only way We can prove it,
to them , is to live such a life as
will show them that there is a power
• that will and does keep us from doing
wrong. Nothing less will do. •
• - Belgrave. .
A &mon- Couceni, — Hurrah. !
Hurrah ! for Belgrave, Duncan man,
saw ye wirer- sic a place, heard Ye e'er
o sic anither, as this. toon-o'Belgrave 18'
turned tae? What for,-Donnel ?, Whit
for Duncan ? Why man, are "ye that
gr:te a 'stranger as no t' a -heard o the
.affa meetings we hae been hie'en here
. for the last 'three months. an Mair.
Leeterary debeets, Mayor, Reeve :and
Council elections, Mock Paillaments,
teameetings an' socials, yin nicht . after
another, it fairly dings, a'. Dunca,n,-ou,
aye, Donnel, a heard aboot a'that. wark,
an' mair than that, tho ye mabie thdna-
ken, a Was present at the -grate Leethr-
ary fecht the tether nicht for "a hae a
kiada the rest 6 she died.
• cin -try folk t' see a, fecht; e'en
between twa skyterriers„ or twa banty Teeentlx $20,0011 worth of smelts wer
—At Buctouche, 'New Brunswick
c_erned the coin is about the'.--anost di-
lapidated looking pgce one toul&-gell--
imagine, being completely flattenedout
Mr„Sturgeon would not, however, take
a five &liar gold piece for it. *
Mr. D. J. McDonald, .of East Cornj
*wall, has been a subscriber t� the Corn7
wall Freeholder for 37, years..
•—•181r. George Sleeman, of Guelph, hi
about finishieg alactory for the manu:
facture of artificial ice. ,
, —Sermons denunciatory of the Jesuit
aggressions ,in Quebec drew loud ap-
plause in several of the Toronto church-
es last Sabbath.
.--ProfessOr -Bell, of the Dominion
Geological Survey, was entertained at a
dinner party in _New. York by Erastui
Wiman roterday night. • .
—An intense degree of cold prevailed
generally throughout the province on
,Saturday night last, the thermometer in
some places going' down, 300 below
zero, '
" - —The value of goods entered for con
sumption in the Dominion was in Jauu
au $7,597,874 ; of this total dutiabl
value was. $56,789.80 and the duty
Collected' was $17,251.89.
--The little daughter of Mr. W..13
Burgoyne, proprietor of the St. Cathar
ines Daly Star, ate a quantity of pot
ash, lozenges, from the, effects of wine
cocas, It dlona mak mucimie odds t' paught m A week, The streets war
me-whilk, provided they do't wi a their lined with sleigh loads of the little as
Donnob Wool wilnt th0eht P being 'milled the packing hohees,
yon exhibition o' our .Boi.grieVo wairiors, now: Whir° &WW1!!
11,1113g01, " irerrit 00; 4ittt Central sehOolle wholesale taffy Pa
119"1, " wortn 9r- Tho pupils:ire told MI wha dey the
at loiat Mideil thy hal 01; The fiddling -may beVeT the: festivity.; and the young
WM "WM! Mi Yon Ofing - fitoro limb& the sugar -anttsnalte,-14
Gowan NO geed Oren sidille`the,§11/ ohhios
thtf@th@fg *as py on *Ind dune, fihe's --Megepresello NI& Vishil BygOB
oldollau did his part goy WeS1 •taily &Ay Friday thormgg, lige ,hneljsai
°MY fie didnii 'Sao Seoton- MA heard her breathing- heavily, sint get li
tivang, Site he'd Over Irish for that, to igodure 0, light, -typed letifeectig
Then there was the other sang, (Will the. bedew iiefeutid &kid; .
he no "tne aOhlt) 0146 she gang, --:--Mhe-PripeeVward County Cannel
•it -was worth hearin • But yon trash of Friday passed a resolution declatin
things some o' them tryed t' sing an' that the time: had arrived. when th
play on th! °row, wa,sna. O'.ony. fib- Parliament of Canada should give to th
count ava. An' then, yon readings; an' people' of . the. Dominion .a prohibitor
recitations were th' silliest .trash ever liquor law„ :
heard, naithing, but a slily : burlesk-on George Paxton Young, M.4.
