HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-12-28, Page 5•4
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of ratepayers, -all of whom expressed
themselves -at being satisfied- that their
school lain good hands. We may alio
state that there were 'about 100 visitors
present, showing clearly that- they. aro
Jill& interested ha sohooL work.
-TOWN DOIN-GS.-The men are busy
Tettindin the wires and nachinery fo
electrie-lightf which they .expect
,bave in operation in two or three d s.
Freemasons intend celebrati. St.
ohn's day by a banquet in the
lioteh No- doubt it will a- s
r astheMasontr are an
y and never do thin b
ere seem to be only -t
ho can run fOr Mayor An
8843 Mr. McClay. ,
ugherty.' Ile did',
`ce in'1887 and.once in
tot elected.' Nove Kr. D
Ing to ,run against Mr.
ore.—While Other place
ng what their rate of tax
, itchell ratepayers are sure of two
cents in the_deller every year and wish
they could make it q.cents. Taxei are
;fetid premptly, here and tall this year's
re collected exceptV$700..-Zhe Main-
trOet Methodist church holds its and-
. ersary services on Sun ay, December
0th, and Tuesday, January 1st, 1889.
Tjxey are always a gr t• success and
-this year will be no exception to the
general rule.—Geo. Melc Lin. will remain
in Mitchell, as the High -school board
!has raised his salary $50. These school
boards are terrible --,fo spending the
people's money. .
itohell. In
against Mr.
same thing
1888, when. he
ugherti is go -
Meaty once
are wonder -
talon will be,
sister. --dhit
Horn I
regi -
D w. He h4s been residing in ' Cali-
f rata for some time thinking to improve
is health, butword was received here
on Wednesda 'saying that he was dead.
CHUM% ppENING. —The Trivett
Memorial churl% was opened on Sunday
'by the Lord . Bishop of Huron. At 8'
o'clock a. zn.,lholy communion Was held.
The regular timing service commenced
at 11 ceoRok.i." The sermon was preach-
ed by Bishop Baldwin, from second
Timothy, 2nd ' chapter, 12th verse,
"Nevertheless the foundation: of., God
standeth sure' having this seal, the.Lord
knoweth thethat are His, and let
at nameth the name of
from iniquity." At 3
ation. service was held,
and a large number went forward, after
which the Bishop -made a very suitable
address. In; the evening the Bishop•
Bert. Grtg 'And wife, of
home for htistmatt.-4lis5
town to spend two weeks in
.:—Miss Hannah -Kinsman is
or her Christmas holidays.—We
t to retiord the death of Alfred
StlePl. •
EXAMINATION. -A public examination.
of the pupils of section o. 3, .Stephen,
was. held on Wednesday, the.19th inst.
• There was a large attendance of parents
, ,-
and visitors, thus showing that the peo-
ple of this locality take al. deep interest
in the education of the *mg and rising
generation. The various classes were
examined. by Mr. /loth
in charge, assisted by
Doig, -Latta, Morrish,
teachers from other s
-• ready manner in which
swered the numerous qu
that they had been caref
aticallY trained. The
the day were enlivened
the: teacher
essrs.- Wren,
hoots, and the
he pupils an-
stions showed
illy and system-
roceedings of
the excellent
riinging and playing of the Misses' Hoth-
-: am, of Staifa, while the Messrs. Sand-
. ers and Miss :Sanders rendered some
very fine instrumental m sic on the vio-
lin, Cornet and organ, and the readings
..,And recitaticns of the pupils were highly
appreciated. At the clop short ad-
dresses Were delivered by several of the
ratepayers and teachers, 011 of Whom ex:
.pressed themselves, Well satisfied. with
:the standing of the school. '
every one tl
Christ depar
o'clock confi
preached an
mon. Ther
mice both in
sthe evening
the crowd a
ed away. '
were not so
which was
_Mr. R. H.
organ was p
organist of _ rintty.church, Montreal.
her very impressive ser -
}was a very large attend-
tning and evening, but in
,he church would not hold
d large numbers Were turn-
s collections for the day
ergo as was expected—they
about $340, rho- singing,
dered by the choir, led by
011ins, was excellent. The
ayed by Mr. Wadsworth,
N. A., of Parkdale
Rev. J. W. Bell,
and who for man
the congregation
hurch, Toronto, and
. A.0‘of Newmarket,.
ears had charge of
,--AneW Lutheran church, „has been
opened on the 4th Jine of Wallace. =
—The Stratford market scales hive'
been rented for next'year at $600..
