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, .
sOixon 28„ 1888i,
I Why I'm as glades glad, can "For what purpose!" asked the doctor. erty in the service sv his counthry ?
Think of the comfort, end the " Mechiuncal, sat
'heat and the peace which will be a taco honest enou
papa's at last, after his had, hard in the country
- Why don't you speak, _ d say After writing the
deers glad with me r - ing it to the man,
r,, Where are you going, I% aggie i" what kind of meo
k asked, in a very low voice, and
looking elated at all.
Going? Why, to Drurnkeillour, of
liase. you...stupid boy. Wele going
list one a clock this very day," said
gaggle, and missing something in her
fair, she stood up suddenly, and, looked
oa straight in the- face. - Then, as
aeiething of the truth dawnd' ' upon.
r, she she crept up to him and, , id one
air arm about his neck. It was un.
seal for her to make any denionstra--
on Id love, and Frank had ',he& and
Neared her all the more for her maid -
y pride. : But she saw it was needed
aw. So' she _east' aside her reserve.
"Frank, Frank 1" she whispered,.
sici her sweet face was very' near to
as, and the tangled brown curls touch -
la hiadark hair, "don't look ' o!. It
'Mains in
for Stoue8.
ie Agent*.
and Library
aal not make any difference, d
low could it?"
The half sola in her voice' co
lira, and .he clasped his passionate arms
4bout her, and kissed' the t embling
tears away. .
"Forgive me, Maggie!, My
1044 not help it just for a•
There will be such a great gulf
is; will love be strong enough to bridge
a, my dear love? It is because I care
ibr you so, that I am afraid." _
"if this change were to make any
iifference in me, Frank, after, all you
Ware been tons, after the, way in which
on have loved and toiled and,. denied
ourself for us, I should not he fit to
ve," said Maggie, with a great earnest-
less shining in her clear brown, eyes;
then she laid her hands -on his tall
shonliere 'With a. gentle, clinging, touch
which told how they loved 4 to rest
there. ," I am yours for ever
Fran, for I do love 3rou-ir.nd
with my whole heart," said s
for a moment' the cloud w
lowered a- little 'over the h
these two young lives Was swallowed sup
in the sunshine of perfect faith and
love, • •
/ am afraid the pEicking,ma
tie progress for a time. ' We
they make the most of these
ar.., Oh
lions iiremhjes
Fillmali, on Ma
pored flo carry
They are getr
his seem.
boirept coast=
nee in fie
of this v%cfnity
s of putlio
y kind should
sewhere; -
85 sot ns,..
you intend to use
ing wood. Good-dy, sir,'-' was the re -
.ply. -Augusta (Wane) Journal.
1.ait us suppress thesystereatic agency
for the temptation and: ruin of men.
Shielded behind the ramparts of law
and custom, the traffic is proof against
all these weapons Which we have „found
effectual in athelrections. The strong
-arm og the law al he can reach it. We
the man, who bad
It to look any judge
.of countenance.
rescription and hand -
l* doctor said : "For
anical purposes do
e alccihol ?" ".Saw -
d I do,
and so.
risen of
but lit -
I might
lden ma-
Merits, since many an hour of bitter pain
was at hand for both.
must stop this eutborized trade in de-
structive H.„ E. Kitchel.
Sure me ould man war, shit to the Island
for votin, twice for Jedge McFingal
Prominent Patriot (turning coldly
.away)-Yis ; and ig it hadn't been for
such like fools as him, who whit and got
found out, Oi'd have been elected tie-,
day. Me name's McFingal, mum 1"
"Pa, what ia a green grocer ?" asked.
Johnny, looking up from the English
book that he was reading.