common sense. ' Donnell, ee- Weal) 41). D., Trofeseor of . Metaphysics an
Dunk, yere .; no fir ,wrang, but Toronto University, died of
than, what can ye expect _free a paralysis--- on Tuesday last. He : Via
wheen illeeterate ,CanuCks, : th' meist noted as a scholar, teacher and _ methe
o' them were ; ye ken brawly ther's nee matioien. He was 71 years of age. .
sangi mede in a flat. kintry like this -V —Mr. Robert McQueen,. of Kirkwall
compare wi' the Sap/45.e Wild Scotland; , and his Bible Class, 46 in all, drove t
stern and ; meet nurse of a : poetics.; -Galt one day; lately :for the purpose .°
Child.' The like o' ''Gloorny:Winter'a getting's photo of the class taken. I
noo awa,' or Kelvin Grove,' I Whis- was the largest : grOup. the artist ever
tle an' I'll come t' ye, iny lad,' or 'The tried totalle.- • , •
Cameron Men," The 4e -conies barna,' funeral ofilie late DavidtCurt
an' Burnie Hielant 'Mary,'—the likes 0) took piece the ether day at Brantford-
• thee are -rare-, fu 0' fine eentinient an' - ink(' was: very attended, abou
natural; feeling. ;Deed* Whiles think' 250 Masons being present. Represents
that some o' thee i'll be !mug in Reeven,'-
Dinuian Na, na. Dolma ; they'll hoe- towns and cities were present,
tiveiefroin the - lodges . of neighborin
far better 713ailgti • than thae-theeri lad ;'• —Bishop Lewis, of Ottawa, Was mar
juist as Muckle aheed o' thee ye hae 7 ried Wednesday .the Ere
named as thee are aheed o' the Canadian bassY in-Teris to MissAda Leigh, a lad
and Yankee sings. But what a won ••! who been prominent.. in. connectio
der at maistava is th' enormous gath-:- with- benevolent: enterpfises. th
ering7o' young en'. aeld folk V hear 816 .French -capital.
blethers an' havers as- are generally:ex, , Lister has, a rock el
hibited. But the weret o't a' t' me, is tree on his - ferin gtobicoke, : Count
this. dimming myth' organ th' time ,they Teel; which Measures lit feet in circum
are singing, so that yin canna ken .ference_ at the bottOM,Iland 28 feet fro.
word they says it appeers. V me that if the grOund Measures -174.- feet, This
probably thellargest tree m Canada.
ti §{figff hiabwati aie farther, Guelph•township, onPlrod mid
they hadna th orgen draming slang
wit them, they wad get :marl for their —A number of settlers on eighty-acr
sections in Killarney district, Manitoba-
are,holding meetings with the • view o
-inducing the Dominion Government t
double the size of their present hold -
_The °aerie Grand Lodge of the
Ancient Order of United .Workmen
ain voices, an' fairly: swarf awa."
Don -el :—" Di've • ye no like the organ,
Duncan ?" Duncan :-•:-.4" Na,.na, DOnel ;-
a wad far raither beer th' bagpipes ony
day or nicht, even in T th' hoose,.raither
than thae greening organs; their noise
is intolerable." Donel :—" VVeel weel,'
you an' me's a yin on that score, am ! closedits annual Session Thursday last
glad t' heet; de ye ken hoo a ran th' 1, week in Toronto. The reports on the
rig, on yin 0' tae Own peddlers, ane state of the order and on general buisi -
day a year or twa syne. Weel, it was DOS were considered,satisfactory.
thus: :Yin day when the sleighin' warms
vents guid, up comes a cruse lookin' —Eleven car load of horses arrived
chip, wi' a shamillin' auld horse in a in Toronto last Saturday. They are
stabled - at Grand's Repository, where,
sleigh, an twa organs on t. In he come?, they will be sold this week. 'This is,
sentit like a foomert, wit ill -flavored 01- b bl th 1 t wither of horse&
pro a y e ar es n
guts, and wad hae me t' leave yin 0' his e -k t • th •t s
machines in th- hoose, as- he had ower
heevy:a, load for his hoise's strength, he
said, an' We could play on't t' our -heart's
content, he said, an' after twa or three
menthe he wad cis' for't, an' if we didna
like V keep it there wad be like harm'
dune he wad tak it awa or briug us a
better. VVeel, sir, a began to. stnell a
rat, sae tell't him we had nee room, in
the hoose for sic an apparatus, but if his
horse was as hard set to draw it as ' he
said,. he could- carriet it into the grainery
cm' leave it there as lang as he liket.
