HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-12-07, Page 8_7
7, 1888.
THE RO Pds �t,
ireholders pf the companythe
6.utoi�ox' and r4urnodho mi so John aid Willi ' deminilit of Turnber.. 61 the Zh
the best.� We*14h,41im. t- for building, im-
r Surrogate Registrar, $2, 9 , 4 J *
ur.. reppr
flade - 01otb*1 dges evely success and com ink their. #e�r The following. day he iias attach6d to i let ry, have one to, Loulsian Id debts there bad
it"' ling amon 0, for - AS -P slidwed that,
Ady _Sh6riffP.8$3,1 .90;. It 46W posi of talting up lend if suitable And on- provemen S an 0.
$408:,�. Local QXA 'County ow e.—The enteitiWineuts- given by: end dif m ch4ih.'aud given inIcharge of t. he 'profits of
isignment etc $56. d M Stri t- ing in- th p
w"'k.anotherlaiVe cot Master. t H� --vis. 134d6 a otildvatioii- of is�garoane. * :been aid $9,947.09- that t] '4
Received to Clark- of Peacet, two Hollis Couipany In Clinton. and bagg. Xtba,sesson amounted.to, -S32 an
emy Cilg 01,Xeni Attorney wid V it lqtolk At 'ford 11 right, but-- the idillooylag. CL q illiam Gemmill, Jr., -hall. ontalued .7.71
Of F we clothing, ik etoi, Go o- f $40 ai, m t th� existing 0 'the- compapy '10
oys! Oyefeoats. and Suits.'bo f ioh last Week Were nc debt ` f
ught $2,0.36.59 County Court C home -in Woo I- col there at a sal' outh. tlia,
Youths" and ary
Perth. Sheriff, it 57-7.42 ; Iten ad, but were very highl oken.of fdua 'M 4V h1q. .914
it a ich will be sold at $1,523.66. yap There have bebn 68 ib4�fes`sold
�esald c6st. - stin on hand i W&dlwas Atoo
_pacIauy law job prices, wh a,mcid
Tuaget S648.50 Cal -Mae- by. a pregs, of these tom
'go .1tipoen �nd $439 p%id on them' since the com*
ordinary whi )l here. glilaw last
S�Wrtmefit A Ladies' and'Gente Fur Surrogate
pony -at
-ter, ate, y,itAttorney 'and rea. ived- ` from East -;Me irs. Alexander Kerr,
$504; Count is- buyiE Arte4l a 'were
the Peace, 4966.91;- CO, uuty we i saying that,- a young me a Vitil-* Shaffer ig. pork.
. m d
Clark ;of opjs�'_aiid �$., F Godkin
art, a ORR ONDENT WANTED. -We aft j. know he always - Nos Finlay' R- b
RD Coni*Cle a )&later, who. realded huio a
rk ei .9�821454.50. and the farmerf elected directors y bFjoi.' '_ Thi Com.
0 66'highost "prices and they are I
:-J,AhIES PICKA g. a reliable person t ac
hd had commitied-.-suidide: by - desirous se.curin Ting
panyllavesecured tl �ervices of 34r.
dmore is'doing a
Sdt� Al( large bud -
n, -HeiwgsolIIj'kY6arS'of spondent for THE. XPOSIT )R fj �'. . r' y, ii cheese
T. Kidd!s. old stand, Seafcirth A CLOSE CALi--Ozi Wed esday last tAk g, polso Mri
_th; '-The.-. torrible -act, test with pressed bay.—Our us �Gi- , H. � -Bar - i -'of Crora'art
was��committod In. Bly t A vicinity. A suitab,le - Pi r- ually make WWjW
as the afternoon train for' East was ':ige. r , for next year. MT. Bair Is
appr a 0, It bu. ers -as a first, OLI
Nd crossing geafor reoommende
eafii kind. a um�, a -once 9 nde
BuRzmidTo DbAzu.-A. ter
Goderich,- a man.with a
OCCi gloried by Straightened :-tire -WOUAN tROTHERS 6ight by aomi-roughs who Ud a do 'by the-.
idbillf the Huron ro� whi' li�e was in� &,,fit d6spdn4efacy soll-will allbeiralli dealt wit '.:.Addr, 6 4uiet *illagbi *is disturbed on Tu6sd -a
We r1bly dis. -of the jolm� . as - cheese maker. E-0,31Riul
pa* a,
C - bob-sleighe attemptc i to pass 4tal 0
ir as. glad to learn nearheres They took- th i* fase -MAW
if -reposition bli 'dotrous firo pcourre h* of
to as d in the fo*nieh church sheds for thtirhorses. . "Quer
over'the track. He either id not See ths, the all A y
MATT -approaching train
old the doors of thes'lieda -not bo I ock- q* Special Dealer ip maps
la -ev
or dd not pay gymnaslum. in connection -with the ':Xorris, i0o'snd 4 half miles, from t
OT 'It 'a; on Thursda, The re
-vi, ag, tHE CHimsE FAoToR`x- -,;-.A meeting of
--4 any attention td it, for a t ted to an VE n Millinery,
h Wang Maigs Christi Association in� Ce to prevent a repetitio
DIS, V m6rning. ti
ing '-with -yery jeperal ' ke diioo*ere.d ab;ut, -three o'clock �in 14 patrone-of ConsWww Cheese Factory
crogs.the track rij of -the. -an- �this*wn-isiheot .
T -P
-thi ind had - d - h -hat d. W69 h6ldbeiie last -'Week., -The a "WAS a
L 'MEETINGS. app�oval from our ditizenst and nearly .. 0. iz�orniiig m&, a si Hibberb. re
Fortunately he WAS si thig on. the
1 gme.
front the - engine 'P the the bntire'sum required has been prom- way that"' -all tbi inmates - Could I ot' o LAX9. 6�-Mr. Win Bickle, laria tfirn-.9.4t of pairons and.
bob An& truek ..A7, J66 Mantles
d-Mri. Dwyer, Mrs. 0 e tory the.ma o
-JOBN hindbob of the. sleighs and, mai !Cott has "Purchased the real- inter 4ted. For this fi�e k
MAILLAW, M. P.11, had it iseil�-Dr, S . pe an, "Y
oUthe St� c6licessioll, It t In. ram
three chi was very sumll the Past so oods,
d4t nut a%Lh
The man an 'the team
a of Dress G
ta of So 'into splinters. den gir.- F.: G. Sparling, -on GO&L Mrs.-Dwyer's daughter,- and d -
Will - a- ago his. conatituen lamb, s�veg nibinths "old, weig a
:ren -per wing to the dry weather, but the re -
the 1�'but,'they ad - a ver riahl sfreeti for the sum of $4, 100. At ris�bd in. the #%mp hec.. ve o
-been I's fdw-mo- a Marc
A factor
following times an were uninlaret hey* the i10 pdan-as-. It is of -the III eicester suls eirwise, y ilks, &c.
