HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-02-15, Page 7esege • ,-. Stock o undo • ;of charge njbaand -miner, en House*, (anted.. 1006 'TER. reeler, at 40 public the 'ReraeneberT 11 grades of Ithara„ Elgin (td, Goa la °Fatscy Gem • Broochee„ te. ice., for thud in -the iopse, Come mat goods ;I first clam- ' ays. If you call and. hc II Yon t first :the outride ant per year pea: Com 'money for re you earn 41 or better • C+ .Jeweier,. -fain. Street, RINKS lack ry, lotasinte• re. ,TACKS," rk FITTing zerBoiler aand boil - gine and sondition. - tg Outfit; good work. orders poeite T E. th ermediatke,,_ !sere -book- ers, Derere Liverpool. e eon fur- Lte to bring y, Sweden, naslow e iensuaL ha, Rritish re checked • " cent. per 1007 LONG. e others for am them . e refitted evemente - - thormigh wed than of fieur. zeal kept r $ emits • Hoe :ffla IPPE/f • - FEBRUARY 15, 1889. • .11 IlitOxivittp.tititto.r• DISTRIOT MATTERS. • Ashfield. '(Too late for hist week.) BatErd.--Wilsores mill yard is filling up fast with saw logs. People at one time thaught they were not, going to set any anew for sleighing. -Revival servicett are snow being held in Zion -church. We trust the friends will join heartily in the work. -The sleighing has made bOsiness lively. Everybody seems to be doing their utmost to do all the work they possibly can do while it lasts.. • I East Wawanosh. .(Too late for last week.) LITERARY. -The contest which took place on Frialay night, the first inst., was a grand success. • The sides were captained by Mr. Mat Harrison and Miss Emma. Bennett. An hour and a quarter t was allowed for each programme; Miss Bennett's came first, consisting of dialogues,: readings, recitations and tableaux.- Mr. Harrison'Swas much the same, -with the addition of bagpipesand mouth Orgao music. The ,house was crowded, there being between three and four' hundred. present. After the Pro- . gramme- was over, there was great ex- citement among the Crowd to hear the judges give their 'decision, _which Was given in favarof Mr. Harrison's side by one huridred and thirty Points. Cheers of 'applause- resounded throughout the -audience; and -some were heard to -re- mark that they had often paid twenty - Ave cents and, not heard so good -a -pro- :gramme. •• BRIEFs.-Mr. B. Coultes,has retuned beam again and Dd,Ilie rumor says not • alone either. ---John MeDonaldis home on a visitfrom Michigan. -Miss Maggie • Miller and Miss- Mary„Littlefair were visiting friends on the seventh_conces- sion last week., --Lots of snow and sleigh rides for the girls, though sometimes they prefer walking. OUR P.R0i1INENT 'Was. McKillop showeda,good. line of young`hopefuls in last weea s ExPostron. Now we will give a few names of older ones. In the literary line we havo John Irvin, who as a newspaper correspondent, is almost - equal to Ras -sell, of the London Times, and -John. O'Sullivan, who has been township clerk for a -boat 27 years, and • was clerk at one titrfe for Grey and Howick as well as Hibbert in another county, -aud if his ambition was equal to bis ability he might have been at Ottawa; instead of at Irishtown. - Riehd. McKee, who takes the foremost place in the township as a stock breeder; for able men we have Wm. Dynes and -Thomas 1Murray, 'blending the Orange and Green- two Old Dublin policemen -who know Phcenix Park as well as Sea - forth, and we would recommend the friends Of Sir R,. J. Cartwright at his next visitto Seaforth, to secure thein as a body -guard. They would be no,clis- grace to the Royal 'Knight. Then for good fanners and politicians, they are as thick aa inushrooms iu a by field, so we will not attempt to delineate their various good traits. -Go. • . Blyth. BRIEFS. -No Sunday °school Was held . In the Methodist church on Sunday last on account of the -Quarterly meeting. - The Blyth Standard of last issue pub - Halms a verbatim report of the sermon delivered by RevIll A. Thomas, to the .membersFof the Canadian Order of For- esters -Mr. • Jenkins, editor of the Brussels •"Budget," was in town on Monday,, and looks very jubilant consid. ering his defeat in the ease of Grant vs. Jenkins, -It seems impossible for the "Standard" to.leave outside correspon- alents alone. However, last week it pays. us a compliment by calling us the zealous correspondent." - We can assure it we are Zealous, but find it pits plenty to reportiour. town to our paper, and not as it puts it that we correspond With the New gra as well as the EXPOSITOR. -A number of members of the Inde- pendent Order of Good Templarii drove •to Belgrave on Tuesday to assist in or- ganizing Belgrave lodge.-AII the Grits in the v einity are exalted unto the otoruls since the result of the Haldimand .election has become known. They ha,ye the besg of reasons for feeling so, as tbe resources of both parties were brought to bear fully in this constituency. -Mr. W. H. Berney has charge. of the tele - .graph pffibe alone at present, on ac- -count of his assistant leaving. ---It is .rumored that we are to have a dancing school staked in our midst. We im- agine we could manage nicely without this additi,on, in our town, although.we are at all itimei ready to welcome any- thing that will be a. practical benefit. - We must ongratu a e the " `tan ar " on the manner in which it appeared in its hast• is ue. There was just about twice the amount of local news as usual and some other improvements; No doubt the energy of outside correspon- dents has-been putting new life into the -staff.-A. Emigh, of London, was in town on Saturday visiting .at home. - While in visited Tr he gradua addressingthestudents who All seemed to spired -delivered y- the doctor. -A number of very youngfolks drove to the -residence of Mr. Tit Min, in Huila% on Wednes- day evening, and spent a most enjoy- able evening. -Our council did not meet .on the usual evening..: It was decided to post -pone the meeting until the llth whe they will meet in their new hali.-On uesday the mornings train did not arrive until about 9 o'clock, on account of the Southern extension being blockaded [with "the beautiful." -A number of the brethren from Blyth at- tended the Prange district meeting held in Manchester, on Tuesday, the 5th inst.-We have seen_ the paper called ".The - Forest City," published by Thomas_ Pti'ssmore, late of the • Blyth Standard. ` It. is somewhat democratic, but, no donbt, accords well with the publisher eery respect. -Mr, and Mrs. John Jones, of Seaforth, are in , town this. eek visiting- their brother, oronto, last week, Dr. Sloan ity Medical school, (where I -• • d), and had the pleasure of . GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. —• • last week visiting his brother, j. " A. Tanner, M. A., who is principal of the High School at that plaoe.-hirr, Miles Young Wall in Clinton on the 8th inst., attending the meeting of the License Commisaioners.-Mrs. Upshall. of Clin- ton, is visiting ; Shane. -Rev. Mr. Dickson, of Galt, was the guest of D. B. McKinnon, while in town. 5 - - (The above was intended for last week, but came to hand too late'.) ' . • Wroxeter..• • (Too late for last week.) -CUBLER8.-=-A0Oording to ar- rangement with the Kincardine Curling Club, three rinks from the Wroxeter club went over to Winglianr on Thurs- day of last week to play an equal num- ber of Kincardine -curlers for the jub- ilee medal. They were disappointed, however, for the stone -pushers from the city by the lake did not put in an ap- pearance, having discovered at the last moment that three rinks was .more than they could 7 furnish. • However, the Wipgham club very kindly ordered out their men and a pleasant game was had between men, and _Wroxeter, the result being in favor of the latter by one shot. On Tuesday last two rinks, heeded by skips T. B. 