HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-12-21, Page 8t f 4 - IP 'E Ro --7DH0ZMBz1t 21 1-1 UR ON: EX 0 t -6bh ini mmill, Johu G Jim$ s4 t 611 every. Friday.. eveniug, and lavp'i -lifie Literary; Society ids hold- Will. GA 0 :-h 639; Samuel M. Hauch, 608 'wisdom were So nicely blended he W 'ho "intere . is Ing progr f6r thi ing, a concert. on Friday evening iii lie, Win. Montgomery, T. F. Mill 2- Ready- Nade lothiug; &m Ake the lecture instrhotive, Intensely' very t, amme, ixt. rJohn MoT &via AO;. W -M., Murrsy m 'Thi sub' I lers have again got i A prao ising w, amusing- . pro! ar;e con gn nt 6215 Annie Spitten, 674 Arthur Do' interesting and joe evenin ­7 ­Tbe--odr a ihiy are ti i ' ell "a good mud -61heri. Nearly -Ali of these gen* - nrober v and Received It' week nother I me i I It gramme -is elxpeoted.- -The Union church men have visit4d'the t nd - a 'Ready M e Clothing, consistilig Of me 1 0 Owing re n, ' Sborfreed,! 507 -:r -Th Isola- gave the -eminent lectirar ample- abople J; operation and had, A -frien dIj -Mstoli- i 'd dl -ape aitfor themselves, a4 all a a Youths, anil )qoye Overcos -bought., it : 14solvid that the for -bisirare deseriptivefaculti nd 4 T the' rixik for. the'first time this seasoi intend limskiiig a tes' aeetinkon Friday,.. amini at$ and Sultsi 'ti(ift was adopte ei a. hi to in, glowing termS the opportun! ni *14 specially-lew job prices, -which wlWbo sold- at d, lh' i 'of*word painting, Onb6tim hWedfiesdij aveniog. Ifthe"weathe- Dece m-ber 22nd. :.As the. Unibu bas, Ver of this bbar avM12 heardi rgreat gift 0 ­ . - . - - * n, erdinarywhd =16 cost. -Still on hand a, good mem -othercon- they' are' embraci Mr.. Miller bhoir,-. under the. -keeps'-favorable, t er ill .-curlinj pay t air a ttsi with much pleasure thatAlleiAmburyi evenings, the dhuroh e w' be h xPenees 'like a4L OM S trip Far Coi I . . C - -1 tp -assortm it o t Ladies? aild GefiW mil! gation is turned-' fr Louisiana Is t E84uire, has been appoint -ad lead-ership.-of rt.; Jahies-.8 tt wit and skating iu:-fhe rink on .Chfist gragation. and as the congre inspector Co. 'are CAPS, Iuft, 4:0. to 'ke - -a -Saturday. and his r 3PI RV ort is Very,f&V f "Peel' "Miss Ewing- as'organist added - iiuch to day. -r -A little Girls! ' 'Mission Forjor snifill, thby in& ran n. causing ience bk giving, the pale of fan6y and useful ar d taii' me fisy ixpens Ablo on all Such po'lin "S Sol', O"Ma.. 'JAM ES 'of -public schools in the bounty 0 rofes the. pleasure Of t& and" tioles vkl 9.7 JU McF ul PtOKARDI hitwW -retire from the t.5* L e fertility,, &a. and re.presen, e A be held it the'residence of. Mr. Da' D' Mri -Irw in of the Nile Mr.'R.' Ishhes - 's t -slbn of teaphiO:g, take",thiS . op pdftuinity - 'Several, boautif6l musical Selections. '6nin . I - ing,sud or sl#pgIndui men 36 n t0stimony tb.' the effioient -th T. Xidd'a old stand, ffeaforth a close of the lecture Tuiqp4ay W Mont* this kiday ev g9 com and othor prominent ipbsk6is will be sugar grow :Special Dealer 'in of bearing arrang6mints, have as being. -a mine of -wealt UtL..4'11jIf -Pest thit aectioix a,.&: V Aves rendered by him. as principal of a-heiarty Vote L of i1manks was acoordea ing.-abo -seven..: The . ante present andL Goderich Model School; - and since, -and pries is a very been a at png gir a should 'be one rage 6 ple sure prom f t e oters of t trust thatthe same. Success will attend* be will add,to th, Ormist6n. the choir, worthy, one'and thes madb with a fir' Ases choir, which It'is.tobe"Imp d the faiora a rely 'Dr. Thb rCia 6 0 -th -Mlinery, txr 00 it -01- ads of tbe,Sabbath collections and the yo 6u d'i of the- audience. anticipa, Ions OT -their jood,-*or 'All Christian people Air should avid' themoelvis of,th6'op enterprisd will'Vo ized. his efforts in his -more exalted profisgio t4b lactur'dwamounted to ab6it $240. a- Mantles, -hope Ao', see a Ia- nee. portunity an a e, rge attends tt nd. Accommodation .a a in the one he is now - 1eqvdii-go Car,I We!. HIBALD DICKSON. Mri. T. O.Kempls spen Ing, he-holi,' has been secur :DiATH -AF ad fdr.teanis at the stables Dress G DISTRICT X&TTER -vied unsni*Mously. oodsi og Mpt. - c w4o v season at.the parental J0 tkinso —Many of out readers will loathr ith diy- home h L. near the church. JO h A an O;Stew - surprise And sort t7 has been, SlIks, &c. f OW Of 'the desth'of. k hall! and -son work -int a in nuati, is oule -T i,%,Bgx9F1T.-6n Vvrbdnes . rawLADIES tend Gentlem' t go At at Gode- Brussels, are the gusi Jaensiffl'" visiting his m -9 -D D Oyoter Bay,- Restaurdlit, Confeeti6fiery, .. Archibald Dickson, Postmaster its of other during Chiristmas y even 4! '—frin' wjfe - of- Winnipe da- gi &. complim efit lah very n i6ntary ben Frait Store ; d Tobacconist,' -E thi rich and Adist soji of Dicksbik, Wilson. this week, Mr John 0 'BOA LOST.—Lost, between Mr' , Caods, 9 qew Hugh iven r. E. B. Hollis id arduo's and fiesh. J ank of Commerce Building,, s.e 'AL _ 11,­ - Esq., Registrar ­ of Erfirb The a4d thisjown 6 4' Mr. I son., r., q are here visid1mg,fiiends' an& ives. nr on'the-London Road and.Honiall, a mink boa,. d door south of the.Cbinifierctal- Hotel, Seafo h-. 'is c . ace n left he it At He . all Post wasnotas large a,crow 1o97, event took" I on. -Wednesday'for6- -Kin re.,on Tuesday. last for The finder will please leave no sBellaJackell, 61 9&rnia New Arr[V r - mg hav h a beeui boffice. Present as )on, W.-tickson-'had been suffering. -New York fr6m'WLhiqh -pol t they ti, 1096 her sister,. Mrq. S. Gidley.