-two War ) ver satle
y - I apposed. to.. hav,, �odginatdd frbm I - HOR
close call as had residefice are aboat� 6th S
_�p breed. Who can
beat this?
0 concorn:ed.- �The. report wed
a -crossing R 0 OOD urLDINas. Messrs. William
camber 10.
inei longer in inaking =f 'or' as 'f land We congratu-, 4n ash 4i�irel'. G B t all e sho
Moitday,_ De v hkd be 'of cheese -
OD purfrii 0 fort nd.ai-he Th Maw Fel -1 'at that ther 71,480 lbs.
I- DASHWq ne ties most certainly a n Bad on lhisj* oa u .12 '.. ' il;Yre rake..
HE -110 or
$5AI L realize'
a mg
killed. 'to.the patroui $5
dgi HmUi T day 1, they would &I have No late, only gA -a -bargain but will be - :Lo'w Wing am d D'
has. ' not sdeL Which
December 11. have each ere&tid large. bank barns,Vith
00 an r op of 61 centi -New Arrivals'
able to step into one of - the mbat dealt. average p I� for each.
-'a Jewel. mud'pleasant' redidbrices'hito'W310 ly died inith6 M#. troy was
'BrAxt- - Wedir ,
tesdayP Dece�nber 12. -�,:Doirs --�Migs Lizzle Gilmore hai late e* ensive stone- stabling. underneath. GrAeV FF
�y able 10 ilb Of milk. John Xu�
reat Sale- at C6urite. lides of ty�hoid -favor.'
BF.Vr0E*9LD-In Dixon Thurs THE Q essrs.i.'Grummei 14ard, wore the
I Xr.'H.uinpbre�, Spell' it to er a sic next -year as manager., in
Emporium, S"forth, will be cont inueA tjip.-to of Hullett, weA in The deceased -6d Lpone onA via 1 1 tr � tors f re-engaged.--- for
Id - *n n Wednesdpy last - attending expreis;; Millm maker- and. .�S esnan,
-Dee�nber 13. December Slat. Nevi stock is bal ag purchased too 0' 9 or, the it6ne*ork, 'and Mr. Na
my_,� G Orge &It Wr Robert
every sister. e3d- r. of- Cioinarty, "di& the
eL Departments.
lestinge- WiM comi..., every week, and will.be kept comp] 3te in M f I - t arn is
Roche the above m f his youn est son.' Xr. Snell. a as+ b Jami n -was 're-ippointed - Treasurer
-h,.the bi ist America, in& age ot disimily 'as it ii harill' teso
�n II art- branph-. The-Aurors Wate 11 -the bereaVe y 6 1
-a* half VQf..QAVA h inn 2. Ik carpenter work. .111r.
a i�� Ardfih-. : I I . A M
ayears since Mr. Gilmore -s. death.-_ th t in the - tow ship, avin
w,, ch m she market, has had, an un ense sal
cordimll� nvitad'L since -,tbe' sale opened. We have till -a large 'time, but ive are glad to lea r- from 'him a Win. Wilson,' sitialtdirs.. The company
;MoMulleo, one of,the. men employed In for sixty 'head. 'This shows
direct from
stock of them, and more coining I% ttha,�Jhe is now -improving, although he th6 Agreed to make the-cheewind draw the
d udlon factory that the farmers In a Ment
:- Assort
'has been ver ch i ed
the factory: Now is'yourtimb td p rchase your had the mlefortine to on ihi odef line**sr
f I With -the, aiw
preseik in.
MASON INSTALLSTION.-At a , silver. milk for nei Simeon for 21 cents per
Christmas- and New Year' y mu r uce ysiga Y.
aget his baud !a' contact spering.
A off meeting of .'the share
--meeting f 3�r_ltaiinia 'Lodgt heldL ted + Ware, Jewelry, Plush Goodo. and. Noidi hat r. James
=W rogret to state t and in consequence had the -ends ou 0 i and. At.
. 1 .1 . Complete -at
-ties. hestoci be fully sortedup aftrice, 'Ddrr:zl66,L fwho has beeit a folders of the company -hold at the same
Monday evening- follo 0. of hia fingers.' e. *iW be idlefor
last. the a
fie L- md all goods sold about as: cheap!as the have -directors 'we're re-
t I
mbimbiirs Veto. eleei to the era L Ir very severe inGetei for sevei mOrithe -Mr. MoIlwaine has rerno4;- time aII -the former
beiiii the firaf part of -the sale li�ve
L Dom -Mr. H. Reldo
8 we a Of- the second
ras 'fronils cane L ohn McDowell, of
officesi v! z Win. Ballan.Vnei P.. we would or in the fact), is not getting elected,, and Mr.
a large amount of cash to 6ke up, L': ad! into the house lately irac&te4�by A.fr, concossion� of 'hai
Stanley, now got his
at President.
say to our friends and patrons that there will be Any better and his friends entertain b McKillop,as elected as
Tovin McFaurs
. Fe4r,,-�W. M., H, Golden., k honse nearly completed.
new bric,
no perceptible change -in the -business. The' diih t:hopes. for his reco"vety. -T he town
Va419* alondt;-J. W. A.: ong, RBTtrRND 7Rox MASItoBA. - Mr.
r, in -pleasure in his
We wish W Reid L uch
work'department will be carried on as ijifial
-of Mri Georgia Clarke,
new home. -Mt. Campbell, our
doazi4ill areL to have a' meeting this even.. J mes Clarke,. son
t-Tiessarell; Stoat, Secretary Rev.. J with t1ii addition that all goods sold that pirtlep.. -Brudefi&d. C*
-done at price tree of ii M.A, 142T Millinery
relay, Qbap io. Patterson, I d, will, be ag wh6n, they will Consider the is hero just now� frorw Killarney, Mani
charge. All other dngrav ENBERRY enterprising school eioberj has returned as
Ing will be charged.. of . . V ,
6L th from white, Goods atia Mantle Houe_e
A. 'Ross,J.n J priety re-subtrildi g the -Hendry DzTA op. 0 beeii a, resident
Joe. Waf�on, S. D.; _10 U1 tobs; Mr. -C
according to style- -and an p, fr Many of mur, readers *ill . -learn _w h has 'spent the
L so an years
wish manil. of L the G101 t regret of th .-de th- listfew in ths. 'He he
Willim on' so a bonus by4aw.�L-The ti- n--umb r ohn letter up. We would be gl t istma of Manitoba for and
your -order fee�ihgs ofthediepes on 6s'tow resumed
81 then Masts for any article f Jewel be,' -a copy of which is to still enthfisimatic the country. He,
17 of �Ir. Johi�ltmttonberry, of tib plae is work BRAFORTE.
