HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-12-28, Page 877 ­z­ k 7 '28 1-888, THE T": R. DEezuBEn UR 7 Xpro 14 ON -we s'a'tioflqd lilitly lighted efforts. Every num I the pro.: la*y Ae mu were being bri audience who -with no appearance b,6r 01 tom -in -fbrnier- years.­4he ut oonoloidn we- st th%Dk - t. heavily, laden. with its weig of m lit I Farm- ild i W ceived, and it Would. hard to particillailzb,-,- all Oatbixg t pr ladies of thb.-,section, f6r"the eatables the entertain 6 t.—ES; Huron, ht * a as well to' joy ingounalills atVablin were completely thesse lb -far .889 in- resents, While SantA Claus in. person WAS, so b firs 'on Thursdaynight of which they -so., indly provided and a d4atroyid er I Institutowil a'. hi d eek suothei'll good. ribute t .The recititions Mlss'Robin- e- consignment Y-- Receivad this the7 townliallf Brusielsp cloth f men lahtweek. The fire wairclearly the work passed round at noon. Hoping that they Jautiry Ilth peared on. the scene - to diet he "'brotight, down - the Mad to, and, Many war"() the..aidmiring sop and Mri Sha y nf oboughi of! an bicend mill haabeen may over be as mu as id Su ts I ch inter- Q in their And 12th,. comme.nalu 10 - o 6look - a. resen sin oi all iaryo As the re house. The ging of -Mus S. Dunn, nd expectikht eyes :fa ch will be 9014 At - daytj jhai stened upon him. alt, All 10 prices -for several months. ---aAsviill, teachei and school I re in... A in.' - On: the* all occupied rs. Hodginst- Miss Diehl, Messrs. aost. It on"hand. a, good n -w II I a -P ace. be Rev. J Cooko ast6 -occupied' M 01 ele'doll of offic, k bi seenbynotice elsewhere the tow VISITOR, era &dies' and-- GenW Fut. Coats, N eihl and Rarlan -4 littlb va Dunn assortment of I - - firofibsor. Mills;., of.. the gticai- he ahifr in his usual p eatin and able D d an on New FRdrERTY nd will serenad'e'the citizen Mr., _win, caps, mufrE, &a. bi !s rig. prpm as 'tuiaol ^061lege, arid ar or a P6 W excellent. acQuitv 1 38,r e 'eve,. -with A v1dw of re le.nis ing Asigau has sold his. 75 acre farm on other 'rofeeg6r %fin an very inter e We lolks.. exh excheqyer. a ope the. I d - avail amme WaS- a hich the ted themselv 13qrvice K -' concsssion, to his neighb6r,'.: Will be preiant. Farmers shou. arried but in a ceeditably. 'Dn )th S,Ou. JANIES Pot a austed WC, AR 1. . ` " - wid old in the iephen T. - Godkin; . for. ',$5,'6W themselves of ;,;the. op iiortunity:, and be,... hildren did their- partA. -ei,,ceedingly:-m",d-Liydivi.iiei ti ey will..'receive a Jiberal receptio on; toe. ­ Oa'r b 0 a ell. The -proceeds* at r ic as.appro Seaftorth a of out'- in fall , fo I . Chu'.ch of Englaud,,'whic RMeFiul MKIddItoldstand,. omas H. wilkino ' -6 Bel gr a, and Robert G. Ross has sold 50 ucre* at Also a ch 4misslon -f Ahnounted 1a 830'.. priately decorated. 'Thete of the iuccessfal 'at ents hia"farm, to.his'neighlbbr, Mr. Thomas birrie wid-Win, 'Blashilly"beid a$ W Is one aft of e. ri may display .ofl Ch"atfilas mea, Fill shooting match 'hi ernbon Special Dealer in 01 the Ontario vdte'rinary ge To- O!E -by an'oys er sul r W at-Jobn college, [era, for'8205K Gilts' talk Bruoefleld. -0,01444+ rc nto-; who a diploma ftoM the hard times - but MaKillop does not- she ki" 'd Some - atringers said they had - followed Millinery, a 3r 0 it. 'It -may be on accaunt of having -a uevei —Mr. Jame's Watson has' %hreA r seon- the 6 hi im outsidi Pollock* On T ay' d of A picultural anaArts Assod.hgtlian', 'T ps U' . . qual of t a , V LocATED. AM - 'butte r ked I Mr.'Bulger, -'ad fr'm Varna and alken pos-' aary .a bread and. social will rc uto.—The candidates for -.munici a, Tory reeve and clerk that. land p, the city. the. ne I r butch.., pow remov 0 gher than in h Mantlesi bo -held, Jin. a 'to' a henors.this. year are said, to beer legion other lov nsliips. Take: J -is DISTRIOT, 6 display. R' Shaw skion of th ',farm on t a .-Lo on road th when th !a ow" a' I gid a on deck. ing - Ale xauder home from the Medical. CoJIlejel", for his Broom Biigade',wil a aid several of the youtig menare o ei of the foil arherei-whichhopurqbased am Mrs'., . t . ­ .. ....... :— Ink to the. front, which is a 'good -61' r r sold 50 'acres to A6s'ndeir Ross, h6lldayk.- Agr6at-number.of, toe young Dress Goods, week, an- ohn..'Young. Althotigli Mi, Watson OUR - W4 this -for $2,900 risen w o o -years ago,, or thi. arnobh. 4-7 -a hundred Acres pe a se rpy . . . . i. gone into farming he -will '-Ibilllca I., - I 410 ITOR DvAnTu after- Johi to eich stib- J fise, h- Rfan, son of Mr. Timothy Van,. and.bought . Jug home dai , I on a RE. ­;O4 oh Mae ih . herii, - so in Tlix Rxros n far *666'ara arriv ri SlIks, &c., -attepd the from Robert Morriapp, or $6, 100 -his: builuess'. f oi. cKilop,whohitbeen f Y, of - contra4ing and a, a p ace .c Wriber,- a, copy, -nnual Almanac. -ei f fom- visdtt th ' I of thilr birth,'i -All are. n6oD at the idvancedlage of 89. years, .of oar A ear raming.. Mrs.1 Young -has ,-removed to 4 C mmercial College -in Guelph f r the Tyerman bought ao, hundred rgo-amo ut S- is. home opf.ndi I the 0 well -and 4seem as If :"t"y had Thomas AgnqW,-.sf,, calmly. and Ralol; thompsoni. for $6,800*;i,. R eii looking Mrs. it contains a of interesting I t'four month gmondvi Is.' kistmas holidays, with hid paten McMillan -bought a hundred: 46 Ir WeIL - W, on: one se' ` hem re- 411 rom done eacefully departs& this, 11(e,' t8he ffiakes. to. and as, ding Mater, an rag - - II. - b And &ad useftil' r! MUJW10IPAL.