"A green grocer, my son V' repeated
pa. Well-ah--hem-a green grocer
is -oh, yes, a green grocer it one who
always sands his sugar without taking
the .barrel into' the dark part of the
Thoughts of - queen. _
UI th fi st terar men in the To have received many wounds will
United States sai to a temperance lee- make you a hero in the eyes of some,
turer, "There is e thing which I wish while others will regard you as an in -
you 'to do ever ,where • entreat every valid.
mother never to gi
drink to a child. .
for my life all my,
dying a drunkard
with spirits when
cloired an appite
poor fellow, died
A:young man w
a, drop of strong - When we wish to effirm anything it is
'have had to..fight as easy to call on God as a Witness, for e
days to keep from never contradicts; •
because WaS fed Many persons criticise .in order .not
a child. I: thus ac- to seem ignorant; they do not know
for it. MY brother, that indulgence is a mark of the highest
drunkard." culture. s recently found in • . . • -
• . -
One -must be- either pious' ot philo.
the Mersey, drowned. On a paper in
his vest-pocket wiis'svritten : "A wasted
life. -Do not ask anything about me;
drink was the eau e. Let me die; let
me rot." Within!a week'the coroner of
Li7erpool received over 200 letters from
fathers and. mothers all . over England
asking for a description of that young
Man. How sugistive 1 is this fact!'What a story it. tells'of homes desolated
by strong drink! 1 t
. A. young Man 4 Almanance County,
North" Carolina, who- had. been on a
drunken debauch tfor, o e days, went
' Eh, Effie Gourlay, if only f, had the
r tae pit they twa Werth oat o'.
rumkeillour in So said Kirsty For-
gan, driven in her desperation to make
a confidante of her young handmaiden,
and she dashed some angry tears away
as she spoke, for the limit of her endur-
;Alice, was reached; she could bear no
more. She had gone by chews into the
library, to find 'the WardroPs, father
' and son, rummaging eabinetsnd draw
. els, as if the whole concern ere their
came What they were sea ching for
Kirsty knew not. but surmised'that it
might be for -smile scraps of paper which
might entitle them to ley hands 'on some
of Miss Derapster's Possessions. •
Alone in the still night watches Ro-
_bins Dempster had. breathe& her last,
ge and; 4ornmodio
btels occupied
Street; Seidel
cialdy kir the b
red ace*modatio
lAthan ever bete
rnveryt iniusua
store. and o
riF", white our pri
tom Jcast try- 0
MUITSt They a
• ly im hand.,
home and turned his in_his father's'
,corn -field. His fat er remonstrated,
with him, and tol him to get the horse
and feed him at .barn. The young-
man Weenie incensed; went into the
house, procured Ms shot -gun, and shop
his father through, the heart, killing him
instantly. No winder so many people
are wanting to drive the grog -shops .out
of the land. -
The London police have received of-
ficial orders that In all eases in which
drunken persons are arrested, they are
to take steps to prosecute 'thepublican
who supplied the liquor to theintoxicat-
ed individual. • •
What's!the Matter.
"What is the matter with you peo-
ple, anyhow?" said an irate merchant as
he rushed into the counting -Loom of a
"Anything wrong. Mr. Jingsbyl"
asked onettof the Clerks
"I should say there was something
wrong. Lbok at any advertisement.
ordered it at the- top Of the column.
Here' it is clean down at the bottom of
the page,- and you 'didn't get it in right
side up. Every lihe, of it, is ,upside
down„" . ' , •
Oh, I see," said the clerk, "you are
not looking at it properly. Just turn
the paper, with the heading dewnwards
and yon will 'find everything satisfac-
tory. We have to adopt that plan in
order to satisfy all the patrons Who Want
their adsatt the tIof the column."
sophical, and either ,say "Lord, thy
will be done," or, "Nature, I "accept
thy laws, even though -they crush -me."
To all mortals is given a tongue .and
sometimes a pen, with which to defend
theniselves. Sovereigns alone are ex-
pected•to be like God and to allow
themselves to be illepoken of without
making a reply. '
Contradiction animates con ersation'
that is why court,' are genera y monot-
onous. .
• Prinbes are brought up to -live with
all the world, and all the world ought
to be brought up to live with the
and faithful Kirsty's .regret 'ond self re- Society and Solitude. -
preach were very keen. Absorbed in
irsty.had I • (ion RECITATION.)