—Qn a' recent Fr
to the Mitchell' tax
$41000. -
—James Russ
Mother's farm, lo
Fullerton, for a ter
—Mr. ,R. C.
biltel keeper at Fu
at hie home in Par
' - Walton.
PERSONA—The Misses Campbell, of
,Detroit, spent Christmas with their
uncle, Mr. elites Cainibell, of Grey,
near this pi ce.- _ -
TEL MEE 1NG:-The annual tea -meet- •
ing will he held in the Methodist
church, Ws
f ing. Ther
speakers, a
by the Seaf
COUNCIL Doig.—At a 'meeting of
the liulIett Council heltj on the 15th
inst., at at .which all- the inembera were
present, after passirrg a number of ac-
counts the following surn,. were voted to
'the several members of the council for
• services rendered during ithe year, viz:
John Bretton, 28 days' $49 ;* .Robert
- Scott, 23. days, $40.25;
29 days,. $40.25-, - B. Chu
, .. ,
, .1 $40.25.; J. Brigham, 23
I The members of the_B
were granted $18.50 for
• and the Medical Healt
The financia/ statement of the year's
.operations *is prepared and 100 'copies
ordered to. be printed for. di stribution
ameng the ratepayers. The municipal
nominations were ordere4 to be held in
• the Temperance Hall, Londesboro, on,.
Monday, the alst inst., and in the event
of an election, the polling to take place
••- in the same places as last year and with
- -the same deputy returning . officers.
Reports from the chairratin of the Board
of Health and Medical Health officer
*were read and adopted. The collector
was also authorised to collect the
balance of the taxes forthwith.
ohn. Lasham,
hill, 23 days,
days, $40.25.
ard of Health
their services
officer, $12.
on, on New Years' even -
will be a good staff- Of
a music will be discoursed
rth church choir. Tea will
be served f om silc o'clock until seven.
There will be a good time for all who
• HE CHEESE: FACTORY. he cheese
factory meting .held on Wednesday
evening of last week was largely attend-
ed, and th
• monious on
• the season'
as could
dry season.
ceive si s
ment irtspe
The good iieople of B�thany Church,:
Tiiiimes Road, held their tea -meeting on
Tuesday evening, December 18th. Not-
withstanding that the sle ghing had dis-
, appeared a large crowd
basement to partakeof
which had been prepare
Considering the church
-comfortably seat those
• repaired to the Thames
• terian church, where ad
livered by Revs. Dr. Ry
don, Qlement, Fletcher
Oak was occupied by
Rev. Mr, Penhaie.
. Wednesday evening, was also a. success.
Every ohe seemed to heartily enjoy -the
• ured into the
he good things
11 by the ladies.
too small to
present, they
Road Presby-
resses were de -
Oman, of Lon -
pd Moir. The
the pastor, the
•The social on
entertainment of bah e
LCIOA-M-Sohoole hay
out the township.
teith, of Manitoba,ls a
Ing friends and relativ
• ship, /In thinks well o
fax Welt, and indeed he looks At though
it -,agreed with hini,--41r, D, MoNlool
has iisurehased the fartni lately coupled
by Mr, Robert Ostrdiner, sr.—Mrst Dr
ay intends learning thetblaoksinithing
with Mr. MoNidot t1.0.: Will doubtless
make a -good "ira1ddy,1 as he possessei
plenty of muscle.—Mr.Reese,of Exeter,
is starting a singing oleos in the base-
• ment of the Thames Ron& Presbyterian
church. • Those intere ted .in singing
take notice.
meeting Was a very ham -
.`r The. annual statement of
blisiness was as satisfactory
expected,considering the
The shareholders, also, re
all dividend. The GoIern-
tor was present and deliver-
ed it,- very Profitable address, giving
many excellent suggestions as, to ,the
care Of milk; the management of _the
factory, etc. All the old officers', were
re-elected, prtd Mr.Leech has been re -en:
gaged as cheese maker for -next year.
OUR ScrA0OL.—A very interesting and
successful examination of the pupils of
the Walto*,fiehool was held on Friday
last, Besides a number of :neighboring
teachers there was a very large attend-
ance of spietators and all seemed to
take the denest interest in the proceed-
ings. To
the ordeal
praise. Tliey displayed an alacrity in
answering the various questioniput to
thera`whiebi showed that they had been
well and thoroughly grounded in every
subject taught. - The teachers, _ Miss •
pricipal, and Miss McDougall,
assistant, bpt4 seem to :he thoroughly
competent it Etchers, and they possess
the confidence 'of the ,scholars, while
their workt's appreciated by the parents.