Man, if ye had seen hod he glowred an'
ildge't about on the chair. 4 elaursay.
he thoct a was dementit, but soon tuik
himself off, organs an' a'." Duncan:—
" Weel, Dozier, ye shut served him
aboot richt. But aboot thirineetings,noo
dae ye think th' folk wad come oot as
weel yin nicht o' th' week if you an' mo
was t' start a religious meeting for pray-
er or the like o' that; in order V obtain
mutual benefit." Dotiel':—" Na, na,
Duncan, am fear't no. - They michtat-
tend at first for twa or three nichtie.V
hear what kind o' a fist we wad ma,k o't,
but it wadna be for lang."—Patsk PEN.
—Thirty-two years ago Mr. George
Sturgeon commenced business in Kin-
cardine, and the first piece of money he
received happened to be an old time
York shilling, which was given him by
,Mr. David Mackendrick, M exchange.
for goods. The coin was iaid away and
after a time forgotten, but again turned
up last week as a reminder of days gone
by. Mr._ Oturgeon and Mr. Mackend-
rick having,thoroughly inspected the
relic, it Wat again returned to its rest-
ing place in the safe, after which the
gentlemen above named settled them-
selves alongside one of Mr: Sturgeon's
new-fangled coal -stoves and discussed
the past, present and future in a lively
mann7. So far as appearance is con -
ver nown cs arrive e y n on
day for sale. .
—A Couple of young "would:Jae gen-
tlem•an." of Paris, drove into Brantford'
the other evening and after getting well
" loaded " visited a certain hotel. Going
to the kitchen they.° took two cats, Fit
them in a bag and took them away with
then], Paris must be short of,cats:
.,...-"One of the lady 'teachers in the Deaf
and Dumb Institute in -Belleville is re-
ported as refusing on offer of marriage
from one of the- . wealthiest men it the
:city.' She said she had given herself to
her work and would not desert what
she has undertaken. - • '•
• —On the arrival Of the Scandinavian
- at Halifax last:Week; she was seardhed
withistit-suecess,-fdr -William and Patrick
• Cole, the supposed murderers of Police
Inspector Martin, it Derrybeg; Ireland, ,
believed by the authorities at Dublin •
Castle to be on board.- .
—About -five o'clock lot Sabbath
, . • . •
evening Rev. - S. Gs - Bland -fell in the
Methodist church, Kingston, and dis-
located his legoilsio breaking several ribs.
He had lust recovered from -amputation
of a -leg M New York. -There is intense
sympathy for him. in the city.
—The Brampton; Presbyterianehurch
have unanimously called . Rev. ' Alfred
Gaudier, M. A., to the pastorate of their
congregation.. Mi. Gaudier is a young
Minister of - promise, . having passed is
highly 'creditable course at -Knox Col-
lege.; . '
house • Mr, Bo , on the Cainsville;
—4 tough -looking tramp entered the,
road; near 13rantf d, the other day and.
staked. for something: to eat. Mrs. Boyd
. had been making pies and had a number
of them setting on the table. Mr.
Tramp WAS offered some bread and meat.,
which hp refused to take, saying that he
wiuited a Pie,and would not go Without
it.. Now, everybody who has :peeled
Mr.-Boyd'i house kn ws that holies a
dog, and a good one, ._ and when intro.