'ointment Laugh; and the World laughs with -.Ou ;
bie ipar For the sad old earth must boirow its mirth,:
Tier sorrow for her mistress,
- not observed the deep disa
visible on the face of Gavin
when he was told that the f
e in -carh paid
--First Grace
' and Goderi
and gen
'els It:allays vo
without' produci
t to t " taste t
O'S .131,00
° on -the Market
11 kinds; and is
ask for more.
Wardrot Weep, and You weep alone; t
ONEYorQ LOAN --Any amount of money
LVI to loan; on M
interest. Easy terms. Apply. to W11.1 B. Mc
lowest, rates of
MAN, HenSall'i Ont.! 10074.f.
JjOTEL FOR SALE. -On the Northern Gravel
Read, With stabling and driving shed ;also
a first class well. The House is Licensed and a -
good .stand.., For particulars ripply to, JAMES
FULTON, Proprietor', Winthrop P. 0 1081x4
, •
sale, three yOung bulls fit for serilet next•
season, all registeredin the new Herd- Book and
from the very best strains.; Two Of thise bulls
are red and the other. red with a litt e white.
Apply on Lot:'27, Concession 8, , or ad-
dress; Staffs P.O. DAVID HILL., . .8,Cf95x4
SAW LOGS WANTED. -The ,tindars
prepared to pay highest make
for any quantity of good sound saw logs
-50,000 feet of Basswood. wanted,: 10 an
tang. Custom sawing one during t
months. Luinber On hand and cut ,
ROBERT BELL, 111,, 3rd Concession,
igned is
15 feet
o order.
sold by Public Auction,. it . not sooner
claimed, on :Lot 20, Concession 2:,' H R. S.,
Tuckersmith; on Monday, January 7th, 1889, at
the hour of one . eclook P. ' M., a sm II brown
Mare with alstrir on forehead. This animal has
e soldns
s money
Pound -
.1097x3 .1097x3
e of the
; has at
upils, Se-
ller time
s and at-
. MRS. A.
been pieced in my Pound and will
-abcive stated for expenses unle
beeper. • ;
it USIC.-3Iiss Althea Armitage, la
LVI Conservatory of Music, Toron
. the solicitation of Wnumber of Music
aided to locate in Seaforth, and devo
and_attention to, the teaching of Ins
Mtge, Persons desiring to 'secure he
will please make applieationas to te
rangement of hours at the residence of
ARMITA.G-E, Ann Street, Seaforth..
princes. _
To be the friend of the sovereign one
h • t
must be without passion,without am-
bition without selfishness -foreseeing
and clear -seeing -in short, ;not a man.
A prince has, in reality,,,need but of
eyes and ears. His mouth; only serves
him for smiling. -;
These words of the bible are often
quoted : "Put not your trust in princes,"
but the end of the sentence is forgbiten,
"for they are but men." •
Study well the human body, for the
mind is not far oft. .
.Man's honor wean' armoe,:carries a
mace -woman's hailer only -harries soft -
breezes and -Perfume. • -
Animals are free in their min element;
does our slavery arise from our being so
rarely in our element? • -
Man is an enigma from his birth to his
death, on, thinks to understand him by
dissection-776.011nd breaks a toy to see
what is inside. ' . . •
Man is a- violin, and, it is only when
_the last chord is broken that he becomes
a piece of -wood. •
Some people can defend themselves
with 'the horns Of a bull, others have
but ' .
One needs the knowledge of mankind
:before one can be simply ;, and wholly
one's self. • -
If we are created after the image Of
God' we must in our turn be creators.
An assemblage of men is an 'accumu-
lation of Eolian harps', whose notes !are
discordant or harmonious according to
the way the wind blows. '
Beware of a man who BOOMS to doubt
your Married happiness. '
.RADI NT HOME Coal Stoves, in /single and
doubl heat .rs, with and without ovens.
UNIVERSAL Cog Stoves with and.
witho Cove S.
APPY THOUGHT RANGE, in four differint
styles, for coal or wood.
