HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-02-15, Page 5-
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MOB ARY 1-6, 1889.
Divines; CounT.-The -first _Division
' Court will held in Industry Mall,- on.
3ionday, 1 tit inst. Several interesting.
oases will c me up. The caSe of special
interest is the adjourned case of Barr
VS. Agricultural Society. :
OBITUARY. -The remains of Peter
s Taylor, who 'died in Dakota, : were
' brought to bis sister's, Mrs. J. Carter,
here on Friday, and were interred in, the
Union cemetery, on Saturday, the 9th
inst. Deceased was -32 years of age.-
• On Sunday, February. 10t11,. James Mc-
Gill, sr., pessed away at the ripe age of
.80 Years. Mr. McGill was one of . the
• oldest residents in this community. He
was a staunch Conservative and a atria
adherent of the - English -church. The
funeral tobk place from his . late real-
slence‘on Tuesday, 12th inst. He was
buried in the English Church cemetery.
Cuunose.NOrzs-Rev. A. W. Tonge,,
of the Methodist- &Ochs preached the
anniversary services in Alma on Sunday
last. On the following . Mondayevens
• leg he lectured at a tea -meeting in con-
nection with the same church. Mr.
-- Tonge was stationed at 'Alma before re-
ceiving the Blyth charge, -No service
was held in the .Methodist Church on
Sunday morning last, owing to the fact
-- that the heating apparatus gave out. It '
• was put in order as quickly as possible
and Sunday school and evening service
were C011#ntied• as Usual. - Revs Mr.
McLean is still continuing the prayer
•meiting iii Union church, Wawanosh. ,.
The next Meeting will be held on Wed- '
esesday. evening, 20th inst.-Rev. Mr.
Moorehoulie,of _ Wingham, gave -a very
able missionary discourse, in Trinity
church on Sunday afternoon to a. large
- - •congregation. -Rev. J. Scott, of Wing -
barn, will deriver a missionary address
. on Sunday, February 24th, in the
Methodist ohurch.-Services were held
in the Roman Catholicchurch on Sun-
• day, MeV, Father McGee officiated. -
Rev. A. . tleIsean is billed as the.prin-
eipal speaker of the evening at the Bel -
grave tea -meeting on. Thursday evening.
-Miss Ruth,Jenes now presides at the
organ in , Trinity church since . Mrs.
Whitt has, severed her connection with
the Church.-Thes-'' Presbyterian church
wascrowded on Sunday morning on aes
:count of. there being no services en either
' the Methodist or English churches.-
- At the reviler meeting of the Hopeful
Gleaners of the Presbyterian church it -
was decidfid to have a lecture and .sociel
in the churoleabout the 12th of March.
Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Brtcefield, is e-
•1 -
- - pected to deliver the address. ,
Bia, tele... Mies Hamilton of Staffa, and
Mr. Thomas Hamilton, Fu'ilarton, are at
presentviaiting their brother, kilr; J. M.
Hamilton.4-Mr. Ai FL Watson, who
for some tiMe peat, has been, publisher
andproprihtor of the Standard, is about
leaving town for Port Elgin. He will
still have fi_ share in the paper. In fu-
ture it will be edited by F. 13. Cummer,
- Esq., underthefirth mune of Watson '
& Cninmerss--We are sorry to learn that
Mr. S. Shipley ison the sick IPA, and
• hope. to see him around soon.= -Mr.- J.
:Curry,,of Seaforth-, has been employed
to cut and curse Sperling & Powell's
- hogs. Operations will -commence about
the first ot the weeks -We are sorry to
- learn. that - V. Y. .Halladay; who has
- been a le -hi, dent of Blyth for agood-
, many yea*, is about moving to Wrox-
eter. -Wei think Chief Davis _ought to
put•a stopto so much fast driving on
- Queen street. It is sometimes exceed-
ingly dangerous .for pedestrians. -A
• tremendous quantity,of wood is being
-delivered at the salt block.: -J. G.Moser
his had the interior; of his shop reno-
vated, 14 makes a wonderful improve-
ment, and l 'Mr. Moser -can now boast of
as fines hardware store as can be found.
-Miss *bkirk, late of Galt, is' at
home now -Miss Ella, McKinnon, is at
present iniLucknows-sOn Monday, Mr.
M. H. flainmond issued several tickets
for British Columbia. -Mr. A. A. Tay-
lor, of H st-ilton, was in town on Satur- .
.. day, iitte ding the funeral of his • broth-
- er.-On 1onday Carlton and Anderson's
iinported heavy draught -horses arrived
at'Blyth station. They are pronounced
by competent judges:. to be among the
best draught horses in the county.
-Mr. ' Robert .Smith, of Tiverton, a
former resident- of Blyth, has returned
to town. -Mr. Mr. J. T. Carter is .at pres-
ent fillinea large order for harness from
-Manitoba-The arbitration case of Barr
• Ys. Barr Was settled 'mit week by the
' arbitrators. It was decided in favor of
the defeis ants James Barr, who will .
come outabout21.. acres ahead It the and. Et' frame • stable on the farm. Mr,
transaction.-Several.of the disengaged Davis hisnow 167 acres. . The farm
in the flax mills here will be transferred buts MrsDavie own ,farms
to the mi1s at Baden for a short time.- . BRIEFS. -Mr. Wm. -Morrison, of the
Wood is somewhat sesta() #i. present, 9th concession, is laid up with a severe
farmers could dispose of anyquantity attack of rheumatic fever. We hope to
inictat a good price. -The ,Presbyterian see him around again soon, -Mr. Thos.