'Sanders and John Bone,. proceeded to Harriston- to take part in a preliminary draw for the Ontario Tankard, the competing dabs being Walkerton, Haariston and Wrox-- eter. The event proved disastrous to the hopes of -those who fondly looked for the Tankard to find a homewiththe Wroxeter Club for year; VValker- ton_defeated Harriston by 20 shots,. and repeated the dose to Wroxeter by seven shots. This Shuts outs the latter from any further participation intheTankard competition. The club here who have .long held the Gibbons county -medal have returned the.same to the donor, Sheriff Gibbons as no Matches' could be ar- ranged 'for it With any other of the county clubs. - BRIEF NOTES.-:Sinee sleighing has :fairly set in, farmers and others have .been busily engaged in bringing in • wood; -saw-logs, etc., the supply of logs 'brought to the sa,w.mill .being very ,large. -An effort is being made to re- vive the brass band which once .flourisn- ed in our village. •As the instruments are all here and the supply of musical talent is large, thereshould be no great difficulty. in re -organizing a band. What does a village without a band amount to anyway !--There is a plenti- ful lack oigood dwelling -houses in our village at present. • Several of our citi- zens are suffering from want of house room, and newcomer's find it difficult to get =a house of any kind to live in. Some of our retired farmers and money- ed men Might look into this matter, and see whether there would not be money in building a few nice brick cottages to rent. -Mr. A. L. Gibson has leaeed his ivoollen factory; to Mr. Thos. Bunston, of Belmore, whp will be assisted in run- ning it by his brother, Mr. Geo. Bun- ston, now of Paisley. The new tenants, who,are thoroughly practical men will doubtless maintain the reputation Of the Wroxeter Woollen Mills for good work and fair dealing. They take possession in Mkch. Meantime Mr. Gibson had; dispoied' of his .stock of woollen goods to Mr.. Thos. Roe, who giving great bargains and good value. -At a recent meeting of the village council, all the old municipal officers were re -appointed. -Mr.-A. L. Gibson left for Toronto on Tuesday of this week to attend the meetings of' the Central Farmers' In- stitute, to which he was appointed a delegate by the East Huron Institute. - The snow -plough did excellent service on Tuesday last in rendering the streets passable after the heavy snowfall of the previous evening. . - -A slotting machine' that was being -removed from a truck the other morn-- ing, from one part of the Grind Trunk Railway. shops in Stratford to another fell off, badly darnagiog the machine. It was Pulled up ,wich a crane, when it fell a second thud, going through the three inch floor and sinashing the ma. chine, . is estimated that not less than a million of dollars are paid out wages to mechanics, _ miners, -glass workers, and laborers within a radius of ten miles 'around New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and there is no less than $1,500,000 on de- posit in the Government Savings Banks in and about the same vicinity in Pic- t= county. -Mr. Wilson, the manager of the Pacific:division of the Canadian Pacific telegraph, says the McLaren -Ross Menu; facturiog Company, of British Colum- bia, is commencing to 'erect two large lumber mills on the Frazer River, ' two miles, from New Westminster. They expect, when the mills are finished, to load two vessels per week with _lumber for the foreign ports. Mining prospects are als'o bright, particularly quartz: The Government test reduction works at Barkerville, Cariboo district, are just finished, and -are expected to have very good results with quartz mining. . -John D. Gilbert, living near Essex Centre, inet.with a. horrible death- the other day. He was engaged in hauling, Iogs, had fixed a hook on a log and started the teain,when the hook slipped, striking him in the abdomedand cutting him Open. Medical 'aid was summoned, but he died at two o'clock. His rela- tives live near St. Thomas. EPPS'S 'te the few but stirring words • ' COCO • BREAKFAST. Thoznas Jones. -Mrs. A. McLeod, who forso e time past has been visit- ing her mothet, Mrs. Maxwell, returned to her honf in Bay City, Michigan, last week.