—Mrs., A. -- Wanted, a rood" nc still there a a fair sized.. audience AGENT ANT&).. g . i - - I . ) . , - sa,4- cheap, two new -Teligraph .a Fo hey, of hve man to act' as agent for the 3ftmWell ma' for dome dayi from a very. severe ttack p6agag6across the Atlantic T B4bier of Londh, is the guest of t6 and in. in all Instruments for learnors,. dlL domple The ptogra 1116 13resented. wasientirely chines and in Seaforth' and., thd Of pleurbV , S11 inflammation , of 'the pOot to '6e until-. ipkng--- good,-*orking order. Apply at ft. MACID Uftk. Tliomas Tkivbtt.­ The,Tx;iLvtt mio's t ne t indiv a a oac pq d Away, I*one a McKillop, Hallett , and -obb- fig' !097.- h **ffibe opened on 8 nday local a was evinobd townshi part of lungi. r OL reinz hure wl u Tuesdoy it 4as thought Wirt 'R 1v just Ove4 Drug S ore.. Paris% ty tlause and the many ITuckersinith Ap to DAvID NA -M D artments. by,the AL, - that he had m or" -'residence ni, Goderic -Is Sr! at p 'his friends f"r, ' _ by - the ' 'Bishop of - R nice hew brick urou. A t ply .1097-2 Goor andolidk Present encorers wou -say " - . i .- " ` . bui t season t took, meeting - of the Royal Temos d be hard to the better; but this Was 'simply a pre-. atreet,*. which he the Post.;0filce Bookstore. The larges 9 L0.3 I save ifionef b callingpi —what- was n -at. Popular, with theaUdi- kou wil' a ew goo still W y nitionr.of 'What' was so soon to follow. —Our old frieiid,, Mi., Peter Aikenhead ever 'chrried in the' ids as held in the, basement 0 the Mai in r4m. nt4: formerl, e3 Groto will nte - ence, ut e-ihiok -th 97, mo so var e S s Presents, .10 airl as Card N ty. A under h mas aAd New Year's we are Fami. 6j- 164 011. r, ayyou. A sortim. ent- ro oallv , ep- at%he tableaux lcousmt for bur XmA Mr.: Dickson was born: on 'Cset 0, of 'Stinl ow. XM spin ndle 1.09f;- 1.8treet Methodist church. 'The -the of "Mrs.. 0. t less T. Clirke FoA Ch st' Tuakeramitb, on the-. 28th- day- Brown -a tainment was a veiy p ant one. T dffering the balance of our sto vitedlo come Ithb - h Mr. Hollis,- ck of, the'celebraV AfterAeavin c- a. -()tlr:.-- Ydu -are in and see ur t a took - a 6 ke colnplete at Mr.-W.Soott 'ed Radiant Rome Coal Stovu,'Happy Thought! of December,- 1899.- -g, fh fina n esare gr9ying glow b 6.1 a- rogramme consis e,..,,6f Clings, r6cii -an t Holidiy Stock. -Watches, Clocks the Qu -blab iif ing- and Heating StoVe$'r Stoyd he - agaged in -business. -in Segf(irth - average. per A. argebut -Ities, Fancy'Goods: --tioneL Song0i violid Solos and an o n es, Coo or6rwas no Jeweir. Novi uF pto old pr yo were encor every timer they. eared re in',., -.-and was-. -the-first Postmaster in this th6.-' Wei6'-!away beybid'sny a chestra, . - The meetiAg . *as a grand APP B r sat greatly reduced-prIces. If yrow-a" s Z add richly eserved, it.' ne of -any fid of.stove, call and, examine our. town. Aenti r -body 4elcoine. We make a speciality of fine ver colle don, was taken a On the 16th of September, ISO - pectation f6i , Dakota. 1. We have P ces.fj. A all e Repaining—All work Watches an - McFauF 'iddis1fardware afid Sto House, Sea. id 16 ielry. E0 THE* Exposi —Th he tid Poftmaster at Gode -. to e4t ant drinli ad- with in aid 'ot the lodge. iforth. W@ I PPOI13 nteed. -Our motto Neat, Prompt and lt"110010S Oj.get a o'ng oix the III - DuiLm -TDi R. Turnbull, form- W'Pell'iaab e V J. 0. ftosFm*x, Hensall.. 1097-2 :st6ok Of w- 'rich and continued in-ilmitpositionuntil TOR to read we, -managa.. t first of -a Course of epturee y of Wal iii, writes-Iroin Lordaburgr. Xmas and Ne, eriv Prese -R.r file death. His InZodl if th gro ring." a me ods of ledlyandkeep'the children tory of . the L Chuich of England, illui - before buying t elsewhere, . -M elebrated - Millinery4 Dr BDWneau O-untyt. Dakotaf bnr the 4t f h —On Wed 6sday, evening trated. by the magic lantern, . was 4( - C CO'UNTE. 1097-1 business ;-his elosei attezition, to A Robert Scott, o. t a Beafortl,.L all Times *are,,ver d -IM sayi re I an ames. livered in Dr'e*'a- Opera Hall on -iaA hls obliging ispositiou. made him: 0, Seed- Store, hassold of this week7the Bid ce of- Mr. J Tue, Goods and, Rautle ]ff6 BOAIiDERS WANTED.- -Calk RCCOMMO- over seven tons o: use -here.. this- pill as. our crops were. ny 'CarliIe, of #i§ Village, was the scene of ;h a- d&teLthre or!foxirboarder8r&nyti aie afterXmas;' model qu&-pcipulsr 'official, one With. Manitob% Oil Cake Within thei tax - day levening, by H, Ah E a lrozen.i The !a avent. e. her' iefer The attandandie *as air. no triwill t be wheat enough. Xpply at-Expo's=A Office., whom if was ictually at pleasure todo days. Thi's Bho'Ns that the,, riners The proceed EAFORTH. pt r f. ally L M, t hi *a d h r * seed. The d to,the. marriage pf our towns- t FANCY -Goods still selling, at, otbusinesb..-- Although his.. position*. -pre- thI'S:VIpihity--understau& their business are ill aid' of he Tiliett.Memorlat fund Foss- bake 'to Miss traiiia on on - ro Ave an T, adli * been reduced.to, half price atCOUNTHR!s, Seafor,th. 1097- ventted hii.taking an Active part.,in. ­ ­The- IlEntiince ExamlAstioin. opene( L Ain D' Wo Salva,tion'Aimy'opened-thdir.uev thxee- times- i week, and- - dull timeb are 'Z RExovg . -4 wish to state -to ;!m —Tli( Mary Carlile of Ali villagef. The mar- L 6 in the Collegiate Institute 'buildin Vartsckg7ou: Sunday. 4, onds Y'r public iffairtr, he always took a deep in. g OX 4 th ted ar til we have' another crop. irlendi and patrons that. I have moved from ed'remony was performed" by the hel- 83MAC tereat ih Pertaining to- -the V and.. close. Thero i n V,;dnesdsj- w d their tea, and on Tqesoay a. ani 'stand to the ors Uthe -We 'have 10'rSfidw yet batrdelightf l T'old three. do south o Mix on 1:19VIO. J.". S. Henderson, of -Catmel Pres- asocial. - The thpir a ere I will always be found with -a; public weal and his ;dvice d o neal ar6 boys and 27r girls writing. Th 4 i byterian ch, and was witnesse&b weather. I left old bome at W. alton Post, Oftice, wh Char -.very good.' They ha, thei Valises,; were o p- ere -seem very. reasons a. vlg:- paid for MY, pplendid stock of Saddlery. Trunks ften- i6ght 1h matters of this bl y relatives and sprin Y of 1883. 