The Huron Expositor, 1889-01-04, Page 7▪ for Work roul c of 'gad BZ! r, at die the - ember des ot z, Eight Gokl tes ; reeetteer, In the Come t goods •st. &se- lf you d • ruallmt outside Per fear . Coma iey for. 'on puir ;whetter' C+1 !lire -Jeri .=fltreet., !WKS r$It ke and. ition„ refit, work. te at, mhi 3 he is - a with ING7 baki tones.. .-grist* kir - ,rAlig ediatte, D• eny, )rpool. fur. bring veden, _ low se- ritfsh usual. - ieeked' • ..4 „ . • _ ,••;:•• aillUARY 4) arlY VirrOXEiter. _ ilkiDttOT161/ OF REV, MR. DAVTD802.7.-h-- The induction of Rev. Thos. DevidsOn intothe_pastoral charge of the Presby- terian congregation -here took place On Monday, 24th inst. The servicel. began at 1.30 p. in. Rev. Mr. Steven-- • son, of Molesworth, presiding byep. pointment Of Presbytery. Rev. Mr. Ittaciennan,of South Kielce's, was to have delivered the induction sermo - but was prevented being present, and i his absence Rev. Mr. Stevenson ac - dressed the congregation in a very able .and earnest manner, .basing his remark upon the text: "Wherefore He is able • • also. to save them to the uppermost that come unto God by Him," Hebrews, 7th chapter, 25th verse. At the conclusion of the sermon, Mr. Stevenson called 'upon the pastor_ elect to reply to the questions regarding doctrine, church --governmenti `850., prescribed by th •Preabyterian forms. These. having been satisfactorily answered, the presidin eninister declared -Mr. Davidson duly in- ducted into- the pastorate, and gave hina the right hand of fellowship, an example which waafollowed by all the ruitatere and members of Presbytery present, as well at the members' of the church .Rev. Mr.. Jones, of Brussels, • then proceeded te address the newly inducted minister, and.. delivered‘puth complete and masterly charge as could only come out of so long and full an ex- periencv in the work of the raiaiStry as has been enjoyed by Mr. Jones. Every •Ina of a _minister's duty was_touehed upon, and the relations which he should bear to his people in all matters explain- ed and enforced, Mr. Jones' pithy and - practical address was one well calculat- ed to stimulate ta minister to the utmost. The !MOW was then brought to a close' by the benediction, pronounced by.Rev. Mr. Stevenson; The financial results ' were. ,very satisfactory, the proceed!! .„ amounting to about $50. - • - Perth Items. —Rev. 'Dr. O'Meara, of " Port Hope, father of Rev. • Mr. O'Meara,' of St. Marys, was on his way to: Toronto on Monday, 17th inst., whenhe dropped dead from apoplexy. death was in- stantaneous. . ' ----Mrs. Moore, a Witalior mantle - maker, has secured a verdlct of $J50. against G. B. Ryan & Co., of. Guelph tarnadot!it. fl for- non-ful. 13 01:. nt of. con- , . --A runaway team in Mitchell, . the other day, took to theaid* elk just as it was lined with _children *ming from. school. No one - was hurt* but there were some very narrow escapes. —A very enjoyable social was . held the other night by the Women's Mis- sionary Society Of Fullerton village. The attendance was large and every- thing passed off is pleasant as a:marriage bell. • • • - . . —The other morning, while a Strat- ford lady, Mrs. Maxwell, was preparing the.dinner for herfamil3r, she tripped on niat on the floor and broke one of her legs. " • - —Hon. •Alexander Mackenzie and wife pitied through Stratford Saturday afternoon on their Way to Sarnia, to, spend [the holidays. ' brakeman named 'Allen was "alugkecr in the Grind Trunk Rail- way yard at Stratford the other night by some person unknown. RObbery, was, apparently, the object, but -Allen exertion of his powers in the duties had not yet drawn his pay and 'all his pertaining te his sacred calling.. The 3 assailant -gbt was i —James Hall, of -Tudor masonic ,lodge,.