HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1889-01-18, Page 6• a • • Q. • P • 4 • Doing as friend -we women teem S a the F'fth &ven v Ha foundthat taken out to preference as asked. Oh, y hent, they ex certain table littler off :color rather dubious patronage. T would like ale said they prefe close hof the m edzin their co cigar tte. T stickler for a scarcely beiiev saw: em do. •`'.l0 you a coffees and smo champagne in tured!to ask. ` Ooh mercy; plied. " Such stro 'there i prope thing, was a little diffi naughtty`New are g ,ting on 1 "G "eat heat were,' the city� his- breath. -H A • THE The absolute sew magazine n 470 yards, as th ably flat. The *event propose less poWder, as t these clempound , climates have no Lebel rifles are b " the French army he 'Manatee ivory o 'laments brush. them sharp, oth-brus lultewaim water. can be increased hot upon the bras the trinket. Shci yellow, dry it in „ will &miser as if The Buenos Ay reeds and rushes Parana, and that tnred therefrom ea 'from theee made Menke* heavy g ' lettings. and "bla -are alimanufactur and are *Lid to be finish, color and du h also made from t the manner of tztili invention of Mr. a ohm to the effect t flies are the most a that -M. Spillman a attribute the sarne in spreading puf When a fly has ling _ anima spate, it is and excreta contain calash, which' it hey do in Rome. to call on two charming Francisco, stoping at hotel in New- . York;. ey would enjoy beibg dinner. Had they any which place to dine,he and, to his astonish - eased a desire to go- to 'hate place that was a very good eatiug,8but n the trifling matter of y were asked if they t or chianti, and they ed champagne. At the 1 they had brandy burn- e, and each lighted a city man, who was a the proprieties, would s senses at what lie - •one from a'common fowl that is only half fed, so that the weight compared to siie is an indication of richness. Thus eggs, of which eight will weigh a p:oupd, -are better apd richer than those of ap- parently the same size of which ten are ' required for a pound. Of course; with eggs at four and five.cents a dozen (and hundreds of dozens have been sold., t. In past years at - -these figures,) itis in t.much matter as to 'size, but- when te prices • range- from = 25 to 50 cents per dozen it is a matter worth looking after, It is high time that the. old style of buy- ing and selling eggs was discontinued. It is &'relic of thepast, and reminds us -of' the time when dressed hogs sold -for a dollar each without regard to size, and were dull sale at that. • Insist upon it,. then, you who raise poultry and eggs for. market, that the price of eggs shall be so much per pound.' and then it will be some inducement to farmers to' raise a better class of fowls, and :all will ` get their best dues. American . Rural Home. - • ys burn brandy in your cigarettes and - take ft Francisco?" he ven- o i" the elder lady re- thing would be neon- i t here, where it is the rather enjoy it. It It to fall into . your rkways-atfirst,. but we wly." s 1 I should -say you an whispered ,under ford,Courant.; various articles in a are credited also wi instrument - in the as of the opinion t same parV in spread A nfitaber of ease re now. on record of effects Produced- the electric- light identical ith those suiting from pro - is workmeirsbecomes r weed and tender, an& this is -followed by clereftramationa The eyes become pa ul and- suffused, and the reeina, notw hstanding the use of very dark glassed loses its sensitive- ness, -and the visual ages appear for aome time after to be nged saffron-yel-: ' Iow. As a result of few enquiries it give rise to the pr eding symptoms, The ocular symptom ire occasionally t they are ,for - by a tendency to • ce Notes.. ean deviation e for -the. army at 1,000 yards., n can be struck trajectory is re thorities do n make use of a s keeping proper in -.warm and as yet been t ng manufacture 3 • The Way of It. There were four or five men in a knot, - and they were discussing a .candidate who had been elected. - "I'm sorry he got there," said one. "So am 1,1' added a second. "He's. a dangerous man." e "Ile ought to be tarred and feather- ed,instead of holding an office !"