-;-MOst of the'peo Is J P1 tiraing -irid*tfiliks of thenu bar who her 'liusband were hi Is fir'st W. J. DaWeei. i r000v- Mrs. S. Do"r'ka'nce, or,$000., if !a a: section sa that D.. .New A an axes an a4d variab a book- of tefek - fr ds. nd ?a very sorry r. rivals 11 t left tois district,. on6 riewlson f farms setiler'blin this "Commun, and were a ng siowl ; from .& beVere attack of :only keeps up in pri6e until after the. cIntosh declines again being a celindi-, oar sabsenibers fail to his - rollo, and --p ajoeful-, coin. If any in animation. Mr. T.' 0.', Kemp.'- is -aisessor, co6pletes McKillop! - uuty is tfor,Wo reaveship.' He makesan g in value I in this blessed* with a long n all qui a evk i ISO tb be, ted 9 1 ith will former assessinied; re ey m -clads that .6w holida"ya W1 ar, double' its it *Aent..' It is -a art I tries are "wive one, tW &3,46 in &*f - been, panionship, bat ai all ;a n Away ipend . b dellent reeve, And would' have 'Departmetit. And Always kti ; . falls in price. and:' that th6110 now severe wi"wish'the bereaved hus- tjandi at Boamsville, and:'Ur. John but -1 eo war. of our popula n''have d -elected by acclamation.` It is, also b6io accideuta and.by send' thi i landlo band manylolessi -re the omis lo-; Aiik6n up their residdue ugs a ring tha.1 main- fter, ple -become poor and stock very, e in Wffiaren !of Toronto,* is­lookiBg nderstdod'that Mr.David' Spioatviill at ard', line op Day ad the so come b will business in his bsence.—Miss' About thai t MoXill' ih, and- -we alia haWe- be that efre ;we wi I im a at Again be -a candidate, either. Mr. def of- his In fe. mad h mol3ey Out' ib- -99 This bei our olle it' citizens of neighboringReoub- iataely- fto rd'ons. ag, ai. of Duncan &t Dandaai'. left bitt one manw. o' had proat is a good man, andif he Would odntryi Xhibli Assortmenf and lie Ilk place -of . their ixativ' ionday to visit feiends; at Patkdale. terdst whe the. wee last issue for- 1 n-j we *ish our readers 01 n "oar appearec nedut to stand for another year- it is newt- ighbor- r.ad Mrs. Morrow and family, of lie ia-g6ne. If he has' not an 10 L64 ---week Brussels'and would not be -an PxszxTATroN.­Lai b Monday ight, and friends.. o ie, And a%, 'a hEippy and. robable'there y oppoel-. 9, -.':Road of wieddi the an rowhrd -it will a hard with most: hood Christmas eve, two'or ;hroe represents. 'Complete -at' msoll, are visiting friends in d ion', For the rebveship. We 'hear the ar 8 a ames' of Messrs. David Walker; Rob - 'Into re r prosperous We' Ye ..I forth.­rMiss Maggie Wilson of the ratepiye rested couples 'we' Nab. Gar y, ar 4 fives, of the Methqdis congregation in tewart T- d home Mondaynig and, 'Minnip - 8 Grant this place, presents V. , Mr. Joh be Re' and B in. Aldot son And and Aleir. SAr Op FA. qor =0 Is thehed v elia Askinap, W the pakso. a, LondesbQro,- ve ht, after a men-. rr Friday Isit inXew Y6ik-and Mon it McLean F6rsythe Rogers at. tout id, and foe 'the: Deputy'reeveship, XJ -Rau nM i's ening. a sale f o ancy Work -Miss Kiightt S" Jackson d i a rah Me- ev t Leadbu V ti of bate, and a L—Staff Sergeant, Smith and his 7 bre-mber 'for' sera. Wm,, Elgia,46bn Sinclair and with a- Jarge. qua I took place at t e, reoider as of Mr. D. 'D. oOT BALL. -On Saturday; Do -Guire -and all' in,066 day.+Cbist. - orge McKay ate mentl6fied as likely an -Sabbath dy the a well, t 0, youn SOnq spent 'last' -WiW t a, spices of the Ivation. Army here. The .15ti 3 mas )r was. very -.qub the 'Cole of this Celebrated 11filinary, 6 ti. a ,friendl r game. of football iwas. D "it in, town PCOL OUT --:-Mar n,. unde Ila' wil Y' wm­There is as yet. no . word of any Dri U Miss' n Society of the &jj all aced played between. a team Jrorn Harlook thinj be a little bar. place has dispoiled of big, stock to Mr. Woman!s Fore no, -and at- mplishdd musicia Jng done we -unless a breeze school) assisted by tli0i tesichei,. G.' A &Die in Stanleyj and -Goods and Mantle House eeablo an f Mft h" -wh h u.roh. -he articles were and-4ioag ' F. Colem, rin f ih, t-toor u f the -old- -.a( in product -labors '"of Miss ajjl bath evening, when' - the' barra nearly; All.. lia-vi Preabyterian c tr oted I $,a. audiehoes, especially on rousing. -It Was one 1.0 inNewton on no 'inalion'day indicati .; an& a team--fio . Lloadbury, th ckg , .: ..-1 0 Mo )uncillors ad the store and. WIWI c:rry ono, tI:as ursea2litil * ted by their theleber, T.'S. Hogg, -on .. .- - ' - :- 7.. ' - . .. . ' - . I SEAFORTHI ow -Gig class uring, the' l4st h to accommodatei busines r. -is a young-inan. Wile6ili a w.4 net ioomy.enoug a amation,, M ''Coleman df good business- abilities and wiII16 a of months, During the, evening 9, the 6kowa-'. —A solaial under the auspices, the geounds -.of -the latter teath.- The Mirioli. - Couple music was presentdd for Ther playing si as was good. grommer of both Jd valumbWaddition -to th -businesi popu gives, n --Aldburn-' pro t4e W--bmen's' Foreign Missionary ho. Tun undersigned. hereby otice 'h' of t4e intoll4etual man Trh Is,.. me team thoug4 much lightOr han, -- : i ' !xilliary-6f the E,mondville'church to Wagn er kAxt, or to theenefit 4 9 that all. accounts due. lation of i 0 villag 'for 1887 andl MS must be paid or their opponents,, 13roved.too many for , of this-, t bountiful 8 01y -of, g6od thing- satio wilt be -held in the manse -there Qw the hPsRsolTAL9.