„.Mitchell, has been elected Tyler for the twenty-fifth time and is now the oldeir member in good standing, of Tu. congregation was then addressed by Rev. Mr. Ross, of -Melville - .church, • : Brussels, in a discours., replete with practical cornenh'n sense advice. He pointed out the duty of the congregation-. to assist their minister in every possibje way, by standing . loyally • at his back in . all church work and enter- prises, by giving . him .a. hearty_ and united support, by ,constant - and regular attendance at church; _by - respecting the time set apart by him -for .study, by giving him. a Word- of encour- agement oceasionally, by allowing .him a stated period of rest at yeasonableie _ tervals, and by paying him ' regularly and well, ' Mr. -Ross' pointed remarks were delivered.•with-the energy and fire for which. that gentleman is noted, and • * were much.appreciated by the congrega- tion. The induction services were then brought to a close. Besides the minis- ters already mentioned, there were. pre- sent 'Rev. Messra. Brown, Wroxeter; Muir, Fordwich ; Stewart. Belmore ; • Mackay, Toronto, and -MacNabb (clerk of Presbytery) Lticknew. In the even-. . _ -ing a most successful and highly enjoy- able receptien and soda was held in the church. Tea was served from 5 to 1 .p. m., after which the large gathering was called to order. by the chairman-, . Mr. Thomas ' Gibson, M. P. P., who, in his latrodeetery remarks, referied to. the fact that -he was amongst the very, few now in- the congregation who had . „ been connected with it from the beta - ming 30 years ago, The chairthan't en introduced Rev. Mr._ Jones, who spoke. briefly and well op the love of Christ. ' . He was followed by:Rev. Mr. Brown,. who in feeling terms expressedhis joy and satisfaction at the happy • termina- tion of the vacancy,„ and promised his successor the most earnest and hearty co-operation maltchurch work: . So far • as lay in his power,'he would hold up the hands of the new pastor, and c16 all _ be could to Make- his 'ministry -succeis-, ' ful. Rev. Mr. Mackay, who had occu- pied the pulpit of the church for the . two prebedieg Sabbaths, followed in it few humorous remarks, after which he briefly reminded his hearers. of the un- conscious influences. which were con- - stantiar &wing, frem their lives, and enjoined them to see that • these in- • fluences were always for "good. Rev. • Mr. Stevenson, who thenaddressed the meeting, humorously -complained. thit Its address had been:practically fote- stalled by Rev. Mr. Ross' remarks in the afternoon, and •confined himself • mainly to enforcing the nebessity (A- real,hearty support being given by the congregation to the minister. The chairman then called upon Mr. A. L. Gibson to- perform a pleasing task, which was in order at thie stage of the proceedings. 1 Rev. Mk. Ross was then summoned to ' the -----platform, and Mr; gibrion; on behalf of the con, gregation, presented him with -e. _num- ber of theologiealyoluniest as a token, of - their appreciation of 'his ..services as Madera*of the -Befallen .during the vacancy caused by the resignation of Bev:. Mr. Brown. Mr. Rossovho was evidently taken unawares, returned thanks in appropriate ilysrms, expressing 'thepieasure which he bad 4experienced &meg his tern of office as Moderator,, and saying that 'if all vacanbies were r harmoniously and happily terminated as this one had been, there would be . very much less of the trouble that fre- - ,iquently arises in cases Of a similar kind. He then eolith:tied