--duced the tramp did not want pie, but
was.: glad to get .away hungry.' Me,
Boyd says that the tramp was very leana
when he Came in, but when he went out
he jumped the fence like an athlete an
left a piece of his clothing behind which
he did not want. '
—Rev. Dr. Potts, Methodist secretary
Of education, states that -subscription's
for collegefederation now stand at $240, '
000, and that he will succeed in raising
$100,000 by May ist necessary to coin
mence buildings in Queen's Park, To
—in spite of_, the storm and heavy
drifron Wednesday afternoon 20th ult.,
between 80 and 100 gaits assembled at
the residence of Malcolm Keith, Esq.
on the 5th concession Culross, to witness
the marriage of hifirdaughter Katie to
Mr. J. Berton and a jolly happy gather
legit proved to be. •
—J. R. Russel, at one time a school
teacher, who has been living in Brant!,
lord, committed suicide on Saturday
morning, • without_ any apparent cause;
by shooting himself in the head. He
lett a letter for his wife and children,
'taring them -to Meet him in the world,
where trouble is never known.” • 1
B. Connell WAS instantly killed
the other day in the township of Male'
. hide, near St. Thomas. The unfortun-
ate man was engaged sawing logs in hilr
own mill when a large splinter flew from
` the saw and . _Vining through his eye.
penetrated his brain, 'Causing, death
shortly afterwards, Mr: Connell- was
one of the leading men Of that locality.
The 4th of April has:bcen 'appoint,
Ogi ao the day for taking a' vote upon On
potItion for repeal of the Seat Ant in
the county of Wellington, Cfnelph
hotel keepers are mak _ wombed
tom a legal opinion just publish-
od, tho offoot that gm), will have .to
pay $400 ifor llama instead of 0000,as
taPN hi thA @VOlt of the Seott t
being repoitled,
their sons, andlretiriad to Langside to
spend the evening of life, Mr. Crowston
passedawayon January -26th and ,,Iiis
aged partner I Only survived until Feb-
ruary 13th, heir remains were con-
veyed to ide bernetery by their six
paddsons. -• .
--Three fishermen of Bronte arrived
at the lismiltan* beach last Saturday
night 'in - -a terrible plight. They had
been setcing their netts about eleven
Miles below Bronte, and when they .de-
sired to, turnl homewards they found
their' -Onmanageable, - having be-
come caked with ice. Nothing was left
for them but to' ran -before the wind in a
blinding snowstorm. This they did •till
they reedited the beach, a distance of 27
_ The Men were eovered with :lee
and frozen condition. -
. • .
, .
'.- The East 6 . Wawenosh Spring Show
will be held in Belgrave, onWednesday,
April 17th. ' 1 .
" --7-The :Lmidesboro Roller mills, run
y steam or Water,- and owned by Mr.
H. S. Huber, nie- offered for sale.
--,-Mr: Aohn',Martin, hotel-heeper of
Dunge.nnon, -intends removing to Wing -
'ham, where he will engage in the same
John McLaughlin, of the 12th
concession of Grey, is getting material
laiddown for the 'erection ot a hand-
some new brick residence next summer.
—Mr, J. Wereel,' of Clinton, has two.
primrose plants, one having 186 flowers
and bndei and the Other 117 flowers and
Ibade; of the eiqgle white variety.
- -,;--,/istron connty; .the -last seventeen
years ' has sent twelve _pupils to the
BlindInstitution at Biantford and has
eleven there at protont, : . .,
—Mr, -John MeMillan-, green , - of
Myths listen& .lareeting a handsomobriek
reshienee on bis -farm MIST that vfnago,
not 011101 00?, 1 -
—TM Godorleh eonnell hamlet the
eentraet for 04 oration of s pavillidn
la the park foil the -seeemmedation of
$460, - • -
summer, exeurroniste, which will cost
—The farm f -Mr, Safi Marshall, -on
the Bayfield concession, Goderich town-
ship, -containing 100. acres, .will be -offer-
ed for sale by auction at Clinton,- on
• Saturday, the 9th inst. -
-T—Mr. j.. B. Crosson of Clinton, who
recently got .i, his hand 'badly •bitten by. a
hem, recewed $20 froin an accident in-
surance company . in which he had a
risk. - These things eome: in good some
'ti.112-fTsle. remains !•:::d ':A. W. Nation, a
former resident of Blyth, who died •i/I
Manitoba some time ago; have been re-
moved to London- . for - re -interment by
his . friends. 7; -: *,
—The Presbyterians of Londesboro
have relied by. subscription among the
members of • their congregation more
than the necesilary funds to purchase a
first class organ, to be used in the service
of praise hi their churn. ,
.. -Mr. Gem* Flintoff has Sold his
farm, On the 3rd concession of Hullett,
to Mr. NaithiaS &Jew, of .Stapleton, for
the -sum, of $2,450. . The farm contains
50 acres, and has on it a neat frame
house and small bank barn.,
--At the annuarcangregational Meet-
ing Of Willie Iiresbyterian church,. Clin-
ton) it was resolved that the Session be
requested t� take the necessary steps
to submit to a vote of . the -.congregation
the request of Ithe introduction and use
of a musical instrunient, in the service
of praise; -Th 4 question of the best pos-
ture to assumelduring praise was discus-
sed; and although no formal finding was
recorded; the general feeling appeared
to favor the stendingof the congregation
during thatpart of the service, ' - There
was aleo.a duicipsion about the envelope
system, but noidefinite action was taken
in the matter; ! ' ; .