-Sabbath '180110°1 bas greatly increased Gerry is preparing to build another barn
• since the' .time of meeting : .has been . this next summer; the eighth concession
changed* 2:30 P. M. -Mr. Harry Gos- will seen be hard to beat for good build-
. 0 • man's new house is fast' approaching ings.-7-Mr. GeorgeShiers?, of the 8th
--- completion. Mr.'Gosmats will hive -a concession has rented the farm from his
- snug buil
We are gad to learn that Mrs 'Robert for himself, and. the youeg fbusiness
adiei e
ing when it is completed.— mother, and is going to push m
Laidlaw is improving.-Diptheria sap- anxious to know who is -going to be his
pears to he prevalent in some of the housekeeper.
surrounding towns. .Blyth is entirely Tovisisme EvEtTras-sMr.: -Alex. Mc-
• free from jt. -W. J. Moore, who carries Lachlan has become a resident of Crism-,
the mail to Fordyce, did not reach that -arty and occupies the house recently
point on • uesslay; . on account of the .owned by John Richardson. -Mr. Ars
roads beiug completely blocked. -We thur Vincent, who - resides noir Croin-
notice that Reeve Kelly, of Blyth, F. arty, met With an acciant some days
W. Johnston,. - Goderieh, and other ago. When going down cellar he slip -
prominent gentlemen,. from the : West ped and fell, breaking two Of bis ribs.
- waited upon the Minister of - Customs; --Mr. John Richardson, who has carried
' Ottawa, last 'week, for thepurpose . of on the blacksmithing business hi Crom-• •
having the duty on flour raised.--sCoun- . arty for some time, has removed to
• cillor Theme Bawden is -recovering Winchelsea, in the township' of .Us- -
- slowly from his recent illness. lie was borne. MrsRicharcison is e good work -
unable to attend council on Monday,- man and . a universal favorite and the
Mr, W. S. Gray, of Seaforth, was in Cremerty. people are sorry to lose him
town on business on Saturdays -Mt.. as a eitizen.-A verse :pleasant event -
George B.: Phillips was able to be down ' took -place at the residence ,of Mr. Win.
- town thiet Week. -Messes. W. Shane 'Worden,-Staffe, on Wednesday evening
- and F. W. Tanner Will isgist ' at a St; of last ;week. We refer to the marriage
-1- Patrick's cionceit aeGodericle next week. of Mr. Worden's daughter,. Elizabeth,
- -Mr. A. W. Sloan intends engaging to Mr. John Miller, Of Staffa: A num.-
_ extensively in fruit culture, and will set ber of invited friends and relatives -were
out SOD trees next' spring. -Mrs: George present, The Marriage ceremony was
MeGowan;, is visiting ' her parents in performed by Rev.- T. (). Bridgeman, of
• :Paisley. -Mr. N.,•11. 'Young, of Dakota Hensel'. We extend to.thett the most
,- Is visitinchis brother Mr. Myles Young hearty congratulations and wish them
. .
here. -M4 Joseph Certerhas been ap- the greatest future happiness. .
;whited Village assessor. -Miss Sawa -
dem, of Wroxeter, is visiting her sister,
Mrs, James Forsythe. -Several Of Our East -W aural:19AL
Bnikess-s7Thomas, one of .Mr. Joseph
skaterasat acted the Winghara carnival
On day night. . Jackson's 'sons, intends to take a trip
, to Manitoba and the Northwest in a
Ethel. -
few weeks,: to see if he: can Make a
Strike in the : Prairie PrOvinceH-The
. Methodiste of the 5th concession have
_ of Joseph Vhelptons who has been suf.
- let the contract for the building. of a
fering for, about four months with in-
. flainrnatory rheumatism it his legs, just new brick church on that lines, The
bbrieks are pearly all on the -ground. It
being able to Walk on crutches, fell on
- - Friday -san Cracked the bone of the lift is to be a _neat and comfortable structure
It is 1.ie,,knee. Isupposed the and will Cost about $.1,700. Mr. Young,
leg above -
.bone was iottenod by the in_fiarnmaoon. Enoch Shorts 'of Manohester, has the Contract. -Mr.
'has bought - a, dairy farm
-About a week ago as Mrs. W. J. Sharp
was standing on, a disk attending to
some household duff she lost her
balance and fell to the -door, breaking her
left. arm. -On Saturday; as one of Mr.
.Raynard's teams was drawing a load •of
wood in the bush, one of the horses out
its front leg on a snag, causing it to
bleed so much that the veterinary sur-
geon had to be brought from Brussels be-
fore the bleeding could be stopped. -On
Monday, as George Laird was drawing
a load of Barrel headings out of the bush
one of the horses crowded the other
'against a stump, tearing a great gash be-
tween its front legs.
BRIEFS.-Mr..Taxole Haiste,of Colorado,
is at prefie,ntr the guest of his brOther-in-
law, Mr. August Ehnes.-----Mr, John
Well, who went to _Sebringville two
weeks ago, came back last week and
brought with him a nice young lady,
whom he has taken as a partner for life.
We wish -the young couple every Sue- -
cess in the future. --The Zurich orches-
tra, went to Parkhill last Friday even-
ing, where theY,furnished musie for a
_concert. They say they were treated
very kindly, -There hair° been very
severe snowstorms in this vicinity.for the
last week, but so far the roads have been
'kept open. -Mr. H. Well has still a, few
robes on hand, -which he is selling at
cost, either for cash or raw furs. •
A CLEVER LADY. -Miss Alice Hewitt
has just completed a patch -work quilt,
containing 5,626 -pieces. Besides
this, she patched one and knit-
ted four others'attended a sick
mother, and performed her ordinary
household duties, Miss Hewitt will, no
'doubt, Some day, gladden the heart and,
cheer the home - of some worthy young
man. Indeed the making of all those
quilts looks Auspicious. • .
- REVIVAL MEETINGS. -A great work
of revival has been -in progress in the
Methodist church here, under the lead-
ership of the able, zealous and indefati-
gable pastor, Rev. Mr. Torrance. These
meetings.have been held night's/or the
past five weeks, and over one hundred
have through their influence signified
their resolve to'. live new better
lives. The pastor having become ex -
Imitated by his excessive labors, resolved
to close these meetings lest -';Fridity
night, but newonverts still kept com-
ing forward, and he could not stop the
work at such'a stage, and consequently
the meetings are still going- on, and the
attendance seems to grow -and the inter-
est to increase. Last Sunday, Mr, Jas.
Leatherland, of Seaforth, ably filled *the
ntinister's place, and, especially in the
evening, there was a crowded house.
That the god fruits of these meetings
May long be felt in this neighborhood is,
we are sure, the earnest wish of all.