—Mr. A. Motion,' 'In -Al two goals,! in fifteen:ihin. settled zVonce, as he is- getting tn'pi-Into ei Istaway ys. r6x, er. o1iing of Fr: fed the -11 f the -inllbr man.. arge Way, January 4th,." when. thum,.so6ring 1 tle He will for hisholida be pre4ent.— erow-d was pre was al 'ari cordially invited to 'look boys fail ytr ge eedsl the"busifiess and "iiiust have eiel d 4ent and teverything utea,-white th Hiir ad to befor& entering into'-. partpership, ' ours, H. t friends iti Clinton, Seaforth and' -PawguTy'So r, W. C..Hazel- 8.2 ut -- Miss -Ph force the bill once betw""n the- uprights HArrBr,. - . - , she Casiaday, of 1101(i we belfle The yojing lidie'sAre to. and Mr.z James Murray of Landon 109 . I i wbod.hat ptik6hased t a house and lot -atthe opp6sitei end. h; is visit! ba-congratula on a oleak profit of $50 6 Christmas with f ifendil here. They, BRE Rx ..:—Messr-s Peter,- Moddid, .4 ing' filends 16re andin on Hqwiok street, lately'owned by Ft. M W GOOD WO Mr. our vil. wMeb, .: will -38 devo0a to Foreign Bray town of Gode­rioh.­ Miss Anni6' 101,-e the guests tt -and J9hn 2. -of Zurich, out' missiong green Thorrkao Ballantyne. The price paid for' kemith, is, yir busy' these of Mr. Alex. Sao and i1age' blao 60** turdy is visiting friends -it Clinton. faiaily.—The-, annual- meeting of the S -in dk' metqtt.1n beach log, 16 in6he the- property was. A moderate o a, the' times. Hiia-A good -mechanic ... !4, good Y) Men's Christian Association for f -110,. secd ds, with A lance tooth Bawl Beat ENTERTAINX.EXT. The., Chriitmas lot being ver oligibler for -build' r - y Ing pu -ser SICR .—The B irs, etc. wil 0 W all -around in. fAot,"Mr Win. this who 0 as retary.-Tre"urer) 0j, Michie - d at nee, n.. -of Qffic tt atio I e idd ree entertainment. which w held under View in, St. 'J% eta; Catholic. church on Dayi son has erected A new. re poses. Scott sec- hil la in the Ass lati -on a auspices of the Methodist Oabbath action -of 'Mamiging :Committee, S. Love, P,, oc on rooms We'd. INDUOTION.7-The i44 a. rig rpso i were Iarg and* does nogintend to occupy it- alone - Chit lay ely -attended,. Qhoql, wait qui a suabess. ' The enter-, z 1oth Imorning. oar-- ad .1 ext at S. O'cloy. - . .,the'_. pastoral Kelly, Andie Clark %pmen great credit and Annie Miller. sy even rig n, ..either. --Xr.ud Mrs. Bqnnewels. 'were and eve'wng. . Th t c6mmttee degervq charge of theYresbytefian congregation Th"ubject of*debste was, Resolvec ivered by ih attenUnca "at, a marr'irge in.- Lo an OysTEA SurB.P..-4he Varn 0 gp Mon in, the, mirning -Waa. ael iox- or the may pbs programme was citrri6d z or. two ladies can get prilte, here, to 0-k plies on Mo' d 'last - in the that' WOO& is more useful, than iron.10' tmaS ut.- Theplecei rendered ay the eiening list eek.:—Mr Johi a is in Template; celebrated the pastor, iile' that' in n Irvin To-.':.of..Gciod t of tu f i liq4--an as eorge b t to -by the child M joconve no any par. n- presence o rag - a. rma a assu &1 ite rohto on *business this -week. --- Miss Mary eve by­having 4fi--'o a lev -Co oppos star suppe, h d ther oko'of N, John Street, at the- an were veiy fine, Wo feel special - ad con agation. A v ry successful and -Armstrong an John le.,' Irishtow-n. excellent ser- E 16h Church So I Room. jonxi Stimor6, who' has been a -dining room residence of Me:. and the y JO Wanleiii., One Of en'tion: sboula be mide of the recitation - were n gr I an 0 d we' lieteneft tq -very at- -Queen's hotel, Seaforth,', in are. ­Tweniy4ix yesis endired by --Master Frankie 3 unrest in t 4 an 7 at ; ' I pleasant reopp, cial ere. lield negative y is and - r. Black, DIES ANDGExTLF3zzN.—Youi- Town 'Waiter in the the' charter emb 1. P, heven' t '-bew alitor an. After &-very able discussion he chaiv, fe, nti Frankie has ao there =tively, 'by a - large' congregations B d, will begin their serenading brithe lam r some time is homeP, for the holidays.' t 'to brganiziti ont there ere'pre-- tledo tere-up . oA III Is. erg ini his n men, a a, Kirkeonfiell- and M Mrs.- Alfred Shaw, of Seaforth, Spent w cse4t.5 'eis6ns W 0 th` present. The inging) i is Deedless to ni ow eld un yeaT, when they hope to er of the Did h enrolled nisilves lear,swebt voice, :eicellint nerve,-ond fo such 1h music as will be suitable Ito. is der the most uspicio, :Clark gave their 4eclslo rof the say, was, well milbred- by P; fall choir, : day ortw'o of -last. week with her - mberd On 11is -2nd'-day March acting was grand, nin fav4 fe4tiveseasorl. Tholundooftheband.are very me who were assiated by Mr. Walter 10 Woive received a fu -1, report of both v egativs. The programme for the coca. abl wo, they trust to the liber. renits. Previous to her ' marria 48 A862 and' -who Aflj- aire statindli. main. and as heretolc a goo Willi, of' thii town whose basso was all of their townsmen to keeo them in d' I --she was ohei of a -uJ rtun4 ely it came to sion consisted of readings, Tocitationsi events, b t. unfo Kiia Suphemis, Sta'nzel,. b rig. of effloteno, w1thout, which they -cannot o t amiable a tee Lo6AL eslbuhOshd Q -,a( in f th6 masi- StaXaoy hand too late for this a but #!If ip- eta. , A hearty votef -thanks was- ton. one- of the I it features o ur mos nd highly as mad' t eal service, Klinkharnmer, the OVe. )FAIND0M. ineeting of th c ear nex Veek.