r birci at
-one,of the hand -Havey eft
d attend' order woul a led 4t-tho' baud. is somest publiest- eaca-ped t s had a
monies. 11here was a goo noshortest possible moment. 'which -occurred on -Thurodt6y �: morn n. *-.'for ichigan onb-day last ek taking embers The putstion: of tiont' ever - isetie(i in 'Caitadi 'and - isA g we Vor
n,. and after labor the in in Splendid crop, in. fatt be. las ne yet
brethr our goods will be kept. u p- in the fu re - as well Ritteaborry was, - one of ille with him sevetal -horses for the In bar
�an hovr tohe'Globe establiSbIho-bt ��_Mr. ba,
*pent hal Pleasantly M I I asinthepast. Allgoods sold on bad, failure, H a 150 . acres ready.
the ri-I their merits credi,
Roneor residents. of i -the C61111#y. - Of Woods, among which, were two- which
0 room. f and warranted as repreiented. R. COUNTaii, m. Logau desires us.to mention- that for-orop neXt-year. He says Killitrzi-ey
uro 0 this Coll y from Mr. Nitfoutid . for m is growing Tapid
he it now prepsrecl to. open, -a claw in .5 less
109 1 havingi Come t Aep
5 out 0 iniart village and
years Ago, and- #h6ugh- hi. d -gbo( 'i I
Just the"T'oung Mon't Christiaii'ASSQ61stion. I figure. Mi. Johii ldcll)oug�ll 'is
arrlyeaj,at Scott's seed store, the first diLrect im-. erectii I 3g a in He is now. here pfirchasing a car T 10S, INSTITUTE.- The "K' FEEDERS, ATTE"pw $be great age of . 82 -years a "fai 'y
TIM �, atitic . ei new-fra a house ofi:hW io;d of:.horses, mostly -heavy' breeding,
room a for giving in tion in book-
semitanpa; !on++.- d -mes.,
mi ineeting.,of the-memben of poitatfion to this to*n of kanitob� Oil Oak,- itill r tained file 'active disbosit i.briAnois. -
'22,000 keeping, business �mithods, 4;0.,, similar To f fill This lookg sit if he meam _CheiP horses,- heasys
Of all
a -to was Sboo pounds line ground, and- remained- iii full- possession� 8 JoiephWdod is training. III trot; -ere and a-th M -chattics' Inatita fige*
the Semi the I of INary
Mheld; last Winter. An� parties ad- outIll armors
my nutte This Oil Cake being considered superior to t4
on Tueed t, He has �1 a
aculties -until . ths Joe 6
to that manufactured in Ontario, farmers will whaihir-.',�,Cung or,*, elderly 1-nale or ting.s6rreloolt to go dngle.-' no,,F "as g6od horses s are
evening Ihs lu'poor health' for over- a yeAr, but� 8 -a good obd.'-�-Oue day. last
Mr. A_ H. Ireland limfink. M L She will b' take, and many of them are
nd-It to their advantage to try ite The dis female, will be modgi welcome- ' d will e usedl iu On
esignation. as President, Dr- tural Chemist Met t , 3i� long- confined 'to -be 11 . -ng it
sqint in h s r ti9gulshed French agribul, 0- lou ;nav4 We 8'k as a bright you man Was visi -
11110 r a iecoad concession
Cjmpbel� was -elected in his. stead for. 'BoaffingaUlt, gives thb relative value of o to �bnwr of Ing .1iia.best girl on th breeoiq Ibe -very best mares and
41 'Cak; recei�e uieful ind practical * * ;7 . them) 'brave. pioneer of'.,w in
n eg at n
meal as follows. One pound* of oil ci mail a theabbve.-sti jeots.'�-We d imported' horses. 7, Xr. -C
Ceirrath "NiT few' h jarke late d expect -W
al ple of thiseighboillood will
the � m dridei -.of Th �te_ now left, -aid "to Ose an r
re the year. .. - I � , erg fin when on departure he waa JulloNe
equal to1 lbs. of corn meal, or 9 -1�se of wheat leara. that Mr retitining next weQk, hear from the so
Trise i y Ahe pre di onc r- dety to Som0t egkb,
9 re bran, or10lbs.oUtImothyorclqyer ay.11 Come ind indaetr fidy"i cat. ` TWI13 Is
ort, shows the InStitilt &� L to his home by the I t
master in the Seaforth Collegiate Insti-
.-The Ii
Ve it a trial. 111ving bought uo e. sk il I f bbwarie of SuwNr So.uTH
to be still in a prospero i inde�ted for '80' in' us codditiou. At every6e and gi tu has sent in his. resignatiou and will tIon a the cat out of the bit. eye 'Hi2att.
able to sell pit bottom, prices at the of is for
this time.1there is a balance in,. the treas, direct, Lam field gration front these paru.%
givd,.. a more: extended Ii ice d -dogs.
old established feid and seed store Main stKeet, Sever his' nection with the Institute
-*it -useful career t-. me k.� 6 Worth, West
9, and, acec 1 4" . . . . : ER Go' IV
irding-to the 'eatl- -Seaforth, RoArr-Scbw. 1095, ANoTA' 01) COLT'PUMHASED.- _,notMauitoba, nor th
'th balance on. hand at- the an d con- yet
th - at the end of this year. -He has received active
'th d of a takes-plaze Mr, Tboi Moblichad, of the 2n. Calif ornia, for -the cry f Waitwu&
Situa The:funei r on !Smtard E ster.