-BUCK'S Brilliant Linden. Wood, Bermuda Key-
stone, Stirling, Marquis Cooking Stoves.
Gazelle Parlor Challenge Heaters, ,Forest King,
Woodland Box Stoves, and others, which will be sold
.at cl4se prices.
OOD STOCK FOR - SALE.-The-liubscriber
offers the following: anion& for sale on
reasonable terms ;10ne span of mules, one 4 and
the other 8 years old past, well broke, good to
work and perfectly quiet; one heavy draught '
mare,,, six years old -suppored to be in foal,
colorhlack; all sound; true to work ; One heavy
draught colt, 2 years old, 'color bay,l, all sound;
one yearling grade bull and one bull calf, both
red, -Need animals; two 2 -year-old heifers in
calf: JOHN-KNECHTEL, Brussels. „11085tf
, .
• ITOUSES FOR • SALE. -For sale heap, any
xa.• or all of the comfortable no dwelling
houses, recently erected by the tmd rsigned in
Beattie's Grove; Seaforth: They, are ituated in
the pleasantest -part of the town„ convenient
the business houses, anckwill be sold cheap and
on easy terms of payment. There •are ' three
houses, widen -of them have wells, eisterns.and
all necessary Conveniences, ' and stone tellers.
Apply to JAMES WATSON, SeefOrth, or :W-
' - • 1076 '
sale, a Carriage Stallion, comin four years
•eld, sired by RysdyclOs Hambletornan, owned
by J. F. Dulinege, of Winghain; and out of ' i
well-bred mere., He is a light bay, stands 16
hands high, weighs 1,200 lbs., and owe splen-
did speed. He has proven himself - sure foal
getter. He is'a model of hie;olass, and has never'
been -beam in the show, ring, taking 'first Prim
and diploma at Walkerton two yerire in succes-
sion, and when shown against aged ,Ionrses. He
will be sold on . very; reasenable..te s, as the
owner has no means Of handling him. Address
JAMES STEWART, Wroxeter P.-0. 1054t1 •
. •
I,,of the mistress of Drtimkeilldir. Gavin Sing, end the hills will answer ;
aijoyous sound
iiitt wheedling and. caressing ways had itt 'ars bound
rink romvo oing care.
a rentiy been utterly lost' iipon. the '.. • .. -
But has trouble enough of its own,'
of life had fled forever from he bosom
tdotnothe air. • d
Wardrop's entreaties and pr station*, TheBiel it rolos
lady- she had heard him
and departed without makin
penny richer. So his sa,crifi
self as he was pleased to
in silence,
hini one
a. of , him -
term the
fortnight he had spent .Drum
keiitour beside its dying mistress, had
heen utterly. in vain. she, died intes-
tate, and David Dempster, as next of
kin, would at once enterintorssession.
ords could not describe the deep and
U1'4 ankful pay experienced by Kirsty
Feigan when she learned thsuch was
Rejoice, and min:win seek you •;„
Grieve, and they turn and gn. •
They want full Measure of all) ourpIeasure,
But they do, not need your woe., f .
-Be glad, and your friends are many ; •
Be sad, and you lose them. all. • i .
There are none to decline your neetared wine,
Butalone you ustdrink lifiro gall. k
. . _ _
Feast, and your hall are crowded ; ,.
Fast, and the w rld goes by. i
Succeed and give, and -it helps you to live,.
But no man can help youdie.
• There is room in thehalls of pleasure
the case. She could hardly believe that , • For a large and lordly train:
it `could be true, and that the plotting I But one by one we illusion file on •
and scheming of the lawyers had coma t Through the nerrotraislet of pain.
to Delight. Poor Kirsty, between sorrow
and anxiety for her mistress, and dislike '
and dread of the Wardrops, . had heal
much to bear of late. She d trembled
with a sore trembling forthe fate of
**Drumkeillour. ,
E Elie Gourley continued 4. washing
-of the luncheon dishes, just is if she had
not heard her neighbor's, remark.