- ex- claimed a thiefd. of the .shouted a fourth. is only At that mopient the man eame arohnd Using the corner, smiling with delight, and ni to both hands ready for shaking, and as he mark- halted, he said : moke- You bet you did I" shouted -the four damp " land I want you• to deink with • ring jeweler s.seys t -to which 'little soap e the ornament with Next dry the trinket and continue brush - re re -a ars hi h peering some aloha - and applying it to d this have become gentle heat and it Herald claims to bre made from the' the lowlands of the textiles manufac- not be distinguished. in wool and silk. a for men's wear, silk " dress goods from this fabric, rivaled for texture, bility, Paper pulp se eeeds and rushes, ng them being the' Brazilian -physi- hot countries ye. agents in the fevea, and 'adds M.. Hanstoutter le to those insects ary consumption. ed aoa the tuber - aid, its intestines a bacillus of tuber, y .deposit ,on the apartment. Flied being. the chief dissenunation of and Koch is cited y may play the g cholera, aornewhat 'arming, 4. It ig bot r to have cow that will. give you . pounds butter a year for ve years a 'd then di on- y.our hands t art to ha e one tha ill give you 200 pounds a year for ten ears, and then - make yoa 1 500 poun of old cow beef.' It is bet r to have heifer ealf grow one that e ps as fit a seal. It is bett r to feed ow every ounce of food she 68 the abi ty to take care "of than to ry to gain rofir by saving It is bet to fill upithe Water trou h cows get efery thirser and drink so Ittech they sion't care to -eat for two xt is bette to teach the coWs gentle - It is bette to think twice before you ness.than to .saw off their horns. - strike a cow than to think tierice to find out why yen struck here* . It is better to pay 850 for a registered bull calf tha4 to have aigra_de bull given It is bettei to buy yonr wife. a good e -out by hand ng heavy milk crocki. It is bette to make "granular bu tter and salt ib w th brine than to gather it in the churn nd dry ia4 it. ' It is bette to consult the tastes of . your butter istomera ithan to try to It is betteke give thi3 .C.OWS plenty pi bedding tha to abuse them because they lie in the anure.—A. la Crosby in ' it is annoy ng to the breeder of blood- ed and fine fowls- to find[when he offers for sale eggs. ;early twiPt as large as his neighbor's, Wet they bring no more per dozen than dci-the smaller ones. Also the consumer is often veFed to find that • he must pay he seine piece to -day for a dozen eggs th t weigh a - mind, that he pound and a b lf- Bed es, an egg from • • • And they drenk hie beer and said hey had rather seen all the rest of the' ieket defeated: than to haVe him get eft —Detroit iFree Press. Things Done and Said. • The Liverpoel City Council has re- solved to apply!' to Parliament for powers tries 'I I t their d not ad in fact till he woke from his heavy next day. Neighbors 'keerne red for. the dead woman, and e body was prepared for btirial to take energetiC action against licans who encourage "free and ea and similar entertainments on licensed premises. —The IBruee Reporter tells of a d en man who retently staggered ho such a condition of intoxication as to recognize that his wife lay de her bed. He threw himself down side the corpse end did not find ou terribl slum be and c when t the wr intoxiceted agape. yet myreflections heretofore • on the - subject have prepared me to answer:- That however solicitous I may °be _for the temporal felinity of my `.daughter and future respectability of my child, she is the only proper judge of - the per-. son best calculated to mae her happy. Respect ` 'and impartiality ought to : be, shown by me to you or any. other gen- tleman that might' make his, address to' my daughter, and Ilconfide in your .can- dor and judgment." • News