HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-02-22, Page 6P
West Wawailosh.
(Too late for last week) e
TEM ERANca.-St. Helen's Lodge of et
Good Templars hold their annual meet-
ing every Thursday night. They are
doing•a good work. Many of"the. young
people of -both sexes have enrolled their
names to show they are in oppositionato
'king teacher. It is one_ of the best
lodges in: the county, considering the
tinge it has been established. They.
have' about 65 of a membership.
DOTS. The very stormy weather and
the blockaded roads has been a great
draw -back talmost people in_ the way of
teaming,�`but they have no effect in pre."
ventisg.thedancing parties. Last Fri-
, day night Win. Lougheed, Veterinary.
Surgeon, near Donnybrook, gave a num-
. ber of .his neighbors and friends a
night's enjoyment at the heel and toe,
many of them not getting home until
next day.—Mr. Kinahan also gave: a
Iarge,cirele of his friends and `neighbors
a night tripping the Light fantastic.
Some sneak thief was mean enough to
carry!away a pair of" overshoes and, a
pair of mittens that did not"belong to
hint -
East -W awanosh: }
(Too late for last week.) t
Ba vs. -Mr.: Doudle, who purchased
the farm of the late Patrick Hallahap,
is moving' his movable property to
'• in he
arrived home. He has obtained one
horse.;. Mr. Potter who left with him
has alio purchased a,.horse but does not
inten, crossing for a while.—Mr. An-
drew Auld, who has been considered
hones and as some supposed doing
well,. made his escape on Thursday
. night or Manitoba. He had Mr. Mc;_
Veittia's farm rented and it is: rumored
he forgot to pay the rent. Some of the
Auburn business men were also neglect-
ed. I iehopodhe may yet return.—
" • Mr. J.'Ellis sold a two year old gelding, -
to Mr.iPetch of Morris for a good fig-
ure.—Mr. T. Rose purchased •two head
of cattle from Mrs- George Henry and
one from. Mr. Whitemore last week-.
He hash now 21 .head -that he intends
fattenin�ig.—Mr. John Kernick purchas-,
ed a very flee colt one day last week,
payingt$120 for it. • This is considered
a.largefigure for a yearling. -Mr. James
Magill, sr., .one of the oldest.and most
respected pioneers • of this township,
passedway on Sunday morning: He
was sic only three days, paralysis of
the throat being the cause. He was
• • never able to 'speak after . taking the
stroke, although conscious. . His funer---
al took place on Tuesday;
e- intends returning in the
.—Mi. A. Carleton, who has been
.old country since October, has
" Brussels.-• '
xe JACo's WI. -Rev. G. B. Howie, of
Brussehl, in. a .Sabbath evening lecture
. recently said that this well ° is miles
North of Jerusalem,.hard by the tombs
of Joseph, Joshua and Eleasar. • Itis
now. about 80 feet deep and 8 feet. In
. 'diameter and depends upon. the rain for
its supplies. It is a remar'kablething,
said Mr Howie,- to find this well dug.
there, at what must have been an
. ' immense expenditure of labor, while.the
vicinity bounds in perennial springs.
Had therwell not been still in existence
and still visited by hundreds of European:;
and American travellers, cavilling,infi--
del&would have attempted to' convict
the sacred writers of an error, for no
doubt they : would triumphantly have.
asked : Where is the need for such a well
in such - a well watered neighborhood.
J`acob's e`21 did, not contain the source
of its suly,, it is frequently found. ex-
hausted, ;many a. gibe it is unavailable.
if the traveller has nothing to ' draw
with.. II re Mr. ;Howie drew a sharp
contrast I etween the well and the fulness
of Christ ,which is aelf-originating, in-
exhaustible and ever available.
Daniel Webster as a Finan --
:Cies. -
This was a good way of gettingg rid. of
a borrowing bore, but Daniel Webster
once found a better—the best one indeed
. on record, for, like the -man, who bought
the cloth for shirts, he killed two birds.
with one 'stone.