speaking. in an ear- nest and forcible way of the manneriin which the Pastor and people could unit- .edly carfy on the Master's swork, look- ing for inspiratidn only ..to-iChrist and being animated by love Of Him. - He United thebont of union which had existed for upw ds of twenty yea* be- tween the congregation and their late _ pestor and which had made the -church a Shirting example for unity and peace would long continue to exist lbetween them. and their newly—inducted Pastor, and spoke feelingly of - the ;friendship- • and synipathy_w.hich bed ever been ex- tended to him persOnally. by Mr. Brown. ;and the many acts of kindness he has ' _received at theatter's hinds. Rev. Mr. Davidson then briefly addressed the meeting, in -a few well-chosen 'Words, 'e:xprefsing his ., sense of the honor done him in the call which had been extended to him _ -by the con- gregation, and hoped that. by. the bless- ing pf God hean they might_presper in the Work which 1ay before them. During the evening a ntz.nber of appropriate hymns and antheins were rendered by ' the °heir under the leadehhip of Jr. . Thome/ Gibson!! jr , - Mrs. Thomas f net Gibson, sr., acting as accointianist, in taking dor. lodge, and claims to he the oldest ,Tyler in the province. '—A woman named Mary Aird, and Who ivas afflicted with cancer, died from that disease in . Stratford gaol last week. ' She had neither money nor friends, and so found her last refuge in the gaol. . . GRATEFUL--00MFORTING..- ppgs coca BREAXFAM THE HOI! Exppwolt.. 7 E QYAL. 141, orthgr4ves- " _ HAS REMOVED „BIS_ Jewelry, Establishment TO, the Campbal Block, ciiiner Main and Goderich Streets, Seater*, Where he keeps a large stoek ef 061d and Silver Watches, Fine Jewelry, , Clocks, iso. A fine stook of Heavy Plain Gold Wedding -Alum de., cheap as the cheapest, Watches, Clock* and Jewelry repaired with despatch. - OTOhargei Reaeonable.! [ for -.11ifanigt :ohd z _ l'Oestorhais so welladaptedfOohildrenthet - t egtommendit as supeliortoanyprescrOon• knOwn tO me" AZOSER, IL D.; 111804 OzfOrd st•sr,v7a,ti — Castor% cnreS Celle, Cionstipatlen, • . SourStomach, Diarrhoea; Eructation, , Kills 'Worms; gives Sleep,. and- promoinS 41 ;males!, .• - - Without injoriOull.modiceffort. Tar Ozitrio* Ccanismr, lintay Street, 31' For Delicate Slokly Children Scott's Etnnision.is unequalled. See whet Dr. O. A. Black, of Ainherst, N. 8,, says "1 have been acquainted' with Scott's . Emulsion of CO -Liver Oil, with Hypophoephitbs, for years, and ; considerit one of the finest preparations ROW be; . tire the public. Its pleasant flavor makes it -the great favorite for children, and I do 4hkh1y re- comMend it for all wasting diseases of,aildren. and adults. Sold by druggists, 500 ancl$1. • 'Beyond Dispute. There is no bettor, safer or more Pleasant cough remedy made than .1Iagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cures Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitie and all throat and. Jung troubles. `f„ A Lucky EscaPe. For sileyeara I. Suffered with my- 'threat and .• • InErr .1 HURON 'A'ND BR,00E - Loan and Investment 1 . . . This Company is, fammitig Money do 'Faun, Soeurit,a lowest Rates of' 4terei4. artgatfi . , SAVINGS enlarged tonsils. I was very weak ; idocorea.., four years and had advice from three doctors 3, 4 and 6 per Ceisc.reeeiesi Aajcie•roa they said I would have to undergo an operation., Deposita, tot'aqrammt and tried B. B. B. insteadone bottle cured. me. = M. A. Squelch, Raglan, -Ont. ' •• tusks:lair.; - ; A Postmaster's Opinion.'[. omigye.-40raer. of Marhet Soar ,4) anti II3,stilt, &met, C:oderich'; -.11.