Notes. The Paris `Petit Journal,st a meeting of Panama Canal bond have addressed a letter . to De .L :oliering him the chairmanship of canal company, to be: formed shareholders in the present co The Journal Says the new compa have a capital of several million and will take over the concern fr .old Panama Company... ---While Leroy. $levens, a yeen isiana _planter, was on his way residence of Captain : Scott . Piers Bayou Bartholomew, Ashby c Arkansas, where" . he wait to 'ha�v. married to Miss Pierson, he was `d ed while attempting: to ford. the B Mies .Pearson, -on learning of ` thi came violently ill, dying three days the death of her lover. .�.—It is said that the Queen's' hold expenses come to the en sum of £85,000 :a •year. Ther obviously be great extravagance where. The -complaints of the Steward's office are constant; but said to be -.quite impossible to c expenses down or to see where icon could be introduced. This au eludes the expense'of:the royal stain which 300. men are employed. seems a large number, considering little there is. to show, judging turnout on Jubilee day show., wh •the only opportunity there has bee years of showing what the royal s could. produce. = • -Osman Digna's first lieutenant. deserted his leader and has arrive Suakim. He reports -that the .are enraged with Osman ` Deena -seizing 'their effects and their wive giving as his reason for such a : co "that the rebels chewed tobacco, whi -onteary to the precepts laid down he Nlandi. He also reports that 2 ervisires at Handoub are` squabb dth Osman Digna concerning' the e ation of the place, •a majority of ervishes being _ desirous , of rets �om. the town... The :deserter decl iat Emin Bey has been captured, at he is' a prisoner at Khartpumew e is well treated by'his captors, -rA letter from Rev. C. W. Riches, ark River, Dakota, conveys the first zthentic information of the extreme fferings- and privation_ among :the orwegian settlers in Western Walsh unty. Men with the relief party re - rt that they found.about seventy milies in about as destitute crcum- ances as it is,_ po'sible for 'human,le- gs to he and still exist, Many were and with barely enough . clothing to' ver their nakedness$, end that of the 'nneat material. Shoes were almost known. These farmers have lived oii sir little capital until nothing remain- Moat of them have been living on a -d of porridge made by cooking frozen en wheat and oats, stuff not fit' to. d a hog..One family had not 'seen y flour for six weeks;- The people ve been dividing with'each`other their pet until now they'are gone too. a tea that holders, esseps, a new by the • mpany. ny will francs, ()in the g. Lou: tcs- the on, on ounty, e been.; rown- ayou. s,-,. be after house orinous e. meet some -.- Lord ,it is cu H u •3N *..r.10 reat the` orn m in.. bies,' This how by .the Joh is n for table- : has d: at rebels for e,.he urse ch is by ling Vac - the lring ares and here —Frent my residence.' can eount the number of seven pulelie helloes, within .a stone's throw. Darin the last. 25 years not. one landlord remains tenant in any of these houses, sonie -of which have ehaDged landlords . five or six times. • Many of these are dead or brokemup by gambling and diesipetion; Barmen; baranaide and- potmen soon sufferefrom the drink; and die prerna- -A _temperance manifestotO Working;. facturing £20 woeth of liquor,8 shillings goes to lebour.- In - manufectuting £20 worth of hoots and shoes,: £4 tisgoes* to labour. i The rrioney turned over by one distillery einploying 150 men would, if -employed in more beneficial ways, give —Miss Weston il trying to buy up the interest of two --public houses in Devonport. If she succeeds,: "these " mantraps " will be transformed into a coffee and reading room for the use of the sailors who come ashore. The cost is estimated at £2,600, which must be raised by midsummer, and Miss Westoo appeals for 52,000'. shilling donations. From the interest taken', in the welfare of par gallant Jeck-tars, this laudable