­ -ED -4-- dared the two gentlemen who acted as- Hehry DA1, -students of the- i Young ladies;- -wThe munici aleleotious hdroh.,bf at . a' chairmet The meeting ad old reliable, fillidthe bill to, perfection- ONEY WANTED, -Wanted, to. bar- inations :are the -1most -.England Co east on out home to close up the bui Aness of 1he yeai, was Journed, to, - and achool Dom d ro about $3,000 A 0 per.oent. InUxest. on a tant-subjects onhaudat p ant nd their a u111*1111, Loiideilbo rin the eivrrenin The'collections, we, '0 1 aid last week.. 'After pas M meetagiin on Friday ivenin ffil clam farm In the tovitiship, of 31dKillop. impor res. . ape a a holidi re. -Mr. th 1880, Th subject for deb ro ry Whil tt 'following Bums -were BAiEF--BiTs r -Rev. !.Paul;.: of Bras 4 vW t Ahn cAsl 6 Medi- -andertandf.- e ve gone us. A at the Exposa R Mae, Seaforth. iogs . I a-mpa erg are compirati y uie is ituAint'., of tooror, er of --aaccunts, the owal a Sabba'th.-Mr. PResolked, that it would be in the anta& t ship tofficeis John T i here nex 0 in - regar to the' former, out lie of bal College,,is 440'home for hiq sloation. ins 6venibg. 0 a -.'Erratt,, 134 Wm Pringle, of Hog's Back; has Mr. terest of -the con A-VAKE, -Wide Aw 6 bei IDR f 'TaddiLy 11 at 4 very nt era -to k? 1. . nee, $35 Isaac REN PHAISTMAs. Christmas . the: -grand and noble. profession of n the k th year f resh as. a rosebud and -almost as A Gu 0-0 0 4waywith statuteVa I% bar Day is not inuo without oleighin omethitig of ark, 8.34 Jbseph-ikenead,. 0 Newtons- house and 1moved int6 the eep yp g and the roAde by taxation." 4ai Otiful. - The new ciontifined stories bid, fair. te dhert are, no, doubt a s' ciieful ChriiitD6 trile onterlaijament I skating,. and onseque&ly. 1ast TU86-. to )e ver -oh here* oberb Moilween,436., s: been Theaffirmad -y interesting as wen as instructive and. a Auttek over the- held in 1 t, Johu, Reid' $75 Hagkit h Methodist chn ir.j ha, sy was a is ppointaln o a gre )at' so be upheld by Win. Scott, t t was eree'ting and. e ae ro John d' di at lio* ane'should miss them, *The enkfaviogo too :A very int )rge; Stowart,1126 Andrew Stinsog,, :gick or. some weeks. ems of ait. - The price of. Wide Awake is many.. There ws' tin ar aown* is was rendered - I ark and Tr Barkwelf m- vew tio.- the -which he... Bladko 'S. Love, and'.A. 'Coneri., Th 9.1'a con. -u I? The cl. easurer were 0 by thei sch 0g, 0 songsi r re "pour bf rain rly all day, and instead - Winthrop. consistr ), Paid, $5 eachlor extra work.: Thl: bought-inAslifleld, in March. Mr. S. iiiegitive by . Kirkeonnell P. Kellyr. 0 SZ.40 per -year.. Published 'by the. D. DIS iRop Co'y.,. Boston, 3fissachussette. -1098.1 f eadidge and, oi. sc -a 'Rev. a and ic 11 lots of mud, HRIST& TREE -As nnoun6ea of one, W, there v ouncil adjourned sins die T ­Mil and Wni.'Russell KATINa RINK. -There'- will be- a Mn Mo- Woodmearents th BaAwell farm ad The so and sinih, ard the' Umsihere was 4% f6tmer issue'the Christmas Ties entern "tations an'iddr6ivby the A,WzLcomz Hoxz.-One night last joining Loudesboio'.-- -Mr- McClinton a -r d opening of on 9 - PirsibyteriAti in good the, Seaforth Skating Rink Xonnel inister,4f Varna, -ciety have a cured n rgan, and a than Tu odaynext,'New -Yeaes Day.- Thai& will be whet, closed his i -being prepared. more like the awning )fl 'spring tilinment was held on -Christmas. eve,:,In- ask a number of youn pie, sith ourpopalar school 'to"' a, Web a veral ell n,t 'olbe by Me star air programme if a axe 0 -th ichoollast week. He uid rag, conal3quen All gd-: t the hous'e, of Mi 9 nideri 17th year in our t&-,- ou ngin theforenoon and skating in a after. Cavan church of this eUAs An winter,* The fown, and evetking. 1098 and M iss- Maggio Deffill a nd- good, -no ad Morris" unqualified success,'and all who had the on, theS*fible line. His eldest son- hi wat the' recipient of P egpts from-- the' ly, very.dull,a c1most ,people had to Jar hinber,of bad nidsi6 loytlit choiri. A go X.. 'On Wednesday -even. PRESENTATION.- good- fbrtuue7 to be there -enjoyed.. a fare returned from where' he hs sch ari; Ro now retires, after -35 years seek4or enjoy in th',dif homes, Not- b t*f I -regents yere-dis; Michigan, d and I eau I it 1115dul he exprience,'from -f, withotanding e: unfav6rable waither' ENEXul-A. quiet but, pleasant; 1reat, Wotwithstan&4& the unfavor- tributed 'to' thb ck' been. engaged- since. last -April, and he ts ohing profession'. 'last -week t4_reldence of Y illean. -Cb rary to 'hurch ,wos7 crowded all going, --r 0' T7mMr Tamblyn's son, of the 13th con- to -.eturn. in a. iew 'days t atinds trade. was. fully howeve' the At took place 0 the residence of Mrs. able weathir thi'o rl stion. of m X0.f Jackson, of Morris, was as, good, if not better, -*than in former Ax derson in -this, town, on -After ample doub to -the.