Effie was a discreet girl, and knew when
to hold her tongue ; but, like the major-
, illy of silent- people, she Iseptaier eyes
ide open. t was a very small trifle,
deed, which escaped her i and though
irsty did not suspect it, file had so
ingeniously put two and two., together,
knew' she kneexactly OW matters
stood in Drumkeillour, and being of a
sower, more calculating nature than
impulsive Kirsty, she could have given
her some information on
Kirsty did not quite und
she was too prudent td say
to vannteetrinformation u
iiag full well how quick Ki
sent it.
"If Daiivit Dempster d'
-Drumkeillour the , day,
Kirsty, "I'll be obleeg
*Enke nays& an' tell hi
points which
stand. But
anything, or
asked, know -
sty' would re -
come to
gfae," said
to gang to
the ongauns.
What richt has -twa writer bodies to
iiti, =age . the mistress's :drawers and
. 'desks I would like to ken? I dinna
ken which I like worst. The young ane'a
at Ay fox; his shiftin* e'en an' smooth
- tongue are jist made for Ieeire.. Can
ihe no' speak,lassie ? X hinna seen
ucklei but -ye micht ke there's some-
ing wrang.!
" Whaur are they thencie ?" Baked
lffie, as stolidly ns if sheWere asking
f she would put the kettle on,
(TO be Contiiituti,
Occupant of Boston Herdic (to driver)
-"I say driver, I paid you double- fare
to drive slowly." .
Driver-"Yis,i sorr ; but the other,
gint paid me double fare to drive fasht„
OPII drive fasht half -way slow -the
other half. Getter Lang, there."
An earnest old -colored clergyman so-
liciting contributions from his congre-
gation for a proposed college one Sun-
day ,morning said impressively:.
I knows' brhdders and sisters, (let
dis college won't' do you en me no
perticler good, but jess atop en think or
de good it'll do our predecessors what
come after us; think uv dat I
"And do you really love me, Ned,
just as much new as you did when we
were first married ?" asked the fend wife
of her busy husband, aenderly putting
her arms around his neck.
" Yes, Mary.,1 I do," was the soul -sat-
isfying reply.- "Now, hang you, keep
, To illustrate the worm us expense in-
curred by habitual dram -drinking, an
-enterprising firm -'in a certain Missouri'
town has the following' aidvertisement :
"'Any man * who drink S two drams of
whiskey per ,day for aiyear, and pays
a cents a drink for it can have at our
tore thirty sacks of flour, two hundred
d twenty pounds of granulated sugar
ral seventy-five pounds. f green. coffee,
Tor the Lame money, and get two dollars
Mid fifty cents premium for making the
' Change in his expenditures." -
A certain doctor in this city was call-
- ed upon the other day by a man who.
desired to get a prescription for alcohol.
children ry for
Cora—"Hovi shocking ! 't
Did he
thieves steal many of your good things?"
Dora -"Yea, but' il really lose noth-
ing.. They onlY took- the presents Mr.
Flatby gave Me,. and -I wise _going to
break the engagement next week, any
Mistress-".' 'Why, Nora, how dusty
the chairs are
Maid -Yes,
oti them to -da,
"What -is y
now occupyin
pers "Is mar
gentleman of a
"Well, I
opinion that m
Indeed if it w
occupation. Ii
gone,' '_
" Ah ! Ma
-"I am a di
Mrs. McCre
'grace is alin0
With a priva
Hardwar tove ffouse,
T If
• .1
Paid 14.1 Ctpital, • 16,000,000.
Rest; - • . 600,0004
olidaY Goods in Abundance
'sale, cheap, the handsome •new brick resi-
dence recently erected by..,. theunrsigned; It
is situated nearly. opposite the High Schooli, is
:two -storeys high, with four bed room" and birth
room upstairs and three rooms down. stairs.
Cellar wider the whole house withfi tone:cistern
in the dollar. Thehouseis, finished with hard-
-wood dtevn stairs. • There are six lot connected
with the house and the purchaser can have ;;one
. or More if desired; With a good stable: - Th
proprietor is very anxious to sell on account 'of
the destruction of his foundry and the . tied of
money to rebuild and, a bargain will h `given
. of this ' property. 'THOMAS HENDR 'Sea -
forth, - - 1096 tf
" • ESTRAY $.1100K.