`` Webster, P'' said Ru f s Choate, one
day. 1 want to borrow;- 500 and I wish
you'd lend it to me." -
"1 'haven't the money to -day, r.=
Coate," said Webster, but you give me.
- your note ►nd. I guess I can get it cashed
for you.' ; -
" Gratified beyond measure, Choate
sat down to write his note." •
"By the way ,Choate," said Webster,
in an off -hand way, "you might as well
make that 'note for a thousand, has I can
use $500 rn-yself."
"Certainly,"' said Choate, cheerfully,
and he signed a note for an even
Then the iminortal Daniel sauntered
down to a banker's office.
"Ah t •anything,. Tenn do foryou to-"
- day, Mr. Webster?
"Can you discount .a -vete ' for a
• thousand fpr me ?"
" With pleasure."
The great statesman Pocketed $1,000
id bilis, g. ,ve $500 to Choate; • WliO was
effusive .gave
his thanks, and kept the
other $500f himself.
• Daniel Webster,. my son, was what
would be called in these days " a
Choice Receip,ts.
Codfish Balls.—Cut the fish in small
pieces and . put it to -soak in.lukewarm
water over night. In the morning boil
it twenty ,:minutes, ` then change the
water, pouring. on, boiling water and boil
fifteen inmates longer, When cold pick
the fish topieces, 'removing all bones and
skin. Chop very fine, adding as .much.
cold, `stashed potatoes as fish, a piece of
butter and a beaten egg, and sweet milk
enough to moisten. Mold into small
balls, and :rya nice brown in hotlard or
drippings. •
Apple Indian Pudding.—Into one
-quart of boiling milkstir a cur of corn-
meal. into this stir a .quart of sliced,
sweet apples. Add a cup of molasses
and a to spoonful of salt. Mix all to-
gether ;well. •When ready to put into:
the oven.add two quarts of milk. Pour
into,g,. large, buttered pudding dish or
- pan, and bake four hours. When cold
a clear, amber -colored jelly will be
formed throughout the pudding ; the
apple will be of a dark, rich brown, alto
a, gether a most delicious dish..
Oysters Fried.—Beattheyolk•of four
eggs with, three teaspoonfuls of salt;
add a saltspoonfui of cayenne -pepper,
beat thoroughly. :Dry the oysters, dip
in thebtitter, throw in fine cracker dust,
shake'off the loose cracker dust, and dip,
Children Cry for =-
again into, butter,'. and then 'into fine answer ' his employes. iIndeed,7the
bread crumbs (eracker.crumba Will do), atateinent that he .dreams most.cf" his
fry in hot fat, using enough to: cover the ideas is one that' meets credence with
( oysters, dram and serve: hot,, . -.some of the superstitious-
in his: employ,
j Macaroni, Tomatoes, a ad cheese. - - " Talk about your phonograph"y
Cook the macaroni. till tender; make a`: said an employe, "it. cannot' compare
sauce of ripe, to`mates seasoned with as an object of =wonder to . the .man who
pepper and salt, grate a.ome cheese, have invented it. But : you have . to-
ready a • hot dish, put , in a layer.of alongside of him in_ the -same class q'f
macaroni, next .spi iiikle with oheese, workto.fally realize that" 1
then add a layer of the tomato sauce. • A visitor found -the :wizard on. Sunday
Serve at once. - with one of his. phonographic dolls ip
Pork Pot•Pie4—About an -hour before pieces before him,: and a piece of paper.
dinner time . Put three or four slices of . on the table covered with rough pencil-
ork to boil ®in three pints- of water. Ings.