-7-Mr. W. T.r.:Tarquher, of Hullett,
recently sold &fine yomig horse to Mr.
JohiNellannk :of Seaforth, - for $155,
and -Mr. B. ChOrchill, Of the same town-
, ship, sold one for $180. Prices for good
horses keep.up well. -
-,-At , the last meeting of - the Brace
Presbytery, Rey. J. C. Tolmie, B. .A.,
who has been celled to Whitechurch, re-
ceived a call from Pinkerton and West
Brant. The stipend was $825.
-- Over three car ' loada of 'furniture
'were shipped:i from the Grand Trunk
-Railway station. at Wingham last week,
about half being for Manitoba, the rest
goiog to .vatibue points in the east.
—On the 15th of; February, a ewe be-
longing to Mr. ugh Stewart, of the 15th
;concessiow-of ' ray, brought a pair of
twin,lambs.:in this cold world. , The
youtigeters are fiourishinv--
-41r. -. Malcselm McGillivray, . who
went froth- . Goderich to the Northwest
some months ago to take part in mis-
mien work,- has been. forced to return
home owing tis ill health: • H9 is _ink,
proving Under Cerefui treatment.
- ---1)1i. Robert Watson, who lives on
the Hullett and Morris totvnline, near.
Blyth, has Jet the contract for a largo
brick dwelling bailie. David Cowan is
to do the carpe4ter work and Geo. Tar-
menter the brick and plastering work.
-.:-.1Stri .John gingsley, of lot 4, con-
cession 4, jilowick,:T has exchanged his
farm With :Mil; -George McKenzie, of
Whighem, for lend in the, Northwest,
where- he -vvilli, _remove early in the
43,---4nMg.r.' Anthony 13.3,- darito.z.; • the well
nown horse Man of East Carlton,
who was.. arrested in Blyth last week,
was taken before- !tWo magistrates in
that place and there being's° .eVidence
of wrong doing, he was honorably slis-
charged. 1. . -;
—Rev. Mr. Stewart, father of Mrs,
Dr.. Stanberry,. of: Bayfield, died in To-
ronto last Week at the age of ' 83 years.
Mr. Stewart was. - the oldest Presbyter-
ian minister in Caliada. He was a na-
tive of .Countyc: Cavan, Ireland, and
cavort° Canada m 1847. He WAS first
settled in ,Frampton, Quebec ;- then in
-Montreal; and afterwards in Markham,
from which *place he was called to
Goderich -church and the Wawanosh
congregation, where he labored for
—At tho' meeting of -Orange Oran 1
Ledge in Winnipeg lait week, a reso
'Wen WaS passed protatingIn th,
strongest 'manner, against the aotion
upon the Grand Lodge of Canada an
the Quebec Governnient, and call
the Provincial Grand Lodges to take
such steps as will assure -the disallow-
ance of the Jesuits Estates' Bill.