THE SNOW. -The snow which Was so
long in coming seems determined to
make up for lost. time now, and the
recent storms -have blocked up many of
the.roads. The leading road through
Lumley is pretty badly drifted. -
. DEBATE. -The 'Literary Society of
School Section No. 10, Usborne; had a
veryinteresting debate on Tuesdayevening of last week. The subject was,
"Resolved that War 'tinses • greater
misery than Intemperance," The affir-
mative was upheld by Wm. Glenn,
leader, assisted by James Glenn, Matt-
hew Miller and John Beatty. The ne-
gative hy Wm. Craig; ,leader, assisted
by Misses Maggie Glenn, Sarah Horton,
and Kate Ellerhigton. After hearing
very good arguments on both sides the
committee of three chosen to give de-
cision, decided in favor of the negative.
'This decision seemed to give good sat-
isfaction and elicited hearty applause
froth the audience. - The ladies, espec--
ially, did remarkably well. The next
Literary entertainment will Ile held on
the evening of Tuesday, the 19th inst.
These meetings are very instructive to
• oth -young and old, and should receive
the greatest encouragement from all
good people.
- FARM Sous. --- Mr. Thomal Lerner
has sold his farm of 67 acres to Mr. Wm.
Davis, of the eighth concession, for the
sum of $3,000. There is a log house
near -Chatham, and is going tomove
there in the spring. He has -rented his .
place here to Mr.. Alexander Scott. -A
large party was giVen at the residence ofs
Mr. - Fenwick tine evening lately, -The
contest * in Belgrave was' ,. postponed
onsaccOunt of unfavorable weather un-
til next Wednesday evening. -A tea -
meeting was held in the Presbyterian
Church on Thursdayevening and all
present -enjoyed 'a pleasant time.
Lome are Biamrs.-Too much snow now
impassable. -J hn Agin, of the 6th
line of Morris, who recently sold his
'heavy draught mare; has purchased
another from a gentleman- in the town-
ship of McKillop. -Alex. Smith, cattle
dealerot Blyth, has .purchased a num-
ber of choice fat cattle from the farmers
of this vicinity. Among others were 3
steers froth Wm. Mjchle and 3 steers
.anda cow from J. Agin. The . price -
paid was about 3gc :per pound.-Sain.
Irvine, of the 5thline of Norris, who
went to Ireland to see • his Sister who
was ill, has returned home. His many
friends will be glad to hear that his 2
sister has recoved sufficiently to be able .
and • ssibly better -prices by' the end: of th
.wee . It is much colder and is snowing;In
several parte of, 'England to -4y, and this will
benefit the meat markets.. Our LonclOte advices
of this morning say that the trade there is bus
and prices firm with aetendency to increaee.
1, "TIMM, February 12th.—Trade ware fairl
cicti and prices were better than on last Mon
chly: but not so high as in the -middle . of t
peek.- The best cattle brotght 4eo per pound
and !petty good 'animals' at St to -41c do; corn
iiion stook sold at' ftom.3 to, and lean bees
eowh-to less than 2to per pound Mutton crit
rs were in good demated at from ts. to a lieti
errAe per pound. Calves sold at from $4 to $I
There weremo live hogs on the :marks
-cloy. Dressed hogs are advancing, ban
o 7e pee -pound. . • -
ItONTO, • -Feb. 14. At Grand's Repositore
about 50 horses were sold by aution on Tuesday
h bidding Was ecerY, good, but -prices keep low
in feet it is no exaggeration to say that most o •
tie steels sold bent went for quite twenty -fly
er cent less'than a similar class of animals ha
eee realizing for several years past; This is
• atter that farmers .may as well understand a
they are just now asking much higher prices fe
onses than there 18 any chance of them fetclun
eityorabl v. Followin .
j Ni weather is affecting us fnow. Business all round is very geed, an
le, the particulars or some of the sales yesterday
re ritare,4 yrs,10 hds, $110; brn rn, 6 yrs, 15.
ds, 8100; le -m:," 7 yrs, 16 .hds, $135;. G. g.,
- 15.2.hds, e1,62; b. in., 6 yrs, 1,5.8 hd-e• 0118
g„ 10 yrs, 15.8 has, $96 ; Crm. g., 6 yrsel
hds, $156; br. g.,-14.8 hds, 889; Pr. brn. g'e;
yrie 16 helse$270. -
to accompany him home.
tainment held in connection with'the
-Morris Centre Literary and Debating
-Soelety,on Friday evening last was very'
good, but the attendance . was not as
large as it would have been - had the
weather and roads been favorable for
getting out with teams. The officers Of
the society for thepresentmonth, are:
President, M. Black ; • Vice -President,
P; Kelly ; • Secretary -Treasurer, Jaime
Nichol; Managing Committee, A.
Conery G. Love , Mary J. Clark 'and
'Mary -A; LON%
-A farmer driving a handsome look-
ing horse down Downie street, Strat-
ford,. • Saturday evening, attracted the
admiration of a number of citizens. The,
horse was El dark chestnut and very
'handsome. • The 'old man was taking
great pains' to hold in his prancing
steed.. He turned off on to Patriots
stied, when the animal wanted to be
allowed to -go. _ Whoa Bet, he cried,
and pulled on the lines, but Bet was not
inclined to whoa just then; She got her
temper up, for she deliberately stood -on
her front legs and kicked the 'matt/ to
pieces by,degrees, and as each splinter
flew by the • old man's ears, he would
cry, whoa Bet."' But Bet 'was a
kicker, and she would not- whoa until
she had -done all the -damage she_coutd.
•On Tuesday, February 26," at 110
• o'clock a. m., on Lot 10, Concession 6,
H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stock
and Implements.Wm. Sproat, pro-
• prietor 3 P. •Brin'e, auctioneer.