The school,never Was - in better form
than it is now. - Both ladies have been
engaged fo next year.
ay there, was paid
°hector the sum of
I has rented his
27, 'Mitchell ,road,
of 5 years.
hompson, formerly
larton corners, died
hill on Friday last.
—The Monkto
company have hiredMr. Harris for an -
' cheese and butter
other year as cheese maker. °
--Rev. Mr. Stafford, of Main Street
Methodist church, (Mitchell, preached a
sermon on Sabbatb) 16th inst., specially
to young ladies. 11. . • . -
--r-Mr. Alex. Caropbell, father of Mr.
Hugh Campbell, of Mitchell, died at his
home near Winghem on Tuesday morn-
ing of last week, at the age of 81 years.
:—The proprie . of the Listowel
woollen mills re ently shipped 135
sacks of wool to P iladelphia, the value
f the shipment being about $6,000. '
—A number of young men in Mitchell
have fOnned a syndicate and rented the
Old Bible Christiantchurch, which they
are fitting up for &skating rink.
• —The - Stratford hospital committee
are canvassing for, funds to carry on the
work • of buildine. They have assur-
-anCes for upwards �f $5,000.
' ON Saturday, peceniber 29th, at one
and seven 13. in., general dry goods, in
room immediately! behind J. W. .Mil-
lar's store, Cardtto's Block, Seaforth.
Thomas, Brown, Auctioneer.
closed throtigh.--
Robert Mon-
• present visit-.
In the triwn-
his home in the
BRIEFS.--Igr. A. Balkwell,.of Lon-
don, is here on a short visit.—Mr.
Brewer, manager of Molson's Bank,
Clinton, was here at the opening of the
- new church.—Mr. Reg. Elliott and wife,
iting relatives;
ecu, operator on
railway, is here
n.. Hancock is
ther during the
..A. A. • C.
ak that the -children _stood
well would be but faint
• ,of Toronto, are here
—Mr. Alexander McQ
the Canadian- Pacific
- • home visiting his m
Christmas hohdays.--
Denoxan, of Toronto; was here at the
opening of the Trivett Meraorlal church.
—Miss M. E. Treble, 1:11 Wiugham, is
.. home visiting her mother for 'Christmas.
Mr. • W. N. Mannini. of Clinton, is
home visitiug.-;---Mr. George ,Fife and
wife, of Straithroy, were the guests of
Mr. Isaac Bawden on phristmas.—Miss
,-A. Eacrett, of Winghani, is _home visit-
ang her parents. -;--Mr. Charles Mc-
Gregor, of Toronto Veterinary College,'
is now in Exeter., --Mr Duncan McGal-
him" , of Clinton High School, is home
visiting his parents, lbw Donagh, of
Goderioh, who has been visiting at Mr.
John Gould's, returned home on Satur-
day.--Misa Lucy Sotithzott went to
to spend Christmas with her
DEBATE.1:-A debate will take place in
Knox church, Cranbrook, in connection
with the Toung People's meetings, on
Monday next, Dicember 31st. Subject,
"Resolved that novel reading has an
immoral teiadepcy." All are cordially
invited. 4.
MARRI4.-, Mr. J�hn Grant was unit-
ed in marr age to Miss Isabella Askin
on NVedne d
T. Cluff, a B
mony. M.
. Askin we
of last week: Rev. W.
ussels; performed the cere-
ames Grant and Miss Clara
rocansman-sarid- bridesmaid
respective ,y. . We wish. the : happy
couple manydays of sunny life, . .
SuccEssitY ,—Miss Mary McNair, 'of
School Scipti_n_ No. 8, Grey, .has been
successful at the Model School in ob-
taining a :third class certificate. Mise
Cecelia Calder has also been 'successful.
We eongratuate these young ladies and
feel assure', they Will yet 'occupy high
potations i '. the educational arena.