1 weutto Mani- L VIP a 'large. numb4t Ot rth? . i a in the' gnodevaqthifig foand in a first Z -Z harness-- k%4- He-was-atrue Can& iau,'a d barracks'. —Tha Arriny held large sal po -months Uxft GmLxsP=,-Seiforth. 1097x2 friends of the contracting parties. The tdba and'et kid. there eighteen' citizen, an. honorable - man- Ind Kinb vation meeting in Drew's hall dn Mon ONE ,D "OWingr to constant fri - t - a L aver ith Presbyteriau happy. 01 and then ca "a td Dskota, where I h i -BrBLES w and- end. e will 'be mu' h thi -rilq ouple iv6re the ecipients;of a day nigh and a P68TF Ner. - '-Baird, 'Thom" L Psiims, &c. 'in back. A satiable Xin" Presentr wahl 1 number of useful and valu4b Presents, Mesa ever 8 ce I have,.- been througl Sid xnfssed'iij s public- capi S111 re. Thomas i d` James Achesoi t Wit Misalonary. qervice ii .o held las, 4 - . ApLumimim& WmsoN's, Seaforth. 1097.1 'an -their many frieia& RAtlI V i S. M. _ Q - I ad hap ifiegreater arb of Northern Dakota. So circles. His ife died a N The jasto d we --unifte With -vo purchased from X r.- Ja Kennaid,-Geo.. Stewart,, 61aIr . ha inds Okel lllko the: on 'era in w Sunda r, ReV. r; Rogers :wiehing them ng conbInix but the winters —The Sedorth I y I . pi-. the 0 : ook and amiel Sterllpgr were appo- YelliaL & d - he leaves a family of ib entral hotel. iThey - posses in will bondu# it next and givi i arevery col I am lopate& at foot 4usrtette Clib i's now open for engagements and all prosperityi The business no deputy returning offi 8 or this yeAro sTerms ve ntojerate. erpartioulara Spply'to eight children, the youngest of wh6m' sion on Tuesd.ayi ion TEA MEETiNG:.*—The annual anniver- ent. Thd for collecting the taxes was of Turtle M untainq on the south side; jrAtr. AN, SdafOrth. 1097-1 111188.10_ ary is ye the ex - S. %A about three Ara of Ag sary tea meeting in connection with the, fi, h tended until lot of Janus a. To them the irely bew'to tham nd wm 6 all -success in, theAr.. ne a. ry next. It W -o -1th Methodist Hymns in' 058- 11 bemost seVere.:as Lond"b, n t 0burch'i ;as held was decided that BrBLEs I wi he was ever I oro- F eville Methodis fornext year Ge6rge A F. ftEsENT. —'on Wednes- back. New it LumsunT A; WILSON,.Seaforth. kindest and most thoughtf of a usus epara lons- Exeterbin syedob the a ver Tuesday evening list and pieved Brownett reeelve onlv-$26 for kee Y Tubaday niklit. Wowoald be please. ev last heLladiei-of the Sea— na -The.fuueral will- take plaos a Miss PlInng I , are being m96 annu tea x0et­. :ple ssat and anocessfat'r one and -61 , John B 1argel . . I W - 1 9 . I passing Be - f A t tosee thei artley. After . v6r&l aco ry o the Women's Forei a o- 9ilve from his late 'residence at G der though th eriy 6old g counts and charity grants the council gn tchis fust, t ok of Gold and- L r in'. o ich -o Ing and ante, I pmen in ounectio a evening,. wa bitti n bftiner.' Missi ar gocietk of the Presbyterian eedivea at. Comnks, SeAforth.' Selturdely"L at .2 o'clock,.-. P. ory, who has beaii-;6uding the L int 1097-1 ivith ' the. Methodist church ix;.-Cliris igh rch as filled. a ourned un esdayhe 18th hist. and no ale dj til Tu church, I-1 ii Misa Janet Ander- octal School is homeXr. Fred. Gid -by Ome —T has lie q Aft son and preleated *ith a- CoMrpli- AFINE cOIIedtlOI -Prayer Books,;- inii day. he Pickard Bit er the open Service, conducted -ley is h vioiting his fathered Ancient-and, 1, -her I of following. ladies iz.6iug .on iii thii place. for.* 11i Jast fev 'and. hi I as —Tramps ate again begiar!n" 11odern Hymns &o., at Lmusimif.&I thq pastor, Revt Ei A. Fear 110KRIOP. rpes atid a some gentlemen from 'with sae.Cess—'A V'OUng on of Mr, Mmentary ad -very ha nd 697.1 And', 86aforih attih&& -Ua league, ti W. dousin"' 100 Chrialm nnin Wnsoz;'s, Sesforth ie T. 0, rin.thelf winter rOunds. C dish, whickbotean asppro- t . -.11 i large shipment of Platdd- th -Bachelors' Raoll in Stratford Ust W were in the k vir Monda n , igh the council held n mas Mg of sil ver ANOTHE' 1' e in.' Riley is ­r6 jj'j4;d-r So 1Z sick, Wm. Cald w ellv "the 'respected superia- T OUNOIL DOINGS.—At' PC . I' T .1 rA Hunking, of the conces- tendent, -was called uto r the :pr2a a tion.. .Miss Anderson ha e e rth. 10974' week -:'Mi." Baker, Mr. Morson, Mr M '00 up q the .15th instlst and four on 8 u _kin Be= y of the Auxilliary ever Tue day ghk which all the members were present, the -of which Im f' dd 8, Wai Tape6, -Mrs. and Alias Coleman Messrs., T. F. Sion, his -also :b q lick for 46 XMAS Tree %coration a n a me days chair, the duties. a per orm. ted to Pr "a onz WU clerk was instrue And has been' one. $;c., -at LumSD*lf '801;'St. Se&fort4. and- E. C. Coleman, 0. "A. Stroui.` Mr. in hip uival - ple"ing manne" The Of. the mosIV ive . ARcient workers 0. 'Will r. 1331 appointing the 4inie and pa e for the eak6ro-of tha- evenifig, an in' the eventf An RoRsi OowzRs ­At 0. ifid'Miser Peters Mr., H. S. lett.! d the oraer. sf6rth—Four horse owers for driv1ng­jtjjV _ nominations, and id this de oiistration was made- a Tiie''Fennevilles correspondent of. the On"Friday tvenin r Ach they spoke,t were',as -follows of th in wl StFoR TRE, NORTA103STi., —'Mi. itten, grain crushers and-- root pul u elec, the deputy r appreciatior OW pers; 'Also, , , a I of A legon, Mic igan, Re. ewart. --here last - weak Iorthge Ofi a mrk L, by gr fel p, full line horse and hand power st aw cure. cord, ma6s the aii enteri4inri-ent"M'as held' n N6. J. S. Cook, of H6nall.' ubject, workers, of her services. and in Ing are and pollinir places, T. J.'Q lowing -reference- to the work N h Hugh. will. be gre, -he tprs,- grain crushers, root cutters and pfilpers 11f Of a sch,ol. house hich - wads 'an linqua I e Good'booka for the.young ort west. kiso of the. unith g zeal gher' ri time for the returnf thiWcollectoei, roll yFled ordisp is Aftefthe on tea o .1097 success S. Henderson,: Hengill,-subjeot, .410ur *k. Will sell cheap -,-for cash or -gobil paperl. 