.On Monday„ February 18, at one
o'Clock p. m., OA Lot 3, Concession 8,
H. R 5., Tuckersmith, Farm Stock,
Implements, Hay, &o. Joseph Atkin-
son, Propretors; James Oke; Auction-
On Thursday, February 21, at one
,.-_ . Local Notices.
i?on. &sit .thiBAP. -Taylor's Conibina .
tion Safe, with insidb vault, 42 inches •high and
30 inches broad; tie good as new; price, $704
;AMES PIORARD. • ' - - • -1101# ' e
: • LADIES and Gentlemen, go to Stew..
aria Oyster Bey, Restaurant, Confectionery,
• V i it Store and Tobteceonist. Everything neye
and fresh. Bank of oomaierce. Building, Second
chlor south of the.Comnieroial Hotel, Seeforth.,:,
1 f • - . - 1097,
illbeiste PowEBs;-At 0. C. Willsim s,
Seaforth-Fcair horse powers for driving trawi
_skitters, grain crushers and root pelpere. Als
a full line of horse • and hand power straw Cut
itere; grain ertuthers, root cutters and pulpers i
- stock. 'Will sell cheap for'cash Or. good paper
e).-0. WThesOn, $ea.ferth. : ' - ' 1097 -
.FAT - Boos. -Any :number- of . good'
.-.fat hogs wanted at Robb's Packing house, Sea
forth; for which the highest marke price itt
cash Will be paid. - , - 1078
., I. AT' LA1DLA.W•'S youcanget Mine
, 1..1800.0LesAimittlz sEpaufroortnha. nd „Labrador Herirol9n5gs.
, eat Cranberries,. Beef Hatt, Finnan Haddie,
. . 1;11-W°. 11,;! FEetieT,°opljpoEsTiee.thRe eoldenBtlaYptisairPchuiPirieehd,
Signed- has On :hand slew go7'ciT'Ohuettuerins99daegnrci.
Oeighe which hewn! sell -dheip for -cash. or i
.0xchauge. for weed. S. B.ARTONi Seoicireh. 109
, e • - ., ' mieesemasemetiemeesi .- - '
Births. •.
1 . . ; .. -
,SMITH,. ---In Seeforth, on the 10th inst., the
i - of Mr. W. R. Smith of a daughter. :`, e. -
/eURLBURT.-In Mitchell, on the 7th inst., th
er . wife of Mi. H. J. Hurlburt of a son.
• efeiNTOSH:-In Exeter, on the 1st inst. the wife
,• , • f
t• of Mr. H. R. McIntosh of eon. '
MILLER: -In Mruesels, on the 8'ist ult., the wife
HUMBLE.—In Grey, on the let inst., the Wife O
of Mr, Wm. Miller of a•daughter. • '
, Mr. -Geo. liuMble of twins -ion and daugh
LIVING2TONE:--in Bibbed, on the 4th inste
- - the wife Of Mr. John Livingstone of a son.
DEN•HOIAlLeeIn Blyth, on the 6th inst, the wife
, of Mr. John :Denholm of 0.8011. •
*,YOT'PER.-Iit KesteVawanosh, on the 4th inst„
.• the wife ef Mr. Wallace- potter of a daugh-
ter. ' - . • e • -
o'clock p, m.,_ on Lot 15, • Concession 3, ,
Hibbert, Farm Stock, Ire leinents and ,
•Household Effects.. '` Mrs. John Delaney,
proprietress; Thos, Brown, auctioneer.
On Monday, February 25, at 12 o'clock
noon,- on south/west half of Lot 18,
Babylon Line; Stanley, Farm, Farm .
Stook, Implements and Household Pur-
e. J. and R.. Barber; executors;
Brine, •auctioneer.
Oi Thursday,. .February - 28, at 1
o'cl ck p. m., on his premises at Eg-
mon' vine, Village.' Property, Horses,
Carriages, Household Furniture, &c.
Joseph Wallace, proprietor; J. P.
Brine, auctioneer.. - '
On. Tuesday, February' 26, at 1 o'clock
.p. in, on Lot 32, Concession 2, Usborne, i
Fdru 1- Stock, Implements and Hbusehold P _ Deaths. .
J. •
OIJILAND-MeCONNELL.-ift the residence
• of. the bride's brother„ in Tuckersmith, on
the 13th inst., by Rev. Joseph- McCoy, M.
A., Mr, Richard Harman Modeland, to Kiss
Susan, youngest daughter of the late Wm.
- McConnell, Esq., all of Tuckersmith. .
' dence of the bride's father, • Bayfield, on the,
' 6th inst., by Rev. p.--Forrest,•Mr.tW. 11.
. Caldwell; of Pinconning, Michigan, to Miss
Mabel, daughter of Mr. T. Moorehouse,
MILLER-WORDEN.-At the residence of the
. bride's -father, onthe80th ult., by Rev; Mr.
• Bridgman, Mr.. John Miller, to MissElizabeth
Wor en, both of Hibbert.
SCOTT-SMALE.--eIn London, on the 30th ult.,
Mr. James Scott, of -London; to Miss Mary E.
• Smale, formerly of Exeter-
,LUDWICK-JAMESe-At the Methodist parson-
. ageeStigiriaw - City, Michigan, on •the 8th•
inst.,by Rev. Dr. Washburn, Mr. John W.
Ludwick, of East 'Saginaw, to Miss Adeline.
- James,. youngest daughter of Mr." Philip
• James, of Mitchell, Ontario.. °
Furniture. -George Mauler', proprietor;
Jatnes Oke, auctioneer. • . I
On Saturday, February Idth, at the
Commercial Hotc1, Seaforth, Dryi GoOds
and Tinware. , Themes Brbwn, Auc-
tioneer. ° -
On _Tuesday, February 26th, '1889, at
one o'clock p. m., on lot 32, Concession.'
2, Township" of Usborne, Farm Stock;
Implements , and • Household Effects.
'Merge Balsdon, Proprietor ta ./James
Oke, Auctioneer. -
On ITuesday, February 26tfr; 1889, at
12 o'clock, noon, on Lot 12, Lake Roads .
East, Hay,Farm Stock, Irnplements andi
Household Furniture. Henry Cook,
Proprietor; Ed. Bossetherry, Auction!
- Sitioent, February:14e 1880- I
Fail Wheat pitr bushel. $0 95 to sl
Oats 'per,- butel • 1-0 28 to 0
.Spring Wheat, per bushel-. 0 25 to l' 0
NM per bue el 0 56 to, 06
Barley per brishel . 0 46 to 0 64
, Butter, No, 1, loose.... 018 to 017
YOUNG. -At 89e-ElmwOod Avenue, Detitit, on
- - • Sebum* 25th, Laura -Belie, only daughter Ofl
Henry W. and Ella S. Young, lormerly of
-• Secifeeth, aged2 yeareland 6 menthe. - I
-PLEWES;LeIn . eTuakerismith, on • the 26th ult.,
: Alice Anti,infant daughtee Of Mi. Plewese
• aged One 'month and one day. e
'PEERS, -Ib Ashfield, on the '81st nit:, Richard
Peers,sr., eged, 78 years and 5 months.-
FLYNN,-In Pomona,- Southern California, on
. • January 7th, of ;eonsuniptieti; Mr; Thomas
F. Flynn, aged e7 • years. Deceased was
Married . but a .faW months - age to -, litra.