Boil it until about twenty minutes: be "An idea"suddenly hitme at breal
fore dinner, . then. season, - and cut off fast this .morning," said Mr. Edisoi
slices: of light bread dough and:put in. ' " for cheapening this doll, and I.couldn
Cover quickly and 'closely' - after the rent till to=morrow to put :it on -rape .
dough is added, and do not remove the I can make- the framework that hold
cover : until it E is done. This should be this tiny phonograph cheaper by chan
done on baking. day,. Aug its shape, and thus -saying meta
„Delano Pudding.—One large_ cupful of : •The change in shape will permit me;te
chopped suet ; three teacupfuls' -of flour, substitute a small brass screw for thin
in which two: heaping teaspoonfuls of large one, and save ,several cents that.
baking powder has been -sifted, ,one .tea- way, too."
l'EsRUABY . 22, 1889,-
cupful of raisins ; one teacupful of citron,
to =be
d to
e of
sell •
currants,. and orange peel mixed, one and . What is Your Boy Wo
a half teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one tea First --He is. worth asking to si
spoonful cloves,- one cupful milk, one ,total abstinence pledge. _ ` . ,
cupful molasses, mix dry ingredients - to Second -He is of sufficient value-
gether, add milk and molasses, Stir well, sent to a Band of Hope Meeting to b
steam for three hours,- and serve with`. atructed as to the effect ofalchohol`
hard sauce:- .- _ • - the human system. -
"Thiad=He`is of sufiicient•iinpor
for•you to know where he spend
evenings and who hisassociates are.
Fourth—He; is. of more value
:many household pets, and is entitle
more of'your time and attention.
Fifth -To say nothing of the valu
your boy's good character, he has;
.you for food, raiment, and educe
amore than the average. saloon-ke
for his license.
Sixth—" As the twig is bent.the
is inclined:" Itwill be of great int
tance to . you Whether - your boy i
valuable citizen. of a .curse - to you
the neighborhood in which • -you- res
If he turns out good he will be w.
'his weight in gold if. otherwise, be
-'he had never. been born.
:Seventh—Being immortal, he: is wo
a life's work to prepare him: for. a h
What is your boy. worth? '
:Tell me the value- of his soul, and
name the.price of he privilege to •
;intoxicants.: •
Is it too much ato ask the `father
Canada to at least set enough value'
their boys to yearly drop into the hal
°box a slip of paper that - will voice
sentiments of this journal--" We .
mend the ' prohibition of the . lis
:traffic." ` `
What's' your answer?
Tooth Marks an•an:.Apple.
• The Macon (Ga.) .Telegraph s Haz
burst correspondent made mention .t
other day of the arrest and'comnittal
a colored man, named Chaudier''Jon
for burglarizing the store of J.. L. M
ton at that place on the `night of t
I8th. Jones was bound'over in the su
of •$1;000. The circumstances of his rde
tection are peculiar, and the_ work
done by : Detective E. A. Wilson, -.
Shakelford's Agency at Macon.': -
shows how that efficient' officer`, adz
upon a slight olew and followed it to
successful result. -
When he arrived at Hazelhurst
-made an examination of the . store, an
found that the double door had, bee
unlocked by the insertion. 'of a chis
between the doors and gradually: wo
ing the bolt iuto the lock. He the
made an examination of _the' store, -b'
saw nothing in the way of a clue excep
an apple.out of -which two' bits: ha
been 'taken. His detective instin
caused hien to examine: this apple, -an
he saw upon it tooth maks: that vier
valuable. He saw -that the two- fro
teeth of the bites were. not only. irreg
ular,--but-peouliar. He imagined thin
when the writer was a boy an old toot
remaining in the 'gum. caused a. ne
tooth to grow one sided-; and it was no
his resolve to find the. -man with • =tha
ingrowing tooth. The apple was place;
in water, eo as - to . prevent ; shriveling
'and keeping' the secret'- to himself . h
went down. to Baxley : where he' ,line
there`.Were a num ber - of - loafing.. color"e�
lie found a group in 'a store, .and :
the centre. of it was a real -colored dude
and he was standing in an attitnde tha
would -have shamed a'New•York Elwell..
The detective instinct came into play
again, and Mr. Wilson was"certain that
the -dude -was the man he wanted,.but it
was necessary to put hint to - .test.