—The Belleville City Mission,a work
started eight years a,go, by the ate A -
solen Schaster, celebrated its annive
sexy on Thursday evening of', last we.e
The work is carried on by faith, no:
Charity Or subscriptions being asked
-from any source. The receipts last year
were $440. A day school, sewing s
'clay, and Sunday services are Carrie
on with this sum. • • - '
—A deputation froin the council of th
University. of Manitoba waited on -th
-local Government the other day, their
object being to recommend a grant to ai
the university in surveying and selee
ing 150,000 acres granted to that bed
by the Dominion Governinent, and els
to urge upon the Government the ne
essity increasing the annual grant,
thirteen year ()Id girl in-Bellevill
has been detected in carrying oti a sys
ter:lege plan for obtaining goods withou
.cash.-: She would either appeal to th
-sympathies: -of the benevolent or repro
Sent herself to some shop -keeper as i
the employ of some well-knowncitizen
to , whom the goods would be charged "
As she was set to the work by unscrupu
lona parents she Will not be prosecuted;
—'rhe Galt Reformer says: A numbe
of magnificent pines are being bailie
from Mr. Wm. Graham's Well on th concession of -North Dunefries, t
Hespeler's saw mill. Although the, -to
Was broken off the largest one it wa
made into five cuts of 18 .and 12fee
long.* The butt Measured 5 feet 7 inehe
in diameter and the top out 4 feet i
diameter, showing O taper of only 1
inches in about 70 feet. .
• —A rather strange affliction happene'
to a Berlin couple who were sleigh-ridin
one evening lately. The young than
right eer and the lady's left ear wer
frosted, while the other two were no
cold at all. WhY, all four
frosted is a problem which has . bee
submitted to the high school class i
physiology ; but it must be remembere
that frostoftendoes strike hi streaks.
—Having -disposed of his entire atm
of boots and shoes st 65 cents - on th
.dollar; Fred, Bleecker; of Belleville, lef
that place, all his fall purchases unpaid
for, and is now, according to the, Intelli
fgencer„ on the other side ofthe lines. 1
is thought thathis destination. i
Florida and thathe took about $6;00'
with him. Montreal houses are the
principal'sufferers. • .
—A. number of - farmers in the Dicki
settlement, near Galt, have just sol
their bailey—about 14,000 bushels i
all—to a Toronto dealer for 59 mut
per bushel.' The bulk of the -grain wil
be delivered at Dumfries- station, an
the balance et Doon. Had they sol
out some time ago they would have go
about 20 cents more per bushel, as ante
as 78c or 793 having been -refiised i
several instances. •
—A leading citizen of Winnipeg; now
in -Toronto, has got into tronblethrough
something that looks like bigamy. He
left his first wifein England because she
was a dissolute character'and married
another wife out here. He has a1waij
lived a most careful life, but now effo
are being made to extort money fro
him on the plea that his first wife is stil
living. Sympathy is generally wit
the huisband, as it is -believed to
a case of blackmail. • . • • • .
—Two of the early pioneers of glnles
Township, County of Bruce, passe
away recently-. They Were Mr.'Willia
Crowstimand his wife. Both wer
natives of 'Llecolnshire,'England, -whet
on the 1st of May, 1719, was born thsi-
husband, andon the lst of -November
1800, the wife; Emigrating to Canada in
1856 whither two of their sons had some
time preceded them, they bought 200
acres of land on the 2nd non.: Of Kinloss
. In 1875, feeling the infirmities of age, the
parents transferred the oldhomesfead tO
severalyeitre. A unanimous call to the
charge of the Old Kirk at Wood -stock 2.
took deceased away from Goderich, and "
after a long period of service in the
last locality deceased retired and set-
tled in Brantford, where he rived for -
five years and then removed to Toronto. "
—An ineffectual attempt was made
last week to re -organize the Bluevaie
Good Templars' Lodge, A represen-
tation of the Grand Lodge delivered an
address, and spent two'days canvassing
in the village and vicinity, but failed to
get members enough. What is the mat
ter with the people of Bluevale ?
—Messrs. W. and E. Mitchell,
of Colborne, have purchased from W.
J. Biggins, Elmhurst Farm, Stanley, .
the young MateMess Bull, Royal Pilot
—10536—a first prize winner .at the
North Western Exhibition last fall. He
is a very promising calf and $1,000 was
recently refused for his sire and dam.
—One of the horses recently imported
by Mews. Carlton Iv Anderson, of East
Wawanosh, died at the stable of the -
Grand Central Rotel in Blyth la,st week.
The stallion was a very valuable one,
costing $1,500, and the Above gentlemen
will feel the loss to a considerable ex-
tent This horse importing is a mighty
risky business.