6 mer Sesforth oy The Methodist t. was iver$ "fine -an, misaed, is he r Was M general fa.... janfly L jixi o crowded work. - and " how to 6nseq The'nigh Im *0 ol . was I L : Was extended. 'The s Of $5 was votod Ban crowded ( 'with, old: and young' 1t&Ssho L resentati c. wniso ,,seafbrth church has.b iach evinin don am; agroed, to Mrs. Ley STING DEBATE. —Th Be and a pl.easan,t social even- shown. in the..r6vival The-Rev.-J.;S. 'Llvingston,* Clinton, _a Liter - in faut-there was scarcely stinding roo a Ing was eyr Ted ORyi ''Re to allow Mr. Weleenburg a remission Of FRo:d WASHINGTOX. TimgiT services. v. Mr., Dunsmorehasbe6n -the - -bw to get on the right side 4ry. Society -of: scb 'ol-- section No. 10, his taxes aan sudienob being. packed like sadinei act,' U-sbom4 s, of Willipa.City, Pa- holding them alone bitt Rev. Mr. Ran- -a . ',c6nsisting boy.!" The addresse's were qI1 short, th nount of on Mrs. W. B, Gat I _ Suj -had a very'- interesting debate . fwa bo The aim Of a count of his buildings having been hara. The A AtRO Boy' DismxGuismmG Iffix- - blific county, Washington Territory, ton,s noted Canadian revivalist, has beelf r9grai -ere Of die' well -toned. kind And w ou, Tuesc f selections i e local 6! Club.'' an( lay avaning last week ad. It was moved'by les Dodh ec r here since Tuesday and will remain an* the - Be insu- addressed to-filme, Sabbath 1 sznr AB )r. ---A friend n6w on a. visit writes to us, as followa on D embe h Club t ipeially- Chat afort i Quartktw ­ 1 0 iubject wai, 41 Resolved, that Woman now - -holidays, "=On And ftei school olif wai V) that to Vanao' British Columbia,. a' how til tha- a r ­ the ebtal and vo ldren as the i 'SW&yr and secon-ded- by John Beneweis, ends rdjr I wonder if you k in cal solos - a:tid 'duets -reci. tea, sbeen the eates The'eap. or_ PJ Aing con6erning the perf leAsed the old Huronites are to see Tjiv - -first of Januay next 'the barber shops - tatiOns, -r6dingg and dialogues. WRg wal I for thi purpos '.of ..'rAising 'funds tains were Jphn OR n nd Johu Be lis the follo John O'Sullivan. -the - lite -clerk, be Y' the sum of SM., beinghe amoiiit of reiidere( n 8 Kippen mances and -iumphs -of a w4flmknqwn BXPOSJToR tvery week. It ialike xnee't-r: in this town will. close each evenifig. teache I and'every-o'e of the -number 3 for the Sabbath'. och061.7 Th John bson- assisted b Re says id fr 1,,11b M t YL his a full for the year. Moved, - Huron at to. Great in. izfg With an o lend, -1 used to ive, AghtVclock except on. Weidneidity and- *Wwarnify ap -several -were an choir rendered a- n er of. ery fihe Miss Alagg Hor on log aIn Mi ffieAt by, Robert G. Roses ad- terest was nifeaU& here. in Ahe wres- r Seforthr' nen a live there,* Saturday nights sod the night preceding nea and my friend a i h and. Matthew-bliller. John Beaty was. cored,,.kid one of el otioni- throughout the evening, wh seconded - by.- John MQrrUoiI, that John lot those - reqslled, evdn a second time. Th we much appreciat L ad. . The *i;xooaec1s, ass Kate in to I hav'e beenivhm g -here ab ut fiva a- holiday, 'It would be' well ilated by. Win. Craig, Miss tl* r Mato eiwebu G. Perryand' J. for s- a prom. Richardson, 0K a, side and t e: eirs. The -climate is good, - paver very requi the services of. our toq4orL41 at asion of 256-imcl-10c -in. L Glenn and John 'Sullivan be paid $17,6'ss in fia ceeds Amohnt d to, $25 And will, --we the Ioiv dmi.- Ellerington. ar a onshi of Canada. Tb e-con' or very ho "to bair this in'mi ey. The atfaendment was carried. Deb=. 0 ti. We ".- have ' ad mildf tiat Ii bd devotid id Horn 7he.judges -wiia James Glenn, eve, the purohase,o 'new and- Sabbath school. children. free; wa&eatch a citch ban, tthree'faills tfhisfdllandrnocold,-w6atber.L:L Mowillia;mBi of Mountsinj in the Conn. Mr.` Tho -'smounted-to$35i.' GeorgeKeralsk Bolton. turestot-heraMonat of $5 831.99 in rain. M- e 6nd. Abraham. wav Out ol five, k Vxokboards for this school, ordered 'to be issued for bills, trusted d resiilted-in an easy Vie- hardly! ever riave any frost.' "Ti as, tyof'Dundas, was.in-1 thiswee These' -gentlemen, . after '-hearing some is. I ' a lumberi Mr McWilliams. is , fr 0 f E ayes; of, M-eXillop, acted u` 61maii NOTELETs..:--Christmas is now nearti. orders and accounts. After A toiy for Pen y, he gaining thi Ist,,3rd; a good.- - Th ng country rmer esioent. 0' 'y 'Witty- *. irguments on -both . sides, man.-- Miss M.* Govenlbck is the po at. hand, and it will Perhaps be- interest- v er. 41m4 remarkably % ick nd there is lots 'of fishing. It i this owli And is on -committees to inspact Dr. ilavor Colemans and 4th falls in ,- a alea a of the risiej Cans-, gave the Aecisio, i- in" "of 'the affirm - to lat teacherin this.sedtibu,' inj7j'to the to inow, that.:SaIrW ide,,wh a John Cami's aide. Beattie resPeck- time of , SiX9 fin and- six minutes, re- od for farpqinql I n- the valleys. In the, aian divines and we are- glad learn drain and interview Mr. fifty to OnaL .:Claus has. mad"is headquarters -it the: Ative a ich wa lug witnesd'fees, the munall, Adjourned 8pactively'. a of weightiRichard— gginir camps nien get from tlist. h'a "i a very comfortable and pr6s- . I . ..L - : . : - 8 Clihton, post office bookstore- Hensal.