- • SoYereigre sistereiteaw of Rev. R. xecooni,
former)), of Mayfield : - - : -- . i
ItIoGILL.e46 East Wawanosh; on the 10th inst.,
• • James McGill, aged. SO. years, - •
ULL FOR SALE. -The subscribes': often for
e isle- a two year old Durham Bull; dark
roan, -registered in Deininien Herd Book. Terms
'Tory reasonable; - JOHN T. DICKSON,.Catitra-
Mont Farm; Tuckersinith. e - 1105-8
ARM- WANTED. --: Wanted to: rent; for 'a
• term of yearsen good farm of not leis thin
100 acres; with good buildings, andconvenient
to market A liberal .rent will be given for a
suitable placie: Address stating te. 1106 ti
rms, and 13
_ ar-
tiouWM. IIARGAN, Win .. 0.-.
- . . :.: . - P
Butter, tub . ; 0 .16 to 0 1 - • -
Eggs. , ....... .0.! ..... 0 18 to 013
dHo.gs • . ... 6 75 to '6 00
Flour, per 100 its- .. . ....... 3 25 le s 25
Hay per ton 9 00 to 1400
Hides per 100 tbe • . 3 .00 -toe 4 0
Sheepskins each. , 0- 60 to 1 0
Wool.. . 0 21 to • 0 2
Patatoee per buihel, 0 25 to 0 $
Salt (retail) per barrel., 0 75- to 0 7
Wood per core!, (long).. ... . .50 to 0 6
Wood per cord (shorty:. ' • .1 60 to 2- 0
Apples per bag. e
Clover Seed .
, Timothy Seed
br 0 25 to 03
5 00 to 5 0
Cue ON, February.14; 1e89.
5 00 to 5
• .
FaieWheat poi bushel.. ..........$ 97 to ell 00 .
Spring lerbeet p.er buebel.e ,.., 97 to 1 00 '
OMS perbushel ..1. .. 0 30 to 080
Barley per buehel.....„, -..e • 0 45 to. 0 55
Pug per bushel .. . .. . 0 56 to 0 5
Butter.. .... . .; 0 17 to 0 18 noteb.. Poisitierely 110 reserve as the proprieto
Eggs,...... . ... ...e , 0 13 to -018is going to the Nerthwest. GEORGE BALS
• Hay par ton - - 12 00 to 1.4 proprietor ; JAMES OKE, Auctioneer.
Potatoes per bushel,. .... .0 80 to e 0 8.e • 1105-2
' -
Hides per 100 lbe...... .. . .... ; 00 to - 6 50 7
Cordwood e. , 3-00 to 4 00 A GREAT CHANCE,--Sple„ndid farm for side.
Dressed Hogs, per 100 be - 6;50 to :0 7:0 Ile situated on the gravel road, two mile
• Wool per lb-. ...; • , 9 21 to 0 22- north of Beyth and convenient to. the towns o
•WinghemeBrussels and Clinton,' being' Lot 42,
Livetwooe, Feb. 13-2priug wheat,L7s 0091 21,0 acres -more .or.leirs Di choice land, 140 of
which are cleared ont 100 acres cleat o
stumps and tones;ewell fenced, 150 rods • of
wire and board fence; well -underdtalned and
in a good state; of cultivation. The 'balance
and 'cedar. Fratria berme. with kitchen 18x24,
thnbeeed !with hardwood, black ash, elm, pine,
Main house20x28, finished first class, with storm
cellar undeineeth, woodshed and buggy .house -
edjoining'. • iBarn 66x56 with stone foandation,
good stabling underneat _„h shed 26032; with
plenty_of water eonvenissw beildings. .Good
bearing orchard:, The farm will be sold ohm
as the proprietor 19 gieing up farming. Term
will be given .on application through the pos
office or at my 'pwra place, Lot 42. GEORG
STEWART, Blyth P. O., or -apply to C. HAMIL-
TON, Blyth. • - •
. . .
Janice -Oise has: received -instructions from the.
undersignedeto sell by public auction, on Lo
82, Concession -2, township of.Usborne, on , Timedayerebrury 26,1880, at one o'clock,: p. ' M.,
thefolloveing 7 valuable articles, viz.. Three
cows in calf ; 2 steers, stockers,: three year '
old ; .2 steelier teeing' two years old .; 2 yearling
'steers; 7 well-bred ewes ;spring filly, heavy
' draught by "LOthair "' 1 double wagon,
pale -bob -sleighs, nearly new , ; 1 Maxwell reaper '
1: broadcast seeder; 2 No. 13 plows; 1 gang
.ple*,-Verity'streekee 1'horse- hay fork; I One1ee.
straw: putter ; I. pair, iron harrows; .1 . fanning
mile; I get plow'hareest ; 1 parlor cook stove.
Ale° ti:lot -cf Other household furniture; With
seythes, forks, rakes ' and other .:artieles too •
numerous to mention. • Terms Of Sale. -All -
sums of $5 and udder, °ash ; over that amount
10 months' credit on -furnishing approved joint
Concession 4) Beet Wawanosh, and -containin
red winter; 7s 07d ; California No. a, a t d b
Cslifornia No. 2, Os 00d oats, 08 00de. barley, Os
Od ; peas,5e 84 ; pork,: 68s 9ed ; selectee, 57s 064, •
Tottesro, Feb. 14. -Fall wheat, $1.04 to $11
spring, $1.05 to $1.10; oateeno to 38e; peso, 549
to 56e; barley, 52 to 500; hay, per ton, 0.7.00 to
snioo ; butter, 20o to 24o; potettoes, per beg
30e to 40c.; eggs, per doz. 180 be 200;
*domed hogs, per 100 lbs., $6.75 t'es $0.25e ••. ,
. _
. • .