-,. t a expect d some of his 'frieudha& cessiou'xoturned'home -on 'Friday last, Wednesday - y the a ith. that place,. an by a mb crammed. o er'of friends from the Jack - t -the ' ery door, years isit, at on rday and -Monday. the 111( rt ng Ikst. The occasionm was 'the,. provisions. prdvi(6d, the -chair was taken gathered to Welcome ana bid him good.'fkom Manitoba, for i hert y th son 0 'on re i t hu Ill Stading th6. wetand disakrebialill After taking possesflon a n -d our me rriage of Mr. John Lyon contractor, by the -pastor,. Rev. P6 Musgrave the town was fillei from end to end bye again. After spendikig a very- d m ho +'house, b ii town ol he estoad, but in Mr, Albert H wletttead -an address, M tores and othi ir business hodses 'viire of I h and Miss Janet Anderson, duties of which he', performed. in his Mr. from. 3arly i 'he -pleasant evoillingiach wendedhis Way: tba cofigregation, and behalf of nv was -The'readifigs, reci-I ip home igAin, somewlie, thr ged a t forenoon un- T e ceremo, Perfoimed by Rev. usual hiLpp style re, Among the ert Jack a an .-speaking -was-allthat ERSIGNED' hiereby-gives no. A.. D.. Me Hibb Robert. Watson pi anted Mr. to in Si d 'UND the. wening, Butt great as Ddhald and only'k few of the tatioins, we, 41'sma'- hours," but not Alone,':for each er V more y the tice that 0111 accounts. d ite' him of 1N7 and 1888 Th rith a family Bibletand, Miss Laidlav THE ]?,evzp - ial fev the rush was it would 4avar been. very immediate friends of the contract- could. be deeired. The speechis b 4 had his best girl. ith him. must be settled by bash ornate b.,rJa upry 25th, is raging, con the diihth[ con6ession with and Miss Jackson 'presented Mra. Jack, ing parties were present.1 - The 6rem Rev.. M r.- Ramsaj; and the- ev. H -OKF N set, much ireater , had t re been good R* Xr. 1989,: D WrxsVll#'L R,' -ow SHk Gox.THz a o Him.--i- son with a beautiful chins tea' town.. no'signs of In the last two sIe1'2h1n2',1 We hope, better thin - an 1. breakfast copel I mainly', t6.the childrs A man called on a 'farmer in this: recognition of their sr in leading 98, tided -tfi-ii ne McCoy, direotec n, Ira, Mi rried-couple drdve: to 'BrucefieU I an, Warp -Appropriate, - entertaining and in. Q. OLTS aitliman far. *.asks three bf the young bachelors 40D C . -SeVei4l'ge . , vices lief;'re Saw Ve' ship And wao(joking'h.is-.disug tei'AotLi the singing in the church. The remain- mers from thomeighb6r.ho6d o4 Clinton Uve'left the reanks )f ingle, blissed- to,4k.the train therei for Chatham v er strifetive. Tha s6iij by Aggii Grieve :froiag to- ge . I Wheil- she t. marine der of the eve ing was very were here. the other day and i4ouricl the. , to cares -and p similar nee$, and entorbd up. n the lessantly dHiusTmAs FEt he 'Christmas th#y attended a second demen- was partionlirly commendable. The Now you knowi" she,said,. that 1. 'spent in 8061 njo me. -at' -,servicesbf he celebrated twd-year-old striation, this. being - theBm- a - -!a last, but not -lea impbrt nt its a ­of married Rfai 'The -first to Tires, entertain ent1n t a Egmondville' M of am going- to be married next -week, and duti 'Plydesdale stallions,^-'-; Lo hn Felt. *he retu 0 p Ace last nii r. Lyon; r4. frokine," SCH60L S a, 9.-A very sue - a a of M ni: start off was mr, M 0 'a rtg of' Sabbah Sch which k I th ri and the. pr*,eedings was the distributid"f on. must give the wedding prese man," Mri, -a iCanny` Scotch that' Triday eVeni was every. way a, bf Which there was a very adfrom Logaxi,tw6 weeks ago with his M: ii Lyon beingwell known' r;y the p6sents, ld desiful, ekami ation was held in th% : n a ion and ve isid hot "if you.get marri'd.bext; wilik .00 , * ' I 90n Frida Of last 9 youn, Graham' -impittid-last Septembir,.for-the g.'bride, hliss-, Magg hool. 1 8 d by- large number,- both -trees,- b6in -well Taylor -a is plesontand s cessful i ffair. The pro- )uIAr in. town the presents rebeive .9 1 will inake you. nice.present, never' Ila' 0 19 y a Saar- a were put thro h nine' were the happy hearts I hter of Mr.. John, '-GrAham,, late of week. gramme consis "af-mu ic And teadijigs- th,'brMs were both -n rous and hand- laden. :Many feasons, if not a Id 'b -test the visiflui antes 4 ..car- once thliking or droatnipg that she' thoro'- u taim:Atimber'. of mares rom I ; ir citizens g . I I - "Now ' she -said - thl i0nahip. ;he frequent visits -the young ili' V ffie school' and soibe, Ot e0erally and -their that night, The ,proceeds, as announc- by would be married. th 't an'other - I young bachelor of this line red' both to -themselves and ny friends iver *here will oroViding. they travel in that- distr it. and di a tin address 4r, Musgrave, of in units. ad, were.$29.20.. mind whatyou safo.'.'Aud to his. id get mai- ks well for Mi. Tayo 's horses. teacher, Mr., A. Andersoni The school a wishing them -sure eu likely- -to lose'another her fair dau h- aMoK4110F. M: misgraIve is alwalys in- w:h usin -the usuaf. congrattilatioris' on Is making, in. that- 'direction, Logan is I - I Robert Hollis, ourp Dligh -;-ahe d teresting and' proftable iind', a great Bill 00 i9 e th s. Massie., ilidq abd true to his ':protniso he came bous' was 'splendidly decorated with o asious in Li a wing on, our popular Mrs. H. H66d t. aid pictures. The follo , ndvil FARW*LL 'PRESENTS.— Some oya t4st life can HAI. DSObik a d favorite with t is Egm. Ile people,. gr0atest possible: Thomas Mc6iegor and down with the presen n a hand, ters; Mr. Alex. Ferg ate in rrived hers on Saturday last4o 'spend - =8, asal d the examination - be (to7w. storekeeper, and Post star -of Staffi; -On e one. too. And he did not fall his ecord Th -rev6tend gentleman referred to in Messrs S. Anderson, A. -Mccallo Uo th holidays With the folks at home. -a ippe One k* d out: a weak, and re, -While all hi rig, people. the follo*iag paiagraph, tken . fr6m " f Forpti spent Mokadden, H. Fowler and M. 