Walking into the store. he bought a
Cigar ; then : seeing - some apples he.
bought a dime's worth,: and biting vise
said to the crowd "Here,. I can't eat
all of these,",and treated the group: with
the apples. His eyes were:: upon the
dude, and when that`- individual took
one bite the detective was dead sure of
his man, and when- he• raised the apple
to his mouth for a'second bite the hand-
cuffs were plaeed one his` wrist. There
never was a more astonished . colored
Man. _He was under arrest se quickly
that he was unable to offer any . resist-
ance and submitted to.the handcuffing.;
He was wearing.a suit of clothes stolen":
from' M7.:Bassy,,of. Chauncey, and- a fine.
watch -and chain' taken from - Mr. Milton..
After placing Jones in the lock-up the
detective found where he was .stopping,,
and then he secured the he
• with a.
number of • M.ilton's goods, and in: the
valise were the cards ; attached to the -
clothing on which were Milton's cost
and sellingnarks. '
Jones was then taken to: Hazlehurst,
and at the store showed how he went in
with two .others and made : the' haul.
When he first went in 'on- the night of
the burglary the first thing- he saw wail
a barrel of apples.- He picked up one,
and after two bites laid` it -down- on' Mr.
:Milton's desk.- - He owned up to the
-entire affair and told where -the other
'goods could be found...FFIe also "confes-
sed to • having robbed .. Mr..Baesy in
-Chauncey. ,
• . And thus another apple caused a
. man's : downfall.. , •
The lie* Mecca.
In this' =age of: misrepresentation,
when the _ irrepressible Quack walks
abroad through the•medium of the print—
ing press, and with an entire disregard
Of the eon -sequences to. humanity, seeks
to impose his unskillful services or:
worthless decoctions upon the public,
we take especial pleasure. in saying a
word in commendation of a reliable and
ustly-famed Institution of Healing. . "
'We refer to ` Dr.' R. V. Pierce's
':World's 'Dispensary; and Invalid's
Hotel.'° and Surgical -Institute," the pride
f the good ` arty -of Buffalos and the
'Mecca'of a multitude of invalid' who
we recovery to the skillful treatment
and attention -there received.. • Dr.
-erce`'s establishment comprises two
mammoth and artistic structures, con-
acted by an open passa a way : One `
' • Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Inst:
ute,, presided over_ by` a corps of Eight.
en Celebrated Physicians and Bur -
eons, and provided :throughout with
he most luxurious; appointments- and,
onveniences that taste can suggest and
oney can supply. -
Here. are faultlessly furnished and
ecoreted reception=rooms, reading-
ooms, spacious sleeping: apartments,.
urkish Baths, and : every= possible con-.
veniet ce of a nagnific�ently-constraoted
nd liberally -managed. Hotel, with each
nd : every 'department a. marvel' of ar-
tic fitness and completeness. •
The adjoining -structure is known lei
e "World's Dispensary." Upon each
its six immense - floors a Scene is pre-
nted which, when once observed, ',cau.
ver be forgotten. -
In the Laboratory on the' fifth floor,- a
rge . number of careful chemists are
onstanutly employed in the preparation
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov-
ry, Favorite Prescriptions, and other
rldfamed preparations, which, at 'all
ours of thebusy day, goes .singing acid
urglii through: a system of.tubing,
m its !birthplace on the fifth floor to
bottling and labeling department -in
e vast basement of the building. The
erinediate floors are alive with the
z z and whir -r af, not alone, fourteen
priting presses, throwing off a count=
s variety of phamphlets, circulars,
oke, .and labels, but of folding, Pres
, and pasting machinery, all oper-;
d by ' the :deft - fingers . of •cleanly
eased and intelligent young ladies, all
grating together and filling the lace
the music of a well -disciplined ao
vitt' : second - to . none in : our country.-
. Pierce hal done °and is doing a great :
• for.humanity, and. can accept the
ors and emoluments of his recognized
:tion_ with a knowledge that no. sue -
was ever more worthily attained.
. go through a detailed account of .