—Colin Campbell, of Goderich, met
with a very Painful accident last week.
While helping Robert Clarke fix up his
icehouse, the ladderupon, 'which he was
standing slipped, and Mr. Campbell,
jumped backwards, the end of his
spinal column coming in contact With a
crowbar) which wasstuch in the ground,
claming tomporaryparalysts of the
er extremities, Weave glad i0 heek he
Is on tho mond,
•,—Mr, It Young, of (orris, who limb
lo the ilefshhorheed of $2,000 In the
buHdfn ofth.Nil Rook at Wroxotor
shout thirteen yam ago) through the
fatty° of the firm, Beil Shaw, ros
caved -word from hit lawyor in Toronto
last Tuesday, that he had meowed for,
WM his money, together with coots find -
interest on the same, amounting in all
to shout Oa& The legal milt grinds
aloof, and sometimes fine,
but in this case justice comes better late
than never.
0—The Winghant people don't like the .
idea of having a wooden bridge erected
in that town as was decided upon at the
last meeting of the county council, and
consequently a special council meeting
was held one evening last week and e
committee composed of the mayor,
reeve, Messrs. Cline, Clegg, Meyer and
Wilson, were appointed to look after
the matter, -being instructed to memori-
alize the warden's committee to take no •
action in the matter till after the elune
seission of the county council. .
—Mr. Hugh C. Gilmour and Mrs.
Gilmour; of Moolejaw, North West Ter-
ritory, who have -been sojourning with
old friends in Stanley for some weeks
left for their home last week, ' Mr.
Gilmour is- greatly in love -with the "
Moosejaw district and thinks it just
about the best part of the Dominion,
He has been fortunate and has done
well. Mr. John Giltnour, son of Mr.
John Gilmour, of Stanley, also swam- s
exiled his uncle to Manitoba; he is
build for Neepawa and Minticdoete,
I where he has le brother and two sisters
residing. •
—One night last week when • the
are -
taker of Rattenberry Street Methodiet
church, Clinton, was getting the church --
in order for a meeting, a largo four.
branch chandelier, that had only recent-
ly been bung up, fell down. All the
lamps in it were lit, but three of them
were extinguished by the crash, and the -
fourth was quickly put out before any
further damage was done. The care-
taker intended going to his tea, IMF soon _
as he had finished lighting the lamps,
and had it fallen five minutes later,
there would have been no question
about the necessity of is new church.
What, One Woman Did. '
Several -year's ago,, Miss Beilby, a
young Englishwoman who had studied
medicine to fit herself for usefulness as
a missionary at Lucknow,India, was
sent for by the wife of the Prinoe of •
Purina, who was ill. Panne was a, long
distance from Laknow, and the journey
was a dangerous one; if Mlss Beilby
went, she would be separated more than
100 miles from any white man. Her
friends urged her to refuse. The
Englishwoman was young and timid,
but she knew her duty; she want, re-
mained two months and bared the pa -
that. When she was about to return,
the Ranee sent for her and begged her
to go in person to Queen Victoria with
the message that Indian women, not
being allowed the attendance of men .
physicians, 'died in great numbers every
year for ,want of care, The Ranee _got
paper, pen and ink, and, with team, be-
sought Miss Beilby to write herpetition
to the Queen to send them women 'doc-
tors. "Write it shall, Sahebs,' she beg--
ged; for I small put it a locket and
hang it about your neck, and pie -must
wear it until you put it fn the hands of .
the great Ranee herself, Miss Beilby
returned to England the next year, ob.
tained an interview with Queen Victoria, ,
and placed the locket in her hands with
the message. The Queen was deeply
touched, and empowered ,Lady Dufferin,
the wife of the Viceroy of India, to form
an association for sending, out female
medical -aid to the women of India.
Many woman doctors have been sent out
by the association, and Indian women -
are now- being educated as physicians
and nurses. An estate of 50 acres, with
large buildings, has been given by e
native prince as_a hospital for Iiindn
female patients, Had the timid mission-
ary refused to -undertake theperilous
duty to one woman,these great blessings
which are but the beginning of health
and hope for all the WOMell of India— •
probably never would have come to them
Sow thy seed, and however:small it may
be, of good deeds. Only God knows
what the fruit may be. _