(11-A.CE Iff.MTON, .11,2axaax is, " • I have great pleasure in certifying to the usefulness of Hagyard's YeIIor Oil," writefi•DI Kavanagh, postmaster; of Umfraville, Ontario, having used it for soreness of the throat, burns, Olds, ete.,• I firid nothing equal to it." - A Severe Trial.' Francis S. Smith, of Entedale, Musko1e4 writes, "1 was troubled with vomiting for two years and I have vomited as often as five times a day. One bottle of Burdock 13lood Bitten) cu red me. 3 Mothers! Castorie, is recommended- by 'physicians for 4chifdren" teethitig, It is a purely vegetable preliaration, its ingredients are publishedaround each bottle. It Is pleasant to the taste and Oro. ' "By a thorough snowledge of the natural laws lutely harmless. It relieves constipation rev- _ hich govern the operations of digestion and !gas the bowels, quietspain, cures Manistee and nutritiou, and by- a -careful application of the wind colic; allays feverishness, destroys worms, e properties of well -selected Coco, Mr. Epps and prevents convulsions, soothes the 'child i and' s provided our breakfast tables with a delicate. gives it refreshing and natural sleet). Castor'sfy flavored beverage which may save us many i'• the panacea—the Mother's friends. heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use 85 doses, 85 cents. 1076-20 Of such articles of diet that a constitution may Ayer's Pills are always ready for use. They e gradually built up :until strong enough to se- are sugamoded, easy to take, and sure to bring 'st every tendency to -disease. Hundreds of relief and cure. They are effectual in all I die- btle maladies are floating around us ready to eases caused by disorders of the stomach • and attack wherever there is w weak point. We maY digestive organs. • • 'cape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified. with pure blood and a ptoperly nourished fame."—"Civil &Mee Gazette." Do yon suffer from. or ;leis ot ap- Made simply with boiling water or mihr. Sold :petite 1 AreYou troubled with liver, or kidney only in packets by greeers, labelled thus• complaint Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This pre- ."' MES EPS Is CO., How:empathic Ohemisrat, paration purifies and vitalizes the blood, thus London, England. [•108842 restoring health and strength to the digeetive• . ,and assimilative organs. Try it.> On the - Verge of:Starvation. For three months I could not eat rt: full meal or do a da,y's work. !bought &bottle of Burdock ood Bitters, began. Using it, and in three days y appetite returned, In a week I felt like a new nian. it was , wonderful what that one bottle did for Me, writes Arthur ADAM, of Huntsville, Muskoka, who suffered from Dyspepsia. A Cure for Deafness. - There, haie been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use of .1liagyard's Yellow Oil, the great household . remedyfor pain, in- fiamination and soreness. Yellow Oil cures ,Itheuma _m, Sore Throat aid Croup, and is useful internally and externally for ell pains'and injuries. .Allead.., Of All.- have used Hagyard's -Pectoral 'Balsam in nir. famiiy for years and have found it ahead, of any -prearation of the kind in curing colds, etc. especially recommend itfor children. Alex. Moffatt,Milibrook, Ontario. =A Valuable DisoaTery, F. P. Tanner, of geebing, ' Ont., sayi ' he . has • not only found B. B. B. a safe cure for Dyspepsia bu he alio fonnd it to he the best medicine for regulating and invigorating the system thathe ever taken. B. B. B. is the great. system _ - Presence ofMind, resence of mind is geed in °asapf aceidente an emergencies, and when coupled with Hag - Ya d's Yellow 011 will often save life. Yellow Oil , cures all painful