undertaking should soon be . acoom- -Rev. IJ. W..Horsley_.says divinity, taw, and physic had each their special relatien to the fact of intemperance. It might be, regarded as a sia, a. crime, or a clisease,though the only true vie* wee to recognize it as usually a combination of the three. The minister of. religion who tried to cure dipsomania hy spirit- 'ual means -alone ; a physician who trust- ed solely in his recipe or dietary ; ehe legislator who increased- the penalty fee public dr nkenness as a panacea, would each err f tally and fail dienially. - The Way they used to Court. . As an illustration Of the stately cour- tesy and somewhat grandiloquent style of mit grandfather's, the IS'Yerfolk Vir- ginian publishes the annexed letteis,one from'Mr. John Wise, the father of the late Gen. Henry Wise, written to Gen.- John Cooper, eeeking permission to address, his daughter, and the other Gen. Cooper's reply, In Mr.,Whe's let- " Feeling myself irresistibly impell- ed by inclination, and prompted by ' a sense of propriety, I have presumed now to address you. upon a subject, of importance and delicacy. Hexing con- ceived an affectiou for your , daughter (Miss Sally) I beg leave to solicit your permission to make address to her, and at the same time let me -express the - hope that'. should I be so fortunate as to succeed in gaining her affections my first wishes -may -not he frustrated by your disapprobation. . " have thought proper' to make this epplication to you on the subject in this manner, rether than in person-, be - cense myleharecter (if I had acquired any), my onditien anal my situation in life are net altogether unknown to you. and if objections are to be made, they can be more freely communicated in -this than apy othee way. I have hereto- fore proceeded no further with _the lady than merely obtain permission to mike you the honor of a gentleman that ire case yOu have objectiops of an insuper- able . nature - to the proposed anion, —Th whatever may be the chagrin, regret, bridge and mortification which -I ma feel on air to the occasioe, I will not disturb the willed quiet of a parent extremely solicitous, no -doubt, for the happ.iness of a be- loved daughter beapersisting any fur- ther with her." Under the date of May 11, 1797, 'General Cooper responded, saying : Although the application made by Your letter of this day was unexpected, Pitcher's Castorlas po fa in 90 un th ed gre fee an ha Antiquity of the Hoise. The Hebrews, itis fohnd,; offer a purl- ous exception to other nationd who em- ployed the horse almost upleereally. in' pre-histerie times. Among these people, Dr. fluidekoper says, the horse . only earne fete use with the -reign of thd. kings, He adds : 41. Thropghout Ali the wanderings of the earlier peoPle, no" berses were used by 'them. Under the rule of the Zudger, although the hicread- ing luxury and wealth of the pei?ple tempted them to emulate their neigh- bors in the possesirion ' of levies for pageants and for cavalry -for their . armies, the order of Armes forbidding the ase of the animal was still regarded: The greatest legislator_ of . theetworlei. wanted his People to • be a -juet and humble one. He -wanted them - live among themselves, honoring _their own L11111108 and not -annoying their neigh; or their neighbors' • goods, Ele feresaw *that the. horse wad an article 'of pomP, of vanity and of war. Its use tempted. the owners to long journeys ;.ehe posses'. Bien of CE‘VRITy stimulated the -people of the day. to conquest. He. allowed the use of :the ass, but forbade.that of the horse.