A XzW article zt LiV N -Shred- &.more lucrative tion in the Par en "t
a M a and 'the rem' Rol which has so long be
tbe*year should 'be about $162, - an a minu 9, hIfJ ten a in n, cession, hot pdrSh' ad ' 'another' very
t a an out -One Sw � as .. us -of
g: * will St.: ill rd a m of Simon 'Me-
erily larger than last y6ar. T" requiresnosoakin beforehand. 7,7 -it!. 1094 C'I"Itaid, tore, uoi � ) y last w6ek betterbg
teacher. -There has been, . i "te?y-� da�: ght6r. of Mr. Toberb Pickard superior colt. frbm ldr�
ad L Cod Fish,, con b co6ked in Ia' i te - te. R a excell
dmlet� Ini it
coneid' a tremend' Ce I watchword of those desiro'
top te -some -powdered green f 'tb It ils a last their condition by emigiation, Is now
number (if menibera at: this time 250,000 wo=H. bi 'Piaor�.'-The Tuck
-in the Price of wfieat. aprih& the- th" I I& Southward He I Be
titit it is expected the' list will 1e ir�- w he estate -of Usbome. d
p meet a hanged to
hole of the property belonging to, halk which, one of - the little girls gave spring cd1t an McMichael 1pai
met week. Ninei1it cents
cre"ad to at- lout .420 before the -1st Of Joseph. Kidd, amounting to oVer 0 and per $200 f Mr. McKenzie purch;sed party which lef there si three iyoekg
M heir at school. Shi becamc
--mills, salt wbrk%, and Ushel' now the Jta--ndar"d--p'Ac__ei-A THE KnkKTON CREAMERFY.� very.si6k
May. A lArIteL niLmber of new booke consisting of farms, George' tanberryt of Stan- ago to prospeot.in Louisiana have re-
-nu, -arid itwas ebaii time before -the. it. from
are ad ra -home, -.Al
villa 0 and, town ropert offared.1br complimentary benefit concert, in favor &I me6bing of -.the
� y �vill b patrond' of �Phe
ded to the: lib ry, vi will indeed turned w W
are sale ty Publie Auctlon at 'Seaforth+ on. Tuesday of Mr. E. R. Hollis, n in-. Kirkton. creamer wall held in t400t docto 0 lity, when only two! weeks old for $150.
Mr. ism a give r L got her- ell agaia.- ne -day It was e -sunny son,
will inor, its interest. ;next December 11, by as Auction. -here.was-a good last 'k 7Gill, through care.. ad;by Mr 1- koxe, n Ws Import. valitages of th th. The put
0 �. CArdno"s.ball-on tha evenin 'of+ 'Wbd-.-, illagi T woo Mr John' sin ; zi
ear. This will be it Splendid. to'bu&,!,ro* 3 list weel. ilw All, and promises. fair of Louis vilited is upwArdo of
lane; they
D adhorse, Ken o
,ece!*i"19th. O'Soaforth aitend=6� and. considerable intetest lesoneog knocked the lamp -off tbo tabi
d palled -the ilk A
-of N
party cheap. was tAkbn -th to In. a thousand dollar horse in fe, a 'hundred miles west ew Orlesaw
The anni- nor tte club hEkve engagements to'. a proce mg. n rea-din
ropriet- table.cloth h hii
Huron VI , 'i se to the :Gulf of Meidep
cesinc the'Seaforth mg John Ha'pnab 'th
LISTIO SEUVICEs. .-The, special CHURCH ]�NIVE Qur He had bee olo
services conda�6teA at Alms At 60 certs'on,the 14th iad 20th ok wit, -.a -bow which-1hrew
-off -rag
week by Rd�+ 'Mo ent,. And -to ENTXATAINMRNT.�'-,- A musical and the land in th section. eing mostly
Road-, ling the past MejLhod.ist churoh, will be held on Sunday oxt, n The - eye afe. - getting 'more his'pi nations qo earn a the. lamp -oil the floor. b &ini it in
-tat a their owners id
hmve biew emine SU Deceiriber Otb, at 11 S'L in. and 7 p. oi. -Sermono' my on a mbaudoned by
oplar every. L tart ' m' t ill be -held
Mr; Elo ell and they richly de'L seiion's operation darpet caught min pu
Atly a. were very estis es, -The, -mat' and
will. b; Be
hougella war,
it interesting.
io in t to. instintly but the fire Was' soon Dat
cassful - a preached; by Rei gi,L D. D. i of tory1o;all. He Also made atratigo the. school tibit No. 1, the close of the civil and now
Front the beginning. &a Torento, morning and evehini. A! cordial invi., serv.-it.. ave Several. -,in
hand on va iousidiffe nt sub. for nbx se The sea on the moirket-by mortgagem,
influene rested upon. thecongre tation is bxtended to all to be prii ant at these letteis,on r re i �'mion. so� s.'ihik f, beld -it -the Hullett, near Alms 'on the evening Lof thrown
out.-Ailut.. social Will Friday mb r 14th, when a splendid
Ms t h a atinge Went on t -he intere I services. 1095-1 'Dece ' a f d. and oihers desirous of , realidagi
over Jeotol whiohwe are obliged ve .25 0136. -pou M an vari d p ro,
to lam, over butter" 16inounted to. .) , &in Street Methodist Parsonage on
Alr6Ad 'which 0, Friday'evening . by� . The principal cro wn Is n -
creased ch evening.. Y' NEW SE13D AND AQRTCULTU�AL WARE- utitill next -week.-A' little daughter.of Wlctfor- $4,983, real4mg to thi lades of' the- d iq programme o rea 1119s,
2D -have r urge con- - p -411069 ori of, ab Something, -hat.nek . t? one,. 'but otton and ties a
rayor notrsz.-.Wo have opened out; in CarmichaeN Mt. -dropped a -p strono, -oi; an av a u tatiouk, t-ocal and. instrumental id4sie. gar 0
Bloci Weir's Hotel, Seafo. and p
ome --money, -dehts�per poun The atro 't' -Mr. John HynclWabill leave her
i froni taming 8 & given.- The Quartette club, also cultivated. La b
agnted themselir p James. W ight; It"roh. new *
a to: the membership of tht Pon John Street, _16J 4, will be ad call be oug4t
dwilIkeepaf It Flou a cheap and -large profits are to niib'
th's forwar r and,. the �t be
mkingadvanced grod Seaforth,.� -a um
C ha'are t -Feed in d1l its branches a Grain and. 801110wheia- betweei so'CalWe's shopL of- okeam, during he on ithe 15th of 'this. mQnth - for the blind of 4nd - n ' bekL of- others Which flourlillei
sugar paue,
orking. earnei Meld and Garden, Seeds a r il. Agri- 'and Mr, WrighbPs re'sidence. The finder am, asylum in Belleville" -;iMlii � 13tirrett, of a the.programixie. The growing
t months ifety well, thus giving tb
'and are ;tly for the wor laps Will take partl
1 a d a f the , best 'avera, The or-, Mitche eat 0`f Mrs. R. Verity men
willofifer a favor by lbayl, * It either a' -undsiddIly good
:bd e-Ighb cultural machinery of al alf. 'luxuriantly ind Ends aeady saleat the
of o d- in thon go. entertain t will commifice 'at h God -advan a a 11, is-the'ga smakers will be kept In stock, or o fedLoit the, of refineries in the district. . The
Itood. , ir, . Howell and - the peol In -past seven and a small adinissi�n
Wright,' at Broadlo hop, ra a nts made for.'the next of. this lace'. -Mr.:. Win. Hughes
r,.- L Otto _ng in of, shortest notice. GmEvs: & STiwAR -for a pur- climate is ted me being'all that,
15 lite I be charged represen
the. n irhood are greatly ne or.at-the Ex�posiTon -Offioe.-,Th6'- first i ei bc L . Benefit Concert'to'- �hat the proprieto will draw the or Am.. '.St.' Thomeis is here "for - Abort time ce can be4ealred, though somewhat. CO
o4es,'. a op atten-
and ethat the commun Vocalist" giefg)ling of the season Comm 'on 'and make 'the..butter -for'3J cents. fri;n,- W It a t6 . see" a'ta
nt Fgw
onceal pevisiting do.