injuries, burns, scalds, -bri4see, frost bites, rheumatic and 'neuralgic pains and is infect a handy andyeliable surgical ald1 Broken -Down. - After "suffering with.dyspepsia; kidney disease, lostvif appetite and pain in the heed until dis- con aged, / heard of B. .B. B. took two bottles and air happyIonayi feel aewell as ever. Mrs. Ruf 54E. Merry, New Albany, R. S. Consumption7Cured. • Ai old physician, retired flout_ practice, heti- ing, had placed in his hands by an East India niis4ionary the formula, of a simple vegetable rem dy for the speedy !and permanent -cure of Con umption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all hroat and Lung Affections also a positive and radical cure for Nervous &Way and all Ne ous Complaints, after having tested Us won erful curative poWers in thousands of case , has felt it his duty tgs - make it knownto his uffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and desire to relieve human sufferingi I will sen • free of charge, tci. all who. desire it, this reel , in German, French or English, with full -dir ions for preparing and using. Sent by mail, by addressing with stampoiaming tinpapes ter, ' . , A t tat, luxury In every respect, Ayer's Hair Vigo never fails to restore the youthful fresh- ness d color to faded. and gray hair. It also f erasii tes dandruff and prevents the -hair from • N.-. • 4 fallin i Phy icians prescribe t Ayer's Sarsaparilla in • •Wagalfini. I say l mCeua: 'Ad don' 17 • dise • , because this medicine is safer. to take - "'it'll:filar: the d5isetiamsee:fand cases' f scrofula, and in every form of ch I and is nore highly concentrated, than any oth? ;; FOTSo EP` . , prepa tion. t can altyays be depended up( regula habits.' When the hodyls languid • -In A life4F0Ag sir' as an ective blood purifier. . siewmamenammee -:---4 , . A c ar head is indicative 01 good health and fcultaill isthnenv • the nd works sluggishly, Ayer's Cat/ alaartnido . Sofennidygt,TIY • r ; Pills w 11 assist in the regovery of physica/• ancy a d mentalvigor. i .. , 'buoy- post of - Sem ulous htnnors, erysipelas, canl ser and 81:13P' - . . eatarr , can be cured byl. taking ATer'r sn,„„_ rilla.,. '1 have used this zuedicinein r 77"76.,- •fOr ser fula, and know, if it is taken jeJr81-1,44— n't,,' ly, it ill eradicate this terrible di, F. F015 er, M. D., 'Greenville, Tenn. , , • Jease!7""ir .° - . : 3 . , W. A. Nous. 149Power's Block, Roches- . . 1098-20-e.o.w • , antinrii4.:A•Atiog,t.1.5111.1885•j' rilas a World wide reputation as a physician, a 'author, Pliej Mandrake Dandelion Liver our is a tritrmi fit of. _medical skill, ening all dis ease .etthe Kidney and - • SYMIETOMS, OF Iiidttey e'pains in f ;he back ;•,.. wdull pain, or weight in th 'bladder and baseof the; abdbinen ; so aldin [rine _of ten - obstructed; ire/trent der ire tp ,urinate, especially at night, among age d pei. Sons; he t, dry skie, pale complexion, r ed an white d 'posits, Ortziness; sour stomaC h, eon. 'stipatior I; piles, Byer, dropsiealimiellingr &c. SYMPTOMS OF Expel the worms by using the safe and relia ble anthelmintic Freeman's Worm powders: National Pills are a mild purgative, acting on the Stomach,- Liver and Bowels, removing all ob. strueflons. • - • Victoria Carbolic! Salve Is a. great aid to inter- nal medicine in the treatment of scrofulous sores, ulcers and abscesses of all kinds. • Tielnvigerate bath the body and the brainy!uie the reliahletonie, • Mffliuries. Aromatic quinine .1111111M111•411111111•1111141111111111MME Wine. 4 -When Habtwas sick, we pie her Oratorio) When ihe Was a Child,,. she cried for Castorial. When she became Mlu, she•olung to Castor*, Whoa Ili" bed Children, she gave them, Casiok • . • C6nsunaptioniSurely Cure& To Tun EDITOR • •• Please inform your'readers that I.have ape. tive remedy for. the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeles eases have been permanently cured. I shallbe glad kieendi. two bottles of my remedy PRES to any of your - readers who have consumption if they willisencl To. their Express and Post Office address. -43 Respectfully, DR. T. A. &soon% • 1089-52 • 87 Yonge Street, Toro*, Ont.. - AUCTIONEERS. Coliiplaitit- al" .""d'e• . 