—fdi.. E'r V "until Monday, thdn to meet tooliplete son Evans merblisn't tailor, w o had the by a few- poueds,. Gdred adflarg per- month ind.-boar&, perous pastorate.- -At the close of t6' 'has J71 A b FAT -j STOCK Sgow,.6- -T Chr" ti but that w.- more than counterbalanced- ey work1en hours day. On farma Clinton CollQjist.e Institute oh Tuesday - h.r IS Mae the statementf sasets and liabilltieg, I L '' - sti ltry was - heb I,., e6T Sho* of fat' 6ci'aud, pou: been carrying on busiriess for. a ni:iinber BRiiFs.--:­Me, G and Charles' Aek At the meeting on Monday additioul by Perry's 8 parioriscience Aud dexter ages range from thirty to. forty do lars. thetudents presaiited Mr. W. Prea of year u the west aide of the railway'j, Taftdw, and 'or" Tho;nss amill, from -at 0 1 f accounts were passed to th' -better- heri.'- on.- Saturday 13 0 1. appeired L- Tftbre..wias ity. Perry a in, muob armont andboard. Bythedaymaix gMt, B. A.S. with sodree,L: a a '6 of" -his st6ok,M*tO Dakota). ae Ing at the -.,old e amount of trainingrih . his go-6ct sumdane rs ind7 oth track,, hasiecently moved visiti $91,75., - The opponent. .1naddition at from $1. 80 and bourdr, or $2.50 an4 Dickens' novd1s; I composing Parteen. total afRenditurs, of -to the laur won in. the contest Mr. ard th Ives. Wheat has never,-- Volumes - nicely bound, and an album- spodtatqrs. There- was - ome very fin the 'new brick shop forming paft of Mb- John Pergusotiv "our. ener- township to Aate for this year amounts 0 ems6 tr. ha -64, his fine new to $12,633 all the Ewen's block,.-afid adjoining Morrison's IS Amount Perry he& th champ:ionahipr of Amerie een iiader one dollar ppr btishel- oats' coAWning the aut6gr I ?ck on the irounli. t: most of - t geti- townsmah, enta 921 and of th, aphs of prizes we n- y or generalitore. - Mr. Evans has now every carr eworkilo:Mr.' Rogers, ca XSL an SL re.%IE ' 'b 'one.. xhibit' . 1h ia rr"Ig 164.r49 goes for dchools. Theassetafrom all rou 41- heavy weight'athlete, ent otatoei the -same - applegL of.. the Institute. Mr- n "e . . - .. . Pre dei ai Ut L acdommodatioh --an M J. P, Rriiv 'all so convenience . for. builder of Clinton. Ir. but. the. butter gast goes - o areas for the year Amount to $12,- showbf Poultry wila not larg man and there is o doubtL twat: nom, 50 to'75 cents:per bushel; i Chatham next year- to take on.his increasing businisis.—­ will n6w.live opposition, but';T aM of the simples ihoft. were v tarr near fliture w*iIl enjby th envia onx 25 to 40 cents per pound; egg!,-, h6 position, of Mathe Midal Master-' ery sapgric r yfifj 960.56, thus leaving balance fn the, indeed,-coti, !Weotice with pleasure thatm our ws rlg t-*wel itlon %4 a hmpibn of --the in fteaspry of $326.64, that is -if AI a,pd, Id:scarcely b friend kno- I that oppos, Im Id, my is th ad u re. Mr. F. G a eputAstion ch wor In. O cents per. dozen .; - r. the r 25 ta, ff a Collegiate In' t te . the The -1oll6wh3g, is. the . list:iof guacesef i I r., Harty Bickil; for- -erfo odfrey, j. idaltudent, nd of trad 9, fdr his perfo anc,es on this coast have 12 per tou, bilt last winter it., was -$2Nr'. Thib ser -floes in St. .James" Caitho'lio, taxes were collected. There yet remaim im t latel of --this villagej his lid -the honor Merly. of -, White: Church, now of this -,81,824.28 to collect. The clerk in - Ur b - it ih a -4.eutrtes; I surpassed ev a the rep h"o Christmas- Day wi a a competitors theifer ords of the re-, eefby the caress -is from 6 to 12.cen4 churc 1I w" -and 2adi A..Cduch. F04: steer. l a conferred upon him ..of Mug, made the- place, ha's - seourid good". Situatio M'L Secttith . nowned-Don Dinnia.' -As Mr. Vrri,- 'ei pound'; just now it is, 6 cents" 'but Sam" a ho r's -as on., Atmday, vizi: 'Mornipi. structed toserve W tryi"le Fat cow entrie resentativo student of -the. University with our towsmart;--.Mri Alexander Sic- M%nyL f winter it is usually 1-2 'cents.- ad, ng 4 A. 'Couch of the providing for snowf6ucei I$ -Huronite and 4vkiiown to 0 Aer4 at'8:30'i%nd 10:30 a in the even Medical College, of, Toronto,* to'.Attend -Kenzie,, hainesi -maker of this place. 0 ot,fy him t r .4. lst'7 nd 2nd' Couch.::. Fat calf. — and t n 0 remove hisfenoe ypur reiderd May not be uninteresting len Of land to be t6 1 As h heire fof pr6i' 7 -:--In . referring', a wooiree in C ri -an 0 the -road 'hiii ten days, and Knox'ohruroh, Mitchell' -26d - ouch. _ F t the annual dinner of the' Royal-& College We, welcome M d -Mrs. Bickel t cewit ta. IDVZ'th&t -is so st' and :,A td theiA to -'he - nobi homestead, that is only Advoc -o of Physioians-and Suige6ns akKinj o n -a v John Young, of Xiagaia, in the event' Dour d;. `C6uc i, 4y it do triew, iton. ur y hpg.-4:jut W iUJ1&injnLg` t favie 'of thi coanty miles from -.L.."Rev, ries,.14tind 2nd, A:,* Willips City, audlhari last week Sas at 9-r.'A. S. Barry, Merchanitliailor,: of FatlerSoathi. Many a I of his failing. to do to the will o ' T th )ulpi6 for t w guree'r the -fir L reeve to ha 0 1 removed. fi fseafath,' was at sp6akei, and -bf Datrolt, and fomieily of this the -Rev,: Alexand ek 9--cMillan next'Sab- nieet V a- -n the, qnfilea Is,,, and The council Fat sheep.,2. abroad.". ailroaa-imud for sate at 16 0 he city. At Ia4nbi-w-4 entries,lat Mal— -again t Yultop's hotel o r. S. MCiEwing bought orAve h k A the suldien6e.-I L goo& harno 'for' r -villagei -Mas her6 during the rester paitr bathmorn' The'Main Street. eth- 22, lCouch 'bressed turkeye thitd, -Monday in J ad y his wife, 'odist Church Sunday in MUINMENi. —The cloif u'drod a'o*rea six years ago side Wib go' a b t. . a'_: ndq Th as 'f -this week; accompani anuary. me y his very happy and.jocula I n entries, --Is An Oinas School I tend ant of. the Seafokth0olle- P'jr, qr an dollars pef ore, and he is -re narks, If tea meeting speeches were iVisiting --relatives n , all, -holding a grand Chkietnx tree on t ressed. goosei?