Perth Items.
--Mr. George Moir is- conducting a
night school for'young men in St.
-Miss Maggie Somerville is en-.
gaged to teach next year in schoorsec-
tion No. 3, (Isborne, at a salary of $325,
-Mr. Thomas Scott, near Monckton,
tackled a bear in 114 den, one- day'last
week,t and killed him with an axe.
-Mr. Leigh, public!, school teacher at
Kirk ton,' has-bought•Mr. Harris Road;
house's hundred acre farm for -the sum
of $7,650.
-J. E. Sparlins, B. A:, a- graduate of
St. Marys Collegiate Institute, has been
engaged as sixth master in the Strath.
roy Collegiate institute. -
-Mr. George. Malcolm,. of Mitchell
High School, has been offered a similar
position at Collingwood. at a_ salary of
$800 a year. ,
--Mr. Harvey, teacher at No. 5 school,
Elma, was fhe other day presented, with
a gold headed cane by: his pupils. He
is retiring om the 'school.
;Atent anniversary'services
and tea ting in connection with the
Methodist church at Staffa, .over $50
were realized. Rev. Mr. Casson Con-
ducted the Sabbath, services and Revs.
.Bridgman'Casson and Baugh ;were the
speakers at the tea meeting.
--Mr. George Vogl% of Elmira, is at .
present engaged upon a large pipe organ
for the new $24,000 Presbyterian church
at Listowel. It is a 24 • stop. double
man* organ, anl, will rbost at least
• $3,000 when completed: The new
church wus opened and dedicated last
—Rev. J. A. Turnbull has been elect-
ed`the first president of a ministerial as-
sociation formed by the clergy of St.
tvlary'e and vicinity. The object of the
association is to' seoure co-operation in
work, and to stimulate- and cultivate
Christian brotherhood. • -` •
-Andrew Knox, B. • A., son of Mr.
A. W. Knox, of St. Harps. has receiv-
ed the position of science master of the
Chatham Collegiate Institute at a, salary.
of 00. Mr, 1Knox graduated with
honors at' the Toronto -University last
ElSTRAY SHEEP. -Came into the premises of
Mi the undersigned, adjoining the town of
Seaforth, a ewe and two imps. The owner can
have the same on proving property and paying
charges. ROBERT SCOTT, Seaforth. 1097-4
STRAY, COW. -Came into tho premises Of
the undersigned, Lot 19, Concession a,
Hay township, about the 25th of November,
red cow. The owner can have the same bya,
proving :property and paying charges. JOHN
BELL, Hensall.P. 0. • • • 1090x4
tra, elected
in. layers.
Choice Extr
Eli* Figs,
ing the holi
'go�d Black
bright Snga
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continua
1 receive deposit. in
on which interest is silo* at current rates.
- Drafts on all the principal wns and cities in
Canada' on Great Britain, a d on the United
States, ht and sold.
ret door Sous Of the 'Commercial
- -JOHN 11D. Manager.
F. HOthESTED, Solicitor
wing this season one of the largest and best assortments
AS FRUITS ever offered km sale in Seaforth.
London Layers in boxes, Blue Basket* in boxes and
Dehesit boxes and quarter boxes, Vegas in boxes., px-
alencias in boxes and half boxes, extra -selected Valencias
al, Patras and Vostiza Currants fresh.: imported Peels,
cts, Shelled Almonds, GrenobleiValnuts, S. S. Almonds,
myrna Figs, Mince Meat, Pickles, Spices, etc.
Cheaper than ever offered to the public of Seaforth. Dur-
ys I will sell 4 lbs. of —Gbod Young Hyson for $1; 4 lbs.
ea for $1; 5 lbs. good JapanTeafor $1; 13 lbs. extra
for $1. • -
ock of General Groceries and Provinions, always on liana.
carefully executed and delivered promptly.