. myriad mechanical ' and..electrical
liances and contrivances here to be
nd in perfection, of construction .and'
lication, or to lead your _ observation
ough suit upon suit of: cheerful° and,
,g ant consulting and treatment -rooms,
to dwell upon the other thousand-
- one - attractive and usefulfeatures
the establishment, would be apleasing
but, at - the present `moment,- for
an imposssible one. Enough for us
ay ' that the people of the country
uld be proud of this greet: enemas,.
t up; solely; on the elements: of true
ericanism, viz., Pluck, Integrity and
wenty-two years of daily and 'hours
xercise of these characteristics has
ed for ar..` 'fierce the confidence of
entire public, and. the heart felt
ks of the patrons of his skill,
Bose name: is Legion."
Busy. Inventor Edison.
the laboratory office of Thomas A.
son's phonographic factory is -West
ge is: a very unbusinesslike piece
urniture. Casually: Iooked at: one
ks it a secretary. Closely examined
eves to: be a folding bed.. Its. pros -
there is the only indication to the -
ger who meets the wizard for the
time that he isnot personally the
-going:fellow he appears -in;conv.er-.
✓ Edison's indefatigability is no
a source of constant. astonishment to
workers in his factory than his won -
1 inventions are to the, public at
. He is' always on hand early in
ay. He -works. harder, - says, the
York Sun, than: any man around
and -is capable of 'working up• -to
d 3 o'clock the next morning. . Then
ten prefers to unwind "the'folding
n his office and take a few hours',
there than add to his weariness by
ing the quarter -Mile hill to his
e in. Llewellen park. -
's, comprehension is never dulled by
ue. I n .fact, his friends say that
end never feels weariness,- and that
'eeps only:when .a worn-ogt'body
els him. The•last-thing he does at
is quickly to run over every -one of
umerous designs in --the hands' of
wenty:five- designersvand take in'
rogress and possibilities of -each at
ce. The first thing in_ the morn
e goes the -lame rounds again, dis-
a each - of the =designs with the
er,.suggestin here,- adding there,
`ng in the details, in a way that
he. has given each delige mature
ght• since the. examination of the
before. When did he get time for
nslderation?.people ask. Oh, he
have thought them over in bed,
to as
ly e
41, w
of f
it pro
der €u
the d
2 an
he of
bed i
his .m
he s
the n
his t
the p
a glen
ing h
the co'
Pitcher's Castoria.
le -
w�s� '
of I
It ed
arrived. i: "Now my geed friend," said
the worthy pasto'r; just previous to the
commencement of the eincemony, " as
this is the last moment:in which. I shall,
heie an Opportunity of conversing with --
yon. let Me ask, do you tutdetitited and
believe aii the articles cif kour Christian
faith ,9" .'" Ay, yes, ' sir, tlietik'ee," re-
. apilli.e;: IN:y -. ',,tro,an or, a. b. le pupil, w.ith 4 ,sinzi.
thank --Ged, I. heartily renounces 'eni
terview recently with Empetor William
and Prince .Bismarek, lx.Ith of whom
pointed out the wiyantage of adefensive
itilliance between Englater and Germany.
A despatch , on the 9th inst.; plays :
The igale in Eugland and Scotland- still
hes -been' interrupted apd .a number of
land a heavy snow storm preVaile,. and
the:- railways are - blocked:- Along the-
coest there have been ..numerous wtecks.
A bark has been lett . Off Grimsby and
Onv of the reasons why Sootra Ennilsilin has
such &large sale is, because it is the best. Dr.1
prescribed Scott's 'Ennilizarr - of Cod Liver.. 011i,
with Hypophosphites, for the past tWo years,
and found it More agreeable tO the stomach and'
have better resulti from its use than any other
preparation of the kind =I have ever used.'
Sold by all Druggists, 60q and -'61. .
Jerrie and,Goderich Streets, next door to the.
Presbyterian -Church, Seaferth, Ont.: Ali cue.
eases of Horsesi Cattle, Sheep, or anY of the do.
medicated animals, successfully treated at the
'Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter.