'Black on being with a artnet r"life she the: 1 0.9 op. -Dr. nd Mr&,, Hutton, turned did, well ittle 'y h ang the, Tuesday's Globe, 'is a' son 6f 'Mi. John Chi d Misses Rally and McDougal& In, this time. t Kindergarten i Ong t -Christmas with, Mrs. -- R-.. Mstlise4we. selhurs 5 rizzle, 0 pf McCrae of- this,.viIlaje,.an4'hi1 studenti .4re home HSTERTAINxinNT.-The entertainment- many were pleasedto m ate our old.friand. Mr. the evening was field li entertainment or h leader- a. *the town- nlilhip of Mr. n- did St.= by th 1I of.School No. 6; frie' . r, John -McLellan Ob w r., a pupi a, nds' here.' will- plessed.,to dre unit P amieson,. Bip -th illage spending their e apecial: a in connection with. the school, Mir, AG, to and Miss Maggio -Atki on were d ar IpS, au WI Ulopjswt Tbursdayevening,&ovid he of big *elLdo* d of cifield,'in; -ol v holidayse Th especially wel, And. re encoed on M4Ki on a a ro. -Methodist obuich for t y uni. -Chridinat- day, E young meetings carri d. on.. so successfully in io 'the -hol bonds. matrimony. on locks so ea6h occsion. The tre was a beautiful agrand Success in bvery respect but. one. with us in wishing him equai success Kirkbyacted as 7ehairman, and on r me of more d as, genial -as ev6r. -A numte than fort selections one, an raction as gre of our. the he past eight Tueadqy of last'wes We bespeak gram me d ics at 'Th-13'people. of the's ction did'not- turii 'and happiness in his new he At te"atten, week tied thrQugh to the enjoyment of or"" d -id th shooting)nateh at a. have been brought. to*.& close.,- f or themall mu -oh joy rid happiness as Was - car. db*g Kyle's hotel on Christmas dak- "butthey, Me. W. 0. MiTaggatt, of this-villigo, u 'life. Ali Thel)roc.eeds amountingto $111,50,, -Pul and useful )resents ich loaded its W not. very favorable-, th6r a -the- Din yet, o. . thro, at. reports has- been engaged as pri0clial of Et7h a was Presbyterian charch -other evb y journey. n -d in obtaining a bell for the fri; th hold in.. Eyle. n d on thei iuopei s.' Will bi . nee oreased-bp the d.- Although the night farewell,: meeting large a unt of beauti- on as they shoul branches for tf, young -people- of U6 I atteiidance a -neig rs. MoCr h.;- the Rev. D. L. -McCrae 4nd K cTHE TEA MEETING. A to ating. :public school for next 'y6af.-Mr. -and school. The admission fee wai 10 At. L - . Sumna school. The E lence' was larg be ng sectins than 'from- No. 4. reo' ---the foriiier ud' eive& presentati6no in connection' with St. dri;s"ch"uroht Mrs, John Chambers -are. visiting friends- add 5 -cents. NME1 etired AV gal sonable hour, every one T as who: stiid away miassed 'dinn a; tire gold wmehaudthe- lattir a -Chinadinn S#NDAY 8606t: ENTERTAII 4T.- 'Kippeii, Will be.'held on Thursday even. and relatives "in this r well pleased w h the tainment. tr t. Hollis was" in-1ne f 6 -'The Sunday School entertainment and rm and gate' ;%eto, -Alver - tea.4et and t* -gold-,, t 8 i 66 addrease' will lbe deltv 'Ashford . and family- and- -also Jae. New;' nU aeons Selections, in, his be parse ingnex ,,v East Wawauoih, at style. The -highest testimony was barns to thd candy social,.hald oniThursday.-of last ered by the fbIlOwing revereiid gentle. all,. who --has beeneinjoying Dakotawfor, Mr. T Seaforth. Quartette Club gave M , t'.. LocAL Br A A Ii tle son of' week case, The 'pro.. -great great success which. thei iva4 & 6oided-suc PzRsoxALs.-Mr..T'homas.Stewart,,-.0f had at tinde 414 'Ir U-" rth me :McDoosld. Seafor ar in, some years, are Again in our midst. -We 'IT 10 - 011 the: tops cut. off fadtion from the nianner in which' labors in Cobourg.for seven yearrs. grammi-of -the evening consisted f :an few %eeks hbli- John ff. Broa f , 19 t is home a I .. : xeter -, Feari--Cok- and lRendirsOn ,, AMA t'has mot -been previously men-. two. of his fingers -in th furniture fee- th rendered Several pieces of mu I . , . addre a -by 'the: "airmin, A days. -Mir. S. GZr sic broken peace and prosperity -has -o Mr. hara Hensall-, arid. - Simpson, - - Bruce eld.' Ltione'd-that piior10 their, .'removal Mri tory on FAC14y last, ' Mr. Wm. Me- 21 dinciiig of W. McLeo&aud Miss -terlsed - the church during, the -who Tonga, readinger., tio'no and einging visiting at Mr. H. gigs 0' Dougall,the. dest a Mr. A. G- M nie MoGregoi -, a Musio ,will- bei. by.a Oe church' -and Mrs. Petei Cooper .*art made the a of a much -admired, time. -Mr. McCrae goes'to JamestoW -by the childrent- sin inir by Mr.' and '&HdOL EXAMMATION, Mr. A. X, n is at wl a the scholars i hokoithe Sabbath Sohpq ch4ldren a d. -.recipients of reli -filled .purse. - 17his M - %Vln;. okson, a( -by Aev-. RobWn held. big examination -on Friday McDougall, ORVIrden, Manitoba,, a- their humbrous New York," ra -ja h4s I L. . - 6 ' *ft ontrbuted by he members of present in 'town. visiting fri6nds.---:-Mr. d' dtheri Tea will- be servo from gi was 0 1 ogues-brought down the house.-).'Tbe VUNIC*IPAL. Thinga were- qtiiet for'- b yterian Mr. Godfrey -Belgr vs.' and Mr. Di- afternoon. The section wis well repre- a clo'k of aWalter goo. unV I 7;S0. A very pl Sant And oth the -Pres And Moth6diat Agnew, sente tt 3,'former resident. of Sam- ceeds of the co-neert-.ga t'ward#. dec- 'sonie time'but noiW they are4n full bliatt vid Hogg, eadings by Messrs. d, The.sdholaraft r rend -dings a evening 1. no. oub.t, be. congregations. ere,- thus Showing- the forth, is a can profitabl will, .