Commercial Union.
While this is now the Great Question
In the Fong -cal Arena of Canada, the inhabitants
of Lendesborough and surrounding _country are
asking. Where can I get the best value for my
.MONEY ?. 'COME to •
Adam's Emporium,
- which is well suppied with
Some extraordinary values is- -TWEEDS, beau •
tut and cheap DRESS GOO ,,Great Variety
use.. -
S 1 values nip kinds f Grocertes.
Highest Price for Bit r -and Eggs. ,
I :
-VISTRAY .13TEER.Came :ink). the premisee-
M of the tindersignet,--Lot 4, CeneseilOn - ,
Tuckersmitb, about the .1st of -Aptiet,-;a red
Steer, one old. , • The - owner an. liavethe
property 'and paying charges
For the pas
and nobbiest
and better va
to a largertr
In.the foll
fight prices,
by proving :BENJAMIN RILEY, Chiselhurst..1006x4
. t,
'lection No. 6;
eetifkiate for
nuary. .1889.
a, Ont. . - •
- •
Teacher wanted for School
Usborne, holding 2nd or 3rd -lass
6 Months, commencing 1.st J
Apply to )AVID WYNN, Winehel
mini, there's nobodY eat
ur opinion of the qnestion
so much space in the pe-
lage a failure ?" asked a
new acquaintance. • '
m emRhatically of the
rriage is a great success:
re not for- marriage my
e Othello's, 'would' be
I ask your professien ?"
erce lawyer." „
kdile-" Henry, the' dis-
t more than I can bear!
tutor for two years, six
months in g rope and unlimited re-
sources, you a low yourself to he drop-.
ped from your class.",
Harry-" Yououghtnot to- grumble,
mother. The -Duke of Portland had the
same thing happen one of his pet steep-
le -chasers the other day,"
Mrs. Finnegan (accOsting a prominent
patriot)—" Couldn't yer honor help a
poor woman whose hush= lost his lib -
!Pitch r's Castorlai;
spring.. ,
-Mrs. J. Br Aparling left Kirkion a
few, days ago for Denver,, Colorado, to
join her husband who has been there the
past two years, and Miss Maggie A.
Stinson, who has been visiting friends
around Kirkton for the past two months,
left for her 'home in Carberry, Mani
'baba, on Wednesday.' '
To aht- Ratepayers of Tucke:rsmith.
GENTLEMEN -While tendegn yoirmy
eerest thanks for the honor yonbave done me.
in the past, in electing me, first arl your. Deputy
Reeve and afterwards as your Reeve, and for the
cordial support and 'kind consideration you have
extended me while occupying thesepositions,
I beg to gay, in reply to many sollcitations, that
I will net again, at the:present . time, be a can-
didate for 'my present office or' for any other
municipal Position, is 1 find the to properly
perform the duties pertaining them public
positions, requires more time than r can pos-
sibly spare ,from,n.y professional duties and 'pri-
vate business' I am; Gentlemen, Yours Faith -
- - D. • MdINTOSIi.
BRUCEFIELD, Dec. 18, 1888. ; •
Speak English.
Mrs. Franco American acknowledges
the -receipt of a deserved rebukeast the
hands of her maid -of -all -work. s
"Bridget," said Mrs. F. A., "go up
to my room and bring me the negligee'
you will find thrown on the lounge."
Phat'if that ?" inquired Bridget,witii
bulging eyes, .
Mrs. F. A. repeated the name, tell-
ing Bridget it was French, and the old
girl went after it, soon returning with it
extended at arm's length.
"Here's yer 'neck ii zhay", mem, and
sure it's nothm but a wrap, do you
anoind ? Shure, mem, I'd be dears& to
say the bike ofthat French word, fur
fare folks would think I wuz either
droonk or saysick. The-nakid English
is.good enough for me."
Wholesale and Retail
In Silk en• d
Tweeds, Lin ns and Cottons.
In Men's, 'Youths', and Boys Hats and Caps.