"buy Surgeon P. S.—A largastook of Voterin
sty Medicinesteptconstantly on handl =
ALTER. SHILL/NG-MAW, V. .S., graduate
; of the -Ontario Veterinary' College, Tor-
onto ; R,egistered Member of the Ontario Veter.
Inary Medical Association ; also Honorary' Mein -
her of the Veterinary Medical Society. Treats
all -Diseases of Domesticated Animals. Also
particular attention given to Veterinary. Dintis-
' try. Horses cari3fully examined for Soundness,
and'Ofertificatet given. All calls promptly attend- .
taby Mail Or Otherwise. OFFICE at Reel.
thaws, Staffa„ 1048
in Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits,
el. ...A Booths One Door North of the Commercial ...
illotel, ground floor next deer to Beams buteher -
Solicitorsin Chancery, etc., :Godbrieh, nt.'
..Holt it Cameron,. -etoderich, 'Barrister- • !So
loiter, .Cinitreyincer; &c. Money to loan. -'Ben
ank of commerce, Main street, Seaforth.
Vete funds to loan 4 Ai and 6 per cont. • "_. 1036
Conveyanders, &o. Solicitors/Or the B nit
of Johnston,Tiadaleedk Gale. Money ,to lo
Mozninst JAMES Score 78
Behar, Conveyanber and Notary. • solicitor Or
the Canadian Benk of Commerce. Money to le
Farms for. eale: Office in scott's Bleck, in
,High' Court, Conveyancer, et .,
Goderich and Bayfield, Money to Loan at e
Bayfield office. open every. Thuraday from 9: 0
;Unintentional Apostasy.
Old clergyman used toi relate the
following anecdote with great glee :
Once when preparing hie perishioners
for the solemn ordinance of eonfirma-
n, e ound among them . one, old,
woman soexeessively ignorant 'and Btu:.
pid that, for some weeks,prior to the
time, he was obliged to have her come
to his house every day, -in order to in-
struct and catechize her. At length he
began to hope his time, patience and.
zeal had not been entirelY bestowed
. yam, a few bright flashes of understand.
ing having burst from the old datne!s
clouded intellect. The iMportant day
of repaying part of the principal money: 'at a y
ti e. :Apply to r. 1:HoutgsTED, &wird
next door south of Robb's grocer
M. in street (east side), Setiforth.
'L. BILL, L,1 D. S_,. Honor .Graduate- an
M. R. S; ot Tcironto. .:Vitalizece Ai
served. Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth, hour
MORIES, D. D. 'of Philadelphia, Assistan
tists,Of Exeter, Ont. On
of the above Will Visit Blyth th
last Thursday, and following Fri
daY of each month, at Milnees Hotel, will: visi
Zurich the 'first Wednesday of every month a
eMe's Hotel, and, Hensall the following Thiirs
ay of every month at Reynold's Hotelywhere he
will perform all: dental operation'. Teeth ex
trredm ves nearly all pain; - Parties desiring new"
with a new Japan anesthetic, Which re
te dr will please call early in the morning of tha
t day. Charges moderate, Terms cash. 984
f.-),-....ntisi. II KINSMAN, Dentist, . L. 'D.
111-F41,0:, 1,. Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the
th extracted with the least Pain possible.- All
A. MARTIN, L S.; Honorgraduate of
., the ,Royal College of Dental Surgeons
ef Ontario. All the anesthetics used for the
eitraoticar df teeth. Office—Garfield
ancl•Accoueheur, Seaforth, Ont. • Moe and' re.
sidence—NOrth side, Goderich street, first beak
heusecast of the Methodist church. - 961
tiato Royal College of- Physic! d
SurgeonstEdinburgh. Brumfield, Opt. ' 980
restdeannedi flomuV•rii14*-olll:rdtehrPiCil)nstreeCtTreloolid
poor east of the Ptesbyterian- Church: 840 ,
ja,. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
same as occupied by Dr. Vercelli.. 848'
TAR. MACKID, Licentiate of Edinburgh and
Glaigew, Office, Meyer's. Block, Main,
at night at' either the Office or Residence, 894
Alton Cheese Factory.