EXAMIN TNN. —A very successful ex- -
adinationi was held in School Section
No, 1, on Thursday of last week. Few
have been Inbre successful in the profes-
sion than -T. Stanley Anderson. The
school-roo I was well 'filled, -and all,-
teachers,' i rusteek, and parents, were
highly pidaecd with the progress and
discipline 4f the. pupils. An examines -
tion of thit, kind should bo hold in every
'wheal at least ono° a yeir, It rnsenr-
ages and tInspires the scholars, and it
helps parents to take more interest in
educational'affairs, Mr, Anderson ro.
tiros from tho proionion with the well
wishes of s4i. entire section, -
'Mania al matters AM very
bnt it le likely nomination
she 11011109 004=00, and
be an Oeetion,--Pedder for
ewhat scarce in this sec
e -majority are cutting the
raw, and with proper care
at 514i per lb. • Dressed . -hop Are dull of
owing per
the mild weather they bring a litt
over no per Ib.• - •
BUI1.414, December 26. -,-The attendanqe of
buyers waslimited and trade WO drill. The
supply of Stockers and feeders was limited,
neither Canada nor Michigan' sending in niuCh
of this ctlasir of stock, but what was offered sold
' fairly At 02 80 to 10 - for feeders with elow
-extra quality from Michigan at 08 25.• Sheep and
rambe-Sheep.slow.t_trolis geed a few Canada
skim sold at 04 be to .$4754 lambs, .high, r
quality, bettor Canada lambs -active and higher.
Hog -Active tradfig priest higher.i 1-
. Birth's,:
,wrr,sorrio Seaforth, on thel5th hid" the
Wife of Mr. Charles Wilson do son.
Yeo, -.In Gecierich Township, on the 8th tilt.,
:the wifefel Mr. B..Yea, pf a daughter; .
Local Notices.
LADIES and Gentlemen, go to Stew-
-- Marriages
Comp nnehts;of the Season
iAcquired so -much fame: througheat the
'the country? •
ANSWER.—Because every one who
lleee it reConimende it to his neighbors
Foss-41animm.-At the residence•ofthe bride's
father, liensill, on the 19th inst.,*, Rev. J.
' T. Henderson, Mr. D. W. Fogs, to Miss Mary
Carlyle, both of Hensall.. .
Giralsr-Asibtr.--At the residence of the bride's
• parents, Grey, on the 19th hist., by Rev. W.
• T. Cluff, Mr. John Grant, toldissBella, eldest
-daughter of Mr. John Askio; both of Grey.
GERRY-STeWART.-IR the Methedist
Brussels, on December .19th, by : Rev-. M.
• Swann, Mr. Noble F. Gerry, to Miss Jennie, -
only daughter _of Mr. Wm. F, Stewart, alLof
- Brussels. -
Kippen, by Rev. S. . Acheson*, on -the 15th
Mr; Hugh Cunningham to Mies Jessie
Wanlessrboth Of Yarns: -
• LYON-ANDERSON.44t the residence of the
bride's mother, on the 26th inst" by Rev. A.
D. McDonald, Mr. John P.. Lyon, of Seaforth,
to Miss Janet Anderson,- of the same place.
• POMEROY --DENNISON.-At the, residence of
the bride's father, on the 25th inst., by -Rev.
W. 'Torrance, Mr, Thomas E. Pomeroy',„ . of
Wroxeter, to Miss Kate Dennison, of 131c-
Killop.. • • . .
TUNNEY-BALL.-On the. 25th inst„ by Rev,
John R. Isaac, at the residence of Mr. Thos.,
Colbinne, Mr. James' Tunney, of Best 1Was
wanosh, to Miss Mary Ann Pall, cf GoderIch
township. 1. '
.e an
ounce for this month special drives in the following linefs
art's Oyster -.Bay, staurant, Confectionery,‘
Fruit Store and Tobacconist. Everything new
and fresh. Bank of -Commerce Building, second
door 'south' of the OpmerciatHotel, Seaforth.
* . •1097 •
AGENT VI' ANTE1P.-w anted, a good;
live man to act as -Agent forth° Mitxwell ma-
chines and implements in Seaforth *and the
• townships of lifoKillop, Hullett and pert of
Tuckbrsraith.• Apply to Davin MAXWELL, Bois.
date three or four bo
Apply at EXPOSITOR 0
REMOVED. —I wish to state to my
friends and patrons that I have moved from my.
old stand to the store three doors south of the
Post Office, where I will always be found with a;
splendid stock of Saddlery.. Trunks, Valises,:
and eferything found in a first class harness
shop.- James Glimmers, Seaforth. :1097x2
- HORSE POWERS—At .O. C. Willson's,
Seaforth-Four horse powers for driving straw
cutters, grain crushersAnd root pulpers. Also
alull line of horse and hand ,power straw cut-
ters, grain crueliers,troot cutters and pulpere in
stock. Will sell cheap -for cash -or good paper
O. C. !Nasals, Seaforth. j 1997'
.FAT HOGS. —Any • number of good
fat hogs wanted at Robb's Packing house, Seat -
forth, for which the highest marke pride in
cash will be paid. 1073
AT LAiDIJAW'S yOu can get Mince
Meat, Cranberries!, Beef Ham Finnan Haddie,
Ciscoes, =lake Huron and Labrador Herrings.