- --- or .1 -no. Nichol and 1140o -. f the Mayoralty nd making more attractive the . both. parties 'having a full iaksi in A0.4 Mrs, Me, oil The passing Dies programme, presented Mr. Robison provided, ah" the round.- of the candies* Mr. Scott is &-good man, church a' -be ates' in' and 1is ek 8 OM. o tin fieldi Reforin-party met last week. d . Mr. -C -the distribd-' with -a Bible and an album - As a mall of NVIngham. 001groa 00 r el a'ded -cellent *ife.w a Ill & crow in th iud the- 0 of that town bofild n'bt ExAm is ommun- -t ov au inw h. NATION.-A'Oublia Oho6l and's c6Thmittee'consistibg A Messrs- tiozi of.'the presents n the Christmas . oken of the I a d esteem hic r a Wade,Smith and Kerr w t' t, eatur -held their teacher. dor, b-ette tha elect himl Mosers. Reia a iristion was hold in scho6l house. as: d ity; Thei.we'e b0h valued teacheis i impoit a -,of:. the 'they Mr. Robisoit en n, -ha atty'and- pwgra ass $22. replied in a few touching* words, - Mr Wilso -20th to Wait' the Cous'erva t1vL! poin a mifte. Pro & Ware m1chants, of this N . 4,, MaKillop, on Thursday.the bhe Presbyterian Subbath School her6' tree was an I4dATA BRi E rd- ale for R6bison will: a sadly mused b tow p elegri *va'part in- ever FOR, Bale ch two new. mph and always took an aott 'have' i6d -a ivery handsome- in T x no, SSE I .. e4p, y- ke eiamination bega about 10 to try, And atiangd a com.pro, ighing Im churzli se. a arners, a coin e6 coin -and in go agood work!: visitors offered to give them 2 councillors"O ng arder, Apply at-- D look bnt the maj6ifty of the t instrivoints for 16 11 odwork. chroind calen, I r,, whic they. are pre 6 a Salifa MO. istmas. All the chool and' s6elet as he Y tot ti -air cas era PA a Wew. diA not cents 'until about nee' he Reform'p*r 0 sec era. 9 are -on on 0 "' - . n. a, oar an MID's Drug ore., 1097 it - . . . : 8 ho a -Bayffeld their holi&ys j4s.t n6w.--Win. Potter, ud VeaNqggift.--q,1Ae6rs'. 0avid Dorrence va rious classes ward, examined, by' their R. - Graham for Reeve.- This the Cory axis *he ean4ot easily be rep -,ud gery u el that hey are z BPiiFL-ET,9.---' Mr.; Charl s qReid, of fOrmerly hoir of. e tion No. 5, Mor- all ho kbe v him fe and W. G.- Tf "A have re urnad from De . te.46hery-Mr."D.1 McGreg*or*, as's' YOU are. in;vlted td - -dome aq# ass our isted. by atiVes we Id not accept. Some e M arin, AV Elegant Zolldaj, -1*8'tock ' watches Olocks, _7 r Josing&frie-d Dit to spen 'Bair, antosh Pe iven rai. 79bey G tr d`.th6,holid&ys with friendi. Maesirs. Mo-" they, would haire accept-dd providedthoy jew*elxy Goderioh, is the guestol'idr; Jioh -Far.:. rig, was'visiting. frien a here last weak. n and brother.- We wish 'a oodoi here. -Mr.'- - amos- So -t,l of Roxboro - L' A McFadzean,, Scott, Doiance and got. the ass-esearship.. The candidatis suitable- for. -predints to bld.br young. Every.. 'gal its'&. numb peo- --Robble'Newcombe i home to a nd- hi success wherever his lot may 3on.---.:-Qu at of young im be e -a spec -MoKillOp, de ivered st geese of this H 99,. arid M isees Govehlock, body-welc6me.. Ne kK1Re of flne p1 are home for- the holi a Amonj 8 in 10ampbell are R. Gkiligm. -and .' Geo'. - Becker for Wb;tohe . s -. and . LTpwilk ppairin 11 work Christma with his -parents. cok4t. -year's growt. At fieat Reeve, and -for Coun6illors, MoInto91b juaranteed them aie,Massrs.-Frank as ohn- Michie, re are wion. & Young's- an Pollard, Judging- from 'thp, -t tompt' and CAL spa an o a dres a Jearance of- eemi d arry Pblidek ndy-'Stalker county of Halton but ds Our mit%D Jr.j his d from the TA,'MEETnzG ---.;The Westfield toa, sed the school I locery, whibh waglie wheri 1097.2 Burgess, H biqk in meeting was' nolm such a suceW as in Ainlay, Stewart,, Amenti 'Relible. T. 6. ' TQi-,MiAN, p g -in conn ' a L ation Elliott to an d Vnstou -a f w6eks.-J-ames arid. drawn, tom"12 -to 19;pounda each iri the. quick arid, correct answers giv_ Gerry, -Leath6rdale an ana M' ads 1. V stone. Iloya past y4ars so far as the financial ps a. A'BA$1CkT SocIAL with Andy Mr.: and Mri. Jamei nell of Hallett;.,'e by the p4pilsj X& 4 is 6ertainlylii a There 10 a good chance of the Reformers' the pannivIlle Methodist Chirch, '111 b held and. MarthA, Pollo X - I lnd ir visiting friends. is concerned, but this was wing t ck . a nnounce wife,`Of Party Sou o. were M tow i on- Ind nday - lslsl and v fy prosperous condition. A n -at: the i residenc-4 of 31r. Writ. igry of tlijdl vd som'e, mistake in t umbeir darrying the full io-kef as they have ment WAS made, thatt a i y Skating 'in this county At. preoijit Mrs.* Bo it he evening -in whi6h It th a Lgood wishes 6. -Ifiusiail- selections &a.'. without doubt e,tow.n. would 'open C rig' but S %gister of Mrs. - Wai. Michi - of As was to'be h6.d. However, the proceeAs receivd the greetings nc recitations, I 'townsh, w Yeats"Evi ,.December day, a majorl y in .an towhic all are -very cordi lly invited. M- r-eL also Well ran. The. Conservative pir the finib., and place- if -desire of many frier ) ert Pringlef n by the pupi'li We i GfIt&y.,!on Me MorkI. George -Hobd.at- amoun d r. I &A -9 ty, though they: Don!t forget you she-Ldidn't.o0en, Faile t oi ineat. The Oth. line, of to to 25 H a as and Rev. a, pi v Do Ilan, of Aub of Mn. iJames a ed,'while in addition to t d -n vasante enlng.