Live Stook Markets.:
BUFFALO, Feb, 13. -Sheep and lambs -The ren
of sheep was good; best offerings were taken
slowly at $4.45 to elle. Best lambs here sold
at 86.80: range, 86.86 to $6.60. Hogs -Trade
was alow, and values mostly 10 cents lower on
• mediums, which sold at $4 80 to $4.90, but the
bulk of the sales were at $480. \
• LIVERPOOL, Feb. • 18. -Trade is good, the de-
. •
mend being very active. . The \receipts from
Canada and •the States are only Moderate, but
supplies from, Continental ports are becoming
larger ; yesterday and to -day prices have become
much firmer, and we anticipate better . markets
Walton Chees Factory.
The milk routes for the coming season for th
Walton Uniob Cheese and Butter Factory wil
be let at Beirnes' Hotel, 'Walton, on Thursdae
February 21st, at one o'clock p. in. All in
terested.are 'requested to attend; • .
1101.2 • e It. H. FERGUSON, Secretary
We hay sedured.the services .ef ene of the leading' cutters of
:FRANK ..• Fg.N',Anoi<•
Come and a him, and .lave a suit made hr. the gTea_ t artist. • AZ
orders left wi h us will be guaranteed... Namisilts. All_garments cut
in, the latest tyles.
SUITS 0 ORDER _$12, $13, $14,—see thtim.
NTS TO ORDER --$2.75,, $3, $3.50, $4—inworte
-Fine Bls k Colored Worsted to, select -from. Look through
our stock an .prices and save Money. •
RMA.D 14:ADE -CLOTHING.—:Large stock to choose from A
call solicited. Hats and Caps in the latest styles., Gents' _Furnishings
in the latest tyles.
Butter and Eggs :Wanted. One hundred cords of Wood virantedl,
B. --Good Pants and yest Maker's:Wanted
po tant ouncemen
The Leading Clothiers'. of - Htirori;
-Beg to inform !the people of ',Seaforth- And :surrounding country, that
they. have dded.to:;their large ordered ,clOthing.trade!one.of the
Most Oomplete and best selected stocks of Boys',
Youths' and Men's:ReadymadeOlothing •
•- Prices
.: Remember
Hotel, Seafort
Unequalled. .p lead the Trade.
he Old Stand, Campbell's Block, opposite the Royal
1 ...
A GOOD CHAN() .-For sale cheap, one set!. ,t- 110TION SALE- OF FARM, FARM STOCK
-ea,: of single barn se with collar all as good as IA: IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FUR -
new; one breast co lir with tugs and martin- NITURE.-Mr. J. P. Brihe has been instructed
ale that have scar ly been- used; one fair of by the Executors of the late Robert Barber; to
3jght bob -sleighs wi h „shafts, AS good as new; sell by public auction, oe the southwest half of
okic light wagon w th pole and ebeits. Also Lot IS, l3abylon Line, Seanley, on Monday, Feb -
s me good hay and ats stored in been and some ruary 25; 1889, at 12 °Week, noon, the following
.carrots in pit. Ter • s -Cash. Apply to DUN. evalueble .property, viz.!: Horses --Two mares'
CAN CAMPBELL, alton. - - 1105-4 rising 7, °nein foal to "Bonner ; ' 1 gelding. rise
ing three, I. geldingrisingtwo, 1 filly rising two,
ARRIAGE STA. LION FOR SALE. ---For 1 gelding rismg one. Cattle -One mileh co* in
salei •
a Cairiage Stallion, coming four yeare I cilia farm* cewgivingpailk, 8 well-bred
old, sired by Rya clefs Hambletonian, owned 1 all in calf to a thoroughbred bull, 1 heifer rising
by J. F. Dulmage, o Wingham, and out ofa 1twp, 3 spring eilves„ a lot, of turkeys and bens.
well-bred. mare. If is a light bay, stands 16 Implements. -One new Maxwell binder, 1 reaper
bands high, weighs 1 200 lbs„ and shows splen. nearly new, 1 Wood mower, 1 sun'Y bay rake,
tiid speed. He has roven himself a sure foal 1 broadcast seeder, 1 lumber wagon, 1 double
getter.- He is a m 1 Of his class, and has never buggy, 1 single top buggy; 1 cutter, 1 set bob -
been beaten in the show ring, taking first prize sleighs, 1 gang plow, 1 stubble plow, l set iron
and diplcima at Welk rton two years in sums; ' harrows, 1 scorner, 1 wagon rack, 1 grindstone, 1
sion„and when shown agarnst aged horses. _He sugar kettle, 1 set double team harness, 1 set of
will be sold on vory reasonable terms, as the1 plow harness, 1 set single harness, 2 sleigh robes,
owner has no means of handling him. Address whiffieteeels, neckyokes, scythes, cradles, forks,
JAMES STEWART; :roxeter P; O. • 1054t1 --and a lot of small articles; also, a lot of house-
hold furniture, consisting of stoves, bedsteads,
'chairs, tables, and a lot of•general articles. The
.whole of the above property will positively be
sold without reserve. ERMS—CASH. The Real
Property -The farm, which is -composed of the
south west half Of Lot 18, Ba'bylon Line, Stanley,
containing 60 acres,. all bleared except about five
acres. It is in a high state of cultivation, all
well underdiained and -fenced. There is a good
frame house and ' frame 'outbuildings, good
°Tabard and plenty of water. It is within two
miles of the village ot . Varna. It 15 a valuable
fartneand will be sold ;to the highest bidder,.
Terms for Parm-Ten pereeent of the purchase
'money. on the.dity of sake; the balance, with the
exception of $1,200, within six days thereafter,
and 'the remainder OAIP remain on mortgage if
deeired for a term of years at 6 -per cent. interest.
WILTSE, Executors; J. 1'.,13B,INE, auctioneer.
1105,2 ,.