1 SPhow erbladGet jaundic e, sallow complexion, avieary; tired fee [6, ,ing, no life or ebergy, headache, dp pepsia, " digest/ an, Spots„,phriples, Sre: , •- HOW CURED. Mac drake and- Dandelieni are. DE ture's 'Aire press and w.honcombined with.* idney rem dies, as in Dr. Chase's Lirer Cur e, will TS posit, vely curs: all Kidney -Liver 'troubles. I acts I ike a charm, stimulating the clogged live stren gthening.the kidney .and ter vigorating th :who/ e body. SoId by =nil deems -33 at $1, wit Reel ipt B00% which aloneia wort ihthe mone . . •IC id- ,avrk' • Pusi are the ov Kidney -Liver, P1114 ;made. • T' "k tabegnendt-luriYYne: One pille,dese. -Sold ha., all deal, [ . y - Th cure- Liver t , headache, bilious? less, cor • cents. • • EDMANS071 & . _ . BRAIWOF LD • :FOr rale by Px.uggi;dtr' T P. BRINE, Lleenseda Auctioneer: for ;ff/ A County 01 of Hution. Sides atten-ftd- inLi parts of the County.. MI orders left at 'It as EXPOSITOR Office wilibo promptly,atteededittli = the Counties of. Huron.and Perth., f Sitiee • rruromAs BROWN', Ileetared Atiabnaem 1.conducted on the mast =aionableteiene0 yders left at the queen's Ilot4, or by Mrdi 'Wale*-Jedto Box..811, Seaforth P. 0.0vill be ptrompt134/ttend. ed to, THOMAS BROOM facerasslito - Loneer. - • lig f easinsorammat ' r formerly:f thit oid-fashior n• ag neala V aI nees,; -and Pille, thr, icated -- Ing tb lakir , dir '8' each a satiefactory and, *.rifielent manner as .toelicit a ._eor jai* vain of. thanks, • 4inoved by Rev. r, Mackay and second- edby Rev. gr. Res,. Votes of thanks vere also accorded- to the ladies of the congregation who provided the excellent lea, to the speaker a for .their able [ ad- dresses, and to "the chairman; for the way whiele he had 3diae1iarzed. his duties; • biliou and w John troubl A. Mre. Sound, witho need it a cut f every A SeverW.eittac., • • r felt better in iny Iife tb% an I hr ' urdock Blood liltt.ers, bac7 • • ttack ; I could nbt eat for se. • unable to work. t. One I ottie Richard?), Sr., Ta0' jv tise B. P. 4 B. ; • 1" 1 Hint to Hour ,ej, Robert IWIlliamion, Ontario, says " Ire/ it,. }hoard's Yellow , • _ in my family for! t, and cau 1;V „ • We 17!Nerbligravetir 17:Ciimile. Seaforth;. 'illiant! Durable I Economical 13Iamond Dyes.excel•all other in Strength, Purity ane Fastness None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they. are made ,of cheap and inferior, materials, and give poor, weak: crockiy colors. To be sure al success, use • only the: DIAMOND ng Dresses, Stock- arpets.: [:[ Feathers, •&c. Nile warrant ore goods, pick - than, a,ny othes and to, give morc rable colors. Ask 4anclizike no other FOR . A Child can use them, At Dniggistsend Merchants. Dye Book fr 'YELLS; RICHARDSON & •• moritrirk. P. Q. - DYES for color ings, Yarns, Ribbons, &c;, them, to .color age for pcka dyes- ever niad brilliant and d forthe A Dress Dyed A Coat Colorer/ Garments 1.1eneweit, Bi SEA -OR The above mills lime nr . built -Upon HUNGARIAN r The Mill and r greatly enlargr throuffhPu.S. THE LP' , • - ourroLK BOALLThe undersigned has on 10 tot 3, Concession 18, liulktt, it 'thorough- bred Suffolk hoar which be keeps for service.' Terms—One dollar, payable .at the time of ser- - vice with the privilege of returning if neces- sary. LANCELOT TASKER, 1090tf IGS, FOR SERVIOE.