- Before the vOyage of joseph into Egypt there is but a single -mention of the 'horse in Genesis, althbugh there is frequent Mention- of numbers Of the other domestic animals in the descrip- tion of the riches of some Of the great persomeges. Greece did licit possess the horse at the commenceuteit of the. heroic age though Homer clescrihei -the prairie as Coleered with horses at the time of the siege of Troy (1219 years B. C.) According to legend, Neptune gave the horse to Athens at the founding of •the city, The eatlieat Phonaecian naviga- tors, who had reached the shores If the . Mediterranean as wandering hcersemen, -and became milord to satisfy their ;reed heads ou the prows of their vessels.", PraCtise What You Prea0h; '; Fond Mother —" Yes, Dick, always remember the good old proverb " which I learned at my mother's knee : If yeti :want a thing well "done, do it yourself.' • Little' Dick—" Yes, marnma,4 Wish you'd look after the roast to-day.V x es, .,mamMa ; when Bridget creeks' it it's meter well done ; it's most rawl"-: • —At ie tete examinatroe one sof the !ind one _Of ehe pupils sanswered, ." It tare. barren tract of land, coveree with -venerable duchess Of Cam- bria rallied wonderfully, and bids live a long time yet. She has. the whole of her large fortune tie • • Chronic CoUghs and Coldsi And all diacases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use ot Scott's Edmiston, as it Con - talus the healing. virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in theif hillest form. See what S.,. -says Ye -After three years' experience con- sider Scott'e Emulsion one of the very best in the market. Very excellent in throat effeetions." • • nd See `ATO , Won: erfuJ - Assort- gent of 0. LL RE INVITED. TERINARY. Jarvis and oderichStreete, next door to the Presbyterian +0 'Eleaterth, Ont. All dis- eases ot Horses,: Attie; Sheep, or any • of- the do. Infirmary; or els w ere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderk . JAMES W. ELDER, yeter. • ALTER.:13 ILL1NGLAW, V.' S., graduate of the 0 ario Veterinary 'College, lora' Onto ; Register Member of the Ontario Vitae, 'nary Medical 'As elation ; also Honorary Mem- ber of the Veteri 'ary Medical Society. :Treats all Diseases of Domestioated ,Aniinals. Also particular attent n given to Veterinary Dents; try. Horses car ully. examined for Soundnese, and CortiOcates vete All calls promptly.attend. ed to by Mail or herwise. OFFICE .at Rest. donee, Staffs, On 1048 ATTHEW ORRJSON, Walton, Insurance Conveyances, &c: Mo y to loan at the 'lowest Agent, Col missioadeltronto.Mal_ii.7 affidavit:4 Block, op osite Commercial Hotel sea. forth: ' 974 Hotel, groundfloo next door to Beams butcher CAMERON. . 606 _Le Holt & Came Bolter, Conveyance son's Old Office, Ca CEY, late -with Catheron, on, Goderieh, Barrister SO ;;ire. -Money to loan. !Ben vide funds to 0811 ee and ilper cont. '1095 ILL Conveyance' , &a: 6oholtars for the Ban •of Johnston, Tisdal & Gale. Money to loan 4:Mice-Beaver Bloc Clinton., Ontario. A. 13 MANNINO, JAMES SO '• 78k HoLuEsTED; ecessor to the late firm tfib Canedian Bank of Commerce. - Money to -lend Farina for sale.. 0 fie in Scott's Block, Main Street. Seatorth. DWARD NOR 'leiter In High and one -hall per c Bayffeld office open to 4480,1 n -Swartz' 11 N LEWIS, Barrister, Se. Money to. Loan at five nt. on tw.o.third- margin. every Thursday from 9;30 . fel Block, opposite Divisioe • 3 • • rue Seaforth Furniture Undertaking Warerooms • If you want good value for your money, don't forget to- give M. Robertson a calk- ' before. buying elsewhere.. You will find his stook very large and varied, and prices to suit the times. The Undertaking Department is replete with every sanitary e,onvenience, as rte.: commended by the Undertakers' Associa- tions of the -continent. -We pay particular attention to the science ,of embalming, as demonotrated by eminent professors at the Toronto School of Medicine, and are bet. ter prepared than ever to furnishand aon- duct funerals on more reasonable ternis to our patrons than any so•called-q reforra undertakers with their, advertising clap- arerooms-e0ne door south of. the Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. Good range LI N SEAFORTH. Satin Merveilleux, Black drenadines. • 0 Curtains, -Serbia and Curtain Large soak of Prints, Gilighains, Lgtons, Muslins, za-Nr3 TRIM. KIF'PeN MILLS TATiE THE LEAD. and will be dorreat all times on the Gristing and Chopping a specialty, shortest notice, Chopping onlr .five cents a bag. Give us a trial and 'you will be con- vinced that thislis the right place to get your gristing done as every One gets the Flour manufactiired 'emu his' own hand. KIPPEN BONE; TO LOAN; 4"01VEY TO LOA .