Wal n Union Cheese and lintter Factory will,
!`ebiliary 21st, at one o'clock -in. All _in.
be lit at Beirnes' How, Walton, on Thursday
1170e48- e'
ill!' 9.4; Secretary.
e furijitd,re
If you ma t good value fot yoiu Money,
. don't forget' to give 31. Robertson - a call
before ,buyihg elsewhere. You will find
his stook very large end varied, and prices
to suit the times. .
The Undertaking.Department is 'replete
• With end isanitary convenience, as re.
commended by.the 'Undertakers' Moods. .
tions of the ontinent. We pay particular -
attention to hTscience of embalmingt*s
demonstrate _ by emineet professors at the
- Toronto Soh ol of Medicine, and are be0 '
terprepared th n ever to furnish and_fon-
duct funeral more reasonable terms to.
our' patrons hen any so.calied.' "reform
undertakers 'with their advertising clap-
Wareroom —Ono door south of -the
Special value in Black and Colored- Dress. Goods.
Black Silks, Satin Mir eilleux, Black Grenadines.
Good range 6/ .Lace urtains, Scriins .and curtain
- X wi,fisilPFi 1:3-4
N`r1 41 .211:*2. clq! h :11
0 (). P R
Orders for any number of first- less .
Apple: Barrels- .a0d Butt
, Dealer in fie:tang Machines.
. All kinds a property ineuri3d at lowest rates
in first -oleos reliable companies, and losses set-
`tilpeeiel low rates on FARM PROPERTY in -
the Gore and - Weierfoo, from 75e to 81 (eash
plan) for three keen. Mills and factories in-
sured in these ComPaniei at a saving of 20 Or
• - Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND
SEWLNG MACHINES (family and manutactur-
: ing). Prices ranging from (12.5 to fr75 Alt ma-
chines warranted for Sive years on every kind of
work. Needles, dil and repairs for sale. Ma- ,
Willies repaired. .
Did n t Know .t was
May .do fer a stupid boy's excuse ; hut
What can be said. for the parent wbo
sees hie langnishing daily find fails
to recognize the want of a tonic and
bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the
_rule in well -regulated families ; but now
all intelligent houieholds keep Ayer's
Saiso,parilla, which is at once pleasant
to the teste, and -the most searching and
effective blood medicine ever diseovered:
Nathan S. Cleveliind, 27 E: Canton st.,
Boston, writes; . "My daughter, now 21
years old, was in perfect health until a -
.year ago when she began ta complain of
fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness,
indigestion -and loss of appetite. I con—
cluded that'all her complaints originated
'in impure blood, and induced her to take.
,Ayet's Sarsaparilla,. This medicipesoon
restdred her blood,making organs to
healthy action, and in due time refstab-
lishqd her former health. I find- Ayer's
Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for
the lassitude and debility incident to-
' spring time."
J. Castright, 13rooklyn Power Co.,
Medicine, I find a splendid substitute
for the oldstime .compounds in Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, with a few dosee of Ayers
Pills. After their use, I feel 'fresher and
stronger-te go through the sufnmer,"
Dr.' cs Ayer & c:„, Lowell, Mass.
Pride V; stx Itot 11,s Worth 415 a bottle.
Also any other work in. his line; . Apply at he
works, old Beittilit Church, Sealifith.
Dealers and Packers taking 'large numb rs
-will be very reasonably dealt with.- • "
Brussels 'Lime Kiln
To Farmers and ,Builder
• Of the Brusiels Mine Kilns, is now prepared
. supply any amount of -
For ilistering Briokleying or Stone -Work
18 'cents per bushel. Orders promptly filled
If by.mail, address
Blake ,for Bargains.
-John Reith having disposed' of his store an
being about to give, up the mercentile business,
sell. for the next_thirty days he Whole of
hit large stook of
'At whatever prices they will bring
If you want goods at your own
John Rei
iqioe call- at
No4unint Co.