--6, eutri6sy; let sid 29- g titu , wai held fix the Aggenirbly ow selling it at t6 rate of six hundred - delivered in his style' more. 00=ty couft. ay Thomag-rear. 11)reostdl duck. ­4 entrie j` whom, are pleased' to pei -him. —The Christmas evo which Promises td be a rs per adre in. city lots. -. There is a than4hey are there would be more reid ry. inter, room 9f hat uildring ott TiIeed sev. olla o- -so Pear.. oti The County Court and General m - I and 2nd h in Diessa all.shating-rink -will, t1mis-whiter it6-hlr. od deal slon 'the way of ryment -tit. i ng: &#air. siong-of Clarkson' e in njo quoh gatherings." -Peace was held at Gode" The meeting. the 0 a ickeua.-2.entii s, lit'And 2a be" Undir the management ..,of our re. --week,'when the f9flowing cam Head Mast in he chiir. Aft*- a took on the forms here it requirei Jame Gilleap move -1xl&.'.harnes6 last t i .1 t epee Vim ' a has an. : Dr'essad rabbit But ted-- townsmen,' 'W.M. Moore,7* short speech, him were diplomas were: dq',. '.as work than grain Shop from the old stand nearthestation disposed of h6:hab had considerable- experle'- nce and- 2a.d,. A. Couch. . 13 Oar, olls - - tributed by ev. Dr. Orifilston,, Rev,.S o the store -three "doors South 'Of the- I I I IT*gxi.—Mr., litigli Caning hatn and Dowsou'vi. Ducharrad—Thi wn with rinks, both -coverad'and un6oyered- V 0 - print '"I entry, lst, :C E. Howe Rrr an , eve 9xivnwAny SEnvroEse—The Prest Office. —Mr. D. D. ilsonhasoo a .1 his estimahle lady." haveisssum'ed- the adtiou in-whtqh-t'he pl iniff okimed- ve himself the right1fian I d 1 will pro . n a, Cook to- tlia 0 this town M -of ther Mandell, -farms in - Ticker flitle married life. .'is d,SM&ges for 1). on itocessful. stAidents ytorians. of. &do a new' i Lthe-rightL place. —The Rev. J. stern* responsibi OL of, & DA assault commit. Harlook. h hi h he purchased Jas 0 , 6 the first. nd second: O.Me teachers' arture this - year' in -conneetton with amit , w io t- w ek t We 'all wish them a mdrry Christmas ted by defendant up6n - -the plaintififfE. ti last'. the -'M'. GIbsofitUMcKiIIop,.. for, the sum Aeliver hi's popular leqtpre on: Fri examina on summer. I After magic air anniversary services. For -LiT.TLF, LoCALLS'"A debati 9 0o6ie and & happ N 'Ye Z- Mr. Jesse Mr.'Collini appe ew- ar, ared as -couilsef for the organize 16n th a' 'aargveixing f -this - week. . The.- subject. AQQ O,nt,,tr eon -Aid has returned and plaintiff; the defendant,wR# unrepre- lbk some of - tfie Echolais' and- very -in- 04ielghfeen yearrvor go, it has be "A., and Zhfistm a has. recently. b C Califorui&i een th 45, .51 . . ­ d'. , f Wingaiready given In ar former issue, veoner of the oldfam, ill. be given in St plAabi-4nd, ja ging rom the rat Mae n -by his a enop afructiv ad4reises by Dir.' () - - . - - .. i0tends ope Ing o t h Seated. The rmisten and. stom t611% hi6nid iroe entdrtaini ent n U On Vid Mr. Mfro Carruthers was It.%w&SL eonsidered-,,by h- this eve' D L )D, Wih n, ho nin updari t 111 SOcitk wilfbe a )enefit. I -G od Tefitplatt intend clAsclosed.. the commission of a most bru- a' me6tifigs. Mae chure I - 61 ST, such a. 'Wroxeter es -of the.Sabbath cho6l.­-Ti exiw in n havingan'by'steri,sup"per next week.— 0 and- unprooked Assault upon bim 11-, auspid' who takapart in it'. eeti Seae. with- a handso e.studychair any that the libo'r* and exel, inoep.L- re n githr OL 'Wedneafty, Debi Mber 2 I'NDUCTION.—Thd h1duction, of 'Rev Municipal . affairs -are very,.:qmet here at t)me -def Miss M. Sloan re&dLthb able from. sudh erings wereLrl I election card of:Mr. RobertWiIS61h,w I w 11 b held the sch arp y Jac arm 0 t, endant. The Jury, After a Isw id o, isen inutes' deliberation, riturnea -a ver - D. McDon atherSr replied a det6rinined to do'a*a found in, our"advertisin Pkofit,97' Ste. ro HO c exceser the- ben6fits derived an -d it '*'Ti h- the Th6masaDav son'ini the' Ir6,8'and th chair -!via presented by, is candidate-foi thenimyoralty-j. Do, 8 bi t, . "Resolved, That 4 1 alcL Mi. Carr' w DBr;ved f Aldt for $200 an& costs in. - tims y- with - the iz - clumns. — the Presliktarian.congregation here -takes go .6t ExxiXAxO1f.a77Oq 'Tuesday Me 41 in a, veL7 fe ni'SnaL tractive man tea and, substit for ij kFire - n's -Bill on, FrIds y'' Stqok Pays Bettet than -a Ph. r -in fio 16nday, 24thinsi; -Rev. ' last the erxamination of the Varna school fav r.. nev' anday night U0 eienink place. on Id ..was a brilliant sue rawere OlesWorth, wpreside to 11 esient on was intended to eon-' u exil -A1 tir4iumant- purely of a literary &as, The which -the Prollteiib derived 06MArO Stevenspni'of ok _ ploice. 'A Attendance -'of Adair v. Jobuston.—Wag an .4 er-on a -present -and ducti-on, Rev, Mr.' - -Jones, hild an L Af-, r. a#atliers, the esteem in nd musical character. We are pleased, D 6 hundre&-cioiloe '' Th6 - Thanksglv lhg colle t, 'the in r' -and an.unuitially. large attend- for'damages for AII illegal hig Grain." - of 0 distres be able to, a inj.oyed the ussefs,. -wifl idd the pastor elect.' neeLof "Visitors -were prosehti, and eard and he is I -31me soholari'u'nder t- -oilt e maefies to the utiost ti6n- taken up at Bdrna'l' chitr6h for a 1 Br Mae - ter all the evidence bad been h ivhich tate-,that'thei expe i1nent .0,11.. t fii.%t ltioix e 1) t, year and on the As pfovd, eihinently successful- in every- The music Wi6e furnished b y- the "grod' theseheme-S.-of the'Lehur* etted thi ind Rev.. AfLi% Ross, th ad themselves highly pleased 'the Jury addresse& by counsel for the nio a ended t d w the -case was -withdrawn from, a eiiiikd -.