-Straight loans at 6 per 111 tent„ with -; e privilege • to berrowet of repaying partot the: principal money at' any, time. Apply to_ P, HOLMESTED, Barriiter • New ems -Over Daley's store, - von. Latest imp& 'elvents in' Dentistry ob. .• served, Office in Me) er's Block, Seaforth, hours 1 IN >3711 :1:71)11 Opi:i::::::41 2 I:r 4:1..01'1'3 .. li.gi 411: 3s.1:4i2 e 1. . . .8;Ells7:- :. :?:.c. . .7.:. ' 01 .., i ,,,L „:1 - .3-'. . : . . . ,:e „.5„1, .. - oraph- . '<ri,:•ar"---.._ a in 3tORIES, D. D. S.-, IP Philadelphia, Assistant. hove will visit -14th the Of the last. Th radar, and foilowinf Fri. (le day of every month at ynold's Hotel, where he traded with a new Japan: anesthetic, which rev COOPEP A.G wlil perform all dent I operations. Teeth ex. ; i".7.141.0 „41'/4 F. - THE SEAFORTH teeth will please call e rly in the morning of the first•day. Charges mod rate. Torms•eash. 984 le NSMAN, Dentist, L. D, 1 ;14::?T•e4so,i5 Zurich, t the Huron Hotel, on the Teeth extracted with t e least pain possible. All Work firsteless at liber 1 -Fates. 971 ' ._1 Ther undersigned is now prepared to receive lorderd for any number of first-class • • pple Ramis and Butte, . Also any other Work in his line; Apply at the of 4titario. All the esthetics lived loft tg Dealers and Packers taking, large numbers I painlees extraction of teeth. Mee -Garfield be very reasinably dealt with, • Blosk BR US SE LS 10064.f. mt*AL, and Accodeheur; Soak) ,.Ont. Office and ree Sidonce North side Go ende street, first brick tiatee . Royal Cdllege of Physicians and • e., Physician; Surgeon, afortic Ont. Office and Goderich Street, Second rian Church; 842 9 iesidence South Ade of bbor east et the eitsbyt eiferal Insurance Agent —AND— Dealer, in- Sewing Machines. 7. All kinds of propertY insured at loveest rites -in firstelass reliable companies, and 1088013 set* tied prcimptly, ' Special low rates on FARM PROPERTY' in Ithe Gore and Waterloo, from -75c to el (cash plan) for three years.. Mills and .factories in - sued in these companies at a saving ot 20 per Icent. on stock companies, Sole dealer in the 'WHITE and RAYMOND 1SEWING MACHINES (family and- zuanufactur. ine). 'Races rangingerom $25 to f75. All ma - i chines Warranted lot fies years on every ldnd Of work.- Needles, oil and eipairs for -sale. Ida - chines repaired. 1 .1t Is Absurd • Po; people to expect a cure for Indigese tion,,_ unless they refrain from eating what is. unwholesome ; but if anything will Sharpen the appetite and give tone Saparilla. *Thousands'all over the land testify to the merits of this inedicine, Mrs. Sarah' BurrOughs, of 248 _Eighth street, South Btistont writes,: "My has. bend has. teken.Ayeeti Sarsaparilla, kir Dyspepsia *and torpid liver, and has A Confirmed' Dyspeptic. Boston, Mass, writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last induced to trY Ayer's Sarsaparilla AV, by its use, Was entirely cured. -Mrs, JoSeph Aubin of High street, Holyoke; Masi., suffer'ed for over a year frem Dyspepsia, tio that she could not eat substantial food, became very wealra. and was unable to care ler het- family, Neither the medicines Prescribed by physicians, nor _any athe remedies adVertised for the. eure 'of Dyspepsia, helped her, until' she commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaperilla. "Three bottles of Thifi,mediehic," she writes, Ayer s:.Sarsaparilla, P.MET;Atalc6 BY . 'W. BRUCE SNIT*, D•j C. M..; Menthe, of the College of P ysicians and Sur eons, same as occupied by De. ercoe.• - 848 Glasgow, Office, Meyer's Block, Main Streete:Seatorth. Reside ce, John street. Call atnight it either the 0 ea or Reeidence. 894 It 'Noes' Liti;i0::./(11:0;..jW.H1.