. ,
Atkinson will sell by Allelic Auction the whole of
his farm Ste& and mplernents, on Lot 8; Con-
cession 8, IL It; S., Tuckersmith, on Monday,
February 18th, 1889 commencing at leo'cleole
p. m. The propert is as follows.: Horses --
one general purpose horse rising five years old,
1 general purpose eir roe -rising four, 1 driving
mare 7 years old, 1 aged.. mare, 1 dmuciht tiliy:
. rising two. Opal Two .mileti cows in .calf, one
' cow with calf by her side, 4 heifers 2 yeses ole•
' in calf, $,steere riei g two, 8 'steer calves, five
breeding ewes. ,-Imp ements-One Maxwe:11.1e. nci-
er, 1 Maxwell mowe nearly new, 2 goodwagons,
1 set bobsleighs, 8 p ows, 1 gang plow, 2 sets of
diamond barrows, 1 uttiero, land roller,4 corn.
bined seeder, / hor rake, I double buggy,one
wheelbarrow, 2 wa on - racks, I fanning will, 1
Clinton- horse pow in good repair, 1 cutting
-box, 1 grain crusher, 8 opts double harness, one
gravel x, 1 grinds one, aserain cradle, 1 cook- XTENSIVE • AUCTION SALE OF YALU-
ing _stove, together with tieythes, forke, rakes,- ABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY: -Also horses,
shovels, chains, an • a lot of, other small articles, Carriages, Sleighs, Hatless, Household Furni-
together with abou 60 hens and a lot of , good tuie, Scaffolding, &e. -Mr. J. P. Brine has been
e stoleco
Id witunnotey, tinstructed by Mr. Joseph Wallace to sell by-
rheasYerv-er, hat wh1; thePublic Auction oil his premises at Egmondville,
Terms of Bale -0 • the hey, cash; on all the on Thursday, Febtuary 28th, 1889, at one o'elock
other roperty, all nee of $5 and Ander, cash; p. in., the following - veluable property, viz.:
. 00 vnefrutrnai sthiamn go ut appit1 0 vedmonths'endocrrseeddit wo ti ei le .e e Ais. given Chattel-FropertY.-Onegeod driving' mare com-
ing eight year old, le general purpose horse
11AeTKallirSeOdN,f°Preecn' e he Worn;
count at the rate f 6 per cent. per annum will tieing tour years, 1 hose colt ti months old,
acraeindeits oamkzuanuettionJeOeSi. ogot by " Ridgewood,i te single sulky, e top
uggy with pole and thefts, 1 single cutter, 1'
- eroexe light wagon, 1 cutting. box, 1 scythe, 1 grind-
stone, 2 robes, horse- blanket*, oil cloth, 81c,
XTENsIVE UOTION SALE. -Mr. Ed. 2 Pets of sihgle'harness, 1- set of light eloubla.-
jj Bossenberry as received instructions from harness. The whole of the above !stuffis nearly,
the undersigned sell by public auction, on new; „having only ;been used a short time.
Masons' Appliances,-Abopt 2.000 feet of bass -
"Tuesday, Februar 26, 1889, on Lot 12, 'Lake
Road East Hay e following .ealuable Prop wood ecalfold,plank, together with poles, ropes,
erty,. viz.: : Steele. Ono span of heavy' draught wheelbarrows, seoneboat, shads, twee, pails„
, . ..
hods, &c. Household Furniture. -One new',
• bond, well matcb d, 4 and 5 years old, 1 mare,
" Lord addow," 6 years old, 1, aged Singer,sewing machine, 1 cooking stove, 1 nariorl
in foal to
mare -in foal to i eLord Beddow ;" 1 general stove, I. centre table, 1 folding- leaf table, one
pnrpose horse, three years old ; - 1 colt; two clock, '1 sink, 1 :. cupboard, sideboard, lounge,&
chair, bedsteads, bedroom sets, 1 lettuce, arid a
years old, sired by " Toth Kimbell ,1 I . colt,
'sired by " Good 0 eer," ti,vo years old ; 1 eolt lot- of , other mallet articles. All the above
enumerated property Will positively be sold
sired by 1!Warveic shire Hem". one •year old ;
1 enlyyid " Gd er ;" alst Withoutteserve, as the proprietor is going to
, one ear by ooChe
one-third share of the- celebrated importe the Northwest Terms -Ali sums of $5 and un -
thoroughbred stallion " Lord Beddow ' fiat. der cash • over that . amount 9 months' credit
. .
'seen st . notes. A discount at therate of 7 per cent. per
..will -be given on furnishing approved endorsed
class stock getter, Al pedigree. _Can be
le: isitaaye!esnovie ec.o!s aeienen
annum will be allowed for mesh on ail. credit
years old ; 4 steersstwo years old ; 4 heifers amounts. The Village Property_ will also be
' offered for sale at the same time and &tee, and
consists of one new brielt house with is acres of
land, together with stable, driving shed, ex.
This is a very handionte, :comfortable, corn -
modicum and pleasantly situated property. AIso
one frame house, with two acres of land, orchard,
-stable, dee. 'A° above property will be sold to-
gether or separately to suit purchasers. If not
sold, it will be leased . for a term, •of years
Terens-Ten per cent. of the -Purchase money
will be required a,t the time of sale, and enough
to make one.half of the purchase money within
ten days. The balance may reu7in o
gage at 6 per cent., P
interest. . JOSePli. WAL-
LACE, proprietor; 1, . BitINE, auctioneer.
two years- old ; 6 elves, one year old ; 7 sheep ;
1 ram, Shropshire'breed ; . 4 sows With pigs;
.100 hens, 4 turkeys, 4- Toulon geese, 6 -Pekin
ducks, &quantity 01. hay. Implements. --Three
lumber wagons, 1 nearly new. ; 1 pair of bob.
sleighs ; 1 •long -sleigh, 1 buggy, 2, binders,
1 mower, 1 seed drill, combined .broadeast, 1
sulky plow, 1 gang plow, 1 sulky hay rake, 4
plows, 2 set iron harrows, I spring tooth culti-
vator, 1 land roller, 1 miller, 1 turnip seeder,
1 grass seed sower, $ wage' racks, 2 set double
teain harries!, 1 platform scale, 1 _straw cutter
large kind, 1 fanning mill. 1 'ergo copper kettle,
,1 sugar kettle, 1 grindstone, 1 wheelbarrow,
neekyokes, whiffle rees, 3 legging chains, cow
chains, forks, rake. shovels, hoes, barrels, tube
grass scythes, gr
in cradles, rereamery cans,
- -- *
•-1 . cross cut saw, 1, eheese, 1 by knife, 1 work 'DAM FOR, SALE ' IN TUCKERSMITH.-
bench. Househeic Furniture -One lioni °best, _12 For sale, Lot 23, Poncession 4, H. R. S.,
1, glass cupboard, 1 peeler stove, 2 zines; 1 Meat containing 100 acres, of -which 25 acres are clear-
tub,1 cider barrel, 1 barretof vinegar, jkitebeee i se- and: the balancewiletimbered with Bard -
tables, and othetartieles too numerous to men:. :wood. There is a goad bank barn with stone
tion. Sale to commence strictly at 12 o'clock; 1 -e -tabling 50 by 66, and all other necessary out.