-Geo'ge Powell, of •Winghani, grain buyerl:f0r Messrs. bleKinnon and • Sparling, and who lilies in Wingham, Ins not on he market oa Tuesday. - Mr. F. W Tanner • was- in Listowel 4,sy a thorough anceeledge ;tithe natural taws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,andby a careful application of the fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr -Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate - 13" flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors'bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up untll strong enoughsee. sist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies; are floating around us ready to attack wherever:there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-"Oivif Service Gazette," mr.ae simply with boiling water or infix. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., Hornceopathie Chemists, London, England., os ' ; Consumption Cured. Arfold physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the 'speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throqt and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical eure for N; rvous Debility and all Nervous Coniplaints, after ' having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, hie felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellow?. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sufferthg, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stampenaming' this . /leper, W. A. NOM, 149 Power's Block, Roches- ter Y 1093-26-e.o.w t :• '7 , for Heastoriais soWelladiptedfachildken that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." EL At. Aitenza,11. D., • Os..Oxford St, Ni; T.. • , . • Castorla Cures Collet, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DiatTho3a, Exudation, Kills Worms, gives Weep, and. prom estion W1tous,1ujurlous Tax Commit 0011124Nr, 77 Murray Street-, Mothers! Cestoria is recommended by physicians for children teething. •It is 'a purely vegetable preparation, its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and thaw lately hat:Woos. It relieves constipation, raga. • lateofthe bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverishness,destroys worms; and prevents convulsions, soothes the. childand gives it refreshing and natural sleep. (Intone is -the childrens' panacea -the mother's 'friend. 135,doses, 85 cents. - iirmd Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap is a' delightful' sham• pm. It cleanses the' scalp and darkens . grey hair. • Small sugar-coated 13tirclock pills do not gripe orsieken. They are mild and effectual. • Worms cause serious sickness.- Dr. Low's . worm syrup destroys and expels all! kin& of worms quickly and surely. Pale, Weak women need a tonic, strengths giv- ing, flesh building medicine like Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. , - secesenres A Professional - ()Pinion. Rev. Y. Gunner, M. D., of Listowel, Ont., says regarding 13: 13. B., I have used your excellent Burdoekcompound in practice and in my family since 1884, and hold it No. I on thy list of sana- tive remedies. Your three busy. B'snever sting, weaken or worry. • A Boon and a Blessing. A boon af d a:blessing to mankind is Hagyard'e Yellow 011, the great pain destroyer and healing remedy for external and internal use. Yellow Oil cures all aches and pains, rheumatism, lame back, sore throat, croup, deafness, cramps, con- tracted cords and lameness. , Procure it,of your druggist. Look Out For It. If you a triinbled with a Old or cough. how- ever light the attack, look out for it, do not allow it to settle on the lone : break upthe cough by loosening the tough phlegm with Mag - yard's Pectoral Balsam. ,• .Mita,culo My 3Iiraeulous cure Was t t 1 had. suffered from Kidney diaease for about t ci years, waaoff work ell time. A friend toldme of B; R. B., I tried it,. and am happy to say that 1 Was cured by two bottles." Wm. Tier, St. Marys, •Ont. - A Great