Mi. E. B. Hollis, the popular comAqueL
ember 19, di a seaf in summer, and yellow -lever 'is -a 41111111
-bedu tolib. - ad provi Ing th jon'svm9&e.ex-- &nce,
but,if it 'Coffi6s regret to 1111knowIi. Mr. John Gammill, of Tur�-
may be ilgenerally benefitted, by in Cardno's Halli Wednesday, Dee 'tteidai1ait andAhere h a on
Riev, Messrs. Edge best talbrit, in the 4icinity -will �asslo. Further ably good sli i gh the poeid DEAT11 OF Miis. DILE.;'We,
meatingi ippmg since, -althou 40 000"pounds,
10� particulars sbortlk. 1095 U ng 16 ty litench
Livingewn, of Clintoi gave eao -the � price..,of iiili COUNCIL. -Ti record the� death of -Mrs. 'Chfistopher berry, wh was one of th ar
h wethiliez-Vise saY it ill not last long. undir tills me ut
d6uncil met atAgr bm
service , "0 the, ingeting'list weak am -,:,�&T. LAiDLAW'S you can, geb Mince -We itind er, 16f the will be 4 bents per pound. uce__ ole,. St.-, of the Hurdii Road, aullett.," returning lu the spring to -locate
Raddle, .Zrstand *that `numb field on the 3rd last. - he cal. Mrs. permanently, an
Heat, Cranberries, Bed Ham, Finnan �,mt I of the which toik'plmoe on the 26th, ult. d Mi. Wm,
Rer' Mi.. Cozzensi of Hensall,' tyl adyL. friinds. of -Mrs. F. G."*Spa: J Reeve. The memberi�. were all present.
emoted was ad- M'L
Ciscoes, Lake Huron and Labradgr Herrings. business tr4n. Dile-hai so a a- make suitablii -a-
services,. all With, great abbeptan,ce, 'Sun4hine., a h 4 th good age of 77 will. also'g6 if hi acan,
I C. LA.APUw, Seatorth. 1095- -waltied on.her at the- residence (it' Mr here. They ..are trj* lo�
Slle-was,a, very rangements
Sti COMpeAy
ti years and'. 7. onths
Wm. - Gimyt oii - Ttlesdiiy evening laott' LOCAL BRIEiS. -Mrs. Baine's1s at justi Ig
and -paying accounts; preipara,-. strict mud. was syndicate io a
bid real t of he di form S 'FOP aiesented her with a handsome "Br suffe 1( �of statement of
I -
TREK'- SEA TH' CRAMERY. At a present vi She is fle ng cry to,the:-publicati chase an estate. -of between five Sur
LE .019" CONDOLENCE. -At a recemi meeting of "the! patrons of the Seaforth fruit dish set in -silver. i mark of- yLpoor y lyres a d b -kneWLer,and
from some intirnal tro4ble.
ccunt, after the 15th. inst..-- A. few
ien 'creamery held here. last weeki t insehool Election o. are still uti ov% all " who thousand sores, which can, be had As,
of 9 rth Lod-ge, Anci he' state- their appreciation of er as a' friend and- + greatly by her own family.' She
meeting, eafo ert Agni*, tesioller' 0 itandilig- -which, + shbuld be bargain and which they te be.-&
r-9, m0ib 6f the seison's Wai* -was sub. -co-wiorxer, bh.�-The 'anniver. U pro of York hire, Eni
.-Order 61 � United Workmeni a lette in the chur Sit'Mdr . rik, . as Iiidi fit wag:a a
p three-, days-- :at next. meetingt Which will
condolen 0' -preached In' the IS country-. with -her husband' very desir le property. Mr. T. A
adopted for, presenta, mitted by the auditor, and'b Sao set- b Brucefield," on,
a was onsiderink �ices will be
1e.ek with- a bad -cold; Hels abl. a libld'at Dixons h6telil- py ut
�year!4 ago. After emaininga, Millerleh on
thi very unfavorable seaaon,� was'satis- Me hodiot7oharch'noxt Sabbath by the -1` 'd rain this, week-. the"15thinst. The was instructed, Was woompart
tion to� I drs, James Kyle,.,in reference a;ttekidtb;. is uties aj
the land for himself nd
bandi w factory. T 8 at 0 .,Re Dr'. Brig --of ivho 19 n rf-the'.m6mbeti afid-ad-16'er4tits- tiD prepare a datmiled-l'itaterhent of the. ;short in -th6county of Oxfoid3hey _W. Gommill, r.,' late of N -
to ilha� Id th of herAs hue hebutterwasall'old id, u �gat Toronto,: A umbe�'� tokik-up land -n6ar - Kinburn, -in this led b Mr.
;;*=n1d. merater of the 10 the whole, very sitisfactory:pricia were .9ai. to be a. *very. able' and eloquent
oved to
of. the Method batch, together i drainage account to'lik before the par-. y after rem who has been engaged as 'school
-0 a 0 It C
signe b received. 1puring the season the Qher. N o At the. "rl as will ai,'Dumbei'of the Sundity.iobool child tie's inte* rested in' the drain constructed township, au� shpAl own a a a -a salary of , 10
The lett_9 was on . chalf re woe. th
d h It thdr'- new b me .' T hey afterwards re. tesicher d t
George Patterson, P. M. 27,101 pounds of b tte me a. o rest ence o - r. n
I.. . un at - aw ron'Road permon
lodge bt -moved to the - farm n. the Hu
'entitled he statement to be' pre's-entei at such time
rong-, Re dei, -sum of $5,211.67,-, �klu .-at, on Thursday evening- of., last W 6k &St c6i M.Pillman,mm.N. Qized the the, did C: ninae Storey,
in-Tuckeramilb -a years ago
Mr. Gide'n Hood wi -andj few
and D Charleawgir verage price per pound fee ved 19 23' 860 anel," by theFvOrell nown A -lid' and Presented 0 h -and, place as t he -inter 6it4d partlet- mi -Gorrie.