Terms of Sele.-Hay and sums under $5, cash; i buildings ;,also a good tweeeteirey stone dwel-
over that amount 10 month's credit will be i ling house. ,The farm is in a good state of cut.
given on furnishing approved joint notes; Six I tivation with good tenCesandwellunderdrained,
per cent. elf for cash. 'The whole tot the above a first class orchard, well and eletern ; also eon -
property will positively be sold as the pro- 1 venient to School. .1t is situated 4 miles from
prietor hes disposed of his farm and is taking l3rucefleld, ss miles from Seaforth, 6 mike from
-possession of the Mensal' Grist Mill. HENRY Clinton For hirther_particulars ' apply on the
COOK, Proprietor, e ED.- BOSSENBERRY Atm. premise, or, to le. LANDSZOROUGH, Seaforth
tioneer. - 110Pi
3;2 ' . O. that. • - • ' •• _. 1105 t
_ -
'Why Has
-A: B. 10.
Acquired sOmuch fame throughout th
the country?
• ANSWER. ---Because every one who
noes it recommends it to his neighbor as
thelafest and most reliabie cure for oId
colds ever offered 0; the public. -
Thie +aluable retiedy has only been
in the market since last January, and in
so short a time its remarkable curatiVe
propertiew has carried its fame .all over_
the countrs. Call and read our long
list of testivnia1sat'theMedjca) Rel!.
P. S.-Prieell per ,pfteliages or on all
- orders from; a, distance of tiro package&
er overs -we williprepay express charges.
litriaileTT,' Dee. 121h,1888.
• •7.- . •
I was troubled with severe_ cold;
through the breaet, was hoarse and all
*stuffed up. 1 found no relief in or
thing til I tried the A. B.. a Remedy
and before I had used half, is package I,.
was completely cured. 1 ems recom-
mend it as grand stuff.
Seeds, 1 Seed's
Now is the time to call and examitie :new
- • stock of Seeds at:the
Old- Established Seed Stott, -
. 0.0. Willson's Block, Main $t,, Seaforth..
My motto is; Down with Monopoly, Min
bines and l3ig Prices l"- You will find my stook -
complete in the following lime:.
Seed- Wheat,
• Oats,
• Peas,
Also theIVIUmmy Pea,
Warranted to me Pure and Cleati.• ''' •
MyFine Seedieconsist of Good &aloe -Timothy
and Clover, Alsike, White, DuteTtpLucerne ant;
Trefoil Clovers; Oechard Grass. Blue Grass,
Red Top Rye Grass and Meadow Fescue. ;Mee
a full line of Vegetable and Garden -Seeds.
Flour &Feed Departnient t
My Flour and Feed Department is complete
with Feed Corn, Oats, Peas, Barley, and -al
kinds of cbop-grain, Manitoba Oil Cake,BadenOil Cake, Nutted and fine ground. All kinds of
Thorley Food, .Bran, Shorts, Oatmeal, Corn- -
Old friends and new, favoring me with their .
patronage, will find themeelece liberally and
fanly dealt with. Prices 'will be found to suit
the times. Call and examine my stock before
purchasing. Goods delivered to any place in
Sale of a Valuable Farm.
The Executors of the Estate of the late William.
Mooney, Esquire, deceased, will (deafer sale by
Public Auction,at the farm of Henry Mooney,.
Esquire, adjoining, on Tuesday, the 28tie day of
March next, at one ceelork in the afternoon,
the following vale -able lands, viz: The -notth
half of Lot 27 and the west bait of the north
hilt of Lot 28, both in the 6th Concession of
thotownship of Morris,counter of Huron, contain-
ing 150 -acres About 110 acres are cleared and
in good condition, the greater part being in
grass. The balance is well limbered' eldelly
with beach and maple. Ties farm is favor-
ably situated within one mile of the village ot
Brussels -which affords an excellent market.
There is -upon the premises a good frame barn
and house, an orchard of choice fruit trees,
a never failing spring, also a good well and
pump,- and good fences. This property will he
sold in one or two parcels to suit- intending pur-
chasers. Purchasers will be let int* mime-
diateposseesion of the premieres. The title. Ili
clear. For terms and further particulars apply
to the undersigned Executors or to John Mooney,
Esquire,Brussels Ont. Dated at Brussels,
February 9th, 1889.
1072tf W. 13, DICKSON,
Planing-Mill,Lumber Yard
• The subscriber would beg to call sttenhon to
the large etoek of dressed an& undressed lumber
which he elwayie keeps on hand, at the very
,lowest prices,
Bill Stuff cut to any order on
Short Notice.
Good Cedaieut into timber or posts. •Contracts
talien for Avery descriptions of buildings, -
including Ali work.
Charles Querengesser,
Lot 81, Conceasion 8, Logan
• Of Toronto,
Ilas rooms in the Cady Beetle, opposite the
Commercial Hotel, for one month, where he
can be oonsulted on all thronic diseases and
deformities, Consumption treated by Inhalation
of Oxygenized Air and Medicated Vapors;
Private Diseases, Nervous Debility and
potdnc•e ured in two weeks. Catarrh positive-
ly Mired in a few days. .
Call or address
Dr. Phillips,
• Blake for Bargains.
John Reith having -disposed of his store and
being about to give up the mereattile busineee, •
will sell for the next thirty days .the whole of
Iaree .ediek of •
- : • •-.7RALMY.11,011ANDISE
At Irk :r•4.1* prices -they will bring.
If e el. mtgoodsat your. ,OSVn prlce MA At
• John ReiWs,