­ Aoavi a a a Ieaoant tendied!­the m1n,iOD Gkango meeting Mr. MoMi urn, Us. of (%icagoi 8, "'cond - so this We were Wint the assessorshi oxinuot she were V wa y o'sp mild weather dam m has do roads,: Owing to -ns at Guelph last weiok.-:- T dmas ind Wm. on y oir Pringle, spe#t- Christ is wfih Iriends. ti ated to. a number f 'usical selec'- -thing the s :of folks anA. il ' ipeakers, Weaffield ch MA SCOL ssess6r. ne wron8ope LOCAL I= 5. ---Tho expectatio a-" rig The in -6th Jine of Mor- furnished theT muiid, -Th6 union tea.? t. t town.-T4,e 11orni4tiions for public, ti' no on ihe violins by Mr ­A. t and whim.'he- has weiked againi th a verybad st -the rink at the a a. hould the' lUnds formetlyof the' o. the recent rain, okra in as ompaniedbyAlis§Xerr er prove lay scho o L P -- M ss Johnston"ace k on Wednes servative party -6r forthe Ite6rm--*part .. and.tradeis not -is liv6ly'as"iy4liotherwise weath orAble i grand op6o-. 4, -.but n#w'of Dakota, are isiting meet ing. which was held'bn .,Frid oftheorgan. Messrs, Henderson &-Hogg There 'weire Iiirdly.*-4pvOr an,V,.aopditli 'would'be it this - so )f tha year.L- - Ing Will be mad o7ii We* Year's Day," L friends' here C. WiMon W day. Mr. V. -M. Ballan ne an( `J Jr. 0 ameff evening was agrand success. S ,.re revele (I for ga ve some very flne, se lections i the and th ey seldq' molasoodn L but. the: chickens can t be. counted. till Wichol;teachir of 'No 5 orris, held were given by Rev. A.. McLean, -and on..the agsins of it, are q Dr. end M is. to and south wards,'respedtively, and Air. ni!i iuth organ, while Messrs. Thoffipson put- any,on. the that he I --eggs. are hatched.- On Wednesday '--his Christmas examinwtion on Friday of- and Rev. Mr. Vongue; of Blyth - Rev; off, bat here Spending a feW ayLL 0 Andrew- Yoii4g-w" eleSted for the east a*Turnbulleach gavb i -song. in, their' the e- idently d auto of Oft ong,their :1 -in being relatives and friendsi- .4 ! -'D evening of -last week the annual Chriit-* 119i w'sek.-Samuel Irvine; o -in.Nile, nd Mir. Maley, of o not believe' the 5th Mr. Erw ward. -The 6unicipalihominatioifttake u ally good styl6. AC-th no h h g . inj in a close of the' Zsquarely. but die'sire to. get an Mitchejlf W as b J ­ . I I as entertainment of he Presbyterian line. of Morris, ha( gone to Ireland to Aftburn. Music was furnished b Y place in the town hall d Mobday'levefi, a minair a L. eti L f -is di -a r the -past a . lot ion Mr. Murdie .-took the chair sessorlilke. they-- formerly'liadAn th 'school.se on No4 10,!: Heky; f church -was h Id in the town'h 11" The sek his sister Who ngerously ill, Blyth olibir, and we must 4y that It There shoulli be a, good turn- at I -short - addresses hL in. next. were delivered by p rsoii-of the late"aissessor'-W ii oi onq ye was' very enter- THE LftzRARir SOCI#Y.-Te Morris grand. T#e Blytb choir Ukersuk at, . as beea,exigaged as' tea her in" the ogramine presented was'l aut'of ratep 4yers.7- E-4. -OBrient th 111sYr. 'P. Musgrove, the. several attempted, to d mb Mitchell -publo soh661' At. an dwincoof. WAs itich eujdyed.by­'tfie, Centrb Literary -and DObatin, is as one of the best choirs in the"'county, iaing,- and in P, main.- pr essing v ne we Art Ft miture w-arerooms,Quelph, td.cherfir present -and a number of -jt 20 Reform voters and atioth he Christmas tree ntertain.; qrge, audience of:the isfrandhise so Socioty town this, salaryi-T tionAll. qi did went; Thd.' fa'6ribly,- The meati d must -say that they did exqjT- is visiting h 4 twit I h V Well on rA;e payers, w 6 ea0h expressed himself with the- f6male- voters of th ment- held 1n. c6nneotion -w_ th- It6 ature was Us drill - by the -'Broom 1el on Viidak'lait was well attendea Friday evem we gueot of Mr.* George bein well pleased with thfi weel And ' it r the. v town Fit 9 d0ndition- week the A1. Burgess. Methodist church Lof this placellon Christ.; Brigade, the various movemenU f -being '.-considering the severit of the weathero were offbired.the assistance of % tfield _otoning ompal -The bdolnesi of the choir, lopt the Uniou could utilize their rald,.- -hp Broa4fQot& Box Fur- of the schooi.- To show that therpe6ple firm was'sqld -to Thomas', an era, P1. p ove one most well 6xecated.-mr-Thil following night the I D;t ge to a- of -the re hi rid #cips IC 2k are 9d. crowded. with of thiasection ts kel a I've' 0 - I . li y interest in Ethelo for -4'83,300,T -he If Berry. Pick- lea"ant an succediful ones ever hold. ro their 10hoir. own Westfield, they Vork that Chu it of England" held ptmas was tho'eliotion of ofilherh7for ­the'ensu- I.Lown d d erg l 'Was t I Prosi- A ey have decided not to th dr * school we state that there in the town hall by thi. We, attendance was large ito 'the nto Ifnmn6lb in the same plae,.jwd i ing mouth,- reialting-a win*4 sometbingextra md got Blyth -given eani W1 a -St. Joh=', Church', to. gb ba roi&'Andth r 0 pyeben very. ov; arm r stiocesdul than previous '.dentt, X. Blitok Viia-Viesida.' t, me CIONG down f0t the he idays. as has been r in WO neigh, I :r'lhyo o d 0 f I.V Visitors .0hildren of d a chok. I n In on I Randy Do t iyouthe nd a .Ped Y fniiry wh r 1ftjd$o1b n q# h r aT 4 -etw grt i the hi th Ke Is, 0 ri an 0 t 110da :e OU ig ng