11 his letter was A cheque cents, nefting the patrons n average p op, or u nio- S. - + Swant will �y �Mr, Dale purchase Ab' on -which
anyi a' I theress). An I pen, d ink. stand besides A! ell.� farm
golc agree upon.- �DoTs.The, Porestersticoncert giien
-BAD C he now reek 6d there
biing - the. amount of X of 15.73 cents per pound. is is the be otil need in THE ExrosiTon next. SSL %,,-recognition of oxDupz-On 'Monday �f ter- [as. and they have Iii
Im the -town -hall oil Friday'eveduix
eince.� �M ne of he largest
urance, in the Order. h, highest aeragothat has yet een roch weei -vices as $t noon last as �'Mr in r.:. Dal 6eL a 0-
t an gen,
Kyle's atoe ritendent of the* un."da, of last week Lav's more 11111
ri Ja ii Cilminitig, of.
t oti the P rt; ed consid -the 7th--. rty.Lowneif! 111 the cou
kindly, nsidarate, 6o ering the monthst, creamery aphool, and - precentor. "in. the chur .* drivi- I proper nty, and his
concession,, was ng a ong, d to hinvai, l
a INED: AND t 6, 1. '' i - own, % ess,
'her led . wim ai creditable as th was in operation, as -in th outhe the I THFk CANsD.-Mri: M. 4 -he first ')meeting of the' Morri Ki an road: betweeti-11i wife prove *thyand-v aid aral ed jbn
satisfacti6Y. Mr. Will S.
t r on'the f LitoWel ' succeed
, er 0 -botel,'he was oveir'-
t beft prices Con eom aiy -deba, -was rner 'and helpmate and- he will noW"bidlymiss eeping -the audience laugh' urmt
in a be realiked a d ry _ipp
parompt anner.in wbich.,ho suri I -d R. tunter was entertained at P
-liter slu& tng alco
WAX her wise --counsel and ever d
a u n Ahe 'taken by. young men- -who.
Mrs. xyle very grat!ful lea of ocream were very light.' Mr. Ha - plit iqntlry Supper at aKeinedyl HotelL attended but. as the so6ai on -a couple -,-of cheerful corn 61 oat All his performancesi
rMly -C -by a umber of -nali She, w" a woman of high m
Ing Okto -of Winghani High Rangert p*
d d I the letter, and - *1 -nalla will run the creamery again ,next, n' ivening, last ide failed cor a i �
ish, n donslilp.
knowl i t b rous and
were rude
oultutend more thart ordinary intelli-
this ap manner.. As
Tod'ge a bright -and ha - and we hope' he will have a' Seaf6rih At the, soon' as the�: got. up to a Claims of the society In
prpfl-.. the citi ens. -of debate vrai . postponed- Jor o
h in% It. wand enjoyed the esteem: of a
sented th
4nd q, at good and true men table ru: year the creamery poi ted �Qur about fifty'of tfio'busines Thie g+e!3(
programme for'thet docisiork- Con, - im they swore it him'. and -idered.bim family attersont, of
Shia had neat little peech.-Dr. P
n1ovqd.to.Joia the. members th paid the �rdfdssional -men of this' music, re got reel e -very one friends.,
patrons a good deal better than ati at. D49 to leave, b rols Owen Bound- i our.
hf1dron, .'four - ions - and seven His successor. liere 11"
-noble work 'of render' Q it did the proprietor. own o: a ni d and well pro-,-' songs -the
Ditly iprea
turned -'.out givin oni whole f
0 the. -daughters, t
us ot hrea otthe litter being dead 'Visit last Week
butLthey were not -
-Aitance1o1lib widows And orphans (f vid�d tabi did ample j tic
ina- the roa, assil The sons a ye ied. He Was or man
U Satisfied wit this �.sizid.:Commenced the tim,
BlilE v mho� v �'eut swe .690 an gers, :L
teis.arei. rs. Ti Carter, Tucker-
reio Fs. Mr gt hiW andrudu 'a iddinity. The dough.
4r d thh provided. The Z, ri0h,.
: LO+oAL�BRmcn.Rev. Mr.+ Turnbull, 0 Ii4ing and are settled notj tarris
-our laud." a Dr- " Patterson lift, two wftikl�
of St. Mafys,.preached in. t i Presby. Ci�k ad thd -feast of. a and on farm in thi
Sabbath mme 'cod-. Mr F. 11olme- J. S.-Ble, in g all manner of .-Mr. Jam Ro GorrI00110
zan A couple of weeks ago, am M . Robert
-several predecessors mr,
foul and abusivq language to', him. . As traded his -farm near -Belm(
W11DJ)N G Following i a terian. church in this town, fie* of 20u, co u
0. Mich' )M- for AM
-course- ketb, r last. ' Mr. Turnbull .18 an easy, fluent sted, barrister, tobk'the chair ab'd Dr - ith ra Ciditesi Hullett
nd L moved* his family to a- he,: did not ghFe them Satisfaction' Woodstock, and re, Ing. Ilk
came ba k V .34re. -Kaister, -property at CamplielltsCross.
of Seaforth!a- young ladies ha *Q, speaUer, and sit able preacher, and his Mackid the vice chair,. and toast. song". drove on atfda.'s. the� c6aldn6t get an ate f NlIeVII&
0 arm near 391k son James il
Which he s i grada
sermons Were listened 'to wil It pleasure -in ra, Kan asi'- The were
5104ch r Mar -tin, a'
t�aay#h her fair presenoet, Ai sentiment followe each ther gust Eh k- their evil passions. on
0 excuse to wres
"Mr. Au nee, ho- Was am OY, interred in the'Clititon cemetery, in -Collegei. and
th afid proJ _pId1su6c6 I Coin orcial hao'beencler
-her amiable and happy Spirit, fit- by1arge, congregationSL ssibiruntil about twelve o'clock' comman a a poor,
UsbL _inL the -Sebringville flour m. ill is ini7for a number ofyeerL While in, ad him they a d abaing th
worthy'and -intelligent farmer's ho' is, an old ornp boyand is credit to hen' .most enjoyable evening Wde.
dumb animal tPey wirit dAving. Mt. a was very popu
1w, fin It d Ag4in. -There will. be no "a lar. we Wish tum
ME We du Ce
-o In sin If he woild-exposeth BvisiNE'85 CZA--NGz. __'-nmr. W.` Z. Watat is b
Miss nd
Mr. Wilit oungo rys. In Proposing the toast- of.' Our' bished. urn
C, n, and h "a d hii I itUre- factoryand plan -
W nest Si ymeeting in Salem ch the quarterl It intends to ship the pork' to TordntO,
preached the anniversary Sermons in un in igiug Auld 'Lang forenoonil-A the' `mmiaieili. will. -At to L;
V arriage, on fin his native -township. Mri �McDouald bi a by all oi Cumming kn6vs. the -parties and.1,be cattle baye�#
Nrx rl, to the gh to a clos Wroket0ir
a in the Nan gelical church next. Su By success. r. Stinson,
McMichael, and- It would do rightl nber of pigw am' Snell, y t Mr. Turnbull's church in 804 M' Oe the -Sol a herinj a large nul
mphrey Shelli Escl Messrs. Hugh, Grieve and 'r Con Commence Presby ri
lett. e. marilage, o pla a. or made I ienticri fide, .. who
son Of as Stew- Guest,' a hairmaii, in b- -hicli hig mil1 to Mr. Thomas Smith -.of Brus., The Gorrie to
-1 - Saturday 'a tar.
h t have started a seed a, -a
eramony took t�r'�Tn& Agri of Mr.' nter's long takes lot of atwe.hear the jingling o the. ten-meetin nNewxearx velligg-
f go
oak, nodolL at the residende :cultural wareroom in Cirmiclixel's wd. hoorable business career, in Sea.' maxillop.
b a, Weba&i ow .,January next.