-1"..E.E.PRON.Z.E o Farmers -and .iuilders".1 _ :CO the Brutafels Lime. tins, is 110W- prepared to ! „ • ill deliver t 0 lime in I SeatOrth or vicinity for cents per bushel. - Orden promptly filled. Mitt- I &wide Line; Werke • .our material is endoried by ieading scientist ' as being Practically iirperishahle, It cannot absorb inolsture, and- _consequently is ' net affect - 'ed by the frost W AK GAVIN, Clinton.. JANUARY .8 1839, Farmers, Attentien. Ati the semen is now about (wet for Seeds, -.I purpose giving my attention. particillariy to the sale of Manitoba Oil Cake, a Linseed Meal, Flax Seed, Corn _Meal, - Oatmeal. - FLOUR AND FEED ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Those desirous of purchasing first.. class goods at the ldwest prices, Would do well to call on a -RQBERT SCOTT, 0. C.. Willson's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. tarGoods delivered in any 'part 0 the town free. The -Nortly Amelica'n BANKING COMPANY. (NOT INCORPORATED. A General Banking business tram - acted. Farmers' paper discounted, Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. OFFICE—In the COmmercial Hotel J. C. SMITH, Manager F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 1058 AN OPEN LETTER. Having bought $800 worth of first class SPECTACLES Eye Glasses, The bankrupt stock of a defunct Jeweler, at 40 cents on the dollar, I. will give the public the . benefit of them while they last,' Remember!' have as nice _an "aseortment of .all grades of and Swiss Movements in Solid Gold, OM Filled, Solid Silver and Silver Ore Cases; IS Carat. warranted 'Wedding Ringe, Fancy 08M Chains,_ Lockets, Necklets, Brooches, Earrings, Studs, cuff Buttons, .&e. &a., for Ladies and Gentlemen, mean be "-found In the. -majority = of first Class jewelers' shops. Come , and• see my novelties in Cloeks, honest goods for honest prices. ,,Look Out for -a first due line of fancy goods for _the holidays. If you should, want anything in my line eall and he convinced Mutt van and- will sell you a first class article at less than ene of the outeide firms who spend thousands of dollars par year in sending: out illustrated tataloguee. Come and serwhat you are paying your money for. Liciveyour money.% the town where you earn it as long as you can get as good or better value. Respectfully Yours, Praetical Watchmaker and Jeweler, - Opposite the COnnuercial Hotel, Main Atreet,. Seatorth. „m, Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers* all kinds of Stationery, Mali328' - Upright and Tebular Boilers. • SALT PANS, SMOKE. STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. " 49rEAM AND WATER PIPE FiTT1N68 , constantly on band: On hand, ready for delivery: One 50 horse -power New Steel %Ater complete. One 35 horsepower second-hand boil-- e-rA1121sg000ad.gdebroerse-nower -Engine and. Boiler, second-hand, in good vonclition. Boiler, Engine, Separator, &a., 81110 good work.. lag order. Will be sold cheap. Mail Orders receive promptettention. Works opposite G. T R. Station. t BOX 381. Goderich, May 26th. 1886. ,BLUEVALE MILLS. STILL TO THE FRONT. • THOMAS Wilcox wishes to inform his Customers and the Public In general that he it isrepared to attend to all who favor him with their patronage, . Chopping:done for six eents per bag, and no delay, as we run 2 four foot -ehop stones. Farmers can depend on getting their gristle: home with them. THOS.' NIXON 1089-8 BLUEVALE ALLAN LINE. Roya Mail 'Steamships. $80 ; return, $60. Steeragepaseengers are book- ed to and from London, Queenstown, Derry, Belfast and Glasgow et same rates as Liverpool. If you are sending for your friends, we CAE fur. nigh you with prepaid passage certificate to bring them from England, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, &c. Rates of passage always as low Al by any other line. Fire, Life and Marine Insurance done as usuaL C. P. 11.• tickets leered to Manitoba, British Columbia, and all_ pointseast. Baggage theaked through to destination. $25,000 to loan from 61 to 13} per cent. per . Annum. Olhoo—lfarket Street, 1001 • • • •