$176.-- 41me cot occasion Of sev rii2g his connectlop V aVltation was ext hagen- bind kratford, a as ver 0 le, while Rev. Mr. McLennan, of wlih the promptness of a &118 d t* respect. A u IhstitUty Ne p wers an par. ieo,, a 0 -preach the induction' the excellent: training of the the. Jury by sHonor, and. after rga- th the 11 Aitute 86 ti U40 lasty outh Kinlose, will also with W1 to take a more: im- Jtey.. Dr. Or iston-of Ne,w York.' foi;; this eo o a Collegiate sk, and aid a rer Po' on, to visit-, 6' this yeari the lowest in the, tawnshiji..z Berman. In. the ev I efly of Hamilt ZeaYorth rt%ntr position ebewheie. The quar .-closed for the -Christmas. ,holida d ch(ld a in, the j unior department under men't by counsel, jqdgmenr was yo.OA eving a reception an SOL In tette club l gave 'Mr. M. -Besti-islom h'wh- Miss'Blair. - The.. singing of the little served. -two beAniffal and preach the anniversary serimions and' T'hisdayt;An the 'Pablio -Schools out' ei fro _.Boo at will be held iu, the chure an rd; - of - Loudou-- wherer hasbeen, enga a 0 0 of, a, Visitort was Selections a d the meetink closed. by'! A61ive'faicouple- of lactitres. - Thi doctof% Thurs.dsi. Mr. Lan fo Me tim 0 addresses.w.111 be de'livered-by the min. ones,-lix the age The Queen --v. Tobias Nash,7-I4 a yo, D&n no DAn- Anging Save the Queen." AI &eaeft6-&h-ere, on Sabbath last"and 4-61 this been afigai9d. ofiNsloal. mustdr iri. with the Qal* rrC?W omp anaas has isters mentioned-sud, others, just splendid - and the tf uitaesare to $rkvated Assault committed on,* be on, ` -url Ali a lel Clark th6 6th of -November,- in '06f f. his success he b o gC promised lictures'oh:M - - I L f , .., . a ffere 1:. LITEItA-ay N, .—The firlit meet Red in is r of the parents and frien 1. livered his aPr JFETING .1 -111 leg iate InAitite in place of Air 6dly numb de 011mi, ie do an ad vance o ages if Imb. I t -6f the PUPilt were prese us eqday eifenings. Theiwe asum a, hig for the season of the Wtoxete'r liter. Nair foranothef yes r a exer- The Jury returned verdid nt and th Seaforth and'Ta ath' Carru t ers,' * who es t6'.Pirkdalei'near r Afto I were over 'Tor nt I" thoroughly... ary Society was held in the -town. as of guilty, and. his Hozibr sentencid the C)Ut. - We& rabl Mr.'Laougfotd his positio -ap X vQry unfavb ei i iii the ring. . . - Wrr, kota 0-;WiuUi- the evenin sy. ist *when an the -teacher, was. preseiated with a r hand;. prisoner to two months ift jail, and otestified theb interest.in th -tion, dethrdho 0 0. hall:dn cls Mr. Thomas'Johnston, t pnipetent.teachert and,'ib Idition t6 Burgess is home fioin Da, a of Tiiesd .8unddy a heavy rain'fill all day, u as by L -.him Im 1 genial clime Mr.." J. wai laid- beft 'toilet --sett 'and an a d 9. He a 'of lv101 EL Cr 10"OL EXAMINATIONS, -- .The twithstanding th the' church mat Canadian honors won is m6re con a ellent jirogra.mine ore a, some d res remain there until a fin, and ng cat, n Gerinaillyf.an `a shoi t good audience.- .-The.: feature of a fair -very -appiopilste and costs werepaid. ; hlurrs *ho'went to the 11:S -itudied,&r two- yea s i d' the replied -in' fo 01,ri didates secured third mfortab y fillpa in, the. tn&ulug an4 pj0tS to aXiMrU roux 60n. ih The Queen v. HanryP. Romp—The ce-itiffleates..rr oked. traiveleid, iXtinsively through Greece. ti'm* a ago ex return ax nutaber of marks, at coli- 'hai nigh tir man ooin g`f evening was a reading of the first f eling remarks thanking the scholariffor 0 'd -kind'expressi riap, or p sol as numbe 4e, their liberal gifts- an er was. tried f rk, 540r. Candidates Were derable distarrees, to sere si2d, bear' ncd4 and Itily.—The w'eather.for. the*p t r of the. soc pasan - agazine -by the as aul d tatake 40r per cent; in eaeelii- ne!addthey- m M. 'Wig' Honor p botre req re few Clsyo has been- -extremely- cold and, '33, t Waw e r. tions on therailway track. a IS&Prl n( 6 )per erit. of the aggragate )oioted, U foll vetvcan divi r re editor Mr. D. Walkir, this The.Rev. Mi. McConel Rev. M 6_ ct aSr two tPro . re ableaAdessei al I I hi has all,disape! ))0iS.—Mr..,Wm, ROSS inte _6ontrib'ted showe acy ' ropriate aad ex- dilty, reserving a me articles. r 'Ibie th6ugh'the a eig . ing ..,.ds. spend d odginegave a ew.ap, nd 1;riaonar Marks: HE6 11 e Andrews o -listened to -herb, -an&. -havi. and the wheeling ingig. holidays st,hp M-e-11its C h A te -.and skill in --cbmPqAiti n, The ciellent remarks.: gik6h to ie rp it of for thi judges it Tor uto to .746 ;Laura" isve; said in been 6d, the rad are. decide Matins I.' as th gre -Scott has now- got com- The O16,96 : this week sougs, trios, both'P&rents..raud'PbpiIS' Mk" to th *tten cinfesslofi f ROMP- hav- al with.AlVhis cild- Baker, 707; ne'Rutherford,.547,. es. b4y were delivered I ,good. Dr. programme also included Johnston's 6 39; _C r Armou Josie Colllnir,i the handsom'd res sea and instruMeatal music now,cesses, n een prol r ai4- Mr'T. ret eQi1i& Cal(le 602 Ame. vim, eloquence and grape. 0)1 - bly locate n. umc J choru b'connection with the sphoo i S )erly secured. the weath atift- mrhe recent home.froip Goderich last weo. after i;- d6termined t e g -the t L ie ohniou, 63S.- Bessie Kelly onday eenifig, er was' purchased from members of the society. as he has q giv, Re Queen v. Michael Enright -49 - ch street:—' t ther ju iso' Tium-LouISIANA FFvEp..—The LoUIS4 * sching pidesilon. A Mr- a aid, of e- iifiiror4ble, but'the church IV, 642 X, eatecc% - Lainy, 705 Addle Ale- was. again F. ;parling, on G6deri ending I I Aouia McGow te avish ,gravated assault on James R Years. SOL Sue- Who has resim. 