Sufferer,. That person who is afflicted with rheumatisth - Is a great sufferer and greatly to be pitied if they cannot proeure Hagyard's Yellow Oil. This remedy is a certain cure, not only for rheuma- tism but for all external aches and internal paini. In Better Humor Now. , My son aged eleven, was cured of an eruptive humour that covered his head and face wtth sores, by two bottles of gurdock Blood Bitters and pine, testifies Mrs. M•ary -Fulford, of Port Hope, Ont. • ,• ' • s When Baby wee sick, we Ore her Castoria, • , , When site was loChild,She cried for Castor* . . _ .. . When she became Mise; she dung to Castor* When sh•had Childrsni she gavethain Castor; . Conswnption Surely Cured.' To Tem EDITOR Please inform your residers that I have a 'posi- tive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely.use thousands of hopeles ,cases _have been permanently cured. I shall beglad to send two bottles of noy remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will bend me their Express and.Post (Mee address. , Respeetfully,:Da. T. A. SIocLTM. 1089-62 37 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for i e e..1 4, County of Huron. Sales 'attended in 1 parte of the County. All orders left. at T a ExPOSITOR Office will be pro*ptIV attended to. - • , fallIOMAS BROWN, Licensed! .Auctioneer, fer the Counties of 'Huron and Perth.. Wes cond ueted en the most reasonable terms. • . Orders , left at the Queen's Hotel, or. by Meil addressed tb Rox 311, Seaforth P. O., will be promptly attend- ee to TliOMAS BROWN Liceused Auctioneer: 1.0534 f • 7 • r, Wiien I say CURE I do not mean therelY to stop tlf m for a time, and then havt them return again. - I mean - A RADICAL 0 R. 4 have made the disease of FITS', C.A.:PILE P$11 OR , - FALLING 8101(14E6S A life-long study. I WARRANT thy remedy to ante the worst cases. Because others have lailedis no reason for not now receiving:a Cure. Send at once for a treatise and at FltliE 13oreee of rnY leseAtaesee' REMEDY: Gie , express. and I post office. It costs you nothing or a trial, and It will aura you. Stddress—DR. H. Ge -ROOT,, 37.Yonge-Street, Toronto, Ont. : 1078-52 • •1270.4-2.4 %GOMM) peofilagne that it oslahe larat and most reliabnonee, and ey use- rrif's Seeds D. M. FERRY & CO. are acknowledged to be the Largest Seedsmen in the wOrlds • D. al, FininrA GOV Illustrated Deserts), tive kneed - SEEDANNUAL • For 1889 - Will be mailed FREI to all applicants, and to last year's customer* • without orderingit. Sem& gerliest Cauliflowerin I Gaud • siegli efoae drzri Zug oxistence• should sendforit. Addrees ai M. FERRY ti -CO., Windsor, ant, • ' : • HURON. -440) BRUCE • Loan gnd Investmo This Company is Loaning Money 'Farm Seetuity at lowest Rate of ItteieSt. -.Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS -BANK BRANCH.. ?, 4, and 5 per Cent Interest Allovie • Deposits, aocording to amount an time left. .1.01FICE.L.Oorner of Market Squ r- ..ajod North Street, Goderich. .flORACE HORTON, - MANAG ao, Qedericoh, August 5th,1885. • 9 2 .. p, H 1,.1t •S Has a world wide reputation as a physician nd . author, His Mandrels° Dandelion !Liver q re is a triumph of uedical skill, curing all diseases of the Kidney and Liver. • • Northgrayes AS 'REMOVED HIS • Jew lry Establishment To the ampbell Black,- corner :Main. and oderich Streets, Seaforth, ,Where be Watches, 'stock of "H cheap, af.3 t Jewelry re • &Mai Mpg alargesteck of Gold and Silver Inc JiswelrY,,Clocks, &c. A fine eery plain arlia Wedding Rinse, &c., e cheapest *defies, Cloeke and dred with desPatch. es Recteonable. J..NOitligraireSe • e ampbell's• Block, -Seaforth. • Brill ant!, Drablet Etonornical .1 Diam nd Dyes excel all other: in Stren th, Purity and Fastness, None ot er are jUst as gbod. Be. ware of imitations, because the are mad of cheap and inferiol materials and give pool, weak crocky •olors. To be sure ol success, se only the DIAMONI DYES for oloring,Dresses, Stock: ings, Ya -ns, Carpets, Feathers .Ribbons &c., .