I It is, Mr.,' Smith's ititen
sleigh b iiice, fall of
he bride, in pieseace of the. assei d, block. - Both gentleme" and. forth, his many good.qualities of head QOUNOIL -A special'- meeting'
nz are,widelyL tioi to � replace the. iresent engine by
atthe be l6ing of the' the df :the McKillop council wai held at
Teiati umpituoui.dinp ar fivora%y known, and they -W11 mak
ves, and after a, - a a a and heart, and, the high esteem in L Which oneof thirtyhorse'-p6we and to run'
r6ade.in thii vicinity arenowlitie, he DITOIL
�y married-' 'I have & goo F ltonPa-hotel on Mdadiy Of.- I A Coj&RECTION, -DEAR
'ad,. the mew], co a strong firm. -Mr.. Alex. Davidson bas bo�� himself U &i week -the factor
was sery and' Mrs. Con ntet, are sleig hinj,� effect on uslo
a WL d. io its utmost capacity, con In your issue. of the
perld botel -held-b� the ith ns of the to He forl 6 purpose of b hei otiods of+ 23rd altim.,
left by tgaia-foe the East- to a leased the. Commercial to Messrs. ze, wn, h deri Mar,
Is jus d46tipg t9e business in - connection with
holidayinj before- settling dow Rutter & Roach, of Petrolea, for - on -behalf::6f. -his actions threate ad b ; r.: ames Reid i butent." Mi.
thatourmerch ints I find a slight error 'Your
h�mya five, 64� -Presented hims, -his Brussels establ 8 Stnith's. in
e and respo, -ities. years,P. at a a nual rental of $1,000. 'The -friends, with 'ey handsome -an a and thett. bainess people, want,for' they-. r -Jame c uadi. A noch corregiondZuce `� rifeream "
duties asibil d* Wei orgy and will - make
av It' 6 all -witli fine an a Reeve to hi
congratulate Mr. and -9 passed authorising'� th the sale of my cows. Your
a taken ossession. uable gold -h Cana on which wag JUbs - 7 vil, L
u resolu"6n I-Ifinown en
ra. Snell on t ir- new proprietors hav eaade fillei their,, 8�0 111�01 amble'- acquisitio'n to the, bud-
-Give thepm 81, ca afe ence. to Mr. ant is rig he Sale Of Iny Sur,
or. o secure I I r
happ and allipiCIOUSL union, and d ter T4ey are said to be good. me engriveli a suitable inscription legal advice in- t O;adei lit as far� as t
for6., put I whet . Mr. cob, Ro* togs Mon. of the' a *100
asing., a se e - 1, -and tb
'ends in. wiihi
with ir'-ibany fn oughly: understand the hot ailliess. Coiituter� accepted the gift and made a' id'icase and the cler� was instructed lus stock is cotdernei
C r.. o'to
-ofthe-Goslibn Line,- Rziin ON SuspiazoN, On -Tuqs-
happiness and, ily. ZimmeirTin -my) -notify Mr.. McQuade and Mr. -Pat Au paid for the same- but when he
them Imiyoarb: of PrIlls, -r. Thomas Lapslie- ha f - ingand suitable tip M n n raw
he b - ide r it large n n-, unter lizile--Bri-11; of Zurich, were rick Carl Dick is beginuing.io think it does 10
perity. r fine. turkeys-, stolen from is, poultiy ho beeir 9, resident and, business man of. m to, meet the 'Reaveat the, day last. o e'A d a was brought be.
at, an o strorig into i
united'W the � holy bond -of in.striniony m b t .:& aziyone �rziklt
ber of elegant And useful presefits.. yard. last weeki Th rtie took two Seoforth'for over tWouty two years, and ef for ' er 6 -� arrange a ou fore Robert Mill d T. B 'Sa6ders, pay -to -go to.
-on last v. ifrain for the benefit of'Xr. McQuade. J, IN.,charged with being concerned iI.- ire you, air, 711)"
It eils am - the -compliment thus 11m _bk his week. The.. of far can 85811
Thed.-Hquoh of' &-riqht tie at --thei- raWn
'..on Thursday i a Sliliki p Tuos4&y Rlace Of'thO
2ight, an
)r; a ad asso a w M
tial knot 'At the fe ence of the. br�Qs At not
Or- ate THE NVINTURO citzzsz FAOToRyj_ the IvAe_. robb6ty., committed on bis owu
-It M&Y be in�l 'ur Ir 8 old* friends 'a Qrre11;n out has d
CIAL SALARIES. a, return7ed for the other p pre�a n aid sera. and -told any 406
at our -roadertoknow the Wit as urday night. Someb i --than morited.. -It is -needless to pay 17W a mdetingf the patrons of the Win. .'store+ of Me Parking. imagination, as I have
nee was pro in which I
a Wednes. duced tIng
e. also take p�easure in statin
0 t ated 9 thrp Cheese Factory held, Gorrie. -'Wdevide hat any branch of fatnii
e earne+ b ow Christmai.--a-The 011 b re 0 many regrets at 'fathek
in to
.'some of public official in for in m th his cou
that Mri Henry Ortwinb, of the,,Bpon
this a dthe adjoining countie�.-,The W h Seaforth. Ffrib Brigide day' of last Week, itmi�m`ei of -the implicate the pAg''o-ne'r the case -was :have been engaged doesmotlx6y. Iltops
��ilr were, eiqre4sed 'and *hile n 'his 'Intentl L
have thdir Zarttire not to in the
zi�d -Mr - � Troye r, of '- #ills -to the. fol, on WAS
f :S6n inei -a .8. a4joiirped lo, ng Jay. A
siaoii's"operations Wai submitted and
aptivati report of the Inspeq or o a -antillml, ball 6n. the. evening C f the 14tb wishinghimprosperity in his ne'w home;
Greeni,_.wiere adso'unitdd. in- marriag Fr9m tl�i' t ere do borhood when nublic with regard to the feetory-
Officesifor-the-year+1887 lihs just 6 iqst., ,,and expect to�ha Oil ad6pted. a � we�` learn' h. rews was in this n
ve a g d time.' thei hop. was.- freely. indulged that he. t -
Wednesday of IaSt_.'W We ar -were 701,032- pounds of* milk de ivered d wLas a
issue&from the' office entist, haa a +e no the theft was an us- w lave been of the Provi Mr. W.'J. Fear, d Which I
�drch%sed might,- it some futuro 4ay,L becom elt, i'Ware who got.married on'Thaisday.' oted 'at the time-. Since, then -he has � ith understood',
h d drat, am t theL residence r. Jo 'aglf ity iz6A of Seaforth ogaiiii. Mr. It poundal ol ese, L W1 -Clearly Se Ar It contains a large M an,.,. which. made 64,032 of 16 pe all it, to e -will likely: come out next"week. alisWk -the sum of -$5,883.44.- Of this notbeen-in.th viclinity nd tend to
of usofur information concerhing' tb Egmondville, fo, re a was %treat- did not, nor do. I nowo +r $800. He 'Cou'ziterleft-bere for WinAlpeg 6n':Sat'. Sio L that branch of farmir
id among oth thl it gi is 96 11 next week. He will h ad fiear-Ingersoll-. but it -15 Y in
-and a large numberof friends. a:s
e. aonize a 'rjr
offices,' al er ings, ave a good uf4ay amount the patrons receiyeo $4,.390,35.