The Only Bronze FoUndry:in
r the Dominion;
, Our material is endorsed bY leading scientist
as being iinicticaily imperislutble. It cannot
absorb moister!, And Consequently is not afoot-
8end for Designs and Terme to
W. N. GIFFIN, Clinton.
R Counter,
Has the Largest and Finest Stock_ a
all grades of
In the County, and at tbe lowest prices,
Take a look at our windosv.
Pr The Work Department_ is under
the management of skilful workmen.
All goods aold, engraved free of charge.
R Cormier,
Flowering Shrubs, Roses, Bulbsaiid
Greens a winter and -Summer. •
'Norris' Insecticide PO /Ude",
For Plants of all kinds.
Call at the Seaforth.. Green House,.
North Ward.
Wood and Manure Wanted.
Hal ing bought $600 worth of first elm
Eye Glasses
The bankrupt stock of a defunct jeweler, at 40,
cents on the dollar, I will give_ the public the
benefit of them while they last. Remember /
have as nice an asbortment of grades of
,Colunibus, Springfield, Illinois, Waltham, Elgin
and- Swiss Movements in Solid Gold, Gold
Filled, Solid Silver and Silver Ore CMS; IS
Carat warrantecl Wedding Rings, Fancy Gam
Rings, Chains, Locket", -Necklets, Brooches,
Earrings," Studs, 'Cuff Buttons, £m -&c., for_
Ladies and Gentlemen, as can be found in the
majority of first class jeweler? shops. Come
and see „my novelties in Clocks, honest goodi
for honest prices. Look *out ,for a- first cleat: -
line of fancy -goods for the holidays. If you
shoul4 want anything in my line call and he
<convinced that I can and will ;sell you a
-class article at Iess than One of the otitelde
firms whaspend thousands of dollars per year
in sending out illustrated catalogues. Come
and see what you are paying your money for.
Leave Your moneY in the town where you earn
it as long as you can get as -good or bitter
value. Respectfully Yours, •
Practieal. Watchmaker and jiweler,.
Opposite the Cominercial Hotel, Main Street),
Chtystal - Black
Manufacturers o all kinds of Stationery, MatitHP
Upright anti Tr,bular Bonen. -
and ail kinds of Sheet Iron worh.
constantly on hand,
On hahd, ready for delivery:
One 50 horse -power New Steel Bonet -
One 35 horse -power second-hand boil-
er in good order.
Also a 12 horse -Rower -Engine and
Boiler, second-hand, in good. condition.
Boiler, Engine, Separator, &o., it; good work-
ing order. Will be sold cheap, - Mall orders wit
It. Station.
-receive prompt attention. Works opPosite G. T
Goderiob, may 26t1i. 1W.
Roya Mail Steamships.
Cabini—$50, $60 and $70. • Intermediate, -
1)80; return, S60. Steerage passengers are book-
ed to and from London, Queenstown, -Derry,.
Belfast and Gleagow at same rates ,aa.Liverpool.
If you are sending for your friends, we can fur-
nish you witkprepaid passage certificate to bring _
them from England, France, Ge-rmany, Swalen, -
NorwaYs &e. Bates of . passage alwayeas lbw se
by any other line.
C. P. R. tickets issued to Manitoba, British
Columbia, and all points east. B.aggage checked
through to destination.
$25,000 to loan !rota to ei por rent pee
annum. Office—Market Street. 1007
liew Improvements.
D. B. McLean in thanking his eustoiners for
their liberal patronage wishes to Inform them
and the public in general that he lisarefitted
the gristmill and pat in new improvements
and having secured the services of a thoiough
competent miller, la now better prepared than
ever before to turciout a good 4 quality of flour.
Flour and Feed, Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept
conitantly on hand. Chopping only .45 cents
per bag. Don't forget the old stand. He will
also be prepared to attend to all custom:sawing. .
D. B. McLean