0 -e case was trav Rwen, 606 Henry J. - Hrudson, 61%'; 'all- filled and.'theDogtor delivered hij L l ri' A. Leech, who- hag for A+irErr tchO.ol - on ti a ians fever has takeii Strout hold nthe from near Stratford, R, good -teacher -Xillop. Th ere&40 the Thbmas Knechtel, 699 James 13. Mor_ ettire, .4n which h6 deiLlt. maitily O . ces - d the Walton cheese 6thAlne,, intends studying.Vni n no 0 avery.es iiblegentlemin has been an- --courtj as the defence -was 'atipm- sf6.11y 6ohduct t e6p a of this seotioim, .'end L those wh thr next t, of been seized with the infection hsVQ. 9 ad Ji Malone 704-; an, S relation to common huirianity and. fa,64 Y;: his been re-engaged as 3ibanagbr om,ni6iciR1.)--L.Twenty to take hii place., pared to pro isoii, 632 - Den* i eigh t1 e: ad, r h n einfluenc f shown their belief in the fixture of `fHE,TowxsH1r FATkrAs.,---A in 4 exe'rieii by' ma n S ye6r, and has Good Templais -11615 Jo b estfield, eet- Noble,. also been'engaged in er V. Ugh IA. 640- Wm.- B..- PAUy* ided pUlb in an alep, 1* quent and ifiatruc- k. a !-Blyth., Nrestfiold gbnei,.;- ok coin for".tbe purpose of -the -township hall hdre.on Sattwdak last. cl to. trie lit to 6 Johnnie W,, Mor. d I' ce and ivas couched in the- and "Mr., possess .;Tlfery was a full Attends Mg M 609 Mary Gregory, 676; Ro- 1. ger of the Belgrave' factory. . n w field iof a igration by 4] has de- ri J:R ety'au4 by. Society npon.'thb indi 146dge attende an'enteitaiii'ment of the a organizing a ing of -the Stanley sebundil was hold. in -;--Trinityhuroh, Witche It %"Vds a most-ero M 'Frederick P--eaian, of his. 'town, Ord ia a, a) r e a iveran Rm er-' '0 'it "to ion -of, slid working ZFohn Rice,; of. 'Ribbet, urn ut:Iinswar'nxi.­ Mr. Frankl' taking ode ',of mem-- $30 a year. Knox -and Trai. street b -Th­f 11 rison, 637 Gert' a ly t a 8 0 leen 'enjoyiiii- t -ntation-which they.have er a o.owingperson were -re- churches - are- con'siderlingthe . MoNair'L icestIluivag&i On Tuosday evening h f ally. passed the recent. 0 il .. ar pla 112hair of ave suepess has pur 0, IiZ& a second lecture WsSL 4elivered And professional- eicaminstida for first class -Northwest. for. some years -intends 0. funded their dog tax which as 6ntered omg I awlse, -660 'Thomas R' ch1jed, - This estate"is ta cost $50000 d lik rUdeL PIUMM r. tabard. C ste wh Bug on, 634 bar as Si T -.on the iebll by Mietake, viz.,,- Thomas ----eW. G. MOrT2SOn Sgsb$&Ixt on 6t h th - Robinson 609 a olruich was agalip -ell filled" The' Provi d T Wfia­ R ft, w f as stant+ 60mq homq1or. a visli -fhid'winter'.— consists of about 6,000 cres, stock ncial' certificates an :Both gentle--- Westfiela, singing me ool , L, under t with mules and ther:'necessary live Jdhustonj James Campbell, Geot Ander-, in the ModelLachoo lugerac 674; Bella Watson 653r r;L otara'on this occasionwis descriptiV6 mastersaf High Schools h t ad o olit has sa- orge Iff. Black. ',f scenes in California as Viewed. by men were prepared at the--saforth Col- liadersh -18 prospe t It -a is a;r mill -of -son H D man D -the p ipi4ship of -1 Jennie W 770 Ge' tfewry pub ;V611, OLE-!, the up capted W1 James A. p of Mr. Lawrence, a ock There is upon I ex. lid whool &t j11K7 Qf SM PW 'ho have te.-' In hie lecture wom and continu their free concert in the towA hive good . singers at Wiestfleld.—Th' i4yalue : Thosew ted uo Siarloo Marg. 669, on, 6ql-.;, i. lectuier during & t6ur lo great , -enh%nm obn hi h _0 G Win. Kyle Al sta through.fthat- legiate Institute.—The town. band still ifig. Uf7. L&wrj oe says. he'"Will loo: 2 lsfgii cipacit N LFWeb Freden owler, Win - N. 'Gra. 6eautiful, t y w and Amon a t 7 .g ot "a aeid g r The e a k r 0 a M a I t he t gilu ta 1 13 Po -edi in ne ;be tin enin el Auxi 1 reg on y Ito wa feid 2 tle( el 9 'ug ath gmant r orl rve I? W-1ENTY, 1, S-9,132& The i-Dountry e4emies, the FN interest to -the" Ot at the pro name from Pblij of Ham, the p 74ypt' It, is u. it was -coloniz Abraham sojou laud mAw 4y -a J mention IS, viiAi auterior to that -that the anfu orest., Populoul beyond disput4 miles. from the 11 bf the Mediter various al-evatel feature of lixti most favorshl) ated. - It is Sul is built on the Tradltion aew remains, in V 'Umel, poiuts I 1871it haa A, OWO its Chief -ture -of Soaps w the desert, to apme -advantaf oaravau route I -of co, although v-fth formerly, -lug's sesies 1WW porium, f SUTOgUrn, Syrh siderible, -iMP, z. -Jury, B# cps'a holds of Mob the Small, -dull Modern, Gaza, lot -us to, r" -thronged. its a tainult lnwpN rent the air &I - am 2#11111 tem l the hills, that nesm- of the earthly Vom P lateresting to. the profane i tionS 401112*0te pictea in.,saii to the i ?IV=. Material -tb th in's a -whole C =d fired, wi ,,like a tomailc one another -b 819 Patrk#0 and bbey the ipall % to their God;. victor y. over them, with 114 -breast said &m2dn "Wasi their kindoll AS vrung fro -Philistines, ) grk#tude to,; They offer, ing thilir zeal. for SaMpeon: iftake spart f A sudden pg. for a MOme& braathe eve-, werfully I po, idvanceii 40 Why does hi %J. AbL 'gal, 4 he has no la and with tAit 1 1.01 feeling = they ional prostrate f6i, mg? Betv Aga , rttho L ppo, and pairsof theik-victim: if to reW 1 columns an of his face I excitment does hesay hear;, but glory be 911 Rig instrum, lus slow is Sic -his might ju the- lirds 4. sembledo L. There is connectea, viiwad in -c siderodp -16 1 the meet I . lian Ethiop . , A,ots'VIIL tmtbt rece fail respox, all to mek -'I God and means: :purposes, h,01cl Of P 1coustauth troye-d -by There -are there st'tl V mulation I eclan. The and UP as-, Havel a taut date'l gypt, Alty Of 00 SO —.00, nearly V :.a ef -h' 'a in, L! sensi, e I and, u, characte leaves-&" —Rev. ister Of I juit elose en and by. hAV4 thU