• J. 0. LAIDLAWLSeaforth. . 1095
WILSON & YOUNG are Offering special,
bargains in Crockery and.Glasswa,re. Prices are
down, down, down 1. See them before buying,
1093 .
TED. --Can accommo-
rders any tirae after Xmas.
ice. • 1097x2
quid so is
dtW Wili
there will
dock is:11
flop, but
hay and
there will be sufficient to bring the
-stock through in fair condition.—The
flax mill " t Cranbrook is running full
blast. It
before the
About . fift
School ex
0AMPBELL.-In • Lower Winghani, on the 18th
. inst., Alexander Campbell, father- of Rugli
Campbell, Esq., of Mitchell.,
Warri.aurna.-In Blyth, on Dedetiiher 18th, Mar- •
garet Ann, youngest daughter! of .Mr. and
Mrs. Ad•am Wettlaufei, aged 6 Months.!
lizonms.--In Stephen, OR the lith inst., Samuel
-Redden, aged 48- years, 7 months, and 24
- • [ -
WALKER. -In Centralia, on the 15th inst., Mary
relic.t of the late Andrew Walker, Aged
72 years.. - .-
00ATS.-In Usborne, on the 14th hist" Betty
• Blanche Coats, Aged 5 years 4 months! and
_ 12 days. . •
AGNEW.-In Marnoch, on the 25th inst.; Mrs.
Thomas Agnew, Sr., aged 89 years. •
DIGS FOR SALE. -For sale or will be ex -
JL clanged for a good Berkshire, a thorough -
bre d Chester White pig, two years old past„ and
bre d,by T. J. Nankin; of Ottawa. 'He is.a splen-
did stock pig. Apply : to -CHARLES ;TROYER;
,Hills Green., 1098.4
• • CHRISTMAS Fkuits Laidlaw s. 11094
•AT .LAIDLAW'S Mackerel in. ToMate
Sauce. ' • 1094 s
AT LAIDLAW'S Figs from 10 cents
to 25 cents per -pound, fine, new, fresh, first-
class fruit. . • 1994
A NEW article 'at LAIDLAW'S-Shred-
ed Cod Fish, don be cooked in five _ minutes,
requires' no soaking beforehand. Try it 1094
• "CHINA, Curia,. —If you want to -buy
anything in China- Tea Sets, see Wilson, &
Young's stook, of direct importation, the finest
and cheapest they have ever offered in Seaforth.
WILSON tt YOUNG. • 1063 -
Goods, Woollen Goods 2
less than regular prices, Fur
Goods,. Hosiery, Millinery
' And all
'..donas and
.4.ork v
. .
filter Goods, will be offered away down below Teaular prices.
._ , 12 -
. .
see our stock: .
00131 in Ordered Clothing still continues, 'low prices` and fixte
succeeded. Call and see What we can sell you a suit for.
• Our ntire stock of Readymade Clothing, men's and boys', must
• thep co is the thing that will do thisl
vercoat,. it.Will'pay you to see our stock.
OR SALE CHEAP. -For sale, East h If of
Lot 7,'South Boundary, Stanley, contain-
ing 60 acres., of which about 44 acres are el ared,
free from stumps, well fenced arid in a :0 te• of
good .eultivation. - There are 5 acres of. fall
wheat and 10 acres fall plowed. There is a good
new frame barn and plenty "of water. ! 'rhis
farm is about two miles- from Kippen and is
good for either pasture or grain. Terms very
reasonable, Apply to JOHN -TROYER, Hills
Green. ' 1098 tf
OTRAYED from the. premises of the nnder-
0 signed, lot 4, concession 10,t Grey, on De -
camber 7, a black SOW white stripe on nose :and
a little white on eatils foot, weighs" about 260
pounds. Any information leading to her re-
covers: will be thankfully received. Any person
retaining her afterthis notice Will be prosecip-
ted. HENRY BALL. . - 1 98-4
• • • ,
armers' Institute.
•A Farmers' Institute .will be held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Friday and -Saturday, ..