ntion to iDatro
at th �LITJZRARY -�-Th literary 86"J�d L Blueval a id -cheese - UOW 7
the amount- which each. Acer ditance to walk to business but *ill the' stali�fi -to', bia am, The ei sold'at th"verage S067r. E h&Ve 'done
ffi.V, of *L More next' Bamme
M 6 on. 9i 10 bents per . pound, iietti 9 0
r. the societiy was orgatilsed for the- season On than I
eel �have. 6, comfottable hDme.-;-.Nf' gO6L -b . ef'o'busine t r
ves. as a rew�rd for his. labors. a a nic' d y a'. Mr ss here. �'XOTE&l 'Mrs. William
rea Hur n,, I - met, -Pat - tot r, Monday i fell()*
Vk-, lor theoriiials Of -and Mrs. F. G.. Sparli d mily. left the mi b.eriy, -diedIver. is 6 cents per' gallon.: of inilk f otheryears. Roping YOuVdIfflv
S4 an will. bi ontinued - unde r! bagle. 6i Tam v, sudde eveninglast, ;when
a Bruce, as fol n,,
he're on Wedr in - ent of his net R. Count- w6ek.�The,L Sol ee-.
erth a plac; lows Rare, wsdayforNm r Prye 1by.. the first sales And cents for- the Ia0WV a in your valuable PaPts i
hereafter hew, Mr. W. a: L beriall"ci _eCk coniplete, -success. ale re,' ofacers wore -elected :�-Presidentp Ily your
�ge Top :. * Mr John blions, $2,22a. 42 -9 Jud gh y a C.. 'Morris6n - wai` tfu
Sher4V' ve.' M at,! a -thorou competent and reliabl, T W. Gibson; Vice-Presidint, Win. sPoO
at am
u_#04% having charge of -the W* a ilt young mmui krodeed�frow ioi;ee ' id Social,-, 86 t.- Y * and", Lee*,- Sicretaty-Treaiuter, J. Fox; Ex -
as S to Judge, $753.5.0 H. 1. ninted Bile' 'an, 86cretar
a 'ha
and- S. Milc6linscli; as Lot 41 works, found it- incon-v- idifit Mr. Wi Si� He' was also � instructed. eoutive, Co, -Tall. a
Kc-De�mxd an iffit Ving. here Main. i.th of -.this suren, mmitteei 31ra. W. 31.- Robin. -Rev.. M -r. . y, of M
Woodsto'cli 01 for nbxt year -i
p4y at a ull to insigo the' Chose nex ing be
tie' and De' 'Regiatrars in when -he had tO714 there a t M13i Savideis, en advised by
0 ich of � the gentliman recently' obtained ac& ear. to 'son -Miss L -Biown, his moo'
Ira' Lewis as C he �. amount of *gIv8URw&k_and takeLaoum_
Ch.,.:. -0,506; !Oui ty time, and. hence his removal, i 275.-Mirs. T- H. Thorripab a Is t S9,00 d
-Seaforth- tc -Stratford F ythe, Mr. T. .'(
)i a d6g to a gentleman in of 0,!l The uompan�y Orli ibson, jr.,- and. Mr. ant t
CrownkJ:Ayt't4rney and Clerk of the has, �lveu . Wingliam sev an a animal *aS safety boxed -fqr- bhio.-i 'visiting,�ei. sister, Mrs.' J, Ing,. agreed to.make the choespi, draw th The prospects for a of restp bm gono to tb�s 11819bb0thood a
as Dept I A* f eral I good d Th . ." � % ";, R. L K. .,Young. t�i d 1VK imb
0,1537i; D.. McDonald uty Ch rk. worthy rid "nill d y he Insuran : ext y
el lzei an I northekii, merit. He had 'only got as far ai -in Bjuasolg.�_�Misa Ernma. Coultbo'has' k an pii t ce n eae Ig"work aregood, and Paterb
aoces"fal gown oro spen.
-of the Crownt, C.,bunty Court'. Clark a ad dral wi &d.U. t Godirich for.' 81� Whnoi._Me Was -'for 21 per poiitjad.�� MGO;Mg the StAff Of offieeli the pa.
eighb It r. and Kra. 8 fititlon,bowev ..'w.7heu_ her chewed g!Dl�e
0 heap,
IT �n` 1MT
DuR Es
roar - still 1
'great quasi
centre to 4
church. M
is the pm
Editor, Wit
r by t
1. "The.
tte General
-Atignal =.
markable, sl
glories in
MUearly -W #J
light. - .
We pitch it]
191- Uncoudii
oldest Me
British Em.
twenty �,efs
est Univ,46
Ydt this U4�
oblivion, a
Alumni 10
*-rd spa
16 Uneond!
strongest <
U *
-of -our ;dt
wreak abc
he 'had e),
duct towv,
what Ual '
whether I
em be Fo�
of ethbd�
"'What ��
vaoni IT
-as a pn pn om�ztwe 4
gave thell
-this - q!z,,w
�*f a ho, (I
mad It
Wh d*
said I to
if yout
had to do
Editor � i
head tbw
help'to -1
dust, -bir
Let it!
fou 0061
r 4
y0ars, U
was no
days. I
i6au be Im
Look, hel
from th
f to M' *0
Mr. Cox;
-f u
A be
2 'he