—The nndersigned hits for servlbe on his premises, Concession 5, No h. Thames 'Toad, Ilsborrie, near Lumley, & thoroughbzed Suffolk boar and a, thoroughbred Berkshire . boar. Terms—One dollar; payable at the time of Service, with the privilre of re- turning if necessary. THOMAS C MORE, Lumley. 1026x4 rilWO • THOROUGHBRED - BERKSH/RE BOARS —The undersigned will keepAur- ing the present season in the village of Verna, two thoroughbred Berkshire boars, to which a. limited nuraber.ol sows will be taken. Pedigree to these pigs can be seen if necessary; Terme— One dollar cash at the time of service with the privilege of returning, if necessary. No second price. WILSON COOK,ITarna P. O. • 1,096Xt 22 Sa AO, MOM., /WNW/ A:, GOOD PIG.—The uncle signed will keep in • Seaferth. nearthe Show Grounds a thor- oughbred Berkshire hoar for service. He has taken 4 first prizes. Terrns,—One dollar at the ti me of, service with the privilege- of retumning if necessary, GEORGE 7RoTT, Seaforth. 1094tC . • =A bet C. 'T°'" Binsmits.—The ogr!to vat - keep on Lot 1, Concendon 9, limed, near lenburn, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig ter ; which & limited number dims will be ten. ' This pig _is 10 months 'old and wee bred by Green & Bons, the well•known breeders. He has s full, registered pedigree and is a very • superior animal. TeTMS—One dollar with the privil e of returnrag „if necessary, ROBERT NG., - 1087 PLENDID PIGS.—The undersigned will on Lot 8, 'Concession $0 Usborne, near W o eleia, Two Berkshire Boars, bred by Cie Green" Fairview, one 18 months' old, brot' [ his sweepstake boar. He has taken fry and one second prize as aged boar; a i months' old brotherlo his first prize by his first prize aged boar. Be Is 17 imported stock; lacihas taken Ate f 3e, pig under one year, both' registe• ; TEnts--01, to be yaid at time r , the privilege:. of returning if MELBBIDGE: - CHESTER .WHITE PIC ,t will keep during the • ' 21, Concession 2, L. R. B. ough 'Bred Chester Whit - numb es of sows will farm wed on May 15tb • Todd, of Wakeman,' the most ester in tile United SW - first, prizes whey &bite at the tiny rot urning if r woof • 7.4. • -1 - REAL ESTATE FOR SALM UILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Ths under. signed has a number of fine ImildingIew on Goderich and James Streets or sal ,e at lot/ prices. For partieularsapply to D. It. WILSON' /OS ITOUSE AND.LOT FOR SALE.! --For sale or to rent, the brick residence at Roxboro clfillop, recently occupied by Xr. W. It Duff. There are in connection with -*show about eight acres of land. For further joartiou- lam apply to EDWARD RINCHLRY, Swarth P. 0, 10004f - ROPERTY IN SEAFORTH FOR SALIC: For sale cheap, the property at pregen' occupied by Mr. =iomaallendry, nearly 4' posite the residence of Mr. Barton. There! - :corner Int on which is erected,* .comfort frame dwelling, containing [seveit rooms Woodtilied There is hard end eeftwatr property is :convenient to ,the businee the town,- and will be sold cheap. • THOMAS. liENDRY,Beaforth. 'UAW& SALE.—The Er X Estate of theist+, Wm. Y deceased, now offer the follow' for sale, viz: The north half west half of the north half fith Oonceesion of the county et Huron, contaP 110 acres are cleared Att greater parb being in ,e timbered chiefly wit Ann is favorably r' the village of Brut market. There fume tarn am fruit trees, a well and pur will be sole Ing puick - enter air time af full y, -next 1211 - - • • • •