&c. We warrant them to olor MOre goods; pack. age for ackage„ than any othei dyes ever made, and to give Mor4 brilliant a d durable colors. Ask for the Diimoneand take no other. A Dress led • FOR °elm- ent Renewed clENTS. A Coat iolored :A Chi d can use them! At Druggis and Merchants. Dye Book free. s *WELLS RICHARDSON & ca,.• ntreal, P. -Q. SYMPTOMS .OF Kidney • Complaint, atriel,n1 pains In the back; a dull Palo or weight in the : bladder and hese of the abdomen; scald ng urin'b often - obstructed ; frequent 'desire to - urinate, espepially at night, anfong aged per. sons; hot, dry skip, palecomplexim, red nd white depotsits, dizziness, sour - stomach, • , stipation, piles, liver, dropsinal swellings &c. SYMPTOMS OF , • Pain under should- lel es, Liver Complaint, erd Jaundice. sallow complexion, a -weary., tired' I :el- ingebo-. life Of energy, headache, dyspepsia, in. digestion,. spots, Pimples, &c:' : ..-.110W, RED. •Mandrake : and Dandelion aro !naturists Llver °mos,. and when coorthined with kidney res e• dies, eeiri Dr, Chas's - Liyer Curet will en st nos:MA-0)y iire all 1ildn0y-Liver trOublCS:lIt - acts like a charm, etimulating the clogged liver, diersgtioenieg the kidneys. aed invigorating he 'whole-body; Sold by all dealers at .81, w th RiceiPt. Book, which alone is worth the nsoney. Dn. Ostase's Pleb! are the only Kidne . j °Kidney -Liver' -Pills .inade, They taitign"dt13;tYr;eg effaeneyttiati4logy. aYenlbte They. cure Kidney -Liver troubles, jzo., o.no ,aed ache, bile/unseals; costiveness, P 11..h p, OBO. Sold by :ail do,lers: Priee 2$ cents.. T EUMANSOti & BR A D]'ORD, (»T.,'Manfs. Mr For sale by all Druggists. ' 1076.5 hat a Time People fornierly:.had, tying to svirall W the old-fashioned Pill With its fillis of '4isgniSing its bit r - 'less ; and -:what„. a contrast to Ayeas Pills, that have been well called "nied.• leafed sugar-plums”7- the only fear 'tie- ing that patientS• nicer- be tempted in o Aakii4; too niany at a, dose-. • But- t e directions aye plain and shoyaq strictly followed. , T..Tellerr M. D., ,of Chittenang 1st. Y., expresses exactly. what hundre have Written :at greater length. • He - Siys: " Ayer'IG Cathartic Pills; are high y appreciated. They are perfect in for n and coating; and their effects are a 1. that the most •earepil physician con I desire. They lia•ces supplanted all tl e rills forMerly popular here, and 1 thin c' It must he long. before any other ea be made that _will at -all compare Wit theni.- Those who buy your. pills g. t • - - full value for their money." "Safe, pleasant, and: certain their action," is the concise testitnon of Dr. George E Walker; of.. Martin ville, Virginia "Ayer's Pills outsell all similar pre larations.-- The public haying once use I -them, will have no others." --Barr Venable & Co11iei Atlanta, Ga. Pills .• .7! Prepared by Dr 3• Co Ayer Se Co.,Lowel I, M . . ..SO3d by all Dealers in Medicine. THE Bi.S.HOP $TIMEMAN URN F. OR YOy A:D l'E Wyketuun Hail. Collette avenue, - Toronto. opens.WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5.• As vitertheies fornew resident pupils are line • ited, parents are reqbesti•d, before the, operfin itlaY, to arrange for admission by letter or othe wise) with Misa GRIER, the Lady 'Principe who will be at home atter 31stAugust: • Cirdulars are sent at Once on application. - • 1N2- IlEFOLK 130AB;,!•-•The undersigned has on n Lot 3, COHCOO81011 13, HuIktt, a thorough- bred !Suffolk boar which he :keeps for service. Terms -.-One dollar, payable at the time bleep vice, Xith. the pileilege of returning! if neces- sary. LANCELOT TASEER. 1099t1 4 GOODFIG.-The undeosigned will keep at Egniolidville a, thoroughbred -Berkshire boar for service. He bee taken 4 lint prizes. Terms.—One dollar at the time o1. service with the privilege of returning if necessary, FRED. MEYER; Egthondville. 