L SEASON,1888.
three months our buyers have been on the lookout for the newest
oods to place before our customers for the fall trade in our various
Results, we are enabled this season to glow larger, more select
ues than in any previous .season and we confidentially look forwii.rd
ing lines of geode we take second place to none for good goods at
Satin Fabrics, Mantling!), Flannels, Blaikets, Glelies, Ho erg,'
}In our Mi finery Department will again be found MISS MoLACHLIN' (sup-
ported by MISS GOVENLOCK), who gave such entire satisfaction during out
spring tract . They will be found 'equally anxious to please this fall Season and
better able, being supported by a more magnificent stock. We cordially invite
the inspect n of buyers to our large stock: . •
1 •
Test a Specialty, Jobbed at Whole
sale Prices in quantities. -
Charlesworth Brownell,
One door north of Posit 'Office, "
New P a pi g
The undersigned Would announce to the Pub-
lic' that they have their New Planing Mill in
full blast, where they, will do Custom Planing,
Matching Scroll Sawing and 'Wood Turning,
They will on hand Dressed Lumber, Floor -
pig and Siding. Doors, Sash and Frames made to
order? •
attended as formerly; Shingtes-klways on hand.
By strict attention to business and fair dealing
we hope to, -gain Public. patronage.
•. ° • • .
1060. pu-17--& BENNETT;
_last 60
have esta
. .
i.. azi.Attosirs,01112A6R10
- . - ii....•. --Ii ,- ..
NO ' wirrotssagi asousRILD
excellent instruments have been before . the public for the .
• • •
years, and their -durability, fine' tone and power 'alone
fished them in the fkort lank of Pianos.----
Stand Seaforth
W k-'• er
XI et CD
ci ') 'Cict'1:3(19.1341:1:54cDc.:5°:et.ct-cli:rorio...a4CD:50r4:1.16-"..1.1i.d.'"—:DL.:_t;lit:s \*
2 1-1 -Y4 it 5
ii 0
0 lniga..0
,CD I:1 CliI2 rib.
MI giblOR-
Xlrn CD
wai all 0 CD
4 CS
TA st-
04 in'
rn !.......1,. ED
- 1-4
P w2
0 El) 0
Alli (D
P2 -J SP al
CA Z:$4 I-4
CD CD in
20 r/2 w
3 ci- 1
and 'has
Piano is the most beautiful instruinent.made in Canada,
11 the very latest improvements.
Bell Organs are too well known to require a word. in their
SCOTT 33,A.OT:.-.
John S. Porters
Furniture Warerooms
Funeral Reform
Being determined not to be undersold by any
other establishment, 1 am now selling furniture
at only 1,0 per cent. above cost. Would also say
respectfully to the people of Seaforth and sur-
rounding country, that I beep no other than
first -class stock in all the branches of the under-
taking department, bougtt from the best firma
and on such business principles that enables me
to sell at =nob lower -rates than Mr; Robertson
quotes. He accuses me of publishing what he
terms "clip -trap.' Now, the • wide-awake
people, will no doubt be able -to defiw.what be
means by this term and come to a senate eon -
elusion of who deserves their patimage : the
man who is obliged to cut do_wn his prices, or
the min who has been the means of breaking
up this monopoly and starting an honest and
much needed reform. If these who have bed
dealings with this scientific undertaker Will
compare his previous charges with his present
quotations, 1 am sure their eyes will be opened -
to gross injustice in- the time of their trouble.
I would here say that I only intend to conduct
all funerals that I may be favored with on
strictly honorable principles. My Funeral Di-
rector, Mr, Holmes, will give every satitisction,
Wing bad both city and town experience lei s
-number of "ears. He will attend all night calls.
Residence -Worth Main Street'nearlyopposite
Salvation _Army Barracks. ions S. Pogrill6
P. 8.-1 beg to apologise to the public for this
controveliy on such a delicate subject, but as
I have to inyse11 against a combination
and do justice to s ton -combine, X feed corn.
pelied to do so. n JOHN& roan&
0 1.