January lith and 12th 1'89-
. . f •
• - • -
Professor Mills, of the Ontario Agricultural
College, will : be in attendance, and the leading
agriculturist, of this section. A cordial invi-
tation given to ' particularly the terming
cemmunity. •- •
Sec -Treas. President.
1098 td
Snakintrii, December 27, 1808,
Fall Wheat per bushel.......... 10 98 to $1 00
Spring Wheat per bushel... ; .... 0 96 to 1 00
Oats per bushel _ 0 32 to ' 0 33
Peas per bushel • , .58 to 0 60
Barley per bushel= . . 0 .50 to 0 60
Butter, No. 1, lease.. 0 16 to 0 18
Butter, 0 10 to 0 18
Eggs.. 0 18 to 0 18
• Dressed Hogs- ... . . :-6 25, to 6.'85
Flour, per 100 . , ... 3. 25 to 3 25
Hay per ton . . . ... ......... 10 00 to 14.00
Hides per 100 lba................ 6 00 to 6 00
Sheepokuis each. . 0 40 to 0 70
Woo/. ... . . „ . 0 21 • to 0 22
Potatoes per (new), 0 25 to. 0 30
Salt (retail) per barrel.. ...-. 0 75 to 0 76
Wood per oord... . . . . ; . 50•10 .8 60
Apples per bag • • 0 25 to 0 30
Ciais roN, December 27, 1888.
Fall Wheat per bushel .........i 00 to ef 03
Spring Wheat per 1 00 to 1 05.
Oats per bushel . . . 0 32 to 0 33
Barley per bust;e1..;. 0 50 to 0 zo.
Peas per bushel 0 58 to 0 58
Butter.. . . ... . 0 19 to a 19
Eggs- . 0 17 to. 0 iS
Hay per ton. _ ,'..... , le 00sto 14 00
Potatoes per bushel, (new.)..:... 0 3010 0 30
Mawr peel%) the, ,..; 800 tO 60
Oordwood„ 2 28 to .8 60
Drooled Hog*, per I00 0 00 to 075
Ms /I ft Pt • IP 210 02
Deo, 22 ---Spring wheet, 81 Id
red winter, Vis 004 ; _California No, 1, 78 104
California -1(o, 2, 0* 004 ; oat*, Os 004 ; barley, Os
, posit,00 lid , pork 80002d ; cheep, 68*
Toon% Poe, 20, -Pall wheat, $1.08 to Sit06
bitting, 0,08 to $1,04 I pa% Vs to 880; pres,_5011
to Mot barley, 08 to 00o ,, bah per ton, $10,00 to
$2100; butter, 9,0o to 2001 potatoes, per bag
4fi0 to 606,1 eggs, per dos,' 200 to 200 ;
droned hogs; per 100 lbst,, $7 to CAC
Toronto Poultry Markets,
ill be late on in the spring
season's crop is finished..
n hands are employed.—
inations and various other
nts have been the order of
the day fo ,sometitoe.—Stanley Ander-
son who this taught school very suc-
cessfully in this township for a number
of years, is giving up teaching and is
• going to stadydentistry.—A great many
-in this township sold their fat hogs live
Weight. ' The price obtained ranged
from 4i to 5 ceuts per pound: At the
time of: d livery the figures obtained
were below - *hat . the - same would
bring . ' qn thli, market dressed. It
is not likely that many will be
sold in the 1,. same way for some
years to c Me.+Mosteverybody would,
owl' sleighing as there is a:
Turkeys.—Reeelpts have been larseduring the
past week, and prices are easier. They sell , at_
fie to 10c per pound for nieely packed and clean
_plucked, not scalded. All poultry scalded sell at
le tole less than dry picked. Geese. -There is
a fair supply, and prices are firmer; stiles at fic
to lc. Ducks. -There is a good demand, with
sales at 10c per 'pound, or 50c to 70c ' a pair.
Chickens. -Receipts are moderate, and prices
steady. They are quoted at HO to 6c a • pound.:,
or 35 to 50c a pair. "
w .
Horse Markets.
MONTREAL, December 25. -The horse trade has.
been act:ve since the advent of good sleighing
and considerable numbers have been bought for
wqrking-in the lumber shanties on both sidesof
the lines.' Some of the shanty horses sent to
--Tthe United States ware pretty well used up and
'were invoiced down to 015. The shipment of
horses to the United States last week -were as
follows : -December 17th, four horses. valued at
0125 ; December 18th,- eleven horses valued at
0980, eighteen heroes valued • at $1,722 50, and
fifty-four horses valued at 06,382-501 December
19th, , eleven horses valued at 059 : December
.20th, forty-one.horses valued at 0,695; or an WV-
erage of 866 73 each.
like to see
great deal waiting to be done in the
Christmas -was. • somewhat
ccounl of there. being no
timber fin as well as other building
dull on
LiveStook Marketf3; .