1102x8 BERESIiiltE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 16, Concession _11, McKiliop, a pure bred Berlohire 'boar, bred • by Snell & Sone, of Mullett, and from imported stook on both sides. Terme-$1, payable at the timeofservice with the -privilege of returning if ne essary. JAMES MILLEN. 1102 tf • A CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned „L-. 1williceep during the present anion on Lot 21, Concession 2,I. R. S. Tuekerfnnith, a Thor, ough Bred Chester White -Pig to whielke limited number of sows will be taken. This pig was farrowed on May lbtle 1887, was bred by S. H. Todd' of Wakeman Enron Counts, Ohio one of • • the most extensive and rcllable ree ere In the United States. This Pig has also taken first prizes whereever shown. Terms $1, pay- able at the time'of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 108943. . • • ! if am, 0 4. Cf: • The above mils have now- been thoroughly . e - b ilt upon the coinplete • :14UNCIAcrAN. R9401. The Mill an Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarg , and new machinery applied throughout, .. ° •THE LAT ST 'IMPROVED ROLLS 3 • Flour Dressing Machines (0 m 'Prom the beet Manufacturing Finns have been aa. put in, and ov rythine: necessary added to &sable 117. • her to turn ou flour - ' , '0 CEO I?. TO NONE In the Domin • n. The facilites for receiving rain f roni fa ers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively. improved. Grain can now. taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and leaded iu cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by t eworkOftwo men, - .0.1;a1P. jaawssams reiave A LAR E FEED STONE' toBi— OUST NI :O.HOPPING -Has been rout handling ohop A good shed Mu be unload WHEA Pro 'FIRST -CL GU C7c.TS • Choppixisa .ROLLER C HO Highest Cash fo 1• APPL FINE, COAR and the necessary machinery for d coarse grains. as been erected, so that wagons and reloaded under °over. • • EX,QHANGES ptly a4en4ed to, and SS 'ReLLER FLOOR RANTEEM. _ OM VMM1D torily and without delay. - -FLOUR, BRAN; 'SHORTS, d allkinds of • PED, FEED stantly on; and. • arket rice Paid in • any -quantity of Wheat BARRELS: SE ARO LANI1• SALT F :I 'Only first.olass Is attend mato" farmers and gene T. O. KEMP, E.• nd obllging men will be kept ere. The liberal patronge .of, traderesPectfully so Red.- - I OCILM & CC: 'PROPRIETORS imager, • ' Ki TRECOOKISRBT PJFNfl • 41111 0 v.! Great and See nderful • Assort- ment of GIFT A PST'S BOOKSTORE • _ , 'SCAFO R TH ALL ARE INVITED._ •Kippen= $Ami Mijl. ' D. B. MOI.EAN wishes to infonn the public that he lies now got the Eippen Sawmill in his own hands and is prepar.ed to do First in, first. g in.ds of Custom Work. first out. All eastern logs attended •o • ttingdpnefor 63.0e_and.83.50e , TICE:TO DEBTORSi. All pe •ns indebted to the Estate of the late Mrs. John Kidd, bY eithernote or book -account, are requested to call at the store and settle the same at once; by so doing %ill avoid further costs fon/Collection. All -amounts must beerAm in orde to settle. the affairs of the Estate. • ANDREW KIDD, Seaforth,' - 1070tf - REAL ESTATE FOR:SALE. - - -DUILDING LOTS FOR ISALE,The _V signed has a numberofnebn11d1ngL. on Goderieh and.james Streets for sale, at lots prices. Forparticulareapply to D. D, WILSON DOS 'TIC/USE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For We, or .1e1, to rent, the brick residence at Roxboro McMillen, recently occupied by- Mr. _W. Gs. Duff. Thereat° in connection with theboitse about eighty:sores of land. For further particu- lars apply to EDWARD MINCHLEY, Seaforth P0, /5•1104f 1E1A,M31 FOR SALE. -For Slap, Lot 17, Con ceesion 7, Mt Killop, cootamieg .100 acres, well fenced, widerdrained, and in a good State of cultivation, 70 acres caeared and the balance well timbered. There are on the place a good log house with_ !tame barn and stables, plenty of , good water conVenieet, and also a good- - orchard, It is within six miles of Seaforth end -- three of the village of Winthrop. Apply on the premise ,s- •or to Seaforth P. 0. WM.. BOW, • Proprietor,• 110141 VIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE. -Being Lot ..0 10, in the C Concession of Turnberry, and Lot 10, ' in the A Concession of Howick ; the .; grawl road runs between them: The two con- tain 148 acres, of,whieh 125 acres are cleared ant - in a fit state for binder to run. The formatters . situate on the gravel road between Wroxeter ° ane Belneere-three milefrom Wroxeter, and * miles from Belniore. There is a sebaol house on the corner Of the land, and churches Mn- veniento Apply to A. CHRYSLER on the prem.. lees, or to J. COWAN, Wroxeter. 