MONTREAL, December 25. -None of the cattle
were of extra quality, and very few butchers
visited the market to -day, as they had previous-
ly bought all their Christmas supply of beard!. '
Sales of cattle to -day were from 2c to 4c per lb.,
live weight, conunon stock br
ininging rather bet-
•. The arinu
be held en
rs.mith Agricultural:
1 meeting of the lgembers of the
Branch Agricultural Society will
IIURSDAY, JANTARIr 10th, :at the
otel, Seaforth. at One o'clock pan.,-
If xou want ,"ar- Suit or
for the purp se -of electing eflicers and directors.
and the transaetion of otherbpsitiess:
1098-3 Secretary. " ' President.:
—A- gnificent new Presbyterian ter prices than they have done here lately:
There has been no fancy priceir paid for Christ!
church we *opened at Listowel On say),
rims cattle thie -season. Good Mutton and veal
bath, 16thlinst. The Opening,services critters are in active demand at advancing rates;
were condpoted br:Rev. R. P. McKay, "Live hogs are scarce ; the last sales reported were
• .f
Stook. Goo,
,011. StOre
OF-- --
Both maw and suitable :for,
Cali and Oka -Jilin° thoiatat.t6 .
Cheap Gash Store
6 e
• rteiriri4..$4,;NeW ..Y.04es
e- are otlering the balance of our stock of the
. .
rated Radiant Home Coil' Stove
book ng and , Heating. Stoves, and Stove
oards at greatly -reduced prices.
GRga,O. KQUiaE.
you -a e in. needofany kind of Stove; call and examine our stock.
the safest and Most reliable cure for a&.
cads, ever offered to the public.
This valuable remedy hes only been
in themarket since last January, and in
so -short .a time its remarkable curative
Hardware St*. -Holl0.j.
:•577Rgi77; -SgiVOTa
lowering Shrubs, Roses, Bulbsand
. . . Seeds.
. preens all winter and Sunni*. .
Morris' Insecticide Polvder,
For Plants of all kinds. $$
Call at' the Seaforth Green jlonse
'North Ward, _
Wood and :Manure Wanted..
roperties has carried its fame all over
the eountry. Call and read °lir long •
list of testimonials althe Medical Hall.
E. S.—Price $1 per package, or- on all
orders from's, distance of two packages
or over, wo iI1 prepay_express Charges.
selling the' best goods, at th low-
lying prices, and an inspctio9.
our stock Will convince yg11 we
vethe goods. We wish every-
-ENV' ,$ RED--
AGI3 1.-0.0.-LT4 fi
We have opened out in Carmichael's
Block {near to Weir s Hotel), a well -
stocked Seed Store and Agricultural Im-
plement Warehouse and from this for-
ward will keep a full supply of
Also 'i D GRAIN, and FIELD an
GARD SEEDS in every detail.
all kinds, from the. best makers, will be
kept in stook, or ordered on the short-
est notice. .
To ;Feeders of Stock. -=-A full aupply
of Manitoba 'Oil Cake and Flax Seed'
ept on hand.
Goods deliveked to any part of the:
ciwn. .
Grieve & Stewart,
hoT GroakSale
" -AT-
welly Emporium
ecembe_r the 31st;
ITh. t
w stock is being purchased every week, and
will be kept complete in every branch. The
Aurora Watch, the best American Watelr In the
market, has had an immense pale since the sale -
opened. We have still a large stock of them
and More Wining in -direct from the factory.
Now is is your time to purchase your Xmas and
New Year's •Presents :n Silver Plated Ware,
• J welry, Plush Goods and Novelties. The stock
wftl be fully sorted Up at once and all goods sold
about as eheap as therwere the first part of the
sale. As we still have a large amount of cash -
to make alp, we -would say to our friends and
patrons that there will be no perceptible change
in the business. The work department will be
carried on as 'usual, with the addition that all
goods sold that parties wish engraved, will be
dcine at once free- of charge. All other eri-
greing will be charged according to style and
01\111'.. w rkmanship from three cents a letter up. We
- wOuld be glad to take your order for any -
;article of Jewelry that you -wish manufactured.
Su ii order would be -filled at shortest possible
notiee. The 'reputation of our goods; will be
k t up in the future as well as in the past. All
s sold on their pyrite and warented AS -
re resented,
McKiklop Mutual Fite Insur-
W hb are You ? ance Company.
I'm JA 1 6 STANLEY; the veteran boot and
shoe make of Kinturn,.who, while thankiramy
customer* for past patronaso and 8olkdtlng
. their. coot nue trado, would- call their Wm -
Von t tny Improved fon boots, they aro some.
'thing BOWi °heap and 'subitantial,. Bo Rile and
soo thorn 1) fore purchasing Olsowhere, - •
- ,
• vni human I earn live on all work and 110 pip
- So thoma owlng me will plus° mottla all 119901111t9
• at ones and thorobyeavo Ochiplicationi, •
10004 KINI11111•N, ()NZ.
-en SO,v4iMill.
Eh B. eLEAN wishes to inform the public
that he h now got the Kippen Saw mill in'his
own hands and is prepared to do • -
All K ds of Custom Work.
First in, fi t out. All °Mom logsattended to
first. Out ing done for 03.00 and 03.50.
Is the P
bright _de
The Annual Meeting of the members of the
Maillop Mutual Fire 'Insurance Company will
be hold In tho TOWA. Maly, kiostorth, on pluen,
Jantralys 181h, UAW at the hour of ono 'mot&
M, for the purpose of denting Photon,
hearing and receiving the Annual Statement and
tho trattettetion of ouch other haulms ,an may
tio dosmod toonsary,
J, Shannon, T. &Hayes,
109714 Saustary, Pruldaut,
A -mooting of ilia Electors of the Townsidp of
Tuelterotnith, will be held at DIXON1 HAIL,
BlitIOEPIELD, oh Monday, the 31st of Deeent.
•ber, 1888, at .tho hour of 12 o'elockfttoett, for
the purpose of noroinatihg Eeeire Deputy -
Reeve, and three Councillors, also live' Trustees
to the School Board. And if poll be de.-
'Mantled polls wiltbe opened in the :respective
polling sub•divisions on Monday, theith day of
January, 1,889, at. 9 o'clock a. m. And be kept
open until .5 p. m. . •
. 'Samuel Clerk.
1097-2' '
A• Card't the ElectorA.
` Having been requested by a Lugo and in-
Ograph Gallery fluential munber of the ratedpayere Of the -town
.0 allow my naine be place in: nomination for
• - the Office of Mayor, I have consented to do so,
and now is the time to order your and wouldsolieit the patronage of my friends
s for Xmas. - No need to wait for a and fellow electors to place pie at the head of
, as we make all negatives instan. the poll on election day., If elected I will use
taneons o
the dullest days. See Our life size My best endeavors to further the interests of the
work; not
carry the hildren up or tire the old peoe. 1 • • ROR.ERT WI •
ing nicer for a Xmas box. • t eamme,enel faithfully_ carry out out t,he trust reposed
' ` - ' " WILSON
antee sat action in all cases. Our gagleerygubaer.- .
ing on the ground floor, there are no Stairs to . ' Yours Truly,
WE SRO NOTHING BUT OUR, OWN'Seaforth, Dee. 13th MS. • ' '
WORK, a d can make you any kind of work- .....—... ______ _
you wan Bromide, Crayon or Pastell, &a. We /IV 0 0 d VII a ti t e d
are showi g the finest -lot of Picture in •
town, any size and style you Wish. Also ' a fine ° . ---- . '
assorted stock of Mouldings for framing pie- Tenders wilt be *received up till noon, Friday,
l sizes: Plush and Brass Easels from. January 4th !At, for the delivery at the Water -
4p. Obromoe, Oleographs, Artitypes, woke during January, of 40 cords green cord-
hing you want for -Xmas. Don't wood and le dry wood, to be mostly - maple,
place -in Whitnere Block, Seaforth. sound, body wood, and sawed 4 feet long. Also
. -
- . • tenders will be received till the frame date for
tures of al
• 20 cents
etc. Any
forget the
AUSLAUGH • 50 cords field stones for useon streets. The
g lowest or any tender for either of the above not
. •
tai 'Wade in the . Whitney_ Blocks nmestarq amPteWM-•
• - SLiforth. 1078 10974 . EL OTT. Clerk
- - •
R Counter,
Great 8 how
o and See It,
onderful _ Assort-
ment of
• •.