11014f _ Holstein- Bull for Bale. Feriae, a thoroughbred Holstein Bull calf, owned by James Elliott, Bluevaleeand bred by IL Bollert, Cassell, ,Ontario, calved April .N 1888,. sire Barnton, No. 3287, H. II. B.; dam; Eustrolia 2nd, No. 2908, H. F. H. B. She was bred by M. Be/Bert, Cassel, Ontario. Come and me the herd, or address 1102 tf - JAMES ELLIOTT, Bluevale, Ont. THE FARMERS' Banking House, On connection with, the Bank of Montreal.) BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. NoW In beir own premises on Market Street, Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office. ' General Banking Business done, draftelasued and cashed. Interest allowed ton slept:wit., - MONEY TO LEND • On good notes or mortgages. JOHN WEIR. "" • WM. LOGAN. , •1058 [ 41.91111 fg ticg ill: '14:4: :12 7 z.0- gg f 'tiganig gr3tg Sil. ,itot= I 'II 444 i' aw `crigalfri•......0.-1,L., illb.11410-4 ....,gergrP vele- ....p _.,......1.111 4 r II " 0 I ev rfigr" 9.51i 115:4 'Pelt 11111%19FM PilfiliiigiiiI l 471&5"1 2.r rip: al. BA▪ RI /Ill • London, Huron and- Bruce,. Goma NORTH.—• - Passenger. London, doped, 7.55A.x. 4.85e.a Exeter . 916 5.57 Mensal.. _ 928 ,6,09 alPPerle. •• 9.34 3.17 . • . s.. • 9.42 8.26 Clinton - . 0.00 - 6,45 Londesboro . 10.19 7,03 10.28 •7.12 Belgrave...., , 10.42 7.27 Wintrham 11.09 745 Goma Bonet's- Paesenger Wingham,depart.„. . 7.05A.x. 13.40 e.x. Belgrave„.., ., 7,24 4.00 • Blyth.... . . .. 7.88 4.16. Londesboro 7474.25 ,.Clinton .r. . 8.07 • 4.45 • Brumfield.. . - . 8.26 e 6.04 Kippen , 6.113 1e12 Heneall- 6.29 0.19 Exeter. .. • S.53 0.23 Wellington, -Gots° NORTH---. Ethel......... Brussels Bluevale,.. Wingham- GOING SOUTH— Wingham - Bluevale .; Brussels-...., Ethel...,.. Grey and Bruce PaSt anger. Mixed. 2.51 le X. 9.81 eaC13.40 rex.' .3.06 41.45 •9,80 8.21 • 10.00 10.00 8,80 10.10• 11.10 Passenger, • Mixed. 6,89 eat 11.10A.etel,flosat 8,48 11.22 7.55 7,02 1L45 8.55 7.14 12.00 • 9.81, •'Grand Trunic Railwa,y.: Trains !taw') Seaforth and Clinton detains as • follows: GOING WRST-- SESTORTII. • -MOM. Passenger 1 08 e. if. 1 20P, es, Passenger... 9410 P. It, 9,27 ss. x. Mixed Train.. - 9•.25 st.14. 10.20A,M, Mixed Train.- ..... - 0.15 P. X. 8.40 P.R. GOING EAST-- ' ' Passenger. 7• .48.A. 730* x. Passenger .. At. AI AV Ae. 2,48 P.114 Mixed Train.. - Ake 6.80? is. • 4.55 P. 1C17 • Freight Train.. ;. 7.; '4.30 e. 31. 3.30 ie. x. New Planing AIM _ IN SEA.FORTH. The undersigned would announce to the Pub- lic that they have their New Planing Mill in full blast, where they will do Custom Planing; Matching, Serell Sawing and Wood Turning. They will keep -on hand Dressed Jain ber, Floor- ing and Siding. Doors, Sath and Frames made to order. Also the PUMP AND CISTERN BUSINESS attended as formerly. Shingles always outland. • By strict attention to business and fair dealing we hope to gain Public patronage. 1069 CLITFF BE/sTNETT.' =, The North Ameriban BANIt'ING COMPANY. -(I;TOT INCORPORATED, A General Banking business trans- a ct e d r. inerie p.' eFaaper discounted. Drigts bought and sold. Ifiterestallowed on deposits. OFFICE -In the 'Commercial Hotel - _ J.O. zrainr, Manager. 110LMESTED, Solicitor. - _ .TSSEEDS METRE BE sent by snail to any Post Office , ew Illustrated Catalogue now read Co:. t. -Description and Prices °Ether -lacks* FICLEi, CARDEN &FLOWER SEEDS 7-faed free. Every FarInti and Gardener sitiarld . • a copy before ordering seeds for the coming HandsomestsataleguepubltiltedinCanads. 4.1 ENNIE.TORO ' t!, a 1